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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13341 Of the markes of the children of God and of their comforts in afflictions. To the faithfull of the Low Countrie. By Iohn Taffin. Ouerseene againe and augmented by the author, and translated out of French by Anne Prowse.; Des marques des enfans de Dieu. English Taffin, Jean, 1529-1602.; Prowse, Anne. 1590 (1590) STC 23652; ESTC S118085 100,800 270

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punish vs yet more rigorouslie than hetherto thou hast done that for one stripe wee should receiue an hundred If thou shouldest transport the kingdome of thy sonne from vs to the Turkes and the Iewes If thou shouldest send such a famine of thy word as running through the forrests to haue some refreshing and finding none our soules should faint Yea Lord if thou shouldest throw vs down into hell we confesse that it were verie right and yeeld our selues guiltie acknowledging that we haue well deserued it Notwithstanding O good God and father there is mercie with thee yea thy mercies are infinite to swallowe vp the multitude and grieuousnes of our sinnes Thou art a God gracious pitifull slowe vnto wrath abounding in mercie and trueth keeping mercie for thousands pardoning iniquitie transgression sinne Thou hast said that thou wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that hee turne and liue Conuert vs then O Lord that we may be conuerted and that we may liue before thee We are poore sinners we confesse it but yet thy sonne Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners Behold vs then O Lord not in our selues for wee are vnworthy of thy grace but behold vs in the face of thy sonne Iesus Christ and for his sake bee at tone with vs and be mercifull and fauourable vnto vs that in the multitude of our sinnes the greatnes of thy grace may shine if thou regard our iniquities who is he that is able to stand before thee Wee haue been vnfaithfull but thou remainest still faithfull Thou canst not renounce thy mercie and goodnes we haueforsaken thee but thou hast promised not to forsake vs. Wee haue forgotten thee but thou hast said that though a mother should forget her childe yet wouldst not thou forget vs. Thou hast made a couenant with vs wherein thou hast promised to pardon our sinnes and to remember our iniquities no more Thou hast promised that though our sins were as red as scarlet thou wouldest make them as white as wooll if they were as red as crimson that they should be made as white as snowe We are heauie laden and labour with our iniquities But Iesus Christ hath called vs to him and hath promised to refresh vs. Haue pitie thē on vs O Lord haue pitie vpon vs. Let our miseries moue the bowells of thy mercie Forgiue vs O our GOD forgiue vs for thine owne sake for the glorie of thy name and for thy sonne Iesus Christs sake Impute vnto vs the goodnes that is in him that the euill that is in vs may not be imputed Thou hast pumshed the iust that thou mightest pardon the wicked Accept thou the merites of his death and passion for satissaction of all that is in vs worthie of thy wrath and indignation and make vs to feele the fruites of our reconciliation with thee If thou wilt afflict our bodies haue yet pitie of our soules If thou wilt impourish vs on the earth depriue vs not yet of the riches of heauen If thou wilt take away the bread of our bodies yet leaue vs the spirituall bread of our soules Though wee bee in reproach among our enemies yet let not thy name be blasphemed Though we bee accursed of the world yet let vs bee blessed of thee Though the world hate vs yet let thy loue abide vpon vs. O Lord we are thine forsake vs not Thou hast saide I am the Eternall this is my name I will not giue my glorie vnto Images nor my praise vnto another For thine owne sake then euen for thine owne sake haue mercie vpon vs. For why shall thy name bee blasphemed for our sakes Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name giue glorie and honour in shewing foorth the riches of thy graces of thy truth and of thy might Thou art the God of glorie sanctifie thy name in drawing light out of our darknes and lift out of death making perfect thy power in our infirmitie and thy great grace in our vnworthines to thy praise and glorie Heare the blasphemies of thine enemies boasting them selues in their counsels and their forces triumphing and reioycing in our confusion as if we were not thy people thy children thy Church as if wee were cast off of thee as if thou were not able to helpe or keepe vs. Neuerthelesse thou art our creatour and wee are the worke of thy hands Thou art our shepheard wee are thy flocke Thou art our father wee are thy children Thou art our God wee are thine inheritance Thou art our redeemer wee are the people whome thou hast bought It is thou also O our God who by thy word alone hast created the heauen and the earth the sea and al that is in them it is by thee that all things liue be and haue their mouing it is of thee by thee and for thee that all things are It is thou which dooest whatsoeuer thou wilt And there is neither counsell wisedome nor strength against thee Represse then O Lord the rage and furie of thine enemies breake their forces dissipate their counsels confound them in the bold enterprises which they haue taken in hand against thee and thy sonne lesus Christ Maintaine the rest of thy flocke which thou hast kept vntill this day Establish againe the Churches that are ruined and dispersed Suffer not the memorie of thy name to be abolished from the earth rather let thy word sound and thy Gospell bee preached where it hath not yet been heard to gather thine elect vnto thee and to magnifie thy name And that so wee may see it florish more more and the kingdome of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord to bee aduanced for euer more Amen The necessitie and benefite of affliction GReat trouble and vexation the righteous shall sustains By Gods determination whilest heere they doo remaine Which grieuous is and irksome both for flesh and bloud to beare Because by nature we are loath to want our pleasure heere And eke because our enemie that auncieat deadly foe Satan with cruell tyrannie the worker of our woe Doth still prouoke the wicked sort in sinne which doo delight To please themselues make great sport to vexe vs with despite Yet doo the righteous by the crosse moe blessed things obtaine Than anie waie can be the losse the dolor or the paine The losse is that which in few daies would passe fade and decay Euen of it selfe the gaine alwaies can no man take away All earthly estimation the crosse may cleane deface But heauenlie consolation the soule dooth then imbrace Afflictions worldly pleasures will abandon out of minde Then is the soule more earnest still the ioyes of heauen to finde These worldly riches goods and wealth by troubles may depart Then inward ioyes and sauing health may wholly rule the heart In trouble friends doo start aside as cloudes doo with the winde But Gods assistance doth abide to cheare the troubled minde Jfwe should feele these losses all at once by sudden change We may not be dismaid withall though it seeme verie strange Iob lost his frends he lost his wealth and comfort of his wife He lost his children and his health yea all but wretched life When all was gone the Lord aboue did still with him remaine With mercie kindnes and with loue asswaging all his paine Teaching him by experience that all things fickle be Which subiect are to humane sence and yeeld all miserie But godlinesse within the heart remaineth euer sure In wealth and woe it is her part true comfort to procure Affliction turn'th these worldly ioyes to greater paine and woe Because the loue was linck'd with toyes religion is not so For when mans heart doth most delight in pleasure wealth and pride Religion then will take her flight she may not there abide Where by our soules in wofull plight continually remaine Yet haue not we the grace or might from such lusts to refraine In which estate mest willingly though tending right to hell We compt our chiefe felicitie and loue therein to dwell Therefore the Lord which is aboue regarding vs below With mercie pitie grace and loue that alwases from him flow Doth mix with griefe these earthly things wherein we doo delight Which to our soules all sorow brings or else remoou'th them quite Then dooth the holie word of God most comfortable seeme Which we before we felt the rod mere follie did esteeme The world which earst most pleasant was now loathsome seem'th to be It doth appeare as in a glasse all fraught with miserie Then feare we hell then flie we sinne then seeke we heauen the more To vse good meanes we then begin which we despisde before Then can we pray then can we call to God for strength and grace Which things before might not at all with vs haue anie place Then heare we with attentiuenes then read we with all care Then pray we with great feruentnes no trauaile then we spare Then shall we see feele and confesse the state wherein we dwelt To be nothing but wretchednes though worldly ioyes we felt Because the soule by godlinesse more comfort doth receaue In one day than by worldlinesse for euer it can haue Then we with Dauid shall confesse that God from heauen aboue By humbling vs doth well expresse his mercie and his loue For ere we felt the scourging rod we er'de and went astray But now we keepe the law of God and waite thereon alway Then forreligion loue the crosse though it doo bring some paine The ioy is great small is the losse but infinite the gaine FINIS
aduauncement of his Church so mightelie assailed on all sides and particularlie to bee mindfull of mee in your prayers that it may please the Father of light from whence all good gifts doo come to continue his mercies towards mee and to guide mee alwaies with his holie spirit with the increase of his giftes and graces to accomplish the rest of my life seruing faithfull and holilie to his glorie the aduauncement of the Kingdome of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Holie meditations and praiers CHAP. 13. O Lord God almightie al good and all wise we are confounded before thy holy maiestie not ô Lord for the troubles and extreame calamities wherewith we are oppressed in these daies full of tribulations anguishes and teares but forasmuch as we haue offended thee for asmuch as our sinnes our ingratitude rebelliōs haue kindled thi wrath against vs and chiefly forasmuch as the wicked and infidels take occasion by thy iust iudgemēts corrections to blaspheme thy holy name Alas Lord wee yeelde our selues guilty before thee confessing that we are inexcusable and vnworthie to be named thy children yea wee are worthie to bee reiected of thee wee are worthie of hel to be creatures accursed for euer For ô our good God whē we were the children of wrath thine enemies abādoned to all euil thou hadst pitie vppon vs poore and abhominable sinners Thou hast cast the eyes of thy fauour vppon vs. Thou hast giuen thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ to the shameful and cursed death of the crosse for vs. Thou hast giuen vs thy holy gospell that blessed and ioyfull tidings of our saluation Thou hast accompanied it with thy spirit to lighten vs to draw vs vnto thee to make vs partakers of the treasures of thy Kingdome of eternall life Thou hast stretched out thy hand from heauen to the depth of hell to pul vs backe and to make vs thy happie children Thou hast done according to the good pleasure of thy will inasmuch as thou shewest mercie on whom thou wilt shewe mercie Alas Lord ought not we to acknowledge the daye of thy visitation and the time of saluation Ought not we to feele the abundant riches of thy incomprehēsible grace towards vs to loue serue praise and adore thee to renounce our selues the world and the flesh and all that which is contrarie to thy glorie yea to abhorre all that doth displease thee to walke as the children of light and to consecrate our selues vnto thee to bring foorth fruites worthie of thy Gospell and becomming the Children of such a Father to be as bright lights in this darke world to giue light to the poore ignorāt ones to drawe thē with vs into the way of saluation But alas ô Lord our God we quite contrarie hauing brought into thy Church the world and the flesh haue kept in our selues these enemies of thy glory these plagues of our soules haue serued them Our infidelitie our flesh haue made vs loue the earth more than the heauen the world more than thy kingdome the filthines and dust of vaine riches more than the treasures of heauenlie and eternall good things the smoke of humane honors more thā the glorious estate to be thy childrē brethren of thy sonne Iesus Christ Couetousnes the roote of all euill hath hardened our harts to despise thy poore ones euen Iesus Christ in his members Wee haue slaundered thy holy Gospell by fraudes deceipts robbings occupying our traffique and doing our affaires as people hauing no knowledge of thee The aire in the Cities where thy word hath bin preached hath bin stinking infected with the whoredomes adulteries and other infamous acts that there haue bin committed Gluttonie drūkennes haue made brutish those that for thy blessings and bountie ought to haue praised thee Euerie man thinking onlie how to profit aduance himself in this world to the despising of thy holy seruice the building of thy Church The profession of thy holy religion hath serued many but for the cloke of their iniquities Wee haue put out trust in the arme of flesh in brokē reeds seeking cōfort for thy Church of the enemies of it in forsaking the fountaine of liuing waters and the almightie Crimes trespasses blasphemies and iniquities haue bin winked at supported in defiling the seate of thy iustice without punishmēt thy threatnings promises reiected as vanities the holy Ministerie of thy Word despised the chastisements which thou hast exercised on our brethren neglected without thinking what our selues haue deserued Wee haue not felt sorow for the afflictions of thy children to mourne with them and to feare thy iudgements And what shal we say more ô Lord Our iniquities are as mountaines our ingratitude and rebellions as the great deepe our whole life before thee being nothing else but a cōtinuall sinne and despising of thy holy Maiestie If they who neuer heard speak of thy sonne Iesus Christ and that haue not knowen thy will are iustly punished in thy wrath what iudgement what condemnation what hells and cursses haue we deserued hauing so villainously so long so obstinately despised thy holy instructions thy promises thy threatenings and the examples of thy iudgements which thou hast exercised before our eyes Also the voyce of our ingratitude is ascended before thee our iniquities haue and doo crie vengeance against vs. These are the procurers and aduocates of thy iustice soliciting these iudgements against vs. Our sinnes haue strengthned our enemies haue made them conquerours ouer vs. We haue sowen iniquitie and we haue reaped afflictions as thou seest ô Lord our God that thy children are banished spoyled and impourished that they are cruellie dealt withall trodden vnder foote and exposed to the laughter of thine enemies Our persecuters make a scorne of those ouer whō thy name is called on they make their boast of the euill that they doo They scatter thy flockes They throwe downe the scepter of thy sonne Iesus Christ They depriue thy children of the pasture of thy word Those temples O Lord those temples where not long since thy praises did sound in which thy holie Gospell was preached the Sacraments purelie ministred thy name religiouslie called on These temples O Lord are now defiled with Idols and idolatrie the abominable Masse is established againe false tales and lies are preached These temples where thy people assembled in so great number to praise thee and to behold thy louing countenance are now filled with people blaspheming thy holie name and treading vnder their feete the bloud and glorie of thy sonne Iesus Christ This youth of orphanes fondlings and others that went to schoole being brought vp in the knowledge of thee nourished in thy feare is now giuen vp to the enemies of thy trueth to be instructed in the damnable doctrine and seruice of Antichrist O good God our sunne is turned into darknes the Moone into bloud our health into sicknes our life into death And yet if thou shouldest