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A74976 VindiciƦ pietatis: or, a vindication of godliness, in the greatest strictness and spirituality of it. From the imputations of folly and fancy Together with several directions for the attaining and maintaining of a godly life. By R.A.; VindiciƦ pietatis. Part 1-2 R. A. (Richard Alleine), 1611-1681. 1665 (1665) Wing A1005; ESTC R229757 332,875 576

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true heart Heb. 10. Let us be und●filed or upright in the way of the Lord Psal 119. 1 Let our works be found perfect before him Let us love in truth let us speak the truth in love let all our paths be mercy and truth Let our hearts be in every word in every step of our lives let the heart do all let the heart pray let the heart hear let the heart give and lend and forgive Let the grace of our hearts do all Let Faith pray and Obedience hear and Repentance celebrate our Fasts Let wisdom guide let Truth speak let Mercy give let Love forgive let Patience bear and Long-suffering forbear let Temperance feed us Humility cloath us and integrity preserve us Let Grace do all and let God have all let Pride have nothing Covetousness nothing and Envie nothing let Lust neither bear a part in our doings nor eat any of the fruit of our doing Let there be written on all we have or do Holiness to the Lord. Let us be more desirous to be holy than to be acounted so to be merciful and just and humble and patient than to be accounted such to have a good conscience in the sight of God than to obtain a name amongst the best of men If we be not reckoned amongst the ablest Christians for Gifts for Parts and Endowments let it content us that we are Christians If we be not the most skilful Christians if our fruits be not the fairest and most beautiful yet let them be fruits brought forth unto God the right fruit sound fruit If what we do be weakly done yet let it be ●onestly done Let us be Nathaniels Israelites indeed in whom is no guile So plain-hearted and single-hearted in all our ways that though our Adversaries do yet neither our God nor our consciences may call us Hypocrites Let us be able to appeal to God as the witness of our integrity Lord thou knowest that I love thee thou knowest that my heart is with thee Let us be able to commit our selves and our waies unto the Lord as he that shall plead for us against all the slights and censures of men My God shall plead my cause my God shall answer for me Brethren Sincerity will give us boldnesse before the Lord We shall be able to lift up our faces in his Presence and look in his Face in peace and he that can be bold with God may be bold with all the world He that can look God in the Face may look his accusers in the face his Despisers and Persecutors in the face He that can freely appeal to God can boldly appear before men The sinners in Sion are afraid fearfulness surprizeth Hypocrites The sense of their guilt and guile sides with every danger that they are in strengthen 〈◊〉 very feer that comes upon them makes their own hearts to fall upon themselves puts a sting into every cross starves them out of all their comforts To God they dare not look to Conscience they dare not remember they are forsaken of all their supports and left to shake and sink under every trouble that comes upon them 'T is innocency that hath boldness dare to be upright and fear nothing Go thy way ear thy bread with joy drink thy wine with a merry heart for God accepteth thy works II. Be steady and even in all your goings Be not off and on in and out Prov. 4. 24 26 27. Prov. 33 17. Be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long Alone in company at home abroad in thy duties in thy business in thy recreations all the day and every day let tomorrow be as this day and next day as to morrow In this evenness and equality of our lives stand the beauty and comlinesse of them when all the several parts of them bear their due proportion each to other Let your wayes be conform to the Canon and let them be uniform be like unto God and then be ever like your selves be unchangeable We appear almost so many men as we live daies or come into companies We have more of the Moon than of the Sun little light but many changes and spots Let not your conversation be so checker'd let not Christians be speckled birds let there not be so many black among your whites sometimes something of God sometimes as much of the flesh What a deformitie is it to a new Garment to have here and there a companie of old rotten patches Now a little of God and then as much of the Devil now serious in the Spirit and then in the flesh now serious and savourie by and by frothie and vain this hour in a Divine Rapture and the next in a fleshly frolick now a little of Godliness and then a patch of sensualitie Be Christians ●●nd be ever your selves do not change your Hearts with your Companie Be not of those vain ones who can cast themselves into any shape can suit themselves to any Times or Companies Who can weep with those that weep and mourn with them that mourn and pray with them that pray and can also laugh and be merry and jolly with those that are so Let all your goings be established be ever in the fear of the Lord. III. Be fruitful That ground is counted fruitful which bringeth forth good Fruit and which bringeth forth much Fruit. I have alreadie directed you how to bring forth good Fruit now let me presse you to see to it that your Fruits do abound 1 Cor. 15. 58. Alwayes abounding in the work of the Lord. Jam. 3. 17. The wisdom which is from above is pure and peaceable c. and full of good fruit John 15. 18. Here in is my Father glorified that ye bring forth much fruit Rom. 6. 19. As you have yeilded your members servants to uncleannesse and to iniquity unto iniquity even so now yield your members servants to Righteousnesse unto Holiness You have been the servants of sin be ye now the servants of Righteousnesse and be ye as free and as forward and as fruitful in the service of righteousnesse as ever you have been in the service of sin You have added sin to sin unrighteousnesse to uncleaness iniquity to inquity A sin hath abounded and multiplied its fruits s●● let grace also abound and bring forth its fruits abundantly Let your lives be as much filled up with the works of righteousnesse and mercie and holinesse as they have been with the works of the flesh Brethren time was when a little sin could not suffice you a little sporting a little pleasure would not serve your turn you thought you would never have enough of the world and the lusts and vanities of it why prove your selves now to be as heartily the servants of Christ as ever you were the servants of sin by being fruitfully his as ever you were fruitful to sin If Christ be a better Master and a better Pay-Master let him have more and more chearful services Bring forth good fruits and
sentence of condemnation the earnest of eternal vengeance these have their white stones the marks of their absolution and the earnests of their eternal blessedness When ye look on their naked backs their hungry bellies the cold lodgings that are the lot of many of them you will say surely these are a poor and foolish People but see that precious stone they carry with them wherever they are there you may behold their Riches and wisdom when you consider your own fulness and braveries your dainties and delicates your ornaments and jewels your possessions and honours you are transported with pride and jollity and have almost forgot that you are men but what signifies that black stone in thy breast that guilt thou carriest in thy Conscience Consider Sinners what is it to have God your enemy wrath your portion the curse cleaving to your possessions your sentence of death written in your hearts and upon your consciences and then you will think those men have gotten something that have gotten their absolution from all this 3. The white Robe or the Sanctification Holinesse is not only imposed on Christians as their duty but bestowed on them as their priviledge Therefore the Lord promises to his people as their encouragement to suffer affliction Heb. 12. 10. That thereby they shall be made partakers of his holiness This is the precious Treasure of the Saints Mat. 12. 35. A good man out of the good Treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things A good man though he hath no treasure 〈◊〉 his house nothing in his purse nothing in the field yet he hath a good treasure in his heart a treasure of wisdom and knowledge a treasure of grace and holinesse a treasure of faith and patience and humility and mercy and this is a rich treasure 'T is the rich in faith rich in grace and holinesse that is a rich man indeed a heart full of grace is a better treasure than a house full of gold as much as strong men glory in their strength as much as wise men glory in their wisdom as much as great men glory in their greatness one grain of grace is more worth than all As much as holiness is dispised and trampled upon by the men of this world it is of greater value than mountains of gold and silver Holiness is the health of the Soul the soundnesse of the Spirit Health is a poor mans portion look what sickness is to the body that is sin to the Soul the disease of it sinful souls are sickly souls and as it is with sickly bodies so it is with sinful souls they are neither fit fo● employments nor ●ap●ble of any considerable enjoyment A sick man can do little service and ca● take little comfort in any thing he hath sinfu● souls are good for nothing and can take comfor● in nothing that is good Holiness is the health of our Souls Sanctification is the restitution of the Soul with all its faculties to their rectitud● and soundness By Holiness the soul is 1. Made fit for service and that is a great blessing Wha● a misery is it to be an useless unprofitable lump● good for nothing to be serviceable and that 〈◊〉 such high and noble ends as the honouring the Name the carrying on the Designs the shewing● forth the Vertues of the E●●nal God what a● blessed thing is it 2. The ●oul by Holiness i● made capable of enjoying the Lord and all the gifts of God What is the reason that Christians under a decay of grace and overgrown with corruption can take comfort in nothing Tell them of the promises of the Gospel of the priviledges of the Gospel of the Joyes and Hopes and Glory to come they can take no pleasure they can find no sweetness in it Promises do not affect them priviledges do not affect them future hopes and expectations do not affect them What is the reason of this Oh! their souls are sick and cannot taste or relish any thing that is good by how much more healthy men are by so much more delight they can take in their business by so much more comfort they can take in their friends by so much the more pleasure they can take in their meat and drink or any thing else that they enjoy And so it is with a healthy soul by how much the more holiness by so much the more sweetness Duties are sweet Ordinances are sweet Promises are sweet the Society of the Saints is sweet the Meditations of God are sweet They can truly be said to enjoy their friends to enjoy the Promises and Ordinances to enjoy their very Duties to enjoy God in all they have or do whose souls are in such an holy healthful state This is another of the ●reasures of wisdom which the Saints have gotten they have gotten Holiness 4. The Adoption Rom. 9. 4. Who are Israelites whose is the Adoption There is a twofold Israelite an Israelite after the flesh such were the natural children and posterity of Abraham and an Israelite after the Spirit such are all believers the childre●●f the faith of Abraham and according to this distinction of Israelites there is a twofold Adoption outward and visible which pertain to the natural seed inward and invisible which is the peculiar priviledge of the spiritual Seed all the children of the faith of Abraham The Adoption comprehends in it 1. The grace of Adoption whereby the Lord hath given us the relation of Children and a right to all those priviledges and blessings that flow from that relation Job 1. 12. To as many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God 2. The Spirit of Adoption Gal. 4. 6. And because you are Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father This Spirit is called the spirit of Adoption not only because it works in us the disposition and dutiful affections of Sons but especially because it witnesses our Sonship Rom. 8. 15 16. Ye have received the Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the Spirit it self beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God The Spirit evidences and witnesses our Sonship and thereby enables us to cry Abba Father that is to call God Father Gives us the boldness and confidence of children to come to him on all occasions to make 〈◊〉 complaints to Him to make known our wants our fears and our dangers to him to make our requests to him to depend on him for provision for protection to put in for a childs portion for a share in his riches to lay claim to and to lay hold upon the inheritance of Sons to cast our care upon him and to quiet and comfort our selves in the sufficiency of our Father I have nothing saith the child but from hand to mouth but my Father hath enough 〈…〉 a blessed and glorious priviledge that Christians have obtained to be the sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty 1 Job 3. 1.
have been done before yet they were but the dead carcasses of duties rather than the things themselves 2. This new Life is a n●w Nature the Saints participation of the Nature of Christ a change of the qualities of the soul they are new Creatures that have passed the new Birth The second Adam as well as the first brings forth his Children in his own likeness The divine Birth is the bringing forth of the divine Nature 2 Pet. 1. 4. As they said vainly the Gods are come down in the likeness of men It may be here said truly Men are raised up in the likeness of God renewed after his Image made partakers of his holiness Those that put any thing less in this charge than the new creature make Regeneration to be as very a contradiction as the Popish Transubstantiation Bread is made a God and yet bread is still a brute is made a Saint and yet remains a brute still A God under the accidents of bread and a Saint under the qualities of a Swine 3. This new nature is a glorious nature comprehending in it that divine light whereby the Saint● are inabled to understand and look into the depths of eternity the invisible things of God the mysteries of the glorious Gospel that divine love and faith and hope and the whole train of glorious graces together with those principles of righteousness Truth Mercy Charity c. whereby they are made capable of injoying fellowship and communion with God of bearing his Name shewing forth his Vertues and Praises before the world and doing his will In sum it is the Image of God the Epistle of Christ written upon the Tables of their hearts And thus much those Scriptural expressions New creatures partakers of the Divine Nature partakers of his holiness children of light with the life do signifie and import What a strange piece of vanity should we make of the Scriptures if all these high and various expressions should signifie no more than that empty and pitiful thing that carnal men do count their Religion or godliness that ever that ignorant Sottish formal brutish generation which have no more of the knowledge of God than an Heathen no more of the life of God than a Stock no more of Religion than to say over a Prayer by rote So far from being partakers of the new Nature that they know not whether there be any such thing or what it is That ever such a blind senseless multitude should be imagined to be the persons whom the Scripture means by new Creatures the Children of God the Children of Light the Images of God Much more that those that live after the flesh who are proud covetous sensual filthy beastly in their conversations yet if they have been baptized and passed under that sacramental Regeneration and do but say now and then I repent or God forgive me that these also are the children of God and have all that new Birth which is necessary to their seeing the Kingdom of God Who can with any colour of reason imagine Such as can make themselves believe this have made such a forfeiture of their understandings that they may be like in time to believe that the Devil is God and that Hell is Heaven and may even take up the Alcoran for their Bible and let the Scriptures go for a Fable Sinners consider with your selves is there any such thing as the new Birth Can there be a New Birth without a New Life Doth Christ bring forth Dead Children or do dry bones live Doth the Gospel bring forth monstrous births Children without eyes without an head without an heart or with the heart of a beast under the face of a man Doth it bring forth Serpents Vipers Dogs Swine for its Children and must the Kingdom of Heaven be peopled with such Inhabitants as these If these be the Children of the Kingdom where or who are the Children of this World are the Nathaniels the Israelites indeed in whom there is no guile Are these the true seed and the Saints spurious are these the sons and the Saints bastards Or if you will let these vile ones of the earth go as none of the seed take the best of carnal men that have the fairest face of Religion and form of holiness without the in-side the new nature are these they Is the shadow the substance and the substance but a shadow To say that the inward life of godliness the spirit and soul of Christianity is but a conceit and this out-side is all this Christianity is as good reason as to affirm that a picture is a man and that a living man is but a picture and as good Divinity as I my self heard Preached at Oxford about thirty years since by a zealous Advocate for the lawfulness of Sports on the Lords Day who Preaching about the observation of the Sabbath and distinguishing betwixt the Substantial and the Circumstantial duties of that day said That Preaching is a Religious Ceremony Praying is a Religious Ceremony but bowing at the Name of Jesus standing at the Creed and Gospel Holy and Religious Feasting Holy and Religous Dancing these are the Substantials Hence it follows 1. That Regeneration is not a Suppositious change or the counterfeit of a change there is some difference hereby put betwixt persons and persons the Regenerate and the Unregenerate are not one and the same no more than the living and the dead 2. It is not a bare Relative change as Justification and Adoption are held to be there is a change of nature wrought by it and not barely of Relation 3. It is not a Superficial change or meerly outward that goes only skin-deep it is not as 't is said concerning Baptism only the washing away of the filth of the flesh the cleansing of the out-side and leaving lust to reign within Regeneration is the change of the man and not barely of the manner 4. In this change we may read all godliness we may read the use of things very much in their beings we may know wherefore they are much the better if we understand what they are Gods expectations may he read in his operations we may understand much of our work by observing Gods work upon us As God in making men living souls does thereby tell us he expects other things from them than from dead stocks and stones and in making them reasonable souls intimates that he expects they should live other lives than dogs or swine so in making them Christians making them partakers of the Divine Nature he makes it evident that he expects they should live another life than other men The new life or life of godliness may be read in our new birth or new natures The Regenerate are said Eph. 2. 10. To be created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God had before ordained that they should walk in them Created unto good works that notes two things 1. Intended to good works 2. Fitted to good works 1. That in their new
it rather than faith You that are ignorant idle profane and unsanctified and yet believe you shall be saved you believe a lye you believe that which God hath never said shall be nay you believe that which God hath said shall never be Jer. 27. 11. They are a people of no understanding therefore ●e that made them will not save them 1 Cor. 6. 11. Such shall never inherit the Kingdom of God Hear sinners hear God must be a lyar or your faith a lye But the faith of God's Elect such as hath been before described this is that precious tryed faith by which whosoever believes shall not be confounded Christians you that have obtained such precious faith a Christ-imbrac●ng faith an heart-purifying a flesh-mortifying a world-conquering faith you may venture safely upon it if ever this faith deceive you God hath deceived you the Scriptures have deceived you Christ hath deceived you who hath prayed and we may be bold to turn Christ's prayer into a promise that this faith fail not let the Phanatick world laugh and mock and call your consolations delusions your confidence conceit or what they will let them alone you must give losers leave to talk and laugh yet cast not away your confidence which hath great recompence of toward 6. The Doctrine concerning Good Works is a certain truth In this I shall shew First What we are to understand by Good Works A good work in general is an holy or gracious action to the making up whereof th●se four things are necessary 1. The principle must be good from which it proceeds it must be from an honest and upright heart for a pure conscience from faith unfeigned c. Mat. 12. 35. 1 Tim. 1. 5. 2. The matter must be good something that is commended Micah 6. 8. He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee Isa 29. 13. Their fear towards me wa● taught by the precepts of men 3. The form or manner of doing must be good it must be well done this takes in the con●ideration of all its circumstances of time place c. 4. The end must be good it must be done to the glory of God 1 Cor. 10. 31. As to the particular kinds of Good Works they are not easily to be reckon'd up The Papists talk little of any good works but the exercises of bounty and liberality in giving Alms feeding the hungry cloathing the naked visiting and relieving the afflicted building of Almes-houses Colledges and the like upon which they ●ufist so much as if there were scarce any other good works but such as these but we may not confine them within so narrow a compass Good works do signifie the same with a good life or a godly life the doing and observing all things which God hath commanded us Our living holily honestly circumspectly fruitfully imports the same with our doing good works the exercising of all the graces of Christ faith love hope c. The subduing and mortifying of lust and corruption the governing our hearts the governing our tongues the ordering of our carriages towards God and towards men all acts of Religion Righteousness Mercy Charity Praying Fasting Hearing Sanctifying the Sabbath Lending Giving Forgiving Peace-making Instructing Exhorting Reproving Denying our selves taking up our Cross following Christ Fighting the good fight of Faith laying up treasure in heaven and the like these are good works every thing is a good work concerning which God will say at last Well done good and faithful Servant In all these the Lord requires 1. That we act Ad extremum virium to our utmost Eccles 9. 10. What thine hand findeth to do and so what thy head or thy heart findeth to do do it with thy might Tit. 2. 14. Zealous of good works Rom. 12. 14. Not sloathful in business but servent in spirit serving the Lord Col. 1. 10. Fruitful in good works 1 Cor. 15. ult Abounding in the work of the Lord. 2. That we act in these Ad extremum vitae to the end of our dayes Deut. 6. 2. Fear the Lord thy God and keep all his statutes and his Commandments all the dayes of thy life 3. That we be doing Per totum vitae cursum without intermission there must not only be well-doing but a continuance in well-doing Rom. 2. God will not have any Chasms or vacuities in our lives but every day must be filled up with the duties of it Christians must not thin of getting to heaven persaltum they must not leap but walk they must not leap over a duty nor leap over a day nulla dies fine linea The Law of God doth not allow a day to sin not abate us one dayes work To demand a breathing time from the service of God is to desire so much time for the service of sin We are ever serving one Master or the other we are certainly serving sin when we are not in one way or other serving the Lord. Secondly That go●d works are necessary Necessary to salvation a so as though we are not like to be saved by our works yet we cannot be saved without them He that works not shall not eat bread in the Kingdom of God The everlasting Rest is not for loyterers but for labourers Mat 7. 21. Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven but he that doth the Will of my Father which is in heaven Faith cannot save us without works The Apostle tells us Jam. 2. 26. Faith without works is dead and a dead faith cannot bring us to life Therefore the Apostle Paul so vehemently charges Tit. 3. 8. This is a faithful saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in God may be careful to maintain good works for these things are good and profitable to men Where observe the Preface to the cha●ge This is a faithful saying that is a true saying and a great truth a worthy saying worthy to be delivered worthy to be received And these things I will that thou affirm constantly or teach constantly or strenuously or resolvedly be not beaten off from it Why what is this great truth Why ●his is it That they which have believed in God as ever they would that their faith should stand them in any stead must be careful to maintain good works not only to do good works but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to maintain or to excel and abound in good works these things are good and profitable to men Now let me demand of all the world where lies the Phanaticisme in any of all this Which of these Doctrines is it that is but a conceit Is it this that Christians must not onely be believers but must do good wo●ks Is it this That they must work with all their might that they must be doing to the end of their dayes that they must continue at their work witho●t intermission that is that they must bestow no●e
Carnal men are ignorant of the way though they understand in general that Religion is the way to salvation yet poor miserable creatures they mistake their Religion any little smatterings of the knowledge of God with some profession of Faith and Repentance especially if it be joyned with some little outward devotion now and then calling upon God for mercy this they count Religion enough to bring them to Heaven and any thing that 's more than this they think it more than needs these are the fools indeed if we may believe the Scripture Jer. 5. 4. Surely they are p●or they are foolish they know not the way of the Lord. Sinners are wise enough in their own wayes the way of sin they know the way of lying and oppression and unrighteousness the way to health and honour and temporal preferments they sufficiently know they have studied and travelled these ways and are well acquainted with them but all this while they are foolish Children surely they are foolish they know not the way of the Lord. Christians are wise and herein their wisdom stands they know the way of the Lord they have a light without them shewing to them this good way they have a voice behind them telling them this is the way walk in it they have made it their business to enquire and study and travel this way surely these are wise they know the way of the Lord they know their way to heaven if they know not the way to be rich in this world yet they know the way to be rich towards God if they know not how to live honourably in the World yet they know how to live honestly if they know not how to please men yet they know how to please God if they cannot keep a fair correspondence with the World yet they know how to keep a good conscience in the World if they know not how to escape Trouble and Affliction they know how to suffer it if they know not how to escape the wrath of men yet they know how to escape the wrath to come if this be wisdom to be skilled in the matters of Religion and Righteousness in the matters of faith and a good conscience to have found out the way of life by which to escape from hell beneath then these godly men are wise men surely they are wise they know the way of the Lord. Object But you will say Why may not we be in the right way as well as they Why may not our way of Religion be as good a way and as wise a way and as safe a way as theirs Sol. Will you make use of your Reasons if you will you shall answer this Objection your selves their Religion and yours are not two wayes of Religion but as to the principles of it are but one and the same the difference betwixt you and them is this you take up a little part of that Religion which you both profess and you will have but a little to do with that little of Religion which you do take up you little mind or study or are exercised in that which you count your Religion these precise ones take up the whole of Religion and they give themselves wholly to the study and practice of it they make it their business to search the Scripture that they may understand the will and way of the Lord and to govern their hearts and order their lives in all things according to it So that now if you will answer two easie questions you shall thereby be able your selves to answer the Objection the first question is Who are most like to be in the right either these who endeavour to practise all that they profess or those who though they profess the truth do practise scarce any thing of it but a small part of it and that the lower and less considerable part of it the bare outside of it This is no hard question I hope you 'l acknowledge to be resolved and the second question shall be as easie Who is like to be in the right the diligent Christian that makes it his business to study his Religion or the careless Christian that seldom spends a serious thought about it Answer but these two questions and then your selves will be able to give a reason why it 's more like they should be in the right than you Brethren shew your selves men here are a company of poor creatures of you who have spent your time in ignorance and idleness as to the matters of God and your souls who little meddle with that of Religion which your selves say you must do if you will be saved you say you must believe you must repent of your sins you must pray to God for forgiveness and yet what great strangers are many of you from these things it may be if you consider it you have often gon whole daies and weeks together and have scarcely ever prayed no not so much as after your own fashion nor scarce had any thoughts of Repentance or asking God forgivenesse you eat and drink and go forth and come in and lie down and ●ise up and never so much as look up to God for his mercy and blessings these others in the mean while make praying and reading and hearing and minding God and their Souls and eternal state their daily study and businesse now what an unreasonable thing is it to imagin that those who so little meddle with any Religion or any thing of Religion should be as like to understand it as those that make it their daily work Oh beloved how can you be confident you are in the right when you never seriously enquire whether you be or no and how can you think you have any wisdom in you when you trust a matter of such weight and importance upon a meer presumption you are strongly conceited that you are as wise as others and in as good a case and in as good a way an● upon this conceit you venture your souls Friends you are a sad wonder to me and I do so much wonder that men should think that carelesness is as good as diligence licentiousness as good a● strictness that that loose and blind and easi● way which men take up is as good and as sure● nay a better and more certain way of life tha● the strict and industrious way of the dispise● Saints that I very much wonder how men tha● believe and know any thing of the Scriptures can make themseves to think that that sottish dull lifelesse way which they satisfie themselves in can give any of them the least hopes of salvation 2. They build sure so that whosoever or whatsoever falls they stand sure for ever They are those wise bullders of whom Christ speaks Mat. 7. 24. Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doth them I will liken him to a wise man which built his house upon a Rock and the rain descended and the floods come and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it
born of the Spirit is a spiritual man and those that are led by the Spirit walk on in a spiritual course that is they live a more noble and raised life then the rest of the world Carnal men who are governed and ruled by that evil spirit that is in the world live an evil and carnal life worldly spiritual men a worldly life sensual men a sensual life Ephes 2. 2 3. Wherein in time past ye walked after the course of this World according to the Prince of the power of the Air the spirit that now worketh in the children of Disobedience among whom we also had our conversations in the lusts of the flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind Whilest we were in the common state we took the common road whilest we were in the flesh fleshly men we lived a fleshly life To serve ou● bellies to serve our appetites to serve our pride and covetousness and other lusts this was our life And this life was sutable to that Spirit which was within them and that evil Spirit the Prince of this world without them that govern'd and steer'd their course Accordingly the Saints having a new heart within and a new leader without do lead a new life as the flesh and the Devil carry evil men on in a course sutable to their leaders so the Spirit and Grace of God carry on the Saints in a course sutable to theirs an holy spiritual and heavenly lif● So that this is to walk in the Spirit to live holily and spiritually this is that life which is called The life of God Ephes 4. 19. The Conversation in Heaven Phil. 3. 20. Our Conversation is in Heaven And a Spiritual and Heavenly Life this may be called upon a three-fold account 1 Their dealings are about Spiritual and Heavenly things 2 Their delights are Spiritual and Heavenly 3 By these Spiritual dealings and delights themselves become daily more Spiritual 1 Their dealings are about Spiritual and Heavenly things God and Heaven and everlasting Glory and those spiritual Exercises whereby God is served and Glory obtained these are the matters about which this life is spent They live with God they hold daily intelligence with Heaven they are much in the contemplating and admiring and adoring the infinite beauty and incomprehensible perfections of God and his unspeakable love and grac● and goodness towards them They are searching into the Mysteries of Christ studying out the riches of the glory of the Mystery of the Gospel They live amongst Angels their hearts and their eyes are dayly in that general Assembly and Church of the first-born When they sleep they lay them down under the wings of their Lord no sooner are they awake but they get them up to the top of Pisgah to take a view of the Promised Land When I awake I am ever with thee says the Psalmist When the covetous man awakes he is with his God when the Epicure awakes he is with his God when the Adulterer awakes he is with his Goddess Christians are presently above the clouds above the stars falling down before the Throne of the Almighty Their work is to seek and serve and praise and please the Lord to carry themselves so that they may be accepted to God to be washing their robes and making them white in the bloud of the Lamb to be minding their souls consciences affections thoughts that these may all in their several capacities exalt and enjoy the Lord Their Trading is for the Pearl whilest the Merchants of the Earth are trading for Gold and Silver and Spices whilest the Muck-worms of the world are dealing in Corn and Sheep and Oxen and Asses whilst the v●luptuous wantons of the earth are dealing about fashions and feasts and sports trading in Toyes Feathers Apes and Peacocks Christians are trading in Promises and Prayer in Faith and Repentance in Patience and Humility in Mercy and Charity that by these they may make their Calling and Election sure and so an entrance may be administred unto them abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ These are the businesses of Christians lives their dealings are about spiritual things 2 Their delights are in spiritual things The Lord is the delight of their hearts Delight thy self in God sayes the Psalmist Psal 37. 4. And what he bids others do he does himself Psal 16. 8 9. I have set the Lord always before me therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoyceth The thoughts of God are dear and precious to them The Word and Law of God is their delight Psal 1. His delight is in the Law of his God The Courts of the Lord his Ordinances Worship Sabbaths are their delight Psal 84. 1. How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts Their work is their delight Psal 40. I delight to do thy will Their hardest works Fasting and Watching and Wrestling and Fighting against Sin and Temptations crucifying and mortifying their own flesh denying themselves mourning for sin there is much sweetness they find in their very travels and tears and sorrowings as sorrowing sayes the Apostle yet alwayes rejoycing As Solomon speaks of Carnal Mirth Prov. 14. In the midst of laughter the heart is sad so it may be said of spiritual Mourning in the midst of sorrow the heart is joyful the heart of a Saint is never in so sweet a frame as when it is melted into godly sorrow but especially Christ is their deleght he is the deliciae Christiani orbis Canticle● 2. 3. I sate down under ●is shadow with great delight Carnal men are ready to say to them as the Daughters of Jerusalem to the Spouse Cant. 5. 9. What is thy beloved more ●en another beloved What beauty is there in him that thou shouldest thus desire him or take such pleasure in him They see no beauty in him he hath no Form nor comeliness in their eye and therefore they think there is none Oh Sinners you do not know Christ you have had no acquaintance with him you have not t●sted of the fruits of this Tree of the clusters of this Vine I sate me down under his shadow with great delight and his fruit was swee● to my taste Saints have tasted of the sweetness of Christ tasted that the Lord is gracious and therefore can take great delight in him The delight they take in Christ is that which puts such a delight into every Ordinance into every Duty therefore Praying and Reading is so pleasant to them because there they meet with their Beloved Christ appears to them in his Word Christ meets his Saints in their Prayings and Fastings and this makes all sweet to their souls Carnal men think the life of Saints to be an heavy a sad and most troublesome life they count that themselves have the onely merry and pleasant lives that their Hawks and Hounds their Carding and Dicing and Drinking and Dancing their Seews and Plays that these are the onely Heaven This
Lord will give I doubt not but such a Prayer will be heard and my ground is this as it is the justification or acceptance of our persons so it is in the acceptance of our duties 〈…〉 our person will doubt less justifie our prayers and that weakness or wavering which will not hinder the one will neither h●nder the other Now it is universally granted that our persons may be justified even when we are strongly perswaded of the contrary and know no reason why the like must not be granted concerning our prayers I note this the rather for the support and comfort of many of the poor weakling servants of Christ or such as are in a troubled or deserted estate who after they have sign'd out their broken prayers because their own misgiving hearts return them a negative answer conclude that God doth so too my prayers are lost the Lord doth not regard them Why how can you tell God doth not regard them How can I tell why I cannot believe the Lord will hear none but the P●ayers of Faith and I cannot believe I cannot be perswaded that God doth hear But by what hath been said you may perceive your ●●istake you cannot be perswaded that God hears you therefore you do not believe Why you may even then believe when you want this perswasion Have you offered up your Prayers in the Name of Christ Have you committed them to his hand to present them to his Father and leaving them with him and adventuring them upon his Interest can you now but wait what answer the Lord will give This is that Faith which will secure your Prayers from being lost Having thus in brief shewed you what it is to pray in Faith what remains but that you practice accordingly study the Attributes of God his Power Goodness Mercy and Truth Study Christ his Office Interest Sufficiency and Faithfulness study the Promises and the stability of them let your faith set its seal to all this that God is good merciful mighty and true that Christ will be faithful in his Office that his Name is mighty with the Father that the Promises of God are in him Yea and Amen Strengthen your selves here and so go before the Lord let God be in your heart Christ be in your hand the Promise in your eye when ever there is a Prayer in your mouth Let your Prayer be so presented your dependance be so settled and your confidence as much as may be so raised as before you have been directed or whether you can attain to this confience or no yet do not fail of such dependance and then see what a rich return your prayers will sooner or later bring down upon you But he that will pray without thus believing let not that man think to receive any thing of the Lord and if he doth get nothing let him not lay the blame on Prayer as if this were an empty useless thing but on his unbelief The answer which God gives to Prayer is alwayes this Be it unto thee according to thy Faith And in this is included Be it unto thee according to thy unbelief This is the first means or help to a godly life Prayer THe second special Duty I shall direct you in is holy Meditation And touching this my purpose is not to insist upon the general nature of it but onely to give you some directions for your putting it in practice The directions which I shall give shall be such as concern 1. The matter of it 2. The Method Concerning the former I shall reduce the chief matters to be ordinarily meditated on to seven heads which as I shall afterwards advise may save an Head for a day and so in every week you may go over the whole I. Head concerning God BEgin with him who is the beginning of all things in whom we have our being in whose nature as well as his will is the very foundation of Religion In the spiritual nature of God is the reason of our spiritual worship his wisdom is the reason of our submission to him his power of our dependance on him his holinesse of our conformity to him his justice of our fear his goodnesse of our love his truth of our trust his grace of our prayers his glory of our praiser Now there are two things especially that I may contract all into as narrow a room as possible which you may pitch your thoughts and exercise your meditations upon concerning God Namely his Dreadfulnesse Goodness● Direct 1. In order to the bringing you to a due apprehension and sense of the dreadfulness of God set before your eyes what the Scriptures speak of the Majesty Glory Omnipoten●● Omniscience Holiness Severity and Righteousness of God The Scriptures speak of the Name of God as a fearful Name Deut. 28. 58. That thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful Name the Lord thy God And this dreadfulness of God is set forth 1 By the greatness of his power Jer. 5. 22. Fear ye not me saith the Lord Will ye not tremble at my presence Luk. 12. 5. 2 By the immensity of his Nature Psal 139 7. Whither shall I go from thy Spirit Whither shall I flee from thy presence 3 By the Glory of his Holiness Exod. 15. 11. Who is like unto thee O Lord who art glorious in Holiness fearful in Praises doing Wonders 4 By his Justice and Severity Hebrews 10. 31. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God Heb. 12. 29. For our God is a consuming Fire Direct 2. That you may understand and be duly affected with the goodness of God confider what the Scripture speaks concerning his All-sufficiency loving Kindness Mercie Faithfulness Patience c. Gen. 15. 1. Fear not Abraham I am thy Shield and thy exceeding great Reward Psal 36. 7 8 9. Thy mercie O Lord is in the Heavens and thy Faithfulness reacheth unto the Clouds How excellent is thy loving Kindness O God therefore the Children of Men put their ●ust in ●hee They shall be abundantly satisfied with thy fatness for with thee is the Fountain of Life in thy Light we shall see Light Psal 10. 5. For his anger endureth but a moment in his favour is Life Psal 73. 26. My flesh and my heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever Psal 91. 4. He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his Truth shall be thy Shield and Buckler Psal 84. 11. The Lord God is a Sun and a Shield These Scriptures set forth the Lord as a sufficient portion wherein his people may be happy and a sure refuge wherein they may be safe He is a Fountain of Light Life Joy Rest Peace Everlasting blessedness and Everlasting safety He is the inheritance of the Saints wherein they shall be satisfied and their defence wherein they shall be safe for ever Direct 3. Ask thy heart these Questions Quest 1. Is not this God worthy
the enjoying these Earthly things when as for Souls and the things of another World little or no care is taken about them and as little pleasure taken in them Direct 1. Consider what the Scripture speak● concerning the vanity and misery of such a life Psal 30. 6. Surely man walketh in a vain shew he is disquieted in vain he heapeth up riches and knoweth not who shall gather them Matth. 16. 26. For what is man profited if he should gain the whole World and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul Jam. 5. 1. 2 3. Go to now ye rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you Your Riches are corrupted and your garments moth-eaten your gold and silver is cankered and the rust of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat you as it were fire ye have heaped up treasures together for the last dayes Luke 12. 16 17 18 19 20. And he spake a parable unto them concerning a certain rich man whose ground brought forth very plenteously and he thought within himself saying What shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits And he said this I will do I will pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruits and I will say to my Soul Soul thou hast much goods laid up for many years take thine ease eat drink and be merry But God said to him Thou fool this night shall thy soul ●e required of thee then whose shall those things be that thou hast provided So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich towards God Direct 2. Ask thy heart Quest 1. Is not my life a worldly life What have I done for hereafter What have I laid up for the World to come Have I been trading for Heaven have I been trading in faith repentance prayer have I been sowing in righteteousness and mercy following of holiness and purity What labour and pains have I taken in seeeking Knowledge Grace an interest in Christ reconciliation with God c. that it might be well with my soule hereafter My body is cared for I have enough laid up for that my Wife and Children are all cared for I have made sufficient provision for them but is not my poor soul uncared for Quest 2. How long will this life and the comforts of it last My soul is immortal and must never die I must have a being some where or other to all Eternity Is the happiness which I have chosen and pursued an everlasting happiness Are my Money and my Corn and my Land everlasting Quest 3. What shall become of me when this life and the comforts of it fail Will this golden or silve●●●ey open the gate of Heaven to me Will my money buy me an inheritance in the Land of Promise will my thriftiness and good husbandry for this world plead for me before my Judge or excuse my neglect of my soul Will the memory of my plenty or my pleasure or my ease in which I have lived here be a comfort and refreshing to my soul hereafter Can all my carnal friends and companions with whom I have lived so merrily and spent so many a jolly hour can their good word stand me in stead then Will God own me or Christ plead for me then Is not this he whom I have despised and refused to hearken to and will he not then say to me Go to the Gods whom thou hast chosen Go to thy Money and thy pleasures and thy companions let these save thee if they can Oh what shall I do and where shall I dwell for ever if I continue in this vain course Quest 4. Shall I now set upon a better course Shall I in earnest wilt thou oh my Soul wilt thou now in earnest become an adventurer for another World A Traveller to the holy City which is above Wilt thou cast in thy lot with Christ and the everlasting Gospel Wilt thou at last fall to labour for the true Riches and enduring substance Wilt thou provide the bags that wax not old a treasure in Heaven that faileth not Shall I take this course or shall I continue as I am V. Head concerning the excellency blessednesse and necessity of a Godly Life Direct 1. COnsider what the Scriptures speak concerning The Entrance Nature Blessedness Necessity of a godly Life 1. Concerning the Entrance of a godly Life or the way by which we come to be godly that is exprest by being born of God John 3. by being converted to God Acts 3. 19. Repent therefore and be converted by having Christ formed upon our hearts Gal. 4. 19 My little children of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you A new birth must go before a new life conversion before an holy conversation 2. Concerning the Nature of a Godly Life which the Scripture sets forth in these and such like expressions Walking with God walking in the fear of God and the Comforts of the Holy Ghost living by Faith having our Conversation in Heaven and as it becometh the Gospel being holy harmless the Sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked Generation shining forth as lights in the world denying all ungodliness and worldly lusts living righteously soberly and godly keeping our selves unspotted from the world walking circumspectly keeping a good Conscience c. By all which expressions and many such like it appears that there is more required to a true godly life than is ordinarily imagined 3. Of the Blessedness of a Godly life Psal 1. 1 2. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the way of sinners but his delight is in the Law of the Lord Psal 4. 4. The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself hath taken him out from the rest of the world to be his own peculiar possession his Favourite his Servant his Child on whom he intends to bestow himself for an Inheritance Direct 2. Ask thy heart Quest 1. Am I converted to God Is there any supernatural change wrought upon me Is this change a thorough change Conversion is not a slight but a great and marvellous change Am I become a new Creature Is there a new light set up in me a new life begotten in my heart Am I become a man of quite another constitution temper disposition then formerly I was Am I born from above and is my heart now set upon things above Quest 2. Is my life a godly life Do I think in my Conscience that the course of life which I live is that which the Scriptures mean by walking with God living by Faith having the conversation in Heaven keeping a good Conscience walking circumspectly c. Can this fleshly idle easie trifling life which I live be possibly accounted a truly godly life Quest 3. Is a godly life necessary Can I be saved without it Do not the Scriptures entail everlasting blessedness in
of all sorts As it is said of the Tree of Life that stands in the City of God above Rev. 22. 2. so let it be said of every living Tree that stands in the Vineyard of God here below That they bring forth twelve manner that is all manner of fruits be fruitful in every good work and bring forth fruit for every season There are summer fruits and there are winter fruits that God expects from you By summer fruits I mean those that are most proper for the daies of your prosperity as thankfulness watchfulness fear humility self-denyal mercy compassion c. Your winter fruits rae such as God looks for in the dayes of your affliction fasting repentance mortification humiliation submission patience c. Brethren be not only good summer servants but winter servants also and when ever it is winter with you ●all close to your Winter-work be much in the ●xercise of repentance godly sorrow patience c. ●et the persecuting World see that godliness will ●ot only live but flourish too in the hardest Win●er The truth is there is no such flourishing time ●or the Saints as the time of trouble Gods trees do usually bear best in Winter The Winter frosts do ordinarily bring forth and ripen their fruit better than the Summers warmth● At least the hard Winter prepares for a fruitful Summer Beloved ●s it Winter with any of you lose not this fructi●ying season to your work to your work Let your work serve you in stead of fire to keep you warm ●et not the cold windes and storms chill and freeze your spirits and so kill your fruits let a fire be kindled and kept alive within you the fire of love ●nd holy zeal I mean let those winds not blow ●ut but blow up these fires let them blow out the fire of lust of passion and contention but let them blow up the fire of love and zeal and let your winward warmth supply the want of outward comforts and encouragements for the cherishing and ●●ripening of your fruit Be either bringing forth fruit or preparing for fruit let nor the Plough stand still let the clods be broken let the seed be cast in If it be the day of your tears sow in tears it is good sowing in such a rainy day and such a seed-time will bring forth a comfortable Harvest IV. Be stedfast and unmovable 1 Cor. 15. 58. Be not moved either from the hope of the Gospel or from the Obedience of the Gospel Be not Apostates from Christ let not the fear of the Crosse make you weary of the yoke of Christ Turn not back from the holy Commandment for any Tribulation that may come upon you Suffer not your selves to be persecuted out of your Religion or conscience Tribulations are temptations and will try what there is of God in you what reality there is lying under all your professions whether the Word of Christ hath taken any root in you And such troubles will make the greatest Tryal of you which fall upon you for righteousness sake There are some troubles that fall promiscuously on all good and bad and put no difference betwixt the one and the other but as an overflowing flood bear down all before them As in general families pestilences and wars in which it happen alike to the just and unjust to him that serve●● God and him that serveth him not There are other troubles that fall only on the heritage of the Lord on the best among a people When the vile of the earth prosper and flourish and those only in whom some good thing is found are the suffering people When the Sun shines on the barren Mountaines and miry Marishes and 〈◊〉 Storms the Thunder and the Hail fall only on 〈◊〉 fruitful Fields when the Corn is smitten and 〈◊〉 the Thorns and Bryars escape Such troubles as fall on the Righteous of the earth and for their righteousness sake when the bread and water of affliction are given to Disciples and in the name of Disciples these are the most trying troubles Such troubles as leave men to their choice either to sin or suffer When godliness becomes the common rode to tribulation and ungodliness is the only door that is left open by which we may escape and shift our selves out of danger Such afflictions as these will make the most narrow search and through tryal whether we are godly indeed or not Brethren see that your hearts be so established with grace that you stand your ground and keep your way in such dayes of temptation And that you may hold out and hold on and abide in the day of greatest tryals take this course I. Try your selves throughly aforehand 1 Cor. 11. 3. If we would judge our selves we should not be judged Though I cannot say if we would try our selves we should not be tryed yet this I can say if we would try our selves we should be the more likely ●o abide the trial of the Lord. Try your selves afore-hand And that 1. What you are in the state of your souls according to the instructions I have already given you in this matter 2. What you are in your duties in your active obedience He that is not faithful in doing the Will of God is not like to be found faithful in suffering the Will of God He that carries himself Christianly in his present state needs not trouble himself with fears and doubts how he shall stand in any future state he may be brought into The tryal that trouble will make upon us is whether we will be faithful in doing the Will of God when we must suffer for it Now he that neglects his duty and cannot hold his heart to an holy conscientious course when he is in no danger and his Religion is like to cost him nothing what is like to become of this mans godliness when it may cost him the loss of all We read● Dan. 6. 10. When a decree was signed That whosoever should ask any Petition of God or man save of the King should be cast into the Lyons D●n That Daniel prayed and gave thanks to his God three times a day as he ha●● done aforetime If Daniel had not used to pray aforetime when praying would bring him into n●● danger he would not doubtless have adventured o●● it in such a time when he saw evidently that it wa● like to cost him his life Brethren Consider what your present course and care is Do you pray now and fast now and withdrawing your selves from the lusts and liberties of the world Do you now apply your selves to a so● ber ser●ous self-denying life Are you now active for God and your s●uls and have you been conscientious and watchful and fruitful aforetime when there was nothing to molest or discourage you If you have been carnal and vain and remiss in the exercises of Religion when you might have been as holy as you would as strict and as zealous as you would without any fear of suffering for
to have no Assurance that he hath any at all If thou wouldest have power over Corruption if thou wouldest stand in the Day of temptation if thou wouldest not starve in the day of Famine if thou wouldest have the comfort of the Grace thou hast let it grow up to its fuller stature Grace when it is come to Age will speak for it self and shift for it self the better which whilest it is in its Infancie neither knows nor can help it self Christians let your Grace grow and let the Fruits of it increase Let your Fields ripen to the Harvest I may say concerning Sinners not as our Lord said Behold the Fields are already white to the Harvest but behold the Fields are already black to the Harvest The Word is ready to be given Come put in thy Sickle the Harvest is ripe the wickedness is great The Fields of Tares are already black to the Harvest But oh when shall it be said of you Behold the fields are white to the Harvest shall evil weeds grow so fast and shall only the good Corn be at a stand Brethren Let your Fruits grow more plentiful and more perfect daily Let that Scripture be verified in you Pro. 4. 18. The path of the Just is a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day Let your hearts be so filled with the fulness of God that your pathes may drop fatness Let it be said of you as of the Spouse Cant. 4. 18. and Chap. 5. 5. Her lips dropped as the Honey Comb and her hands dropped sweet smelling Myrrh Let your lips drop as the Honey Comb as you have drunk in the Milk and Honey that comes down from above so be ever droping it down to others Let something of the fatness something of the fatness that you have received from above be alwayes dropping down Be dropping according to what you have drank as you see sinners of whom 't is said They drink iniquity to be alwayes dropping iniquity dropping Oathes dropping Lies dropping Scoffs and reproaches So let it be said of you They drink the Dew of Heaven and this they are dropping down Let no Child no Servant no Friend come into your Company and go away without some sweet drops from your lips A word of heavenly instruction a gracious admonition a word of encouragement or a quickening word let them have or lift up a prayer and drop down a blessing upon them Something or other of the Dew of Heaven let them feel flowing from your Lips Let your lips drop as the Honey Comb and your Hands drop sweet smelling Myrrh Let your Holy Practises your holy Examples second and set on your wholsom counsels and instructions Let your words be savoury and your works be gracious Let lip and life speak the same things and lead on the same way Christians By your nursing up the Souls and Fruits of others you will ripen and encrease your own If you should look on all the Fruit as little which your selves have brought forth to God you will have this to comfort you That you have born more upon your Brethrens knees the Fruits of those Fields which you have planted or watered will abound to your account Bring forth much Fruit unto God and be much in immediate converse with God Phil. 3. 20. Our Convetsation is in Heaven Be more elevated and raised in your Spirits daily above things sensual and carnal Above Carnal Delights Above Carnal Discouragements 1. Above Carnal Delights live more purely in the Spirit let your Hearts be wrought up to such a spiritual frame that all the joyes pleasures and comforts of your lives may be spiritual Let the Lord be all your delight Psal 37. 5. Let it be with you as much as may be as it is with the Saints already in glory to whom God is all who being changed into his Image and dwelling in his presence are satisfied in him Let God alone be as much to you as God and all the world Let the Fashions and Pleasures and delights of this world be so much beneath your Spirits that it may neither be an abatement of your joy to want nor an addition to your content to possess them Let the light of all these lower sparks be swallowed up in God when the Sun shines all the Stars dis-appear and are not needed Lift up thine eyes Christian and see what pleasures there are within the Veil Come drink thy fill of this new wine let thy Faith draw the Curtains of Eternity and take a view of those heights and depths and lengths and breadths of that Glory and Joy which there it may discover Look on him that fits on the Throne and those everlasting Treasures of Light Holiness Goodness and Mercy which are streaming from his Face on those over-flowing Bowels of kindness and compassion on those Rivers of pure and eternal Pleasures Rest Peace that rise from that glorious Throne and run through the City of God Behold the Tree of life and feed thy Soul on its precious fruit whose very leaves are for the healing of Nations Hearken to and fill thine Ears and Heart with those Tryumphs and Exultations those Raptures and Extasies of unspeakable and glorious joyes those blessings and praisings those Hallelujahs that are tuned upon the hearts and tongues of the Heavenly Chore the glorious Angels and the spirits of just men made perfect by the vision and fruition of thy God the God of Glory Look on and possess this Joy and Glory say to thy Soul as God to Abraham Gen. 13. 14. Lift up thine eyes and look from the place where thou art Northward and Southward and Eastward and Westward through all the Coasts and all the Dimensions of the blessed Land of Promise and holy City and then say Come Soul take up thy rest here all this is thine Look and love love and long long and hope hope and rejoyce in hope of this glory of God Look on thy God and never leave looking till thou art changed into his Image and satisfied with his Image And here let thy delight and thy dwelling be 2. Above all carnal discouragements from any adversaries or dangers wherewith you are baited and affrighted as you walk in the Lord let the joy of the Lord be your strength let your Sun be your shield let your hope be your confidence and fear not your dutie nor danger Look to your hope and you will laugh at fear Dwell in your reward and you will not be afraid to dwell in your dutie But of this a word more by and by Thus much for general Directions 2. I shall next give you some special Directions for you daily work General necessarilie depend on and subsist in particulars As there can be no Religion in a Kingdom unlesse it be first in particular Families nor none in Families unlesse it be in particular persons so a general course of Christianity there cannot be unless it be supported in our particular daily walk The advice I