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A72164 The conquest of temptations, or Mans victory over Satan especially, the great assaults, at the agony of death, full of very strong and effectuall consolations, to sustaine and comfort the weakest heart, in the greatest conflicts which can befall a Christian in the vvhole course of of life, and approach of death / gathered by the holy and deuout labour of Iohn Gerard, doctor of diuinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge ; newly Englished by Rich. Bruch, minister of Gods word. Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637.; Bruch, Richard, minister of Gods word. 1614 (1614) STC 11767.5; ESTC S5215 71,686 143

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himselfe for vs hee saith I will be baptized with a certaine baptisme and how am I straightened till it be fulfilled Luc. 12.50 This was the baptisme of the Crosse and tribulation into which our most benigne Sauiour was altogether plunged not for any other cause but out of his great ineffable loue towards vs this is that which hath so straightened him and driuen him how great soeuer his outward griefe was in his passion yet alwayes his inner loue towards vs was greater and more ardent through which hee was ready to sustaine more things for our sinnes if the price for our redemption which hée payed had not séemed sufficient But there is no cause that we doubt of the sufficiency of the price with him there is altogether plentifull redemption because not a droppe but a streame of bloud hath flowed largely through fiue parts of his body Born ser 22. sup cant col 554. hee hath cryed out that all things were finished in the Crosse and through the Crosse and therefore he hath made by himselfe a full perfect purgation of our sins with one offring hath he for euer perfected those which are sanctified Heb. 1.3 Cap. 10.14 Apoc. 1.5 he hath washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud Beléeue therefore so cleere so perspicuous so expresse words of the holy Ghost and resolue firmely that by the death and passion of CHRIST there is wrought a sufficient satisfaction for thy sinnes IIII. The memory of Actuall sinnes The Tempted PErchance Christ hath taken vpon himselfe originall sinne onely so that for actuall sinnes I my selfe must eyther satisfie or burne Although therefore I resolue firmely that through Christ I am washed from that originall spot yet those actuall sinnes doe vexe and presse me which I haue committed through the whole course of my life in number many in weight most heauy for desert damnable Christ is opposed to Adam therefore the benefit of Christ will not spread it selfe more wide then the fault that was deriued from Adam into vs. Another mans fault may be healed by another mans satisfaction but a mans owne fault will require a mans owne satisfaction The Comforter NAy the bloud of Iesus Christ the Sonne of God 1 Ioh. 1.7 doth cleanse thee altogether from all thy sinnes not that only which is deriued from Adam but those also which are heaped vpon this of thée God hath set forth Christ the propitiatory by faith in his bloud Rom. 3.25 to that may we draw néere by true faith and hauing obtained remission of our sins be reconciled to God as often as the weight and heape of our sinnes doth presse vs downe wee may come to this throne of grace with confidence that wee may obtaine mercy Heb. 4.16 and finde grace in the seasonable time of helpe Furthermore what redemption would this be what reconciliation if Christ had satisfied for one onely kinde of sinne wée our selues being yet bound and obliged to make satisfaction for all the rest farre more grieuous and more copious the redemption of Christ is not so maimed imperfect and to halues Heb 10.12 14.18 but offering one sacrifice for sinnes by that one oblation hée hath perfected for euer those that are sanctified and hath obtained such a remission of sinnes that there is not any other oblation necessarie for sinnes 1 Iohn 2.1.2 Wée haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous he is the propitiation for our sinnes not for our sinnes onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Therefore if hauing slipt into sinnes out of the infirmitie of the flesh wée doe earnestly repent vs wée haue a refuge set downe for vs in Christs intercession the foundation of which intercession consists in Christs merit and satisfaction for from thence and therefore is Christs intercession effectuall for vs because a full and perfect satisfaction was performed by him for our sinnes from thence and therefore the force of the Diuine iustice and seuere iudgement due to our sinnes is not shaken against vs because Christ couers our sinnes with the cloake of his mercie the price of the obtained and deserued redemption being paid of him Let this therefore abide firme and sure that Christ by his death the onely most true sacrifice offered for vs hath purged abolished August 4. de Trinit ca. 13. extinguished whatsoeuer there was of sinnes from whence the principalities and powers did by right with-hold vs to suffer punishment therefore in him and through him wée obtaine remission not onely of originall sinne 1. De peccamer etremiss ca 13. Tit. 2.14 but also of the rest of the sinnes that we haue added there-vnto For he which thing day vp in thy déepest thoughts hath giuen himselfe for vs that hée might redéeme vs from all iniquitie Infinite is the person that hath satisfied how then shall not his Passion be of infinite merit What is so deadly that may not be healed by the death of the Sonne of God which is life it selfe what is so bloudie and so foule but that it might be cleansed by the pretious bloud of the Sonne of God V. The doubting of the application of the benefits of Christ The Tempted BVt how may I be made partaker of that most pretious treasure Christ hath died for all but now that fruit of the death of Christ doth not redound to all whence therefore shall I be assured that the benefits of Christ doe also pertaine to me whence may it appeare that I am in very deede and most certainely a partaker of all those things actually which Christ hath deserued for vs by his Passion and death The Comforter GOD offers vnto thée the word of the Gospell and in the same all the benefites of his Sonne Es 6.5.2 Hée spreads forth his hands all day he calles he inuites verily therefore also he calles he inuites he inticeth thée That therefore which GOD offers vnto thée with the hand of his mercie that embrace thou with the hand of firme confidence Bern. Ser. 31. sup can Col. 597. As farre as thou shalt stretch forth the foote of confidence in the goods of the Lord so farre forth shalt thou possesse God doth not put the oyle of his mercie vnlesse it be in the vessell of confidence Id. Serm. 3. in Annunc Col. 113. Thou shalt possesse so much of the goods of the Lord as thou doest gather in the vessell of confidence For faith doth apprehend Christ in Christ God fauourable the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting Heare concerning this thing the words of the eternall and vnchangeable truth So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne Ioh. 3.16.18 that euerie one that beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life He that beléeueth in him is not iudged but hath life eternall Ioh. 1.12 for hée hath giuen power to all that haue receiued him to be made the Sonnes of God to
I will not the death of a sinner that dyes Eze. 18.31 32. cap. 33. ver 11. but that he may be conuerted and liue Thou hearest the serious oath of the diuine truth Thou hearest that their conuersion is expected and desired of God which dye in their sinnes by their owne fault thou hearest that serious intreatie twise repeated Come vnto mee all yee sayth our Sauiour the meane and messenger of the heauenly Father Come vnto mee all yee all ye which labour Mat. 11.28 and are heauy laden and I will refresh you Thou hearest that the way lyes open to Christ for al that labour vnder the yoake of their sinne and that refreshing and rest of soule is promised to them God will haue all men to be saued sayth the Apostle 1 Tim. 2.4 being taught it in the third Heauen and to come to the knowledge of the truth Hee hath shut vp all vnder vnbeliefe that hee might haue mercy vpon all Rom. 11.20.23 Thou hearest that the saluation of all is desired and sought of God that the mercy of God is open vnto all no body is excluded here but hee which doth exclude himselfe There is one GOD of all therefore hee desireth that all should be saued whom he hath made Primas in H. L. One hath giuen himselfe the price of redemption for all therefore hée would haue all to bee partakers of that price GOD would not haue any to perish sayth Peter being taught by his owne example 2 Pet. 3.9 but that all returne to repentance Thou hearest that the long suffering and goodnesse of GOD doth inuite all to repentance and that GOD would not the destruction of any Take héede that thou speake not against this so cleare and so manifest a truth against these sayings of the holy Ghost written as it were with a beame of the Sunne let the consolations of the Scripture be of more force with thée then the thoughts of thine owne heart for the Scripture is the word of the liuing God which neuer deceiues but our heart is lying and deceiueth XII The absolute decree of Reprobation The Tempted THe promise indeede outwardly is offered vnto all but God hath made from euerlasting a decree of the Reprobation of some men whom hauing cast from him he hath adiudged them to eternall torments to these though he offer the word outwardly yet they cannot communicate or partake of the good things in the word Perhaps I also am in the number of those reprobates The Comforter THE secrets of heauen let no creature on earth presume to pry into Enough is reuealed both for our consolation and saluation Whom God hath predestinated we know not it is a secret of Gods Priuie Counsell where-into wée are not admitted And how farre forth and in what manner God may please to worke and bring about a purpose of his owne without the endeauour and purpose of man we know not that also is a secret of Gods Priuie Counsell where-into wée are not admitted And therefore as Moses saith that the secret things belong to the Lord our GOD so to him and his wisedome be content to leaue them But this we all know that S. Peter bids vs make our election sure by the practise of good workes and holy duties of Religion and telleth vs that hee that doth those things shall neuer fall 2 Pet. 1.10 that is such a one shall neuer faile of grace or glorie And therefore while thou endeauourest to liue in all good conscience according to Gods will thou mayest haue peace of conscience in Gods promises and mercies And this wée know that our Sauiour commandeth and promiseth Aske and yee shall haue seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you And therefore if thou vse the meanes thou canst not doubt of the end Finally this we all know also that God protesteth vpon his word yea vpon his oath that he desireth not the death of him that dieth or taketh any pleasure that the wicked should die but that he may returne and liue Ezek 18.23.32 Ezek. 33.11 And therefore God is so farre from reiecting thée before thou hast sinned that hée is most readie to admit of thée after thou hast sinned Onely then endeauour to doe the workes of him that sent thée into the world begge and craue for grace and mercie from the Father of mercies search thy heart finde out thy sinnes and each day renue thy repentance and then be assured that the outward offering of grace will euer be accompanied with the inward working of the spirit For the promises of Gods mercies are generall to all that beleeue on him Rom. 10.11 To all that call on the name of the Lord Rom 10.13 To all that labour and groane vnder the burden of their sinnes Matth. 11.28 To all that feare God and worketh righteousnesse Act. 10.35 c. And the merites and death and Passion of Iesus Christ as they are offered so they are bestowed on all generally that lay hold on him for their Sauiour Ioh. 3.16 XIII The doubting of the application of the merit of Christ The Tempted LEt the merit of Christ be and be said to spread it selfe wide in the meane time I doe not yet see for mine owne particular that the benefits of Christ are offered and applied to me Many things are offered to men in generall which notwithstanding doe not pertaine to euery man in particular The Comforter NAy from the generall we may wel procéede to the particular from that which is common to that which is more restrained Therefore because God would haue all to be saued thou mayest rightly and most firmely subsume that he would haue thée also to be saued Because Christ is said to haue died for all thou maiest rightly and most firmely subsume that he also died on the Crosse for thée and will cleanse thée from all thy sinnes by his bloud and because he calleth all repenting he will receiue thée repenting And because he promiseth grace and life to all that beleeue depend and relie on him therefore he will performe it to thée when thou doest rest and relie on him for his mercies Yea and that which God promiseth to all in generall by his word that he applieth to thée is particular in the Ministerie of the word Onely submit thy selfe to the wholesome Ministerie of reconciliation 2 Cor. 5.18 which God hath committed to the Ministers of the Church Vers 20. to the keyes that he hath deliuered to their t●●st to the office of Embassage that the● vndergoe in the name of Christ God exhorting and as it were entreating vs by them And then that which is specially offered vnto thée do not doubt but that specially it belongs vnto thée When 〈◊〉 the serious sorrowe of thy b●●●t 〈◊〉 heareth the voice of the Minister pronouncing remission of sins in the name of Christ resolue that thou hearest Christ himselfe what so is héere done in the name of
drinke Rom. 14.17 but righteousnesse peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Wherefore if thy soule hath sometimes felt in the secret of thy conscience the spirit of the Son Ber in Can. serm 8. col 509. crying Abba Father let her presume that she is beloued with a fatherly affection when shee perceiues that shee is affected with the same spirit with which is also the sonne In the spirit of the Son shée may know her selfe to be daughter of the Father the spouse and sister of the sonne And although all these things are sometime weake and languishing yet be not out of heart but aske for increase of the spirit Luk. 11.13 for God will giue this spirit to those that aske him Stir vp the gift 2 Tim. 1.6 that frée and gracious gift of the spirit which is in thée that is by asking by séeking by knocking by meditating on th● word by resisting euill concupiscences There is here no perfection but a continuall way to perfection Beside this inward seale and testimony of the holy spirit God hath giuen thée the Sacraments which are the seales of the heauenly promises the waggons of the benefits of Christ bringing them vnto thée and the meanes of the begetting cherishing confirming of thy faith that thou mayst be sure that the benefits of Christ doe pertaine in speciall vnto thée Cypr serm de mort pa. 209. Thou wert receiued into the Church by baptisme and fed in the Lords Supper with the body blood of Christ being confirmed by these seales beléeue the word of the Gospell surely and without all doubt Why doest thou doubt why doest thou wauer this is that God should not altogether be this is to offend Christ the Master of beléeuers with the sin of incredulity this is for him that is placed in the Church not to haue faith in the house of faith Attend moreouer to the infallibility of the promised hearing God hath promised euen with an oath put thereto that he wil heare our prayers that whatsoeuer we aske according to his will shall be giuen vnto vs Verily verily I say vnto you saith Christ whatsoeuer yee shall aske the Father in my name Ioh. 16.23 Mat. 18.19 hee will giue vnto you If two of you shall consent vpon earth on any manner of thing whatsoeuer they shal aske it shal be done to them of my Father which is in heauen This is the trust which we haue vnto God 1 Ioh. 5.14 if we aske according to his will we shal obtaine it The very same which hath promised hearing hath cōmanded vs to aske forgiuenes of sins therfore what place of doubting will there remaine of the remission of sins how should Christ haue commanded to ioyne to prayer the word Amen if hee would haue had vs to doubt of hearing To conclude attend to the property of true faith as by which we haue accesse vnto that grace wherein we stand and glory of the hope of glory Heb. 4.16 promised of God through which wee come with trust vnto the throne of grace that wee may attaine mercy and finde grace through which we are kept by the power of God vnto saluation 1 Pet. 1.5 through which we know that we are translated from death to life 1 Ioh. 3.14 through which wee are most certainly perswaded that neither death Rom. 8.38 nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present vers 39. nor things to come neither height nor depth nor any other creature can separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. August in Psal 148. Weighing all these things let thy frailtie lift it selfe vp let it not despaire let it not bruise it selfe let it not turne it selfe away Christ hath promised thée that thou shalt bee there where hée is What hath God promised vnto thée O mortall man that thou shalt liue for euer Doest thou not beléeue beléeue beléeue it is more now which hée hath done then what he hath promised What hath he done he hath died for thée What hath he promised that thou shalt liue with him it is more incredible that the eternal hath died then that the mortal can liue for eternitie Now thou holdest that which is more incredible why doest thou doubt of that which remaines God hath promised thée heauen he hath giuen thée his Son which is a greater gift then heauen and earth XXIX The doubting of perseuerance The Tempted TRuly I doe nothing doubt but that by my Mediator Christ there lyes open to me accesse to GOD I surely trust that I am in the grace of God yet I cannot but doubt of perseuerance Matth. 10.22 cap. 24. v. 46. I know that it is perseuerance alone that is crowned I heare that they onely which shall perseuere to the end shall be saued Not to haue begun well but to goe through well is the part of vertue Aug. Ser. 8 ad frat in Erem Hiero in Epist ad furiam Theol. myst Harp c. 34. Neither is the beginning but the end required in Christians Iudas began well but he ended ill Paul began ill but hee ended well Without perseuerance neither he that fighteth obtaineth victory nor the Conquerour the palme I heare the ouer-seer and appointer of our masteries crying hold that which thou hast least another take thy crown I heare and I feare I feare and I doubt Apoc. 3.12 I doubt and I cast away the confidence of my heart The Comforter Bern. Serm. 3. de sep frag miser Col. 183. COnsider thrée things ●n which thy whole hope doth consist the charity of the adoption the truth of the promise the power of performance Now let thy foolish thought murmure as much as it will saying who art thou and how great is that glory or by what merits hopest thou to obtaine it and doe thou answere confidently I know whom I haue beléeued and I am sure that in the aboundance of his charitie he hath adopted me that he is true in his promise that hée is powerfull in performance This is the thrée-fold cord which is not easily broken which I pray thée that thou holde firmely fast being let downe to thée out of our Country euen into this dungeon that it may lift thée vp that it may draw thée euen to the beholding and sight of the glorie of the great God This is the most firme Anker of thy hope these are those thrée pillars on which thou mayest relie against the flouds stormes of doubtings that is to say the good will of God adopting his sure faithfulnesse promising and his infinite power to fulfill his promises The good GOD hath promised good things Phil. 2.13 hée hath begun to worke a good worke in thée hée that hath begun will performe it according to his good liking The good GOD hath promised good things 1 Cor. 10.15 he that hath promised is faithfull and true he
opened vnto vs. As in the baptisme of Christ the holy Ghost descended vpon him in the shape of a Doue so the holy Ghost is present in our baptisme and workes therein effectually our regeneration and renouation so that by this reason in Baptisme doe concurre the grace of the Father adopting the merit of the Sonne clensing and the efficacie of the holy Ghost regenerating Therefore if thou art baptized thou mayst not doubt of the grace of God the remission of sins and the promise of eternall saluation so thou continue in that faith which there thou didst professe Baptisme is the Lauer of regeneration where there is regeneration there is the remission of sinnes there is the grace of God there is perfect iustice there is renuing there is the gift of the holy Ghost there is adoption there is the inheritance of eternall life XV The falling out of the Couenant of Baptisme The Tempted I Beleeue indeed that I am receiued into the couenant of Gods grace by the Sacrament of Baptisme that I haue attained remission of my sinnes and am written in the Booke of life but by my sinnes I haue againe fallen out of the grace of this Couenant by committing offences againe I haue made the remission past of none effect and haue often deserued that I should be blotted out of the Booke of life The Comforter NAy the Couenant of GOD is an euerlasting couenant Gen. 17.13.1 Col. 2.11 to which after thy sinnes thou mayest againe betake thy selfe by true and earnest repentance For euen as God speakes of the Sacrament of circumcision that it is an eternall couenant so let vs not doubt but that God will enter into and stablish with vs an euerlasting couenant in baptisme which hath succeeded in the place of circumcision I will marry thee vnto mee for euer sayth he by the Prophet Hose 2.19 I will mary thee vnto mee in righteousnes and iudgement in mercy and in compassion I will marry thee vnto me in faith The hils shall be moued Esa 54.10 and the valleyes shall tremble but my mercy shall not depart from thee and the couenant of my peace shall not be moued saith thy Lord that taketh pitty God forbid therefore God forbid Rom. 3.3 that we say that the faith of God can be made of none effect by the incredulitie of men If we doe neuer so much take away credit from his words or depart from him 2 Tim. 2.13 hée remaineth faithfull alwayes like himselfe true and constant he cannot deny himselfe Therefore though thou sometime sinne out of thine inbred infirmitie thou doest not forthwith fall out of the couenant of God Indéed by sinnes committed against knowledge and conscience thou dost grieuously prouoke GOD against thée and make him to be sometimes angry but by true repentance thou returnest againe into his grace and fauour The ship of Baptisme doth not floate away from vs Secunda post naufragium tabulu although wee leape out of it into the Sea of sinnes therefore by repentance which in this sence may be called a second planke after shipwracke wee may returne againe to the same shippe of baptisme that in it wée may bee brought to the hauen of euerlasting saluation Hier. in ca. 3. Esa ver 9. Tertu lib. de poenit p. 479. Therefore imbrace repentance as hée that is shipwracke the helpe of some boord or plancke this will lift thée vp being ouerwhelmed with the waues of thy sins will bring thée into the hauen of the clemency of God Peter had denied his Master 1 Pet. 3.21 but being conuerted he doth neuerthelesse seeke the promise of saluation in baptisme The Galathians had fallen grieuously and likewise the Corinthians notwithstanding the Apostle doth set before them consolation deriued out of Baptisme after that they were againe raised vp by repentance Gal. 3.17 pronouncing as many of them as were baptized to haue put on Christ nay manifestly affirming that they were clensed and baptized in one spirit into one body that is to say a misticall body Out of which it euidently appeareth that the efficacy of the couenant of Baptisme doth extend it self to the time to come neither is it made plainely of no force and abolisht by the fall of man into sinne but that that couenant abides lastingly firme August 1. de nupt concupis cap. 33. and ratified of the part of God That therefore which Paul saith that Christ did clense the Church in the Lauer of water in the word is so to be taken that by the same Lauer of regeneration and word of sanctification all the euils of regenerate men are altogether clensed and healed not onely the sinnes past all which are remitted in Baptisme but also those which are afterwards contracted by humane ignorance or infirmitie not that baptisme so often as men sinne may so often be repeated but because by that which is once giuen the pardon of what soeuer sinnes is obtained for the faithfull not only before but also afterwards vpon their true and vnfained repentance Acknowledge therefore and bewaile thy sinnes yet neyther deny the couenant of grace that was begunne with thée in baptisme nor forget it but though thou fall a thousand times yet returne and goe backe Returne vnto mee Ier. 3.12 O thou soule that art turned away saith the LORD and I will not turne away my face from you Psal 27.8 because I am mercifull sayth the LORD and I will not be angry for euer Let thy heart set this word before GOD 2 Tim. 2.13 and hée will take pitty vpon thée being mindfull of his promise for hée cannot deny himselfe and his word XVI Vncertaine taking into the Couenant of Baptisme The tempted BVT whence may I bee ascertained that after I haue fallen by true repentance I may be receiued againe of God into fauour I would to God my heart might be confirmed by some certaine seale I would there were some Sacrament by the participation whereof that promise of grace might be sealed vp vnto mee The Comforter YEa there is such a Sacrament that is to say the most holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper in which Christ giues vnto thée his most precious body and blood Wherefore when they receiuest the most holy price of thy redemption that is to say the body and bloud of Christ in that holy supper thou mayest be sure that thou art made truly partaker of all those things which Christ hath deserued on the altar of the Crosse by the deliuering vp of his body and powring out of his bloud that is the fauour of God remission of sinnes righteousnesse life and euerlasting saluation When thou drinkest that bloud by the pouring out whereof the couenant of grace was stricken and confirmed how canst thou doubt whether thou be againe receiued into that couenant and into the fauour of God What is more néere vnto God then his onely begotten Sonne as who is in his bosome Ioh.
of life Apoc. 20.12 but in the last iudgement the bookes shall be opened and amongst these also the booke of conscience in which before the whole world grauen with great letters shall all the particular faults and offences of men be séene which are not blotted out in this life by true contrition by faith and amendement of life Before that day of iudgement come and the time of grace passe away thou mayest haue as yet excellent hope and sure confidence that the bloud of Iesus Christ Heb. 9.14 which through the eternall spirit hath offered himselfe without spot to God will clense thy conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God XXV Too late Repentance The Tempted TRuly I am earnestly sorry for so many wounds inflicted on my conscience I doe earnestly desire the cure of my wounds I haue an earnest desire to keepe a good conscience hereafter but I feare lest that my repentance be too late I feare lest the grace of God so oftimes reiected of mee doe againe reiect and forsake mee August de verâ falsâ poenit cap. 17. Late repentance is wont to deceiue many and that repentance which proceeds from a dying man hee must feare lest that also dye The Comforter NAy there is nothing too late which is true and earnest Cyprian tract 1. contra Demet. No repentance is to late for him that abides yet in this world there are some which are called and come at the eleuenth houre of the day into the Lords Vineyard Mat. 20.9 and receiue the reward of Grace No length of time doth preiudicate eyther Gods equitie or his pietie Fulgent Epist 7. Repentance is neuer too late with GOD 〈◊〉 in whose sight aswell the things past as the things to come are alwayes held for present Behold the example of the Thiefe on the crosse which confessing Christ with his mouth vpon whose vtmost lippes as it were his soule dwelt ready to depart gods the pardon of his sinnes and the 〈◊〉 pr●mise of the heauenly paradise As long as that to day is named Heb. 3.13 so long God doth earnestly looke for our conuersion As long as the heauenly Bridegroome doth as yet defer his comming Mat. 25.5 so long the gate of Grace and indulgence doth as yet lye open The whole time of our life yea the last houre thereof is graunted vs to the space of repentance Esa 65.2 God spreads forth his hands all day neyther doth hee cast forth him that comes vnto him at what time soeuer hee come Iohn 6.37 Therefore take thou care of that that thy repentance be true and earnest and then thou néedest not feare lest it be too late If when the houre of death drawes néere thou therfore repentest thée because thou art destituted of the occasions of sinning that repentance is false for by this reason thou doest not leaue thy sinnes but thy sinnes forsake thée If thou therefore repentest because thou séest the punishment of thy sinnes neare that repentance is likewise false for it procéeds out of the loue of thy selfe not out of the sincere loue of God it procéeds not out of the hate of sinne but out of the irkesomnesse of most iust punishment Therefore that thou mayest repent truly and earnestly grieue for thy sins so often committed and therefore grieue because thou hast so often so grieuously by them offended God the chiefest good see●e in Christ the remission of thy sins and seriously propose to thy selfe whatsoeuer shall remaine of thy life to 〈◊〉 it out wholly on the seruice of God submit thy selfe to God be humbled from thy heart before him permit it to his will what and how great punishments a thousand times deserued of thée he will inflict vpon thée that it may appeare that thou doest repent out of the hatred of sinne and not out of the hatred of punishment Psal 51.19 Such a contrite and humbled heart will be a most acceptable sacrifice vnto God for so he saith by the Prophet Esa 66.2 To whom shall I haue respect but to the poore and contrite in spirit and him that trembles at my words XXVI The doubting of the grace of God The Tempted TRuly I feele in my heart serious contrition and griefe for my sinnes neither doe I altogether despaire of the mercy of God yet my heart is shaken with the waues of doubtings neither as yet am I certainely assured of the free remission of my sinnes Indeed well I hope in the meane time humbly I doubt the consideration of Gods mercy doth lift me vp but the thought of mine owne vnworthinesse doth againe cast me downe I am conuerted vnto God therefore I hope well but I am conuerted too late therefore I doubt as yet in part The Comforter BVt I will set most firme props vnder thy wauering faith on which thou mayest relie thée against all the tempests of doubtings for neither is that doubting an humble confession of our vnworthinesse but a dangerous oppugning of the faith that ought of right to be giuen to Gods promises neither is there any reason of doubting of sufficient strength in late conuersion and repentance when the mercy of God doth offer to al that are earnestly conuerted a most certaine promise of the remission of sins First of al therefore attend to the vnmoueable verity of the promises of God Whosoeuer they are that acknowledging and bewailing their sins doe séeke remission of them in Christ and conceiue a firme purpose of amendement of life to them God hath promised his grace forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall life Whosoeuer beleeueth on the Sonne Ioh. 13.15 18. 1 Ioh. 5.12 Mar. 16.16 doth not perish but hath life eternall He that beleeueth on him is not iudged He that hath the Sonne the same also hath eternall life Hee that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued He that hath promised these things is God whose word is more firme then heauen earth which is the truth it selfe 2 Tim. 2.11 which is faithfull and cannot deny himselfe or his word That therefore which God offers with indubitate promises that must thou entertain with indubitate faith neither must thou pretend the infirmitie of thy nature which cannot imbrace the promises of God with such an assurance of trust for this fault of thy nature must be corrected by the efficacy of the holy spirit As thou dost not beléeue on CHRIST out of the strength of nature but out of the working of the Holy Ghost so by the grace of the same spirit thou mayest be assured of the mercy of the Heauenly Father against all doubting that is inherent in thy depriued nature 1 Ioh. 5.10 Hee that beleeues not God makes him a liar Asmuch as thou doubtest so much is diminished of thy trust therefore thou must resist that doubting neither is that to be set forth vnder the specious name of humilitie verily Humilitie ought to arise out of the
consideration of our vnworthinesse in the meane time out of the meditation of the promises of God ought there neuerthelesse a firme confidence to arise Therefore God hath comfort from the hidden seat of his maiesty and hath manifested his will in his word that wee might bee sure of his will Therefore God hath promulged not onely legall promises which haue added vnto them the condition of perfect obedience and therefore to vs are made vnprofitable but also Euangelicall which are frée that with firme confidence of heart we might relye vpon them Rom 4.16 Therefore of faith fréely sayth the Apostle that the promise may bee firme Psa 116.11 Mens promises are vncertaine and doubtfull because euery man is a lyar but the promises of God are certaine and vnmoueable because God is truth it selfe As God is true in threatnings so is he also in promising As without Christ certaine damnation doth hang ouer al vnbeléeuing impenitent persons so in Christ certaine saluation is proposed to all that are conuerted vnto God and beléeuing Cypr. serm 4. de morta pa. 209. Doest thou doubt that these things will come to passe which God promiseth which is true whose word is eternall and firm to them that beléeue If a graue laudable man should promise thée any thing thou wouldst put trust in his promise neither wouldst thou thinke that thou shouldest be deceiued of him whom thou shouldest know to be constant in his words doings Now God speaketh with thée and doest thou perfideously wauer in thine incredulous minde Furthermore attend to the stabilitie of the oath of GOD I liue saith the Lord Ezech. 33.11 I will not the death of a sinner but that hee may be conuerted and liue Verely verely I say vnto you sayth Christ hee which heares my word Iohn 5.25 and beleeues on him which sent mee hath life eternall and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life Verely verely I say vnto you if any man keepe my word hee shall not see death for euer Ioh 8. ●1 This hath God sayd this hath hee promised if that be little hee hath sworne it August in Psal 88. Blessed therefore we for whose sakes God sweareth but O most wretched if we do not beléeue GOD then when hee sweareth Tertul. lib. de poeniten Acknowledge therefore the wonderfull and neuer sufficiently praised mercy of God that he willing to shew more abundantly to the heires of the promise the immutabilitie and immobilitie of his counsell hath added an oath Heb. 6.71 vers 18. that by two vnmoueable things for it cannot come to passe that God should lye we might haue most strong comfort which haue fled to lay hold on the hope that is set before vs. XXVII The want of due preparation The Tempted ALL these things doe easily perswade with me that I doe not doubt of the firmenes of the promises of God in themselues in the meane time I am yet vncertaine whether they be so firme and vnmoueable to me and whether I am in the number of them to whom God doth promise and offer so great things The Comforter NAy but because God promiseth these things to all that flye vnto Christ with true repentance and faith 2 Cor. 4.13 therefore also he promiseth them to thée séeing thou also beléeuest in Christ Attend therefore farther to the inward sealing of the holy Ghost for the spirit doth not only testifie outwardly in the word but also inwardly in thine heart Rom. 8.16 The spirit it selfe giues testimonie to thy spirit that thou art the son of God Gal. 4.6 therefore also an heyre Thou hast receiued the spirit which is of God that thou mayest know the things which are giuen to thée of God He which doth confirme and strengthen thée with all that are truly godly in Christ and hee which hath annoynted thée is God which hath also signed thée and confirmed thée as it were with his seale and giuen the earnest of the spirit in thy heart Because thou art the sonne of God 1 Cor. 2.12 therefore God hath sent the spirit of his sonne into thine hart crying Abba Father Beléeuing the word of truth and the Gospell of saluation thou art sealed by the holy spirit of promise Cap. 4.30 which is the earnest of thine inheritance for the purchased redemption by which thou art sealed against the day of redemption Euen as the Bridegroome which hath giuen the promise of marriage to the Bride giues her an earnest which is a pledge of the marriage to come so God hath espoused or betroathed himself to thée in faith Ose 2.19 he hath betroathed himselfe to thée in mercy Apoc. 19.7 but as yet the marriage of the Lambe doth not appeare therefore hee giues vnto thée the earnest of his holy spirit by which thou mayst be confirmed concerning the fulfilling of the promises and the leading to the heauenly marriage which is to come This is the spirit of Adoption because it doth witnes that thou art adopted for the Son of God This is that seale by which the promises of God are sealed in thy heart this is that earnest by which the word of trueth is confirmed vnto thée 1 Iohn 4.13 By this thou knowest that thou abidest in God and God in thée because he hath giuen to thée of his spirit XXVIII The doubting of the inhabitation of the holy Ghost The Tempted BVT from whence may I be certaine that my heart is the temple and house of the holy Ghost the spots of sinne do cleaue vnto me and I feele that in my flesh dwels no good how therefore shall that holy Spirit which is holynesse and puritie it selfe dwell in mee The Comforter Rom. 8.23 WE receiue the first fruits of the spirit onely in this life wee expect the full measure and perfect tenths hereafter in the life eternall there remaines in this life the wrastling of the flesh and the spirit Rom. 7.14 we remaine as yet in part carnall and sold vnder sinne yet neuerthelesse for the benefit of regeneration and renouation wée are temples of the Holy Ghost Furthermore from thence thou mayest know that the Spirit of God dwels in thée because thou dost bewaile and detest thy sins Sapi. 1.4 2 Cor. 4.13 because that holy Spirit dwels not in the body subiect vnto sinne because thou dost beléeue on Christ and louest him for it is the spirit of faith because thou callest vpon God the most benigne Father with earnest sighes Zach. 13.9 for it is the spirit of grace and prayers and crieth in the hearts of the godly Gal. 4.6 Abba Father because thou art led with the desire of all good for they that are the temples of the holy Ghost are led by him surely to good because thou oft times dost féele a foretaste of eternall life in thy heart Rom. 8.14 for the kingdome of God is not meat and
face of euill peace shall come vnto him hee that walkes vprightly Sap 4.7 shall rest in his Chamber The iust man although hee be preuented by death shall be in refreshing Vers 8. For reuerend olde age stands not in the length of dayes neyther is it reckoned in the number of yeeres Vers 9. The vnderstanding of a man is his gray haires and olde age is the vndefiled life Vers 10. Hee pleased GOD and vvas beloued and liuing amongst sinners hee vvas translated Hee was taken away least vvickednesse should change his vnderstanding Vers 11. and least fayning should deceiue his soule Vers 12. For vvickednesse by bewitching obscureth the things that are good and the vnstedfastnesse of concupiscence peruerteth the simple minde Vers 13. Though hee was soone dead yet fulfilled hee much time for his soule pleased GOD Vers 14. therefore hasted hee to take him away from wickednesse The drye vnhappie Tree vvhich yeelds no fruit Is hewen downe and falling doth condemne Her barren boughes they spare the fruitfull Tree The Law of Heauen 's contrarie Therefore the godly man dies well whether he die in a good age or in the first flower of his youth Sph. Philos c. 36. p. 411. What other thing is our life but strife What is our carkasse but a graue What is our bodie but bonds What is our generation but a thrusting forth into the earth Wilt thou take it in euill part that thou art timely fréed from these euils and bonds By how much the more timely the heauenly Generall doth call thée backe out of the station of this life by so much the sooner doth he place thée into a place of rest peace and victory XXXVII Seruices farther due to the Church The Tempted I Might in my place by mine endeauour such as it is for the time to come further profit the Church of God for this end therefore I could wish that the space of a longer life might be granted vnto me The Comforter ALL this must be commended to Gods disposing that is how long God will haue thée to remaine in health and life for the Ministerie of his Church The words of Ambrose at his death as mentions Posidon in the life of August C. 27. Phil. 1.23 Say therefore with that old Doctor of the Church and well-deseruing Bishop I haue not so liued that I am ashamed to liue amongst you neither yet doe I feare to die because wée haue a good Lord. Hée that hath furnished thée with the gifts of teaching for the profit of his Church knowes also to furnish others with the same Therefore if thou art straightned with the Apostle that thou knowest not which of these two thou shouldest chuse hauing a desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ which is better for thée or to abide in the flesh which is more profitable for the Church know that to die is aduantage to thée but to liue is profit to the Church Rom. 14.7 No man of vs liueth to himselfe and no man dieth to himselfe For whether we liue we liue to the Lord to the end that we may gaine more soules to him in the Church or whether we dye we dye to the Lord that we may obey his fatherly will calling vs out of our station whether therefore we liue or whether we dye we are the Lords that most gentle and mightie Lord Vers 8. from whose loue neither life nor death can separate vs. Thou hast hitherto obeyed the will of the Lord most faithfully spending thy seruices on the Church obey him further most readily embracing his will that calls thée to the societie of the Church triumphant Thou art rightly carefull out of charitie for the encrease of the Church notwithstanding thou oughtest out of faith to commit the care of gouerning and conseruing the Church to God There is nothing here more wholsome nothing better nothing more conformable to pietie then for a man to resigne himselfe wholly to the will of God and to commend the full power of disposing of our life death to him with godly prayers Bern. in meditat de votiss c. 6. Col. 1196. Psa 37.5 One of these two things we may vndoubtedly hope for either hée will giue vs that which we aske or that which he knoweth to be more profitable Commend thy way to the Lord and hope in him and he will doe it XXXVIII Shortnesse of life drawne on by our owne accord or our life abridged by our owne default The Tempted I Feare least that I haue made my life shorter by my sinnes how then can I hope for the presence and helpe of God in death they that are guiltie of their owne death shall not finde a better life after death The Comforter AYe but that is to be vnderstoode of them which out of impatience lay violent hands vpon themselues and compell their soule to goe out of the house of their body against the will of GOD farre be such a purpose from thy pietie August 1. de ciu Dei ●● 26 for it is lawfull for no man to bring vpon himselfe voluntarie death as it were desiring to escape temporall troubles least he fall into the euerlasting this is lawfull for no man for other mens sinnes least he begin to haue this most heauie sinne his owne whom other mens sinnes did not pollute this is lawfull for no man for sinnes past for which he hath more néede of this life that by repentance they may be healed this is lawfull for no man for the desire of a better life which is expected after death because they that are guiltie of their owne death shall not finde a better life after death But if thy minde be troubled with those thoughts that thou hast made thy life shorter by immoderate vse of meate or drinke or by any other disorder bewaile this with earnest sighes and place all thy trust on Christes merit conceiuing firmely a purpose of a better life and GOD will be mercifull to thine iniquities which hath promised pardon of all their offences to them that truly repent Manasses a man of bloud had broken off the thread of his life yet earnestly repenting he hath obtained the glorie of the eternall life Luk. 23.41 The Thiefe on the Crosse had receiued things worthie of his doing yet being earnestly conuerted vnto God hée entred into Paradise with Christ Gen. 3.15 And had not our first Parents drawne death vpon themselues and all their posteritie neuerthelesse embracing that Euangelicall promise of the bruiser of the Serpents head they were lifted vp againe by quickning consolation The word of Ambrose to Theodosius the Emperour Wherefore if thou hast followed these in their sinnes follow them also repenting with teares The hand of God is not yet shortned neither hath his mercie failed in the number of yéeres the gate of indulgence is not yet shalte séeing there is yet graunted a time of repentance XXXIX