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A17457 The euer-burning lamps of pietie and deuotion Kindled by many excellent and heauenly prayers, deuided into the seuerall dayes of the weeke, and other occasions: To auoide which weake man hath continuall cause to retire into himselfe, and humbly confer with Almightie God. By I.C. I. C. 1619 (1619) STC 4278; ESTC S118322 68,205 293

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enabled to exercise whatsoeuer is good and vertuous Amen SATVRDAY 16. Morning Prayer BE mercifull vnto me O Lord and let thy holy hand be ouer me Let my first Meditation be of thy goodnesse and my Morning thoughts imployed about thy fatherly care and protection which hath from my infancie ouershadowed me preseruing me from the vile and shamefull fires of Lust and Riotousnesse recalling me still to a feeling and dislike of my passed sinnes and offences Rectifie O Lord my sinfull will and strengthen my frailetie that with the burning wings of filiall pietie and humble deuotion for so many and those vnspeakable gifts and graces I may flye by prayers and thanks-giuing to the Throne of thy Diuinitie where fixing all my aymes and intents I may change my pronenesse and inclination to ill and wickednesse with vertuous and feruent desires of louing and honouring thee for thy selfe who art onely and all goodnesse without the respect of my dependance or being from thee that reuerencing thy greatnesse and rauished with thy goodnesse I may with a loue full of awe and feare eschew those wayes which may displease thee euer carefuller of thy anger then my owne hurt or disaduantage to which height of Charitie graunt me O Lord to attaine for the merits of thy onely Sonne who alone is able to deserue so infinite a blessing for so infinite and vile a sinner Amen AT NOONE. 17. A Prayer against Drunkennesse GIue to me the water of Life O Lord and I shall neuer thirst but say the word and I shall be satisfied Send downe thy heauenly dew to asswage and coole my disordered and vnlimitted desires whose burning heat and raging fire runnes me into sinne and excesse In vaine haue I laboured without thee to stay my intemperance in vaine opposed my selfe against my wild and lawlesse sences Strengthen O Lord my weakenesse and confirme me against the temptations of the Deuill who finding a breach in me hath entred and made prey banishing all things good and vertuous which thou hast placed to keepe me and hath peopled me with strong and sinfull thoughts mortall and well-armed Offences who dare iustifie their Rapine and Extortion Drunkennesse Whoredome readily committing more sinnes then I haue names to cloath them in Hasten O Lord and helpe me for I am wearie of their tyrannie cast them out of me and plant thy grace that they returne not and multiplie Whole Dayes haue I pleased my selfe in displeasing thee and broken many Nights to breake thy Commaundements sore longing for their companie whose feet run to Iniquitie abusing thy Creature prouided by thy care and prouidence for the refreshing and sustentation of our naturall bodies to our ruine and without thy great mercie vtter damnation Did not thy seruant Lot O Lord a iust and righteous man in his drinke abuse his owne Daughter What sinne hath Hell in store so horrid that it dare not act and glorie of the deed O most mercifully louing Lord and Father who desirest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should liue and repent I request thee by the bowels of thy Mercie thy bitter precious Passion thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension thou wilt take away from me this Monster and Hell-borne wickednesse which hath subtilly perswaded me to offend thee my Lord and Maker and stealingly surprized me and giuen me vp to all manner of sinnes and transgressions taking away all reason blinding the sences that being wholly in his power he might carrie me headlong to all perdition Preserue me O Lord by thy might and power from all occasions which may bring me to him for I am fearefull of him and dare not without thy gracious assistance and mercie endure his slye and powerfull perswasions No age is warranted from him hee adulterateth both sexes he vnsanctifieth the most religious and creepeth into the priuatest and most retired places bewitching all sorts with his cunning and alluring charmes Stand O my Redeemer at the gates of my eares and shut out all his faire-seeming treaties which would conclude a peace betweene my frailetie and the Deuill Cleare O Lord my eyes and take away the myst from them that I may plainely see and perceiue his ouglinesse and deformitie wallowing in beastlinesse and sensualitie mercifully touch my heart with thy illumining Spirit that I may hate and detest him shun his friends and companions and flye from the place of his abode and entertainement within whose Circle no soule is safe no thought pure no sence perfect Amen 18. Euening Prayer LAy thy blessed hands vpon me O Lord as thou didst on thy seruant Lot delaying his owne safetie and conduct me out of this sinfull and euerie-way polluted Sodome that I may quickly flye from it lest vnquenchable fire and brimstone ouertake me whilest I protract and refuse thy heauenly inspirations Let no day passe me without some progresse in goodnesse and vertue and euerie houre O mercifull Father graunt I may determine a full amendment and detestation of my former lewdnesse and misse-spent behauiour Let me account my selfe an vnprofitable Scholler when I haue not learnt and aspired to some higher measure of vnderstanding thee an vnthriftie and riotous worldling when I haue not gathered and laid vp somewhat to maintaine and defend me in the day of trouble Touch O Lord my heart with thy heauenly Spirit that I may esteeme this life in his full value onely a Pilgrimage and Thorow-fare to another Land where I must truly liue for euer and accordingly despising all the lets and hinderances be neither tempted with the gawdie pleasures nor terrified with the rough passages of my Iourney but in thy holy feare making way through them I may at last arriue to thee the promised Land where euer-continuing and flourishing content and happinesse abideth Amen SVNDAY 19. Morning Prayer O My most mercifull Lord and Redeemer how shall a guiltie and sinfull soule appeare in the presence of an innocent and vnspotted Deitie or what hope of Pitie or Pardon when he shall be my Iudge who may onely accuse me bearing about him wide and gastly wounds which my sinnes haue giuen him by which his most glorious Passion and admirable Resurrection he as this day finished that great and neuer to be forgotten benefit of the Redemption of Mankind which I as much as in me lyeth by my horrid and abominable lust and desire haue sought to frustrate and annihilate Who shall take me from his Iustice or rescue me from his Omnipotencie I haue sinned O Lord I haue sinned and am no more worthie to be called thine I haue risen with the Sunne to meditate on vanities and all the day long haue I followed my owne wayes at the going downe of the same I haue forgotten thy Blessings and sate in darkenesse without remembring thee the Light and Guide of those that goe astray I haue forgotten thy Lawes and thy Statutes haue beene farre from me my thoughts haue beene busied in vncleanenesse and my lippes acquainted with
liuing one in thee we may vndeuided enioy thy eternall company world without end Amen 54. A Prayer for Mariners I Haue seene and beheld thy wonderfull workes and am amazed I haue considered O Lord and meditated on thy vnheard-of mercies and am astonished Thou hast giuen vs a passage in the midst of the foming waters the raging Seas haue incompassed vs on euerie side and thou hast saued vs The Rockes haue hidden themselues awaiting our destruction and the Shelfes haue prouided a graue for vs terrible and dreadfull Tempests haue snatched away our Mast from vs the deuouring Maine hath eaten vp our Anchor Darkenesse hath ouer-shadowed the heauens and taken the guide of the Starres from vs and the confusion and imminent danger so amazed our Pilot that he hath forgotten the vse of his Loadstone and yet O mercifull and all pittying Father hast thou safely conducted and brought vs to our desired Hauen Thy mightie and out-stretched Arme hath supplyed the defect of our Mast thy Mercie stands vs in stead of our Anchor thy euer-shining goodnesse made way for vs through the midst of all darknesse and thy eternall Prouidence our neuer-fayling Load-stone mercifully directed vs in the vnknowne waies of the wilde Ocean Praise the Lord all yee waters and let all the fishes of the Sea praise the LORD and all yee that haue seene his wonders in the deepe bee confounded and astonished For my part O Lord write them I beseech thee in the Table of my heart that I may continually remember them with feare and trembling euer acknowledging with praise and thankesgiuing that thou hast taken mee from the mouth of the graue and snatcht me out of the iawes of death for which I will alwaies sing There is none like vnto our God who hath saued his people in the midst of destruction hallowed be his name for euermore Amen 55. A Prayer for Children O Lord God from whom the most aged receiue their comfort and the wisest their instruction guide I humbly entreate thee my parents in the way of saluation bee a staffe O Lord vnto their weakenesse and a guide vnto their steps renew their minds in the decay of their bodies and giue them inward eyes to behold what their dim and fading sight can neuer attaine to that they may walke in truth and righteousnesse all the dayes of their life And graunt I earnestly beseech thee louing and gentle Father that I may bee obedient to their holy and iust commandements louing and carefull in performing to my power their precepts and instructions requiting their former care of me with my dutie and humblenesse Blesse me O Lord in my tender and vnexperienced yeeres from all euill and lewd company which may accustome me to idle and vnthriftie courses invre my mind to labour for the attaining learning and knowledge and graciously O Lord bestow vpon mee as the ground-worke of all other vertues the gift of humilitie being fittest for my yeeres and most conuenient for grace to build vpon euen for Iesus Christ his sake who hath commanded all little ones to come to him Amen 56. A Prayer for Seruants O Lord God which hast bought vs all with thy precious Bloud ransoming at as deare a price the Begger that fe●deth on Almes as Kings that clothed in gold and purple fare deliciously Giue me grace O Lord to be contented with the estate thou hast placed me in and let mee not repine at the lownesse of my place but keeping heere my station and carefully watching for the time of my freedome I may at last obtaine eternall libertie Prosper O Lord of thy accustomed bountie and goodnesse my Master and Mistresse blesse them with thy feare and endue them with thy holy Spirit that they may truely obey and honour thee Humble me O Lord before them and giue me grace faithfully to execute what they shall lawfully command Let mee neuer entertaine a thought to wrong them but deale truely and vprightly in whatsoeuer they shall commit to my charge knowing that thou art a seuere and All-seeing Iudge who wilt one day call mee to account for all my offences let me be studious and diligent to dispatch what they shall appoint mee to do not mis-imploying my time to their losse and preiudice Saue me O Lord from the companie of those who delight in wickednesse and vnder whose tongues lyeth guile and deceit Preuent me O Lord by thy neuer-erring wisedome and assist me with thy grace that I may truely serue thee and them whom thou hast appointed ouer mee that I may at length be preferred to thee in thy eternall Kingdome who liuest and raignest world without end Amen 57. A Prayer for one that is sicke WIth what face O Lord shall I approach before thee How shall I dare to lift vp my voyce vnto thee What can I say for my selfe or what shall I offer Shall I entreate health of thee who in the fulnesse of it haue dedicated it to thy enemie Shall I proffer to serue thee that am vnable to helpe my selfe Shall I request thy loue and fauour who haue euer beene thy professed enemie and now come onely to beg it when I am vnder thy wrath readie to receiue damnation for my hainous and horrid transgressions I confesse eternall and euer-liuing God that I am not worthy that a thought of thy goodnesse should enter into so polluted a mansion I acknowledge my selfe to haue deserued more punishment then hell can lay vpon me who haue daily hourely nay knowingly so grieuously offended thy Diuine Maiestie now onely offering my selfe to thee when sin can make no vse of mee Yet O mercifull Father consider I beseech thee what my substance is how mightie my enemies and how fraile my owne condition Forsake me not I beseech thee though I come ouer-late vnto thee thy mercy I know O Lord is able to forgiue more then I am able to commit By that bottomelesse welspring I beseech thee haue pittie on me and comfort me lest I despaire and dye For my sinnes are terrible vnto me and appeare before me clad in their deformitie the deuill whom I haue thus long serued now puts me in minde and representeth the horrour of hell vnto mee O sweet Iesus hasten vnto me and since thou didst vouchsafe to put on Humanity for our Redemption forsake me not now a miserable and afflicted creature lying at the feet of thy mercy who determineth neuer to rise till thou say vnto him Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Lend me O Lord if it bee thy holy pleasure a little more respit to call vpon thy Name Lengthen my daies that I may repent mee and winne thy fauour by seeking after thee But if otherwise thou determine make me O Lord readie for thee and let my humble confession hearty and true contrition with the acknowledgement of thy infinite and boundlesse Deitie as it did the Thiefe vpon the Crosse saue me from prepared ruine and destruction sweet Iesus Amen 58. A Prayer for Womens Deliuerance
thee for that eternal and all-comforting name of thy sweet Son Iesus to giue mee a feeling of my owne desperate and dangerous estate to take away the dead and impostume vices which haue ouer-growne goodnes and vertue so that I may perceiue what is wicked or sinfull made the same with me by a long custome Grant me O bountifull and louing Lord constancie and perseuerance in the good determinations wherewith thou shalt inspire lest I fal into a relapse perish vnsuccourably euen for thy owne mercies sake which from the beginning of the world was intended to saue sinners Amen 71. A Prayer in Sicknes NOw I am weakest O Lord in estate be thou strongest and inlighten and comfort my Soule in this darknes and torments of my Body Satan hath incompassed me on euery side and as assured of victory hath laid aside all his faire and eye-pleasing disguises pulling off his beautifull visor and in his owne horrible and dreadfull deformitie telleth me plainely I am his There is no sinne my most mercifull and euerlasting Redeemer which hee is not in the vgliest and desperatest manner ready to lay before me more carefull now to call them to my memory then he was before to banish them for euer He telleth me it is thine own Doctrine that the wages of sinne is Death and that euerlasting world without end But shall hee O iust and righteous Iudge be my accuser and witnes against mee Shall he betray me to a sinne and be rewarded for reuealing it I protest before the Throne of thy diuine Maiestie that he alone ioyned with the world and the flesh hath wrought vpon my frailtie and subtilly seduced mee to all kinde of sinne and enormitie that he alone hath perswaded mee to offend thee my Lord and Maker laying thy heauy displeasure and terrour of thy iudgements before me seeking either to draw me to despaire or an vnwillingnes to enter into the due consideration of my hainous mis-deeds I doe therefore wholly abiure and detest him abandoning for euer his friendship and seruice and relying on thy powerfull and auailable Passion in the preciousnesse and value of it offer vp my selfe vnto thee beseeching thee for thy owne merits and goodnes to accept a forlorne and despayring sinner who without thy mercy is readie to bee swallowed vp by the eternall gulfe of hell fire Moderate O Lord my sicknesse and paines that I may the freelier haue recourse vnto thee strengthen and confirme my fainting and decaying voyce that I may the earnestlier cry vnto thee And aboue all O my most sweete and amiable Lord comfort and aide my drooping and fearefull heart that I may continually meditate on thee that if it bee thy will and pleasure I may escape the vengeance prepared for those that dye out of thy fauour and if thou shalt please to call mee forth of this mortall life I may liue with thee put on immortality euen for thy holy Names sake to which be all honour glory world without end Amen 72. A Prayer to be said before any worke wee goe about IN vaine O Lord rise wee earely and sit vp late eating the bread of carefulnesse turmoyling and tormenting our selues with great labour and wearisomnesse vnlesse thou O Lord giue a blessing In vaine toyleth the Husbandman plowing and sowing vnlesse thou water it and giue the increase In vaine endangereth himselfe the Marchant furrowing and turning vp the waters vnlesse thou prosper and guide his Ship Since thou fillest euery thing with blessing be pleased at this time onely Lord and Sauiour to looke mercifully and fauourably on the industries and labours of thy seruant and multiply them as thou didst the old womans Iar who gaue of it to the Prophet grant that wee may prosper and haue giuing of our abundance to those poore brethren that want it rather then to bee driuen to aske it Yet in all O Lord thy will bee done to the extremest pouertie nay death it selfe Giue me O Lord a true feeling of my selfe that I may rather respect goodnesse then gaine and aime rather to liue honestly then richly affecting a mediocritie not aboundance lest I be puffed vp with the vaine and gawdy shew of vncertaine wealth Grant O blessed Lord and Sauiour that I may in all my courses and enterprises haue before my eyes the end whereunto they should be directed which is onely in this warfare and pilgrimage to prouide me necessaries for my voyage to that holy Land wherein al thy children and seruants haue before the beginning of the world a portion and inheritance laid out and reserued that I may with that prouidence and care so furnish and store my selfe that I be neither forced with Esau for want and indiscretion to sell my birth-right for fading and transitory reliefe nor with the proud and mighty exalted with the infinitenesse of their treasure despise and grow carelesse of it but in all things making my selfe obedient to thy will be found worthy to take possession of it Grant this O sweete Iesus Amen 73. A Prayer for Remission of sinnes I Humbly confesse O Almightie and euer-liuing Lord that I am vnworthy the bread thou in thy mercie bestowedst on me vnworthy to infect the ayre with my breath who spend it to thy dishonour and my owne defamation most vnworthy the least of thy blessings which I haue plentifully receiued of thee and that I tremble to come into thy presence my sinnes striking horrour and terrour to my heart lest I be swallowed vp for my offences and wickednesses daily committed and yet vnrepented But O most mercifull and all-louing Father take thy Eye I beseech thee from them lest thou in thy iustice bring me to destruction and fixe it on the bitter Passion of thy deare Sonne behold him O Lord scourged buffeted reuiled spet vpon and despitefully crucifyed for the hainousnesse of these my transgressions and in the preciousnesse of this satisfaction be pleased O Lord to giue eare to the humble and sorrowing lamentation of a despised and contemned sinner who is heartily and truely sorry for these his misdeeds and trespasses desiring thee of thy infinite bounty to inspire him with thy grace that hee may for euer hate and detest the guilt and monstrousnesse of them Strike mee O Lord with a true feare not onely of thy mightinesse and iudgements but of thy mercies and louing kindnesse that I may bee vtterly ashamed and confounded to offend so fauourable and indulgent a Father who hath not dis-inherited nor cast off so notorious and disobedient a sonne but in his mercy reserued a portion for mee which O blessed and all-louing Lord make me worthy of that I may euer praise and glorifie thy clemencie world without end 74. A Prayer for Perseuerance SInce O Lord not hee that attempteth the course but he that continueth to the end not those Virgins who came late but they that watched continually haue the promised and expected reward giue me aboundantly of thy blessing that I
him back lest I fall and be confounded Suffer him not to draw me to the incounter for how can mortality hold out all the glories of the earth are armed on his part to bewitch ambitious spirits all the vanities in the world serue vnder his colours to allure the lighter phantasies Am I a match for so infinite and puissant an Army Leade me not into temptation O Lord but deliuer me from all euill I humbly confesse and heartily beleeue one word of thine is able to discomfort all his Hoast scatter them and make them in their hastie flight ruin one another he flyeth from thy presence and trembleth amazedly asking What haue we to doe with thee thou euer-liuing Son of God com'st thou before thy time to torment vs But O Father of all mercies how can I deserue thy aide or ouertaken with shame request thy gracious assistance hauing from my cradle beene a follower of his if not contemning yet neglecting thy often and lowde Callings Can I hope that haue refused to walke with Almightie God in securitie and safety that hee will daigne to find out me in danger and ieopardy and reskue me from the common enemie Thy mercie O Lord is infinite and hath beene infinitely exprest to ingratefull humanitie thy louing kindnesses innumerable vnable to be deliuered or set down There is no end I well know of thy euerlasting goodnesse bee pleased therefore O mercifull Father if so great a sinner may hope for fauour by the depth of all these either to take from me the violence and rage of all forcible temptation or else to giue me grace and strength to resist and withstand them lest I be taken prisoner by them and cast to the bottomelesse dungeon whence nothing resoundeth but the continuall acclamations and curses of damned and desperate persons euen for that holy and vertuous name of Iesus knowne mighty in the saluation of thy people Amen 85. A Prayer for preparation against the day of Iudgement IF the righteous O eternall and iust Iudge shall scarse be saued what shall become of sinners And if the iust shall tremble to behold the dreadfull signes which shall fore-run the day of Iudgement in what terrour and amazement shall the wicked be How earnestly shall they cry out for the Hils to couer them or to be hidden in the bottome of the Sea that they may not see the angry countenance of the wrathfull Iudge But alas the Sea shall yeeld vp all her inhabitants the graues their Tenants and the Hils be laid plaine and consumed to nothing all shall be laid open and euerie secret reuealed the closest crannie of the heart shall be searcht into and the priuatst deed be proclaimed the intent of the best actions examined and the foulest and most mischieuous in the hearing of all that haue beene borne since the beginning of the world knowne and brought to tryall What a terrour what a horrour what a confusion shall the Murtherer Blasphemer and lasciuious person be in at that day All this we haue heard nay and beleeue and yet the most cunning and subtill Serpent hauing nothing to say against the truth of thy Word with his perswasions induceth vs to flatter our selues that there is more eternitie in three-score yeeres the longest span of our short life then in that Eternity of eternities which shall follow it But thou O mercifull and gracious Lord which camest into the world to saue sinners from the vengeance prepared at this day desiring that wee may repent and be accepted Giue vnto vs a liuely feeling of the danger of it call it I beseech thee to our consideration as a thing certaine so present no soule being assured of her abode one minute Giue vs grace so to prouide our selues that wee may make our account here since after death no man returneth to recall or alter whatsoeuer is left amisse Let vs enter into iudgement of our selues that we be not iudged and carefully weigh euery word that wee be not found to haue respected none Giue vs grace to begin heere while there is helpe lest we would helpe our selues when there is no beginning for from hell there is no returning and after death no repenting repinings are there the fruits of an ill-led life and curses of our follies all the consolations of our punishment from which let thy mightie and all-redeeming Passion defend vs which whosoeuer faithfully layeth hold on shall at that Day with great ioy and alacrity behold thee shewing thy selfe a seuere Iudge against those who would not beleeue nor entertaine that Peace-offering Certaine Eiaculations of the Spirit O My most gentle and sweet Sauiour grant me I beseech thee pure thoughts vndefiled actions and a respect to thy glory in all my proceedings Let me alwaies O blessed Iesu remember that thou art in presence that I may with feare and reuerence take account of my speeches settle my behauiour and all my actions as it beseemeth a Lord of such height and Maiestie Bee thou O eternall and most meeke Lambe the obiect of mine eyes the Musicke of mine eares the food of my vnderstanding and the content and solace of all my senses that putting wholly on my Sauiour Iesus I may bee armed against all temptations and assaults of the deuill Iesu Lord of my life Patron of my substance Reconciler of my friends Inspirer of my soule Preseruer of my renowne and Master of my liberty I commend them all to thy holy protection dispose of them to thy honour and glory What part of me O Lord can challenge or shew euidence for mine My Soule is Heauens my Body Earths both thy blessing Take me O Lord as thy due nourish me as thy charge and loue me as thy childe O God the giuer of all victorie stand on my side in all temptations powre of thine owne Bloud into my emptied veines raise me as thou didst thy seruant Lazarus to a new and better life when I am dead to righteousnesse turne not away from me if I flye and let me not bee confounded for euer whose trust hath beene alwaies in thee Giue me O Lord a noble sufferance in afflictions lowlinesse of Spirit in the height of honours an vnmoued resolution in all conflicts and conquest ouer all my spirituall aduersaries Giue mee mercifull Father a vertuous shamefastnesse that I may blush and shunne the companie of wickednesse an vnaffected carriage slow and deliberate speeches vncorrupted thoughts and holy endeuours Let thy Word O Lord be the light of mine eyes the repast of my soule the repose of my senses the apparell of my body and my defence in all extremities Lay thy holy hands O Lord ouer mine eyes that I behold not vanity stand at the gates of my eares and turne aside all euill and vncleane speeches Set a watch before my lips lest I wander in vnlawfull discourses touch with thy holy hand all my senses to stay them from ryot and intemperance Let my will O Lord resigne it selfe to thy pleasure
Patience Obedience Humblenesse without Malice Vaine-glory enuying none and fixe all my thoughts actions and endeuours to recouer thee in thy Kingdome to whom be all honour power and glorie world without end Amen 2. A Prayer before Dinner ALmightie and euerlasting God which hast created all things for the good and benefit of Mankind giuing him power and dominion ouer all thy creatures graunt O Lord that I may so moderately vse these blessings thou hast in thy mercie prouided for me as may stand with thy good liking and pleasure Let me eate to helpe not pamper Nature lest of a seruant she become an enemie and make me vnfit for thy seruice and glorie which is the onely end of our creation and being Let Temperance not my Appetite ouersway me euer remembring and with dutifull thankes acknowledging thy loue and fauour who hast vouchsafed to refresh and comfort me when many thousands of my poore brethren whose fearefull sinnes call not for vengeance like mine suffer vnder the Tyrannie of Hunger Giue me grace O Lord to pitie them and meanes to relieue them that we may together glorifie thee in thy Workes and prayse thy Iudgements which are vnsearchable shewing mercie on whom thou pleasest chastising thy children that being made obedient in their punishments they may come to thee and be made partakers of that neuer-ending glorie which thou hast prepared for those that truly serue thee euen for Iesus Christ his sake our onely Lord and Sauiour who with thee and the holy Ghost three persons and one God liueth and raigneth world without end Amen 3. Euening Prayer MOst mercifull and louing God Father of all Consolation who in thy infinite wisedome and prouidence hast ordained the night for rest by which our bodily sences wearied with the dayes labour might be renewed and refreshed wee prayse and glorifie thy holy Name in that thou hast vouchsafed of thy accustomed bountie and goodnesse to protect vs from all the bodily dangers of this day which our Enemie the Deuill practiseth for our destruction How many O pitifull and sweet Sauiour hath his snares betrayed and vndone leading them by temptation and strong perswasion with their owne hands to be their owne Murtherers How many hast thou suffered to fall by fire some by the crueltie of their Brother Fathers by their Children Wiues by their Husbands suddenly and vnexpectedly in apparent danger without thy mercie and benediction of eternall woe and damnation How shall a heart loaden and ouercome with these thy benefits expresse thy power and glorie with his owne shame and opprobriousnesse I acknowledge and confesse most blessed and pitifull Lord that my sinnes dayly encreasing nay howrely growing vpon me haue deserued Hell fire and euerlasting damnation I haue knowne thy Commandements and not followed them I haue hearkened to thy will and not obeyed it pursuing with swift feet the vnlawfull desires and lusts of my flesh Giue me grace O mercifull Lord and Father that I may with all the power of my soule striue and endeuour to amend and reforme this sinfull and abominable course Be pleased to call me vnto thee by what meanes soeuer thou shalt thinke my vnbridled and stubborne disposition will be tamed and subdued I refuse no punishment without exception of greatnesse or choice of qualitie Pouertie sent by thee shall be my chiefest Riches Shame and Contempt being thy affliction shall be the propagation of my glorie the neglect of Friends shall not trouble me for in all things O Lord let thy will be done who wisheth not the death of a sinner but that he may repent and liue with thee in the companie of Angels and Saints who are filled with thy goodnesse and continually sing thy prayses to whom onely belongeth iust prayse and honour world without end Amen TVESDAY 4. Morning Prayer O Almightie and most mercifull Father which hast opened the eyes of thy seruant to behold thy glorious and wonderous workes sending thy blessed and comfortable Light to banish and put to flight the thick and black darknesse which couered the face of the Earth lighten O Lord my vnderstanding that I may see thee in thy reuealed will and not curiously wander farther Giue me grace to know what is good and rectifie my will to follow it that in my life and conuersation I may glorifie thee and profit others I confesse O Lord and humbly acknowledge my sinnes and offences and my transgressions are euer before me Pardon O mercifull Father and be pleased to put away from thy remembrance all my iniquities Let the bloud of thy deare Sonne and my onely Sauiour be auaileable against thy Iustice and burie my misdeedes in his Sepulchre that they may neuer rise vp against me Blesse O mightie and only powerfull God all the labours of this day and graunt thou wilt helpe vs to performe what is thy pleasure wee doe that euerie speech and action hauing his beginning from thee may tend to our owne comfort and saluation Let not O Lord which art the comfort and succour of all distressed and afflicted the greedie and vnlawfull desire of gaine and encrease rayse our hearts to affect falsehood and dissimulation Set a watch O Lord before our lippes that wee may speake truly to euery man in the vprightnesse and sinceritie of a good conscience wee may be at peace with our selues Set ouer vs thou great and onely Protector thy holy Angell to guard and defend vs that the Deuill who lyeth in wait to betray vs may be put to flight and confounded either take away O Lord or giue vs strength to ouercome his subtleties and temptations that endeuouring to spend this day according to thy holy Word wee may rest in peace till thou againe shalt call vs to performe our dutie euen for Iesus Christs sake our onely Lord and Sauiour 5. A Prayer at Noone I Will not cease to crie vnto thee O Lord because thou art mercifull and regardest the complaints of thy seruant who as in a Wildernesse encompassed with rauenous beasts were it not for thy assisting grace looketh instantly to be deuoured My flesh rebelleth against me and my vnbridled and lawlesse sences would giue me vp as a prey vnto the enemie Be neere O Lord vnto me and assist me in the Conflict lest I shamefully fall and be confounded Inspire me O Lord with vertuous and holy motions vnresistable and neuer-yeelding graces that I may fight manfully vnder thy glorious Standard following thee my Captaine and Leader thorow all the dangerous and fearefull oppositions which Satan bringeth against me Giue me O Lord an vnwearied courage that I may neyther faint vnder the heat of my desires nor be dulled and benummed with the cold and ●●●●tie carelesnesse of my lazie and luke-warme deuotion but with able and lustie vigor ouercomming the World the Flesh and the Deuill I may in spirit reioyce with thee and sing thy prayses and glorie who art the onely blessed and gracious Redeemer from all temptations and troubles 6. Euening
leasings and vaine stories O be mercifull vnto me and enter not into Iudgement with thy seruant for how shall Dust and Ashes stand vp before thee or the worke of thy hands contend with his Creator Haue pitie on me O Lord according to thy great goodnesse and in the multitude of thy mercies blot out all my Iniquities Saue me and be neere vnto me in the day of trouble that I may magnifie thy Name and giue all honour power and glorie to thee who art the Father and Fountaine of all comfort and consolation Amen AT NOONE. 20. A Prayer concerning the benefit of Creation I Am amazed O Lord to consider of thy wonderfull mercie my soule is lost in the depth of thy neuer-ceasing goodnesse and like the wisest of Philosophers the more I learne the lesse I may truly professe to know so bottomelesse and vnsearchable is thy loue and fauour When I was Nothing O Lord why thoughtst thou of me and calledst me to be Something which hauing any subsistence of Beast or Plant is better then not to be at all but thou hast created me according to thine owne Image giuing me a reasonable soule like the Angels endued with noble faculties and powers enabling me to reach the height of thy mysticall Diuinitie and diuine Mysterie and made me capable of euerlasting and infinite glorie O Lord before thee and in comparison of thy Maiestie I am iust Nothing and how wast thou then mindfull of me to create me Alas my soule thou wast hidden in the Abysse of Nothing and in this Abysse of Nothing shouldst thou haue remained vntill this present if God had not drawne thee forth from thence and what couldst thou haue done within this Nothing O my great and good Creator how infinitely am I indebted vnto thee for that thou hast taken me out of this Nothing to make me by thy mercie that something which I am What shall I euer be able to doe worthily to blesse and magnifie thy Name and to render thankes to thine exceeding Bountie But alas my Creator in stead of vniting my selfe vnto thee by pure loue and loyall seruice I haue alwayes beene rebellious by vnruly affections separating and withdrawing my selfe from thee to ioyne and vnite my selfe vnto sinne and iniquitie doing no more to thy Goodnesse then if thou hadst not beene my Creator What wickednesse hath there beene O Lord that I haue not had a thought readie to put in a mind apt to contriue and a hand willing to execute it Wherein haue I testified my obedience in following thy Lawes and Precepts Wherein my truth and loyaltie in resisting thy vowed and knowne enemies But O my soule know that our Lord is thy God it is he that hath made thee and not thou thy selfe O God I am the worke of thy hand I will then no more henceforth take pleasure in my selfe since in my selfe and of my selfe I am truly Nothing Blesse thy God O my soule and let all thy bowels prayse his holy Name for his Bountie hath drawne me forth of the Abysse of Nothing and his Mercie hath created me O my God I offer vnto thee with all my heart the essence and being which thou of thy Bountie hast bestowed vpon me and most willingly doe I dedicate and consecrate it to thee O my God strengthen me in these affections and resolutions and giue me perseuerance to the end 21. Euening Prayer I Humbly confesse and acknowledge O mercifull Lord and Sauiour that I haue not imployed and bestowed the blessed Time of this hallowed Day so deuoutly and religiously as I ought and am commanded to doe I beseech thee of thy infinite mercie to forgiue and pardon so weake and frayle a Creature that cannot entertaine the least good thought one moment vvithout thee and vouchsafe of thy accustomed goodnesse and clemencie continually to visit nay my most blessed Sauiour to inhabite and dwell with mee that so I may doe the things which please thee Giue vnto me O Lord a kindly relenting and remorse for the sinnes I haue this day committed against thy diuine Maiestie and against my Neighbour by thought word and deed and by omission of those things thou hast left me in charge to haue done Moderate O Lord my sleepe and banish from me all vaine and wandering fancies vncleane and idle illusions that I may awake in thee and to thee offer my Morning thoughts who art onely worthie of all that onely hast created redeemed sanctified and preserued me for which be thou euer praysed and honoured world without end Amen 22. A Prayer to our blessed Sauiour and Redeemer PRostrate thy selfe O my soule before the Lord of all Maiestie and Glorie sitting at the right hand of his Father crowned with Mightinesse and Power richly adorned with a garland of all Vertues brightly shining in the companie of his glorious Angels holy Saints and bloudie Martyrs honouring and seruing him without ceasing or intermission singing Hymnes of his Goodnesse and Mercie and hauing thus beheld him in this great Pompe and Triumph cast thine eye vpon this blessed Sauiour poorely lying in the Manger hauing scarce any thing to couer his tender and delicate Bodie or saue it from the iniurie of the Ayre Consider well and seriously how he which giueth heat and motion to the Sunne is here contented as vnable to helpe himselfe to take warmth and comfort from the breath of the Beasts whom he there disdained not to be his Chamber-fellowes O wonderfull example of all humilitie How darest thou from henceforth contemned Dust and Ashes swell in thy Vaine-glorie and decked with a few gay Ragges forget thy Creator who is cloathed with Eternitie Humble O Lord my high and proud thoughts abase and bring downe my loftie and rebellious imaginations make me abiect in my owne eyes that walking with my poore Brethren who wander naked and hungrie lying vpon the bare cold Earth I may with them prayse and glorifie thy holy Name who wert the first founder and beginner of this poore and contemned Order Why shall we from henceforth so highly esteeme Honour and Riches when thou the Lord of both didst so contemne it voluntarie for our instruction submitting thy selfe to so great and miserable Pouertie Happie are wee if wee be distressed and patiently suffer it happie if wee be contemned and neglected for thy sake Teach me O Lord the way to despise all worldly preferment and promotions that hauing my thoughts only fixed vpon thee I may passe forth these transitorie short miseries to dwell in eternall rest and felicitie in thy Kingdome which is promised to all those which serue thee to whom be ascribed all honor power and glorie world without end Amen 23. Another Prayer for assistance in dangers and troubles COmplaynest thou discontented and vngratefull Creature that thy enemies lye in wait to take thy life from thee and thinkest thy selfe not well dealt with to be so persecuted and afflicted when thou mayest behold the Creator of Heauen and Earth
minde before the Throne of his diuine iustice I acknowledge confesse and yeeld my selfe lawfully attached and conuicted of high Treason against his diuine Maiestie and guilty of the death and Passion of Iesus Christ by reason of the hainous sinnes which I haue committed for which he dyed and suffered the torment of the Crosse so that consequently I am worthy to be cast away and damned for euer But turning my selfe towards the Throne of the infinite mercy of the selfe-same eternall God hauing detested from the bottome of my heart and with all my force the iniquities of my life fore-passed I most humbly require and craue pardon grace and mercy with entire absolution from my cryme through vertue of the Passion and death of the same Sauiour and Redeemer of my soule vpon whom relying as vpon the onely foundation of my hope I confirme againe aduowe and renew the sacred profession of loyall seruice and fidelitie made in my name and behalfe vnto my GOD at my baptizing renouncing the Diuell the Flesh and the World abhorring the execrable suggestions vanities and concupiscence for all the time of this present life and for all eternitie and conuerting my selfe vnto my most gracious and mercifull God I desire deliberate purpose and fully resolue irreuocably to honor him serue him loue him now and for euer giuing him for this end and dedicating and consecrating my spirits with all his faculties my soule with all her functions my heart with all his affections and my body with all his sences protesting neuer more to abuse any one part of my beeing or nature against his diuine will and soueraigne Maiestie To whom I offer vp and sacrifice my selfe in spirit to be to him a loyall obedient and faithfull creature for euermore Amen 29. A Prayer to be said in Afflictions and Troubles O Eternall and euer-liuing God the Father of all Consolation and Mercies the giuer of all things good and vertuous who art vnto vs as a Nurse vnto a childe a Shepheard vnto a wandring Lambe a Guide of our wayes a Guardian of our persons a Counsellour in doubts a Comforter in troubles a Patron in our needes and an assured Friend in all afflictions graciously assist vs in all our tribulations and aduersities being an assured tryall of thy seruants For whom thou louest thou chastisest Suffer me to bee tempted O Lord not ouercome rebuked not forsaken bruised with thy rod not broken for my soule is heauy within me and my enemies haue preuailed against me yea my Spirit repineth and my flesh grudgeth that thy hand is so heauy on mee I goe like one that hath lost his way shooting my eyes into the earth as desiring to be buried in my misfortunes All my friends haue left me and my company is my owne thoughts which are displeasing vnto me My eyes are great with teares my tongue laboureth with my mis-fortunes so that I seeme to others a piece of earth wrapped in woe and calamity Comfort me O Lord and I shall be comforted shoote thy holy Spirit into me and I shall bee disburdened lighten the beames of thy mercy vpon me and I shall shine in prosperity for it is my sinnes O Lord which haue confounded mee it is the multitude of my wickednesses which haue drowned the multitude of thy ioyes it is my guilt which banisheth thy goodnesse Turne backe O Lord and mercifully looke vpon me as thou didst vpon thy holy Apostle and faithfull seruant S. Peter that I may not onely weep but bitterly lament my misdeeds and offences who haue denyed my onely Lord and Master all the dayes of my life swearing as one that knew him not and blaspheming as certainely neither beleeuing nor fearing the punishments which haue ouer-growne me But if alas through suggestion of mine enemy or through humane frailty I chance any time to transgresse in any thing whatsoeuer giue me grace O Lord by the aide of the Holy Ghost to arise againe so soone as I shall perceiue my fall and so to returne anew to the Diuine Mercy without any stay or delay whatsoeuer Let it please thee O my eternall God Almighty and all good Father Son and Holy Ghost to confirme and strengthen mee in this resolution of my amendment and to accept this Cordiall and inward Sacrifice in the odor of sweetnesse O my God thou art my God God of my heart God of my soule God of my spirit and for such doe I reuerently thankfully and louingly acknowledge honour and adore thee now and for euer 30. Another Prayer for remission of sinnes O Benigne Iesu the onely refuge of desolate and afflicted soules the comfort and succour of those that are laden and oppressed mercifully heare and pitifully receiue the prayers and supplications of one conceiued and borne in sinne who acknowledgeth and confesseth before the Throne of thy Diuine Maiesty that hee is too base and altogether vnworthy to speake nay looke and much lesse to be heard and regarded in this his extremity who in time of health hath contemned and neglected his Physicion in time of iollity and prosperity hath neither thriftily prouided nor wisely preuented the daies of horror and desolation who being cruelly accused by his owne conscience of many high and detestable treason against the King of Kings and Lord of Lords his thoughts and senses bearing witnes against him hath neither treasure to ransome him nor friend to pleade for him wealth preuaileth not with him who is infinite in Riches Titles and Honours are momentany shadowes in his presence who aduanceth and degradeth whom hee pleases Kindred and friends dare not bee seene before so pure and iust a Iudge in so foule and vniust a cause What wilt thou then doe O my soule in these straights and extremities Whither wilt thou flye for succour Heauen is his dwelling place the earth his foot-stoole the Mountaines hee will remoue and his iustice diues into the bottome of the Sea Fall then before him and all prostrate lift vp thy voyce implore his mercy desire his pardon sue vnto him kneele before him lay hold of him and let him not depart O my soule till hee hath at least granted thee a Reprieue for thy horrible and lewd transgressions which obtained whilst his wrath is a little slackened thy teares may mollifie and get betweene thee and his definitiue sentence Consider duely what friends thou canst make and due consideration will make contrition a speciall fauorite of our Sauiours pleade heartily for thee who in thy behalfe promising a detestation of thy former offences with an assured purpose and resolution of amendment ioyned with a continuance and progresse in good workes and holy exercises may for our Sauiour delights to heare him purchase thee an absolute pardon Grant me therefore most sweet and amiable Lord to imploy the remnant of my life in studying to be acquainted with these thy holy friends and fauorites Giue O Sauiour a fountaine of teares vnto my eyes that I may continually lament and bewayle
without deiection graue without austeritie pleasant without lightnesse fearefull not despairing true not doubling doing good without presumption admonishing my neighbour without arrogancie edifying him by word and example without dissimulation Giue vnto me Lord God a watchfull heart that no curious cogitation may draw me from thee a noble one that no vnworthy affection may triumph ouer it a sincere one that no euill intention may bend it from thee an inuincible heart that no persecution may glory in his ouerthrow a generous one that no peruerse and violent passion may challenge rule ouer it Bestow on me O Lord an vnderstanding knowing thee a diligence seeking thee a wisedome finding thee a conuersation pleasing to thee a perseuerance faithfully expecting thee a confidence finally embracing thee to be pierced with thy punishments through repentance to vse thy benefits in this way fare by grace and at length by glory to enioy thy ioyes in thy countrey who liuest raignest c. 63. A Prayer for great Personages O Most mighty high and euerliuing God King of all Kings Lord of all Lords the onely gouernour Creatour and aduancer of mankinde which hast pleased to call me to honour and promotion making me a Ruler and directer of thy people Teach me O Lord the way to bee humble in mine owne eyes that I may louingly and courteously entertaine any poore brethren as great and noble in thy sight and bought at as deare a rate as the mightiest Giue me O Lord singlenesse of heart cleannesse of hands truth of tongue meekenes of Spirit that I may in all affayres and businesses of the generall State respect aboue all things thy glory next the weale of the publique and lastly my own peace and content which in the vprightnes of a good conscience make O Lord firme vnto me Take from me I earnestly beseech thee the fire of Ambition lest dallying with vnholy flames I returne to in-glorious Ashes Quench in mee O mercifully louing Father the longing thirst of new Titles and Dignities acknowledging it a blessing aboue any desert of mine to be thy Creature and fearing the charge and burden already imposed vpon me endeuour with all lowlinesse to render thee a iust account Grant that my power may be a shelter not oppression to the weaker and the noblenesse of my birth a continuall remembrancer how to bring forth vertues and actions worthy and beseeming that height and superioritie that in all things squaring the line of my life and ordering all my thoughts actions and endeuours by thy precepts and instructions I may leaue my example as a holy practice to others and die in thy fauour that I may liue eternally with thee world without end 64. A Thanksgiuing for the recouerie of our High and Mighty Soueraigne King IAMES April 1619. I INcline thine eare vnto vs O Lord and mercifully heare our supplications and prayers that we make before thee for hauing speedily and happily deliuered our most gracious King thy humble Seruant redeeming vs in preseruing him from the many troubles and vncertaine dangers which any alteration may bring vpon vs. Keepe him O Lord to thee for vs from the bloudy hand of home-bred Treason which endeuoureth violently to spoile him and saue him by thy mighty power from the ambitious desire of Forraine inuasion which vnlawfully plotteth and goeth about to gripe into their hands the rule and state of this Kingdome ouer which by thy ordinance and eternall prouidence he is made chiefe Lord and Ruler Defend him O merciful and all-louing Father from the Tyrannie of sicknes which seeketh to destroy nature and steale away life from him and what other infirmities the weakenesse of nature want of digestion distemperatenesse of Ayre or any other naturall cause may bring vpon him Be pleased O Lord to ease and cure him by thy all-restoring hand who camest into the world to heale all maner of diseases that wee may perfectly enjoy him in his vertuous gouernment with the blessed fruits and increase of it to thy eternall glory his owne saluation and our comfort peace and tranquillitie euen for Iesus Christ his sake our onely Lord Mediator and Sauiour Amen 65. Another A A Wake vs O Lord from sinne and iniquity that we deserue not thy Scourge and Rod in vntimely depriuing vs of thy faithfull Seruant our most gracious King whom thou hast mercifully placed ouer vs. Giue vs loyall obedient hearts that we may truely and humbly vnder thee loue honour and obey him constantly vnite our selues to him and vnperswadably become his followers and liege Seruants Continue O Lord thy care and fauour to him that he may as hitherto reciprocally tender respect the good and weale of vs his poore vnder-Subiects esteeming vs helping and necessarie members of himselfe profitable to execute and vndergo what he shall in thy feare and Religion charge and command that we striuing and endeuouring to become perfect Imitators and Types of thee and thy Church in vnanimitie and tranquillitie may with one consent labour the setting forth of thy honour and glory with our owne well-doing and eternall happinesse Amen 66. A Prayer against our Enemies M MAke vs O Lord mighty and strong armed in the confidence of thy all-preseruing and powerfull Arme. Stretch it foorth O Lord and scatter our enemies who haue conspired and are combined against vs. Behold mercifull Father the infinite and innumerable troupes they haue gathered and mustered together to spoile and ruine thy people who haue no hope nor trust but in thy mercies Their Armies couer the face of the Land and their Ships haue not Sea enough to weild their huge bodies they glory in the desire and assurednesse of bloud and slaughter and meditate all the day long on Rapine and Crueltie They haue in their thoughts the murdering of Sucklings and Infants and the deflowring of Virgins is euer before their eyes they ioy in representing to themselues the Ransacking the substance of poore mens labours and feeding their Ryots with the sweat of others browes determining to leaue no barbarousnes vnpractised or vn-attempted Smite them O Lord in the height of their pride and bring their mightinesse and strength to nothing Let the Sea O Lord which they haue inhabited ouerthrow their proud buildings and destroy them The Sunne and winde O LORD vndoe and put to flight their Land-Souldiers with tempests and heate that wee thy seruants being deliuered from the feare of our enemies may serue thee all the dayes of our life glorifying and magnifying thy holy name who art the giuer of all victorie Amen 67. Another Prayer for deliuerance from our Enemies E EVermore will I cry vnto thee and all my life long meditate on thy mercies who wilt not suffer the scornefull and proud to preuaile against thy seruants nor the mischieuously-minded to haue the vpper hand ouer them The Enemies O Lord presumptuous and ouer-daring in the strength of men and Chariots haue prouided whips and torments for thy people not seeking vvhich
way to ouercome but to torment as assured to ouercome They come O Lord not to fight but ouer-runne not to giue battaile but destruction vnto thy seruants Preuent O Lord their malice and vndoe their subtill and well-laboured Stratagems Make them acknowledge thee the bestower and man with all his Engines but thy Minister to bee ordered as it pleaseth thee Let them see O Lord their Chariots ouer-turned vvith their owne guiders their Horses made a slaughter by the ill direction of their owne masters and the Souldiers in the day of Battell crushed with the weight of their owne Armour that they may not be able to lift vp their hands against those who put their whole trust and hope of victory in thee Grant this O Lord for the precious bloud of thy onely Sonne in whose name we are assured to obtaine all our iust petitions Amen 68. A Thanksgiuing for the ouerthrow of our Enemies S. SIng vnto the Lord a new Song for hee hath done maruellous things with his owne right hand and with his holy arme hath he gotten himselfe the victorie This is the day wherein the Lord redeemed vs and hath taken vs from the hands of our enemies let vs proclaime it to all generations and let the farthest Nations heare of his louing kindnesses When our Souldiers were amazed our Lord comforted them and in the multitude of their enemies was a stay and Bulwarke vnto them He guided their shot and gaue might and power vnto their armes to beat and disperse the growing Host which threatened in their fury to ouerwhelme them he discomfited them and tooke their heart from them returning them with greater feare then they marcht on with assurednes When our Captaines confounded with the danger of the fight and confused with the tumult of their Souldiers forgat their skill in leading he conducted brought them on againe ordered them giuing life and spirit to the fainting and fearefull troupes that they fell vpon their enemies as enraged Lyons scattered them and pursued them to a shamefull retyring and dis-honourable yeelding This is thy worke O Lord and it is wonderfull in our eyes and shall expresse thy goodnes in the confusion of those mis-beleeuing people that doe not acknowledge thee But giue vnto vs O Lord that haue receiued this blessing at thy hands to vs that haue mightily seene thy euerlastingnesse and power in our owne vnexpected safety and vnthought of ruine to our enemies humble and obedient hearts fired and inflamed with this thy high and vndeserued bounty that wee may neuer forget the Day of our Deliuerance but leaue it holy to all ages magnifying and extolling thee the giuer of all conquest Let no securitie take from our eyes the dreadfull and ouer-passed danger no lasting or confirmed peace the memory of this fierce and cruell battaile fought by thee and obtained by thee but hauing it fresh and eminent before vs continually praise and laud thee who hast preserued vs euen for thy owne honour and glory which bee euerlasting world without end So be it Amen 69. A Prayer for present necessities O Gracious and euer-louing Lord which out of thy bounty infinite fauour hast promised to heare the Petitions of those that aske in thy Sonnes name to whom our necessities are knowne and our wants manifest Grant we beseech thee most mercifull Father that we may by thy eternall prouidence be relieued and succoured miserably languishing and groning vnder the waight of our low and desperate extremities put it into the hearts of some of thy seruants to call vs to them and giue vs employment that we may by the sweat of our browes labour to maintaine and keepe our selues and children and aboue all let vs patiently endure and vndergoe what calamities shal euer fall vpon vs wel knowing they are imposed for our sinnes and farre short of their desert and due still expecting thy mercifull hand to redeem and deliuer vs from them Thou O Lord which takest care of the Flowers of the field and enrobest the Lilly aboue the ornaments of Kings wilt not I know leaue thy Children and Seruants for euer nor giue them ouer to bee an ignominie and shame to their despisers but that they shall at last reioyce and sing vnto thee Our Lord hath heard our prayers and mercifully considered the Petitions and earnest requests of his seruants he hath fulfilled his promise and graciously succoured and sustained them praised be the name of the Lord now and for euer Amen 70. Another Prayer entreating Remission of sinnes and constancie in good purposes GIue mee leaue O Lord to speake vnto thee and in thy presence to vnloade the griefe and troubles of mind which burden and disquiet mee taking away my sleepes and laying violent hands on the comfort and content I should enioy in thee Why am I O most mercifull Father forsaken and giuen vp to the wilde desires and concupiscences of my flesh Why am I left a prey to Satan and laid open to his subtill and secret temptations Why hath the multitude of sinnes as a Sea growne vpon mee and the number and dayly practice of my offences taken away almost hope of my safety and recouerie Am I O Lord markt for a vessell of dis-honour and shall thy Omnipotencie be seene in my destruction Though these things are worthy the hainousnesse of my transgressions yet are they not beseeming thy exceeding and infinite loue and mercy and though it may well accord with my rebellious and traiterous disposition daring to breake and violate thy lawes and commandements yet can they no way sute and agree with thy vnbounded and vnlimited Charitie which left'st Heauen and mingledst Humanitie with thy Deitie to saue and recall sinners and offenders In the bowels therefore of thy mercie I beseech thee by thy vnspeakable and vnexpressible bounty which gaue thee vp to death euen to the Death of the Crosse and all those fore-running spitefull and torturous agonies and abuses not to take away thy grace from me nor leaue me to my selfe who am nothing but pollution and vncleannesse vncertaine what way to take yet certaine to runne into loosenesse and deformitie without thee being O Lord taken as it were with a deadnesse or at least a forgetfulnesse of thee rather carelessely neglecting then violently drawne away from thy holy inspirations growing insensible and as it were stupid in all things which belong to thy honour and my owne saluation which of all others and is the most terrible fearefull back-sliding and Apostasie For were I carried away with other delights or onely bewitched with sensualitie I might well hope when time and sacietie had sufficiently displaied their vanity at last to retire grow weary of them but from this stupidnes cold numnes of my carelesse conscience Without thee O Lord who can reuiue me from this heauy death-like sleepinesse but thy almightie voice what can awake me To thee therefore I humbly submit my selfe and penitently prostrate my selfe before thee desiring
and bee gouerned by thy prouidence accounting whatsoeuer thou pleasest to lay vpon me as a portion left for me by a carefull and louing Father Iesu make me willing to doe good to mine enemies sorry to displease the worst milde in speeches modest in my behauiour constant to my friends and charitable to all Giue mee O Lord a hearty and true sorrow for my sinnes a firme resolution of amendment a constant intent to renew my good purposes a perseuerance to continue them euer and an ardent desire to beginne afresh in thy seruice Grant me O sweet Iesu an vnfained and humble repentance for my former transgressions a hearty and zealous thankefulnesse for thy present kindnesses a terrour of thy iustice a doting on thy fauours and an euer-mindfulnesse of thy glorious presence Blesse O Lord with thy eternall prouidence my going forth and with thy holy assistance guide my comming in that I may walke in thy waies and returne to thy honour and seruice Let vs praise the Father Son and Holy Ghost who hath not forgotten his seruants but giuen them taste of good things recalled them wandring staid them sliding and with vnspeakeable loue brought them to his euerlasting Kingdome A Short Meditation vpon these words of PILATE ECCE HOMO Behold the Man LOoke vp O my soule and if thine eye lids be not pressed down with the two waights of shame and sorrow Behold the Lord of all Maiesty and glorie abased with the disgracefullest behauiour the scorne of the Iewes could lay vpon him Behold that reuerent and beautifull countenance which the Angels adored and God himselfe was well pleased in violently defaced with the vnmercifull strokes of his cruell persecutors his modest Eyes in labour with the bloud which from the riuolets of his head ouer-flowed all his face ioyning with a Sea of bloud which issued in euery place from his tender and delicate bodie What vnused torments were these O my soule What new inuented tyrannies Was euer Innocence so rewarded Vertue so glorified and Goodnesse so exalted But alas as if they would out-goe themselues in tyrannie and study for vnheard off cruelty they couple with these paines the basest and vnmanliest shames and disgraces that euer stories haue left vnto vs. Where is the sacred Balme they apply to thy wounded Bodie The precious oyntment they prouided wherewith to anoint thy bruised face Is that coate of folly and robe of ignominie the medicinable Seare-cloth they wrap thy torne flesh in Is their irreuerent and defiled spittle which they contemptuously throw in thy face the onely remedie they can affoord it With the hemme of thy garment O Lord thou stayedst an issue of bloud and with disroabing thee they open a Floud-gate of thine With thy holy wonder-working spittle thou gauest eyes to the blind and they prophane and vnhallowed Rebels with theirs would take away thy sight Was euer King so entreated by his subiects Was euer Master so abused by his seruants Was euer Father so tormented by his owne children O wicked Subiects disobedient seruants and vndutifull Children What mercie can you expect What freedome require what portion hope for Come hither all yee Kings and Princes of the earth which account the enlarging of your Dominions the onely propagation of your glory the feare and trembling of your subiects the testimonie of your Greatnesse and your vncontrouled and vnlimited command a royaltie onely worthy the Maiestie of a King Looke downe from your stately and gorgeous Thrones and Behold the Man borne a King whose Power and Title so amated Herod enflamed with the ambition of gouernement that onely to auoide his right he gaue command for the cruell slaughter of many thousand Innocents To whom newly brought into the world Kings came to offer bowe down on whom the Starres awaited and the Angels of the great and high God attended like seruants Consider well what Crowne inuironeth his sacred Head what Robe adorneth his Bodie and what Scepter hee beareth in his royall Hand Marke the obedience of his Subiects and suruey the largenesse of his Territories Whurry to this place yee noble and honourable Personages spare no treasure but purchase a standing to Behold the Man You that dwell vpon such nice and respectiue termes of honour who rate a Lye at the price of a Life and a Stroke aboue the value of your Soule carefullier to be accounted valiant then honest and fashionable then Religious who purchase vertues onely to sell away your vices rather forsaking God then your Mistresse Marke well and meditate on the behauiour of this onely honourable and all noble Lord See him buffeted by slaues and vassall-ministers spit on by the rascall company lasht and scourged by inferiour and Vnder-officers patiently and with all humility vndergoing and submitting himselfe to all kinde of scornes and reproches and esteeme not the seruant of more worth then the Lord who hath done all these things both for your redemption and example Thrust in among the Iewes yee common and vnder-people heere is a sight worth gaping after to follow and Behold the Man you that groane vnder the Tyrannie of Pouerty the exactions and cruell oppressions of biting Vsurers and hard Land-lords you who in the shade of your fortunes are left comfortlesse and whom the night of darkenesse and desolation hath suddenly ouer-taken Behold the Son of the euer-liuing God displaying the beames of ioy and consolation and if euer fellowship in misery assawage the rancour of it or company be a comfort glory of so noble and vnmatched a partner who couered with sweate and dust disguised with bloud and torments cloathed with shame and contempt is here made a laughing stocke to the people and since God himselfe so vnworthily submitted himselfe for mans offences Let vs glory and be proud to become his fellow and beare a share with him in all troubles for righteousnesse sake O my Redeemer was the wisedome of thy lips which in thy infancy falling as the melting honey from the Combes astonishing all the great Doctors and Rabbins instructing them in the high and hidden Mysteries of heauen now in thy firmer age thought folly and vaine eloquence Was that modest and beautifull countenance striking feare and reuerence in the beholders one looke whereof raised sinners to bee glorious Saints now buffeted and spit vpon Were thy innocent and spotlesse hands whose mightinesse and vertue loosed the chaines of hell leading captiuitie captiue become prisoners to bondage and fettered with base and seruile cords What part of thee was vnfruitfull and yeelded not comfort and blessings to this vngratefull people Flowed not from thy tongue the riuers of peace and euerlasting happinesse Did not thy eye direct them in the way of saluation Were not thy hands continually held vp and in labour for their pardon and penitencie Who followed thy foot-steps could hee euer goe astray Nay walked they not safe in the shadow of thy bodie from infirmities And did not thy outward garments recouer them of long
and dangerous diseases Did not the Powers of heauen and earth acknowledge thee and God himselfe by crowning thee with the Holy Ghost confirme thee for his Wel-beloued Did not the great Goddesse Nature goe back and alter at thy command Did not the water turne into wine vpon thy word The winde bannish it selfe and appeare no more and the fury and rage of the waues lye still and grumbled not When thou wast in presence was not hell affrighted and the deuils themselues astonished crying out on thy Omnipotencie and desiring leaue and sufferance Was not the frame of the world shaked the Sunne muffled in clouds the Temple deuided the graues of the dead of themselues opened and yeelded vp their bodies which in diuers apparitions were seene wandring in the Streetes to Behold their Lord and Master their Creator and Moouer thus in himselfe diuided by his afflictions shaked muffled with sorrow and his heart opened yeelding all ioy and comfort and yet miserable man vnmooued knowing and seeing more stony then the Temple and senselesse as the graues vnderstood not pittyed not felt not the pangs and torments which our Sauiour here suffered Could not all thy benefites O deare and onely fauourable Lord bind their sauage hearts nor all thy miracles mollifie their malice nor thy well-ordered and innocent life saue thee from a shamefull and inglorious Death Consider O my soule that the stones wept whilst the Iewes reioyced the Sunne of heauen put out his eye whilst the sonnes of men constantly stared vpon his dreadfull massacre and for certainty acknowledge that the mis-beliefe and persecution of sinners more terrified this blessed Lord then all his torments and vnspeakeable sufferings Art thou moued with pittie and taken with compassion at the story of a weake and old father vndone by his riotous sonne hauing his lands extended his goods seized on himselfe thrown forth of doores and exposed poore and comfortlesse to the mercy of the Streete and fauour of the open Aire hauing no annuity left but the charity of well-deuoted people And is not thy vnderstanding crackt thy memory lost thy will broken ouerwhelmed with desperate griefe and raging sorrow to Behold this Man the onely begotten Son of the euerliuing GOD buffeted for thy wildenesse spit vpon for thy blasphemies reuiled for thy barbarousnesse abased for thy pride laughed at and contemned for thy folly scourged for thy lasciuiousnesse rifled and turned out of all for thy ryot and dissolution not circumuented and drawne in by subtiltie but carefully and most louingly not enduring the hard imprisonment cruell handling and euerlasting bondage of his beloued children came from his Palace enriched with all pleasures and plentie left his honour and laid aside his glory and offered himselfe vp into the hands of his cruell and vnmercifull enemies for the deliuery and redemption of his altogether vnworthy miserable condemned and forsaken people O vnspeakeable charitie and loue without example vnimitable vnmatchable Man vnable to requite it vnworthy to deserue it and without his voluntarie and free proffer vnequall to haue requested it Dare a low and contemned Vassall for whoredome and periury runne into the contempt and censure of the Lawes approach the Maiestie of his King entreating him to bee branded and scourged for him It were mercie vnexpected to pardon him but if hee should discend from his glittering Throne disrobing himselfe of all his royall and glorious ornaments and in his owne person satisfie the rigour and iustice of the Law for his poore and miserable subiect would not his goodnesse and bountie flie faster then the Sunne And further would not all men admire and bee enamored with his vertue in loue with his compassion and rauished with his great charity but how would this poore man bee inflamed towards him With what fire of deuotion would he praise him With what longing desires would he serue him With what humility and ioy would hee obey him Behold the Man O my soule that hath out-done this similitude bettered the example of this supposition for thee dust and ashes poore worme and slime of the earth who wast nothing but by him art nothing without him and shouldst be happy to returne to nothing but for him And yet behold a sight of more wonder and astonishment then to see the glory of heauen thus abased the purity of Angels thus defiled vnpittying man taken with a deadnesse all ouer of goodnesse hath no feeling of his owne desperate extremity or his Lords infinite mercy and meanes vndertaken for his recouery The blessed Apostle and follower of our Lord S. Peter who first of all confest his Omnipotency and greatnesse and first of all in his frailty denyed to haue knowne any such Man hearing him speake of these things which should happen to him tooke him aside and as the Scripture saith rebuked him saying Thou shalt not suffer these things to be done vnto thee If the report of the Tragedie were so terrible how killing was the Spectacle And if the Storie that he should suffer these torments preuailed so with S. Peter ouercome with an affectionate pittie that hee rebuked his Lord how much ought the certaine knowledge mooue vs that hee hath suffered these cruel tyrannies for our redemption and the satisfaction of iustice It is a symptome in Physicke generally dislikt when the sicke party feeles not his owne weakenesse and a danger almost vnauoidable when hee findeth not that it is dangerous a lightning little before death or a nimblenesse and agilitie of a woman great the night before her trauell their estates being indeed almost vncureable that maymed they haue no need of curing Sinne easily getting to a height when he is not perceiued to grow The slie and subtill Serpent letting words of cheerefull loue fall off his tongue when poyson lies vnder it tempting loue guilded ouer his perswasiue pill with the apparencie of her owne excellency and profite forcing a beliefe that shee should bee as God and comming to Pilates wife in an apparition the night before the Lambe was sentenced and giuen vp to slaughter preuailed with her to moue her Husband to haue nothing to doe with that Iust man Beware O fraile and foolish mortalitie of this Hypocrite and deceiuer who laying beautifull colours ouer his mischieuous intentions perswadeth thee to haue nothing to doe with the Iust Man and rather not to beleeue that such things were suffered then to haue that horrour in thy conscience that they were suffered for thy sinnes and offences This infection was from him throwne on our first Parents which killed all their ioy of life degraded them from their excellencie and vnderstanding and banished them their earthly Paradise and from thence hereditarie to vs taking from vs the puritie and Innocencie of our Birth and so that vnlesse wee be regenerated and borne anew of water and the holy Ghost wee cannot enter into the Kingdome of heauen Thus languishing and labouring for eternall life our most blessed and mercifulliest Lord pittying our