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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18126 A sermon of the nature and end of repentance shadowed in the ministerie of Iohn the Baptist. Preached the Sunday afore Lent. 1613. Case, William, 1584 or 5-1634. 1616 (1616) STC 4767; ESTC S107898 20,795 36

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the course of many in these times when as happily the Preaching of the word of God hath so stung them that they must needes submit and yeelde they haue forsaken much of their former vanities and finfull practises yet their dearest beloued their darling Sinne they reserue that must needes be dispensed withall either couetousnesse or pride reuenge or some such other and that to masked ouer with some plausible pretence or other as frugalitie hansomenesse iustice and the like so wilie are men in this age to beguile themselues But then it may be demaunded that if these motions towards Repentance though but in part be of God then are they good if they be not of God from whence doe they proceede For answere whereunto we must consider that there are three principall actiue faculties in the soule of man the vnderstanding the will and the conscience the vnderstanding to direct the will to obey and the conscience a faithfull and indifferent arbitratour betweene God and man conerning both Now the vnderstanding being inlightned partly by the grounds of nature partly by the word of God of dueties to be done of euils to be auoided if the will doe obey the conscience doth continually cheere and comfort vs in what estate or miserie soeuer we are But if the will be peruerse and will not submit and obey then is the conscience as a continuall torment euer accusing and condemning vs of high treason against God and therefore when as our will is not nor cannot be brought vnto a true reformation we are of necessitie forced to counterfeit and delude the conscience with some kinde of degrees of deuotion and outward seruices euen to still those cries which if they were not staied were little better then a very entrance into hell So that for the most part those same vsuall and common sighes and fained groanes which many men would faine make themselues beleeue are signes and tokens of Repentance are but the vpbraidings and exprobrations of conscience which doe then accuse them and those same flashes of light and hope which from the same they conceiue vnto themselues of the loue and fauour of God 1 King 22. are but the suggestions of that false spirit which was in the mouth of Ahabs Prophets that by their lying and false incouragement they may be hardned in their sinnes that so their fall might be the greater A third deceit whereby men flatter themselues is a conceit or rather a misconceit of their faith attributing so much vnto it that they thinke there is scarce any thing else absolutely and necessarily required of them and that because by it alone they are ioyned to Christ nothing can disioyne them and therefore that the strict exaction of so seuere a course of repentance is needelesse Wherein they discouer their vaine ignorance that though they thinke they see yet are they still groaping in the darke and are going they know not well which way For without Repentance their faith is false and vaine For we must know that there are three seuerall acts or degrees required to the perfection of faith according to which it is distinguished to be threefold either fides apprehensionis or fides approbationis or fides applicationis the one being the act of the vnderstanding the other of the will and the last of the conscience The first apprehends the promises of God as true the second approues them as good and the third applies them vnto our selues in particular assuring vs they doe belong vnto vs. All these seuerall dueties and degrees are required vnto the compleate essence of faith And as the last cannot be where the two former first are notso the two first without it are fruitlesse and imperfect Now the two first degrees of faith namely to apprehend the promises of God to be true and approue them as good may be in a man without repentance But neither of these are that true sauing euangelicall faith which can assure vs that the benefits of Christs merits doe belong vnto vs in particular These are onely generall motiues vnto all kinde of good actions these are that generall beliefe which is required by the Law of nature of euery man as well heathen as Christian for the preseruation of a good conscience in all actions whatsoeuer as well legall as euangelicall To illustrate this by an example Suppose this to be the proposition Hee that confesseth his sinnes and forsaketh them shall finde mercie Pro. 28.13 Where the promise of mercie is made vnto repentant sinners Now the first act of faith in reference therunto is by the vnderstanding to apprehend it as true Iames 2.20 but this faith is not perfect nor sauing for the diuels haue it the diuels beleeue and tremble saith Saint Iames. The second degree of faith is by the will to approue and like it as good and yet is this neither that true sauing faith for it was in Balaam Herod Agrippa and it is in euery carnall professour none excepted Rom. 10.15 Neither of these therefore nor both of these are of any force or validitie to confirme the promise of mercie vnto our ownesoules in particular which is the chiefest propertie of faith And yet those are all that faith which is in any Christian man afore repentance and the chiefe motiue by which the spirit of God doth stirre vp the heart of man vnto repentance Now after repentance at least the beginning thereof followes the third act of faith by the conscience that applies the promise vnto our selues and so our faith is made perfect as Saint lame speaketh He that repenteth of his sinnes saith the holy Ghost shall sinde mercie that 's the Thesis Now after repentance the conscience makes the assumption but I haue repented of my sinnes and then the conclusion directly followeth that therefore the promise of mercie belongs vnto me This then is that true liuely and sauing faith that assures vs of the grace of God this is that faith whereby the spirit beares witnesse with our spirits that wee are the adoped sonnes of God Yet would I not be thought to inferre hereby that there are in a Christian three kindes but onely three degrees of faith For although that both the apprehending and approuing faith as they are in diuels and wicked men are things different from a true sauing faith yet in a regenerate man they are not distinct faiths they doe not differrespecie they are not of different kines but onely in reference vnto a true and perfect faith are as disposuiones in ordine ad habitum as dispositions towards a habite or as media tendentiaad finem as meanes tending vnto the end of their perfection Differing from the sauing faith no otherwise then the power of vegetation and sense being distinct essences in other creatures doe from the reasonable soule vnto which they onely are as subordinate faculties in man There growes many difficulties and much confusion in the vnderstanding of the sacred misteries of our saluation for
manifest vnto the world and now also afore Christ be manifested vnto vs both they then were and wee now are subiect vnto the Law and bound vnder a curse to fulfill the same But now forasmuch as it was impossible vnto the Law Rom. 8.3 being of no strength because of the flesh Iames 4.5 the spirit also that dwelleth in vs lusting after enuie as S. Iames speakes God sending his owne Sonne to redeeme vs that were vnder the Law Gal. 4.4.5 can it stand with the Iustice of God so to dishonour his Law as to receiue vs to mercy whiles we still be contemners of it No assuredly But such onely doth the Lord accept in Christ as feeling themselues vnable to fulfill the Law doe for that cause submit and prostrate themselues at the feete of Gods Iustice with acknowledgement of their desert and with penitent and sorrowfull hearts aske pardon for their sinnes Not that the Lord requireth or accepteth repentance as meritorious or in that kinde any way necessarie for his mercy is onely sufficient but that a rebell cannot be receiued without submission For the subiect of the Gospell of Christ is a promulgation or a proclamation of pardon vnto all such as indeed are rebels against God but yet not if they continue so but only vnto such rebels as come in and submit themselues It is cleare therefore and euident that the paths of Repentance lead and conduct vs vnto the Kingdome of Grace Mat. 11.28 For Come vnto me saith our Lord Iesus all yee that are weary and heauy laden and I will ease you Now can the Lord ease vs of sinne when we are already at so much ease that wee feele not our sinnes they trouble vs not No for the scope I say of Christian do ctrine is the comfort of them whose hearts are ouer-charged with the burden of sinne Furthermore if this will not suffice let vs take recourse vnto the Ceremoniall Law which was but a shadow for shadowes sometimes may be better discerned then the substance it selfe if the sight be weake As for example wee better discerne the forme of the Sunne by its shadow in the water then in looking vpon its owne body because our sight is weake Numb 21. So looke vpon the brazen Serpent a figure and shadow of Christ which had power giuen it to heale those that felt themselues bitten by the fiery Serpents if they looked vp vnto the same noting thereby thus much that when the terrours of Gods iudgements for our sinnes are so heauy vpon our soules that they presse vs vnto the very death if then by a liuely faith we can but looke vp vnto Christ we shall be healed our sinnes shall be remitted yet with this Prouiso this is alwayes to be presupposed that wee can neuer looke vp to be healed vnlesse first wee feele our selues wounded And if wee want instances take the Parable of the Seruant that fell downe at his Masters feet Mat. 18.26 desiring patience and forbearance and the Parable also of the Prodigall Sonne Luke 15.20 who hauing dissolutely wasted all his portion returned home in great sorrow and anguish of heart and so thereby obtayned grace and fauour againe I will not stand any longer in amplifying and enlarging the proofe hereof it being a thing that the tenour of Scripture doth alwayes import and the practise of the Saints doth euery where confirme that Christ cannot be truely manifested vnto vs that is his merits and mercy can neuer eyther be effectuall vnto vs or rightly apprehended by vs vnlesse wee bee baptised with Iohns Baptisme and washed with the water of Repentance This therefore being so if wee doe but reflect our thoughts from what wee should be vnto what wee are and euery one examine his owne heart what his estate is and how many are there that eyther will be assured or shall greatly doubt that they haue as yet no clayme no interest nor benefit at all by the merits of Christs death because they feele no alteration in themselues from what they haue beene at the first they haue neuer submitted themselues to the ministerie of Iohn Baptist they haue neuer truely and throughly repented them of their sinnes and therefore as yet Christ is not made manifest vnto them howsoeuer they haue deluded themselues But yet here is not all Reu. 2.24 for there are profunda Satanae whereof S. Iohn speakes in the second of the Reuelation that same deepenesse of Sathan which euery man cannot discouer in himselfe For it were well if being in a damnable estate men might feele and know they were what they are for then there might be better hope of amendment and possibilitie of reconciliation with God But it is not so for there are delusions mysteries mists of iniquitie whereby a man shall be so deceiued if hee looke not very carefully and warily vnto himselfe in iudging of his spirituall estate that many men questionlesse and that to with a good opinion of themselues slip sodainly away and descend vnto the deepe at vnawares It is not then from our purpose somewhat to vnmaske the vizard of hypocrisie and to discouer the subtile illusions of Sathan that seeing the deceit and danger wee may the better auoyd the same The first illusion therefore whereby Hypocrites are deceiued is too much relying and trusting in the outward formes of Gods seruice For it is true that they acknowledge the doctrine and Baptisme of Iohn to be necessarie Yet what then haue they not sufficiently submitted themselues vnto it when they haue beene baptised what need they then thinke they to make any further seruple of being in the fauour of God Is not the sacrament of Baptisme that same Lauacrum Regenerationis 1 Tit. 3.5 that bath of Regeneration as the Apostle cals it whereby they are made members of the Church of God sealed for the Children of God and so assared of the remission of their sinnes To which I answere that it is a remarkable signe and token of a man whose heart is not sincere to glory and please himselfe in the outward performance of religsous Ceremonies neglecting in the meane time the true subslance of Grace and the feare of God An example whereof wee haue in the lewes who chiefely insulted in the Customes and Rites of the Law crying Ier. 7.4.5 The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord when as the Lord witnesseth that hee had nothing to doe with their new Moones and their Sacrifices their hearts being so obdurate and their liues so prophane as they were for that that hee especiall required of them was to amend their wayes and their workes So it is in like manner in this particular of Baptisme wherein wee are neuer to thinke it sefe to presume of Gods grace by bare coniecturall hopes in eleuating the outward meanes of life the meanes fayling that should come betweene For though the Sacraments and their manner of administration be Gods owne ordinances yet
want both of obseruation of the order of the working of grace within vs and also of distinct explication what kinde or degree of grace the seuerall merits of Christ doe procure vs. To conclude this point therefore as the children of nature walke in darkenesse and confusion so the children of grace should walke in light and distinction and not onely talke wildely and confusedly of their faith in Christ of their hope and other their great vertues but also be able to discerne of the manner and order of the working of Gods spirit within them and distinguish of the seuerall changings of their affections and not that onely but also feele the power thereof in their owne soules and then shall they know whether they can certainely beleeue that their sinnes are forgiuen afore they be repented of Fourthly for the hypocriticall heart of man hath many windings it may be conceited as it is by some that they haue already repented that time is already past For there are some Anabaptisticall and fanaticke spirits that haue limited a certaine time for sorrow and repentance that imagine and affirme that men are to continue and lie vnder the terrours of conscience euen vntill they be ready to vndertake some desperate attempt and then affter they haue once escaped that danger they thinke they are safe they are so throughly seasoned that euer after they remaine secure all their drosse is purged out going on continually afterwards in a course of obseruing and censuring other mens imperfections and in the meane time neglect themselues altogether Whereas certaine it is that so long as we liue in this world we shall shew our selues euery one of vs to be but men full of frailtie and instabilitie and therefore that our repentance is daily to be renewed For as the naturall life of man doth consist vpon that which is called by the Physitians humor radicalis and calor naturalis naturall heate and radicall moisture for indeede all life is sustained by motion and motion is betweene contrarieties so in our spirituall life there must of necessitie be two contrary qualities repentance continually to put off our own vnrighteousnesse and faith to put on Christs righteousnesse the one to worke vpon the other so to preserue life by mofect of good within vs must repentance and faith be encreased which must be vnto the end of our liues for death onely is the end and complement of our repentance and mortification euen as our resurrection shall be the end and complement of our faith and viuification Now the last shift worth the speaking of which men frame vnto themselues thereby to slippe the bridle of mortification is one vnworthy any man that is euen but of meane capacitie in vnderstanding the sacred misteries of his saluation and vnworthy also either the answering or so much as mentioning were it not so common as it is indeede being fitter to scare crowes then Chrislians And it is this that in asmuch as repentance is so harsh vnto flesh and blood and practised of so few and that the auerse nature of man can hardly be drawne to vndergoe the same that therefore the indispensable necessary exaction therof is a doctrine which might bring men to despaire and so exceeding dangerous to be vrged wherein it is strange to see that men should be so strongly deuoted to their owne distruction that they should not acknowledge the meanes of their restitution but the Prophesie of the Apostle is fulfilled herein where he foresheweth that the time should come when men would not suffer wholesome doctrine 2 Tim. 4.3 but hauing eares itching shall get themselues teachers after their owne lusts But to returne and satisfie this great doubt What needes any man to feare despaire 2 Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God remaineth sure saith the Apostle and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his Luke 21.18 and there shall not one hayre of their heads perish How then shall the ordinance of God disanull and ouerthrow the purpose of God Indeed if any man should goe about to deceiue and ouercharge simple soules by a deniall or extenuation of Gods mercy insinuating that it were eyther hopelesse or a hazard to trust vnto the same it were dangerous and like enough to swallow them vp with distraction or dispaire but so long as Repentance is but taught truely for the remission of sinnes and that remission of sinnes is not obtayned without it Let Paul plant and Apollos water let euery man doe his duety and performe his charge and referre the euent and successe to him that is able to dispose of all things to his owne glory Fphes 1.11 and worketh all things after the counsell of his owne will And then let what will fall out it is our part to giue praise vnto God thereby knowing this 2 Cor. 2.15.16 that the Gospell as it is ordayned the sauour of life vnto life vnto such as shall be saued euen so by Gods owne purpose is it the sauour of death vnto death vnto those that shall be damned And therefore this scruple is but a cracke that doth more feare then hurt discouering both folly in the heads and prophanesse in the hearts of those that obiect the same For it is certaine that when mens affections are so strongly set vpon vanitie that by no meanes they will be drawne from the same they inuent and imagine continually how to oppose and disable the force of that which they thinke doth any way checke or restraine their vnbridled lusts and so especially ayme to disproue and gaine-say the necessitie of repentance and mortification by such friuolous and ridiculous arguments as these and yet as they thinke wisely to For of this sort some there are that are in their owne conceits of so refined and sublimated temper that they thinke they are too wise and account it as a disparagement for their high spirits to submit themselues to the foolishnesse of God for the preaching of the Crosse of Christ is to them that perish foolishnesse 1 Cor. 1.18 saith the Apostle and therfore doe they alwayes as much as in them lyes discountenance and disharten any that are of stricter and more conscionable carriage then themselues Others of them there are also so farre from imbracing repentance that they oppose by all meanes against it and like iearing Ismaels set themselues to scorne and diride the same so that whosoeuer vndertaketh that holy course exposeth himselfe to all the censure and obloquie that such wicked and prophane hearts can inuent Yea to so strange a height of Atheisme are men growne in these times that ordinarily they deeme and tearme others curious and precise not because they are busie Polypragmons hauing an Oare in euery mans Boat and iudging of euery mans conscience neyther for their affected singularitie and nice curiositie nor for that bold and blinde zeale of Vzza in medling with that which belongs onely vnto the Priests office nor yet for their rebellious