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A08299 A pensiue soules delight. Or, The deuout mans helpe. Consisting of motiues, meditations and prayers, for all persons and purposes, vpon what occasion so euer, either priuate or publike. By Iohn Norden Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1615 (1615) STC 18628; ESTC S120793 141,675 410

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sinne sinfull sinne sins of all sorts committing things forbidden and omitting things commanded So that I cannot but confesse against my selfe I am wholly not only sinfull but a lump of sin it selfe a puddle of putrifaction a sinke of vncleannes a gulfe of grosse impieties and a carcasse of most filthie leprosie full of spirituall rottennesse vnworthy the light of the Sunne to lighten my corporall eyes to see to do euill not worthy to breathe in the ayre to speake euill nor worthie to partake of the ordinary food of men to strengthen my flesh the more to sinne nor worthie to consort with humane societie to make them sinfull by my sin Oh wretch that I am how haue I plunged my selfe into thy heauie displeasure how haue I lost thy loue who louest righteousnes and hatest iniquitie Oh wretch that I am how haue I runne without right reason to my ruine rashly Lord I am vnfainedly sorie for my sinnes and I long to be reconciled vnto thee lest I goe to my graue with griefe lest from the graue I should come into iudgement with horror and be inforced to heare that fearefull and finall sentence of reprobatiō pronounced against 〈◊〉 neuer to be reuoked indure torments neuer to be eased Oh Lor 〈…〉 mercifull and louing remember I am but dust forget not how orignall sinne seazed vpon me before I had sence or power to commit actuall sin call to minde that I was conceiued and borne in sinne and brought corruption in my flesh frō my mothers wombe which I could not preuent And although it be the rule of thy seuere Justice to lay the guilt of parents vpō their children yet let thy mercies which are aboue thy Judgemēts shew themselues now when else there is no hope Amen Lord increase my faith and forgiue my sinnes Another shorter prayer for forgiuenesse of sinnes O Heauenly father thy promises are many faithfull and comfortable Thou wilt not the death of a sinner but desirest rather that he should repent and liue If thou then desirest rather that I liue then perish giue me a repenting hart renue a right spirit within me reforme me and I shall be reformed for in me Lord there is no goodnes no power and as little will to doe good but a will and power to do euill only Let therefore thy grace worke effectually in me a new heart a new minde new affections holy and sanctified So shall sin become lothsome vnto me which I haue loued and holines of life shal be sweet vnto me which I haue neglected thy Commandements that I haue transgressed I shall indeuour to fulfill thy patience which I haue abused I wil answere with more filiall obediēce The curses then that I haue deserued shal be turnd into blessings and I shall frame the residue of my life in better actions I shall abandon as deceiuing vanities those sinnes wherin I haue delited and shal shun the baits wherwith Satan hath allured me to sin and whereunto I consented by the vanity of mine vnregenerate affections Oh pardon pardon my sins good Father in Iesus Christ fill my hart with the liuely apprehension of thy mercies speake peace vnto my sad and sorrowfull soule reuiue my dead distracted thoughts plunged in despaire cast thine ey● vpon Christ thy beloued in him 〈◊〉 louing eye vpon me who without him am a cast-away Heare him 〈◊〉 mediator for me heare me a sinner for his sake and pardon me for thy mercies sake Take me now Lord out of the dungeon of feare wherin I haue bin long a captiue sold vnder sin Set me now free from the danger of death and hell Let Satan flie and fall before my face Let sin haue no more power ouer me receiue me into thy fauour assure me of full and free remission of my sinnes in Christ worke true peace in my conscience The sting of death being broken the feare of the iudgement to come may be turned into a liuely assurance of saluation that white I liue here I may euermore feele the liuely worke of thy holy Spirit in me Make the residue of my dayes the dayes of vnfained mourning for my former offences and of a most vpright and righteous conuersation to come and let faith euermore preuaile against all future temptations that I may finish the course of my life in that peace which proceedeth of perfect loue which loue bringeth forth filiall obedience vnto thee which obedience is more acceptable in thy fight then the sacrifices of bullocks and goates Accept me now good Father in Iesus Christ into thy fauour remit my sinnes number me amongst thine elect and seale me vp in thy mercies against the day of my finall visitation Heare me O Lord and let thy holy Spirit guide mee euer vnto that day through Christ my Sauiour my Mediator my Strength and my redeemer Amen O Lord increase my faith and pardon my sinnes A MOTIVE TO A Prayer for a godly and holy life and for power of resisting Satan and sinne THe course of euery mans life declar's what kind of man he is whether carnal or spiritual for as the tree is knowne by his fruit so is euery man known of men by his life conuersation And it is much to be lamented that men though carnally minded will iustifie themselues and make protestation of their hope that they shall be saued as well as he that walketh most sincerely before God and men And this out of a voluntarie ignorance and blindnesse in not knowing and truly distinguishing betweene the wayes of sanctitie and sinne the first leading to heauen and eternall life through grace and faith in Christ the other to hell and reprobation through our owne corruption by the obeying the will of Satan It is more then wonderfull to obserue the courses of carnall men who pretend that they are trauelling to that blessed New Ierusalem and yet take the direct way to Cursed Ierico they couet in conceit to ascend the holy hill of Sion and yet will not leaue that wicked Babylon They professe to liue after the Spirit but doe the workes of the Flesh. They would seeme to liue in Light but behold they are in Darknes not considering that he that liues after the flesh shall die yet how loth are carnall men to leaue the way that leadeth to destruction and how vnapt and vnwilling to walke in the way of life which is Christ in whom if we truely beleeue we walke in him if we truly walke in him we truely liue in him and that life is the summe and end of all our hope it is the marke whereat we ayme all our holy endeuours Let vs therefore determine with our selues and constantly resolue to walke before God and to be vpright Let vs make our supplications in his presence with our whole hearts And let vs duely consider our wayes what they haue beene And let vs now turne our feete vnto his testimonies Let vs strengthen and confirme our resolutions of a godly life by
are wee to conceiue the glory prepared for thine elect in the heauens Giue vs therefore good father hearts of loue vnto thy Maiestie that we may striue with a godly egernesse rather to abandon all lets impediments which may hinder vs from that promised glory then curiously to seeke to kn●w in this mortalitie that the secrets whereof thou hast reserued vntil our immortalitie And let not the cares of this transitory life and the blind affections which we naturally beare vnto the pleasures thereof choake the good seede of grace in vs. Make the way of our saluation familiar vnto vs as thou hast made it plaine for vs. And let not our bodily labours hinder our hearts from continuall meditation of thy goodnesse towards vs. Let vs lift vp pure mindes vnto the heauens with a longing desire to with thee where is no labour or sweate or feare or care or hunger or thirst or nakednesse or enemies or strife or paine or griefe But all comfort all ioy all peace and blessednes and glory vnspeakable Giue vs therefore longing hearts to remoue out of this body of miseries yet so as we omit not our callings vntill thine appointed time but that we may labour accordingly in the world not as we so loued the world as we should imbrace it as our home but vse it as our Tabernacle or lodging place for the time of our pilgrimage And let thy blessing bee so vpon our labours this day as wee may liue thereby haue sufficient of all necessaries as food rayment friendship peace plentie health of bodie preseruation of our limbes and sences and a blessing vpon all that belongeth vnto vs. That we be not constrained to vse vnlawfull meanes for our reliefe Then as we by thy blessing haue entred into this morning shall passe the day with comfort and end the same in peace of conscience and consolation of the holy Ghost and so continue from day to day vntill the last of our dayes when we shall surrender againe vnto thee to be disposed both our soules and bodies for euer to liue with thee in the glory purchased by Christ our mediator our hope our strength and our euerlasting redeemer to whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee all power maiestie and dominion ascribed for euer Amen O Lord euermore increase and confirme our faith A short prayer for the morning to be said of one in priuate or in a Family vsing the plurall instead of the singular number ALmightie Lord God whose presence is alwaies light vnto thy Saints vouchsafe as thou hast banished the darknesse of the night past and made the light to shine vnto our corporal eyes So let the sauing Sunne of thy holy Spirit lighten the darkenesse of mine vnderstanding this morning And as the Sun of the firmament cleareth cheereth and comforteth all thy creatures in earth with the beames thereof so let thy sacred and sauing countenance recomfort my sad and dulled heart and as it hath pleased thee to giue me power and ablenesse to rise out of my bed of corporall rest and by the sleepe which I haue this night enioyed haue in some measure shaken off the heauie sluggishnes of my fleshly part So I beseech thee to giue me power to rise out of the bed of sinne and securitie and with cheerefull alacritie to cast off the dulnes and drowsines of my corrupt heart that with full affection and entire loue I may praise thee for thy loue wherein thou hast preserued mee this night from perils and dangers of the darknes wherein the secret arrowes of Satan and sin are sent forth to wound euen the vpright in heart wherein diuers casualties befall them that are dead in their sleepe not able to preuent the least danger incident to soule or bodie and hast now graciously brought me to the beginning of this day in safety the end whereof nor the least remaining part what it shall afford me thou only knowest from whose all-seeing eye● nothing is hid but as well the times to come as the seasons past and present are alike manifest As thou therefore knowest what shal succeed me this day turne those things from me Lord in thy prouidence which thou knowest dangerous and blesse vnto me all things for my comfort and whatsoeuer befalleth me contrary to my health wealth or peace make me wise to make vse thereof to the confirmation of my further faith in thee knowing Lord that all things shall worke together for the best to them that loue thee And therefore giue me patience to vndergoe al thy corrections and trials and to be vnfainedly thankfull for all thy benefits And for asmuch as nothing can prosper vnto vs without thy blessing blesse Lord I beseech thee vnto me all such thy creatures as I shall haue cause to vse this day giue a blessing vnto all that appertaineth vnto me whomsoeuer or whatsoeuer and let the meditations of my hart the words of my mouth and the labours both of my bodie and minde be sanctified vnto me this day that whatsoeuer I doe it may prosper I recommend my selfe my soule and bodie all that I haue charge of vnder thee into thy fatherly tuition and defence this day for I know Lord and am assured that thou to whom I commit me ar● able and willing to keepe me Let not my sinnes gracious Father which I haue no power to resist preuent thy mercies but in thy mercie preuent my sinnes for Satan the World and mine owne corruptions are euer ready to draw me into forbiddē vanities But strengthen thou the armes of my faith teach my spirituall fingers to fight valiantly against their enemies giue me the sword of the Spirit the brest-plate of righteousnes the helmet of saluation that I feare not their assaults this day that fighting the good fight of faith I may preuaile and receiue the crowne of victorie through Christ that triumphant Lion of the Tribe of Iudah Remember thy promises made vnto all that beleeue in him I beleeue Lord helpe mine vnbeliefe Let the fruits of that loue that is greater then faith and hope appeare in mine actions this day the chiefe wherof is obedience vnto thee So shall I passe this day in thy faith feare due reuerence of thy great and glorious name and daily more and more prepare my selfe in a holy readines to attend thy calling mee out of this mortall to an immortall condition And for my greater comfort in this my pilgrimage giue me a true feeling of the ioyes promised in the Kingdome of glorie euen here in the Kingdom of grace that hauing heere receiued the earnest of thy holy Spirit I may daily looke for the principall in the Kingdom purchased by Iesus Christ in whose name I humbly recommend my selfe and all my labours this day vnto thy blessed prouidence and direction yeelding vnto thee all praise in Iesus Christ by the holy Ghost blessed for euer and euer Lord increase my faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be said
in Iesus Christ i● hope that thou wilt either restore me to happie health or in thy good time take me to thy more happ 〈…〉 kingdome and howsoeuer the will shall be make me patient in my greatest fits of paine and 〈◊〉 mitigate the extremitie of my disease that I be not driuen to bee sencelesse of my sinnes or forgetfull of thy promises through the violennce thereof nor lay more vpon me Lord then I shall be able to beare Another prayer to be said of a sicke man I Do● confesse vnto thee Oh father my sinnes for which I do acknowledge thou doest deseruedly afflict me I cannot beare nor vndergoe the stripes that I haue deserued at thy hands who knowing thy will haue not done according vnto the same but haue cast thy holy Commādements and mine obedience vnto them behinde my backe what I should not haue done that I haue done and what I should haue done I haue not done O vnprofitable seruant that I haue bin yet cast me not away good father for I am the worke of thine owne hands as touching the framing of this my earthly tabernacle as for sinne it is of myselfe therein was I begotten and borne and thereby doe I daily offend thee and so much the more haue I sinned by how much I haue enioyed the health and strength of my bodie and the vse of my sences and I cannot but acknowledge Lord that it is good for-me tha● thou hast afflicted mee with this thy fatherly visitation giue me grace to accept it as a fauour of thine and the fruit of thy mercie for my renouation and reformati●on and let not Satan suggest or perswade mee that it is in iudgement as the fruit of thine indignation to driue me to despaire of the sauing health The health of my bodie is a sweet blessing vnto me yet thou knowest Lord what a spurre it is to forbidden vanities And sicknes as it is in it selfe is most grieuous and lothsome yet being seasoned with thy inward grace a sweet remedie against the killing disease of sinne Oh show it downe Lord into my distressed soule the sweet showres of thy sanctifying Spirit that I may hee sanctified throughout so shall my sicke and weake bodie bee richly and sweetly comforted in this comfortlesse condition which were it not supported by thy fauour loue could not but faint al the powers both of my soule bodie faile within me Oh speak cōfortable things Lord vnto thy diseased seruant extend a fatherly helping hand to make my bed in my sicknes Thou art the Physitian of our soules bodies I am sicke in both cure me Lord in both my sicke soule hath need of the bloud of the Lambe to refresh it and to clense it from spirituall leprosse and my body Lord lieth at the foot-stoole of thy mercy and as thou by thy word didst make me in the beginning so by thy word canst thou reuiue me that am neere both spiritually corporally dead If thou in thy wisedome thinke that this my infirmity be more profitable vnto me then health or death more cōuenient for me thē life performe thine owne good pleasure towards me only make me inwardly and outwardly ready that I setting both the houses of my soule and bodie in order through Christ I may recommend both into thy most sacred and sauing disposition Grant this Oh Father for Iesus Christ thy beare Sonnes sake who liueth and raigneth with thee in the heauens with whome and in whom grant Lord that I may liue and after this life raigne for euermore Amen O Lord increase my faith euermore Meditations vpon the sicke mans recouerie of his health I Will prayse thee O Lord with all my heart and I will magnifie thy name for euer for many are thy mercies towards me for thou hast deliuered my soule from the lowest graue Therefore now as th●● hast renued my outward health renue my inward obedience Rectifie my iudgement make true peace in my conscience blesse my sences purifie my affections order my memorie increase and con 〈…〉 e my loue of thee who hast shew●● me more mercies and fauours then my tongue can expresse O my soule praise thou the Lord and all that is within thee praise his holy name my soule praise thou the Lord and forget not all his benefits which forgiueth all thy sinnes and healeth all thine infirmities which hath redeemed thy life from the graue crowned thee with mercie and louing kindnesse which filleth thy mouth with good things and renueth thine age as an Eagle Thou Lord are full of compassion and mercie slow to anger and of great goodnesse thou wilt not alway childe neither keepest thou thine anger for euer Thou hast not dealt with mee according to my sinnes nor rewarded mee according to mine iniquities As a father hath compassion on his sonne so hast thou compassion on them that feare thee I will praise thee O Lord among the people I will sing vnto thee in the congregation of the Saints for thy mercie is great aboue the Heauens and thy truth reacheth vnto the cloudes Thou know●st whereof I am made Thou remembrest that I am but dust Let my soule therefore liue and it shall prayse thee Lord increase my faith and confirme it ouermore in Christ Iesus Amen A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be said of such as visite a sicke friend or brother MAn that is borne of a ●●man hath but a short time to liue and is full of miserie Therefore is euery man subiect to sicknes and death To bewaile therefore the sickenesse or death of our dearest friends beyond that which is ●it is much to be reproued because it argueth a kinde of discontent that God should visite vs in the visitation of our friends children or dearest parents We must therefore auoid two extreame● ●●●st that we sorrow not as doe the Heathen that haue no hope of a future better life Secondly wee must beware wee follow not the steps of Ieroboam who ●ought help at the hands of Baal-zebu● for his sonne And as did Ahaziah in his owne sicknesse we must rather enter into an holy consideration that God in whatsoeuer he layeth vpon our selues or vpon them we loue as our selues it is for his owne glory and therefore to be praised of vs both for ours the good of those our friends whom he afflicteth if we beleeue his promises that all things shall worke together for the good of them that loue him The best office then and the most Christian duety that a Father can performe for and in the behalfe of his sicke childe or one deare friend or brother for another is first to admonish him that sinnes cause sicknesse and to moue him to repent them that euery man is borne to die and therefore to perswade him to prepare himselfe for another condition not to flatter him as too many doe as that they seen● cause why he should feare death at this time they seeme rather to assure him
often and fearefully threatned vs and yet he hath still put vp his rodde againe in mercie But did hee not see manie thinges amisse in vs he would forbeare to threaten as he hath done And who so seeth not manie things out of course in the carriage of men in their vngodly actions wilfully shuts the eyes of reason and seeth nothing a● all with the eyes of Religion Let vs therefore be continually watchfull in prayer that when the Lord commeth to Iudgement we may be so prepared with our Lamps in our hands to attend his comming as becommeth the children of God Thine in Christian goodwill IO. NORDEN A PENSIVE SOVLES Delight A Motiue to Prayer IN our preparation to prayer we must first consider that hee to whome wee speake is the Father of light and we are by nature the children of darknesse we must therefore call vpon him in the sinceritie and vprightnes of our harts for he loues truth in the inward affections Secondly he is the Father of glory we must therefore come before him with feare and reuerence for we are but dust and ashes Thirdly he is the Father of mercie therefore we must repent of our sins and then being thus prepared let vs draw neere vnto him with a pure heart in assurance and faith So will he heare vs and grant better things vnto vs then we know how to aske A prayer for the assistance of Gods holy Spirit in any spirituall or godly corporall action or endeuour fit to be vsed before euery lawfull enterprise especially before euery diuine exercise O Gracious Lord God most merciful louing and helping Father the supporter of the weake the light of the blinde the teacher of the ignorant the directer of all that call vpon thee in their godly endeuors I humbly beseech thy Maiestie in the name of thy Sonne Christ Iesus to heare me in whom thou hast promised to giue vnto thy children what they aske to finde what they seeke and to open vnto them when they knocke I come vnto thee good Father not in mine owne but in his name intreating thee not for mine owne but for his sake to accept me into thy presence to giue me thy holy Spirit of wisedome that I may receiue mercie and finde grace Open vnto mee the gate of true knowledge and assist me in mine intended enterprise for of my selfe I am of a dull and weake vnderstanding of a corrupt conuersation of a polluted heart and of prophane lips vnworthy of my selfe to attempt any worldly or corporall enterprise much lesse worthy to take thy blessed name into my mouth or to intermeddle with any diuine office function or calling But touch my hart Lord and inkindle it with a coale from thine Altar so shal my heart be renued reformed and enlarged the words of my mouth sanctified and the workes of my hands blessed According therefore vnto thy promise Lord open my mouth and fill it strengthen my hands and confirme the powers and senses both of my soule and bodie to euery good and godly action It is not in my power without thy power to open my naturall lippes much lesse able ye● altogether vnable to open the dore of my heart and to prepare mine owne affections to any diuine and holy action or to frame the powers of my body rightly in any comfortable enterprise without thy meere working in me both the will and the deed Only my confidence is Lord that thou wilt be pleased to assist me to inlighten my heart to increase my knowledge and to giue me vnderstanding according to thy word That by thee I may be enabled in all mine actions enterprises and in●euours to set forth thine owne glory Sanctif●e my inward desires blesse the will and the worke in me and accept my weake will for the effectuall deed And so season me in both that I may be sanctified throughout And grant that the fruits of all mine endeuours may so effectually appeare that my selfe in them and by them may be comforted and thy children to whose vse also as to mine owne I truly intend them may bee benefited and stirred vp to a more liuely feeling of their owne wants and a more serious desire to pray to thee for thy blessings and to praise thee for thy relieuing fauours That we thy weake children feeling the Comforter to assist our weaknesse we may in our seueral callings offer vp such daily sacrifices vnto thee as being for Christ accepted of thee thou maye●● be more and more glorified and euery one of vs comforted and kept in thy fauour for euer through Jesus Christ our Sauiour O Lord increase my faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be vsed in the Morning in priuate Families IT is a common course and an ordinarie care of worldly mē before they enterprise any thing that concerns their corporal estats to fore-cast how and by what meanes they may doe it to their best aduantage and most safetie which prouidence is not onely not to be condemned but commended yet so farre as it may iustly reproue themselues for being so carefull for their bodies necessaries and so remisse and carelesse of their soules safety which being truly prouided for first there followes a blessing to the second by diuine promise Seeke first the kingdome of God saith Christ and the righteousnes thereof and then all other things necessary shall be administred vnto you How grossely then doe they erre from a Christian course of life that are neuer but conuersant and carefull about corporall things that rise vp earely to seek their profits and pleasures and seeke not God the giuer of goodnesse without whose mercy and prouidence we neither can enioy our sleepe nor safetie in sleepe we cannot worke in our callings nor profit by our labours health of bodie wealth peace plentie friends and all whatsoeuer wee enioy in this life or hope for in the life to come do all proceed of his free mercie who requireth nothing for recompence but our thankefulnesse for them and our prayers vnto him for the continuance of his fauours towards vs in them All which will rise in iudgement against them that vsurpe thē without acknowledging them to be his gifts and that in Christ blessed vnto them What differs the carnall man that riseth in the morning leauing behind him the print as it were of his pollutions in the bed whence he riseth and neither praiseth God for his sleepe nor safety neither craueth pardon for his sinnes But from his bed betakes him either to his worldly profit or carnall pleasures What differs he I say from the brute beast who riseth in the morning from his den or rest and betakes him to his'prey or pasture looking vnto no other giuer then his own brutish care No more do they that eat and drink and labour or delite them in their vaine pleasures without seeking first in the morning a new blessing for the day following by their hartie thanksgiuing for their rest and preseruation the night past
and by crauing pardon for their sinnes Howsoeuer things may seeme to succeed to their great contentment they doe but deceiue themselues for there is no blessing promised to such carelesse mē though they haue the names and receiue the seales of Christians And therefore let euery man that feareth God and desireth to see a good day to follow the morning let him begin the day with the seruice of God in prayer if hee haue a family let him conuent them and conioyne with them in prayer If he haue none or be absent from it let him serue the Lord in priuate The faithful herein findeth such liuely comfort and assurance of Gods prouidence as he feareth not whatsoeuer the day following can cast vpon him all things shall worke together for his consolation And whatsoeuer hee doth it shall prosper A Prayer for the Morning for priuate families Lord increase our faith prepare our hearts to prayer and open our lippes O Mercifull Lord God louing father in Iesus Christ wee thine vnworthy people fall heere downe before the footstoole of thy Maiestie and with vnfayned hearts giue thankes vnto thee for thy mercies in number more then can be numbred for they are more then our sinnes and our sins more then the sea sands which are without number Thou hast bene our watchman this night thou hast not onely kept vs from bodily daungers and harmes but hast giuen vs rest when our weake bodies were infeebled with wearinesse and labours and hast brought vs to the beginning of this day in safety whereas many haue perished this night in their beds and haue not risen to prayse thee How vnthankefull should wee shew our selues Lord if we should enter into our worldly affaires without remembring thy mercies and our owne sinnes in asking pardon for them Receiue therefore wee humbly pray thee good father at our vnworthy hands the sacrifice of our humble prayers and prayses which we offer vnto thee this morning in the name of thine owne dearest Sonne in whom thou hast acknowledged thy selfe so well pleased as thou deniest nothing to any faithfully asking for his sake Jn him and by him and for him we come Lord vnto thee humbly and heartily praying pardon for our sinnes wherby we haue transgressed thy lawes offended thy great Maiestie in whose displeasure is death Pardon vs mercifull Lord God pardon vs remoue our sinnes farre from vs and wi●e them out of the booke of thy remembrance Remember the merits of Christ our Redeemer leaue vs not in our owne miserable estates lest we should forget to be mindfull or to be ignorant how to prayse thy Name for thy goodnes past and enter into our worldly occasions without being reconciled vnto thee in Christ for thy wrath being inkindled towards vs neuer so little nothing can truely prosper that we take in hand we may labour and yet without thy blessing it shall not profite vs 〈◊〉 may eat and drinke but it shall not nourish vs we may follow our vocations with great diligence rysing earely and taking rest late yet shall it not feede vs. Oh gracious Lord let thy blessings accompany all our labours And grace vs euer with thy presence according to thy promise not to obserue our imperfections but to direct our heartes in prayer to prepare vs to obedience to season vs with thy holy spirit and to blesse and prosper all our actions That whatsoeuer wee thinke speake or doe this day may be acceptable in thy fight So shall all things goe well with vs and prosper vnder our hands we shall prayse thy name and extoll thy mercies and goodnesse which haue bene are and shall be towards vs for euer And as thou hast taken away the vale of the darkenesse of night which resembleth death And hast opened vnto vs the windowes of heauen to giue vs the light of the Sunne which resembleth life So abandon thou the workes of darkenesse and ignorance put away our faintnesse and dulnesse in prayer And let the light of thy sauing truth shine vnto vs and the Sunne of righteousnesse extend his beames of heauenly vnderstanding into our heartes That we all may walk this day in the way which is Christ the Lord imbrace the truth which is the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world And euer inioy that life which is eternall in him which was and which is and which is to come So shall our rysing from our naturall rest this morning by thy power as out of our graues of mortalitie assure vs of our finall rysing out of the graue of our sins to immortality And as thou hast blessed vnto vs our temporal sleepe this night So vouchsafe to blesse vnto vs this day the vse of thy creatures that they may all serue to our comfortable vse in Christ Iesus according to our necessities And graunt that wee abuse them not to ryot or wantonnesse but may carefully and religiously watch and be sober that when our finall sleepe shall ouertake vs we may lay downe our mortall bodies not vnto the resurrection of death vnto death but of the resurrection of life vnto life eternall And during the time of our mortalitie remember vs O Lord in the abundance of thy mercies lest that wee who are but dust and ashes should so fasten the eyes of our desires vpon the base things of this life that we should forget the life to come Graunt rather Lord that we may vse the things of this life at thy hands so as we may not be seduced by them but rather led by the consideration whence and from whom we receiue them vnto the authour and giuer of them So shal they not onely not be vnto vs vaine or base but worthy to be had in reuerence for thy sake that giuest them freely and blessest them graciously vnto our vse comfort which great mercy of thine cannot but aduance the eies of our dul vnderstandings to the contemplation of thy spirituall and heauenly blessings As how we were freely from all beginnings elected to saluation by thee how we were created when wee were not by thee how we were redeemed when wee were captiues vnto Sathan by thee How wee were sauctified when we were most prophane by thee How we are iustified being guiltie of iudgement by thee How we haue taken hold of the hope future glorification of our corrupt vile bodies in the life to come by thee These thy super-abounding mercies O Lord who hath a heart to conceiue or a tongue sufficiently to expresse The Angels that attend thee in the heauens beholding thee face to face and minister thy will in heauen and earth are not yet able to declare the good things themselues inioy by the glory of thy presence Much lesse are we Lord who lodge in houses of clay able to comprehend thee and the height and depth of thine incomprehensible goodnes shewed to them in earth whom thou hast made heires with thy Sonne of the glory in heauen How much lesse able
in the Euening in priuate Families IT is a matter too common with many to passe the day in a kind of lawlesse vanitie and the night in carelesse securitie as if the day and night were only made for man to serue himselfe with the pleasures and profits he can make of either forgetting the true end for which either themselues or the day and night were made that themselues were made to glorifie their Maker in reason and religion The day to serue them for holy exercises and lawfull labours And the night for their corporall rest But contrarily themselues they prophane through many sinnes The day they abuse by idlenesse wantonnesse and vanities And the night they pollute with many forbidden euils And yet passe from day to night and from euening to the day light neuer calling to minde that holy duetie required of them thanksgiuing to God for blessings receiued their humble prayers for pardon of their sins committed and their continuall supplications for their safetie and prosperous successe in their labours and affaires Doth the profession of a Christian require no more then to eate and drink to labour or loyter to passe the time in gaming pleasure idlenes ease and sl●●pe Are not these the workes that worldlings wallow in Some are too great and glorious to labour and yet haue no leasure to pray Some are so busied in worldly affaire● as they can admit no time to serue God but the Sabbath day and then to come to the Church to see and be seene is the deuotion of many Is this to loue God aboue all things as all haue vowed to serue him before all things and to depend vpon him in all things It rather argueth that the Loue of God is not in them the Feare of God is farre from them and the Grace of God is not with them Remember yee that thus forget God that as the day is past that gaue light to the eyes and darkenesse come that shadoweth the Sunne So the day of Life passeth away and the night of Death approcheth wherein if we liue not in the light of grace while it is to day we shall neuer see the light of glorie to our comfort in the night of our bodies death Therefore before we betake vs to our rest let vs commend our selues and all that we haue in faithfull prayer to God calling together conioyning with our families if we haue any and in a holy and reuerent humiliation of bodies and mindes fall downe before him that seeth vs and who hath promised to be in the midst of two or three gathered together in holy prayer A prayer to be said in priuate Families in the Euening before they goe to rest ALmightie and most louing Lord God Father of compassion infinit in power iust in thy Judgements wonderfull in thy prouidence euer readie and neuer failing in mercie them that feare thy name we acknowledge thy great goodnes towards vs this day past and our owne vnworthines to partake of thy mercies by reason of our manifold and great sinnes which as it seemeth thou neither seest nor obseruest in that thou hast as it were passed by them so patiently this day as in stead of punishing them hast made vs rich partakers of many most acceptable blessings Yet Lord we doe not by this thy forbearance to punish vs either iusti●●e our wayes wherein we haue walked this day or thinke our selues freed from thy displeasure for our sinnes but do● vtterly condemne our selues and wholly attribute our preseruation from punishment our health out peace our plenty and the good successe of our affairs vnto thine own free mercie and whatsoeuer crosse losse hurt or detriment hath be fallen vs this day in bodies goods credit or reputation among men we lay it and impute it wholly and altogether vnto our sinnes which haue worthily deserued much more then we feele or are able to beare what we or any of vs haue done against thee this day thou knowest what thou hast done for vs wet cannot expresse with our lips nor conceiue in our harts for thy mercies are so infinite and thy prouidence so high and so farre past finding out as the more we search and seek to know the hid treasures of thy loue towards vs so much the more ignorant we are of knowing what thou are we therefore acknowledge our selues st●ners and thy selfe the Father of incomprehensible mercies which as Dauid thy seruant confesseth are more then he could expresse Great and manifest haue bin thy fauours towards vs we haue found them felt them and enioyed them this day and all our dayes in thy keeping feeding cloathing and comforting our mortall bodies In giuing vnto vs preseruing for vs many things for our vse the beasts of the field the plants of the earth haue beene seruiceable vnto vs through thy blessing Giue vs we beseech thee vnderstanding and feeling hearts to acknowledge thy mercies Teach vs to know and to take knowledge of our own wants which are many grant that they may be supplied by thee Let vs looke into our owne corruptions that they may bee reformed and weakened by thee for Nature reuenleth not vnto vs our spirituall wants nor can cleanse vs from our sinnes which are many and yet we account them few great and yet we see them not weightie and yet they seeme light vnto vs we are spiritually poore and spirituall blinde yet not poore in spirit as we ought we are rather barren of spirituall knowledge and blinde to our owne imperfections which puffeth vs vp with a vaine concei● of our owne worthines Our faith is feeble fraile and imperfect yet we thinke it strong our prayers are cold and weake our minds and affections wauering and inconstant in that diuine duty yet would we seem religiously zealous Thou findest in vs Lord these imperfections and we dote of our owne merit which is a meer forbidden presumption Open Lord the eyes of our vnderstandings that we may finde out and feele our own errors and looke into the working of thy grace wherein thou acceptest vs as poore in spirit by the imputation of Christs humblenes our faith perfect through the perfection of his obedience and our prayers auaileable through his preuailing mediation So that thy spirituall consolations in Christ are farre more abounding towards vs then we are able to comprehend Open therefore Lord the dore of thy diuine knowledge that we may become wise in thee and enter into that holy of holiest in puritie of spirit in faith sound with prayers feruent thanks vnfained Stirre vp in vs a greater measure of obedi 〈…〉 then hitherto we haue shewd vnto thee that we receiuing grace for grace may adde faith to faith wisedome to knowledge and finde how sweet a thing it is to serue thee truly to walke before thee in vprightnes of heart And as we are now come to the end of this day and consequently haue finished the trauaile thereof and now couet our rest so we may
watch for the euening of our dayes and so labour while it is to day that when the night of our last and finall sleepe shall ouertake vs our workes may follow vs not to condemne vs nor as able to iustifie vs but to witnes with vs and for vs that we haue not laboured altogether in thee in vaine but according to that measure of grace which thou art pleased to bestow vpon vs we may worke out our saluation with feare and trembling Looke Lord vpon vs heere gathered together before thee in a reuerend humiliation of our hearts And because naturally we are obdurate and our affections hardly brought vnder or subdued subdue Lord all the rebellious imaginations that intrude now or at any time into our thoughts And let vs giue no entertainment vnto those desires which tende to vanities whether of the minde of the will or the pride of life Let no euill accompany vs vnto our corporall rest much lesse Lord vnto our finall sleepe Let vs now begin to cast off the dregges of sinne while we haue time Let vs n●t put off our repentance vntill to morrow Rather as the day is past that gaue vs corporall light and the night come threatning darknesse let vs liue this night in thy spirituall light and let the darknesse of sinne vanish as the light of the day neuer to rise againe vnto vs That we beginning euen now to liue in that light which lighteneth the hearts of thy Saints we may neuer ad●it the darknesse of vngodlines to ouershadow vs againe But let vs make vse of the night not for sleepe only but rather meditating of the resemblance the night hath with the state of impenitent sinners who liuing out of thy fauour are still in darknesse And as our sleepe resembleth our bodies rest in the graue So giue vs grace Lord to consider that we are euen at the end of our finall day wherein we shall vntill the day of our resurrection commend our dust to dust as we now for a night betake our bodies to our beds And as we hope and humbly desire thee that our sleepe this night may be vnto vs more for the relieuing our wearinesse then for wanton delight So we likewise hope and desire that when we shall lay downe our bodies in the graue it may not bee as of the sauour of death vnto ●eath but of life vnto euerlasting life Grant gracious Lord God that thy power and prouidence may preserue vs safe in bodie and soule vntill the morning that we may then betake vs againe vnto our lawfull callings and that when our bodies shall rest in our graues our soules may be preserued vnder thine Altar among the rest of thy Saints vntill the most wished and glorious morning of our resurrection when wee shall no more returne vnto our labour no more feare dangers no more hunger thirst nor care for bodies necessaries but for euermore enioy the most blessed Crowne of eternall glorie which graunt gracious Lord God in and for thy Christ in whom all things for this life and the life to come are blessed vnto vs to whome with thee and the holy Ghost bee ascribed all honour power Maiestie and dominion for euermore Amen O Lord encrease our faith blesse vs and preserue vs this night and for euermore So be it A short Prayer for the Euening to be vsed of one man in priuate O Lord my God mercifull and louing Father in Jesus Christ I yceld thee humble thankes for thy mercies and louing fauours shewed towards me this day past wherein thou hast bountifully testified thy fatherly care of me and hast largely dealt with me in the vse of thy good creatures And as I haue found grace fauor at thy hands this day shorten not thy hand of comforts now the night is come wherein we are beset with many dangers the more in regard of the darkenesse of the night wherein all that worke wickednesse take their fittest oportunities to worke their deuices I haue no defence thou knowest no protection no refuge no meanes of safetie of my selfe but all my helpe standeth in thy Name Thy power and prouidence Lord is my sure defence and the least measure of thy fauour is sufficient to deliuer me from an hoast of enemies much more from all the power practice deuices of Sathan and his ministers who howsoeuer subtilly they lay waite and furiously assaile me yet are they limited by thy power and beyond the bounds of thy permission they cannot goe onely my owne corrupt nature and mine owne sinful inclination make readiest way for their attempts I am a sinner not worthy to approch into thy presence but as the poore Publicane crying Lord be mercifull vnto mee a sinner Clense mee from my faults committed this day wash me in the blood of the Lambe that I bee not bard from thy presence who refusest to heare sinners among whom I am the greatest therfore in forgiuing me the greater shall thy mercies appeare and the more bound shall I bee vnto thee who hast forgiuen much and I shall loue thee much in him whom thou louest most In him heare me for him forgiue me and let not the faults that I haue done this day be registred against me in the heauens nor reserued to be witnesses against me at the day of mine account Blot out of the booke of thy remembrance my sinnes done yesterday and to day and henceforth guide me in so sincere and perfect obedience that I sinne not though darkenesse ouershadow my body Let the light of thy loue shine in my soule that although my bodie sleepe and bee senceles of many dangers thy prouidence may watch ouer me and in my deadest slumbers preserue me and the more the darkenesse of the night doth blind my corporal eyes so much the more let me couet and obtaine the light of thy sauing countenance That howsoeuer I haue through weakenesse falne this day I may be now raysed againe to newnesse of life that I carry not the burden of my sinnes vnto my bed but cast them off as the rotten ragges of my naturall corruption and being clensed I may become more watchfull and constant that the errors of darkenesse seize not vpon me That the enemies of my present happinesse in thee and of my future glory with thee take not oportunitie in the time of my sleepe or night wakings either to plot or practise my hurt or my soules trouble by vaine dreames or feareful visions which grow partly by the distemperature of our corrupt humors but especially by Sathans temptations And because Lord the night is as a closet of wandring fantasies by reason of the darkenes thereof wherin many vaine and idle imaginations arise to prouoke vs to euill when sleepe ceaseth let thy holy Spirit O Lord rule in my heart and keepe the house of my soule as the strong man that the workes of darkenes creepe not into myheart but as an holy prompter vnto my soule he may stirre vp
continuall prayer otherwise what good we determine to day will be repented to morrow and we through our weaknes shall fall againe contrarie to our godly resolutions Our supplications to God for his assistance and strengthening of our resolued reformation must be continuall because our spirituall aduersaries are continually working to seduce vs out of the way of a sanctified life A ship as soone as her sailes are hoised feeles the winde and begins to make way if then there be no skilfull pilote at the helme to steere shee either rusheth vpon some rocke or driues the contrarie course So are mens affections swayed with the good or euill spirit Needs there not therefore a wise consultation of all the sences of the inner and outer man how to steere the affections aright which as the sailes are to the ship so are they vnto the minde for being once hoised they carrie the desires as the sailes the hull and if it want right reason to steere it it neuer can shape the course of godlines Let vs therefore pray that we may be able to manage the ship of our affections to the port of true obedience in a sincere course of life And happie is that man that truly determines constantly continues faithfully prayeth and wisely considers the course of his life and euer remembreth his end A Prayer for a godly life and to resist sinne and Sathan O God my God in Iesus Christ maker and creator of all things gouernour of heauen and earth preseruer of our soules and bodies the giuer of life light The framer disposer of all right and religious hearts The perfecter and finisher of our faith In by whom are all things and without whom nothing can haue any being Much lesse corrupt man haue any existence in life though be seeme to liue in the body except thou liue in him for our life which is our saluation and our glory and our crowne is hidde with thee in Christ. Such is thy mercy towards vs as thou vouchsafest to shew vs our blessed being with thee in the heauens in this our mortalitie in part as in a glasse lest wee should faint in our trials powre down● O Lord a full and large measure of thy sauing grace into my heart that I apprehending in part the sweetnesse of the life to come may frame my selfe to that course of life heere as may assure me of that which is to come Abandon and abolish the darkenes of mine vnderstanding and giue me the light of true iudgement that I may warily watchfully wisely foresee obserue shun the subtill baytes and allurements of sinne and Sathan giue me grace to walk in the way of life leaue not the powerfull power of Satan nor the poysoning sting of death in me Settle mine affections vpon the hid treasures of thy loue guide garde me with thy sauing power instruct me in the way of true wisedome Adorne me with all thy spirituall graces and diuine vertues sow in me the seedes of sanctity water me with the dew of thy holy Spirit purifie and cleanse my heart rectifie mine affections blesse my godly enterprises and holy endeauours frame all the parts powers faculties and sences of my soule and bodie that they may all meete in the loue of thee and euery one performe his office according to the greatnesse of thy name Let my heart harbour holy thoughts let my will euer be framed after thy word let mine vnderstanding bee manifested by righteousnesse and a sanctified life let my memorie neuer let ●●ipthe good things thou hast done for my soule Let my handes be purely clensed from pollution my tongue from prophanation mine eyes from the gilt of concupiscence my feer from following vanitie and all the parts of my body from the least appearance of 〈◊〉 That I being thus clensed and reformed I may walke euer in thy faith liue euer in thy feare and at the last yeeld my body to the graue in thy fauour where the power and sting of death shall faile of further pursuing me and there shall I leaue that sinning part vntill it shall bee made a shining part with my soule by the brightnesse glory of thy presence in the heauens Thy goodnesse and mercy shewed vnto sinners in this life leadeth the seriously penitent and truely faithfull to the consideration of their present weakenesse wants and imperfections and to the contemplation of their future fulnesse of ioy comfort and euer-continuing consolation O stirre vp in me a liuely hunger and thirst for spirituall graces in this life where we are pressed downe with a mighty masse of corruption and compassed about with a darke cloud of errors Insomuch as I a man begotten conceiued and borne in sinne can neuer be able to stand vnder the burden of the one or to comprehend thee my Light and my saluation through the other How then Lord shall I be able to walke in thee who art the true way vnderstand thee the sauing trueth or attaine vnto thee being eternall life Therefore Lord vouchsafe to inlarge my heart in all godly forwardnesse to proceede from knowledge to knowledge from faith to faith from one diuine grace to another vntill I attaine to full perfection in Christ in whom all our holy indenours be euermore blessed sinne euermore weakened and all goodnesse euermore increased But many are the blockes which Sathan layeth and couereth them with the vayle of pleasure and profite which make many to stumble and fall Many ministers hee vseth to snare vs and many miseries and mischiefes hee plotreth and practiseth against vs to dismay vs from following of thee but hee hath not so many agents to allure or terrifie vs as thou Lord hast meanes to preuent the one and to defend vs in the other Plead thou therefore my cause and defend me against that spirituall enemie that fighteth against me leaue me not in his power shorten the extent of his chaine breake his teeth that he may haue no power to seize vpon me weaken the poyson of his inchantments that he pollute in me neither the will nor the deede That I may leade my life vnspotted in the world and that all mine actions and indeauours may prosper that sinne that hangeth on so fast may be cast off And giue me a sound knowledge of thy good pleasure that I may truely determine to shake cleane off the vnprofitable workes of darkenesse and be truly clothed with the holy robes of righteousnesse and sanctity That I may be euer able and ready to pray vnto thee obtaine at thy hands the direction to liue vprightly in thy sight and that I may euer consider mine owne weakenesse and imperfections to the end I may indeauour to keepe a good conscience in all mine actions for as our sences and the members of our bodie are many and euery one subiect to sundry infirmities and temptations and euery of our actions open to diuers infections and pollutions So Lord I beseech thee to blesse all
and euery part of my soule and bodie in all holinesse and sanctity that in all my life I may truely walke before thee in ●i●●all feare and obedience and be of an vpright conuersation before the sonnes men Grant this for Christ thy Sonne Amen O Lord increase my faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer before the receiuing of the holy Communion or the Lords Supper THis holy Sacrament is called the Lords Supper because Christ Iesus did institute the same at his last Supper with his Disciples It is called the holy Communion because many faithfull communicate together at this holy Table as common partakers together of the body and blood of Christ. It is left vnto vs to be receiued of vs as a seale of our adoption into the inheritance of that newe Ierusalem purchased by Christ. It is a mysterie and therefore not vnderstood according to the spirituall end by the outward and carnall eating and drinking of the bread and wine which are onely visible signes of an inuisible vertue which maketh the worthy and truely faithfull receiuers liuely members of Christes mysticall bodie And yet not euery one that partaketh of this holy Table is therefore a member of Christ for the outward communicating not only auayleth nothing to the vnworthy Receiuer but turneth to his greater condemnation as appeareth in Iudas And therefore a most fearefull thing it is to presume to come to this holy Table with an vnprepared heart though aswell the vnworthy as the worthy Receiuers vnderstand by the letter of the word that the Body of Christ crucified vpon the Crosse is signified by the Bread his blood shed signified by the powring out of the wine yet how the Receiuer doth eate the flesh and drinke the blood of Christ euery Receiuer vnderstandeth not And therefore a dangerous presumption it is lightly and rashly to presse to this holy Table as if the bread and wine were of ordinary vse the taste and verdure of either differing nothing to the carnall sence from ordinary bread and wine But such is the spirituall vse as it worketh either to the saluation or damnation of euery one that receiueth Euery man receiueth as he is prepared in his heart The godly affected and sanctified that haue truely tasted and do retaine the grace of Gods holy Spirit bringing forth fruits worthy amendment of life partake worthy of this holy mystery But they that remaine in their sinnes carnally minded such as delite in the workes of darkenesse worldly and fleshly vanities what shew soeuer they make of the outward reuerent receiuing of this blessed Sacrament they doe but eat and drinke their owne damnation because they make no distinction or difference betweene this holy Table and the ordinary table of carnall meates They onely feele and feede on the visible signes but the spirituall and inuisible grace they taste not of Therefore it behooueth all that purpose to communicate at this holy Table first to examine how they stand prepared or vnprepared if they find themselues fit to partake of this heauenly mysterie it will appeare in their regeneration and renewed life by truely belieuing in the name of Christ Jesus by vnfeinedly louing one another as Christ commanded by well weighing and duely considering their wayes and turning themselues in faith and obedience to the commandements of God by truely repenting their sinnes and applying their hearts to righteousnesse and true holinesse He that is not thus prepared but continueth in his sinnes in infidelitie and disobedience ought to forbeare this holy Sacrament and to imploy his heart to search all his imperfections to seeke the meanes of reformation by the ministerie of the word and prayer left he come to this holy Table thinking to please God with a bare shew of Religion hauing neither faith nor repentance offering the sacrifice of fooles And so in stead of remission of sinnes promised to the worthy Receiuer hee increase his owne condemnation by vnworthy receiuing A Prayer to bee said before the receiuing of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. O Gracious Lord God Father of our Sauiour Christ Iesus and in him ours I thy poore creature wretched and ful of sinne doe here humbly fall downe in thy presence to be partaker of that holy Sacrament of the Body and Blood of that Lambe that taketh away the sinnes of the world Iesus Christ who tooke vpon him the burden of thy heauy indignation inkindled against all the sonnes of sinning Adam and refused not the ignominious death of the crosse to take away the curse which lay vpon all mankind pressing vs all downe euen to the hels hath redeemed againe into thy fauour and reconciled to thy grace as many as truly beleeue in his death satisfaction Thy mercy Lord did it wonderfull in our eyes yea a worke beyond the apprehension of humane wisedome a mystery incomprehensible Open therefore the eyes of our spirituall vnderstandings that we may comprehend and take holde by a liuely faith of the free remission of our sinnes and consequently of our reall and perfect adoption into the right of inheritance of eternall glory with Christ in the heauens Reueale Lord God euer louing this most hidde and heauenly mysterie vnto euery one here gathered together to partake of this holy Table and giue vs vnderstanding hearts truly to know what a high and heauenly mystery we here are to communicate for we cannot but acknowledge that although the creatures whereof we desire corporally to partake be visible and our eating the bread and drinking the wine be vnto vs in taste and verdure as are other like bread wine yet there is an inuisible and spirituall operation in the worthy and vnworthy receiuing namely saluation or damnation as appeareth in that vnworthy and most wicked Judas But good Father as he was marked from among the rest of thy Disciples to reprobation let this thine holy ordinance be a sure seale vnto vs of our saluation howsoeuer vnable we are to comprehend the height depth of thy great mercie and wisedome which in this most holy Communion thou offerest for the saluation of all worthy receiuers But who Lord can account himselfe worthy who dare presume to approch vnto this holy and heauenly Banquet of the Lambe as of his owne merit to partake worthily How can sinfull man by eating the bread and drinking the wine assure himselfe of remission of his sinnes not being spiritually instructed in this heauenly mystery Sinne and sanctitie truth and error light and darknesse agree not and therefore man as he is in himselfe by nature corrupt ignorant and in the shadow of death cannot worthily partake of this mystical banquet of the body and bloud of thy Sonne our Sauiour without the inward working of thy grace in his heart whereby it may please thee to giue him a liuely feeling of his imperfections a desire and power to cast off the lothsome clogge of sin and to be truely sanctified to the participation of so effectuall a
he shal recouer and liue with them which kinde of comfort is rather iniurious then friendly for what if the partie thus idlely secured perish without repentance These kindes of comforters haue little cause to imagine they haue performed a Christian dutie in this their visitation of their sick friend whom they seemed to loue much bewailing his sicknes and yet content to send him away with the heauie burden of his sinnes A second Christian duty is to pray for the sicke either in priuate or in publike assemblies of and with such as are present with the sick person wherein also the sicke person may conioyne either in the whole prayer by an inward lifting vp of his repenting and faithful heart to God in a holy meditation of what they pray or to conclude with them all Amen The prayer of the faithfull auaileth much if it be feruent The Lord by this meanes will strengthen him vpon his bed raise him to health or translate him in his good time To visite the sicke is an action most acceptable to God Yee haue visited me saith Christ when I was sicke therefore c 〈…〉 yee blessed c. Them that comfort the afflicted God will comfort He is the Father of mercies and comforteth vs 〈◊〉 all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them which are in any aff 〈…〉 by the comfort wherewith we our selues are comforted of God O Lord increase my faith A Prayer to be said for a sicke man or woman of his or her friendes that visite them O Most gracious Lord God who hast made all things preseruest euen the meanest of them by thy prouidence a sparrow lighteth not on the ground without thee Much lesse can any thing befall man but by thy will and determinate counsell So that we doe acknowledge that thou visitest this thy seruant here at this present languishing and that the present infirmity wherewith he is afflicted is of theesent to humble him for his sinnes Let it please thee O Lord to behold him in mercy and lay not vpon him too great a weight of thy dispeasure knowing that man in his greatest strength is weake how much more feeble being crushed as it were in ●eeces by the violence of thy visitation mitigate if it please thee the extremitie of his sicknesse and giue him patience to beare this thy light and louing correction And for that sinne is the cause of all troubles and tribulations Remoue Lord the guilt of all his offences through the merits of Iesus Christ and moderate his punishmēt though in iustice the most iust man is worthy of more stripes then he is able to beare yet thou refusest no truely repenting sinner bee his sins as re● as scarlet thou hast promised to make them as white as snow through the blood of Iesus Christ the sauing Lambe that taketh away the sinnes of the world Touch the hart of this thy seruant with a liuely feeling of his sinnes and a full assurance of thy mercy in forgiuing them That hee being really reunited vnto thee through an ●ufained faith in Christ may ●ouze vp his fainting soule vnto thee and by thee that howsoeuer his corporall weakenesse may argue the heauy displeasure towards him thy holy Spirit may yet work such peace in his conscienc through the assurance that his sins are freely forgiuen him that hee may take this thy visitation as a fatherly correction and louing chastisement for his former offences And that if thou be pleased to restore him to health it may worke in him a true renouation reformation of the rest of his life heare haue mercy vpon him O Lord haue mercy vpon him and according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away all his offences Looke fauourably vpon him cure him if it please thee restore him to health if it may stand with thy glory and his good But thou knowest Lord whether sickenesse or health bee most expedient for him whereof both he and wee are ignorant And therefore wee recommend him vnto thy fatherly disposition beseeching thee to confirme his hope assure him so of thy mercie that hee may imbrace life or death at thy pleasure and willingly to vndergoe this affliction knowing that all the tribulations which man can beare in this life are not worthy of the glory which thou hast prepared for them that loue thy second comming wh●● thou wilt giue to euery man according to his workes And therfore Lord turne his heart from the loue and vanities of this life vnto th● loue of the ioyes to come And 〈◊〉 him no longer set his heart and affections vpon this world or th● things in the world but onely and altogether vpon heauen and heauenly things That when the moment of time shall be wherein th●● shalt determine the separation 〈◊〉 his soule from the bodie let 〈◊〉 the common enemie of our salu●tion preuent him But let thy sanctifying spirit possesse all th● powers of his soule that with holy alacritie and cheerefulnesse he may commend his spirit into thy hands and be thou pleased to re●●iue him as one of thine adopted children into that celestial inheritance by the merits of Christ And in the meane time while hee shall rest here either in health or sickenesse be euer present with him for whose bodily recouery and hi● soules saluation O Lord hear● our prayers and let our cry come vnto thee Amen O Lord increase his and our faith for euermore A MOTIVE TO A Prayer before a man b●gin his Iourney HEe that well considereth the casualties of this life and hath but the least measure of vnderstanding and of the feare of God cannot attempt the least enterprise of the body but will forecast diuers dāgers incident in euery action much more taking a Iourney on horse or foot being subiect to so many misfortunes and crosses as he maketh steppes in his wayes It is not rare to heare of one breaking his legge another his arme a third bruzing his body a fourth comming to vntimely death by falling off or from his horse nay the slip of the foote hath many wayes occasioned death besides hazard of meeting with and suff●ring danger by the ministers of Sathan and by malignant men laying wait to doe mischiefe Our bodies being thu● daily and vniuersally beset with perill requireth watchfulnesse in our wayes and walkings But it is not in our power wisdome to preuent the least crosse much lesse able are we to defend our selues as of our selues frō the hidden and sudden misfortunes of this lifes casualties And therefore had we neede to leaue our owne selfe wisedome and prouidence though not our Christian care and betake v● to the holy protection of the Holy one of Israel who guided Iacob in his Iourney towards Laban and the seruant of Abraham iourneying for a wife for Isack But they prayed for good successe So must euery faithfull man if he hope of the like Otherwise as the Lyon mette the Prophet and s●ue him So can God rayse
to swim with the blood of his religious subiects Good and gracious Princes are as defensiue walles vnto a people against the rage and violence of enemies such as of whom Dauid speaketh Psal. 47. 9. Gebal and Ammo● and Amal●●h the Philiflims the inhabitants of Tyre and such like conspiratora against and oppressors of the children of God that sticke not to say Come and let vs cut them off from being a nation Psal. 68. 4. 7. Dauid complained in his time that the kings of the earth did band themselues and Princes assenibled together against the Lord and against his people and hath it not bene seene in our dayes that mighty potentates haue conspired against Gods anointed and vs And that secret trecheries haue bene coyned to indanger the peace and safety of prince and people And hath not that God that deliuered Dauid from Saul deliuered vs from them that rose vp against vs And shall we thinke that the publike and prinate petitions which the godly haue made for their Soueraignes hath not much preuailed to preuent the dangers which haue bene euen at the point of execution Let vs therefore neuer forget his goodnesse but so much the more become instant suppliants vnto that great King of kings that he will blesse preserue protect and defend his most excellent Maiestic whose vertues shine to the glory of the kingdome his integritie learning religious constancie admired were he a tyrant we ought to pray for his prosperitie how much more being most graciously louing vnto his subiects ought wee to intercede for him to God according to the precept of the Apostle 2. Tim. 1. 2. where he chargeth that all men should pray for kings who are appointed by God Let vs therefore pray for his health wealth peace prosperitie and safety that wee likewise in and by him may still as we now doe partake of thos● excellent blessings peace plentie and the free vse of the Gospel of Christ. And as Dauid prayed that the counsell of Athithophel might be made foolishnesse So let euery one of vs pray that God will destroy all the deuices of such as seeke or wish the hurt of his Maiestie the disturbance of his Church or Common-weale and to that end let this prayer following or some to the like purpose bee often vsed A Prayer and thankesgiuing for the Kings Maiestie to be often vsed of euery good subiect O Mighty and euerliuing Lord God who dwellest in the most glorious heauens in greatnes and glory whose wonderfull and vnresistible power protecteth those that feare thee and confoundest the strongest mightiest princes that rise vp against thee Thou afflictest the subiects of rebellious princes and comfortest those that are conformable vnto thy will kings and people 〈◊〉 cannot forget how the multitude of thy mercies did compasse vs abo●● on euery ●ide in the dayes of thy late chosen Elizabeth vnder wh●● thou gauest vs peace plentie 〈◊〉 aboue all the vse of thy sacred word the staffe and strength of our soules which hath the promise of all kinds of blessings which 〈◊〉 inioyed vntill her translation fro● vs vnto thee At what time a● thou Lord well knowest such was our generall feare of perill to haue succeeded her departure as the wisest of our Ancients became doubtful what would be the successe of the succession yet farre beyond our imaginations but farre more beyond our deserts thou forgetting our sinnes remembredst thy mercies Insomuch as although thou tookest from vs a most worthy De 〈…〉 yet thou hast in her steade giuen vs in thy prouidence a Iosiah most worthy who still leadeth vs thy people through the wildernes of many spirituall dangers towards mount Sion the holy hill of assurance of saluation through Christ thy Sonne and laboureth through a holy zeale to bring them that erre from thy truth into the way that leadeth vnto eternal life to reconcile the obstinate and to confirme the weake So that we cannot but acknowledge that indeede thy mercies are infinite towards vs in him O that men would therefore prayse thy name for thy goodnesse and for thy blessings bestowed vpon vs the most vnworthy amongst the children of men Lord we confesse that among all thy mercies and miracles there is none more admired in the world then is thy goodnesse and loue towards vs howsoeuer vnworthy in keeping vs notwithstanding so many Antichristian stratagems vnder thine owne protection continuing to vs the light of thy sacred truth that shineth amongst vs more bright the● the 〈…〉 nne in her strength As if th●● haddest a more speciall respect vnto vs th●● to any other nation 〈◊〉 thine owne dearest and peculiar people Thou hast anointed vnto vs a religious ●ing to watch 〈…〉 uer vs to nourish vs with the 〈…〉 ilke of thy sauing word and hast not permitted a stranger from thy truth to intrude vpon vs But with the sword of the spirit hast hitherunto guarded vs from the entrie of forraigne Potentates enemies vnto thy Gospel Inlarg● therefore good Father thy gift of wisedome and power vnto thi●● owne peculiar choice Iames thi●● Anointed that he may be watchfull to obserue and powerfull to withstand the enemies of thy truth abroad and at home Let no Achitophel bee neere his person nor any sinister counsell bee heard or malicious hand be lifted vp against him Be a Father of mercy vnto him and to his seede that vnder thee he and they that haue and shall proceed from his or the loynes of them that proceede from him may be fathers and furtherers of many comforts to thy Church for euer Take him not from vs as thou hast taken our neighbour kings though our sinnes deserue it and haue already made a dangerous breach in that Royall stocke wherein vnder thee our hope of happinesse dependeth much And therefore Lord depriue vs not of him nor any of his issue in thine anger who brought vs peace after peace and is as Dauid vnto vs a man chosen after thine owne 〈…〉 uing kindnesse to rule vs 〈◊〉 to continue vs in the rules of right religion a blessing aboue blessings Giue vs not ●uer therefore vnto the will of his and ours and thine owne enemies who vnder the counterfeit colour of the name and cause of Christ seeke to persecute Christ himself in his mēbers falsly perswading themselues that the murdering of Princes and massacring of people is a sacrifice acceptable to thee and a marke of Catholike religion How it had fared with vs the king and people if thou hadst permitted that plot of confusion lately practised to haue preuailed thou knowest Thy chosen Israel wanting a king all people did what they listed If then Lord they had depriued thine English Israel of King Counsell Bishops Iudges and Chiefe men of the land what could haue succeeded but vniuersall confusion Wee confesse thy power and prouidence to ●e absolute and couldest haue raysed and restored others for thine owne glory But our sinnes deseruing the first could not bee worthily seconded
by the latter but that Antichrist would haue reinuested himselfe where now Christ Iesus is vnto vs all in all Blessed bee thy name O Lord whose eye beheld and whose prouidence preuented them and whose arme as with a rod of yron brake the actors in pieces like a potters vessell To thee therefore most louing Lord God to thy Sonne Christ and to the holy Ghost be prayse for euer Amen Lord increase our faith and euermore preserue thy seruant our King A short thankesgiuing and prayer for the Kings preseruation DEare Father infinite in power towards vs giue vs hearts to remember with thankefulnes thy too much forgotten goodnes in so mercifully defending our King and vs thy people from many dangers And forget not Lord how the wicked still study the meanes to effect that which thou in mercy diddest then preuent Cōsider how they secretly thirst for the blood of thine Anointed and of his most worthy branches likely to proue powerfull protectors of thy truth and consequently long for the confusion of thy people It suffiseth that thou seest it but it suffiseth not for vs to haue the words and not to vse the workes of assurance of thy protection And therfore we humbly pray thee gracious Lord God most louing father to pardon our sinnes which are the greatest aduersaries that can rise vp against vs. Thou sendest good and religious kings to a people from whom thou expectest the fruits of holy obedience But if they waxe cold in profession and slacke in practizing thy reueiled will thou takest their godly 〈◊〉 religious and louing kings from them and in stead sendest them Tyrants mercilesse and irreligious princes neither the wisedome nor power of man can preuaile where thou art a partie in the iudgement Wherefore louing Father as th●● hast furnished the heart of Iames thy seruant our King with heauenly wisedome furnish our hearts with true obedience to follow thy will reueiled in thy word that so our obedience beginning towards thy Maiestie may appeare and worke more and more in our continuall thankefulnesse vnto thee 〈◊〉 him and our loue and true loyalty to him that thy word may still preuaile with vs remaine amongst vs and wee euermore abide constant in thee that howsoeuer enemies rage whatsoeuer euill counsaile they take we may be either still free in thee protected by thy hand or may with patience vndergoe thy fatherly tryall knowing that all things worke together for the best to them that loue thee and are chosen of thy purpose in him by whose merits both hee our king and we thine and his people haue receiued the promise that thou wilt neuer faile vs nor forsake vs. Lord increase our faith A most pi●●ie and patheticall Prayer for the King and ouerthrow of Antichristian religion and enemies of the truth BLesse LORD and graciously defend and preserue our King looke v●n him as thou didst vpon Dauid chosen after thine owne heart Leade him by thine owne right hand in all his wayes that hee may leade vs thy people vnto thy holy Sanctuarie Giue him a reioycing heart to see his subiects readie to resort vnto thy holy Temple receiuing thy blessed Sacraments and faithfully seruing thy sacred Maiestie by his religious example Let him euer be instant to call vpon stirre vp and incite the Ministers of thy word that they be instant in sounding the trumpet of thy word vnto thy people that sin may bee weakned obedience to thee increased that mercie and truth may meet together and righteousnes and peace may kisse each other Giue him euermore a preuailing power to bring to nought or weaken the power of Idolatry and superstition within his Kingdomes and to further construie the sincere seruice of thee let him neuer cease O Lord vntill hee haue banished or fully reformed the Fauorites of Antichrist namely such as haue the marke of that Beast in their foreheads or in their hands whose names are not written in the booke of Life Giue him Lord an eye to finde them out and a right resolution to abandon them without respect of persons together with all flatterers and Hypocrites And blesse vnto him godly wise religious and faithfull Counsellers and as thou hast giuen him a sword and Scepter let him truly and valorously vse them to the cutting off of all the daungerous branches of sinne and impietie and all the inormities of thy Church and Common weale and to the defence of the godly and innocent Let his person Lord be euer in thy protection keep him as the apple of thine eye preuent all secret practises and open violence pretēded against him Stand betweene him and the enemie and let the hailestones of thy seuere iudgements fall vpon the heads of them that hate him woūd the hayrie scalpe of all that rise vp against him And in all his occasioned incounters with Antichrist or any of his adherents giue him Ioshuahs prosperous victories Dauids zeale and Elishacs faith Discouer vnto him largely the counsell of thine owne will giue him a forward willing and constant heart to effect what thou commandest and grant that he dismay not more in the ouerthrow of Antichrist then Ioshuah did at the confusion of Ierico Be thou his buckler whet his sword bend thou his bow make ready his arrowes vpon the string and let them all and alwayes be directed by thy prouidence to the destruction of his thine irreconciliable enemies as was the Sli●● of Dauid against Goliah so let the. Judgements be against the wicked in the day of battell Let his Subiects loue him let his enemies feare and flie him let all Nations admire his righteous iudgements Princely gouernment and religious constancie let them all bee moued to follow him as he deliteth Lord to follow thee in truth and equitie to the glorie of thy vniuersally admired name through Christ in whom let him euer bee blessed And so blesse vs Lord that we may blesse thee for him Amen Lord increase our faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to bee vsed of such as are of the Kings Maiesties priuie Counsell IF men of meanest professions bee moued by common reason to seek vnderstanding to manage their own priuate occasions how much more ought men of most eminent places especially Counsellors to Kings craue wisedome and fitnes of God for so high a calling How can they consult deuise deliberate direct and determine matters of weightiest consequence without extraordinarie gifts of prudence How can they marshall the care and carriage of him that hath the care and charge of the gouernment and defence of Kingdomes and people in peace and warre not onely in matters Ciuill but Ecclesiasticall Spirituall and Temporall Is it a small matter saith Dauid to be sonne in law to a King So may a man say Is it a small preferment to be thought a fit man to be of the secret counsell of a King Many thirst no doubt and desire this highest honor who haue not first truely examined their gifts of
ablenes to discharge the office according to iudgement it is not enough to be a deepe Politician a profound Naturalist but to be a religious Christian well seene in the booke of God especially and in the Lawes and ordinances of the Kingdome to be of an vpright heart of a godly conuersation qualified in the vertues diuino the first whereof is to respect Gods glory secondly the honor of the King the good of the Church and Weale publike to shine before men in godlines for that ministreth ioy consolation to the good and terror to the wicked It is impossible for him to giue good counsell to men that hath not taken counsell before of God Psal. 33. 10. And therefore hee that seeketh not wisdome where Salomon found it let hi● be as wise in humane affaires 〈◊〉 was Achitophel it will either come to nought or redound to his owne disgrace to the dishonor of the King and hurt of the Church or Common-weale Great happines then it is to that King and Kingdome where men of worthie not for their Religion Prudence and Integritie are inuested in that most honorable societie and therefore much behoueth it all honorable persons of that most worthy rancke to commence in humilitie and in the feare of God from whence cannot but proceed that true wisedome and sinceritie which are the truest arguments of the Kings and Subiects happinesse and safetie And for that these supernaturall gifts no man attaineth vnto by chance arte or carnall means they are to be sought for by prayer at the hands of him that freely giues them without remuneration Iam. 1. 5. He then that loueth righteousnes and is in this eminent place cannot but desire true Wisdome and that instantly in regard of the vertues that accompanie her As Sobernes Prudence Righteousnesse and Fortitude Wisd. 8. 7. ornaments of highest honor to such as are of the secrets of Princes But fearing lest I should seeme to light● candle to giue light to the Sunne I craue pardon and patience onely I aduenture to insert this among other Motiues not to teach but by way of well-wishing vnto all of that most high and most honorable association whose wisdome and iudgement is a light in the Court and life of the Kingdome A Prayer not vnfit to be sometimes vsed of a Counsellour of Estate as he hath oportunitie O Gracious Lord God most wise prouident and louing Father I acknowledge my selfe farre vnworthy of the pl●c● and dignitie whereunto thou i● great mercie hast aduanced me a man of meanest vnderstanding What am I O Lord that th●● shouldest respect me so That tho● shouldest associate mee with the grauest and most prudent to m 〈…〉 me partaker of the secret counsel of thine Anointed I know that wit● thee is wisedom and counsell mercie and iudgement but I am ignorant only thou art the Author and fountaine of true wisedom giuest prudence knowledge abundātly to them that truly faithfully aske it of thee to the end to do good to execute Justice to aduante thy word 〈◊〉 loue countenance and defend the true professors of the same not to seeme the more singular in Naturall and Humane policies But indeed to be the more able to preuent the euils which the enemies of thy sacred and sauing truth plot and practise against thy Church and thine Anointed And therefore Father Al-sufficient seeing it is thy good pleasure to put into the heart of thine Anointed to call me vnworthy to his Counsell make 〈◊〉 more worthy by infussing into mee wisedome to aduise iudgement to determine and strength to performe all the godly duties required in my high calling Make me especially studious in thy wor● giue 〈◊〉 vnderstanding according vnto the same lest I through ignorance or rashnesse should propose deliberat or censure any thing to thy dishonor to the danger or damage of our Soueraigne Lord to the distaste or disturbance of thy Church or against the peace or profit of the ●●●eale publike of the Dominious vnder the charge of thine Anointed And aboue all things Lord giue mee a religious heart that in a godly and right constant resolution I may more and more seeke the propagation increase continuance and aduancement of the Gospell of Iesus Christ and more and more seeke to weaken and bring to nought all Idolatrie and superstition Take from me a parciall eye that in respect of persons I seeke not to free the faulty or to discountenance or condemne the innocent Giue me a loyal hart to my Soueraigne season my loue towards him with thy loue that as much as in mee lieth I may euer defend his person though to the losse of whatsoeuer is dearest unto me and that I may seeke to discouer those that hate him and endeuour to bring them to their deserued shame and punishment Lord increase my faith and mine vnderstāding according to thy word Another short effectuall Prayer to be said of a priuie Counseller fit to bee said before consultation FRuctifie my heart O gracious Lord God with righteousnesse and sincere iudgement that I may wisely consult sincerely censure and iudge iustly all things that at any time shall be propounded to mine opinion for of my self Lord I doe acknowledge that I am a man of weake vnderstanding of a corrupt heart and ignorant of perfect equitie and therefore I humbly beg knowledge and wisedome of thee Keepe my feet aright in all my wayes free my hands and keepe them euer cleane from gifts that they cause me not to peruert iustice and wrest sound counsell Indue mee with a mercifull heart and let mine affections be euer such as may in all things administer true tokens of mine integrity And for as much as things may diuersly fall out to be debated and determined by vs of this high calling of so worthy and weighty consequence as may concerne the life and state of Church Common-weale and we being but men not able to fadome by our wisedomes the end of thy secret purposes nor to sound the depth of thine vnsearchable iudgements bee pleased to reueale vnto vs thy will for the good of thine Anointed vnder whom thou hast placed vs that we may accordingly consult and determine for nothing succedeth wi●● without thee and against thee there is neither wisedome vnderstanding or counsell that can preuaile Thy Judgements are vnsearchable and thy wayes past finding out Furnish vs therfore O louing Father with all graces and vertues necessarie to the performance of out bound duties to thy selfe thine Anointed thy Church and the Common-weales vnder the gouernment of our Soueraigne Lord thy seruant through Christ our wisedome our Strength and ou● 〈◊〉 ●eeiner Lord increase our faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be said of euery good subiect for the good successe of the Counsell Royall SAint Paul in the first to Timothie cap. 1. 2. exhorteth all men to make prayers and supplications for kings and men in authoritie and yeeldeth such a reason to moue thereunto as
th●● hast appointed Couns●ll●rs of Estate vnder our King by the rule of right reason and diuine wisedome that all their consultations and determinations may tend vnto and come to a holy e●d being 〈◊〉 rated in thy feare and sanctified by prayer Heare our petitions for them heare them for themselues and vs and heare them and vs for the safetie of thi●● Anointed for the good of thy Church pr 〈…〉 and peace of thy people in and for thy Christ our sol● and only 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 to whom with 〈◊〉 and the holy ●●●st be praise 〈◊〉 nally Amen Lord increase our faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to bee vsed of Iudges and Superiour Magistrates that haue power and authoritie to heare and determine causes betweene man and man which Motiue is fit to be often read and considered of ●hem ABoue all the men in the world Iudges superiour Magistrates and Ministers of Gods word haue greatest cause to seeke wisdome and iudgement at the hands of God by prayes for that Rule and gouernment is giuen them of the Lord and power by the most high who will trie their workes and search their imaginations Wisd. 6. 2. 〈◊〉 If they iudge iustly he will iustifie their Iudgements but if they perueit Iustice horrible and sudden will be ●pp●are vnto them a ●ard iudgemēt shall they haue that rule and rule not according to right Let them pray that God will giue them grace to keepe their hearts vpright and their hands cleane for nothing peruer●●th the heart of a Iudge as do bribes they bewitch him they make him of a free mā a slaue for being once corrupted with reward he letteth slip the reines of Iustice and wresteth the cause to the Briber whose hireling he is whereby the iust man is oppressed and the oppressor freed the lawes of God neglected the lawes of Common-weales peruerted the King abused Subiects wronged the common peace indangered Gods iudgements threatned confusion feared God will be a seuere Iudge of all partial corrupt Iudges the people shal perish where bribery corruption ouerswayeth Iustice The Iudges of the house of Iacob the Gouernours of the house of Israel did abhor Iudgement and peruert equity they iudged for rewards thinking as corrupt Iudges doe that God saw them not in their priuate studies and therefore could there bee no accuser consequently no danger follow But the Iudges were punished the people oppressed Sion plowed as a field Ierusalem became a heape of stones Mich. 3. 9. 11. Such desolation followeth where Iudges are corrupt where the Priests teach for hire and the Prophets prophesie for mony These may be all set in the table of Iudges Ecclesiasticall and Ciuill Iudges were coupled together by Micah the Prophet and therefore may they heare one and the same admonition namely that they be diligent to seeke wisdome and learning together Ye are al Iudges of things in the earth and in earthly vessels of things Diuine I indeuour not to teach them but to moue them to seeke wisdome at the fountaine Iehouah of him to learne Iudgement for he shall be the Iudge of their Iudgements and he shall reward them that take reward against the innocent If therefore they would remember and ruminate the exhortatiō of Iehoshaphat which he gaue to the Iudges in his time that they should take heed what they did considering they executed not the iudgements of men but of God They would bee circumspect in iudging and the more if they considered what Iehu said vnto Iehoshaphat Wilt thou helpe the wicked and loue them that hate the Lord As all Iudges doe if for affection or bribes they suppresse a iust and preferre an vniust cause Iudges may bee compared to beautifull women in their places for as the deformed are seldom or neuer assailed or tempted to incōtine●●ie but the beautifull eagerly often So cōmon persons are seldom or not at al tempted with brib 〈…〉 but Iudges and Magistrates strongly and many times And happie is that Iudge that keepeth his hart free from parriall affection and his hands from gifts A Iudge first mounting into his chaire of Iudgement ought to pr●meditate of the weighty taske hee hath vndertaken for h●● is entred as into the seat of God himselfe in his ●●ead to execute Iustice iustly If they fore he poruert Iudgement he doth what in him lieth to make God vniust It is an office not vashly to be desired not vnaduisedly to be vndertaken for if they runne before desert and finde not in themselues fitnes for experience and sinceritie and be there unto called as God commanded Moses to constitute such to be Iudges of the people as would administer righteous Iudgement fit it were to forbeare But being lawfully called and finding ●●tnes inwardly for gifts let him the● pray that God will inable him with wisdome and 〈◊〉 Iudgement that he may discharge a good cōscience without respect of persons or bribes two strong enemies to Iustice and impossible it is to preuent them without the especiall grace of God who being instantly petitioned is readie to giue wisdome and to keep the hart cleane from vniust rewards pray therefore and be warned yee that bee Iudges of the earth for fire shall consume the houses of bribers Iob 15. 24. A Prayer to be vsed of Iudges and Magistrates O Gracious and merciful Lord God Father of mercie inst in Judgement absolute in wisdome pure and holy in all thy waies and works Lend thine eare of mercie vnto my petitions who am a man weak in vnderstanding ignorant in iudgement apt to erre in opinion vnworthy of the high calling whereunto thou hast aduanced me to execute Justice and Judgemēt as in thy stead in earth and in thy name to giue sentence according to equity But I am by nature of a corrupt heart of pr●phane lips and of a de●●led conuersation Therefore of mine own disposition and wisedome vnable to iudge iustly and consequently vnfit for so high a function But thou louing Father art the fountain of wisdome the directer of the hart the mouer of the tongue the giuer of true knowledge And therfore I do hūbly beseech thee to fill my hart with wisedom from aboue my will with equity mine vnderstanding with iust iudgement that I laying aside all mine own wit policy pretended prudence which naturally is meerely carnall may only rely vpon thy holy heauēly direction and obtaine it that I rightly cōceiuing the equity of all causes that shal be tendred vnto my censure I may iudge iustly between parties without respect of persons that I may truly imitate thee who art iust in thy iudgements acceptest no person for reward Giue me an vnderstāding hare to distinguish between truth falshood between the wronged the wrong-doer that I punish not the iust let the wicked goe free Let no priuate respect Lord eyther of mine owne benefit or steeding a friend miscarry my iudgement but let thine owne glory and reueiled
will moue me to deale euermore iustly knowing that I fit not to execute mine owne will or mans iudgement but thine And if I wilfully erre thou wilt not hold me guiltlesse but wilt iudge me vniust and punish mee iustly Let not the opinion of the multitude either ouersway the truth in me or terrifie me from giuing sentence according to equitie And let me neuer be wearie of well doing but if cause so require it giue mee strength as thou diddest to Moses to heare and iustly to determine all controuersies from morning to night giue me a sincere heart free from malice and reuenge close mine eyes shut vp mine eares and claspe my hands that neither affection blinde me nor bribes peruert iudgement in me but that I may doe all things to the glory of thy name euer ayded by thy holy Spirit in and for thy welbeloued Sonnes sake Christ Jesus Amen Lord increase my faith in me confirme wisdome and iust iudgement A MOTIVE TO be vsed of Christians for Iudges and superior Magistrates THe necessitie of establishing Iudges and Magistrates to gouerne direct and punish doth giue vs to vnderstand that such and so many are the corruptions of our crooked deformed and rebellious nature at could not but breake into most inhumane vnnaturall impious and dangerous actions as if it were not preuented by la●es ordinances punishments and executions would breede speedie confusion among men And were there not Magistrates and Iudges to arbitrate and administer iustice and iudgement euery man would be Iudge reuenger of his owne pretended wrongs and would doe right to none he would maintaine his owne euill wayes to be vpright his oppressions to be iustice and his actions were they neuer so impious to be lawfull and right the weakest in power in their iustest complaints should be iudged vniust Wee may obserue notwithstanding lawes and statutes that in stead of Iustice and righteous dealing among men Rapine hatred dissention wrongs and murders vniuersally abound and what might we thinke would bee the state of things if Iustice should cease to execute her office and offenders goe without punishment Would not cain kill Abel Would not Haman conspire against Mordecai Would not Iesabel murther Naboth for his vineyard Would not Shemei raile vpon nay take away the life of Gods Anointed Would not Achan take the excommunicate thing Would not Iudas betray his master Nay would not Zimri and Cozhi commit wickednesse openly Would not all and all sorts of men run out of rule and would not sorrowfull confusion soone follow God foresaw this when he prescribed the lawes in two tables and constituted gouernours to keepe the people in obedience by inflicting punishments vpon offenders and to defend the cause of the innocent Moses and his Centurions first gouerned the multitudes of Israel then I●shuah after them Judges and lastly Kings and were it not that Iustice continued her force neither Church nor Common-weale could stand If God should deale with vs as oftentimes he did with his owne peculiar people the Iewes for their sinnes namely to send vs corrupt Judges irreligious and tyrannous Magistrates would it not be vnsauory vnto vs and burdensome for vs And nothing more procureth it then our disobedience to God and there is no other mean to free vs but our obedience to godly and religious Magistrates and to the wholesome Christian lawes established for our peace not for feare of punishment but for a religious conscience sake If we obey God we cannot but loue and obey such as he hath set gouernours ouer vs and if we loue them we cannot but pray for them not as they are men onely and as they are members of Christ mysticall body with vs but as they are Gods ministers and beare the sword to correct the guilty and to defend the innocent Let no man thinke it therfore a superfluous but a Christian duety to pray for Iudges and superior Magistrates that God will indue them with graces and gifts answerable to their callings as with Wisedome Iustice Righteousnesse right Religion Courage and Christian integritie that they doing their dueties as gouernours we may as rather led by their godly examples then by their seuere iustice neither feare the punishment for disobedience to Gods Magistrates nor they our gouernours the threats denounced against such as peruert Iustice and Judgement A Prayer for Iudges and superior Magistrates to be vsed of all good and Christian subiects and especially of them that haue causes depending before Iudges and Magistrates FOrasmuch most gracious God and louing Father in Iesus Christ as thou being the Iudge of Iudges hast appointed Iustice and Iudgement to be done in earth and hast for the execution thereof appointed ministers called Iudges hast commanded thy people to obey them wee appeale vnto thy mercie for our disobedience vnto thy lawes which we dayly transgresse and thereby cannot but incurre the danger of Judgement euen in this life And we acknowledge that the sentence of an earthly Judge is not his but thine he pronouncing our punishment th●● confirmest it Their censure 〈◊〉 thine if it be iust if vniust it is not thine but theirs yet their mini 〈…〉 is our iust reward for our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 therfore humbly beseech 〈◊〉 to direct our hearts and our c●●●ersations in all obedience to thy lawes and to the constitutions of thine Anointed who beareth the sword to punish offenders and to defend the innocent the fatherles widowes and the oppressed and from his supereminent authoritie vnder thee the power of inferiour Iudges and Magistrates is deri 〈…〉 to heare and determine causes of controuersie betweene man and man and matters of offence against the stare of superiours the peace of the Church and Common-weale They are indeed bu● 〈◊〉 whom wee see in their s●●t●s of Judgement whom wee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whom we obseru● to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 th 〈…〉 censure they pronounce but their hearts are in thine hands and their sentence by thy direction or permission thou directest none but according to equitie yet permittest iniustice to bee done vnto men for their iniquities hee that iudgeth vniustly and hee that is vniustly iudged haue their punishments the one in augmentation of his 〈◊〉 to his greater punishment to ●●●ne the other either in iudgement for sinnes past or in mercy to reforme him Consider therefore most gracious Lord God how and in what porill thy people stand vnder the censures of Judges vniust and lay not vpon vs the burden of their vniustice but conforme their hearts to true Judgement and account none to that high office of iudging thy people but such as thou shalt first furnish with wisedome experience and true sinceritie Let them be of like and of one mind with thee abandoning partialitie bribery and respect of persons and be thou alwayes with them and direct them in all causes of Judgement let them neither admit reward and so corrupt Justice nor follow the opinion of the multitude and so ouerthrow the truth
keepe vs vnderthine obedience Lest our continuing tranquility prosperity should cause vs to forget thee Giue vs we beseech thee holy conuersations that we may euer walke before thee in all vprightnes that we may prosper in all our wayes by thy blessing grant that our children may grow vp in all goodnes vertues honesty religion to means whereby they may passe this their pilgrimage with much spirituall comfort in Iesus Christ. Increase according to thy good pleasure our stocke store multiply thy many blessed benefits vnto vs performe thy promises vnto vs and vnto our seed as thou didst to Abraham Isaac Iaacob and to their seed make vs our seed faithfull that we may be blessed with faithfull Abraham and as the house of Obed edom was blessed for the Arkes sake so Lord blesse vs with thine own presence that we the house wherin we remaine may be euer blessed and all that belongeth vnto vs Through Iesus Christ our only mediatour Amen Lord increase our faith A MOTIVE TO Parents to stirre them vp to instruct and pray for their children THere can bee no stronger band of loue and mutuall affection betweene humane creatures then is or ought to bee betweene parents and their children being of one flesh blood But this loue appeareth in some by counterfeit markes as by their continual care carke toile in the world to get wealth to inrich their posterity Some in a doting maner pamper vp decke their children like peacocks making them admired guls for their vanities Some through a blind affection not only permit but incourage their children to take their vaine delights and pleasures in dycing carding company keeping drinking and in all kind of vnseemely riotous and irreligious courses and some Ignorants of the world commende such foolish and doting parents But not onely Religion but meere humane reason condemnes this kinde of loue and holds it rather madnesse then modestie rather wickednes then wisdome for Seneca saith It is impossible for that man to be of a vertuous disposition that is wantonly brought vp in rioting and pleasures Wise parents and religious care more how to bring vp their children in honestie vertue and in the feare of God then how to make them to liue wealthily pleasantly and gloriously in the world They consider that it is better for their children to be esteemed of the good for their vertues then to please the phantasies of their fond parents and others by their beautie brauery comlines and the liniaments of their bodies which are most graceful in their silly parents singular opinions yet is it a common course of worldlings to care more for the bodies then for the soules more for the wealth then for the wisdome more for the health then for the happines and more for the present prosperitie then for the future saluation of their dearest children A preposterous kinde of loue and contrarie to the counsell of the holy Ghost who teacheth parents to learne their children the lawes of God as Deut. 6. 7. Thou shalt rehearse them continually vnto thy children shalt talk of them when thou tariest in thine house as thou walkest in the way and when thou liest downe and when thou risest vp In all places at all times and by all meanes parents ought to instruct their children It is reputed a great glorie and a speciall blessing to haue many children but it is not the number but the vertues of them and the comfort parents take of their godly qualities that giueth the blessing Gideon or Ierubaal had 70. children and one of them Abimelech slew threescore and nine of them What comfort or consolation can parents looke for of prophane and irreligious children but griefe and vexation of spirit It behoueth parents therefore not only to take care of the instruction of their children and educating them in the feare of God but to pray for a blessing vpon them also For parents may teach and children may heare but without a blessing from God it little profiteth Paul may plant Apollos may water but it is God that giueth the increase Eli could say vnto his sonnes that were wicked Doe no more so my sonnes do no more so but they reformed not but were slaine by Gods iudgements and at the newes Eli their father fell backward from his seat and brake his necke Adramelech and Sharazer impious sonnes kild Senacherib their wicked father If euer there were a time of necessitie for parents to instruct exhort rebuke reprooue and pray for their children This corrupt age of necessitie requires it for there is none so ignorant but may obserue the irreligious vaine and vnbridled courses of children of both sexes who without the especial grace of God we see daily to fall into so grosse inormities as draw downe vpon them their swift confusion to the perpetuall shame intolerable griefe and deserued ignominie of their carelesse parents A prayer fit for parents to make vnto God in the behalfe of their children O Gracious Lord God father of mercy and louing kindnes I giue thee hearty thanks for thy goodnesse in blessing me with the gift of children Blesse me also with wisedom and vnderstanding to instruct them in the knowledge of thee to educate them in thy fear to confirme them in thy faith and to winne them to thy loue This dutie thou requirest at the hands of parents towards their children and punishest the neglect thereof as in Eli. Powre downe Lord therfore into the hearts of my children thy holy Spirit that they may become fit members of that mysticall bodie wherof Christ thy Sonne is the head leade them by thine own right hand in the way of knowledge faith and obedience that their obedience beginning at them it may extend vnto vs their parents and assist vs that we may teach them instruct them rebuke them reproue them and wish all goodnes vnto them which yet is altogether fruitlesse without thy blessing and grace fruitlesse in respect of our selues their parents vnlesse thou blesse vs with a holy and powerfull zeale to performe our parently duties towards them religiously faithfully in teaching them fruitlesse in respect of them vnlesse thou inable them by thy holy Spirit to learne and imbrace such religious wholesome documents as thou mayest be pleased to furnish vs with for their instruction Season my heart I humbly beseech thee with a holy desire to seeke their saluation and season their harts with an humble and holy inclination to obey thy truth All humane creatures are prone to sin against thee youth especially who are most apt to fall into many forbidden vanities and therefore need they not only continuall instruction in and to goodnes and debortation from sinne but continuall watchfulnes and careful diligence to obserue and follow the good and to preuent and auoid the euill which neither we their parents are able sufficiently to teach nor they our children to performe by nature furnish vs therfore most
especially the seas which oftentimes rage and roare vnder the burden of their sinnes that passe in them much daunting dismaying and threatning the dry land and the inhabitants thereof much more such as in thy prouidence are appointed to haue their trauell and trafficke therein we therefore in al humblenesse come vnto thee O Iehouah who art the God and gouernour of the immensible and vnfadomable sea Thou callest for and commandest the tempests to arise thou liftest vs the waues thereof and wee are mounted vp to the clouds and suddenly descend into the deepe againe So that we are euen at the doore of death yet such is thy might and thy mercie that at thy rebuke they are still and at thy word the tempest ceaseth Receiue vs therefore into thy blessed protection for we recommend our selues vnto the seas in thy name confessing that it is neither the strength or swiftnes of our ship that can saue vs neither can our power or policy preuent the dangers of the merciles waues It is not the Card nor Cōpasse that can direct or bring vs to the hauen where wee would be It is only thy power prouidence and conduction whereupon we doe depend In thee is our hope and help for thou commandest and the Seas obey at thy word the Red Sea ●laue in sunder it stood still in heaps to giue way to Israel a worke against the ordinarie course of nature and therefore much more easie may it seeme to vs for thee to giue way to vs through the Sea● by naturall and ordinarie meanes And the rather for that wee know that at thy rebuke the Sea of Ienazeret being in violent rage was suddenly appeased Speake the word and the Seas shall giue vs comfortable free passe without any impediment The winds and Seas obey thee thou art omni●●tent thou canst doe what thou will in mercy and iudgement Go with vs O Iehouah and be our guide as thou wert neere vnto thy Disciples when they were like to perish i● the mercilesse waters Prosper 〈◊〉 voyage blesse our meanes let thy holy Angels accompanie vs as assisting and preuailing ministers for our safetie and good successe Rebuke and quiet the winds and tempests when they arise Defend vs from mercilesse and tyrannous ●●rates when they assaile vs keepe vs from ship wracke when wee are in perill Supply vs with all necessaries for our corporall sustinance and safetie ●ouchsafe vnto vs health and strength of body wisdome and power to manage our affaires to thy glory and our comfort Take from vs and euery one of vs all impietie sinne and vncleannes furnish vs with heauenly knowledge increase and strengthen our ●aith in thee confirme our hope of happie successe make vs intirely to loue thee giue vs true zeale to serue thee and to call vpon thee ●●tonely in all our calamities and ●angers as of necessitie but conti●ually as of a Christian duty That thou maist bee pleased euermore to guide vs and by thy mighty hand in thy mercy to direct our course and bring vs to the hauen where we would be and leaue vs not vnto the mercilesse waters for without thee there is none that can deliuer vs. O giue vs hearts neuer to forget thy goodnesse watchfull and obedient hearts that wee neuer fall from thee to our naturall vanities and corruptions giue vs not ouer to our owne hearts lusts to sweari●● swaggering drunkenuesse whoredome and to the prophane course of life whereunto by nature we are inclined But assist vs euer with thy grace that wee we may liue orderly honestly religiously and ●olily before thee to deale faithfully and truly with all men at land and sea euer depending on thy prouidence who neuer failest nor forsakest them that call vpon thee in spirit and truth Blesse our going foorth blesse 〈◊〉 voyage blesse our indeuours bless our calling and trafficke and 〈◊〉 vs a comfortable prosperous and happy returne Make vs thankfull in holy obedience which is the sacrifice wherewith thou art 〈◊〉 pleased Grant vs gracious Father these and all other blessing● corporall and spirituall for th● Christs sake in whose bless●● name we augment these our 〈…〉 prayers with that heauenly 〈◊〉 which he hath taught vs. Our F●ther which art in heauen c. Lord increase our faith A Prayer before meate PArdon we beseech thee O mercifull Lord God our manifold sins which we haue done and do continually commit against thy Maiestie and thereby haue deserued to bee depriued of al thy blessings and of these which now thou plentifully tendrest vnto vs for our nourishment Thou in Iesus Christ hast promised to blesse thy creatures vnto our vse Blesse these vnto vs we beseech thee and grant that they may be vnto vs the comfortable meanes to strengthen our mortall bodies Let vs not abuse them by excesse but vse them soberly to thy glory and our nourishment through Christ our Lord. A thankesgiuing after meate WE acknowledge good Father louing in Iesus Christ that of thy free mercie and bountie we haue at this time a● all the daies of our liues been plentifully nourished with corporall foode Inlarge the gifts of thy sanctifying spirit in vs and in all the members of thy Church Preserue euermore our King giue vs peace plentie health and happines through Christ our Lord. Amen FINIS A briefe Table of all the Mottues and Prayers contained in this Booke Prayers A Motiue to Prayer 1 A Prayer for the assistance of God holy Spirit in any spirituall or godly corporall action or indeuour fit to be vsed before euery lawfull enterprise especially before euery diuine exercise 2 A Motiue to a Prayer to bee vsed in the Morning in priuate Families 5 A Prayer for the Morning for priuate Families 8 A short Prayer for the Morning to be said of one in priuate or in a Family vsing the plurall instead of the singular number 17 A Motiue to a Prayer to bee said in the Euening in priuate Families 21 A Prayer to be said in priuate Families in Euening before they goe to rest 24 A short Prayer for the Euening to be vsed of one man in priuate 32 A Motiue to a Prayer for the members of Christ to be vsed after priuate Prayers in Families 37 A Prayer for the members of Christ whersoeuer dispersed fit to be vsed after our ordinary Prayers of Morning and Euening 39 A Motiue to the confession of our sinnes to God and to stirre vs vp to pray for the remission of the same 43 A Confession of sinnes with a Prayer for pardon for the same 47 Another short Prayer for forgiuenesse of sinnes 51 A Motiue to a Prayer for a godly and holy life and for power of resisting Satan and sinne 54 A Prayer for a godly life and to resist sinne and Satan 57 A Motiue to a Prayer before the receiuing of the holy Communion or the Lords Supper 63 A Prayer to be said before the receiuing of the Sacrament of the Body and Bloud of Christ. 67 A