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A04699 George Ioye confuteth, Vvinchesters false articles; George Joye confuteth, Winchesters false articles. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1543 (1543) STC 14826; ESTC S103790 22,379 52

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of the tyme he must nedis set faith before works as is the tree before it blometh and the blomes before the frute The seade i● caste into the erthe before it growthe and fr●●tifieth The sead is the worde of God sayth Christe And nighe vnto the is the worde of faith euen in thyne herte and mouth Faith is effectuous and worketh by loue And the ende of the precepte is loue owte of a pure herte by faith harts ar made pure sayth Peter and a good conscience and of faith vnfai ned I thinke Win. is not so ignorant in his Gramer as to englisshe this texte of Paul Fides que operatur per ●ilectionem as did Iohn fis●her the bisshop of Rochester in his sermon at Pauls crosse and aft●rwarde prin ted thus englisshed faith which is wrought by charite so settīg the carte before the horse and like an vngodly gardener to peruert and turne the rotes of his plantes and herbes vpward of which I herde as it were an olde prophecye xl yeres agoo that siche an Antichriste shuld come to peruerte the iustificacion of faith and turne Christes religion vpsedown I am sewer he wilnot set works before faith no not in the yong baptized infants nor yet in Paul at his conuersiō nor in the thef hanginge by christe crucifyed It is trweth that workes beinge the frutes of faith standing in their own place proceding out of faith iustifying diminish not theffect of christs passion For we ar made in christe Iesu to do the good works which god hathe prepared that we shulde walke in them We ar saued frely by faith saith Paul yea that not of works for it is the gyfte of god that we be saued by faith and not for our works lest any man shuld reioyce in his own dedis But if winc put his works in the place and office of faith as the condicion with out the which noman is iustifyed so diminisheth he yea he is iniuriouse and blasphemouse vnto theffect of christis passion for by this doctrine his diminute imperf●cte and wiked workes shulde deserue vs forgeuenes of synnes as though christes bloude and so plentuous a redempcion in christe were not sufficiente If by the lawe saith Paul mē be made rightwyse so is christe ded in vayne Loue muste fulfill the condiciō saith he ergo the works of the lawe ar his condicion Ro. xiij Nowe let vs see what loue god asketh of vs for if we haue not that loue we shall neuer fulfill Win. condicion God cōmandeth vs to loue him with owr hole hertes minds soulis with all owr strength and owr neighbours yea and owr enimies to as owr selues yea and that euen as christe loued vs which died for vs being his enymies He biddeth vs to be perfit and holy as himselfe is not to be so angrye with our brother as to prouoke him with any euill worde to anger nor to desier any other mās good seruāt wife c no not to loue our oun liuis in his cause but to haate our flessh dye for his sake Now tell me Win. if any one man hath this loue and so fulfilled your condicion or els dare yourself affirme to haue fulffylled it if ye haue not ergo by your own words ye shall neuer enioye theffect of christes passion and yet speke I not of the perfit faith and hope that euery man in god is bownd to haue beware therfor Win. how ye set your saluacion vpō so harde a condicion leste ye come to shorte of the gates shuttinge with your v. folisshe virgens If you had once fulfilled as you neuer shall your condicion and so perseueringe you nede not to praye Father forgeue me my dettes nor neuer to saye your Pater noster For ye owe no loue nether vnto god nor mā ye haue payd all And yet saith Paul owe ye nothing to any man but mutuall loue shewinge loue to be a dette euer in paying and neuer full payd We shal answere for euery idle word saith christe But if Win. had accomplisshed his condicion so might he go play iustle in iugement with christe for his saluacion hauinge no nede of Christis passion then mighte he clayme heuen of dewty make grace no grace which is a mere free gyfte vndeserued of any man and thus were he one of those iuste prelates whom Christe sayde he came not to call Is not he a prowd foole to whom whē god geueth a free iustificacion in christe yet wil he refuse to take it but vpon a condiciō that he deserue it with siche works as himself is ne uer able to performe what arrogante foole wold thus condicion himselfe agenste gods wyll Peter considering this importable cōdicion sayd by faith god purifyeth their her tes and wherfore thē do ye now tempt god somich ●aing siche a vo●● vpon mens necks which nether owr fathers nor we be able to bere By the grace of owr Lorde Iesu christe we beleue vs to be saued as were owr fathers If we shuld say that we haue no sinne in vs so ar we lyers Wherfore the scrip turis conclude euery man to be a sinner and i●fidele that of almen God ●oughte haue mercye And that the promyse oute of faith in Iesu Christe shulde be geuen to the beleuers Onely Christe fulfilled the lawe And if Win● wold mok out Paul sayinge that when he concluded so oft man to be frely iustifyed by faith onely withowt the workes of the lawe that he ment by the workis of the lawe but circumcision and the other ce remonies now abrogated and not the lawe of the commandements Then let him heare Paul expowning himselfe of what lawe he ment answering to siche obieccions By the lawe saith he cometh the knowlege of sinne and I had not knowne cōupiscence to haue ben syn had not the lawe sayde Thou shalt not haue any concupiscens or luste And thē when he wrote his pistles circumcision and the rytes and ceremonyes were abrogated among the christen Iewes and the Gentyles neuer were bownde to them as was Abraham iustifyed by faith onely ere the law was writen and before he was circumcised And Peter sayd that this same lawe whiche Paul excludeth from iustificaciō and Wine callethe his condicion is a yoke importable which proueth it not to be circumcision nor any of their ceremonies of Moses law for these were lyghte enoughe to bere lyghter easyer thē to not luste or desyer any thing agenst gods will or for a riche mā to forsake all giue it to the pore or for Win. to cast of his pryde his bisshopryke with all his vaynglorye and to become the humble pore pure persecuted precher of gods worde It is red that there was one man that by suffring doinge and fulfilling the lawe of the commandements came to heuen euen chryst onelye In Math. we reade of a nother
my sinnes neuer to be imputed to me for my onely faiths sake dayly iustifying absoluing me continually re ●●●ing me with his holy spirit anoyntinge me withe the grace of the holygost so that nows I by his mercye grace being in christe his ele●t might walk dayly i● good workes pleas●●ge my celestial father ●nto this knowlege and bel●if he calleth all his chosē for whom he hathe forse●e predestined cho sen them hathe he called by his worde creacion of this worlde vnto this faith knowlege ●● whom he thus called the same hathe he iustifyed and whō he hath iustified them ●ath he gloryfied Thus we elect called and renated of the spirit know the fathir in christe and we know christe by the father which knowlege and faith draweth vs to loue god and to kepe his precepts gladlye Thus to know the father in christe and christe in him is lyfe eternal Out of this plētuous knowlege iustifying vs as I saye saith springethe repentance for here the synner prayeth god to conuerte him saying with Ieremye lorde conuerte me and I shall be conuerted for thou lorde arte my God wherfore as sone as thou shalt conuerte me I shal repent me and anone as thou makest me to knowe my sinnes I shal smyte my hand vpō my hippe Nowe tell vs Win. who is the autor of re pentance ▪ or is repentance before faith iustifyinge or no ▪ There is no man hauinge this knowlege and faith in God thorowe christe but he will anō with the publica●e falldowne smyting his hande vpon his breste say●g lorde haue mercy vpon me a sinner In this knowlege we see owr sinnes buried in christes wowndes nomore in the stonney tables for anger caste of that most mylde Mo ses agenst the grownde altobrokē We fel● them by owr faith forgeuē in christs dethe owrselues iustified by his resurreccion our hertes set at peace and rest with god in christe dead for owr sinnes and rysen agene for our iustificacion Which merciable goodnes whoso beholdeth in christe crucifyed he can not but of loue vnto god in christe lament be heuye in herte that euer he shuld cōmitte siche greuous sinnes which could not be forgeuē without the blode shedīge of that most innocent and immaculate lombe sufferinge for his enimies which loue as it is vnspeakable so is it incōparable A mā saith Paul will s●ante dye willingly when he must nedis and iustly dye but perchaūce will putte himselfe in perell of dethe for his goodes to be saued or the mother to saue hir childe c. But god he commendeth his loue towerd vs in that whē we were sinners criste wold dye for vs miche more therfore now we beinge iustified in his blode shalbe preserued by him from wrathe What faithfull herte towched with this incomparable loue out of faith knowlege is not humbled with fear and confession of his sinnes to god is not heuye and repentante detesting his sinnes saying Shal I any more commit that thing whiche hath brought this my so louing a sauiour to so shamefull and painful a passion This is our faith which cleaneth te the most certain promise of god and not to Win. wauering vnstable condiciō This is owr faith and substancial certitude the most f●rme per swasion without any wauering of the mer ciable free fogeuenes and gracious absoluci on of our sinnes by the promise of our fathir celestiall in christs bloude and hath her own proper correllatiue the promyse of god euer correspondent and not Winchesters know lege of the fulfulfilling of his cōdiciō This is the forme of owr iustificaciō by faith onely which attributeth all glory to god as did Abraham and his childerne and as many as haue vnfainedlye receiued christes gospell But let win ▪ worke on still his wyked workes vnto that tainment of his pharisaical iustificacion before men vntil the axe now bēt vnto his rotis he be sodenly smytendowne of god For Passur must be turned as Ier● mye saith into Pauor his arrogante vpcliminge and extolling of himselfe aboue god must haue a shamefull soden fearfull fall These arrrogāt articles may be well called the false articles of Winchesters false faith and not of christes faith For Christe cōfir●ed his articles euermore with the lawe phetes but Winch. bringeth not one worde of god for him to proue his Wherfore lette them be his owne articles armed withe his own prowd autorite For we may not beleue him thus exaltinge himself aboue christ● whiche euer alledged the scriptures for his doctryne to be confirmed we may not beleue my lorde Vicare generall for his hyghe lordly supcilious pharisaical lookis Wherfore if this Gardiner will seme to be lerned let him answere now with gods worde and not dispute with pore mē in his fetters and presons with his finnisshe threatis fyery fagettes presoning and persecutinge the pore innocont membres of christe for weldoing purely frely and faithfully preaching gods worde casting of his blodhowndes into eue ry cytie and towne to hunte oute the christē simple sely flock● of chryst as he of late made William Castelyn Gouerner of the mer chaunt aduenterers at Anwerpe cheifly to h●●te oute siche as purely and frelye wryts and set forth bokes vnto the glory of god edifying of christes chirche and to warn men of Win. false doctrine For this Gouerne● of other men whiche coulde neuer well gouerne himselfe is more meate to rowe in a galey or to holde the plough thē to gouern so worshiple and honeste a companye But the lord●is a lyue and heareth of these Mo abites pryde blode thirsting he seeth their secrete wiked counsels and heareth their bosting prowde crackes their supercilious arrogancye is well knowne vnto me saith the lorde but yet for all their lucifery●e pride promotinge and extollinge themselues and one an other to serue their traitourouse turnes and mutuall mischeif yet shall thei neuer bringe aboute their wiked enforcemēts For it is God that deposeth siche mighty● mischeuouse from their seates and exaltethe the humble It is the lorde that skaterethe their wiked counsels and trappeth them in their own pryde and blody cogitaciōs But let all christen Kinges and Princes beware how thei geu● their swerde into siche popisshe prelates handes leste the innocent blode be required of god at their handis to whom be prayse for euer Amen Trwthe it is that he which knoweth nether the father nor christe shall neuer beleue Christe to be an hole perfit and sufficient sauiour forgeuer of sinnes but he shal wynde in this croked condicion of Winc. and diuide his iustificaciō parte if he geu● not all to workes parte to god as did the Iewes and nowe the Turkes and siche like heithen miscreaunts which neuer knewe god the fa ther in and by Christe Yea thei shall deuise and imagyn in their own opiniōs for trwe faith haue thei none siche
yonge man that wolde go to heuen by doing some good works asking christe Good Master what deedis shall I do to haue lyfe eternall whose mynde christe se●nge did set him but certayne of the easyest commandements to fill fyll them And he sayde as for these I haue done them all redye well then sayd Christe or rather so thought If ye will nedis go to heuen by doinge I shall set you to do siche deedis as I knowe well ye will neuer do yea thei be impossible for you to do them euen to sell his substance and to geue it to the pore and so to folowe him now going forth to Ierusalem to suffer dethe What did this man I praye you howe farre went he with christe think you went he not his way heuy ly from christe And yet will Win ▪ go to heuen by doinge and fulfilling his harde condicion I dare say he wold s●ratche his head twyse as did this riche man ere he sold his bisshopryke had geuen it to the pore And therfore Christe pronownced that it is impossible for siche riche men to come to heuē God therfore trusted vs so litle with the ful fillinge of the lawe and so by this condicion to come to heuen that he toke it out of owr handes and layd it vpon his sonne crysts bake to be fulfilled For if he had lefte our saluacion in owr own hands to be deserued by owr workes we had bene all dampned Yet saye on Winchester once agene ☞ Ergo I maye do well by the gyfte of god before I am iustified towardes the ataynement of iustificaciō Now declareth he by his well doing for the ataynment of his iustificacion to be iustified by works Here is his condiciou declared to be works Here he sheweth himself to be arr●gantlye bolder then Dauid or iuste Iob whiche bothe feared their works and desyered god not to entre into iugement with thē for thē shuld there noman be iustified in his fyght and agen saith Dauid lorde if thow shuldst obserue owr iniquities who shal stāde before the in iugemente vncondemp●ed But Winch ▪ maye do well in the month of Maye before men ere he be iustifyed before god and so reioyce of his own ioyly iustifycacion rydinge vpon his horse or mule He wolde fayne here wrap in his workes with his faith both togither into one bed to warme and winne his iustificaciō that he might be sewer by both togither for the mo the beter to be iustified Sed pallium ambos operire non potest saith Isaye but the couerlet is to narow and to short to kouer them both one of them therfore is lyke to lyebare arse and a colde For god to whom we be maryed by faith and mercye is a ioylous god and wilnot that any of his spouses shuld ly with a nother to diuide their faith frō him to wor kes to be iustifyed by them nor to separate forgeuenes of sinnes frō his blode Is christe diuided And therfore if this iusticiarye by his may well doing before he be iustified towerde thatammēt therof so proced towarde his entente he may be as the fryers and monkes were wont to saye in via perditionis persectionis I wold saye but vnto the very iustificacion shall he neuer come euen men of a corrupt mynde caried awaye of diuerse lustes euer lerning and neuer comen vnto the knowlege of the trwthe for siche deceyuers shall go forthe worse and worse tyl their wikednes be rype leading wother into errours their selues being blynde and far out of the way turned vnto vayn speche false doctryn willīg to be seue doctours yet vnderstōde thei not what thei say nor of what thigis thei make actes articles instituciōs But play on yet agen ōce M Win. ☞ There is euer as miche charite towerde god as faith ▪ and as faith en creaseth so do charite encrease This is trwth nether ought it to be impugned if he take faith charite as Paul taketh them There muste nedis some trwth be mix ed with lies that he might the slylyer deceiue and some sugar mēgled with his venom that he mighte the priuelier poyson What then Winchester ☞ To thataiment of iustificacion is required faith and charite Faith onelye saith Christe and Paul is required to thatainmēt of the iustificaciō whiche is of God nether is charite excluded frō faith but from the efficacye effect and office to iustifye For to this effect office is faith alone sufficiente effectuously As from fyer or from the sonne we exclude not heate nor brightnes but yet haue heat and brightnes their sondry effectes and offices for the heat warmethe and with his bryghtnes the sone shyneth and geueth lyght Charite hath many fayer effectes and offices attributed onely vnto herself as proper and is highly com mended for thē as is faith extolled of Paul for hir offices in the Hebrewes And I dare saye charite is content with her owne workes called benigne pacient c so that she de syereth not to put hir elder syster faith oute of hir cheif office nor yet to vsurpe any part therof whose office principal is alone to iustifye but and if Win. wyll defraude faithe of hir effecte and imparte it vnto charite he shall offend bothe charite and faith This is certayne that if charite had had any siche an excellent effect and office as to iustifie Paul wold not haue omitted it but wold haue ge uen hir the glorye therof setting it forth before all saying Charite iustifyeth charite is benigne pacient c. I wolde Winc. wolde once shewe vs where he fyndeth this text in scripture Charite iustifyeth It is writen in manye places faith iustifyeth by faith God testifyed our fathers to be iustified yea and that with out the works of the lawe Frely doutles ar mē iustified by grace saith Paul thorow the raunsom and redempcion made by the anoynted sauiour whom god the father hathe setforthe to be the free mercyfull gyfte or seat of mercye thervpon to be apeased thorowe faith in his bloude setforthe I saye to declare himself faithfull and trwe of his promyse concerninge the forgeuenes of synnes hitherto committed and paste which sinne● god the father had not anō punisshed but paciētly suffred them to declare his lōge sufferinge and himself to be trwe of his promise at this present tyme whē himself wold be known and declared faithfull and iust in that he iustifieth who soeuer beleueth and li ueth in Iesu by faith Where is thē now thy gloriouse hostinge oh Win. It is playnely excluded shut oute of dores By what reason by the reason and vertew of works N● no but by the reason of faith We conclude therfore saith Paul that by faithe a man is iustified with oute the works of the law ●o here is all gloriacion of works blown down laid flat in the duste by the reason and
God And I say saith lorde s●t peace among vs for it is thow that workest and finisshest all thing is in vs bothe our thought is de●des And therfore well sayd Austen God crowneth in vs his own deedis not owrs Con diciō not therfore Win. with god for your deedis which as all mē see them ar but ●a lice mischeif enuy rankor bitternes bloud thirstinge pryde cruell tyrannye blasphemies persecucion of christis innocente lombes and of his worde deceytfully flatering your prynce euill cownsell geuinge to prouoke the wrathe of god vpon yow all and vpon that noble realme sowinge most pesti lent heresyes yea and that wetingly which is the synne agenste the holygoste whiche when all sinnes be thei ryght greuous shal be forgeuen yet shall this your vngodly im piete be neuer forgeuen ☞ You say that faith is thassewrāce of the ꝓmise of forgeuenes of sinnes If faithe be that same certitude assewered perswasion as Paul saith asseweringe you of your iustificaciō why thē adde you yowr vncertayne condicion wauering vpon your synfull works which as thei be vnstable vnperfit and synne so can thei neuer make you a quyet and tranquill cōscience nor certifye you of your iustificacion God so sayinge Thou laborest in the multitud of thy nown wayes and yet thoughtest thou them neuer enoughe Adde no condicion on your behalf therfore oh Win. into your own condemp nacion Christe neuer taught you to beleue vpon a condicion but sayd simply and playnely Beleue and thou art saued Adde not to gods worde lest ye be condempned far a lyar Winch. tolde Martyn Bucere that he and his wolde not receyue the doctours as Win. wold I coude bring Austen Hierom Origene and many other autentyk writers agenst himself but let vs see whethir he wil beleue this one doctor saynt Ambrose thus writinge vpon the fyrst pistle to the Corinthes saying This thing is cōstituted of god that whoso beleue in criste he is saued with out any work onely by faith frely receiuīg the remission of his sinnes What can be spo ken more plainly Now make an ende win and conclude your arrogant articles ☞ A man being in dedly syn may haue grace to do the works of penāce wherby he may atayne to his iustificacion And I saye the contrary That a man beīge in dedlye synne may haue no grace to do the workes of penance as I feare me it will be verifyed of Win. himself But the lorde cō uerte him once so that all men maye see his open frutes of repentance for his greuouse persecucion of Christes membres and heare him openly with teares recantinge his false doctryn wherby he hath seduced many a sim ple soule This is lo his doctryne A man muste do the works of penance before he be iustifyed and so by siche workes merite and deserue his iustificacion and forgeuenes of sinnes Here thou seest christen reader that siche a man hathe no nede of christes death but for siche men saith paul christe is deade in vayne Thus ye see the conclusion of his articles to be That he may do wel before he be iusti fied But as I sayd before it behowuethe a lerned diuine to conclude what ought to be done and what god willith to be beleued by his manifeste worde and not what Winch. may do by his own blynde reasoninge with out gods worde He may do well by the gift of god saith he which is faith ergo his faith goth before his well doing and his iustifica cion and his good works must be thrust betwixt bothe if the ▪ place be not to narow for them so that he hauing his faith his good works is not as yet iustifyed nether by his faith nor by his good workes for thei muste serue him but toward the atainmente to his iustificacion Paul and Christe ioyned faith and iustificacion euer inseparably togither but this scismatyk iewisshe Hieroboam ▪ deuillishe diuider of all christē vnite wil thrust his good works betwixt them not suffring faith to cleaueto immediatly herown obiecte euen the mercye of god promising remissiō of sinnes in christs dethe He wold thrust in here the works of penance before iustificacion which thing how folisshe it is ye shal see Firste ye knowe that penance must go before her workes as is the tree before her frutes Penance is a turning to god wherby of the syncere feare of god a mā humbled acknowlegeth his sinne and ●o all his whol lyfe he maketh newe Who turneth to god but he fyrst beleue and knowth god for christes sake to be so mercyfull vnto him that at his turninge to him he receiuethe him forgeueth him his sinnes which faith knowlege what els is it then his iustificaciō god the father so affirminge it in his prophet Isaye sayinge In the knowlege of him this euē my seruant shall iustifie many Here ye see that this knowlege and faithe iustifyeth before the workes of penance ar done For God is known in christe ere we turn to him of the whiche turninge to god there folowe the frutes of repentance in doinge them all owr lyfe longe as to feare god to humble owr selfe to confesse our sinnes to him and to renewe owr lyues mortifyinge continuallye owr flesshe Nowe let vs see the order of owr iustifica cion before god according to the scriptures Firste saith Paul we are chosen of God in christe before the foundacion of the worlde was layed And when we be borne anew of the spirit we ar called to receiue faith Ioan. i and .i. Ioā v. which gifte of faith certifyeth vs of our eleccion geuing vs the knowlege of god the father in and by Christe Which knowlege as nothing can be sayd breifly er so is there nothing more excellent sweter more full and perfit holsomer more comfor table and ioyouse For when I knowe god the father in criste by the holygost I know these .iij. persons to be the onelye one God the most highe goodnes hauing his be●●ge of himself all other creatures to haue their being lyfe and mouing of him euē that o●e alone my very liuinge God for me and for all sufficiente mercyfull benigne louing almighty to me my deliuerer defender and keper long suffring iuste trwe my present sauiour and forgeuer of my synnes geuing me frely for christes sake eternal life and beatitude In this knowlege of my celestial father am I fermely perswaded Christe Iesu his onely so●ne bothe god man to be sente for my sake into this world to be that anoin ted Messias kinge preiste to be my gouer ner deliuerer aue●ger defender my head redemer by his passion mediatour my clen singe sacrifice once for me and for all faithfull for euer offerd vp on the crosse my onely intercessour now into heuē ascended my holines myne expiacion my rightwisenes helth way life and satisfaccion satisfying● my fathers iustice for