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B01083 A godly and frutefull sermon, made at Maydestone in the county of Kent the fyrst sonday in Lent, in the presence of the most reuerend father in God Thomas archbishop of Canterbury. &c. / by M. Thomas Cole scholemayster there, againste dyuers erronious opinions of the Anabaptistes and others. Cole, Thomas, d. 1571. 1553 (1553) STC 5539; ESTC S124208 30,464 70

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didde vnto them Audite coeli percipe auribus tuis ô terra quoniā Dominus loquutus est Hear O heauens harkē O earth ▪ hear ye that be riche and ye that be poore ye that be honorable ye that be miserable ye bothe good and badde Audite Audite But peraduenture so me man museth what I do meane thus earnestly to wyl you to heare declaryng nothing what you shuld heare Cum audire non possitis sine predicante If here were no manne to speake vnto then Rom. 10 although I should saye audite yet mighte I chose whether I wold speak furder bicause it is wrytten Auditus vbi non est non effundas Eccl. 32 sermonem I can make no such excuse seing here is so goodly an audience so learned an auditory so diligently bent to hear that that shal be spoken but am compelled for conscience sake to speak that that the lord wylleth to be spokē by me wherfore as it is written Qui habet aures ad audiendum audiat Speake on therfore what would you that we shoulde Mar. 4. heare Verely ye shall heare the wholsome comfortable and sweet exhortacion yea rather the humble supplicacion that the holye Apostle S. Paul made vnto the Corinthiās But I wold not haue you to heare for your belies sake or to satisfy the wanton lustes of your fleshe as dyd the Epicures neither to tryppe the preachers in their wordes as dyd the Phariseis or cursed Herodians least the Seyng plage I wold say the Synne plage of Aegypte fall vppon you as it dyd vppon theym for theyr so wylfulle enterprise Auditu audietis non intelligebitis vidētes Math. 13. Esa 6. Marc. 4. Act. 18. uidebitis non uidebitis But I wold wyshe you so to heare that ye myght learn so to attend that ye myght comprehende your dutie towardes our merciful god To this end do they heare that are either wyse or religious As Salomon witnesseth Auris sapientū Pro. 18. quaerit doctrinam non calumniā as those that be vndiscrete do to whō to speke of knowlege it auaileth not bycause they refuse to be lerned therin vnto whom Salomō forbiddeth to speake saying In auribus insipientiū ne loquaris despicient enim doctrinā eloquij tui hopyng Pro. 23. therfore that ye seke to knowe with the wise not to carp with the folish that ye seke to learn not to lurch to sauor the truth not to snare them y● seke the prosperitie of your soules I am bolde at this instant through the permission of god to open my mouthe in the truthe Beyng well assured that if ye disceaue me herein yet can you not deceyue the lorde who seeth clerely in the darkenesse Gen. 11. 17. Psal 7. Apo. 2. who knoweth the very secretes of all mens hertes vnto whom no thyng is hyd but knowen as it is written ●mnia nuda sunt illius oculis de quo agimus who can not be begiled Psal 93. bycause he made man and all that is in man As the prophete saythe Shall not he that made the eare heare or he that made the eie shall not he see and he that made the hert shall not he vnderstand and knowe yea verely Wherfore without all hypocrisy bowe your eares to the Lord and obediently lerne to serue hym that your soule maye lyue As the Lorde hym selfe sayth Aurem uestram inclinate Esa 55. uenite ad me audite uiuet anima uestra To this end sainct Paule made this supplication vnto the Corinthiās that they myght lyue Therfore to declare how carefull he was ouer theyr lyfe and fearefull lest thorow theyr owne foly they shoulde fall to death he sayde Quin adiuuantes obsecramus ne in uacuum 2 Cor. 6. gratiā dei receperitis Dicit enim in tēpore accepto exaudiuite in die salutis su●curri tibi Ecce nunc tempus acceptum ecce nunc dies salutis Ne quam demus offensionem ne reprehendatur ministerium nostrum sed in omnibus commendemus nos●psos vt Dei ministri c. After this humble and louely maner dyd saynt Paule exhort the Corinthians which were citisyns of the head citie of Achaia of whom they had theyr names and were called Corinthians wyllyng them as a tender father dooth his beloued chyldern that they shuld not receyue the abundant grace of god mynystred vnto them by his preachynge in vayne Wherfore he sayth We as helpers exhorte Rom. 11. 1. Cor. 8. Eph. 1. 2. Cor. 3. Apoc. 17. you not that he ment by those wordes to helpe god which needeth not the helpe of men bycause he is a perfect God holy iust and good vnto whom nothing can be added nor any thyng diminished but that he holpe the Corinthians in this that he slacked not the ministration of the worde toward them neyther behaued hym selfe vnfaythfully towards God by whom he was chosen to be an instrumente to beare his name vnto the Gentiles No neither vnkyndly toward the Corinthians whom he had conuerted vnto the truthe from their gentilitie and vngodlynes For as it appeareth by auncient and godly wryters he lyued among the Corinthians one hole yere and sixe monethes in the which he laboured with all diligent preachynge to bryng theym from all lettes that hyndered Christes religion vnto the obedience of the fayth wherwith before his commyng they were not a lyttell infected What mischief was there to be sene amōg any people that coulde not be bothe sene and founde among the Corinthians before his prechyng Were they not deuout ydolaters execrable blasphemers vnmercifull oppressers violent exactours beastly aduoutters full of enuy pride dronkennes gluttonye strife sedition and vnspeakeable villanye agaynst God and his dere son Iesus Christ Dyd they not through ignorance the chiefe enemy to knowledge abuse all the good giftes of god But the Lorde entendyng to set forth mercy towardes them lyke as he hath doon to all the hole worlde dyd moue saynte Paule by his holy spirite to go preache vnto them the glad tydynges of saluation call theim to repentaunce that they myght by grace through faith in Iesus Christ obtein the crowne of immortalitie and euerlastyng lyfe whyche thynge whan he lyued familiarly among theym thorough the spirite of grace in preachyng he performed Wherefore by trewe preachyng he layd a sure foundation among them vt sapiens archytectus 1. Cor. 3. namely the Lord Iesus y● they beyng buylt vpon hym myght grow to an holy temple in the Lorde Howbeit the dyuel the anciēt enmy of God endeuouryng to destroy that that God worketh labouryng to euert that that God buyldeth and to roote vp that that God planteth bycause he may not abyde the creatures of God to tourne from synne and faythefully to serue their God Therfore soone after saynct Paules departure from Corynth the dyuell woorkyng in the children of vnbelefe styrred the Corinthians to theyr old vomite agayn that they myght peryshe
declare God to bee bothe iuste and mercifull and that hys mercye destroyeth not hys iustice neyther his iustice diminisheth his mercye For hee hathe declared in hys woorde their lymites and boundes in suche sorte that wee maye assure oure selues either of saluacion or of condemnacion Notwithstandynge that hys Mercye reacheth vnto the heauens and is ouer of all his woorkes yet are none therof partakers but those in whom Christ dwelleth by lyuely faith as S. Paule writeth Christus Iesus in vobis est ni reprobi estis 2 Cor. 23 And again Iustus ex fide uiuit To the faithfull Rem 1 therefore God hath for Christes sake promised mercye whyche are penitente and conuerte vnto the Lorde but the vnfaithfull and impenitent that dye in their ●ol synnes shall bee confounded and perishe Quoniam nouit Dominus viam iustorum iter impiorum peribit As the vnbeleuers and impenitent Psal 1 therefore haue promised to them M iudgement so to the faythfull and penytent God for Christes sake onely hathe promysed mercye and wyll not enter into iudgemente wyth theym bycause they bee grafted in Christ vppon whome Saynte Paule sayeth there is no condemnacion Lyfe euerlastynge is the guyfte of Godde thoroughe Christe and it belongeth to true christians whyche vnfaynedlye beleeue in Chryste whereof they maye bee gladde But eternall deathe is the inheritaunce of the vnbeleuers whome Godde wyll cutte of frome his face with the swearde of Iustyce that they shall bee destroyed as Dauid sayeth Exurgat Deus dissipentur inimici eius Psalm 67 fugiant qui oderunt eum à facie eius Sicut deficit fumus deficiant sicut fluit cera à facie ignis sic pereant peccatores à facie Dei Et iusti epulentur exultent in conspectu dei delectentur in laetitia c. Our sauior Christ entēding to set before the peoples eyes the limites of his mercy boundes of his iustice y● they might certify them of whether thei wer partakers not withstandyng the vniuersal preching of his most blessed word said Euntes in mundū Mar. 16. vniuersum praedicate euangelium omni creaturae Qui crediderit baptizatus fuerit hic saluue erit qui non crediderit condemnabitur These are the limites that Christ hath sette to his mercy and iudgement whiche are moste certayn of the whiche euery man shal taste accordyng to his deedes as saint Paul saith Hijs quidem qui secundum patientiam boni operis gloriam honorem incorruptionē quaerentibus Rom. 1. uitam aeternam hijs qui sunt ex contentione qui non acquiescunt ueritati credunt autem iniquitati ira indignatio tribulatio angustia in omnem animam hominis perpetrantis malum Iudaei primum Graeci If therfore gods mercye towardes all menne in Iesus Christe saueth none but the true beleuers and that for Christes sake as it is most certayn and in the contrary part gods iudgement condemneth none but the vnbeleuers Heb. 3. Heb. 6. that dye without repentance as that is not to be doubted Therefore it is a stynkynge floure most pestilent to say that he will saue al for the scripture doth certify vs that some dyed impenitently in theyr vnbeliefe for the 2 Gen. 4. Iudic. 1● Reg. 31. 4. Reg 19 Gen. 19. Num. 16. whych cause they wer condemned as Cain Saul Sennacheryb the Sodomites and the cursed congregation of Corath and Abyron whiche wente quycke downe into bell with other mo of whom we reade in the old testament Also in the newe Testamente we rede of Iudas the loste sonne with many other Act. 1. If some therfore are all redy condemned then abhominable is this erroure that at length all men shall be saued O pernicious heresy so farre agaynst god and his holy testament through whō vnbeleuyng Cayn is promoted to saluation as well as faithful Abell and cursed Iudas as well as blessed Peter contrary to the purpose of God declared in his worde O subtyll deuill that with the stynke of this deathly floure poysonnest mans soule with vayne hope and hellyshe securitie cleane peruertynge hym frome the truthe that he shoulde receyue the grace of god in vayne For surely as God hathe expressed his iustice from the beginnyng vpon the vnbeleuynge and his mercye vppon the faythfull so wyll he doo to the ende and conclusion of the world As whan he commeth to iudgement it shall apeare For than wyll he separate the lambes from the goates the one on his right hande to lyfe and the other on his lefte hande to death Beati igitur qui Apoc. 22. seruant mandata illius ut sit potestas corum in ligno vitae foris auteni canes ve nefici homicidae impudici idolis seruientes omnis qui amat mendatiū For the time shall come that the faythfull shall heare this swete voyce Venite benedicti patris mei in regnū preparatū Math. 25. pro uobis ab initio And the vnfaythfull shall heare A bite in ignem aeternum c. ergo non omnes saluentur But if this flowre will not serue than he bryngeth an other of no lesse poyson than this was wherwithall he wold persuade by a common order that none shall be saued And this is his flowre That there is no predestination of God O deceauable dyuel that leuest no stone vnrolled to drowne men in to perdytion By this cōtagious floure he laboreth to make men deny the holy Predestination of God and theyr election in Iesus Christe in whome the faythefull are sealed to eternall lyfe That in denyenge thereof hee myghte wype oute of theyr sowle the comforte of theyr Iustyfycation and gloryfycation the effectes of the Predestynation of God the whyche Saynet Paule soo strongely confyrmethe vnto the Romaynes sayenge Scimus autem quod hijs qui diligunt deum omnia cooperantur in bonum nimirū hos qui iuxta propositū vocati sunt c. Rom. 8. Porro quos praedestinauit eosdem vocauit quos uocauit cos iustificauit quos autem iustificauit eos glorificauit Thus we see that the effectes of predestination is iustification and glorification the which if the diuell coulde make vs to deny he would soone make vs renoūce our iustificatiō if he could make vs renoūce our iustification then wold he easyly persuade vs that ther wer no Christ or that he died in vayne If he coulde cause vs to deny Christe or to thynke that he died in vayne then wolde he destroy the fayth if no man had fayth that none shuld be saued Qui non crediderit condemnabitur Take heed Marc. 16. therfore that no man smell to this daungerous floure least he erre agaynst the truth and denye that whiche is confirmed by the truthe For saynt Paule confirmynge oure election and predestination in Iesus Christ gaue harty thankes to god for it as for the sweete conserue of the soule and
〈…〉 without spot c. 〈…〉 Religion yf we folowe 〈…〉 oyd of all doublenes and 〈…〉 ment we shall not onely es 〈…〉 es of theim that receyued the 〈…〉 o● God in vain whose carkaises wer 〈…〉 rthrowen in the wyldernes and became 〈…〉 the doung of the earthe but also shal en 〈…〉 e the vnspeakeable mercy of God decla 〈…〉 to the worlde in Iesus Christ as did the 〈…〉 atriarkes Prophetes and rightuous peo●●e whiche thorough lyuely faythe obeyed ●he Lorde folowed his lawe and serued him ●ith a true hart all the dayes of their lyues Not deferryng the tyme of repentance and of the true worshyppyng of God t●ll after death as the vngodly did Wherfore whan they called vnto the Lorde in the tyme of their trouble he delyuered them oute of all their distresse Therfore he sayd vnto them In tempore accepto exaudiui te in die salutis succurri tibi When was this accepted tyme to the fathers Whan they being afflicted and neded healpe were comforted of the Lord. When was the day of health when the kyngdom of God was opened vnto them for remission of theyr synnes and lyfe euerlastynge thorugh the passion of Christ in whome all the faythfull are blessed for euer Ecce nunc acceptum tempus ecce dies salutis Euen nowe is the same accepted tyme to vs wherein wee haue neede of the comfortable helpe of our God Now is the day of helth and saluation wherein the glad tydyngs of remission of our synnes of euerlastyng lyfe is offred vnto vs by grace through fayth in Iesus Christe Nowe is the tyme that wysedome cryeth withoute and putteth oute her voyce in the stretes she calleth before the congregation in the open gates and sheweth her woordes through the citie saying O ye children how long wyll the scorners delyte in scornynge and the vnwyse be enemies to knowledge O tourne you vnto my correction lo I wyll expresse my mynde vnto you and make you vnderstande my woordes Nowe is the tyme wherin we must attayn by grace gyuen from aboue to the faithful the croune of immortalitie whiche no man shall attayne but he that here in this lyfe striueth laufully as it is written Nemo coronabitur nisi qui legitime certauerit And therfore Saynt Paule councelleth vs to fyghte the good fyght of faythe Nowe is the tyme that god hath sente his seruantes the true preachers of his woorde Vluimus incerti nec quos lux crastina casus Adferat humano pectore nosce datur Seyng then it is so vncertayn and whan it commeth not to be auoyded we must of duetie watch and pray as it is written Vigilate orate quia nescitis diem neque horam leaste our flyght be in the wynter For the daye of the Lorde is at hand Therfore prepare oyle in your lampes that ye maye enter with the brydegroome when he commeth Doo you not procrastinate the tyme of amendement least whan ye come and knock with the foolyshe virgyns this aunswere be made vnto you Non noui vos For whan he cometh he wyll not tary and his rewarde is with hym Nowe is this accepted tyme whyle it is called to day Nowe is the day of health wher in God for Christes sake hath promysed to helpe the true beleuers Therfore as Saynt Paule councelled the Corinthians Euen so doo I councell you nowe Ne quam vsquam demus offentionem ne reprehendatur ministeriū sed in omnibus cōmendemus nos ut Dei ministri This wholsom and profytable councell dyd sayncre Paule geue vnto the Corinthians whervnto he wished them to obey that ther by they myght certify them selues that they were partakers of this accepted tyme. The same councel do I also nowe geue vnto you that ye may haue the lyke certificate Wherfore so let euery man behaue hym in his degree and vocation as Gods mynister that no faulte bee founde in his ministration Omnes enim statuemur ad tribunal Dei Who is iuste may not away with those whiche answere his inexpressible benignitie with fayre woordes and corrupt yea wylfull wicked manners not commendyng them selues as the ministers of God but of Belial Seeyng then that we must al come to iudgment before the throne of God whiche wyll not wink neither fauour iniquitie where and in whom soeuer it be found bycause wyth hym there is no respect of persons let vs al take heed y● no fault be found in our ministratiō Lefte the byshoppes commende theym selues as the mynisters of God that no fault be found in theyr ministration whan this iudge shall appeare Let the iustices behaue theym selues as the ministers of God in the true and iuste execution of the lawes without all corrupte affections defendyng the welldoer and punishyng the yll that no faulte bee founde in their ministrye Let the other officers be dylygente not slacke in their mynistry neyther wink whan they ought to se that no faulte be founde in their ministration Ye husbandes loue your wiues and bee 1 Pet. ● Colo. ● not bytter vnto them but dwell wyth theim accordyng to knowledge gyuinge honoure vnto them as vnto the weaker vessell and coheare wyth you of grace that your praiers be not letted Ye wemen be ye subiect to your own husbandes Ephe. 5. 6. 2 Pet. 3. as to the Lord and obey them euen as Sara obeyed Abraham callynge hym Lord whose daughters ye are so long as yee doo well Ye fathers prouoke not your children vnto Ephe. 6 wrath but brynge theym vp in nourture and informacion of the Lord. Ye children obey your parents in the lord Ephe. 6. for that is good Honour thy father and mother that is the fyrst commanndement that hath any promise that it may bee well wyth the and that thou maist liue long vpō earth Ye seruantes obey your bodylye maisters Eph. 6. Colo. 3. with feare and tremblyng in the synglenes of your heart as vnto Christe not with eye seruyce as men pleasers but as the seruants of Christ doing the wil of God hartely with a good will seruyng the lorde and not men knowyng that what good euery man doth therof he shal be rewarded of the lorde whether that he be bond or free God work this in seruantes hearts in these our daies for surely they had neuer more need to be amended Ye maisters do the same to them without Eph. 6. Colo. ● crueltye knowynge that your mayster is in heauen before whome there is no acception of persons Therefore to conclude bycause I purpose to eschew redyousnes let euery man in that office wherevnto hee is called behaue hym selfe as the mynister of God that in hys offyce no faulte bee founde Than no doubt whan the housholder commeth frome farre to take accompte and to vewe the dooynges of hys seruantes these whyche hee fyndeth faythfull as hys true mynysters occupyed in the dylygente execution of their ministration hee wyll boun●efullye rewarde for hys promyse sake And they shall hear thys