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A18014 The plaine ma[ns] spirituall plough Containing the godly and spirituall husbandrie. Wherein euery Christian ought to be exercised, for the happie encrease of fruite, to eternall life. By I.C. preacher of the word. Carpenter, John, d. 1621. 1607 (1607) STC 4663; ESTC S118755 136,138 254

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of amendement and ready satisfaction in such measure as hability opportunitie and occasion can extend be ministred to answer the proportion of the iniury or fault To this aimed Dauid when hauing sinned not only against the Lord but against man hee did not alone say that hee would confesse his sinnes vnto the Lord but also declared the performance of either openly before the congregation Psal 51. Such a matter importeth Solomons Preacher wherein hee confesseth among the vanities of the sonnes of men his owne abhominations and errors Eccl. 1 2. Solomons confession yea as the Hebrewes report in the bitter sense of his sinnes griefe of conscience hee exposed himselfe ready to confesse his faults throughout the City of Ierusalem wherein he raigned king before the eies of all the inhabitors of the same A rare example of such a personage Thus King Manasses being imprisoned in Babylon by the diuine iudgement for his great abhominations confessed openly that his sins were more then the stars of the heauens and the sand by the sea shore in multitude without number Daniel also in the behalf of the captiue Iewes for their sins confesseth Lord Dan. 9.9.10 vnto vs belongeth shame and confusion for wee haue gone away from thee many other like examples besides testimonies do the holy Scriptures exhibite vnto vs of the vse of this spirituall Culter vnto the which we may aptly affix that confession of the Ghristian Emperour Theodosius Theodosius who being reproued by Ambrose the Bishop of Millane for some heinous fault and excluded the Church did not onely humbly acknowledge his offence with teares but confessing the same openly saide that the Church doores which were set wide open to receiue in the poore folke and beggars were shut that worthily against him who was made a Lord ouer his brethren Whereby as with a Culter or knife this Emperour with those other of like estate ripped vp and laide wide open their committed sinnes Neyther is this vertue vnaptly compared to that Vomer The Vomer and vse thereof being indeed a spirituall vomiting or casting foorth of that which is noysome from the stomacke The stomacke is mans heart As the stomacke is oppressed with repletion so is mans heart annoyed with sinne And as the wringing of the stomacke prouoketh vomit so the contrition of the heart and true humiliation of a man yeeldeth a good Confession Againe as the stomacke is not eased ere it be discharged no more is the heart vntill wicked imaginations bee cast out For it is certaine that no sinner hath any ease or comfort before hee finde the gratious coūtenance of God turn towards him but vntil the sinner in the sorrow of his heart cōfesseth his sinne God sheweth him no fauourable countenance and because hee is willing in his louing mercies to recouer his children hee neuer leaueth off to strike beat and chastise them with afflictions vntill they acknowledge and confesse their sinnes in all humilitie seeke vnto him for mercie Num. 21.7 Le. 16.18.22 This to teach and perswade vnto the Israelites hee commanded the High Priest to confesse openly both his and the peoples sinnes vpon the scapte goate And this surely as the godly vsed they euer found the mercy of God ready to pardon and to forgiue them according to that saying of Solomon the which he had before seene in his Father Dauid and by good experience tryed on himselfe Pro. 28 13 To confesse and forsake sinne obtaineth mercy 1. Ioh. 1.9 but hee that hideth his sinnes shall not prosper To the which we heare the Apostle to accord If we confesse our sinnes saith hee God is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnes Loe heere is Mercie heere is prosperitie heere is pardon heere is cleansing Therfore let vs well vse this spirituall Culter and therein answere to the admonition of S. Iames where hee saith vnto sinners replete with manie noysome and daungerous humours of heart Iam. 4.48 Cleanse your hearts yee sinners and purge your hearts ye wauering minded And if this Share this Culter be waxen so blunt The sharpening of the Culter and therewith the ground of Mans heart can neither be torne vp nor diuided in good sort the Lord will cause the enemy to blow the fire of affliction to beate on with the hammers of persecutions troubles for the sharpening thereof the which was signified by that example of the Israelites 1. Sam 13.20 who hauing no Smith in Israel were forced to repaire to the Philistines to sharpen euerie man his Share and his Culter for the better tillage of their Land Thus the poore prodigall childe Luk 16. after hee had felt the smart of affliction miserie vnder a cruell maister in a strange country was moued to acknowledge his disobedience and sinne saying Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee and I am not worthie to bee called thy Sonne CHAP. XVII The 4. part of the Soole is the Beame The manuring of the fl●sh THe Fourth parte of this sacred Soole is Temo that is the Beame which stronglie beareth and holdeth all the other partes together and noteth Macerationem carnis the Macerating of the flesh that is the extenuating chastising and humbling of the body as that voluptuousnes and wanton lusts beeing allayed the spirit may haue the more freedome libertie in the true vse of the senses of the Soule and made the apter to euerie vertue 1. Cor 9.7 the which therefore is esteemed the strength of the Soole This vertue Paul exercised in himselfe when hee saide I beate downe my body and bring it into subiection least by any meanes after that I haue preached to others I my selfe should be reprooued the meaning is that hee kept a straite dyer and abstained from such things as might distemper his bodie This hee saw to be needfull for that hee perceiued the lawe of sinne raigning in his members prouoking him to insolencie pride wicked lustes and naughtines And lest that Paul as a man should haue bene negligent in this necessary dutie hee testified againe that the Lord permitted the messenger of Satan to buffet him that is God layd on him crosses afflictions many troubles whereby as vnder the rod or yoke of correction hee might be humbled and kept within the bowndes of his dutie The pampring of the proude flesh bringeth manie enormities to the soule and destruction to both body and soule Euery man saith S. Iames is tempted when hee is drawen away of his owne concupiscence and is entised then Iam. 1.14.15 Gen. 6. Gen. 19. Ezec. 16. Deut 3● 1. Cor 10. when lust hath conceiued it bringeth foorth sinne and sinne when it is finished bringeth fourth death The olde worlde giuen to this sinne swayed therin were drowned Sodom and Gomorra for the same were burned to cinders the Israelites beeing full forgot God
which is not found in or of himselfe towardes his acceptation and Iustice before God Moreouer this Treasure is not laid vp in the fraile nature of man Where Iustice dwelleth but in the strong habitacle of the person of Christ as both in his proper place there wher it findeth the greatest preseruation and safetie for our better benefit For when Adam had that in his possession Pro. 3. after his free will the subtle Serpent preuented him he was iustly depriued thereof in his sin As if the Lorde should thus haue said I will from henceforth take on my selfe the protection of this high Treasure as where it shal be full safe and surely defended from all danger of losse And therfore in●eed when he came in the flesh although he were mightily tempted and assaulted by the Enemie of mans soule he was not vanquished or ouercome ●ut being most strong he vanquished and subdu●d Satan and all his Angells to his power as wher●f he said The Prince of the world commeth Ioh 22 3● 14.30 16.14 and findeth nought in mee Againe Now is the iudgement of ●his world the Prince of this world is cast out Howbeit the faithfull neuer want nor are they denyed ●he benefit of this treasure whensoeuer they look vp vnto him and draw towards his Diuine Grace with their Faith as the Eagles hasten vnto their praye in and by the which they finde peace and rest vnto their soules howesoeuer they be tempted persecuted and afflicted in this miserable world Loe this is that former Iustice or Righteousnes to the which the Prophet directeth vs when hee saith Sow yee to yourselues for Righteousnes Whereof wee haue spoken more largely in our * A book● so intituled Acolastos Dialogu 7. vv and not vnworthy the reading of all true Christians with godly deliberation and like consideration CHAP. VII The second kinde of Iustice which is that of the second Table is comprehended in the worde Mercie and necessarilie followeth the former in due order THe other kind of Righteousnes required of men What is this kinde of Iustice and defined and set forth in the word Mercie is the very fruit or effect of the former and conteineth the summe of those vertues duties works of Charitie conteyned in the second table of the Law as it is before said and often times expressed in the works of Charitie Agape Luk. 1.74 This the holy man Zacharie calleth Holinesse when he saith that wee are deliuered from our enemies hand that wee should serue God in holines and righteousnes And St. Paul consenting thereto 1. Thess 1.3.4 saith This is the will of God euen your holines The same meant the Lord when he said Be ye holy for I am holie And Christ in one word called it perfection saying Mat. 3.48 Ye shal be perfect euen as your Father which is in heauen is perfect We may not either speak or think otherwise of this vertue Iustice Mercie then wee haue before in effect saide and considered therof sauing that wheras before we placed and accepted the same apart by it selfe here we place it together with the former vertue that is Iustice and accept it as the definition or effectuall fruit therof neither may we imagine that eyther this can be without that or that perfected without this When the Lord God had made Adam and set him in Paradise yet for that he had not this help the Lord pronounced him as vnperfect saying It is not good that the man should be alone Gen. 2. I will therefore make him an helpe like vnto him So doubtlesse although the Lord had iustified the beleeuer Acts. 13. and by the bloud of his Sonne wee be deliuered from all things from which by the lawe of Moses wee could not be iustified nor deliuered yet is it not the Lords will that we should be ydle in the fielde or market place but his will is that we should endeuour that which hee of vs requireth in his law though not to that perfection which is needefull the which wee cannot performe yet according to that measure of abilitie which he hath to that ende giuen vs. To this did Isaiah Isa 1.17 the Prophet invite the people when hee saide Learne to doe well seeke iudgement releeue the oppressed iudge the fatherles defend the widowes And Micheas Mich. 6. the Prophet saying Doe iustlie loue mercie This remembred Daniel Dan. 4. in his good counsaile to the king Nebucadnezar Cut off thy sins with righteousnes he addeth thine iniquities by mercy to the poore that is Change thy crueltie into mercie and where as thou art a man prophane be thou henceforth holy righteous To this would S. Iohn the Baptist perswade the Iewes Yee say ye are Abrahams children beleeuers but I would ye should doe the workes of the faithfull and bring forth fruits worthie amendment of life And S. Paul after that he had strongly confirmed the foundation of our Iustification by the diuine grace accepted by faith without any the deeds of the law that men might not imagine he condemned those works which proceeded from the iustified man hee omitted not to builde on that foundation the excellencie of such actions and works as necessarilie followe the iustified man as the effects vsually follow the causes therefore he saith I beseech you brethren by the mercifulnes of God Ro. 12.1 that ye offer vp your bodies a liuing Sacrifice holie acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable seruing of God And this Saint Iames Iam. 2. laboureth to perswade with many mighty argumēts to thē who thought that a bare faith had bin ynough for a mā to come to heauē although hee neuer trauailed in the way of life by any work because Paul had preached that a man was iustified before God by faith not by works Loe thus ought the perfect Thumim Thumim perfection integritie to be made answereable to the bright Vrim Vrim light or knowledge that righteousnes which is by Faith in Christ manifested in Mercie and that holinesse which proceedeth from the influence of the holy Spirit wherwith they be baptized which beleeue declared before men that men may see our good works and glorifie our Father which is in heauen And so haue we seen what the Lord God requireth of vs in these two words Righteousnes Mercy Note But heere I would not that any man should gather that because wee say that GOD requireth good workes therefore wee are able to doe those workes without Faith or can beleeue without his grace or can merit life with those our works seeing wee be all sinners and vnprofitable but so as those workes are as the effectes of good causes fruits of a good tree and notes of our faithfull obedience to the Diuine will which we must aime vnto and therein feeling our great imperfection depend on the merit of our heauēly Sauiour Iesus
that as the weakenesse of humane abilitie and slendernesse of mans witte coulde neuer of it selfe effect any thing of the meanest request The best commencements much lesse that which is of the noblest regard so also as wisdome reason and experience teach things well begun haue commonlie like successes and that the good beginnings are taken from the diuine grace wherein the greatest actions haue bene enabled with the semblable regard This when I also well weighed I thought it a matter most vnseemelie and nolesse sinful to aduenture this present worke without holy inuocation yea much I doubted lest that without this one thing I should not only transgresse in manie things but also setting the building not on the Rock with the wise man but with the foole on the sand the waight of the walles would haue fallen to the ground and so much the sooner for that the worke now endeuoured is both exceeding great and the degree therof excellent high The waight of the matter in hand vz Pietie for behold this is that which aptly concerneth the supreme magnificency of the most princely Ladie Pietie of whose right nobilitie I perswade euery man who hath been schooled either in the knowledge of God or of himselfe hath happilie heard and with whose laudable graces whosoeuer is truely adorned is both honored with God well commended of all good men And this I am sure ye will confesse together with me when yee shall aright vnderstand both the nature and vtilitie of this Soueraigne Princesse by her plaine description but the more when ye shall be moued to entertaine and embrace the sweete influences of her glorious vertues Now Pietie Cicer. in Re. tue li. 2. Aug. epist 22. ad Macedo if ye aske mee what I vnderstand by this word I answere not only that Philostorge or louing affection whereby a man loueth honoureth r●uerenceth gratifieth and dutifully regardeth his father mother brethren kindred Country and such as haue thereby well deserued according to the definition of the Philosophers but also that chiefly that most reuerend holy and true worship of the most high God Chris in ser De fide de lege and the true loue and right regard of dutie towards all men whose originall and fountaine the whole scriptures diuinely inspired haue drawne not from the nature wit abilitie or policie of sinfull man but from the verie spirit of truth as an influence of the highest heauens comprehended in the feare of God expressed in Faith Hope and Charitie hath his Mysterie exceeding great for vnder the same not onely God is manifested in the flesh as Paul the holie Apostle affirmeth 1. Tim. 3. but also there lye couched great safetie great wealth great vtilitie great glorie Thereof the auncient Hermes knowing the safetie protested that Lactan. li. 2. de Origine Erro cap. 16. Mia Phylake Eusebeia c. Pietie is that onely keeper or preser matrix of men for neither hath the wicked diuel nor yet Fate any maner power ouer the godly man for God deliuereth him from all euil therefore is Pietie or Godlines that one and onely good thing among men Next wee heare the Apostle to affirme that Pietie is great riches to them which are content with that which they haue thirdly he saith that this vertue is profitable to all things lastly that it hath for her end euerlasting life For in the true tenure of Pietie not only all the Creatures of God in the world but also all the treasures and rights of the kingdome of heauen are ours Therefore this is the same which beyond all other things he boldly commendeth as not only the best and most acceptable to God but the verie scope of all the holy Scriptures which are giuen to this end that men might belieue and in belieuing might haue eternall life in the name of the Sonne of God Loe such a thing haue I aduentured to haue at this time whose reuerence although I esteeme farre beyond mine abilitie and worthinesse yet vnder the feare of him who hath called me with an holy calling graunted me to knowe the secretes of this vertue and enabled me to declare his glorie in the middest of his congregation haue I so farre forth presumed yet not I but that diuine grace which worketh in mee Therefore let vs now with meeke heartes and due reuerence fall downe before his footstoole and faithfully lift vp our humble mindes vnto that heauenly Father frō whom this grace desendeth Let vs seeke him in a true faith and desire his gratious goodnes that in his diuine fauour mercy and louing affection towards vs through his sweete sonne our Sauiour he would respect our condition speede well our Plough and prosper all our godly endeuours that thereof plowing and sowing not to the flesh but to the spirit we may reape not of the flesh corruption but of the spirit life euerlasting for the high glory of his maiestie the soueraign benefit of his Church the perfect discharge of Christian dutie and the prosperitie of the elected Saints O most blessed father the God of glory A prayer for the good speed of Pieties Plough and king of all consolation we thy poore children oppressed with the intollerable burthen of sinne and scourged with miseries rod the guard of transgressions doe now here prostrate both our bodies and soules before thy foote-stoole Thou hast commanded vs to sowe for Righteousnesse Hos 10.12 and to reape according to Mercies measure to plough vp our fallow ground to seeke after thee in the happie time and to apply Pieties Plough in the true obseruation of godly dutie But alas ô father wee be so witlesse and weake as wee neither knowe how to vse the one nor are able to labour in the other nor can we be drawne from the idle market place into the happie field of the spirituall husbandry but by thy wisdome thy mercie and thy louing and gracious calling through thy most holy Messias our Sauiour For as no man commeth vnto thee but by thy Sonne so neither commeth any man to thy Sonne but whom thou drawest and thou drawest them no doubt by thy mercie Ier. 31.3 whom thou hast embraced with thine euerlasting loue Gen. 9.27 Therefore with righteous Noah wee beseech thee to perswade vs in thy mercies to enter Sichems Tabernacles Cant. 1.3 and heartily desire thee with thy holy Spowsesse to drawe vs forth after thee with a promise of our parts but assisted by thee that then wee will runne Call vs ô father effectually manure our worke without and prepare our mindes within Let it please thy good spirit to inspire our hearts thy power to enable our bodies thy grace to confirme our whole man to to thy holy will and pleasure and thy louing mercies to make vs meete for thy seruice that standing no longer ydle we may henceforth labour in thy field follow Pieties Plough and be wholy emploied in the heauenly
which hate and persecute you Following therein the example of our heauenly father who maketh his Sunne to shine as well on the euill as on the good and giueth rayne both to the iust and vniust and is mercifull vnto all To this he addeth a reason For if ye loue and doe good to them that loue doe good to you what reward haue you doe not the Publicans euen the same To and for this wee haue also the examples of many good men as of Abraham whose good deedes Ghrist commendeth of Lot in Sodom of Noah in the old world of Moses in Egypt of Dauid in Israel of Nehemiah Neh. in Iudeah And in the new Testament besides Zacharie Elizabeth Lydia Cornelius Labitha Anna Martha Mary Paul Stephen and such wee haue the most perfect example of the Lord Iesus himselfe who though God became and dyed for man to bring him to life euen then when man was sinfull and an enemy vnto him CHAP. V. The generall signification of the word Mercy AS the word Iustice or Righteousnesse before mentioned as so placed alone hath a very large signification comprehending as in one word the summe and habite of all vertues and so the whole dutie of a man euen so this Word Chesed or Mercy in the like sort accepted is extended to the same but yet so as that therein Iustice is declared and perfected For Mercy The mercy of God as it is applied to the Lord signifieth not onely his free remission and pardon of our sinnes as it is before saide but also all those good motions waies blessings graces and meanes which hee bestoweth vseth and applieth to the calling home redemption and preseruation of them whom in his eternall loue hee hath elected and predestinated to life in his sonne Iesus Thereof the Lord saith by the Prophet Ieremy I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue therefore in Mercy haue I drawne thee Ier. 31.3 yea vnder this word and that most cōmonly in the holy Scriptures are signified all and singular those graces bounties benefits blessings and whatsoeuer good things the Lord our God of his meere loue fauour and good wil powreth forth and bestoweth on men being indeed the effect and fruite of his diuine and eternall loue to his Saints in Christ This word therefore vsed the holy Patriarch Iacob when returning from Mesopotamia and considering how rich and bountifull the Lord his God had bene vnto him in loue graces and manifold benefits far beyond all his deserts or worthines he confessed and saide Catóntimickol hachasadim Gen. 32.10 and 33.11 that is I am farre vnworthy all those Mercies This king Dauid very often acknowledged vnder the same word Chesed Of such a force is it as it is iustly applied vnto our good God whose mercy is said to comprehend all his workes In like manner the same being applied to man The mercy of man and especially to that duty which is required of man towards man signifieth not onely those particular Species or kinds of Iustice as humanitie benignitie beneuolence kindnesse gratitude or that Sogyn or affection of loue or that worke of mercy which wee call almes-deeds or pardon of trespasses or such like before mentioned as in any part or member therof but all and euery those louing affections godly wordes holy actions good deedes and commendable things whatsoeuer to the which a true Christian is worthily inuited perswaded and directed within that loue of his neighbours contained and commaunded in the second Table of the diuine Lawe and confirmed both by the Doctrine and example of our Lord Christ as that whereby true loue charitie is expressed performed perfected with effect The holy Psalmist speaking of the righteous man Psal 37.21 saith The Righteous is Mercifull as if this were the fruite which so good a tree yeelded he is Righteous Ergo he is mercifull or he is vnmercifull for he is righteous Therefore is the word taken for the very definition of Iustice Megaudes in 2. Tim. 2 Caiu in Hos 12. because that therein onely that generall vertue so often commanded and commended in the holy Scriptures is apparantly expressed and perfected as the cause by his effects The Apostles haue commonly for this word vsed Agape Loue or Charitie comprehending all the fruites of faith and mans whole dutie against the which is opposed a word which signifieth distraction cruelie vncharitablenesse vnmercifulnesse oppression spoyling and the effects of malice As it is saide of the olde world the earth was filled with crueltie Gen. 6. Pro 22. Psal 50. Mercy perfection Mat. 5 48 Luk. 6.36 The vngodly are cruell and pertakers with theeues robbers or oppressors Finally wee may obserue that in the Sermon of Christ Saint Luke calleth that Perfection which Saint Luke calleth Mercy yee shall therefore bee perfect as your father in heauen is perfect Be yee therefore mercifull as your father also is merciful By the which as he meaneth one thing so hee would that men vnder this word Mercy should bee perfect in all goodnesse though not in measure or quantitie yet of nature and qualitie like vnto God our heauenly father And to this are we inuited by the Prophet Hosey Hos 10 12 when he saith Reape ye according to the measure of mercy And by the Lord Iesus citing the Prophets words I wil haue mercy not sacrifice which is as if he said Mat. 9.13 and 12.7 All your sacrifices and oblations nothing please me whiles I finde you to bee cruell vncharitable and vnmercifull one towards another yea whiles I finde no goodnesse nor perfection in you conformable to the image of God But on the other side If yee doe iustly loue mercy humble your selues and walke with God Mich. 6.8 as Noah Enoch Abraham and others the godly and faithfull in their times haue done then will I accept your Sacrifices not onely with your Mercy but in regard thereof as the right effect of so good a cause And so much touching those two vertues Iustice and Mercy as either of the wordes are absolutely placed and so commonly accepted in the holy Scriptures CHAP. VI. 1. Of Iustice and Mercy conioyned 2. And of such their acceptation for the vse of Pietie AS we often find those two words Iustice and Mercy disioyned set a part so also wee finde them often conioyned the which after the first sight should seeme Hos 10 12 that the former signifie the thing required of man the latter the reward or benefite that man is to expect thereof Isay 55. as elsewhere it is said Let the vnrighteous man forsake his owne waies so shall the Lord be mercifull vnto him so the Lord should heere say by his Prophet Sowe to your selues for Righteousnes and then shall ye reape according to the measure of mercy Howbeit although I will not vtterly impugne that sense yet consenting with the best it is certaine that the Prophet as well here as
of men But that wherto the Prophet Hoseas exhorteth is that Righteousnes of God and the true perfect Iustice of the LORDS Elect Hos 10. after the which as from a cause there followe for effects good Actions good endeuors good works and an holie and sounde life in and by the which a man is iustified and commended before men as hee is iustified and commended in the sight of God by the former The former is called Iustice the latter is called Mercy And as the former is taken for the cause Calu. in Hes 10. the latter for the effect or the one for the tree the other for the fruite so is this latter made the definition of the former being indeede the very Symbole or signe as whereby the Righteousnes of God in Christ by the which we are approued with him is plainely expressed and set forth as elsewhere it is said that the obseruation of the second table of the law plainly testifieth the true performance of the first Table Therfore Faith expressed by dec●es Matt. ●5 aswel to teach perswade this vnto the Saints as to comfort encourage them in their dutie therin Christ remembreth and commendeth in them rather the obseruation of those workes of the second Table then those of the first that is their workes before their faith as that wherby indeed their true faith appeared therefore he saith not I was hungry thirsty naked harborles sick and in prison and ye beleeued in mee but he said I was thirsty ye gaue me drinke naked ye cloathed me harbourles and ye lodged me sick and ye visited mee in prison and ye came vnto me Thus he commended the work which expressed the faith for as a learned father wryteth after the saying of Saint Iames Pistis choris ergon necra hos erga dicha pisteos Gre. Naz. Eisto ha●ion baptisma Iam. ● 18 Matt 5. Faith is dead without works euen as the wo●ks are dead without faith Therfore it was the counsaile of the same Apostle that we should declare our faith by our workes alluding to that Commandement of the Lord So let your light shine before men that they may see your good workes c. In this cōsideration let vs remēber that as I said the Prophet Hosey commendeth to vs a double Iustice whereof the one is before God the other is towardes and before men Ro. 3 2.24.8 1. Cor 1 30. Ia● 2. ●● 2● Of the former spake Paul saying wee are iustified by faith and Christ is our righteousnes Of the latter spake Iames wee be iustified by works and Abraham was iustified by works And as eyther of them as the cause the time the persons and the occasions required haue duely attributed aswell to faith as to works Faith and works the due prerogatiue and honor of both so haue they taught and esteemed not onely the one but both of thē necessarie in a godly man The first which is the tree or cause of the latter is defined in the Newe Testament Our Righteousnes before God of two parts to be our Reconciliation with God by the means of Christ Iesus our Mediator Or our Approbation with the Father through the merite of the Sonne Or the free Remission of sinnes obtayned by them which beleeue in God and by the which we who who are guilty God pronoūceth iust for the sake of his Sonne And this defintiion hath two generall partes the one is remission of sinnes the other is the imputation of Iustice A remission of our owne sinnes An imputation of the Iustice of another wherin there is a fit allusion to the order and vsage of a gratious Prince towards his guiltie Subiect whom notwithstanding his faulte hee doth not onely pardon for his offence but also doth adorne with benefites The sinne is pardoned through him by whose Iustice and merite we are approued and pronounced Righteous that is not by any Angell or man or any other creature whatsoeuer which were not onely ashamed but also blemished by mans sinne but only in by the holy Messias the Lord Iesus who indeed for that purpose came down from his Father and died and with his pretious blood payed the debt of our transgression and set vs at libertie yea he beautified vs with the glorious beautie of himselfe Of the former member of this our Iustice wee haue a notable testimony of the Lord in Isaiah Isa 53. ●1 where he saith My righteous Seruant meaning Christ shall iustifie the multitude with his wisedome and how he tells for he shall beare their sinnes And that approoueth the Apostle where hee saith of Christ that he bare our sinnes in his body 1. Pet ● 21.14 hanging on the tree when there was no guile found in his mouth To this belongeth that example of the Publican Luke 18. whom the Lord approued before the proud pharisie for he prayed for pardon for his sinne which he confessed and that being granted hee was said to be iustified for his sinnes were not imputed therefore both after the Testimony of Dauid and of Paul he was blessed Ro. 4. ● 8 Gal. 3.8 as blessed is that mā to whō the Lord imputeth not sin Of the latter member of this Iustice the same Apostle speaking saith that God imputed Righteousnes to thē that beleeued that is 1. Cor. 1.30 the Righteousnes of Christ to the faithful that he is made vnto vs of God not onely wisedome sanctification and redemption but also Righteousnes and in one other sentence he comprehendeth either member thus Christ dyed for our sinnes Ro 4 1● hee rose againe for our iustification that is he dyed to abolish sinne and rose againe to worke our perfect Righteousnes This is our Righteousnes with the Lord The order of our Iustification to the which the former Iustice must be referred the order therof in the merite of the Sonne of God is as followeth viz. First we consider the eternall loue of God to mankind in Iesus Christ before all worlds according to that saying I loued thee with an euerlasting loue Secondly his diuine grace and fauour wherby he powreth forth on vs of his diuine blessings as of whose fulnes we all receiue grace vpon grace Thirdly his Mercie in drawing vs vnto him as hee saith by the Prophet By my mercie haue I drawen thee vnto me Fourthlie the merite of Iesus Christ working deseruing it in the Iustice of his Father Fiftlie his perfect Righteousnes the which of that his loue grace mercie and merite extended vnto vs Christ is made ours and his graces and vertues esteemed ours in by the which Mans merite excluded we are accepted as is the Sonne or Mediator Righteous and glorious before God Thus farre forth we finde man to be vtterlie excluded not onely from all merite but also from all action or meanes in himselfe of this Iustice and therfore hath hee no cause to boaste of that
reioyce not that ye were sorie but that you sorrowed to repentance for ye sorrowed godly so that in nothing ye were hurt by vs for godly sorrow causeth Repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of but the worldly sorrow causeth death Wherein also distinguishing the godly sorrow that is the Christian contrition frō that which is vngodly he sheweth the ends and fruits of eyther And truly as that medicine which draweth forth from the sick mans heart the venemous humour of his disease and prepareth him for the sweete and healing potion This godly contrition draweth out of the sinners hart the poisō of the wicked fact and mittigateth the biting and sorrow of the conscience albeit it pierceth and woundeth the same for by this shall be made euen a soueraigne medicine to heale the wound of it owne piercing comparable therein to that ointment or plaister which made of the Spider or flie that stingeth a man shall easily heale mitigate the paine therof This is a practise vsed in the cure of the body in the which that is thoght no lesse needfull that a veine bee opened when the Phisitian perceiueth the blood infected But the sinner is throghly infected both in body and minde and so inflamed therewith that he will be soone agonized and dead indeede if his veine be not soone opened euen the Cordiall veine from whence the rankour of malice and wicked imaginations may bee drawne forth Gen 6. For the imaginations of mans heart are onely euill euery day Therefore saide the Lord Circumcise your hearts Roote your hearts Let the sinner forsake his owne imaginations This commenceth the Action of mans Mortification and is the first part of Repentance so needfull as that without it men cannot repent indeede Ps 51. and 126.6.7 But hauing the same in the right constitution of minde wee are accepted with the Lorde though we sowe in teares wee reape in ioy wee enter the gate of right Repentance wee mooue the Lord GOD to pitie vs wee finde mercie with his grace and finally bee directed from hel to heauen and from eternall death to eternall life through the merits of the Sonne of God CHAP. XV. The second part of the Soole of pietie is the Shippe NExt to the Share is the Shippe 2. Humiliation of the Spirit which is that member of the Soole whereon the Share is fastened and this noteth the humiliation of the Spirite wrought by that true feare of GOD whereby mans heart being contrite the minde is also so humbled and made poore in his owne conceit as that it casteth off all boldnesse of it owne strength wisedome iustice wealth and estimation Hereof it is that a man chooseth to be an abiect in the house of God and preferreth all others before him when hee considereth his owne vilenesse as Dauid did acknowledgeth himselfe to bee but dust and ashes as Abraham did esteemeth himselfe vnworthy of Gods manifold mercies as Iacob did standeth a farre off and is afraide to looke vp to heauen as the poore Publican did dreadeth to take the holy name of God in his mouth as Solomon did desireth to be but as a seruant in Gods house as the prodigall Sonne did in the house of his father esteemeth himselfe a worme and no man as Christ did thinketh both himselfe and his house vnwoorthie of Christ as the Ruler didde and saith to Christ Lord goe from me for I am a sinfull man as Peter did In a word as this humble Spirit casteth down and condemneth and contemneth himselfe as a seruant vnprofitable in thought word and deede so hath hee no desire to bee praised before God or man because hee seeth and feeleth in himselfe nothing worthie commendation but rather sinne damnation This is contrary to the humour of the worlde which hunteth after the vaine glory of the same and thinketh magnificently of her followers therein disdaining and contemning the whiles the humble and lowly men of Spirit Howbeit the Lord Iesus as hee himselfe was humble and meeke Mat. 52. and would that all his Disciples should follow him therein so hee pronounceth those persons blessed for that to them belongeth the kingdome of heauen neyther as he saith shall any be admitted into the same but such onely as be truly humbled and in the meekenesse of Spirit become as children the which Augustine considering saide that this was indeede the first the second and the third point yea the highest and cheefest point of Christianity Why humility is likened to the Shippe And worthily is this vertue compared to the Shippe in the Soole for that as the Ship is not only that peece which holdeth the Share but is placed beneath next to the earth so the humiliation of the Spirit holdeth fast the true Contrition of the heart the which without the same would soone bee abated and yet how low soeuer this be placed vnder some other parts of the Soole and next the ground with the Shippe yet as Nazianzen said ypsus arozenthe etapeinosen it goeth before exal●ation and honour Therfore Saint Iames counselled Be yee humble vnder Gods mighty hand that he may exalt you in the time conuenient For God resisteth the proude but giueth grace to the lowly And to strengthen all the Lord himselfe saith Learne of me for I am meeke and lowly of heart and ye shal finde rest for your soules for he that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted CHAP. XVI The third part of the Soole is the Culter THe third member of this Soole is Confession of the Mouth 3. Confessiō of Mouth compared to the Vomere Vomer or that which we call the Culter The Culter hath his name of cutting or diuiding the Vomer is so called a Vomendo that is of vomiting or casting foorth any thing from the stomacke This Culter is that which cuts diuideth openeth that which the Share pierceth casting or separating the sound earth some on this side some on that as a man may thereby see not onely a diuision or opening of the parts but also the very bottome or ground of that earth And thereto that Confession of the Mouth beeing compared is defined the expresse manifestation of our sinnes eyther publikely or priuately eyther to God Confession to God or to men that to God is when our Consciences touched with the diuine Law we so acknowledge our sinnes before the Lord that we confesse our selues most worthy damnation both of body and soule therein we accuse not Gods Iudgements but implore his great mercies and praise his glory which iustifieth the sinner not of desert but of his diuine grace in his Sonne that to man is when hauing hurt or offended our brethren Confession to man we willingly acknowledge confesse our faultes vnto them with an humble and hearty desire of pardon And this confession is sometimes priuate as when the faultes be priuate and sometimes publike as when the faultes be publike alwaies accompanied with a promise
the Law and haue neede to be reformed and conformed by to the same Also I am to think on the Articles of my beliefe of the holy petitions in the Lords praier with the ten Commandements reading them on my ten fingers also of the wickednes of the world the vanity of the flesh the malignitie of Sathan the miserie and mortality of man the certainty of death the vncertainty of his comming the last iudgement the paines of the damned and the great felicity of the Lords elected Saints To be briefe I am to harken to Saint Paul in this matter who writing to the Philippians thus exhorteth Phil 4 8. Whatsoeuer things are true whatsoeuer things are honest whatsoeuer things are iust whatsoeuer things are of good report if there be any vertue if there be any thing praise-worthy meditate on these things chiefly in this how yee may obtaine and performe them and the God of peace shall be with you All these and such like thinges are to bee ruminated in a circularie meditation as wherof may be framed an healthfull Rownd or Wheele whereof is made a very vehement motiue to true Mortification CHAP. XXIIII The eleuenth part of the Soole is the neere Wheele THe second Wheele of this Plough 10. The secōd wheele noting perseuerance is Continuatio Actionis the continuance of the action which is the constant stable and perpetuall perseuerance in the reason or way well considered of and not vnaptly likened to the Wheele in this that as the Wheele in his winding beginneth to winde againe there where it lastly ended and the circle or compasse thereof is without end so should the end of one good meditation bee the entrance into another one good word should bring in an other and one charitable action performed we must begin an other chiefly euery good action study or endeuour once begunne must not be giuen ouer or delaied but holden on and continued to the end This doubtlesse was intimated by that mysterie in the Lawe where the tailes of the beastes were commanded to bee offered vp in sacrifice together with their bodies The same meant the Prophet Hoseah when he commanded the people to seek the Lord vntill he came to raine righteousnes vpō them Hos 10. that entended Salomon whē he said that the end of a thing was better then the beginning as from whence the censure of either good or euil is best taken The wilde Asse ouercommeth the Lyon and the Wolfe not by strength but by continuance of course Neither without perseuerance is the battaile wonne by the fight the crowne gotten by the victor or the goale archieued by the runner So saith our Sauiour He that goeth to the Plough and looketh backward is nothing fit for the kingdome of heauen But If ye continue in my words then are yee my very Disciples and yee shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free yea hee that continueth to the end the same shall be saued Loe this is that Wheele by the which Pieties Plough oug●t to proceede without feare or fainting vntill the action in hand bee fully effected for the praise of God and benefite of man Saul the king of Israel wanted this Wheele so did Iudas the traitour Demas and such other Apostataes execrable to God and odious before men but Abraham Dauid Daniel Paul Iohn the Baptist and Iohn the Euangelist continued their course and calling beeing therefore blessed with the Lord and commended of all good men Thus hauing perused the two Wheeles we are next to consider of the Axel-tree whereon those Wheeles are carried in Pieties Plough CHAP. XXV The twelfth part is the Axell AS the two Wheeles of the Plough are combined and carried by the Axell-tree 11. Wholsome praier so is that Christian meditation and godly Perseuerance in the good action mightily combined and supported by godly inuocation therefore worthily resembled in the same This is that true vertue which commeth of that true Good of his Son Iesus and of the Holy ghost and desireth the good things not onely of this life but also of the life to come This is that which fighting against all doubtfulnesse dooth promise vs to be heard that we shall thereby obtaine the good things desired for the sake of the Mediator Therefore as the Lorde in the olde Testament hath commanded men to call vpon him in troubles with a promise to heare and helpe so the holy men of that time haue duly obserued it Againe as in the newe Testament our Sauiour hath both taught and commanded his Apostles to pray in his name to the Father for daily foode necessaries of nature for pardon of trespasses for their defence against the diuell and such so they thinking it needefull and finding the benefite thereof haue not onely duly obserued it but in their doctrines and good counsailes taught and exhorteth all others to doe the like not onely for themselues Ephes 6. but for all estates and conditions of men Surely this is that spirituall Axell-tree which holdeth together the Wheeles and beareth vppe the Beame and that very vertue of the Spirite whereby it pieaseth God hearing our prayers to helpe our weakenesse and to direct vs to the effecting and perfecting of all other vertues For this is as Augustine said Locutio ad Deum quando legis Deus tibi loquiter quando oras cum Deoloqueris A speaking to God when thou readest God speaketh to thee when thou praiest thou talkest with God An other calleth it an humble conuersion to God Hugo with the mouth of the minde assisted with fath hope and charitie and touching the good operation and effects thereof saith an other It cleareth the heart withdraweth it from terrene affections cleanseth it from vices lifteth it vp to heauenly things yeeldeth him more capable and worthy to conceiue the spirituall good thinges This dooth our Sauiour Christ worthily confirme when he saith that his Father giueth the holy Spirite to them that aske the same of him in his name by the which Spirite he meaneth all the graces and blessings of the holy Ghost Therefore he saith againe to his Disciples Aske and ye shall receiue that your ioy may bee full Wherfore when wee haue assayed to frame the Soole of all the former members and knowe that yet there remaineth in vs many desertes let vs deuoutly conuert our selues to GOD our heauenly Father in hearty and humble prayer that it woulde vouchsafe him of his power and goodnesse in Christ to supply all those our defects and feeling the sweetnesse thereof not forget to glorifie him with the Psalmist saying Praised bee GOD which hath not put backe my prayers from him nor his mercies from mee CHAP. XXVI The thirteenth part of the Soole is the Key IN the twelfth place it is required 12. Faith wholsome that wee consider of the Keye or Pinne whereby the Beame is fastened to the Tawe and the Soole set eyther higher or lower deeper
tou Kuriou Iesou alla kai muriakis ean iaie I am ready said Gordius not onely to labour but to die for the name of the Lord Iesus not onely once but a thousand times if it might so bee Ignat. in apost ad Trattia acts Epest 10. ad Ephes And I said Ignatius haue setled my hope in him who died for mee that is Christ For there is no guile founde in him Againe I am for Gods cause deliuered into the hands of murtherers as from the bloud of Abell the iust vnto the bloud of Ignatius the least Againe writing to the Romanes Suffer mee saith he to be made meate for the beastes appointed to deuour me Epist 11 that I may be made worthy of God For I am the wheate or corne of God and I shall be grinded with the teeth of beasts that I may become cleane bread for the Lord and therto ye may perswade those beasts that their wombes become my Sepulchre and that they leaue no part of my body whereby after my death the same may not remaine loathsome vnto any of them which liue Loe this is that which faithfull hope perswades and such are the Oxen such is their labour in this field and such is their remuneration with the Lorde and his Saints CHAP. XXIX 1 The Holder 2 The Leader 3 The Driuer of Pieties Plough WE knowe right well The working of God in the regeneration of man Dionys Areo in Caiest hierarchiae ca. 1. that no man commeth to the Father but by the Sonne that no man commeth to the Son but he whom the Father draweth and that no man commeth either to the one or to the other but by the power and motion of the holy Ghost So that in this worke the whole Trinitie of the diuine Deitie hath his action and perfect working therefore it is Cant. 1. that the most holy Spowsesse ●s Salomon testifieth prayeth to her most peerlesse head saying Draw me forth after thee and then will we runne Ier. 31. Ephraim implores as the Prophet Ieremie saith O Lorde conuert vs and wee shall bee conuerted The Apostles desire O Lorde encrease our faith And the Lorde Iesus himselfe sending forth his Apostles commaundes them to preach the Gospell and to Baptise the beleeuers in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Therefore as the Plough is by the Holder thereof directed by the Leader allured and by the Driuer prouoked so is this spirituall Plough directed by God the Father allured by God the Sonne and prouoked by God the holy Ghost for God himselfe holdeth Christ Iesus leadeth and the holy Spirite prouoketh the Plough in this husbandrie and field of the Lord. Gen. 1.1 Thus in the great work of the Creation these three persons had not onely their seuerall but their ioynt operations as Moses testifieth Thus in the conception and birth of Christ God the Father begets Mat. 1. Luk 2. God the holy Ghost workes in the conception and God the Sonne is begotten and borne which three also worke in the begetting regeneration and new birth of the elected Saints albeit they are not three but one eternall God The Holder My Father saith Christ is an Husbandman and so called in regard of his wisedome prouidence and good endeuours had God is as a Husbandman Secund. Philoso and daily employed by him on the soyle of mans heart wherein semblant to the Husbandman whom the Philosopher Secundus in the presence of Adrian defined he is a Minister of labours an improuer of the desart a Phisitian of the earth a Planter of trees and a Measurer or Proportioner of monethes In this person we may here remember beyond many others two principall attributes or diuine vertues namely Gods iustice and mercie his Iustice and his Mercie both the which in the holding of this Plough hee aptly applieth as his two handes to those two Hales or handles of the Soole In the former we finde him euer vpright and seuere against presumptious sinners in the latter louing and cheerful to penitents The first is strengthened by the vigour of the Lawe the latter beautified by the comforts of the Gospel and therein both these are so tempted by the meditation of Messias his merite Gregor mor. in Iob. 35 lib. 26. cap. 10. that neither presumption hurteth nor desperation killeth him that truly repents For as God is a good Father so in his goodnesse he respects not only his naturall Sonne God and man but all such as haue their adoptiō by grace in him with a right fatherly loue and affection The Leader as it is said before is Christ Iesus 2 Christ is the Leader of the Plough who indeede goeth forth before all those his Oxen as their Head and Captaine and willing to bring man from errours to the truth and especially his Ministers to the right method and order of their vocation Aug. in Ioan. tract 22. he saith I am the Way the Truth and the Life As if he would say Falli non vis Ego sum veritas Mori non vis Ego sum vita Errare non vis Ego sum via Non est qua eas nisi ad me non est quà cas nisi per me Wilt thou not be deceiued I am the Truth Wilt thou not die I am the Life Wilt thou not erre I am the Way Thou hast not whither to goe but vnto me neither maist thou walke safely sauing by me This is the same to whom the Lawe directs the Prophets point the Figures ayme and whom the Father would that all men should heare and hee hath not onely shewed the way vnto the kingdome but louingly allures men to walke in the same Therefore he faith Mat. 11.29 Learne of me Come vnto me Neither hath he at any time required that of his followers in this worke which himselfe had not first vndertaken in his owne person In regard whereof Apo. 14.1 those hundred fortie and foure thousand redeemed soules which stand with the Lambe on Mount Sion followe him wheresoeuer he goeth and therefore as for him they are crossed they shall be with him also crowned finding that all the afflictions of this life for him Ro. 8. are not worthy that glory which shall be reuealed in him 3 The Driuer The holy Ghost prouokes the good Oxe The Driuer of this Plough is the diuine Spirite through whose instigation the goade is agitated the Oxen prouoked and the Plough furthered too and for the which it pleaseth him semblant to the Goad inch or driuer of Oxen to vse and apply sometimes Words sometimes Voices sometimes Songs or whistlings sometimes prickes and stripes The Words Words are the examples testimonies sentences and Parables of the holy Scriptures Eccle. 12. the which as saith Salomon as are goades and nailes fastened by the maisters of the Assemblies which are giuen by one Pastor goades to prouoke and nailes to confirme the working
as besides many testimonies of holy Scriptures wee finde it verified in that fearefull example of Nimrod the mightie Hunter Nebuchadnezar the Monarch of Babylon Herod Abimelech Antiochus Holofernes and such haughtie-hearted plowers of mischiefes For the Lorde dooth alwaies resist the proude as vnworthy both his benediction and Kingdome Therefore to his Saintes hee commends humilitie in the which as they are called blessed so haue they in the ende the Kingdome of heauen and happinesse eternall Thirdly the Culter of this Soole is that Shame Sinfull Shame which bringeth sinne as by the which the sinner denieth to acknowledge and confesse his sinnes and transgressions committed either to God or to the cōgregatiō or to his euen brother whom hee hath offended contrarying or withstanding that Confession of the mouth which was semblant to the Culter whereby the earth pierced with the Share is opened and diuided Neuerthelesse as the euill man from the euill treasure of his heart brings forth that which is euill he is not any thing ashamed to belke and blatter forth heinous blasphemies against God and the King scandalles letters periuries euill wordes and to sinne openly without shame This was Sodomes abhomination imitating therein wicked Cayn who albeit hee could not but see the heinousnesse of his owne fault would yet not confesse himselfe faultie or at the least not much faultie but ieasted as it were at Gods commination As Is my sinne so great or greater then that it may bee pardoned But as those obtaine no promise of pardon so are they iustly secluded from all hope of sauing health Well therefore said S. Augustine Aug. in Psal O homo quid times confiteri c. O thou man wherefore fearest thou to confesse that which by confession I am yet more ignorant of then of that I know not at all Why shamest thou thy sinnes to confesse I am a sinner as thou art I am also a man and nothing of that which is humane is wanting in me Confesse thy sinne ô man euen before man a sinfull man to a sinfull man Choose now either part If thou conceale thy sinnes for want of Confession thou shalt be damned as vnconfest For to this ende the Lord requireth mans confession that he might pardon the man which is thereby humbled and to this end hee dammes him which confesseth not that hee might punish the person which is proud The Plough Beame of Impietie is the repletion of bread pampering of the flesh and luxurie 4. Luxury a seuere enemie to true Mortification For as that beame of Pietie is the strength of godly Repentance so is this the vtter dissolution of the same as then when men are filled and glutted with carnall lustes they are apt and readie to all impietie and wickednesse with greedines Gregor in moral in Iob. Aug. de ciu dei lib. 12. For as Gregory said afte● that the vice of luxurie hath assailed mans minde it scarcely permits him to thinke of any goodnesse for his desires are clibbe or clammie for of an euill suggestion springs cogitation of cogitation affection of affection delight of delight consent of consent operation of operation custome of custome dispaire of dispaire defence of sinne of defence of sinne proud boasting Ezech. 16. Gen. 6. of proud boasting death This was an other of Sodomes sinnes as witnesseth the Prophet vnder the title of their idlenesse and of the filthy sinners in the time of the generall deluge whereof it followed that they both perished the former by fire the latter by water in the Lords fearefull anger whose iustice most worthily abhorres this filthy Plough-beame The Tractory of this Aratre is a desperate minde touching any consolation or helpe from aboue or of the life to come 5. Desperation Sap. 2.22 the which the vngodly hope not for Therefore whereas the faithfull are drawen foorth and perswaded through the hope of those good things promised them these vngodly thereof both doubtfull and desperate slug on the waues of this world slumber as in the darke night erre from the right way and setting before them onely that which either their owne wisedome or power or policie or labours or studies or the fauour and the wealth of the world may suggest procute and affoord them they perish with prophane Esau and with that rich man Gen. Luk. 12. Sap. 5. Ambros super Luc. lib. 12. who lost his soule suddenly in the night For the hope of the vngodly as saith the wise man is like a drie Thiftle-flower blowne off with the winde Against the which humour of those vngodly thus counselleth Saint Ambrose Nemo diffidat c. Let no man distrust Let no man as guiltie of his former sinnes dispaire of the diuine graces The Lord knowes how to alter his sentence if thou knowest how to amend thy faults Isidor de Sum. bono lib. 2. But as to commit an euill action is the death of the Soule so to dispaire of Gods mercie and grace is the falling downe headlong of a man into hell Therefore as the godly person should be wary that he fall not through pride Aug. in lib. de sym so should the sinner take heede that hee dispaire not through malice After this followes the Ground-Rise of Impieties Soole and that is impious Impatiencie 6. Impatiencie or that malicious Anger the which in them who are not well plained but left ill hewen and rough meetes daily with those oppositions of mans nature with exceeding great murmure and vnreasonable exclamations nor indeede through the disposition of a daungerous euill humour of mans heart is the same able to sustain and perseuer in the assaults and tentations but cracketh breaketh and giueth ouer because it hath not nor can obtaine either the loue diuine or any hope of good thinges future or is willing to endure any aduerse or hard aduentures In Pastor for Pieties cause Ipsa quae mater est omnium custosque virtutum per impotientiae vitium virtus amittitur That Vertue of Charitie saith Gregorie which is the mother and keeper of all Vertues is quite ouerthrowne by the vice of impatiencie With this Ground-Rise laboured Saul though King of Israel and Demas though sometimes an hearer and follower of the blessed Apostles 1. Pet. who thereby waxing faint perished in the way to the terrour of other ● Auersion frō●od The Broad-Hale of this Aratre is Auersio the turning away from God this Saint Paul noted and reproued in them of his time which turned their eares from the truth 2 Tim 4. Deut. 9 Sap. And Moses in those Israelites whose hart was turned from the Lord their God Whereas true Conuersion hath peace and life this hath trouble and death for the Apostating of the vngodly is his owne destruction according to that comination 1. Kin. 9.6 If ye shall turne away from me saith the Lord then will I cut you off from the land which I haue giuen you This is a
suddainely gone downe into hell and all his glory is defaced with him in his death for why the Lord hath spoken to him in his wrath and vexed him in his sore displeasure when he exalted the horne of his Annointed and placed his King on Sion his holy hill CHAP. XXXVI The second generall part containing the Reasons and motiues perswading all men to follow the godly husbandry wherein is seene the reward of Pietie with the conclusion THe Lord God Almighty as hee is the supreame King the highest Lord the Father eternall and the God of both heauen earth might iustly by such his powerfull authority haue commanded the Israelies An Argument of Gods great mercie as in their dutifull obedience to sow for righteousnes and to reape according to the measure of mercy without any other reason or respect And whereas hee might haue menaced and threatned the disobedient with the fiercenesse of his iudgements as he did the Iewes by the ministery of St. Iohn the Baptist as now the axe is laid to the roote of the tree and as Christ saith Except ye repent ye shall perish Howbeit * See what I haue said hereof in the Song of the beloued touching his vineyard in Isai 5. part 1. such is the Lords vnspeakeable mercie that applying himselfe to mans capacitie and weakenesse rather like a father then a King hee proposeth such reasons vseth such meanes as may rather gently allure and perswade them then in any sort terrifie force or compell them the which manner of inducement our Sauiour Christ imitating his good Father hath also vsed saying Come vnto me all yee that trauile and be heauie laden and I will refresh you learne of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and yee shall finde rest to your soules And of this kinde the Prophet Hoseah hath produced in number eight whereof as we wel obserue The first is taken frō the conuenience of the time The second from the fit opportunity thereof The third from the consideration of his fatherly loue affection The fourth frō the excellency of the things promised The fift from a comparison therof with the raine The sixt from the goodly maner of disposing therof The seuenth from the benefit of the same in such as receiue it The eight frō the consideration of his most gratious inclination and regard of his faithful children in that he commeth vnto them in his owne person either to performe or to see all things performed according to the purpose of his promise and their hearty desire The first reason as I said is taken from the conuenience of the Time The first Reason Time Iob. Ian. There was a time of deuiation a time of reuocation or reuouation a time of reconciliation and a time of peregrination of deuiation from Adam vnto Moses of reuoca●ion from Moses vntill the natiuity of Christ of reconciliation vnder the Gospell and of peregrination for all men in this worlde In and by euery which time there was also and is appointed vnto euery thing his season to be performed and effected vnder the Sun The which neuerthelesse is often and much neglected by worldly mem whereof Father Bernard could worthily complaine In sermon ●d colar Nil preciosius tempore heu nil bodie vilius inuentur nothing is more precious then time alas nothing in these daies is lesse regarded The Iewes in the daies of Heggaeus the Prophet being willing by him to set on and further the building of the Lords house answered him that the time thereof was not then come To whom the Prophet replied Is it time for your selues to dwell in your setled houses and the Lords house to lie waste Moreouer that they might consider that their present dearth of corne victualls and other necessary things fell on them as a iust plague for such their neglect of that house in the time appointed hee added Consider your owne waies in your hearts ye haue sowen much brought in little ye eate but ye haue not enough yt drinke but ye are not filled ye cloath your selues but ye be not warme and he that earneth wages puts the same into a broken bagge But now the Lord being gratious wills them to obserue the time as reason equity require the time for this businesse appointed by himselfe not after their wills saying It is time or the time is now come wherein ye should seeke the Lord. Such a thing entendeth Salomon in his Canticle Cant. 3. The winter is past saith he the summer it come the voice of the tirtle doue is heard in our Land the like hath S. Paul to the Romanes Rom. 13. It is now time that ye awake out of sleepe for the night is past the day is come neere and our redemption is neerer then when we first beleeued And the Prophet Hoseah seemes to say in effect thus O yee of the house of Israel and Iuda ye haue long enough and too long sought after vanitie in the errour of your minde ye haue ploughed iniquity too many daies and yeares ye haue beene as sheepe going a great whiles astray and as prodigall sonnes haue wandred farre from your good fathers house and the Lorde hath hither vnto in long suffering permitted you as the good father permits his young children to play the wantons for the which also he hath sometimes seuerely corrected you Again ye haue bin often called long scooled many times instructed in godlines now by this time ye should be no longer as children but such as are growen to the yeares of wisedome discretion It is therfore meete conuenient yee should know the time of your calling to walke in a new life as honestly worthily warily in a word putting away the former conuersatiō of your lusts ye should now serue the Lord in holines and righteousnes before him and so redeeme the time for the daies are euill and the enemie is malitious and subtile euer seeking to preuent hinder you with his mischiefes 2. The fit opportunitie But to this yee are the more excited when yee shall consider duly of the second argument which is taken from the fit opportunity of this time intimated by that perticle whiles or vntill that is whiles the Lord commeth or vntill hee commeth Wherein wee finde a fit allusion to the natures either of those birdes which obserue their fit times in the yeare as the Swallow the Nightingale the Storke or to the manner of those husbandmen which apprehend their seasons for sowing reaping and other workes of husbandry as the opportunitie is offered them or to those prisoners in bands who being guilty and trusting to the mercie and lenitie of their king for pardon and deliuerance wait the opportune time and then gladly accept the same Such a thing hath the Prophet where hee saith Isai 55. Seeke ye the Lord whiles hee may be found cal vpon him whiles he is neere the Psalmist Psal admonisheth To
day if ye will heare his voyce harden not your harts And Christ saith Whiles ye haue the light walke in the light Moreouer the Lord speaking of an especiall time saith Isai 49.8 I haue heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of saluation haue I succoured thee The which S. Paul applying to this gratious opportunity wherein the Lord did not only declare but offer vnto the Corinthians others the effects of his loue hee saith Now is that acceptable time 2. Cor. 6. now is that day of saluatiō And this is that which the Lord gratiously extendeth to his Saints the which hee wold they should accept without delaies for their good This therfore obserued righteous Noah when according to Gods commandement he did not onely preach of Gods mercies 120. yeares to the olde world but entred the Arke in the opportune time The like obserued Abrahā whē he went forth of his own Country Lot when he departed frō Sodome Moses when with the Israelites he went out of Egypt and Matthew Peter Iames Andrew Paul and Iohn when they were called they answered not wee will first goe and burie our fathers or bid them farewell which are at home or goe see the farmes we haue purchased or prooue the oxen wee haue bought but they presently accepted the diuine grace without lingering or excuses Thus the fiue wise Virgins waited and in the due time entred in with the Bride when the foolish neglecting the opportunitie were shut out with this saying I know you not And this should teach vs to accept of the precious good opportunity the rather for that as in the same we shall finde rest to our soules and bee blessed So in the neglect thereof there is cōmonly found affliction and woe Chry. in Babil con●ra gentes For as Saint Chrysostome saide T●iaute gar esti tou thi●●macrothamia tois oule eis deon chromenois autē peer ateran eo ageitendiken Such is the long suffering or goodnesse of God that hee greeuously punisheth them which abuse it and as to them which repent the same is euer found profitable so to the obstinate stubborne persons it offereth an occasion of more greeuous punishment and is according to that coniunction on the Israelites saying As the Lord reioyced ouer you to doe you good Deut. 28.63 and tomulti●ly you so be will reioyce ouer you to bring you to nought and ye shal be rooted out of the Land whither thou goest to enioy it if thou wilt not feare the Lord thy God This being well considered by the Prophet and willing that the Lords children well aduised should obserue the due time with her oppertunitie he said It is time to seeke the Lord whiles he commeth as if hee should say to serue him to feare him and to apprehend and accept his louing graces then whiles he offereth the same 3. The Lords fatherly affection Dyonis Areo pag in Caelest hierarchia cap. 1. The third Reason is drawne from the consideration of that Storge or most louing affection of a naturall father to his d●are sonne Wherein the Lord declares himselfe as a Father to his people and therein as wee see howe parents in many thinges preuent their children and are willing and ready to pardon them before that euer they aske or seeke for pardon vppon their faultes committed beeing sorie that by their slidings they offer occasion of anger or correction euen so as the Prophet saith The Lord is very readie to forgiue and commeth forth vnto them Isa 5.5 Hos 10. Luk 15. to raine Righteousnes vpon them This hath Christ expressed in the Parable of the good Father and his prodigall Sonne Where the good father seeing his poore sonne comming towards him yet a great way off ranne forth to meete him and yet before his sonne could open his mouth to aske mercie he preuented him with the tokens of his goodnes and fatherly loue Of this grace and mercie of our heauenly Father comming neare vnto vs and so ready to helpe and embrace vs with the armes of his loue Saint Augustine in his holy Cofessions could meditate in this sort Gratia misericordia Dei semper prauenieb●●t 〈◊〉 c. The grace and mercie of God did alway preuert me from many daungers it deliuered me when I was sicke it salued me when I erred it reduced me when I fell downe it vpraised me when I was sorrowfull it consolated me c. Thus as the Lord seemeth very sorrowfull that we should sinne to offend him and endanger ourselues so is he glad of our returne vnto him as whereby we may be recured for our safetie And knowing our necessities at all times he doth often minister vnto vs that whereof we haue need albeit bee haue neither the knowledge nor the readinesse of our selues to a ke or require the same at his hands The fourth Reason is taken from the excellencie of the benefite or thing promised for he saith 4. The exc●l●encie of the benefit that the Lord will come and raine downe Righteousnesse vpon them that sowe for righteousnesse and reape after mercies measure which indeed is a great and excellent blessing of the Lorde on his Saints as wherby they shall not onely haue a good reward but with great abundance The second thing promised is as the wise man hath said Righteousnesse Righteousnesse that is the fruites effects and reward of Righteousnesse by the figure Metonomia Now as we should perswade that the promises of God are Yea and Amen so his will is that such as heare his word and obey him therein shall obtaine and retaine that which they faithfully desire for his owne glory and their benefite Therefore he saith Aske and ye shall haue seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shalt be opened vnto you Heb. 11. And Blessed are they which hunger and th rst after Righteousnesse for they shall be satisfied Therefore was it as the Apostle saith that the holy Fathers staggered not in faith but stedfastly beleeued that God would euer be as good as his promise So ploughing for Righteousnesse and seeking after goodnesse we shall no doubt timely reape and enioy the fruites thereof Secondly by this word the Prophet pointeth to that encrease of vertues which should ensue our labours in the Lorde by the same we are encouraged to diligence and therein to regard how we may bee augmented as that the fiue talents committed vnto vs should by our godly exercises bee made tenne and those tenne talents twentie neuer doubting of the rich bountie of the Lord who as he vseth not to quench the smoking Flaxe nor to breake the bruised Reede hee will accept that which we haue and not condemne vs for want of quantitie when wee endeuour in his feare to expresse the qualitie and he will of his goodnesse giue a plentifull encrease vnto our labours To this aymed Saint Iohn Ioh 1. ● when he said that from his fulnesse we all receiue
grace vpon grace as the following of one vertue after an other in great abundance And this is that which the Spirite alludeth vnto in Apo 22. Let him which is righteous be yet more righteous and let him which is holy be yet more holy And this tendes to the perfection of them which proceede from vertue to vertue vntill they come to bee perfect men in Christ This was obserued well in Noah the Righteous Gen. 6. who as it is testified by Moses was Righteous in perfections for so the words signifie to the which the holy Spowsesse alludeth in her shining garments Apo. 22. being interpreted by Saint Iohn to bee the Iustifications or Perfections of the Saints The second thing promised is Riches not of this worlde but of God The holy Apostle as alluding to Salomon saith that Godlinesse is great Riches Riches of Godlinesse Here is not onely Riches but great Riches and indeed Great is that Mysterie of Godlinesse hauing all the promises both of this life and of the life to come as the Apostle witnesseth The riches of this world is transitorie and vaine but this is that which being obteined is of more value then all worldly treasures the which they easily contemne that haue this Iewell in possession Therefore as worldly men seeke after the riches of the world the godly are incited and perswaded to lay vp their treasures in heauen in the which they haue and shall enioy with all Societie life light rest peace abundance of all good things securitie and eternitie Thirdly although in the former the fruite of Righteousnesse and reward of Pietie is plainely expressed yet Salomon addeth one other word to ratifie and strengthen the same Pro. 21.21 saying They which follow after Righteousnesse and mercie shall finde Honour Honour By the which he meaneth not onely that ioynt commendation of good men for some laudable vertues the fauour of God in this world honouring them which honour him Ro. 8. but also the Glory which shall be reuealed of the which as all the glorie of this world so all the afflictions of this time are not worthy as S. Paul saith neither the thing beeing of that high excellencie can we eyther speake thereof as it is nor comprehend the same in thought passing indeede as dooth that peace of God all mans vnderstanding But as the glory of Christ Iesus was extolled in that the Father manifested him in the flesh by the operation of his Spirite in his mightie workes and merits for mans saluation and as the glory of the Father appeared in those his louing mercies declared towards men in his deare sonne Iesus so doth the glory of man appeare first in this world by that it pleaseth God to declare him by his grace iustified sanctified adopted called elected and honoured in his Sonne Iesus Next in the resurrection exaltation and glorification of Iesus who hath taken on him mans nature and the same preserued and glorified hath taken seise and possession for man in the kingdome of his Father Thirdly it shall be most apparant when being set and placed on the right hand of Christ in the great iudgement wee shall not onely be commended in our labours done by faith before both Angells and men yea in the presence of the most High God but being pronounced iust and the blessed Saints of the Father we shall receiue the honour of that his most glorious kingdome prepared for vs from the beginning The fift Reason is taken from the apt comparison with the Raine 5. The comparison with the Raine by the which the former arguments are not onely confirmed but amplified The Lorde commeth to raine downe Righteousnes here Righteousnesse is likened to the Raine which commeth downe from heauen and that as for many so chiefly for these causes First for that the Raine cleanseth the aire from the corrupt vapours which rise of the earth 2. The Raine of all other waters is the sweetest in taste 3. It is more subtile and light then any other water 4. It is pure without mixtures 5. It watereth the barren earth to make it fertile 6. It giueth nourishment and comfort to the fishes in the Sea and other waters 7. It qualifieth the force of fiers 8. It makes the land tractable to the labour of the Husbandman 9. It washeth cleane the waies wherein men trauell 10. It commeth downe from aboue and not from beneath In semblable manner Righteousnesse is of that nature that it cleanseth the cogitations of men from noysome affections and studies It is the sweetest solace of a godly mans minde it easeth their consciences which thereby discharged of the burthen of sinne aspire to the heauens It is not contaminated with the fantasies of vaine persons nor the doctrines of deceiueable Heretickes It giueth moysture to our barren natures whereby wee yeeld forth fruite acceptable to the Lord. It asswageth the ardencie of mans concupiscence It perswadeth both our bodies soules to yeeld obedience both to the will and word of God It cleanseth our conuersations as whereby we may the better trauel to the harbour of health And comming downe from the Lord is of his Highnesse made vnto vs an influence of his grace and goodnesse as whereby wee be so seasoned and tempered as we remaine acceptable vnto his glory 6. The manner of bestowing it Sixtly the manner of powring downe these Graces as Raine on the Earth puts vs in minde of three principall Vertues in the Lord which bestowes them as first his large bountie secondly his fine liberalitie thirdly his exquisite wisdome His bountie is apparant in his gift his liberalitie in the abundant largenesse thereof and his wisedome in an orderly disposition The gift is of his loue his liberalitie of his abundant riches and his wisedome of his eternall prouidence He giueth and that freely without respect of any reward or any thing in man mouing him therevnto In his liberalitie hee giueth to euery man abundantly yea the very wicked are not left without the sense of his goodnesse in that he sendeth forth his Raine to fall as well on them as on his Saints The Prophets are full of Metaphors to set forth this the Lords liberalitie to men Although therfore there was a time when the Prophet Ioel threatned the disobedient with warres and troubles in the which they should bee constrained to breake vp their Plough Shares into Swordes Ioel. 3.10 whereon should follow famine and ruine in the Lords anger Yet the Prophet Isay to declare this large liberalitie of the Lord at an other time prophesied that the people should conuert their Swordes into Plough Shares and their Speares into Sythes Isa 2.4 for he would send them great plentie of fruites in the time of peace Thirdly as the Lord powres downe the Raine with an orderly dispositiō on the earth so powres he forth the effects and fruites of righteousnesse on his people after his diuine will in wisedome as