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A14009 Certaine godly and deuout prayers. Made in latin by the Reuerend father in God, Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, and translated into Englishe by Thomas Paynell, clerke; Certaine godly and devout prayers. English and Latin Tunstall, Cuthbert, 1474-1559.; Paynell, Thomas. 1558 (1558) STC 24318; ESTC S111448 18,271 109

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peccatis nostris clemēter abolendis lar gire nobis ad te redeuntibus veram contritionem purā confessionem emen dationem vite continuam ac facultatem gratiam promerendi vitam et gloriam sempiternam 〈…〉 O Creatour gouernor of Heuen and earth of all the worlde and of all thynges that are made O holy stronge immortal almighty terrible iust mercifull Lord GOD. I a wretch and vnfortunate ouerwhelmed w t the greate burden and wayte of synne acknoledge and confesse my selfe to haue bene and to be the mooste wycked synner of all other that euer lyued and so grea●lye to haue offended the eyes of thy maiestie that not onely I am not worthy to be called thi ●onne nor yet thy inferior and lest seruaunt yea not to treade vpō the ground howe much lesse to offer vnto the any sacrifice of land or thankes geuing For why yf y u haste not spa●yd the celestiall mynisters thy moste cleare and noble spirites that is Lucifer and hys companions but for the onely offence and synne of rebellion and pryde that they euen sodenlye and in a momēt thought agaynst the hast delyuered them cast downe frō the hyghe habytacle of heauen to be tormentid with eternall paynes What may I miserable wretch say or what mai I laye for my selfe the which hath offended the not with smale but w t verye greate not with a few but with innumerable not with secrete but with manifest vices and as yet heping sinne vpon sin doth not leue of nor cease to sin But moste mercyfull father inasmuche as thou arte the father of mercyes Psalme C.xliiii and that thy mercyes ar aboue thy workes nor wylte not the death of a synner but that he shoulde rather conuerte and lyue I trustynge gretly vnto thy mercy and hauynge noo other hope lefte me doo approche and flye vnto the clemencye of thy maiesty And mekelye I doo aske and requyre the forgeuenes and remissyon of all my synnes wherwith I at anye tyme frō my tender age vnto this hower haue offēded thy goodnes wyttynglye or ignorantly the whyche thinges 〈…〉 thou O GOD from whom nothinge is hydden doest knowe a greate deale better ▪ than I canne rehearse them I haue offended greuously and aboue the number of the sandes of the sea in pryde and vayne glorye in anger and hatred in enuy ī couetuousnes in slothefulnes in glutteni in lecheri in negligēce of diuine honor in vaine othes in vnlawful lustes in blasphemy in slaunderyngs in lies in idle wordes in vnmesurable laughyng in iestes in vaine lookes in hearyng in tastynge in thoughtes and in wordes in dedes and in all thynges that the frayltye of man at any tyme might haue offended in the which thing I confesse to haue bene done through mi faute yea I saye through my mooste greatest faute For the which O most meakest God forgeue me a man that is vtterly loste and mooste vnhappy for thy great and vnspeakeable merites sake For whye thou art my maker my father my helper my protector my lorde and my God y u art my hope my trust my strēgth my defence my consolatiō my delyueraunce my lyfe my helth and my resurrectiō Thou art my stablyshment and my refuge my lyght and my desyre my helpe and my succor Wherefore I praye and besech the the deliuerer of the miserable to helpe me and I shal be saued to gouerne me and defende me to visitte me and comforte me to illumine me and reuiue me that am dead in synne And forasmuch as I am O Lorde thy creature and thy workemanshyppe leue me not I praye the for although I am euyll vnworthi of forgeuenes yet for all that I am alwayes thyne To whō then shall I flye O lord God but vnto the Yf thou despise me whoo shall loke vpon me yf thou cast me of who shal receaue me Therefore brynge me thy fugytyue seruaunt out of the lurkynge places of vyces and washe me defiled w t innumerable spottes of synnes in the fountein of thy pietie mekenes For howe fylthy soeuer I be thou canste clense me Howe blynde soeuer I be thou canst geue me my syght How sicke soeuer I be thou cāst hele me Yea and yf I were deade and buryed thou canst reuiue me For thy pitie is farre greter thā is my Impiete Thou canst forgeue more than I canne do and pardon more than I can trespasse Therefore O Lord behold me not after my demerites nor consyder not the multytude of my iniquytyes but after the multytude of thi mercies haue mercy vpon me and be mercyful vnto me a miserable synner And mercyfull god be mercifull vnto them vnto whome I haue at anye tyme or they vnto me geuen any occasion to synne and through thy infinit mercy and the most worthy merytes of thy onelye sonne oure Lorde Iesu Chryst and of hys most holy mother Marye and of all Saintes absolue vs from all our synnes and iniquities And inasmuche as we are not able to doo worthye penaunce for oure sinnes nor satisfye the set the crosse and the death the paynes and the anguyshes whiche thy onelye and welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ an innocente suffered mekely in this lyfe for the abolyshment of our synnes And geue vs that retourne vnto the true contrition pure cōfession continual amēdment of lyfe facultye grace to deserue lyfe and glory euerlastynge So be it ¶ 〈…〉 BEnedicta sit sūma incōprehensibilis trinitas pater filius et spiritus sanctus deus dominus paracletus Charitas gratia communicatio Genitor genitus regenerans Uerum lumen vera lux de lumine v●ro vera illuminatio Fons flumen irrigatio Ab vno omnia per vnum omnia in vno omnia Ex quo per quem in quo omnia Uiuens vita vita a viuente viuentium viuificator Unus a se vnus ab vno vnus ab ambobus Qui est a se qui est ab altero qui est ab vtro que Uerax pater veritas filius veritatis spiritus spiritus sanctus Una ergo pater logos paracl●tusque essentia vna virtus vna bonitas vna be●titudo A quo per quem et in quo beate viuunt omnia quecunque vere et beate viuunt Quem trinum deum in personis et vnum in substantia diuinitatis colimus et adoramus patrem ingenitum filium de patre vni genitum spiritum sanctum de vtroque procedentem et in vtroque permanentem sanctam trinitatem et indiuidu●m vnitatem vnū deum omnipotentem Summis namque laudibus te veneranda trinitas a nobis miseris par est celebrari qui cum non essemus potentia tua fecisti nos et cum per culpam nostram perditi fuissemus tua et p●etate et bonitate mirabiliter nos recuperasti Quocirca maiestatem tuam oramus atque obse cramus ne nos erga tam immensa beneficia tua ingratos ne ve miserationibus
willyd through the cruel paine of the crosse to restore vnto vs our innocencye agayne we honor thee we worshyppe the we adore the and for thy greate and innumerable benefits we thanke thee we beseche the not to suffer vs redemed w t thy bloude to peryshe but through the greate paines of thi deth to deliuer and kepe vs from all euyll and from all synne God the holy gost haue mercy vpon vs. LOrd God the holye ghost whiche art cōsubstanciall coeternall and equal with the father and the sonne procedynge from them vnspeakeably the which descendidst in the forme and shape of a doue vpon the selfsame sonne baptised of Ihon ▪ and dydst syt vpō thy holy disciples appering as were in fierye tounges We worshyp the we adore y e we honor y e thāk the. for thy greate and innumerable benefytes Dryue from vs we besech the the darkenes of al ignoraunce and kyndle in oure myndes the lyght of thy diuine knoledge and inflame in vs the heate of most mekest lo●e towardes the father and the sonne and thee the spirite of them both Holy Trinytye one god haue mercy vpon vs. LOrde god omnipotent y t hath vouchsafyd to create and to make man lyke vnto thy similitude Image graunt that the spottes of vyces defyle vs not whome thou the maker of al the world after the ineffable example of thy selfe haste creatyd and saue vs throughe thy mercy whō our synnes shall lese yf thou be not present to helpe vs. ●Orde god omnipopotent that hast geuen vs a fre wyll to doo wel or euil geue vs soo thy grace that we maye avoyde those thynges thou defendyng vs whiche are euill and to do those thou helpyng vs which are good ●Orde God omnypotente of whom is all wysedome and prouydence thou doeste knowe what is expedient for vs mortall men as it plesith the and as it shall seme beste to thy maiestie of vs soo be it but yet with mercy ¶ Precatio ad 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Trinitatis personas et 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pater de celis Deus miserere nostri DOmīe sancte pater oīpotēs eterne deꝰ a quo deus filius tuus tibi diuinita tis fonti consubstantialis coeternus et equalis ante omnia secula genitus est per quem cooperante spiritu sancto celum et terram atque omnia que in eis visibilia et inuisibilia continentur inenarrabili tum opificio tum ornatu creasti te veneramur te colimus te adoramꝰ tibi ob immensa et innumera benefitia tua gratias agimus Esto nobis obsecramus propitius miseris mortalibus et ne despice nos flagitijs obnoxios cum simus opus tuum sed ab omni malo ac ab omni peccato libera et serua nos per infinitam clementiam tuam Filij redemptor mundi Deus miserere nostri DOmine Iesu Christe fi●i Dei viui qui es derus et omnipotens deus sapientia viuus sermo splendor et imago patris cui cum patre et spiritu sancto compar est honor eadem gloria co●terna maiestas vna substantia ▪ 〈◊〉 Quique de summa celorum arce descendens in orbem terre carnem ex matre virgine mortalem sumere et ad instaurandam nobis innocentiam per dirum crucis supplicium mori voluisti te veneramur te colimus te adoramus tibi ob immensa et innumera beneficia tua gratias agimus Ne nos perire sin●s precamur tuo redemptos sanguine sed ab omni malo ac ab omni peccato libera et serua nos per immensos mortis tue cruciatus Spiritus sancte deus miserere nostri DOmine spiritus sancte deus qui patri filioque consubstantialis coeternus et equalis es ab ●is ineffa biliter procedens quique super eundem filium a Iohanne baptizatum descendisti in columbe specie superque sanctos discipulos tuos in linguis velut igneis apparens cōsedisti te veneramur te colimus te adoramus tibi ob immensa et innumera beneficia tua gratias agimus Pelle a nobis que sumus omnis ignorantie tenebras lumenque diuine tue scientie accende in mentibus nostris et amoris pussimi in patrem filium et te viriusque spiritum ardorem in nobis inflamma Sancta Trinitas vnus Deus miserere nostri DOmine Deus omnipotens qui ad imaginem et similitudinem tuam hominē facere dignatus es pres●a ne nos fedēt viciorum macule quos ad ineffabile tui exemplar totius opifex mundi creasti et quos peccata nostra si tu nō ad sis perdent tua serua misericordia Domine deus omnipotens qui liberum nobis arbitrium bene aut male agendi tribuisti sic gratiam tuam nobis confer vt que mala sunt te prote gente vitemus que bona sunt te adiuuante faciamus Domine deus ompotens a quo omnis est et sapientia et prouidentia tu seis que nobis mortalibus expediunt sicut tibi placet et quemadmodum tue maiestati de nobis miseris videtur ita fiat cum misericordia Amen ¶ 〈…〉 IESU whych after the innumeramerable tormentes of thy bodye hangyng verye wekely vpon the crosse vouchesauedest to dye for vs haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ 〈…〉 O Most mekest Lord Iesu christ beholde loke vpon vs wretchyd synners w t those thy mercifull eies with the which thou beheldest Peter in the hal whileste he denyed to knowe the. And at supper Marye Magdalene whilest she anointid thy fete And vpon y e crosse the meke these whylest he knowledged the to be a kynge Graunte vnto vs from the mooste beninge founteyne of thy mercye that after the example of Peter we maye bewayle oure sinnes and y t we as Mary Magdalene dyd maye burne in thy loue and vehementelye loue the and that we as the thefe hath optayned paradice may se the in thy kingdome the whyche doste reygne god with God the father and the holy Ghoste thoroweoute all worldes 〈…〉 ¶ 〈…〉 Iesus O Lorde Iesu Chryst the which being god immortal tokest vp on the a mortall body to make vs lawes to lyue holely vertuously For that thy loue vnto vs we mekely praye the y t thou suffer not vs intāgled with the snares of vices vtterly to perysh who in tyme past through Adams contumacy were reiected and now hast made vs the heyres of thy kyngdome but that thou as meke and merciful wilt withsafe to abolishe our flagitius synnes and wyckednes the which are mo than canne be numbred and greater than can be spoken or rehearsyd which doth raigne god w t god the father and the holye ghoste thoroweout all worldes 〈…〉 ¶ A prayer to be sayde before the crucifixe O Merciful Crucifix the redemer of all people whose head was fylthely lacerate torne with a crowne of thorn whose handes and feete extendyd vpon a crosse were
that those which are to come maye be by some cautiō men●s remoued O vnmesurable trinite ▪ geue vs perfect cōtritiō intire confession and a continual amēdment of lyfe O blessed trinitie graunt vs the pitifull faythfull ayde of thy holy Aungelles the which in this lyfe may instruct vs confort vs defende vs. O blessed trinite sēd vs from heuen stedfaste faith that our enemyes the fleshe y e worlde and the deuyles trouble vs not O blessed Trinitie driue farre from vs all concupiscence of y e flesh al concupiscence of the eies and all pryde of life O honorable trinitie cōserue and kepe vs from war hunger and pestilence O honorable Trinytie geue vs whyleste we be in helth a course and an order of lyfe that may be plesant and thankeful vnto the and whan syckenes shall grow vpon vs a desirefull helth of soule and body and in all our lyfe a memory to remēber vs that in thys worlde we haue no remainīg place O honorable Trinitie vouchsafe to geue vs y t declyne from thy lawe a mynde to repente to kyndle theyr desyres that ar studious to lerne it and at the last to opē vnto those that do profit therein the clerenes of thy diuinitie godhed O most m●kest trinitye geue vnto the ministers of thy holy church grace both to lyue wel and to teach well and to y e people committed vnto thē a desyre to lerne thy cōmaundementes and vn to them both a diligent furderaunce and profit in thy lawe O most mekest trinitie replenyshe kynges and prynces w t fere to reuerence the w t grace to knowledge thē selues to be mortal and w t wisedome wel to gouerne and rule the people committed vnto thē O most mekest trinitie fortifye the religyous that they maye despyse worldly things obserue thy lawe kepe theyr vowes made and promysed vnto the. O most mercifull Trinitie graunt vnto al virgins vncorrupt chastitie vnto those y t are maried a faithful custody of matrimony to widose grace to conteine and to lyue continentlye O mooste merciful trinitie graūt vnto the pore and afflictyd consolation and pacience to the ryche and those that are in power compassion and mercy and to them both mutuall loue amonge them selues and charitye O most mercifull trynitye geue vnto the emprysoned a withdrawynge mynd from synne y e deliueraūce of their bodyes out of prison beynge deliuerid a wyl to serue the. O benigne trinitie conduct gide those that iorneye to a prosperous ende of their iorneye those that saile traues y e seas to a desirous port hauen al mortal men to thy celestial heuēlye kingdōe O benign trinitie let or cause thi grace helpe and ayde them y t begin a righte feith and that fortitude may confirme those that go forwardes and profyt therin that humilitie maye accompany those that be perfect that perseueraunce may commende all men O benign trinitie graunt vnto y e proud the contempt of honors and t●ue humilitie to y e auaritius and couitus the cōtempte of riches meke liberalitie to the voluptuous gluttons the subiugation ouerthrowe of voluptuousnes clenes of lyfe to the irefull and enuious the refreynynge of the mynde and charitie to the harde and cruell mekenes and modestye to the vniuste and vnvnpitifull iustice and piete to vayne mē and lyers y e words of truth to the craftye and deceitfull simplicitie of manners and lastelye to all christians lyuyng euyll penaunce O mercyfull Trinitie kyndle and in flame the gentyles Zues and heretikes w t the lyght of true fayth that confessing th●e persones in thy essence and iudgynge ryghteouslye of all the articles of the catholyke faythe they may with all theyr hartes turne vnto the the onely and true God O mercifull Trinitie we offer thankes vnto the for the sainctes into thy glorye receued and praiers for the deade that must be pourged for the damned the prayses of thy Iustyce O mercyfull Trinitie we humble offer vp vnto y e oure prayers for the lyuyng and the deade vnto whō they maye be profitable to th entent y u shalt wash blurre out theyr fautes remitte to these their paynes to them bothe conferre and geue thy grace and glory O maruelous Trinitie in power thou arte omnipotēt in wysedome thou arte inenar●able thou arte the lyght that lightneth all thynges thou art the truthe that canne not be ouercume thou arte the hyghe consolation O maruelous Trynytye thou art the fountayne the floude and the irrygation and waterynge all goodnes O true essence in dede thou arte the life the glory and y e miroure of saints Therfore O honorable Trynitie all the citezens of heuen patriarches prophetes Apostles martirs cōfessors and virgynes shall glorifye thy maiestie Thy tripartite churche callynge vnto the in heuen in earth and in purgatory shal gloryfye thy maiestie Thy tolleraunce pacience wher w t thou suffrest and bearyste with synners thy Iustice wher w t thou rewardest the good doth punishe the euil but aboue al thy mercy wher with thou whiche arte meke doth remit synne shall gloryfy thy maiestie The creation di●position and conseruation of all thynges shall gloryfye thy maiestie euery soule that lyueth euery soule y t perceueth euery soule y t vnderstādith shall gloryfye thy maiestie O simple god in trinitie the tripertite celestiall Hierarchi the order of Angels tripertite in thre euerye celestiall spirite euerye humayne sprite shall gloryfye thy maiestie sayinge w toute any intermission Holye holy holy Lord God of hostes The heuens and the earth are full of thy glory Glory be to the O lord most high So be it ¶ A Prayer fyrst to euery person of the holy 〈…〉 to the holy 〈◊〉 God the father of heauē haue mercy vpon vs. O Holy lord father almightye euerlastīg GOD of whō God thi sonne is vnto the the founteine of diuinitye consubstantiall coeternall and equal borne before all worlds by whō the holy gost workynge with hym heauen and earth and all thynges vysyble and invisyble comprysed in them thou with an vnspeakeable workemanshype and adurnamēt hast creatyd We honor the we worshippe the we adore the and for thy great and innumerable benefytes we thanke the. Be mercyfull vnto vs mortall wretches we besech the and despise vs not geuē to sīne inasmuch as we ar thy hand worke but through thy infinite clemency deliuer and kepe vs from all euyl from all synne O god the sonne redemer of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs. O Lorde Iesu christ the sonne of the liuyng god whych art the true the omnipotent god the wisedōe lyuely worde brightnes and image of the father vnto whome with the father and the holy gost is lyke honour the selfe same glorye coeternall maiestye and one substaunce Whom descending from the high arke and trone of heuens into the worlde to take fleshe of hys mother a virgin thou hast