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A22612 The confessyon of the fayth of the Germaynes exhibited to the moste victorious Emperour Charles the. v. in the Councell or assemble holden at Augusta the yere of our Lorde. 1530. To which is added the apologie of Melancthon who defendeth with reasons inuincible the aforesayde confesyon translated by Rycharde Tauerner at the commaundeme[n]t of his master Thomas Cromwel chefe Secretarie to the kynges grace.; Augsburg Confession. English. Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560. Apologia Confessionis Augustanae. English. aut; Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575. 1536 (1536) STC 908; ESTC S109256 233,060 428

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Christian men to bere officies and authorities to excercise iudgementes to iudge thinges accordinge to themperours lawes or other presēt lawes of kynges and rulers to execute due punyshmentes by the lawe to holde batel or warre by the lawe to be a soudiour to cōtracte or bargayn by the lawe to holde a thīge in proprietie to take an othe when officers do lawefully require it to mary a wyfe to take an husbande They condempne the Anabaptistes whiche inhibite forbydde these ciuile offyces to christen men They dāpne also those whiche do not putte the perfection of the gospell in the dreade of god and faythe but in leauynge forsakynge or gyuynge ouer of polytike and ciuile offyces For the gospel teacheth the eternal rightwisnes of the harte So that it destroyeth not the politike and ciuile gouernaunce but chiefly requireth the conseruation of the same as good ordenaūces of god to exercise and practise charitie in suche ordenaunces Therfore necessariely Christen men ought to obey theyr gouernours and their lawes saue whē they commaunde sin for then they be rather bounden to obey god thā man as it is sayed ī the fyfte chap. of the Actes Also they teach that Christ shal appere ī the ende of the worlde to iudge and shall rayse vp agayne all that be deade and shall gyue to the godly and electe people euerlastynge lyfe perpetuall ioyes but the wycked men and deuilles ●e shal condēpne to be tormēted with out ende They dāpne the Anabaptistes which thinke that the payne of euyl men and of deuylles shal haue an ende They dampne also other whiche nowe a dayes do sowe abrode iuda●cal opinions that before the Resurrectiō of the deade the wicked shal be oppressed in euery place the good men shal occupy possesse the kingdome of the world Of fre wyl they teache that mans wyll hath some libertie to worke ciuile outwarde rightwysnes and to chose out thinges subiecte vnto reason but it hath nat myght without the holy goste to do the ryghtwisnes of god or spiritual ryghtuousnes ●or a man lefte to the power of his owne soule whō Paule calleth animalem hominem perceyueth not the thynges that be of the spirite of god but this ryghtwisnes is framed and made in the hartes whē the holy gost is cōceyued by the worde This sayeth Austyne with lyke wordes ī his thyrde boke of hypognosticon We graunt sayth S. Austyne that euery man hauynge reasonable iudgement hathe free wyll not that he is able in thīges perteyning to god without god ether to begyn or at the leste waye to make an ende but only in the warkes of this presēt life aswele good as euyl In good warkes I say which do issue forth of the goodnes of nature as to wyl to labour in the felde to wyll to eate and drynke to wyll to haue a frēde to wyl to haue clothīge to wyl to make a house to wyll to marye a wyfe to noryshe beastes to learne a crafte of diuerse good thinges to wyll whatsoeuer good thynge apperteyneth to thys presente lyfe of the whiche thinges none hathe beinge without the gouernaunce of god yea of hym and by hī they be and began to be Euyll workes I say as to wyll to honour an Image or Idolle to do manslaughter c̄ They dampne the Pelagians other which teache that without the holie ghoste onely by strengthe of nature we may loue god aboue all thinges do the preceptes of god as touching the substaunce of the actes as they cal it For though nature can some what do the outwarde workes for nature maye kepe her hande frome killinge of mē yet she cā nat worke the inwarde motyons as the dreade of god the trust in god chastite pacience c̄ Of the cause of syn they teach that although god doth create conserue nature yet the cau●● of synne is the wyll of them that be euyl that is to say of the deuyll of the wycked men which wyll when god helpeth not turneth it selfe frō god as Christ sayth in the eyght chap. of Iohn̄ when he speaketh a lye he speaketh of hī selfe Our techers be falsely accused that they prohibite and forbidde good workes For their writynges whiche go abrode of the .x. commaundementes and other of lyke matter do witnes that they haue taught profytably of all kyndes of lyuinge offices as what kyndes of lyuinge what workes do please god in euery callinge Of which thīges prechers heretofore spake but litle only they magnifyed and did set forth chyldishe and vnnecessary warkes as certeyne holy dayes certayne fastinges fraternities guyldes or brotherhedes pylgrymages worshippynges of sayntes rosaries entringe into relygion and such other lyke Our aduersaries throughe our monition do nowe vnlearne leaue thys gere so that they preach not these vnprofytable workes so moche as they dyd before Furthermore they beginne to make mention of faythe of the whiche nowe this great while hathe bene meruelous sylence all though they cease not to obscure and darken the doctrine of faythe in that they leaue mens cōsciences in a doubt bydding thē purchase remission of synnes with warkes But they teache not that throughe Christe by only faythe we may be sure to haue remyssyon of synne For as moche therfore as the doctrine of faythe whiche ought to be the chiefeste and principal in the churche hath lyen so longe vnknowen as we muste all nedes confesse that of the ryghtuousnes of faythe most depe and profounde sylence hath bene in preachinges that allouly the doctrine of workes hath bene exercised and cōuersaūt in churches therfore I say our teachers haue warned monished the churches of faythe in thys wyse as foloweth fyrste that our workes can nat reconcile god vnto vs or deserue remyssyon of synnes and grace and iustifycation but thys we gette only by faythe beleuynge that only for Christes sake we be receyued into fauour who only is sette forth and purposed vnto vs a mediatour a mercy stocke by whō the father is reconciled and his fauour goten agayne Therfore he that trusteth to deserue fauour or grace with workes despyseth the meryte grace of Christe and seketh a way and cummynge to God with mannes power without Christ where as Christe sayde of hymselfe I am the waye the truthe and the lyfe This doctryne of fayth is euery where treated in Paule as to the Eph. 2. by grace ye are made sa●e throughe faythe and that not of your selfe it is the gyft of god not of workes c̄ But here leste peraduenture a man wolde make cauillations and craftely lay for hym selfe agaynst vs that we haue deuised and founde out this newe interpretatyon of Paule I saye that all thys cause or matter hath for the mayntenance of it the authoritie and witnes of olde and aunciente fathers For S. Austyne in many volumes defendeth grace rightuousnes of fayth agaynst merites of workes
him Thys cōtempt doth marre al theyr good workes for god iudgeth the harte Finally this is very vnaduysedly wrytten of our aduersaryes that men gyltye of eternall punyshement deserue remyssyon of synnes by the acte of loue sythe it is not possyble to loue god onles we fyrste purchase forgiuenes of sinnes by fayth for it is ympossyble for an harte whiche in dede felethe the ire of god to loue god before he perceyue hym pacyfyed I saye so longe as god feareth vs and semeth to cast vs frō hym into eternall dethe mans nature can not lyfte vp it selfe to loue the angrye iuge punysher It is easye for euyll persons to fayne these dreames of loue that a mortall synner maye loue god aboue all thynges for they fele not what is the ire or iudgemente of god But in the trouble of conscyence and in the very conflycte there the conscyence proue howe false theyr phylosophycal conclusyons be Paule saythe ☞ The lawe workethe anger ☜ he saythe not that by the lawe men deserue remyssyon of synnes for the lawe alwaye accuseth the conscyence and put it in feare Ergo it iustifyeth not for the cōscience terrified by the lawe fleeth the iudgement of god wherefore they erre that truste to wynne remyssyon of synnes be the workes of the lawe Thys suffyseth of the iustyce of reasō or lawe which the aduersaries teache for here after when we shall shewe our mynde of the iustyce of fayth ▪ the matter it selfe shal constrayne vs to bryng out more recordes whiche maye also helpe to destroye the erroures of our aduersaryes here to fore aledged Bycause therfore that men can not by theyr owne powers do the lawe of god and bycause all be vnder synne and condemned to euerlastynge dethe for thys cause we can not be delyuered from syn by the lawe nor be iustyfyed but the promyse of remissyon of synnes and of iustyfycatyon is geuen for Chryst who is geuen for vs to satysfy for the synnes of the worlde and is set vp as a medyator and a pourger of sinnes This promyse hathe no condycyon annexed of our merites but freely offereth forgyuenes of synnes and iustyfycatyon as Paule sayth ☞ Yf by workes Ergo it is no grace ☜ And in an other plase ☞ The iustyce of god is nowe declared without the lawe ☜ that is remyssyon of synnes shulde hange on our merytes and the reconciliation shuld be by the lawe so it were vnprofytable for we can not do the lawe it shulde also ensue that the promyse of reconcilement shuld neuer chaunce vnto vs. Thus reasoneth Paule Rom. 4. ☞ Yf our enherytaunce shuld cum by the lawe voyde were our fayth and the promyse were of none effecte For yf the promyse shulde requyre a condycyon annexed of our merytes and of the lawe syth we neuer fulfyll the lawe it shulde folowe that the promyse were vnprofytable But syth it is so ▪ that iustyfycatyon chaungeth by free promyse it foloweth that we can not iustyfye our selues For otherwyse what neded god to promise And where as the promyse cā not be taken without fayth the gospell which is properly the promyse of remyssyon of synnes and of iustyfycatyon for Chryst teacheth the iustyce of fayth which the lawe doth not Nor it is not the iustyce of the lawe For the lawe requyreth of vs our workes and our perfection but the promyse offereth vnto vs whiche be oppressed with synne and deathe frelye reconciliacyon for Chryste which reconciliatyon is receyued not by workes but by onely fayth This fayth bryngeth not with it a trust of the owne workes but onely the trust of promyse or of the promysed mercye in Chryste wherfore thys specyall fayth by which we beleue that our synnes be forgyuen for Chryste and that god is pacyfyed and mercyfull for Chryste obteyneth remyssyon of synnes and iustifyeth vs and by cause in repentaunce that is in the trouble of conscyence it comforteth and plucketh vp our hartes and regenerateth vs and bryngeth vnto vs the holye spirite so that from thenseforth ●e maye do the lawe of god that is loue God feare God thynke that god heareth vs obey god in all afflyctyons it mortyfyeth the cōcupiscence c. Thus fayth whiche freely receyueth remyssyon of sinnes bycause it pleadeth Chryst in estopell agaynst the ire of god as a mediator and mercy stocke pleadeth not in barr our owne merytes or our owne loue which fayth is the true knowledge of Chryste and vseth the benyfytes of Chryst and regenerateth our hartes and goeth before the fulfyllynge of the lawe Of thys fayth ye shall not fynde one syllable in the doctrine of our aduersaryes wherfore we reproue the aduersaryes bycause they only teach the iustyce of the lawe and teach not the iustyce of the Euaungell which preacheth vnto vs the iustyce of faythe in Chryste ❧ What is the iustyfyenge faythe THe aduersaries only fayne that fayth is a knowledge of the hystorye and therfore they teache that it may stonde with mortall syn They speake therfore nothīge of fayth by which Paule so oft tymes saythe that men be iustyfyed for they whiche be reputed iust before god walke nat in mortal synne But that fayth whiche iustyfyeth is nat only a knoweledge of the hystorye but it is to assent to the promyse of God in whiche frelye for Chryste is offered remyssyon of synnes iustificacyon And lest a man shulde suspecte that it is only a knowledge we wyl adde more ouer that it is to wyll and to receyue the offered promyse of remyssyon of synnes and of iustification And a man maye easely se the diuersytye betwyxte this fayth and betwyxt the iustyce of the lawe Fayth is a seruice which receiueth of god the offered benifites The iustyce of the lawe is a seruyce which offereth vnto god our merites with fayth on thꝭ fashyon wyll god be serued that we maye receyue of hym the thynges whiche he promyseth and offereth Nowe that fayth sygnifieth not only the knowledge of the hystorye but rather a trust which assenteth to the promise Paule clerely wytnesseth when he sayth Iustyce therfore is by fayth to thentente the promyse shulde be ferme and stable For he meaneth that the promyse cā not be receyued but by fayth wherfore he compareth and knytteth together as correlatiues promyse and fayth Howe be it it is sone iudged what faythe is yf we consyder the Crede where this artycle is put Remission of synnes wherefore it is not ynoughe to beleue that Chryste was borne dyd suffer and ryse agayne oneles we adde also thys artycle Remyssyon of synnes whiche is the fynal cause of the hystorye To thys artycle we muste refere the reste as that for Chryste and nat for our owne merites we be pardoned of our synnes For what neded Chryste to begyuen for our synnes if our owne merytes maye satysfye for our synnes ❧ wherfore so ofte as we speake of the iustyfyenge faythe it is to be knowen that these .3 obiectes muste mete together
fecerit eā viuet in illa vt cum quisque infirmitatem suam cognouerit non per suas vires neque per literam ipsius legis quod fieri non potest sed per fidem concilians iustificatorem perueniat et faciat et viuat in eam Opus rectum quod qui fecerit viuit in eo non fit nisi in iustificato Iustificatio autem ex fide impetratur i. For therfore is the iustyce of the lawe propowned that who dothe it shall lyue in it so that when euery man shal knowe hys owne infyrmity he may attayne it and do it and lyue in it not by hys owne powers neyther by the letter of the lawe which can nat be done but reconcylyng the iustyfier by fayth A ryght worke whiche who dothe shal lyue in it is not done but in a iustifyed person And iustificacyon is purchased by faythe Here he saythe clerely that the iustifyer is reconcyled by faythe and iustifycacyon is purchased by faythe And a lytle furder he sayth Ex lege timemus deum ex fide speramus in deum sed timentibus penam absconditur gratia sub quo timore anima Laborans c. per fidem confugiat ad misericordiam dei vt det quod iubet That is to saye By the lawe we feare god by fayth we truste in god but from thē that feare payne grace is hyd With whiche feare the soule oppressed must fle by fayth to the mercy of god that he maye gyue the thynge that he commaundeth Here Saynt Austine teacheth that by the lawe the hartes be made aferde but by fayth they receyue cōsolatyon And he teacheth that fyrste by faythe we muste purchase mercy or we go about to do the lawe we wyll recyte a lytle after other thinges also Truely it is a wonderfull thynge that the aduersaryes be nothinge moued with so many places of scrypture whiche openly gyue iustyficacyon to faythe and take it from workes Thynke they that the same thynge is so ofte repeted in vayne Or suppose they that the thynge so ofte repeted eschaped out of theyr mouthe inspired with the holy goste vnaduysedly But these idle workers haue inuented a proper cauillation to defete this matter They saye that Paule muste be vnderstonded be side formata so that they wyll not attrybute iustificacyon vnto faythe but by reason of loue nay vtterly they wyll not attrybute iustyfycacyon to faythe but only to loue For they dreame that faythe maye stande with mortall synne To what purpose belonge thys but that they wyll agayne dysanul the promyse and returne to the lawe If faythe receyueth remyssyon of synnes for loue remissyon of synnes shal be alwayes vncertayne for we neuer loue so moch as we owe yea we loue not onles our hartes be assured that our synnes be perdoned so the aduersaryes whyles in remyssyon of synnes and in iustyfycacyon they requyre a trustynge of theyr owe loue they vtterly disanull the Euangell of free remyssyon of synnes where as yet they nether performe that loue nor vnderstande it onles they beleue that remyssyon of synnes is frely receyued We also say that loue ought to folowe fayth as Paule also teacheth saynge In Chryste Iesu neyther cyrcumcysyon is any thyng worth nor vncircumcision but faythe workynge by loue And yet we maye not for al thys thynke that we shal be pardoned our synnes or be reconciled because of thys loue as we receyue not remyssyon of synnes for other workes folowynge but only by faythe in the proper sygnifycatyon we receyue remyssyon of synnes For the promyse can nat be taken but by faythe But fayth in the proper sence is thassentynge to goddes promyse For of thys faythe speketh scrypture And because it receyueth remyssyon of synnes and reconcyleth vs to god we be fyrst accompted ryghtwyse by faythe o● we loue do the lawe notwithstandynge loue ensueth And yet thys is nat an idle knowledge nor it can nat stande with synne but it is the worke of the holy goste wherby we be delyuered frō deathe and the myndes whiche tofore were affrayed erecte and viuifyed And because thꝭ faythe receyueth onely remyssyon of synnes and maketh vs acceptable to god and quiet of conscyence it myght better be called gracia gratum faciens ● a grace makynge a mā acceptable then loue may whiche is theffecte ensuynge Hethervnto we haue very copiously shewed aswele by authorities of scrypture as by reasons deryued out of scrypture that by onely faythe is graunted remyssyon of synnes and that only faythe iustyfyeth that is maketh of iniust iust and regenerate It is easely iudged howe necessary the knowledge of thys faythe is For in this onely is espyed thoffyce of Chryst by this only we receyue the benefites of Chryst this only bryngeth vnto godly myndes a sure and ferme consolacyon And it is a necessarye thynge that some doctryne be publyshed in the churche by which men may conceiue a sure hope of helth For thaduersaries gyue vnhappy coūsel vnto men which byd them doute whether they haue obtayned remyssyon or no. Howe shall these felowes bere vp them selues in deathe whiche haue harde nothīg of this faith which thinke that they owe to doute whether they haue obteyned remyssyon of synnes or no furthermore the Euaungell of Chryste must nedes be reteyned in the churche that is to say the promyse that synnes be frely remitted for Christ thys Euaungell they vtterly dysanull whiche teach nothynge of this fayth But the schole men of thys faythe speake nat one worde And our aduersaryes all to gether folowe them and do dysalowe thys faythe Nor they see nat that they defete the hole promyse of the fre remyssyon of synnes and of the iustyce of Chryst where as they dysproue thys faythe ¶ Of loue and fulfyllynge of the lawe HEre thaduersaryes obiecte Si vis ad vitam ingredi serua mandata That is to saye If thou wylte entre into lyfe kepe the commaundemētes Also The doers of the law be iustified and many other lyke sentēcies of the law to whiche before we make answere we wyll shewe our opinion of loue and of the fulfyllynge of the lawe It is wrytten in the prohete I wyll gyue my lawe in theyr hartes And Paule sayth that the lawe is establyshed and nat abrogate by fayth And Christ sayth If thou wylt enter into lyfe kepe the cōmaundementes Also If I haue not loue I am nothyng These and suche lyke sentencyes testifye that the lawe must begynne in vs although nat absolutely in an hyghe perfectyon and oweth to to encrease as moche as may be more more We speake not of the ceremonyes but of that law which is made of the motions of the hart I meane the Decalogye And bycause faythe bringeth with it the holy gost and engēdereth a newe lyfe in the hartes it muste of necessitie also engēder spiritual motions in the hartes And which be tho mocyons the prophete sheweth when he saythe I wyll gyue my loue into
synne to decre determyne of the wille of god without some assured worde of god that he wyll cease to be angry Therfore syth here is a promyse put it appereth sufficiently that faythe is requyred for a promise cā nat be receyued but by fayth Yf thꝭ fayth shuld depende vpon the cōdition of workes then were remissyon vncertayne Therfore such maner fayth is required which dothe trust on the mercy of the worde of god and nat vpon our owne workes And where he sayth Redeme thy synnes by iustyce and by almes deades It is as moche as if he had sayde Redeme thy synnes by repentaunce For by penaūce or repentaunce the gylte is taken awaye Neyther is it to be reasoned here of that god dothe forgyue for workes folowynge but he forgyueth because of hys promyse suche persones as do receyue hꝭ promyse We haue shewed plainly that ī the oration of Daniel fayth is requyred wherfore they do iniury to thys place who so euer do conclude therof that remission of synnes commeth for our owne workes and nat by fayth for Christes sake It is a philosophicall poynte in the sermon of Daniel to require nothyng but an exhortation of gouernynge hys Empyere wele and it is a pharisa●call poynte to fayne vnto it that for that selfe worke remyssyon of synnes dothe come But thus it cometh to passe workes naturally do runne into mēs eyes for mans reason neyther perceyueth neyther consydereth fayth and therfore it dreameth that those workes deserue remission of synnes This opiniō naturally cleaueth in the myndes of men and can nat be shaken of oneles we be other wyse taught by the worde of god We ought to call our selues backe from this carnall opinion to the gospell and to the promyse of mercye in which is freely exhibited remission of synnes for Christes sake So in al places of penaūce faythe is r●●uisite For it were most hyghe iniury agaynste Christe to seke remission of synnes without Christ. Some men do interprete Daniel to speake of remission of payne when he sayth Redeme thy synnes with almose Admyt it were taken so yet Daniell shulde make nothynge agaynste vs howe be it it is no doute but that he speaketh of the remission of the synne For the remission of ponyshement is sought in vayne onles the hart fyrst by fayth hathe receyued remission of the synne Nowe yf they wyll graunte that remission of the syn commeth freely by faythe We wyll afterwardes not sticke to graunt them that the paynes or ponishementes wherwith we be chastised be mitigated and aswaged with good workꝭ and with hole repentance accordynge to the saynge of Paule Yf we wolde iudge our owneselues doutles we shulde not be iudged of the lorde And Hieremie Yf thou wylte be turned I wyll conuerte and turne to the. Also Zacharie Turne ye to me and I wyll turne to you And in the .xlix. Psalme Call on me in the daye of trouble and I shall delyuer the. c. Euen in lykewyse it is to be iudged of thys place also Forgyue and ye shal be forgyuen For it is wel nere a lyke sermon of repētaūce The fyrste parte requireth good workes The latter parte addeth and putteth to a promyse nether it is to be resoned that our forgeuinge of our neyghboure by the vertue of the warke wrought dothe deserue that our synnnes be forgyuen vs for Christ dothe nat say so But lyke wyse as to other sacramentes Christe ioynith and knitteth to a promyse of remissiō of synnes euen so dothe he also knitte a promyse to good workes And lyke wyse as in the supper of the lorde we obtayne nat remissyon of sīnes without fayth by the very worke that is wrought euen so no more do we in thꝭ worke yea the forgyuinge of our neyghbour is no good worke but whē it is done of them which be reconciled Therfore our forgiuing which is acceptable and pleasaunt to god foloweth goddes forgiuynge Nowe Christe is wonte after suche sort to ioyne together the lawe the gospell that he dothe teache bothe two I meane the doctryne of fayth and the doctrine of good workes to th end he shuld admonishe vs that it is but hypocrisy and a faynynge of repentance onles good frutes do folowe also to th entent we myght haue many outwarde sygnes of the gospell and of remission of synnes whiche shulde put vs in rememberaunce and comforte vs and y● we myght many wayes excercise faythe After thys wyse therfore it is necessary to vnderstonde suche places leste we shulde abrogate the gospell of Christe and pleade our workes agaynste God as a raunsome and pryce reiectynge Christe Also leste remissyon of synnes be made vncertayne yf it be taught to hange vpon the condition of our workes There is alledged also thys texte out of Tobie Almose dede delyuereth from all maner synne and deathe We wyl nat call thys an hyperbolicall or excessiue maner of speakinge howe be it it ought so to be taken that it plucketh nothynge awaye from the dewe prayses of Christe whose proper benefites and offyce is to delyuer from synne and deathe But we must haue recourse to this rule that the lawe without Christe auayleth not Those almoses therfore please god whiche folowe reconciliation nat those which go before So then they delyuer from synne and death not by the vertue of the worke that is wrought but as we sayde a lytle here to fore of repentaunce that we ought to ioyne fayth with frutes so lyke wyse it is to be iudged of almose deades that fayth with the frutꝭ pleaseth For Tobie preacheth nat only of almose dedes but also of faythe saynge At all tymes blesse god and desyer of hym to directe thy wayes But thys thīge properly belongeth to the faythe wherof we speake whiche feleth god gratious and fauorable for hꝭ owne mercy desireth that he wyl kepe and gouerne vs. Besydes this we graūt ▪ that almose dedes do merite many benefytes of god and delyuer nat from the synne that is present for they ouer come nat the wrath and iudgement of god nether make they quiet the consciences but they deliuer from synne that is to come I meane they do meryte that we maye be defended in the perilles of sinnes and deth This is the symple vnderstandynge agreyng to the other scriptures For alwayes the prases of warkes of the lawe be so to be vnderstanded and taken that they do nat mynyshe the glorye of Christe and of the gospell The saynge also of Christe is alledged out of the gospell of Luke Gyue ye almose and lo all thyn●es be cleane vnto you Undoutedly our aduer●aryes be starke deeffe so ofte tymes hathe it ben sayd that the lawe without Christ dothe nat auayle for whose sake good warkes do please and be accepted But they in all places excludynge Christe teache that the warkes of the lawe deserue iustifycation This place yf it be brought forthe hole and perfecte shall shewe that faythe also is requyred
lyfte vp and cōforte hym selfe with the gospell and the promise of Christe For faythe sheweth the diuer site betwene the contrititiō of Iudas and the contrition of Peter But our aduersaryes make theyr answere by the lawe that Iudas loued nat god but feared punyshementes but when shall a troubled and frayed conscience namely in these earnest true and greate terrours whiche be described ī the Psalmes and the prophetes and whiche those men do vndoubtedly taste whiche be truely conuerted when shall I say suche a troubled consciēce be able to iudge whether he feareth and dreadeth god truly and for him selfe or whether he dothe but flee euerlastīg paynes These great motions and trobelouse may be haply discerned or disseuered by letres and vocabules but they can nat be depted so in sūdre ī very dede as these swete sophisters do dreame Here we call vpon the iudgementes of all good wyse men They vndoubtedly wyl cōfesse graunt that these disputations amonge our aduersaries be very darke doubtfull perplexe and intricate And yet here they be in hande with a moste wayghty matter and with the chief and principall place of all the gospell I meane cōcernyng forgyuenes of synnes All thys hole doctrine concernynge these questions whiche I haue rehersed amonge our aduersaries is full of errours and hypocrisie and defaceth obscureth and endymmeth the benefyte of Christ the power of the keyes and the iustice of faythe These thynges be done in the fyrst acte or parte of the playe But what whē they be come vnto confession What infinite and greate busines is there in that endles rehersall numbryng and reckenyng vp of synnes Whiche neuertheles for a greate parte is spēt and consumed in mans traditions and lawes And because that the good and deuoute myndes myght be the more vexed they fayne and ymagen that this rehersall and iuste reckenīg of the synnes is commaunded by goddꝭ lawe And though they do exacte and require thys rehersall of all the synnes vnder the pretence of the lawe of god yet in the meane season of absolution whiche is in dede of the lawe of god they speake full slenderly and full coldly They fayne that the selfe sacrament Ex opere operato that is to say euen of the very worke that is wrought gyueth and conferreth grace without any good mocion of the vser But of faythe who receyueth the absolution and cōforteth the conscience is made no mencio nat all This is euen accordyng to the prouerbe Ante mysteria discedere that is to say to depart before the mysteries are begonne Nowe resteth and remayneth the thyrde acte or parte of the play whiche is of satisfactiōs And thꝭ acte hathe very confuse disputacions They fayne that euerlastynge paynes be chaunged into the paynes of purgatorie and that parte of these be relesed by the power of the keyes and parte they teache to be redemed with satisfactions They adde moreouer that satisfactions must be workes of suꝑerogation and them they set and put in moste folyshe obseruaunces whiche haue not the cōmaundement of god to beare them as in pylgrymages rosaries and lyke obseruatiōs whiche be maynteyned by no cōmaūdement of god Furthermore lykewyse as· they redeme Purgatorye with satisfactions so hath there ben a crafte deuised of redemynge satisfactions whiche hath ben a very gayngfull profytable crafte and hath broughte in moche lucre For they sell pardones whiche they do interprete to be releasemētꝭ of satisfactiōs And this gaynes cōmeth in not onely by them that be alyue but moche more largely by them whiche be deade And not onely by pardons but also by the sacrifice of the masse they redeme the satisfactions of deade men Finally the matier of satisfactions is endeles Amonge these sclaunders and offendicles of conscience for we be not able to reherse all and doctrines of deuyls the doctrine of the iustice of faythe in Christe ▪ and of the benefite of Christ lyeth oppressed ouerwhelmed Wherfore all good men do perceiue that the doctrine of Sophistes and Canonistes touchynge repentaunce or penaunce is by vs profitably and godly rebuked For these articles and poyntes folowynge be openly false and not onely disagreyng mere repugnant to the holy scriptures but also dissonaūt variable from the holy fathers of the churche These be their articles ¶ That to the takynge awaye of synne onely the detestation hatred of sinne is sufficient ¶ That for our contrition not by faythe in Christe we do obteyne remission of synnes ¶ That we deserue remissiō of synnes by goddes couenaunt by good workes done without grace and obteyne it not by faythe that is to wite freely by the truste of mercy ¶ That the power and auctority of the keyes auaileth to the remission of sīnes in the syght of the churche but nat in the syght of god ¶ That by the power of the keyes synnes be nat forgiuen before god but that the power of the keyes was instituted to chaunge eternall paynes into temporall and to lay vpon consciēces certayne satisfactiōs to institute newe sacrifices and ceremonies and to bynde consciences to suche maner satisfactions and ceremonies ❧ ❧ ¶ That the nombering or rekening vp of sinnes in confession of the whiche our aduersaries do teache is necessary by the lawe of god ¶ That canonicall satisfactions be necessary to redeme the payne of Purgatory or els be availlable as a recompensation to take awaye synne For so vnlerned men do vnderstande and take it ¶ That the receiuynge of the sacramente of penaunce by the vertue of the worke that is wrought without the faythe in Christe gyueth grace ¶ That by the power of the keyes soules be deliuered out of Purgatory by pardons ¶ That in reseruation of cases nat onely the canonicall payne but also the synne ought to be reserued in him whiche is truly conuerted ❧ We therfore to the entēt to deliuer godly and wel disposed cōsciences frō these comberous and endles mases of sophesters do make two partes of penaunce that is to wytte contrition and faythe Yf any man lusteth to adde the thyrde I meane worthy frutes of penaūce that is to say good workꝭ folowyng cōuersion we wyl nat saye agaynste hym And we knowe well ynoughe that thys worde penitentia in latine that is to saye repentaunce amonge Grāmarious doth betokē to mislyke and disalowe that thynge whiche before we dyd lyke and alowe This propertye is more agreinge to contricion rather then to faythe But we in this place to th entent to expresse and sette forthe the thynge before mens eyes do vnderstande by penaūce the hole cōuersion in which there be two termes mortification and viuification whiche we call by the vsuall and accustomed names contrition and faythe As concernynge contrition we do cutte awaye those ydle vnfrutful and endles disputations as to dispute when we be sory throughe loue of god and when through feare of payne But we say that cōtrition is the true feares and terrours of conscience whiche perceiueth feleth
alledge y● auctoritie of scripture and say that this theyr decree is expressed in the scriptures Besydes this they do iniurie and dishonour to Christe in sayenge that mē by Monastical lyfe do merite eternal lyfe God dothe not gyue this honoure no not to his owne lawe that it shulde merite eternall lyfe as he hym selfe sayth playnly in the .xx. chapitre of Ezechiel I gaue vnto them preceptes that were not good and iudgementes in whiche they shall not lyue Fyrste this is vndoubted that monkyshe lyfe dothe not merite remission of synnes but that we freely rece●ue it by fayth as it hath ben said before Secōdly this also is wryten that for Christꝭ sake thrughe mercye is gyuen eternall lyfe to them whiche by fayth receyue remission and pleade not theyr owne merites agaynste the iudgement of god as Barnarde most grauely and wysely dothe say It is necessarye saythe he fyrst of all to beleue that remission of synnes can not be obteyned nor had but by goddes indulgence and pardone Secundarilye that thou cannest haue no good worke onles he gyueth it vnto the. Finally that thou can nest not by no maner workes merite eternall lyfe oneles it also be freelye gyuen Other thynges that folowe concernynge the same sentēce we haue heretofore recited And Barnarde addeth in the ende these wordꝭ Let no man deceyue hym selfe For if he cōsidre wel he shall fynde without any doubte that he is not able no not with tenne thousandꝭ to mete hym which cometh agaynst hym with twenty thousandes Sythe than it is so that not so moche as by the workes of goddꝭ law we can merite remission of sinnes or eternall lyfe but it is necessary to seke the mercy promysed in Christ moche lesse is suche honour to be gyuen to Monasticall obseruaūces seinge theyr be nothynge elles but traditions of men that they shulde deserue remission of synnes or eternall lyfe Thus they vtterly destroye and burye the gospell of free remission of synnes and of receyuīg the mercy ꝓmysed in Christ who soeuer teache y● the monkyshe lyfe dothe merite remission of synnes or eternall lyfe and they translate the truste whiche is due to Christe vnto those folyshe obseruaunces In the stede of Christe they worshyp thyr owne coulles theyr owne fylthynes And in asmuch as they thē selues also do nede mercy they do wyckedly in that they fayne merite● of super erogation and sell them to other We speake the more briefly of these thynges because by the matters whiche we haue spoken before of iustification of repentaunce of humayne traditions it is euident ynough̄e that monasticall vowes be nat the pryce for which remission of synnes and eternall lyfe be gyuē And sythe it is so that Christ him selfe dothe call traditions vnprofitable honours and seruices they be in no wyse euāgelical perfectiō But our aduersaries wolde full wylyly seme to moderate the comen ꝑsuasion of pefection They wyll nat say that monastical lyfe is perfection but they say it is the state of gettyng perfetion In faythe properly sayde and we remēbre that this correction is made in Gersones workes For it apperith that wyse men offendid with those vnmeasurable prayses of monastical lyfe because they durst nat vtterly take from it the prayse of perfection they addyd this correction that it is the state of gettyng perfection If we folowe this opinion so shall monastical lyfe be no whyt more the state of perfection than is the lyfe of the plouman or of the carpenter For these be also states of gettyng perfectiō For all men of whatsoeuer callynge they be oughte to desyre perfection that is to wete to growe and encrease in the feare of god in fayth in louing of thyr neyghbour and in lyke spirituall vertues We reade in histories examples of Eremites saynt Antony and other whiche make the kyndes of lyuyng egal one to another It is wryten that to Antony when he desyred of god to knowe howe muche he had profyted in this kynde of lyuynge there was shewed in his dreame a certayne shomaker dwellyng in the citie of Alexandrie to whom he was compared On the morowe after Antony cōmith into the citye and goeth vnto the shomaker to searche and knowe his exercises and gyftes When he had spoken with the man he hearith nothynge of hym but that he dyd euery mornynge in fewe wordes pray for the hole citie and afterwardꝭ dyd applye his crafte and occupation Here Antony perceiued that iustification is nat to be imputed to that sorte of lyuing whiche he had taken vpon hym and professed But our aduersaries although they now moderate the prayses of perfection yet in very dede they thynke otherwyse For they sell merites and apply them for other vndre this pretēce that they obserue bothe the preceptes and also the coūsayles Wherfore in very dede they thinke that they haue merites mo then they nede What is to chalēge ꝑfectiō vnto them selues if this be nat Furthermore it is put in the cōfutation that religious men labour to lyue more nere vnto the rule of the gospel It doth therfore put perfection in the traditions of men if religious men lyue more neare to the rule of the gospell because they haue nothing propre but all comen because they lyue without wyues because they obey theyr rule in garmentes meates and other lyke trifles Also the confutation sayeth that religious men merite more plēteously euerlasting lyfe it alledgith the scripture Qui reliquerit domā c. Whosoeuer shal forsake house here god wote the scripture gyueth perfection to these counterfaited and fained religious But this place of scripture maketh nothynge for monasticall lyfe For Christe dothe nat meane that to forsake father and mother wyfe or bre●herne is a worke therfore to be done because it dothe merite remission of synnes and eternall lyfe Yea that forsakyng is a cursed forsaking For it is done with the iniury of Christe if any mā wyl therfore forsake father or mother or wyfe tha● by this selfe worke he may merite remission of synnes and eternall lyfe But there be two maner of forsakynges one is done without callyng and without the cōmaundemente of god this forsaking and renouncing Christ alloweth nat For workꝭ chosen of our selues be vnprofitable seruices And hereof it apperith more euidētly that Christ dothe nat loue this ronnyng away or forsakyng because he speakith of forsaking wyfe and chyldren But we knowe that the cōmaundement of god forbyddeth to forsake wyfe and chyldren There is another maner forsakynge whiche is done by the cōmaundement of god that is to wete when tyrauntes or they whiche haue auctoritie ouer vs compell vs to denye the gospell or ●o breake goddes cōmaundement Here in this case we haue cōmaūdemēt that we shulde rather suffre wronge rather suffre nat onely our goodes our wyfe our chyldren to be takē from vs but euen our lyfe also This maner renoūcyng or forsakyng Christ dothe allowe and therfore he addith these wordes for the gospell
promyse that free and the merytes of Chryst as a raunsom and redēption Promyse is receiued by fayth this worde fre excludeth our merites signyfyeth that only by mercye is offered the benefyte of Chryst the merytes be the raūsom for there must be some certaine redēpcion for our sīnes The scripture oft times cryeth for mercy And the holy fathers many tymes say that we be saued by mercy So oft then as menciō is made of mercy it is to be knowē that fayth is ther requyred which receiueth the ꝓmise of mercy And agayn so oft as we speke of faith we wyll that the obiecte be vnderstāde that is to say the promised mercy For faith doth not therfore iustify or saue because it is of it selfe a worthy worke but only because it receyueth the mercy promysed And thꝭ seruice thꝭlatria is most highly cōmended in prophetes psalmes wher as the law teacheth not fre remissiō of sinnes But the fathers knowe the promyse made of Christ that God for Christ wolde remyt synnes wherfore when they vnderstode that Chryst shuld be a pryce and raunsome for our synnes they knewe that our workes were not a raunsome of so great a thyng Therfore they receiued by fayth fre mercy and remissyō of sīnes lyke as the holy fathers of the newe testament do Here vnto belong tho oft repetycyons of mercye and faythe in the psalmes and prophetes as here Si iniquitates obseruaueris domine c. Yf thou markest iniquities o lorde lorde who shall susteyne Here he cōfesseth hys synnes and yet he alledgeth not hꝭ merytes He addeth For with the is mercyfulnes Here he lyfteth vp him selfe with the truste of the mercye of God And cytethe the promyse Sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius sperauit anima mea in domino My soule is susteyned in hys worde my soule hathe trusted in the lorde that is to saye because thou haste promysed remyssyon of synnes by thys thy promyse I am susteyned And Paule cyteth the hystorye of Abraham Abraham beleued God and it was recompted vnto hym for ryghtwysnes That is to wytte Abraham perceyued that God was vnto hym mercyful only for hys promyse sake He assented to the promyse of God nor suffered not hym selfe to be plucked away frome it all thoughe he sawe hym selfe vnclene and vnworthye He perceyued that God performeth hys promyse for hꝭ owne truthe and not for our workes or merytes Trulye the affrayed hartes can haue no rest if they shulde thynke that for theyr owne workes or owne loue or fulfyllīge of the lawe they shulde please God for in the fleshe stycketh synne whiche alwaye accuseth vs. But then the hartes haue rest whē in such affrayes they assure them selues that we therfore please God be cause he hathe promysed and that God perfourmeth hys promyse for hys owne truthe and not for our worthynes Thus Abraham herde thys saynge Feare thou not for ▪ I am thy protector Here he raysed vp him selfe and felte God mercyful vnto him not for hys owne deseruynge but because the promyse of god must nedes be iuged true this faythe therfore is imputed to hym for ryghtwysnes that is because he assenteth to the promyse and taketh the offered reconsilement he is nowe truelye iuste and accepted vnto God not for hys owne workes but bycause he taketh the free promyse of god Thys auctoryte of Genyses pleased Paule not without cause we se howe he layth on howe ernestlye he taryeth vpon that poynte because he sawe that the nature of fayth myght in that poynt be easaly espyed He sawe that the recorde of the imputacyon of iustice was added not with out a greate skyll He sawe that the lawde of desernynge iustyfycacyon and of pacyfyenge the conscyence was taken away from workes ▪ when Abraham is therfore pronounced ryght wyse because he assenteth to the promyse and taketh the offered reconcilement he pleadeth not in barre of goddes ire hys owne merytes or workes wherfore thys place dylygently consydered may plenteouslye instructe godlye myndes in thys matter whiche shall so be vnderstonde yf the affrayed myndes haue it before them and assure thē selue that they ought to assente to the free promyse For otherwyse they can not be quyete onles they presuppose that they haue god theyr good lorde because he hath so promysed and not bycause our nature lyfe and workes be worthye Therfore also the fathers were iustifyed not by the law but by the promyse and fayth And it is a wonderfull thynge that the aduersaryes do make so lytle of faythe syth they se it throughe out al scrypture praysed for the moste hyghe seruyce as in the .49 Psal. Call on me in tyme of trybulacyon and I shal delyuer the. Thus wyll god be knowen thus he wyll be worshyped by receyuynge benefytes of hym and receyuynge them for hys mercyes sake and not for our owne demerytes Thys is the moste ample consolacyon in all afflyctyons And such consolacyons our aduersaryes go about to destroye and putte out of vre in that they make faythe so lytle a seruyce and onlye ●eache men to contende with god by our owne workes and merytes ¶ That the only faythe in Chryst iustyfyeth FYrste leste a man wolde thynke that we speake of the ydle knowledge of the Hystorye we wyll shewe howe faythe cummeth After we wyl shewe that it iustyfyeth and howe thys must be vnderstande then we wyll assoyle thobiections of the aduersaryes Chryste in the last of Luke cōmaundeth his dyscyples to preache repentaunce in hys name and remyssyon of synnes For the gospell argueth euery man to be vnder synne and to be gyltye of eternal ire and deth and offereth for Chryst remissyon of sinnes iustificacion which is receyued by fayth Preaching of penaūce which reproueth vs dothe fray the conscyence with true ernest afrayes In these the hartꝭ ought agayne to conceyue consolacyon which shal be yf they trust to the promyse of Chryst that for hym we haue remyssyon of synnes Thys faythe erectyng and comfortynge vs in those affrayes takethe remyssyon of synnes iustyfyeth and viuifyeth For that consolacion is a newe and a spiritual lyfe These be plaine and open and the godlye maye vnderstande them also the churche haue recorded the same The aduersaryes neuer shewe truly howe the holye gost is gyuen They fayne that the sacramentes gyue the holye gooste ex opere operato sine bono motu accipientis euen of the verye worke it selfe without any good motyon of the receyuer as thoughe the geuynge of the holy goste were an idle thynge But where as we speake of suche faythe whiche is not an idle thought but which deliuereth from dethe and createth a newe lyfe in our hartes and nedeth the holy gost it standeth not with mortall synne but so longe as it is present it bryngeth forthe good frures as we shall say here after what can be spoken of the conuertynge of the vngodly or of the maner of regeneratynge more sympely and more
clearly There be an infinite sort of commentours vpon the master of the sētence let our aduersaryes brynge forthe but one cōmentarye of them al whiche speke any thynge of the maner of regeneratynge When they speake of the habyte of loue they fayne that men deserue the holy gooste by theyr workes they teache not that it is receyued by the worde euen as the Anabaptystes do at thys day But we can nat haue to do with god god wyl nat be caught but by hꝭ worde Therfore iustyfycacyon is hade by the worde as Paule sayth The Euaungell is the power of god to the helth of euery beleuer Also Fayth is of hearynge A man myght also out of thys place gather an argumēt that fayth iustifieth for yf iustyfycacyon is only by the worde and the worde is only receyued by faythe it foloweth that faythe iustyfyeth But there be greter reasons Thys haue we spoken to th ende to shewe the fourme and maner of regeneracyon and that it maye be vnderstonde what maner of thynge fayth is wherof we speke Nowe we wyl shewe that faythe iustyfyeth wh̄ere fyrste of all the reders muste be admonyshed that as it is necessarye to maynteyne thys opinyon that Christe is our medyatour so is it necessarye to defende that fayth iustyfyeth For howe shall Chryste be a medyator yf in iustyfycacyon we vse not hym as a medyator yf we thynke not that for hym we be reputed ryghtwyse And that it is to beleue and truste to the merytes of Chryste that for hī god wyl surely be pacified with vs. Also as we must defende that besyde the lawe the promyse of Chryste is necessarye so we muste defende that faythe iustyfyeth for the lawe teacheth not free remyssyon of sīnes Moreouer the lawe can not be fulfylled onles we fyrste receyue the holy goste wherfore it is nedeful to defende that the promyse of Chryste is necessarye But thys promyse can nat be taken but by faythe Ergo they whiche denye that faythe iustyfyeth do nothynge but teache the lawe disanullynge the gospell and dysanullynge Chryste But some perchauns when it is sayde that faythe iustyfyeth vnderstondeth it of the begynnynge that fayth shulde be the begynnynge of iustificatyon or a preperatyue to iustyfycacyon so that it is not the verye faythe whiche maketh vs acceptable to god but the workes whiche folowe And they dreame that fayth is so hyghly commēded because it is the begynnynge For the begynnynge of ● thynge is greatlye estemed and therfore it is commenly sayde Principium dimidium totius The begynnynge is halfe of the hole As yf a man wolde saye that gramer maketh the doctours of euery scyence because it is a preperatyue to other scyencies But we meane not thus of faythe but we defende that properly and truely by fayth we be for Chryste reputed ryghtwyse or accepted to God And because thys worde iustify cari to be iustyfyed sygnyfyeth to be made of iniuste iuste it sygnyfyeth also to be pronunced or reputed ryghtwyse For scrypture speketh in bothe wyses Therfore fyrste we wyl shewe that onlye faythe maketh of vnryghtwyse ryghtwyse that is to wytte receyueth remyssyon of sīnes Sum men be offended with thys pertycle sola onely where as neuertheles Paule saythe we iudge that man is iustyfyed by faythe and nat of workes Also to the Ephesyans the seconde It is the gyfte of god not of vs neyther of our workes leste any man shulde glorye Also Roma 3. Freelye iustyfyed If the exclusyue sola dothe dysplease them let that them take from Paule also these exclusyues freely not of workes It is a gyfte And suche lyke for these be also exclusyues Doutles we exclude the opinyon of meryte but we exclude not the worde of God or the sacramentes as our aduersaryes do mysreporte vs. For we sayde before that fayth is conceiued by the herynge of the worde And we extolle most cheflye the mynysterye of the worde Loue also and workꝭ ought to folowe fayth wherfore they be not so excluded that they shulde not folowe but the trustyng of meryte of loue and workes is excluded in iustyfycacyon And that we shall euedently shewe ❧ That remyssion of synnes is by the only fayth in Christe obteyned ❧ WE thynke that the aduersaries wyll also graunt that in iustificacyon is fyrst necessarie remission of synnes For we be al vnder synne Then this shal be my argument ❧ To obtayne remission of sinnes is to be iustified accordyng to this Beati quorum remisse sunt iniquitates Blessed be they whose synnes be remitted But so it is y● by the only fayth in Christ nat by loue or for loue or workꝭ we obtayne remission of sīnes although the loue foloweth fayth Ergo by only fayth we be iustified vnderstandyng iustificaciō to be of the vnryghtwyse to be made ryghtwyse or to be regenerate The minor may easely be declared if we know howe remission of synnes is obtayned The aduersaries do full coldly dispute whether remission of synnes and the infusion of grace be all one mutation yea or no. The ydle persōs had nothynge els to speake In remission of synnes is required that the feare of synne and of euerlastyng death be vaynquyshed in mens hertꝭ as Paule witnesseth 1. Cor̄ 15. The dart of death is syn And the power of syn is the lawe But thankes be to god who gyueth to vs victory through our lorde Iesus Christ that is to say synne frayeth the conscience and this is done by the lawe whiche sheweth they re of god agaynst synne but we ouercum by Christ. Howe through fayth whē we lyfte vp our selues through truste of hys promysed mercye for Christe wherfore our Minor we proue thus ❧ ❧ The yre of god can nat be pacified if we laye agaynst it our workes because Christe is propowned our mercy stocke so that for hym the father shulde be pacified with vs. But Christ can nat be receyued a mediatour but by fayth Ergo by only fayth we purchase remission of synnes when we lyfte vp our hertes with the truste of the promysed mercie for Christ. Also Paule to the Rom. the .5 chapi saythe By hym we haue a passage to the father addeth through faythe we be thus then reconcyled to the father and receiue remission of synnes whē we lyfte vp our selues with the hope of the promysed mercy for Christ. The aduersaries do so vnderstande Christ to be a mediatour and propiciatour because we deserue the habite of loue they byd vs nat vse hym as a mediatour nowe but they vtterly bury Christe feynyng that we haue thꝭ passage by our owne workes and that by them we deserue thys habite of loue as they call it and that after by loue we haue peace of conscience Is nat this vtterly to bury Christe and to plucke downe the hole doctryne of fayth Paule contraryly teacheth vs to haue passage that is to say peace by Christe And to shewe vs howe thys is he addeth that we haue passage
through faythe Ergo by fayth in Christe we receyue remissiō of synnes and we can nat lay agaynste the yre of god our loue and our workes Secondly It is certayne y● synnes be remitted because of Christ our mercystocke 〈◊〉 whō god hath ordeined to be a mercistocke And Paule addeth through faythe wher fore this mercystocke shal ayde vs if by fayth we stycke to the mercy promysed in hym and plede it in arreste of the iudgement and yre of god And to this purpose it is wrytten ad Hebreos .4 hauīg a byshope c̄ let vs approche with truste He byddeth vs approche to god nat by trust of our owne meritꝭ but by trust of our byshop Christe Ergo he requyreth fayth Thyrdly Peter in the actꝭ cap. x. sayeth thus To hym al the prophetes bere wytnes that all whiche beleue in him receyue remission of synnes through hys name Howe myght he speke it more clearly we receyue he sayteh remission of synnes throughe hys name that is to say for his sake Ergo nat for our merites nat for our contricion attricion loue ceremonies workes And he addeth that beleue in hym Ergo he requyreth fayth For we cā nat cleaue to the name of Christ but by fayth Furthermore he alledgeth the cōsent of al the prophetes This is truly to allege the authoritie of the church But of this place we shal speake here after in the tytle of penaunce Fourthly Remissiō of synnes is a thyng promised for Christ. Ergo it can nat be receyued but by fayth only For the promyse can nat be receyued but by only fayth Rom̄ 4. Therfore is it by fayth to the ende it may be a sure promyse hangyng vpon grace as who shuld say If the matter shulde hange vpon our merites the promyse were vncertayne and vnprofitable because we can neuer determyne when we haue merited ynoughe And that the assayed conscience vnderstande ryght wele Therfore Paule sayth Galat. 3. God hath concluded all thyngꝭ vnder synne that the promise through the faythe of Iesu Christe myght be gyuen to the beleuers Here he plucketh away merite frō vs because he sayeth that all be gylty and concluded vnder synne then he addeth that the promyse meanyng of remission of synnes and iustificacion is gyuen and telleth howe the promysse may be receyued that is to say by faythe And thys reason taken out of the nature of promysse is moste chief with Paule ofte repeted Nor there can nat be any thyng inuēted or feined to auoyde this argument of Paule wherfore let nat godly myndes suffre them selues to be dryuen from thys opinion that by onely faythe we receyue remission for Christ. For in this they haue a sure and ferme cōsolacion agaynst the terrours of synne and agaynst euerlastyng death and agaynst all the gates of helle And syth by only faythe we receyue remission of synnes and reconciliacion for Christe ergo only fayth iustifieth because the reconciled be reputed ryghtwyse and the chyldern of god nat for theyr owne clennes ▪ but through mercy for Christ if so be that we cleaue to thys mercye by fayth and therfore the scripture recordeth that by faythe we be reputed ryghwyse we wyll adde therfore authorities fyrste of scripture thē of doctours that shal clearely testifye that onely fayth is the very iustice by whiche we be reputed iuste before god that is to say nat because it is a worke worthy of it selfe but because it receyueth the promisse by whiche god hath promised that for Christ he wyll be mercifull to the beleuers in him or be cause it beleueth that Christe is made for vs by god a wysdom iustice sanctificacion and redempcion Paule in the epystle to the Romanes disputeth principally of thꝭ place and propouneth that we be frely iustified by fayth if we beleue that god is pacified with vs for Christe And in the thyrde chapitre he bryngeth in this proposicion whiche conteyneth the sum of his hole disputacion Arbitramur igitur hominem fide iustificari non ex operibus legis .i. we iudge therfore that mā is iustified by ●ayth and nat by the workes of the lawe Here the aduersaries do īterprete the workꝭ of the lawe to be the Leuitical ceremonies But Paule nat only speketh of the ceremonies but of the hole lawe For he alledgeth a litle after forth of the Decalogie Non concupisces .i. thou shalte nat couet Moreouer if the morall workꝭ myght deserue remission of synnes and iustificacion then neded nat Christe nor the promise then all were to no purpose that Paule speketh of promyse He shulde wryte also amys to the Ephesians that we be saued frely and that it is a gyfte of god and procedeth nat of workꝭ Also Paule alledgeth Abraham he alledgeth Dauid But these had a cōmaūdement of god of circumcision wherfore if any workes iustifyed it was necessary that tho workes whiche then were commaunded shulde haue iustifyed But Austyne doth ryghtly teache that Paule spake of the hole lawe as he disputeth copiously in his boke de spiritu litera where at last he sayeth thus His igitur cōsideratis pertractatis●● pro viribus quas dominus donare dignatur colligimꝰ non iustificare ●ominem preceptis bone vite nisi per fidem Iesa Christi .i. These therfore consydered and handled accordyng to the power whiche god vouchsaueth to gyue vs we gather that man is nat iustifyed by the preceptes of good lyfe but by faythe of Iesu Christe And leaste we shulde thynke that this sentence fell from Paule vnwares that fayth iustifieth he mainteyneth and confyrmeth it with a longe disputacyon in the fourthe chapitre to the Rom. And after he repeteth it in all the epystles In the .4 chap. to the Romanes he sayeth thus Operanti merces non imputatur secundum graci● sed secundum debitum Ei autem qui non operatur credit autem in eum qui iustificat impium reputatur fides eius ad iusticiam .i. To him that worketh is geuē a rewarde nat of fauour but of dutie Cōtrary wyse to him that worketh nat but trusteth on hym that iustifieth the wycked hys beleue is accompted for ryghtwysnes Here he clerely pronounceth that very faythe is accompted for ryghtwysenes Faythe then is the thynge whiche god pronounceth to be ryghtwysnes and he addeth that it is frely imputed And he denieth that it can be frely imputed if it shuld be due for workes Ergo he also excluded the merite of morall workes For if to these were due the iustifycacion before god faythe shuld nat be accompted ryghwysenes without workes And after he sayeth ▪ For we saye that fayth was īputed to Abrahā for ryghtwysnes In the fyfthe chapitre he sayeth Iustifyed by fayth we haue peace towarde god .i. we haue quyet and glad consciences before god Roma 10. with the harte it is beleued for ryghtwysnes Here he pronounceth faythe to be the iustice of the harte Gal. 2. Nos in Christo hesu credimꝰ vt
their hartes wherfore after that by faith we be iustified and renewed we begyn to feare god to loue god to craue loke after socoure of god to gyue thankes vnto hym to preache hym and to obeye him in afflictions we begyn also to loue our neybours because our hartes haue spiritual and holy mocions These thinges can not be done onles after that we be iustified by fayth and regenerate we receyue the holye goste fyrste because the lawe can not be done without christe also the lawe can nat be done without the holye goste But the holye goste is receyued by faythe accordinge to the saynge of Paule That we may receyue the promyse of the spirite by faythe Also howe can mans harte loue god so longe as he feleth hym greuously dyspleased with vs and to oppresse vs with temporall and perpetuall calamities but the lawe alwayes accuseth vs alwayes sheweth that god is angry God therfore is not loued vntyl we haue receyued mercy by fayth So at laste is made an amiable obiect Althoughe therfore cyuyle workes that is to saye thexterne workes of the lawe without Chryste and with out the holy gost may be in some parte done ▪ yet it appereth by that which we haue sayde that the thinges which be properlye apperteynynge to the diuyne lawe I meane thaffectyons of the harte towarde god whiche be commaunded in the fyrste table can nat be done without the holye goste But our aduersaryes be plesaunt diuynes They beholde the seconde table and the polityke workes but the fyrst table they nothinge regarde as though it pertayned nothynge to the purpose or at lest waye they requyre only externe workes That eternall lawe and farre put aboue the sence and vnderstandynge of al creatures whiche is Thou shalte loue thy lorde God with all thy harte they vtterly not consyder But Chryste was for thys ende gyuen vnto vs that for him remission of synnes the holy gost shulde be graunted vs which myght create in vs a newe and euerlastynge lyfe and an euerlastynge ryghtwysnes which myght fyrste of al shewe vnto vs Chryst as it is wrytten He shall notirize me for of myne he shal take and shewe it vnto you And after brynge also other giftes as loue inuocation thankes gyuynge chastitye pacyence c̄ wherfore the lawe can not be truely perfourmed onles we fyrste receyue the holy goste by faythe Therfore Paule saythe that by faythe the lawe is establyshed and not abrogate or auoyded For then or els neuer is the lawe fulfylled when the holy gost is in that man And Paule teacheth that the vayle with whiche the face of Moyses was muffled can nat be take awaye but by fayth in Chryste by which is receyued the holy gost For thus he sayth But vntyll thys daye when Moyses is red the vayle is put ouer theyr hartes But when they shal be conuerted to God the vayle shall be take awaye The lorde is a spirite and where the spirite of the lorde is there is lybertye By the vayle vnderstādeth Paule an humane opinion of the hole lawe of the Decalogie and ceremonyes that is to saye that hypocrites do thynke that externe and ciuile workes do satysfye the lawe of god and that sacryficies and ceremonies euen of them selfe do iustyfye before god But then thys vayle is plucked from vs that is to say this errour is taken away when god sheweth to our hartes our vnclēnes and greatnes of synne There fyrst we se our selues to be farre from the fulfyllynge of the lawe There we acknoweledge howe that the fleshe beinge idle and careles feareth not god not thynketh verely that god regardeth vs but that we be casually borne and vanyshe away lyke brute bestes There we fynde thexperyence that we beleue not that god forgyueth vs and heareth vs but when we hearynge thevangell and forgyuenes of synnes begynne to lyfte vp our selues by faythe we conceyue the holy goste so that nowe we may thinke ryghtly of god and dreade god and beleue hym c̄ By this appereth that without Chryste and without the holy gooste the lawe can not be done wherfore we professe that we muste neades inchoate or begynne to fulfyll vnto our powers the lawe and euer more attempte to do it more and more And we compryse here bothe two aswell the spirituall mocyons as the outwarde good workes wherfore the aduersaryes do falsly calumnyate vs in reportynge that we teache not good workes sythe we nat only requyre them but also shewe howe they maye be done The very proufe of the thyng doth condēpne and bewraye the ypocrites whiche attempt by theyr owne powers to do the lawe that they can nat perfourme the thyng that they attempt For the nature of man is farre to weke of the owne powers to resyst the deuyll who hath al in his holde as captiues prisoners which be nat delyuered by fayth The powers of Christ is requisite agaynst the deuyll and therfore because we knowe that for Christe we be herde receyue a promyse it is requisyt that we pray that the holy ghoste may gouerne vs and protect vs lest we fortune to erre deceyuyng our selues and leaste by wycked impulsion we take vpon vs any thyng agaynste the wyll of god As the Psalme teacheth He led captiuitie a captiue he gaue gyftes to men For Christ hath veynquyshed the deuyl and hathe gyuen vnto vs a promyse and the holy ghoste to the ende that we may also vaynquyshe by y● socoure of god And Iohā sayeth To this intent appered the son of god that he myght losen the workes of the deuyll Furthermore we teache nat only how the law may be done but also howe the thynge that is done may please god which is nat because we satisfy the lawe but because we be ī Christe as it shal be sayde a lytle here after So it is euidēt that we requyre good workes yea we adde also that it is impossible to seuere the loue of god though it be lytle from faythe For by Christe we approche to the father and after the receite of remissiō of synnes we be assured that we haue god that is to say that we be regarded of god we make inuocacion we gyue thankes we feare we loue as Iohan teacheth in the fyrst epystle we loue hym quod he because he fyrst loued vs meanyng because he gaue for vs his son and remitted our synnes Thus he signifyeth that fayth goeth before and loue foloweth Also the fayth of whiche we speake ●s declared in penaunce .i. it is conceyued in ●eares of the cōsciēce which feleth the wrath of god kyndled against our synnes and seketh remission of synnes and a gayle deliuery from synne And in suche feares and other afflictions this fayth oweth to encreace and be confirmed wherfore it can nat be in them whiche lyue after theyr fleshe whiche delyte in theyr lustes and obey them Therfore Paule sayeth There is no condempnacion nowe to these whiche be in Christe Iesu
whiche walke nat after theyr fleshe but after the spirite Also we be dettours nat to the fleshe that we shulde lyue after the fleshe For if ye lyue after the fleshe ye shall dye But if in spirite ye mortifye the actes of the bodye ye shall lyue Wherfore this fayth whiche receyueth remission of synnes in the troubled and affrayed herte and fleyng synne dwelleth nat in them whiche folowe theyr lustes nor stādeth nat with deadly synne Out of these effectes or operacions of fayth the aduersaries pycke out one and that is loue ▪ and teache that it iustifyeth Thus it manifestly appereth that they only teache the lawe They reache nat fyrste that we receyue remissiō of synnes by fayth They teache nat of the mediatour Christe that for Christe we haue God our good lorde but for our owne loue And yet what maner of loue that is they tell nat nor can nat tell They bragge glory that they fulfyll the lawe where as this glory is properly due to Christ and they lay the affia●̄ce of theyr owne workes to the iudgemēt of god for t●ey say that they deserue grace eternall lyfe de condigno .i. of theyr owne worthynes This is vtterly a wycked and a vayne affiaunce For in this lyfe we can nat satisfye the lawe because the carnall nature ceaseth nat to bryng forth euyll affections al though the spirite in vs resysteth thē But a man may demaunde of vs a question sythe that we also confesse that loue is the worke of the holy ghost and syth it is ryghtwysnes for it is the fulfyllyng of the law why do nat we teache that it iustifieth ▪ To this we answere Fyrst it is certayne that we receiue nat remission of synnes neyther by loue nor for or loue but for Christ by only fayth Only faythe whiche loketh to the promyse and is assured that god forgiueth because Christ dyed nat in vaine ouercometh the feares of synne of death If a man doubteth whether hys synnes be forgyuen hym he disworshyppeth Christe sythe he iudgeth hys synne greater or stronger then the death and promyse of Christe where Paule sayeth that grace surmounteth synne that is to say that mercye is aboue synne who thynketh that he attayneth remission of synnes because he loueth dishonoreth Christ and he shal fynde in the daye of gods iudgement this affyaunce of his owne propre iustice to be wycked voyde Ergo fayth must recōcile make of the iniust iust And as we receiue nat remissiō of synnes by the other vertues or for the other vertues of the lawe as for pacience chastitie obediēce towarde the superiours c̄ and yet these vertues must ensue so we neyther receyue remissyon of synnes because of the dilectiō of god Howbeit it is a commune fourme of speakyng otherwhyles to comprise in one worde bothe the cause and the effect by a figure called Synecdoche as in the seuenth of Luke Christ sayeth Many synnes be forgyuē her because she loued muche For Christ expouneth him selfe whē he addeth Thy fayth hathe saued the. Christ then meant nat that the woman by that worke of loue shulde deserue remissiō of synnes and therfore he clearly sayeth Thy faythe hathe saued the. But fayth is the thyng which conceiueth mercy for the worde of god freely If ye deny that thꝭ is fayth ye vtterly knowe nat what faythe meaneth The very historye of it selfe sheweth sufficiently what he calleth loue in this place The woman cam brynging with her this opinion of Christe that in hym ▪ she shulde fynde remission of synnes This worshyp is the most hyghe worshyp of Christ she coulde gyue no greater worshyp vnto hym This is the trewe fashyon of acknowledgyng Messias to seke at hym remission of synnes And to conceiue this opinion of Christ thus to worship him is rightly and truly to beleue But this worde loue Christe vsed nat to the womā but to the Pharisee for he cōpared the hole worshyppyng of the Pharisee with the hole worshyppyng of the woman He chydeth the Pharisee because he acknoweledged hym nat to be Messias although he dyd vnto hym these externe officies as vnto a straunger and an holy greate man he poynteth to the woman and commendeth her worshyppyng her oyntment ●eares c̄ whiche all were sygnes of fayth a certayne cōfession that at Christ she sought remission of synnes Undoutedly this was a greate example which nat without cause moued Christe to chyde the Pharisee whiche was a wyse and an honest man but one that beleued nat This impietie he vpbraideth him and instructeth him by the example of the woman signifieng that it was a shame y● where as an vnlerned woman beleued god he a doctour of the lawe beleued nat and acknowleged nat Messias nor sought nat at hym remission of synnes saluacion So thē he prayseth the hole worshyppyng as it is ofte done in scripture that in one worde we shuld cōprise many as here after we shall shewe more at large in lyke places as in this saying Gyue almes and all shal be clene he requyreth nat only almesdedꝭ but also the iustice of faythe so also here whē he sayeth Many synnes be remytted vnto her because she loued muche that is to saye because she hath worshypped me truly by fayth and excercises and signes of fayth he cōpryseth the hole worshyppyng but in the meane seasō yet he teacheth thys that properly remission of synnes is receyued by fayth althoughe loue confession and other good workes do necessaryly ensue wherfore he meaneth nat this that those frutꝭ be a recōpense or raunsum for whiche remission of synnes is gyuen whiche may reconcile vs to god we dispute of a greate thing euen of the honour of Christe and from whens the godly myndes may fetche a sure ferme consolacion whether our truste is to be put in Christe or in our workes If so be that we owe to set our trust in our workes then we must plucke from Christe the honour and title of a mediatour and redemer And yet we shall fynde in the iudgement of god that this confidence is vayne and that the conscience from thens shall rūne into despayre That if remission of synnes and reconciliacyon chaunseth nat frely for Christ but for our loue and merites no man shal haue remission of synnes but where he fulfylleth the hole lawe for the lawe iustifieth vs nat so longe as it can accuse vs. It is euident then syth iustificacion is reconciliacion for Christ that by fayth we be iustified for it is most certayne that by only fayth is receyued remission of synnes Nowe therfore let vs answere to the question afore proposed why loue iustifyeth nat The aduersaries thynke ryghtly that loue is the fulfilling of the lawe And doubtles the obedience towarde the lawe were ryghwisnes if we coulde do the lawe But we haue here tofore shewed that the promisses were therfore gyuen because we coulde nat do the lawe And for this selfe cause denyeth Paule
meriteth only the fyrst grace and that we thē by our owne fulfyllyng of the lawe do please and deserue euerlastyng lyfe The mediatour Christe taryeth styll and we must alwaies thynke that for him we haue god pacifyed although we be vnworthy as Paule sayeth By hym we haue an entre to god thorugh fayth For our fulfyllyng of the lawe as we sayde is vnclene sythe our nature is horriblely corrupted Therfore the Psalme sayeth Blessed be they whose synnes be forgyuen Wherfore we haue nede of remission of synnes yea euen when we haue good workꝭ But that remission is alwayes purchased by faythe so Christe remayneth a byshop and mediatour g o ergo that fulfyllyng of the lawe pleaseth nat of it selfe But because we cōceiue Christ by fayth and fele that we haue god pacified nat for the lawe but for Christe Fyfthly If we shulde thynke that after baptisme we ought to be accepted nat by fayth in Christ but for our fulfyllyng of the lawe our conscience shulde neuer be quyete but shulde runne into desperation For the lawe alwayes accuseth syth we neuer satisfy the lawe which thyng the hole churche cōfesseth For Paule sayeth Good that I wolde do I do nat but euyl that I wolde nat do I do He also sayeth In mynde I serue the lawe of god but ī fleshe I serue the lawe of syn For who sufficiently loueth or sufficiently feareth god who paciently ynough susteyneth tribulacions whiche god putteth vpō him who doth nat oft doubt whether humane thynges be ruled by goddes prouidence who doth nat oft doubte whether god heareth his prayer who dothe nat oft disdysdayne and grudge that the wycked haue better fortune than the godly people and that the godly be oppressed of the vngodly who is nat angrie with the iudgemēt of god whan he semeth to caste vs away who doth satisfy his callīg who loueth his neyghbour as him selfe who is nat ouerthrowen of his concupiscēce Of these synnes speaketh the psalme sayeng For this euery saynt shal pray to the. Lo here he sayeth that sayntes or holy men desyre remission of synnes They be more then blynde which se nat that the euil affectiōs ī the fleshe be nat synnes of whiche Paule sayeth The fleshe lusteth agaynst the spirite the spirit agaynst the fleshe The fleshe distrusteth god trusteth in thinges present seketh humane socours in distresse and affliction yea agaynste the wyll of god it fleeth tribulations whiche by the commaundement of god it oweth to suffre it doubteth of the mercy of god The holy spirite in mēnes tencies of the lawe one solution may be gyuē that the lawe can nat be done without Chryst if any ciuile workes be done without Christ they please not god Wherfore when the workes be preached it is necessarye to be added that fayth is requyred that for faythe they be preached that they be frutes and testimonies of faythe What thynge can be spoken more symply and syncerely thā this doctryne For it is necessarie to the knowledge of the benefytes of Christ to discerne the promyses from the lawe Ambiguouse and perilous causes do engender many and sundry solutions But in good and ferme causes one or two solutions taken out of the fountaynes do answere all that maye be obiected Whiche thynge also appereth in thys our cause For that rule whiche I ryght nowe recyted expounneth all the saynges whiche be recited of the lawe and of the workes For we graunte that the scripture otherwhyles doth teache the lawe otherwhyles the free promyse of remyssyon of synnes for Christe But our aduersaries do vtterly destroy the promyse in sainge that fayth dothe not iustifie but teache that for our loue and workes we receyue remission of synnes reconciliation For yf remissyon of synnes shulde hange of the condicion of our workes so were it very vncertayne For we neuer do sufficient workes Then the promyse shall be put out of yre Wherfore we call agayne good myndes to the cōsideration of the promisses and we teache them of the free remyssyon and reconcilement that is made by the faythe in Christe After thys we adde also the doctrine of the lawe nat that by the lawe we shulde deserue forgyuenes of sīnes or that for the lawe we shulde be compted ryghtwyse and nat for Christ but for thys entent because god requireth good workes For we muste wysely distincte the lawe and the promyses It must be sene what scripture gyueth to the lawe and what to the promyses For it prayseth and commaundeth good workes in such sorte that it taketh not awaye the free promyse nor the benefyte that we haue by Christe For good workes are to be done because God requireth them and therfore they be the effectes of regeneration as Paule teacheth We be his worke made by Christe Iesus to good workes whiche God hathe prepared that we shuld walke in them Wherfore good workes ought to ensue faythe as a geuynge of thankes towarde god also that in them faythe maye be bothe excercised and encrease and be shewed to other that by our confessyon other maye be styrred to deuotyon Therfore sayth Paule that Abraham toke circumcisiō not that for the very worke he shuld be compted ryghtwise but that he might haue a marke printed in his body wherby he myght be brought in rememberaunce and conceyue styll more faythe and more Also to thentente he shulde confesse hys fayth before other and by hys wytnessynge prouoke other to beleue So Abell by reason of hys faythe offered a more acceptable sacrifice for the sacrifice pleased god not for the very sacrifice but bycause Abel by hys faythe was assured that god was pleased with him because of hꝭ mercie And he dyd that worke only to th ende to excercise his faythe and to prouoke other by hys ensample and confessyon to beleue Syth good workes ought after thys sorte ensue faythe men that can nat beleue and determyne in theyr hartes that they be frely pardoned for Christes sake ▪ do vse workes farre an other way These persons when they see the workes of sayntes and holy persons they iudge after a worldly fashō that the sayntes by tho workes haue deserued forgiuenes of synnes and that for tho workes they be accompted ryghtwyse before God Therfore they folowe them and thynke that by lyke workes they deserue remyssion of synnes they go aboute to pacifye the ire of God and truste that for suche workes they shall be accompted ryghtwyse These wycked opinions in workes we damne Fyrst because they obscure the glory of Christ when men do propowne to god these workes as a pryce raunsom Thus the honour due to only Christ is gyuen to our workes Secondly because that notwithstandynge all theyr good workes yet the conscyence fyndeth no peace in them but heapynge workes vpon workes in true trobles at laste dispayreth for when it findeth no worke clene ynoughe the lawe alwayes accuseth and engendreth ire Therdly Such neuer atteyne to the knowledge of god when
thy lorde god c. But howe shall they gather hereby that loue iustifieth Mary saye they bycause the greatest vertue iustifieth Nat so for lyke as the greatest or fyrste lawe dothe nat iustify so dothe neyther the greatest vertue of the lawe For there is no lawe whiche more accuseth vs which maketh more that our conscience is angrye with the iudgement of god thā this greatest lawe doth Loue thy lorde god with al thy harte For what one of all the sayntes saue only Christe dare boste that he hath satisfyed this lawe Ergo the vertue of the lawe iustifyeth nat But that vertue iustifieth which taketh reconcilement that is gyuen for Christes sake This vertue is fayth nor it iustifyeth nat for the owne worthynes but only because it receyueth mercy by which for Christes sake we be recoumpted iuste For we be iuste that is to saye accepted to god nat for our owne ꝑfectiō but by mercy for Christ. if it so be that we take it and lay it agaynst the wrathe of god But the aduersaries do gyue iustification to loue for none other cause but for as muche as they teache the lawe dreame that ryghtwisenes is the obediēce of the lawe For mans reason only loketh to the lawe and vnderstandeth none other iustice than thobedience of the lawe And the scholemen lyke wytty felowes goyng aboute to seke out a science in diuine matters haue propouned vnto thē selues the lawe euen as the philosophers in Morall matters do propoune vnto thē selues preceptes of manners But Paule cryeth out agaynst it and teacheth that iustice is an other thynge that is to were an obedience towarde the promyse of reconcilement gyuen for Christ and that is to receyue mercy gyuē for Christ. For so be we accepted vnto god so be the conscience pacifyed when we fele that god is merciful vnto vs for Christꝭ sake Wherfore mens myndes must be plucked away from the lawe to the promyse as we haue oft tymes nowe sayde and shal expoune the thyng more largely a lytle here after whē we shal examine the scholasticall argumentes of the worde of ryghtwysenes The aduersaries in theyr confutation cyted also thꝭ place of Paule to the Coloss. agaynst vs. Charitie is the bonde of perfection vpon this they reason that loue iustifieth because it maketh men perfyte Althoughe it may here be answered in sundry wyses of perfection yet we wyl simpely recite the meaning of Paule Certayne it is that Paule speaketh of the loue of the neyghbour Nor it is nat to be thought that Paule attributeth eyther iustificatiō or perfectiō before god to the workꝭ of the seconde table rather than to the workꝭ of the fyrste Furthermore if loue be the perfyte fulfyllyng of the lawe and satisfyeth the lawe thē we nede nat Christe to be our mediatour and redemer But Paule teacheth that we be therfore accepted for Christ and nat for the fulfyllyng of the lawe because the fulfyllyng of the lawe is nat perfyte Wherfore syth in other place as he manifestly plucketh from vs perfection it is nat to be thought that he speaketh here of the personall perfection of euery particular persone but speaketh of the comune integritie and vnitie of the churche For to this entent he sayeth y● loue is a bonde or knyttyng together ▪ because he wolde signifie vnto vs that he speketh of the couplyng or knyttyng together of all the membres of the churche For as in all families in all publyke weales concorde is to be nouryshed with mutuall officies of loue nor tranquillitie can nat be reteined onles some lytle offensies be wynked at and forgyuen so commaundeth Paule that in the churche be kept loue and charitie to the reteynyng of cōcorde and whiche shall beare otherwhyles when nede requyreth the boystous manners of theyr bretherne dissemblyng certayne lyte offensies lest the churche runne into sundry Schismes and dissensions and of Schismes do ryse hatredes secres heresies For it can no otherwyse be but that concorde shal be broken when the byshoppes do laye on the peoples backes harder burdens than is expedyent and haue no manner regarde of the peoples imbecilitye Also discordes do ryse whan the people iudgeth ouer sharpely of the maners of theyr teachers or dispiseth thē for certayne lyte causes sekinge then an other kinde of doctryne and other teachers On the contrary syde the perfectyon that is to saye the entiernes and vnitie of the churche is kepte whan the stronge do suffer and beare the weake whan the people taketh in worthe certayne incommodities whiche be in the maners of theyr teachers when the byshoppes do permyt somewhat to the imbecillitie of the people Of these preceptes of equitie al the bokes of the wyse mē be ful to th end we shulde remytte and forgyue many thinges betwixte our selues in thys state of lyfe for a cōmune tranquillitie And of it Paule aswele in thꝭ place as in many other speketh and gyueth commaundement Wherfore thaduersaryes do imprudently fetche forth a reason out of this worde perfection that loue iustifieth syth Paule speketh here of the cōmune vnitie and tranquillitie And so Ambrose expouneth thys place whose wordes be these Siaut ' edificium dicitum perf●ctum seu integrum cum omnes partes apte inter seco agmentatae sunt Euen quod Ambrose lyke as a buyldynge is called perfyte or hole whē al the partes be aptly framed and cōioyned togyther c̄ It is a shame for the aduersaryes so hyghly to auaunce loue and so litle at any tyme to perfourme it For what do they nowe They disseuer churches or congregations they wryte lawes with mens bloude and propowne thē to the Emperours maiestie a prynce moste mercyful to be promulgate and inacted They kylle prestes and other good men yf any do but a lytle touche that he doth nat altogyther allowe some manifest abuses But thys agreeth nat with suche auauncemētes and hyghe prayses of charitie whiche yf our aduersaryes wolde folowe the churches shulde be in tranquillitie and the publyke weales in vnitie and peace For these tumultes ruffelinges shuld cease if thaduersaryes wold nat thus rigorously exact certayne traditions vnprofytable to godlynes of whiche the most parte not they them selues do kepe whiche do most stoutly defende them They easely pardone them selues but other they wyll not so euen as Meuius dothe in Horace Egomet mi ignosco Meuius inquit I saythe Meuius do forgyue myne owne selfe Undoutedly thys nothynge agreeth with these noble prayses of charytye whiche they here cyte out of Paule and vnderstande hym no more then the walles vnderstonde the voyce that commeth vnto them Out of Peter they cyte also this sentēce Charite hideth a multitude of sinne● But it is also certayne that Peter speaketh of the loue towarde the neyghboure who applyeth this place to the precepte in whiche he commaundeth men to loue eche another Nor truly it coulde nat come to the mynde of any of the Apostles that our loue
For Christ rebuketh the pharises whiche thought thē selues to be made cleane in the syght of god that is to saye to be iustifyed by theyr oft washinges euen as a certayne byshope of Rome sheweth of holy water that it sanctifyeth and clenseth the people And the glose sayth that it cleneth from venial synnes Suche were also the opinions of the Pharisies whiche Christ reprehendeth and he setteth against this fayned purgatyon two maner of clennes the one inwarde the other outwarde he byddeth that they shulde be made cleane inwardly and addeth concernynge outwarde clennes Gyue in almose of your superfluitie and aboundance and so all thynges shal be cleane vnto you Our aduersaryes do not ryghtly applye thys partycle or sygne vnyuersall omnia for Christe addeth thys conclusyon to bothe members Then all thynge shal be cleane to you that is to witte yf ye shall be clane inwardly and shall gyue almose outwardly For he sygnifyeth that outwarde clennes is to be sette in the warkes commaunded by god and not ī the traditions of men as then were tho ofte wasshinges and nowe a dayes is the dayly sprinclyng of holy water the habites of religious persons as they be called the deuersite choyse of metes and lyke pompes But our aduersaryes do corrupte the sentence with sophistrie translatynge the vniuersall perticle to the one parte alone All thynges shal be cleane to you yf ye gyue almose as yf a man shulde make thꝭ reason S Andrewe is present g o ergo al the Aposteles be present Wherfore in the antecedente both members ought to be ioyned together in thys wyse Beleue and gyue almose so all thynges shall be cleane to you For the scripture sayth in another place that the hartes be purifyed by faythe That if the hartes be clensed and afterwarde almose dedes be put to outwardly that is to saye almanner workes of charite so shall they be cleane al together that is for to saye not onely within but also without And that hole sermone of Christe ought to be ioyned together of which there be many partes wherof certayne do teache of faythe and certayne of warkꝭ And it is no ꝓperty of a good reader to pycke out the preceptes of warkes leuynge out the places of faythe There be some also which do interprete it to be an Ironicall locution Gyue ye almose and all thynges be cleaue vnto you For Christe semeth dryly to checke the vayne persuasion of the phariseis whiche whan they had theyr myndes laden with moste lewde affections yet in the meane season because they gaue almose thought thē selues to be halfe goddes Thys interpretatyon is nat vnmete neyther hath it any thing in it selfe dissonante or contrary to the other scriptures We wolde put to also other places but that we thinke that by these places which we haue rehersed and declared all other lyke may easely be iudged But we shall yet adde this scolastical argumēt Ryghtuousnes must nedes be in the wyll g o ergo faythe whiche is in the vnderstandyng doth nat iustifye This argument we do therfore reherse that the hole matter myght be made more playne howe fayth doth iustifye and what Paule dothe call iustifycatyon And fyrst because of certayne wayward persons we shall answere artificiously Thꝭ is playne in morall philosophie that iustyce is called obedyence towarde the superiour such as he accepteth and alloweth But faythe is an obedyence towardes the gospell Wherfore faythe is ryghtly called iustyce for obedience towardes the gospell is imputed and rekened for ryghtuousnes in somuche that obedyence towardes the lawe only doth therfore please because we beleue that god is frely gracious and louinge to vs for Christes sake for we do neuer satisfye the lawe Nowe althoughe this faythe be in the wyl for it is to wyl and to receyue the promyse yet neuer theles this obedyence towarde the gospel is not for our clennes imputed for ryghtuousnes but because it receyueth the mercy that is offered and thynketh that we be reputed ryghtuous for Christes sake by mercy and nat for our owne fulfylling of the lawe nor for our owne clennes So the mynde is to be called awaye from gasynge on the lawe vnto the gospell and vnto Christe and we must assure our selues that we be reputed ryghtuous when we do thynke our owne selues to be accepted for Christes sake and nat for our owne loue or for our owne fulfyllynge of the lawe And faythe differeth frō hope for faythe receyueth at thꝭ present tyme remissyon of synnes recōciliation or acceptatyon of our owne selues for Christes sake But hope is busye aboute the good thynges that be to come and aboute delyueraunce to come Secondarely Iustifycation here in thꝭ place signifieth to be reputed rightuous Now god dothe nat repute a man ryghtuous after the maner that a man is reputed ryghtuous in the corte of causes or in philosophi for the iustyce of hys owne warkes whiche maye wele be put in the wyl But he reputeth a mā ryghtuous by mercy for Christes sake so that a mā do receyue hym by fayth Wherfore fayth may be called Iustyce for it is that thynge which is imputed to rightuousnes as paule is wont to speake in what so euer parte of man it be put For that dothe nothynge at all let goddes imputatyon howe be it we do put thys faythe in the wyll of man for it is to wyll and to receyue the promyse of Chryste And thys scolasticall argument thus debated because it dryueth the matter to an art the hole cause semeth moche the better to be perceyued By 〈◊〉 these thynges it maye be also perceyued what is to be iudged de merito condigni that is to wyt of the meryte of worthynes of whiche our aduersaryes do fayne that men be ryghtuous in the syght of god for theyr owne loue and fulfyllynge of the lawe Here is no mencion at al made of the iustyce of fayth and in the stede of Christe the mediator is put that we be accepted for our fulfyllynge of the lawe These thynges are in no wyse sufferable but as we sayd before though loue foloweth renouatiō yet maye nat the glorie of Christ be taken frō hym and geuen to our fulfyllynge of the lawe but it is to be thought that euen after the renouation also we be accompted iust for Christes sake and that Christ remayneth styl a mediator and mercy stocke and that by the meanes of Christ and for him we haue commynge and entre to the father and that we do nat satysfie the lawe but that we haue alwayes nede of mercy and that we be alwayes compted iust for mercye And thys thynge dothe the hole churche confesse that we be made ryghtwyse and saued throughe mercie as we haue heretofore recyted forthe of Saynt Ierome Our ryghtuousnes is not for our owne meryte but commeth of the mercie of god But so it is that thys mercy is receiued by faith g o ergo c̄ But se
I pray you what incōuenience ensueth of the opiniō of our aduersaries if it shulde be thought that Christe dyd onely meryte the fyrste grace or fauoure as they cal it and afterwardes we be accepted for our owne fulfyllinge of the lawe and do deserue eternall lyfe when shall conscyencies be quiete when shal they be assured that they haue the fauour of god for the lawe alwayes accuseth vs as Paule sayeh Lex irā operatur the lawe worketh wrathe So shall it come to passe that yf the conscyence shal fele the iudgement of the lawe they shall runne in to desperatyon Paule sayth All that euer is not of fayth is synne But these persons wyl neuer worke any thynge by faythe yf they shuld neuer thynke them selues to haue god gracyous and louinge vnto thē but when they haue fulfylled the lawe yea rather they shall euidently perceyue that they haue nat satisfyed it And therfore they shall neuer determyne within them selues that they haue goddes fauour and that theyr prayer is hard ▪ and consequently they shal neuer loue they shall neuer truly worshyppe god Suche maner of hartes and myndes what other thynge be they but very helle it selfe syth they be ful of desperatyon and of the hatred of god and yet in thys hatred they do cal vpon god and do worshype god as Saule dyd worshyppe hym Here we prouoke appele to godly mindes and skylled of spirituall thynges These can testifye that those forsayd evyls ensue of that vngodly persuasyon of our aduersaryes who thynke that we be reputed iuste in the syght of god for our owne fulfyllinge of the lawe and bydde vs nat trust in the promyse of mercie frely gyuen for Christꝭ sake but rather in our owne fulfyllyng of the lawe It is therfore expedient to determyne with our selues that vndoutedly after renewinge we be rightwise or acceptable to god and y● we haue peace in y● sight of god through mercy for Christ and also that such incōplete beginninge of the lawe in vs is not worthy of eternal lyfe but that lyke wyse as remission of synnes and iustifycation is imputed throughe mercy for Christ and nat for the lawe euen so eternal lyfe with iustificatiō is offered nat for the lawe and for the perfection of our workes but throughe mercy for Christꝭ sake as christ him selfe sayth This is the wyl of my father who hathe sente me that euery one which seth the son and beleueth in hym shall haue euerlastynge lyfe But let vs enquyre of our aduersaryes what counsell they gyue vnto them that be at the poynte of deth whether they do bydde them thinke that they be compted iust and to loke after euerlastynge lyfe for theyr owne workes or els for the mercy of god for Christꝭ sake Certes nether Paule nether Laurēce wyl say that they are to be compted ryghtuouse for theyr owne clennes or that euerlastinge lyfe is to thē due for theyr owne workes or fulfyllynge of the lawe but they wyl thynke them selues to be reputed iust to receyue eternal lyfe for Christꝭ sake throughe mercy Nether can godly myndes be armed againste desperation onles they thinke that through mercy for Christes sake they haue assuredly bothe ryghtuousnes and euerlastyng lyfe and nat for the lawe Thꝭ sentence comforteth setteth vp and saueth godly myndes Wherfore thaduersaryes when they auaunce extolle meritum condigni .i. the merite of worthynes they quyte put away y● doctrine of fayth and of the medyator Christe dryue conscience to desperation But some happely wyll saye if we are to be saued by mercy what diuersitie is there betwyrt them to whō saluation chaunseth and them to whom it doth nat chance Shal both good men bad mē egally hope and trust after mercye This argumente semeth to haue moued the schole men to seke meritum condigni .i. the meryte of condignitie or worthynes For there must nedes be some diuersity betwixt those that shal be saued those that shal be dampned And fyrste of all we say that with iustifycation is offered euerlastynge lyfe or that they whiche are iustifyed be the sonnes of god and coinheritours with Christ accordynge to thys sayinge of Paule Whome he hathe iustyfyed the same he hathe also gloryfyed Therfore saluatyon chaunceth to none saue to those that be iustifyed And lykewyse as iustifycation shuld be vncertayne yf it dyd hāge vpon the condition of our workes or of the lawe and were nat frely receyued for Christes sake thrugh mercie So yf hope dyd leaue to our workes then in dede it shulde be vncertayne because the lawe dothe alwayes accuse conscyence Nether can there be any hope of eternal lyfe except the conscyence be at peace and reste For the conscience that is in doute fl●eth the iudgement of god despayreth but it is necessary that the hope of eternal lyfe be certayne and vndouted and therfore that it may be vndouted and certaine we must thinke that euerlastinge lyfe is gyuen frely throughe mercy for Christes sake and nat for our owne fulfyllyge of the lawe In courtes and in the iudgementes of men ryght or deuty is for the most parte certaine vndouted but the mercy of the Iudge is vncertayne But here in the sight of god the thinge is farre otherwyse for mercy hath the playne and euident commaundemente of god for the gospell is that same cōmaundement which byddeth vs beleue that god is wyllinge to forgyue and to saue vs for Christes sake accordynge to that sayenge of Christe God hath not sent hys son into the worlde to iudge the worlde but that the worlde shulde be saued by him whosoeuer beleueth in hym is not iudged As often tymes therfore as mention is 〈◊〉 of mercie it is to be vnderstonde● that faythe is required And this fayth maketh the ●●●erence betwixte them that shal be saued them that shal be dāpned betwene them that ●e worthy ▪ and them that be vnworthy For eternal lyfe is promysed to thē that be iustifyed And fayth iustifieth whensoeuer men do receyue it And we ought to labour and striue al our lyue longe that we maye gette and establyshe thys fayth for thꝭ fayth as we haue sayd before is won in repentaunce nat in thē which walke after the fleshe ▪ And it ought to encrease al our lyfe longe amonge ieoperdies and temptations And whosoeuer haue goten this faythe those be borne agayne that they maye worke well and that they may do the lawe Therfore lykewyse as we require repentaunce through out all our lyfe tyme so we do also re●uyre good workes all thoughe our workes be nat suche that for them eternall lyfe is due lykewyse as Christe sayde in lyke sentence When ye haue done all thynges saye we be vnprofytable seruauntes And Barnarde sayeth ryght well thus It is necessary fyrste to beleue that thou canst not haue remission of synnes but by the onely indulgence and pardon of god Secondarily that thou canst haue no maner good
worke at all onles it also be frely gyuē vnto y● And a lytle after he sayth Let no mā therfore begile hym selfe for yf he wyl consyder wel he shall fynde with out doute that he is not able to go forthe with tenne thousande agaynste hym whiche commeth to hym with twenty thousande c. We therfore to th entent that consciences shulde retayne a sure and vndouted consolation and hope do cal men backe agayne to the promise of Christe and do teache that it is necessarye to beleue that god for Christes sake and nat for the lawe dothe forgeue synnes doth iustifye and dothe gyue eternall lyfe accordynge to that saynge Who so euer hath the son hath lyfe But it is a worlde to heare howe our aduersaryes do dally and elude thꝭ sayinge of Christ. When ye haue done all thynges yet say ye we be vnprofytable seruauntes In the confutatyon thus they corupt it fyrst they go about to cōfound vs with our owne reason by a fourme of argument which is called antistrephon in this maner If when we haue done al thinges we must saye we be unprofytable saruauntes g o ergo moche rather when we haue beleued all thynges we maye say that we be vnprofitable seruauntes Marke I praye you howe greatly our aduersaryes be delyted in vanities and in chyldishe sophistrie But albeit these folyshe trifles be nat worthy to be refuted and dysproued yet neuertheles we shall make answere to them in fewe wordes Theyr argumente called antystrephon is vicious and nothynge worth For our aduersaryes be deceyued in thys worde faythe which yf it betokened the knowledge of the historye or yf we had sayde that faythe of her owne worthines had saued then shulde the symylytude be of moche more strengthe that we be vnprofytable seruauntes thoughe we had beleued But we do speke of the fayth and truste of the promyse and of the mercy of god And thys faythe dothe graunte that we be vnprofytable seruauntes yea thys is the verye voyce and saynge of fayth that our workes be vnworthy and that we be vnprofytable seruauntes And for thys only cause we speke of faythe and seke mercie because we knowledge our selues to be vnprofytable seruauntes For faythe dothe therfore saue because it receyueth mercie or the promyse of grace all thoughe our workes be vnworthy And after this vnderstandynge the antystrephon dothe nothynge hurte vs when ye shal haue beleued all thynges yet say ye we be vnprofytable seruauntes it is well sayde yf it be onely vnderstonded that worthynes is taken from workꝭ But agayn on the contrary syde yf it be thus vnderstonded that faythe also is vnprofytable then the symilitude is nothynge worthy to say when ye shall haue done al thynges do nat truste to your workes So whan ye shall haue beleued do not trust the promyse of god These thynges do not agre together for they be verie fare vnlyke Unlyke causes vnlyke obiectes of confydence and truste be in the fyrst proposytion and in the latter Truste in the fyrst proposytion is the trust of our owne workes Truste in the latter proposytion is the trust of goddes promyse Nome Christe condempneth confydence and truste in our owne workes but he dothe nat disalowe the trust in his owne promyse he wyllith nat that we despayre of the grace and mercie of god he rebuketh our warkes as vnworthy but he rebuketh not the promyse whiche frely offereth mercy And Ambrose speketh excedyngly wele in thꝭ poynte thus Grace is to be knowen but nature is not to be knowen we muste truste to the promyse of grace and not to our nature But our aduersaries folowe there accustomed maner They do vngraciously wrest the sentence that maketh for fayth agaynst the doctrine of fayth For this cauillation dothe abrogate the gospel to say ▪ when ye shall haue beleued all thynges saye that fayth is vnprofytable Doth nat the gospell promyse remission of synnes and saluatiō euen vnto them whiche haue no good workes at all so that they wyll be conuerted and nat despayre but by fayth in Christe obtayne remission of synnes Do our aduersaryes bydde them despayre whose consciences fynde no good warkes whiche they may plede agaynst the iudgement of god Wyl they say vnto thē that faythe is vnprofytable God gyue these sophisters a myschefe with such cauillations whiche do subuerte the hole gospell whiche do abrogate the free remyssyon of synnes whiche do take awaye from godlye conscyences ferme and sure consolatyons But that cauillatyon amonge other is vtterlye childishe wher as they interprete the seruauntes to be vnprofytable because the workes be vnprofitable to god but profitable to vs. But Christ speketh of y● vtilitie and profet whiche maketh god dettour to vs of grace Howbeit it is besyde the purpose here in this place to dispute of vtilitie or inutilitie For vnprofitable seruauntes betoken vnsufficient or vnable seruauntes for no man feareth god so muche no man loueth so muche no man beleueth or trusteth god so muche as he ought to do no man fulfilleth the lawe But let vs nowe passe ouer these vayne cauillations of our aduersaries of whiche howe men wyll iudge if at any tyme they shal be brought forthe in to lyght Wyse men may easely gesse In wordes moste playne and euident they haue foūde a starrīg hole But who seeth nat that in this place is re●uked the confidence and truste of our owne workes But our aduersaries do crye agaynst vs that eternall lyfe is due of worthynes for our owne god workes bycause eternal lyfe is called a rewarde We wyll make a shorte and a playne answere Paule calleth eternall lyfe a gyfte because when we be reputed ryghtuous for Christes sake we be also made the sonnes of god and coinheritours with Christ. But in another place it is wrytten Plentuous shal your rewarde be in heuen If our aduersaries do thīke that the●e thinges be repugnaunte the one to the other let them selues dissolue the doubte But they be none indifferēt iudges For they leaue out this worde gyfte they leaue out also the fountaynes of the hole busynes that is to saye in what wyse men be iustified and that Christe is contynually a Mediatour In the meane season they pycke out thys worde rewarde And that they do most bytterly interprete nat only agaynst the scripture but also agaynste the custome and vsuall maner of speakyng Hereof they reason because it is called rewarde that therfore our workes are suche whiche ought to be the pryce for which eternall lyfe is dewe Uerely thys is a newe kynde of logyke We hear thꝭ worde rewarde ergo our workꝭ do satisfy and fulfyl the lawe Ergo we be accepted to god for our owne workes and nede nat the mercy of Christ the propitiatour or faythe receiuīg mercy And they cumulate a greate heape of argumentes one vpon another after the maner of Chrysippus Good workes be the pryce for whiche eternal lyfe is due Good workes do
satisfy the la●e of god And besydes ther may be done ●orkes of superogation Therfore men maye nat only satisfy and fulfyll the lawe of god but also do more thē fulfyl it And because Monkes and Freers do more than fulfyl the lawe therfore they haue merites more then they nede them selues And because it is liberalalite to gyue vnto other of that whiche thou haste aboue thyne owne necessitie therfore they may gyue those merites to other men They deuise also a sacrament that is to say a wytnes and a marke of this gyuyng for whē men be deade they put about them the habites of theyr relegious men to witnesse that other mens merites be applyed vnto them With suche coaceruatiōs our aduersaries do deface the benefite of Christe and the iustice of faythe ❧ We do nat here rayse vp vayne pratyng about the worde But we stryue about a greate thīg that is to we●e wherof godly myndes ought to conceyue sure and vndoubted hope of saluation whether good workes maye set consciences at peace and quyetnes Whether they ought to thynke that eternall lyfe is so gottē if they do set theyr good workes agaynste the iudgement of god orels they ought to thynke that through mercy for Christes sake they be reputed ryghtous do obtayne eternall lyfe These thyngꝭ do come into controuersie whiche onle● the cōscience do discusse and iudge it can nat haue any stronge and sure consolation But we haue declared euidētly ynough that good workes do nat satisfie the lawe of god but that they haue nede of mercye that by faythe we be accepted with god for Christꝭ sake also that good workes do nat set the cōscience at reste and peace Of all these thyngꝭ it foloweth that we ought to thynke that for Christes sake through mercy and nat for the lawe they that be iustified do obtayne eternal lyfe What shall we say then as touchyng the name of rewarde Fyrste if we shulde say that eternall lyfe is called a rewarde because it is due to them that be iustified by reason of the promyse we shulde nat speake any thynge amysse For these gyftes be ordered among thē selues as Augustīne sayeth Dona sua coronat deus in nobis .i. God crowneth rewardeth hys owne gyftes in vs. But the scripture calleth eternal lyfe a rewarde nat because it is due for our workes but because it dothe recompense the affections and workes albeit yet it is gyuen for another cause Lykewyse as the inheritaunce commeth to the good mans sonne of the howse nat for his owne workes or seruice and yet neuertheles it is a rewarde and recōpense of the warkes and seruice of the son It is sufficiēt therfore that the name of rewarde dothe for thys cause agre to eternall lyfe be cause eternall lyfe dothe recompence good workes and afflictions Eternall lyfe therfore is nat a rewarde because our workes be sufficient or because it is due for workes but consecutiuely because although it be due for another cause yet neuertheles it dothe recompense good workes and afflictions ❧ Besydes thys we do graunte that workes be in very dede meritorious nat of remission of synnes or of iustificatiō for workes do nat please but in thē that be iustified and that because of faythe Neyther be they worthy of eternall lyfe For as iustification commeth by faythe for Christes sake so dothe viuificatiō but they be meritorious of other rewardꝭ corporall and spiritual whiche are gyuen partly in this lyfe and partly after thꝭ lyfe For god differreth the most parte of hys rewardes vntyll he dothe glorifie sayntes after thys lyfe because he wyl that they be excercised in this lyfe to mortifye the olde man The gospell dothe frely set forth and exhibete the promise of iustification and viuification for Christes sake But in the lawe rewarde is offered and is due nat frely but for workes For asmuche therfore as workꝭ be a certayne fulfyllyng of the lawe they be well called meritorious and it is well sayde that rewarde is due vnto them And this rewarde engendereth degrees of rewardes accordyng to that sayeng of Paule Euery man shall receyue rewarde accordynge to hys owne labour These degrees be rewarde of warkes and of afflictions But our aduersaries do contende and styffly affyrme that eternall lyfe is only due for workes because Paule sayeth He shall rendre to euery man accordynge to hys work In the fyfthe of Iohan. who so euer haue wrought well shall ryse agayne to the resurrection of l●fe In the .xxv. of Mathewe I was hungry and ye gaue me meate In all these places in whiche workes be commēded and praysed it is necessary to haue recourse to the rule a bo●●remembred that is to saye that workes please nat without Christe nor that Christe the mediatour is nat to be excluded Wherfore when the texte sayeth that eternal lyfe is gyuen to warkes It meaneth that it is gyuen to them that be iustified For good workꝭ do nat please god but in them that be iustified that is to say in them whiche thynke them selues accepted to god for Christes sake And they that be iustified do necessarily bryng forthe good workes or good frutes as I was hungry and ye gaue me meate Here when it is sayde that eternall lyfe is giuen to these workes the meanyng is that it is gyuen to ryghtuousnes Therfore he cōprehendeth fayth when he nameth the frutes And the scripture nameth the frutes to shewe that god requyreth nat hypochrisy but iustice whiche is full of efficacitie and workyng and a certayne newe lyfe bryngynge forthe good frutꝭ Neyther do we couet here any vayne or vnfrutful subtilite For they be very wayghty causes for whiche we do dispute these thyngꝭ For if we do graunt to our aduersaries that workes do deserue eternall ▪ lyfe anone they adde these false and inconueniente thynges that workes satisfie the lawe of god that they haue no nede of mercy that we be ryghtuous that is to saye acceptable in the syght of god for our owne workes and nat for Christꝭ sake ▪ that men maye do more then fulfyll the lawe So all the doctrine of the iustice of faythe is quyte ouerthrowne And vndoubtedly it is necessary that the pure doctrine of the iustice of fayth be reserued in the churche Wherfore we be compelled to rebuke the phariseicall opinions of our aduersaries bothe to the entent that we may set forth the glory of Christ and also that we maye set forthe vnto consciences ferme and sure comfortes For howe shall the conscience conceyue certayne hope of saluation whan it shal perceyue that in the iudgement of good workes be vnworthy Onles it knoweth that men be reputed ryghtuous and saued throughe mercy for Christꝭ sake nat for our owne fulfyllyng of the lawe Dyd S. Laurence lyeng on the grydyron thinke that through the worke he satisfyed the laweof god and that he was voyde of syn and neded nat Christ the Mediatour nor the mercy of god No verely he
be forgyuen the thy faythe hath made the saufe Go thy way in peace ❧ This is the other parte of penaunce faythe whiche lyfteth vp and conforteth her Of all these thynges it apperethe playnely to godly reders that we do put those ꝑtes of penaūce whiche be proprely in the conuersion or regeneration remission of synne worthy frutes and punyshementes do folowe regeneration and remission of synne And therfore we haue put these two partes to th entent that fayth myght be the better sene whiche we require in repentaunce And it may be the better ꝑceyued what the faythe is whiche the Gospell preacheth whan it is set agaynste contrition and mortification ❧ ❧ And to thentente that all the worlde maye see howe greate is the ignoraunce of true pietie and godlynes in our controllers and iudges whiche wrote the confutation we wyll adde also the sentēce of saynt Barnarde who euen in lykewyse knytteth together in repentaūce these two mēbres cōtrition fayth as we do These be his wordꝭ in the thyrde sermone of the Annūciatiō Auditā fa● mihi mane mī am tuam quid in te sperdui dn̄e Sola nimirū spes apud te miserationis locum obtinet nec olcum mīae nisi in uase fidu●iae ponis Sed ost infidelis fiducia solius utique maledictionis capax cum uidelicet in spe peceamus Quan● nec fiducia illa dicenda si● sed insensibilitas quaedam dissimula●io ꝑniciosa Quae enim fiducia est ei quā periculū non attendit● au● quod ibi timoris remedium ubi nec timor sentitur nec materia ipsa timori●● fiducia solacium est nec eget ille solatio qui laetatur cum male fecerit in pessimis rebus magis exultat Rogemus itaque fratres responderi nobis quātas habeamus iniquitates peccata scelera nostra delicta● nobis desideremus ostendi Scrutemur uias nostras studia nostra periculaque uniuersa uigili intētione pen semus Dicat quisque in pauore suo uadam ad portas in feri ut iam nō nisi in sola dei mīa respiremꝭ Haec uer●● hominis fiducia est a se deficientꝭ innitētis domino suo Haec inquam uer a fiducia est cui misericordia non denegatur propheta testante Beneplacitū est domino super timentes eum in his qui sperant super misericordia eius Nec parua utiq suppetit nobis in nobis quidem causa timoris in ipso autem causa fiduciae .1 Lorde let me heare thy mercy early in the mornyng because I haue trusted in the. Undoubtedly only hope obteyneth place of mercy with the. Neyther doste thou put the oyle of mercy but in the vessel of hope But that is an vnfaythfull hope and a vessell apte mete to receyue malediction when we do synne in hope Howebeit that ought nat to be called any hope or truste at all but rather a certayne insensibilitie a perelous dissimulation For what truste hathe he whiche regardeth nat the ieoperdye Or what remedy of feare is there where neyther feare is felt neyther the mater it selfe and cause of feare Truste is a comfort but he nedeth no comfort whiche is mery whē he hathe done amisse and reioyceth in his vngracious factꝭ Let vs therfore o bretherne pray that answere may be made vnto vs howe greate iniquities and synnes we haue Let vs desyre to haue our synnes and trespasses shewed vnto vs. Let vs serche and ransake our wayes and all our studies and all our ieoperdies let vs consider and ponder with diligent intention Let euery man say in his feare and dreade I shall go to the gates of helle to the ende we may nowe reste and comforte our selues in the only mercy of god This is the true truste of man shrynkyng away frō him selfe and leanyng to his lorde Thys I say is the trewe truste to whiche mercie is nat denyed wytnessyng the Prophete in the psalme The lorde hathe bene wele plesed with thē that feare him and in them whiche truste vpon hys mercie And there is verely in vs no lytle cause of feare and in him no lytle cause of truste Thus farre speaketh Bernarde whose sentence and mynde we were therfore the more wyllyng to reporte that the readers myght see perceiue howe we in thꝭ place do take fayth to be meāt of the hope of mercie whiche lyfteth vp and comforteth affrayed myndes whiche faythe Bernarde calleth ryght wele fiduciam that is to say truste And this may be euidently sene when there is made an antithesis or contention of terrours and of comfortes Lykewyse as Barnarde here wyl that there be in men an acknowlegyng of synnes or contrition or terrours And wyl also that there be added trust whiche may lyfte vp and comforte vs in contrition But because our aduersaries do here principally expressely condempne vs where we saye that men by faythe obteyne remission of synnes we wyll adde a certayne fewe probations by whiche it may be vnderstāded that forgyuenes of synnes do chaunce nat by the worke wrought for cōtrition but by that especial faythe by whiche euery persone beleueth that he is forgyuen and pardoned of his synnes for Christes sake For this is the principal article about which we do stryue with our aduersaryes and the knowledge wherof we thynke to be moste necessarie to all Christen men But forasmoche as we seme to haue spoken ynoughe of the same thynge before in the title of iustification therfore here we wyll be the shorter For they be placꝭ very moche like as who wolde say nere cosyns the doctrine of repentaunce and the doctrine of iustificacion Our aduersaries when they speake of faythe say that it goeth before repentaunce they meane faythe nat this whiche iustifyeth ▪ but that whiche in a generalitie beleueth that god is and that there be paynes ordeyned for wycked men c̄ But we ouer besydes that faythe do require that euery man shuld beleue hys synnes to be forgyuen hym for Christes sake About this speciall faythe we stryue and do set it againste the opinion whiche byddeth to truste nat in the promyse of Christe but in the worke wrought of contrition of confessiō and of satisfactions c̄ This faythe dothe so folowe and ensue the terrours that it dothe ouer come them and setteth the conscience at quietnes and reste This fayth delyuereth vs from terrours and dothe create and engendre peace ioy and a newe lyfe in the harte Thys faythe we do defende to be truly necessary to the remission of synnes Therfore we put it amonge the partes of repentaūce or of conuersion Neyther dothe the churche of Christe thynke eny otherwyse although our aduersaries do say the contrary And fyrste of all we do aske our aduersaries whether to receiue absolution be a parte of penaunce or repentaūce or els no Nowe if they do seperate it from cōfession as they be very subtile in distinctiōs we can nat
sayenge Thy synnes be released the. For thus iudgeth thapostle that man is freely iustified by fayth These wordes of Barnarde do wonderfullye illustrate and set forthe our cause for he not onely requireth in a generalitie that we shulde beleue our synnes to be pardoned throughe mercye but byddethe vs also put to a speciall faythe by whiche we may beleue that euen vnto our owne selues sinnes be pardoned And he teacheth howe we may be assured of remission of synnes that is to saye whan by faythe hertes be lifted vp and be made quiete and set at rest by the holy ghoste What do our aduersaries require more Dare they yet deny that we obteyne remission of synnes through fayth Or that faythe is a parte of penaunce Thyrdly Our aduersaries say that synne is in this wyse forgyuen because he that is attrite or contrite doth brynge forthe an acte of the loue of god that by this acte he meriteth to receyue remission of synnes This is nothyng els but to teache the lawe and to destroy and abrogate the gospell and to disanull the promyse cōcernyng Christ. For they do onely require the lawe and our workes for the lawe requireth loue Besydes this they do teache vs to truste that we obteyne remission of synnes bicause of contrition and loue What other thynge is this than to sette oure trust and confidence vpon our owne workes and not vpon the worde and promyse made by god of Christe Nowe if the lawe be sufficiēt to the obteynyng of remission of synnes to what purpose nede we the Gospell what nede haue we of Christe if for our workes we obteyne forgyuenes of synnes But we contrarywyse do calle agayne consciences from the lawe vnto the gospell and from the truste in theyr owne workꝭ to truste and to haue sure confidence in the promyse and in Christe because the gospell setteth forthe Christe vnto vs and promyseth remission of synnes freely for Christꝭ sake By this promyse the gospel byddeth vs trust that for Christes sake we be recōciled to the father and brought in to his fauour agayne and not for our owne contrition or for our owne loue For there is none other mediator or pacifier than Christe Neyther can we worke the lawe oneles we be fyrste reconciled by Christe And though we coulde do any thyng yet we ought to thinke that not for these workꝭ we obteyne remission of synnes but for Christes sake whiche is the mediator and mercye stocke Yea it is iniurie and dishonour to Christe and a defeatyng of the gospell to thynke that we do obteyne remission of synnes for the law or by any other wayes than through faythe in Christe And this reason we haue handeled before in the title of iustification whan we tolde wherfore we do holde opinion that men be iustified by fayth and not by loue Therfore the doctrine of our aduersaries where as they teache that men for contrition and loue obteyne forgyuenes of synnes and bydde them truste in this contrition and loue is only a doctrine of the lawe and that not vnderstāded Lykewyse as the Iewes dyd loke vpon the couered face of Moyses For admitte that we had loue let vs imagyne that we had workes yet can neither loue neither workes be a price raunsome or propitiation for synne Neyther can they be set and pleded as it were in barre agaynste the wrathe and iudgement of god accordyng to that sayenge of Dauid in the psalme Thou shalte nat entre in to iudgement with thy seruaunt for no creature lyuyng shall be iustified in thy syghte Neyther ought the honoure of Christ to be plucte from hym gyuen to our workꝭ For these causes Paule dothe styffly affirme that we be not iustified by the lawe and he setteth agaynst the lawe the ꝓmyse of remission of synnes whiche is gyuen for Christes sake and reacheth vs that we freelye for Christis sake thrugh fayth receiue remission of sinnes To this promyse Paule dothe calle vs backe from the lawe Upon this promyse be byddeth vs stedfastly to beholde which doutles shal be voyde and of no strength if we be iustified before by the lawe or euer we be iustified by the promyse or if we obteyne remission of synnes for our owne iustice But the case is cleare that therfore the promyse was made vnto vs and therfore Christ was gyuen to vs because we can not worke and fulfyll the lawe wherfore it is necessary that we be fyrst reconciled by the promyse or euer we do worke the lawe But the promyse is onely receyued by fayth Ergo it is necessarye that contrite persones do by fayth receyue the promise of remission of synnes whiche is gyuen for Christis sake and that they do decree with them selfes that they haue the father recōciled vnto them selfes freely for Christis sake This is the sentēce and mynde of Paule in the epistle to the Romanes ▪ where he saythe Therfore by fayth that accordyng to grace or fauour the promise myght be ferme and stable And to the Galathianes he sayth The scripture hath cōcluded al thinges vnder synne that the promyse by the fayth of Iesu Christe myght be gyuen to them that beleue that is to say All men be vnder synne can not otherwyse be delyuered onles by fayth they do take and receyue the promyse of remission of synnes Fyrste therfore we must by faythe receyue remission of synnes before or we do worke the lawe al be it as it was aboue saide loue foloweth faythe because they that be regenerate do receyue the holy ghoste and therfore they begynne to worke the lawe We wolde recite mo testimonies and authorities if it were not so that they be open and at hande to euery deuoute and godlye reader in the scriptures For we couet not to be ouerlōge and tedious to thentente that this cause or mater may the more easelye be perceyued Neyther is it any doubte but that this is the sentēce of Paule whiche we do defēde that by fayth we receyue remission of sinnes for Christis sake and that by fayth we ought to set Christe the mediator agaynst the wrathe of god not our workes And let not the myndes of good men be troubled although our aduersaries do calumniate and corrupte the sentences of Paule There is nothynge spoken so purely and truelye but it may be depraued by captious cauillations We assuredly knowe that this which we haue recited is the very ryghte and true sentence and meanynge of Paule we knowe this oure sentence doth brynge ferme and stable cōforte to godly cōsciences without whiche no man is able to stande in the iudgement of god Wherfore let these pharisaical opiniōs of our aduersaries be reiected and thrust out of mens ●ertes that we do not by fayth receyue remission of synnes but that we must merite remission with our loue and with our workes and that we ought to set our loue and our workes agaīst the wrath of god· This is the doctrine of
the lawe and therfore he sayeth After that he shall haue gyuen hys lyfe an hoste or sacrifice for synnes he shal se sede or posteritie of longe contynuaunce c. For the hebrue worde whiche Esaie dothe vse in this place betokenith sacrifice for syn whiche sacrifice ī the lawe dyd betoken that there was a certayne hoste or sacrifice to come whiche shulde make satisfaction for our synnes and shulde recōcile god to the ende that men shulde knowe that nat for our owne ryghtuousnes but for the merites of another that is to wete of Iesu Christe god is wyllyng to be reconciled to vs. Paule expoundeth the same hebrue worde to signifie or betoken synne in the viii chapitre to the Romaynes sayenge By synne he condempned synne that is to saye ●e punyshed synne by the hoste or sacrifice offred for synne The signification and strengthe of the worde may be more easely perceiued by the maners of the gentiles whiche we se to haue bene taken of the wordes of the fathers nat ryghtly vnderstāded Latine men dyd cal piaculū that hoste or sacrifice whiche was offred in greate calamities to pacifie the wrathe of god when god semed to be excedingly angry and sometime they made sacrifice with mānes bloude because peraduenture they had her●e that the sacrifienge of a man shulde in tyme cūmyng appease god to all mankynde The Grekes haue called them in some place Catharmata and in some place Peripsemata Esaie therfore and Paule do vnderstāde that Christ was made an oblatiō or sacrifice suche as latine men do call Piaculum that by hys merites and nat by ours god shulde be reconciled Let this therfore remayne and abyde in the cause that onely the deathe of Christe is the very true ꝓpitiatorie sacrifice For those leuiticall propitiatorie sacrifices were called so onely to signifie the verie propitiatorie sacrifice that was to come And therfore by a certayne similitude and lykenes they were satisfactions redemynge the iustice of the lawe leste they which had offēded shulde be excluded from that comen weale But these sayde sacrifices ought to cease after that the gospel was ones reueled and brought to lyght And because they ought to cease at the tyme of the reuelation of the gospell they were nat verie propitiations sythe the gospell was therfore promysed to gyue and shewe propitiation Nowe remayne only Eucharistical sacrifices whiche be called sacrifices of prayse preachyng of the gospel faythe inuocatiō thākꝭ gyuing confession the afflictions of holy mē yea al good workes of sayntes These sacrifices be nat satisfactions for the doers of them or satisfactions that may be applied for other folke whiche may meritie vnto them remissiō of synnes or reconciliation by the vertue of the worke wrought For they be done of them that be alredy reconciled And suche maner sacrifices be the sacrifices of the newe testamente as Peter teacheth in his fyrste epistle sayeng To an holye presthod that ye shulde offre spirituall hoostes and sacrifices Howe spirituall sacrifices be set agaynst as cōtrary not onely to the sacrificing of beastes but also to the workes of men whiche be offred because of the worke wroughte For this worde spirituall betokenethe motions of the holye ghoste in vs. Paule teacheth the same whan he saythe Offre your bodyes as a quicke sacrifice holye and a reasonable seruice But by reasonable seruice or honour is betokened that seruice in whiche god is vnderstanded and perceyued in the mynde as is done in the motions of feare and of truste towardes god Therfore it is not onely set agaynst the leuiticall honour or seruice in whiche beastꝭ were slayne but also that honour or seruice in whiche is fayned a worke to be offered by the vertue of the worke wrought The same thynge dothe the epistle to the Hebrues teache whiche saythe By hym let vs offre sacrifice of prayse alwayes vnto god and he addethe the interp̄tation that is to witte the frute of lyppes cōfessyng his name He byddeth vs offre prayses that is to say inuocation thākes gyuyng confession or knowlegyng of his name and other semblable thynges These thyngꝭ be of strengthe not by the vertue of the worke wroughte but by the meanes of faythe And this teacheth this ꝑticle by him let vs offre that is to say by faythe in Christe Breuely the seruice and worshyppyng cōmaunded by the newe testament is spiritual that is to say is iustice of faythe in the herte and the frutes of faythe Therfore it dothe abrogate the leuiticall sacrifices And Christe saythe The true worshyppers shall worshyppe the father in spirite and truthe For suche worshyppers wolde the father haue to worshyp hym God is a spirite they that ●orshyp hym muste worshyp hym in spirite and truthe This texte clerely condempneth the opinions of all suche sacrifices whiche they fayne to be of strengthe by the reason of the worke wrought And it teacheth also that we muste worshyp in spirite y● is to say with motions of the herte and faythe Therfore the prophetꝭ also in the olde testament cōdempne the opinion of the people whiche they had of the worke wrought and do teache ryghtuousnes sacrifices of the spirite For thus sayth the prophete Hieremie I haue not spoken with your fathers nor I haue not gyuen them cōmaundement in that daye whan I broughte them out of Aegipte of any sacrifices But this worde I cōmaūded them sayeng Heare and obey my wordes and I wyll be your god c. After what fashyon shulde we thynke that the Iewes dyd herken receyue this sermon whiche semeth to be clene repugnant and contrarye to the lawe of Moyses For this was vndoubtedly knowen that god had gyuen cōmaundement to the fathers of diuerse maner sacrifices But Hieremie condempneth the opinion whiche they had of sacrifices This opinion god dyd neuer teathe them y● is to witte that those sacrifices shuld pacifie hym by the worke wrought He addeth also faythe that god had cōmaunded it whan he sayth Herken me that is to say beleue me that I am your god that I wyl so be knowen whan I do shewe mercy and whā I do helpe and y● I haue no nede of your sacrifices truste surely that I wyll be god a iustifier a sauiour not for your workes sake but for my worde and my promyse sake desyre loke for helpe of me truelye and from your hartes The psalme also dothe condempne the opinion of the worke wroughte whiche refusynge the sacrifice of beastes requireth inuocation ▪ and the sacrifice of prayse For thus it sayth Shall I eate the flesshe of bulles of gotes c. Call vpon me in the tyme of tribulation and I wyll delyuer the and thou shalte worshyp and honoure me c. Here he witnesseth that this is the very latria the very true honour if we do hertely call vpon hym Also in the .xxxix. psalme it is wryten Sacrifice oblation thou woldest none of but thou haste made
many together howe moche they auayle whan they be applied for euery man particularly Sophisters haue the degrees of meritꝭ set forthe euen as goldsmythes haue the degrees of wayghtes in golde or syluer Besydes this they selle the masse as a price to obteyne what soeuer any man desyrethe to marchaūt men that they may haue ꝓsperous byenge and sellyng to hunters that they may haue prosperous huntynge and so of other thynges infinite Finally they applie it also to deade men they delyuer soules by the applyenge of the sacrament from the paynes of Purgatory where as without fayth the masse profiteth no nat them that be alyue Neyther can oure aduersaries brynge forthe so moche as one sillable of the scriptures to the mayntenaūce of these tryfles and lyes whiche they teache with greate auctoritie in the churche Neither haue they any testimonies of the auncient Churche or of the fathers ❧ ❧ The opinions of the fathers concernynge sacrifice BUT because we haue declared the places of scripture whiche be alledged agaynst vs we must nowe make answere also concernynge the olde fathers We knowe well inough that the Masse is called of the olde fathers a sacrifice but theyr mynde is not that the masse by the vertue of the worke wrought dothe gyue grace that it applyed for other dothe merite vnto them remission of synnes bothe of the cryme and also of the punyshement Where be any suche mōstruous wordꝭ redde in the warkes of the olde fathers but they opēly witnesse that they speake of thankes gyuynge and therfore they call it by the greke worde Eucharistia thankes gyuynge Nowe we haue sayde before that a sacrifice Eucharistical doth not merite recōciliation but it is done made by them that be alredye reconciled Lykewyse as afflictions merite not reconciliation but than they be Eucharistical sacrifices whan they that be reconciled suffre them And this answere in generall to the sayenges of the fathers dothe sufficiently defende vs agaīst our aduersaries For certaine it is that those figmentes and imaginations of the merite of the worke wroughte be redde no where in the writynges of the fathers But to th ētēt that the hole cause may be the more clerelye perceyued we also shall speake touchīg the vse of the sacramēt those thinges whiche be without question agreinge to the sayenges of the fathers to scripture ❧ Of the vse of the sacrament and of sacrifice CErtayn pleasaūt felowes fayne and imagine that the souper of the lord was instituted for two causes The one is y● it shulde be a marke and testimonie of ꝓfession lykewyse as the certein facyon of a monkes or a freers habite is a tokē of a certeyn ꝓfessiō or ordre Secundarily they thynke that suche maner signe and token that is to witte a souper or maundy dyd chyefely please Christ to th ende it shulde signifie a coniunction and frendshyp of christē men amonge them selues eche to other For drynkyng and eatynge together is a token of loue and frendshyppe But this is but a ciuile opinion and dothe not shewe the chyefe and princihall vse of thynges taughte by god Only it speaketh of charitie to be exercised whiche laye and ciuile men do after a fashyon vnderstande but it speakethe not of fayth whiche fewe men vnderstāde what it is Sacramentes be signes and tokens of the wyll of god towardꝭ vs and not only tokens of men amonge them selues And they verye well define sacramētes in the newe testament to be signes and tokēs of grace And because in a sacrament there be two thyngꝭ the signe and the worde The worde in the newe testament is the promyse of grace which is added to the signe The promyse of the newe testament is the promyse of remission of synnes ▪ as the texte sayth here This is my body whiche is gyuen for you This is the cuppe of the newe testament with my bloude whiche shall be shed forth to the remission of synnes The worde therfore offerythe forgyuenes of sinnes And the ceremonie is as it were a pycture or a seale of the worde as Paule calleth it shewyng the promyse Therfore lykewyse as the promyse is vnprofitable onles it be receyued by fayth so is the ceremonie also vnprofitable onles faythe be put vnto it who decreeth beleueth verelye that here is offered remission of synnes This faythe cōforteth lyfteth vp cōtrite troubled myndꝭ And lykewise as the worde was gyuen to styrre vp this faythe So the sacrament was ordeyned for this entente that the visible signe sette forthe vnto the iye shuld moue the hertes to beleue For by these thynges I meane by the worde and by the sacrament the holy ghooste dothe worke And suche maner vse of the sacramēt whan fayth quickeneth troubled and feareful hertes is a sacrifice of the newe testamente For the newe testamente hath spirituall motions that is to say mortification and viuification And to this vse dyd Christe institute it whan he byddethe vs do it for a memoriall and remembraunce of hym For to remembre Christe is no vayne or ydle celebration of the sighte or shewe or instituted onely for exāple as we se in tragedies the memorye of Hercules or Ulisses to be honourablye made But it is to remembre the benefites of Christ and to receiue them by fayth so that we may be quickened by them Therfore the psalme saythe A memorie hath the most merciful lorde made of his merueiles he hath gyuen meate to thē that feare hym For he signifieth meaneth that the wyll and mercye of god shulde be acknowleged in that ceremonie But faythe whiche knowlegeth confesseth mercy doth vndoubtedlye make a lyue And this is the principall vse of the sacrament wherby it appereth who be mete and conuenient persones to this sacramente that is to witte troubled consciences and throughlye made affrayde and also howe they ought to vse the same There is put to also a sacrifice for there be many endes of one thyng After that the cōscience lyfted vp and conforted with faythe hath felte and perceyued oute of what maner feares it is delyuered than verely it truelye gyueth thākes for the benefite and passion of Christe and dothe vse the ceremonie to the laude prayse of god to th ende that by this obediēce it may shewe due kyndnes and may knowledge it selfe to esteme greatly the gyftꝭ of god So the ceremonie is made a sacrifice of prayse And the fathers speake of two effectes that is to witte of the consolation and confortyng of consciences and of gyuyng of thākꝭ or prayse The fyrst of these two effectꝭ apperteyneth to the nature of a sacramente The seconde apperteyneth to a sacrifice ▪ Of consolation thus speaketh S. Ambrose Recedite ad cum absolūimini qui●● est remissio peccatorum Qui sit iste quaeritis Audite ipsum dicentem Ego sum panis uitae qui uenit ad me non esuriet qui credit in me non sitiet unquam That