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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47465 The display of glorious grace, or, The covenant of peace opened in fourteen sermons lately preached, in which the errors of the present day about reconciliation and justification are detected / by Benjamin Keach. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1698 (1698) Wing K58; ESTC R19782 172,719 330

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in time this is done absolutely in God's bestowing Grace and the Gifts of the Promise to dead Creatures or to Sinners as Sinners In whom as saith our Worthy Author there is an absolute Impossibility of performing the least entitling Act to the Promise There can be nothing freer than Life to a dead Creature neither doth Life give a Title to Action but it is the Principle of Action III. All the Promises of the Covenant in the Promulgation of it in its Original Nature and as respecting us expresses the Tenour of it as most Free and Absolute Thus it was to Adam to Abraham to David and to us I will be your God and you shall be my People It is not you shall have Peace upon the Condition that you do this or that ye shall be Pardon'd or then be Justified No but quite otherwise But he that worketh not but believeth on him that Justifieth the Vngodly 'T is not by our Obedience or Duties but by the Promises that we partake of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 c. All is given absolutely of Free Grace True there are in the Covenant Conditions of Connexion if a Man believes he shall be saved But who gives that Faith Is it not God Pray observe that Jesus Christ hath made our Peace and Faith to receive the Atonement is given as an absolute Promise Is not the Spirit so given And pray doth not God give the Spirit before Faith can be exerted by us Is not Faith the Fruit of the Spirit And doth not the Fruit proceed from the Seed and the Act flow from the Habit Brethren beware of them that Preach Peace to you upon a Conditional Covenant the Condition they speak of is your Repentance Faith Regeneration and Obedience And alas who is able to perform these hard Conditions Besides this is to turn the Covenant of Grace into a Covenant of Works you must work for Justification and Peace if you will have it nay and you shall be no further Justified nor have Peace than you are Sanctified if you believe these Mens Gospel But we say that Peace is made and God hath promised that he will give the Spirit even pour it out upon Sinners he first pours out the Spirit of Grace and then the Sinners believe or look to him whom they pierced and receive the Blessing of Peace or have the Minifestation of it to their Consciences There is no Condition saith Reverend Cotton before Faith but a Condition of Misery a lost Condition These Men render God like Pharaoh's Task-masters who would have their Tale of Brick but find the Israelites no straw They will not have Sinners to have Peace without doing that for it which indeed no Man is able to do But O! let poor lost Souls look up to Christ wait on him attend on his Word cry to him who hath received Gifts for the Rebellious also i. e. the Gift of the Spirit the Gift or rather the Grace of Faith the Gift of Righteousness Will you have a Righteousness wrought out of your own Bowels or by doing or have none at all Will you be saved by Works and not by Grace But to proceed 5. The Absoluteness of the Covenant saith this Author appears as to us in that all the Foederal Intitling Conditions contained in it are found in another i. e. in Christ and not in us neither wrought in us nor by us for whatsoever is wrought in us is of Free Grace My Brethren Doth a Child contribute any thing to its own Formation in the Womb Alas What is in us before we are Born again And of his own Will begat he us c. Object But doth not the Gospel require Faith and Repentance as the Condition of Justification and Eternal Life 1 Answ. I told you but even now there are Conditions of Connexion by way of order and dependance of things one upon another As in Logick saith the same Reverend Divine if a Creature be a Man he is a Rational Creature or if God be the first Cause he is the Creator of all things And in this sence saith he Creation is a Condition of Salvation if a Man be Saved he must be Created So if a Man believe he shall be Saved believing is a Condition of Connexion a State of Grace is thus a Condition to a State of Glory by way of Connexion in the Promise but one is not the Foederal Condition of another but both come in as the Gift of Grace in this sence the Covenant contains all the Conditions of Order and Dependance in the Exhibition and Performance the hearing the Word is the Condition of Faith but hearing is not a Foederal Condition so the giving the Spirit is the Condition of Union to Christ and Faith and Faith the Condition of receiving of Pardon and living in Holiness and the giving of Pardon the Condition of receiving it and Holiness the Condition of seeing God and of having Eternal Happiness but these kind of Conditions are not Foederal Intitling Conditions to the Promise but are contained in the Promise and denote the Connexion and Dependance of one promised Benefit upon another 2. God requires Faith and Repentance of them that shall be saved but 1. Not that the Creature can do either of these of himself but to shew he will work Faith and Repentance in all whom he will save or as he hath ordained the End so he hath also ordained the Means 2. But not that either of these are procuring or Foederal Conditions of the Covenant blessings or of Salvation because all the Graces of the Spirit are contained in the Covenant as part of it therefore neither Faith Repentance Regeneration as the Creatures Part or Work can be Conditions of it These Men call Faith c. such a Condition that the Mercies granted are suspended till we perform the Condition It is therefore saith he no more than an Act of ours True we have a good Bargain as a Man that gives but Twenay Guineas of his own Purchases an Hundred Pounds per Annum Brethren as our Author observes We must distinguish of the Ministry of Reconciliation in respect of the Letter of it and the Spirit of it 1 Cor. 3.6 in the Letter of it or meer external Dispensation it kills because the Sinner looks upon all these Conditions of dependance Foederal Conditions but the Spirit in its Ministry is absolute according to the Original Contract and the fullest Discovery in its highest freedom therefore the Apostle says The Spirit giveth Life The believing Corinthians are said to be the Epistle of Christ written and transcribed from the Original-Covenant Contract Not with Ink but with the Spirit of the Living God Therefore From hence we must distinguish between the Covenant in its Absolute Tenure and the Ministry thereof which is Conditionally dispensed according to the Connexion Order and Dependance of good Things contained in the Promise to a mix'd People The Effects of
the Fallen Angels he had not been unjust if all Adam's Posterity had been cast into Hell and not one Soul saved as he is not unjust in throwing all the fallen Angels into Hell for ever without affording one of them any Relief Redemption or hope of Recovery neither is he obliged to save the whole Lump of Mankind either in a way of Justice or Mercy because he is pleased to save a remnant of them God was at the liberty of his Will whether he would make this World or not it was I mean the only Act of his Sovereignty its actual existence in time was according to his absolute Decree and Purpose from Everlasting and according to his absolute Sovereignty he governs and disposes of all things and may do what he will with his own All Nations tremble before him whom he would he slew and whom he would he kept alive The most High doth according to his Will in the Armies of Heaven and among the Inhabitants of the Earth and none can stay his hand or say unto him what dost thou So he hath mercy upon whom he will have mercy and compassion on whom he will have compassion and whom he will he hardeneth He called Abraham and revealed himself to him and let the most of Mankind in his days remain ignorant of him as to Salvation by Jesus Christ He also entred into a Covenant with the Seed of Abraham and gave them his Laws and Ordinances he did not do so to any other Nation And in Gospel Times he called a few poor and illiterate Fishermen and such like Persons and let the Pharisees and Learned Rabbins remain under the power of Sin and Satan and all this as the act of his own absolute Sovereignty and Good Pleasure of his Will as our Lord sheweth At that time Jesus answered and said I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to Babes Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight So now at this day he sends the Gospel into one Nation and not into another and then also in such Nations where the Gospel is Preached it is but here and there clearly opened Nay and many who come under the powerful Ministration of the Gospel have it only come unto them in Word that which is the savour of life unto life to some is the savour of Death unto Death to others Now from whence is all this but meerly from the Sovereignty of God or good pleasure of his Will for It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy God's special Love and Election is not from any Man 's willing or running it riseth not from Natural Powers emproved not from his Desires Good Deeds or Good Inclinations or from the fore-sight of his Faith and Obedience but from and of God's meer Mercy Sovereign Grace and Favour The Truth is to deny God to have the power of his own Free Act in dispensing his own Sovereign Bounty is to Eclipse his Glory and to render him to have less Sovereign Power than that which he hath given and alloweth to Mankind May not a Man shew his Favour and Goodness in redeeming a few Captives out of a Multitude who wilfully brought themselves into Bondage but he must redeem them all or be unjust Or cannot a Man give a bountiful Gift to One or Two poor Men in a Parish but he must bestow like Bounty to all the Poor in the said Parish Or can't a King contrive and enter into a Covenant of Peace for a few Rebels that have with a Multitude of others taken up Arms against him but he must be charged with Injustice because he did not extend like Favour in the said Covenant to them all sure no Man in his right Senses will deny him this Liberty And now Shall not GOD have like power to dispense his Sovereign Grace to whom he pleaseth who is said to do all things according to the pleasure of his own Will and eternal purpose in Jesus Christ Proposition VII And from hence it appeareth That the Covenant of Peace is the Covenant of Grace For tho the Covenant of Peace in respect had to Christ as our Mediatour Head and Surety was upon the Condition of his Merits yet as to the Design End and Purpose of it in respect of us it was only an act of Pure Grace hence said to be according to the good pleasure of his Will Ephes. 1.5 And to the praise of the glory of his Grace v. 6. 1. It was the Free Grace of God the Father to vouchsafe us a Substitute a Saviour a Mediator of this Peace and to Choose Ordain and Appoint his own Son to be the Person and to accept him in our stead Oh! What Favour is this God so loved the World c. 2. And it was the Free Grace of God the Son to engage himself to the Father to enter into this Covenant to make our Peace the Glory of Both Persons equally shine forth to the amazement of all in Heaven and Earth the Counsel of Peace was between them both 3. Nay my Brethren the Free and Rich Grace of God in this Covenant is to be adored even as to the Main and Ultimate End and Design thereof Not according to our Works but according to his own Purpose and Grace which was given to us in Christ before the World began The whole Contrivance Foundation and Rise of this Covenant of Peace is of love and Grace Neither do we receive any Grace from God in Time but as it results from the Covenant of Peace made with us in Christ before all Time But this I purpose to enlarge upon further when I come to open the nature of the Covenant Proposition VIII And as the Covenant of Peace is the Govenant of Grace so it results from God as an act of Infinite Mercy It is therefore a merciful Covenant it was not made with Man considered in his State of Innocency for Man as so considered could not be the Object of God's Mercy for tho God appeared very good and gracious to us in our First Creation and as we came out of his Hands and that many ways Yet such was our Happy State that we stood then in no need of Mercy for where Mercy is shewed it is to such that are in Misery but before Man fell he knew no Misery Pain or Sorrow but when God first cast his Eyes upon us and entered into this Covenant of Peace with his own Son for us he saw us lie in our Bloud and fallen under his Divine Wrath and Anger and this indeed the very name of the Covenant of Peace doth import There was no need of Peace had there not been a War or a fearful Breach between God and us and that this Covenant results from God's great Mercy read again
with the Strong because he poured out his Soul unto Death All Power is given to me in Heaven and Earth He shall strike through Kings in the Day of his Wrath. But we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of Death Crowned with Glory and Honour And he shall bring all his to Glory too For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many Sons to Glory to make the Captain of their Salvation perfect through Sufferings As this was promised by the Father to him and to us in him so he as our Surety engaged to bring it to pass or to make it good unto us Object If Jesus Christ entered into Bonds for us and that by virtue of the Sanction of the Law of Works was obliged as our Surety to suffer for our Sins doth it not follow that he was Surety of the Covenant of Works And how then is it said He was Surety of a better Covenant 1 Answ. Tho Christ was obliged as our Surety to fulfil the Covenant of Works or of perfect Obedience yet he was not Surety of the Covenant of Works because he did not undertake that we should perfectly keep the Law in our own Persons which he must have done had he been Surety of the Law of Works but that he would keep that Law for us and therefore it was another and better Covenant 2. The Covenant of Works was made betwixt God and Man without a Surety the Covenant of Grace is made betwixt God the Father and Jesus Christ as our Surety for us therefore another and better Covenant These Men plead for a Covenant of Grace made betwixt God and us distinct from the Covenant of Redemption in which Christ as our Surety engaged that we shall keep the New Law of Faith and sincere Obedience Christ having abolished the Law of perfect Obedience and merited this mild Law c. 1 Answ. Tho the Law as a Covenant of Works Do this and Live is taken away yet as a Law or Rule of perfect Obedience it remains for ever As the Reverend Mr. Cross hath fully proved 2. As to their New Law it brings in Justification by Works and such Works too that are attended with Sin or Imperfections and therefore their Doctrine is to be abhorred See Mr. Clark's New Book but more of this hereafter IV. I shall shew that Christ's Suretiship greatly differs from Suretiship among Men. 1. A Surety among Men is not of the Creditor's but of the Debtor's procurement But the Surety of the Covenant of Peace was of God's procurement who is Man's Creditor or rather offended Creator God as an Act of Infinite Wisdom Love and Mercy found him I have found a Ransom Moreover the Father Chose him Called him and Anointed him to be the Mediator and Surety of this Covenant as hath been fully proved Therefore it doth not follow that so soon as our Surety struck Hands or just when he laid down the Price all God's Elect must actually be acquited For should a Creditor find a Surety for the Debtor all must confess it is in his choice how and when the Debtor should be actually acquited Moreover 't is evident that we had no actual Existence when Christ struck Hands for us besides it was for such that he foresaw would fall under Sin Wrath and Condemnation and Christ did not become a Surety to keep the Elect from falling under Wrath and the Sentence of Death but to recover them out of that State Justification presupposeth we were once Charged and Condemned 2. A Surety and Debtor among Men both enter into the same Bond and the Debtor is look'd upon the principal Bondsman But Christ's single Bond in this Covenant is accepted for all here is a Change of Persons God leaves out our Names and puts in Christ's Name that the Debt Satisfaction and Curse might fall upon him alone See Dr. Goodwin He was made Sin for us Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us he was wounded for our Transgressions And now Jesus Christ here by puting his Name unto this Bond is become the principal Debtor and is wholly obliged to pay and satisfie for all the Sins of God's Elect his Suretiship hath swallowed up the offending Debtors Obligation to satisfie Law and Justice Object Doth it not then follow we need not be concerned to keep or fulfil the Law Answ. We are not to be concerned to keep the Law to that end Christ kept it i. e. not to be Justified by it for so it is removed but the Moral Law as a perfect Rule of Righteousness obligeth us to perpetual Obedience it being so unchangable a Law 3. Among Men when the Surety makes a full satisfaction for Debtors the said Debtors cannot be said to receive their Release or Discharge as an Act of Grace and Favour but as an Act of Justice only But Jesus Christ in the Covenant of Peace makes full Satisfaction for us and yet we receive our Release and Discharge as an Act of Grace and Favour alone 1. In that God and not we found the Surety which was an Act of his own Sovereign Grace he being wholly at Liberty whether he would save Man or not So that our Discharge through the Satisfaction of Christ must needs primarily and originally flow out of pure Grace Favour Love and Pity of God to us Had Man found the Surety it had been otherwise 2. Because the Surety being the only begotten Son of God it is a farther Demonstration of Infinite Love and Favour to us in that God should substitute him in our stead and dispence with the rigorous Action of Satisfaction from us and take it from our Surety as put in our Law-place 3. Because God that he might work about our Discharge in a way of Grace and Mercy to the Honour of his Justice c. made his own Son a Sacrifice for our Sins 4. Because that Interest we have in that Redemption Pardon Peace and Reconciliation by Christ's Undertakings is freely bestowed on us as an Act of God's Sovereign Grace and Goodness for as Christ purchased all Grace for us so as an Act of God's Favour and Christ's Purchase and Merits he gives us the Spirit and Faith in order to our actual Interest in all Covenant Blessings so that altho it all is in a way of Justice as to Christ yet it is all in a way of Mercy and Free-Grace as to us 5. In that God accepted of Christ as a Surety for us who deserved no Pity we having wilfully forefeited our vast Inheritance and were become his Vile Enemies and rebels against him 6. Because Christ became our Surety from whom he could expect no after Recompence or Satisfaction for that vast Sum he laid down for us he never expected any Recompence from us for the Debt paid 7. Because we are not only pardoned and have