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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14341 An abridgement of the notable woorke of Polidore Vergile conteignyng the deuisers and firste finders out as well of artes, ministeries, feactes & ciuill ordinaunces, as of rites, and ceremonies, commo[n]ly vsed in the churche: and the originall beginnyng of the same. Co[m]pendiously gathered by Thomas Langley; De rerum inventoribus. English. Abridgments Vergil, Polydore, 1470?-1555.; Langley, Thomas, d. 1581. aut 1546 (1546) STC 24656; ESTC S107600 129,908 356

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of the churche called the Chansell or quire should kisse one another and that Pax bourne should be bourne to the people Blessyng with hādes and Chalices came oute of the Hebrues ceremonies For Aaron after he had sacrificed blessed the people And Christ at his assencion blessed his disciples Sergius ordained the Agnus dei seuen hundred yeres after Christe to bee song of the Clergy at the tyme of the cōmunion The often turnyng of the prieste at the alter when he saieth Dominus nobiscum or Orate fratres came of the Hebrues rites wherein sacrifice tyme the priest turneth hym to caste the bloudde of the sacrifice on the people and the Ethnikes vsed thesame fashion in their supersticions and therfore doubtles we had these ceremonies of theim The .ix. Chapiter ¶ Why wee saie Ite missa est whereof the worde masse and ceremony came the first maner of takyng the Sacramente WHEN Masse is ended the Deacon turnyng to the people saieth Ite missa est whiche wordes are borowed of the rytes of the Paganes signifyeth that then the cōpany may be dimissed It was vsed in the sacrifices of Isis that when the obseruaūces wer duely and fully perfourmed and accōplished then a screl or minister of the religion should geue warnyng or a watche worde what tyme they might lawfully departe And of this sprong oure custome of syngyng Ite missa est for a certayne significaciō that the ful seruice was finished Masse is an Hebrue word as Reucline saieth and signifyeth an oblacion or sacrifice with all circumstances concernyng the same ¶ The Romaynes called all suche seruyce as appertained to their goddes in one general name ceremonies bycause a certaine people named Cerites whiche receyued deuoutely the reliques and other obseruaunces of the Romaynes religious and preserued them for when the Frenchemen by the valiauntnes of their captaine Brennius that was an Englishe-man had wonne the Cytie for whiche benifyte al the rites of their goddes vniuersally were named ceremonies Alexander inhibited priestes that they should not sacrifice but once on the day and Telesphorus permitted them to saye thre Masses on Chrystmasse day Fyrst at mydnight what tyme Chryst was borne the seconde in the mornyng when the shepherdes visited him the thyrde at further of the day where afore tyme it was not lawfull to celebrate afore the thyrde houre of the day Felix the fyrst decreed y t no Masse myghte be sayde but in places consecrated sauyng in the tyme of necessitie and that none but priestes admitted should intermeddle with the misteries of consecracion bycause that auctoritie was onely geuen to the Apostles at the beginnyng by whom priestes be ment and vnderstand Anacletus ordained that no Masse should be done but in the presence of two at the least lest the priest should saye in vayne to the walles Dominus vobiscum when none were present and therfore they do euyl that consecrate in corners alone Albeit Gratianus referreth that to Soterus whiche perchaunce dyd renewe that constitucion The Sacrament was vsed of oure predecessours in the primatiue churche euerye daye as Luke wytnesseth in the Actes of the Apostles and Anacletus caused it to be renewed by a decree vpon payne of excomynicacion And Victor denounced that those should be interdited from al seruices that when they should receiue the Sacrament wolde not be reconciled to their neighbours of all grudges hatreddes and displeasures Zepherinus an hundreth yeare after Anacletus commaunded that all that ꝓfessed Chryst or bare the name of Christians beyng of the age of .xii. or .xiiii. yeres should at the least once in the yere at Easter receyue the blessed Sacrament Fabianus decreed that they should receyue it thryse in the yere Innocentius the thyrde decreed that the Sacrament should be kept in the Churches to the intent to be in a redynesse at all tymes lest they that were sycke should want that spiritual comfort in that troublesome tyme of death and Honorius the third confirmed the same ¶ The ende of the abrydgement of the fifth booke The sixt booke The fyrst Chapiter ¶ Auricular Confession ALBEIT man redeamed with the precyouse blod of our sauiour Christ Iesus is fully recōsiled to God and all the heauynesse of hys displeasure be appeased yet the poysoned nature of mā is suche the occasions of synne be so many and great that in this slipper way of worldely lyfe we must nede our infirmitie enforcyng vs therto fal into the snares of the deuyl and synne But God as he is all mercy willyng the death of no synner but that he conuerte and lyue hath lefte vs the comfortable salue of repentaunce as a present remedy against all suche incursions of oure enemye or fragilitye of bodye whereby we maye with a good hope cal to our heauenly father for the forgeuenes of oure offences and trespases For as the prophet Ezechiel recordeth what houre soeuer the sinner doth lament and is repentant for his sinnes god for his sōne Iesus sake wil no lēger ●ere thē in remēbraunce Therfore whosoeuer with concupiscence vanquished or by lust inforced by errour disceyued or by force constrained doth fal to any spice or kynd of iniustice let him not dispair in his owne conscience or mistrust the bottomles mercy of God but with good corage repair to this medicine repentaunce and cōtricion of heart Consequently it shalbe the penitētes offyce and dutie after suche heuines taken as it were by a vomit to spue out of his cōscience al suche vnholsome thinges as might remayne styl engendre desperacion or imbecil his hope in y e promises of God For this cause confession named auricular that is made to the priest was at the beginnyng instituted that men might therin open their heartes to their curates and receiue at their handes the oyle of the Gospel of Christ to supple their rawe starke sores It was the institucion of Innocentius the .iii. that so many as were by age subiect or in daunger to cōmit sinne should at y e lest once in the yere be cōfessed to their curates to whō it cōcerneth to knowe the behauour of his parishners forsomuch as he must rēdre a strait accōpt of his cure And therfore it is euil in myne opiniō to haue these comon penitēciaries whiche be occasion that both curates geue not their coūsel wher nede is also men therby be more bold to synne seyng they shal not be rebuked of suche common confessours but for their monye haue redy absolucion w t smal exhortacion to amend their sinfulnes This cōfession is proued of y e text of s Iames where he saieth confesse your sinnes one to another and one pray for another also of the .xx chapter of Iohn wher Christ saieth receiue the holy ghost Whose sinnes soeuer you remitte they are forgeuen them and whose synnes soeuer you reteine they are reteined