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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00776 A spirituall consolation, written by Iohn Fyssher Bishoppe of Rochester, to hys sister Elizabeth, at suche tyme as hee was prisoner in the Tower of London. Uery necessary, and commodious for all those that mynde to leade a vertuous lyfe: also to admonishe them, to be at all tymes prepared to dye, and seemeth to bee spoken in the person of one that was sodainly preue[n]ted by death Fisher, John, Saint, 1469-1535. 1578 (1578) STC 10899; ESTC S109711 49,974 144

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sinners that doe thus re-returne And therefore Sainct Paule sayeth Accessistis ad sanguinem melius loquentem quam Abel Ye become and haue returned you vnto the bloude that speaketh more graciously then did the bloude of Abell The bloud of Abell cryed vengeaunce before almightie god As almightie God sayd vnto Caine in the booke of Genesis Sanguis Abell fratris tui clamat ad me vindictam de terra The bloude of thy brother Abell crieth vengeaunce in mine eares from the grounde where it is shead But the moste precious bloude of our sauiour Iesu Christ cryeth mercy for all sinners that doeth repent And our sauiour now before the face of hys father sheweth his woundes sheweth his most precious bloud ceaseth not to procure mercy for them This plainly doeth affyrme the blessed Apostle Saint Iohn saying in this maner filioli hec scribo vobis vt non peccatis sed et si quis peccauerit aduocatū habemus apud patrem Iesu Christum iustum et ipse est propitiatio pro peccatis nostris That is to say Childrē I write these things vnto you to the intent that you should not sinne Neuerthelesse if it fortune any man to sinne wée haue an aduocate for vs Christ Iesus before the face of his father And he is rightuous and without sinne a verye satisfaction for al our sinnes Who thē attentiuely doth beholde this Crucifix verely beleueth that on the Crosse was payd the raūsom of all sinners how may he not fully trust that if he aske mercy for his sinnes they shall be forgiuen him So that here euery sinner may finde great matter and occasion of hope In the Crosse is also matter of ioy Héere is occasion of such excessiue ioy that a soule which verely tasteth it can not but highly reioyce in the same And therfore Sainct Paule did say Mihi autem absit gloriari nisi in cruce domini Iesu Christi God forbid that I reioyce in any other thing then in the Crosse of our Lorde Iesu Christ. Here doubtlesse is great cause for euerye true Christian man to reioyce and specially for thrée poyntes The first is that by the death of our sauiour on the Crosse and sheding of his moste precious bloude on the Crosse we be fully reconciled to almighty God as often as we doe true repentaunce with a fast purpose of amendement Thus Saint Paule sayth ad Col Complacuit per eum reconciliari omnia in ipsum per sanguinem cruicis It hath pleased God the father that by his sonne and by his bloud shed on the Crosse all should be reconciled But you will aske me what meaneth this word reconciled It is as much to sai as to be made attone with almighty God and to be at friendship with hym As two men when they haue bene at variaunce to be made louers together againe So the displeasure which he had against vs for our sinne is taken away And his great wrath against vs is fully pacified And where we were by sin the children of the diuell now we haue recouered to be made againe the children of God and consequentlye the inheritours of heauen O thou Christian man is not here great cause to reioyce If thou haue a ritche man to thy father which had loued thée much and he for thy misdemaner had caste thée out from his fauour and so thou werte in ieopardie to lose thy enherytaunce if by meanes of a brother of thine thou mightest be brought into his fauour againe and be taken for his sonne as thou waste before and restored thereby to thine enheritance haddeste thou not great cause to be ioyous and reioyce that by this means thou hast recouered againe thy fathers loue with all the commodities belonging vnto the same In like manner it is of euery sinner for he by his lewde demainer and by his sinful dealing hath so displeased his father that he is cast out from the fauour of his father and is in perrill to lose his inherytaunce which his most louing father had prouided for hym Neuerthelesse his onelye begotten sonne by his inestimable goodnesse and charitie suffering the most painful death of the Crosse and shedding his most precyous bloude for amendes and recompence of our vngracious dealinge hath reconcyled vs agayne and made vs at one with his father and set vs at a perfecte peace concorde and vnytie And thys is concernynge the fyrste poynte The second by the vertue of the crosse and of his most blessed passyon the power of our enymies be much broken for on the Crosse our sauyour by his death gatt the victory vpō thē for the which Sainct Paule saide expolians principatus et potestates traduxit confidenter triumphans cos in seme tipso Christ Iesus spoiling the mighty power of the diuill hath openly detected theyr frauds and gotten a very triumph of them in his owne person And therfore nothing is yet more tirrible vnto them then is the signe of the Crosse. A blessed virgine sainct Christian had suche a confidence in the token of the Crosse that when shée féelt hyr selfe tempted with hyr ghostly enimy shée marked hyr selfe with the same token and at euery temptation shée gatte the better of the diuils And by this holy token chased thē away put euer to flight Thirdli by the vertue of the crosse of this most fruitful death our hand wryting the which made most against vs was clerly put out Whē where was it written In the booke of our owne conscience there is no maner of sinne that we doe but it is written in the booke of our consciēce And if we repent vs not of the same be hartily sory for it before our death thys booke of our conscience shal be shewed against vs in the dreadfull day of iudgement Neuerthelesse if we repent vs and confesse vs and doe true repentance therfore then by the vertue of this passion it shall be scraped out of the booke of our conscience Therfore Sainct Paule calleth sinne our own hand writing Deleuit quod aduersū nos erat chirographum decreti quod erat contrarium nobis et ipsū tulit de medio affigens illud cruci Christ Iesus he saith put out the hande writing of the decrée whiche was against vs and so withdrewe it fastning it vnto the Crosse. When thou perceiuest O sinfull creature that by the Crosse of Christ and by that most precious bloud which was shed on the crosse thou art reconciled and made at one with God and that the power of thine enimies be greatly represt And fynallly that thy sin which was most against thée was crucified on the same Crosse so that thou maist clearely sée that héere is great matter of excessiue ioy and to reioyce in the most blessed Crucifix Finally in the Crosse is also matter of great comfort when a person hath deserued a great open shame is broght euen to the plunge of the matter and yet by
for me alone I had béene bounde then to haue gyuen him my loue whollye agayne Why man arte thou so enuyous that thou wouldest haue no parteners of this moste precious deathe with thée but thine owne selfe This were a very malicious desire to exclude all other specially when thy profite and merite shall not be mynished Albeit there bée neuer so manye besides that take commoditie there by I say vnto thée O man and I assure thée that as fruitefully hée dyed for thée if thou wilt dispose thy selfe to be partener of this death as if there had beene no more but thy selfe in all thys world Truth it is there bée many moe besides thée that bée parteners of this death But all they yea if there were a thousand thousande tymes innumerable moe then there be All that multitude shall nothyng mynish any one crum of merit of this most blessed death belongyng vnto thée And agayne if thou take much more fruite thereof then any one of them yet shall they take no impayrement or receyue the lesse bicause thou hast so much Wilte thou sée by some example that thys is trueth that I nowe say When thou séest a torch lyght in an house where many persons bée doeth not that torche gyue as muche light to them all as if there were but one person there Euery person after the quicknesse of theyr sight taketh more or lesse profitte of that lyght then doeth an other but yet he that taketh more hyndereth hys fellowes nothyng in so takyng nor he that taketh lesse giueth thereby anye occasion for his fellowes to take any more And if it be thus of the light of a torche muche rather it is so of the merite of this most gracyous death and of this most precious blud which by the reason of the godhead abundauntly suffyseth for the redemption of innumerable soules were theyr sinnes neuer so many neuer so horrible neuer so abhominable Surely as Sainct Iohn sayth ipse est propitiatio pro peccatis nostris non pro nostris tantum sed et totius mundi Hée was and is a sacrifice abundantly sufficyent for the sinnes of all this world When then for thy sake for thy loue he suffered thys most horryble death which was so painfull that the onely remembraunce of it made him to sweate bloudy sweate and that in so great aboundance that it trickled downe by hys syde vnto the ground If the onely thinking of thys death was so painfull howe paynefull was the suffring of the same in déede Howe might he more euidētly expresse vnto thée the loue of his harte then by thys means Or what might he more haue done for thy loue as he saith himself quid vltra facere debui et non faci what myght I further haue done whiche I did not for thy loue Thou mayest then fynde héere in this booke great matter of loue Héere is also great matter of hope specially to sinners will vtterly forsake their sinne and amend theyr liues for Christ Iesu sake Doubtles for such he suffered this moste bitter death Pro impijs Christus mortuus est for wicked sinners Iesus Christ dyed And in an other place the same s. Paul sayth Christus Iesus venit in hunc mundū saluos facere peccatores Christe Iesus came into this world for to saue sinners that will amend theyr lyues O christian soule take thou vpon thée the crosse of pennaunce and bée crucyfied with him then without doubt thou shalt be partener of the the merit of his crucifying and of his most fruitfull passion What shall exclude thée from hys merite Almightie God the father Nay qui proprio filio suo non peporcit sed pro nobis omnibus tradidit illum quomodo non cum illo nobis omnia donauit He that dyd not spare his own sonne but gaue him vnto the death for vs all what shall hée denye vs what greater euidence canst thou aske that almightie God the father wil forgiue thy sin then thys that he would not forsake to giue vnto the death hys own sonne I say his own most dearly beloued sonne of whom hée sayde Hic est filius meus dilectus in quo mihi cōplacui This is my welbeloued sonne in whom is all my pleasure What greater euydence and proofe mayest thou desire that he will forgyue thy sinne then that he would put this most inestimable Iuell into such a daunger for thy sake and sende it vnto thys most painfull and shamefull and sorrowfull death of the Crosse. But peraduenture thou thynkest that our sauiour bycause thou haste bin so vnkynde vnto him will not receyue thée vnto his mercy I say therfore forsake thy sinne and accuse thy vnkyndnesse and be sory for it And doubt not but he will forgiue forget thyne vnkyndnesse and receyue thée agayne vnto hys great mercy And therfore he sayth by his Prophet Hieremie when a woman saith he is gone from hyr husbande and hath accompanyed hyr bodye with an other man will hyr husband receiue hir againe As who say that it is not verie lyke but yet heare what comforte he giueth to a sinner tu autem fornicata es cum amatoribus multis tamen reuertere ad me et ego suscipiam te Neuerthelesse he sayeth to the soule of a sinner Albeit thou hast forsaken me and playde the brothell with manye other yet returne thou agayne vnto mée and I shall receyue thée But here thou sinfull soule deceyue not thy selfe Thou mayest dissemble a returning and be not in déede returned And if thou set not thy backe toward all sinne and turne thy harte fully vnto thy sauiour thou arte not returned But bée thou truly returned and doubt not Beholde earnestly the maner how thy sauiour Iesu hanged on the Crosse and thou shalt sée great cause of hope of his mercy if thou thus returne Sainct Barnerd sayth Quis non rapiatur ad ●pem impetrandique fiduciam quā do considerat corporis cius dispositionem caput inclinatum ad osculum brachia extenta ad amplexandum manus proforatas ad largiendum latus opertum ad diligendū pedum confixionem ad manendum nobiscum corporis extensionem ad se nobis totaliter impendendum Who may not bée rauished to hope and confidence if he consider the order of his body his head bowing downe to offer a kisse hys armes spreade to embrace vs hys handes bored thorow to make lyberall giftes his side opened to shewe vnto vs the loue of his harte his féete fastened with nayles that hée shall not starte away but abyde with vs And all his bodie stretched forcesing him selfe to giue it wholly vnto vs Surely O man he that would thus and after this maner exhibite his bodie vnto thée on the Crosse if thou wilt indeuer thée vpon thy parte hée will not refuse thée but take thée vnto his mercy This most precious bloud that he shed on the Crosse cryeth alwayes mercye for