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A13104 A perfect pathway to felicitie conteining godly meditations and praiers, fit for all times, and necessarie to be practized of all good Christians. Stubbes, Phillip. 1592 (1592) STC 23398; ESTC S1141 32,816 248

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man behind his backe but in all things so 〈◊〉 thy selfe that thou maist neither dishonour thy God nor giue either offence or euill example vnto anie at the table Dinner being ended giue God thankes as followeth A thankes giuing to God after dinner MOst holy father Lord of heauen and earth I giue thée thanks in the name of Iesus Christ for all thy benesites and blessings in mercie bestowed vpon mee euer since I was borne And namelie O Fa ther I praise thée for feeding my hungry body as alwaies heretofore so now presentlie at this time with earthlie foode beséeching thée to féede my soule likewise with the celestiall foode of thy holie worde And I pray thée good Lord that as thou hast giuen vnto mee the vse of these earthlie creatures in great measure so thou wilt in mercie vouchsafe to giue vnto me the continuall supplie of al my necessities and wants néedefull either for my soule or bodie to the end and in the end thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Meditations after dinner THinke thus with thy selfe As the mouth of my bodie whereby I receyue corporall sustenance is flesh and bloud so the mouth of my soule whereby I receyue the spirituall foode of eternall life is faith towardes God hope in his promises loue from a pure heart towards the brefhren for his sake Thinke also that as the Sun is now in his highest ascent degrée and therefore of necessitie must néedes decline and go downward And as the day also is now at the midst or full and therefore must needs in like maner draw towards his end so my life being once come to his full ripenesse and maturitie must of force draw towards his end which is death the reward or salary of sinne These things thus performed dispose thy selfe to the labors of thy vocation as before doing all things to the glorie of him that made thée and one day will require a straite account of thée for all thy labours and workes done vnder the Sunne Directions how to behaue thy selfe before and after Supper WHen the daie is ended and the night approcheth first praise God for thy preseruation and protection that 〈◊〉 beséeching him to take 〈◊〉 care ouer thee that night This done arraine thy selfe as it were at the barre and call thy conscience to accounts demaunding of thy selfe as wel what good thou hast omitted and hast not done as the euill which thou hast committed and shouldest not haue done And as well repent for the one as be sorowfull for the other This doue drawe towards the table in reuerent maner pra●g GOD to sancti●e his c●atures vnto thée either in this or the like forme A thankes giuidg to God before Supper FAther of mercy and God of all trueth looke downe I beséech thée from the throne of thy heauenly pallace vpon vs thy humble seruants albeit most wretched and miserable sinners sanctifie both our bodies and soules by the presence of thy holie spirite and blesse these thy creatures vnto vs giue them strength to nourish our bodies and our bodies their naturall powers and force euerie member to performe his office and dutie according as thou hast appointed as thou séest to bee best for thy glorie and the sustaining and repairing of our ruinous and weake natures And we pray thée good father also to féede our soules with the celestiall Manna of thy blessed worde and bring vs once to suppe with thée in the kingdome of heauen thorow the precious bloud of Iesus Christ. Then sall to thy meate reuerentlie as before at dinner hauing alwaies a diligent eie that thou abuse not the good creatures of God by gluttonie drunkennesse gourmandise or anie other kinde of riot or excesse Remember that nature is satisfied with a little and what is more then wil suffice nature is super fluous and one daie thou shalt be accomptable for it to the great iudge of all the earth Thy bodie being satisfied forget not to relieue the necessitie of the Saints according to thy abilitie that God maie blesse thée and multiplie thy store When Supper is ended giue God thanks eyther as followeth or otherwise as the spirite of God shall illuminate thy heart A thankesgiuing to God after Supper OH Lord our god most gracious holie father we render all praise and thankesgiuing to thy soueraigne maiestie for all thy benefites and blessings so plentifully bestowed vppon vs. And namelie we thanke thée holie father for these thy good creatures which thou hast at this present in full measure giuen vnto vs. Oh Lord make vs thankfull for them pardon our vnthankfulnesse for Iesus Christ his sake Finally make vs al thy true obedient and faithfull seruants and bring vs to euerlasting life in thy good time for thy great mercies sake in thy beloued Amen Directions of Christian behauiour after supper THe rest of the time after Supper vntill thou goest to bed spend with thy familie either in singing of Psalmes and spirituall songs singing and making melodie to the Lord in your hearts or else in conferring reasoning disputing talking of the word of God in reading expounding or interpreting of the same Then when time calleth thée to go to bed call thy whole housholde togither in some conuensent place make publike confession of your sins to God the Father craue pardon and forgiuenesse for Iesus Christs sake and pray for grace to bee able to resist sinne hereafter with all meanes waies and allurements leading there unto Which done repaire to thy chamber reuoluing with thy selfe these and the like things following Meditations when thou cō mest into thy chamber WHen thou art come into thy chamber call to thy remembrance what euill thou hast committed that day past either in thought word or déed towards GOD or towards man and the good which thou shouldest haue done and hast not done I● thou hast s●ne or heard anie good thing in anie man note it learne it and praie for grace to follow it If againe thou hast séene or heard anie cuill in anie man note it in thy selfe and pray for grace to eschue it This done knéele downe by thy bed side confesse thy sinnes to GOD the father craue pardon for Iesus Christ his sake and pray to him to protect thée that night and to defend thée vnder the shadowe of his wings from all perilles and daungers both bodilie and ghostly Thy clothes being put off meditate thus with thy selfe Oh what a filthie vncleane and vgglesome carkasse doe I beare aboute with me that for verie shame had néede to be couered with garments Thinke also from what an excellent state and dignitie in regard of thy first creation thou art fallen by reason of the ●ilthines of sin Then thinke that if thy apparell were giuen thee for verie necessities sake to couer hide thy shame withall what reason hast thou to be proude therof For should a begger bee proude of the cloutes that wrap his sores Thinke also that
as thou canst not without shame stand before men naked and bare so canst thou not without shame and confusion of face stand before the maiestie of God except thou be clothed muested with the garment of Christs righteousnes and holines Finallie thinke that as thou puttest off and laiest aside thy materialgarments so shalt thou once and peraduenture before thou ●ysest againe put off and lay away the earthlie mansion of thy bodie committing it to mother earth againe from whence it first came When sléepe commeth vppon thée pray as followeth A prayer when sleepe com meth vpon one MOst mercifull father with whom there is no difference of time nor varietie of chaunge séeing thou hast appointed the day for man to trauaile in and the night for him to take his naturall rest I beséech thee that as my bodie hash béene occupied and employed this day in the labors of this life so it may receiue by thy protection quiet rest and sleepe this night that I may be the ab●er to go forwarde in the exercise of good works in the rest of my life that I haue to liue to the praise and glorie of thy blessed name And in this my sléepe defend me I beséech thée from all perilles and daungers and from all the force violence of mine enemies both spirituall and corporall And as it maie please thée to graunt to my bodie quiet rest and sléepe so let it bee thy good pleasure to make my soule watchful and vigilant to waite vpon thee and diligentlie to looke for y● comming of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ vnto iudge ment for my redemption Kéepe me from al fearefull dreams and visions from all phantasticall apparitions diuelish illusions of the wicked enemie from all carnall pollusions vngodlie suggestions of the wicked spirit Finallie graunt that both my bodie and my soule resting vnder thy diuine protection may be safe from all enmitie and hostilitie whatsoeuer and at the last may attaine euerlasting life thorow Iesus Christ my onelie Sauiour and redéemer This done dispose thy selfe to rest committing both thy bodie and soule into the hands of God praying him to be thy watchman that night Then discend thou into the secret closets and priuie chambers of thine heart search euerie place and ransacke euerie corner and if thou findest anie filthinesse or vncleannes therein as in deed thou shalt find nothing else wash it away with the teares of repentance make itcleane with the broome of contrition Then thinke thus with thy selfe My bed dooth represent vnto me my graue wherein I must once sléepe and the clothes the earth where with all I shall shortlie be couered in my sepulchre or graue And as these flees and gnats do bite and gnaw my skinne so shall the wormes cate and consume the frame of my bodie in the dust of the earth when the Lord doth please When the morning beginneth to dawn and the daystarre to appeare thinke thus As nowe the morning commeth on and the daie starre beginneth to appeare so shall Christ Iesus the true morning star shewe himselfe at the time appointed of his father to iudge both the quicke and the dead And when thou hearest the crowing of the cocke the sounding of belles or anie other noise whatsoeuer think alwaies that thou hearest the trumpe of the Archangell sound saying arise you dead and come vnto iudgement When thou awakest out of sléepe praie to this effect as followeth A prayer when one awakes out of sleepe MErcifull father grant that as thou hast now awaked my earthlie bodie out of this materiall sléepe so thou wilt also vouchsafe to raise me vp from the sleepe of sinne and in the generall resurrection of all flesh to eternall life thorowe Iesus Christ my onelie Sauiour and redéemer Meditations when one awa keth out of sleepe CAll to remembrance the vnspeakeable 〈◊〉 glory and beatitude the ineffable blessednes comfort and solace which all the chosen of God haue and shall haue for euer after this life in the kingdome of heauen Thinke also of the wonderfull beautie that our bodies shall haue and 〈◊〉 at the day of iudgement being made like to the glorious bodie of Christ Iesus and shining for euer as the Sun in the kingdome of heauen A prayer to be said at the breake of the day OH Lorde thou great and euerlasting light from whome all other lights whatsoeuer haue their being in comparison of whom they are all but grosse and palpable darknes illuminate my heart and inlighten my vnderstanding with the perfect knowledge of thy blessed will And grant that I knowing it maie faithfullie obcie thee in the same all the daies of my life that at the last I may attaine to euerlasting rest both of body and soule thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Meditations at the appea ring of the day THinke with thy selfe that as thy earthlie bodie is guided and gouerned by thy bodilie eies so and much more is thy soule and mind guided ruled and gouerned by the direction and inspiration of Gods holie spirit And therefore howe much more precious the eie of the soule is then the eie of the eie of the bodie so much more is the one to be sought for then the other Think that brute beasts haue their bodilie eies but man hath not onelie corporall eies but spirituall also whereby hee 〈◊〉 strange thinges conceiueth infinite things vnderstandeth woonderfull things beléeueth all things and hopeth all things This done pray as followeth A praier when one ariseth forth of his bed I Confesse most merciful father our first parents by sinne threw themselues and all their pos●eritie into a most deadly lethargie and sléepe of sinne whome thou in great mercie vouchedstsafe to restore againe and renue by the death of thy sonne Grant holie father that as thou hast now raysed my bodie from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all sleepe so thou wilt also raise both my bodie and 〈◊〉 from the deadlie sléepe of sinne and at the last from the dust of the earth to dwell with thée for euer in thy euerlasting kingdome thorow Jesus Christ. Meditations when one ari seth out of his bed THinke that as thou now arisest forth of thy bed so shouldst thou rise from sinne 〈◊〉 the liuing God in holinesse and righteousnesse all the 〈◊〉 of thy life Thinke also that thy bodie shall rise againe in the end of the world either to euerlasting life if thou doo well or to euerlasting death if thou do euill Then put on thy apparell in the dooing whereof pray thus A praier to be said at the put ting on of a mans clothes BLessed father séeing my naturall corruption and silthines is such and so great that of necessity it must be couered with these earthly garments least o● my nakednesse and shame should appeare to the world clothe me I beséech thée with the garments of Christs righteousnesse and holines and impute not vnto me my manifold sinnes and offences least I receiue not shame onlie
but euerlasting confusion both of bodie and soule as a iust reward and guerdon for my deserts Christian directions for the morning WHen thou hast attired thy ●cently comely not 〈◊〉 nor proudlie goe forth of thy chamber and if thou beest a maister of a houshold call thy familie togither confesse your sinnes craue pardon for Iesus Christ his sake pray for grace to resist sinne hereafter prayse God for all his benefites and blessings in mercie bestowed vppon you pray for continuance of them Thanke him for your protection that night besée ching him to protect you thatday and to blesse all your works andlabours And finally desire him to kéepe and defend you that day and cuer from all perils and dangers both bodilie ghostlie whatsoeuer and to bring you to euerlasting life at the time appointed thorow the precious bloud of Iesus Christ. This done go forth to thy labours in the feare of God doing all things with single eie and good conscience to the praise of him that made thée being assured that as in mercie he will not leaue the good good worke that we do vnrewarded so in iustice he will not leaue the least euill that we doe commit either in thought word or déed vnpunished except we repent To God therefore our father to Christ Iesus our Sauiour and redeemer and to God the holie Ghost our comforter and sanctifier thrée persons and one true and euerlasting God be all honour glorie praise dominion thanksgiuing for euer more Amen A short Treatise of praiers and supplications Comprising a briefe summe of all such things as we stande in neede of in this life By the same author P. S. Gent. A praier for the morning I Giue thée thanks most merciful father for all thy tender mercies and louing kindnes shewed towards me in Christ Jesus euer since I was borne and namelie for the quiet rest and sléepe which thou hast giuen to my bodie this night and for preseruing of me from infinite perils and dangers where unto poore man is subiet in this life And I beséech thée holie father to extend thy louing fauour towardes mée this day defend me from all mine enimies both bodilie and ghostlie blesse all the workes of my hands grant good issue and good successe vnto mee in all my godlie actions enterprises and affaires And aboue all things giue me a willing heart and a readie mind to serue thée in true holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of my life that I glorifying thée here vpon earth may be glorified of thée for euer in heauen thorow Jesus Christ our Lord Amen A praier for the Eue ning MOST gracious God I prayse thee thorow Jesus Christ for defending of me this day from all dangers of bodie soule and for all thy other benefites which thou hast plentifullie bestowed vppon me And I pray thée good father to pardon and forgiue me all my sinnes and wickednes wherin I haue offended thy diuine maiestie either this day or anie day of my life here tofore euen to this present houre And receiue mee this night into thy tuition and protection that my enimies may haue no power ouer me nor in anie sort preuaile against me but that my bodie by thy gracious goodnes enioying quiet sleepe my mind my soule spirite maie continually waite vpon thée and thorow faith behold thy blessed maiestie with an assured confidence and an infallible hope after this fraile and transitorie life ended to possesse that immortall and euerlasting glorie wherein thou eternallie reignest to whome bee all honour and glorie for euermore A generall confession os our sinnes to God thesather necessarie to be said at all times OH eternall God father of our lord Iesus Christ without beginning or ending of whom all things haue their being I a poore wretched and mise able sinner lamenting my sinnes from the bottome of my heart prostrate my selfe before the footestoole of thy blessed maiestie acknowledging and confessing that I am a most grieuous sinner begot conceyued and borne in sinne and liuing in all corruption and iniquitie so that in me there is no goodnesse yea my whole nature is so corr●pt that my verie righteousnesse it selfe is nothing but sin in thy sight wherefore deare father setting a part al my own pretensed merits as insufficient to purchase thy fauor I come vnto thée in the name of thy beloued son Iesus Christ who is made vnto vs holinesse righteousnesse santification and redemption most humblie beseeching thee for his precious bloud shedding and for his bitter death and passion to haue mercy vpon me pardon and forgiue me all my sinnes and wickednes both original actuall of thoughts words workes and déedes of presumption of frailtie of ignorance and of knowledge or how soeuer els committed against thy souereigne maiestie euer since I was born Good father blot them out of thy remembrance hide them in the bloudie wundes of thy sonne wash them away in the streames of his bloud Accept his holinesse for my holinesse his righteousnesse for my righteousnesse and his precious bloud as a full recampence satisfaction and propitiation for al my sinnes And as I craue pardon for al my sinnes past so I beséech thee for thy great mercies sake in Iesus Christ giue me grace power and strength to resist sinne hereafter with al occasions meanes wayes and allurements leading therevnto And because oh Lord without faith nothing can please thée giue me I beséech thée a true perfect and a iustifying faith without the which no man shall sée thy blessed face Strengthen this faith in mee for euer to the end in the end grāt me thy holie spirit trulie to repent and most heartilie to sorrow for the multitude and heynousnesse of my transgressions Worke in me also good father an inwarde hatred lothing and detestation vnto sume that I walking before thée with vprightnes of hart may after the dissolution of this my earthlie tabernacle inherit eternall glorie in the heauens thorow the merits of thy sonne Christ Iesus Amen A confession of our sinnes to Christ Iesus our sauiour with desireof forgiuenes OH swéete Iesus oh most glorious Iesus sonne of the eternall God whorainest into this world to take away the heauie burthen of them that were laden to seeke them that were lost and to call sinners to repentance to giue life to the faithfull and to be a mediatour betweene God and man I a poore and miserable sinner lamenting my sinne from the bottom of my hart most entirelie beséech thée for thy infinite mercies sake according to thy accustomed woont to pardon and forgiue me all mine offences sinnes and wickednesse of what na ' ture or kind or how manie or grieuous soeuer they be and to be my mediatour and aduocate to God thy father to appease his wrath to satisfie his iustice and to reconcile me into his fauour againe Regenerate renue and sanctfie my heart swéete Iesus with thy holie spirite the spirit of truth that I
A perfect Pathway to Felicitie Conteining godly Meditations and praiers fit for all times and necessarie to be practized of all good Christians Imprinted at London by Richard Yardly for Humfrey Lownes 1592. To the right worshipfull vertuous and godly Gentlewoman mistresse Katherine Milward most faithfull spouse to the no lesse worshipfull wise and religious Gentleman master William Milward esquire P. S. wisheth all hapie successe in this life with increase of worship and in the life to come eternall felicitie in the heauenlie Hierarchie by Iesus Christ. TWo things per aduenture right worshipfull may be maruailed at concerning this litle booke as namely first why I haue published it considering the great number of bookes either of the same or verie like argument extant in these dayes Secondly wherfore I haue dedicated it rather vnto you then to anie other For the first I protest before God who knoweth the secrets of all hearts I haue not published it either for vainglory lucre or gaines nor yet for any other priuate respect of my owne whatsoeuer but at the instant request and earnest desire of one of my verie good friends and alliance also who yet being liuing and the onely man that hath borne the whole charges of the impression thereof both can and I know will if need should require iustifie the same against any that should auerre the contrarie And for the second when I considered with myselfe howe much b und I haue alwaies beene to your worship euer since the time that I was first acquainted with you for your good opinion you haue euer cōceiued of me sundrie other your courtesies shewed towards me far beyond my deserts or expectation As also when I called to remembrance your feruent zeale ●hich you haue euer borne to the word of God holy religion your exquisite knowledge therein your carefull indeuour to put the same in practise and to frame your life therafter Briefly when I remembred your maruailous humilitie and lowlinesse of mind your wonderfull modestie gentlenesse and affabilitie your rare continencie and integritie of life with infinite the like vertues and graces wherewith God hath beautified adorned your worship aboue manie others I say when I remembred these things with many mo I could do no lesse hauing so fit an occasion giuen me by reason of my friends importunacie then to dedicate these my labors to your worship though not as a guerdon answerable to your deserts yet as an infallible testimonie pledge and token of my thankful good wil and gratefull heart towards you And albe it that in respect of the form or methode of the booke for herein I haue not studied to be curious it may seeme to be base and contemptible and such as is farre vnworthie to be exhibited to so wise so discreet so godly and religious a gentlewoman yet in regard of the matter which is heauenlie and diuine I most humbly beseech you to accept therof and to permit the same to go forth to the view of the worlde vnder the gard of your protection and to patronize both the author the booke against the poysoned tongues of railing Phormions and flouting Momusses to whom all good things are had in disdaine And in so doing both God shall bee glorified by you the church Saints shall praise God in you and I my selfe besides that I will not rest vnthankfull to you to the death will not cease also to pray to God for you And t●us I most humblie take my leaue From my Chamber this present 10. of April 1592. Your worships in the Lord. Philip 〈◊〉 To the curteous Rea der grace mercie and peace GEntle Reader I haue beene constrayned ●horowe the importunacie of my friend to publish this little treatise or manuel of praiers meditations praying thee in brotherly loue christian charitie which as Paul saith couereth the multitude of sinnes that if any thing haue passed my penne either thorow lack of due cōsideration or the presse thorow want of diligent attention thou wilt yet either friendly amend it with thy pen or else silently passe it ouer And if any thing seem harsh rough or vnfiled thinke that in this kind of argument I haue not studied to be curious besides impute the cause thereof to straitnesse of time which would not suffer mee so much as to write out my copy twise nor being once writ scarce to read it ouer againe Thus friendly Reader I cōmit thee to God praying thee to censure al things to the best and to helpe mee with thy praiers that both thou and I and all the elect of God in his good time appointed may come to the full fruition and possession of all the ioyes and glorie of heauen which God the father hath promised vnto vs thorow his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and Siuio●r Thine in the Lord. P. S. Certaine Graces to bee saide before and after meat O Lord our God wee giue thee most heartie thanks for all thy benefits which thou in mercie hast vouchedsafe to bestow vpon vs and namely O Lorde for these thy creatures which at this present we shall receiue of thy bounteous liberalitie beseeching thee to giue vs grace to vse them both at this and all other times to thy honour and glorie and to the refreshing of our hungrie bodies that therby we may be made more apt to doe those things which thou hast commaunded vs in thy holy word Grant this O Lord for Iesus christ his sake our onely Sauiour Amen Thankesgiuing a●ter meate WE yeelde thee heartie thanks O most mercifull father for all thy benefites most liberally bestowed vpon vs and especially at this time for feeding vs so plentifully and graunt good father that wee neuer abuse them but that wee may alwayes vse them in such sort as we neuer offende thy maiestie therby Grant this O father for Iesu Christs sake Another prayer before meate O Gracious GOD vouchsafe to looke vppon our weakenesse and want and giue vs at this time those things which may be to our comfort sanctifie these thy gifts that our bodies beeing replenished we may be thankefull and enioy at thy mercifull handes the bread of eternall life to the releefe of our poore soules through Iesus Christ. An other praier after meate WE thank thee most bountiful Lord for this thy fatherly feeding our hūgry bodies so likewise wee beseech thee feede our hungrie soules with the breade of eternall life that after this life is ended wee may ascend where christ Iesus our onely redeemer is gone before Amen A praier before meate AL things depend vppon thy prouidence oh Lord to receiue at thy gracious handes due sustenance for the maintenance of their needy bodies thou giuest it them and they gather it thou openest thy hande and they are satisfied with all good things O heauenly father which art the verie fountaine of al goodnesse we beseech thee to shew thy mercies vpon vs thy children and sanctifie these giftes which wee
glorie of thy holie ńame that I hauing plentie of al good things in this life may bee rich and plentifull in all good workes to the glorie of thy holie name and profite of my brethren through Jesus Christ our Lord. A praier for a competent and a necessarie liuing OH Lord our God most gracious holie father whose loue towards man in Christ Jesus is infinite and vnspeakable whose tender care ouer him is such that thou hast promised that who soeuer beléeueth in thée dependeth vppon thy proufdence and séeketh his reliefe at thy blessed handes shall neuer want anie good thing ether necessarie for soule or bodie Wherefore most gracious father I thy ●elie creature of my selfe poore yea pouertie and nakednesse it selfe most intirelie beseech thée for Jesus Christ his sake that thou wilt giue vnto me a competent and a necessary liuing as meate drinke and cloth with all other thinges néedfull for my bodie that pinching pouertie oppresse me not nor that I bee not drawen to attempt wicked and vnlawfull meanes for the maintenance of my life To this ende therefore good father blesse my store and replenish my basket with thy blessings that I may be able thorow thy beneficiall liberalitie to liue out of debt and danger of all men and to occupie my selfe in the exercise practise of good works to the reliefe of them that haue néede and the setting forth of thy honour glorie thorow Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen A praier for grace that wee may vse our wealth to the glorie of God ALmightie most mercifull father the onelie giuer of al good things the onelie stay and comfort of all mankind giue mee grace thy humble seruant that as thou hast blessed my store increased my wealth excéedinglie farre beyonde either my deserts or expectation insomuch as I haue not onelie sufficient to supplie mine owne want but also inough to relieue others that haue need so I beséech thée to remooue farre from m●e all couerous desires of lucre and gaine and giue me a willing mind and readie desire to distribute to the necessitie of thy saints according to the abundance of my wealth to féed the hungrie to cloth the naked to harbour she harbourlesse to visite the sicke and needie and to do all other good works which thou requirest of me in this life that I liue not to my selfe and for my selfe onelie but to the helpe and reliefe of all that haue néed of my furtherance in this life that treasuring vp for my selfe a good foundacion in the kingdome of heauen I may inherite eternall life thorow Jesus Christ my onelie Lord and sauiour Amen A praier to be said of women with childe ALmightie most mercifull Father creator of heauen and earth who in the begining for the sinne of our first parents diddest laie a most heauie iudgement vpon the sinfull daughters of disobedient Eue namelie that in sorrow great paines wee shoulde bring forth our fruit And for that our nature is weake and our sex fraile altogither vnable to beare the pangs the throbbes and throwes which accompanie vs poore women in these our trauailes I most humblie beséech thee holie Father for Iesus Christ his sake that thou wilt extend to me and to all others in the like case thy mercie and louing fauor to m●gate the paines therof that we maie be able to sustaine and to indurs the pangs and paines of our trauailes at the appointed time that the fruite of my wombe where with I am now laden maie gracious●ie ve deliuered from my weake and frail bodie to thy praise and glorie and my comfort Send vs good sather both easie and spéedie deliuerance that wèe maie become ioiful mothers of happie children Graunt both to me and to all others who by thy blessing haue conceiued with childe strength to bring foorth that which thy almightie hand hath so wonderfullie wrought in vs. Bee present with vs good Lord in all our trauailes helpe vs and most graciously deliuer vs. Let thy mightie power and outstretched arme be no less manifested in the deliuerie then it was and is in the forming and framing of thy creature in our wombs and after our deliuerie vouchsafe holie father to restore vs to our former strength and abilitie of bodie againe that we maie sing vnto thée the Psalmes of praise thankesgiuing all the daies of lour liues thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. A praier for godly wise dome HOlie father who art wisedome it selfe light it self and vnderstanding it selfe vouchsafe to giue vnto me thy s●elie creature that excellent gift of wisedome discretion and vnderstanding replenish my heart with all heauenlie prudence renue a right spirite within me and write thy holy lawes in the tables of my hart by the finger of thy holie spirit that I walke not in the waies of errour neither yet be caried awaie with euerie blast of vain doctrine Swéet father giue me this blessed gift of heauenlie wisedome that I may perfectlie knowe and vnderstande what thy holie will and pleasure is in all things and grant that I knowing it may faithfully obey it and walke in the true obseruation thereof all the daies of my life that hauing the lampe of loue and the candle of true faith continuallie burning in the secrete closets of my heart I maie at the last enter with thine elect into the kingdome of heauen purchased with the blood of thy sonne to all faithfull beléeuers To thée therefore witth thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and the holie spirit be all honour and glorie for euer Amen A praier against all kind of enemies OH Lord such is the malice of Sathan that he not onelie séeketh my confusion himselfe but also raiseth vp his members wicked men in number manie in power strong and mightie to practise my destruction ●erfore holie father receiue me into thy protection and safegard driue backe and confound them all that rise vp against mee fight for me against them that fight against me Strike a terrour into their harts oh lord that they may not dare to lift vp a hand against me Turn their wicked imaginations deuises from mee either to their amendment or to their owne confusion Let all the woordes whiche they vtter to my discredite redound to their owne shame Let thy holie angels pitch their tents about me and defende mee from the rage and furie of all my enimies that they maie not onelie not preuaile against me but also maie flie before my face by the mightie power of thine owne right arme Good Father looke vpon them either in mercie to conuert them and to turne their hearts or else in iustice to confound them that th●y neuer haue power to hurt me thy seruāt either in body goods or name so ●hall I praise thée for euer thorow Iesus Christ my onelie Lord and sauiour Amen A praier when one taketh a iourney in hand O Lord God who not onlie guidest and directest all those that walke and trauaile
sundry degrées states of men in this life amongst them all hast appointed me to bee a seruant giue mee grace I beseech thee to serue in my vocation faithfullie and to obey willinglie in all things not repugnant to thy blessed will not with ete seruice as studying to please men but with all sinceritie and singlenesse of heart as séeking to glorifie thée being thorowlie perswaded that in seruing them I serue thée and of thee shall receiue my reward Giue me grace to demeanour my selfe faithfullis iustlie and truelie towards all men in all things and not to inrich my selfe by picking stealing imbezaling purloyning or conueying anie thing from anie man by any sinister practise whatsoeuer but so to behaue my self towards all men as there may be no fault found in me that thy name maybe glorified my saluation in Christ Iesus sealed vp vnto me Graunt this O Lord for thy mercies sake Amen A praier to obtaine the grace and fauour of God I Confesse and acknowledge O Lord my God that albeit a man doe around with all transitorie pleasures and vaine delights that this world can afford yet if hee want thy grace and fauour all is vain vanitie and vexation of minde he remaineth neuerthelesse the bondslaue and vassall of Sathan yea all his pleasure is but a swéet poyson and all his riches nothing but beggerie it selfe Powre downe therfore most merciful father thy heauenly grace into our hearts and extend thy gracious fauour and loue towardes vs that we may bee thorowlie perswaded by the suggestion of thy holie spirite of the singuler good will and fatherlie care which thou hast ouer vs. Make vs O Lord to loue thée aboue all things and our brethren for thy sake Banish far● from vs all hatred rancour and malice and ingraffe in our heartes godlie feare and reuerence to thy holie name Kéepe vs from all carnall securitie and worldlie delights and chaine vs vnto thée by the linkes of thy loue Finallie graunt that wee abandoning the world with all deceytfull pleasures and vaine detectations of ●lesh and blood maie in thy good time come to those euerlasting ioies which thou hast promised to them that loue thée thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A praier to God for a quiet conscience THe wicked and vngodly O lord are like vnto a tempestuous raging and to ming sea which is neuer calme neuer silent nor neuer at rest but continuallie boiling and foming wheras on the contrarie side such good Lord as loue thée beléeue in thée obediently walke before thee haue all ioie all peace and all tranquillitie of conscience which is the greatest iewell and the incomparablest treasure in the world Giue me therefore holie father a ioyfull mind a quiet and merrie conscience with a full and resolute perswasion of the accomplishment and performance of all thy gracious promises made vnto me in Christ Iesus in thy good time Graunt good Lord that I may so behaue my selfe in this peruerse and crooked world that I maie haue the testimonie of a good conscience in al my actions that I being frée from the accusations of Sathan my ancient and deadlie enimie from the vaine allurements of the world from the filthie incitations of the flesh and from the heauie curse and malediction of the law may be made thy elected childe in Christ Iesus and may final lie inherite euerlasting life thorow the merits and death of thy sonne who died for my sinnes and rose againe for my iustification to whom be all glorie praise and thankesgiuing for euer A praier for a true and liuely faith FOr as much most mercifull father as whithout faith nothing can please thée séeme it neuer so holie good commendable or beaufull to the eie of the world I beséech thée to breath instill into my heart soule mind by the inspiration of thy blessed spirite this most excellent gift of faith working by charitie O Lord giue me no weake wauering cold or faint faith such as the very deuils themselues haue who beléeue tremble as thy blessed Apostle berreth record but giue vnto me a true perfect liuelie and iustifying faith such a faith O Lord as may beléeue thée to bee the onelie true God and him whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ with the holiespirit our comforter and teacher yea such a faith as maie bring forth good works in full measure to the glorie of thy most blessed name to whome be rendered all praise and thankes for euer Amen A praier for loue and charitie HOlie father we are taught by thy blessed word that loue and charitie from a pure heart a good conscience faith vnfained are the cognizances and badges whereby thy children are discerned and knowen from the prophane people of the world I beséech thée therfore holie and blessed father giue me this Christian badge of loue and charitie that I may loue thée my Lord God with all my heart soule and mind my neighbour as my selfe and all thy creatures for thy sake that at the great audite when all flesh shall appeare before thy tribunall seate I maie be knowen discerned by this thy cognizance and badge from the wicked and reprobate and being numbred amongst thy saints and holie ones maie be receyued into the kingdom of heauen there to rest with thée for euer through Iesus Christ our onelie Sauiour and redéemer A praier against pride and for humilitie WE are ta●ght by thy blessed worde most holie Father that euerie good gift and euerie perfect gift commeth from thée the father of light and that we haue nothing which we haue not receyued remoue farre from me therefore good lord all pride arrogancie and hautinesse of minde and ingraffe in my heart true humilitie that I may not onlie acknowledge thée to be the authour of all good thinges yea goodnesse it selfe but also may rest thankfull vnto thée for them may so vse them as may be to the glorie of thy grèat magnificent name and the profite of my brethren Withdraw from me all loue of this world and giue mee grace that I may reioise in nothing but in thée alone knowing that all things in this life are nothing but vanitie and vexation of minde and that to loue and beleeue in thée is the onelie true life and felicitie of soule bodie To thée therefore with thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and the holie spirite be all prayse and thankesgiuing for euer Amen A praier for a good name THou hast commaunded good Lord in thy sacred word that those that professe thy name should be holie as thou art holie and should so frame their liues as the very enimies of thy truth may haue no sust cause to speake euil of them giue me grace therfore oh blessed father so to order my life after the rule of thy word as I may giue no man iust occasion to speake euill of me Graunt that whereas it hath pleased thée in mercie to bestow vpon me the name
of a Christian the most excellentest name or title in the world so I may in my life and conuersation bring forth the fruits of true Christianitie that thy holie name bee not blasphemed nor euill spoken of amongst the heathen which know not thee Make me able and willing oh my good God to doe thy will and to stoppe the mouthes of all them that lyinglie falselie and deceitfullie go about to take my good name from me Finallie bring me to euerlasting life in thy appointed time thorow the merits of thy son Iesus Christ to whom be praise for euer A praier for patience in sicknesse THy holie Apostle O Lorde dooth teach vs that thou doost chastice euerie childe whom thou receyuest and that him whom thou chastenest thou louest and further that if we be not vnder ●hastisement we are bastards and not children therefore most holie father in as much as thou hast at this present laide vpon me thy heauy rod of correction and chastisement as a iust punishment for my sins I most humblie beséech thée good father for Iesus Christs sake to giue me the excellent gift of pacience and contentation of mind Make me O Lord to humble my selfe vnder ●hy hand to rest contented with thy good will and pleasure and not to repine grudge or murmur against thy iudgements but in all things to submit my will to thy blessed will being assured that thou workest all things for the best to them that loue thée knowing most certenlie that thou workest my saluatiō by these meanes subduest the flesh to the spirite and renuest me in the inward man that I may serue thée in newnesse of life to the praise and glorie of thy blessed name thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. A praier for the assistance of Gods bolie Angels in any extremitie or neede whatsoeuer FOrasmuch oh most gracious Lorde God as thou hast created thy holie Angels not onelie for the execution of thy blessed will but also for the preseruation protection and defence of shine elect and chosen vpon earth and for that I thy poore seruant weake and féeble am at this present and at all times and in all places sundrie waies assaulted with infinite both spirituall and corporall enemies which dayl● séeke my destruction I beseech thée good father looke down from heauen vpon me send thy holy angels those ministring spirits to take care charge of 〈◊〉 to watch ouer me to pitch their tents round about me and to saue and defende me from all the raging furie and cruell tyrannie of all my enimies Let me not fal into their hands O Lord lest they be too proude and say where is now his God But aba●e thou their pride asswage their malice confound their deuises and bring their counsels to naught and make them ●ares to take the mselues with all Finallie graunt O Lord that I being deliuered and set ●rée from all perils and dangers and from all the rage and f●rie of mine enemies may giue thée thanks and so wholie to rest vpon thy mercies Grant this oh Father of all mercie thorowe Iesus Christ our Lord and for his saké Amen A praier against sudden death O Lorde our God who in thy secret iudgements as a punishment for sinne hast appointed euerie man to die once keepe me I beséech thée from sodaine death and from euerlasting condemnation Make me alwaies readie and prepared good Lord that the day of my departure hence come not soddenlie vppon mee to my vtter destruction for euer Make me also mind●ull and willing to die knowing that so long as we are at home in the bodie we are strangers from thee Teach me to number my daies O Lord that I maie know how long I haue to liue Giue me also not only true repentance for all my sinnes but also sufficient time and space to repent in that I neuer depart hence in thy wrath and heauie displeasure Giue me a true faith and a constant hope looking for y● accomplishment of thy promises made vnto vs in thy beloued as also a zealous care and feruent desire to walke in the true obedience of thy blessed lawes and holy commandements that after the finall dissolution of this life I may dwell with thée for euer in the kingdome of heauen thorow Iesus Christ Amen A praier for one that is sicke and at the poynt of death O Lord our God who as thou hast appoynted all men to die once so hast thou ordained sicknes and diseases as ordinarie meanes to bring him to the same and as it were to summon him to the doome I a poore wretch and iniserable sinner visited by thy hande with extreame sicknesse and grieuous diseases most humblie beséech thée for Iesus Christs sake to looke downe from heauen vpon me with the eies of thy pitie and compassion Pardon and forgiue me all my sinnes which are the causes both of sickenesse and death it selfe Enter not into iudgement with mo O lord for no flesh is righteous in thy sight Punish me not O Lord my God according to my deserts neither in this life nor in the life to come for then I must néeds perish so manifolde are my sinnes and so hainous are my transgressions Giue mee grace that I may willinglie leaue this wicked world in ful certain hope of the blessed resurrection of my bodie to eternall life in thy good time Make strong my soule O Lord against all temptations of the wicked enemie and strengthen my faith that I neuer wauer nor fall away from thée neither for loue of life nor feare of death Grant good father that I mate humble my selfe vnder thy hand and take pacientlie whatsoeuer it shall please thée in mercie to laie vppon mee without all grudging and murmuring whatsoeuer And if it be thy blessed wil restore me to health of body againe as thou didst thy seruant Ezechias prolonging his life xv yeares more that I may praise thee al the daies of this my transitorie and miserable life but if it séemeth better vnto thee to take me out of this wretched worlde at this present thy blessed will bee done on●lie this oh father giue thy holie Angels 〈◊〉 to carrie and conueigh my soule into thy euerlasting kingdome of heauen there to reigne with thée for euer thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A praier for those that be rich and wealthie MOst gracious God and louing father who giuest thy blessings and thy benefites sundrie waies to mā to some more to some lesse according to the purpose of thy will and as thou séest to be best for thy glorie and their good I praise thée and I thanke thée for that it hath pleased thée in thy great liberalitie to bestow vpon mee thy vnworthie seruant so great a portion of earthlie riches temporall blessings I beséech thee to giue me● grace that I may vse them to thy honour and glorie and to the comfort and helpe of others that haue néed being assured that thou hast made me a steward of
hee might glorifie thée therewith I pray 〈◊〉 holie father so to qualifie the affections of my minde and to order the words of my mouth that in all my thoughts wordes and déedes I maie do worship to thy glorious name thorow Iesus Christ thy onelie begotten sonne to ●hom with thy blessed maiestie and the holie spirit be all honour and glorie for euer A praier against drun kennesse MOst mercifull and holie father who in thy great liberalitie hast giuen vnto man the fishes of the sea the foules of the heauens and the beasts of the earth with other thy good creatures of infinite varietie for the sustentation and maintenance of this his life and hast commaunded them to bee receyued with praise and thankesgiuing vnto thée for the same I beséech thée therefore O Lord my good God and holie father to giue me grace to vse all thy creatures both so●erlie and temperatelie and alwaies to rest thankefull vnto thée for them Giue me grace blessed Lorde that I neuer abuse them nor offend thee in them thorow drunkennesse gluttonie or anie other kind of superfluity riot or excesse knowing that the abusing of thy good creatures reacheth euen to thy owne reuerence Finallie grant that I walking in al sobriety and integritie of life may at the 〈◊〉 receiue the reward of euerlasting glorie in the kingdome of heauen thorow Iesus Christ and for his sake Amen A praier against slouthfulnes and idlenesse WE are faught O Lord in thy holie worde that solenesse is the mother nurse of al wickednes and sinne for the bodie being idle the mind is naturallie occupied in vaine thoughts and foolish imaginations and so consequently made weaker readier for the enimie to assault I beséech thée therfore oh my good God kéepe me from all idlenesse and slouth and grant that I may be alwaies occupied in some good thing to the glorie of thy name and the benefite of my brethre● And as it may please thée O Lord in mercy to keepe my bodie from all maner of idlenesse slouth so I beséech thée to kéepe my soule euer exercised in bolie meditations and 〈◊〉 contemplations thinking alwaies of thée louing thée and euer praysing thée in all things till I come to the perfect fruition of thy heauenly ioies thorow Iesus Christ. Amen A praier for those that 〈◊〉 persecuted for the truth OH Lord Iesus Christ who comming into this miserable worlde and taking our nature vpon thée didst thereby not onelie deliuer vs from sinne but also remembring thy mercies diddest also leaue vnto vs the i●imable treasure of thy blessed word as a perfect direction and rule for vs to frame our liues by and which alone is able to saue our soules Blesse therefore this thy holie word vnto vs make it a worde of power to regenerate and beget vs a new vnto eternall saluation of our bodies and soules And strengthen all thy seruants which in anie place are persecuted imprisoned condemned and dailie put to death for the sincere profession of the same and for the testimonie of a good conscience Be mercifull vnto them O Lord and although they séeme destitute of all mans ayde or worldly comfort yet let thy swéete comfort and grace neuer depart from them O Lord let no further triall be laid vpon them then they may be made able by thee to beare And as thou hast by the power of thy might not onlie vanquished and ouercome all corporall and bodilie enemi●s where or whatsoeuer but also thy and our spirituall aduersaries so strengthen all thy seruans that suffer anie kind of crosse persecution trouble or veration either in bodie or mind for the constant profession of thy holie worde and sacred religion Giue them patience good Lord to beare thy crosse thankfullie with strength to go thorow and to perseuere to the end euen to the effusion of their bloud knowing that they who denie thée before men thou wilt denie them before thy heauenlie father and his holie Angels in heauen And for that there is no true wisdom whereof thou art not the authour inspire their hearts with the spirite of true wisedom knowledge and vnderstanding that they may know thy will aright and that they may bee able by the same spirite to confound and ouerthrow all the enimies of thy truth Grant this swéets Iesus for thy holie names sake Amen A praier for Godly wisedome IConfesse good Father that so long as we beare about vs this earth●e tabernacle imprisoning the soule that our nature is so corrupted as it alwaies rebelieth against the spirit accompting that true wisedome which is nothing but méere foolishnesse in déed Wherefore good Lorde vouchsafe to send downe thy holie spirite euen the spirite of wisedome which waiteth vpon thy throne into my heart that I may know and vnderstand what things are good and acceptable before thée that I may attaine euerlasting life thorow the merits of thy sonne his most bitter death passion Amen A praier for grace to be mindfull to die OH lord our God in whose handes standeth the life and death of all mankind vouchsafe I beséech thée for thy sonne Christ his sake to make me mindefull and readie to depart out of this miserable and transitory life And al though my bodie doth creep here vpon the earth yet let my conuersation bee alwaies in heauen from whence we looke for a sauiour euen Iesus Christ the righteous who shall chaunge our vile bodies and make them like to his glorious bodie by the mightie power whereby he is able to subdue all things to himselfe Teach me good Lord to know that wee are al here strangers pilgrims and haue in this worlde no dwelling place but looke for one to come in regarde whereof giue me grace I be séech thee willinglie to forsake this wicked worlde with all the vanities therof to hunger thirst after that life which neuer shall decay Make me good Lorde to estéeme all things in this worlds as dongue that I may winne Iesus Christ. And for that that remembrance of death terrifieth vs from sin as thy seruant Salomon beareth record giue mee grace I most humblie intreat thée alwaies to remember and beare in mind that I am mortall and therefore must once of necessitie depart hence either to euerlasting glorie or else to euerlasting paines and confusion both of bodie and soule Oh Lord assist mee with thy holie spirit that I male so liue in this present euill world as I may not feare either but whensoeuer he approcheth I may with bolde confidence crie out say Oh Death where is thy sting oh Hell where is thy victory Grant this O Lorde my God for Iesus Christ thy onelie begotten sonne his sake Amen A Thanks-giuing to God for all his graces blessings bestowed vpon vs. SUCH is thy liberalitie and mercie O Lord towards mankinde that for all thy blessings and benefits both in●nite and inestimable be●owed vppon him thou requireth nothing againe but thankfull hearis to thee Wherfore most holy father I render al praise and thanks to thee from the bottom of my heart generallie for all thy benefites and blessings for all thy great mercies and louing kindnesse shewed towards me in Iesus Christ and particularly for that it hath pleased thée to elect and chuse mee in Christ Iesus to euerlasting saluation before the foundations of the world were layde for creating me after thine owne similitude and likenesse for redéeming of me by the death and passion of thy owne Son Iesus Christ when I was 〈◊〉 lost and cast awaie for euer for regenerating and renuing of me by thy holie Spirit for sanctifying of me by the same spirit for instilling into my heart a true a liuely and tustifying faith in Iesus Christ for giuing me grace to be penetent and sorowfull for my sinnes for inspiring my heart with a true and constant hope looking for the accomplishment of all thy gracious promises made vnto me in thy beloued without all doubting or ●uering For giuing me wisedonie vnderstanding and knowledge in some competent measure I praise thée and I thanke thée also O Lord for feeding nourishing clothing and sustaining my bodie euer since I was born for defending of me from infinite perils and daungers yea from infinite deathes which at diuerse times and in sundrie places haue laine in waite for me and threatned my destruction and into which I had certainlie fallen had I not béene by thy gracious goodnes supported protected defended Last of all I thanke thee good Lord and I prayse thée for thy swéete promises of euerlasting saluation made vnto mee in Iesus Christ. For these and all other thy most gracious benefites and blessings oh most glorious Father I prayse thée moste humblie beséeching thée for Iesus Christ thy sonne his sake to pardon and forgiue mee my great vnthankefulnesse ingratitude and vnkindnesse towards thee and from hencefoorth giue mee thy holy grace that I may procéede from thankfulnesse to thankfulnesse from gratitude to gratitude and from kindnesse to kindnesse towards thée that I be neuer accounted amongst the number of those ix vnthankefull leapers who being cleansed from their leprosie returned not againe to giue thée thanks Graunt these my petitions vnto me oh most benigne father with all other good thinges which thou knowest to be necessarie for me better then I can either wish or desire euen for the glorie of thy great name for the truth of thy promises and for Iesus Christ thy Sonne his sake my onelie Lorde Sauiour Kedéemer Mediatour and Aduocate to whome with thy blessed Maiestie and the holie Spirite one true and euerlasting GOD bee all honour glorie prayse dominion power and thanksgiuing for euermore Amen Vni Deo trino sit omnis gloria FINIS