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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05045 The ryght and trew vndersta[n]dynge of the Supper of the Lord and the vse therof faythfully gathered out of ye holy Scriptures worthely to be embrased of all Christen people. Perused [and] alowed by dyuerse godly lerned men to the comfort of al ye trewe congregation of Christ. Lancaster, Thomas, d. 1583. 1550 (1550) STC 15188; ESTC S108242 28,145 88

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Christes body and blood as here after shal be declared i. Cor. xi The Lord Iesus the same night in whych he was betrayed toke breade and whan he had gyuen thankes he brake it and said take ye and eate this is my body which is broken for you Mat. xxvi Mar xiiii Luke xxiii this do ye in the remembraūce of me after the same maner also toke he the cuppe when supper was done saying this cuppe is the new Testament in my blud this do ye as often as ye drinke it in remembraunce of me and they haue dronke al here of These are the worde with which christ hath instituted his holi supper with which wordes the learned of the world haue wonderfullye foughtē and with in few yeres haue shede much innocent blood for it when they counted thē selues wyse they became fooles for the pryncipallest in this they haue not towched Ro. i. namely what people that it belongeth vnto We haue not one title that commaūdes vs that we shuld dispute of it but that we shuld be diligent that we myght be found worthy to be partakers of the declaraciō and benefite that is receaued in it as S. Paul teacheth let euery man examin himselfe and so let him eate of the breade and drynke of the cuppe c. Cor xi Wherfore we are constrayned to saye goodnyght to all hye disputaciō where throw diuisiō commeth desyring the lord alwayes that we myght be found worthy receauers of it according to the lordes commaundement ¶ This holy supper hath our sauiour Iesus christ left behind him vnder Luk. xxii bread and wine saying take and eate this is my body whych is geuē for you this do in the remembraūce of me In whiche holye Supper is declared vnto vs. Fyrst the vnsearchable fauoure and loue of our lorde Iesus Christ which is come in this world not to cōdempne the world but that the worlde throwe hym myght be saued Io. iii. O wonderful loue of god he hath sent no Angel no Patriarke nor prophet Ro. viii he is come him selfe in the simulitude of synfull fleshe Ye he which knew no synne made himselfe to be sinne for vs that we by hys meanes shuld be that righteousnes whyche before god is alowed not that christ is any suche synne that be farre He was that Lambe without spot whiche did do synne ii Cor. v. Exo. xii i. pet ii neyther was there gile foūde in his mouth Esay liii but he was that frewilling offring for synne as Esay as sayeth he was wonded for our offences and smittē for our wickednes he is offred for so it hath pleased him therfore is he called sin that is an offering for synne O almyghtiful god who can kepe in secrete the vnmeasurable grace mercy declared vpon vs Ro. viii miserable synners but must breake out and cōfesse the afore the whole worlde with mouthe and worke lyfe and soule Saynt Paul teacheth that god spared not hys owne sonne Ro. v but gaue him for vs all yea whylle we were yet synners and vngodlye Christe dyed for vs the righteous for the vnrighteouse ye the vndefiled offer lame is brente throwe the glowynge fyer of loue vpon the Iebett of the crosse yea the creatoure of all creatures is broken frome aboue to beneth yea he that is farer then the chyldren of men hath neyther bewty nor fauour he is dispised and abhored of al men yea he is suche a man as full of sorowe Psal lv and as one that hath good experyence of infyrmytes yea he is rekened amonge the transgressors the innocent must beare the hole falte of Adam as the Prophet sayeth I paid them the thynge that I neuer toke All this hath our sauyour declared vnto vs not throw our deseruynge but as Saynte Paule learneth the kyndnes and loue of our sauyoure god to man warde apered not by the dedes of ryghteousnes whiche we wrought but accordyng to his mercy he saued vs Esay l iii. for ther was no grace Psal xl ix nor mercy nor no remyssion of synnes by the father vnto the tyme that our sauiour Iesu Chryst hade taken vpon hym the synnes of the worlde Titus .iii. For as by one mans dysobedyence many became synners so by the obedyente of one shal manye be made ryghteous Nowe for asmuche as when he was in the shape of God Roma v Phelip .ii. made him selft of no reputacyon goen out of hym selfe and wher he was immortall is be come mortall takinge vpon hym the shape of a seruaunte to the intent that he myght serue vs al and was founde in hys apperell as a man very fleshe and bloud and in all thynges lyke vnto his brethren Luke .ii. Iohan .i. Hebre. ii Phelip .ii. sauynge synne he humbled hym selfe and became obedyent vnto his father vnto death euen the deathe of the Crosse throwe whiche death it pleased the father that in hym shulde all fulnes dwell and by hym to reconcile all thinges to him selfe and to set at peace by him throw the bloude of his Crosse both thinges in heauen and thynges in earth and is become an offerynge and sacryfyce of swete sauour to god his dearly beloued father Colo i. This is frutefully declared vnto vs in this holy Supper namely throw that breade that fleshe that he hathe geuen for vs Ephe. vi Mar. xiiii and throwe the Cuppe that bloud whiche he shede for manye for the remyssyon of synnes and shall be vnto vs a remembraunce tyll he come Nowe bycause that it is a comē vse that a token of remembraunce hath the name of the thing that is remēbred by it Luke .xxii. Therfore hathe Chryste called the breade hys bodye and the wyne his bloude not that he is in substance in breade and wyne i. Cor. ii Exod. xii but that we shulde remember hym there by Lykewyse as the Easter Lambe was called the passynge by and yet was it not in it selfe the very passīg by but a token of remembraunce of the passinge by Seynge nowe that the Earster lambe hath the name of the thyng that the Israelites remembred by it and wherby they myght euerlastingly kepe in remembraunce the benefytes of god therfore it is conuenyent that Chryst called the breade hys bodye and the vyne hys bloude because that we shulde remember therby his death and passiō yea the onely sacrifyce of his bodye whiche he hathe suffered to be broken and his bloude to be shede for vs not ●hat the materyall bodye of Chryst is in the bread nor his bloud in the vyne Yet neuertheles is the supper of our Lorde a partakynge spiritually of the bodye and bloude of Chryste i. Colo x. as Sainte Paule saieth is not the cuppe of thankes gyuing wherwyth we gyue thankes a pertakinge of the bloud of Chryst and the breade that we breake is it not the partaking of the bodye of christ and to the intente that this