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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20304 XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; T. N., fl. 1577. 1577 (1577) STC 6727; ESTC S114746 295,005 510

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vaine deuices because they would not enter into the rest promised them but had more desire to returne to the heauie laboure and bondage of Aegypt This madnes of the people the Lorde is angrie with as a louing Father that had care ouer them So if we wil haue holie anger let it be free from all hatred and reuenge and arise onlie for the profite and well doing of our brethren Thus we read our sauiour Christ was angrie when he sawe the frowardnesse of the Iewes who by no admonitions would be made wiser Thus Paul prouoketh Timothie to anger when he saith Reproue and sharplie rebuke men that they do not turne away from the trueth So S. Iude biddeth vs all if we fall into companie with froward men To saue them with feare as if we would soudenly pluck them out of fier Thus if wee can haue our affections moued we are holily angrie for the end of our doing is the profite of our brother Thus you that be maisters may be angrie with your seruants God requireth of them faithful labour no eye seruice as seeking to please men but in singlenes of heart to doe their dutie to him vnder whome God hath placed them and in this account euery seruant must appere before god If thou seeing thy seruant disobedient or slouthfull hast this respect to be grieued with him because hee offended God thine anger is a blessed anger and if thou chyde sharply with thy seruaunt thy loue is more acceptable before God but if all thy anger bee for thine owne cause for thy meate thy drink thine apparell thy hawke thy ●…ound if thou haue none other respect thy seruant hath done very ●…l in being carelesse for his maisters busines and thou hast done much woors●…e who for a trifle canst be angrie with thy brother but if the other be thy greatest care that thy seruant should knowe God and doe the duetie which he requireth at his hand then art thou blessed in thine anger and thy ●…luding woordes are as a sweete oyntment as Dauid saith that shall not breake his head In the wordes following Was it not with those that sinned whose bodies fel in the wildernesse The Apostle here sheweth first why God was angrie with them then what punishment he laid vpon them the cause of his anger was their sinne wherin we see there is no calamitie commeth to the wicked but for their sinne and all the chasticements of God which come vpon them are to admonish them of their euill that they might turne vnto the Lord so when the sinnes of Israel were high desperate and past hope of amendment the Lord sayth He wil melt them trie them for what should he do else for the daughter of my people noting this to be the extreme remedie by which if wee be not healed wee must dye in our euill diseases So long before when their fathers were as ●…uil had all fallen away from God were not amended by punishment the Lord sayth by his prophet Wherfore should you be smitten any more seeing you fall away more and more shewing expresly this cause of their plagues that they should haue turned from their sinnes Let this be a greate comforte vnto euerie one whose sinnes accuse him that he is not smitten of the Lorde but for his amendement let him not faint because the hand of God is heauie vp on him but let him reioyce because the mercie of God is offered largely vnto him for therefore he is punished that he should repent A singular example we haue of this in Man uses y king of Iudah who had set vp al abhominations and multiplied offences without number but when he was bowed downe with many yron bands and the king of Ashur ●…aid him in painefull imprisonment where he could not lift vp his head then he remembred the Lorde God of his fathers who saued not onely Abraham and Isaake and Iacob and their righteous seede but in his greate mercies receiued sinners into fauour againe and therefore in his tribulation he humbled him selfe exceedingly and came before God to aske forgiuenesse for all his sinnes whiche were more in number then the sandes of the sea and the Lord was intreated of him and forgaue all his offences So Saint Paule in al his hatred and enuious persecutions when he was strucken downe he despaired not but with a good heart which God gaue vnto him he cryed with trembling and with feare Lord what wilt thou that I should die These examples are set out vnto vs which be so great sinners that we should not despaire in our afflictions but turne vnto the lord who offereth mercie vnto vs for our sinnes be they neuer so great yet the righteousnes of our sauiour Christ is greater let vs onely beleeue and they are abolished Nowe as we knowe the afflictions of the wicked are for their sinnes and that when they be chasticed they be called to repentance so also we must remember that many occasions are why God somtime chasticeth his sainctes though their sinnes are all forgiuen and forgotten for besides this that we should turne vnto the Lorde many other benefites are also in our troubles for in them our faith is tried that it is accepted of God and therefore Peter calleth affliction y triall of our faith for though we ought all to haue a ful purpose in wealth wo to cleaue vnto the Lorde yet experience bringeth boldnesse that our faith in deede is strong and fayleth not We trust that we would not forgett God in the day of prosperitie but the prince and noble man who are full of peace they knowe whether their heartes be knitt vnto God in loue and obedience which all honour and glorie cannot shake We trust we would not murmur in aduersitie but Iob and Lazarus and men so farre oppressed with miserie they know how strong their hope is to endure the crosse We may reioyce in the persuasion of our minde and our faith that feareth not at the remembrance of the euill day is wel pleasing before God but they may glorie more in the triall of their worke who haue had experience of euil and fainted not and they may more boldely sing the song of victorie that they glorie in affliction knowing that affliction hath wrought patience patience experience experience hope and their hope shal neuer be confounded This I adde that we might knowe though afflictions be to the amendement of our sinnes yet alwayes the Lord respecteth not this but by afflictions doth giue vs greater glorie and therefore let vs not faint in them nor be discouraged The second thing I saide we shoulde marke in this verse is what punishment God brought vpon them that is that their bodies fel in the wildernesse this punishment Sainct Paule also expressly noteth in the tenth of the first to the Corinthians therefore is well to be wayed of vs ▪ whiche so oft is set ou●… vnto
are spoken of thee thou Citie of God. There is neither Sunne nor Moone sea nor land golde nor siluer meate nor drinke no elementes of the worlde no obseruations of Moses lawe no traditions of men that is ouer man but man ruleth all and all is vnder his feete Here streight way bothe Iewe Gentile saith These be in deed golden promises but where are these honourable personages you speake of Are not we as our fathers were and doth not death deuour vs To this the Apostle aunswereth I graunt we do not yet see with our eyes how these thinges are but I say againe our eyes are no iudges in this case The glorie is not earthly and the kingdom is not of this world wherof we speak but the riches spirituall and of the spirituall man they are discerned Know thy selfe y by saith thou art Christs and he thine that he died for thee and thou liuest by him that thou art fleshe of his fleshe bone of his bone a member of his bodie and what soeuer is his is thine haue this faith and now come and see and thou shalt see all the glorie of the worlde lesse then the glorie of suche a man for thou seest Christe humbled in deede once that he might suffer death but euen then when he was in the shape of a seruaunt thou sawest him full of grace trueth euen as the onely begotten sonne of God thou sawest him soft of speache but of merucilous wisedome plaine in teaching but full of grace and power simple in countenaunce but of an inuincible courage of lowe degree but of excellent power of no account among men but great in miracles at which man was astonished Thus thou hast seene Christ euen when he was lowest highly exalted that thou hast no good cause to reason against thy dignitie though thine eye see not euen in this time all things subiect vnto thee but see further into our Sauiour Christ and thou shalt see more of thine owne honour Thou haste seene him in thy fleash raysed from the dead and in thy nature ascended into Heauen that man in his person might be crowned with glorie and honour we haue seene him carrie our fleash into the presēce of God his father and it is no more possible to take this glorie from vs as many as bee one with him then it is possible to pul away againe his personal humanitie from the person of his godhead This I see in Christ and know it in my selfe And what though yet a while the outward man be grieued Thou foole that which thou sowest it reuiueth not againe except it first dye a litle corne of wheate it can not haue vertue to becōe thirtie fourtie times better then it was beeing multiplied to so many all as good as it selfe bringing beside fruitfull increase of strawe and chaffe except it firste bee cast in the ground dye And how shouldest thou haue a change but if thou be first corrupt And how much art thou better then a graine of corne y thou mightest surely know whē through corruptiō thou shalt come into incorruption that thy glorie shal be then vnspekable althings shall serue thee to make thy life infinitely blessed more then it is Thy hope now if thou couldst inlarge it a thousand folde yet it shuld be greter thē thou cāst imagine thy faith if it could comprehend more assurance of immortalitie then y eye doth surely of y light of the sunne yet y shalt finde y fruite of it aboue al thy thoughts This thou seest if thou see Christe and this thou knowest to be thine if thou know thy self to be one with him And for thy sinns howsoeuer they cleaue vnto thy bones hate them as thou hatest hell for from thence they are and the diuel worketh them but care not for them for though they were heauie in weight and manie in number what then thou haste thy hope not in thine owne person but in the bodie of Christ into which thou art graffed and in which there is no ▪ spott nor blemish but perfecte righteousnesse euen before God and in him as all other things so sinne also is putt vnder thy feete and thou art ruler ouer●…t And thus farr of the doctrine of the Apostle heere taught vs in this his Exhortation Nowe let vs returne to his other purpose howe he teacheth the humanitie of our Sauiour Christe the first reason whereof is in these wordes That hee might tast of death for all For as to the end he might suffer death it was necessarie he should be humbled because death else could not come into his presence so suffering death that man might bee deliuered by that death it was necessarie that hee him selfe should be man for so were the iust iudgements of God he gaue man a lawe pronounced a curse to him that brake it therfore whē we had all trespassed we were fallen into the punishment of our sinne for y threatnings of God are not as the words of a man that can alter or by some intercession that they can be mitigated but with God there is no change nor shadow of change that whiche with him is once purposed was euer decreed and his words are not weake but what he hath threatened if we fal into his hands all the creatures of the worlde haue no helpe for thee So that this beeing decreed of God Cursed is he that abideth not in all things written in this booke all people must nedes say Amen And The soule that sinneth must nedes dye redemption from this there is none to be loked for but by suffering of it for y Lord had spoken it must be done so our Sauiour Christ sith he would deliuer vs he must be made man like vnto vs and in our nature dye the death Our sinnes are not imputed vnto vs but they were imputed vnto him The punishment of them is forgiuen vs but it was not forgiuen him Righteousnesse is freely giuen vs but it was not freely giuen him He obeyed the lawe of his father euery iot and euery title that he might fulfill all righteousnesse He bare the condemnation of hell and death that he might abolish it He tooke vppon him the guiltinesse of our sinnes and bare them in his owne bodie y he might nay le them vpon his crosse Whē it pleased God our heauenlie father of his greate mercie to accept the obedience of his lawe for our perfecte righteousnesse and to giue vnto it the recompence of eternall life and when it pleased God to accept this for a full punishment of all the sinnes of man if any man could bee found to beare it before God and ouercome it our Sauiour Christ craued no more but this the residue he perfourmed all in his owne bodie and by his eternall spirite ouercame it so that in him is life in him is righteousnes in him is immortalitie in him is the reconciled good wil of God and that excellent wisdōe
God God dwelleth in him and he in god And who soeuer he be that for any seare of man or for any cause maketh it not knowen that thus he beleueth or wil not professe his fayth the scripture testifieth against the thoughts of his heart and sayth plainlie He loueth the glorie of man more thē the glorie of god Let vs not be guiltie of so great sinne for this cause the calling of the Gentiles was so greatly magnified because the name of God should be greate from one end of the earth to the other Howe doe we holde our peace if wee be called in this couenant and not onelie so but what creature is there whiche is his dumbe nature sheweth not out the prayse of his Creatour The Heauens declare the glorie of GOD and the firmament sheweth his hand●…e woorke howe should then man of whome GOD hath bene esspecially mindful ty his toung so excellent a member of his bodie not with it speake forth y praise of God and make the world his witnes what faith he hathe in Christe But of this I spake before in the eleuenth lecture and vpon the twelfth verse Nowe let vs pray c. The thirteenth Lecture vpon the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. verses to these wordes whose house c. 2 Who was faithful to him that hath ppointed him euen as Moses was in all his house 3 For this man is counted worthie of more glorie thē Moses in as much as he which hath builded the house hath more honour then the house 4 For euerie house is builded of some man he that hath built al things is God. 5 Now Moses verily was faithful in al his house as a seruant for a witnesse of the things which should be spoken after 6 But Christ is as the Sonne ouer his owne house c. I Tolde you the Apostle in this Chapter beginneth a speciall discourse of the prophesie of Christ first as you haue heard making an earnest exhortation for vs to hearken vnto him Nowe he goeth forwarde and teacheth what maner of Prophet Christ is and howe we ought to account him First that he was ordeined of God next that he was faithfull in his calling for he saith He was faithful to him that appointed him for in that the sonne of god was as we haue hard thus made man this was gods appointment to make him our Prophet and in that he was appointed of God he is set forth with his warrant that he did not glorifie him selfe to be our prophet but his father gaue him this honour by his glorious voice sounding out of the cloude This is my beloued sonne in whome I am wel pleased heare him and let vs take heede not to refuse or despise him that is thus sent of God and speaketh from Heauen least we should be found to striue against god And here that it is saide God appointed him wee see the roote and founteine of this loue that Christ should come a sauiour among vs It was not onely in the person of the Sonne who gaue his life for his sheepe but it was also in the person of the Father who so loued the worlde that Hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that euerie one which beleeueth should not perish but haue life euerlasting So that we know as the worke instrument of our saluation is in Iesu Christ God and man who was crucified for our sinnes so the first cause is in God the Father who according to his owne purpose and will hath predestinated vs in Christ before the foundations of the worlde were laide that we should be vessels of honour to set foorth the praise of his glorie who had mercie vpon vs. And as we must giue vnto our Sauiour Christe the glorie of our redemption in the sacrifice of his bodie or else we denie him to be the Sonne of God so we must giue vnto the Father the praise of his mercie that hath freelie loued vs and predestinated vs eternallie vnto life or else we denie that he is the Father of our Lord Iesu Christ for as this is our profession that Christ hath done the deede so this is our profession that God the Father hath appointed him vnto it And as the Apostle speaketh here that God appointed him to be our Prophet so our Sauiour Christ euer acknowledgeth that he was sent of his Father The second thing here witnessed of Christ and in which we are assured he is our onelie prophet we are prouoked to hearkē vnto him is that He was faithful in all the house of God This faithfulnes is truth and integritie in discharge of this office committed to him wherein he set all his care and industrie that he might be found faultlesse that like as he was sent of God to be a Prophet to reueale his will so he did faithfully perfourme it teaching only the doctrine ordinances of his Father as in many places Christ testifieth this faith in his doing My doctrine saith he is not mine but his that sent me Againe I doe nothing of my selfe but as my father hath taught me so I speake And again The words that thou hast giuē me I haue giuen thē How diligently then ought we to heare such a Prophet as hath so faithfully spoken And here we haue all a verie good lesson taught vs in the person of Christ to what calling so euer we be called of God in the same let vs be faithfull if wee be preachers faithfull preachers if we be princes faithful princes if we be iudges faithfull iudges if we be treasurers faithful treasurers if we be merchants faithful merchants what soeuer we bee faithfulnesse must bee our praise for as Saint Paule requireth of all Hee that hath an office let him be diligent in his office so hee giueth this as the prayse of all diligence It is required of euerie dispenser that he be found faithfull and euerie vnfaithfull seruant shal be condemned in his worke in the day that his accompt is called for for he that hath bene vnfaithful in things of this life which are fraile and fewe how can he thinke there shall euer be committed vnto him eternallthings and infinite in number And we must heere also marke that it is say de of Christe He was faithfull to him that called him that is to God for vnto God wee must make our accompt of euery worke It is true that Kinges make their vnder officers but the offices are all of God Kinges serue to appoint the persons in this ministerie of man but God alone appointeth them their work which is the ministerie of his iustice and the safetie of his people of which he also will aske an accompte and before him we doe all that we doe When Iosaphat King of Iudah appointed his iudges and officers he giueth them this charge Remember that now you execute not the iudgemēts of man but of the lord Ther fore in euery office thou bearest the image of
and all that vse companie only for worldly pleasure without regarde of swearing lying backbiting idle talke wantonnesse or what soeuer what gladnesse receiue other by their admonitions exhortations Or how can they say this sweete oyle is in their heartes Let no man deceiue him selfe God is not mocked Hee that is of Christ hath a care to bring other vnto Christe hee hateth the iniquitie of all men and giueth comforte to manie with the oyle of gladnesse of whiche hee hath receiued And thus farre of these verses Now let vs pray to god our heauenly father that we may be taught of his spirit that like as he in his vnspeakable wisdome and mercie hath giuen vnto vs his owne sonne to be a Sauiour to establish vnto him a perpetuall Kingdome that our libertie might bee defended with his strong hande and to make vs partakers of all his benefites by rulinge vs with his scepter of righteousnesse that is filling vs with a holie knowledge of his Gospell to loue righteousnesse to hate iniquitie and by giuing vs of his fulnesse that we should receiue grace for grace haue a hapie measure of the oyle of gladnes with which he was annoynted so according to these his great mercies towarde vs let vs pray and the Lorde graunt vs that wee may finde fauour in his sight to imbrace his sonne alone to follow his wayes to loue his trueth to set out his honour and to finishe our weary pilgrimage in his seruice to the profit of our brethren strengthening of our faith through Iesus Christe our onely Sauiour to whome with the father c. ¶ The fift Lecture vpon the 10. 11. 12. verses 10 And thou Lord in the beginning haste established the earth and the heauens are the works of thine hands 11 They shall perish but thou doest remaine and they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment 12 And as a vesture shalt thou folde them vp and they shall be chaunged but thou art the same and thy yeeres shall not faile THE Apostle goeth forward as before and heere addeth the fourth comparison in exalting Christe aboue Angels And hee maketh this comparison according to the title before giuen him that by him the worlde was made and it is this The sonne of God our Messias of whome we speake he made the worlde and ruleth it as he will and wil abolish it in the time appointed him selfe being vnchangeable in all his wayes which is a glorie farre aboue al that the scripture attributeth vnto angels Touching this scripture here alledged how it may be applied to Christ it is certeine that the Psalme according as the title is was a prayer of the afflicted Churche most like when it was in the captiuitie of Babylon bothe because of the great complaint of the singular miserie which they suffered because they in their prayer alledge the appointed time of deliuerance to bee come vpon them which was only of the captiuitie of Babylon to which God had appointed by his prophet Ieremie 70. yeres Now that captiuitie being a figure of our captiuitie vnder sathan the Prophets fortelling that deliuerie sawe also in spirite the deliuerie which we should al haue vnder christ And accordingly the spirite so spake in the Prophets that something was so proper to Christ figured as it must needes be referred to him and not applied to any figure And this is generall in all the expresse figures of our Sauiour Christe who so euer were the men or what soeuer were the blessings that GOD brought vppon his people because in Iesu Christe all his promises had their trueth and accomplishement therefore hee is some way so described that the people must needes be lead to acknowledge still the couenaunt which they had in him So in this captiuitie of Babylon the Prophet Ieremie foretelleth their deliuerie thus that they shal returne to serue God and Dauid their King Dauid beeing before dead And againe He would raise vp to Dauid a righteous braunch whome they should call the Lorde our righteousnesse which must needs be meant of the Messias whome they looked for to be the sonne of Dauid and expressely he noteth their returne into the fauour of GOD with the same wordes with which God maketh with vs his new testament in Iesu Christe that God wil be our God and we shal be his people He will forgiue their sinnes and iniquities they shal be all taught of god Euen so heere in this Psalme the prophet sore telling their returne from Babylon fore-seeth the redemption that is in Christ and breaketh out in complaint of his shorte life because he should not tarrie to see the day and to comfort him selfe againe speaketh out in spirite what ioy and gladnesse he sawe in Christ and how glorious a God he is and so vttereth the wordes here alledged And thou in the beginning O Lorde didst lay the foundations of the earth the workes of thy hands are the heauens c. And heere these words He laide the foundations of the earth and the Heauens are the work of his hands are spoken according to our infirmitie which knowe no buildings but by foundations nor can make any great workes without our hands otherwise it is certeine the earth hath no foundations nor no handes could make y heauens but al was made consisteth by the power of god Thus we haue heard what argument the Apostle heere vseth how this text is applied vnto Christ. Now touching the wordes where the Prophet saith And thou Lord the Apostle is a good expositor that this is spoken to the Sonne of God to whome he attributeth the original and cause of making the worlde A place most worthie to be diligently marked for it giueth clearely vnto Christ the fullnesse of the godhead according to the article of our crede I beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauē earth And all Arrians olde and newe which so long haue blasphemed the Sonne of God and made him but a seruant in the creation of the world because many times the Scripture sayth By him God made the world if they heare this spoken to that sonne And thou Lord in the beginning didst lay the foundations of the earthe they will ceasse to blaspheme and confesse he is God to be blessed for euer And where it is saide that God the Father by him made the world that phrase of speache diminisheth not his glorie but rather testifieth it more clearely For we haue saide before that Christ is the s●…ning brightnesse of the glorie of his father that is the person in the Deitie by whome onely the eternall wisedome of GOD could make his maiestie shine vpō any creature neither was it euer possible that any creature shonlde shewe forth the goodnesse of God but onely by the person of the sonne And therefore when the name of God or creation of the worlde is giuen vnto the Sonne as here we see we doe humbly confesse and adore
the vnitie of the Godhead that is really in him When it is attributed to the father as he that by his Sonne hath made all these things we acknowledge the properties of y persons the father dwelling in light which none cā approch vnto a founteine and head-spring of immortall glorie And the sonne the shining brightnes of that glorie by whome it is made knowen of men and Angels so when we say we belieue in God the Father Almightie who made the worlde we acknowledge the goodnesse and mercie by which the world was made originaly to dwel in the person of the Father when we say the worlde was made by the Sonne we acknowledge the wisdome of God by whiche the thing was wrought and the glorie of it imparted vnto vs to be in the person of the sonne as likewise wheresoeuer the holy Ghost is mentioned in this worke we acknowledge the vertue and power giuen to all creatures both for their continuance for the efficacie to be of the person of the holie Ghost and where the creation is attributed to all Father Sonne and holie Ghost we confesse the vnitie of the Godhead in the distinction of persons which now we see in faith and wherein we reioyce in hope which shal neuer be confounded but shal be made perfect when this mortalitie shall put on immortalitie and we shall see God as he is Where it is said further God laide the foundations of the earth and the heauens are the workes of his handes We must consider the creation of the world is thus attributed to God not onely because all things were made by him but because he hath so made them that they carrie a marke imprinted in them of the power and Godhead of the Creator Thus he meaneth when he sayeth the Heauens are the workes of thy handes Euen as the Prophet sayeth The heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament sheweth his hand●…e worke Day vnto day vttereth speache and night vnto night openeth knowledge And heere we must learne according as the works of God are thus before vs so to beholde them and take the pleasure of thē that we giue glorie to God in all that he hath done When I see the heauens I must see his greatnesse who was able to set such a couering ouer the earth When I behold the earth I must behold his prouidēce who hath ordeined such a place of nourishment for all creatures When I looke vpon the vnchangeable course in which all things are established I must loke vpon his cōstant wisdōe goodnesse who in a stedfast purpose hath extended his mercies ouer all his workes In the least of all the creatures of GOD when I see wisedome power glorie more then all the worlde can reache their hands vnto let mee humble my selfe vnder his high maiestie before whome no King no Prince no power of the world hath any account but all nations before him are as nothing and they are accounted vnto him lesse then nothing and lighter then vanitie it selfe Thus God hath shewed him selfe in his creatures and euen as S. Paule saith his inuisible things hee hath made manifest in them both his eternall power and his Godhead that they might be without excuse all that will not honour him Let vs therefore dearely beloued forget now the times of ignoraunce and at last be wise hearted to reade the bookes which GOD hath written in great letters and layde open before vs in all his workes let vs see his glorie Thus did the Prophet Esaie before vs as in the 40. chapter of his prophesie we read Who hath measured the waters with his fist and compassed heaven with his spanne who is he hath comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mounteines in a weight and the hilles in a balance Nothing in the worlde no not the verie dust of the earth could come in the prophets eyes but he could see in it a great worke of the Lorde Sainct Paule saith God left not him self without witnesse amōg men euen when the times were moste blinde For as much as hee gaue vnto them from heauen rayne and fruiteful times for who is hee that maketh the rayne to fall the Sunne to haue his course of shining Who hideth the treasures of the snow brin geth foorth the hoare frostes Who couereth the Heauen with cloudes and bringeth foorth the windes out of their places Who maketh the sea to roare with the greate noyse of the waues and maketh it calme againe as if it had not beene moued What Princes what hostes of men though al the worlde woulde ioyne their strength together can doe the least of these things Nay if all nations should bende them selues together they can not hurt sea land ayre cloudes elementes day night summer winter nor any thinge that God hath established for euer but in euery one of these is the strength which cannot be resisted The ayre can infect all fleash the earth swallowe it vp the Sunne burne it with heate the frost kill it with colde the thunder and lightning do make affraide all the tyrants amoung men Nay we may learne in the plagues of Aegypt howe the moste vile things can make ashamed all the children of pride And why then do we not learne in all that we see to confesse y greatnes of the Lord Why doth not the strength of his workes make vs confesse his power and all the delight that we haue in them why doth it not make vs acknowledge all his goodnesse to the childrē of men The prophet Dauid saith When I beholde the Heauens whiche are the workes of thy hands the Moone and the starres which thou hast ordeined what is man say I that thou art mindeful of him or the sonne of man that thou so regardest him Our Sauiour Christ saith when we see how God feedeth the sparowes and cloatheth the Lilies we are a faithlesse people except we see his prouidence ouer vs to feede vs and to cloath vs in all our necessities And sure the trueth is except I see with such eyes the creatures of God I am become a creature degenerate from that image in whiche I was first fourmed If I see nothing in the heauens but that they are light aboue my reache the horse mule see this as well as I. If I see nothing in the earth but a place to walke in or to take my rest vpon it the beastes and foules see this as well as I. If I see nothing in my gorgeous apparell but pride of a goodlie colour the Peacock seeth that in her feathers And if in all my meate and drinke I knowe nothing but the pleasure and sweetenesse of the taste the hogge and swyne haue heere as great a portion as wee To be short if hearing seeing smelling tasting feeling be all the delight we can finde in the workes of God we haue giuen our preeminence to the dumbe creatures which haue these
reciteth not but for our times it hath a verie good instruction the Prophet thus concludeth The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed●… shal stand fast in thy sight because Christ had ioyned his Church to himselfe he the head they the bodie by him who endured longer then the Heauens the Prophet knew his people could neuer perishe and in his thought if the Prophet had comfort against the tyrannie of the kingdome of Babylon what comforte may we haue now against the enimies of the church of Christ They thinke they be many strong and rich and wise and they will preuaile their Pope shall vp againe they will haue Masse they will exalte the Church of Rome they will become slaues to a vile person as they were before they will do I cannot tell what Alas poore soules how fast they hold a lye in their right hand The shame that they seeke for they shall neuer finde For what are they Or what is their strength How much are they better then grasse or then the flower in the field What is their life more then a vapour or then a smoke that vanisheth away yet they boast them selues against the Church of Christ which is knit vnto the sonne of God liueth in his life standeth in his strength whose right hand hath made all thinges and whose yeres endure for euermore while we trust in this our hope is sure and all our enimies shal be ashamed And let vs pray that it would please God our heauenly father of his great goodnesse to haue mercie vpon vs that by his spirit the eyes of our mindes may be lightened to see what great Saluation he hath giuen vnto vs in Iesu Christ who is his onely sonne heire of althings creator of the world who ruleth and gouerneth all things and shall shewe vs his glorie in immortalitie when all these creatures shall haue their ●…haunge And the Lord graunt that in these dayes of our vanitie while yet we are walking to the day of rest we may in the meane season see his grace and glorie in all his creatures in whiche we haue our pleasure that we may enioye them to his praise and with wise heartes measuring his times who shall endure for euer when all these thinges are past we may mourne in spirite to see the time approch when we with him shall bothe see and inherite his immortalitie through his sonne Iesu Christ who hath purchased it for vs and with his mightie power will keepe vs in safetie vnto it against that day to whom with the father and the holie Ghost our onely comforter beal honour and glorie nowe and euer Amen The sixte lecture vpon the 13. and 14. verses 13 Vnto whiche also of the Angels saide he at any time Sitt at my right hand till I make thine enimies thy foote stoole 14 Are they not all ministring spirit●…s sent forth to minister for their sakes which shal be heires of saluation NOWE the Apostle maketh the fifte comparison betweene the Angels and our Sauiour Christe in which it is plaine he is exalted aboue all Angels And this comparison is out of the saying of the Prophet Sitt on my right hand vntill I make thine enimies thy foote stoole A singular honour aboue all that euer Angel had for it signifieth that God hath taken him into the fellowship of glorie and giuen him all power in Heauen and in earth Touching this Psalme as it is moste true so it is confessed of all that it is a prophesie of our Sauiour Christ how he should be King of his Church and vtterly subuert all his enimies and be our priest after the order of Melchisedech who should bring an end to the priesthood of Leuie and according to this meaning of the Prophet so the Apostle alledgeth this sentence for proofe of this excellencie of the sonne of God aboue all Angels And with this testimonie our Sauiour Christe him selfe confuteth the Phariseis when they denyed his diuinitie resoning of the force of this word LORD because the comparison then was with Dauid These wordes of the Apostle To which of the Angels said hee at any time c. they shewe plainely what glorie it is to sitt on the right hand of god For when the Apostle sayth The like was neuer said to Angels that is such glorie was neuer giuen them what can it else meane but that Christe is confessed to be one God with his father Or what can we vnderstand to be higher then all Angels but God alone If the right hand of God could signifie his presence the Angels are in his presence and of them thousand thousandes are before him and as our Sauiour Christ saith They see the face of our heauenly father If his right hand could signifie the fruition or sight of his glorie the Angels are all blessed spirites and see his glorie euen as it is If his right hand did signifie any inferiour power though it were greater then all the worlde such power haue also Angels so that one of them haue smitten whole armies of men and whole Countries and therefore bee they also called principalities and powers because no strength in the world can resist them But seeing his right hand noteth vnto vs that honour whiche neuer Angel was receiued vnto and aboue the angels we know none but God alone therefore the Scripture speaketh plainely in setting Christe on the right hand of his father farre aboue Angels that he is one God and equall with his father Besides this sith it is saide Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enimies thy footestoole it is plaine that this is the right hand of God the power of God giuen vnto Christe in which he shall ouercome all his enimies and sith this is the ende of that glorie that glorie is nothing but the power by which this is brought to passe and when this shal be accomplished that all his enimies shal be confounded then this shall bee finished for him to sitt on the right hand of his father not that Christ shall ceasse to be equal with his father but that this kingdome of Christ our mediatour betweene God and vs in which he keepeth vs that shall cease and he shall giue it vp vnto his father and God shall be vnto vs all in all And thus farre of all these honourable titles giuen vnto Christ in all which the Apostle proueth him greater then all Angels The first is that hee is called the naturall sonne of god The second that the Angels haue commaundement to worship him The third that he is a King of glorie reigning for euer in trueth and righteousnesse The fourth that he is Creatour of the world and indureth when the world shall perish And fiftly that he sitteth on the right hand of high maiestie all whiche are proper titles to the sonne of God and greater then can be giuen to any Angel and therefore Christ to be exalted aboue them all Now in the 14. verse
is true dearely beloued and the Angels are witnesses with vs this is true but to this day God hath not giuen some a hart to beleeue we owe them a dutie and let vs perfourme it vnto them Let vs pray that God may open their mindes and let vs speake vnto them the word of God that they may learne wisdome that at the last in their happie conuersion we may glorifie God who hath and will deliuer his out of all tentations We must farther marke in these words that the Prophet sayth Beholde the children which thou hast giuen me In y it is said God hath giuē vs to his Sonne Christe it teacheth vs to acknowledge his free gift and grace And let none of vs think there was any wisdome in our selues why we wold choose him nor any constancie in vs by which we could cleaue vnto him but God in his grace drewe vs that wee might cōe vnto him with his power he strēgthned vs that we should abide with him This is it that our Sauiour Christe said vnto the Iewes All that my father giueth me cōmeth vnto me shewing in an other place that his children can not perish he sheweth this reason Because my father who hath giuen them to me is greater then all and in the long prayer which he maketh for all that do beleue in the 17. of Iohn he repeateth this often times that God his father had giuen them vnto him that we by so many instructiōs might be taught humilitie that in vs that is in our flesh there dwelleth no goodnes but y he chose vs he did it of his free grace and mercie which he would shew vnto vs And as we knowe that thus God hath once freely giuen vs to his sonne Christe to inherite with him eternall life so we knowe our election standeth sute beecause it is according to this purpose who hath loued vs and is not changed for euer But the time is past Now let vs pray c. ¶ The eleuenth Lecture vpon the 14. 15. 16. 17. and 18. verses 14 For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and bloud he also him self likewise tooke part with them that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the diuel 15 And that he might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all their life time subiect to bondage 16 For he in no sorte tooke on him the Angels nature but he tooke on him the seede of Abraham 17 Wherefore in all things it behoueth him to be made like vnto his brethren that he might be merciful and a faithful high Priest in things concerning God that he might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people 18 For in that he suffered was tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted NOw after that the Apostle hath proued y our Sauiour Christ was perfect man and dyed for our sinnes he maketh in the 14. and 15. verses his conclusion in plaine woordes shewing how hee was man and wherefore he dyed Touching his humanitie according to the wordes last alledged out of the Prophet Beholde mee and my children so he concludeth of it If then other children be partakers of flesh and bloud euen he also in like sorte is partaker of the same This is therfore our faith and thus we beleeue as wee are so is our Sauiour Christ his nature like to ours a resonable soule humane flesh in him as wel as in vs he differeth in nothing except sinne but all is alike in him and vs Euen as other children so he hath taken his parte of flesh and bloud a cleare and manifest place for the humanitie of Christe and suche a one as hath confounded all the aduersaries of it So it pleased the liuing God he that in his meruaylous prouidence hath mercie ouer al his works euen he who sometime in these earthly thinges to shewe his power makethe the flowers to springe and fruites to growe where they were neither sowen nor planted hee I say in his great mercie and goodwill to man did bring it to passe that our Sauiour Christe should bee made man and by the woorke of the holie Ghoste should bee conceiued and fourmed in the wombe of the virgine Marie euen as all other Children as the Apostle heere sayeth afterwarde Like vs in all thinges onely excep●…e sinne Heere dearely beloued wee must not onely reiect the foule and rotten thoughts of such Heretiques as haue denyed the humanitie of our Sauiour Christe but manie other vaine fancyes of men who graunt in deede a naturall bodie to our Sauiour Christe but they giue it suche qualities as no bodie in the worlde hathe 〈◊〉 had Some saye it may be euerie where whome God will teache better in his good time Others say it may bee made with fiue wordes spoken with one breath Hoc est enim corpus m●…m For this is my bodie a foolishe people and of no vnderstandinge and yet they are more vaine then this they thinke it may be made of a peece of breade without fourme or figure and into breade they thinke it may returne againe if the wicked doe eate it or if it beginne to digest in the good mans stomache Is this to make him like vnto vs sinne onely excepted Nay dearely beloued it is to be drunken or else to bee madde in dallying with the bodie of Christe we cannot tell howe But they alledge Scripture for this and saye Christe hathe shewed suche miracles in his naturall bodie as he walked on the Sea He came in when the doores were shutte he became inuisible to the men that would haue throwen him downe the hill Therefore notwithstanding his likenesse with vs yet he may be in euerie Church in the pixe ouer the Altar In deede if wee sawe him in the pixe as wee sawe him walke vppon the Sea there were some reason in their foolish vaine talke but of things done bodily by Christ in visible plaine fourme to imagine another thing quite contrarie to our eyes eares what force is in such an argumēt or what reason is in such wordes Besides this in all these things Christ did nothing but he hath made man do the like that euē in this also he might shew his likenesse with vs Christ walked vppon the sea so did Peter●… he was conueyed away soudenly out of his place so was Elias he entred when the dores were shutt so did all the Apostles if maister Harding say true and came into the Chappel to helpe Basil to masse If all this may proue Transubstantiation then Peter and Elias all the Apostles might be transubstantiate with him But the follie of this confuteth it selfe and let vs leaue it Now it followeth in the Apostle wherefore this man Iesus Christ dyed he saith That by death he might abolish him who had the power of death that is the deuil And that he might deliuer all thē which for
againe another time for thou knowest not whether he will returne or not Seeke him therfore where he may be found and call vnto him while he is neere at hand The seconde pointe the Apostle stoode vp on was that If we heare his voice we should not harden our hearts teaching vs that onely by faith wee shoulde bee fruitefull hearers And if infidelitie beare rule in our heartes all preaching and teaching is in vaine and the voyce of Christe can bee vnto vs but a sauour of death vnto deathe therefore when wee heare him speake let vs faithfully receiue the Gospell of saluation at his mouth or at the mouth of his minister knowing he is our onely prophet giuen of God vnto vs of this the apostle now concludeth in the first of this chapter Let vs feare therefore least at any time this promise of entring into his rest being forsaken any of you may seeme to be depriued by this conclusion yet once againe exhorting them that they would not neglect their onely prophet calling them so at last be frustrate of their vaine hope Let vs heere lay together these sayings of the Apostle in the beginning of the second chapter when he had proued our sauiour Christe to bee God he saith Wherefore my brethren we must carefully hearken to the things we heare least we fall away as water In the beginning of the thirde chapter when hee proued him to be mā also like vnto vs except sinne he addeth Therfore my brethren partakers of the heauēly calling consider the Apostle and highe Priest of our profession Iesus Christ After againe when hee had proued our sauiour Christ to be our only and faithful Prophet he confirmeth his doctrine by the woorde of the prophet alledging this exhortation out of him To day if you wil heare his voice harden not your harts c. Againe applying these woordes of the Prophet he saith See my brethren that there be not in any of you an euill heart of vnbeliefe Now heere againe as a conclusion Let vs feare lest this promise of entring into his rest beeing forsaken we should seeme to be depriued And as though all this were not inough in the eleuenth verse after he sayth Let vs therfore be diligent to enter into that rest that no man fall into the euil example of disobedience And yet againe in the end of this chapter Seeing wee haue a greate highe Priest that hath pearced the heauens euen Iesus Christ the sonne of God let vs hold fast our profession c. What shall wee thinke of all this what meane these often exhortations surely dearelie beloued nothing else but that wee bee dull of hearing and exceeding harde to learne for tell mee notwithstanding this exhortation so often made are there not ●…rowe you many among vs which yet regarde it not yea and yet if againe and againe hee should crie vnto vs would wee all obey his voice wee would if wee were wise but foolishnesse is so wrapped vp in our heartes that I am affraide all the exhortations not onelie here made by the Apostle but all other that haue bene made vnto vs thirtie fourtie fiftie threescore yeeres haue not yet taught vs all that be heere this day with singlenesse of heart and with synceritie to loue the Lord and is it then any maruell though the Apostle hauing compassion on his brethrens ignoraunce doe this often exhorte them in one thing and if wee be weake subiect to the same infirmities y they were let vs think it is necessarie for vs Only I beseeche you take heede that seeing God hath this mercie vppon vs which he had vppon our fathers that his word is thus vnto vs Precept vpon precept precept vpon precept let not vs be againe as they were that notwithstanding all these often and earnest exhortations so plaine to vnderstand yet that the Lord speake vnto vs as with a stammering and a straunge language that we vnderstand nothing for alas dearely beloued how vnprofitable were that for vs and how much better were it wee had neuer heard at all then so often to refuse the Lordes calling let this therfore be our wise vnderstanding in this case and that whiche so often is tolde vs let vs at the last truelie learne it Now touching these wordes of the Apostle that he saith let vs feare that wee lose not this rest promised vs we must not take it as though the Apostle taught that the elect should feare as though they might fall from their hope or that their election were not sure for you haue heard before howe hee saide We must hold the reioycing of our hope with all assurance and constancie vnto the end but heere wee muste consider to whome the Apostle speaketh that is to such as are farre off from a true fayth which haue shewed no great regarde to the voice of the Lorde Iesu whiche are yet in many tentations of sinne doubtful to be carried away with the deceites of it As if at this day the apostle should preach when we see so many worldly minded men so few hungering and thrusting for heauenlie things in this case and to suche people considering their outwarde woorkes the Apostle sayth let vs feare as in deede there is iust cause of feare for when there is scarce in vs anie zeale of God scarce any loue of righteousnes but all our thoughts doe wander in worldlie vanitie if in this case we should boast of our faith were it not good to byd vs feare to take heede that we be not deceiued and what is this against the assuraunce of the faythful that the Apostle biddeth them which are not yet called in holinesse to feare lest they be deceiued in their vaine hope If it be heere sayd the Apostle includeth also him selfe and therefore this feare is also in the most godlie I deny not but in other places of scripture feare is commended vnto the most godlie but the cause of this is because we be all weake full of infirmitie readie to sinne as we see in Dauid in Ezechias in Peter in all the Sainctes of God and therefore this feare is commended in them which is a good care and regarde of their weakenes that they fall not a care that may driue ou●… securitie not a feare to take away the boldenes of faith So when we are bid to feare it is as when wee are byd to watch to be sober to stand with our loynes gyrded to haue before vs the wayes of God with reuerence and obedience it forbiddeth presumptuous and vaine boasting of saluation when the glorious and fearefull name The Lord thy God is not regarded of thee So when Saint Paule commendeth our faith he addeth Be not yet high minded but feare and Iob sayth If I haue done righteously I will not lift vp my head This feare is a feare of falling into sinne least wee should offend so mercifull a Father it is not a feare of falling from his grace least hee should
and rottennesse thy fleshly thoughtes shall breede an vnbeleeuing hart thou shalt be the foole which searcheth the maiestie till he be ouerwhelmed of the glorie for thy God is a spirite and in spirit and faith thou canst only see him Thou shalt nowe hate and detest the Idoll and idoll maker which haue fashioned thy God like vnto an old man with a gray beard which haue made him sit as in a chaire of estate and giuen him Angelles in golde and siluer and flaming fire to sit about him this is shame aboue al shames To say vnto the king thou art a slaue and vnto the nobles of the earth ye are villaines they be words of honour in comparison of this vnspeakable sacrilege to say vnto God thou art like a man Againe when thou saiest thou beleuest in the father the sonne and the holie ghost y sayest wel acknowledging in thine hart three persons one God in a mysterie which thou canst not expresse thy faith is accepted But when y hearest the father to be called the God of all grace the authour of life beeing mouing when thou hearest the sonne called the shining brightnesse and ingrauen fourme of the father of whose fulnesse we receiue al increase of grace when thou hearest the holie ghost called the comforter the spirit of sanctification the pledge of thine election when thou hearest y the father hath eternally begotten his sonne the sonne eternally begottē of the father the holie ghost eternally proceeding from them both in al this shal we learne nothing for more cleare knowlege of our faith shal we not here confesse the person of the father to be the beginning founteine of al goodnes glorie life and immortalitie that we our selues whatsoeuer is vnto vs happie and blessed all is only of his free grace and mercie shal wee not confesse that truely and naturally he is the father and because he hath eternally begotten his sonne that his sonne is one God with him without beginning and shall we not humble our soules faithfully to beleeue this and neuer to search or inquire of how it is for our vaine and corruptible harts how can they see eternal and euerlasting things And because the sonne is the image of his father shall wee not learne that we knowe nothing of God nothing at al of his nature godhead maiestie working will power honour life and continuance for euer nothing I say but what we haue seene heard in Christe his sonne for he is the shining brightnesse of his glorie What haue I to do with men or with the children of men what counsell can mine owne heart minister vnto me I must robbe the sonne of God of his honour or I must confesse I knowe nothing of God but in him only Againe if of his fulnesse we receiue we haue no felowship with god but in him all gace mercie life 〈◊〉 immortalitie to him it beelongeth of him we haue it and for his sake it is giuen vnto vs So likewise when the spirite is sayd to be our comforter to proceede from the father the sonne we confesse he is one in nature godhead with the father and the sonne in personal substance proceeding eternally from them both and because eternally therefore incomprehensibly whiche we beleeue in faith and will not searche by reason only we waite and reioyce in hope till God strengthen our eyes to see his maiestie and then our harts shal be wise to cōprehend this distinctiō of the persons Now this spirit being our comforter we acknowledge that it is the person of the holy Ghost which putteth his grace into our harts to make vs wise faithfull holie and so sealeth vnto vs in full assurance our inheritance that is in Iesu Christ according to the free purpose and good will of God his father Besides all this to confesse the humanitie of our sauiour Christ howe in his owne person he hath borne the punishmente of our sinnes and ouercome the diuell who helde vs in bondage howe he hath sanctified our nature in himselfe and made it meete to stand before the presence of God only by faith freely giuing vs his blessings These and many other things taught vs in the scripture to our exceeding comfort shal we neglecte them learne only the confession of Children I beleeue in God the father God the sonne God the holy Ghoste three persons one God Sure if we wil do thus I see no other but that the little children through gods infinite mercie shal be saued in y litle knowledge that they haue learned and we by his iust iudgments worthy to be condemned for his manifolde wisedome which wee haue despised Then dearly beloued if we wil not alwayes be childrē neuer learned in the word of righteousnesse let vs not only hold the generall principles of our faith but so farre also as particular points are taught and mentioned let vs wisely learne them till we may feele in our selues good increase of Gods spirite to loue him to feare him to walke before him with al our heart in all the wayes which he hath appointed for vs. Now in the wordes following But strong meate is for the perfect whiche through long custome haue their witts exercised to discerne betweene good euil Here appeareth as I said who are childrē who are strong they are children which haue not yet had triall and experience wherby they might bee rooted in faith and confirmed by knowledge against al falshod errour which kind of childhod Saint Paule telleth the Ephesians at the last we ought all to leaue of grow vp in the vnitie of faith and of the knowledge of the sonne of God into a perfect mā to the full measure of our age in Christ that we be not alwayes children wauering carried about with euerie blast of doctrine by the deceipt of men with craftinesse which lie in waite to deceiue And as this is a plaine description of Children so as plainly here the Apostle sheweth who are perfecte men euen those that are able with wise senses to iudge betweene good euill y is who haue their mindes lightned with the word of God so that they are able to trie what is acceptable well pleasing vnto god Nowe dearly beloued if these wordes be plaine enough giue me leaue to beseeche you in this plaine case as Paul beseeched the Corinthians in y like My brethren be not children i●… vnderstanding be childrē in ma lice but in vnderstanding be of perfect age and if you see the plaine and manifest meaning of the scripture what it is be wise and beleeue it and confesse this that we ought to be learned in Gods worde so that we haue good ground of our saith and be able to consute falshod As now in our owne dayes we see the Pope claimeth authoritie that he can despense against the word of God but if our witts be exercised in the knowledge of the
take his mercie from vs A plaine rule of this Saint Paule commendeth vnto vs all writing to the Philippians With feare saith he and trembling make an end of your owne saluation commending lowlinesse and humblenesse of minde but yet ioyning it fast to the hope of eternall life And this counsell hee followed him selfe as he sayth to the Corinthians I was among you in weakenesse and in feare and in muche trembling Yet hee helde fast his fayth that Neyther death ▪ nor any creature should separate him from the loue of God. And this the Apostle euen in this place teacheth when hee addeth Leaste anie of you seeme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 depriued For in deede he is not depriued or ●…rustrate of any hope who neuer had hope but it seemeth so to some because he would talke of hope No more can any man fall who neuer stoode yet because it appeareth so Sainct Paule sayth He that seemeth to stande let him take heede hee fall not It is moste certeine Hope maketh not ashamed but we deceiue our selues in thinking we haue hope for true hope as is saide here is in the promises and they are apprehended with faith and faith hathe feare of sinne Where these thinges are no man is depriued of his hope where these things are not he hopeth foolishly who had in deede no hope at all And he is saide to fall out who at the last is founde to haue no inheritance with the Sainctes who yet neuer fell out for in deede he neuer was within the couenaunt according to that which Sainct Iohn saith They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they should haue ●…arried with vs. This I say that you may know how to answere the enimies of oure fayth who ▪ woulde haue vs still to doubt and neuer to be sure of Gods promises when they obiecte vnto vs these places of feare we may aunswer them that our feare is our humilitie and casting away of pride our feare is our reuerende care to walke in the wayes of God if they feare any other feare wee will not feare with them ▪ For God hath not giuen vnto vs the spirite of feare againe vnto bondage but he hath giuen vs the spirit of adoption by which we crie Abba Father This is oure blessinge whiche wee haue of GOD and in whiche wee shoulde alwayes reioyce I graunt wee do not here obey God as wee shoulde for who is hee that sinneth not Wee feare many times and Gods dearest children are most tempted so that they are brought sometime euen to hell gates but this we confesse is our infirmitie the trueth of Gods promises ought to haue greater faith within vs but it is necessarie we should feele our sinnes that we might be humbled and we must die in our selues that we may reigne throughe the victorie which Christ hath gotten and in al our weakenesse we will still confesse that we may not nor ought not thus to feare but muche rather to reioyce in the Lorde and alwayes reioyce Nowe it followeth in the Apostle For vnto vs hath the Gospel bene preached as wel as vnto them but the word that they heard profited not them because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it In these wordes the Apostle sheweth the cause why he hathe thus applied the prophets exhortation vnto vs because vnto vs nowe the same Gospell is preached which was preached vnto them and if we be vnfaithfull howe should wee escape but bee partakers of the same punishmentes This place is well to be marked which teacheth vs that the same saluation is now preached whiche was preached before to all Patriarches and Prophets in whiche wee knowe there hathe beene but one way of saluation from the beginning of the worlde for then this was promised whiche is nowe perfourmed The seede of the woman shoulde breake the head of the serpent from whiche promise made there was neuer but one faith of Gods electe and one way of life which was Iesu Christe euen as our Apostle sayth Iesus Christ yesterday and to day he is the same world without-end And this doctrine is not new but the Prophets and Pat●…arches knew it with vs and they all beleeued the Catholique church and communion of Sainctes euen as this day we do ▪ Saint Peter saith That it was reuealed vnto the prophets that not vnto them selues but vnto vs they ministred those things which now are preched vnto vs. And the Prophet Esay in the 14. chapter sheweth howe God called out all nations as it were to dispute with him whether there were any saluation in the world but by his free grace and first hee asketh who called Abraham in that couenant of mercie which was giuen him who hath done it euen he that called the generations from the beginning I the Lord I am the first and with the l●…ste I am the same expressely teaching that his people of Israel had the sa●…e saluation whiche Abraham had and Abraham the same which all nations and countries euer shall haue one sauing health of all euen as God is for ever vnchaungeable So Sainct Paule making comparison betweene vs and the people of Israel of whome here the Apostle speaketh he saith They eate all the same spirituall meat drank all the same spirituall drink for they did drinke of the rock which followed them and the rock was Christe And not onely this one saluation is vnto all but this also onely Christ hath beene euer the Prophet and minister to declare that saluation for so the Apostle teacheth then and nowe his voice was heard and as it is saide after ▪ his voice did then shake the earth yea before then ih the dayes of Noe he was preached vnto the disobedient people who were drowned in the floude and are now holden in the prison of their sinne So that this we know in Christ are saued all his saints and by Christ they haue ben taught all that euer did beleeue Wherby we learne all the sacrifices of the patriarches and all sacrifices and ceremonies of the law they purged no part of their sinns neither was there anie redemption in them for the Israelites had not the Fathers sacrifices nor the fathers had their ceremonies nor we haue now either sacrifices or ceremonies which were in honour among them yet one saluation is vnto vs all and therefore as we may boldly say vnto them all their ordinaunces in worldly elementes they did not purge their consciences meates and drinks did not helpe them who were dailye exercised in suche obseruations so agaiue they may say vnto vs neither our sacraments doe giue grace vnto vs no more then theirs vnto them they seale vnto vs the grace that is in Christ and assure vs of the saluation that is in him but in them selues there is no health at all And if we may say thus euen of the sacramentes instituted