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A19504 A preparatiue for the new Passeouer very profitable to be perused and read of all those who are called to the holy table of our Lord / by Maister William Cowper ... Cowper, William, 1568-1619. 1607 (1607) STC 5933.3; ESTC S2563 54,238 126

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his owne all the creatures of his three store houses the Ayre the Earth and the Sea but herethe lesse wee see the more we are bound to beleeue Say with vnbeleeuing Naaman what better is this Bread and Wine then other Breade and Wine such blasphemies somtime hath fallen out of the mouthes of ignorants whose darkenes we shal God willing discouer by the light ofGods word hereafter for the present my conclusion to the Recusant is that if as thou pretend thou bee a Louer ofChrist then wilt thou esteeme euerie new token of his loue a newe benefit vnto thee and what euer he puts in thine hand as a pledge of himselfe in that respect it shall be deerer vnto thee then all the world beside Others againe there are who knowes both the vtilitie and excellencie of this Sacrament and yet refuse to communicate but as they thinke with a reason pretending that it is not contempt but reuerence of the Sacrament which makes them to absteine To whome I answere that there is no excuse in the world can warrant a man to bide backe from Christ Iesus when he calles vppon him for what art thou able to alleadge want of preparation the fault is thine owne for since the mariage of the Lamb is come and thou art warned therevnto why dost thou not make thy selfe readie and remoue the impediments And yet if thou alledge that common excuse of the ignorant multitude that thou art at variance with thy neighbour by reason of some iniuries done to thee not as yet repaired by him nor to be borne withall and disgested by thee what doest thou but by a singular subtiltie of Sathan excuse one sinne by another as who would teach thee to wash away the spottes of thy face with puddle water were not that in steade of cleansing to make thy selfe more vncleane and thou while as thou wilt iustifie thy contempt ofGod his calling by alledging thy vnsanctified affection and heart that cannot forgiue doest no other thing but make thy selfe guiltie ofa double rebellion as one that will not discharge thy Christiā duety neither to God nor mā Consider I pray thee the excuses pretended by these who were bidden to the marriage of the greate King and com●pare them with thine one of them said I haue bought a farme and will goe see it Another said I haue bought fiue yoake of Oxen and must goe prooue them And the third said I haue maried a wife and may not come The worst of their excuses is better thē thine and yet were they all repelled the vse ofhusbandrie and marchandice and the dutie that a man oweth vnto his wife are sometime lawfull albeit not to be preferred vnto that duetie wee owe vnto Iesus Christ but that thou should liue at variāce with thy neighbor carrie within thee a hart that cānot forgiue is neuer lawfull If that which somtime is lawfull cannot excuse thy delaying to come vnto Christ when he calles vpon thee what mockerie of God is it to alleage that which neuer is lawfull And here also beside the offence done against thy God consider what preiudice thou doest vnto thy selfe what folly is this that because thy neighbour hath sinned against thee thou wilt also sinne against thine own soule I suppose as thou hast said he hath wounded thee and hurt thee in thy bodie goods or name is that a reason why thou sholdest contemne the calling of Christ who offers to cure thy woundes and heale al the infirmities of thy soule yea to pacifie all those passions and perturbations of minde wherwith thy impacience disquiets thee hee forewarned his owne that in the world they shold finde trouble but in him they should haue peace Ifthou finde as he forespake trouble in the world why wilt thou not goe and seeke that peace in him which hee hath promised As to thy right I require not thou shouldest lose it neither yet forbid I that by ordinarie meanes ●hou sholdst seeke a redresse of these wrongs which against order are done vnto thee for the lawe is the stay of confusion the Synewe of the Common-wealth without which no fellowship can bee entertained amongst men God hath appointed the Magistrate that vnto good men he should be like the Rain vnto Fields new mowen vnder whome they may flourish but should bee to the wicked like that Westerly winde which draue those Locusts into the red Sea that troubled the land but as to g●udge rancour hatred malice such like What haue they to doe in the heart of the child of God Since we are commanded to forgiue one another euen as God for Christs sake forgaue vs plainly foretold that if we do not forgiue mē their trespasses no more will our father forgiue vs our trespasses A fearfull recōpence that we should possesse our own sins because we wil not forgiue the sins of others Certainly thou that dost so giuest out a hard sentence against thy self for in steed of mercy thou criest for iudgement as oft as thou praiest forgiue me my sins as I forgiue them that haue sinned aga●nst me for that is Lord forgiue me not at all It was a horrible sin of the Iewes that they preferred Barrabas a wicked malefactor to the Lord but I pray thee cōsider how nere thy sin draws to theirs if thou iudge rightly of it for when thou refusest to come to this holy table vnles thou haue amends of such wrongs as are don vnto thee thou saist in effect rather thē I le renoūcemy wil I wil renoūce my part of christ cōmuniō with him for heere is the very question whether wilt thou forsake thy cōmunion with christ or thine own corrupted wil● say not now to me these are hard speches God forbid that euerye one who is no partaker of this sacrament shold in so doing forfet his part of cōmunion with Christ. I grant indeed they are hard speeches but true speeches no harder thē thy sin deserueth for I pray thee to what end did our Sauiour institute this sacramēt was it not that in it he might cōmunicat himself to thee how cāst thou then excuse thy selfe say thou hast not reiected him seeing thou reiects the meanes wherby he is giuē to thee Whē Eli●zer the seruāt of Abra. sought Rebecca in mariage vnto Isaac what way did she testifie her cōsent surely not only by word but by acceptatiō of those iewels of siluer and golde which he gaue her as loue tokens in the name of Isaac Now we are sent foorth to you as the Ambassadors of the liuing God to win you in mariage vnto his son to prepare you that yee may be presented a chast spouse vnto him we are cōmanded to minister vnto you this holye sacrament as a pledge of his loue towards you I● yee agree to the marriage and bee content to forsake your fathers house and goe with vs to the
sprinckled in our hearts from an euill conscience Here is a Sacrament more excellent thē the passeouer here is bread more holye then that Shew-bread heere are the tokens of Gods presence more glorious thē the Arke heere the Lord commeth downe and saluation vnder his winges not to sound by Angel● the precepts of his lawe on Sin●i but to seale vp by his Spirit the promises of his Gospell to the inhabitants of Sion shall we then presume to come to this holye Table without sanctification Or if wee will may we not looke assuredly for iudgement The Corinthians were stricken with death and sundrie diseases because they discerned not the Lordes bodye and which is most fearfull of all he that came to the marriage wanting his wedding Garment was hee not taken from the banquet Table and cast into the place of vtter darknes and shall wee looke to escape the like iudgement if wee fall into the like contempt of God Prepare thy selfe oh Israel to meet thy God let vs search and trye our waies let vs lift vp our hands with our hearts vnto God in the heauens If wee bee this day come to the Lord with all our heart let vs put away our strange Gods which are our sinnes from among vs let vs with Iosephs Brethren make ready our presents sith wee haue no better thing then our heart le● vs ●acrifice our hearts to the Lord that in the best estate that pos●ible we can get it for the Lord our God is a greate King Cursed is he that hath a male in his Flock ●nd voweth and sacrificeth a corrupt thing to the Lord. Beware therefore wee offer not that which is lam● and torne to the Lord● a diuided heart a ●alting heart betweene two an vnpenitent heart is neither a meete Sacrifice to offer vnto the Lord nor a meete vessell wherein to receiue th●t holye thing which heere the Lord offers vnto thee The Apostle saieth that the breaking of this breade is the Communion of the bodye of Iesus Sith Christ is that holy thing which heere is communicated take heede how we make readye the heart wherein to receaue him Ioseph of Arim●thea and the rest of those goly ones who tooke downe Iesus from the Crosse wrapped his deade bodye in pure and fine linnen what shall wee then doe with the liuing bodye of Iesus shall not wee receiue it into pure fine and well prepared hearts No man sayes our Sauiour puts new Wine into old V●ssels far lesse wil any man put the ordin●r● food of his body into vnclean vnseasoned and vnsauerie vessels but least ● of all should men presume with vnholy hearts and handes to meddle with things saccred and h●auenly Here is new wine indeede let vs not put it into old vessels Heere is heauenly Manna let vs not receaue it with earthlye hearts Any man that is in Christ should become a new creature If we be these blessed ones who are called to the participation of the Lambes supper then shall it be graunted to vs to bee arayed with pure fine linnen and shining which is the righteousnesse of the Saints The Lord vouchsafe this grace vpon vs that sith hee hath made vs partakers of the heauenly vocation and ca●led vs to the marriage of his Sonne that wee receiue not so excellent a grace in vaine but it may be vnto vs his seruants according to his word And now before wee enter to speake of this tryall least the tender consciences of the Godlye by reason of that which I haue spoken should be discouraged and cast downe with the sence of their owne vnworthinesse which at all times is great in their eyes but greatest when by tryal they looke most narrowlie vnto themselues We haue therefore to consider that there bee two sortes of tryals One whereby a thing perfect is tryed in such sort that it is not made better but found to bee that which it is and with this kinde of try●ll man is saide to trie the Lord and his word so speakes the Lord by Malachie Proue me try me now if I will not poure you ou●● blessing without measure By this tryall if a man fall too to trye the Lord hee shall finde him such as hee is true constant and faithfull to performe that which he hath spoken or if againe man will enter and trie the word of the Lord hee shall finde that the lawe of the Lord is perfect no drosse in it but like siluer fined seauen times in the fire There is againe another tryall whereby thinges imperfect are so tried that they are made better and at the length perfected and hereby God tries man for so hee speakes by the same Malachie The Lord wil fine the sonnes of Leui and purifie them as gold and siluer that they bring offerings to him in righteousnesse And with this triall also man tries himselfe searching out his iniquities that he may forsake them and this triall tendes indeed to a perfection at the last but stands rather in a finding out and forsaking of our imperfections then in any present perfection And of this tryall the Apostle meanes heere so that this precept dooth commaund vs to search out our iniquities to depart frō them but doth no way import that we should not communicate at this Table because that new tryall discouers to vs new transgressions for we come not he●e as men without sin but as poore and miserable sinners seeking the Sauiour of the world knowing that hee came not to call the righteous but sinners vnto repentance Thou then who after examination shalt finde the selfe a miserable and yet a penitent sinner say not with Peter Lord depart from me for I am a sinfull man but so much the rather goe to him and crie with Dauid Haue mercy on mee O God and according to the multitude of thy cōpassions put away mine iniqu●ti●s for it is a true saying Christ came into the world to saue sinners Stay not thou therfore backe from him because ●hou art sinfull onelye trie if thou bee wearie of thy sinnes for we are sure that a sin discouered by tryall and cast out by repentance will neuer condemne vs Wash you saith the Lord make you c●●an take away the euil● of your workes from before my eies and then though your sinn●s were as crimson they shall be made whi●e as snowe though they were red lik● Sva●●● they shall be as VVool. Omne quod ipse mimihi non imputare aecr●uerit S●c est quasi ●on fuerit euerie sin saieth the ancient which God hath concluded not to impute vnto me is as if it had neuer beene If therefore in thy conscience thou feele thy sins an hea●y burden vnto thee vnder the which thou sigh●st gronest and wherof thou earnestly desir●st to be rele●ued crying with that holy Apostle O miserable man who shall deliuer me from ●his bo●●e of sinne
for his Sonne Christ Iesus sake but presently performes it inuesteth vs againe with our Fathers inheritance which we forfeited in Adam and where we were of our owne nature but deade dogs vncleane creatures dead in sinne trespasses Now behold what loue the Father hath shewen vs He hath made vs partaker● ofthis heauenly voc●tion as to be his sonnes his heires and shall not we then in our very hearts be humbled before him acknowledge our great vnworthinesse and his excellent mercies Let vs confesse with God lie Iacob I am not worthie O Lord of the least of all thy mercies and let euery one of vs say with the Cēturion I am not worthie Lord that thou shouldest entre within my roofe Let vs with the womā of Canaan acknowledge our owne roome if the Lord should giue vs but the benefit of whelps dogs that is should suffer vs to goe vnder our maisters Table and eate of the crummes that fall from it yet were 〈◊〉 it more then any way we haue deserued how then are we bound to haue our hearts and our mouthes filled continually with the praises of our God who hath bestowed vpon vs his greatest mercies whē we were not worthy of the least hath set vs down as Sons daughters heires at the table of his children that were not worthy as dogs and whelps to creepe vnder it haue we not cause to crie out with Dauid O Lord what is man that this maner of wa● thou art mind●ful ●f him Elizabeth maruailed y t Mary came to vis●●e her in the humility of her hart cryed out W●ēc● cōmeth this that the mother of my Lord sh●ld come vnto me but we haue more cause to maruell at the maruaillous mercies of the Lord for what are we that the fairest ●mong the Children of men shold be d●lighted with our loue and our Lord should come to visit the base estate of his Seruants cōmunicate himselfe his light and his life and his grace vnto vs Let no mā think that I haue multiplied these places of scripture without a cause The beginning of the diuisiō between vs the Lord flowed from the pride of our nature vnlesse we humble our selues be cōtent in our mind to sit lower then dust ashes by reason of our sin it is not possible we can bee vnited with the Lord. This is the councell that in few words Michah giueth vnto vs He hath shewed thee O mā what ●s good and what ●he Lord requireth of thee surely to doe iustly and to loue mercy to humble ●hy selfe to walke w●th thy G●d The Lord is indeede a moste high God yet he is nearest vnto them they goe soonest vp vnto him who are least in their owne eyes and trem●le at his words And beside this inward humiliation ●rising of the sence of our owne vnworthinesse and weakenesse let vs come with a hunger and thirst of the Lord his righteousnesse and saluation For he will sati●fie the hungrie but the full he s●●deth away emptie onelie they that haue the spiritull appetite hunger and thirst are meete to be communicants ●t this holy table As that oyle multiplyed by El●sha ceased not so long as the widdow had any vessell wher●in to receiue it so shall neuer that oyle of grace decay but bee multiplyed and increased vnto all that with open inlarged hearts are ready to receiue it Thou therefore who art more ready to faint for spirituall hunger then was Ionathan come hither put out y e hād offaith eate of this hony and make thee full and thou that art sicke with the Spouse in the Canticle for the loue of Ies●s come either and the Lord shall stay thee with the flagons of his wine Art thou almoste dead like that Aegiptian the seruant of an Amalekite whō Dauid found in the fieldes take and eate of this bread and thy spirit shal returne againe vnto thee But alasse where is this spirituall appetite to be found amongst vs the deadnesse of our heart is lamentable we see not our wants we see not his beautie wee smell not his oyntments we taste little of his goodnesse and therefore ●e make not haste to runne after him Dauid mourned ouer the dead body of Ab●er but alasse if we could we haue much more cause to mourn ouer our dead soules Oh that there were in vs y e holy desire which Dauid protesteth to haue beene was in him My soule fayn●eth for the saluation of God A● the heart brayeth for y ● riuers of waters thirstie ground desireth rain so my soule pa●teth aft●r the liuing God blessed are they who hunger and thirste for his righteousnesse for they shal bee satisfied These onely are the guests banketters that shall eate of the delicates which here he hath prepared and whose soule shall bee delighted with his fatnesse These shall go from this Table as Moses came down from Mount Sinai and his countenance changed they shall arise with Eliah and walke on in the strength of this bread al the whole daies of their pilgrimage they shal go on in their way with S●mpson eating of the hony which they haue found They shall depart from this Table as the two Maries did from the Sepulchree with great ioy These shall goe home to their owne houses iustified with the Publicane reioycing because they haue found a treasure and hath felt the sweetnes of this Manna they shal shal not be able to conceale this great ioy from Israel but shall be forced to tell euerie Nathana●l whome they meet We haue found the Messiah And in all time to come their soules shall cleaue to the Lord without separation more streightly thē the mē of Iudah Ierusalem cleaued vnto Dauid their King they shall say to the Lord as Elizeus said to Eliah as the Lord liueth and as thy soule liueth I will not leaue thee and with Peter whither O Lord shall I goe from thee seeing thou hast the words of eternall life The Lord worke this spiritu all disposition in vs for Iesus Christs sake to whome with the Father the holy spirit be all honour praise and glory for euer Psal. 36.7 How excellent is thy mercie O Lord therefore the children of men trust vnder the shadowe of thy wings they shall be satisfied with the fatnesse of thine house and thou shalt giue them drinke out of the riuers of thy pleasures Psal. 6● 4 Blessed is the man whome thou choosest and causest to come to thee he shall dwell in thy courts and shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thine house Let glorie be giuen to the Lord and his blessing be vpon his people FINIS Rom. 1 Es 42 16 Esa 49 22 Esay 43 6 Psal. 19 6 Esai 2 3. Iosh. 10 1● Ro. 11 25 Gen 9 27 Mich 3 6 Hos. 9.12 Io. 12 35 Luk. 19 42 Psalme 2. Luk. 15 8 Psal.
house of Abraham then testifie your consent by receiuing these h●lye tokens of his loue which in his name we exh bit vnto you but if yee will not then shall we stand vp as witnesses against you that we haue called you and ye refused to come O man what wilt thou doe for thy Christ that wilt not come and banquet with him at his Table how canst thou say thou louest him when so small an impediment keep●s thee back from going vnto him hast thou not cause to hang downe thy head for shame when thou art conuinced to haue lesse loue to thy Sauiour then Esau had to Iacobs pottage for loue of them he solde his birth-right which hee should haue kept but thou for loue of Christ wilt not forsake thy corrupted will which thou art boūd to abandon Abraham for the loue of God was content with his own hands to slay his onely lawful Son and thou for the loue of God wilt not slay thy vnlawful bastard affections nor do the holy wil of God except thy wicked will be first fulfilled This euidently proues that ●hou hast not Abrahā for thy father but art of the race of wicked Cain that hated his Brother vnto the death Assuredly except thou repent that merciles iudgement abides thee presignified in that mercilesse seruāt who hauing gotten mercie from his King could shew none to his Companion Oughtest not thou to haue had pittie on thy fellow as I had pittie on thee Thy former sins shall bee imputed vnto thee and thou shalt be deliuered to the Iaylor til thou pay all that is due vnto thy Lord which thou shalt neuer be able to doe But that the pittiful ignorance of both these sortes of Recusants may the better appeare and farther light may arise to such as are willing to communicate wee are to consider what a banquet this is and what are the delicates vnto the participation whereof wee are here called The Apostle saith not let a man eate bread drink wine but let him eate of This bread drink of this Cup. The particle This tels vs it is no cōmon bread wine no surely the comfort is greate that we are commaunded to eate of that bread wherof our Sauiour saith This is my body and to drinke of that Cup which he calles His blood of the New Testament shed for the remission of the sinnes of many He that eates of my bread drinks of any cup vnwor●hily becomes guiltie of the abuse of Gods creatures but he that eates of this Bread and drinkes of this cup vnworthily becomes guiltie of the bodye and blood of the Lord and eates his own damnatiō beca●se he discerneth not the lords body And therefore that wee fall not into this f●arfull sinne wee are to know that this Sacrament is not a simple thing but a compound wherin are things of sundry kinds which must be distinguished and so the word of discerning imports that secret There are here things o● sund●ie sorts we must discerne euery thing in the owne kinde so our Sauiour taught vs and after him his Apostles and this truth from them the auncient Fathers haue deliuered vnto vs Eucharistia said Irenaeus ex ●uabus r●bu● constat ●erren● et caelesti The Eucharist cōsists of two kinde of thinges the one earthly the other heauenly And Augustine calleth it v●sibile st●num inu●fibilis gratiae the visible signe of inuisible grace And Macarius calleth this bread wine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Exem●l●r●● figurae seut●p● carnis et sauguinis Christs Resemblances figures types of the body blood of Christ Iesus Now it is ●u●e that a type patterne or figure must euer bee distinguished from that wherof it is a figure This sacrament then being a compound thing must bee considered not as a simple but as a compound thing If it bee asked whether a man be earthly or heauēnly because hee is a compound creature It must bee answered by a distinction If it bee asked how a Christian being on the earth the Apostle saieth that hee hath his c●nconuersation in the Heauens it must bee answered by a distinction And if also it bee asked whether this Sacrament be an earthlye or an heauenlye thing how the signe is giuen how the thing signified how Christ Iesus is in the heauen yet present in this Sacramēt All these I say must be answered by a distinction Sursum est dominus saide Augustin sedetiam hic est veritas dominus corpus enim domini in quo resurrexit vno loco esse potest veri●as eius vbique diffusa est Our Lord is aboue in heauen yet heere also is our Lord as he is the truth for the body of our lord in which he arose from death can bee but in one place but his truth is diffused into euerie place And againe Ibat per id quod hom● erat manebat per id quod deus ibat per id quod vno loco erat manebat per id quod vbique erat He went hence by that which was Man hee stayed by that which was God he went away by that which was but in one place he stayed by that which was in al places And againe Ascendit super omnes coelos corpore nō recessit maiestate Hee ascended aboue all the heauens in his bodie but he departed not hence in his Maiestie And Cyrill in like maner Non enim quia nunc non adest in carne ex eo outes quo● spiritu medio hic nō ad●it Think not that with his spirit he is not here amongest vs because hee is not now amongst vs with his bodie Thus ye see we must vse a distinction And yet albeit we are forced here to acknowledge the sundrie natures of things compound and consider them in their owne kinds wee must for all that take heed to the wonderfull vnion and s●cramentall coniunction that is bet●eene them which is so strait that vnto the right receiuer they are inseparable for the which also the earthly thing receyues the name of the heauenly And this must also be considered least on the other hande separating those thinges which God hath conioyned we make this Bread and this Wine but naked and bare signes and so iustly incurre that blame which our aduersaries vniustly would lay vpon vs and in like manner this punishment which here the Lorde threatens against them who are euill discerners We are therefore to consider that for the right discerning of the Lords body these three rules are to be obserued First that in this Sacrament we take vp euery thing in the owne nature kind Next that we vse euerie one of thē in the maner appointed by Christ with reuerence that is due vnto them And thirdly that this Sacramēt be celebrated vnto the right ends for which our Sauiour appointed it Against the first failes both Papists and bastard professors Papists are euill