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mercy_n father_n sin_n sinner_n 3,110 5 7.5131 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06057 The order of the communion; Order of the Communion. 1548 Church of England.; Wied, Hermann von. Simplex ac pia deliberatio. 1548 (1548) STC 16457; ESTC S122099 5,258 22

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awne cōsciences particulerly to the Lord. Let your mynd be without desier to synne Repent you trulie for your sinnes past haue an earnest and lyuely faith in Christ our sauiour be in perfect charytie wyth all men so shal ye be mete partakers of these holy misteries But aboue all thynges you muste geue most humble hartye thankes to God the father the sonne the holy ghost for the redemptiō of the world by the deathe and passiō of our sauiour Christ both God mā who dyd humble him self euen to the deathe vpon the crosse for vs miserable synners liyng in darknes and the shadowe of death that he might make vs the children of God and exalte vs to euerlastyng life And to th ende that wee shoulde alwaye remember the excedyng loue of our Master and onlie sauiour Iesus Christ thus doīg for vs and the innumerable benefites which by his precyous bloud shedyng he hath obteyned to vs he hath lefte ī these holy misteries as a pledge of hys loue and a contynuall remembraunce of the same his awne blessed body and precyous bloud for vs spiritually to fede vpon to our endles comforte and consolation To hym therefore wyth the father and the holy ghost let vs geue as wee are most bounden contynual thankes submittyng our selfes wholy to his holy wyl pleasure and studiyng to serue hym in true holynes and righteousnes all the dayes of our life Amen ¶ Then the priest shall say to them which be redy to take the Sacrament If any man here be an open blasphemer aduouterer ī malice or enuy or any other notable cryme be not truly sory therefore earnestlye mynded to leaue the same vyces or that doth not trust himself to be recōcyled to almightye God in charyte with all the worlde let him yet a whyle bewayle his synnes not come to thys holy table least after the takīg of this moste blessed breade the deuell enter into him as he dyd into Iudas to fulfill in him all iniquite and to bring him to destruction bothe of body and soule Heare the priest shal pawse a while to see yf any man will wythdrawe hym selfe and if he perceaue any so to do then let hym common wyth hym pryuely at conuement leasure and see whether he can wyth good exhortacion bring him to grace after a lytle pause the priest shal say You that do trulie and earnestlie repent you of your synnes and offences commytted to almyghtie God be in loue and charytie wyth your neyghbours and entende to leade a newe life and hartelye to followe the commaundementes of God and to walke from hensforthe in his holye waies drawe nere and take this holy Sacrament to your comforte make your humble confession to almightye God and to his holy church here gathered to gether in hys name mekely kneling vpon your knees Then shall a generall confession be made in the name of al those that are mynded to receyue the holy Communion either by one of them or els by one of the ministers or by the priest hymself all kneelyng humbly vpon their knees Almyghtie God father of our lord Iesus Christe maker of all thinges iudge of all men wee knowlege and bewayle our manyfolde synnes and wyckednes whyche we from tyme to tyme most greuouslie haue commytted by thought worde and dede against thy diuine maiestie prouoking most iustlye thy wrath and indignacion against vs wee doe earnestlie repent and be hartely sory for these our mysdoinges The remembraunce of them is greuouse vnto vs the burthē of them is intollerable haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs moste mercyfull father for thy sonne our Lord Iesus Christes sake Forgeue vs al that is past and graunt that we maye euer hereafter serue and please the in newnes of life to the honour glorye of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lorde Then shall the priest stand vp and turnyng hym to the people say thus Our blessed Lord who hath left power to his churche to absolue penitēt synners from their synnes and to restore to the grace of the heauēlye father suche as trulie beleue in Christ haue mercy vpon you pardon and delyuer you from al synnes confyrme and strength you in al goodnes bryng you to euerlastyng life Then shall the priest stande vp and turnynge him toward the people say thus Here what comfortable woordes our sauiour Christ saith to all that trulie turne to hym Come vnto me al that trauail and be heauy loden and I shall refreshe you So God loued the world that he gaue his onlie begottē sonne to th ēd that all that beleue in hym shoulde not peryshe but haue life euerlastīg Here also what S. Paule sayth This is a true saiyng and worthy of all men to be embraced and receaued that Iesus Christ came into this world to saue synners Heare also what S. Iohn sayth Yf any man synne wee haue an aduocate wyth the father Iesus Christ the righteous he it is that obteyned grace for our sinnes Then shall the priest kneele doune and saye in the name of all them that shall receaue the Communion this prayer followyng WE do not presume to come to this thy table O mercyful Lord trusting in our awne ryghteousnes but in thy manifold and greate mercyes we be not worthie so muche as to gather vp the crōmes vnder thy table But thou arte the same Lord whose propertye is alwayes to haue mercy Graunt vs therefore gracious Lorde so to eate the fleshe of thy dere sonne Iesus Christ and to drynk his bloud in these holy misteries that we maye continually dwell in hym and he in vs that oure synfull bodyes maye be made cleane by his body and our soules washed through his most precious bloud Amen Then shall the priest rise the people still reuerentlie knelyng and the prieste shall deliuer the Communion first to the ministers if any be there present that thei maie be redy to helpe the priest and after to the other And when he dooth deliuer the Sacrament of the body of Christe he shall say to euery one these wordes followyng The bodye of oure Lorde Iesus Christ whiche was geuen for the preserue thy body vnto euerlastyng life And the priest delyuering the Sacrament of the bloud and geuyng euery one to drynke once and no more shall saye The bloude of oure Lorde Iesus Christ which was shed for the preserue thy soule vnto euerlastyng life If there be a deacon or other priest then shall he followe with the Chalyce and as the priest ministreth the breade so shall he for more expedicion minister the wine in forme before wrytten Then shal the priest turnyng him to the people let the people dep●rt with this blessynge The peace of God whiche passeth all vnderstandyng kepe your hartes and myndes in the knowlege and loue of God and of his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde To the whiche the people shall answere Amen Note that the breade that shal be consecrated shal be suche as heretofore hath bene accustomed And euery of the sayd consecrated breades shal be broken in twoo peces at the least or more by the discretion of the ministre and so distributed And men must not thynke lesse to be receiued in part then in the whole but in eche of theim the whole body of our sauiour Iesu Chryst Note that yf it dothe so chaunce that the wyne halowed and consecrate dooth not suffice or bee ynough for theim that dooe take the Communion the prieste after the firste Cuppe or Chalice be emptied may go again to the aulter and reuerentlie and deuoutlie prepare and consecrate an other and so the thirde or more lykewyse begynnyng at these woordes Simili modo postquam cenatum est and endyng at these woordes qui pro nobis pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum and wythout any leuacion or lyftyng vp ¶ Imprinted at London the eyght daie of Marche in the second yere of the reigne of our souereigne lorde kyng Edvvard the. VI By Rychard Grafton printer to his moste royall Maiestie In the yere of our Lorde M. D. XLVIII Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum