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mercy_n faith_n grace_n repentance_n 2,335 5 7.5639 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A26693 A most familiar explanation of the Assemblies shorter catechism wherein their larger answers are broken into lesser parcels, thereby to let in the light by degrees into the minds of the learners : to which is added in the close, a most brief help for the necessary but much neglected duty of self-examination to be daily perused : and to this is subjoined a letter of Christian counsel to a destitute flock / by Jos. Allaine. Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Shorter catechism. 1674 (1674) Wing A974; ESTC R25230 60,470 184

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perfectly to keep them A. In this life Q. May not we keep them sincerely in this life A. Yes Q. How cannot we keep them then in this life A. Not perfectly Q. Do we break Gods Commandments A. Yes Q What daily and con●inually A. Yes Q. In what A. In thought word and deed Q. 82. Are all transgressions of the Law equally heinous A. Some sins in themselves and by reason of several aggravations are more heinous in the sight of God than others Q. What do you mean by more heinous A. More grievous and more offensive in the sight of God Q. How many ways may some sins be more grievous and hein●us than others A. Two ways viz. 1. Of themselves and of their own nature 2. By reason of their aggravations Q What do you mean by aggravations A. Such circumstances as do make a sin to be greater then without them it were Q. Do sins grow greater then of themselves they were by their aggravating or heightning circumstances as for example from the time when the place where the manner in which the means by which the reason why the person by whom the person against whom they are committed A. Yes Q. And are some sins of themselves or in their own nature more heinous than others As the highest sins against the First Table more heinous than the highest against the Second Table A. Yes Q. And wilful sins more heinous then fins of infirmity sins against knowledg then those of ignoranc sins ripened into action then sins begun in the thoughts and sins of custom and delibertion then those committed through some sudden passion and instant force of temptation A. Yes Qu. 82. What doth every sin deserve A. Every sin deserveth Gods wrath and curse both in this life and that which is to come Q. What is it that deserveth Gods wrath and cu●se A. Sin Q What sin A. Every sin Q. What the least sin A. Yes Q. What an evil thought or an idle word A. Yes Q. What is the just deserts of the least sin A. Gods wrath and curse Q. When doth sin deserve Gods wrath and curse to be inflicted on man A. Both in this life and that which is to come Q. 83. What doth God require of us that we may escape his wrath and curse due to us for sin A. To escape the wrath and curse of God due to us for sin God requireth of us Faith in Jesus Christ repentance unto life with the diligent use of all the outward means whereby Christ communicateth to us the benefits of Redemption Q. Is Gods wrath and curse due to us A. Yes Q. For what A. For sin Q. Is there any way to escape this wrath and curse A. Yes Q. Is there any thing required on our part to escape them A. Yes Q. What A. Faith Repentance and a diligent use of means Q. And doth he require repentance as well as Faith of us or hath Christ repented and believed for us A. He requireth them of us Q. Who communicates to us the benefits of redemption A. Christ. Q. What do you mean by communicating them to us A. Conveying them or imparting them to us Q. Doth he communicate or convey his benefits by means or without means A. By means Q. Doth he make use of any outward means to communicate or convey his benefits to us A. Yes Q. What benefits doth he by these means convey unto us A. The benefits of redemption Q. And cannot we escape without the use of these means A. No. Q. What kind of use must we make of these means A. A diligent use Q. May we neglect them and yet escape A. No. Q. Or will a careless use of them be enough A. No. Q. Why doth God require of us Faith and Repentance and the diligent use of the outward means A. That we may escape his wrath and curse due to us for sin Q. 84. What is faith in Jesus Christ A. Faith in Jesus Christ is a saving grace whereby we receive and rest upon him alone for salvation as he is offered to us in the Gospel Q. In whom must our Faith be A. In Jesus Christ. Q. Is Faith in Christ a common or a saving grace A. A saving grace Q. What do we do by Faith A. Thereby we receive and rest upon Christ Q. What do we receive by Faith only the benef●●s of Christ A. No. Q. What himself A. Yes Q. And doth faith rest upon Christ A. Yes Q. Upon any other besides Christ A. No. Q. Or upon any other together with Christ A. No. Q. Doth it receive and rest upon him alone A. Yes Q. For what doth Faith receive and rest upon Christ alone A. For salvation Q. Is Faith only the believing that Christ died for sinners A. No. Q. Or is it the believing that he died in particular for me to save me A. No. Q. Is it the receiving and resting upon Christ alone for salvation A. Yes Q. Is Christ offered to us A. Yes Q. Where A. In the Gospel Q. And doth true faith take or receive an offered Christ A. Yes Q. How doth it take him A. As he is offered in the Gospel Q. Is Christ offered to us in the Gospel as our King Priest and Prophet A. Yes Q. And is it not true faith except we thus take Christ as he is offered A. No. Q. Doth faith enable us to take Christ as a King to be ruled by him alone A. Yes Q. And as a Priest to be saved by him alone A. Yes Q. And as a Prophet to be guided by him alone A. Yes Q. And have not they true faith that do not take Christ in all these respects A. No. Q. 85. What is Repentance unto life A. Repentance unto life is a saving grace whereby a sinner out of the true sense of his sin and apprehension of the mercy of God in Christ doth with grief and hatred of his sin turn from it unto God with full purpose of and endeavour after new obedience Q. What repentance is here described A. Repentance unto life Q. Why is it called Repentance unto life A. Because God hath promised us life upon our repentance Q What do we in repentance turn from A. From sin Q. What do we turn unto A. Unto God Q. Doth it turn the heart A. Yes Q. And doth it turn the life A. Yes Q. And doth true repentance chiefly lie in our turning frrom sin unto God both in heart and life A. Yes Q. How doth the penitent turn from sin unto God A. With grief for and hatred of it Q. Is there never true repentance without real grief for sin A. No. Q. Is it not true repentance to forbear sin out of fear except there be also an hatred of it A. No. Q. Whence doth this grief for and hatred of sin arise in the sinner A. Out of the true sight of sin and apprehension of the mercy of God in Christ. Q. Can there be no true repentance without a true sight
and discovery of sin A. No. Q. Will it be despair and not repentance except with the sight of sin there be an apprehension at least of a possibility of mercy A. Yes Q. In and through whom doth the Penitent sinner apprehend some hope of mercy A. In and through Christ. Q. Doth he see any hope in himself his own duties and deservings A. No. Q. What purp●ses doth true Repentance make the sinner to take up A. A purpose of new obedience Q. Will true Repentance stand with a purpose to go on in sin A. No. Q. Doth it always bring forth a purpose of new Obedience A. Yes Q. Doh it bring forth a wavering and unsetled purpose only A. No. Q. What purpose then A. A full purpose Q. And is it an idle and ineffectual purpose A. No. Q. What is this sincere purpose of obedience i●yned with A. Endeavour after it Q. 83. What are the outward means whereby Christ communicateth to us the benefits of Redemption A. The outward and ordinary means whereby Christ communicateth to us the benefits of Redemption are his Ordinances especially the Word Sacraments and Prayer all which are made effectual to the Elect for salvation Q. Are Christs Ordinances the means whereby he communicates to us the benefits of Redemption A. Yes Q. What do you mean by Christs Ordinances A. The means or ways of worship ordained by him Q. What are the special Ordinances whereby he communicates to us his benefits A. The Word Sacraments and P●aye● Q What kind of means are these A The outward and ordinary means Q ●ay Christ extraordinarily make use of other means when men are not capable of receiving benefits by these means A. Yes Q. May men ordinarily expect salvation without the use of these means A. No. Q. Are there any other inward means besides that which Christ doth make use of A. Yes Q. To whom are these means made effectual A. To the Elect. Q. What are these means rightly used effectual to them for A. For Salvation Q. 87. How is the Word made effectual to Salvation A. The Spirit of God maketh the rea●ing but especially the preaching of the Word an ●ff●ctual means of convincing and conver●ing sinners and of building them up in aholiness nd comfort through faith unto salvation Q. Who is it that makes the Word effectual to salvation A. The Spirit of God Q. In what kind of exercises of the word doth the spirit use to make it effectual A. In the reading but especially in the preaching of the word Q. Will not the word be effectual without the working of the spirit A. No. Q. How is it effectual to sinners A. To convince and convert them Q What do you mean by convincing of them A. Giving them a lively sight and sense of their sins and misery Q. What do you mean by converting of them A. Turning them from sin unto God Q. How is it made effectual to the Saints A. To build them up Q. What do you mean by building them up A. A furthering strengthning and encreasing them Q Wherein doth the word build them up A. In holiness and comfort Q To what doth the word thus build them up A. To salvation Q Through what means A. Through Faith Q. Will not the word profit us then except it be mixed with Faith A. No. Q. Is the conviction conversion sanctification and consolation of sinners the work of the Spirit by the word through faith A. Yes Q. 88. How is the Word to be read and heard that it may become effectual to salvation A. That the word may become effectual to salvation we must attend thereunto with diligence preparation and prayer receive it with saith and love lay it up in your hearts and practise it in our lives Q. How must we attend upon the word A. With diligence preparation and praver Q. Must we come diligently and frequently to the hearing and reading of it A. Yes Q. And must we observe it and attend to it with diligence when we do read or hear it A. Yes Q. Will negligent slight and seldom attendance upon the word be sufficient A No. Q Is prayer necessary to the making of the word effectual A. Yes Q. Do we not rightly attend upon the word except we make preparation for it before we come A. No. Q What must we pray before we come to it and after we have been at it A. Yes Q And how must we receive it A. With faith and love Q. What is it to receive the word with faith A. Soundly to believe the truth and goodness of it and accept of both Q. What is it to receive it with love A. Lovingly and willingly to embrace it Q. What must we do with it when we have received it A. Lay it up Q. Where in our heads only A. In our hearts Q. Will it nothing avail us to attend to it receive it and retain it except we practise it in our lives A. No. Q. Will the word be effectual to our salvation if thus attended to and received thus laid up and practised A. Yes Q. 89. How do the Sacraments become effectual means of salvation A. The Sacraments become effectual means of salvation not from any virtue in them or in him that doth administer them but only by the blessing of Christ and the working o his Spirit in them that by saith receive them Q. How do they not become effectual A. Not from any virtue in them or in him that doth administer them Q. Doth the efficacy of the Sacraments depend upon the goodness or badness of him that doth administer them A. No. Q. Is the efficacy of the sacraments from themselves or do they work upon the soul by own own nature A. No. Q. By what do they become effectual A. Only by the blessing of Christ. Q. How doth Christ bless the Sacrament that it may become effectual to us A. By the working of his Spirit Q. Are the Sacraments thus blessed and made effectual unto all A. No. Q. To whom then are they effectual A. To them that by faith receive them Q Do not the Sacraments profit them that are in unbelief and either have not or use not Faith to receive them A. No. Q. 90. What is a Sacament A. A Sacrament is an holy Ordinance institued by Christ wherein by 〈◊〉 signs Christ and the benefits of therew Covenant are represented sealed and ●pplied to believers Q. Is the Sacrament a civil Ordinance or an holy Ordinance A. An holy Ordinance Q. By whom are the 〈◊〉 A By Christ. Q. What do you mean by being instituted by Christ A. Appointed and ordained by Christ. Q. What are the parts of a Sacrament A. The sign and the thing signified Q. What is the outward part of the Sacrament A. The outward and sensible sign Q. Do the signs offer themselves to the senses A. Yes Q. And offer the things signified to our Faith A. Yes Q. Are they empty signs useless and unprofitable A. No. Q. What