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A15495 Physicke, to cure the most dangerous disease of desperation Collected for the direction and comfort of such Christians as trauayling and being heauie loaden in their consciences, with the burthen of their sinnes, stand in danger either in time of their sicknesse to fall away from their God, through deepe despaire, or else in time of their health, to yeelde to one desparate end, or other, to the ruine and vtter confusion of both bodyes and soules for euer. By W.W. Willymat, William, d. 1615. 1605 (1605) STC 25762; ESTC S102526 47,571 122

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S. Peter sayth Iesus Christ hath commaunded vs to preach vnto the pe●p●e and to test●fie th●t it is hee that is ordayned of God a Iudge of the quicke and the dead and that to him al the Prophets giue witnesse that through his name all that beleeue should receiue remission of sinnes Moreouer S. Paul sayth 2 Cor. 5.21 God hath made him which knew no sinne sinne for vs to the ende that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him And heere is to be noted What maner of righteousnesse God requireth at our handes what Righteousnesse or Iustice and Goodnesse that is which God requireth and esteemeth which is no other but that onely which dwelleth and holdeth vpon the Iustice Goodnesse and Merite of Iesus Christ being vtterly ignoraunt of the Iustice or R ghteousnesse and Goodnesse which many do seek in their owne good works But yet when I stande so much vppon this poynt to prooue that our sinnes should be no cause of Desperation a thing which the Diuell greatly vrgeth obiecteth against the conscience of an ignorant man for that our sinnes are taken away by the innocent Lambe Christ Iesus that he hath sufficiently pai●e the ransome therof that we are become righteous by the righteousnes of I sus Chri●t it is not here my meaning neither would I haue any man so to mistake mee and misvnderstande mee that I thinke or would haue any other men to thinke hereby that there is no more sinne in vs or that sinne dwelleth not in these our mortall bodyes Sinne dwelleth euen in the beleeuers and in the most righteous men in the world but yet raigneth not in them for I confesse it plainelye and it is too true that sinne indeede dwelleth in vs but yet to the great comfort of an afflicted conscience against Desperation I affirme it hauing the holy Scriptures for my teachers herein that although the roote of sinne the naughtie disposition and inclination to sinne remayneth alwayes strong in a Christian and neuer can be wholly vanquished before we put off by death this sinfull flesh of ours although I say it do dwell in vs yet it doth not raigne in any Christian beleeuer yet it is not able to damne a true faythfull beleeuer It can not I say damne vs for as much as we are in Iesus Christ and that we do fight and striue against the remanent of sinne albeit we stagger and wauer sometimes and do feele and perceiue our selues to be assayled sometimes by the strong temptations of the Diuell and the flesh This is it that S. Paule writeth of when he sayth There is now no dampnation to them that are in Christ Jesus Rom. 8. ● which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit The remaynent roote of sinne dwelleth alwayes in vs but wee like vnto licentious worldlinges giue it not the bridle and suffer it not to range too farre and to take too deepe a roote but wee breake it tame it and make it subiect vnto vs by walking after the spirit c. and then nothing more sure then that there shal be no condemnation at all vnto vs thereby neither any cause of Desperation thereby for that we are iustified by our Fayth and deliuered from sinne to wit these sinnes which might condemne vs the roote originall and mother of sinne yet notwithstanding still abyding remayning and dwelling in vs against which we warre and striue as long as we continue in this life but the victorie remayneth to our Chieftaine head-Captaine Iesus Christ by the law of his spirit which maketh vs to liue in him and hath set vs free from the right of sinne and death in such sort that we may no more feare sinne nor death by Iesus Christ who hath ouercome all for our wealth and hath reconciled vs eternally to his Father who as our deare Father from hence-foorth will shew fauour vnto vs for the loue of Ies s Christ his deare Sonne and so will take from vs all our sinnes as though we had neuer committed them Euen so doth he promise saying Mich. 7.18.19 God is one God willing to shew vs grace and mercie hee will ●u●●e to vs and will be fauourable and hee will t ke away our iniquitus and cast our sinnes into the deapth of the Sea And againe it is sayd of Gods wonderfull mercies The Lord is full of compassion and mercie 〈◊〉 10● 8 ● 10 c. long suffering and of great goodnes Hee will not alwayes be chyding neither keepeth he his anger for euer He hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities For looke how ●igh the Heauen is in compa iso● of the Earth so great is his mercie also towards them that feare him Looke how wide a●so the Fast is from the West so farre hath he set our sinnes from vs. Yea lik● as a Father pittieth his owne children euen so is th● Lord mercifull vnto them that ●●●●e him For he knoweth whereof we be m●●e he remembreth that we are but dust c. Of the great mercies of God towardes sinners read more in Psal 145 8.9 and 147.8.10 in Ioel. 2.13 Math. 18 11. 2. Cor. 1 3. Places of holy Scriptures setting foorth gods great mercies Ephes 2.4 1. Tim. 1.13 vnto the 18. verse Surely these places are wordes of most rare and singular comfort and they be certaine sinne sure and vnchangeable spoken and pronounced by the eternall veritie it selfe and therfore not to be mistrusted or despaired of But yet let vs take heed least that verse be verified in vs Stulti dum vitant vitia in contraria currunt Let vs not abuse Gods mercies making a cloake thereof to couer our sinnes Let vs not presume too farre and say as in Ecclesiasticus 5.6 The mercie of God is great hee will forgiue my manifolde sinnes for mercie and wrath commeth from him c. CHAP. IIII. The fourth Chapter concerning the Remedies to be vsed against the Fourth cause of Desperation arysing of the doubts suggested by the Diuell vnto many men to bring them into despaire of their saluation by meanes of the small number of those that shal be saued in comparison of the great number of the reprobate GReat in deed is the power and manifold and marueilous are the pollicies deuices wyles subtilties assaultes and suggestions wherewith and whereby that wylie Foxe A catalogue or rehearsall of many thinges ●hereby the Diuell craf●ily temp●eth men to sinne des●eration that old bitten Dogge that subtill Sathan the Diuell dayly and howerly practiseth to entice allure and euen as it were to force multitudes of men heere on earth into one sinne or other wherevnto he findeth and prooueth them to be naturally enclyned and last of all vpon one occasion or other into Desperation How the di●●l tempteth by riches If he espieth a man to he rich and to haue worldly blessinges through the gift of God
Cicero vsed that I speake of diuision of Desperation which I likewise find and reade to be of two kindes Two kindes of Desperation the one wicked the other holy the one a wicked kind of Desperation of Gods promises power goodnes mercie towards sinners the matter which heere I am to entreate of The other an holy Desperation of a mans owne power in the obtayning of eternall life conceyued and wrought by a sense or feeling of a mans owne defectes infirmities and corruptions Concerning this former kind of Desperation being especially the marke which I would haue poore silly distressed soules to haue a diligent and a watchfull eye vnto to the intent that both my selfe and my poore brethren lyuing and warring yet with mee in the militant Church of Christ heere on earth may be the better forewarned for that as the say Tela praeuisa minus nocent of this most subtill and deadly strat●geme concerning this most dongerous and fatall assaulting engine of the arch-enemie of our soules this deepe Despaire and diuellish soule-poyson I haue thought good by the penning of this short Treatise to put my selfe and others in remembrance of these three poyntes Three things especially to be noted in th●s Treatise of Desperation to wit first of the haynousnhsse greeuous●esse perniciousnesse of Desperation Secondly of the causes thereof and thirdly of the remedies CHAP. II. The second Chapter wherein is described how haynous greeuous hurtfull and pernitious the sinne of Desperation is IN sundry and manifold places of holy Scriptures are we taught 1. Cor. 1.9 2. Thes 3.3 1 Iohn 1.9 that God is faythfull faythfull in his wordes and true in all his promises All the promises of God are Yea and Amen 2 Cor 1.20 God is constant faithfull and how or wherein Reuel 15.3 2. Cor. 6 1● Faythfull in his mercies for they neuer fayle Faythfull iust true are his wayes according to the Song of the holy Angels Reue. 1.5.3 Yea moreouer God is carefull for the Faythfull and hath promised to be their God and they shall be his people It is thy duetie therefore ô man to doe God this honour to beleeue without all wauering doubting or despayring that God hath both Power and Will to do all thinges that he promiseth The duetie of the faithfull towards God in regard of gods faythfulnes towardes him and not to permit any such cogitations thought or conceite once to enter into thine heart as that God should prooue himselfe a lyar or that it shall not come to passe which he hath promised But if thou once suffer the distrust and diffidence in Gods promised mercies through the multitude of thy sinnes and the greeuousnesse of thine offences through the nature of sinne it selfe and the craftie ingestion and suggestion of Satan to take hold of and possesse thine heart O horrible greeuous is this last sinne of Despayring which thou addest to thy former sinnes The horriblenes of the sinne of diffidence mistrust or desperation So haynous so hurtfull and pernitious is this thy sinne of Diffidence and Distrust in Gods mercies to be obtayned according to his promised Word that I may say of thee as S. Augustine sayd of Iudas the traytor Aug. in Lib. de vtiliti to paenitentia agendae Non tam sc●lus quod comm●sisti quam indulgentiae desperatio facit te penitus interi●e Not so much the sinne which thou hast done as thy despai●e of forgiuenes hath vtterly cast thee away Surely Iudas his despaire and distrust according to S. Augustine his opinion was a more greeuous sinne then his treason in the betraying of his Maister Whereunto agreeth S. Iero. Magis inquit offendit deum Iudas in hoc quod desperando seipsum suspendit quam in hoc quod deum tradidit Desperatio enim reddit hominem maledictum protectione dei indignum Ier. super Psal 108. Iudas sayth S. Ierome more offended God herein that in despaire he hanged himselfe then in that he betraied his Lord and Maister For Desperation maketh a man accursed and vnworthy Gods protection And thus likewise Cain his despayring in Gods mercie after his murther committed was a more greeuous sinne then the shedding of his brother Abel his blood For to adde Despayre to former sinnes is to draw sinne after sinne as it were with Cartroopes to heape sinne vpon sinne to fulfill the measure of iniquitie and so to purchase swift and most certaine damnation It is in deede the fashion and olde wont of Sathan When especially the Diuell beginneth to tempt to despaire to perswade man when he hath once committed many haynous sinnes after his other sinnes to Dispaire and so to commit the greater sinne after the lesser which is as much as if an vnlearned ignorant and a murthering Phisition should cause his Patient for the remedying of a litle cold taken to drinke the iuice of Hemlocke which by adding cold to cold is most sure to bring present death Or as if a man hauing an Ach in one of his fingers should cut off the whole hand to take away the Ach of a finger Euen such like Phisicke and Surgery doth the Diuell practise to minister vnto lewde and wilfull sinners Note what kind of phisicke surgerie the Diuell practiseth when he entiseth and draweth them after many precedent haynous sinnes through despaire of finding mercie forgiuenes to shorten their liues by killing and murthering themselues by poysoning by stabbing by throat-cutting by drowning by Iudas-like hanging of themselues and finally by casting off all vse of Fayth all vse of Hope and so quite to despaire of Gods mercie then the which what can be a more dangerous course for any man to yeelde vnto What can be more foolish or contrary to all reason if a mans reason were not blinded and bewitched that he could not see nor perceiue nor consider well of it then whiles a man is afraide of water presently to cast himselfe headelong into it and so seeingly and wittingly to drowne himselfe The ol sur● d●alinges of such as ea●●ly yeeld to desperation or then whiles a man is afraid of fire presently to runne into it and to dispatch himselfe therin Or whiles a man is afraid of hell fire out of hand most desperately to plunge himselfe into the daungers thereof And yet such as these are the perswasions and temptations of the Diuell to a man whole barking conscience continually pangeth and plagueth him for his sinnes Such as these are the fruites of the most monstrous sinne of Desp●aring of Gods mercy and grace May not he be accounted worse thē mad that is to forwarde and ready to yeeld vnto Marke this o man le●st thou yeelde to desp●●●tion before thou be awa●e wh●t great incon●●●●●●ces thou y●●ld● 〈◊〉 and to follow after the Diuels whistle alluring entising vnto desperation seeing it is no meanes to diminish but to encrease sinne and the rewardes of sinne seeing that
it is no reliefe but an euerlasting burthen and griefe of the soul● seeing that it is not a deliuerie of the soule but a certaine destruction of the soule seeing it is not a redemption but an vndoubted condemnation of soule and body for euer And finally seeing that it chaungeth temporall griefe into eternall griefe and the panges of conscience into the paines of hell for euer And thus is verified that saying of Saint Bernard Desperatio auget peccatum Desperatio maior est omnibus peccatis Desperatio peior est omni peccato S. ●erbards opinion concerning the hainousnes of the sinne of desperation Desperation encreaseth sinne Desperation is greater then all other sinnes Desperation is worse then all other sinnes This is a thousand times worse then the daungerous rocke Scilla against which so many poore Mariners haue dashed their Shippes Scilla and Charybdis not so dangerous as desperation to the great losse both of Shippes goodes and liues or then that no lesse daungerous gulfe Charybdis which hath deuowred vp so many passengers For at this vnfortunate and deadly rocke of Desperation many thousandes of poore soules ouercharged with the burthen of their iniquities and turmoyled in their consciences with the waues of fearefull thoughtes and troublesome conceites by the blustring blastes and surgy stormes of Gods vengeance threatned against sinners both haue and dayly doe make dangerous fearefull shipwracke This is a worse dungion for both soules and bodyes of poore desperate sinners then was the Denne of Lions into the which the Rulers Officers and Gouernours of King Darius caused Daniel to be cast Dan. 6.17 and closed vp Yea and this is seuen times worse then the seuentimes hoated burning Ouen or Fornace Dan. 3.19 into the which that proud Idolatrous King Nabuchadnezzar commaunded Sidrach Misa●h and Abean●go the true Seruantes and worshippers of the onely true and euerliuing God to be cast in This is that incurable remedilesse and desperate sore wounde and m●ladie which the Prophets of God Ieremie and Micheas Ierem. 3. Mich. 1. in their dayes complayned of among their people This is that great stoppe and let that hindereth and resisteth Gods holy Grace from flowing and entring into die soules of sinfull men This is the Axe that heaweth and choppeth a sunder the Chaynes wherewith God in his great mercie and mercifull kindnesse would draw the heartes of sinners vnto himselfe by Repentance Ozeas 11. whereof speaketh the Prophet Ozeas Trust in the Lord and do good Psalm 37.3 sayth the holy Glost by the Prophet Dauid where he placeth setteth trust in God in the first place and doing good in the second trusting in God goeth before as the Mistris and doing good followeth and attendeth on as the Hand-mayde For as it is sayd Spes alit agricolas were it not for Hope the Husband mans heart would burst Hope nowrisheth his heart Euen so Dispaire and Diffidence or distrust in God is a Stepmother to well doing and draweth backe from doing good according to the saying of a learned Writer vpon the sayd 37. Psalme Musculus in Psalm 37.3 Desperatio diffidentia abstrahit ab omni studio boni nam cogitat omnia fieri frustra ita namque ex spe fiducia promanant mortaliū conatus vt ex ipsis cenatibus satis liqueat quid quisque sperat Desperation draweth men backe from all wel doing and why Desperation and Mistrust draweth backe from all desire of well doing for it thinketh all to be but lost labour for so doe all mens labours and endeuours flow and spring from Hope and Trust that euery mans doinges doe plainely testifie what he hopeth or trusteth for And now let this suffize briefly to giue a taste how great and greeuous hurtfull and pernicious this sinne of Desperation is CHAPTER III. The third Chapter conteyning the chiefest and most principall causes of Desperation THat memorable and notable saying of S. Gregorie in one of his Homilies mooueth mee to thinke and heere to commit it to writing that one cause of Desperation and not the least but rather the primarie and principall cause of all other aryseth from the subtile cunning and cosoning counsaile inducement perswasion and allurement of the Diuell for sayth S. Grigorie Gre● in qu●dam 〈◊〉 Qu●m in graui peccato miser homo libitur si● idet ei diabolus ne poe●iteat ne confi●●atur peccatum leue et modicum in cord● affirmat misericordiam praedicat lo●gum spacium vitae promittit permanere in peccato suggerit vt sic in contemtum dei desperationem sui inducat pereat When wretched man slippeth into some greeuous sinne the Diuels counsaile is that he repent not at all for it that he confesse it not hee tels him in his heart The degrees by which the Diuell draweth men on into desperation that it is but a light and small offence hee sayes God is full of mercie he promiseth him long life he suggesteth vnto him to lie still in sinne that by these meanes he may bring him at the last into contempt of God and into vtter Desperation and so he may become a cast-away for euer Heere doth S. Gregorie in most manifest and plaine wordes describe and decipher the Diuell himselfe to be the author and so consequently the chiefest causer and cause of this horrible soule murthering Disperation and heere also doth he set downe by what steps and degrees hee bringes and leades a poore carelesse wretched man into Despaire Now consider this moreouer that if Sathan that archenemie of mans wel-fare Iob. 1. durst very boldly and sawcely without any bidding presume to thrust himselfe into Gods presence amongst his holy Angells if he durst so subtelly and cunningly dissemblingly and lyingly assayle and assault our fyrste Parentes Adam and Eue beeing yet innocentes Gen. 3. vnstayned and pure from all sinne Nay more then al this if he durst approch and with diuers temptations assault and allure Christ Iesus himselfe Math. 4.3 both God and Man and yet Man free from any spot or blemish of sinne endeuoring himselfe to the vttermost of his skill and power if it had been passible to haue brought him and wrought him to his owne wicked will Alas is it any maruaile then if he doe as diligently and busily bestirre himselfe with his manifolde wyles and guyles to assayle vs weake poore and miserable sinners Who without the dayly and howerly strenghthening of Gods holy spirit are of ourselues prompt apt and ready euery hower to decline and fall away from God The forerunners of desperation except wee looke to our selues in time and to fall vnto Idolatrie blasphemie periurie murther whoredome theft pride disobedience and what not wherein after we be once plunged ouer head and eares and ouerrunne with the guylt of many sinnes then will Sathan lay about him and apply his busines like a most valiant Champion to catch vs in the most dangerous snare of
especially in the gouenement of Gods chosē people the Israelites wherein it doth plainely appeare that although God did often times punish the disobedience falling away of those his people yet it euer prooued nothing els but the displeasure of a kind and louing father which sought not their vtter ouerthrow but rather their reformation and amendement Let vs therefore in the like cases not despaire of Gods mercie but amende our former wicked course of life and yeeld our selues patiently vnto our heauenly father and reioyce in him in the middest of our troubles afflictions for as much as there is nothing more sure thē that if we returne to him but he will likewise turne againe vnto vs with a gracious and fatherly minde heart and goodwill In this behalfe also is God compared and likoned vnto a kind louing Mother Gods affection to h●● children like vnto a kind louing Mothers section for like as a naturall Mother is very carefull watchfull diligent about her child she trimmeth it she dresseth it feedeth it nourisheth it prayeth to God hartely for it and doth all the good she can for it with a most louing tender motherly affection and yet now and then she is so disquieted in her minde so mooued and prouoked by her childs peltishnes frowardnes and vnrulines that she is euen against her owne nature forced to be angrie with it to chide it sometimes to beat it Euen so like vnto this motherly dealing is the propertie and naturall affection of God towardes mankind who as he would not the death of a sinner so neither delighteth he in any maner of griefe sorrow trouble or misfortune of man were he not sometimes stirred vp mooued and prouoked through our frowardnes vnthankfulnes and vnkindnes to chasten correct vs. And like as a Mother though she be angry offended with her child for a time yet her displeasure soone passeth away she giueth it not ouer she forsaketh it not she forgetteth it not for euer Euen after the like fashion doth God our heauenly Father deale with man Nay more mindfull more kind and more pittifull is God towardes vs. This is most true the mouth of God himselfe hath spoken it for these are his words 9.15 Can a Woman forget her owne Child and not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe though she should forget yet will not I forget thee And finally to draw to an end of this comparison euen as a Mother when her child is impish peeuish and wayward manaceth and threatneth it to throw it away to a Beggar and scarreth it with some Bugges Throstes Hobgoblines or such like all to make it quiet and to cling the more vnto her so likewise our good Father when he seeth that we forget him make smaller reconing of him then becomes vs and waxe vnthankfull and vntowardly to all goodnesse declyning and hasting on apace to follow all sinne and iniquitie then he sometimes sheweth vs the terrible faces of fearefull troubles and dangers and he will bring vs into great perilles yea and for our vnthankfulnesse and other such like offences he will now and then take away by one meanes or other our health our wealth our peace our libertie our safetie c. And all this doth hee to cause vs to turne backe againe vnto him to cleaue and cling the faster vnto him to pray and call vpon him the more faythfully hartely and zelously for his helpe deliuerance to esteeme better of his giftes when we enioy them and to be more thankefull for them when we haue them So that the very causes of all our troubles crosses and calamities are not to worke in vs murmuring grudging and despaire but if we wil waigh them consider them throughly to make good vse of them they may turne to our great profite and benefite and not to our hurt For like as a naturall Father and Mother do so doth God loue vs when he smiteth vs he fauoureth vs when he seemeth to be most against vs when he seemeth to be most angry he aymeth most at our good for as S. Augustine saith Meltus nouit medicus quid expediat quam aegrotus The sicke man the patient neuer knoweth so well what is good for him as doth the Phisition God dealeth with his children as Phi●●tions and ●urgions do ●ith thier ●acientes And therefore the Phisitions and Surgions when they see no other remedy for the recouerie curing and amending of their sicke corrupted infected pacients vse to minister vnto them tart bitter harsh and vnpleasant things and to seare burne cut away corrupted rotten and dead flesh with sawes yron and other such like instruments and all to saue and cherish the sound and whole partes Ne pars sincera trahatur least that which is whole should by the other be corrupted infected poysoned Euen so doth God sometimes when he sees it best for vs plague our bodyes sharpely greeuously that our soules may be preserued and saued The Phisition in compounding of his best Triacle vseth Serpents Adders and other poysoned things that with the same he may driue out one poyson with an other Euen so God as by Histories plentifully in Gods Booke it appeares vseth the ministerie helpe How God vseth sometime the seruice ministerie of Diuels and wicked men and seruice of Diuels and of most diuellish and wicked men by them to afflict and chastice vs and yet to do vs good withall and afterwardes burneth the roddes when he hath corrected and beaten his children with them awhile It is not giuen to euery man I must needes confesse to vnderstande this to make this good vse of afflictions crosses troubles layde vpon them for their sins sake The wicked are not bettered by their troubles and afflictions for then should Pharao and many of his wicked courtyers like himselfe then should Cain Saul Iudas Ischariot and many other vile leawde and desperat persons beside in their manifold crosses troubles and aduersities haue turned vnto the Lord and been saued But we must learne know that aduersities troubles and afflictions of themselues and of their owne proper nature Whence it commeth that afflicti● and cross●s profit Gods children can not worke bring such profites and so much good vnto men But it is the spirit of God which resting in Gods faithfull children purgeth reformeth comforteth strengtheneth them and by these outward meanes worketh all these good thinges in vs And so whatsoeuer goodnesse hath been spoken of heretofore to befal men by meanes of aduersities crosses troubles is to be vnderstanded only of the faythfull and godly which are taught and ledde by the spirit of God to consider rightly of them and to make such vse of them that according as in the beginning of this Chapter it is truely sayd to them that loue God all thinges worke together for the best Rom. 8.28 Whereas on the otherside in the vnfaythfull
may be implunged into for the better auoyding of these perilles reade reade againe meditate ponder and put in practise the direction aduice and counsayle in the beginning of this present sixt Chapter The example of Ioseph of Arimathia most worthy to be imitated And take this lesson of Ioseph of Arimathia that like as he in his life time had made readie a Sepulcre in the middest of his Garden which was the place of his pleasure as all Gardens of great men most commonly are Euen so thou in the middest of these things wherein thou takest thy greatest felicitie and delight remember yet thy Graue and what one day thou knowest not how soone shall become of thy poore soule and afterward of thy soule and body for euer Remember and learne likewise at the Egiptians who perceiuing the mindfulnesse of death to be a good helpe to brydle their euill actions ●he vse and ●ustome of ●●e● Egipti●ns vsed to bring a Picture or Image resembling Death into their great and solemne Feastes which fearefull and ouglie sight trembling and shaking they tooke to be a speciall occasion to keepe the beholders in sobrietie by the remembrance of their end which they must all come vnto sooner or later And finally learne at the good King Ezechias ●he notable ●nd imitable ●xample of ●ing Eze●hias when thou shalt be by any occasion put in the remembraunce of death be af●aide of Gods threatninges and sorrow a little before hand least thou be constrayned to sorrow howle and cry remeddesse alwayes afterwardes for according to the old saying Qui ante non cauebit post dolebit he that will not beware before shall afterward be sory Ecclesiasticus 7.40 And hee that in all his doinges remembreth the end shall neuer lightly do amisse The which wise remembraunce of our endes he vouchsafe to plant in our hearts who hath full dearely bought vs Iesus Christ the righteous to whom with his and our heauenly Father and the holy Spirit three persons and one eternall maiestie of Godhead all worthy glorie honour and prayse be worthely attributed for euer and euer Amen CHAP. VII The seuenth Chapter conteyning the Generall Preseruatiue against the despaire or doubting of Gods mercie arysing vpon any cause whatsoeuer FOr as much as it is a thing manifestly to be prooued by holy Scriptures that a man endued with true fayth it selfe may notwithstanding now and then be toubled and assaulted with motions of doubtinges wauering yea and of despairing therefore for the brideling suppressing and ouercomming of these assaultes it shall be good to put in practise these fiue thinges especially First we are to thinke and consider thus much The first preseruatiue against Despaire that as not to murther not to steale not to commit adulterie and all the rest of the Decalogue or ten Commaundementes are the Commaundementes of God and we are carefull and striue with our selues that wee should not breake any of them least that in breaking any of them we should so highly offend God that he would therefore powre downe vpon vs his heauie wrath and in his indignation seueerely punish vs as by many examples wee see he hath done to others in the like offences So also it is Gods commaundement as well as any of the other are 1. Ioh. 3.23 That wee beleeue in the name of his sonne Iesus Christ and therefore we must thinke wee offende against God as greeuously or rather farre more greeuously in violating and breaking this Commaundement by incredulitie doubting wauering and despairing as if we should shed mans blood commit whoredome theft periurie or any other such like notorious sinne O what a haynous sinne must it needes be to cast no doubtes nor despaire in the helpe of a mortall man in the time of neede and yet to mistrust and despaire of the like in God As for example We can settle our heartes to beleeue in our mortall Fathers if we stand in neede of meate drinke or cloathes An exam●●● that man men put more tru●● in morta● man ther● God wee then call on them and if they promise vs any such thinges we can set our heartes at case and count it as a thing done we doubt nothing of their good wil towards vs nor of the performaunce of their word vnto vs wee depende vppon them wee relye onely on them and none other and what they giue their word to do for vs we make as sure reckoning of it as if it were alreadie in our handes Againe if we stand in neede of a peece of money as of x. ●nother ●xample ●ewing ●at many ●on put ●ore trust 〈◊〉 mortall ●●n then 〈◊〉 God xx li. xxx li. or be it more or lesse to discharge some dangerous Bond or for any such like vse by a set day or to saue our bodyes out of prison and in the meane time before the day appointed come some one of our honest rich neighbours that is counted an honest substantial man and of good credite promise vs certainly so much money as we want and stand in need of to serue our turne with and bids vs trust vnto it that before that day he will be sure to helpe we herevpon trust his honest promise we beleeue his word make as sure account of it as if we had it already in our purses and take no more thought nor care for it O how much more should we trust Gods most faythfull iust and true word and promise beleeue him without all distrust doubting or despaire and depende vpon him who is a thousand times more able and more willing to do vs good and to keepe touch with vs then euer was or euer shal be any mortall earthly Father or friendly neigbour The second thing in this case to be considered of is that euery one of vs The second generall help against desp●●ation is particularly to beleeue that he is in the number of those that shal be saued by the merites of Christes death passion for the promises of saluation in Christ are indefinite excluding no particuler man as for example God so loued the world Iohn 3 16. that he gaue his onely beloued Sonne to the end that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting In which generall wordes is included euery particuler beleeuing person although he haue not his name seuerally particulerly set downe and heere God excludeth none from his promise vnlesse through their vnbeleefe and despaire they exclude their owne selues If the King of Great Britaine of his owne meere mercie and motion of compassion or at the sure and mediation of some Noble man or other that is deare vnto him should freely pardon and forgiue all the malefactors and prisoners of any Gaile within his Kingdomes may we not account them very fond foolish men and not worthy the benefite of the Kinges gracious Pardon if some two or three should doubt and despaire that this generall Pardon