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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19468 Fruitfull lessons, vpon the passion, buriall, resurrection, ascension, and of the sending of the holy Ghost Gathered out of the foure Euangelists: with a plaine exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1593 (1593) STC 5891; ESTC S122132 168,229 312

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ought wee to bring them foorth vnto his honour must they extend Matth. 5.28 For when Gods light doth appeare and shine in our conuersation many folkes thereby are drawn vnto God The father of heauen is honoured his name is hallowed and then are we his disciples For wee haue learned of him howe Christ was obedient vnto the father and sought his glorie in all things so do we likewise Heereunto ought all our praiers to extend that we may bring and winne much vnto Christ Therein is the father praised whē we bring vnto him much fruit but that might wee not if God had giuen vs his sonne that wee might bee his branches and hee our vine Where faith is there is the holy Ghost which teacheth to wishe and praie for that onely which may serue to Gods honour and that is the cause why he that prayeth obtayneth all his desire for GOD may not giue ouer his glorie Who so vndertaketh to further that him doeth hee assist and helpe AS the Father hath loued mee so haue I loued you Continue ye in my loue If ye keep my commandements ye shall abide in my loue as I haue kept my fathers commaundementes and abide in his loue These things haue I spoken vnto you that my ioy might remaine in you and that your ioy might be full This is my commandement that yee loue together as I haue loued you Greater loue than this hath no man that a man bestowe his life for his friendes Yee are my friendes if yee doo whatsoeuer I commaund you Henceforth call I you not seruauntes for the seruant knoweth not what his Lord doth But you haue I called friends for all things that I haue heard of my father haue I opened vnto you Yee haue not chosen mee but I haue chosen you and ordained you that ye goe and bring forth fruit and that your fruit remain that whatsoeuer ye ask of the father in my name he may giue it you This command I you that ye loue together one another Doctrine and fruit OH how excellent great consolation is this to vs all which beleeue in Iesus Christ and are vndoubtedly assured in ourselues that Christ loueth vs as his owne children and disciples howsoeuer the world iudge vs to be forsaken of him If this loue came right into our heart oh how earnest and feruent should we be to loue him agayne to further his honour to keepe his commaundementes and in charitable loue to serue our neighbors Then should all good workes and keeping of Gods commaundements flowe out of faith namely when we beleeue that God is fauourable and louing vnto vs yea that he is our father and our sonne Iesus Christ our king head and brother This faith worketh through loue for wee coulde not loue God if hee had not loued vs first His grace loue and mercie preuenteth vs. Therefore doth Christ euer still set forth his loue before vs as a light torch to kindle vs in loue towardes him and our neighbours If wee beleeue this grace committing vs cheerfully vnto his loue which he hath declared cōtinually doth practise towards vs if we still abide therein then shall this faith vpon the loue of God worke great things in vs and by vs and shall moue vs with good will gladly and cheerefullie to obserue his commaundements And if wee keepe his commaundements euerie man shall haue an assured token that wee bee and continue in the loue of God that is that we keepe our selues vnto his loue Seeing then that hee loueth vs exceeding much and we finding the same in our hearts through faith doe comfort our selues thereupon there must needs followe loue to our neighbours ioye peace softnesse of minde gentlenes patience c. Gal. 5. Now that Christ doth not slenderly but most notably loue his Disciple and all in them hee proueth it himselfe diuerse waies First in that hee giueth his life for vs and dyeth for vs vpon the Crosse for greater loue hath no man than to dye for his friend Thus Christ with his death and blood sealeth his loue towards vs. Secondly in that hee counteth and esteemeth vs not as seruants but as deare friendes bretheren and heires with him And the same declareth hee in this that all things which hee hath heard of his father and suckt out of that fatherly heart he openeth them vnto vs and writeth the same through his holy spirit in our hearts All his secret his godly will he giueth vs to vnderstād For we which be in Christ do know through an vndoubted faith feele it also in our hearts that God is our father through Christ that in him he hath admitted chosen vs that he is reconciled with vs through the bloud of his deare Sonne that he loueth preserueth and defendeth vs. Therefore doe wee also paciently and chearefully beare all aduersitie in this time for his sake considering wee knowe that so is the good pleasure of our dearest Father Thirdly Christ declareth his excellent loue towards vs in that he did chuse vs afore the world was created loued vs when we were yet his enemies calling vs by his worde and appointing vs to bring forth fruit vnto him Fourthly in that we obtaine at the fathers hand all that we pray and desire in the name of Iesu Are not these sure tokens of an exceeding loue of God towards vs After that we once haue perceiued such loue ô that we alwayes remained therein Which commeth to passe when wee applie ourselues vnto his commaundements and when wee in obedience and patience are content to bee at his will as hee for our sake was obedient vnto his Father euen vntill the death of the crosse Now that wee might knowe what his commandements be he concludeth them in a short summe and saith Loue yee one another together as I haue loued you As if he would say seeing I haue declared my loue so worthily so notably and with so great faithfulnesse towardes you that I haue nor refused to die for you therefore is it my will and so is it reason also that yee likewise shewe such loue one towards another for I haue giuen you example afore that ye should do as I haue done and follow my foot-steppes This shall not onely bee very seemely vnto you but much profite also and greate honour shall it bring you For like as my Father as yee shall shortlie see shall after my passion bring mee vnto glorie so shall hee also doe vnto you so farre as yee endure stedfast in aduersitie and continue in loue one towards another Like as I with great trauaile and labour haue shewed you the way and will of GOD my Father and therefore goe nowe vnto death to make you liuing so ought yee also to bee minded one towardes another Looke that yee serue one another in loue lead all men vnto God and the grace of God which he giueth vnto
God who giueth strength and power vnto those that are his Item it serueth to our commoditie and profite in that we see a good godly man fall and sinne and afterward rise vp againe and amend least we should saie Alas I am lost I haue done this and I haue done that but forasmuch as wee see that Peter by repentance weeping and conuerting agayne doeth obtaine grace it is meete and conuenient that wee acknowledge our offences vnto GOD desire grace weepe and complayne of our sinnes before GOD. For both are heere set before vs the fall and the repentaunce and this ensample is good and profitable to those that are in the right waie of godlynesse and also vnto sinners The godly iust and righteous learne by this to bee circumspect and not to presume Sinners by occasion of this doo learne immediatly to rise vp againe from theyr fall and not in anie wise to despayre Yea our owne fall learne we to knowe by Peters fal but alasse our fall is much more grieuous greater than Peters Peter sinned through weaknesse many a time doe wee sinne wilfully and aduisedly hee once we daily he was constrained thorow feare we many a time thorowe light occasions fall from the way of truth and righteousnes hee riseth vp againe forth-with we seldome and slowlie he wept bitterly we scarce doe confesse and knowledge the sinne Yea bitterlie wept he which thing al the electought to doe if they haue sinned There should nothing greeue vs more than to haue sinned against GOD than to haue displeased God This doe not wilfull sinners which passe little or nothing vpon sinne and when they come into the deepenes thereof care not for it neither confesse nor acknowledge their sinne vntill afterwarde with dispaire as it is to see in Iudas But Peter bewailing the greeuous fall and wickednesse of his deniall without further falling away into horrible desperation is preserued thorow the goodnes of God in the confidence of gods oft prooued and accustomed mercie is hee lift vp vnto blessed repentance and so healed Christs looke the true Phisitian is vnto him as much as a worde or speech Wherein wee may learne to knowe the vnspeakeable loue of GOD who euen in the middest of sinne forgetteth not his own forsaketh them not but graciously looketh vppon them with the eyes of his mercie admonisheth them speaketh vnto them through the outward and inward worde with the which gratious countenance he diswadeth them frō sinne and calleth them againe to himselfe prouoking them to sorrowe and mourning lamentation weeping Hee spreadeth out his armes and lappe of his mercie and graciously taketh vs vp againe receiueth vs with the lost sonne Therfore let vs knowledge repent and bitterly bewaile our sinnes let vs wash them away with teares and endeuor our selues with great diligence that negligently we fall not into them againe let vs runne to the bottomlesse well of the mercie of God and pray O merciful God giue vs the wel of blessed teares that from the bottome of our harts we may with Peter bewa●le our sinnes O with how great and greeuous sinnes are we laden and entangled O suffer vs not to lie vnder the heauie burden lette vs not sinke downe in heauines and desperation Set thou vs vp againe and conuert vs throughly send grace of thy holie repentaunce into our heart wash away all our sinnes and negligence graunt vs the light of newe graces and giftes let not the soules perish for whom thou diddest submit thy selfe into so many paines rebukes and at the last diddest suffer the terrible bitter death of the crosse Amen THE high Priest asked Iesus of his Disciples and of his doctrine Iesus answered him I haue openly spoken vnto the world I haue alwaies taught in the Synagogue and in the temple there as all the Iewes resort together in corners haue I taught nothing Why askest thou me Aske them that heard me what I said vnto them Behold they can tell what I said When he had thus spoken one of the ministers that stood by smote Iesus vpon his cheek said Answerest thou the high Priest so Then Iesus answered him said If I haue spoken euil then bear record of the euil but if I haue well spoken why smitest thou me Doctrine and fruite HEere in the high Priest wee see an example of those malicious persons that take in hand to ouerthrow and condemne the truth afore they heare it Great is the arrogancie of man who dare presume to make him selfe a Iudge of Gods trueth whereas of more right the truth and woorde of God should iudge our words and workes The vnderstanding of man of the flesh perceiueth not the thing that concerneth God and therefore hee refuseth it and iudgeth it vnright and so giueth sentence afore he know what the matter is This the more pitie do al they that seeke their own profit and estimation and not the honour of God Nowe in such a false and temerarious sentence gaue him buffets vpon the chocke and 〈…〉 and then asked him Area● who hath smitten thee And the seruants stroke him vpon the face and did him 〈◊〉 ●ther villany Doctrine and fruit O How vniust people come togither against the fountaine of righteousnes What false witnesse and sentence goeth against the tru●th And yet all their shifting is that their malice and hatred may haue an appearance of iustice They preuent him with false witnes they presse him with perlous and subtill questions and go about to vndermine and supplant the eternall wisedome The enemies are accusers witnesses and Iudges And whereas they reuile and blaspheme Gods sonne to the vttermost they will be seene to be the men that are sorie and displeased when God is dishonoured But as much as they seeke in the innocent lambe yet finde they nothing no not so much as any suspicion of euill so pure and sincere is all his life so true and constant are his words This example ought all faithfull beleeuers to set before their eies learning thereby so to direct their life that the enemies not onely find no vice in them but also no suspicion of euill that vnto the euill speaker there be giuen no occasion nor cause to slander and that the name of Christ thorow them be not blasphemed But whereas the honour of God so requireth wee must openly speake and confesse the truth before the vngodly although they bee angry and offended according as in this place we hear of Christ who telleth them of his glorious comming in Maiestie and power although they take it for a blasphemie Heere ought wee also diligently and deuoutlie to consider what Christ suffereth for vs what ignominie and reproch hee taketh vpon himselfe for our sakes how vilelie he is reputed and how shamefullie in his bodie and in all the parts thereof he is beaten And yet in all this how blessedly hee behaueth and sheweth him selfe to the intent that it should not greeue vs for