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A22472 The neuu couenant, or, A treatise of the sacraments whereby the last testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, through the shedding of his pure and precious blood, is ratified and applyed vnto the conscience of euery true beleeuer : diuided into three bookes [brace] 1. Of the sacraments in generall, 2. Of baptisme, 3. Of the Lords Supper : verie necessarie and profitable for these times, wherein we may behold the [brace] truth it selfe plainly prooued, doctrine of the reformed churches clearely maintained, errors of the Church of Rome soundly conuinced, right maner of the receiuing of the[m] comfortably declared, and sundry doubts and difficult questions decided / by William Attersoll ... Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1614 (1614) STC 889.5; STC 896_INCORRECT; ESTC S120393 495,931 616

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our selues the promises of saluation Wee must not onely see them a farre off but feele them in our hearts Wee must beleeue not onely that Christ is a Sauiour but that he is our Sauiour and Redeemer Thus wee must euerie one of vs for his owne part make prop●r to himselfe all the riches and graces that are in Christ Iesu● because in giuing himselfe to vs hee giueth all his benefi●s in that he is God he maketh vs after a sort d 2 Peter 1 4● partakers of the diuine nature being heire of all things in heauen and earth e 1 Cor 3 22. and Lord of the world hee maketh all thinges ours whether life or death whether things present or thinges to com recouering in him the possession of those things which we lost ●n Adam being the beloued sonne of the father hee maketh vs acceptable and well-pleasing vnto him leading captiuity captiue and giuing giftes f Eph. 4 8. to men hauing Dominion ouer the diuell sinne hell the world the flesh and all our enemies he protecteth vs that they cannot ouerthrowe vs and hath g Reuelat. 1 6 made vs Kings and Priests to God euen his father in that he is happie and immortall he maketh vs partakers of his blessednesse and immortality When we shall seuerally and particularly apply all the actions and benefits of Christ our Lorde vnto our selues wee may boldly come to the Lords Table where we shall finde Christ and enioy him to our endlesse comfort knowing that we liue alwaies by faith but not alwaies by feeling Neither are we to abstaine and hang back from comming to the Supper nor to dispaire of our selues nor to bee too much cast downe when we feele sundry defectes and wants in our faith For h There are 2. degrees of true faith there is a weake and feeble saith which is yet a true faith as well as the strong faith There are two degrees of faith profitable to be knowne and comfortable to be considered The weake faith i what a weak Faith is is an earnest and vnsaigned desire to bee reconciled vnto God in Christ which willing desire in vs God accepteth as the deede it selfe he accounteth the desire of faith as faith it selfe the desire of reconciliation and forgiuenesse of sinnes by the death of Christ shall be auaileable to worke out our attonement and redemption The strong faith is a full perswasion assurance k What a strong faith is of the mercies of God when the faithfull can truly say with the Apostle Rom. 8 38 l Roma 8 38. 39. I am perswaded that neither life nor death nor things present nor things to come neither Angels nor principalities nor powers neither het●hth nor depth nor any other creature shall separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde To this assurance we labour to come and in this assurance we endeuour to grow and to go on from saith to faith and from strength to strength vntill we learne to stand fast as it were vpon the battlements of heauen and to set the world at defiance and to treade the earth vnder our feete saying with the Apostle Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect Or who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ This is the greatest measure and highest degree of faith this is the top strength and full ripenesse of faith heere vnto wee are to striue and endeuour and neuer to giue rest vnto our soules vntill we be resolued and setled in our consciences that all our sinnes are assurredly pardoned and we accepted to euerlasting life This greatnesse of faith was in Abraham m Rom. 4 20 who was not weake but strengthened in faith being fully perswaded Hee that had promised was able also to do it All that liue in the bosome of the Church doe not attaine to this full measure of a perfect faith but euen as it is in the estate of the body we are Babes before wee come to be men of ripe yeares first we be weake before we be strong n 1 cor 3 1 ● first we are fedde with milke before wee can digest strong meate We see o Mar. 4 2● Corne first in the grasse then in the blade before it come to the stalke and haue ripe corne in the eare There must bee in all things a beginning before there can be a proceeding to perfection The tree sendeth foorth his tender branches and putteth foorth his leaues before his fruite commeth So is it with euery Christian man and woman first they are babes in Christ and haue certaine seeds and beginnings of faith springing in them to eternall life afterward they grow from strength to strength from grace to grace from degree to degree p Roma 1 17. and from faith to fayth vntill they come to a full perswasion and assurance vvithout wauering q Psalme 23 6 which ariseth after many experiences of Gods manifolde mercies and fauours in the course of our liues as we see Psal 23. Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercie shall follow me all the daies of my life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Wherefore let vs not be dismayed discouraged when our faith is feeble for a feeble faith wil apply Christ as well as a strong faith it will drawe Christ home to dwell in our hearts r Ephes 3 17. through whom we shall not perish but haue euerlasting life He that had but a weak eie and a dim sight to behold the brazen Serpent in the wildernesse ſ Numb ● 1 ● was healed from the deadly stinging of the fiery serpents as well as he that saw clearly and perfectly afarre off He that hath but a leprous and sickly hand is able to holde that which is offered vnto it as well as a sound and strong hand So he that hath a little faith in the son of God shall neuer haue his saluation denied nor forgiuenesse of his sins kept from him if with an humble heart hee pray to God to haue them pardoned The Apostles beleeued that Christ was the Sauior of the world t Luke 24 ●5 yet they were ignorant of his death and resurrection which are the chiefe meanes of saluation and they are saide to be men of little faith So our Sauiour when the u Luke 17 5 6 Disciples had asked encrease of their faith declareth that if our faith be in quantity but as a graine of Mustard-seed it should be powerfull and effectuall seeing hee will not a Marke 2 23 quench the smoaking flaxe nor breake the bruised Reede but cherish the lost sparke and measure of grace giuen vnto vs from aboue This likewise was the faith of that Father whose childe was possessed with a dumbe and deafe spirit when Christ said to him b Math. 7 7 8 If thou canst beleeue all things are possible to him that beleeueth straight way he cried with tears
saying Lord I beleeue helpe mine vnbeleefe Christ doth not reiect him for his weaknesse of knoledge and faith to teach that we should not despaire or be dismaide when we finde wauering wantes distrust and imperfection in our selues but rather confessing our frailty with that Father in this place pray to be strengthned and to haue our Faith encreased For whosoeuer vnfainedly desireth any grace of God tending to saluation shal receiue it if he continue c Reu 21 6. knocking at the gate of his Mercie it shall bee opened and his prayer shall be granted as Christ hath promised d Phil 1 6. I wil giue to him that is a thirst of the Well of the water of life Thus if wee long after the graces wanting vnto vs as the earth after a great drowth for the comfortable showers of refreshing raine vsing the meanes appointed of God to attaine them as earnest prayer reuerent attending on the continual hearing of his word diligent receiuing of the Sacraments being careful to giue honor and glory to him for his gifts we haue already of his onely mercie obtained and enioyed we shal be satisfied and replenished for then He that hath begun his good worke in vs will perfect the same in our hearts vntill the day of Iesus Christ Thus much of faith the second part of true examination which is the instrument whereby we lay hold vpon Christ and are made liuely members of him without which whosoeuer come to the Lords Supper depart awaie without fruite and comfort because of an action without faith commeth an end without fruite CHAP. XVIII Of Repentance the third part of examination THe next thing in this triall to be considered is a Repentance from dead works requyred of al that come to the Lords table repentance which is a renewing of the minde a change of the heart a turning of the soule and a reformation of our life and affections As knowledge is the beginning and as it were the verie fore-runner of faith like a Messenger going before his Maister to prepare for his comming so repentance is an especiall fruite of faith without which whosoeuer draweth neare to the Lords Table prophaneth the Sacrament and departeth without comfort For it is an altering of our liues and conuersations vnto God ioyned with a godly sorrow and detestation of all sin together with an vnfeined loue and desire of righteousnesse This appeareth in the chaunge of the whole man of our thoughts affections meditations and delights in all these the old man with his deceitfull lusts must be put off and the new man must be put on b Ephe ●● 24 which after God is created vnto righteousnesse and true holinesse This duty is taught in diuers places of the Scripture Heereunto come the words of the Prophet Esaiah When c ●say 1 12. ye come to appeare before me vvho required this at your hands to treade in my Courts Bring no mo Oblations in vaine Incense is an abhom nation vnto me I cannot suffer your New Moones nor Sab●othes nor solemne daies it is iniquity nor assemblies And when ye shall stretch out your hands I will hide mine eies from you and though yee make manie prayers I will not heare for your hands are full of blood Wash you make you cleane take away the euill of your workes from before mine eies cease to do euill learne to do well c. And Chap. 66. He that killeth a Bullocke d ●say 66 3. is as if he slew a man he that sacrificeth a sheepe is as if he cut off a Dogges necke he that offereth an oblation as if he offered Swines flesh he that burneth incense as if he blessed an Idoll yea they haue chosen their owne waies and their Soule delighteth in their abhominations Wherby the prophet meaneth that God accepteth no sacrifices without faith and repentance This also was figured and shadowed out by washing the Garments and chaunging the attire of such as came with c Gen 35 ● 3 their Oblations vnto God and prepared themselues vnto his seruice Th●● Iacob commanded when he reformed his houshold and went vp with them to Bethell the house of GOD. Thus Moses prepared the people before the Lawe was deliuered in Mount Sinai And heereunto the Prophet Dauid allude●h Ps●l 26. I will wash mine hands in innocency O Lord and ●●a●p●sseth 〈…〉 As if he should say I wil endeauor to liue most vprightly toward thee and toward men and so come and offer sacrifices at thine Altar Wherefore such as feele not themselues to haue penitent hearts to be humbled and grieued for their sins to sigh and grone vnder the burthen of them to tremble at God iudgments cannot come aright to this holy Supper but eate drinke certaine iudgement to themselues The broken and contrite heart is the path-way to heauen f 1 Cor 7 10.11 and an vnseparable companion of repentance This the Apostle teacheth 2 Cor. 7. Godly sorrow causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented off but worldly sorrow causeth death but behold this thing that yee haue beene godly sorry what great ●●●e it hath wrought in you yea what cleering of your selues yea what indignation yea what feare yea what desire yea what zeale yea what punishment Heere be the g Signs wherby to examin our repentance notes and tokens whereby we may try our repentance whether it be sincere or not It hath these signes to discerne it a care to leaue that sin into which we are fallen otherwise we haue not repented as Act. 2. They which had crucified the Lord of life and deliuered him into the hands of sinners were pricked in their hearts and said to Peter and to the other h Act 1. 37.38 Apostles Men and brethren what shall we do And Peter said vnto them Amend your liues and saue your selues from this froward generation The other signes of repentance are a confession of our sins to God a condemning our selues for them an holy and inward anger against our selues for our carelesnesse in looking to our owne waies a feare nor so much of Gods iudgements as least we fall into the same sins againe and so offend our mercifull Father a desire euer after to please God with all our hearts and last of all a renewing and punishing of our owne soules for our offences committed against him Now to the end we may repent aright and sit in iudgement of our selues according to the forme of God iustice it shall be needfull for vs i In examining our selues we must 〈◊〉 the order of the Comandements Command 1. to examine our selues by the ten words of the law and out of the same to frame ten seueral encitements against our selues whereby wee shall finde a great defect of righteousnes a great spoile of obedience a great accesse of disobedience and a great heape of all kinde of corruptions This then may serue and suffice for the true examination of our selues We must
Church and hidden from others so the ancient teachers of the Latine Church called them Sacraments in respect of the affinity and neerenesse betweene them and a Sacrament For a Sacrament properly is that solemne oath in warre by which Souldiers bound themselues to their chief Captaine Such a regard had the olde Romanes in the discipline of their warres that it was d Cicero de offic Lib. 1. not lawfull for any to kill an enemy or enter into the battell to fight vnlesse he were sworne a Souldier So when wee are partakers of these holye signes which God hath appointed in his Church by which he bestoweth vpon vs spirituall guifts e A Sacramēt properly is the Souldiers oath metaphorically the Churches band binding them to God we do bind our selues to him we professe openly his true religion we vow to fight vnder his banner against our en●mies so that they are testimonies and tokens of the couenant betweene God and vs that he is our God and we binde our selues to bee his people to serue him and no other God So circumcision was a seale of Gods promise to Abraham and a seale of Abrahams faith and obedience toward God By them man is bound to God and God vouchsafeth to binde himselfe to man Wherefore the word Sacrament being translated from the campe to the Church from a Souldier to a Christian from a ciuill vse to an holy let vs see in this sence and signification what it is Now the word beeing borrowed from warres is f A Sacrament considered 2. wayes taken two waies first in a generall signification and may comprehend all manner of signes whether naturall or miraculous or voluntary which God commanded men to vse to assure them of the vndoubted truth of his promise as when hee gaue to Adam in the Garden the tree of life to bee a pledge of his immortality the Raine-bow to Noah and his posterity sometimes hee gaue them miraculous signes as light in a smoaking Furnace to Abraham the fleece wet the earth beeing drye and the earth wet the fleece beeing drye to Gedeon to promise and performe victory to Gedeon In this large acceptation of the worde we doe not intreate of the Sacraments wee speake properly of those which God hath left to be ordinary in his Church to bee seales of our communion with Christ and of the righteousnesse which is by faith A Sacrament g What a Sacrament is thus considered is a visible signe and seale ordained of God wherby Christ and all his sauing graces by certaine outward rites are signified exhibited and sealed vp vnto vs. In this description wee are to consider these 3. things First the whole kinde or generall secondly the cause or author thereof and lastly the vse of this doctrine deliuered Touching the first whereas it is saide that a sacrament is a visible signe and seale this is prooued and confirmed in sundry places of the scripture as Gen. 17. speaking of circūcision he saith h Gen. 17 11. It shall be a signe of the couenant betweene me and thee And Ro. 4. speaking of Abraham he saith i Rom. 4 11 He receiued the signe of circumcision as a seale of the righteousnesse of faith Indeede a signe and a seale differ one from another as the generall from the especiall for euery seale is a signe but euery signe is not a seale A seale certifieth assureth and confirmeth a thing a signe onely sheweth it but a Sacrament doth both It is a signe to signifie and represent a seale to ratifie and assure an instrument to conferre and conueigh Christ with all his benefits to them that truely beleeue in him a pledge vnto vs of Gods promises a visible word and as a notable glasse wherin we may behold k August de doct Christ lib. 2. Cap. 1. assured testimonies of Gods eternall fauour and of the abundant riches of his grace which hee bestoweth vpon vs. This teacheth vs to acknowledge there is more in the Sacraments then is seene with the eyes or felt with the hands and therefore we must not conceiue vnreuerently of them nor come negligently vnto them making them meere carnall and outward things but wee must thinke reuerently speake soberly receiue humbly and penitently these holy mysteries Againe hereby we are brought to beleeue the promises of God for if the Sacraments be not onely signes of his fauour but seales of our faith can wee doubt of his mercy and good meaning toward vs hauing left such pawnes and pledges thereof with vs that wee might haue assured comfort and comfortable assurance of saluation and eternall life Is it not among men matter of assurance and a note of true dealing to haue a pledge left with vs But behold God hath left vnto vs two pawnes of his promises as it were an earnest-penny that our faith should not wauer If then his alone worde bee al-sufficient hauing a noble addition of the Sacraments as of his seales let vs beleeue his promises and in all tentations rest vpon them with all confidence and consolation Secondly it is saide l Sacraments were instituted o● God alone a Sacrament is a diuine ordinance Not any Angell or Arch-angell not any Prince or Potentate but onely God himselfe is the author and ordainer of all holye signes and Sacraments This appeareth by many witnesses out of the worde of God I haue set my bow in the cloud and it shall bee for a signe of the couenant betweene mee and the earth and when I shall couer the earth with a cloud and the bow shall be seene in the cloud then will I remember my couenant which is betweene me and you Where wee see that when God determined to bee mercifull vnto the world and neuer to drowne the same with water againe as he had drowned it he gaue them a signe of his promise to wit His bow in the clouds When God would witnesse and stablish to Abraham and his seede after him the promise of his mercy hee ordained a Sacrament to confirme the same Gen. 17. This is my couenant which ye shall keepe betweene me and you let euery man child among you be circumcised And the Apostle saith I haue receiued of the Lord that which I haue deliuered vnto you And Christ himselfe instituted Baptisme and sent forth his Disciples to preach the Gospell All these testimonies as a cloud of witnesses doe confirme vs in this truth that none hath power authority in the Church to institute a Sacrament but only God And the reasons are apparant First the Sacraments belong to the seruice and worship of God now it resteth not in man to appoint and prescribe a seruice of God but to retaine and imbrace that which is taught by him For in vaine they worship him teaching for doctrines mens precepts Againe the Sacramentall signes haue Gods promises annexed vnto them confirming vs in the same which they could not doe but by the blessing and benefit of him that promiseth
g Transubstātiation ouerthrowne whatsoeuer ouerthroweth the nature and vse of a Sacrament is not to be admitted but omitted neyther to bee receiued but reiected But transubstantiation ouerthroweth and ouerturneth both the nature and vse of a Sacrament and therefore not to be admitted and receiued into the Church For touching the nature of a Sacrament it is confessed h Iren. lib. 4. contr haer cap. 34. that it consisteth of two parts the one earthly and the other heauenly but if after the words of consecration the bread and wine are transubstantiated into the body and blood of Christ then the signe is taken away the element is ouerthrowne the materiall part is abolished and consequently the nature of a Sacrament is ouerturned And touching the vse of a Sacrament there must be an analogy and proportion betweene the signe the thing signified As in Baptisme the element of water washeth and purgeth the bodye so the Holy-Ghost through the blood of Christ cleanseth and sanctifieth the soule Likewise in the Lords Supper as the Substance of bread and wine receiued strengtheneth and comforteth the body so Christ i Ioh. 6 33. receiued by faith nourisheth feedeth the soule The very true principall vse of this Sacrament is to confirme our faith that as surely as those earthly creatures taken and applyed feed our bodies to a bodily life so the body and blood of Christ receiued and applyed by faith feed our soules to eternall life And do not all the faithfull feele a sweete comfort so often as they come to the Lords table by this similitude agreement to consider and know assuredly that as the substance of bread serueth to nourish and doth feede our bodyes so Christ doth feede our soules But if wee must beleeue that the substance of bread and wine is changed cleane gone that nothing remaineth but accidents where is this comfort and consolation How can wee bee assured and strengthened that as our bodies are nourished with the materiall elements so in like manner our soules by feeding on Christ Wherefore while they take away the substance of bread which should nourish the body the nature and vse of the Sacrament is destroyed and wee are spoyled of the comfort of our hearts and strengthning of our faith which wee should haue by this notable comparison and resemblance of the parts So then if wee would receiue comfort in comming to this Communion wee must retaine the substance of the signe as a staffe to stay vp our faith that it do not faile Lastly seeing God giueth vnto vs outward signes of his grace it serueth to teach vs that wheresoeuer and among whomsoeuer God continueth his signes he purposeth to bestow vpon them the things signified by the signes on the other side where God denyeth the meanes he also denyeth the thing whē he taketh away the sign he taketh away the grace also This we see in the Turkes and Sarazins because he denyeth vnto them saluation hee taketh from them the seales and assurances of saluation and because he refuseth them to be his Church hee vouchsafeth not vnto them the prerogatiues and priuiledges of his Church Thus it falleth out in the preaching of the word vpon those whom God determineth to saue and to bestow vpon them the guift of faith whereby they are entred into the kingdome of heauen hee sendeth vpon them his word and causeth it to be preached vnto them but when he will not shew mercy but leaue a people in their miserable estate and condition he withdraweth the Ministry from them as we see in the Acts of the Apostles Chap. 16. When they were gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia They were forbidden of the holye Ghost to preach the word in Asia and after they were come to Mysia they assaied to go into Bithinia but the Spirite suffered them not Euen as when God will bring a famine vpon a land he with-holdeth the early and latter raine making the heauen to be as brasse and the earth as iron but when he will send plenty and open the windowes of heauen he sendeth a gracious raine and showers vpon the earth so when he will send a famine not of bread nor a thirst of water but of hearing the word of God hee taketh away his word and the meanes of saluation that they shall wander from sea to sea and runne to and fro to seeke the word of the Lord and shall not finde it but faint for thirst If any aske the question wherfore the Lord forbad Paul to preach the word in Asia and to come into Bythinia we cannot assigne this to be the cause that they were vnworthy to haue the doctrine of saluation offered vnto them forasmuch as they were as worthy as the Macedonians to whō the Gospell was preached no more vnworthy then the other Gentiles Neither can we say this was the cause that God foresaw how euery one would receiue or entertaine the Gospel that as he saw them ready and inclined to accept of the word or to reiect it so he vouchsafed or not vouchsafed the same vnto them for hee pronounceth openly that he appeared to them of whom hee was not sought and spake vnto them that neuer asked after him Besides this were to ground the cause of saluation vpon our selues which is out of our selues and to ascribe it to our owne merite which is due onely to his mercy We are all by nature the children of wrath and destitute of the guift of faith if there be any willingnesse in vs to obey it proceedeth from the Spirite of God who as he electeth freely so he calleth freely Now that which is spoken of the preaching of the word may also be applied to the vse of the Sacraments When he purposeth to strengthen the faith which hee hath giuen vnto vs hee vouchsafeth the outward signes and seals of his promises that thereby wee should be assured he meaneth to bestow vpon vs the inward grace represented by them He dealeth iustly and vprightly with vs hee hath no purpose to beguile vs and deceiue vs. For they are no bare or naked much lesse false and lying signes but effectual instruments of the Spirite to conuey the mercies of God in Iesus Christ into our hearts and therefore we must bee carefull to vse them conscionably as certaine pawnes and pledges which God hath commended and committed vnto vs that they might be as witnesses of his loue and fauour towards vs. And thus much of the third outward part to wit the signe CHAP. VII Of the fourth outward part of a Sacrament THe last outward pa●t of a Sacrament is the a The receiuer is an outward part of the Sacrament receiuer which is as needfull as the outward signe We vnderstand and take heere a receiuer in generall for euery one that commeth to the Sacrament whether good or euill godly or vngodly faithfull or vnfaithfull Such a receiuer is likewise a necessary part of the
the Lords Supper When we receiue the outward signes God the Father offereth his Sonne all his graces with him to confirme our faith therby The signe is but a figure and token Christ is the truth substance This we shewed before Chap. 2. in the description of a Sacrament that therein Christ and all his sauing graces are truely offered sealed vp and giuen to the faithfull that beleeue in his name Heereunto commeth the doctrine of the Apostle where he teacheth that the Iewish Sacraments being in the truth of them the same with ours did signifie b 1 Cor. 10 1 2 3 4 5. Christ for They dranke of the spirituall Rocke that followed them and that Rocke was Christ So he doth teach elsewher that by baptisme we c Gal. 3 27. put on Christ we are buried into his death and are planted d Rom. 6 4 5. Col. 2.11.12 into the similitude of his resurrection Wherefore this is the vse and end of the Sacraments to leade our faith to the onely Sacrifice of Christ once offered vpon the Crosse as to the onely ground-worke and foundation of our saluation as touching the other Sacrament the same Apostle sheweth that the breaking of the bread sealeth vp the e 1 Cor. 10.16 communion of his body and the pouring out the wine the communion of his blood So then this is an euident plaine and manifest truth confirmed by testimony of the Scripture that Christ is the matter and substance of a Sacrament Vse 1 Heereby we gather great strength of faith If Christ be offered with all his merites then let vs lay hold vpon him and not let him goe let vs stretch forth the hand of faith and receiue him into our hearts Wherefore when Sathan assaulteth vs touching our faith in Christ and affiance in his promises perswading vs we are not elected iustified and indued with faith and thereby seeketh to cut off our hand from applying or to blinde our eye from looking vpon the brazen Serpent that is Christ sitting at the right hand of his Father let vs runne vnto him let vs hunger and thirst after his righteousnesse let vs acknowledge him to bee our wisedome our righteousnesse our sanctification and redemption and let vs looke for our saluation from him and in him What though our faith be fraile and weake What though it be as a graine of a Mustard-seede which is very little and small What if it bee but as the growth and strength of a Childe which is ready to fall except he be stayed vp yet this weake this small this little this fraile this feeble faith is able and sufficient to ingraft vs into Christ A childe taking a staffe in his hand is able to hold it as truely though not as strongly as a man so if wee lay holde vpon Christ by faith though we doe it with many wants much weaknesse yet it shall serue and suffice vs to saluation For God looketh not so much to the perfectiō as to the truth of faith neither so much to the measure as to the manner of our beleeuing Euen as f Mar. 8 24. the blinde man in the Gospel when he began to perceiue the mouing of men and saw them walking as trees when yet hee could not discerne their bodies did as truely and certainly see them as other did though not so cleerely plainely and distinctly So when we haue the least sparke of faith it will as truely assure vs of our saluation as a stronger The poore prisoner that lyeth in a deepe and dark dungeon may as wel discerne the light of the Sunne at a little hole and creuice as he that walketh in the open ayre so albeit we be compassed about with ignorance doubtings weakenesse and manifold fraileties of the fles● yet by a dimme light and sight of faith we may certainly apply vnto vs the mercies of GOD and the merites of Christ as well as if we had a strong and perfect perswasion of our election and saluation before the foundations of the world Thus we see howsoeuer the faithfull may be afflicted yet g 2 Cor. 4 8 9 they are not distressed thogh tempted yet not ouerwhelmed though cast downe yet they perish not For h 1 Iohn 5 4. this is their victory that hath ouercome this world euen their faith whereby they apprehend Iesus Christ who is offered of God the Father in the Sacraments to all the faithfull Secondly if Christ be giuen vs how should not the Vse 2 Father with him giue vs all things else as the i Rom. 8 32.22 23. Apostle concludeth If God spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him for vs all to death how shall he not with him giue vs al things also When we enioy him we enioy al things if we want him it is nothing though wee abound in all things else Wherefore when the Father gaue him for vs it is more then if he had giuen to vs heauen and earth For hauing right interest in him we haue possession of all things his righteousnes his sanctificatiō his obediēce his innocency whatsoeuer he hath is made ours He that hath Christ who is the Lord of al cānot doubt but he is made partaker of that which is his He that hath Christ who is heire k Heb. 1 2. of al things may assure himself to be made fellow heire with him This is it the Apostle saith l 1 Cor. 3 21. Let no man reioyce in men for all things are yours whether it bee Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether they be things present or things to come euē al are yours ye Christs Christ Gods Whē a parcel of ground is purchased and made ours thereby the profit and commodity thereof is made ours also so whē Christ by the free donatiō o● God the father is giuē vnto vs his righteousnes obedience becommeth wholy ours together with him Hee then that hath Christ hath al things he that hath not Christ hath nothing howsoeuer he thinke himselfe to be somthing If we haue him giuen vnto vs let vs take no thought for any other thing whatsoeuer He is the maine and greatest guift the rest are but appurtenances vnto it or dependants vpon it Let vs therefore watch ouer our hearts that they be not set vpon other guifts more then vpon him and reioyce more in that the Father hath giuen vs his owne Sonne then if wee had receiued a great possession and an earthly kingdome Vse 3 Thirdly is Christ the substance and inward part of a Sacrament the signe being as it were the body and the thing signified as the soule Then there hath been from the beginning the same truth of religion the same faith and the same meanes of faith Wee haue had the same Sacraments for substance throughout all generations There was a difference in the manner and outward dispensation according vnto the seuerall ages growth of the Church
3 cap. 9. mystery of the Trinity a Sacrament and fire a Sacrament because by the heat light and shining brightnes thereof the Trinity may after a sort be shaddowed out Besides a Warnw. Enc●unt 1. c. 13. the late Warneword Page 91. handling this controuersie of the number of Sacraments doth not prooue the number of seauen Sacraments out of the Scripture neyther goeth about it neither is able to deriue it further then the counsell of Florence holden in the yeare 1440. and from Peter Lumbard b S●nent lib. 4 d st 2. who was indeed the Father and first finder and founder of this number of seauen Augustine whē speaketh of Sacraments in the strict and proper signification and taketh them for holy signes and seales not onely signifying representing and exhibiting spirituall graces commanded by Christ succeeding in the roome of the Iewish two ordinary Sacraments and offering Christ to all faithfull receiuers the vse whereof is perpetuall and vniuersall reckoneth them as we do c August de simb ad cate●hu Haec sunt Ecclesiae gemina sacramenta i. These be two Sacraments of the Church And in one other place d August de doctr Christ l●b 3. cap. 9. Christ and his Apostles haue deliuered vnto vs a few Sacrament instead of many as Baptisme and Lords Supper Cyprian that liued before him Cyprian lib. 2. Epist 1. is of the same iudgment who saith plainely Tunc demum planè sanctificari c. that is may be throughly satisfied and become the children of God Vtroque Sacramento Paschas de coena dom if they be new borne by both the Sacraments And likewise Paschas 9. speaketh to the same purpose sunt Sacramenta c. that is The Sacraments of Christ in the Catholike Church are baptisme and the body and blood of our Lord. So S. Ambrose intreating purposely e Ambrose lib. 1. de Sacra cap. 1. of the Sacraments speaketh but of two as the reformed Churches hold at this day Innocentius the third speaking of them f C. Firmiter onely maketh mention of those two which we receiue not of the rest which we refuse Yea Thomas of Aquine the Chiefe Doctor of the Papists holdeth heerein the truth g In lib. 4. sent dist 28. qu. 4. teaching that the forme of Baptisme and of the Lords Supper is found in the Scripture but not of the other pretended Sacraments and namely of extreme vnction To conclude h Bessar de sacra Eucharist Cardinall Bessarion confesseth this Haec duo sola Sacramenta in Euangelijs manifeste tradita legimus that is we reade that these two onely Sacraments were deliuered vs manifestly and plainely in the Gospell Thus we see that others before vs do ioyne with vs and speak directly of both the Sacraments of two Sacraments and of onely two Sacraments and therefore the bringing in of seauen is as strange and monstrous as if a man shold say we wanted seauen feete to walke or seauen eyes to see or seauen hands to handle or seauen eares to heare whereas two of each sort are sufficient and the other fiue are needlesse and superfluous in the body Now let vs come to the vses of this diuision In Vse 1 that Christ hath appointed so few Sacraments in number heereby appeareth the great loue of God toward vs he hath not laid a burden vpon vs which neither we nor our Fathers were able to beare but charged vs with two Sacraments onely whereas he might haue deliuered other moe vnto vs. The Ceremoniall law was a very heauy burthen pressing downe the Father of the old Testament and keeping them i Act. 15 10. in great bondage now the yoke is broken and we are deliuered As we see the like mercy of God in teaching a short forme of praier as a perpetuall direction to the Church and in deliuering the ten Commandements diuided into two tables so he hath not troubled vs with many Sacramēts wherby also our nature prone to idolatry is respected and the grace of the new Testament is wonderfully amplyfied We see how superstition and grosse Idolatry haue preuailed in the Church of Rome infected with deadly poyson one of the Sacraments how much greater danger were it if moe Sacraments had beene commanded and commended vnto vs Againe heereby we may perceiue and conceiue the Vse 2 difference betweene the olde and new Testament betweene the Sacraments vnder the lawe and these vnder the Gospell k Difference betweene the Sacraments of the old Testament the new betweene those giuen to the Iewes and these retained among Christians For ours are few in number theirs are many in number the Arke Circumcision the Passeouer Manna the Cloud the Sea the Rock many purifications oblations which are not easy to be numbred But the Gospell acknowledgeth onely two as two twins begotten of the same father brought forth of the same mother Hereunto we may adde not vnprofitably other materiall differences to bee acknowledged They differ in time ours shew forth our communiō with Christ already come and so are more firme and durable as those l 1 Cor. 11 26 which are not to be changed to the ende of the world 1 Cor. 11. Yee shew the Lords death till hee come Their Sacraments were ordained onely vntill the comming of Christ because they shewed and pointed out Christ to come so that the worke of grace was more obscure vnto them Againe they differ much in variety of Sacramentall signes and rites as the cutting of the fore-skinne the Lambe of the Passeouer iournying through the Sea sauing by the Arke drinking of the rocke lifting vp the brazen Serpent raining downe of Manna washing of their body they had calues sheep goates doues bread wine oyle and such like we haue onely water in Baptisme bread and wine in the Lords Supper Thus the signes do greatly vary Fourthly they differ in easinesse For the ceremonies committed to the people of the Iewes were hard cumbersome painful to the flesh and some of them were administred with effusion and shedding of blood partly of man partly of beasts Of man as in circumcision of beasts as in the Paschall Lambe and in the sacrifices But our Sacraments though Sacraments of Christs blood shed for vs yet of themselues be voide of blood Fiftly they differ in measure of signification For our Sacraments haue a more plentifull and full representation of grace offered and stirre vp a greater measure of faith then the Sacraments of the old Testament which were more darke obscure the Lord reseruing a fuller measure of knowledge vnto the blessed times of the Gospell For as the exhibiting of Christ Iesus in the flesh in fulnesse of time and as it were in the olde age of the world is of more efficacy to moue vs then the expectation of him to come so wee haue better helpes and an holye aduantage to raise and rouse vp our faith vnto a greater assurance of grace
sprinkling of holy water the building of Churches the erecting of Monasteries the mumbling vp of prayers the lighting of Candles the giuing of almes the putting on of sacke-cloth the chastising of the bodge the saying of Masses the buying of indulgences the going on pilgrimages and such like superstitious vanities and impieties what I say do all these auaile to make satisfactiOn to God for the sinne of our soules And when it shall be said vnto them Who required these things at your hands Esay 1 12. what shall they be able to answere nay when it shall be said I detest and abhorre your deuises and dotages what can they finde out to mutter or vtter in defence of themselues Then they shall be taken speechlesse and haue nothing to answere for themselues Our satisfaction to God is only Christs satisfaction which is perfect and absolute imputed to vs by faith who of God is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1 30. 1 Cor. 1 30. As for the popish satisfaction it is not to be receiued for these causes first because they affirme that it standeth with the iustice of God to retaine the punishment after the sinne committed is forgiuen Secondly they hold that the temporall punishments of this life due to sinne may be bought out and redeemed by our good workes Thirdly they teach that it is not sufficient to beleeue that Christ hath fully satisfied for vs who notwithstanding was made sinne for vs which knew no sinne 2 Cor. 5 21. that we should bee made the righteousnesse of God in him neither that it is enough to amend our liues but that God must be satisfied by vs for our sins in our owne persons by the punishment and chastisement of our selues as by penance enioyned by the Priest or by praiers fastings almes chastisements and such like shewes of wisedome Col. 2 23. in voluntary religion and humblenesse of mind and in not spring the body which are things of no value sith they pertaine to the filling of the flesh Col. 2.23 Lastly they auouch that satisfaction by this will-worship is not onely profitable to the sufferers themselues but also auaileable for others so that one man may beare the burthen and discharge the debt of another one man may merite and satisfie for another The very naming of these impieties and absurdities is sufficient to ouerthrow them and to make vs to detest them The last point is absolution arising from the former wherein standeth the life of this dead Sacrament For when the penitent hath performed all the former his contrition his confession and his satisfaction he is by the Priest fully absolued of his sins albeit he know nothing of the doctrine of hatred of sinne of amendment of life and of flying to the mercy of God and the merite of Christ his Sonne without which there can bee no true repentance Besides these three supposed and pretented parts of Penance may be found in the reprobate as we see in Iudas who had their contrition for he was sorrowfull their confession for he said Mathew 27 4. Mat. 27 4. I haue sinned in betraying innocent blood and their satisfaction for he brought backe againe the cursed mony that he had taken and cast it downe in the Temple and yet hee was farre from true repentance as appeareth in this that hee went out immediately and hanged himselfe Thus we haue heard at large what the popish Penance is Now the question Penance no Sacrament ariseth betweene the Church of Rome and vs whether this repentance which is a dying to sinne and a walking in newnesse of life and whether reconciliation to the Church and absolution from sinne be a Sacrament of the new Testament instituted by Christ to assure his sauing graces to vs We answere it is not First it was in time of the old Testament from the beginning of mans fall and transgression it was continually preached and published by the Prophets and therefore before Christs comming in the flesh and cannot bee a Sacrament of the new Testament Secondly it wanteth an outward signe such as water in Baptisme such as bread and wine in the Lords Supper now euery Sacrament must haue an outward element and signe to represent the spirituall grace therefore Penance can be no Sacrament Thirdly it hath no word to command it no particular promise of God which is the chiefe stay and staffe of a Sacrament Bellarmine affirmeth that d Bellar. lib. 1. de poenit ca. 10 Christ instituted the Sacrament of Penance when bee breathed upon his Apostles after his resurrection and said vnto them e Ioh. 20.22 Receiue the Holy-Ghost whose sinnes ye rem't they are remitted and whose sins ye retaine they are retained And he saith the words of absolution are the signe and that remission of sinnes is the promise of grace which is signified For answere to this assertion would gladly aske this question whether the Apostles had this ministerial power to forgiue sinnes to repentant sinners when they baptized to remission of sins if this power were heere first instituted and giuen vnto them Do they not by tying the authority of remitting sins to this time make their baptisme of none effect Besides we haue shewed that it is not sufficient to haue a sound of words that may bee heard to make an outward signe there must be a visible signe that may be seene to warrant a Sacrament Now to make a Sacrament without such a signe were to make a Sacrament without a Sacrament Lastly as they take and vnderstand Penance it is neither Sacrament nor sacred it is neither holy signe nor holy thing it is neyther an institution of God nor any way of God For they meane not thereby amendment of life or inward sorrow and griefe of minde for the life past which is sometimes testified by weeping and mourning by sacke-cloth and ashes by fasting and humiliation but they vnderstand by Penance and externall discipline satisfaction for our sins to God by our owne sufferings and that wearing of sacke-cloth sprinkling of ashes chastising of the body whipping of the flesh putting on rough apparell lying on boords and hard places abstaining from flesh and afflicting our selues by such outward exercises are a paying of the paines due to sin part of amends made to Gods iustice and meritorious before him This punishment this Penance these penalties we abhorre as an horrible blasphemy against the blood of Christ which is the onely satisfaction to God for sinne For if wee satisfie for our selues then hath not Christ satisfied for vs nor payed the price due vnto our sins Besides they charge God the Father with iniustice in that hauing laid the guiltinesse of our sins vpon his owne Sonne and punished them in him they make him not satisfied with that punishment but to exact the debt of vs againe for which his Son as our surety hath fully and sufficiently answered f Esa 53 5 7.
Apostles God commended Abraham for this saying u Gen. 18 19. I know him that hee will command his sonnes and houshold after him that they keepe the way of the Lord to do righteousnesse and iudgement that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that he hath spoken vnto him Dauid gaue Salomon his sonne a notable and right noble charge before he dyed a 1 Chr. 28 9. speaking thus to him standing before him and before the Princes and Peeres of the kingdome Thou Salomon my sonne know thou the God of thy Fathers and serue him with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and vnderstands all the imaginations of thoughts if thou seeke him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off for euer Teach them that child-hoode youth are vanity b Eccl. 1 12. teach them to remember their creator in the dayes of their youth teach them to reade the Scripture and to practise in their liues and conuersations what they haue read and learned Instruct them to auoide idlenesse to eschue euill company to giue themselues to prayer and hearing the preaching of the worde Warne thy children to loue God to reuerence their mother and to loue one another Warne them to speake euill of no man and beware of taking Gods name in vaine Put them in minde that God is their father their creator their preseruer their redeemer their sanctifier yea their iudge that shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead and reward euery man according to his workes We must all appeare before the iudgement seate c 2 Cor. 5 10. of Christ that euery one may receiue the things which are done in his bodye whether good or euill Put them in remembrance not to oppresse or defraud any man d Psal 41.5 for the Lord is an auenger of all such things whoe will not blesse euill gotten goods but send his curse vpon them and they shall not prosper Admonish them to shew forth their faith by good works and to shew mercy according to their powers Lastly to honour their Princes parents maisters and all superiors Thus we instruct men to liue and to dye that dying they may liue with God in his kingdome Thus we annoint the sick with precious balme that e 1 Thes 4 6. shal not break their head with the inward and inuisible oyle of Gods grace and mercy Thus we warne them to prepare the oyle of faith in their lampes and to keepe a good conscience toward God and man that they may with ioy and comfort depart in peace render vp their soules into the hands of God cheerefully meeting the Bride-groome and entring with him into his kingdome So then the people loose nothing by lacke of the materiall oyle the want thereof beeing supplyed with exhortations admonitions reproofes consolations prayers and supplications more desired of the sicke and more auaileable for the sicke And thus much of extreame vnction and the other forged Sacraments whereof some wanting the outward signe some the spirituall grace signified some the word of institution some the promise annexed and al of them the commandement of Christ the testimony of the Scriptures and the consent of elder times we cannot admit them for any Sacraments and so we conclude that there are onely two Sacraments of the Church vnder the Gospell which are Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. THE SECOND BOOKE Of the Sacrament of Baptisme being an Honourable Badge of our Dedication to Christ containing the true Doctrine thereof ouerthrowing the errors of the Church of Rome and deliuering the comfortable vse of this Sacrament to all the people of GOD. CHAP. I. Of the word Baptisme and what it is HItherto wee haue spoken of the Sacraments in generall together with the parts vses and number of them now wee come to the first Sacrament which is Baptisme being an honourable badge whereby wee are dedicated vnto Iesus Christ a The word bap●isme is taken many waies This word in scripture hath many significations First in the natiue proper signification it signifieth to dippe to diue and plunge vnder water as Mat. 3 16. Iohn 3 22 23. Acts 8.38 39. Secondly to cleanse and wash any thing with water euen when this Sacrament is not administred as Marke 7. where it is saide the Pharisies did not eate except first they washed So Heb. 9 10. the old tabernacle did consist in washings Thirdly it signifieth the Crosse afflictions miseries persecutions and inward vexations of the spirite as Luke 12.50 where Christ saith I must be baptized and how am I grieued till it be finished And Mat. 12 22. Are ye able to drinke of the cup that I must drinke of and bee baptized with the baptisme that I shall be baptized withall Fourthly it is taken for a liberall and plentiful distribution of the graces and gifts of God as Acts 15. Iohn baptized with water but ye shall bee baptized with the Holy-Ghost within these few dayes that is ye shall receiue a greater measure of the guifts of God then yee haue done before Fiftly the worde is taken for the doctrine of Iohn which he deliuered before he administred the Sacrament of baptisme as Act. 18.25 Where Apollos is said to be an eloquent man and mighty in the Scripture knowing nothing but the baptisme of Iohn Likewise Mar. 1 4. Mar. 1 4. it is said that Iohn preached the baptisme of repentance vnto remission of sinnes that is the doctrine of repentance for otherwise how could he preach Baptisme which properly is ministred not preached Heereunto commeth the question that Christ demanded of the chiefe Priests and Elders of the people The Baptisme of Iohn whence was it Mat. 21 25. from heauen or of men whereby he meaneth the doctrine as appeareth by the words following for so they vnderstood him when they reasoned among themselues saying If wee shall say from heauen he will say why then d●d yee not beleeue him Mar. 11 31 32 for all men counted Iohn that hee was a Prophet indeed The reason why his ministry preaching is called by the name of Baptisme is because his doctrine that he deliuered was first of all sealed with that Sacrament which none of the Prophets did or could do before him so that as his person was called the Baptist so his doctrine was called by the name of baptisme one part of his ministry being put for the whole Lastly it is taken for the whole worke and action of the Sacrament of Baptisme as Math. 28 19. Goe vnto al Nations teach and bapt●ze them and in this last sence we are now to speake of it Let vs therefore see b Wh●t b●ptis●e is what this Sacrament is Baptisme is the first Sacrament whereby by the outward washing of the body with water once into the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy-Ghost the inward clensing of the soule by the blood of Christ is represented This
to the drift of the place to the circumstances of the text to the propriety of the words to other testimonies of Scriptures and to the proportion of faith we shall see they fauour and further neither rebaptization maintained by the Anabaptists neither reall difference betweene Iohns baptisme and Christs defended by the Papists True it is there is in this Scripture a double History and narration inserted intermingled and infolded the one within the other which causeth some doubt obscurity but may easily be cleered and expounded For first of all the words ver 5. And they which heard it were baptized are are not the wordes of Luke the writer but of Paul the speaker continuing his speech of Iohns Disciples hearers and are not to bee vnderstood of the twelue Disciples as appeareth by the two i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Greeke coniunctions which are vsed by the maisters of that tongue to ioyne and to disioyne hauing relation one to the other and knitting together the parts of the sentence answering fitly each to other k Mat. 3 11. Mat. 1 8 9. Act 1 5 6. as may bee seene in many places wherefore Luke speaketh not heere of Pauls baptisme but Paul speaketh of Iohns baptisme He setteth downe the office of Iohn verse 3. then he prosecuteth both the parts of it mentioning his preaching verse 4. and his baptizing verse 5. Againe these twelue abiding at Ephesus dwelling farre from the land of Iudea where Iohn preached baptized and liuing about 30. or 40. yeares after the death of Iohn could not heare his doctrin from his owne mouth or receiue baptisme at his hands Now whereas they are said to be baptized to Iohns Baptisme the meaning is l Act. 18 25. Mat. 21 25. Mar. 1 4. they imbraced and professed the same doctrine which Iohn preached by word and sealed with his baptisme Thirdly we haue a like example touching the Samaritans baptized by Phillip m Act. The Holy-Ghost was yet come downe vpon none of them but they were onely baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus then laide they their hands on them and they receiued the Holy-Ghost Heere we are to obserue this order Phillip preached the people beleeued and were baptized afterward the Apostles hands were imposed and so the Holy-Ghost is receiued They gaue the gifts of the Holy Ghost by laying on of hands without baptisme Act. 8.17 Neither do we reade that laying on of hands was vsed in baptisme neither were these baptized againe but onely confirmed and strengthened by imposition of the Apostles hands So in this place the twelue Ephesian Disciples had embraced and receiued the doctrine that Iohn preached and were baptized in the name of Christ then the Apostle layeth his hands vpon them and they receiue the Holy-Ghost they are no more rebaptized then were the Disciples at Samaria Fourthly if the 4. and 5. verses were to be sundred and dismembred contrary to the vse of the Greeke particles which serue to conioyne the whole and to disioyne the parts of the sentence as though the one were spoken of Paul the other of Luke why doth Luke afterward ver 6. repeate and assume the name of Paul What need was there to make mention of him againe Doth not this shew that in the whole speech before hee had spoken of Iohn and his hearers that heard him preaching in the wildernesse Furthermore the Apostle neither accuseth nor condemneth the Baptisme of these Ephesians neither enquireth whether they were Baptized or no seeing they were in the number of the Professors of the faith and beleeuers of the Gospell for they are called Disciples but whether they had receiued the giftes of the holy Ghost Sixtly if such as haue beene once baptized were to be rebaptized because they are somtimes grossely ignorant and know not some necessary fundamentall point of religion concerning the Trinity concerning the offices or person of Christ and such like holy Principles the apostles themselues should haue beene baptized againe who conuersing with Christ hearing his Doctrine seeing his Miracles and knowing his behauiour had yet tasted little of his spirituall heauenly kingdome n Actes 1 6. Math. 20 21. Luke 22 24. but dreamed that the Messiah should haue a temporall and earthly kingdome The Samaritanes also should be baptized anew because being baptized they did not immediately receiue the holy Ghost Likewise Apollos shoulde bee baptized againe who was weake in knowledge vnderstanding onely the baptisme of Iohn yet hee was not re-baptized but Aquila and Priscilla tooke him and instructed him farther in the Fayth of Christ and in the wayes of God and if baptisme were so often to be repeated as God of his mercie sheweth vs the errours of our minde and faultes of our life howe often should we bee baptized Should not the faithfull manie times not onely in a yeare but sometimes in a day require Baptisme Besides wee must consider that these twelue Disciples were not ignorant of the holye Ghost the third person in Trinity but of the extraordinary and myraculous gifts of the holy Ghost which appeared in clouen Tongues on the apostles o Act. 8 17 18 19 10 44 45 47 19 6 as the words are taken For it were vnreasonable and absurd to imagine that such as are sayd to be Disciples schollers of Christ Professours of the Fayth and Members of the Church could bee ignorant whollie of the holie Ghost which Iohn saw come downe p Ioh. 1 32 33 vppon Christ in a very visible shape without the knowledge of which Spirite none can be ●aid to be a beleeuer and to be faithfull such are so farre from being admitted into the Church that they deserue not to sit in the Porch Neither may we thinke without intollerable iniury done vnto Iohn who was filled with the holye Ghost from his Mothers Wombe that he would euer haue receiued to his baptisme such rude and grosse Disciples as had neuer heard whether there were an holy ●host Last of all if Paul had baptized these twelue Disciples of Ephesus why are they passed ouer in silence and not rehearsed where of set purpose he q 1 Cor. 1 13.14 15. reckoneth vppe such as were baptized by him He declareth how he baptized Crispus Gaius and the houshold of Stephanas he maketh no mention at all of this History Nay if he baptized these might not the Corinthians haue taken exception against him accused him of falshood or forgetfulnes and albeit he speak properly and particularly of the Cor●nthians yet afterward he extendeth his doctrine farther concludeth generally that hee knew not whether he had baptised any other which he wold neuer haue spoke if he had baptised the xii togither especially seeing he addeth Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospell And seeing th● former Epistle was written after this history as some suppose from Ephesus where these disciples dwelt r 1 Cor. 16 8.
owne hearts so often as we see it administred let vs not rest in it as in a worke done to another and nothing concerning our selues but euermore helpe our inward affection by the outward action and alwayes as the eye of the body beholdeth the Minister let the eye of our faith be fastened ●i●mely vpon the Father who maketh the Sacramentall rites auaileable which are openly done before vs for our edification Vse 2 Againe it teacheth that we must not rest in the outward washing not in the externall actions of the Minister but euer consider what is offered to our considerations therin and when the Father offereth to vs his Sonne let vs not refuse him For he that satisfieth himselfe with the outward worke is as he that catcheth after the shaddow and regardeth not the substance or as one that maketh much of the garmēts but respecteth little the body it selfe which ought to be had in greatest price and estimation The Minister taketh the water and washeth the bodye which is a pledge of a farther thing for then doth the Father apply the promise of remission of sinnes and life euerlasting to the person baptized as if he should speake with a loud voice and call the party by his name while the outward signe is powred on the body I freely wash away thy sinnes and giue vnto thee the pardon of them and bestow vpon thee eternall life so that thou turne vnto me and beleeue in Christ thy Sauiour Let vs then as true beleeuers by a spe●iall faith re●eiue and apprehend his mercifull promises and rest in them Let this cause vs to turne vnto him by vnfained repentance and to walke with all obedience in his waies Seeing therefore he doth so gra●iously assure vs of his great mercies with his owne hand seale woe vnto vs if we be not mu●h moued and affected with it Vse 3 Lastly is God the Father an inward part of baptisme Then we must take heed wee giue not that to the Minister which is proper to God the Father whereby he i●●obbed of the honour and glory due to his great name The Minister may wash the body and cleanse the flesh but can goe no further he medleth not with sanctification of the conscience from dead workes which is not in the power of mortall man to do so that God giueth the thing and men giue the signe yea while the Minister of●●eth the one God the Father giueth the other CHAP. IX Of the second inward part of Baptisme THe second inward part of baptisme a The second inward part of baptisme i● the holy Spirite is the Spirite of God hauing relation to the word and promise of God Thi● b Mat. 3 11.10 appeareth Mat. 3 11. He bapti●eth with the Holy Ghost and with fire And verse 10. When Christ wa● baptized the heauen● were opened vnto him and he saw the Spirit descending like a Doue and lighting vpon him So the apostle 1 Cor. 6. saith Ye are washed ye are san●tified ye are iust●fied in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of our God And chap. 12. of the same Epistle By one Spirite wee are all bapti●ed into one body whether we be Iewes or Gr●e●ian● whether we be bond or free and haue beene all made to drinke into one Spirite And Tit. 3. According to his mercy he saued vs by the washing of the new both and the renewing of the Holy-Ghost which he shed on vs aboundantly through Iesus Christ our Sauiour All these testimonie teach vs that the holy Spirite of God i● a necessary inward part of this Sacrament and that the baptisme of the Spirite ioyned to the word giueth force vnto it who worketh in our soule● that which water doth in our bodies so that without the Spirite it is nothing From hence we learne that it is not the dipping of vs Vse 1 into or the sprinkling of vs with water by the Minister that maketh vs partakers of Christ but it commeth from the vertue of the Spirite who in time performeth what is represented by outward signes and promised by the word Againe we learne heereby that the Spirite is true God Vse 2 equall with the Father and the Sonne For who is able to make the word and Sacraments auaileable but onely God Seeing then this is the proper worke of the Holy-Ghost to open the heart to teach the conscience to seale vp to the day of redemption and to helpe our infirmities in hearing in praying and receiuing the Sacraments hee must needs be acknowledged to be true God the c 1 Cor. 12 4.5 8 9 10 11. Reuel 1 4. giuer of these graces So we see that in the forme of the administration of this Sacrament the blessed Spirite is named and rehearsed d Mat. 28 19. and hath his order together with the Father and the Sonne This therefore is a principle of our faith to be learned confessed and beleeued Vse 3 Thirdly we are heereby to take heede and beware that we giue not to the word that which is proper to the Spirit he ingrafteth vs into Christ he keepeth vs that we fall not from Christ he maketh the word and promise of the institution profitable vnto vs without whom it should be vnto vs as sounding brasse or a tinckeling Cymball Wherefore as GOD the Father in mercy maketh the promise so his Spirite must assure it to the Consciences of all the faithfull Vse 4 Lastly let vs learne whensoeuer we come to the word or Sacraments to craue the gracious assistance of the blessed Spirit to guide direct and regenerate vs to eternall life to sanctifie vs e 1 Ioh. 5 7. and to assure vs of Gods endlesse fauour in Christ Iesus as 1. Ioh. 5. There be three which beare witnesse in heauen the Father the Word and the holy Sp rit and these three are one The Holy-Ghost by his grace and vertue worketh in vs stedfastly to beleeue the truth of Gods word and the gracious promises of saluation as he is the author beginner and begetter of faith in vs so he increaseth it maketh vs fit to receiue Christ and to apply him with all his guifts vnto our soules and sendeth vs into the full fruition and possession of Christ He is our comforter to certifie vs of our reconciliation to God and to make vs reioyce vnder the Crosse knowing that f Rō 5 3 4 5. tribulation bringeth foorth patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shedde abroad in our hearts by the Holy-Ghost which is giuen vnto vs. He is the earnest and seale of our inheritance by whom wee are sealed vp to euerlasting life Thus we see that howsoeuer the increase and strength of faith is assigned to the Sacraments yet this grace proceedeth from the Holy-Gkost who is vnto our faith as marow vnto the bones as moysture vnto the tree and as a cōfortable raine vnto the fruites of the
person touch an holy thing it shall be vncleane The person must be holy that will haue sound profite by the holie things of God the man that is vnholie defileth euery thing he toucheth the polluted person polluteth all thinges For as to m Tit. 1 15. the pure all things are pure but vnto them that are defiled and vnbeleeuing is nothing pure but euen their minds and consciences are corrupted so the prophane person defileth all thinges and turneth wholesome meate into noysome poison We must therefore vse sanctifyed things with sadctifyed hearts and for spirituall meate wee must haue spirituall vessels Furthermore marke the great danger punishment that is procured and purchased by the want of preparation For the vnworthy receiuer is guilty n 1 Cor 11 27 of the body and blood of Christ as the Apostle specifieth 1 Cor. 11. Whosoeuer shal eat this bread and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthily shal be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. And againe He that eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh his own iudgment because he discerneth not the Lords body for this cause many are sicke and weake among you and many sleepe Where he teacheth that such as come vnworthily vnreuerently and otherwise then such mysteries should be handled do despise tread vnder their feete Iesus Christ himselfe prouoke the Lords wrath and bring on themselues swift damnation Not that be is carnally and bodily present but because the reproach which is vsed to the signes toucheth the bodie and bloode of Christ signified by them Euen as if a man shoulde rent disgrace deface spit vppon treade and trample vnder his feete and villanouslie abuse the image seale and letters patents of a Prince he should be adiudged d Ren. Iaesae Maiestatis guiltie of a greeuous crime against the person of the Prince himselfe not which hee receyueth but despiteth so such as come vnthankefully and vnworthily to this supper are guiltie of his body not which they haue eaten but which they haue refused and reiected being offered vnto them and therefore are guilty of their owne death inasmuch as God with the signes offereth his owne Son Wherefore seeing the presence of God mooueth seeing our owne profit perswadeth seeing our owne practise furthereth seeing the defiling of the Sacrament and the danger of vnwoorthy receiuing teacheth and lastly seeing our owne iudgement in humane affayres when the daunger is not so great nor the losse so certaine cryeth out for this necessary preparation it standeth vs vpon before wee enter into this holy worke whereunto of our selues wee are more vnfit and vnto warde and which in it owne nature is most profitable to set our selues before the Lord who shal examine and iudge the quicke and the dead to search into our owne waies and to keepe a sessions in our owne soules to looke into our secret and hidden corruptions how wee haue gone forward or backeward in godlinesse to try whither wee haue a knowledge feeling and disliking of our sinnes and whether we haue any feare of Gods iudgments or faith in his promises or hope in his mercie to iudge our selues that we may not be iudged of the Lorde to labour to finde our speciall sinnes striuing against them by earnest prayer to God and condemning them for euer in our selues If we would thus iudge our selues we should not be condemned with the world● Let vs be grieued for our naturall blindnesse Let vs acknoledge confusion of faces to be due vnto vs Let vs deepely imprint in our owne hearts the horror of our sins past and present The more we perceiue and discerne our owne vnworthines the greater shall be our fitnes to come to this Sacrament and the lesse we espy our owne imperfections the more we incurre the danger of Gods iudgements So then to touch vs with true humility and to breake our stony hearts in pieces with remembrance of our daily offences let vs often meditate on the death and passion of Christ who was forsaken scorned buffetted and crucified for vs he was led as a lambe to the slaughter and shunned not the shame of the Crosse then the powers of heauen and earth were moued p Mat 27 45 Iudea was darkened the earth quaked the stones claue in sunder the graues opened the Sunne was in the ful-moone eclipsed the vaile of the Temple was rent the dead were raised the theefe repented the Centurion glorified God and the whole order of nature was changed All these things doe set before vs the heinousnesse of our sins and the greatnes of Gods wrath which could not be appeased but by crucifying of the body and by shedding of the blood of Christ which is represented to vs as in a glasse in this Supper Thus we haue shewed by testimonies and effectuall reasons that as in the Passeouer they were commanded to chuse them a lambe q Exod 12 3. on the tenth day but to kill him on the fourteenth so that they had foure dayes liberty betweene the separating and the killing of him for preparation and sanctification of themselues in like manner in the Supper which is the same to vs that the Passeouer was to the Iewes the Spirit of God chargeth this duty vpon vs that we prepare our hearts reuerently thereunto Vse 1 Now as we haue seene the necessity of this examination let vs consider what vses are to be made thereof It is required of all Communicants that come to the Lords table diligently to examine themselues Then from hence it followeth that all men are bound to know the word of God and to be skilfull in the Scripture that thereby they may be able to try their owne hearts and examine themselues by that rule But if the rule be vnknowne the tryall spoken oft cannot be made the examination commanded cannot bee practised Especially there is required of vs the knowledge in the doctrine of the law not onely to be able to rehearse the words but to know the end and meaning of them the speciall braunches of them what are the duties commaunded what are the sinnes condemned for by r Rom 3 20. the Lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne and the Apostle had not knowne sinne ſ Rom. 7 7. but by the Law for hee had not knowne lust except the law had sayed thou shalt not lust As then hee that will trie Golde from Copper must haue his touchstone so hee that will rightly examine his obedience must familiarly be acquainted with the Canon of the Scriptures This our Sauiour teacheth t Iohn 5 3● Search the Scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life they are they which testifie of me If then we search them they will giue vs light to search our selues And the Apostle requireth the Colossians Col. 3 16. to haue the word of God dwell plentifully in them in all wisedome Wherefore he that said examine your selues ment we should also know the Scriptures and especially
to this Sacrament to know the grounds of religion and vnderstand the doctrine of the Sacraments Secondly to beleeue in Christ and to looke for sal●ation in him alone inasmuch as there is no other name vnder heauen by which we must be saued So then we must come with faith which is the hand to apprehend Christ Thirdly to abhorre and detest our sins to hate them with an vnfained hatred as our deadly and most dangerous enemies and to haue godly sorrow for them which may cause repentance not to be repented of Lastly to loue our brethren truely and sincerely yea euen our enemies If we finde not these things in our selues we must carefully vse all holy meanes appointed for this purpose to begin them in vs otherwise our estate will prooue to be fearefull and dangerous We must with all sincerity conscience and zeale vse prayer the word read and preached conferrence meditation and such like helpes as may further them in vs. If we do finde them in vs though feeble and in great want and weaknesse we are not to abstaine from the Sacrament but to come therunto to seek strength of faith and increase of obedience Wherefore b Mat. 11 28 our Sauiour calleth such vnto him Come to me all ye that are weary and sore laden and I will ease you take my yoke on you and yee shall finde rest vpon your soules for my yoake is easie and my burden it light And chap. 12. A bruised c Mat. 12 26 reeds shall he not breake and smoaking flax shal he not quench till he bring forth iudgment vnto victory Touching the first we are to obserue d The 1. part of examination is knowledg of Gods word that such as will come aright to the lords supper must haue the knowledge of Gods word which is the foundation and ground-worke of faith Wee must know what to beleeue and must learne the doctrine of saluation out of the Scripture Our Sauiour Christ in that heauenly prayer which hee made a little before his passion vseth these words to his Father e Iohn 17 3. This is eternal life to know thee to be the onely very God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ We must know how miserable all men are of themselues that we are separated from god the children of wrath by nature as wel as others and the verie fire-brands of hell They that want this knoledge cannot iudge aright of the parts and vses of this Sacrament nor desire this heauenly meate which nourisheth to eternall life So then knowledge must necessarily go before faith for it is the nature of faith to beleeue that which it knoweth and therefore where there is small knowledge there can bee but little faith and where there is no knowledge there can be no faith acording f Rom. 10 17. to the doctrine of the Apostle Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God The knowledge required of vs when we approach to this Sacrament standeth in these two g What particular pointes ●re necess●tie to be knowne o● al that com to the Communion pointes first in the knowledge of God secondly in the knowledge of our selues In these two branches standeth the first part of examination And these two points are so neerely ioyned and knit together that no man can thoroughly know God vnlesse he know himselfe and no man can haue the perfect knowledge of himselfe except he know God in whom h Acts 17 28 he liueth mooueth and hath his being Vnder these two heads many particular points are containd necessary to be known of those that offer themselues to bee partakers of this Sacrament First that there is onely one God that hath made himselfe knowne in three persons Iohn 5 7. the Father the Sonne and the Holy-ghost Secondly that God made man and all other creatures good and gouerneth all things well Thirdly man did fall through the enticement of the Deuill and his own wilfull disobedience in breaking the commandements of God Fourthly there are ten commaundements diuided into two tables whereof the foure first commaundements concerne our duties to God the sixe last our duties toward our neighbour Fiftly we cannot keepe these commandements nor anie one of them but wee breake them daily in motion in thoght in word and in deed the breach wherof deserueth k Deut 27 25 the curse of God that is all miseries in this life death in th● end of this life and hell fire after this life Sixtly there is no meanes or remedy in our selues or in any creature but onely in Iesus Christ the eternall Son of God l Luke 1 35 who is God and Man God that he might ouercom death and Man that he might die for our sinnes Hee hath pacified Gods wrath fulfilled the righteousnesse of the Law sanctified our nature adopted vs to be the children of God and maketh our duties though weake acceptable vnto his Father Seuen●hly all haue not deliuerance by him but onely such as beleeue in Chr●st m 1 Cor. 1 30. whose obedience and righteousnesse is made ours by a liuely faith whereby we are perswaded that through him our sinnes are forgiuen and we made the children of God Eightly faith is a gift of God applying Christ and all his merits particularly to our selues and teaching that he is a Sauiour vnto vs. Ninthly beeing saued by Christ through faith n Luke 1 74 we may not liue as we lift this vnspeakable mercie teacheth vs to deny all vngodlinesse and all worldly and sinnefull lusts to liue soberly righteouslie and godly in this present euill world and to walke in newnesse of life o Ephesia 6 5 because no vnrighteous person shal enter into the kingdome of heauen Tenthly this Faith which bringeth foorth a reformed life is wrought within our heartes by the Holie-ghost p Rom 10 14. through the preaching of the word being truely expounded and profitably applyed with doctrine consutation exhortation correction reformation and consolation and it is encreased besides by reading praying and receyuing of the Sacraments Eleuenthly touching prayer wee haue a perfect platforme left vs by q Mat 6 9. Christ in the Gospell which containeth 6. petitions the three first concerning the glory of God and the three last concerning the necessities of our owne bodies and soules Twelfely the Sacraments are another helpe to strengthen and increase faith which are outward signes and seales ordained of God to assure vs that Christ all his sauing graces are giuen vnto vs. These are two in number Baptisme the Sacrament of our regeneration and new birth assureth vs by the washing of water that our sins are forgiuen by the blood of Christ we borne anew to God The Lords Supper assureth vs that by bread and wine giuen and receiued according to Gods ordinance Christ is giuen vs to be our spirituall nourishment to euerlasting life These grounds of religion must be knowne and vnderstood that we may
despaire on the other side but to beleeue which is seated in the middest is supernaturall To haue a dead faith commeth of our selues but to haue a liuely faith proceedeth from God to whome we ascribe all glory and praise Now the proper office and function of this iustifying faith standeth in apprehending receiuing and laying hold vppon Christ and all his benefites Euen as the hand stretched foorth layeth hold vpon a thing and pulleth the same vnto it so dooth faith apply the sauing promises of the Gospell to the soule as the Apostle teacheth Gal. 3. That the blessing of Abraham might come vnto the Gentiles through Iesus Christ i Gal 3 14 that we might receiue the promise of the Spirit through Faith Where he teacheth that we embrace and receiue the precious promises of saluation and forgiuenesse of our sinnes by faith beleeuing the same to belong vnto our selues The Scripture calleth Christ a redeemer indefinitely Iob calleth him his redeemer particularly Iob 19 25. I know that my Redeemer liueth The Scripture setteth out the Lord as the God of his Church Thomas vpon a speciall feeling of Christes sauour toward him l Ioh 22.28 acknowledgeth him to be his Lorde and God Iohn 20. Thou art my Lord and my God The Scripture propoundeth Christ as the Sauiour of his people the blessed virgin taketh this as spoken vnto her selfe m Luke 1 ●● and accounteth him her Sauiour My spirit reioyceth in God my Sauiour The Scripture maketh Christ the Lord Protector of his church Elizabeth maketh a speciall Luk. 11 43. application thereof calling him her Lord. Luk. 1 Whence commeth this to me that the mother of my Lord should come vnto mee It is an Article of our holy and Christian faith to beleeue the forgiuenes of sins this must euery one beleeue this must euery one hold this must euery one apply o Math. 5 2. as Christ did to the sick man of the Palsey Mathew 9. Sonne be of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiuen thee It is the hardest thing in the world thus to beleeue whether we respect Christ or our selues An hardthing to beleeue It is an easie matter for a man when he neither knoweth nor feeleth the burden of sin to say he hath faith and beleeueth in Gods mercie but when Sathan shall sist him when his owne heart shall accuse him when sinne shall lye heauie vpon his soule when the vnsupportable and vnsufferable anger of God shall presse his conscience to the nethermost hell and the flame thereof consume his bones and turne his moysture p Psalm 32 4. into the drought of Summer if then he can stand vpright and build himselfe q Math 7 24. vpon the rocke when the floods come when the winds blow and beat vpon his house and when the ground shaketh vnder his seete this man with boldnesse and confidence may truely say and seale it vppe for an euerlasting truth My sinnes are forgiuen mee For if then he can comfort himselfe in his God and apply his gracious mercies to his owne faint heart and cry out r Iob. 13 15. Though the Lorde woulde kill me yet still will I trust in him this is the propertie of a sound faith against which the strongest gates of hell shall not preuaile This appeareth euidently vnto vs in the example of Abraham ſ Ro. 4 17 c who beleeued that of his olde weake withered and as it were deade body should spring children t Genes 1● 5 like to the sande on the Sea shore and like the Starres of Heauen for multitude and that hee should haue a seede in whome himselfe and all the nations of the world should bee blessed If hee had consulted with flesh and bloode what Discourses might a naturall man alleadge to hinder the crediting of this promise yet he doubted not he disputeth not the matter but beleeued that the weake should bee made strong that the barren should be made fruitfull and a ioyfull mother of children that the dead should be made a liue to dwell with a family springing out of his owne body which was to reason as vnlikely and vnpossible as for a dry and dead tree pulled vp by the rootes to bud beare and bring foorth plentifull fruit So what can be more difficult and hard then for vs to beleeue and be perswaded that by the death of Christ we shall haue euerlasting life By his shame and dishonour we shall haue glory and praise That by his wounds and reproches we shal haue the curing and healing of our sores That by his agonies and bloody sweate we shall haue peace and rest By his condemnation we shall haue saluation Is not this after a sort in hel to see heauen In cursing to see blessing In humiliation to see exaltation In death to see life In condemnation to lay hold of saluation In feeling of sinne to beleeue the pardon of sinnes Lastly in our vnrighteousnesse and misery to be both righteous and accepted to eternall life and in the breach of the law to beleeue the fulfilling of the law This is indeed to haue the sauing faith u Tit. 1 1. of Gods elect And to say that this is an easie matter or a small thing is plainely to betray and discouer that we neuer knew what true faith meaneth For this faith let euery one of vs labour that we may a Gal. 2 20. specially and particularly apprehend the promises as the Apostle declareth Galathians 2. I am crucified w th Christ but I liue yet not I any more but Chrict liueth in me and in that that I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith in the Sonne of God who hath loued me and giuen himselfe for me And againe b 2 Tim 4 ● I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith hence forth is la●d vp for me a Crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue vnto me at that day Where we see a speciall application to himselfe of the benefits of CHRIST and therefore it is not sufficient to beleeue that Christ came into the world that he was crucified died was buried rose againe from the dead and ascended into heauen for this is a generall faith this is the faith of the reprobates yea the Deuils know it and haue as great a part and portion therein as wee yet they tremble at the remembrance of their iudgement to come as Iames sheweth c Iames 2 19 Thou beleeuest there it one God thou doest well the deuils also beleeue and tremble There is more required of vs then to beleeue the histories and doctrine of the Scriptures to bee true and to make an outward profession of it to vnderstand and assent vnto the couenant of grace made by Christ that it is certain and shal be verified in the members of the church we must besides this generall and confused faith applie and appropriate vnto
and mercy by how much the accomplishment is more then the promise and the fulfilling greater then the foretelling Lastly they differ in respect of the people to whom they were giuen and for whom they were ordained ours belong to all people dispersed ouer the face of the whole earth that are ingrafted into the Church wheras theirs were tyed to one Nation to one people to one place to the posterity of Abraham Notwithstanding these differences which are in signes and circumstances touching the chiefe thing euen the matter and substance of the Sacraments they are equall m Wherin the Sacraments of the old and new Testam●nt agree hauing the same end and the same signification and being of one efficacy as also the word of the Prophets and Apostles is One and the same God is author of them One and the same Mediator betweene God and man euen the man Iesus Christ is represented in both the Lamb slaine from the foundation of the world They signifie and shew foorth the same Communion of Christ by which all the elect are saued and seale vp saluation and remission of sinnes to all that do receiue them by faith For they were giuen to be signes and seales of grace and of the promises of God to distinguish the faithfull from all other sects and religions in the world and that they should be receiued with profite onely of the faithfull In these and such like things the Sacraments of the Iewish and Christian Church are not vnequal although in the outward signs and circumstances they be diuers yet in the substance in the thing signified there is no difference Vse 3 Thirdly we are bound to beleeue his promises and to haue strong consolation seeing he bath giuen vs two signes If we had onely had one signe as a seale of the mercies of God in Christ it had beene a great sinne not to haue beleeued the promise and not to haue rested therein as in a thing vnchangeable For he is not as man that he should lye or deceiue n 2 Cor. 1.20 his onely promise is assured paiment yea all the promises of God in him are yea and are in him Amen vnto the glory of God But seeing the goodnesse of God hath abounded in granting vnto vs two Sacraments that where doubting aboundeth there faith might abound much more our sinne is the greater if now wee wauer like o Iam. 1 6. a waue of the sea tossed of the wind and carried away One tree of life serue Adam to assure him life one raine-bowe sufficed Noah one returne of the Sunne backward was enough to Hezekiah and they beleeued If then wee seeke a signe we haue two giuen vnto vs that hauing two vnchangeale Sacraments as it were two witnesses of his word and assurances of his promise wee might haue strong consolation The vnbeleeuing Iewes said to Christ p Mat. 12.38 and 16 1. Shew vs a signe and we will beleeue thee Behold the Lord sheweth vs two visible signes of his spirituall and inuisible graces and shall not we beleeue being stedfast in faith and grounded in hope Wee desire forgiuenesse of sinnes assurance thereof by these two the Lord promiseth couenanteth and indenteth to giue the same vnto vs setting the seales to his owne writing Lastly this diuision and numbring vp of the Sacraments Vse 4 serueth to teach that there are not seauen Sacraments of the Church and so do condemne the fiue supposed and falsly named Sacraments Concil Trid. sess 7. de sacra in gen can 18. 11. 13. maintained of the Church of Rome to wit Confirmation Penance Matrimony Orders and extreme Vnction Baptisme we imbrace the Lords Supper we acknowledge of these two we moue no question we make no controuersie the other fiue whose father is vnknowne we refuse as bastards and cannot admit them into the number of Sacraments the reasons whereof we will render in the Chapters following CHAP. XVII That Confirmation is not a Sacrament THe Apostles as the Maister-builders of the Churches planted the Gospell where the name of Christ had not beene heard Now because many seducers arose that troubled the peace of the Church and the faith of many beleeuers began to wauer the Apostles agreed together to go againe to the Churches where they had laid a 1 Cor. 3.12 a golden foundation howsoeuer other had builded hay and stubble thereon to see how they b Acts 11 22.23 and 15 36. increased or decreased as Acts 11. And they confirmed their hearts and established them in the faith which they had taught And Chap. 15. Paul said vnto Barnabas Let vs returne and visite our brethren in euery Citty where wee haue preached the word of the Lord and see how they do And we doubt not but when the Gospell was reuealed the Apostles by laying on hands gaue the guists of the Holy-Ghost to the beleeuers in Christ This practise of the Apostles we finde this we confesse this we approue and allow But of any Sacrament of confirmation we reade not and therefore allow not Againe it was a lawdable custome in the primitiue Church of Christian parents to bring their Children to the Bishop who examined them in the principles and fundamentall points of religion c Heb. 6 1. he asked thē reason of their faith he instructed them further in the mysteries of godlinesse and that this action might haue the more reuerence and dignity he laid his hands vpon them and prayed vnto God for them that hee would increase and continue the good things that he had begun in them d Confirmation is no Sacrament This imposition of hands with prayer to be strengthned in the Holy-Ghost and to haue increase of grace corrupted with annointings depraued with crossings and defiled with sundry superstitions is no Sacrament First euery Sacrament should haue warrant and appointment from Christ and a promise annexed vnto it but this hath none 2. it hath no word of institution in the Scripture nor commandement to continue the vse of it vntill the coming of Christ and end of the world therfore no Sacrament For the word must be added to the element and so it is made a Sacrament True it is they vse a forged and counterfeit forme in their confirmation I signe thee with the signe of the holy Crosse and I confirme thee with the oyle of saluation in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy-Ghost These indeed are words but no word of God they shew an intollerable presumption not to be excused But indeed a counterfet word is fit enough for a counterfet Sacrament there is a good agreement when both writing and seale are sutable that is both forged Thirdly it wanteth an outward signe instituted by Christ We read oftentimes that the Apostles vsed laying on of hands we reade of no oyle or Chrisme Besides we know they gaue thereby the miraculous guifts of the Holy-Ghost which now are ceased as Acts 8.
before the word of the Lord what wisedome can there be in vs or how can we be assured to please God Thus we haue run ouer and answered the foolish and friuolous obiections that carnall minded men alledge in defence of their negligent comming to the Communion of the body and blood of Christ Christ himselfe is ready to entertaine vs as his friends to inuite vs as his guests to command vs as his seruants to come to his Table let vs then make conscience of this duty and not bring this curse vpon our selues to exclude our selues from his Sacrament and from his presence Excommunication is the greatest and highest censure of the Church which as a sharpe sword cutteth off offenders from the Church casteth them out from the communion of the faith-ful and putteth out from among them but these careles persons that regard not to be present at the partaking of this Supper do banish themselues from the Citty and excommunicate themselues from the Church of God They doe willingly and wilfully cast out themselues and cut themselues off from the society of his people To conclude this point let all such slothfull and sluggish persons take heed they do not exclude themselues from this comfortable Sacrament vnder what pretence soeuer it be least they bee in the number of those that draw backe vnto perdition of whō the Lord pronounceth My soule shall haue no pleasure in him These things being thus rightly waighed and considered let vs make conscience of this duty and come chearefully and comfortably to this Table No man commeth vnto it but he departeth better away if he come as he ought to do He is filled with good things if he haue an hand to receiue them No man shall repent of comming vnto it if he repent of his sins before he come And when we come often yet we should be sorry that we come not more often It is Christs commandement let vs obey it it is his will let vs do it it is his counsell let vs follow it and his commandement his will his counsel is not cumbersome or burdensome vnto vs. If he should require at our hands something that were hard or heauy to flesh and blood ought we not with chearefulnes to vnder-goe it seeing he hath made vs and not we our selues seeing he hath redeemed vs and not we our selues and seeing he hath sanctified vs and not we our selues so that all that is in vs is the Lords Howbeit that which he willeth vs to do is not hard but easie it is not a burden grieuous to be borne to resort often to his Supper but light and pleasing to them that are spiritually minded It was well said of Naamans seruants to their Maister when he turned away in a rage from the Prophet My father if the Prophet had bid thee do some great thing wouldst thou not haue done it How much rather then when hee saith to thee Wash and be cleane 2. King 5 12. 2 Kings 5 12. So if Christ our Lord and Maister should command vs to do greater things then these and such as were costly to vs ought we not to do them How much more then when he saith vnto vs Mat. 11. Mat 11 30. My yoke is easie my burden is light and my commandements are not greeuous 1 Iohn 5.3 1 Ioh. 5 3. How much more when he saith Eate O my friends drinke and make you merry O my beloued Cant. 5 1 Cant. 5 1. Surely he will do very little for a man who being solemnly bidden and friendly inuited to a feast by his neighbour wil not go to his Table but scornfully refuse and churlishly reiect both the feast and him that called him We cannot thinke he wil do any great thing for vs neither can we make any great account of his fauor and friendship that will not come to supper vnto vs being kindly and curteously intreated In like manner what can we assure our hearts that we will do for Christ that wil not feast with Christ It is well said of Cyprian How will that man drinke the cup of Martyrdome for Christ that will not drinke the cup of saluation with Christ How will he suffer death for him that will not reioyce with him nor eate and drinke in his presence Remember therefore that the partaking of this Sacrament is to our great benefit he that eateth of this bread shall not hunger againe he that drinketh of his blood shall neuer thirst againe Remember that he which findeth good by any thing that he doth needeth no great inuiting much lesse compelling and enforcing He needeth no law to inforce him the loue of it will sufficiently allure him It is enough to compell such as feele no benefit by it and haue no regard of it But such as loue his last Supper and haue felt the benefit of it and haue tasted the sweetnesse of this feast need no compelling nor deuising of excuses to iustifie their absence Remember that God will not alwayes beare with our contempt nor put vp the wrong that is offered vnto him He is indeed very patient and a God of much long suffering he is content to warne vs oftentimes and to with-hold his hand from punishing of vs but if we abuse his patience we prouoke him to plague vs with diuers iudgements If he send out his messengers and we refuse to come at the first call he may forbeare vs or at the second cal he may peraduenture bear it at our hands in hope of repentance but if we harden our hearts and stop our eares when he calleth he hath passed sentence vpon vs already we shall not eate of his Supper For when this feast is kept in his Church Christ himselfe commeth among them and surueyeth his guests he looketh for vs to meete vs at his Table if he see our places often empty be sure he will misse vs and aske for vs and not alwayes suffer it euen as Saul did beare with Dauids absence the first day of the feast and spake not any thing 1 Sam. 20 ●● 27. but when his roome was empty the second day he held his peace no longer and Ionathans excuse serued not God may beare with our dulnesse and negligence for a while but if we be absent from day to day and can alledge no iust excuse for our absence we may be well assured he will not take it at our hands For as a fearefull iudgement hangeth ouer his head that commeth vnprepared and eateth vnworthily so is he guilty of iudgement that refuseth to come at all It is not enough to say we come not vnworthily for as wel negligence in not comming is a sinne as want of reuerence in our comming We cannot be excused by pleading for our selues I thanke God I am not as many others I come not vnfitted and vnprepared to the Lords Table I presse not in among his guests I do not come ignorantly and vnworthily without knowledge without faith without
repentance without assurance of the loue and fauour of God without a sound resolution to liue a liuely mēber of Christ withou meditation of the benefits of his passion without acknowledgement of the greatnesse of the mercy shewed toward vs by consideration of the greatnesse of the torment that was prepared for vs for all this we may do and yet be condemned for not comming at all And let vs marke this as the last point and take it as a farewell that the cause of all these excuses and colourable pretences is the suffering of some one maister-sinne to raigne in vs there is one predominant or capitall sinne that thus hath the vpper hand ouer vs the which till it be pulled vp by the rootes will ●euer suffer any grace of the Spirit or duty of obedience to grow in vs. This maketh our hearts heauy and casteth vs into a dead sleepe that we cannot heare the voice of God Let vs therefore learne betimes to prepare our selues by humiliation by confession by prayer and by bewailing the want or weakenesse of grace in vs that so iudging our selues for our sinnes we may not be iudged of the Lord. CHAP. III. Of the first outward part of the Lords Supper HItherto we haue shewed what the Lords supper is and how to apply it to our instruction now we are to cōsider in this Sacrament two things his parts and his vses as we haue shewed in the former bookes The parts are partly outward and partly inward A man is a compound creature made of flesh and of a reasonable soule as Athanasius speaketh in his Creed If the question were asked whether man were a mortall creature or immortall earthly or heauenly visible or inuisible no man could rightly answere without a distinction that he is earthly touching his body and heauenly touching his Spirit In like sort we must consider touching the Lords Supper which is made of an earthly and an heauenly thing and therefore if the question were demanded touching this Sacrament whether it be an earthly or heauenly thing we may answere it is both and must resolue that in part it is earthly and in part heauenly earthly in the signe and heauenly in the matter that is signified Let vs vnderstand this well and acknowledge the diuers natures and parts of it There had neuer risen so great diuision and confusion in the Church touching the Sacrament if this distinction had beene well obserued The ignorance of this point hath bred much strife and debate for whilst some iudge of it according to the inward thing and some according to the outward onely the truth of the Lords Supper hath beene buried in silence both sorts forgetting that the prouidence of God and his louing kindnesse did abase it selfe vnto our capacity not onely yeelding words to our eares but visible signes to our eyes whereby he would exhibite to our faith spirituall things The outward part is one thing the inward part is another thing the outward is taken in at the mouth the inward by the inward man the outward is turned into the nourishment of the body the inward worketh in vs to eternal life the outward is taken by some to their destruction but the inward alwaies to saluation This appeareth euidently by the words of the Apostle deliuering to the Church what he had receiued of the Lord and declaring how the same night he was betrayed Hee tooke bread and a 1 Cor. 11 23 22 25 Mat 26 26. 28 29. when hee had giuen thankes he brake it and said Take ye eate ye this is my body which is broken for you this do ye in remembrance of me After the same manner also He took● the cup when he had supped saying This cup is the new testament in my blood this do as oft as ye drinke it in remembrance of me In these words we see both the outward parts propounded and the number of them defined and determined For heere are b Foure outward parts of the Lords Supper foure outward parts handled to wit the Minister the words of institution the bread and wine and the Communicants The first Minister thereof was Christ the words of institution are This is my body giuen for you this is the cup of the new testament in my blood the signes are bread and wine the first Communicants were the Apostles So then the Ministers must do that which Christ did and the people that which the Disciples did the actions of Christ are directions to the Minister the actions of the Apostles are directions to the people I am not ignorant that it seemeth hard and harsh to some to make the Minister and receiuer of the Sacrament to bee parts thereof I am not willing to contend about words and names where we agree in the substance of the matter forasmuch as euery one confesseth that these two are outward things which being wanting there can be no Sacrament Againe I haue declared in the first booke and the fourth chapter in what sence I call them parts to wit because the Minister standeth in the place of God and his outward actions do represent the inward actions of God the Father as is farther proued in the 8. chap. of this booke and the receiuer doth nothing in receiuing in eating and in drinking but it hath his inward signification as we may see in the 11. chap. following Lastly I would haue the indifferent reader vnderstand that I say no more then others of the learned haue said before me in other words howbeit in the same meaning who make two kinds of signes the one elementall the other rituall the one in the matter the other in the forme The signes elementall in this Sacrament are the bread and wine the signes rituall are the giuing and taking of the elements which are the proper actions of the Minister and of the receiuer Whether therefore you call the Minister and the receiuer signes or parts or outward things it is not greatly materiall so that we confesse and ioyne together in this that the outward actions performed as well by the one as the other haue a relation to some other thing resembled by them Let vs then see the actions of Christ He tooke bread he blessed he brake the bread he poured out the Wine he distributed and deliuered them both Wherefore the actions and workes of the Minister are c Foure actions of the Minister foure-fold First to take the bread and wine into his hands after the example of Christ who did it to shew that himselfe willingly giueth himselfe for his Church which serueth to strengthen our faith and perswasion of his loue toward vs in whose imitation the Minister doth it to represent the action of God the Father giuing his Son vnto vs for our full redemption The second action is blessing and giuing of thanks that is by prayer by thanksgiuing and by rehearsall of the promises of God together with the institution of Christ actually to separate the