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B12473 A sub-poena from the star-chamber of heauen A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the 4. of August. 1622. With some particular enlargements which the limited time would not then allow. By Dan. Donne, Master of Arts, and minister of the Word. Donne, Daniel, d. 1646. 1623 (1623) STC 7021; ESTC S121163 55,741 137

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wherein to our iust damnation had we our deserts we haue not only brought forth no fruit but also naughty fruit fruite cursed abominable herein not only dishonored God our selues but also to our further damnation drawn others to doe the like by our lewd examples for which let vs go with faith in the blood of Iesus Christ to the throne of Grace imploring mercy at the hands of our heauenly Father who is ready willing to imbrace with the armes of his mercy al such petitioning him for grace in the Name of his Sonne let vs for the time following entertain this setled resolution into our hearts faithfully to labor in the reformation of all those faults we lament And which is the consummation perfectiō of our repentance let vs crowne our holy resolutions by putting them into action by bringing forth fruit worthy amendment of life as it is in the verse before my Text or as it is here in my Text by bringing forth good fruit by leading in our seueral places callings a right holy religious course of life For it is not a bare entertainement of better courses into our thoughts of dead of naked purposes nor an outside of Religion an outward conformity to the seruice of God will preserue vs from the wrath to come the former being but a bringing forth of good leaues the latter but of good flowers or if of fruit but of such as is false and counterfeit No wee must either bring forth good fruit that is as ye haue heard Fruit not onely outwardly beautifull and good in the eye of man but also inwardly good and sound in the sight of God or we must vndergoe the wrath of God be hewen down and cast into the fire Such fruit must euery Tree bring forth and that 1. Properanter presently 2. Abundanter plentifully 3. Perseueranter perseuerantly First we must bring forth good fruit VVe must bring foorth good fruit 1. Presently properanter presently it is a taske wee must take in hand out of hand as much is implied in the letter of my text Euery tree 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not bringing forth good fruit that is Now presently for it is a word of the present tense and doth vrge a present taske shal be hewen downe and cast into the fire This Speed is emphatically pressed in the first words of my text Now is the axe laid vnto the root of the trees as if the Baptist had more largely deliuered himselfe thus It is no delaying the time of your turning vnto God he hath taried your leasure so long that he is resolued to attend you no longer therefore looke to your selues God wil now be but a word and a blow for he hath already taken his Axe the instrument of death into his hand yea he hath already lifted vp his arme to strike nay more he hath so farre set forward his blow that he hath euen laid his Axe to the root of the trees resolutely determining to make his blow to hew you downe out of hand and cast you into the fire if ye do not presently repent bring foorth fruite worthy amendment of life O then my beloued I beseech you let vs consider that now onely is the time of making or marring our fortunes for euer Alas what is our life but a blast Spiraemus expiramus we breath and instantly our breath is gone So it is that no man liuing can assure vnto himselfe the least moment of time beyond that which he doth at the very instant inioy Indeed the Deuill to lead vs on in our sinnes would perswade vs that Nature hath sealed vnto vs a long Lease of our liues and that we need not as yet trouble our heads with repentance there will be time enough for that hereafter But the truth is we hold this fading breath but as Gods Tenants at will Hee may and will if it please him without the least warning take it away from vs. But suppose we may liue long and repent time enough hereafter for that poenitentia vera nunquam sera True repentance P●nitentia ser● r●●o vera is neuer too late yet are we sure we can repent when wee please No True repentance is the gift of God and it is iust with him to deny it that man at his death which hath so carelessely neglected it throughout the whole course of his life So that in a word in mora 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is but a folly yea extreame madnesse to dally and delay the time of our conuersion considering the imminent wrath of God and our own frailty Sure I am As the tree falleth so it lyeth as Death leaueth vs so Iudgement findeth vs. Let vs therfore euen Now whilst it is called to day begin to worke out our saluation with feare trembling When the night of Death commeth no man can worke Let vs Now whilest the acceptable little time of saluation lasteth vnfainedly repent and call vpon God for mercy Let it suffice that we haue spent the time past vpon the lusts of our own hearts in brining forth the corrupt fruit of the flesh in drunkennesse in swearing in profanenesse in pride in vncleannesse and the like Let vs Now begin to awake out of sin and to walke in newnesse of life lest the Lord do suddenly before we so much as dreame of it hew vs downe and cast vs into the fire Secondly we must bring forth good 2 Plentifully fruit abundanter plentifully It is the Encomium Christ giueth his Spouse the Church that shee is an Orchard full of Cant. 4. 14. sweet fruits And Saint Paul assirmeth of the Romans that their faith was published Rom. 1. ● Rom. 15. 14. throughout the whole world Rom. 15. I am perswaded saith he that ye are full of goodnes filled with all knowledge and of the Thessalonians he affirmeth that their faith did grow exceedingly and their loue 1 Thess 1. 3. did generally abound My beloued th●se the like testimonies of the Saints are recorded for our imitation The plain truth is God cānot away with starueling trees such Professors as are Non-proficients If therfore we mean to auoid the stroke of his axe to be freed frō the tormē●s of hel fire thretned in my text we must like good trees thriue in our spiritual estate we must encrease and grow in grace and goodnes we must abound in euery good worke that may make vs perfit m● in Christ Iesus we must bring forth good fruit pletifully And good reason hath God to require it at our hands considering the extraordinary VVe● G●d ●●pecteth at our hands bringing forth of good fruit plentifully cost care he hath bestowed vpon vs to this end and purpose For first as hath bin said before he hath bin pleased to sowe the pure seed of his Word in no place so plentifully as in this land in no place of this land so plentifully as in this Citie
cruelty yet Gods wayes are full of mercy Hee would haue all the world to know that he is not delighted in the death of a sinner but had rather hee Ezek 13. 23. should turne from his wickednesse bring forth fruit worthy of repentance and so liue for euer and therefore as Jonathan shot three arrowes to forewarne Dauid of Sauls displeasure that hee 1. Sam. 20. might the better prouide for his saftie so almightie God first in mercy proclaimeth his wrath indignation before in Iustice he proceed to Execution First he is pleased to foretell vs that for our transgressions for our not bringing forth good fruit he intendeth a seuere penaltie against vs before such time as he suffer it to be inflicted vpon vs that Praemoniti Praemuniti so we being forewarned of that feareful euill which from God is like to befall vs for our falling away from God we might in time make our peace with him so preuent the execution of his wrath For the more effectuall performance whereof that wee may the more carefully and speedily addresse our selues proceed we according to our propounded method to take some punctuall notice of the fearefulnesse of his fury displaied in the particulars of the penalty Now is the Axe laid vnto the root of the trees Euery tree therefore not bringing forth good fruit is hewen downe and cast into the fire Each word as you haue heard beareth a part and euery part doth most euidently demonstrate the Greatnesse of Gods wrath and indignation against vs and is of power to imprint Characters of terror in our hearts were they as hard as rockes of Adamant To take vp the words as they lye in their order First behold the Lord of Hosts is already vp in armes and his wrath like Iehu the Sonne of Nimshi after Iehoram marcheth most furiously after vs yea 2 King 9. 10. to our greater terror it hath already wrought it selfe within distance for Now euen Now is the axe laid vnto the root of the trees Secondly consider we the instrument apprehended for the execution of his wrath it is not Culter Sarmentarius a pruning knife but Securis Musculus in locum excisionis a ruining Axe Thirdly this ruining Axe is not vibrata brandished Gorthan in locum or shaken ouer the trees but posita it is put laid close to the trees Fourthly this ruining Axe is not laid ad truncum aut ramos to the bodie or boughes of Bullinger the trees but ad radicem to the fountaine of life the root which once hurt or cut de tota arbore actum est the whole tree doth perish and is past all hope of shooting forth againe Such is the penaltie here intended and is pronounced as inflicted Euery tree not bringing forth good fruit is hewen downe and to make it more fearefull is cast into the fire There was a custome among the ancient Romans that their Consuls had as Ensignes of their authoritie bundles of rods and an Axe carried before them 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of Iustice to cut them off in case they proued incorrigible and would not bee reformed with any fauourable correction In like manner Almighty God hath his Pruning knife and his Axe Hauing planted his Ground with Trees and not finding them fruitfull according to his expectation like an expert and carefull Gardiner with his pruning knife hee shreddeth and pareth off the luxuriant branches and vseth all such meanes for their fructification as in his heauenly wisdome he apprehendeth most prevalent and effectuall Thus for many a yeare with Quamdiu Ipes est remedii stercoratione aut putatione subuenitur arborum vitiis caeterum vltimae desperatio 〈◊〉 indicium est quoties Secu●is adn●ouetur radi i. Bull. much patiēce expecting their improuement at length the season of fructifying being come wherein hee resolued to put a period to his patient expectation he walketh towards his Plantation with an Axe in his hand resolued if after his so great care and cost he finde any Trees that doe not bring forth good fruit to cut them vp by the roots and cast them by for the Fire In a word or two to adde a little more light vnto the darkenesse of the letter This Axe laid vnto the root of the Trees doth signifie nothing else but the vengeance of God which hangeth ouer our heads ready to fall suddenly Nesp vero n●●ū est securim glad●●m in Scripturis son● pro grau● dei vindicta Idem ibid. vpon vs to our fearefull confusion My beloued doth not the cloudy and heauy countenance of these Times promise and presage as much Certainly take we a true Inuentory of our generall Apostacie from all godlines and pietie we cannot looke for lesse I but the Lord is mercifull and Gracious slow to anger and abundant in Goodnesse and Exod. 34. 6. truth reseruing mercy for thousands True my beloued and haue we found him lesse Doe not all those gentle and more fauourable courses he hath taken for reclaiming vs from our sinnefull courses speake as much May not the Lord iustly expostulate and reason the case with vs as he did with his beloued Vineyard Esai 5. He hath Planted vs in a most pleasant fruitfull soyle he hath encircled hedged vs round about with his louing mercies what could he haue added more vnto that which he hath already done How oft how long hath he labored for our conuersion by the preaching of his Word Sermon vpō Sermon with extraordinary earnestnes and importunity knocking at the doores of our harts that hearing him we might open vnto him and he enter in vnto vs He I say who onely is able to Psalm 51. 10. create in vs cleane hearts and make vs fruitfull in all holinesse And to make his Word the more powerfull for our conuersion how often hath he actuated it by many temporall afflictions which hee hath inflicted vpon vs as inundations of waters dearth of corne losse of our fortunes losse of our faithfull friends and such as had deepest interest in our affections sometimes scourging vs with the refractarinesse and disobedience of those which through naturall or ciuill reference are neerest and dearest vnto vs sometimes making these houses of clay our mortall bodies Hospitals for pestilentiall and painful diseases sometimes suff●ring the high-priz'd treasure of our reputation to be rifled by wretched Shimeyes But alas what hath all this pruning preuailed What good work haue these and the like afflictions wrought vpon vs Happily for the present they haue a little humbled vs and wrung out of vs a repentant teare with a protestation of new obedience of bringing forth better fruit for the time to come then formerly we had done but this repentance of ours hath been as the Prophet speaketh but as a Morning cloud Hos 6. 4. and as the morning dew it hath gone away like Dogges we haue quickely returned to 2 Pet 2. 22. our owne
of the King of Heauen for she only is H●ire to the Kingdome of Heauen ●herefore saith our Sauiour to his Disciples Qui perseuerauerit Matth. 24. 13 h● that cont●nueth to the end shall bee saued and to the Church of Smyrna Reuel 2. 10. Be thou faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee a Crowne of Life And vpon these termes doth Saint Paul assure himselfe and euery faithfull Christian a Crowne of righteousnesse I haue fought a good fight and haue finished my 2. Tim 7. 8. course I haue kept the faith Hence forth is laid vp for me the Crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue mee at that day and not to mee only but vnto all them also that loue that his appearing The absolute necessity of this Perseuerance for all such as expect the Happinesse of a better life hath so deepely sunke into the thoughts of Gods Children in all ages that they haue constantly resolued to suffer the bitterest torments the pregnant malice of the Diuell and his Factors could inflict vpon them rather then to loose the blessed hope of their Heauenly inheritance If therefore wee respect our Future Ha●pinesse let vs not bee like th● plant Epheme●on which doth spring and flourish and fade in a day but as the Oliue tree flourish●th and fru●● i●eth all the yeare long so let vs continue in bringing forth good fruit perseuerantly To be short the way to Heauen though it be Narrow yet it is Long and our life at the Longest but Short Let vs therefore that we may the better compasse so great a Iourney get vp betimes out of our beds of Sinne euen in the morning of our age at the first houre of the day and quickly make our selues ready that so we may set forth betimes towards the Celestiall Canaan And when we haue once set our feete in the way of righteousnesse the direct and only Rode to that Holy Citie If at the end of our liues when we can trauaile no longer wee would rest in Abrahams bosome let vs labour to imitate him in his iourneying vnto the terrestriall Canaan that is let vs eundo pergere still bee going forward Gen. 129. from grace to grace whatsoeuer Remoraes doe encounter vs in the way whatsoeuer afflictions doe befall vs hauing our eies fixt vpon those heauenly ioyes whereof the troubles and afflictions of this life are not worthy The older we grow in yeares the more let vs grow in goodnesse Let our Workes our Loue our Seruice our Faith our Patience be like the Thyatirians Reuel 2. 19. more at the last then at the first Thus like good Trees bringing forth good fruit presently plentifully perseuerantly wee shall at length bee brought by him who is Alpha and Omega Reuel 1. 8. the beginning and the ending vnto the beginning of that vnspeakable Happinesse which shall haue no ending But happily you will reply in the words of Saint Paul 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Cor. 2. 16. who is sufficient for these things Is not our Father an Amorite and our Mother a Hittite The best of men by Nature is no better then a Br●ar a Micha 74. Math. 7. Thorne a Thistle And doe men gather Grapes of Thornes and Figges of Thistles Ex Spinis non nascitur Rosa Such as is the Tree such is the Fruite T is true And therefore to bring forth Good fruit presently plentifully perseuerantly we must be ingrafted into the true Vine and abide in it I am that Vine saith Christ and yee are the branches Iohn 15. 5. He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth good fruit For without me ye can doe nothing If a man verse 6. abide not in mee hee is cast forth as a branch that is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned But how are we ingrafted into Christ by Faith How doe wee abide in Him By Loue. How doth He abide in vs by his Holy Spirit through whose gracious opperation we are inabled to bring forth the good fruits of the Spirit Now for asmuch as no Arme of Flesh can command this Faith this Loue this Holy Spirit Therefore O LORD GOD wee doe here in all humilitie addresse our selues vnto thy diuine Maiestie entirely desiring thee in mercy to looke downe from Heauen vpon vs miserable wretches heere on earth Wee acknowledge O Lord and thou knowest that of our selues wee haue no power to order our wayes aright vnto thee for wee are a crooked generation a people by nature the children of wrath so that if thou shouldest leaue vs to our selues we must looke for no lesse then like fruitlesse Trees to bee hewen downe and cast into the fire But good God remember that thou art our Creatour and we thy Creatures that thou art our Father and wee thy children Oh neglect not the work of thine Hand neither suffer vs thy children to perish but looke vpon vs in the sweet compassions of a tender hearted Father for the blood of Christ pardon all our sinnes past throw behinde thy backe those cursed fruits we haue hitherto continually brought foorth to the dishonour of thy Great and Glorious Name that they may neuer be layd vnto our charge and enable vs for the time to come to doe what thou requirest and then require what thou wilt and we will doe it O Lord stretch foorth thine hand and engraft vs by a true and liuely Faith into the Body of thy Sonne Iesus Christ Dwell in vs O heauenly Father and blessed Sonne by thy holy Spirit that by the gracious and powerfull operation thereof like good trees we may bring forth good fruit that we may euery day more and more abound and increase in grace and goodnesse till wee come to bee perfect men in Christ lesus Graciously heare vs most mercifull Father and graunt vs whatsoeuer thou knowest to bee good for vs and that for thy Sonne and our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake To whome with thee and the blessed Spirit bee ascribed of vs and of all thy Saints all praise power and Glory for euer Amen FINIS