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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14669 Rabboni Mary Magdalens teares, of sorrow, solace. The one for her Lord being lost. The other for him being found. In way of questioning. Wondring. Reioycing. ... Preached at S. Pauls Crosse, after the rehearsall, and newly reuised and enlarged: by Thomas Walkington, Doctor in Diuinity, and minister of the Word at Fulham. Walkington, Thomas, d. 1621. 1620 (1620) STC 24970; ESTC S119401 49,143 164

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It behooues Mary to stand to her teares I as Vespasian sayd at his death of an Emperour to dye standing Stetit shee stood shee had no prop no pallet no ease for her greefe no bed of downe to cast her sorrow asleepe on as Dauid had his couch Euery night wash I my bed and water my couch with my teares Stetit she stood A positure of the body ready still for to remooue as if she would neuer lin seeking vntill shee had found him whom her soule loued and so much desired Mary comes first earely while yet it was darke like a Manna-gatherer very earely to finde him happily out whom her soule I say affected and embraced so much In that time shee came vnto the Sepulcher Iohn 20.1 when she by course of nature should haue beene in bed and fast asleep But her eyes are like the morning watch that watch for the morning shee takes away from Nature to giue to Grace Peraduenture in the whole circuit of that night shee gaue no sleep vnto her eyes nor any slumber to her eye lids in musing of him who is the Keeper of Israel that neither slumbreth nor sleepeth but watcheth ouer hers and all our soules Thus with the Spouse in the Canticles shee may well say In my bed I sought him whom my soule loued I sought him but I found him not and so shee rises earely and sought him but found him not The watch-men can tell her no tydings of him she askt the two Angels in linnen the one sitting at the head the other at the feet where the body of Iesus had layen Those Nightingales that were making of their nests and singing at the Sepulcher of Orpheus that heauenly Orpheus our Sauiour Iesus The Angels she sought not but all our hearts O fountaine o● these gardens ô well of liuing waters ô the springs of Lebanon water and moysten ô Lord with thy speciall grace these gifts and heauenly vertues of thine owne plantation Thus let my beloued come to his garden and taste of his pleasant apples his delicacies his sweetnesses So peri mega● thau signifies This word in the plurall number denotes out vnto vs both the multiplicity and excellency of Gods graces wherewith from his heauenly Exchequer hee in mercy and bounty doth inrich vs. Well Mary enquires of Iesus himself whether he knew where Iesus was and shee cals him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lord which S. Hierom seemes to tax in way of dispute for that she cals the Gardiner Lord Iesus but Rabboni Master But heere Beloued in our Lord was her feruent and longing desire much more exprest in giuing such a title to the Gardiner as whereby to woe and to win him to tell her the sooner as being impatient to brooke the least delay or else as S. Augugustine Prophêtat nescit quando dicit Domine This was in a prophetike straine by a heauenly Enthousiasme calling him Lord who was Lord indeed who hath vpon his garment and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords But sure it is no more then thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cyr or Sir write it as you list as if on this manner O my deere and gentle Sir good Gardiner Thou seemest to bee the Keeper of this garden where the loue of my soule was laid where he was interred Petra in petra nouus in Nor was she like to timorous Nicodemus that came to see our Sauiour by night no beameling of heauenly boldnes illustrating his too too darkned soule Nor was she like to Ioseph of Arimathia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Counsellour who secretly for feare of the Iewes begged of Pilate the body of Iesus but she like an heroyke spirit steeled and maled with a manly resolution she feares not death it selfe maugre the breards of all them that may stand in opposition in despite of al affronts Ego illum tollam I will take him away and will neuer basely beg any other helpe but his alone of whom our help standeth in the name of the Lord who hath made both heauen and earth Ego illum tollam Loe here a resolute new S. Christopher Quam non mille modi mortis c As Lucan of Scaeua that valiant Souldier of Caesar so wee may say of her She feared not a thousand sorts of death to lose her dearest life for him in whom she liu'd and moou'd and had her cheefest being And thus Mary speakes and mournes and pines within her selfe and weepes No man but would rather haue imagined Mary her selfe had been the Gardiner who with the full bottles of her heart the water pots of her head her eyes did all to be-water that garden O heauenly showres such sweet riuers make glad the City of God Thus while shee with a languid dead and longing eye a heart full heauy big with greefe was sighing and sobbing and blubbring and crying O stay me with flagons and comfort me with apples for I am sicke of loue Quia te Domine Iesu prae caeteris dilexit Maria ideo meruit c. Because Mary loued thee ô Lord aboue all therefore shee obtained to bee both seene of thee first to bee called of thee so louingly Mary and to call thee so loyally Rabboni Iesus our gracious Lord speakes to Mary in a passionate straine of affection no obiurgation and chiding as some doe write But as S. Chrysostome saith out of a singular and deepe affection and compassion he vtters out this one word Mary The onely Electuary and Cordiall the Ros Solis to recouer her drowping and dying soule Mary Vnto whom shee turning with an open and a nimble eare for the touch of such a heauenly string with a liuely alacrity and cheerefulnesse of spirit hauing thus heard his sweet and gracious voyce in terming her Mary she out of a singular dutifull strict obligation of her loue to him ecchoes backe this one and sole reciprocall word of her lowly loue and most humble respect vnto him Rabboni Non nouit ex vultu fides ex auditu She knew him not at first by his outward lineaments faith comes by hearing Shee heard him and then beleeued in him Thy rough garment shewes thee to be the Gardiner but thy voyce is Iacobs voyce I Iacob indeed the true supplanter the true wrastler supplanting the old Adam thy elder brother for thou hast got the birth-right and the blessing for thou art the First-begotten Alpha Omega the Beginning and the Ending and God blessed for euermore Thou art Iacob the true Huntsman who hast brought the true venison the pleasant and sauoury meat the saluation of thy beloued brethren vnto thine euerlasting Father that celestiall Isaac for God would in no wise the death of a sinner For this ô thou heauenly Iacob thou didst put on our sinnes these were thy rough skins ô Lord wherewith thou wast arrayed
But in meere mercy thou hast got the blessing not for thy selfe with old Iacob but for me ô Lord and so for all who claime an interest in thy prizelesse drops of bloud the true Purgatory that purges our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God I therefore and let vs all therefore with the golden Censors of the Sanctuary in our hands and in our hearts burne deuotion as incense vnto thee and with the 24 Elders wee fall downe before him that sits on the Throne and worship him who liues for euermore and wee will cast our crownes before the Throne saying Thou art worthy ô Lord to receiue glory and honor and power for thou hast created all things and for thy wils sake they are and haue been created but more and much more for thy deare loues sake thou hast redeemed vs by that thy dearest bloud-shed powred out for our saluation What doe I heare the sweet voyce of my heauenly Iacob calling me Mary out of his mercy ô then let mee returne backe the drops of my deerest loue and dutifulnesse and acknowledge we may in this respect of Maries Few or none at all such Maries nay hardly euer such a Mary saue Mary Theotôcos the mother of our Lord. Mary Magdalen much louing and much beloued of Christ stiles him Rabboni O well-deseruing duty vnto an all-meriting loue garded with Gods especiall grace vshered on by faith attended with singular affection deuotion admiration she is as out of her selfe her selfe being wholly in Christ her more then second selfe for shee estimates and prizes him far aboue her selfe shee beleeues it is her Lord and Master and Sauiour yet stands she agashed and amazed first at this so sudden happy end inexpected sight O heauenly change a blessed Conuert a true Penitentiary Thus Beloued thus shee was not she that is now Christ Iesus his Follower his Retainer was erewhile Satans seruitour the daughter of darknesse very loth to haue beene seene in committing the deedes of darknesse but now with Henoch shee walkes with God as in the presence of God with S. Basils Virgin shee dreaded the sight of holy Angels and the soules of Saints departed who if they see might mourne at her vnchaste and lewd misdemeanor she with Drusus now desires her house may be so built of the Architectours if there be any skill in them as that euery one passing by might see what was done within Shee paints not out with the men of Crête Iupiter without eyes For hee that made the eye shall not he see shee knowes of it shee thinkes on it that it cannot bee and hard to bee sit who will often cast Reason I and Grace too the Riders did carry her away a ho-gallop euen to the brinke of death the suburbs of Hell O blessed and euermore blessed be God in that like Marcus Curtius shee was not hurried head-long into the gulfe the bottomelesse pit Tsalmâueth Beershacatb the shadow of death the fountaine of destruction where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth Beloued in our Lord they runne farre that neuer turne God hath his owne times and houres and moments for the conuersion of a sinner though his soule bee litted in a crimson die of sinne the bloud of Iesus shall lauer and rinse it as white as that snow in Salmon if wee returne to him by weeping Crosse and bathe our selues in Bethesda the teares of true repentance the sacred poole that God delights to see a sinner swim in Mary Magdalen while she was plunged in the midst of mare mortuum the dead sea of her misdeedes acknowledged not this blessed Rabboni But after her heauenly retired thoughts her deepe and serious consideration of that Legion wherwith she had been possessed the talent of lead wherewith her soule was burthened her infinite sins she had committed her good and gracious God she had displeased the terrors of eternall death she had deserued and with all his remarkable mercies who is multus ad misericordiam of much mercy and very ready to forgiue as the Prophet termes him And as Fulgentius well sayth In hoc multo nihil deest in quo est omnipotens misericordia misericors omnipotentia In this much is nothing wanting wherin is both omnipotent mercy and mercifull omnipotency shee thinking to despaire of mercy was most impious and sacrilegious and derogatory to the sufferings of her sweet Sauiour shee then was big-bellyed with sorrow for her sinne and brought forth like an Hebrew woman without Midwife such a faire off-spring such an issue as is acceptable to the Lord of Hosts euen her relenting teares the sweetest Wine and Hypocras of Angels the sad and drery drops that peirce the Following Rocke CHRIST IESVS which make him supple and milde and gentle and mooue him vnto mercy And thus as Dionysius Egesippus record she betook her self solitary sequestred from all the world and the pleasures therof vnto the mountaine Balma full thirty yeeres to meditation fasting and prayer for which as also for sitting at Iesus his feet and hearing him preach she might be truly said of Christ to haue chosen the good or better part And as Iosephus reports after Christs ascension from the Mount of Oliues into Heauen she neuer could endure any company See now how this new Conuert puts on now a new liuery she that before stood in defiance of Iesus and scorned to haue the title and name of any of his meane despised Followers now happily challenges him to bee her Master and Lord and cals him by the name of Rabboni lo heere is the sauing power of him who is mighty to saue O doe but ponder the difficulty of her and our turning after so much sinning it will make vs much more admire and stand in a deepe amazement at the exuberant loue and mercy of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus In the prime act at our first entrance into conuersion when we begin to forsake Satan and neuer till then ô Lord to feele the plunges and pangs and convulsions and apoplexies and swounds that the soule hath with Satan now is the time for Satan the most of all to bestirre himselfe to labor tooth and naile to continue his long challenged interest in a sinner now hee fomes and rores and rages and rends and teares as much as is permitted him from God a poore sinner in peeces like a sauage fierce and hungry Lyon so long as his prey the silly Lambe is vnder his paw so long will hee play with it and licke it with his tongue dandle it ouer with an easie gentle tallon but if it once seeke to struggle and to make an euasion and escape out of his clawes timorously to crawle away then begins hee to yell and rore and with his cruell clutches and mercilesse teeth to seaze vpon it and so to deuoure it So long as Iacob stayed in Labans house he was at quiet but when he