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A19564 Catechismus, that is to say, a shorte instruction into Christian religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre[n] and yong people. Set forth by the mooste reuerende father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of all England and Metropolitane Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; Jonas, Justus, 1493-1555. 1548 (1548) STC 5993; ESTC S109272 142,949 534

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from euyll reportes but we must also take heede that we gyue no occasion to other so to do that is to say we must nether mainteyne reioyce nor comforte theim that speake euyl of their neyghbours but bothe with oure countenance wordes and dedes we must shew vnto theym that we do not lyke suche communicacion and so to stoppe the mouthes of suche bacby●ers Now to make a briefe rehersal of suche thinges as haue ben spoken heretofore you shall vnderstande good chyldren that by this eyght commaundemente are forbyd all lyes fraudes and all cōmunication wherby our neyghbours name maye be hurted or by the whiche strife and contention may be prouoked or continued whether it be in courtes of law or out of courtes Hereby also we be commaunded not to be suspicious nor to expound our neyghbours woordes or deedes to the wourst nor maliciousely to blow abrode theyr fautes or in tellyng of them to make them wourse thē they be in dede but we oughte alwayes to set our myndes of suche thinges as pertayne to the glorye of God and profit of our neyghboure and in all places to speake well and charitably of euery mā We must also maynteyne vnitie peace and concorde take all thing to the best beare with oure neyghbours frailtie and hyde hys fautes when we can not amende thē This is the true meanyng of this precept Wherefore good children whē you shalbe demaunded howe vnderstande you the eyghte commaundement you shall aunswer We ought to feare and loue oure Lorde God aboue all thynge and for his sake to absteyne from all liynge backebytyng slaunderyng and yll reportynge by the whiche oure neyghbours good name fame and credit may be impeched or decayed and rather to excuse hydde or gentely to enterprete another mannes faute then malycyously to make the wourste of the same and wyth the loude trumpe of our tongue to blast it abrode to the knowlege of all the towne or place wherein we dwel The nynth sermon ¶ And exposition of the nynthe and tenth commaundement Thou shalte not desire thy neyghbours house wyfe man seruaūt woman seruaunte oxe asse nor anye thynge that is his THe nynthe and tenth commaundementes good children be as it were briefe commentaries and expositions of the other commaundementes that were spoken of before For they declare vnto vs that it is not ynoughe to kepe the former commaūdementes in outwarde woorkes and not to hurte our neighbour neyther in his bodye wyfe goodes fame name or estimation but they declare also that we ought not to couet or desier any thinge that is our neyghbours And they teache vs also y e euell lustes carnal desiers whiche lurke in the secret corners of our hertes are sinnes for y e which we shoulde be for euer damned yf God should rendre vnto vs after iustice and not after his mercye Wherfore good childrē you shal here learne that euyll lustes and appetites whiche come vnto vs euen frome oure fyrste father Adam be synnes and that no man or woman no not infauntes in theyr mothers wombe do lyue withoute suche lustes and appetites For the whiche cause all men are synners and there is not one man innocent before God according to y e saying of S. Paul All men haue synned haue nede of the glory of god To the which agreeth the Prophet Dauid saying Al men and women haue erred out of the right waye there is none that dothe good no not one For this we feale in oure selues and proue by experience that naturally we be full of yll desiers and lustes For we delyte in thinges that be pleasant to the fleshe and abhorre all thinges that be displeasant to y e same And these appetites desires we maye perceaue to be euen in infantes which lye in their cradel For whē suche yong babes do not lye softly or be greued with thirst hūger or colde they crie vnpatientlye Lykewise when we shewe thē any pleasant thing to their eyes and sodenly againe take it from them we see them wepe And these be playne and euident tokens that infantes newly borne be giuen to their owne willes and appetites and are synners for asmuche as thei transgresse this commaundement Thou shalt not desire And it is much necessary for you good children to marke dilygently and to beare away this lesson to thentent you maye therby acknowlege your awne synne And let not the sayinges of certen vnlerned persons moue you whiche affirme that infantes and suche as be vndre y e yeres of discretion are pure innocēt and cleane without sinne For this opinion is not true nor agreable to holye scripture And they that say so deceaue both thēselues and other For infantes are baptised for this purpose y t they by the same maye enioy remission of their synnes And in case they neded not forgyuenes of their offences thē they had no nede to be Christened But ther be fewe that vnderstandeth this doctrine For mans reason can not attayne to it neither can it comprehēde how infantes should be synners by the reason of lustes desiers called concupiscence in the whiche they be conceiued and borne but they that leane to their naturall witte iudgeth yong babes to be innocēt and voyde of synne because they committe no outwarde offence or actual synne But we in this case must not iudge after our reason but according to y e worde of God whiche euidently declareth vnto vs that concupiscence is synne For yf we were in dede cleane fawtles and innocente then oure nature woulde not so vehemently seke for those thinges whiche are pleasaunt to oure appetites but woulde be contente with y t which God shoulde sende vnto vs and whatsoeuer thing did please God that also should please vs. Moreouer we shulde not so much desire to auoide suche thinges as be displeasant to the flesh as we should desire to auoyde those thīges that be forbydde by gods law Also we shoulde be more willyng to suffre all kynde of afflyctions paynes and miseries yf it were gods will that we should so do then contrary to his wil to hauke and hunte for pleasures to seke to liue idely to hurde vp riches purchase landes or other commodities But now we feale in oure selues that euen from our tendre age and in our cradels also we be cleane cōtrary mynded For we begynne to couet and lust for pleasant thynges lōg before we know whether God wyll gyue them vnto vs or no. Also we abhorre and be werye of displeasant thinges longe before we know whether it be gods will that we shoulde be relyued of the same or no. Yea although we knowe gods wil neuer so wel yet we longe and lust for the contrarie And this is surely a great offence For gods will ought to be fulfylled and not ours as we desier in the Lordes prayer And to knowe this thing good chyldren is a point of high wisedom to the which euery man doth not attain For thapostle Paule doeth confesse that he
whiche althoughe it be short yet it conteyneth moste great and weyghty matters suche as neyther aungell nor man nor other creature was able so pitheli to cōprise in so few wordes For in this prayer Christ oure Lord teacheth vs to aske all thynges y t eyther be cōmaūded vs in the ten cōmaundementes or promysed vs in y e article of our Crede Wherfore good children you ought to endeuour your selfes not only to lerne without y e boke this most holy prayer taught vs by Christes owne mouthe our great master teacher but also you ought to giue dilygence to vnderstāde iustlye to weye euery worde of so great a master that when you be apposed herein you maye be able to make a directe answer and also in tyme to come to teache your childrē the true vnderstāding of this praier as you youre selfes be nowe instructed For what greater shame can ther be before God and man thā whā in our mouthes we professe our selues to be christē men and to knowe what we ought to beleue and howe to lyue and yet to be ignoraunt what thynge we ought to aske of God and after what maner we ought to aske those thinges whiche he of his goodnes hath promised most largely to gyue vs. Or els yf we knowe howe and what to aske yet of neglygence slouth or contempt of God not to aske the same in dede in suche wise as we ought to do Specially seynge y t the propre office of a Christen man is to call vpon God in all his busynes and necessities to gyue thankes and euermore to honoure his mooste blessed name with moost hye laudes and prayses Wherfore good children for asmuche as God hath commaunded vs to resorte to hym boldelye and to moue oure selues to him in all our troubles and aduersities and hathe promysed that he wyll heare our praiers delyuer vs and graunt vs al thinges necessary for our saluatiō let vs not refuse this honoure that we be called vnto let vs not refuse this remedie helpe ayde and succoure that is freelye offered of oure most mercifull father to all his children that wyll call vpon his name For this is a sacrifice most acceptable to God wherwith he is moost higly honored and pleased Wherfore good children bothe daily and hourely accustome your selfes euen from your tender age to praye to your heauenly father for all thinges necessarie Offer vp vnto hym at youre vprisinge and downe leyinge before youre meales and after your meate this sacrifice of your lyppes the oblatiō of praise and thankes gyuing wourshippe hym at al tymes with the frankyncense of thys prayer taught vnto you by your sauiour Christ. The perfume wherof yf it be cast into the burnynge coles of faythe and charitie it perceth the cloudes and is so swete and pleasant vnto God that it vanishethe not awaye vntyll it haue obteined that thynge that it was sente for For it is writen that the prayer of a iust man can do much with god and the eyes of the Lord do looke vpō the rightuous and his eares be opened to heare theyr prayers Wherfore studye you to be the children of God and there is no doubte but youre heauenly father wyll gyue all good thinges which you shal desire of him in the name of his sonne and your brother Iesus Christ to whom be all glorye nowe and euer Amen This preface must be rehersed before euery sermon of the Lordes prayer The fyrst sermon ¶ A declaration of the fyrst peticion NOw good childrē to the intente you maye the better vnderstande this prayer you shall fyrst learne thys lesson that we wretched synners do not fyrst preuente God and go before him in the worke of our iustification but it is God that layeth the fyrst foundation of our saluation he begynneth with vs and fyrste calleth vs by the gospell Fyrst he sendeth vnto vs godly and faythful ministers by whom we be baptised and before we do anye good woorke he offereth vnto vs hys grace he sēdeth vnto vs preachers and messengers of peace whiche declare vnto vs the glad tidinges of the gospell and the promises of the fauoure of God towardes all them that truely repente theym of theyr euyll lyuynge and do moue theym to put theyr trust in Gods mercye for pardon of the same God also openeth our hertes that we maye lysten and gyue credit to his holy preachers as Christ hym self sayeth Ye haue not fyrste chosen me but I haue chosen you Nowe forasmuche as God hathe thus called vs to the fayth and by fayth hath gyuen vs lyght in our heartes that we maye forsake all straunge Gods and beleue onely in him now it is our parte to lead our lyfe in godlynes to desier god with hertye and feruente prayers that it maye please hym to make perfecte that thyng which he hath begonne in vs to healpe strengthen vs that by his grace we may be able to do those thinges whiche he hath commaunded vs and that he wyll augment and increase our fayth in vs. For the prayer of the vnfaythful is nothinge worth before God and without faithe it is vnpossible to please God Therefore God must beginne and cal vs by his worde and put faith in our heartes or elles we shoulde neuer aske nothing of him And for this cause we be not taught in the lordes prayer to saye to God Father graunt me to beleue that thou art my father but we be taught to say thus Oure father whiche arte in heauen halowed be thy name That is to saye o Lorde God our heauenly father before I beganne to praye and before I knewe thy name thou through thin exceding greate mercye didst sende vnto me thi preachers by whom thou didst declare vnto me that thou art my father for Iesus Christes sake and thou didst open my heart that I might beleue that thou arte my father Therfore graunt I besech the my heauenlye father that thy name maye be halowed And he y t taketh not God to be his father yet he maye lerne that it is so by this prayer For Christ our Lorde knewe most certenly the wil of his heuenly father that is to say that he would be oure moste swete and louynge father for els he woulde not haue taught vs this title our father and therfore must we again vpō our parties haue suche a loue and obedience to hym as becommeth the childrē vnto their father conceyue a most assured trust in God who is all our fathers that we shall lacke nothyng necessarye for vs and that nothyng shalbe able to hurt as long as we haue so mighty and so louyng a father We see by dayly experience howe intierlye the fathers loueth their children what care they take to bryng theim vp in vertue and lernyng and to get theim good maysters and gouernours howe they labore to prouide for their liuing and al thīges necessary for theim And if perchance theyr childrē cōmitteth any faulte for the whiche they deserue
correction yet we se how the fathers loue remayneth what pitie and compassiō he hath of them howe lothe he is to beate theim and wolde rather forgyue theim yf it wer not for their benefite and amendment And whē the childe falleth on his knees and asketh forgyuenes promysynge amendement we see how redy and willynge the father is to forgiue Now seyng our earthly fathers be so louynge to their children muche more God our heauenlye father wil be our most kynde and louyng father wil nourysh kepe and defende vs teache instructe vs the way to euerlastyng saluation And yf we fall into anye errore or synne yet for Christes sake he is wyllynge to forgyue vs and althoughe he punysheth vs here for a tyme yet he doethe it of fatherlye loue that he beareth towardes vs not to punyshe vs for euer but to amend vs and to make vs to know our faultes and to bryng vs agayne into the right waye And lyke a most louyng father he correcteth vs for a smal tyme in this worlde lest he shoulde punyshe vs for euer in y e worlde to come Of this therefore so louyng and so mightie a father we may wel reioyce and haue an excedynge great comforte farre passyng any harte to thynke or tongue to tel And hym agayn we ought moste entierlye to loue and obey seyng that he is our father and hath loden vs with so many gyftes and benefites With glad hartes therfore you ought to saye this prayer which whā you say you speake with God the father in heauen he heareth you and lyke a most kynde father dothe graunt al that you aske Often tymes also and ernestly you must praye whan you ryse in the mornyng whan you go to the churche whan you eate drynke whan you go to bed whan you awake out of your slepe that frō your youth you maye accustome your selfes both gladly and oftē to praye For by prayer we shall obteyne all thynges that eyther Christ hathe purchased for vs or our heuenly father hath promised to vs. Nowe this also you must dilygently considre that we say O father which art in heuē to dyscerne hym from our fathers whiche be here vpon earthe For we haue fathers here in earth whiche be but men and be not able to saue vs. But in heauen we haue an other maner of father of far more might a spiritual an euerlastīg father whiche in al oure nedes is able to helpe vs and finallye to gyue vs helth lyfe euerlasting And as childrē take of their carnal fathers fleshe and blode and many tymes be veray lyke theim in their face and countenaunce so take we of our heuēly father our soule and spirite and therein we ought to resemble our heuēly father that is to saye we ought to beleue his worde obey his commaūdementes forbere those thinges that he forbyddeth and in all thynges be conformable to hys holy wyl and worde And than is he assuredlye oure gentle father and we his dere children And than as he dwelleth in heuen in a lyght passynge all measure euyn so shall we dwel wyth hym in heauen for euer These great thynges whiche far excede the capacitie of mannes vnderstanding our sauiour Christ doth teache in these fewe wordes whan he teacheth vs to saye O our father whiche art in heauen Now folowe in this holy praier certen petitions wherein be comprehended all thynges that be either conteyned in y e ten Commaūdementes or elles promised in the Crede These petitions good childrē you shall lerne with al diligence that you may know what you shoulde aske The thre first petitions entreate of the matters perteynynge to y e first table The other .iiii. speake of thīges promised in the Crede belongynge to the seconde table as herafter you shall heare The first petition conteyneth matters of the first and seconde commaundement I am thy God Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord God in vaine And these be the wordes of that petition Thy name be halowed BEfore I told you good children y t we go not before god we pray not first that God wil be our God and our father but god of hys inestimable mercye dothe preuent vs dothe cal vs by hys worde dothe cal vs vnto faithe doth gyue vs his spirite to know him for our father and Lorde before we coulde thynke therof and seke for God But now seing that by his word faith he hath called vs and by Baptisme hath grafted vs in Christ and made vs membres of his churche we ought not to be slouthful nor ydle but study to go forwarde increace in godlynes and to praye thus Our father whiche art in heuen for asmuche as thou hast gyuen vnto vs being vnworthy thi holy gospell and hast chosen vs and not we the and seyng that thou haste sent vnto vs preachers whiche teache vnto vs thy word wherby we be sanctified and instructed in the faith so that nowe we maye know the for God and partelye fulfyl the first commaundemente now fulfyl O father y t thou haste begonne procede to helpe vs that we maye fulfyl the seconde commaūdemēt that is y t thy name mai be halowed that is to say may be honored as holy This prayer pleaseth God and he heareth it God giueth vs grace strength that we maye halowe his name To halowe the name of God is not to make it holye whiche in it selfe is euer most holy but to halowe his name is to take it for holy reuerentlye to vse it as a most holy thing of great feare and loue to God to beware that we speake not of his name vaynely nor with out great reuerence to confesse his name to laud him extolle him in all necessities to call vpon hym And on the other syde we do violate the holye name of God whan we abuse the same to euyll and naughty thinges whan we speake euyll of God or godlye thynges whan we teache any false doctrine of God and his religion or abuse the name of God to ydoltarie and errours or whan by the name of God we be forsworne Also whan by the name of God we curse mē or other creatures or whan we speake of God godlye thīges make therof but scoffing gestyng And whan we lyue not accordynge to the worde of God and regarde not God but gyue euyl exāple to other both to thinke and speake of God and godly thinges lyghtly and contemptuously as they passed not of them But nowe it is an horryble hearyng good childrē that we be called the churche of Christ and christen men we be taughte that God is oure Lorde and father and yet we be so faynte so euyll naughtye and vnkynde people that we do not halow nor reuerētli vse his name Therfore it is more than nede to praye and instantlye to pray for Gods helpe that we mysuse not his name vnreuerētly but that we maye halowe it and most hyghly honour it