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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16113 [Psalmes or prayers] [taken out of Holy Scripture]. Fisher, John, Saint, 1469-1535. 1569 (1569) STC 3009.5; ESTC S721 53,711 395

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The Kynges Psalmes ¶ The firste Psalme 〈◊〉 the obteinyng remission ●f synnes O Lorde of Lordes God almightie greate and dreadfull whiche by thy woorde haste made heauen yearth the Sea and all thynges conteined in them Nothyng is hable to resist thy power thy mercie is ouer all thy woorkes 〈◊〉 thynges bée vnder thy dominiō and rule bothe man 〈◊〉 beaste and all liuyng ●●●atures Thou arte mercifull too whom thou wilte and haste compassion on whom it pleaseth thee Thy counsaile shalt stand for euer and what so euer thou wilt shalbe doen. Power Dominion and Glorie is thine whiche arte aboue all thynges and in all thynges and in vs all Thou arte father of mercies and GOD of all grace peace and comforte whiche wilt not the death of sinne● nor delitest in the damnation of soules O Lorde God whiche art riche in mercie and of thyne especiall loue towardes vs euen when wee were thyne enemies by sinne didst sende into the worlde thyne onely begottē sonne Iesus Christ that whosoeuer beleueth duly in hym shall not perishe but haue euerlastyng life Haue mercie vpō me haue mercie vpon me accordyng to thy greate mercie And according to the multitude of thy merc●● put awaie myne 〈…〉 O God moste 〈…〉 me from my 〈◊〉 and make me cleane 〈◊〉 myne vncleannesse For I acknowledge O Lorde my heinous synnes and accuse my self of myne vnrighteous deedes I confesse against my self the wickednesse of my hart whiche hath been euer vnfaithfull and rebellyng against thy preceptes I haue béen an vntrue and a froward childe to thee and haue prouoked thee with my vanities O holie father I haue offended thy diuine Maiestie and am not worthie to bee called thy sonne Bicause I prouoked thee to anger through the multitude of my synnes and haue not exercised my self in thy righteous lawes I haue turned backe from thy waies and doen euill before thee I haue doen wickedly and vniustly behaued my selfe leauing thy cōmaundementes and murmuring against thy correction I haue tourned my self awaie and not kepte my promise made vnto thée I haue walked in an euill waie after myne owne thoughtes fantasies chusyng the thynges that thou wouldest not O Lorde God almightie I haue not feared thee nor shewed due reuerence vnto thee but I haue been disobedient stubburne vnto thée As a cōmon harlot is with out shame euē so am I without shame of my synnes for behold I speake vnto thee yet I synne more and more I haue left that whiche is good and gone backe from thee and I haue not put my truste and hope in thee my maker but haue soughte for helpe and sauegarde otherwise I haue ploughed wickednesse and reaped iniquitie eaten the fruicte of lyes Bicause I haue trusted in mine owne waie I haue cast thy lawes behynde my backe not regardyng thy commaundementes nor leauyng mine owne leude customes I haue not giuen my hart to returne to thy pathes for I would not knowe thee but haue fallē through mine iniquitie I neuer vnto this day turned truely vnto thée with all my harte But as a woman that breaketh her fidelitie and promise vnto her houseband euen so O lorde God I haue broken my promise vnto thee For I haue liued abhominablie and haue had no remorse nor repentaunce for my euill deedes but haue runne from synne to synne followyng the leude desires of my harte Thou knoweste all thynges O Lorde howe I haue prouoked thée to displeasure by my leude inuentions and none of all my synnes be hid from thee I hated thy discipline and correction and regarded not thy wordes and saiynges I haue not doen penaunce for my malice But haue increased in muche vanitie My harte hath been voide of truthe my handes haue wrought vnrighteousnesse My tonge hath spoken sinfully and I haue laboured with the imagination of my harte to finde out lyes and deceiptes and no truth hath been in my waies I haue accustomed my tong to speake ●rifles vanities fulfillyng my fleshly desires and thoughtes my purposes and inuentions haue been contrary to thy will whereby I haue offended the eyes of thy Maiestie Thou haste seen all these thynges O Lorde and haste holdē thy peace and yet thei were euill in thy fighte and displeased thee In thy anger thou hast cast me awaie and arte diuided from me now many daies Thou hast giuen me vp to the desires of my harte To doe the thynges whiche bee not semyng Woe I am that I haue gone from thée greate is my miserie that I haue lead my life in synne Woe is me that I haue forsaken thee to doe my deuises not after thy minde to accomplishe my thoughtes which haue not proceaded of thy spirite but haue heaped vp synne vpon synne Myne infamie reproche is daiely before mine eyes for shame I dare not shewe my face And now o lord god why forgettest thou me why kepeste thou awaie so long thy mercie from me Heare now my cause gratiously although thou haste been displeased with me agreate while For thou arte mercifull bee not angrie alwaies I beseche thee Cast not awaie a contrite penitent persone a wretch and an abiecte whiche humblie calleth vpon thy name Tourne againe a little toward me O lorde God and forgiue me my mischeuous deedes Order me not accordyng to my sinnes nor punish me as my wickednes deserueth Shewe not forthe thy power against a poore wretch persecute hym not so sore which is without al strēgth Turne not thy face alwaie from my praiers but accordyng to thy promises take me againe vnto thy fauour For I am thyne O righteous father whō thine onely deare sonne hath redemed with his precious bloud And now my soule abhorreth my old cōuersation and of thee whiche arte iudge of all men I aske mercie I dooe submit my self vnder thy mightie hand for after thyne anger thou shewest mercie and in the time of tribulation thou doest forgiue synnes I acknowledge that I am a sinner beseching thee lorde God almightie of thy goodnesse to doe with me accordyng to thy greate mercie I am cōfounded and ashamed to lifte vp myne eyes vnto thee for my synnes are ascended vp vnto thy sight Against thee O father againste thee I haue synned and dooen euill before thee thou seest that myne iniquitie is greate Truely I haue béen an offender againste thee euen from my cradell and sinee I sucked my mothers brestes I haue not ceased to doe euil Beholde I was begotten in iniquitie and my mother brought me into this worlde defiled with synne For the Corne of an euill seede is sowen in my harte and how muche wickednesse hath sprong therof vnto this daie thou knowest O lorde I can not shake of my synnes and offence but I carrie still with me the infamie of my youth Behold lord I am sold vnder sinne and in my fleshe I finde not that whiche is good For the good that I would that dooe I not but the euill that I hate that I doe
Al the thoughtes and imaginations of my harte haue been sette to dooe euill euer since I was young O why do I dye in my sinnes lorde God seyng thy wil is not that a synner dye but returne from his synne and liue For thou art good and mercifull and accordyng to thy greate mercie sauest theim that be vnworthie For albeit no man is able to beare the punishemente whiche thou dooest threaten against sinners yet the mercie whiche thou hast promised is greate vnsearchable Thou hast shewed mercie a thousande tymes heretofore to make thy name glorious as it is euen yet still The olde fathers in their necessities cried vnto thee thou didst deliuer them ther putte their trust in thee and thei were not confounded When thei were at their wittes ende and wiste not what to dooe this was their onely refuge to lift vp their eyes to thee Thou didst saue theim for thy names sake to shewe in them thy might and strēgth Many a tyme thei prouoked thee throughe their iniquities and stirred thy goodnesse to displeasure Yet when thou saweste their tribulation and their lowlie submission vnto thee Thou didst remember thy promise and by and by baddest pitie and compassion vppon theim accordyng to the multitude of thy mercies Haue mercie vpon me O lorde God omnipotent haue mercie vpon me for I am a miserable and a wretched creature make me whole I beseche thee whō thou haste striken for my synne and iniquitie My soule is troubled greatly how long O lorde wilt thou not loke towardes me How long wilt thou reiect my praier thus criyng oute vnto thée Wilte thou heare me at no tyme Howe long wilt thou tourne awaie thy face from me Where be thy old mercies O Lorde whom thou haste stablished in thy truthe Wilt thou now O Lorde God cease to shewe mercie Or wilt thou withdraw thy goodnesse for displeasure Hast thou caste me awaie for euer That thou wilte neuer hereafter bee pleased with me Thy hande is not weakened but it maie help and thy eares bee not stopped that thei refuse to heare How long shall my minde bee troubled with painfull and heauie thoughtes How long shall sorowe formente my harte How long shall myne enemie haue the ouerhande of me loke towardes me lorde God and heare my praier Giue light to myne eyes for I haue slepte to longe in death and my synnes haue preuailed against me Tourne againe O Lorde turne again and deliuer my soule saue me for thy great mercies sake Loe nowe is the accepted tyme nowe bee the daies of healthe and grace In death who shall remēber thee In hell who shall laude or praise thee He that liueth he that liueth shall praise thee shall make thy mercie knowen Lorde rebuke me not in thine anger nor punishe me in thy greate displeasure Cast not thy dartes at me nor laie not thy heauie hand vpon me For I haue borne thyne anger a lōg while and of the Cup of thy high displeasure I haue drunke very deepe There is no health in my fleshe for feare of thy displesure I haue no peace nor reste when I beholde my synnes My iniquities bee gone ouer my head and like an heuie burdein thei daily presse me doune The woundes in my soule dooe fester and stincke euen through myne owne follie I am a wretche cast awaie frō thy fauour and presence and goe mournynge all the daie long My soule is full of filthynesse and no parte of me is whole and sounde Wherefore my enemies dooe persecute me the more the greatnesse of my paine maketh me to rore and crie My hart fainteth and trēbleth within me and my strength is gone awaie O Lorde thou knoweste my desire and thou seest my necessitie Forgiue me all my sinnes O Lorde GOD almightie for thyne owne sake and put out of thy sight my heinous offences for according to thy goodnesse thou haste promised forgiuenesse of synnes to theim that doe penaunce Haue mercie on me lorde for the glorie and honour of thy name and bee no longer displeased with me and then thou shalt surely be knowen to bee iuste and true in thy wordes and shalt ouercome when thou art iudged For by this thy great grace shalbe knowen that thou takest mercy on them whiche haue not whereof thei maie glory in thy sight And all the dwellers on the yearth shall learne and knowe thy goodnesse when thou shalt conferre and giue thy benefites to vs for thy greate names sake and not after our euill waies and wicked deedes Uerely lorde God except thou shewe vnto vs thy manifolde mercies the worlde shall not haue life nor thei that dwell therein And if thou helpe vs not with thy goodnesse how may thei whiche haue offended be raised vp frō their sinnes Haue mercie on me o good father haue mercie on me and for thy glorious name be no lōger angrie with me Take me synner vnto thy mercie for the name of thy holy sonne Iesus whō thou haste sente to bee the obtainer of mercie for our sinnes through faithe in his bloud Beholde holie father beholde thy childe whom thou hast chosen beholde thy welbeloued sonne in whom thy soule deliteth vppon whom thou hast put thy holy spirit and sent hym to preache the Gospell to the poore to heale theim whiche for their synnes bee sorowfull and contrite to comforte them that mourne to preache pardone to the prisoners and sight to the blinde Beholde thy littell one which was borne for vs behold thy sonne whiche is giuen to vs whom thou haste not spared but giuē to death for vs all to bee a sweete offeryng and sacrifice to thee Uerely be tooke vpon him in his bodie our infirmities and he bare our paines He was made weake for our sinnes and he was woū●ed for our offences The correcttion for oure peace was laied vpon hym by the strokes that he suffered our woūdes wer healed All wee went a straie like sheepe euery one followed his owne waie and thou O lorde puttest on him our iniquitie strikyng hym for the offences of thy people He gaue his bodie to bee beaten and his cheekes to be striken he turned not a waie his face from them that scorned him and spit vpon hym Through his loue mercie he hath redeemed theim that were loste and by his bloud shedde on the crosse he hath pacified all thynges in heauen and in yearth He gaue hymself to death and made his praiers for thē whiche were offenders Loke O mercifull father and consider who it is that thus did suffer and remember I besche thee for whom he hath suffered For this is that innocente whom thou gauest to death for vs euen then when wee were synners and shall wée not beyng now iustified by his bloud muche rather bee saued from wrathe through hym If we when we were yet enemies were reconciled to thee by the death of thy sōne shall wée not beyng reconciled muche rather bee saued by his life Behold that pure
and immaculate lambe whiche taketh a waie the sinnes of the worlde by whose precious bloud we are redemed from our iniquities Looke vpon that mooste méeke innocent whiche like a Lambe that was ledde to his death and beyng mooste cruelly intreated once opened not his mouthe Behold thine onely sonne whom although thou begattest of thy almightie power substaunce and nature yet thou wouldest he should bee partaker of my infirmitie Whiche being God in nature thought it no rauine to be equal with God but made hym self lowe takyng vpon him the shape of a seruaunt and commyng in the similitude of sinfull fleshe cōdemned synne in the fleshe submittyng hym self vnto thee O father euen to the death of the crosse and there putte on the hande writyng that was against vs conteined in the law written and taking it out of the waie fastened it to his crosse on the which he spoiled potestates and powers and made a shewe of them openly and triumphed ouer thē in his owne person Turne the iyes of thy maiestie O lorde God and loke vpon the woorke of thy ineffable goodnesse Beh●ld thine owne swete sonne how all his bodie was drawen and stretched forthe on the crosse Looke vpon all the partes of his bodie from the croune of the heade vnto the sole of the foote and no paine shall be found like vnto his paine Behold O louyng father the blessed head of thy deare soonne crouned with sharpe Thornes and the bloud rennyng doune vpon his godlie visage Beholde his tender bodie how it is scourged his naked breast is striken and beaten his bloudie side is thrusted through his hart pāteth his senewes bée stretched forth his Godlie eyes dasell and leese their sight his princely face is wanne and pale his pleasaunt tonge is inflamed for paine his inward partes waxe drie and starke his armes both blewe and wanne by striefe his bones bée plucked one from an other his beautifull legges bee feeble and weake the streames of blood issuyng out of his bodie renne doune apace vpon his feete Looke O my maker vpon the humanitie and gētlenes of thy deare soonne and pitie the infirmitie of thy weake handie woorke Beholde O glorious Father the bodie of thy deare soonne all too rente and torne and remember I beseche thee of how small substaunce I am Loke vpon the pain of him that is bothe God and man release the miserie of man whom thou hast made Beholde the greuous sufferyng of the redeemer and forgiue the sinne of him that is redemed Kéepe me frō all euill wayes and teache me by thy holy spirit to chuse the waie of truthe I beseche thée o thou king of holinesse by hym that is moste holy by this my redemer Christ that thou bryng me again into the right waie that I maie bee vnited and made one with hym in spirit whiche abhorred not to bee vnited with me in fleshe Make me to goe perfectly in thy pathes and to hate al wicked waies Washe my harte frō malice and clense me from my secrete synnes Clense me O holy father with the bloud of the newe Testament of thy welbeloued sonne which hath loued vs and washed vs with his bloud from our synnes and hath redemed vs from al iniquitie Purifie my harte by the sanctification of thy spirite the sprinklyng of the bloud of thy sonne frō al filthines of sinne and euil conscience O God almightie be mercifull vnto me sinner for thy glorious name sake and remēber my sinnes no longer For thou arte God gracious and mercifull and paciently dooest suffer vs and wouldest that no mā should perishe but that all menne should returne to penaunce Make me O Lord God to retourne from my euill waies and wicked thougtes Remember not the synnes and abhominations of my youthe accordyng to thy mercie bee myndfull of me for thy goodnes sake O lorde Looke not vpon me with a greuous countenaunce for there is no manne that dare speake for me Enter not into iudgemēte with thy seruant for if thou accuse me I shall neuer bee quitte For if thou o lorde marke my synnes iniquitie who shall not fall before thee This is certaine and sure that then in thy sight no mā liuyng shalbe iustified seyng thou haste founde iniquitie euen in thy angels How muche rather in mē whiche is abhomination and filthinesse and dwelleth in the earthly house of this bodie and drinketh iniquitie as it were water Who is clene from filthinesse when all be corrupted Truely not one No though he haue liued but one daie on the yearthe and though his Monethes maie bee easilie numbred Of a truthe there is no mortal manne whiche hath not doen wickedly nor there is any righteous on yearth whiche doeth good and synneth not Yet bicause mercie is in thy hand O lorde although thou be dreadfull my hope is in thee in whom my soule trusteth My soule looketh for thee bicause mercie and plētifull redemption is with thee For this I knowe assuredly that thou wilte not caste me awaie for euer But although thou caste me awaie for my synnes a while yet thou wilt haue mercie vpon me againe accordyng to the multitude of thy mercies For thou O lorde are ●ull of pitie and mercie and wilt not tourne thy face awaye from vs if we will retour●e to thee Thou art our God full of sweetenesse veritie and pacience and disposest all thinges by mercie The foūtaines of thy goodnes be euer full flow ouer thy grace neuer decaieth All thy waies be mercie● truth to them that seke outthy couenaunt and testimonies How gētle and louyng the father is to his children so gentle and louyng arte thou O lorde to them that fea●e thee and for the haboūdance of thy mercy thou doe it pardon our infirmities Thou ●nowest thine own handie worke thou remem●e●est what we are thou seest that we are fleshe and of no strength Thou hast not forgotten that this worlde is ful of vnrighteousnesse and wickednesse and that it is whollie set and bent on euill Yea neuerthelesse thou art mercifull and full of grace and like a mercifull lord forbearest to punishe synners when thei repente them self and returne frō their sinnes Haue mercie vpon me O Lorde God my Sauiour for the glorie of thy name And deliuer me forgiue me my synnes for thy names sake O righteous father looke not straitly vpon the multitude of my synnes but looke on the face of Iesu thy holie soonne whiche beyng without synne bare our synnes in his body on the free of the crosse Turne awaie thy face frō my synnes and putte out all my iniquities Make a cleane hart in me O God and renue me with a right spirite Caste me not awaie from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from me Giue me againe the comfort of thy helpe and stablish me with thy mightie spirit Mollifie my harte o lorde God that I maie returne to thy pathes for I haue wandered ouer long in the waie of errour Tourne me
offences nor the offences of our forefathers nether take thou vengeaunce of our synnes spare vs good lorde spare thy people whom thou haste redemed with thy most precious bloud and bee not angrie with vs for euer Spare vs good Lorde From all euill and mischief from synne from the craftes and assaultes of the Deuill from thy wrathe and from euerlastyng dampnation Good Lorde deliuer vs. From blindnesse of hart frō pride vainglorie and hypocrisie frō enuie hatered and malice al vncharitablenes Good Lorde deliuer vs. From fornication and all other deadly synne and from al the deceiptes of the world the fleshe and the deuill Good Lorde deliuer vs. From lightninges and tempestes frō plague pestilence and famine frō battaile and murther frō sodain death Good Lorde deliuer vs. From all sedition and priuie conspiracie from all false doctrine and heresie frō hardenesse of harte and contempt of thy woorde and commaūdement G●od Lorde deliuer vs. By the misterie of thy holie incarnation by thy holie natiuitie and Circumcision by thy Baptisme Fastyng and temptation Good Lorde deliuer vs. By thyne agonie and bloudie sweate by thy crosse and passiō by thy precious death and buriall by thy glorious resurrection and ascention and by the commyng of the holie ghoste Good Lorde deliuer vs. In all tyme of our tribulation in all tyme of our wealth in the houre of death and in daie of iudgement Good Lorde deliuer vs. We synners doe besech thée to heare vs O Lorde God and that it maie please thee to rule and gouerne thy holy Churche vniuersally in the right waie We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to kéepe and strēgth in the true worshippyng of thée in righteousnesse and holinesse of life thy seruaunt Elizabeth our moste gracious Queene and gouernour We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to rule her harte in thy faithe feare and loue and that she maie alwaies haue affiaunce in thée and euer seke thy honour and glorie We beseche thee to heare vs c. That it maie please thee to be her defender and keeper giuyng her the victorie ouer all her enemies We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to illuminate all Bishooppes Pastours and Ministers of the church with true knowledge and vnderstandyng of thy worde and that bothe by their preachyng and liuyng thei maie sette it forthe and shewe it accordyngly We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to indue the lordes of the counsaile all the nobilitie with grace wisedome and vnderstandyng We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to blesse and keepe the Magistrates giuyng theim grace to execute iustice to maintaine truche We bes●che thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to blesse kepe all thy people We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to giue al nations vnitie peace and concorde We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to giue vs an harte to loue and dread thee and diligently to liue after thy commaundementes We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to giue all thy people increase of grace to heare meekely thy woorde and to receiue it with pure affection and to bryng foorthe the fruictes of the spirite We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to bryng into the waie of truth all suche as haue erred and be disceiued We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to strengthē suche as doe stand and to comfort and help the weake harted and to raise vp them that fall and finally to beate doune Sathan vnder our feete We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to succour helpe and comforte all that be in daunger necessitie and tribulation We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to preserue all that trauaile by lande or by water all womē labouryng of childe all sicke persones and yong children and to shewe thy pitie vpon all prisoners and captiues We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to defende and prouide for the fatherlesse children and widowes and all that bee desolate and oppressed We beseche thee to heare vs. c. That it maie please thee to haue mercie vpon all men We beseche thee to heare vs c. That it maie please thee to forgiue our enemies persecutours and slaūderers and to tourne their hartes We beseche thee to heare vs c. That it maie please thee to giue and preserue to our vse the kyndelie fruictes of the yearth so as in due tyme we maie enioye them We beseche thee to heare vs c. That it maie please thee to giue vs true repentaunce to forgiue vs all our sinnes negligences and ignorances to indue vs with the grace of thy holie spirite to amende our liues accordyng to thy holie worde We beseche thee to heare vs. c. Soonne of God wee beseche thee to heare vs. Sonne of God we beseche thee to heare vs. O lambe of God that takest awaie y e sinnes of the world Graunt vs thy peace O lambe of God that takest awaie y e sinnes of the world Haue mercie vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Our father whiche art in c. And leade vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill Amen The versicle O Lorde deale not with vs after our synnes The aunswere Neither rewarde vs after our iniquities Let vs praie O God mercifull Father that despiseste not the sighyng of a cōtrite hart nor the desire of suche as bee sorowful mercifully assist our praiers that wee make before thee in all our troubles and aduersities whē soeuer thei appresse vs graciously heare vs that those euils whiche the craft and subtiltie of the deuil or man worketh againste vs bee broughte to naught by the prouidence of thy goodnesse thei maie be dispersed that wee thy seruauntes beyng hurte by no persecutiōs maie euermore giue thākes vnto thee in thy holie Churche through Iesu Christ our Lorde O Lorde arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue heard with our eares our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble woorkes that thou diddest in their daies and in the olde tyme before them O Lorde arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thine honour Glory be to the father and to the sonne to the holy ghost As it was in the beginnyng is now euer shalbe worlde without ende Amen From our enemies defende vs O Christe Graciously loke vpō our afflictiō ▪ Pitifully beholde the sorowes of our hartes Mercifully forgiue the synnes of thy people Fauourably with mercie heare our praiers O soonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon vs. Bothe now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christ. Graciously heare vs O Christ. Graciously heare vs O Lord christ The versicle O Lorde let thy mercie be shewed vpon vs. The aunswere As we dooe put our truste in thee Let vs praie WE humbly beseche thée O father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glorie of thy names sake turne from vs all those euilles that wée moste righteously haue deserued graunte that in all our troubles we maie put our whole truste and confidence in thy mercie and euermore serue thée in holinesse purenesse of liuyng to thy honour and glorie through oure onelie mediatour and aduocate Iesus Christ our lorde Amen ¶ A praier for the Queenes Maiestie O Lorde our heauenly father high and mightie kyng of kynges lorde of lordes the onely ruler of princes whiche dooest from thy throne beholde all the dwellers vpon the yearth moste hartly we beseche thee with thy fauor to behold our most gracious Soueraigne Ladie quéene Elizabeth and so replenishe her with the grace of thy holie spirite that she maie alwaie incline to thy will and walke in thy way indue her plentifullie with heauenlie giftes graunt her in health and wealth long to liue strengthe her that she maie vanquishe ouercome all her enemies And finallie after this life she maie attain ouerlasting ioye and felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ALmightie and euerlastyng GOD whiche onely workest greate marueiles sende doune vppon our Bishappes and Curates and all congregations committed to their charge the healthfull spirite of thy grace and that thei maie truely please thee Poure vppon theim the continuall dewe of thy blessyng graunt this O Lorde for the honour of our aduocate and mediatour Iesus Christe Amen A praier of Chrisostome ALmightie God whiche hast giuen vs grace at this tyme with one accorde to make our common supplications vnto thee and doest pramise that when twoo or three bee gathered together in thy name thou wilt graūt their requestes fulfill now O Lorde the desires and petitions of thy seruauntes as maie be moste expedient for theim grauntyng vs in this worlde knowledge of thy truthe and in the worlde to come life euerlastyng Amē ii Corinth xiii THe grace of our lorde Iesus Christe and the loue of God and the felowship of the holie ghoste bee with vs all euermore Amen ¶ In the tyme of any common plague or sickenesse O Almightie God which in thy wrathe in the tyme of kyng Dauid diddest slea with the plague of Pestilence three score and ten thousande and yet remembryng thy mercie didst saue the reste haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that now are visited with greate sicknesse and mortalitie that like as thou diddest then cōmaunde thyne Aungell too cease from punishyng So it maie please thee too withdrawe from vs this plague and greuous sicknesse Throughe Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen O GOD whose nature and propertie is euer to haue mercie and to forgiue receiue our humble petitions and though we bée tied and bounde with the chaine of our synnes yet let the pitifulnesse of thy greate mercie looce vs for the honour of Iesus Christes sake our mediatour and aduocate Amen FINIS
regarde that is precious in thy sight and that to refuse that is vile before thee Suffer me not to iudge thy misteries after my outward sences ne to giue sentence after the hearing of the ignorante but by true iudgemēt to discerne thynges spirituall and aboue all thinges alwaie to searche and followe thy will and pleasure O Lorde Iesu thou art all my richesse all that I haue I haue it of thee But what am I lord that I dare speake to thee I am thy poore creature a worm moste abiecte Beholde Lorde I haue nought and of my self I am nought worth thou art onely God righteous and holie thou ordereste all thynges thou giuest all thynges and thou fulfilleste all thynges with goodnesse I am a synner barren and voide of godlie bertue Remember thy mercies and fill my harte with plentie of thy grace for thou wilt not that thy woorkes in me should be in vaine How maie I beare the miserie of this life excepte thy grace mercy do cōfort me Tourne not thy face from me deferre not the visityng of me ne withdrawe not thy comfortes least happely my soule be made as drie yearth without the water of grace Teache me lore to fulfill thy will to liue mekely and worthelie before thee for thou art all my wisedom and cunnyng thou arte he that knoweste me as I am that knowest me before y e world was made and before I was borne or broughte into this life to thee O Lorde bee honour glorie and praise for euer and euer Amen Laus deo in aeternum Amen ¶ A deuoute praier to bee saied daiely O Almightie and eternall God which vouchsauest that we as it were heauenly children should euery one of vs call thee our heauenly father Graunt that emong vs be purenesse and example of i●nocent life thy moste holy name may be sanctified that all other nations beholdyng our goodnesse and vertuous deedes that thou workest in vs maie bee stirred to hallowe and glorifie thee Graunt O lorde that the kyngdome of thy grare and mercy maie reigne continually in our hartes so that we maie he worthie to be partakers of the realme of glorie and maiestie Graunt that vnto the very death we refuse not to folowe thy deuine will that wée accordyng to the example of the celestiall citezens agreyng together quietly vnited in spirit all controuersie in opinions laied aparte the lustes of the fleshe beyng subdued and the flatteryng assaultes of the worlde and the Deuill ouercome neuer wrastell againste thy moste holie will but obeye it in all thynges Graunt O Lorde for our bodie néedefull sustenaunce that wee maie the more fréely serue thee Giue vs we beseche thee O mercifull father that heauenlie bread the bodie of thy sonne Iesu Christ the verie foode health of our soules giue vs the breade of thy diuine preceptes that we maie truely walke and liue after theim Giue vs the breade of the heauenly woorde whiche is thy strōg buttresse and sure defēce of our soules that we beyng well fedde and filled with this foode may worthily come to the celestial feast where as is no hūger Graūt O lorde that wée paciently beare suffer our enemies and suche as hurte vs and willyngly to forgiue the offences cōmitted against vs that so wee maie finde thee lord in forgiuing vs our trespasses milde and mercifull Graunt O lorde that we be not vtterly ledde into tēptation that thereby we should be loste but in all perilles of temptation and in the middes of the stormy tempestes and tribulations let vs thy children perceiue and feele thy fatherly succoure readie to helpe vs least that we ouercome with the naughtie craftes and deceiptes of the temptour should be drawen into euerlastyng destructiō but when we be well assaied approued and pourged with the fire of temptation then let vs finishe our course and so well and valiauntly fight that we maie for euermore liue with thee in that heauenly citie where against thee whiche no maner temptation can preuaile Finally graunte moste mercifull father that we through thy benigne goodnesse maie bee deliuered from all euils presente and to come bothe of bodie and soule and that at the last the yoke of the foule feinde beyng shaken of wee maie possesse the heritage of the heauenlye Kyngdome whiche thy soonne with his precious bloud bought for vs thy children and there for euer to haue the fruitiō of celestiall delectations accompanied with Angells blessed sainctes through the help benignitie and grace of our sauiour Iesu Christ to whō and to thee our father and to the holie ghost be glorie and honor now and euer Amen ¶ An other praier O Heauenly father God almightie I praie and beseche thy mercie benignly so beholde me thy vnworthy seruaunt that I maie by gifte of thy holie spirite feruently desire thy kyngdom that I maie knowe thy will and worke thereafter Giue me O lorde wisedom Make me constaunte pacient and strong in thée Kepe me lord from the sleightie inuasiō of the old wilie serpēt Defende me from the counsailes and cursynges of euill tongues let thy mightie arme bée my shield againste all the malignitie of this wicked world Remember not O Lorde myne offences instruct prepare me to repent to be sory for my synnes Make me to loue Iustice and hate wrong to doe good and abstain from all euilles that I maie be worthie to be called thy childe To thee be honor and glorie for euer and euer Amē ¶ A deuoute praier LOrde harken to my wordes consider the thought of mine harte Beholde hold loude I crie vnto thee Let my iuste praier enter into thyne eares whiche vnfainedly cometh fro mine hart Heare me Lorde for I am poore and destitute of mannes helpe Take care for my soule saue me thy seruaunte whiche wholie trust in thee haue mercie vpō me o lord for I wil neuer cease criyng to thee for help For thou art milde and more mercifull then any tong cā expresse as often as aduersitie assaileth me I will crie and call for helpe vnto thée I will cal vpō thee in the daie tyme and in the night my crie shal not bee hidde from thee O thou God of the heauens maker of the waters and lorde of al creatures heare me a poore sinner callyng vpō thée puttyng my whole truste in thy mercie Haue mercie vpō me for thy manifolde mercies sake forgiue me al mine offences Amen ¶ The Letanie O God the father of heauē haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners O God the father of heauen c. O God the soonne redemer of the worlde haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners O God the sonne redemer c. O God the holy ghost proceding from the father and the soonne haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners O God the holie ghost c. O holie blessed and glorious trinitie three persones and one God haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners O holie blessed and glori c. Remember not Lorde our
soule beholde I am come to thee thy healthe thy saluation The third Psalme for remission of synnes O God eternall iuste and holie whiche kepest couenaunte and mercie with thē that loue thee and kéepe thy commaundementes Loke at me haue mercy vpon me for I haue trespassed againste thee and dooen euill in thy sight Shewe foor the vppon me the tender affections of thy mercie that thy seruaunte maie haue an harte to praye vnto thee I humbly make my praier before thy face not trustyng in mine owne righteousnes but in thy greate mercies For I am vncleane filthie and al my righteousnes is like a foule bloudy clo●te Unto thee O lorde be iustice mercie and pitie but vnto me bee confusion and shame for my iniquities Certainly euen from my beginnyng I haue vsed my self proudly against thee doyng wickedly ceasyng not O Lorde thou haste redemed me and yet I haue not ceased to offende thee my harte hath not been straight in thy sight Thou hast taught and instructed me and stablished my power and I haue been euill affected towardes thee being like vnto a deceiptfull bowe My pride and presumptiō accuse me to my face I am ouerthrowen in mine owne wickednesse I doe seke thee O lorde I beseche thée that I maie finde thee thou arte separated frō me for I haue gredily folowed filthinesse Yet will I accuse myne owne synfull waies before thée o lorde vntill thou haue mercie vpon me and receiue me againe into thy fauour God forbidde that euer I should departe from thee again and not diligently seke for thy promises I wil neuer hold my peace nor kéepe silence vntill thou haue established that couenaunt with me which thou haste made and ordeined in tymes paste That is to saie like as the iustice of a iuste mā shall not deliuer or saue hym what time soeuer he shall offende so the wickednesse of a wicked man shall not hurt him what tyme so euer he shall return frō his wickednes In hope of this O Lorde God I will tarrie thy pleasure for thou art good to thē that trust in thee and to the soule that seketh thee Thou kepest thy truth for euermore and the woorde whiche issueth forthe of thy mouthe shall not bee voide and of none effecte Destroie me not good lord for my synnes Nor reserue not eternall punishemente for me Open thyne eyes and beholde the greatnesse of my paine my aff●iction for my iniquitie is great in thy sight and my sinnes haue brought me into this trou●le Destroie me not vtterlie nor leaue me in my synnes for thou art God of mercie and very gracious Execute not the punishement vpon me whiche thou haddest purposed doe to me accordyng to thy name although my defaultes and sinnes be many O lorde thou art my God and thy name hath been put vpō●e leaue me not in the deepenesse of my troubles Thou haste chastised and reformed many and haste strengthened the weary hādes thy woordes haue set vp him that staggered and thou haste made straight the croked knees Wherefore I will seeke thee O Lorde God whiche haste wrought greate thynges vnsearcheable and innumerable Thou haste taken vp the poore out of the duste hast exalted theim whiche were obiectes For thou doest deliuer the poore in his miserie out of the straite and bottomelesse pit of tribulation and out of the wide mouth of anguishe and affliction into reste and quietnesse Thou art gracious mercifull for that thou sheweste mercie to thē whiche he not yet come into the world and thou art very merciful to thē whiche diligentely obserue and keepe thy lawes thou doest paciētly suffer sinners giuing them time and place wherby thei maie be chaunged from their malice Heare me poore wretche makyng supplication vnto thee for in thee thy name I haue put my truste and affiaunce Take me thy seruaūt vnto thee and make me good and let me not be disapoineted of that I looke for Come again o lorde God and saue my soule destroye me not whom thou hast redeemed by thy great might and power Loke not vpō the hardnes of my harte nor vpō my sinnes but like as thou hast many tymes shewed mercie so nowe bee mercifull and forgiue me Heare me O lorde and be pacified regarde my praier and dooe accordynge to thy greate name O Lorde I looke to haue helpe and saluation frō thée and this is my daiely meditation and exercise For thy mercies be great thy goodnes is inestimable Heare me nowe fauourably and withholde thy mercies no longer from me In the waie of thy iudgementes I will looke after thee my soule desireth too magnifie thy name and to haue thee in memorie Incline my hart to do thy commaundementes and directe my waies euermore in thy sight Lette me neuer hereafter goe awaie from thy waies nor leaue me not now in the deepenesse of my troubles Tourne not thyne eyes awaie from me but teach me O lorde to doe those thynges whiche are pleasaunt in thy sight Make a perpetuall league and couenaunt with me that thou wilt put thy feare into my harte y t I neuer swarue from thee in all my life Withdrawe not thy goodnesse from me for euer but kepe thy promise fidelitie Be good vnto me with beneuoleuce fauour for thou art mercifull and thy displesure continueth not for euer Remēber me with fauour and kindnesse and visite me with thy saluation I knowe O Lorde God that thou arte gracious and mercifull pacient of great mercifulnesse Thou art good and mercifull thou kéepest couenaunt and mercy with thy seruaūtes which walke before thée in their whole harte There is none other God but thou whiche regardeste and carest for all For thou haste been euer very mercifull to me deliuering my soule from the depe helle Let thy goodnesse o lorde bee euer with me for all my wealth resteth onely in thee In the tyme of tribulatiō I call vpon thée O lorde for thou art nigh vnto thē which call vpon thy holy name Succoure me O God and looke merily vpon me shew me the lighte of thy countenaunce in thee my soule trusteth and my hart reioyceth Let my praier come vnto thy throne bowe doun thine eare vnto my crie Heare me now beyng penitent O lorde whom thou hast hitherto paciently suffered to the intent I should repent and amende my life O God I haue opened vnto thee my life Saue me for thy names sake For my trust is in thee What care I for worldlie thynges this one thing onely I neede and desire that I maie finde grace and fauour in thy sight Wherefore I beseche thée O lorde God take awaie frō me this pain and sorowe or at leaste wise mitigate asswage it either by comfort or by counsaile or by what meanes so euer it shall bee seen good to thee ¶ The fowerth Psalme is a complaint of a penitent sinner which is sore troubled ouercome with synne O Lorde GOD mercifull and
hym yea and all the deade whiche are huried in the yearth shal knele and make reuerence in his honour bicause he hath not disdained to spende his owne life for them Thei that shall come after vs shall honour and serue hym These thynges shall bee written of the Lorde that our posteritie maie knowe and vnderstande them That thei also maie come and shewe these thynges to the people that shalbe borne of them that the Lorde hath doen these thynges whiche be so marueilous A Psalme of thankes giuyng Iubilate deo omnis terra REioyce and syng in the honour of the Lorde all ye that liue on yearth Worshippe and serue the Lorde with gladnesse come into his sighte and presence with ioye and mirthe Acknowledge you and cōfesse that the Lorde is that GOD whiche hath created and made vs for truely wee made not our self but we bée his people and his flocke which he nourisheth and feedeth continually Goe ye through his gates to giue him thākes for the innumerable benefites which ye haue receiued of hym and to syng through his courtes his worthie actes and dedes praise hym and highlie commende his name For the lorde is both good and gracious and his mercie is infinite he is moste constaunt in kéepyng of his promises not to one generation onely but euen to all ¶ A Psalme to be saied in the tyme of any common plague sicknesse or other crosse and visitation of GOD. O Come let vs humble our selues fall doune before the Lorde with reuerence and feare For he is the Lorde oure God and wee are the people of his pasture and the sheepe of his handes Come therefore lette vs turne againe vnto our lorde for he hath smitten vs and he shall heale vs. Let vs repent and tourne from our wickednesse and our sinnes shalbe forgiuē vs. Lette vs tourne and the Lorde will tourne from his heauie wrathe and will pardon vs we shall not perish For wee knowledge oure fault and our sinnes be euer before vs. Wee haue sore prouoked thyne anger O Lorde thy wrathe is waxen hotte and thy heauie displeasure is sore kindled against vs. Thou haste in thyne indignatiō striken vs with gréeuous sicknesse and by and by we haue fallen as leaues beaten doune with a vehemente winde In dede we acknowledge that all punishementes are lesse then our deseruynges but yet of thy mercie Lorde correcte vs to amendement and plague vs not to our destruction For thy hand is not shortned that thou canst not help neither is thy goodnesse abated that thou wilt not hear Thou haste promised O Lorde that afore wee crye thou wilte heare vs whilest wee yet speake thou wilte haue mercie vpon vs. For none that trust in thée shalbee confounded neither any that call vpon thee shalbe despised For thou arte the onely Lorde who woundeste and doest heale againe who killest and reuiueste bryngeste euen to helle and bryngeste backe againste Our fathers hoped in thée thei trusted in thée and thou diddest deliuer them Thei called vpon thée and were helped thei put their truste in thee and were not confounded O Lorde rebuke not vs in thyne indignation neither chasten vs in thy heauie displeasure O remember not the synnes offences of our youth but accordyng to thy mercie thinke thou vpon vs o lorde for thy goodnes Haue mercie vpon vs O Lorde for wée are weake O Lorde heale vs for our bones are vexed And nowe in the vexation of our spirites and the anguishe of our soules wee remember thee and wee crye vnto thee heare Lorde and haue mercie For thyne owne sake and for thy holie names sake incline thyne eare and heare O mercifull Lorde For we doe not powre out our praiers before thy face trustyng in our owne righteousnesse but in thy greate and manifolde mercies Washe vs throughly frō our wickednesse and clense vs from our synnes Tourne thy face from our synnes and put out all oure misdeedes Make vs cleane hartes O God and renewe a right spirite within vs. Helpe vs o God of our saluation for the glorie of thy name O deliuer vs and bee mercifull vnto our synnes for thy names sake So we that be thy people and shepe of thy pasture shal giue thee thankes for euer and will alwaies be shewing forthe thy praise from generation to generation Glory be to the father c. As it was in the begin c. ¶ A Psalme of thankesgiuing for deliuerance from the plague or any other kinde of sicknes trouble or affliction LOrde thou arte become gracious vnto thy lande thou hast turned alwaie the afflictions of thy seruantes Thou hast taken awaie al thy displeasure and tourned thy self from thy wrathfull indignation For if thou lord hadst not helped vs it had not failed but our soules had been put to silence But when wee saied oure feete haue slipped thy mercie O lorde helped vs vp In the multitude of the sorowes that wee had in our hartes thy comfortes haue refreshed our soules Our soules waited still vpon the lorde our soules hāged vpon his helpe our hope was alwaies in hym In the Lordes woorde did wée reioyce in Gods woorde did we comfort our selues For the lorde saied call vpon me in the tyme of trouble and I will heare thee and thou shalt praise me So when wée were poore nedie sickly and in heuines the lord cared for vs he was our help and our sauiour accordyng to his woorde In our aduersitie and distresse he hath lifte vp oure heades and saued vs frō vtter destruction He hath deliuered our soules from death he hath fedde vs in the tyme of dearth he hath saued vs from the noysome pestilence Therefore wil we offer in his holie temple the oblatiō of thankesgiuing with great gladnesse wée will syng and speake praises vnto the lord our sauiour We wil giue thankes vnto the lord for he is gracious and his mercie indureth for euer The Lorde is full of compassion and mercie long sufferyng plenteous in goodnesse and pitie His mercie is greater then y e heauens his gracious goodnes reacheth vnto y e cloudes Like as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lorde mercifull vnto theim that feare hym Therefore will we praise thée and thy mercies o God vnto thee will wee syng O thou holy one of Israell We will syng a new song vnto thee O God wee will praise the Lorde with Psalmes of thankes giuyng O syng praises syng praises vnto our GOD O syng praises syng praises vnto our kyng For God is the king of the yearth sing praises with vnderstandyng Wee will magnifie thee O GOD our kyng we will praise thy name for euer and euer Euery daie will wee giue thākes vnto thee and praise thy name for euer and euer Our mouthe shall speake the praises of the Lorde and let all fleshe giue thankes to his holie name for euer and euer Blessed be the Lorde God of Israell for euer and blessed bee the name of his Maiestie worlde without