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A10824 The anatomie of a distressed soule Wherein, the faults of the elect,are discerned from the sinnes of the wicked, spirituall defections cured, confused consciences resolued, all meanes of presumption and desperation remoued, the sicknesse, dulnesse, and deadnesse of the spirit releeued, crosses and temptations inward, and afflictions outward remedied, for the benefite of all that groane vnder the burthen of sinne, and feeling of Gods anger, thirsting for the sense of reconciliation in the blood of the lambe. Robertson, Bartholomew, fl. 1620. 1619 (1619) STC 21096; ESTC S100444 64,335 297

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the godly man only and his name doth euer indure who hath it and himselfe also written in heauen and registered in the booke of life for all consuming oblusion hath no place your vertues and graces make you liue longer then any of these post-running records but your goodnes for euer with the Antient of daies to whō I heartily pray that after your period shall bee faithfully finished here you may be partaker of glory thus I rest euer your Worships In all Christian duty to be commanded Barthol Robinson A. Meditation of the infinite Mercy and Iustice of God against declining either to the left or right hand in presumption or despaire that we may lead an euen course in Christianity II is certaine Caine his offence in his speech in extenuating the Lords mercy was greater then that trespasse done by his hand in shedding his brothers innocent blood for he might haue obtained pardon for the same if hee had beene capable of it for although mans heart be deceitfull aboue all things and that all the immaginations of his thoughts be euill continually and desperately wicked so that none can knowe it so deepe it is yet infinitly more deepe yea insearchable are the riches of the mercies of Christ for what proportion is there betwixt a sparke of fire and the great vast gulfe of the Ocean to quench it hee will turne againe saith the Prophet hee will haue compassion vpon thee hee will subdue thy iniquity cast all thy fins into the depth of the Sea for he retaineth not his anger for euer because he belighteth in mercy yea there is no Sea so large but the Lord hath set a bound that it may not passe ouer but as the heauen is high aboue the earth so great is his mercy towards them that feare him as farre us the East is from the West so farre hath hee remoouer our transgressions from vs this then so ample a depth of his mercy easily doth swallow vp the shallow profundity of sin how deep soeuer it be for with the Lord is mercy and with him is great redemption beholde hee doth not abhorre the confessing theefe the weeping sinner the hūble Cananite the lately taken adultresse the wrongfull customer the contrite Publican neither yet his disciple that denyed him nor that bloody persecutor of the disciples yea not thē that crucified him but prayed for them how great then is thy goodnes O Lord which thou hast laide vppe for them that feare thee and done to them that trust in thee euen before the sonnes of men for the earth is full of the goodnes of the Lord taste then see how gracious the Lord is his louing kindnesse is better then life his mercy is aboue all his works as oyle swimmeth aboue water wherefore the Lord takes this stile in commendation specially to himselfe that hee will bee called the Father of mercy and God of consolation for it doth lye as it were in his bosome and is vnto him as his daughter euen the bowels of compassion hee accounteth his riches not to consist in kingdomes heauens or Angels all which although he possesse yet he can create better if it were his pleasure but hee is rich in mercy for there is nothing better nothing greater for his mercy is not onely aboue all his workes but also it reioyceth against iudgement and gloriously triumpheth ouer it The mercy seate which was a type of Christ in whom God is well pleased was without the Arke but the testimony of the Tables of the lawe were within the same mercie compassing and shutting vp iustice within it Indeede the Cherubins with a fiery sword debarred Adam from accesse to the garden again but in this mercy-seate the Cherubins stretch out their wings on high and couers the mercy-seate with their wings so Christ stretcheth out his hands all the day long vnto vs gathering vs as the henne doth her chickens yea and the lawe it selfe which is a proclamation of Gods iustice in the second cōmandement doth visite iniquity vnto the third and fourth generation but extendeth mercy vnto the thousand of them that loue him herein therefore doth mercy glory and as is were boast it selfe for where mercy is mentioned there is no speech made of iustice but when iudgement is denounced there is euery place left for mercy which is promised to the penitent so the Lord is gracious and full of compassino what can hee deny vs that hath giuen his owne Sonne for vs and hee that hath giuen his life for vs cannot refuse to giue vs his mercy so maiest thou say vnto thee O my strength will I sing for God is my defence and the God of my mercies for thou Lord hast not failed them that seeke thee for as thy Maiesty is so is thy mercy yea and to the sinfull hee doth say thou hast rauished my heart my sister my spouse thou hast rauished my heart turne away thine eyes from me for thou hast ouercome mee yes truely that true and liuing Sampson for the loue hee did beare to thee was crucified of the Iewes as that other Sampson was put to death by the Philistims And what can more liuely portrait out his mercy then when hee saith I am pressed vnder as a cart is pressed that is ful of sheaues yea Lord great is thy pitty in delaying and prolongging thy wrath thy mercie and moderation in inflicting it great is thy goodnesse in remouing thy anger and iudgements procured thereby Dauid after he had slept as long as women vsually goe with child or there about when hee had trauailed with iniquity and had conceiued mischiefe and brought forth falshood for when lust was conceiued it brought forth sinne and sin when it was finished broght forth death yet the Lord such is euer his clemency desired him to make choice of punishment although Dauid had prouoked him to wrath against the lawe of armes wherein the weapons shold be in the election of him that is offended and not in his that prouokes O that wee were wise and vnderstoode this that we would consider our later end and so albeit we grieue his spirit often and diuerse times yet so manifold are his tender mercies that as about the time of forty yeares God suffered the Israelites manners in the wildernesse so hath hee euen to this day sparred vs what could he haue done any more to his vineyard that he hath not done to it let vs now at the last search and try our waies and turne againe to the Lord let vs lift vp our hearts with our hands vnto our God in the heouens whom wee haue pressed with our sinnes as with a talent of leade for hee is not slacke concerning his promise as some men count slacknesse but is patient toward vs and would haue no man to perish but would all men to come
to repentance The wicked still say because hee delayes his comming either by continuation of present punishment or prorogation of their life where is the promise of his comming for since the Fathers died all things continue alike from the beginning of the creation and doth God know it say they Is there knowledge in the most high can hee iudge through the darke clouds the cloudes hide him that hee cannot see and he walketh in the circle of heauen and so doe they think in their heart God hath forgotten hee hideth away his face and will neuer see the vision that is seene is for many dayes to come and doth prophecy of the times that are farre off but woe vnto them that drawe iniquity with cords of vanity and sin as with cart-ropes which say let them make speed let them hasten his worke that wee may see and let the counsell of the holy one drawe neare and come that wee may knowe it And when the seruant doth say in his heart my master doth deferre his comming and shall begin to smite the seruants and maidens and to eate and drinke and be drunken the master of that seruant will come in a day when hee thinketh not and at an houre that hee is not aware of and will cut him off giue him his portion with vnbeleeuers Therfore beloued sinne not because grace hath abounded for the grace of God which bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared teaching vs that we should deny vngodlinesse and wordly lusts and that wee should liue soberly righteously and godly in this present world despise not therefore the riches of his bountifulnesse and patience and long sufferance knowing that the bountifulnes of God leadeth thee to repentance least thou after thy hardnesse and heart that cannot repent heape vppe to thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath and truely his long suffering is saluation and repentance the way to bring vs thereto that we may finde mercy with the Lord at that day thus the heart of the penitent is like waxe it is molten in the middest of their bowels but the wickeds is as strong as a stone and as hard as the nether mil-stone thus they sowe pillowes vnder their arme-holes and make vailes vpon the head of euery one that standeth vp to winne soules lying in sinne and presumptuously reposing vpon vaine perswasion of the mercy of God which they euer abuse truely his mercie is that green-bed wherin his true members doe lie howsoeuer the wicked make his mercy cloakes of shame for as the Apostle saith they haue theis liberty for a cloake of malitiousnesse saying as the Iewes did this is the temple of the Lorde rrusting in lying wordes that cannot profit but bee thou not deceiued God is not mocked let no man deceiue thee with vain wordes for for these things the wrath of God comes vpon the children of misbeliefe who rest in their owne peace and security when as hee that walketh vprightly walketh onely boldly and in the feare of the Lord is an assured strength wherefore well doth the wise-man aduise vs say not Gods mercy is great hee will bee pacified for the multitude of my sins for mercy and wrath come from him and his indignation resteth vpon sinners make no tarrying to turne to the Lord and put not off from day to day for suddenly shall the wrath of the Lord come forth and in thy security thou shalt be destroyed and perish in the day of vengeance and againe say not I haue sinned and what harme hath happened vnto mee for the Lord is long-suffering he will in nowise let thee go and concerning propitiation be not without feare to adde sinne to sinne Is not the mercy of God great and nothing can be greater larger as is said the Archangels and Angels in heauen Prophets Apopostles Martyrs and Confessors on earth and all things that liue or yet are created commend the same in one Psalme euery verse euen twenty sixe times endeth with this for his mercy endureth for euer O but beware hereof this is Satans olde subtilty whereby hee maketh man bolde on sinne as hee did Euah you shall not die at all said hee hee couereth and hideth the Lords iustice from mens eyes and remoueth the euill day a far off thus hee lieth in waite secretly euen as a Lyon in his den he lieth in wait to spoyle the poore when he draweth him into his net therefore heape of poore do fall by his might but hee greatly enlargeth the Lords bountifulnes and patience for as it is true the Lord is mercifull so is this true that hee visiteth the iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generation therefore thou must consider that which Dauid did sing I wil sing mercy and iudgement saith hee vnto thee O Lord will I sing And herein is God and his ministers distinguished from Satan and his for God euer conioyneth mercy and iustice together but Satan harpes continually on one of them onely as hee saith peace peace when there is no peace thus these monsters draw out their breast and giue sucke to their young ones thus the wicked is made to boast of his owne hearts desire hee blesseth himselfe and contemneth the Lord the deceiuing teachers wordes are softer then butter yet is there warre in the heart of him they are spoken to their wordes I say are more gentle then oyle yet are they swords but if thou wilt bee cured beloued there must be put into thy sores both wine and oyle that thou maiest suffer the wholesome and sound doctrine and not resemble those whose itching eares turne away from hearing the truth on whom while they dream on peace and safety then sudden destruction commeth as sorrow vpon a woman with childe and they shall not escape any wise Whenas a childe hath a bird tyed by the foot tosseth it to and fro vntill hee kill it so these false teachers men seducing themselues while they abuse the Lords tender mercies as if they were bound to all their youthfull sinnes and antient follies want only insolently bragging of thē and grieuing the holy spirit of Israel they turne his mercies I say thus disdained by them vnto the bitternesse of his wrath fooles and children they may bee called concerning vnderstanding albeit they bee of a ripe age And like as an olde man beeing to passe ouer a narrow and small bridge putteth on his spectacles in which the bridge appeareth a great deale bigger then of it selfe it is where hee falleth to the hazard of his life in the ditch so they that wander from this mortality to immortality by the mercies of God not rightly esteeming the same but walkes in the broade way that leadeth to destruction they may I say cry out great is his mercy which yet is not so great that it will fauour them
thy owne counsell leaue off from sinne order thy hands aright a stubborne heart shall fare euill at the last and hee that loueth danger shall perish therein Now this disordered discerning of sinne commeth of ignorance of my lawe and selfe-loue whereby thou art ashamed to manifest sinne and rip it vp to the quick seeke to a faithfull sound friend or Pastor to whom thou maiest offer thy heart to bee searched deeply by the lawe bee continually with a godly man whom thou knowest to keepe the commandements of the Lord whose minde is according to thy minde and will sorrowe with thee if thou shalt miscarry and let the counsell of thy owne heart stand for there is no man more faithfull vnto thee then it for a mans minde is wont sometimes to tell him more then seuen watchmen which set aboue in an high Tower and aboue all thus pray to the most high that he would direct thy way in truth Soule What shall I doe if my griefe arise of any certaine or knowne sinne Lord. Then vnderstand if thou hast done that sinne already or else not yet committed it but whereunto thou art tempted for olde sinnes are represented oft to sinners as not truely repented of that they may the more mislike them that their particular sinnes may bring them to their grosse greater and generall sins that there may bee a sense of both least their griefe shold passe away without any fruit and reason thus with thy selfe if I bee so angry for this or that sin whereof thou art troubled thy bowels swell thy heart turneth within thee and thou full of heauinesse how vexed may thou be the wickeds bones are full of the sinnes of his youth and it shall lie downe with him in the dust though wickednesse bee sweete in his mouth though hee hide it vnder his tongue though hee spare it and forsake it not but keepe it still within his mouth yet his meate in his bowels is turned it is the gall of aspes within him I would therefore haue thee know poore soule that I would haue no man to perish but all men to come to repentance Soule How shall I then eschew sinne and how shall I be acquited frō that sin which hath passed me Lord. I haue oft admonished thee of thy corruption to make account to suppresse it labour to espy thy secret sinnes with truth and not in shew so hard a matter it is to search thy heart to the bottome for there is not a more wicked heade then the head of the Serpent and giue any plague but the plague of the heart and therefore in respect of sinnes past sinnes present priuie pride hidden wants secret corruptions euer accuse thy selfe of some lurking hyprosie for the godly tremble at the least motion of sinne and say I will runne the way of the cōmandements when thou shalt enlarge my heart bind not two sinnes together for in one sinne thou shalt not be vnpunished and because thy sinne is forgiuen be not without feare or heape sinne vpon sinne say not the mercy of God is great hee will forgiue my manifolde sinnes for mercy and wrath commeth from him and his indignation commeth downe vpon sinners the two fountaines and grounds of sinnes are the inward motions of the heart and the outward occasions of the senses especially the eyes for whensoeuer a man heareth the word of the kingdome and vnderstandeth it not the euill one commeth and catcheth away that which was sowen in his heare neither must thou drawe neare to mee with thy mouth and thy heart farre off from me and the things which proceed out of thy mouth come from thy heart and they defile the man keepe thy heart therefore to lay vppe good and pretious things therein as in a store-house keepe it I say diligently for thereout commeth life againe vertue vice dwell very neare together learne to bee holily scrupelous fearefull and suspicious for preuenting of sin to come the heart of the wise shall know the time and iudgement thirdly keep thy selfe from foolish venturing vpon the occasions which are the borders of sinne when thou mayest beholde many of my children better fenced with grace then thou art to haue beene snared for the foolish will beleeue euery thing but the prudent will consider his steps let thy heart bee therefore in feare of God continually set no wicked thing before thy eyes hate the worke of them that fall away let it not cleaue vnto thee Soule Alas good and mercifull father I doe euer finde in mee so many allurements intisements to sinne which often I would eschew but cannot which offer themselues to mee at euery minute neither can I retire me selfe from them albeit I doe sometime protest against them and abhorre them eyther before or soon after the sinne is committed with a very perfect hatred and loathsomnes Lord. Thou must seriously obserue first of the company to discerne good from euill for good company hate the vnfruitfull workes of darkenesse and in their eies an euill person is contemned but honoureth them that feare the Lord with sound iudgement labour to holinesse and sincerity of life in all things haue a sight of thy corruptions mourne for them doe good to the houshold of faith which continue in one spirite and in one minde fighting together thorough the faith of the gospell longeth for the appearance of Iesus Christ but these are euill that denie the Lord that bought them bring vpon themselues swift damnation by whom the wayof truth is euill spoken of and are of a prophane life and hate to bee reprooued but rather grow worse and worse which persecute the Saints of God and make choyce of the pleasures of sinne for a season who are affraide of death and set vp their heauen and rest in this life which put farre away the euill day and approach to the sight of iniquity to these thou must fay with Dauid away from mee yee wicked for I will keepe the commandements of my God my eyes shall bee vpon the faithfull of the land that they may dwell with me and therfore thou must beloued soule bee rather wearie of them because they run the broad way following first examples secondly multitudes thirdly time fourthly custome fiftly opinion Soule I hate vaine inuentions but thy law doe I loue thou art my refuge my shield and I trust in thy worde teach me good Lord these things particularly that I may ingraft them in my heart Lord. Follow the godly but so farre as they followe mee their guide in the word and Iesus Christ the author and finisher of their faith which through faith and patience haue inherited the promises for it is a signe thou art in the wrong way if thou doe nothing but that the greatest part of the world doe for how
euill soeuer the way be and whersoeuer it lyeth euery mans way is right in his owne eyes and will defend or excuse whatsoeuer they doe But I the searcher of the hearts do say your wayes are not my waies nor your thoughts my thoughts because they are wrong waies let euery man turne from his owne wayes their thoughts are the Diuelles souldiers which war against the soule they followe their Captaine and thou followest them thou may easily know whither thou goest the heart of man is to mee as clay to the Potter clay I say to mee but waxe to the diuell for it will haue much tempering and great adoe to bring it to mee but very plyable to any worke that Satan shall put it to for albeit thou shalt see neuer any euill example nor bee tempted by multitude neither outwardly assaulted at all yet thine owne heart will teach thee wickednesse aboundantly what auaileth it thee to forsake companies and retaine thine olde heart still For it is I that can restraine the issue of thy corruptions conforme therefore thy wil to mine hee that toucheth pitch will be defiled by it hee is blessed that doth not walke in the counsell of the wicked nor stand in the way of sinners nor sitte in the seat of the scornefull for the wicked are strangers from the wombe they goe astray assoone as they bee borne they are put out of the booke of life blessed is hee whom I choose and cause come to mee but saluation is farre from the wicked because they seeke not my Statutes hate them therefore that giue themselues to doe willfull vanities for they shall be consumed like the fat of lambs euen with the smoake shall they consume away Thou must not then imitate them but hate them with a perfect hatred that hate mee and bee companion to all such as feare mee There is no path wherein there is not a snake either to sting or impoyson thou canst see thy selfe sooner infected they spy how thou art infected it is my mercy to be good with the communion of Saints so it is my iust iudgement to poure vengeance on the company of the vngodly haue no fellowship with them in their sinne neither draw in their yoak with them take forth the pretious from the toile let them returne to thee but returne not thou vnto them rouse vp thy heart and reioyce in the fellowshippe which is aboue for because of vncleanesse inordinate affection and euil concupiscence my wrath commeth on the children of disobedience Soule Now doe I beginne to feele the heauy burthen of sinne more and more with the which I am truely grieued but I haue not duely alas repented me of them I resolue to suppresse them with all my indeauour but I feare my secret corruptions will breake forth so aboundant is that roote of bitternesse in mee remember not against mee my former iniquities but make haste and let thy tender mercies preuent mee for I am in great miserie helpe me O God of my saluation for the glory of thy name and deliuer mee and bee mercifull to my sinnes for thy names sake I will acknowledge my sinne vnto thee neither will I hide mine iniquity for I thought I would confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord and thou forgaue the punishment of my sinne O that I might take heed vnto my selfe keepe my soule diligently and thy seruant from euill that the peace of thee O Lord that passeth all vnderstanding may preserue my heart and minde in Christ Iesus and now O Lord who can vndestand his faults keepe mee thy seruant also from presumtuous sinnes let them not raigne ouer mee so shall I be vpright made cleane from much wickednesse Lord. First of all beware beloued soule of Sathans flieghts and condemning thee by presumption say not the mercy of God is great hee will forgiue my manifolde sinne for mercie and wrath come from mee and my indignation commeth downe vpon sinners an obstinate heart shal bee laden with sorrowes and the wicked man shall heape sinne vpon sin make thou no tarrying to turne vnto the Lord and put not off from day to day for suddenly shall the wrath of thē Lord breake forth in thy security thou shalt bee destroyed and thou shalt perish in the time of vengeance binde not two sinnes together for in one thou shalt not bee vnpunished neither iustifie thy selfe before the Lord for he knoweth thy heart thou must not learne of Satans temptations to bee bolde vpon sinne neither vse pretenses for it as to say I am not an Angell that my nature is corrupt c. The preacher is but a man as an other c. and on the other part beware of desperation in mocking the ouer-fearefull and superstitious for Sathan will make of a Fly an Elephant but saile with an euen course and labour for measure to bee sought in the word of God which will teach not to decline neither to the right nor left hand but to keep the narrow way for wisedome will be iustifled of her children Soule Remember O Lord thy tender mercies and thy louing kindenesse for they haue been for euer remember not the sinnes of my youth nor my rebellions but according to thy kindnesse remember thou mee for thy goodnesse sake O Lord gracious and righteous art thou therefore thou wilt teach sinners in the way O God thou hast taught mee euen from my youth vntill now therefore will I declare thy wonderous workes make mee flie from the lusts of youth sollow after righteousnes faith loue peace with them that call on thee with pure hearts neither write thou bitter things against mee make me possesse the iniquities of my youth Lord. There are sins in youth middle and old age negligence in making conscience of sinnes done long agoe maketh falling in great terror of minde when violent remembrance of them surchargeth the mind therefore betimes learne to accuse them that Sathan henceforth haue no place to doe it for if thou iudge thy selfe thou shalt not bee iudged humble thy selfe therefore vnder the mighty hand of God that he may exalt thee in due time cast downe thy selfe before the Lord and hee will lift the vp I will surely gather him that humbleth and I will gather him that is cast out and him that I haue afflicted Soule Willingly desire I Lord to make that fruit of my falles but alas when I looke backe to my mispent time which is vnrecouerable and which I cannot redeeme then great feare and torment assaults mee and pinches so hard that I am at my wits end Lord. Comfort thy selfe poor soule for in my best children there is first youthfull loosenesse and vnstayednesse of affections the way to lewdnesse so Dauid O God thou knowest my foolishnesse and my faults are not hid from thee seest thou not
what young men did in Sampsons daies in their feasting and how hee reuealeth to the woman which he had concealed from father and mother and Boas commendation of Ruth that shee had not followed young men whether they were poore or rich for childe-hood and youth are vanity and secondly there is in them weakenesse the way to strong vanities and so Dauid as for me saith hee my feet were almost gone my steps had well-neere slipt Thus Abraham made his his wife say shee was his sister so the godly haue spent the time past of their life in the lusts of the Gentiles walking in lasciousnesse lusts reuellings c. And thirdly euen my Saints haue walked in wantonnes in the door to open wickednesse as gluttony drunkennesse and abhominable idolatries which though they breake not forth at all times yet make them lesse carefull to glorifie me for I keepe them that they shal not sinne against mee and doe not suffer them to end their designements other mens harmes may teach the blessed wisedome labour not onely to leaue sinne which one may do for profit feare praise or wearisomenesse but also to repent of it for conscience sake Soule The grieuousnesse of my sinnes filleth mee with feare of iudgement and this feare I hope will cause the power of sinne abate in me thou Lord can giue me victory ouer sin and make it as loathsome vnto mee as euer it hath been pleasant to reioyce in the Lord to vse the meanes of my saluation diligently and to seale vp the pardon of my sinnes in my heart O God when shall it bee If thou wouldest haue destroyed mee for my by-past sinnes thou wouldest neuer haue giuen mee vnfained hatred of thē I consider thy mercy that striueth with mee to bring mee to repentance and thy iustice that will confound such as resist thy mercie hath giuen mee the meanes which thou hast denied to others thou afflictest mee lightly but confoundest others thou gauest mercie when thou mightest iustly haue punished wherin thou doest as it were hire mee from sins and shall I prouoke thee and adde rebellion to sinne O my God I know there is a secret curse vpon euery sinner which will consume him if he doe not repent it hath gone out of thy mouth thy word cānot change because thou art vnchangeable Lord. I haue tolde thee that youth the flower of thy age is of great consideration all this haue I done saith the yong man in the gospel the prodigall maketh his foure stations he hath his portion his fathers ouer-fight euill cōpany but youth worse thē all for youth hath a bundle of folly bound close in his heart which best men haue had neither could flee for as a young man sets his way hee will not departe from it when hee is olde vnlesse by my spirit hee is restrained him that God will haue his roabe must bee a branch of the Almond that is the tree that first blossomes the first fruites was Abels sacrifice so much acceptable to me Soule O God I am like the possessed that was found after sitting in a good mind that sweet wind hath come to me that happened to Elisha I haue felt that gentle calme after the stormie tempest of my heart now may I heare the golden trumpets sounding that ioyfull retrait blessed are the meeke in spirit Lord teach me thy commandements I will run them I shall haue encrease of strength vntill I come to the mount of God while I was in my element of sinne I felt not the weight of it as nothing is heauie in his owne element but now I by thy grace will lay aside euery waight and the sin which doth so easily beset mee runne with patience to the race that is set before mee I finde my selfe within the fadome of thy mercie and compasse of things recouerable the first worke of thy spirit at his comming is to conuince the worlde of sinne that is to make men knowe that without thy sonne Christ there is nothing but sinne and then to rebuke the worlde of righteousnes to make man see that Christ died not for his owne for the prince of this worlde found nothing in him but for our sinnes that so we may see him in the lawe with the wages thereof and the summe in the gospell discharged but good Lord how shall I be assured that I am not vnder the curse but vnder grace for yet I finde such hardnesse in my heart vnquietnesse and troubles in my spirit my sins rebounded vpon mee with terrible fights and fearfull visions which euer amazeth my vnsettled and wauering mind Lord. The examination of thy sinnes is that which first thou must begin with and partly those thou hast committed before thy calling and partly those that were done after thy calling for these sinnes of knowledge of all bite sorest for sinne is most sinfull when thou art intelligenced with my grace in the truth sin after knowledge workes either hardnesse of heart or a troubled spirit and therefore vnderstand that commonly men before knowledge take the trouble of minde very heauily and standing as if neuer any one had it before but they and after knowledge Satan is readie to accuse them of sinne against the holy Ghost as if euery sin of knowledge was a sinne of presumption but learne thou that when tentation ariseth to trie whether thou hast done that sinne or such like already for these tentations are either corrections for some sinnes past or punishment for sinne present or as warning of sinnes to come as thou may bee tempted to adultery and not doe it yet it commeth to thee againe because thou repentest not for this same or the like in thy youth cōmitted again when man will not bee admonished by publique or priuate meane there falleth tentation to sinne differing from that wherein thou doest and presently my iustice punishing one sinne with another as the not repenting couetous to fall into adultery theft or blood and last there may tentation come vpon that neither hee before nor presently doth like of to aduertise he may fall therein hereafter and to signifie that mans standing is not of himselfe none standeth but by my grace Fo as the girdle cleaueth vnto the loynes of man so haue I tyed my children to mee Soule Beside these inward trouarising in my heart which afflicteth mee most the fruite of my corruption I am pinched with sundry diuerse outward afflictions which agrauates and augments my sorrowe Lord thou knowest them well I cannot finde the cause of them for I liue as honest and quiet as any and iniurious to my knowledge to no man in my calling Lord. Vnder any crosse endeauour to haue a cleane conscience to comfort thee with that there is no spirituall cause of these afflictions in thee but that thy sufferings are either for the triall of thy faith beeing assured that thou hast a good conscience in all things blessed
fulnesse of ioy immediate fruition of and coniunction with mee perfect loue triumph ouer all enemies where I shall be all in all crowning thee and all the elect with eternall happinesse blisse for enermore Soule And the Lord shall deliuer mee from euery euill worke and will preserue me vnto his heauenly kingdome to whom be glory for euer and euer Amen A HEAVENLY AND comfortable Mould of Prayers Full of feeling tending to the calming of the conscience for sinne and all other incidents in this wretched life for the benefit of all estates and degrees of people whether by Land or Sea IAM 3. If any man be afflicted let him pray LONDON Printed by Nicholas Okes for Daniell Speed and are to bee sold at his Shop vnder S. Mildreds Church in the Poultry 1618 A Prayer for Munday at Morning The houshold being assembled the Master thereof or he that shall be made the mouth to God-ward shall with all holy behauiour say Come let vs worship fall downe kneele before the Lord our Maker The houshold beeing assembled shall pray as followeth O LORD our God true iust and merciful who can vnderstand his faults wee come confessing and mourning in the sense of them pouring out our whol desire before thee with plentie of teares and bitter lamentations and our sighing is not hid from thee for wee were borne in iniquity and in sinne haue our mothers conceiued vs how corrupt are our faults our thoughts vaine our words idle actions prophane O what good haue wee omitted and what euill haue we committed how foolish and ignorant are wee yea beasts before thee and while we know thy wil we prepared not our selues neither did according vnto vnto it O Lord how many sinnes and punishments haue wee beene heretofore subiect too how grieuous and heauie are they we presently groane vnder Oh keepe vs deare Fathe from presumtpuous sins let them not raigne ouer vs we and our fathers behaued our selues proudely and hardned our necks but thou O God of mercies gracious and full of compassion of long suffering and of great mercy yet forsookest thē not our Kings Princes and people haue sinned against thee yet compassion and forgiuenesse is in thee O Lord our God albeit wee haue rebelled against thee and now our God what shall we say after this for wee haue forsaken thy commandements therefore abhorre wee our selues and acknowledge vs worthy to bee cut off for euer wee yeeld our selues to thy chastisement for our iniquities are gon ouer our heads and as a weighty burthen they are too heauy for vs wee are pricked in our hearts therefore and what shall we doe O Lord our God most deare Father our onely refuge is to fly vnto thee in Christ hungring and thirsting after the least drop of mercy which wee doe preferre before all earthly comforts in the world intreating thee boldly and constantly in faith to grant it wating diligently and patiently vntill thou answer vs and raise some measure of sense and feeling thereof in our hearts and senses wee call thy mercies of olde to memory how often grace hath been shewed vs from thee our God whē thou didst lighten our eyes and giue vs a reuiuing from our sinnes wherefore most holy father we begge most earnestly thou wouldst giue vs now also strength in Christ to forsake sinne in time to come for in heart we thoroughly purpose neuer to commit the like sins againe bnt thorough thy grace to be changed by the renewing of our mindes to be fearefull of all occasions of sinne and wisely hereafter to decline from sinne and to bend all our strength specially against our beloued sinnes O wee heauily complaine of our weakenesse dulnesse deadnesse and inability to any Christian vertue yet will we by thy power be strengthened to loue out of a pure heart of a good conscience and of faith vnfained and constantly endeauoure to bee found in thy Sonne Iesus Christ and to feele the power of his death and resurrection in sub duing of all our sinnes and wickednesse that the life Christ our Sauiour may appeare in our mortall bodies and that not we but Christ may liue wholly in vs that wee may liue by faith in thy Son who hath loued vs and giuen himselfe for vs for his sake grant O deare Father that wee may practisc these Christian vertues to the which wee finde our selues most aduerse and contrarie that by thy grace wee may obtaine such victory and conquest ouer our most grieuous temptations and perturbations and violence of sinne as that wee neuer fall into them againe and that albeit we finde in our selues pronenesse and aptnesse to fall into some of these transgressiōs yet work in vs a godly resolution holy strife against them groaning and panting vnder the loathsome burthen of vitious corruptions for this cause O heauenly Father inspire in vs humble and submissiue mindes to the power of thy worde that wee may out of it haue our hereditary pollution discouered and our corruptions more and more purged thereby euer sighing for the day of our dissolution and looking for the day of our Lord Iesus Christ to our immortality to whom with the Father and holy Ghost wee render glory praise and dominion now and euermore On Munday Euening Prayer O Lord God deare Father in Iesus Christ repentance is thy proper peculiar gift which thou giuest to all them that aske it of thee in faith for as by nature wee haue it not and therefore doe renounce our selues seeing euery good gift is from aboue from thee the father of lights so the time of repentance is in this life and here while we may it must bee obtained with all speedy diligence for alas the longer we delay and deferre the harder it is to bee got and more doubtfull it doth proue to be had the fittest time O Lord is immediately after the sinne is committed and while it is called to day least wee be hardened thorough the deceitfulnesse of sinne our time here is as a thought it is cut off and quickly doe wee flie away wherefore deare father we confesse the greatnesse of our sinnes committed by vs this day how infinite in number how dangerous and deadly to our soules how offensiue to them that are without and to them also that are in Iesus Christ wee acknowledge them thou art faithfull and iust to forgiue vs them and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse wee submit our selues O Lord our God willingly to thy rebukes chastisements which iustly thou mayest lay vpon vs for the taming and subduing of our sinnes wee sorrow and weep for them our laughter is turned into mourning and our ioy into heauines we cast downe our selues before thee O God that thou mayest lift vs vp and open our eares by our corrections that our vncircumsied hearts may be humbled and
wee willingly be are the punishments of our iniquitie O when wee cōtemplate the incōprehensible infinite and glorious Maiesty of thee our God whom wee haue so heauily offendee in doing so many so great and haynous wickednes in sinning against thee against thee only haue wee sinned and done euill in thy sight O the vilenes and abiectnesse of man that durst thus commit such wickednesse against thee O God how feareful by reason of our manifold iniquities is our condition vnder Satan for of whomsoeuer a man is ouercome euen to the same hee is in bondage besides the dangers wee haue incurred by our sinnes euen all the plagues and curses temporall eternall that are written in thy booke wherefore O most heauenly Father wee most heartily entreate thee to remember the riches of thy mercie in prouiding so excellent a remedy against sin as the pretious blood of thy onely and dearely beloued Sonne as of a lamb vndefiled and without spot when nothing else in the world was auaileable thereto whose sacrifice is daily and hourely effectuall vnto vs timously preuenting sin carefully furthering and diligently sanctifying our cōuersation from impiety his blood cleanseth vs from all sinne hee is the head of his Church and sauour of his body leading vs by the guidance of his spirit to perfection O how excellent is the estate of them that are in thy Sonne how many benefits and priuiledges haue they hee died for our sinnes and rose againe for our righteousnesse hee ascended on high and ledde captiuity captiue and if we now sinne as wee cannot else doe and wo is vs therfore we haue an aduocate with thee O Father euen Iesus Christ the righteous O how vnthankefully offend wee against the blood of this thine annoynted in not walking worthy of the same but treading vnder foot thy Sonne and counting the blood of the coueuenant so much as in vs lyeth as an vnholy thing wherewith wee were sanctified do spight and grieue the spirit of grace dulling yea oftentimes quenching thy spirit in vs thus liuing in sinne we dishonor thee but maruailous yea wondrous is thy patience it is thy mercyes that we are not consumed because thy cōpassions faile not and therfore when we consider deer father how small the number of those is which shall bee saued and that many shall striue to enter in but shall not be able and doe meditate vpon thy iudgements from time to time still continually inflicted vpon the world for sinne and that if the righteous scarcely shal be saued where shall the vngodly and sinners appeare whither shal wee slye from thee O wee haue recourse vnto thy mercie O forgiue vs therefore all our sinnes and offences for his sake who was crucified and did hang on the tree for vs O giue vs thy grace that wee may grow more and more therein that wee thinke often of our end and of the fearfull day of iudgement that sinne may haue little rest in vs but that wee may rest in thee this night and euermore through Iesus Christ thy Sonne our Lod to whom with thee and the holy Ghost wee giue all glory praise and thankesgiuing now and euermore Amen A Prayer for Tuseday at Morning O Lord God eternall and euerlasting Father with heuay griefe loathsome detestation of our sinnes wee confesse them all vnto thee O searcher of the heart and raines there is not any creature which is nor manifest you thy sight but all things are naked and open to thy eyes we acknowled them although our knowledge herein bee too short and doe yeeld our vnsearchable hearts vnto thee O God blaming that corrupt fountaine of our hearts against our selues vnto thee who art ready and able to forgiue O Lord vnto vs appertaineth open shame but righteousnes belongeth vnto thee wee are not worthy of the least of all thy mercies wee detest our waies and couer our faces yea groane vnder the body of sinne and desire to bee rid of it and more carefully hereafter to please thee wee haue felt thy punishments and displeasure often before for sinne and therefore now wee cannot cease crying out against our corruptions and rebellions O Lord wee cannot mourn enough at our priuy motions and prouocations to sinne wee beare the traytor in our bosome which giueth way vnto the temptation which wee cannot of our selues subdue and captiuate and O Lord we haue no certainty of our life if to day yea euen this houre thou wilt call vs neither yet the assurance of the renewing and returne of thy mercie which oft we haue refused disdained and contemned Oh that wee soone yea now heartily repent and earnestly conuert the surer would be our acceptance and the more cōfortable our after conuersation but O thou Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon us O thou pittifull Samaritain take vs vp not halfe but altogether dead in sinnes trespasses make vs liue the life of grace that wee may haue our conuersation in heauen from whence wee looke for thee the Sauiour that wee may walke worthy of the Lord and please him in all things beeing fruitfull in all good works and increasing in the knowledge of our God in dying to sinne and liuing to righteousnesse that wee may finde fauour grace peace and contentment both with God and man casting away euery thing that presseth downe and renouncing our especiall sinnes which hang so fast vpon vs for this cause O Lord make vs surrender our hearts vnto thee and let our eyes delight in thy waies for if there be a willing minde it is accepted according to that wee haue and not according to that wee haue not keepe our soules therefore that they be not couered with the spirite of slumber and sleeping in sin but that wee may stand vp from the dead and thou wilt giue vs light take from stupidity and senselesnesse spirituall blindnesse and hardnes of heart that wee may walke circumspectly redeeming the time which we haue lost and alwaies be watchfull ouer our selues that we may auoide presumption by meditation of thy iustice and despaire by quicknesse and liuelinesse out of thy word for apprehending thy comfortable promises make vs hide them in our hearts that wee may not sinne against thee keepe vs that we may doe all things as in thy presence and neuer yeeld to the inward rebellions and deceitfulnesse of the heart but wrastle by thy grace against the backewardnesse thereof that wee may daily offer it vppe as a sacrifice of obedience vnto thy Maiesty regarding and accounting all things but losse and iudging them to bee dung that wee may win thy loue and fauour and so liue in the time of our perigrination here that we may continually feare our selues haue a holy iealousie of all our best actions that when the chiefe shepheard shall appeare wee may receiue an incorruptible
which delay from time to time to turn to the Sauiour of mankinde which haue made a couenant with death and with hell are at agreement though a scourge run ouer and passe thorough it shall not come say they at vs for we haue made falshood our refuge and vnder vanity are wee hid but what followeth hereon hey falling from the bridge of their vaine hope and Satan that deceiued them shall be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone then shall they with great griefe say to the mountaines and rockes fall vpon vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth vpon the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who can stand yes truely they will wish any thing fall rather vpon them then that they should fall into that lake O but can a Lambe wax angry yea the more patient and slow the Lord is to punish sinne the more irefull he is when in spite hee is prouoked to his face which the very Saincts of God haue wisely fore-seen O Lord rebuke mee not in thine anger saith hee neither chastise mee in thy wrath and the Prophet Lord correct mee but with iudgement not in thy anger least thou bring me to nothing and no maruell for euen the Angels in that vision had the face of a man and of a lion euen as they were taught of the Lord hee had the face of a lambe to take away the sinnes of the world yea and the face of a lion to punish the sins of the world for this is the day of grace and acceptable time wherein mercy is offered to the penitent which being neglected and contemned in his day the day I say of the Lord hee will vtter cruelty wherefore the Prophet saith woe be vnto them that desire the day of the Lord what haue you to doe with the day of the Lord it is darknesse and not light but the godly contrarily desire the time to bee at hand and therefore doe earnestly craue the appearance of the Lord Iesus saying euen so come Lord Iesus come and tarry not which the wicked doe tauntingly and scornefully vtter but as Sampson was reuenged on the Philistims who iested at him so beholde here is a stronger one then Sampson for now by mercy hee is a man that is sometime to be a lyon and the man is that lambe that taketh away the sinnes of the repentant but then the lyon shall be to the wilfull and stubborne sinner a boare to teare them in peeces And thus God suffereth with long patience the vessels of wrath prepared to destruction and to declare the riches of his glory vpon the vessels of mercy which hee had prepared vnto mercy Cast not away therfore beloued thy confidence which hath great recompence of rewarde for thou hast need of patience that after thou hast done the will of God thou maiest receiue the crowne and be not one of them which with-drawe themselues to perdition but be of faith to the saluation of thy soule if thou cast thy selfe downe humbly at his feet water thy couch in thy earnest repentance with teares if thou shalt with all thy soule aske mercy and forgiuenesse God cannot deny himselfe hee is faithfull and will forgiue euen for his owne Sonnes blood as of a lambe without ipot and blemish let all them which are redeemed thus refuse all things in regarde thereof and cast downe their crownes before his feete confessing them to haue beene and now are most vnprofitable seruants and hee will put away their transgressions as a clowde and like a mist O turne vs vnto thee O Lord for thou art our Sauiour waken vs that we may strengthen the things which remaine that are ready to die before our wickednes be full and time of recouery past so shalt thou redeeme our life from the graue and crowne vs with mercy and compassions and thereafter bestow on vs the crowne of righteousnesse layed vp for vs which the Lord the righteous iudge shall giue vs at that day not to vs only but vnto all them also that loue his appearance wee shall euen receiue I say that incorruptible crowne of glory at the appearance of of our chiefe shepheard not for the works of righteousnesse which wee haue done for our best are but glistering sins but for his owne bountifulnesse and loue of his meer mercy fauour and grace to vs which walke in the spirit and do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh for he that soweth in the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting let vs then bee renewed in the spirit of our minde and put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnes and holinesse haue the worlde crucified to vs and vs to the world yea that we may liue vnto God bee crucified with Christ and may in all soundnesse of minde say I liue yet not I now but Christ liueth in me and in that I now liue in the flesh I liue by faith in the Sonne of God who hath loued mee and giuen himselfe for mee O that once to conclude wee might thinke all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus our Lord and iudge them but dung that wee may winne Christ setting alwaies our affections on things that are aboue and not on things which are on the earth that beeing dead to sinne our life may bee hidde with God in Christ that when hee that is our life shall appeare we may also appeare with him in glory to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost we render all glory praise maiesty and dominion both now and euer-more Amen A Heauenly Christian caueat whensoeuer or wheresoeuer the Diuell by suggestions the flesh by the corruption thereof or the world by wicked example would allure or entice thee to sinne then seriously bethinke thee and guard thee with these few Articles 1 VVEigh diligently the eternity both of life which is a reward of well-doing as also of death paine for yeelding to the contrary which both are such as the eye hath not seen the eare hath not heard neither yet can enter into the heart of man and shall rather by sense be felt then by iudgement bee vnderstood 2 Remember the nobility worth and dignity of the nature of man how gracious it is in the sight of God while it standeth in grace how abiect vile it is subiect vnder sinne 3 Consider the value of the rest tranquillity and peace of a good mind both with God thy selfe and thy neighbour for while thou sinnest God is against thee to punish thee in doing well Satan is against thee to assault thee 4 Make euery day a recitall of the Lords blessings vpon thee in thy predestination and
our hearts this night and euermore and stablish vs in euery worde and good worke in whose name we call vpon thee as hee hath taught vs saying Our Father c. A Prayer for Friday Morning NOt trusting in our owne worthinesse for there is none but in thy great mercies doe we present our selues before thee this morning O Lord in great weakenesse to shew our thankefulnesse for thy vnspeakeable goodnesse so plentifully bestowed vpon vs most vndeseruedly for what are wee but wormes and what is man that thou art mindefull of him or the sonne of man that thou visitest him wonderfully hast thon made him in his mothers wombe hee is the image and glory of thee O God thou mightest haue equalled him him with the vgliest and basest creatures it hath pleased thee to spread forth the shadow of the wings of thy protection ouer vs this night wee meditate in the dead of sleepe to haue our soules taken away in thy anger for the offences committed the day before and all the daies of our life and suddenly to haue beene arrainged at thy tribunall seate yet thou wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and turne vnto thee and now thou hast spared vs vnto this day grant O gracious Father that wee may euer meditate of the true life of thee our God of the day of the resurrection of these our bodies when corruption shall put on incorruption and of our rising to that solemne and dreadfull iudgement O Lord as thou hast banished this nights dardnesse away wherein wee had a sweete repose and sound rest that compassed vs so grant we humbly beseech thee that inward light in minde by the rising vnto vs of that Sunne of righteousnes thy Son the Lord Iesus Christ that wee may mourne for the ignorance and blindenesse that yet resteth in vs and others also the night is past and the day is at hand vouchsafe wee may cast away the workes of darknesse and put on the armour of light that wee may walke honestly as in the day not in gluttory or drunkennesse nor in chambering and wantonnesse not in strife and enuying but that wee may put on the Lord Iesus Christ praising his mercy and patience that yet wee liue to praise him and are continued in life to make our election more sure such is the constancy of thy loue towardes vs O Lord God Father euerlasting for whom thou louest to the ende day vnto day vttereth the same and night vnto night teacheth knowledge thou hast O Lord sealed vs to theday of redemption and hast giuen vs earnest of the spirit of promise in our hearts by the which spirit also wee beholde as in a mirror thy glory O Lord with open face and are changed vnto the same image from glory to glory O when shall we fully enioy the same in that life to come when shall wee cease from all sinne haue perfect knowledge of thee perfect righteousnes and holinesse neuer to bee changed fulnesse of ioy immediate fruition and coniunction with thee our God when thou shalt bee all in all and triumph ouer all thine and our enemies in that inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not reserued in heauen for vs O Lord giue vs the grace that we may keepe our selues in a holy temper and peace of mind by a constant course in all occurrents and so prepare our selues vnto that crowne of glory loking stedfastly vnto Iesus the author and finisher of our faith to breede constant affiance thereof for this cause O Lord let the glorious light of thy great Maiesty neuer departe from the inwarde eyes of our soules that we may bee seriously affected with the sense of our wants benefits purchased by thy Son our Sauiour and perpetually assisted by thy spirit to consider the great and manifolde blessings which wee haue receiued from thee to prouoke vs to thankefulnesse without which all our prayers are vneffectuall grant good Lord we may seriously bewaile our neglect of prayer and condemne our selues for our lip-labour and customarie deuotions our wearisomensse in well-doing and our contentment with small little feelings and finally we may rest vpon the continual mediation of our blessed aduocate Iesus Christ who continually maketh intercession for vs and is now both praying for vs and ready to present our prayers to the throne of grace and to couer all the infirmities and faylings of them with the mantle of his euerlasting mercies innocency and holinesse to him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost wee render all glory praise dominion thanksgiuing now and euermore Amen A Prayer for Friday Euening O Lord God deare Father in Iesus Christ thy beloued Son our onely Sauiour wee thee from our very hearts for the least of all thy blessings which are infinitely greater then wee can deserue as well as for the greatest and do as readily praise thee for thy mercies receiued as wee were earnest to sue for the obtaining of them and now we offer vnyo thee sacrifice of praise for the preseruation of vs in our callings which are thy ordinances imposed on euery Christian Lord forgiue vs for strayning our conscience in the least euill this day giue vs thy mercifull assistance that wee may cleaue to reioyce in the good testimony thereof that in simplicity and godly purenesse with singlenesse and contentment by thy grace wee haue had our conuersation in the worlde conuincing the hollownesse and hypocrisie of the same which is the moath of well-doing keehe vs good Lord from vncertaintie and dulnesse in good things preserue vs from corruption in iudgement and Apostacy in life Inable vs to holde to the ende and so obtaine the crowne for this cause O Lord giue vs an inclination and resolution of the heart to all goodnesse that wee may iustifie and beautifie therby our professiō giuing diligence to make our calling and election sure that in doing these things wee may neuer fall and so bee deliuered from many inwarde pangs and outward troubles deare Father grant wee may may euer haue righteousnesse in most precious account prosecuting it with all zeale and courage and rest with delight and contentation in it and practise the same not onely as our knowledge informeth but euen desire beyond our knowledge perfection therein Lord make vs renounce Nature and holde on thy Sonne Iesus Christ by a liuely faith and bring foorth the fruits of true righteousnesse in him giue vs good God a holy and settled purpose to serue thee a plaine and sound dealing in our callings daily repentance and coueuenanting with thee for recouery of our decaies make our hearts daily to be informed out of thy word that wee may worke continually as in thy presence with a full and strong perswasion of thy loue and plentifull experience of the same and preferre it aboue all things whatsoeuer more and more be
assured of our acceptation into thy fauour that no trouble or dismay ouerwhelme vs with the weight thereof but if it shall bee thy good pleasure wee be assaulted on euery side yet wee bee not in distresse if in pouerty yet not ouercome with pouerty if persecuted yet not forsaken if cast downe yet perish not that euery where wee may beare about in our bodie the dying of our Lord Iesus Christ that the life of Christ may also bee made manifest in vs vouchsafe vnto vs O Lord the shield of true faith whereby wee may beat back all the fiery darts of the Diuell as carnall confidence presumption security infidelity distrust and incredulity giue vs a constant desire of the promised happinesse purging and preparing our selues to it perfect thy worke in mortifying our sinnes preserue thy graces in vs with increase of new obedience sustaine our hearts against the deferring of thy promises in contrary tentations make vs haue refuge vnto thee to hold fast the hope which is set before vs which wee haue as an anchor of our soules both sure and stedfast confirme therefore our faith against infidelity and discontentment our hope against despaire our truth against errour with the which of thine owne will thou didst begette vs that wee should bee as the first fruits of thy creatures confound Satans kingdom the worldes deceitfulnesse and our hearts doubtfulnesse inlighten our vnderstanding with this sauing knowledge of thee O God confirme stablish our iudgements therein quiet our conscinces sub due our wils and affections to thee and grant vs thy mercifull concurrence that wee may finish our course with ioy now Lord wee make our prayers to thee this night in an acceptable time euen in the multitude of thy mercies O God heare vs in the truth of thy saluation wee will therefore lie vs downe and also sleep in peace for thou Lord only maketh vs dwell in safety to God the Father our Creator to God the Sonne our Redeemer to the holy Ghost our sanctifier comforter we ascribe all honor power and glory now and euermore Amen A Prayer for Saturday Morning PRaised be thou O Ood which hast not put back our prayers nor thy mercies form vs our life alas is subiect to many fearefull breaches and distractions with many false shadowes appearances of good for not onely doe we not shine as lights before others but also in respect of our euill example we are stumbling-blocks to them we doe little alas or rather nothing to edification but to offence Lord wee heartily mourne for all our sinnes whereunto wee haue yeelded our selues this night and all our life time before and do this morning renew our repentance and vowes vnto thee more effectually then before intending our callings more carefully and conscionably then we haue done labouring both to auoide the outwarde acte of sinne to haue our hearts purged from the euill thoughts thereof that wee giue no way to our corruptions but bee masters of them and so bee free from the rage amd slauery of the same which is the greatest happinesse in this worlde for if wee say wee haue fellowship with thee and walk in darknesse we lie and do not truely wherefore O Lord grant that wee may possesse contrite and broken hearts for all our sins with remembrance of thee in our greatest security awake and rowse vs vp from the dead sleep of sin make vs desire euermore carefully to serue thee looking for and hasting vnto the comming of that great day of thee our God by which the heaaens beeing on fire shall bee disolued and the elements shall melt with heate O sweete Father make vs diligent now that wee may bee found then in thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour in peace without spot and blamelesse hauing by thee increase of his grace in vs experience of his raigning in our mortall bodies by whom wee shall haue strength and assurance to perseuere and continue to the end for this purpose deare father daily quicken our estate in Christ thy Son by constant and serious repentance that from thee our holy purpose being renewed we likewise also receiue strength to practice accordingly make vs ouercome the world by thy power which hindereth our groth in grace pressing vs downe euen with our own weight Enlarge our hearts consciences wills and affections that all the members of our bodies may be enliued restrain and bridle our corruptions that wee may daily weaken them heartily loath them and groane vnder them keepe vs from despaire and ourwarde reproach let not the time multitude and example of sinne draw vs away which doe commit sin most greedily and hide it most dangerously let our hearts still cleaue vnto thee and to thy word that by it daily sent out of our selues wee may obtaine new strength in thy Sonne Iesus Christ to goe forward in well-doing that discerning our inability thereto wee may interest our selues in his pretious merits that growing in grace we may be perfected in glory for the increase of glory shall answer to the increase of grace Lord thou knowest wee shall haue this day as wee haue had heretofore more tentations and oppositions of the world humble vs and make vs patient that wee may by thy spirit preuailing in vs be euen ioyfull in all our crosses aduersities and troubles whatsoeuer charitable in iudging others zealouse ouer our selues holy and vpright in our duties and callings that wee may more and more feare thee O great and glorious God more and more humbled in thy greatest mercie more and more thankefull for the least of thy blessings whereunto we haue obtained a right only in Christ Iesus who accepted of vs aboue the worth of our obedience grant vs wee may be cast downe by serious meditation of thy maiesty power and goodnes as also of our owne vnworthinesse O how many are thy deliuerances from euill preseruations and goodnesse acceptances of vnperfect seruice renewing and increasing of spirituall and temporall blessings preuentions of wickednesse which we acknowledge to be thy great mercies in vs confessing therewith our manifolde wants desiring humbly faithfully continually and constantly suppliment of them receiuing in the meane time euery present blessing as steps and pledges in our right to heauen power and mercy belongeth to thee O Lord holy and fearefull is thy name how gracious and mercifull art thou slowe to anger and of great kindnesse thou art good to all and thy mercies are ouer all thy workes teach vs to do thy will this day for thou art our God let thy good spirit leade vs vnto the land of righteousnesse to thee therefore with the Frther and the holy Spirit be glorie praise honour world without end Amen A Prayer for Saturday Euening LOrd there is risen vnto vs and wee haue apprehended light in darkenesse wee haue waited the accomplishment of thy promises in thy light