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A49717 A summarie of devotions compiled and used by Dr William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbvry now published according to the copy written with his own hand and reserved in the archives of St. John Baptist's Colledge Library in Oxon. Laud, William, 1573-1645. 1667 (1667) Wing L600; ESTC R27458 73,603 336

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A SUMMARIE OF DEVOTIONS Compiled and Used by Dr WILLIAM LAUD Sometime L d Arch-Bishop of CANTERBVRY Now Published according to the Copy written with his own hand and reserved in the Archives of Baptist's Colledge Library in OXON OXFORD Printed by William Hall Anno Dom. 1667. Imprimatur GILBERTUS CANT Dat. Lambethae Dec. 12. 1666. Imprimatur IOHAN FELL Vicecan Oxon. Dec. 28. 1666. Et Conversus vivificasti me Psal 70. 20. O Come hither and hearken all ye that fear God and I will tell you what he hath done for my Soul Psal. 66. 16. Pater noster Laesus est sed Pater Qui es in Coelis Eminenter non Inclusive Sanctificetur In me per me super me Nomen tuum Patris in nobis ut simus filii Patris nostri Adveniat Regnum tuum Ut destruatur Regnum Peccati per quod regnant Mors Diabolus Fiat voluntas tua sicut in Caelo in Terra In me qui sum Terra sicut a sanctis Angelis Panem Super Caelestem Corporeum Nostrum Proprium licite acquisitum Quotidianum da nobis hodie Pro quotidiana necessitate Et remitte nobis debita sicut c. Talenta dimitte nobis Minuta remittentibus Et ne nos inducas in tentationē Nec sinas intrare ductos pronosque Sed libera nos a Mal● Ab authore mali extra nos Diabolo Mundo Intra nos Nobisipsis Et a malo Culpae per Gratiam Poenae per Misericordiam Omni per Pacē Quia tuum est Regnum Potentia Absolutum in se Independens ab aliis Gloria Circumfulgens omnia in omnibus Tuum Et a Te per Te ad Te in gloria salute servorum tuorum AMEN OUr Father which art in Heaven 1. Hallowed be thy Name 2. Thy Kingdome come 3. Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven 4. Give us this day our daily bread 5. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us 6. And lead us not into temptation 7. But deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdome the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Symbolum Apostolicum divisum in Articulos 1 I Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth 2. And in Iesus Christ his only Son our Lord. 3. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary 4. He suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried 5. He descended into Hell the third day he rose again from the dead 6. He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty 7. From thence he shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead 8. I believe in the Holy Ghost 9. The Holy Catholicke Church The Communion of Saints 10. The Forgiveness of Sins 11. The Resurrection of the Body 12. And the Life Everlasting AMEN Officium Quotidianum In nomine Patris Filii Spiritus Sancti AMEN O Lord I am risen up and fallen prostrate before thee Prevent me I beseech thee in all my doings with thy most gracious● Favour and further me with thy continual Help that in all my Works begun continued and ended in thee I may glorifie thy Holy Name and finally by thy mercy obtain Everlasting Life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ALmighty God and most Merciful Father all Merciful Mercy it selfe I have erred wittingly and strayed willingly nay Runne from thy wayes more like an untamed Heifer then a lost or wandring Sheep I have followed too much even altogether the absurd devices and brutish desires of my own heart I have offended against nay been offended at thy holy most holy Lawes I have left undone not done at all those things which I ought to have done And I have done done nothing else but those things which I ought not to have done And there is no health no hope of health in me But thou O Lord have mercy upon me miserable most miserable sinner the greatest sinner and most unthankfull for so great Grace Spare me and them all O God which confess their faults Restore me and all them that be penitent that desire to be penitent that wish they were would be glad if they were so that fear they are not enough and are sorry they are no more For this is according to thy Promises most pretious most gratious most sweet Promises declared unto mankind in Christ Iesu our Lord. Grant therefore O most merciful Father for his sake who is our Redeemer Advocate Author and Finisher of our Faith our Propitiation Righteousness and Justification that I and all Penitents may hereafter live a Godly Righteous and Sober life to the Glory of thy Holy Name and the Salvation of our own Souls Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father Pardon I beseech thee all the Sins Omissions and Commissions Thoughts Words and Deeds by which I have provoked thee unto anger from the time of my Birth to this present moment That no one nor all of my sins together may ever be able to cry oftner or lowder in thine ears for vengeance then the Cry of my Prayers may ascend up unto thee for mercy and for forgiveness and obtain that they sue for Particularly I humbly beseech thee forgive unto me my Great and my Clamorous sins such as are c. O Lord against Heaven and against Thee have I sinned and committed foule Transgressions in thy sight but I beseech thee wipe them all out of the Book of Remembrances which thou hast written through Iesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour Amen GIve unto me O Lord I humbly beseech thee a wise a sober a patient an understanding a devout a religious a couragious Heart Chast and temperate reynes and thoughts A soul full of devotion to do thee service strength against all temptations especially the temptations of c. Through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord I give thee humble and hearty thanks increase my thankfulness I beseech thee for all benefits and blessings both Spiritual and Temporal which in the riches of thy great mercy thou hast liberally powred down upon me but especially Spiritual Lord let me not live but to praise and magnify Thee and thy glorious Name Particularly I give thee most unseigned thanks for my preservation from the time of my birth to this present moment for c. For bringing me safe to the beginning of this day in which and all the days of my life I beseech thee preserve me from sin and from danger in Soul and in Body that all my thoughts words and works may tend to the honour and glory of thy Name the good of thy Church the discharge of my Duty the salvation of my Soul in the day of my appearance and account to be made before thee through Iesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father I humbly beseech thee Bless
Lord be and dwell in the midst of me for thy Name is called upon me Leave me not O God of my salvation but have mercy for Iesus Christ his sake Amen For thy Names sake O Lord. be merciful unto my sin for it is great Amen O Lord Almighty I acknowledge and confess I am not worthy to lift up mine eyes to heaven much less to present my self before thee with any confidence that thou shouldest hear my pray●ers and grant my requests if I consider my own deser●ing For my Conscience accuses me and my sins witness against me and thou art a just and an upright Judge and wilt not justifie any sinner in his transgressions O Lord suffer me not to be swallowed up of death and desperation but in the multitude of thy mercies pardon me O Lord for thy goodness sake For though I am a worm and no man yet thou art my Creator and I am the work of thy hands yea thou art my Father and I thy Son Thou my Shepheard I one of thy stragling Flock Thou my Redeemer and I one of thy People whom thou hast dearly bought Thou my God and I thy Creature O correct me not in thine anger O Lord neither punish me according to my deservings but remember my weakness as well as my sin and have mercy upon me for my dearest Saviours sake Iesus Christ. Amen Almighty everlasting God which hatest nothing that thou hast made and forgivest the sins of all them that are penitent Create make in me a new and contrite heart that I may worthily lament my sins and acknowledge my wretchedness and obtain of thee the God of all mercie perfect remission and forgiveness through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Almighty everliving God which art alwaies more ready to hear then we to pray and usest to give more then either we desire or deserve Pour down upon me most miserable sinner the abundance of thy mercy forgiving me those things whereof my conscience is afraid and giving me that which my prayer dares not presume to ask Grant this for Iesus Christ his sake our Lord and only Saviour Amen Grant I beseech thee merciful God to me thy sinful but humble servant pardon and peace that I may be cleansed from all my sins and serve thee with a quiet mind through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Lord I beseech thee free me from all my offences and by thy bountiful goodness deliver me from the bands of all those sins which by my ignorance frailty or wilfulness I have committed Grant this even for Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O God merciful Father that despisest not the sighing of a contrite heart nor the desire of such as besorrowful Mercifully assist my prayers that I make before thee in all my troubles and adversities whensoever they oppress me and graciously hear me that those evils which the craft and subtilty of the devil or man worketh against me be brought to nought and by the providence of thy goodness so dispersed that I thy poor servant being overcome by no temptation nor hurt by any persecution may evermore give thanks unto thee in thy holy Church through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord of thy great goodness I beseech thee give me true repentance and forgive me all my sins negligences and ignorances and indue me with the grace of thy holy Spirit that I may amend my life according to thy holy word through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O God whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive receive my humble petitions And though I am tied and bound with the chain of my sins yet let the pitifulness of thy great mercy loose me and that for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Exaudi quaeso Domine supplicis preces confitentis tibi parce peccatis ut pariter mihi indulgentiam tribuas benignus pacem per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Amen Omnipotens Deus qui aquam de petra produxisti educ de duritia cordis mei compunctionis lachrimas ut peccata mea ita plangere valeam ut remissionem eorum te miserante accipiam per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Almighty God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Maker of all things Judge of all men I acknowledge and bewail my manifold sins and wickedness which I have from time to time most grievously committed by thought word and deed against thy divine Majesty provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against me I do earnestly repent and am heartily sorry for these my misdoings the remembrance of them is grievous unto me the burden of them is intolerable Have mercy upon me have mercy upon me most merciful Father For thy Son our Lord Iesus Christ his sake forgive me all that is past and grant that I may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life to the honour and glory of thy Name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Almighty God and my most merciful Father who of thy tender mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them which with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto thee Have mercy upon me pardon and deliver me from all my sins confirm and strengthen me in all goodness and bring me to everlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Piissime Domine misericordissime Deus sufficiat mihi quod hucusque peccavi quod contempsi quod foetoribus carnis meae satisfeci jam nu●● te inspirante voveo me a nequitia mea conversurum Adjuva Domine des ut impleam in per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Gratiarum actio Laudes I Will magnifie thee O Lord for thou hast set me up and not made my foes to triumph over me O Lord my God I cried unto thee and thou hast healed me thou hast kept my life from them that go down into the pit Sing praises unto the Lord O my soul and give thanks unto him for a remembrance of his holiness Amen O my soul be joyful in the Lord and rejoyce in his Sal●●●ion All my bones shall say Lord who is like unto thee which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him yea the poor and him that is in misery from him that spoileth him Amen I will give thanks unto thee O Lord according to thy righteousness and I will praise thy Name O Lord most high O Lord thou art high and terrible a great King over all the Earth thou hast subdued the people under us and the Nations under our feet therefore will I sing praises unto thee O God who art greatly to be exalted Amen Thy Vows are upon me O my God I will render praise unto thee for thou hast delivered my soul from death and my feet from falling that I may yet walk before thee O my God in the light of the living and bless thee Amen Gratias
whatsoever is desolate therein for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Pro Afflictis O Let the sorrowful sighing of the Prisoners come before thee and according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou them that are appointed to die even for Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Regnum Angliae BEnedic Domine Deus omnipotens Regnum hoc ut sit in eo sanitas castitas victoria virtus omnis gratiarum actio Deo Patri Filio Spiritui Sancto et haec Benedictio maneat super hoc Regnum super habitantes in eo per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Iejunium O Lord the zeal of thine house hath even eaten me up and the rebukes of them which rebuked thee are fallen upon me Therefore I wept and chastned my self with fasting and that was turned to my reproof I put on sackcloth also and they jested upon me they that sate in the gate also spake against me and the drunkards made songs upon me But Lord I make my prayer unto thee I hope in an acceptable time O hear me in the multitude of thy mercies which are in Iesus Christ our Saviour Amen Quadragesima O Lord which for our sake didst fast fourty days fourty nights Give us grace to use such abstinence that our flesh being subdued to the spirit we may ever obey thy godly motions in righteousness and true holiness to thy honour and glory who livest and raignest one God with the Father and the Holy Ghost Amen Rogationes STir up I beseech thee O Lord the wills of thy faithful people that they plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works may of thee be plenteously rewarded through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Iejunia quatuor Temporum ALmighty God the giver of all good gifts who of thy divine Providence hast appointed divers Orders in the Church Give thy grace I humbly beseech thee to all those which are to be called to any Office and Administration in the same and so replenish them with the truth of thy doctrine and innocence of life that they may faithfully serve before thee to the glory of thy great Name and the benefit of thy holy Church through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Consecrationes Ordinationes O Lord I am now at thy Altar at thy work keep me that I lay not my hands suddenly upon any man lest I be partaker of other mens sins but that I may keep my self pure in Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Lord give me grace that as oft as they shall come in my way I may put them in remembrance whom I have ordained that they stir up the gift of God that is in them by the putting on of my hands through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Grant O Lord I beseech thee that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by thy Governance that thy Church may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Lord I beseech thee let thy continual mercy cleanse and defend thy Church And because it cannot continue in safety without thy succour preserve it evermore by thy help and goodness through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Lord I beseech thee keep thy Houshold the Church in continual godliness that through thy protection it may be free from all adversities and devoutly given to serve thee in good works to the glory of thy Name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Exilium LOrd send me not to the waters of Babylon that I may have no cause to weep when I remember Sion that no mans cruelty may lead me away captive nor no mans scorn call upon me to sing in my heaviness But that in my Country where I learnd to serve thee I may live to honour thee all the daies of my life even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Martyrium LOrd make me remember the bones of thy Saints how they lie scattered before the pit even as when one heweth wood upon the earth O Lord mine eyes look unto thee in thee is my trust O cast not out my soul. And if my bones also must be broken O Lord I beseech thee give me courage and abundance of patience that no torment may make my faith fall away from thee for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Eucharistia Quaecunque ab Infantia usque ad momentum hoc sciens vel ignorans intus vel extra dormiens vel vigilans verbis factis vel cogitationibus per jacula Inimici ignita per desideria cordis immunda peccavi tibi miserere mei dimitte mihi per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Almighty God and most merciful Father give me I beseech thee that grace that I may duely examine the inmost of my heart and my most secret thoughts how I stand before thee Lord I confess all my sins and my unworthiness to present my self at thine Altar But thou canst forgive sin and give repentance do both Gracious Father and then behold I am clean to come unto thee Lord make me a worthy receiver of that for which I come Christ and remission of sin in Christ And that for his own mercy sake and thine Amen O Lord into a clean charitable and thankful heart give me grace to receive the blessed Body and Blood of thy Son my most blessed Saviour that it may more perfectly cleanse me from all dregs of sin that being made clean it may nourish me in faith hope charity and obedience with all other fruits of spiritual life and growth in thee that in all the future course of my life I may shew my self such an ingrafted member into the Body of thy Son that I may never be drawn to do any thing that may dishonour his Name Grant this O Lord I beseech thee even for his merit and mercy sake Amen O Lord God hear my prayers I come to thee in a stedfast faith yet for the clearness of my faith Lord enlighten it for the strength of my faith Lord encrease it And behold I quarrel not the words of thy Son my Saviour's blessed Institution I know his words are no gross unnatural conceit but they are spirit and life and supernatural While the world disputes I believe He hath promised me if I come worthily that I shall receive his most precious Body and Blood with all the benefits of his Passion If I can receive it and retain it Lord make me able make me worthy I know I can no more die eternally then that Body and Blood can die and be shed again My Saviour is willing in this tender of them both unto me Lord so wash and cleanse my soul that I may now and at all times else come prepared by hearty prayers devotion and be made worthy by thy grace of this infinite blessing the Pledge and Earnest of eternal life in the merits of the same Iesus Christ who gave his Body and Blood for me Amen Almighty God unto
Enemies threaten But there is mercy with thee that thou mayest be feared O Lord shew us this mercy and give us grace so to fear thee as that we may never be brought to fear or feel them And whensoever thou wilt correct us for our sins let us fall into thy hands and not into the hands of men Grant this for Iesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Redeemer Amen O Eternal God and most gracious Father we have deserved whatsoever thy Law hath threatned against sinners Our Contempt of thy Divine Worship is great and we hear thy Word but obey it not Forgive us O Lord forgive us these and all other our grievous sins Give us light in our understanding readiness and obedience in our will discretion in our words and actions true serious and loyal endeavours for the peace and prosperity of Ierusalem the unity and glory of this Church and State that so we may love it and prosper in it and be full of grace in this life and filled with glory in the life to come through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O most merciful God we give thee praise and thanks for the wonderful ceasing of the late raging Pestilence in the chief City of this Kingdom and other places Lord shew us yet fa●ther mercy and look upon all parts of this Land with tender compassion Keep back the destroying Angel that he enter not into places that are yet free nor make farther waste in those which are already visited Comfort them that are sick preserve them that are sound receive them that die to mercy that living and dying they and we may continue thy faithful servants through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O most gracious God and loving Father we have felt thy manifold mercies no Nation more and we have committed sins against thee few Nations greater Enter not into judgment with us O Lord but for Christ and his mercy sake pacifie thine anger and save us from the malice and cruelty of our Enemies They are our crying sins that have called them upon us Let it be an addition to thy wonted mercy to restrain their fury To this end Lord p●t thy bridle into their mouths and thy bit between their teeth Frustrate their designes● and let them find no way in our Seas nor any path in our Floods but scatter them with thy tempest follow them with all thy storms that we being delivered by thy hand may bless and honour thy Name devoutly serving thee all our daies through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord thou gracious Governour of all the Kingdoms of the Earth Look down we beseech thee in mercy upon this Realm upon all other Reformed Churches Save and deliver us and them from the hands of all such as threaten our destruction Protect the person of our Gracious Soveraign direct his Counsels go forth with his Armies be unto him and to us a wall of brass and a strong tower of defence against his and our Enemies that so we being safe through thy mercy may live to serve thee in thy Church and ever give thee praise and glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father all peace and strength of Kingdoms is from thee and lineal Succession is thy great blessing both upon Princes and States the great means to preserve unity and confirm strength We therefore give thee humble and hear●y thanks as for all thy blessings so especially at this time for thy great mercy and loving-kindness to our dread Soveraign his Royal Queen and this whole State in giving her Majesty hope of her long desired Issue thereby filling their and our hearts with gladness Lord go along with thine own blessings to perfect them Be with her in soul and in body preserve her from all dangers Keep her safe to and in the hour of Travel that there may be strength to bring forth her Joy and our Hope And make her a joyful Mother of many Children to the glory of thy great Name the happiness of his Majesty the security of this State and the flourishing of the Church and true Religion amongst us Grant this even for Iesus Christ his sake our only Lord and Saviour Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father since lineal Succession is under thee the great security of Kingdoms and the very life of Peace We therefore give thee most humble and hearty thanks for the great blessing which thou hast again begun to work for our Gracious King CHARLES and this whole State in giving the Queens Majesty further hopes of a desired and happy Issue And as we give thee humble and hearty thanks for this so we pray thee to perfect this great blessing thus begun to preserve her from all dangers and to be with her by special assistance in the hour of Travel Lord make her a happy Mother of succesful Children to the increase of thy glory the comfort of his Majesty the joy of her own heart the safety of the State and the preservation of the Church and true Religion among us Grant this even for Iesus Christ his sake our only Saviour and Redeemer Amen O most merciful God gracious Father thou hast given us the joy of our hearts the contentment of our souls for this life in blessing our dear and dread Soveraign and his vertuous Royal Queen with a hopeful Son us with a Prince in thy just time and his to rule over us We give thy glorious Name most humble and hearty thanks for this Lord make us so thankful so obedient to thee for this great mercy that thy goodness may delight to encrease it to us Encrease it good Lord to more Children the prop one of another against single hope Encrease it to more Sons the great strength of his Majesty and his Throne Encrease it in the Joy of his Royal Parents and all true-hearted Subjects Encrease it by his Christian and happy Education both in Faith and Goodness that this Kingdom and People may be happy in the long life and prosperity of our most Gracious Soveraign and his Royal Consort And when fulness of daies must gather time Lord double his Graces and make them apparent in this his Heir and his Heirs after him for all Generations to come even for Iesus Christ his sake our Lord and only Saviour Amen O most gracious God and loving Father we give thee as we are bound most humble and hearty thanks for thy great mercy extended to us and this whole State in blessing the Queens Majesty with a happy Deliverance in and from the great pains and perils of Child-birth We humbly beseech thee to continue and encrease this Blessing to give her strength that she may happily overcome this and all dangers else that his most Gracious Majesty may long have joy in her happy life that she may have joy in his Majesties prosperity that both of them may have comfort in the Royal Prince
Charles the new-born Princess the Lady Mary and with them in a hopeful healthful and succesful Posterity that the whole Kingdome may have fulness of joy in them and that both they and we may all have joy in the true honour and service of God that both Church and Kingdom may be blessed and their Royal Persons filled with honour in this life and with eternal happiness in the life to come even for Iesus Christ his sake our only Lord and Saviour Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father we give thee all humble and hearty thanks for our most Gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles both for the gentleness of thy hand in a disease otherwise so troublesome and fearful And for the mercifulness of thy hand in taking it off so soon and so happily We know and acknowledge before thee our sins and what grievous punishments they have deserved But Lord we beseech thee still to remember us in mercy and long to bless our Gracious King with life and heal●h and strength and happiness and above all with the fear of thy holy Name that so he may continue under thee and over us a Father of the State a Patron of the Church a Comfort to his Royal Queen till he see his Childrens Children and peace upon Israel Grant this good Lord even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Most gracious God and loving Father we give thee all humble and hearty thanks for thy great mercy in blessing the Queen's Majesty with a happy Deliverance in and from the great pains and peril of Child-birth We humbly beseech thee to continue thy mercies towards her that she may happily overcome this and all other dangers that his most Gracious Majesty may long have joy in her most happy life both of them comfort in the Royal Prince Charles the rest of their Princely Issue particularly in the new-born Prince the Duke of York that they all may prove a healthful hopeful and a succesful Posterity that both Church and Kingdom may have fulness of joy in them That their Majesties Royal Persons may be filled with honour in this life and with eternal happiness in the life to come And this even for Iesus Christ his sake our only Saviour and Redeemer Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father by whom alone Kings reign thou Lord of Hosts and giver of all Victory we humbly beseech thee to guard our most Gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles to bless him in his Person with health and safety in his Counsels with wisdome and prudence and in all his Actions with honour and good success Grant blessed Lord that Victory may attend his designes and that his liege People may rejoyce in thee but that shame may cover the face of thine and his treacherous Enemies Give him blessed Father so to settle his Subjects in Peace and the true fear of thy Divine Majesty that he may return with joy and honour and proceed long to Govern his Kingdoms in peace and plenty and in the happiness of true Religion and Piety all his daies These blessings and whatsoever else shall be necessary for him or for our selves we humbly beg of thee O merciful Father for Iesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Redeemer Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father by whom alone Kings reign thou Lord of Hosts and Giver of all Victory We humbly beseech thee both now and ever to guide preserve our most gracious Soveraign Lord King CHARLES To bless him in his Person with health and safety in his Counsels with wisdom and prudence and in all his Actions with honour and good success especially against those his Traiterous Subjects who having cast off all Obedience to their Anointed Soveraign do at this time in Rebellious manner invade this Realm Grant Blessed Lord that Victory may attend his Majesties designs that his Liege People may rejoyce in thee but that shame may cover the faces of thine and his treacherous Enemies Enable him blessed Father so to vanquish and subdue them all that his Loyal Subjects being setled in Peace and the true fear of thy holy Name he may return with joy and honour continue to Govern his Kingdomes in peace and plenty and in the happiness of true Religion and Piety all his daies These blessings and whatsoever else shall be necessary for him or for our selves we humbly beg of thee O merciful Father for Iesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Redeemer Amen Quotidie O Lord forgive me all my sins that are past O Lord strengthen me against all Temptations especially the Temptations of c. O Lord fill my heart with thankfulness and I do give thee most humble and hearty thanks for the great deliverance of me from the rage and fury of the Multitude O Lord let the same wings of thy merciful protection be spread over me all the daies of my life O Lord give me a faithful a patient a penitent a persevering heart in thy service that so I may with comfort daily nay hourly expect when my Changing shall come So Amen Lord Iesu. Amen Absolutio OUr Lord Iesus Christ who hath left power to his Church to Absolve all sinners which truely repent and believe in him of his great mercy forgive thee thine offences And by his Authority committed to me I Absolve thee from all thy sins In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen Admissio in Ecclesiam GOd who of his mercy hath given you grace to give your self to his Church Preserve aud keep you in his Truth free both from Superstition and Prophaneness The Lord bless and keep you The Lord make his face shine upon you and be merciful unto you The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in Conscience and constancy in Truth And by the power of Ministration committed to me by our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ I Readmit you into the Fellowship of his Church in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen His Grace's Speech according to the Original written with his own hand and delivered by him upon the Scaffold on Tower-hill Jan. 10. 1644. to his Chaplain Dr. Sterne now Lord Arch-Bishop of York Good People THis is an uncomfortable time to preach yet I shall begin with a Text of Scripture Heb. 12.2 Let us run with patience that race which is set before us Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the Cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God I have been long in my Race and how I have looked unto Iesus the Author and Finisher of my Faith he best knows I am now come to the end of my Race and here I find the Cross a death of shame But the shame must be despised or no coming to the right hand of God Iesus despised
the shame for me and God forbid that I should not despise the shame for Him I am going apace as you see towards the Red sea and my feet are upon the very brink of it An argument I hope that God is bringing me into the Land of Promise for that was the way through which he led his people But before they came to it he instituted a Passeover for them A Lamb it was but it must be eaten with sowre herbs Exod. 12. 8. I shall obey and labour to digest the sowr herbs as well as the Lamb. And I shall remember it is the Lords Passeover I shall not think of the herbs nor be angry with the hands that gathered them but look up only to him who instituted that and governs these For men can have no more power over me then what is given them from above S. Iohn 19. 11. I am not in love with this Passage through the Red-sea for I have the weakness and infirmity of flesh and blood plentifully in me And I have prayed with my Saviour Ut transiret calix iste that this cup of red wine might pass from me S. Luke 22. 42. But if not Gods will not mine be done And I shall most willingly drink of this cup as deep as he pleases and enter into this Sea yea and pass through it in the way that he shall lead me But I would have it remembred Good people that when Gods servants were in this boisterous Sea and Aaron among them the Egyptians which persecuted them and did in a manner drive them into that Sea were drowned in the same waters while they were in pursuit of them I know my God whom I serve is as able to deliver me from this Sea of blood as he was to deliver the three Children from the Furnace Dan. 3. And I most humbly thank my Saviour for it my resolution is as theirs was They would not worship the Image which the King had set up nor will I the Imaginations which the People are setting up Nor will I forsake the Temple and the Truth of God to follow the bleating of Ieroboams Calves in Dan and in Bethel And as for this People they are at this day miserably misled God of his mercy open their eyes that they may see the right way For at this day the blind lead the blind and if they go on both will certainly into the ditch S. Luke 6. 39. For my self I am and I acknowledge it in all humility a most grievous sinner many ways by thought word and deed And yet I cannot doubt but that God hath mercy in store for me a poor penitent as well as for other sinners I have now upon this sad occasion ransacked every corner of my heart and yet I thank God I have not found among the many any one sin which deserves death by any known Law of this Kingdom And yet hereby I charge nothing upon my Judges For if they proceed upon proof by valuable witnesses I or any other Innocent may be justly condemned And I thank God though the weight of the Sentence lie heavy upon me I am as quiet within as ever I was in my life And though I am not only the first Archbishop but the first man that ever died by an Ordinance in Parliament yet some of my Predecessors have gone this way though not by this means For Elphegus was hurried away and lost his head by the Danes Simon Sudbury in the Fury of Wat Tyler and his fellows Before these S. Iohn Baptist had his head danced off by a lewd Woman And S. Cyprian Archbishop of Carthage submitted his head to a persecuting sword Many examples great and good and they teach me patience For I hope my Cause in heaven will look of another die then the colour that is put upon it here And some comfort it is to me not only that I go the way of these great men in their several Generations but also that my Charge as foul as it is made looks like that of the Jews against S. Paul Acts 25. 8. For he was accused for the Law and the Temple i. e. Religion And like that of S. Stephen Acts 6. 14. for breaking the Ordinances which Moses gave i. e. Law and Religion the Holy Place and the Law ver 13. But you will say Do I then compare my self with the integrity of S. Paul and S. Stephen No far be that from me I only raise a comfort to my self that these great Saints and Servants of God were laid at in their times as I am now And it is memorable that S. Paul who helped on this accusation against S. Stephen did after fall under the very same himself Yea but here 's a great clamour that I would have brought in Popery I shall answer that more fully by and by In the mean time you know what the Pharisees laid against Christ himself S. Iohn 11. 48. If we let him alone all men will believe on him Et venient Romani and the Romans will come and take away both our Place and the Nation Here was a causeless cry against Christ that the Romans would come And see how just the judgment of God was They crucified Christ for fear lest the Romans should come and his death was it which brought in the Romans upon them God punishing them with that which they most feared And I pray God this clamour of Venient Romani of which I have given no cause help not to bring them in For the Pope never had such a Harvest in England since the Reformation as he hath now upon the Sects aud Divisions that are amongst us In the mean time by honour and dishonour by good report and evil report as a deceiver and yet true am I passing through this world 2 Cor. 6. 8. Some particulars also I think it not amiss to speak of 1. And first this I shall be bold to speak of the King our gracious Soveraign He hath been much traduced also for bringing in of Popery But on my Conscience of which I shall give God a present account I know him to be as free from this Charge as any man living And I hold him to be as sound a Protestant according to the Religion by Law established as any man in his Kingdom and that he will venture his life as far and as freely for it And I think I do or should know both his affection to Religion and his grounds for it as fully as any man in England 2. The second particular is concerning this great and populous City which God bless Here hath been of late a fashion taken up to gather hands and then go to the great Court of the Kingdom the Parliament and clamour for Justice as if that great and wise Court before whom the Causes come which are unknown to the Many could not or would not do Justice but at their appointment a way which may endanger many an innocent man and pluck his blood upon their
thy Holy Catholick Church wheresoever spread upon the face of the whole Earth Good Lord● purge it from all Atheisme Heresy Schisme Superstition Factious maintenance of Groundless Opinions that one Faith one Lord one Baptisme may in all places be uniformly professed as thy Church is and can be but one And grant Good Lord that I may be and continue a faithful living and a working member under Christ the Head in that Church the Body all the dayes of my life and through the hour of my death through the Merits and by the Grace of the same Iesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour Amen O Merciful God bless this Particular Church in which I live make it and all the members of it sound in Faith and holy in Life that they may Serve thee and thou Bless them through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen LOrd bless our most gratious Soveraigne treasure up in Him all thy hidden Blessings make him and keep him a devoted Servant to Thee a constant Patron of the Church and Truth that He may live long and be full of honourable success all his daies in his Person in his Actions in his Queen in his Children in his Servants in his People and crown'd with Glory after life and in that good time that shall be best both for Him and Us make him a joyful Father of happy and successful Children Under him bless the whole State Ecclesiastical and Civil that Righteousness and Peace may kiss each other and we serve and honour thee for ever Amen GOod Lord bless all the places to which thou hast made me have any nearer Reference the place where I was borne c Every Soul contained in any of these All my Friends Kindred Acquaintance any unto whom thou hast made me any way beholding especially my nearer and my bosom Friends Dr c. All those c. Lord I beseech thee forgive me and them all our sins and continue us thy servants both in Life and Death Amen GRacious Father bless my Servants and make them thine Give them Grace to serve thee first then me with Faithfulness Soberness and Diligence Make me ever willing and in some measure able to repay unto them the time and the strength which they either have or shall spend to do me Service even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord bless all the Afflicted members of the body of thy Son wheresoever howsoever afflicted Send them constant Patience or speedy Deliverance as seems best to thee and is best for them according to their several wants and necessities whatsoever particularly c. And do unto them according to all those mercies which I would or should desire thou shouldst shew to my own Soul if at any time thou shalt be pleased to make my estate as their's is at this present And O Lord be merciful Amen BLessed Father bless all sorts of men in their Particulars mine Enemies with the Forgiveness of sins Turn their hearts that they may no longer hate thy Servant and if they will not be turned deliver me not over I beseech thee into their Power And next after the Salvation of my Soul I humbly beg it deliver me not into the hands of men to the shame or scorne of the World Amen O Domine Jesu Da quod jabes jube quod vis Facias animam meam paratam in adventum tuum veni quando vis Des mihi ad minimum sufficientem si placet pacatissimam patientiam veni quomodo vis O Tu qui Salus es omnium sperantium in Te. Et in super interpone obsecro O Domine Jesu Mortem Crucem Passionem Meritum Sanguinem tuum inter Iudicium tuum Animam meam nunc semper praecipue in hora mortis meae Quae mors obnixe precor nunquam sit subitanea nunquam adveniat inveniat me imparatum nunquam ita adveniendo saeviat quin ut retineam Fidem Spem Charitatem memoriam intellectum Sanum usque ad extremum halitum Et esto mihi in Deum Protectorem Des peccatis meis Misericordiam Veniam Ecclesiae tuae Pacem Concordiam mihi peccatorum primo Gratiam in hac vita Gloriam in futura Ita ita venias O Domine Jesu miserere mei Amen Lord here I am do with me as seems best in thine own eyes only give mee I humbly beseech thee a Penitent and a Patient spirit to expect thee Amen Lord make my Service acceptable to thee while I live and my Soul ready for thee when I die Amen Our Father which art in Heaven c. SUNDAY O Lord by thy mercy I am risen out of my Grave where I might have slept in death but that thou preservedst me Make it I beseech thee a Resurrection to Grace in this Life and to Glory in the Life to come through Iesus Christ who merited both for us Amen This day by the Resurrection of thy Son our blessed Saviour was made Holy to us Give me that Grace that I may keep it Holy to thee through Iesus Christ. Amen O send out thy Light an● thy Truth that they may lead me and bring me unto thy holy Hill and to thy Dwelling that I may goe unto the Altar of thee O my God even the God of my joy and gladness and give thanks unto thee Amen Almighty and everlasting God who governest all things both in Heaven and Earth Mercifully hear my supplications for my selfe and all thy people grant us thy peace all the days of our life even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Almighty God I humbly beseech thee give me grace to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the Armour of light now in the time of this mortal life in which thy Son Christ Iesus came to visit us in great humility that in the last day when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to judge both the quick and the dead I with all thy faithfull servants may rise up to the life immortal through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost now and for ever Amen Blessed God which hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning Grant unto me and all Christians that we may in such wise hear read mark learn and inwardly digest them that by patience and comfort thereof we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting Life which thou hast given us in our Saviour Iesus Christ. Amen Lord I humbly beseech thee raise up thy power and come among us and with great might succour us that whereas by our Sins we are sore let and hindered thy bountiful Grace and Mercy through the satisfaction of thy Son our Lord may ●peedily deliver us To whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honor and glory world without end Amen Lord let thine Angels tarry round about
of his house be increased For he shall carry nothing away with him when he dieth neither shal his pomp follow him But ever make me afraid to offend thee Amen Mine eyes long sore for thy word saying When wilt thou comfort me Lord comfort me for I am become like a bottle in the smoak yet let me not I beseech thee forget thy Law even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord God which seest that I put not my trust in any thing that I do Mercifully grant that I may be defended against all adversity through Iesus Christ my Lord and only Saviour Amen O Lord which hast taught us that all our doings without Charity are nothing worth Send thy holy Ghost and pour into my heart that most excellent gift of Charity the very bond of Peace and all Vertues without the which whosoever liveth is counted dead before thee Grant this for thy only Son Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord fill me with grace that I may fulfil all the service which I owe thee through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord God spare I beseech thee who shall raise up Iacob for he is small Spare him therefore O Lord spare thy people spare me Say unto my soul thou hast repented of the evil intended and it shall not be Amen Lord when I am asleep let me not be made afraid but let my sleep be sweet that I may be enabled to serve thee Amen Grant I beseech thee most Mercifull Father that I who for my evil deeds am worthily punished may by the comfort of thy grace be mercifully relieved through Iesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour Amen COnsider hear me O Lord my God Lighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death Amen O Lord thou hast proved and visited my heart in the night season thou hast tried me O blessed Father purge me that thou mayst find no wickedness in me through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord hear me that seven times a day I may praise thee and be acquainted with that great peace which they have that love thy Law Amen O Lord from whom all good things do come Grant unto me thy humble servant that by thy holy inspiration I may think those things that are good and by thy merciful guiding may also perform the same through our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen MUNDAY POnder my words O Lord consider my meditations O hearken unto the voice of my calling my King and my God for unto thee will I make my prayer My voice shalt thou hear betimes O Lord early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up But make me remember that thou art God and hast no pleasure in wickedness neither shall any evil dwell with thee Amen O Lord bless me and I will sing unto thee and praise thy Name and be telling of thy salvation from day to day Amen O Lord let counsell preserve me and understanding keep me Deliver me from the evil way from the man that speaketh froward things and from all such as leave the ways of Righteousness to walk in the ways of Darkness even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord I know the way of man is not in himself It is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps Therefore O Lord I beseech thee make me know my way and direct my steps to thy honour and my own salvation through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen BE not wroth with me O Lord but spare me and have mercy upon me for thou wilt be merciful unto thy creature O Lord I and my Fathers have all had the same sickness but because of us that are sinners thou shalt be called merciful through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord guide me here with thy Counsell and after that receive me into Glory For whom have I in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee O Lord preserve me in those longings after thee Amen O God take from me the way of lying and cause me to make much of thy Law that I may chuse the way of Truth and lay thy Iudgments before me that I may stick unto thy Testimonies and run the way of thy Commandements when thou hast set my heart at liberty Amen O God the strength of all them that trust in thee Mercifully accept my prayers and because the weakness of mans nature can do no good thing without thee grant me the help of thy Grace that inkeeping of thy commandements I may please thee both in will and in deed through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord thou art just and all thy ways are mercy and truth thou judgest truly for ever remember me and look upon me punish me not according to my sins or my ignorances or my Fathers which have sinned before thee deal not with me according to my sins but as seemeth best unto thee O Lord my strength and my salvation Amen Lord I acknowledge my wickedness and the iniquity of my Fathers we have sinned against thee O Lord be merciful Amen Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neither take thou vengeance of our sins spare us good Lord spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood and be not angry with us for ever Amen Lord I beseech thee mercifully to hear me And as th●● hast given me an hearty desire to pray so grant that by thy mighty aid I may be defended both in soul and in body through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Domine accipe quaeso quas offero preces dona quod rogo excusa quod timeo quia tu per Christum tuum es unica spes peccatorum per eum spero veniam delictorum Amen O Lord be gratious unto me and give me an heart to worship thee and to do thy Will and open my heart in thy Law and send me peace hear my prayers and be reconciled to me and never forsake me in the time 〈◊〉 trouble for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Remember me O Lord according to the favour that thou bearest unto thy people O visit me with thy salvation that I may see the felicity of thy chosen and rejoyce in the gladness of thy people and give thanks with thine inheritance Amen O God the Protector of all that trust in thee without whom nothing is strong nothing is holy Encrease and multiply upon me thy mercy that thou being my ruler and guide I may so pass through things temporal that I finally lose not the things eternall Grant this O heavenly Father for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Grant O Lord that I may live in thy feare dye in thy favour rest in
upon me And they have spoken against me with false tongues they compassed me about also with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause But I give my self unto prayer Lord forgive them and hear me Amen O God which art the author of peace and lover of concord in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life whose service is perfect freedome defend me and all thy servants in all assaults of our enemies that we surely trusting in thy defence may not fear the power of any adversaries through the might of Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen DIc ô Domine mi Jesu doce discā a te quod doceam de te Amen Deliver me O Lord from the man that is evil and preserve me from the cruel man which imagines mischief in his heart and stirs up strife all the day long The proud have laid a snare for me and spread their net abroad with cords and set traps in my way Lord keep me from treacherous hands and preserve me that though they purpose yet they may not be able to overthrow my goings even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O God from whom all holy desires all good counsels and all just works do proceed Give unto me and all thy servants that peace which the world cannot give that both our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments and also that by thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies may pass our time in rest and quietness through the merits of Iesus Christ our Saviour Amen HAve mercy upon me O God have mercy upon me for my soul trusteth in thee and in the shadow of thy wings will I trust till these and all other my afflictions be over-past O send out thy mercy and truth upon me even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Domine misericors qui ad cor altum non accedis humilia animam meam O tu qui non videris nisi a mundis cordibus veram cordis munditiem dato mibi Sitio O Domine da arrham haereditatis futurae saltem da guttam coelestis pluviae qua refrigerare possim sitim meam quia amore ardeo Nec hoc peto Domine propter merita mea indignissimus enim sum qui gustem sed pro misericordia tua meritis Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi Amen Almighty God vouchsafe I beseech thee to direct sanctifie and govern both my heart and body in the wayes of thy Laws and in the works of thy Commandments that through thy mighty protection both here and ever I may be preserved by night and by day in body and in soul through our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. Amen O Lord I cry unto thee hearken unto me O God Thou holdest my eyes waking I am so feeble that I cannot speak And in the night season my soul refuseth comfort yet even then give me grace especially that I may commune with mine own heart and search out my spirits and compose them in thee that I may rise to serve thee Amen Da mihi Domine dormitum abeunti requiem corporis animae Custodi me a caliginoso peccati somno ab omni tenebrosa nocturna mollitie Ignita maligni tela dolose in me vibrata extinguito Rebelliones carnis meae reprimito Et omnem terrenam mundanam in me cogitationem sopito per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen I humbly beseech thee O Father mercifully to look upon my infirmities and for the glory of thy Names sake turn from me and the rest of thy servants all those evils which we most justly have deserved And grant that in all our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercy and evermore serve thee in holiness and pureness of living to thy honour and glory through our only Mediator and Advocate Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen FRIDAY DEus magne Deus omnipotens Deus summae bonitatis quem inviolabilem incorruptibilem credi intelligi fas est Trina Unitas quam Catholica Ecclesia colit supplex oro expertus in meipso misericordiam tuam ne homines cum quibus mihi a pueritia in omni victu fuit summa consensio in tuo cultu a me dissentire permittas nec vel me vel illos a veritate salute quae est in Christo Jesu Amen O Lord I will call upon thee and early shall my prayer come before thee Lord do not abhorre my soul neither hide thy face from me for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Lord make me to have a perpetual fear and love of thy holy Name for thou never failest to help and govern them whom thou dost bring up in thy stedfast love Grant this even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Almighty and everlasting God which of thy tender love towards man hast sent our Saviour Iesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility Mercifully grant that I may both follow the example of his patience and be made partaker of his resurrection through the same Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Almighty God I humbly beseech thee graciously to behold thy Family for the which our Lord Iesus Christ was content to be betrayed and given up into the hands of wicked men and to suffer death upon the cross who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost one God world without end Amen Almighty and everlasting God by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified Receive these my supplications and prayers which I offer up before thee for all estates of men in thy holy Church that every member of the same in his vocation may truly and devoutly serve thee through our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen Diu est O Domine ex quo contra Haereses laboravi sum poene fatigatus Veni Domine mi Jesu praeliator fortissime Princeps exercitus Domini qui Diabolum vicisti seculum Apprehende arma scutum exurge in adjutorium mihi Amen Deal with me O God according to thy Name for sweet is thy mercy O deliver me for I am helpless and poor and my heart is wounded within me Lord save my soul. Amen Mine eyes are ever looking unto thee O Lord O pluck my feet out of the net Amen Almighty God who hast promised to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Son's Name I beseech thee mercifully to incline thine ears to me now that in his Name I make my prayers and supplications unto thee and grant that those things which I have faithfully asked according to thy will may effectually be obtained to the relief of my necessity and to the setting forth of thy glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Remember not my old sins
Lord hast done it Amen Lord Iesu Amen If my delight had not been in thy Law I should have perished in my trouble O continue my delight Amen Pestilentia DEliver me O Lord from all my offences and make me not a rebuke to the foolish Take I humbly beseech thee thy plague away from thy people for we begin to be consumed by means of thy heavy hand And for Iesus Christ his sake lay neither me nor mine under this uncomfortable disease Amen O Lord deliver me from the ●nare of the hunter and from the noisome pestilence O defend me under thy wings and keep me safe under thy feathers that I may not be afraid for any terror by night nor for the arrow that flyeth by day for the pestilence that walketh in the darkness nor for the sickness that destroyeth in the noon-day Though thousands fall beside me and ten thousands at my right hand yet let it not come near me even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord thou art my hope I beseech thee let no evil happen unto me neither let any plague come nigh my dwelling but give thine Angels charge over me to keep me in all my wayes O Lord my strength and my Redeemer Amen O let the sorrowful sighing of them whom thou hast visited come before thee and according to the greatness both of thy power and mercy preserve thou them that are appointed to die even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord I beseech thee favourably to hear the prayers of thy humble servant that I my Family which are justly punished for our offences may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness from this and all other infection both of soul and body that so we may live both to serve and to praise thee to the glory of thy great Name through Iesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour Amen O Almighty God which in thy wrath in the time of King David didst slay with the plague of Pestilence threescore and ten thousand and yet remembring thy mercy didst save the rest Have pity upon us miserable sinners that now are visited with great sickness and mortality and like as thou didst then command thine Angel to cease from punishing so it may now please thee to withdraw from us this plague and grievous sickness through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord God who hast wounded us for our sins and consumed us for our transgressions by thy late heavy and long-continued Visitation and in the midst of that Judgment remembring mercy hast redeemed us from death We offer up unto thee our selves our souls and bodies which thou hast now delivered to be a living sacrifice unto thee And here I offer up unto thee most merciful Father in the name of all thy people all possible praise and thanks and shall ever magnifie thee through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Morbus O Lord the sorrows of death compass me and the snares of it are ready to overtake me When thou wilt dissolve my tabernacle thou alone knowest therefore in this my trouble I will call upon thee my Lord and will complain unto my God O be with me at the instant of my death and receive me for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Into thy hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of Truth O Lord thy hand is heavy upon me day and night and my moisture is become like the drought in Sommer I acknowledge my sin unto thee O Lord and my unrighteousness have I not hid O Lord be merciful unto me Amen O Lord hear my prayer and with thine ears consider my calling hold not thy peace at my tears For I am a stranger with thee and a sojourner as all my Fathers were O spare me a little that I may recover my strength before I go hence and be no more seen Amen O Domine media vita in morte sumus unde aut a quo quaerimus auxilium nisi a te Domine qui tamen pro peccatis nostris merito infensus es nobis Sancte fortis sancte misericors Salvator amarissimis poenis mortis aeternae ne tradas me Ne projicias me in tempore aegritudinis meae quum deficit virtus mea ne derelinquas me Domine ante te omne desiderium meum suspiria mea a te non sunt abscondita Nosti Domine nosti intima Cordis mei ne quaeso occludas precibus meis aures misericordiae tuae Quin parce mihi ô Domine sanctissime ô Omnipotens Deus sanctus Salvator maxime misericors dignissime aeterne Iudex ne sinas me in hora mea novissima pro● quocunque terrore mortis excidere a te Amen O Domine Salvator Jesu O Lord the snares of● death compass me round about the pains of hell get hold upon me I have found trouble and heaviness but will call upon thy Name O Lord O Lord deliver my soul. Deliver my soul from death mine eyes from tears and my feet from falling that I may walk before thee in the land of the living Amen Thou O Lord hast chastened and corrected me but not given me yet over unto death Open me the gates of righteousness that I may go into them and give thanks unto the Lord. Amen There is no health in my flesh by reason of thy wrath neither is there any rest in my bones by reason of my sin Yet O Lord be merciful unto me and heal me even for thy Names sake Amen O Lord I give thee humble and hearty thanks for the great and almost miraculous bringing of me back from the bottom of my grave What thou hast further for me to do or to suffer thou alone knowest Lord give me patience and courage and all Christian resolution to do thee service and grace to do it And let me not live longer then to honour thee through Iesus Christ. Amen Bellum O My God though mighty Nations gather together on heaps yet let them be broken in pieces though they take counsel together bring it to nought For though they pronounce a decree yet it shall not stand if thou O God be with us Be with us therefore O God for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Blessed be thou O Saviour of Israel which didst destroy the assault of the Mighty man by the hand of thy servant David and gavest the Host of strangers into the hand of Ionathan shut up this Army in the hand of Israel and let them be confounded with their power and with their horsemen Make them afraid and consume their boldness and strength that they may be astonished at their own destruction Cast them down by the sword of them that love thee that we which love thy Name may praise thee and sing unto thee Grant this for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord of Hosts give us strength that we may follow on upon our enemies and overtake them and
help me even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Many O Lord they are that trouble me and persecute me yet do I not swerve from thy Testimonies yes Lord I do daily swerve from them Quicken me as thou art wont Amen O take from me shame and rebuke and I will keep thy Testimonies O take away the rebuke that I am afraid of for thy Judgments are good O Lord do this for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Timor LOrd make me remember that the fear of thee is clean and that thy Judgments are true and righteous altogether Amen O Lord give me that grace that I may so carry my self and that courage that I may so bear up my self as that I may fear none but thee nothing but that wherein I offend thee even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Fraudes Dolus O Lord watch over thy servant for my familiar friends whom I trusted have laid wait for me Be thou merciful unto me O Lord and deliver me from them that even in this I may know thou favourest me that mine Enemies are not able to triumph against me Amen Exalt thy self O God above the heavens and thy glory upon all the earth For men have laid a net for my steps they have pressed down my soul they have digged a pit before me Lord I desire not that they should fall into the midst of it themselves but I beseech thee keep me out and deliver me for thy mercy sake Amen Mine enemies lay wait for my soul and take counsel together They pursue me out of an opinion that thou O God hast forsaken me But go not far from me O God my God haste to help me Amen O Lord the proud have digged pits for me They persecute me falsely O be thou my help They had almost made an end of me upon earth yet suffer me not I beseech thee to depart from thy Commandments for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Lord keep me from the snare which malicious men have laid for me and from the traps of wicked doers If they will not repent let them fall into their own nets together but let me ever escape them Amen O Lord I pour out my complaints before thee Consider them for I am brought very low O deliver me from my persecutors for they are too strong for me Amen Templi ingressus LOrd I will come into thy house upon the multitude of thy mercies and in thy fear will I worship towards thy holy Temple O bless me that I may Amen Hear the voice of my humble Petitions O Lord when I crie unto thee in this place when I hold my hands towards the mercy-seat of thy holy Temple even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen I will dwell in thy Tabernacle for ever and my trust shall be under the covering of thy wings O Lord hear our desires and give an heritage unto those that pray unto thee and fear thy Name Amen O my God I will go into thy Gates with thanksgiving and into thy Courts with praise I will be thankful unto thee and speak good of thy Name For thou Lord art gracious thy mercy is everlasting and thy truth endureth from generation to generation Amen O Lord I love the habitation of thy House and the place where thine Honour dwelleth O shut not up my soul with impenitent sinners but give me plenty of thy grace even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Fames BE merciful O Lord and remember us that we be not confounded in these perillous times and that in these daies of dearth we may have enough and a free heart and hand to bestow it upon thy poor ones even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord our sins have prevailed against us yet be thou merciful unto our transgressions O visit the earth and prepare corn for the Inhabitants thereof Crown the year with thy goodness and let no cloud drop other then fatness that the very Hills may rejoyce 〈◊〉 every side that the Pastures may be covered with sheep and the Vallies with corn that thy People may rejoyce and sing unto thee through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O God heavenly Father who by thy Son Iesus Christ hast promised to all them that seek thy Kingdom and the righteousness thereof all things necessary for their bodily sustenance Behold we beseech thee the afflictions of thy people and grant that the scarcity and dearth which we do now most justly suffer for our sins may through thy goodness be mercifully turned into cheapness and plenty for the love of Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord be m●●cifully pleased to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the Earth so that in due time we may enjoy them and praise thee through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Pluvia O God heavenly Father whose gift it is that the Rain doth fall the Earth is fruitful Beasts increase and Fishes do multiply Send us we beseech thee such moderate rain and showres that we may receive the fruits of the earth to our comfort and to thy honour through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Serenitas O Lord God which for the sin of Man didst once drown all the world except eight persons● and afterward of thy great mercy didst promise never to destroy it so again We humbly beseech thee that though we● for our iniquities have worthily deserved a plague of rain and waters yet upon our true repentance thou wilt give us such weather whereby we may receive the fruits of the earth in due season and learn both by thy punishment to amend our lives and for thy clemency to give thee praise and glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Poenitentiales 6. 32. 38. 51. 102. 130. 143. O Lord turn thee again now at the last and be gracious unto thy servant O satisfie me with thy mercy and that soon so shall I rejoyce and be glad all the dayes of my life And when thou hast forgiven my sins O comfort me again after the time that thou hast plagued me and for the years wherein I have suffered adversity O Iesus Christ my Saviour and be merciful Amen O Lord my flesh trembleth for fear of thee and I am afraid of thy Judgments yet stablish me according to thy word that I may live and let me not be disappointed of my hope even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost O seek thy servant that I may not forget thy Commandments bu● return to thee Amen O Lord our iniquities testifie against us for our backslidings are many and we have sinned against thee yet O thou hope of Israel thou Saviour thereof in time of trouble shew mercy fo● thy Names sake and on me especially For why shouldest thou be as a stranger in my soul or as a wayfaring man that turns aside to tarry but for a night O
whom all hearts be open all desires known from whom no secrets are hid Cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspiration of thy holy Spirit that I may perfectly love thee and worthily magnifie thy Name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Pater de coelis Deus qui unigenitum tuum pro nobis ad mortem tradidisti Fili Redemptor mundi Deus qui sanguine tuo pretioso nos a peccatis abluisti Spiritus Sancte Paraclete Deus qui corda sanctorum tua gratia visitas confirmas Sacra summa sempiterna beata benedicta Trinitas Pater bone Fili pie Spiritus benigne cujus opus vita amor gratia contemplatio gloria cujus majestas ineffabilis potestas incomparabilis bonitas inaestimabilis Qui vivorum Dominus es simul mortuorum Te adoro te invoco toto cordis affectu nunc in seculum benedico Amen O Domine Jesu da vivis misericordiam gratiam da tuis regimen lucem perpetuam da Ecclesiae tuae veritatem pacem da mihi miserrimo peccatorum poenitentiam veniam Amen O Domine errantes oro corrige incredulos converte Ecclesiae fidem auge Haereses destrue Hostes versutos detege violentos impoenitentes contere per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Misericors Pater pro beneficiis quae mihi largiti sunt in terris Benefactores mei praemia aeterna consequantur in coelis Oro etiam ut cum his pro quibus oravi aut pro quibus orare teneor cum omni populo Dei introduci mihi detur in Regnum tuum ibi apparere in justitia satiari gloria per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O Lord consider my complaint for I am brought very low O Lord how long wilt thou be angry with thy servant that prayeth O Lord give me grace and repentance and thou canst not be angry with my prayer O Lord I am thine save me and deliver me not into the will of mine enemies especially my ghostly enemies O Lord I am thy servant thy unprofitable wastful servant yet thy servant O Lord set my accounts right before thee and pardon all my mis-spendings mis-reckonings O Lord I am thy son thy most unkind prodigal run-away son yet thy son O Lord though I have not retained the love and duty of a son yet do not thou cast off I humbly beg it the kindness and compassion of a Father O Lord in thy grace I return to thee And though I have eaten draugh with all the unclean swine in the world in my hungry absence from thee yet now Lord upon my humble return to thee give me I beseech thee the bread of life the Body and Blood of my Saviour into my soul that I may be satisfied in thee and never more run away from thee even for Iesus Christ his sake that gave himself for me Amen Misericors Deus Creator omnium hominum qui nihil odisti eorum quae condidisti nec vis mortem peccatoris sed magis ut convertatur vivat Miserere omnium Iudaeorum Turcarum Infidelium Haereticorum Aufer ab iis ignorantiam duritiem cordis contemptum verbi tui reduc eos misericors Domine ad Gregem tuum ut serventur inter reliquias veri Israelis ut fiat unum Ovile unus Pastor Jesus Christus Dominus noster qui vivit regnat c. Amen Tanquam pro Tribunali tuo tremendo ubi nullus erit personarum respectus reum memet peragens ita hodie antequam praeveniat me dies judicii mei coram sancto tuo Altari prostratus coram te stupendis Angelis tuis a propria conscientia dejectus profero improbas nefarias cogitationes actiones meas Respice oro Domine humilitatem meam remitte omnia peccata mea quae multiplicata sunt super capillos capitis mei Quodnam enim est malum quod non designavi in anima mea quin multa nefanda opere perpetravi Reus enim sum ô Domine invidiae gulae c. Omnes sensus meos omnia membra mea pollui Sed incomparabilis est multitudo viscerum tuorum ineffabilis misericordia bonitatis tuae qua peccata mea toleras Quare ô Rex omni admiratione major O Domine longanimis misericordias tuas mirificato in me peccatore potentiam benignitatis tuae manifestato clementissimae propensionis tuae virtutem exerito me Prodigum revertentem suscipito per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O Lord God how I receive the Body and Blood of my most blessed Saviour Iesus Christ the price of my Redemption is the very wonder of my soul yet my most firm and constant belief upon the words of my Saviour At this time they are graciously tenderd to me and my faith Lord make me a worthy receiver and be it unto me as he hath said Amen Lord I have received this Sacrament of the Body and Blood of my dear Saviour His mercy hath given it and my faith received it into my soul. I humbly beseech thee speak mercy and peace unto my Conscience and enrich me with all those graces which come from that precious Body and Blood even till I be possessed of Eternal life in Christ. Amen O qui sursum Patri assides hic nobiscum invisibiliter versaris venito sanctificato praesentia haec dona eos item pro quibus eos per quos ea propter quae offeruntur Amen Pro Duce Buckinghamiae GRacious Father I humbly beseech thee bless the Duke of Buckingham with all spiritual and temporal blessings but especially spiritual Make and continue him faithful to his Prince serviceable to his Country devout in thy Truth and Church a most happy Husband and a blessed Father filled with the constant love and honour of his Prince that all thy blessings may flow upon himself and his posterity after him Continue him a true-hearted friend to me thy poor servant whom thou hast honoured in his eyes Make my heart religious dutiful to thee and in and under thee true and secret and stout and provident in all things which he shall be pleased to commit unto me Even so Lord and make him continually to serve thee that thou mayest bless him through Iesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour Amen O most merciful God and gracious Father the Prince hath put himself to a great Adventure I humbly beseech thee make a clear way before him Give thine Angels charge over him be with him thy self in mercy power and protection in every step of his journey in every moment of his time in every consultation and address for action till thou bring him back with safety honour and contentment to do thee service in this place Bless his most trusty and faithful Servant the Lord Duke of Buckingham that he may be diligent in service provident in business wise and happy in
tua laudabo glorificabo te per omnes dies vitae meae Tu enim es Deus poenitentium Salvator peccantium Tibi gloria per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Anniversaria O Eternal God and merciful Father with whom do rest the souls of them that die in thy faith and favour Have mercy upon me and grant that my life may be a preparation to die and my death an entrance to life with thee As upon this day it pleased thee to take my dear Father to thy mercy whe● I was yet young O Lord he was 〈◊〉 servant thy meek humble fai●hful servant and I assure my self he is in rest and light and blessedness Lord while I am here behind in my pilgrimage showre down thy grace upon me Thou hast been more then a Father to me thou hast not suffered me to want a Father no not when thou hadst taken him from me O be pleased to be a Father still and by thy grace to keep me within the bounds of a Sons obedience Thou hast given me temporal blessings beyond desert or hope O be graciously pleased to heap spiritual blessings on me that I may grow in faith obedience and thankfulness to thee that I may make it my joy to perform duty to thee And after my painful life ended bring me I beseech thee to thy joyes to thy glory to thy self that I and my Parents with all thy Saints and Servants departed this life may meet in a blessed glorious resurrection ever to sing praises and honour to thee in and through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Deus meus respice servum tuum miserere mei secundum viscera misericordiae tuae Scandalum ecce factus sum Nomini tuo dum ambitioni meae aliorum peccatis servio Quin hoc licet aliorum suasu oblatrante tamen Conscientia perpetravi Obsecro Domine per misericordias Jesu ne intres in judicium cum servo tuo sed exaudi sanguinem ejus pro me perorantem nec hoc Conjugium sit animae meae Divortium a sinu tuo O quanto satius f●isset si vel hujus diei satis memor Martyrium cum Proto-martyre tuo potius perpessus essem negando quod urgebant aut non satis fidi aut non satis pii amici mei Pollicitus sum mihi tenebras peccato huic sed ecce statim evolavit nec lux magis aperta quam ego qui feci Ita voluisti Domine prae nimia misericordia tua implere ignominia faciem meam ut discerem quaerere Nomen tuum O Domine quam gravis adhuc est memoria peccati hujus etiam hodie etiam p●st tot toties repetitas preces a tristi confusa anima mea coram te profusas O Domine miserere exaudi preces depressi humiliati valde servi tui Parce Domine et remitte peccata quae peccatum hoc induxerunt sequuta sunt Nam confiteor Domine iterum eodem die revolventis anni nec satis adhuc cautus aut satis humilis factus in aliud grave peccatum incidi lapidatus iterum non pro sed a peccato Nunc plene suscita me Domine ne moriar ultra in peccatis meis sed des ut vivam vivens gaudeam in te per merita miserationes Jesu Christi Salvatoris nostri Amen O merciful God thou hast shewed me much mercy and done great things for me and as I was returning instead of thankfulness I wandred out of my way from thee into a foul and a strange path There thou madest me see both my folly my weakness Lord make me ever see them ever sorry for them O Lord for my Saviours sake forgive me the folly and strengthen me against the weakness for ever Lord forgive all my sins and this and make me by thy grace thy most true humble and faithful servant all the daies of my life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O misericors Pater quo me vertam Qui exeundo revertendo peccavi contra te Abii cum Prodigo p●●digus in longinquam regionem Dissipavi substantiam meam tuam luxuriose Ibi primum sensi omnia consumpta me dignum non meliori quam porcorum consortio Nec tamen aut vita illa immunda aut fames gratiae de reditu ad meliorem frugem vel cogitare fecit Reversum jam ab itinere infausto ecce judicia tua Domine insequuntur me Ignis corripit tecta sub quibus sum vidit enim Deus nec multum distulit sed ignis accensus est in Jacob ira ascendit in Israel Et scelera non dubito mea conflagrationem Collegio minitabantur mihi Nam dum igni extinguendo intentior sum parum abfuit quin ab igne extinguerer Quam ecce misericordia tua Domine vix sine miraculo me flammis ●●puit Nam dum amica manus astantis me vi quadam amovit eodem instanti ex eodem loco ubi pedem figere decrevi prorupit inclusus ignis in flammas subsidunt gradus ego st ibi invenisset incendium una periissem O peccata mea nunquam satis deflenda O misericordia tua Domine nunquam satis praedicanda O poenitentia nunquam mihi magis necessaria O gratia tua Domine humillime jugiter imploranda Surgo ô Domine Pater ecce venio lento quidem instabili gressu sed venio confiteor peccavi enim in coelum contra te nec dignus sum vocarifilius tuus Sim ô Domine quid vis modo tuus Ablue peccata mea in sanguine Filii tui ut sim tuus Et concede obsecro ut sicut tum terror ita quotidie memoria ignis hujus exurat faeces omnes reliquias peccatorum meorum ut me cautiorē factum melior ignis charitatis devotionis in amorem tui in odium peccati accendat per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O Domine misericors glorificetur beatissimum nomen tuum Ecce enim ego dum pro Officio Regem sequor tui humanorum casuum immemor mihi praefidens infausto in via saltu in terram infidam incidi Tendonem fregi Levatus in curtum Hamptoniam perveni Cruciatus talis fuit qualem nervi sentire solent Et certe in febrem ferventiorem ipse angor conjecisset nisi ingens defluxus sanguinis me ab illo metu liberasset Magna infirmitate laboravi et fere per biennium claudus incessi Infirmitatem aliquam adhuc sentio sed gratiae immortales tibi O beatissima Trinitas usum satis perfectum Crurium dedisti mihi confirmasti praeter omnium expectationem gressus meos Dirigas nunc eos O Domine in viis mandatorum tuorum ut nunquam vel inter te falsum cultum vel inter te mundum claudicem sed recta pergam
viam testimoniorum tuorum curram quum dilatasti cor meum Oro itaque ne differas vel dilatationem cordis vel confirmationem pedum in semitis justificationum tuarum per propter Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O Eternal God and my most merciful Father as this day the fury of the enraged multitude was fierce upon me and my house to destroy me and to pillage it it pleased thee in mercy to preserve both and bring some of them to shame and punishment I have sinned many ways against thee O Lord and this was a loud call of thine and a merciful to bring me to repentance which I beseech thee give me grace to hear and obey But what I have done to hurt or offend them that should stir up this rage against me I know not Lord in thy mercy look down upon me fill my heart with thankfulness for this great deliverance and suffer me not to forget it or the Examination which I took of my self upon it And as for them and their like let them not have their desire O Lord let not their mischievous imaginations prosper against me nor their fury lay hold upon me lest they be too proud and lest I end my wearie days in misery Yet forgive them O Lord for they know not why they did it And according to thy wonted mercy preserve me to serve thee and let the same watchful Protection which now defended me guard me through the remainder of my life And this for thine own goodness sake and the merits of my Saviour Iesus Christ. Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father I humbly beseech thee look down upon me in this time of my great and grievous affliction Lord if it be thy blessed will make mine Innocency appear and free both me and my Profession from all scandal thus raised on me And howsoever if thou be pleased to trie me to the uttermost I humbly beseech thee give me full patience proportionable comfort contentment with whatsoever thou sendest and an heart ready to die for thy Honour the Kings Happiness and this Churches Preservation And my zeal to these is all the sin humane frailty excepted which is yet known to me in this particular for which I thus suffer Lord look upon me in mercy and for the merits of Iesus Christ pardon all my sins many and great which have drawn down this Judgment upon me and then in all things do with me as seems best in thine own eyes and make me not only patient under but thankful for whatsoever thou dost O Lord my strength and my Redeemer Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father after long imprisonment I am now at last called to answer I most humbly ●eseech thee to strengthen me through this Tryal to preserve the patience with which thou hast hitherto blessed me through this affliction Suffer no course language or other provocation to make me speak or do any thing that may mis-become my person mine age my calling or my present condition And Lord I beseech thee make me able to clear to the world that Innocency which is in my heart concerning this Charge laid against me Grant this O Lord for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O merciful Lord I have had a long and a tedious Tryal And I give thee humble and hearty thanks for the wonderful strength that I have received from thee in the bearing up of my weakness Lord continue all thy mercies towards me for the storm gathers and grows black upon me and what it threatens is best known to thee After a long Tryal I am called to answer in the House of Commons and that not to Evidence but to one single man's report of Evidence and that made without Oath What this may produce in present or in future thou knowest also O Lord furnish me with patience and true Christian wisdom and courage to bear up against this drift and send not out thy storms to beat upon me also but look comfortably upon me to my End in and through the merits of Iesus Christ my Lord and only Saviour Amen Prayers added since the restoring of this Book to me which was taken from me in a search by Mr. Prinne May 31. 1643 and with much difficulty restored unto me Nov. 6. 1644. O Domine ad Adventum tuum secundum paratus sim ne talem me non invenias qualem voluisti invenire qui omnia pro me passus es ut invenires talem cui non supplicia inferres sed praemia redderes sempiterna Amen O Domine cum Christi adjutorio sic agere studeam ut te tam pium Dominum non solum hospitem recipere possim sed etiam perpetuum habitatorem habeam per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O AEterne Deus auxilium tuum imploro ut veram discretionem et perfectam charitatem praestare mihi pro tua pietate digneris cui est gloria imperium cum Patre Spiritu Sancto in secula seculorum Amen O Domine misericors qui tanta mihi beneficia concessisti des insuper mihi cum omni humilitate fidem rectam tenere charitatem integram cum omnibus hominibus conservare mundo corde casto corpore tibi Domino meo servire usque ad finem vitae serio laborem ut post labores desiderabilem illam vocem audire possim Euge serve bone intra in gaudium Domini tui Amen Meditationes praeparantes ad Mortem O Lord quicken and comfort my soul for I have sinned against thee Lord I call to mind all the years of my life past in the bitterness of my soul for my sin My misdeeds have prevailed against me O be thou merciful unto my sin O for thy Names sake be merciful unto my sin for it is great Amen Namely and especially O Lord be merciful unto me c. Herein O Lord be merciful unto thy servant O Lord lay not these nor the rest unto my charge O let the depth of my sin call up the depth of thy mercies of thy grace Lord let it come that where my sin hath abounded grace may supe●abound Lord I believe help thou my unbelief O Lord though thou kill me yet will I put my trust in thee Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death yet will I fear no evil For I hope verily to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living O let this Cup pass from me nevertheless if it may not pass from me but that I must drink of it thy will be done Thou art the Lord do what seemeth good in thine own eyes For I will take it as the Cup of Salvation and give thanks to thy Name O Lord. O Lord grant that all the dayes of my appointed time upon earth I may wait when my Changing shall come O that thou wouldst hide me in the grave and keep me secret until thy wrath be past and appoint
prospere perveniam demum incolumis ad propria redeam per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Exaudi Domine supplicationes meas viam famuli tui dispone ut inter omnes vitae viae hujus varietates tuo semper protegar auxilio per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O Domine salvum me fac servum tuum sperantem in te Mitte mihi auxilium de Sancto de Sion tuere me Esto mihi turris fortitudinis a facie Inimici Nihil proficiat Inimicus in me filius iniquitatis non opponat nocere mihi O prosperum iter faciat mihi Deus salutarium nostrorum Domine exaudi orationem meam clamor meus ad te veniat per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen At the laying of the first Stone of a Chappel O Lord merciful and gracious this thy People are preparing to build a place for thy Service Accept I humbly beseech thee their present Devotion and make them perfect both in their present and future duty that while thou givest them ease to honour thee they may with the greater alacrity go on in thy Service And now O Lord I have by thy mercy and goodness put to my hand to lay the first stone in this Building 't is a Corner-stone make it I beseech thee a happy Foundation a durable Building Let it rise up and be made and continue a House of Prayer and Devotion through all ages that thy People may here be taught to believe in Iesus Christ the true Corner-stone upon whom they and their souls may be built safe for ever Grant this for the merit of the same Iesus Christ our most blessed Lord and Saviour To whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit be ascribed all Power Majesty and Dominion this day and for ever Amen Prayers upon sundry Publick Occasions MOst gracious God we humbly beseech thee as for this Kingdom in general so especially for the High Court of Parliament under our most Religious and Gracious King at this time assembled that thou wouldest be pleased to bless and direct all their Consultations to the preservation of thy Glory the good of thy Church the safety honour and welfare of our Soveraign and his Kingdomes Lord look upon the humility and devotion with which they are come into thy Courts And they are come into thy House in assured confidence upon the merits and mercies of Christ our blessed Saviour that thou wilt not deny them the grace and favour which they beg of thee Therefore O Lord bless them with that wisdom which thou knowest necessary to speed and bring great designes into action and to make the maturity of his Majesties and their Counsels the happiness and the blessing of this Common-wealth These and all other necessaries for them for us and thy whole Church we humbly beg in the Name and Mediation of Iesus Christ our most blessed Lord and Saviour Amen O Eternal God and our most gracious Father thou art the Lord of Hosts and the strength of all Nations is from thee If thou keepest not the City the Watchman waketh but in vain And no Victory can wait upon the justest Designs upon the wisest Counsels upon the strongest Armies if thou teach not their hands to warre and their fingers to fight Thou art the steady hope of all the ends of the earth and of them which go and remain in the broad sea Lord at this time we need thy more special Assistance both by Land and Sea and ●or the mercy of Christ deny us neither Be with our Armies and the Armies of our Allies and Associates by Land be with our Navy at Sea Be not from the one nor from the other in power and in great mercy until thou hast brought them back with honour and a setled Peace Lord turn our Enemies sword into their own bosome For we sought Peace and ensued it and while we did so they did more then make themselves ready to battel We are thy servants truly and heartily sorry for our sins Lord forgive them and then we will trust upon thee that thou wilt pour down all thy blessings upon this all other designes and actions of this State undertaken for thy glory the honour of our most gracious King CHARLES and the peace and welfare of this Church and Common-wealth Grant this we humbly beseech thee for Iesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Advocate Amen Most gracious God we humbly beseech thee pardon and forgive all our many great and grievous transgressions We may not hope thou wilt take off thy punishments until thou hast forgiven our sins We may not think thou wilt forgive our sins until our humiliation and repentance come to ask forgiveness We have been too slow to come and now thou hast apparell'd thy Mercy in Justice to force us to thee Lord we believe but do thou increase our Faith our Devotion our Repentance and all Christian Vertues in us At this time the viols of thy heavy displeasure drop down upon us and while we smart under one Judgment thou threatnest the rest The Pestilence spreads in our Streets and so as if it sought whom to devour No strength is able to stand against it and it threatens to make Families nay Cities desolate While the Pestilence eats up thy People we hear the sound of War and the Sword calleth for such as it would devour In the mean time the heavens are black over us and the clouds drop leaneness and it will be Famine to swallow what the Pestilence and the Sword shall leave alive unless thou send more seasonable weather to give the fruits of the earth in their season Our sins have deserved all this and more and we neither do nor can deny it We have no whither to go but to mercy We have no way to that but by the Alsufficient merit of thy Son our blessed Saviour Lord for his merit and mercies sake look down upon us thy distressed servants Command thine Angel to stay his hand and remember that in death we cannot praise thee nor give thanks in the pit Go forth with our Armies when they go and make us remember that all our strength and deliverance is in thee Clear up the Heavens over us and take not from us the great plenty with which thou hast crowned the Earth but remember us O thou that feedest the Ravens when they call upon thee Lord we need all thy mercies to come upon us and thy mercies are altogether in Christ in whom and for whose sake we beg them of thee who livest and reignest in the unity of the Spirit one God world without end Amen O Eternal God and most merciful Father we humbly beseech thee be merciful unto us and be near to help us in all those extremities which our sins threaten to bring upon us Our Enemies are strengthened against us by our multiplied Rebellions against thee And we deserve to suffer whatever our
own heads and perhaps upon the Cities also And this hath been lately practised against my self the Magistrates standing still and suffering them openly to proceed from Parish to Parish without check God forgive the setters of this withall my heart I beg it but many well-meaning people are caught by it In S. Stephens case when nothing else would serve they stirred up the people against him Act. 6. 12. And Herod went the same way when he had killed S. Iames yet he would not venture upon S. Peter till he found how the other pleased the people Acts 12. 3. But take heed of having your hands full of blood Esai 1. 15. For there is a time best known to himself when God above other sins makes Inquisition for blood And when that Inquisition is on foot the Psalmist tells us Psal. 9. 12. that God remembers but that 's not all he remembers and forgets not the complaint of the poor i. e. whose blood is shed by Oppression ver 9. Take heed of this 'T is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God Heb. 12. but then especially when he is making Inquisition for blood And with my prayers to avert it I do heartily desire this City to remember the Prophecy that is expressed Ierem. 26. 15. 3. The third particular is the poor Church of England It hath flourished and been a shelter to other neighbouring Churches when storms have driven upon them But alas now it is in a storm it self and God only knows whether or how it shall get out And which is worse then a storm from without it is become like an Oak cleft to shivers with wedges made out of its own body And at every cleft profaneness and irreligion is entring in While as Prosper speaks men that introduce profaneness are cloaked over with the name Religionis Imaginariae of Imaginary Religion for we have lost the Substance and dwell too much in Opinion And that Church which all the Jesuits machinations could not ruine is fallen into danger by her own 4. The last particular for I I am not willing to be too long is my self I was born and baptized in the bosome of the Church of England established by Law In that Profession I have ever since lived and in that I come now to die What clamours and slanders I have endured for labouring to keep an Uniformity in the external Service of God according to the Doctrine and Discipline of this Church all men know and I have abundantly felt Now at last I am accused of High-treason in Parliament a crime which my soul ever abhorred This Treason was charged to consist of two parts An endeavour to subvert the Laws of the Land and a like endeavour to overthrow the true Protestant Religion established by Law Besides my answers to the several Charges I Protested mine innocency in both Houses It was said Prisoners Protestations at the Barre must not be taken I must therefore come now to it upon my death being instantly to give God an account for the truth of it I do therefore here in the presence of God and his holy Angels take it upon my death that I never endeavoured the Subversion either of Law or Religion And I desire you all to remember this Protest of mine for my innocency in this and from all Treasons whatsoever I have been accused likewise as an Enemy to Parliaments No I understand them and the benefit that comes by them too well to be so But I did dislike the misgovernments of some Parliaments many wayes and I had good reason for it for Corruptio optimi est pessima And that being the highest Court over which no other hath jurisdiction when 't is misinformed or misgoverned the Subject is left without all remedy But I have done I forgive all the world all and every of those bitter Enemies which have persecuted me and humbly desire to be forgiven of God first and then of every man And so I heartily desire you to joyn in prayer with me O Eternal God and merciful Father look down upon me in mercy in the riches and fulness of all thy mercies Look upon me but not till thou hast nailed my sins to the Cross of Christ not till thou hast bathed me in the blood of Christ not till I have hid my self in the wounds of Christ that so the punishment due unto my sins may pass over me And since thou art pleased to trie me to the uttermost I most humbly beseech thee give me now in this great Instant full patience proportionable comfort and a heart ready to die for thine honour the Kings happiness and this Churches preservation And my zeal to these far from arrogancy be it spoken is all the sin humane frailty excepted and all incidents thereto which is yet known to me in this particular for which I come now to suffer I say in this particular of Treason But otherwise my sins are many and great Lord pardon them all and those especially what ever they are which have drawn down this present judgment upon me And when thou hast given me strength to bear it do with me as seems best in thine own eyes Amen And that there may be a stop of this issue of blood in this more then miserable Kingdom O Lord I beseech thee give grace of repentance to all Blood-thirsty people But if they will not repent O Lord confound all their devices defeat and frustrate all their designes and endeavours upon them which are or shall be contrary to the glory of thy great Name the truth and sincerity of Religion the establishment of the King and his posterity after him in their just Rights and Priviledges the honour and conservation of Parliaments in their just power the preservation of this poor Church in her Truth Peace and Patrimony and the settlement of this distracted and distressed People under their Ancient Laws and in their native Liberties And when thou hast done all this in meer mercy for them O Lord fill their hearts with thankfulness and with Religious dutiful obedience to thee and thy Commandments all their dayes So Amen Lord Iesu Amen And receive my soul into thy bosom Amen Our Father which art in heaven c. The Lord Archbishop's Prayer as he kneeled by the Block LOrd I am coming as fast as I can I know I must pass through the shadow of death before I can come to see thee But it is but Umbra mortis a meer shadow of death a little darkness upon nature but thou by thy Merits and Passion hast broke through the jaws of death So Lord receive my soul and have mercy upon me and bless this Kingdome with peace and plenty and with brotherly love and charity that there may not be this effusion of Christian bloud amongst them for Iesus Christ his sake if it be thy will Then he layd his head upon the Block and after he had prayed to himself said aloud Lord receive my Soul