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mercy_n father_n heaven_n holy_a 5,066 5 5.4557 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05588 The Golden letany in Englysshe 1536 (1536) STC 15707.5; ESTC S4752 5,964 40

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The golden Letany in Englysshe LOrd haue mercy vpon vs. Chryste haue mercy vpō vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and graūte vs vertue of soule mynde in erth and aboue erth / that we may serue the after the pleasure of thy wyll God euerlastȳg father by your heuenly vertue haue mercy vpon vs. The sonne of god redemer of the world / haue mercy vpon vs. The holy goost by thy goodnes / haue mercy vpon vs. God by increate vndeuyded trinite haue mercy vpō vs. By thy diuyne vne essence / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy diuyne nature / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy infinyte mekenes haue mercy vpon vs. By thy selfe all goodnes that in the thou beholdest / haue mercy vpon vs. By the creacyon of heuen erthe / all thynges that in them are / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy goodnes that thou createst aungels / haue mercy vpō vs. By the loue that thou haddest whā thou created man to thyne owne similitude haue mercy vpon vs. By the greate loue that thou had to redeme man after his fall haue mercy vpō vs. By that ineffable loue that thou hadde whan thou chase the worthy virgyn Marye to be thy mother haue mercy vpō vs. By Maryes holy name that descended fro the hye trone of the Trinite efflowed haue mercy vpon vs. By the cōcepcion of the virgyn thy mother the whiche was sāctified in her mothers wombe haue thou mercy vpon vs. By the holy natiuite of her / haue mercy vpon vs. By the perfyte purite and the mekenes of her / haue mercy vpon vs. By the moost humble affeccion whiche she toke of the in thy lap of the father in her virgyn wombe / haue mercy vpon vs. By the mekenes of thy hye maiestie that thou dayned not to descend in to the wombe of the virgyn mary haue mercy vpon vs. By the frayle nature of ours that it plesed that to take for our synne / not abhorrynge haue mercy vpō vs. By thy holy natiuite that thou woldest vouchesaue to be borne of a mayde / haue mercy vpō vs. By the ineffable ioye which thy mother had in thy byrth haue mercy vpō vs. By the colde crybbe in the whiche with vyle clothes thou were woūde and put / nourysshed with maydēs mylke / haue mercy vpon vs. By the ioye of the shepeherdes whiche honoured the in the crybbe / haue mercy vpō vs. By thy paynfull circūcision of shedynge of thy precyous bloode / and by thy holy name Ihesus / and by all thy holy sayntes / haue mercy vpō vs. By the oblacyon and prayer of the thre kynges / haue mercye vpon vs. By the oblacyon that thou were offered in to the temple / haue mercy vpō vs. By thy flyenge in to Egypte / by all the necessitie that thou suffred there with the virgyn thy mother / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy goynge agayne fro Egypte in to Nazareth obedience that thou were vnder thy parentes haue mercy vpō vs. By thy humble meke conuersacion that thou had on erth the tyme of .xxxiij. yere thou were conuersaunt / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy meke obedyence paynes haue mercy vpon vs. By thy holy meditaciōs in worde and worke / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy baptysme and appering of the holy trinite / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy holy stedfast contemplacyons knelynges and ouercōmynge of the fendes temptacion in deserte haue mercy vpō vs. By thy thurst and hungre colde heate whiche in this vale of mysery thou suffred / haue mercy vpon vs. By the sorowe of thy herte / labour and werynesse / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy great pouertye and contemplacion / haue mercy vpon vs. By the obtrectacion that thyne enmyes detracte to the / haue mercy vpon vs By thy watchynges prayers / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy holsome doctryne benefytes and strengthe of resystynge / that thou graūted not to thyne enemyes / haue mercy vpō vs. By the tokens / wonders / and myracles that thou dyd / haue mercy vpō vs. By thy meke swete and holy conuersacion / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy holy teares and thy meke entrynge in to Ierusalem on palme sonday / haue mercy vpon vs. By the shrewde counsell in whome the peruerted iewes conspired the vnto the deth / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy inflamed desyre that thou had to redeme vs / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy meke wasshynge of thy disciples fete and Iudas the traytoure / haue mercy vpon vs. By the moost beloued institucion of thy worthy sacramēt of thy blyssed body bloode lorde haue mercy vpon vs. By the profounde loue that thou souffered thy discyple Iohn̄ to rest on thy brest at thy last supper / haue mercy vpon vs. By the peace that thou gaue to thy discyples / haue mercy vpō vs. By thy holy wordes and sermons haue mercy vpon vs. By thy hugely great heuynesse that thou hadde whan thou prayed to thy father in the yarde nye the mount of olyuete / haue mercy vpon vs. By the vertue of thy prayer that thou shedde out .iij. tymes haue mercy vpon vs. By thy paynefull fearfull deth haue mercy vpon vs. By the agony that thou offered thy selfe wylfully to the deth in obeyinge thy father haue mercy vpō vs. By the shedynge of thy bloode for anguyssh haue mercy vpon vs. By the mekenesse that thou wolde be conforted of the aungell cōfort me in all tymes haue mercy vpon vs. By the triumphant wyl that thou had whan thou went to mete theym that sought the in to dethe / haue mercy vpon vs. By the fearfull takyng the violent layenge on handes of the iewes / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy immutable goodnes that thou refused not to take the kysse of Iudas the traytour / and that thou healed the eare of the bysshops seruaunt / that was striken of / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy holy bondes in the which thou were taken ledde and braydes in which thou were made wery that nyght / haue mercy vpon vs. By the buffet whiche thou suffredest on the seate of Annas the bysshop and other vnknowynge the / haue mercy vpon vs. By the loue and charite that thou haddest whan thou were ledde bounden before the bysshop Cayfas / haue mercy vpon vs. By the false wytnesse lyes and vniustly dampned haue mercy vpō vs. By the vyle spyttynges and illusyons / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy buffettes and strypes / haue mercy vpon vs. By the blynde felyng of thy holy eyen / and other repreues that thou suffered that nyght haue mercy vpon vs By thy gracious beholdyng that thou beheldest Peter by all that labour and secret vnknowen turmēt whiche thou suffered at that nyght haue mercy vpon vs. By thy presentacyon and accusacion whiche they brought agaynste the before Pylate the Iudge haue mercy vpon vs. By the despysynge and illusyon that thou suffered before Herode
/ the whyte vesture in the which he sente the to Pilate / haue mercy vpon vs. By all confirmacyon and vnknowen labour that thou suffered in goynge from one iudge to an other / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy great pacience stylnesse / haue mercy vpon vs. By the shamefull pullynge of thy clothes harde byndyng of thy body to the pyller / haue mercy vpon vs By the harde beatynge of scourges / haue mercy vpon vs. By the innumerable woundes of thy precious body hugely shedde out haue mercy vpon vs. By all thy paynes dolours colde and shakyng and the glad thrustyng out of thy bloode / haue mercy vpon vs. By the purpull vestement and the crowne of thorne thrusted to thy blyssed heed with violence haue mercy vpon vs. By the innumerable paynes that thou were turmented whan they smote the crowne of thorne with the kynges septre / and by the great effusion of thy precyous blode haue mercy vpō vs. By the scornefull honourynge and salutyng of the iewes whā they sayde Hayle kynge of iewes / haue mercy vpon vs By theyr vyle spyttynge in thy dyuyne face togyther with harde strokes / haue mercy vpon vs. By all the paynes and heuynesse of herte that thou had whā Pylate ledde the out vnto the people bearynge the crowne of thorne and the purpull vestement and sayd behold man / haue mercy vpon vs. By the dredefull sentence of deth vyle name / ledyng the vnto the mounte of Caluarye / haue mercy vpon vs. By the loue that thou bare the crosse to the place of payne vpon thy backe haue mercy vpon vs. By the labour / anguysshe / shame and beatyng whiche thou suffredest by the waye haue mercy vpon vs. By al thy harde steppes that thou had bearyng the crosse whan thou went to thy deth / haue mercy vpon vs. By the great heuynes of thy sholders in whiche thou bare the crosse vnto the tyme thou fayled for weykenes / haue mercy vpon vs. By the compassyō of thy herte that thou had in metynge of thy sorowful mother in bearynge of thy crosse haue mercy vpon vs. By thy heuy lokyng ascendynge vp the hye mount of Caluarye / on whiche thou were crucifyed / haue mercy vpon vs. By the spoylynge of thy clothes in moost confusyō in the eye syght of the virgyn thy mother all the people haue mercy vpon vs By the seynge that thou were naked full of woūdes and laden with greate sorowes with the colde of the wynde sufferyng tyll the crosse were made redy haue mercy vpon vs. By thy heuy steppes whan thou wentest nere to the crosse and theron fastened with boystous nayles haue mercy vpon vs. By ekynge thy payne thy wepynge haue mercy vpon vs. By the ache of thy veynes and synewes all thy mēbres on thy crosse haue mercy vpon vs. By the thyrlynge of thy ryght hande shedynge of thy precyous bloode lorde make vs clene from all synne haue mercy vpon vs. By the thyrling of thy lyft hande and by the holy wounde of the same thy holy bloode saue vs and haue mercy vpō vs. By the sore dryuynge of the nayles and by thy holy fete and by the woundes of the same and by the precyous bloode from the sheding / purge vs recōcyle vs to thy father haue mercy on vs. By the lyftynge vp of thy moost holy body on the crosse / and by the violent paynes of it all thy holy membres were rufully payned haue mercy on vs. By the heuynesse of thy herte all the strengthes of thy soule / saue me / defende me / and haue mercy on vs. By the diuision or partyng of thy vesture / and the lotte whiche they cast on thy cote without seme / thou seynge it / haue mercy vpon vs. By the loue that thou hynge .iij houres on the crosse alyue / haue mercy on vs. By the repreues and cōfusyon full of wordes that thou herde hangyng on the crosse / haue mercy vpon vs. By the blasphemynges sorowes confusyons that thou suffred hangyng on the crosse / haue mercy on vs. By al the dolours that thou suffred in thy rybbes hyppes and sholders crucyfyed / haue mercy vpon vs. By all the paynes that thou had spredde on the crosse in thy synewes veynes fete and all thy membres haue mercy vpō vs. By thy great mekenesse that thou prayed to thy father for thyne enemyes haue mercy vpon vs. By thy mercy that thou promysed the thefe paradyse haue mercy vpon vs. By the charge that thou had to thy mother in thy turmēt commending her to thy beloued disciple haue mercy vpō vs. By the swerde of sorowe that went vnto thy moders herte and the compassyon teares that she shed out for sorowe standyng vnder the crosse haue mercy vpon vs. By al thy holy teares on the crosse and al the tyme of thy lyfe shedde out haue mercy vpon vs. By thy thyrst / gall and eysell with vyneygre gyue me to taste of thy swete spiryte haue mercy vpō vs. By all thy holy wordes by the pronounced vpon the crosse / and all those that in thy lyfe thou shewed haue mercy vpon vs. By the wepyng crye in the whiche thou cōmended thy spiryte to thy father our soules may be cōmended to the / haue mercy vpon vs. By the separacion of thy holy soule from thy blyssed diuyne body / hau● mercy vpon vs. By the enclynynge of thy holy heade vpō thy brest / enclyne swete Iesus vnto vs and haue mercy vpon vs. By the hugenes of thy deth and intollerable brusynges in whiche thy herte was broken / haue mercy vpon vs. By the openynge of thy syde the reed wounde of it and the precyous blode good lorde thyrle our herte with the spere of all thy loue haue mercy vpon vs. By the precyous bloode and water that ranne out of thy holy hert / wasshe and make vs clene in the same holy water blode from all our synnes / haue mercy vpon vs. By the mercy that thou shewed on the crosse to Centurio / and all the mercy that euer thou shewed to man / haue mercy vpon vs. By the descendynge of thy holy soule to limbo patrum / haue mercy vpō vs. By the vertue of thy holy soule that thou brakest vp the gates of hell and delyuered out the soules of thy frendes / haue mercy vpon vs. By the takyng downe of thy holy body of the crosse / and the solempne sepulture of it the lamētyng of the virgyn thy mother Mary magdalen other of thy frendes haue mercy vpon vs. By all the labour / werynesse / sorowe and heuynesse that thou suffred from tke day of thy Natiuite vnto the houre of the departynge of thy soule fro thy body / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy gloryous vertuous resurrectiō in body soule / haue mercy vpon vs. By the ineffable ioye of thy mother other of thy frendes / and the glory of thy resurrectiō / haue mercy vpon vs. By the grace that thou apperedest to Mary magdaleyn and other women and to thy discyple in thy impassyble body after thy resurrection / haue mercy vpon vs. By thy meruaylous gloryous ascencyon cōforte vs lorde in all our nedes / and haue mercy vpon vs. By the diuyne consolacion and sendynge of the holy goost in to thy discyples / glad vs / sanctifye vs / strength vs in fayth hope and charite / and haue mercy vpon vs. By thy gloryous dyuyne maiestie the vertue of thy holy name kepe vs / gouerne vs now euerlastyng / and haue mercy vpō vs. By the sonne in thy holy godhed togyther in thy manhode hyd haue mercy on vs. By the ioye that thy selfe were in / haue mercy on vs. By thy selfe all goodnes meryte that in the in thy mother thou beholdest / haue mercy vpon vs. By the mynisters Mychael and Gabryell kepers deputed to me and all other thy celestiall spirites / haue mercy vpō vs. By the intercession and merites of saynt Peter Paule Iohn̄ the euangelist and other of thyne apostels / haue mercy vpon vs. By the merytes intercession of thy holy martyrs Laurēce Stephen all other / haue mercy vpon vs. By the vertues and merytes of the holy fathers confessours Fraūcis Augustyne Anthony all other haue mercy on vs. By the merytes and prayers of the holy saynt Anne Katheryn Barbara and all other holy virgyns holy wydowes chaste women / haue mercy on vs. By the merytes and prayers of al thy holy chosen sayntes that are were and are for to come in heuen in erth / haue mercy on vs. Succour vs swete Iesu in the tremblynge and strayte day of iudgement graūte vs in this exile transytory lyfe those thynges that be necessary to the helth of our body soule / and after this lyfe to lyue in ioye with the euerlastȳgly withouten ende Amen Lord heare graciously my prayers and that my crye may come to the. c praye we Lorde gyue to the quycke grace / to the deed res● in especyall for them that I am boūden N. to the chyrche holynesse peace concorde And that thou wylt voucht saue to take this prayer to the honour and glory of thy holy name and that thou wylt vouche saue to haue mercy vpon vs. And to redeme vs by thy paynfull deth / and to forgyue vs all our synnes / and graunte euerlastyngly that we may perceuer in all goodnes / and that we may serue the. And after this lyf we may deserue to reygne with the in euerlastyng glorye and lyfe without ende AMEN ¶ A deuoute blyssynge in englysshe lately translated out of frensshe by Robert Copland THe holy crosse be before me / the blyssyng of god be vpon me with the blyssynge that god blyssed the thre kynges which Herode so that none enemyes haue power to greue nor to vexe me from all good werkes / the whiche graunt the hole Trinite father sonne and holy goost AMEN ¶ Laus deo ¶ Imprynted at London in Fauster lane by me Iohn̄ Skot dwellynge in saynt Leonardes parysshe