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A05494 A catechisme of Christian religion taught in the schooles and churches of the Low-countries, and dominions of the countie Palatine: with the arguments, and vse of the seueral doctrins of the same catechisme By Ieremias Bastingius. And now authorized by the Kinges Maiestie, for the vse of Scotland. Wherunto is adioyned certaine praiers, both publike and priuate, for sundry purposes.; Heidelberger Katechismus. English. Bastingius, Jeremais, 1551-1595. aut 1591 (1591) STC 1562; ESTC S114402 51,290 136

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A CATECHISME OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION TAVGHT in the Schooles and Churches of the Low-Countries and dominions of the Countie Palatine WITH THE ARGVMENTS AND vse of the seueral doctrins of the same Catechisme By IEREMIAS BASTINGIVS And now authorized by the Kinges Maiestie for the vse of Scotland Wherunto is adioyned certaine Praiers both publike and priuate for sundry purposes EDINBVRGH ❧ Printed by Robert VValde-graue printer to the Kings Majestie 1591. Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis The A. B. C. A a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r r s s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z. a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s s t v u vv x y z. A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V VV X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 a e i o u a e i o u ab eb ib ob ub ag eg ig og ug ac ec ic oc uc ak ek ik ok uk ad ed id od ud al el il ol ul af ef if of uf an en in on un In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Sobeit The Lords prayer OVr Father which art in heauen halowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy wil be done in Earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespas against vs. And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the kingdome power the glory for euer and euer Amen The beliefe I Beleue in God the Father almightie maker of Heauen Earth And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost Born of 〈◊〉 virgin Mary Suffered vnder Pon●●us Pilate was crucified dead and buried He descended into Hell the third day hee rose againe from the dead Hee ascended into Heauen sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almightie From thence shal he come to iudge the quick the dead I beleue in the holy ghost The holy Catholik Church The cōmunion of Saints The forgiuenes of sinnes the resurrection of the body And the life euerlasting THE TEN COMMANDEments of Almightie God HArken and take heede Israel I am the Lorde thy God which haue brought thee out of the lande of Egypt from the house of bondage 1 Thou shalt haue non other Gods before me 2 Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenes of any thing that is in Heauen aboue or in the Earth beneath nor in the water vnder the Earth Thou shalt not bow downe to them nor worship them For I the lord thy God am a ielous God and visits the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third fourth generation of them that hate me and shewe mercie vnto thousands of them that loue me and keepe my commandements 3 Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the lord will not holde him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine 4 Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabboth day Six dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to doe But the Seauenth day is the Sabboth of the Lorde thy God In it thou shalt do no maner of work thou and thy Sonne and thy daughter thy manseruant and thy maidseruant thy cattel and the stranger that is within thy gates For in six dayes the Lorde made Heauen and Earth the Sea all that in them is and rested the Seauenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the Seuenth day and hallowed it 5 Honor thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giueth thee 6 Thou shalt do no murther 7 Thou shalt not commit adulterie 8 Thou shalt not steale 9 Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbour 10 Thou shal not couet thy neighbours house Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife nor his seruant nor his mayde nor his Oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his A PRAIER TO BE VSED before Catechising VVEe most hartily thank thee O most mercifull Father for all thy blessings bestowed vppon vs from the beginning of the world vnto this time for our election creation redemption mercifull vocation iustification sanctification continuall preseruation and for that same assured and most comfortable hope that thou hast giuen vs of our glorification in the world to come And we beseech thee to direct vs that considering thy mercies we may acknowledg and confesse our sinnes which should prouoke thee rather to curse than to blesse vs to confounde vs rather than to preserue vs. Wee haue sinned against thee both in thoght worde deed grant that we seeing the horror of our sinnes and the fiercenes of thy wrath may without hypocrisie or dissimulation be earnestly sory hartely repentant for our former wickednes howbeit in such sort as that wee despair not but that in bitternes of our griefe we may haue comfort by faith in thy Sonne Christ that our offences are pardoned Grant O Lord that we being assured hereof in our consciences may through thy holy Spirite be renued in the inward man to hate detest and abhorre sinn and to study to liue according to thy blessed will during our whol life and as now throgh thy goodnes wee are here assembled together so we beseech thee to direct vs that at this present both in our wordes harts and all our behauiors may be in such sort ordered as that wee may trulie vtter and reuerently receiue the principles of thy holy heauenly word to the strengthening of our fayth to the comforte of our consciences to the amendement of our sinfull and lewd liues and to the glory of thy most holy name through Iesus Christ our Lord So be it OF THE ONELY COMFORT OF MAN IN LIFE AND IN DEATH THE ARGVMENT ❧ In the first section is handled the soueraigne good of man and namely his onely comfort in life and in death as also the necessarie meanes to attaine that soueraigne good and two questions are propounded for the handling of this preface or argument Question Lords day The first WHat is thy onely comfort in life in death Answere That in soule and body a 1. Cor. 6.19 1. Thes 5.10 whether I liue or die b Rom. 14.8 I am not mine owne but I belong c 1. Cor. 3.23 vnto my most faythfull Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe who by his precious blood most fully satisfying d 1. Pet 1.18 1. Ioh. 1.7 2.2 for al my sinnes hath deliuered e 1. Ioh. 2.8 Heb. 2.14.15 me from the whole power of the deuill
of darknes and translate vs into the kingdome of his beloued Son 2. Tim. 1 1● whereto belongeth that of the Apostle that life and immortallitie vvere brought to light by the Gospell For Christ is the doore and gate of saluation Iohn 14.6 Act 10.45 and euen the onlie way which we must enter into to come vnto the kingdome of heauen Whereby it appeareth that they are deceiued whoe thinke that every one whether he be Turke or Iewe may be saued in his own superstition so he keep some outward shadow and shewe of Iustice for God hath ordained the preaching of the Gospell to be the key whereby he wil haue the kingdome of heau●n to be opened and the faithfull to be let into it and whome in Christ his Sonne hee hath chosen vnto saluation Question 84 How is the kingdome of heuen opened and shut by the preaching of the Gospell Answere When by the commaundement of Christ it is openly preached to al and euerie one that beleeueth that al their sinnes are forgiuen them by God so oft as they lay hold vpon the promise of the Gospel by a true faith Contrariwise vnto all vnbeleeuers and hypocrits it is denounced that the wrath of God euerlasting condemnation lieth vpon them so long as they k Ioan. 20.21 22.23 Mat 16.19 continue in their sinnes According to which testimonie of the Gospell God will iudge aswell in this present life as in the life to come Question 85 Howe is the kingdome of Heauen shut and opened by Ecclesiastical discipline Answere When by the commaundement of Christ they who are in name Christians but in doctrine or life shew themselues l Rom. 12 7.8.9 1 Cor. 12.20 strangers frō Christ after they haue bene once or twise admonished and wil not depart from their errors or sinfull liuing are presented to the Church or to those who are appointed to that office by the Church and if they obey not their admonition are by forbidding them the Sacramentes by them shut out from the assemblie of the Church and by God himselfe from the kingdom of Christ and againe and if they possesse amendement and doo indeed declare it are receiued as m Ma 1. Cor 5.3 4 5.2 The. 3.14 15 2. Iohn 10.11 2 Cor. 11. 1 Tim 5.17 members of Christ and of the Church THE THIRD PARTE OF MANS THANKFVLNES THE ARGVMENT Of the necessitie of good workes and the punishment of them who go on carelesly in their sinnes Question Lords day 32 86 Seeing we are deliuered from al sinnes and miseries without any desert of our own by the only mercie of God for Christes sake to what end should we doe good workes Answere Because after that Christ hath redeemed vs by his blood he dooth also renewe vs by his spirit according to his owne image to the end that hauing receiued so great benefites wee shoulde all our life long a Rom. 6.13 12.1.2 2. pet 1. Cor. 6.20 shewe our selues thankfull towards God and that he might be b Mat. 5.16 1. pet 2.10 glorified by vs. Secondly that wee also every one of vs may bee c 2. Pet. 1.10 Mat. 7 17 18. Gal. 5 6.22 assured of our faith by the fruits thereof Last of all that by the vprightnes of our life we may gaine d 1. pet 3.1.2 Mat. ● 16. Rom. 14 19. others vnto Christ The vse VVHich being so it followeth that the studie of good workes is necessarie 1. To honour God by our life 2. To worke out our owne saluation in feare and trembling 3. To ed●fie our neighbour by good examples which is indeede to liue worthie of the Gospell Phil. 2.22 Question 87 Can not they then bee saued who being vnthankfull and continuing securely in their sinnes are not turned from their wickednes vnto God Answere By no meanes for as the scripture witnesseth neither vncleane persons nor Idolaters nor adulterers nor theeues nor couetous persons nor drunkards nor raylers nor oppressors shall e 1 Cor. 6 9 10. Ephe. 5.3.6 1. Ioh. 3.14.15 inherit the Kingdome of God OF REPENTANCE THE ARGVMENT Of repentance and the fruits thereof to wit good works Question Lords day 33 88 Of what partes consisteth true repentance or turning vnto God Answere Of the f Ro. 6 4.5 6. Eph. 4.22.23 42. Col 3 5 6 7.8 9.10 1. Cor. 5 7. 2. Cor. 7 mortifiing or killing of the ould man and quickening of the new man Question 89 What is the mortification of the old man Answere Truelie and from the hart to be sory that by thy sinnes thou hast offended God and more and more to hate and g Rom. ● 13. Ioel. 2.13 Ho 5.14 6.1 flie from them Question 90 What is the quickening of the newe man Answere True reioycing in God through h Rom. 5.1 14 17. Isa 57.15 Christ and a forward desire to frame our life according to Gods will and to exercise i Rom. 6.10.11 Gal. 2 20. all good workes Question 91 What workes are good Answere Onely those that are done af a true k Rom. 11.23 faith according to the l 1. Sam. 15.22 Ephe. 2.10 lawe of God m 1. Cor. 10.31 are referred only to his glory and not those which are deuised by our selues vppon a good intent or n Deut. 11.32 Eze. 20.18.19 Is 29 13. Mat. 1● 9 commanded by mens traditions Question 92 What is the Law of God Answere The Lorde spake all these o Exod. 20 Deu. 5 wordes saying 1 I am Iehoua thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt from the house of seruaunts see thou haue no strange God before my face 2 Make not to thy selfe any grauen Image nor drawe any likenes of those things which are either in heauen aboue or in the Earth beneath or in the water vnder the Earth thou shalt not fall downe before them nor worship them For I am the Lord thy God strong and ielious auenging the sinnes of the Fathers vppon the children and that to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shewing mercie vppon thousands in them that loue me and keepe my commandements 3 Take not the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine for the Lord will not let him goe vnpunished that taketh his name in vaine 4 Remēber to keep holie the Sabbath day Six daies shalt thou labor and doe all thy worke But vpon the seauenth day shal be the Sabbath vnto the Lord thy God Thou shalt doe no worke neither thou nor thy Son nor thy daughter nor thy seruant nor thine handmaid nor thy cattel nor the straunger that is within thy gates For in Six dayes the Lorde made the Heauen the Earth the Sea and all things that are in them and rested the seauenth day therefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and hallowed it 5 Honor thy Father and thy Mother that thou maiest liue long vpon the land which the
be f psa 115 1 71 8 honored and magnified OF THE SECOND PETITION THE ARGVMENT Wherein the comming of Gods kingdome the preseruation and perfection thereof consisteth Question Lords day 49 123 What is the second petition Answere Lette thy Kingdome come that is so gouerne vs by thy worde and by thy Spirit that wee may g Mar. 6.33 psal 119.5 143.10 bee more and more subiect vnto thee preserue and increase thy h psal 51.20 122 6 7. Churche destroy the workes of the Deuill and every power that exalteth it selfe against thy maiestie make void all the counsels that are i 1 Ioh. 3.8 Rom. 16 20. taken against thy word vntill at the length thou k Apoc. 22 17 20. Ro 8 22 23 do fully and perfectly raigne when thou shalt be al in l 1 Cor. 15 28 al. OF THE THIRD PETITION THE ARGVMENT The end of this petition is that all men do submit themselues to the will of God that so it may appeare that God doth raigne effectually in the World Question Lords day 49 124 What is the third petition Answere Thy will bee done as in Heauen so also in Earth that is G●●unt that we and all men m Mat. 16.24 Tit. 2.12 renouncing our owne wil may readilie and without any murmuring n Luk 22.42 obey thy wil which onlie is holie so may cheerefully o 1 Cor 7 24. execute whatsoeuer the Angels doe in p psal 103.20.21 Heauen OF THE FOVRTH PETITION THE ARGVMENT The end of this petition is that wee may acknowledg that God is he whoe must giue vnto vs all things necessary for the maintenance of this present life Question Lords day 50 125 What is the fourth petition Answere Giue vs this day our dailie bread that is supplie vnto vs all things q psal 145 15 16 104.27 28. Mat. 6 2● necessarie for this present life that thereby we may acknowledg that thou art the onelie fountaine from whom all good thinges doe r Act. 17 27 28 14.17 flowe and except thou giue thy blessing all our care trauell and euen thine owne guifts will be vnprosperous and ſ 1 Cor 15 58 Deut 8 3 psal 27 16.17 hurtefull vnto vs Wherefore graunt that turning our affiance from all creatures we may t psal 62.11 55.23 set it vpon thee alone OF THE FIFT PETITION THE ARGVMENT Because the conscience of sinne hindreth men in praying by reason that the Deuill suggesteth such thoughts to the end wee might not bee overcome with these temptations Christ would haue vs set against them as a comfort this petition of forgiuenes of sinnes Question Lords day 51 126 What is the fift petition Answere Forgiue vs our debtes as we forgiue them that are indebted vnto vs that is for the blood of Christ impute u psal 51.1 c. 143.2 1 Ioh. 2.1 2 not vnto vs most miserable sinners al our sinnes and even that corruption which as yet cleaueth vnto vs as wee also feele this testimonie of thy fauour in our harts that we haue a stedfast purpose from our hartes to x Mat. 6.14.17 forgiue all that haue offended vs. OF THE SIXT PETITION THE ARGVMENT This Petition is the second parte of the spirituall couenant which God hath made for the saluation of his church for we desire in it that as he hath forgiuen vs our sinnes so he woulde vouchsafe to write his lawes in our hartes that hee would defend vs by the power of his Spirit and susteine vs by his helpe so that we may stand invinciblie against al tentations Question Lords day 52 127 What is the sixt petition Answere Leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from all evill that is forasmuch as wee are by nature soe feeble and weake that we y Iohn 15.5 psal 103.14 are not able to stand no not a moment of time our deadly enemies z 1. pet 5.8 Ephe. 6 12 Satan the a Iohn 15.19 worlde and our own b Rom. 7.23 Gal. 5.17 flesh do continuallie assaile vs vpholde thou vs and strengthen vs by the power of thy spirit that wee c Mat. 26 41. Mar. 13 33. faint not in this spirituall combate but may so long stand against them vntill at the last we d 1. Thes 3.13 5,23 obtaine a perfite victorie Question 128 How doest thou conclude thy prayer Answere For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer that is wee ask all these thinges at thy hand because thou being our king almightie art willing and able e Rom 10.11 12 2. pet 29. to giue vs all things and these things we therefore aske to the end that by them al glorie may f Ioh. 24.13 psal 115.1 Ier. 33.8.9 redound not vnto vs but vnto thy holie name Question 129 What meaneth the last word Amen Answere That the matter is certaine and out of doubt for my prayer is much more certainlie heard of God then I in mine owne hart do feele that I desire it with all my hart FINIS A PVBLIKE CONFESSION of our sinnes commonly vsed in the Church of Edinburgh in the day of common prayer O Eternal God and most merciful Father wee confesse acknowledg here before thy diuine maiestie that we are miserable sinners conceaued and borne in sinne and iniquitie so that in vs there is no goodnes For the fleshe evermore rebelleth against the Spirit whereby wee continuallie transgresse thine holy preceptes and commandements and so do purchase to our selues through thy iust iudgement death and damnation Notwithstanding O heauenlie Father forasmuch as wee are displeased with our selues for the sins that wee haue committed against thee and do vnfainedly repent vs of the same wee most humblie beseech thee for Iesus Christ his sake to shewe thy mercie vppon vs to forgiue vs al our sinnes and to increase thine holie Spirit in vs that we acknowledging from the bottome of our harts our owne vnrighteousnes may from henceforth not onely mortifie our sinfull lustes and affections but also bring foorth such fruits as may be agreeable to thy most blessed wil not for the worthines thereof but for the merits of thy dearly beloued Son Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour whome thou hast already giuen an oblation and offering for our sinnes and for whose sake we are certainlie perswaded that thou wilt dedy vs nothing that we shall ask in his name according to thy will For thy Spirit dooth assure our consciences that thou art our mercifull Father and so louest vs thy children through him that nothing is able to remooue thine heauenly grace and fauor from vs. To thee therefore O Father with the Sonne and the holie Ghost be all honor and glorie world without end So be it Another confession prayer commonly vsed in the church of Edinburgh O Dreadfull most mightie God thou that from the beginning hast declared thy selfe a consuming
fire against the contemners of thy most holy precepts and yet to the penitent sinners hast alwaies shewed thy selfe a fauorable Father and a God full of mercie we thy creatures and woorkemanship of thine owne handes confesse our selues most vnworthie to open our eies vnto the heuens but far lesse to appeare in thy presence For our consciences accuse vs and our manifold iniquities haue borne witnes against vs that we haue declined from thee We haue bin polluted with Idolatrie we haue giuen thy glory to creatures we haue sought support where it was not to be founde and haue lightlied thy most wholesome admonitions The manifest corruptiō of our liues in al estates euidently proueth that wee haue not rightlie regarded thy precepts lawes and holy ordinances and this was not onelie done O Lord in the time of our blindnes but euen nowe when of thy mercie thou hast opened vnto vs an entrance to thy heuenly kingdom by the preaching of thine holie Euangell the whole bodie of this miserable Realm still continueth in their former impietie For the most part alas following the foote steppes of the blinde and obstinat princesse vtterlie despise the light of thy Gospell and delight in ignorance and Idolatrie others liue as a people without a God and without all feare of thy terrible iudgments And some O Lorde that in mouth professe thy blessed Evangell by their slaunderous life blaspheme the same We are not ignorant ô lord that thou art a righteous iudge that cannot suffer iniquitie long to be vnpunished vpon the obstinat trangressors especiallie O Lord when that after so long blindnes and horrible defection from thee soe louinglie thou callest vs againe to thy fauor and felloshipp and that we doe yet obstinatlie rebell we haue O Lorde in our extreame miserie called vnto thee yea when wee appeared vtterlie to haue bene consumed in the fury of our enemies and then didst thou mercifullie incline thine eares vnto vs. Thou foughtest for vs even by thine owne power when there was in vs neither wisedome nor force Thou alone brakest the yoke from our neckes and set vs at liberty when we by our foolishnes had made our selues slaues vnto straungers and mercifullie vnto this day hast thou continued with vs the light of thine Evangell and so ceasest not to heape vpon vs benefites both spiritual and temporal But yet alas O Lord we clearly see that our great ingratitude craueth farther punishement at thy hands the signs wherof are evident before our eies For the whispering of sedition the contempt of thy graces offered and the maintenance of Idolatrie are assured signes of thy farther plagues to fall vpon vs in particular for our grieuous offences And this vnmeasurable intemperatenesse of the aire doeth also threaten thine accustomed plague of famin which commonlie followeth riotous excesse and the contempt of the poore wherewith alas the whole Earth is replenished Wee haue nothing O Lord that we may lay betwixt vs and thy iudgment but thine onelie mercy freely offred vnto vs in thy dear Son our Lorde Iesus Christ purchased to vs by his death and passion For if thou wilt enter into iudgement with vs thy creatures and keepe in minde our grieuous sinns and offences then can there no flesh escape condemnation And therefore wee most humblie beseech thee O Father of mercies for Christ Iesus thy Sonnes sake to take from vs these stony hearts whoe soe long haue heard aswell thy mercies as seuere iudgments and yet haue not bin effectuallie moued with the same and giue vnto vs hartes mollified by thy Spirit that may both conceiue keepe in minde the reuerence that is due vnto thy maiestie Look O Lorde vnto thy chosen children labouring vnder the imperfection of the fleshe graunt vnto vs that victory that thou hast promised to vs by Iesus Christ thy Sonne our onely Sauiour Mediatour and Lawgiuer To whome with thee and the holy Ghost bee all honour and praise nowe and ever A CONFESSION OF OVR Sinnes commonly vsed in the Church of Edinburgh before Sermons IT is of thy mercie O Lord and not of our merites that it hath pleased thee to shew thy selfe vnto the world euer from the beginning and vnto vs nowe in this last most corrupt age yea Lord we further confesse that neither Lawe nor Gospell can profit vs to saluation except that thou of thy meere grace worke in vs aboue all power that is in this our nature For albeit thou teach we shal remaine ignorant albeit thou threaten wee shall contemne and albeit thou promise mercie and grace yet shall we dispair and remaine in infidelitie Vnles that thou create in vs newe hartes write thy Lawe in the same and seale in vs remission of our sinnes and that the sense and feeling of thy fatherlie mercie by the power of the holie Spirite To the old world thou spakest by Noah To Pharaoh his people by thy seruant Moses To all Israell by the fearfull trumpet of thy Lawe To the Citie of Ierusalem by thine owne wisedome our Lord Iesus Christ and to the multitude as well of Iewes as Gentiles by the preaching of the holy Apostles But who gaue obediēce Who trembled and constantly feared thy hotte displeasure Who did rightly acknowledg the time of their visitation And whoe did embrace and keepe to the end thy Fatherlie promises Onely they O Lorde to whome thy Spirite was the inward teacher whose hartes thou openest and from whome thou remoouest rebellion and infidelity the rest were externally called but obeyed not they heard aswell mercy offred as thretnings pronounced but neither with the one nor with the other were they effectuallie mooued We acknowledge O Lorde that the same corruption lurketh in vs that buddeth forth in them to their destruction and iust condemnation And therefore wee most humblie beeseech thee O Father of mercie for Iesus Christ thy Sonnes sake that as thou hast caused the light of thy word clearly to shine amongest vs and as thou hast plainlie instructed vs by the externall ministerie in the right way of saluation Soe it will please thee inwardlie to moue our dull hearts and by the power of thy holie spirit that thou wilt write and seale in our harts that holy feare and reuerence which thou crauest of thy chosen children that faythfull obedience to thy holie will together with the feeling sense that our sinnes are fullie purged and freely remitted by that onely one Sacrifice which only by it selfe is acceptable vnto thee to wit the obedience death and meditation of thy onely son our Soueraigne Lord only Pastour Mediatour and high Priest our lord Iesus Christ To whome with thee and with the holy Ghost be all honor and glory world without end AN OTHER CONFESsion of our sinnes IVst and righteous art thou ô Lord God father everlasting holy is thy Lawe most iust are thy iudgments yea even when thou doest punishe in greatest seueritie wee doe confesse as the truth is that wee haue
transgressed thy whole lawe and haue offended thy godly maiestie in breking and violating euery precept of the same and so most iustlie maiest thou powre forth vpon vs all plagues that are threatened and that we finde powred foorth vpon the disobedient at any time from the beginning And soe much the rather O Lord because that so long wee haue bene called by thy holy worde to vnfaigned repentance and newnes of life and yet haue we still remained in our former rebellion and therefore if thou wilt enter into iudgement with vs we can neither escape confusion in this life nor iust condemnation in the life to come But Lorde thy mercie is without measure and the truth of thy promise abideth for euer Vnwoorthy are we that thou shouldest looke vpon vs but Lorde thou hast promised that thou wilt shewe mercie to the most grieuous offendours when so euer that they repent And further thou by the mouth of thy deare Son our Lord Iesus Christ hast promised that thou wilt giue thy holy Spirite to such as humbly call vnto thee In boldnes of the which promis we most humbly beseech thee ô Father of mercies that it wold please thy godly maiestie to work in our stubborne harts an vnfaigned sorrowe for our former offences with some sence and feeling of thy grace and mercy togither with an earnest desire of iustice and righteousnes in which we are bound continuallie to walk but because that neither we nor our prayers can stand before thee by reason of that imperfection which stil remaineth in this our corrupted nature We flie to the obedience and perfect iustice of Christ Iesus our onelie Mediatour in whome and by whome wee call not onelie for remission of our sinnes and for assistance of thy holy spirit but also for al things that thy godly wisedom knoweth to be expedient for vs and for thy Church vniuersall Praying as hee hath taught vs saying Our Father c. A MORNING PRAIER TO BE VSED IN CHRIstian Families before they goe about their outwarde affaires OMnipotent and mercifull God we giue thee thankes that thou hast so mercifullie kept vs this night and that thou hast prolonged our life to this day We beseech thee likewise that thou wilt protect vs this day and that thou wilt giue vs grace that wee may bestowe it in those things which are pleasant acceptable vnto thee And as nowe thou enlightenest the whole earth with the beames of thy Sonne so likewise thou wilt illuminate the darkenes of our soules with the brightnes of thy Spirit least wee wauering from the path of righteousnes wee swarue either to the one side or to the other that wee may ever set thee who seest all thinges before our eies that wee may reuerence and acknowledge thee as a iust reuenger of al euill thoughtes words and deeds that wee feare nothing more than to offende thee so bountifull a Father and that euer it continually bee our finall drift in all thinges whatsoeuer we take in hand or purpose to doe to referre the same only to thy glory and the profit of others Moreouer becaus wholesome counsell fit occasions and the happie successe and issue of matters are onlie in thine hand graunte that wee may ask and receiue al those things from thee alone Graunt also most merciful Father that we bestow not so much thought and trauell in purchasing of those things that perteine to the necessitie of this life that in the meane time wee neglect sluggishlie regarde heauenly things but that first we may seeke thy kingdome and the righteousnes thereof nothing doubting but that thou wilt giue all things needfull and necessarie to such as do the same keepe also and defend this fraile body and soul of ours Instruct vs with the counsell and power of thy Spirit against so many and so diuers assaults of Sathan Ridde vs out of all feare and perrills whereby wee are in daunger alwaies in this worlde And because it is nothing to haue begun well except also we carefully perseuer and goe forward Wee beseech thee that thou wilt not onely take vs into thy protection this day but likewise thou wilt continually be our guide and defender all our life confirming and increasing the guifts which according to thy bountifulnes and mercy thou hast bestowed vpon vs vnworthie sinners vntill such time at last as thou shalt fullie and perfectly vnite vs with our head Christ who seeing that he is that onelie Sonne of righteousnes hee may replenishe vs with his eternall light and gladnes In the meane time while wee liue in this troblesome life send out faythfull Pastours of Soules and make thyne holy Spirite to bee effectuall in the hartes of the auditors by the power of thy word to the end a great Churche may be gathered to thee and that the workes of the Diuell may be destroyed Enarme the Magistrate with thy diuine strength that hee may defende thy Church and common weal. Comfort and confirme everie one that is afflicted in soule or bodie and that we may be bold to seeke and waite for so great good things at thy hands Forgiue vs our horrible sins for thy most deare Sonne Christ Iesus his sake who hath promised to vs that whatsoeuer we craue of thee in a sure confidence in him that thou wilt assuredly giue it vs and therefore hee hath commanded vs to pray in this maner Our Father c. A PRAYER FOR SCHOLLERS Psal 119.9.10 Wherewith shall a young man redresse his way If hee wiselie take heede to guide himselfe according to thy word 10. With my whole hart haue I sought thee let me not wander from thy Commandements I Render thee thanks most merciful God for all thy great and infinite benefites but chiefly that according to thy singular mercy thou hast called me to the knowledg of thy Gospell hast giuen me teachers that they may bring me vp in good letters and sciences to endue my minde with holy honest precepts Graunt that I may acknowledge aright what and howe great these thy benefites are and that for the same I may alwaies giue thee thanks Bestowe moreouer vpon me thy grace and lighten me with the beames of thy Spirite in remoouing the darke cloudes of my minde that I may desirouslie and gladly learne these thinges which are taught vnto me by my teachers that I faythfully keepe in memory that I may render accompt againe thereof readily with iudgment least my Teachers labour and mine the precious time and this so meete an occasion giuen vnto me of thee and the fruites which are hoped for of me shamefully perish not thorogh my vnthankfulnes slugishnes To the ende this come not to passe giue me thy holie Spirit the authour of all vnderstanding and trueth that hee may make me faythfull able and meete to comprehend these thinges Grant also that to whatsoeuer studie I apply my minde this euer may be before mine eies to acknowledg thee the onelie true God and
whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ and so I may worshippe thee in a pure conscience Moreouer because thou promisest wisdome to those which are of a lowe and humble minde as children but those that are proud and high destitute of thy guifts thou giuest them over to vanitie roote out of my hart all pride that being humbled I may shew my selfe teachable and obedient first to thee then to those whome thou hast giuen me to instruct that so I may by little little prepare my selfe to serue to thy glory onely and to the profit of others in walking in that calling which thou shalt assigne vnto me Amen A PRAYER BEFORE wee goe to meate Psal 145.15.16 The eies of all things trust in thee O Lorde and thou giuest them their foode in due season thou openest thy hand and fillest with thy blessing every liuing creature ALmightie most mercifull God which of thine infinite goodnes hast created all things of nothing and who susteinest and rulest the same perpetuallie by thy deuine power whoe led the Israelites through the Desart feding them with Manna 49. years Blesse vs thy vnworthie seruants and sanctifie those thy guifts that soberly and holily we may vse them knowe in them that thou art indeede our Father and the fountaine of all good things Graunt also that wee vsing these things corporall wee may be alwaies disposed chieflie to seeke that spirituall foode of thy word that our soules may be nourished to eternall life which Christ hath purchased vnto vs by his precious blood Our Father which art c. A THANKSGIVING after meate Deut. 8.10.11 When thou hast eaten and filled thy self then thou shalt giue thanks vnto the Lorde thy God 11. And thou shalt beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God and neglect his Commaundements O Lord God and heuenly Father we giue thee thanks for thy gret and infinite benefites which thou bestowest vpon vs miserable sinners of thine incomprehensible mercy at all times in that thou vphouldest vs in this mortall life furnishing vnto vs al things that are necessarie but cheifly that thou vouchsafest to regenerate vs by the holy doctrine of thy Gospell vnto the hope of a better life Wee beseech thee mercifull God and Father not to suffer our mindes to be occupied in these earthly transitory things but that they may looke vp and seeke the things that are in heauen waiting for the comming of our Sauior Christ Iesus when he appeares in the clouds to deliuer vs. So be it Our Father c. A PRAYER BEFORE wee go to bed O Lord God and heuenly Father which according to thy manifolde wisdome hast appointed the day for labour and the night for rest We render thee thankes that thou hast so mercifullie kept vs this day and hast heaped continuallie vpon vs so many benefites Graunt likewise that wee nowe ceasing from our labour and care may so be refreshed with sleepe that our mindes not beeing buried in sleep with the bodie we be slumbring in thy loue but that the memory of our Creation and saluation be at noe time wiped out of our harts Graunt moreouer that our consciences aswell as our bodies may inioy the own rest Likewise that wee moderatlie vsing sleepe we may haue a respect not vnto sluggishnes but to necessitie to the end that wee returning more apt and quick to our works left off for a time we may the more readilie serue thee profit our neighbor And in the mean time while we are taking rest deliuer vs from all perill and keepe vs vndefiled both in bodie and soule that our sleepe likewise may serue to the glory of thy Name and seeing this day is past ouer with vs not without manifolde slidings for we miserable wretches cary alway sin about with vs we besech thee that as the night now foldeth vp all thing in darknes so according to thy incōprehensible mercy that thou wilt bury all our sinnes lest for them wee be casten out from thy sight Graunt also quietnes and comfort to all those which are afflicted with any kinde of sicknes or other calamities for Christ Iesus thy Sonne our Lords sake which this way hath taught vs to pray Our Father c. FINIS