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A14946 A spyrytuall and moost precyouse pearle Teachyng all men to loue and imbrace the crosse, as a mooste swete and necessary thyng, vnto the sowle, and what comfort is to be taken thereof, and also where and howe, both consolacyon and ayde in all maner of afflyccyons is to be soughte, and agayne, how all men should behaue them selues therein, accordynge to the word of God. Sett forth by the moste honorable lorde, the duke hys grace of Somerset, as appeareth by hys epystle set before the same.; Kleintot, von trost und hilff. English. Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of, 1506?-1552, attributed name.; Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 25255; ESTC S105089 87,629 226

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towarde thy seruauntes And for the same not merited of any man but freely of thy mere mercy ge uen we rendre vnto the according to our moste bounden duetye most hartye prayses and entier thankes In consyderacion wherof the chyldren of Israell b●…ynge in miserable captyuytye lamentably lamen tyng before the their to muche sorowfull state by hearty prayers after that thou haddest delyuered them from that lande of seruitude brast out into exceding great prayses glorifyinge thy moste holye and blessed name for their swete and comfortable delyueraunce The cytezens of Bethulia lykewyse beyng in great dystresse called vpon thy glorious name and thou most mercyfullye delyueredst them And they agayne wyth merye voyces more ioyful heartes song vnto the most hearty thankes In lyke maner after thou haddest delyuered Ioseph danyell Peter many other thy seruauntes from their so rowes and calamities ah who is able to expresse with howe ready and glad myndes they magnifyed the thy holy name We therfore synfull wretches excyted styrred vp wyth the godlye examples of these thy seruautes knowyng how greatly thou delightest in the sacrifice of praise confessyng also such is our beggery that we haue no other thyng worthye to offre vnto thy dyuyne maiesty are at thys present gathered together to celebrate thy greate mercyes to magnyfye thy blessed name and to rendre vnto the moste humble thankes and immortal prayses that it hath pleased the of thy excedynge goodnes the rather at the contemplacyon of our prayers to shew thy fauourable mercy in the delyuerance of thy seruaunt our Lord and mayster vnto our syngular ioy and great comfort For thye thy benefyte most benefycyal father we so heartylye thanke the as heart can thynke most entyerly beseching the that thou wylt geue vs all grace neuer to be vumyndfull of thys thy benefyte nor to cōmit any thing hereafter that should offend thy fatherly goodnes or prouoke thy wrath againste vs lest through our disobedience we after this feele more bitter tokens of thy heuye dyspleasure than hetherto we haue done but in all oure enterpryses so to behaue oure selues accordinge to thy blessed wyll that thou mayest delight in vs as a father in hys chyldren and vouchsafe to blesse vs with all spiritual blessyng to enryche vs wyth the knowledge of thy heauenly word and to worke in vs a lyfe con formable to the same that other seyng our godly maners and Christian conuersacion maye be encouraged to embrace thy blessed word to magnyfy thy holy name and in all poyntes to frame their lyfe accordyng to the rule of thy holy commaun dementes through the inspyracyon of thy blessed spirit to whom with the thy derely beloued son Iesu Christ be al honor prayse and glory for euer and euer Amē A Godlye prayer and Confessyon of our synnes to god our heauenly father with the rehersall of the punishmentes and plages of the same callynge therein vpon the mercy of God LOrd god of heauen great myghty terryble god fearfull dreadfull is thy name whom all creatures do feare and tremble for the power of thy face for intollerable is the threatenyng of thyne indignacion ouer the synner We are not ashamed to knoweledge and to confesse vnto the our trespasses 〈◊〉 synnes for we haue synned aboue the numbre of the sande whyche is in the sea Yea Lord we haue synned offended and haue ben vngodlye and knowledge oure transgressyons and oure synnes are euer before vs we haue synned in dede and departed from the we haue neither heard nor yet kept thy commaundementes ney ther we haue done as thou hast commanded vs. Lord thou hast knowen our weakenes and infyrmytye that neyther oure fathers nor yet we haue ben able to heare al thy commaundementes lawes and ordynaunces whyche thou haste geuen vs by thy faythfull seruaunt Moses wherfore thou hast had mercy vpon vs and in the fulnesse of thy promysed tyme haste sent vs our sauyoure and redemer thyne onelye sonne whom thou hast put vnder the lawe that he myghte redeme vs from the heauy burthen of the lawe and wythoute oure deseruyng freely geuen vs the ryghteousnes so that onelye we woulde knowledge oure synnes and beleue that the same are forgeuen thoroughe thyne onelye sonne Ielus Christe But we vnthankefull synners do nothynge belongynge to repentaunce and haue also after our stubburne impenitent hartes hoorded vp a treasure of thy wrath in the daye of thy wrath and of the declaryng of thy ryghteous iudgemente for oure synnes reache vnto heauen we haue synned greuouslye vnto thys daye Yea father we haue synned agaynste heauen and before the and are not worthye to be called thy chyldren we be ashamed to lyfte vp oure eyes vnto the Lorde for we knowledge that we haue offended the verye sore For oure synnes sake is thyne indygnacyon descended ouer vs the indygnacyon of thyne vnmercyfulnes whyche thou ha●…t sente into vs by the wycked Angels Hon ger famyne and dearth hast thou heaped ouer vs and hast destroyed our prouysyon of bread to the expyracyon of our children and bretheren But amonge vs that are a lyue for oure vnthankefulnes sake hast thou sent honger not onely of the bo dely bread but the honger of the spyritual breade and we haue gone and runne hether and thether sekynge the same but haue not founde it and oure yonge chyldren haue also sought the bread but there was none to breake it vnto them Thou hast brought vpō vs the sweard of the vn beleuynge and geuen the carcases of our chyldren into destrucciō before the face of theyr fathers oure townes villages are conf●…med wyth fyre oure cityes are wasted and few inhabitours left in the same oure frendes are fallen by the swordes of our enemies their bodyes are become meate for the foules of the ayer and for the wylde beastes of the earth alas thys haue oure eyes sene Lord thou hast plaged and striken vs w t more buyles sores and wyth dyseases which haue not ben heard of before that we coulde not be healed more pestylence haue we hadde than euer oure fathers knewe of Al these plages hast thou Lord brought vpon vs our chyldren and our bretheren and they are not yet at an ende for these are the dayes of thy vengeaunce But Lord thou arte oure God our refu ge and strenght oure helpe in the greate afflictions whiche are come vpon vs a meke true longe sufferinge pacient god a God of mercy and all conforte which conforted vs in al our troubles Thou art also riche in mercies in the which thou orderest all thynges for incōprehensible vnseearcheable is the mercy of thy promyse Thou art the moste hyeste god ou●…r all earth thou wylt not the destruccyon of the soule for thou hast according to thy goodnes promysed vs repētaunce for the remissyon of synnes sayenge That thou hast no
¶ A Spyrytuall and moost precyouse Pearle Teachyng all men to loue and imbrace the crosse as a mooste swete and necessary thyng vnto the sowle and what comfort is to be taken thereof and also where and howe both consolacyon and ayde in all maner of afflyccy●ns is to be soughte And agayne how all men should behaue them selues therein accordynge to the word of God Sett forth by the moste honorable Lorde the duke hys grace of Somerset as appeareth by hys Epystle set before the same IESVS Uerely verelye I saye vnto you Whosoeuer beleueth on me hath euerlastyng lyfe The Contentes of thys boke are conteyned in the next leafe The contentes of the most precyous and spiritual pearle The fyrst Chapter ¶ That all trouble afflyccyon comyth from God Fol. i●… The seconde Chapter ¶ That trouble afflyccion and aduersyte are sente vnto vs of God euen for the ponyshment of our synnes Fol. i●… The thyrde Chapter ¶ All maner of troubles afflyccyons whatsoeuer they be are allweys much●… lesse and lyghter than are oure synnes Fol. v ▪ The fourth Chapter ¶ All maner of afflyccyons are sent and come from God of a louyng and fatherly mynd toward vs. Fol. viij The fyft Chapter ¶ That only God for Christes sake and that of verye mere loue fauor doeth correct and punyshe vs. Fol. x The sy●…t Chapter ¶ Symylytudes comparysons dec●…arynge howe and after what maner God doth plage and chasten vs of verye loue mercy and fauor towards vs. Fo. xii●… ▪ The. vij Chapter ¶ Trouble and afflyccyons do serue 〈◊〉 proue and to trye vs wyth all Fol. xxi The. viij Chapter ¶ Trouble and affliccions do help further vs to the knowledge of oure selues and of God also and specyally to wysedome Fol. xxv The. ix Chapter ¶ Trouble afflyccyons doo helpe and further vs to the ryght knowledge of our synnes and to perfyte sorow and repentance for them Fol. xxvi The. x. Chapter ¶ Trouble afflyccyon and aduersyte do helpe and further vs to the exe●…synge a●…d increasyng of our fayth Fol. xxvi●… The. xi Chapter ¶ Trouble aduersyte geuyth vs occasyon to pray vnto God and to laude and prayse hym Fol. xxxij The. xij Chapter ¶ Trouble aduersyte doo further vs to vertu and Godlynes Fol. xxxiiij The. xiij Chapter ¶ Sorowe and affliccion do help and further vs towarde the feare and loue of God Fol. xxxviij The. xiiij Chapter ¶ Trouble and afflyccyon is good an●… profytable to teache man pacience mekenes and lowlenes Fol. xli The. xv Chapter ¶ Trouble and aduersyte is good to teache men pyty compassyon and pacyence towards other Fol. xlij The. xvi Chapter ¶ Trouble and aduersyte makyth men harde and stronge and teacheth them sobernes and temperancy Fol. xliij The. xvij Chapter ¶ Trouble and aduersyte teachyth men to contemne despyse and defye the world to be dylygent and feruente in all godlynes and vertu Fol. xliiij The. xvii●… Chapter ¶ Trouble and aduersyte is also an occa syon and help of much transytory quyetnes and commodyte in thys worlde Fol. x●…ij The. xix Chapter ¶ Trouble and aduersyte is a furtherance to eternall lyfe Fol. xlix The. xx Chapter ¶ How and in what respect trouble and aduersite can be so profytable and of such vertue seynge that the vnfayethfull do●… waxe more obstynate and peruers●…●…row trouble and afflyccyon Fol. l. The. xxi Chapter ¶ Felowe companyons in trouble and aduersyte Fol. liiij The seconde parte of thys boke The. xxij Chapter ¶ By what naturall meanys or wayes trouble and aduersyte maye be qualyfyed easyd and ouercomme Fol. lvi The. xxiij Chapter ¶ The best and suerest succor and comfort in aduersyte restyth only in the myght power wyll and goodnes of God Fol. lix The. xxiiij Chapter ¶ Examples of the helpe and ayde of God Fol. lxiiij The thyrd and last part of thys boke The. xxv Chapter ¶ We must dyrect our fayth hope confydence towards God Fol. lxvi The. xxvi Chapter ¶ Of prayer in trouble and aduersyte Fol. lxviij The. xxvij Chapter ¶ Repentance and amendemente of lyfe in trouble and aduersyte is necessarye Fol. lxx The. xxviij Chapter ¶ Christen godly persuasyons and examples out of the word of God to moue men vnto pacyence in afflyccyon and aduersyte Fol. lxxi The. xxix Chapter ¶ Examples causes taken out of naturall thynges and of heathen men whereby a man maye be mouyd to pacyence in aduersyte Fol. lxxvi The. xxx Chapter ¶ By what meanys pacyence ma●…e be obteyned goten And ones had howe it may be kept and increasyd Fol. lxxxiij The. xxxi Chapter ¶ The fruyte profyte and commodyte of pacyence as well corporall as spyrytual Fol. lxxxix ¶ An humble petycyon to the Lord practysed in the commun prayer of the whole famyly at Shene durynge the trouble of theyr Lord and mayster the duke of Somerset hys grace gathered and set furth by Thomas Becon Mynister there Whych trouble began the. vi of October the yeare of oure Lorde M. D. xlix and ended the vi of February than next ensuyng Fol. xcvij. ¶ A thankes geuyng for hys graces delyueraunce Fol. xcviiij ¶ A godly prayer and confessyon of our synnes to God our heauenly father with the rehersall of the punishmentes and plages of the same callyng therein vpon the mercy of God Fol. c. ¶ A prayer for the kynges mayestye and for peace Fol. ciij. Edward by the grace of God Duke of Somerset earle of hertford vycount Beachamp lorde Seimour vncle to the kynges excellent maiestye knyght of the most noble ordre of the garther c. to the Christian reader Gretyng YF they be worthye prayse who for a zeale and desyre that they haue to do theyr neyghbours good do wryghte and put in prynte suche thynges as by experyence they haue proued or by heare saye of graue and trustye men they haue learned or by reading of good and auncyent authores they haue vnderstanded to be a salue or medycyne to a mans body or to a parte or membre of the same how muche more deserue they thank and prayse that teache vs a true comfort salue medycyne of the soule spyrit mynde The whych spyryte and mynde the more precyous it is then the bodye the more daungerous be hys sores and syknes and the more thancke worth the cure thereof For a well quyeted mynde to a troubled bodye yet maketh quyetnes and sycknes of bodye or losse of goodes is not muche paynfull to hym that estemeth it not or ●…aketh it pacyently But an vnquyet mynde yea to a moste hole bodye maketh helth vnpleasaunt death to be wyshed And an vnsacyable mynde and sore wyth desyre of more maketh ryches pouertye and health a syknes strengthe an infyrmyte bewty a deformyte and welth pouertye wken by comparyng hys felycytye wyth a better it leseth the grace and ioye of that it hath and felyth the smart of that it hath not The●… to amende thys in wealthe and
pacyence whyche thynge only Christ alone hath done And yet shall we be rewarded for oure pacyence and aduersyte and they shall profite vs euerlastyngly ●…ast of al pacyence is profytable and bryngeth syngular commodyte not only to hym that hath the same vertue but also to other people For whan another perceyuyth thy constant trueth fydelyte and stedfastnes he taketh example and occasyon to exercyse lyke pacyence and stedfastnes It is manyfest by dyuers true and cre dyble storyes whan as the Christians haue dyed manfullye and boldlye for the Christen fayeths sake that certen of the persecutors and enemyes of Christe haue wonderyd so sore there at that they by that and no nother occasyon were conuer tyd and turnyd to the fayth and relygyon of Christ. Item pacyence and stedfastnes haue wroughte peace and quyetnes in comon welthys in the church and in many nacions cyteys and townys As Scipio a wyse and noble ruler for as muche as he dyd resrayne hym self and woulde rather forsake the cyte of Rome than to subdewe and oppresse his ennemyes wyth force of armes it turnyd to the syngular welth and commodyte of the whole comon welth And contrarywyse a bytter cruell and vnpacyente mynde bryngyth workyth and occasionyth infynite harme destruccion in comon welthys heresyes in the church of god For Marius as he came agayne to Rome and coulde not refrayne hym self thorowe hys vnpacyentnes wrought great tyrannye and shewed muche cruellnes causynge dyuers of the pryncypall people of the contrarye parte that helde agaynste hym moste cruellye to be murtheryd and put to death wherevpon dyd folowe and insewe muche inconnenyence Also Arrius because he could not obteyne hys purpose nor bryng hys dyuyse to effect for very frowardnes and impacyency he vexed and dysquyeted the church of Christ with horrible heresyes In lyke maner thorow our vnpacyentnes in the crosse a●…d aduersyte we geue occasyon to them that be weake in the fayth to dowt whether our fayth and relygyon be the true fayeth and relygyon or 〈◊〉 whan we confesse saye of god that he is our comfort and refuge both in thys world and in the world to come and yet we shewe our selues so desperate and heuy in aduersyte as though God had vt terly forsaken vs as though there were no better lyfe after thys Wherfore we oughte to arme and prepare our selues to all maner of aduersyte in tyme whyle we are here in good welth and prosperyte and not to depend hang ouer much vpon transytorye goodes and prosperyte that whansoeuer nede shall re quyre we may be content wyth pacience to forgoo and forbeare them and contynue stedfast in the true fayth wherein whosoeuer shal cōtinue vnto the end shalbe sauyd Mat. xxii●… x AMEN To god only be al honor and prayse A humble peticyon to the lord practysed in the commune prayer of the whole famylye at Shene during the trou ble of their Lord and mayster the duke of Somerset his grace gathered set furth by Thomas Becon Minister there Whych trouble began the. vi of October the yeare of oure Lorde M. D. xlix and ended the. vi of Februarye than next ensuyng O Lorde father of mercies and God of all consolacyon whiche rulest and dis posest all thynges after thyvnsearcheable wysedome and workeste in thy creatures accordynge to thy blessed wil which is alwayes good and godlie howsoeuer blinde and frayle flesh iudgeth of it we thy ●…nprofitable seruantes know and vnfainedly confesse thy om nipotencye and almightye power Wee knowe that thou arte able to dooe whatsoeuer thy good pleasure is Wee knowe that thou bryngeste downe to the graue and fetcheste vppe agayne Thou punyshest with pouertye and makeste welthy agayne Thou bringeste lowe and lifteste vp agayne Yea thou O Lord kil●…est and makest aliue again O●… wonderfully doest thou worke in al thy creatures specially in them whom thou haste appointed to be vesselles of mercie and inheritours of thy eternal glorie If they at any tyme greuously offende thy diuine maiestie as we be al sinners and readie at euery moment to fal thou doest neither longe winke at their wickednes nor yet for euer cast them from thy fauoure but lyke a louyng phisicyon wyth some emplastre or salue although bitter to y e flesh yet holsom to the soule thou healeste thē And like a tender and ientle father correc test them with some tēporal punishment that by the meanes they escaping euerlasting punyshment may repeute them of theyr vngodly behauiour confesse their wickednes flee vnto thy mercye and for euer after be the more cyrcumspect in trea dyng the pathes of thy holye lawe On thys maner dyddest thou handle the Israelytes when they offended thy fatherly goodnes On this maner dyddest thou deale wyth kynge Dauyd and prophete Ionas for theyr dysobedyence wyth manye other whom not wythstandynge for thy mercyes sake after they had knowledged theyr offences and called vpon thy holye name thou wonderfully delyueredst and broughtest agayne as it were into the heauen of quyetnes We therefore thy poore and sorowfull creatures perceyuynge in the holye scryptures so large fountaynes of thy greate mercyes plenteously issuyng out toward al them that be of a contryte and broken heart are bold at this present for thy promyse sake to come vnto the most humbly beseching the that as thou delyueredst Ionas oute of the whales bellye Danyell from pryson Peter thy Apostle out of warde Da uyd from the handes of hys enemyes Susan from the power of her aduersaryes wyth dyuerse other so in lyke maner thou wylt delyuer and set at lybertye thy serruaunt our Lord and mayster y●…a and that on such sort that it may be to thy glo rye to his honor and to the comfort of al vs hys fayethfull and true seruauntes And although we for oure imperfeccyon be not worthye to craue and enioye so great comfortable benefyte at thy mercyfull handes yet we doubt not but for thy ●…rely beloued son Iesu Christes sake thou wylt moste fauourablye heare vs most fatherly pytye vs and moste bounteously graunt vs thys oure humble request And we agayn receyuyng thys benefyte of our Lord and maysters delyueraunce at thy hand shall not be vnthankfull but contynually magnytye thy holy and glorious name whych dealest so fauourably wyth thy seruantes when they call vpon the in the name of Iesu Christ thy only begotten sonne and oure alone medyatour and aduocate to whom wyth the and the holy ghoste be all prayse and honor for euer and euer Amen A thankes geuyng for hys graces delyueraunce SO oft as we consyder thy wonderfully worckes O blessed and heauenly father which thou wor kest of thyne own good wyll for so many as in their trouble and aduersyte flee for refuge vnto thy holye name as vnto a strong hold and mighty fortresse we can not but confesse and acknowledge thy sin gular kindnesse vnspeakeable good wil which thou contynually through thy fatherly goodnes bearest
appereth vnto the and thou knowest not what God meaneth thereby yet oughtest thou as a chylde vnto the father to geue vnto hym honor laude and prayse that he dysposeth all thynges wyth such wysdome and in suche order And when he seyth tyme he wyll rewarde consyder all such thynges as haue bene wroughte committed heretofore agaynst hys most ryght iust lawes accordynge as they haue deserued The iiij Chapter All maner of affliccions are sent and come from God of a louynge fatherlye mynde towarde vs. IT is not suffycient for vs to know that all maner of affliccyon commeth by the permyssyon and sufferaunce of God of hys iuste iudgemente by reason of our synnes For in extreme temptacyons and in greate necessyties these are the fyrste thoughtes and ymagy nacyons that come into oure myndes For as muche as I haue greuouslye offended God wyth my synnes therfore is he displeased wyth me and nowe become myne enemye and hath caste hys fauor from me And yf we preuent not shyft awaye such fantasyes ymaginacyōs in tyme they wyll make vs to flee frō God to forsake hym and to abhorre grudge agaynst hym As Saul dyd which ymagyned fully persuaded with hym self y t God punyshed hym of hatered displeasure agaynst hym And therfore Sauls hart turned from God and forsoke him and so he began to hate and abhorre hym as a cruell tyranne Wherfore vnto suche poyntes and articles as are taught heretofore thys admonicyon doth also apper teyne We ought to receyue wyth hyghe thankefulnes what soeuer God of a fatherly louynge mynde not of any indygnacyon towarde vs sendeth vnto vs whether it be to the fleshe pleasant or greuous The Forde God vy●…iteth vs with temporal transitorye myserye euē for the very carefull and fatherlye harte that he beareth towarde vs and not of any hatred or indignacyon agaynst vs. For God is reconcyled and at one wyth all Christen men thorow hys sonne and loueth them euen from the verye ground of hys harte For the whiche cause howe so euer or by what maner of meane it be that God pouysheth correcteth vs he doth it because he hateth as thoughe he wolde vtterlye refuse and cast vs away but of very pyty compassyon onelye to receyue vs as hys chyldren to kepe and preserue vs to exercyse and practyse vs to humble and to brynge vs downe and to styrre and prycke vs forwarde that prayer fayth the ●…eare of God obedience other vertuys maye ware and increase in vs to hys honor and our saluacyon Testymonyes for thys haue we fyrst in the xxxiij of Ezechiel As trulye as I lyue I haue no pleasure in the deathe of the synner but that he turne liue Here ●…owe doth God sweare that he doth ponyshe not to destroye but to allure reduce bryng vs vnto penans Item Prou. iij. Whome the Lorde loueth hym doth he chasten and yet not withstandinge he hath pleasure in hym as a father in hys chylde Thys is an euydent testimony that affliccyon trouble and vexacyon are no tokens of the wrath and dyspleasure of God but rather holye tokens of hys grace mercy and fauor whereby god assueryth vs of hys mercyfull will and fatherlye harte towarde vs. Item in the. viij to the Romaynes We know that vn to suche as loue God al thynges serue to the best And in the. xi of the. i ▪ to the Cho rinth we are corrected ponyshed of the lorde that we shulde not be condemned with the world All thys mayest thou also marke in the whole story of Iob thorow oute Lykewyse Ioseph was solde of hys brethren and delyuered vnto the Heathē of very malyce and enuye by the prouoc●… cyon and suggestion of the deuyll But y e most faythfull God turned it to the profyte and welth both of the house of Israel and also of the whole kyngdome of Egypt For so dyd Ioseph hym selfe interprete it in the. x●…v of Genesis Agayne the churche of Christe that is to saye the Christen congregacyon which is Christes spowse muste suffer vexacyon and affliccyon here vpon earthe But for as muche as God loueth thys hys spowse of hys sonne namely the congregacyon of the faythfull and mynded to comforte her and to be most benefycially vnto her therfore lyke as he hath raysed vp Christe her brydegrome heade and Kynge from deathe euen so wyll he also delyuer her from all affliccyon and geue her a ioyfull victorye of all suche thynges as do oppresse her But it is the infyrmyte and faulte of oure weake eyes that we can not espye the mercyfull louing goodnes of God in and vnder the rodde and scourge Whansoeuer we are vysyted wyth affliccyon and miserye it is our du●…ye in dede fyrste to acknowledge and remember oure synnes and agayne to cō syder the ●…ock bandes of the deuill for synne but we ought not to iudge ymagyne of suche affliccyon according to the purpose and wyll of the deuill as he of a malyce a myscheuous mynde that he beareth vs myndeth towarde vs ▪ which seketh contynually nothynge els but the vtter destruccyon and confusyon of all mankynd but rather we ought to esteme cōsyder of al such troubles afflicciōs according as God meaneth receyueth thē which of his mere goodnes turneth them to our welth profyte workynge fynyshing therby our perfyght saluacyō And wheresoeuer the harte can not conceyue thys comforte that God correcteth pouysheth for very mercyfull fauor loue towarde vs there of necessyte must the temptacyon and grefe be moche the greater and the party at lengthe fall to vtter desperacyon ¶ The. v. Chapter That onely God for Christes sake and that of very mery loue and fauor doth correcte and pouyshe vs. THe very ryght and onelye cause of the mercyfull and fatherly wyl of God towarde vs haue we in the onelye merytes of Iesus Christe vnto whome we ought to lyfte vp oure hartes towarde heauen and to behold and consyder hym wyth our myndes contynuallye after thys maner Oure synnes and mysdedes deserue honger dearth warre pestilence and al maner of plages Now hath Christ rāsomed and made full satisfaccyon for all the synnes that we haue committed He hath redemed payde discharged and made harmeles vnto vs al our mysdedes wyth hys bytter deathe victoryous resurreccyō hath satisfyed hys fathers ryghteousnes As S. Paule doth testifye verye comfortably i. Corin. i. sayinge Iesus is becomme and made vnto vs our wysdome our ryghteousnes our satisfaccyon and oure redempcyon So that nowe yf affliccyons hurt vs only by reason of our synnes and oure synnes satysfyed dyscharged thorowe the death and passyon of Iesus then must it nedes folowe that all oure affliccyons al so are lykewyse harmeles vnto vs and can not hurte vs. Yea Christe wyth and thorowe hys passyon and affliccyon hath blessed and sanctyfyed all maner of affliccyons that they all shulde serue and redounde
is groū ded onelye vpon the grace mercy power and helpe of God thorow Christ. Which thynge can not be ryght cōprehended Wyth vayne thoughtes ymaginacyons and speculations but God cometh vpon the myserable synners with heapes of myseryes Whatsoeuer they attempte go aboute or take in hande it goeth backwarde with them and theyr whole lyfe is made bytter wyth gall vnto them that they can no where fynde anye reste And why Forsoth it is drye for thys purpose that they shulde vtterlye neglecte and despyse all maner of councell comforte of man that they shulde be pluckt from all maner of truste in the polycyes and powers of y e worlde and that they shulde vtterlye despayre of all helpe in anye creature And in the steade of that that they shulde set fyxe theyr hartes and myndes onelye in God and that nothyng at all shuld els remayne in them but onelye vnspeakable syghtning vnto God procedyng out of a true faythe in whose helpe and mercy only altogether consisteth Testymonyes of scrypture Moyses in the. viij of Deuter. wytnesseth that God suffered the Israelytes to be dyuerselye vexed to be brooght into greate dystresse yet preserued thē wōderfully for this cause that whan they should come into the land of promes they shoulde not saye Myne owne power and the strength of myne owne handes were able to brynge thys to passe but thou shouldest thyncke vpon the Lorde thy God For he it is whyche gyuyth the such power wherby thou art able to performe and brynge any thynge to passe And so dyd God deale afterward with the chyldern of Israell whych of theyr owne brayne and wysdom sought helpe succor and mayntenance at the kynge of the Assyrians and at the kyng of Egypt whych the very same were they that after ward dyd besyge them slaye them and caryed them awaye prysoners And so after that they felt and prouyd that there was none that coulde succor and helpe them but only the Lorde vnto whom they yeldyd and gaue ouer them selues at length Ierem. x. Ose. ij iiij vi Paul ij Corinth i. I lokyd for no nother but that I should dye But it was done for this purpose that we should not put anye trust in our selues but in God whych rayseth vp the deade agayne Itē whatsoeuer styrryth vp exercysyth our fayth of that ought we not to be afrayed but rather to rei●…e in it Whan we lyue in ydlenes in all luste ●…nd pleasure the deuyll s●…appyth vs vp quyckly and blyndyd our owne weakenes that we thynck God doth not regard vs all thynges in the worlde do happy●… wythout anye workynge or foresyght of God But as well in specyall as in generall aduersyteys there is greater matter occasion to practyse to exercise y e faith God sufferyth the to fall into pouerty or thy mooste deare fryndys to be taken frō the by death or some other dysquyetnes to happen vnto the. As than hast thou a great occasyon to awake and to practyse thy fayeth And fyrst to call to remembrance the promyses of God contey●…yd in hys word and than to call vpon hym for hys grace and assystens and so to resyst and wythstand all maner of naturall dowtfulnes and despayre that hangyth in thy flesh howe greuous soeuer thy necessyte seme to be how soeuer any man doth ymagyne that God hath wythdrawyn hys face from the and wyl not help the at all In like maner in all comon necessytyes and generall th●…s is the ryght exercise of fayth the most holy seruyce of God y t we fyrst consyder wey er●…estlye all maner of perels assawtys of the churche of the comon welth And after that y t we pray vnto god wyth a constant a lyuely fayth that he wyll delyuer preserue the church from false doctrine supersticion hypocrysy that he will gracyously rule gouern it And that he wyl alsopreserue the comon welth in good order quyetnes will grant helsom ayer and ceasonable whether And will also restrayne lett the wyld dissolute behauor conuersacyon of th●…●…mon sort of people wyll grant maynteyne and preserue a Christē dyscyplyne behauor and honestye wherby hys holye and Godly name maye be la●…dyd magnyfyed hys kyngdom aug mentyd increasyd cōfyrmyd the kyngdom of y e deuyll subu●…rtyd cōfoundyd And remember thys also whansoeuer thou consyderyst thy aduersyte forgette not to desyre of God hope and truste for comforte ayde and succor And looke that thou stryue fyght myghtyly and manfully agaynst all maner of mystrust and put away al maner of despayre how greuously soeuer thy aduersyte and sorow doth increase and thus is thy faith well ryghtly practysyd and exercysyd An example From holye Iob was taken all that euer anye man myghte take an●… comfort in wyfe chyldern goodes frendes and one trouble sorowe and heuy message came styll in anothers neck and he had not one dropp of bloud in his bodye that was not consumyd and wastyd And he sate in the syghte of all the world was there laughyng stock and so exercysyd and practysyd hys fayeth and ●…aue ouer hym selfe onlye and whollye vnto God Unto Abraham was promised a seede whych shuld be in multytude as the sand of the sea and as the starres in the shye and yet was hys wyfe baren and vnfruit full and he alsowaxen old and agyd that after the iudgement of naturall reason it was not possyble that that promes shuld be fulfylled and come to passe By the meanes where of Abraham dyd exercyse trye and practyse hys fayth And thus dyd Ioseph Dauyd Danyel all patryarkys prophetes and apost les as well in the comon and general aduersytes of the churche as in their owne pryuate and peculyar affliccious exercyse and practyse theyr fayeth and thys was theyr hyghest Gods seruyce wherewyth they honoryd and seruyd god Wherfore in oure tyme also God gyuyth vs greate and meruelous occasyon thorow trouble and aduersyte to awake styrre vp and to exercyse our fayth And by suche exercyse is the fayeth increasyd and confyrmyd yea and shynyth more bryghtlye and is made more bewtyfull and glorious For whatsoeuer a man hath prouyd and tryed hym self that beleuyth he afterwarde the more stedfastly Nowe he that is a Christen man or woman prouyth and felyth in dede that in the myddes of hys sorowe and affliccion he is rulyd defendyd comfortyd and preseruyd of God For hope can not be confounded Roma v And therfore the Christen the faythfull man thorow troble and aduersyte is made more bold and hartye and concludyth wyth hym selfe more than euer he dyd before that God hath a specyall regard and consyderacyon of those that are in trouble and myserye and wyll gracy●…sly help and delyuer them oute Lyke as one that hath sayled oft vp on the sea and prouyd and escaped great and daungerous tempestyes and hath bene sore tossyd wyth y e
fearfull wauys afterward he is the more bolde hardy to goo vnto the sea for as much as he hath euer escaped well hath had good fortune before Euen so a christe man whan the crosse hath ofte assaulted and exercysed for as much as he hath allwayes founde comfort ayde and helpe at God afterwarde he trustyth God the longer the more though the same affliccion and aduersyte come agayn vnto him that he had before And to thys purpose heare and marke ij specyall u●…table examples One oute of y e old another out of y e new testamēt i. Of the kynges xvij chapt Dauyd whan he preparyd hym selfe to fyghte agaynst the valyant gyant Golpath sayd these wordes The Lorde whych hath delyueryd me from a lyon from a beare shall delyuer me also from thys Phylystyan And agayn Paul i●… Corin. i. sayth God hath delyueryd vs from so greate a death and delyueryth vs daylye and we hope that he wyll delyuer vs from hence forth also And to this same purpose doth thys al so apperteyne to consyder that the crosse assueryth those that beare it in the Lorde of the grace and fauor of God whereby they knowe certenly that they are of the nomber of the electe and the chyldern of God for as muche as he lokyth vpon them fatherly to reforme and to correcte them For as much as it is wrytten Iudith viij Yea all those that euer dyd please God haue bene prouyd and tryed by many and dyuers troubles and haue bene found constant and stedfast in fayth Item ij Tymoth iiij All those that wyll lyue Godly in Christ Iesus muste suffer persecucyon and affliccyon The. xi Chapter ¶ Trouble and aduersyte geueth vs occasyon to praye vnto God and to laude and prayse hym EUery Christen man knowyth thys y t it is very necessarye profytable for hym to praye and to call vpon god most feruently deuoutly Now whā a mālyuyth in all prosperyty thā he pray eth very lytle or very slenderly coldly he hath no great affecciō or mynd vpō it That prayer that is not pressed and thrust oute wyth the crosse flowyth not oute from the depth and botom of the harte But sorow heuynes and aduersite ●…yndlyth vp the mynd and settyth it on fyre dryuyth chasyth and huntyth it vnto God and compellyth it to call vpon God feruently and ernestly For at suche tyme we se and perceyue well that we can doo nothing of oureselues and what greate nede we haue of God that he will wote saue to gouerne ayde and defend vs. Lyke as the water as longe as it flowyth and ronnyth ouer the euen playne wyde and broade feldes it breakyth not oute by no violence but dyspersyth and spreadyth it selfe abroade euerye where a lyke But whan it is gathered together by connynge scye●…s and conueyed into a narow roumith as into a pype or cōduit than it springyth and spowtyth oute an hygh Euen so the mynd of man as longe as it is quyet ydle and wythoute sorowe or trouble it walkyth and wandreth abroade at large and at lybertye but whan it is brought in restrained and dryuyn a strayght and a narowe yssewe thorowe trouble and aduersyte it breakyth oute a lo●…t vnto God in heauen wyth an earnest harty and seruent prayer for grace ayde and comfort Wherevpon there is a comon proverb sprong Nede and necessy te teachyth men to praye Esay xxvi O Forde whan trouble aduersyte is at hande than doo men seke the whan thou chastenyst and punyshyst them than cal they vpon the lamentably Examples i. boke of the kynges vij cha whan the chyldern of Israell hard of the comyng of theyr ennympes the Philistines they were afrayed sayed vnto Samuel cease not to crye vnto the Lord our God for vs that he may helpe vs oute of the handys of the Phylystynes Manasses whych all the dayes of his lyfe was a very bloud hound a tyran was bound wyth chaynes and sed away vnto Babylon And whan he was in extreme anguysh and necessyte he made his humble prayer and supplycacyon before the Lorde hys God and God harde hys humble prayer and broughte him agayn to Ierusalem ij boke of the Cro. xxxiij Math. viij When there arose a great tempest vpon the sea in so muche that the shypp was ouerwhelmyd wyth the wauys and Christ slept than the dyscyples hastyd vnto hym and wakyd hym vp saiyng Lord help vs for we peryshe Math. the. xv the example of the heathen woman doeth teache the howe the Lord prolongyth and dysserryth his ayde and helpe sometyme for the nonys that we shuld be kyndlyd vp to crye the more feruently and to continue importunately in ernest prayer 〈◊〉 Austen wrytyth thus They that are Godlye are oppressyd and veryd in the church or congregacyon for this purpose that whan they are pressyd they shoulde crye and whan they crye that they shuld be harde and whan they are harde that they should laude and prayse God And lyke as the crosse and aduersyte doth further and prycke vs forwarde vnto the fyrste parte of prayer whyche is to desyre and craue of God euen so doeth it also further and prouoke vs also vnto the seconde parte of prayer whyche is to laude GOD and to geue hym thankys The almighty power wysdom rightuousnes mercy trueth of god these hygh and excellent Godly vertues worthye of all laude and honor doo appeare in the crosse afflyccyon and aduersyte of Christen men whan God vysytyth myserable synners comfortyth those that are in dystresse and mysery helpyth and delyue ryth them oute of all maner of necessyte At these thinges doo all Christen people wonder and meruel hyghly and therfore breake they out to magnyfye prayse and extolle God wyth vnspeakable laudes and prayses ij Corinth iiij We haue suche a treasure in earthly vessels that the power that lyeth aboue and hath the vyctorpe myghte appere to be of God and not of vs that is to saye we are weake and miserable vessels that Gods honor and glory shuld be furtheryd and not ours For an example take the story of Daniell in the thirde chapter Howe the imprysonement and captyuyte of the Iewes dyd serue wonderfully to the glorye and prayse of God Iohn ix Oure sauyour Christe shewyth the cause why the man was biynde from hys verye natyuyte and byrth namely that the workes of God should appeare and be made manifest in hym Moreouer all the Prophetes apostle●… and elect of God vp whom God wrought wounderfull and meruelous thyngs were contemnyd and despysed yea and sometyme slayne and murtheryd that all men myght spye and perceyue that their fayeth and workynge whyche dyd not shryncke but contynuyd vpryghte was a worcke of God and no power of man And therfore that God muste be 〈◊〉 and praysed about all The. xij Chapter Trouble and aduersyte do further vs to vertue and godlynes THe crosse and trybulacyon do b●…nysh and dryu●… away
eyther to forsake and denye ●…ure faythe or el●… to 〈◊〉 anye maner of thynge agaynst the wyll of God And it is very expedyent for vs to pray with the loste desperate sonne Luk. x●… I am no moreworthy from henceforth to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hyered seruauntes I wyll gladlye with all my harte haue sorowe and trouble vpō earth euen as an laborynge seruaunte that goth for hys hyre so that thou wylte but suffer me to dwell and remayne in thy house for euer But nowe how shulde we ●…ray Z. Iame●… in his fyrst chap. teacheth vs that we shulde praye in faith without waueryng nothinge doute but y t God doeth mercifully heare vs. We must cōtinually loke vpon the promes of god haue that alwayes befor●… our eye●… that we do not only ●…ke helpe remedye at hys handes but also hope loke surely for it committynge both body soule with a good wil vnto him Psa. l. call vpon me in thy ●…ede I will helpe and delyuer the so shalte thou prayse me Psal. xci Let him call vpon the sh wyll I hea●… hym I am by hym in his trouble I wyll delyuer hym oute and brynge hym to honor Iohn xvi Veryly veryly I saye vnto you whatsoeuer you shall praye for vnto the father in my name that is to saye in y e trust confidence vpon my merytes he shal geue it vnto you For example Whē Moyses helde vp hys handes vnto God prayed hys enemyes the Amalechytes were ouercome Exod. x●…ij The. ij blynd men which dyd crye after the Lorde Oh sonne of Dauid haue mercye vpon vs were hearde Math. ix Of such lyke exāples are the Gospels full Item in trouble aduersyte we oughte to prayse God to geue him thanckes y t he hath not forgotten vs but thorow hys fatherly vysitacyon calleth draweth vs vnto him graciously helpeth vs to bear all maner of burdens Euen so dyd Paul in hys aduersyte prayse God ij Chor. i. praysed be God the father of oure Forde Iesus Christ the father of mercye God of all consolacyon whiche comforteth vs in all oure troubles and affliceyons The. xxvij Chapter Repentaunce and amendement of lyfe in trouble and aduersyte is necessary NOwe there must go wyth al this repentaunce heauynes sorowe for the synnes whiche we haue cōmitted in time past amendemēt of life the loue of God y t fear of God al vertu god●…yues Manasses was sory penitent for hys wicked lyfe cruell tyrannye therfore dyd God delyuer hym out of the bandes and captyuyte of the kinge of Ba bylon and restored hym agayne to hys kyngedome in Israel By Ionas was it preached and proclaymed vnto the greate cytye of Nyniue that God shuld destroy and ouerthrowe it within r●… dayes The Niniuites beleued this proclamacion and preachynge and began to repente and amende theyr lyues wyth a greate and a syngular humblenes and submyssyon And so God of his mercye spared them Nowe is Gods mercifull harte nothyng diminished yf we do as the Nynyuytes dyd he both can and wyll pardon spare vs as he dyd them The. xxviij Chapter Christen and godlye persuasions and examples out of the word of god to moue men vnto pacience in affliccyon and aduersyte AMonge all other vertues in aduersyte pacyence is mooste necessarye Not suche a pacyence as to suffer all thinges to passe whether they be good or bad ryght or wrong settinge all on sixe and seuen but when we are in troble and aduersyte and can auoyde it by no lauful meane where as after the desyre and lust of oure fleshe we wolde mur●…ur forsake and geue ouer both God and al maner of ryghtuousnes then to resiste and stryue agaynst oure ryghtuousnes and affeccyons and sorowful thoughtes and as a mā wolde saye to speare vp and to captyuate and subdewe oure naturall eyes wytte reason vnder vnto the obedience of god yeldinge and submitting our selues vnto him sufferinge whatsoeuer it be wyth a good and redye wyll euen though it were most bytter and cruell deathe rather then we wold sware ufrom the word of God yea and moreouer to prayse God and to geue him thāckes that he wyl vouchsaue so fatherlye to vysyte vs and that he hath not forgotten vs Thys is called a ryghte Christen paciēce For it is Gods precept and cōmaundement that we shulde not murmur or grudge agaynst him when he chasteneth vs but that we shulde submit oure selues most humbly vnto hys holye wyl and after a certen maner to wyshe y t is to saye willingly to suffer beare such ponyshment correccyon whereby we re mayne and continue obedyente vnto hys godly ryghtuousnes i. Chor. x. murmur not as certen murmured were destroyed of the destroyer Num. xxi Wherfore we ought to shewe pacience in all thinges as a poyut of oure deuty And it is a grenous synne to murmur grudge against the iudgement of God and to resiste and stryue agaynst Gods wyll And God doth not onlye commaunde pacience but also is hym selfe paciente longe sufferyng whiche destroyeth not at ●…s the hore●…ouger the extorcyouer and other suche lyke wicked and damnable people wyth a lyghtnyng or thonderbolt althoughe hys holy and strayght ryghtu ousnes requyreth no lesse He geueth tyme and space suffycyent for the man to re pente and to returne to grace agayne Roman xij Dost thou despyse the aboundaunt ryches of hys goodnes hys pacyence and longe sufferynge knowest thou not that the goodnes and geutylnes of God calleth the to repentaunce Accordynge vnto thys Godly example though it be so that we muste suffer somewhat agaynst oure wyll and contrarye to oure myndes and affeccyons yet shuld we not murmur and grudge but amende oure ly ues and paciently loke and wayte for bet ter And specyallye the vnspeakeable fydelyte and loue of God towardes vs oughte laufully to moue and perswade vs to suffer God to worke wyth vs euen accordynge to hys wyll and pleasure For by thys meanys we geue God thys honor that he doth vs no wronge nor iniury but dysposeth all thynges moste wyse ly and wyll dyrecte them to a good ende On the contrarye parte the vnpacyente man murmureth and grudgeth agaynste God and is angrye with hym as though hys iudgementes and workes were not iuste and ryghte for as muche as the wic ked vngodlye lyue in pompe pleasure and all dissolutenes and the vertuous Godly in pouertye sorowe and myserye He may parauenture fansy and ymagine wyth him self that God ouercharged his faythful chyldrē to hard will suffer thē to remayne in perell necessite dan̄ger wil not heare thē And thus he is so poyso ned w t bitternes and obstinacy that he begynneth to hate and to blaspheme God in heauen and seketh vnlaufull meanes to helpe and remedye hym self lyke as Saul dyd runnynge after wytches and