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A17589 The countesse of Marres Arcadia, or sanctuarie Containing morning, and evening meditations, for the whole weeke. By M. Ia. Caldwell sometimes preacher of Gods Word, at Fawkirke. Enriched with a godlie treatise, called, An ascension of the soule to heaven, by meditation on the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. Caldwell, James, 1580?-1616.; Anderson, Patrick, 1575-1624. 1625 (1625) STC 4366; ESTC S116200 116,521 496

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Luc. 22.21 if it had not beene so he would not haue come hither to haue taken him and now de●re Soule no man betrayeth Christ but he that knoweth him and his Trueth Take heede to thy knowledge and looke that it bee in sinceritie and not in hypocrisie or else in the end thou shalt proue an Apostate The thoughts of the Iust are right Pro. 12.5 but the counsells of the wicked are deceitfull And thus Iudas lost securitie arming himselfe with the power of the guarde of the high Priestes It is the peace of God that passeth all vnderstanding that fortifieth the heart of man for peace is nothing but a good conscience Although I were compassed about with ten thousand men Psal 3.6 yet would I not bee affrayed for I know assuredlie that thou wilt bee with mee It is a dangerous matter to harden the hearte against Christ or if it bee once ind●red t●ou shalt not stay vntill thou come into extreame induration I pray the LORDE preserue thee my Soule frō the hardnes of heart against the Trueth Rom. 9.18 2. Pet. 3.17 and against Iesus Christ for seldome is it that one going forward therin and ever returneth to grace Gen. 18.14 but with the Lord all thinges are possible For it is an hard matter to bee given over to a reprobate sense and when the Lord taketh out of the Soule Zach. 8.6 all sight and sense of his judgements thou shall never leaue off from evill doing Stryue therefore O my Soule to keepe thy selfe in fe●●ing Rom. 1.26 and let not that miserable sward and scroofe to growe over thy vnderstanding but waken the conscience with the acknowledging of the power and mercie of God and suffer not it to come to such fatnesse Act. 28.26 27. as seeing thou shouldest not see and become vncurable In the Garden then the cup of Gods indignatiō was presented vnto him even as the good master of the house distributeth to his servants their taske so doth the Lord dispose the measure of afflictions vnto his owne But vnto the wicked in his hand hee hath a cup and the wine is red Psal 75.8.9 it is mixed and hee shall poure out of the same surelie all the vngodly of the earth shall wring out and drinke the dregges thereof But well knoweth the wise God 1. Cor. 10.13 how strong a measure of temptation his own can beare What is the reason then that thou doest not fully rely on thy God to whom all thy bones are knowne Psal 139.15 though thou wast made in a secret place and fashioned beneath in the earth And why dost not thou willingly receiue at his handes wha●soever quantitie of tryall it pleaseth him to send Psal 50.15 Call on him therefore in the day of trouble he will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie him The translation of this Cup he craved then of his Father whome hee knewe caried a favourable affection towardes him Esay 65.24 who will before wee call answere whiles wee speake hee will beare for it is not the will of our Father which is in heaven Mat. 18.13 that one of these little ones should perish Parents may neglect duetie to the children Esay 49.15.16 and a woman whose loue is most vehement may forget her childe and not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe though they should forget yet will I not forget sayth the Lord behold I ha●e graven thee vpon the palmes of my handes But alas poore Soule thy sinnes made him both kneele and bee cast below on the earth and wilt thou with a stiffe necke and out-streached arme proudlie walke therein hee sweate blood for vs and wee draw the blood of our brethren by Avarice oppression and vsurie Woulde to God the Blood of Iesus woulde soften our hard heartes as the blood of Goates doe breake Adamantes that beeing sanctified by the same wee may render new obedience vnto him by feeling and lamenting our sinnes and imperfections and ever haue recourse from the angry God to the pacified god giuing eare in reverence and feare to the admonitions and exhortations out of the word least it befall vs because hee hath called and wee refused And be streatched out his band and none would regarde bee also laugh at our destruction and mocke when our feare commeth Pro. 1.24 for this is the nature of Gods invitation that the men doe die that speak the word but the worde shall bee founde living Zach. And so it is that the Prophets dyed with their fathers but the word never left them vntill it brought a judgement vpon the disobedient With Teares therefore poore Soule confesse thy sinnes vnto the Lord ●sal 6.6 for if thou hyde them thou accusest thy selfe Psal 32.5 bee forgets them when thou rememberest them thou art deare vnto him whē thou art vyle vnto thy selfe hee findeth thee when thou art lost and annibilated he much regardeth thee when thou art nothing in thine owne eyes Beggers doe show their wounds to moue compassion let vs open to God the sores of our festered conscience without delay least by the occasion of sinne and delay of repentance grace bee intercepted from vs. Remember what t●y Saviour hath done for thee and with what vnkindnesse thou hast recompensed h m. Consider the wrath of God against sinne which maye moue verie senselesse creatures but joyne heere withall a liuelie faith taking holde on the mercie of God which hee hath manifested in his beloued Sonne 1. Iohn 2. 1.2 for his mercie is the port vnto the which sinners should aryue the comfort of the offenders and great securitie of the righteous I know his mercies are great but can not comprehend the quantitie and am ignorant of the qualitie of the greatnesse thereof for vnlesse it had beene great few or none should haue ever beene saved When Christe came in the fleshe hee called Magicians Mat. 2. 1. or wisemen then the Publicans then the Whoores the Malefectors and whom last the Blasphemers these are the first fruits of his calling even those who be tyed with the bonds of Sinne. Art thou therefore vngodly remember the Magicians art thou an oppressour thinke on the Publican art thou vncleane the LORD pittied the whoore art thou blood-thirstie let that Traitour and Malefactor bee obversant vnto thine eyes art thou profanelie wicked remember Paul who was first a blasphemer and then an Apostle first a Persecuter and then an Evangelist for this is a true word and by all meanes worthie to bee receiued 1. Tim. 1.15.16 that Christ Iesus came into the world to save Sinners of whom I am chiefe sayeth hee Notwithstanding for this cause was I receiued vnto mercie that Iesus Christ should first show on me long suffering to the example of them which shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto eternall life But heere there is required especiallie that thou shouldest fight a good fight
my love and my light Learne mee to forget those things that are behind mee Phi. 3.13 and follow hard towards the mark O Lord open thine owne Treasures and sende downe of thy spirituall graces Let mee finde a lifting vp vertue in thy spirit continuallie raising vp my spirit Speake peaceable things to my soule this morning that all the day long I may rejoyce in thee Giue mee faith to applye the sweete promises of mercie made in thy Worde Hedge mee so about with thy grace that my secreet corruptions breake not out Let my whole life bee a walking with thee and a moving towards thee Iohn 12.32 Draw mee everie day somewhat neerer to thy selfe and deface the image of sinne in me that the image of Christ may bee set vp in my soule Bee thou O Lord a bulwarke to thy servant that the violent spait of the corruption of this time dryve mee not away Save mee that I communicat not with the sinnes of other men 1. Tim. 5.22 and cleanse mee from my owne sinnes As this bodie of clay weareth and wasteth graunt O Lord that sinne may weare and waste in me Bring the worke of thine owne grace to perfection and leade mee from faith Rom. 1.17 to faith and from feeling to feeeling 1. Cor. 13.12 vntill faith end in sight and feelling into an endlesse fellowship which I hope to enjoy in the Heavens with my blessed Head and Husband Iesus Christ Amen Evening meditation of the fourth Day I Blesse the time wherein I was acquainted with thy Majestie If thou hadst not sent the light of thine owne Spirit Eph. 2.12 as I was borne a stranger I had died a strāger I confesse O Lord that before my calling I was doing the workes of the flesh Eph. 2.3 and of the minde and was by nature the child of wrath as well as others But thou O Lorde who art riche in mercie through the great love that thou hast loved mee in Christ Iesus Eph. 2.4 hast made mee to see that I was walking in a way to mine owne damnation Thou in mercie reclaimedst mee and broughtest mee backe yea thou diddest pardon those selfe-same sinnes in mee for the which thou hast condemned others O Lord what didst thou see in mee more than in others Nothing but matter of wrath and condemnation Yea Lord as thou didst separate Eliah from Elisha 2. King 2.11 walking in one way together by a fyrie chariot so hast thou shedde mee from the reprobat sometime walking in one course with them I say with thy servant David Not vnto mee Psal 115. 1. not vnto mee O Lord but vnto thy Name let the glorie bee given Who is able to thinke aright of thy mercy all thy wayes are mercy truth to them that feare thee Psal 25.1 When I remember what I haue beene I am enforced to wonder at thy mercie If thou hadst beene as readie to punish mee for my sinne as I was readie to commit sinne I had had my portion amongest the damned Spirites ere now What follie was there wherein I did not take pleasure I stopped mine care at the voyce of GOD and hearkened vnto the voyce of the Serpent The deceitfull pleasures of sinne ensnared my soule but thou hast broken the grinne Psal 124.6 and my soule like a bird hath escaped all thinges are naked and patent before him Heb. 4.13 with whom we haue to do Thou didst see Nathanael vnder the figge tree Iohn 1.48 I do therefore in all humilitie crave thee mercie for all my sinnes before my calling and also after my calling Like a Dogge I haue returned to my vomite 2. Pet. 2.22 and like a Sowe washed I haue defiled my selfe in the myre againe After that thou hadst made mee cleane these same sinnes for the which I haue lamented and repented I haue falne into againe As my salvation was begunne of thy mercie so let it bee continued and perfected of that same mercie for mercie is all I leane to At that last houre when all these outward comforts as false friends will flie from mee in my greatest neede then Lord bee at my right hand yea bee in the secreet corner of mine heart that my death as well as my life may edifie others in the faith of Christ Let my mouth whilst I haue breath vtter foorth a good matter Psal 45.1.2 Then leade thou mee through the valley of death and in end bring mee into that glorious and lightsome Pallace where the glorie of God shineth most brightlie ●sal 17.15 that my soule may ever bee delighted with the brightnesse of his Face and may haue my part in that Songe of Thankes●giving Rev. 5.9.10 c. which the glorified Spirites sound to the praise of GOD to whom be everlasting praise Amen Morning meditation of the fift Day O Heavenly Father as all the waters runne into the Ocean so doth all poore sinners powre out their complaintes in thy bosome Thou art the onelie refuge of a wearied soule to thee onelie doe wee flie in our greatest necessities and at thy mouth doe wee seeke resolution in our most perplexed affaires I haue manie things to lament to thy Majestie but in speciall I lament to thee that my meditations are so confused and mixed with impertinent cogitations Lorde this is a token of a confused heart I am sorie that the heart which should bee the dwelling place of thy Spirit should bee so preoccupied by earthlie fleshlie and profane cogitations I may withdrawe my selfe from the companie of the Worlde but allace I can not with drawe my selfe from a profane heart where ever I goe I carrie a profane heart about with mee and albeit thou givest mee an outward libertie to bow the knee of my bodie yet my spirite is bound Ah Lord I can neither speake nor thinke of thee as I should doe Thou art infinite vnmeasureable incomprehensible what can a finite creature take vp of an infinite God Forgive mee Lord that I worship thee in such ignorance let mee see thee in a clearer light and I shall worshippe thee with a greater affection The better O Lord that I know thee the better I loue thee the more will I reverence thee That woman of Samaria Iohn 4.9 before Thee knew thee preferred a drinke of water to thee but from time shee knew thee shee esteemed much of thee and preferred thee vnto all things To the end therefore O Lorde that thou may haue that rowme in mine heart that thou oughtest to haue manifest thy selfe more clearelie to my soule Drawe abacke this curtaine off my soule that I may take thee vp more sensiblie I crave light with the increase of light and grace with the increase of grace faith with the increase of faith and because that heere is no perfection Graunt I may studie to a growth vntill thou perfite thine owne worke and in the meane time O Lorde consider what I am
not see or hee that chastiseth the nations Psal shall bee not correct hee that teacheth men knowledge shall bee not know yea the Lord knoweth the thoughtes of men that they are vanitie But heere is a notable image of eternall punishment represented vnto vs which wee ha e deserved in bodie and soule for if we examine our life and conversation not to speake of our thoughtes and weigh them in the ballance of Gods Law wee cannot but judge our selves to bee worthie of eternall contempt rebuke and shame if we would not with euerlasting punishments be plagued let vs in all possible haste repent and turne our selves But here is abundant consolations offered against persecution contumelies which the wicked doe inflicte on the godlie His shame was changed in an vnspeakeable glorie the ignominie redunded on the head of his enemies so shall the persecutions of his members receiue a cōpensation of eternall life Rejoyce therefore in asmuch as ye are partakers of Christs suffrings that when his Glorie shall appeare yee may bee glad and rejoyce if yee bee railed on for the Name of Christ blessed are yee for the Spirit of Glorie and of God resteth on you which on their part is evill spoken of 1. Pet. 4.13.14 but on your part is glorified O! but heere h●ue wee a notable defence against the wrath of God and everlasting cōdemnation for if God hadde suted vs before his judgement and appointed the due punishment for vs wee should not haue beene thoght worthy of a temporal but an everlasting confusiō But Christ such was his mercie hath become debter for vs and hath remoued al our shame and ignominie sanctified and cleansed vs that he might make vs vnto himselfe a glorious Church holie and without blame What shall wee ●ander vnto the Lord for all his goodnesse bestowed vpon vs most vndeservedlie Psal 116.12 wee will take the cup of salvation and call on his Name in presenting to him a mindfull and thankefull heart By the spetle therefore that hee was defiled with hath he washt the face of our soule by the covering of his face hath he taken away the veile from our heartes his head was beaten that all his members might receiue spirituall motion life sense influence and with Fists was hee rigorouslie stricken that we may render glorie praise and honour vnto him with heart and clapping of our hands THE THIRD DEGREE and first Step of the ascension of the Soule vnto heavē by comtemplation of Christs exaltation on the Crosse ANd now heere consider the hie Priests Elders their diligence in conveening their Counsell Mat. 27. Iudas the tratour his conterfeit Repentance Mar. 15. whose end was desperation and the consultation of the Elders Luc. 23. for buying a Potters fielde They pretermitted no time so speedily would they haue yea even before the Sunne arose the Sunne of righteousnes dispatched fearing least hee should escape the more short deliberation take they for killing of him althogh their meeting did hold by the 70. and one which was their Sanhendrin for the which cause the kingdome was taken from them the Scepter from Iuda Gen. 49.10 Iudgement and the Priesthood from that Nation Hos 13.9 Thy destruction is from thee O Israel Esay 5.4 What more could he haue done to his Vine-yarde than he hath done Gen. 3.11 That which Adam had commited our Saviour payed Christs silence made a defence for Adam for hee heard from Euah that whic● was not lawfull and spake things also which he should not hee heard and obeyed his wife counselling wrongouslie excused himselfe when the Lord accused him But contrarily Christ accused by the wicked holdeth his peace as a deafe man neglecteth their forgeries for well knew he their malice to come to such hight that neither would they heare him nor put him to liberty and yet constātly professed himselfe Luc. 22.69 to bee Son of man the Sonne of God and one that should sit at the right hand of ●he Maj●stie in Heaven Mat. 26.64 which to make a way to their ovvne decree against him as hauing testimonie out of his owne mouth vvith many vvords they insult against him But what is Iudas part seeing that thus Christ had incurred their sentence of cōdemnation Mat. whose Conscience being raised from sleepe by the sting thereof and sense of Gods fierce anger rendered the money and testified Christes innocencie which they imployed for a buriall for strangers Well beleeued Iudas that he had bene in a good cace when hee once had receiued the money but hauing done this mishant fact his eyes vvere so opened that he not onely did feele his abominable offence but also is tormēted with such horrour in soule that he beleeued no no remedie to bee left but hanging of himselfe But more particularlie poore Soule examine these circumstances the time whē hee did see Christ adjudged to death soone enough if wel enough late repentance is seldome true but true repentance is never late Ezek. 18.27.28 For when the wicked turneth away frō his wickednesse that hee hath committed and doeth that which is lawfull and right he shal saue his soule aliue because hee considereth and turneth away frō all his transgressions that hee hath committed Ezek. 23.16 hee shall surelie liue not die for none of his sinnes that hee hath committed shall be mentioned vnto him as is evident in the Malefactor that hang on Christes right hand But this goodnesse of God should not breed security in thee abyde not nor prolong the time Rom. 2.4 when thou shalt not bee master of thy owne thoughts They that are in Fever raue before they coole and many die before they intend to repent because the time Luc. 12.40 and houre of death is vncertaine Consider he brought the thirtie silver pieces and restored them Ezek. 33.15 which sometimes was a vndoubted token of repentance as in Zacheus Luc. 19.8.10 But he was destitute of true Faith in applying to him the mercie of God Who came to seeke and saue that which was lost Mat. 18.14 Hee also made a free confession of his sinne which is very requisit in repentance but it was not to the Priests but to God and to his onlie begotten Sonne What marveile therefore he be voyde of comfort And this hee proclamed in the verie Temple but alace many doe we find who doth not come so far off although their wickednesse witnesse to their face Psal 3.8 but doe deny or threaten those which admonish them of it But this is remarkable that he bare record of Chirsts innocencie for such an high Priest it became vs to haue which is holie harmelesse vndefiled Heb. 7.26 separate from Sinners The high Priests did answere What is that to vs looke thou to it Neither for promise norrewarde or pleasure of any man fall vnder the wrath of God by
Iohn 2.3 and not for ours onelie but for the sins of the whole world by Faith applying the merites of Christe vnto himselfe to doe this businesse whereof Iudas destitute contemning the deepenesse of his mercie and riches of grace lost hope of recovering no man can seriouslie repent but he that looketh for forgiuenes And therefore to wrestle with temptation is first to look to the promises of God which is so sure and certaine that it is more easie that beaven earth should passe away Luc. 16.17 than they should faile or that any title of the Law should faile For the Lord is strong Exod. 34.6.7 mercifull and gracious slow to anger and aboundant in goodnes an● truth reserving mercie for thousandes forgiuing iniquities and transgressions and sinnes for the Lord is gracious and mercifull slow to anger Psal 145.89 and of great mercie the Lord is good to all and his mercie is over all his workes In this conflict cast the eyes of thy faith on Christ Iesus to whom a voyce from Heauen came Saying Mat. 3.17 This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am wel pleased For hee receiued of God the Father honour and glorie 2. Pet. 1 17 and there came such a voyce to him f●om the excellent It is reported that Alexander the Great when he saw Iaddus the hie Priest with his priestlie apparel meeting him ceased from his rage against Tyrus and also richlie rewarded him How much more when our euerlasting Priest Iesu● Christ who is just yea our righteousnesse shall appeare in the sight of God his Father making intercession for vs to mitigate his wrath Heb. 7.26 and shall giue vs forgiuenesse of sins and life everlasting for he is able perfectlie to saue them that are able to come vnto God by him seeing hee ever liueth to make intercession for them Let not therefore Sathan bereaue thee of Gods loue mercie towardes thee the merite of his passion efficacie of his death For the gift is not so as is the offence for if by the offence of one many bee dead much more the grace of God Rom. 5. 15. and the gift by grace which is by one Man Iesus Christ hath aboūded vnto many Moreouer neuer sinner yet to this day desiring to bee reconcealed with his God was euer secluded frō mercie if the sinne be great his mercies is aboundantlie more and so much more as all the whole globe of the Sea exceedeth the smallest droppe of water If thy sinne be old which thou hast drunken in from thy mothers breast and in processe of time hath euer augmented the same bee thinke thee of Gods mercie is from al eternitie if thy iniquity bee latelie committed Gods mercies are daylie renewed which euerie moment hee poureth vpon vs. And therfore poore Soule because of the savour of thy Bridgromes oyntmēts Cant. 1.2.3 his Name is as an oyntment poured out therefore the Virgines love him draw mee wee will runne after thee the King hath brought mee vnto his chamber wee will rejoyce and bee glad in thee wee will remember thy loue more than wine the righteous doe loue thee yea thou despysest not the poore sinner thou abhorredst not the confessing Thiefe neither the weeping woman neither her that was found in adulterie neither him that sate at the receipt of custome nor the humble Publican nor the denying Disciple nor the persecuting Paul yea not these that crucified thee but prayed for them Strengthen thy faith therfore in the spirituall fight by the holy meditation vse of the Sacraments for whosoeuer are baptized in Christ Gal. 3.27 hath put on Christ he covereth our nakednesse and doth wash away the filth of our Soules whose sinnes if they were as Crimson Esay 1.18 shall bee made white as Snow for it is the ●lood of Iesus Christ that cleanseth vs from all sinne 1. ●ohn 1.7 Bee not therefore affraied sinful Soule Art thou baptized in Christ hee will h●ue care of thy cause as if it were his proper owne The Rainebow was a signe of the Covenant betwixt God and man That the earth sh●uld never be destroyed by deluge of water therafter Gen. 9.13 So baptisme is a vndoubted seale of our purgation by Christ at Gods hand he made a league with vs for our foule sins never to bee cast from his presence But in the Sacrament of the blood bodie of Iesus haue we a most certaine and liuelie pawne which is our Passeover offred for vs who by his obedience hath delivered vs from the Tyrannie of death and made vs partakers of life eternall It was worthie of consideration how precislie Peters falles are registrate in the booke God For whatsoeuer thinges are written afore-time are written for our learning Rom. 15. 4 that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope Peter therefore denyed his Master seven times Foure times to Maides Mat. 26.69 and three times to men First to Maides I say when he sate without the Hall and the Maide came vnto him saying that Thou wast with Iesus of Galile Secondlie as Peter was beneath in the Hall for now hee had entered but before hee was not come in There came one of the Maides of the high Priests Mar. 14.66 and when shee saw Peter warming him shee looked on him and said Thou wast also with Iesus of Nazareth Thirdlie then a Maide saw him againe and began to say to them that stood by This is one of them Fourthlie when hee went out into the Porch from the common Hall And another Maide saw him and said vnto them that were there Mat. 26.71 This man was also with Iesus of Nazareth Thus foure times denyed he his Master before these weak Vessels Man never should be courageous stout in his owne conceite The Lord is my strength my buckler and the horne of my salvation If the Lord leaue vs to our selues wee are a prey to Sathan to euerie winde and blast of temptation Thrice also denyed he before men and first Iohn 18.25 before the Souldiers standing and warming himselfe Iohn 18.26 Secondlie hee denyed before Malohus coosen whose eare hee smote off Thirdlie hee denyed him anone to them that stood by who saide vnto him againe Mat. 26.70 Mar. 14.70 Surelie thou art one of them for thou art of Galile and thy speech is like Neither doe I so punctually set these dolorours spectacles before thine eyes sinful Soule to dig vp the Sepulchres of these glorious Saints which are in heauen who repented and weeped bitterlie for their sinnes who were patterns to others not to distrust And thou Peter being converted confirme thy brethren And Dauid after his fall did teach the Lordes wayes vnto the wicked Psal 51.13 that sinners might bee converted to him The beleeving and repenting sinner therefore may be perswaded that there is euer mercie to bee found how great soever his sins
is a new buriall place that hee will bee laide in so a renewed heart by the Spirit is his dwelling place for hee can not rest in the ludging of that soule that hath sold it selfe to sinne as he will haue also a cleane a pure bodie as a winding-sheete to bee wrapped in as sweetly smelling savours of Vertues Faith Repentance Loue Patience c. joyned thereto To the mouth of this Buriall doe they rolle a great stone by the Lordes providence to stop the mouthes of his enemies Eph. 1.19 for it was hee that raised him from death to life wherein most of all thinges his power did appeare And this vvas done in the preparation to the Sabbath For as God the Father perfected the work of creation then so the Sonne hath accomplished the work of redemption and did rest the Sabbath from his worke 1. Cor. 15.24 shall giue sweete securitie and peace to our bodies and soules Novv hast thou woefull Soule the accomplishment of the Prophets concerning his buriall Psal 16.9 that his flesh should rest in peace and the type of Ionah perfected ●●y 53.9 And therefore seeing in Christ by Christ our sinnes are buried let vs not digge them vp againe of new Math. 12.39 but since wee are buried with him by Baptisme vnto his death Rom. 6.4 that like as Christ raised vp from the dead by the glorie of the Father so wee also should walke in newnes of life And albeit our buriall was a part of the punishment inflicted to Adam Gen. 3.19 that he shuld turne to dust yet now they are not filthie prisō houses of the body but glorious Bed-chambers of the Sonne of God from whence hee shall raise vs to that heavenlie inheritance Esay 57.2 after that wee haue sleeped a little while therin for hee hath sanctified them by the vertue and power of his buriall Dan. 12.2 For as hee caried our sinnes in his Bodie vpon the tree so hath hee hidde them in the graue with himselfe to the vvhich place we must ever send Sathan when hee shall trouble and assault our vveake consciences with the terrible face of Sinne. For Ionas being cast in the sea it was quieted So Christs resting in the womb of the earth as in a whales bellie doeth mitigate the Lordes anger For as Death now hath beene pursued by Christ to the utermost yea euen vnto the graue and bovvels of the earth so can it not hurt Iohn 5.24 but greatlie benefite the beleeuers to e●ernall life And therefore nowe mayst thou boldly say Phil. 1.23 I desire to bee dissolved and bee with Christ The second Step of the fift Degree of the ascension of the Soule to Heaven on the buriall of Christ Iesus our Saviour WHile Ioseph and Nicodemus thus handled the glorious Bodie of Iesus laide it in the Graue the women that followed him heavie hearted looking on that spectacle yet had they great hope to see him rise againe when the graue was closed with sadnes joy mixt together prepared for embalming of him The third day following the morow was the Sabbath wherein they rested the third day Christ did rise before they came they disappointed of their commendable intention wherein shined their godlines Liberalitie Loue Diligence Abilitie and more than manlie fortitude 1. Cor. 1.17 whereby God to his glorie out of the weakest instruments doeth effectuate great things For as they were going to the Graue the Lord of glorie sent an Angel to tell the resurrection to these women An Angel vvas a witnes before the women and the womē before the men which rolled away the stone from the doore of the Graue For neither in death nor in buriall the God-head had uttered it selfe but in the resurrection it brake out And therefore the Lord hauing respect to the weakenes of these women which were not so able to remoue the stone did send an Angel that when they came they should see that Christ was risen frō the dead They heard before that the third day hee should rise but they beeing weake in Faith were supplied by the Angel vvho testified of his resurrection The Lord did promise to make an everlasting Covenant with his people of the sure mercies of David Esay 55.3 Therefore sayd hee Act. 13.34 It behoued the Lord to rise from death for mercie had never continued if Christ had not risen For all the promises of God are in him Yea and Amen 2. Cor. 1.20 For hee would not suffer his holie One to see corruption ●sal 16.10 Had hee not risen his Bodie behoued to rotte but God did raise him vp who said Psal 2.7 Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten Thee Esay 538. And who is able to count his Generation for hee is that everlasting Essence albeit hee died hee arose to liue without end And now my Soule since thou art dead with Christ Col. 2.20 and risen with him Seeke these thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Sette thy affections on thinges which are aboue Col. 3. 1.2.3 not on things which are on earth for thou art dead and thy life is hid with God in Christ When Christ which is thy life shall appeare then shalt thou also appeare with him in glorie Be carefull therfore to get this excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus thy Lord for whō coūt al this losse that thou mayst winne Christ mayst be found in him not hauing thine owne righteousnesse which is of the Law Phil. but that which is through Faith of Christ that thou mayst know him I say and the vertue of his resurrectiō and the fellowshippe of his afflictions and hee made conformable vnto his death if by any meanes thou mayst attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead Let thine heart ●ee filled with the vvord and promises of salvation that it may be established by grace And now seeing Christ is thy riches thy treasure all that thou stādest in need of let thy heart be where hee is Ascend with him liue in this vvorld as not liuing here for thy conversation is in heaven it is not thou now that liuest Gal. 2.20 but Christ that liueth in thee and in that that thou liuest in the flesh vntill thine appointed time thou liuest by Faith in the Son of God who loued thee 1. Cor. 6.17 and hath giuen himself for thee Be thou therefore joyned to the Lord that thou mayest bee one spirit with him And behold as in a mirror the glorie of the Lord with open face and be changed in the same image frō glorie to glorie 2. Cor. 3.18 as by the Spirit of the Lord. Let all thy vnderstanding vvisedome cogitation and memorie bee bent on him vvho is risen and Death shall no more prevaile over him Poure out thy best affections on him Bee sorowfull to offend him Rejoyce in
vpon my heart as it was wont to doe this is one token that my spirituall Life is weakened therefore as thou hast breathed in my nostrels Gen. 2.7 the breath of a naturall life breath vpon my soule Cant. 4.16 that I may finde the motions of a spirituall Life Call vpon my soule out of the grave of sinne Iohn 12.43.44 as thou called Lazarus his bodie out of the grave Let me find a quickening vertue flowing from thy livelie Spirit to quicken my dead spirit Lord teach mee to redeeme these losses and grant I may ever count it my greatest losse to lose the signes of thy presence Suffer not mine heart to bee oppressed with the thornie cares of this life Luc. 8. but learne mee to cast my care vpon the Lord. What ever I bee doing in these worldlie things 1. Cor. 7.29.30 let mee so doe them as I were not doing them Giue me that dexteritie to discharge such a duetie in mine earthlie calling as may ever agree with mine heavenlie calling Furnish mee with wisedome that I may walke wiselie even towards them that are without 1. Thess 1● Make my life a patterne of godlinesse that where ever I come or goe I may smell of Iesus Christ Giue mee grace to bee carefull not onlie of mine owne soule but of the soules of all them of whom I haue anie charge that so thy glorie ever beeing before mine eyes thou mayest glorifie mee one day through Iesus Christ my Saviour who fitteth at thy right hand Amen Evening Meditation of the third Day O LORD I never prease to draw nere vnto thee but that Evill one draweth neere to mee If Iehoshua come in before the LORD Zach. 3.1 Satan will bee at his right hand to resist him hee troubleth and distracteth my minde with Armies of vnrulie cogitations It is my greatest difficultie O Lord at anie time to get a free minde to serve thee Exod. 5.3 When Israel desired to goe to the Wildernesse and sacrifice to the Lorde Pharaoh doubled their burdens so doth Satan double his tentations vpon me when I would goe out of my self to serve thee What am I poore weak creature that I should resist such mightie spirituall powers O Lord 1. Cor. 12.9 it is thy battell I fight and thy grace is sufficient for mee Thy people when they builded the wall of Ierusalem Neh. 4.17 they did hold their weapons in the one hand and builded with the other hand Lord furnishe mee with a double portion of thy Spirit that I may resist Satan with the one hand and draw neere to thee with the other O Lord I am come to thine Holinesse to repent my sins Ah Lorde my sinnes are great but my repentance is slender Lord giue me that repentance which thou gavest vnto Peter hee sinned grievouslie but repented earnestlie yea hee weeped bitterlie O Lord hast not thou the keyes of David which openeth Rev. 3.7 and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth Open mine heart that I may make such a repentance as ●ought to doe Thou didst keepe Ionas that hee drowned not Thou O Lorde diddest streatch foorth thine helping hand and keeped Peter Mat. 14.31 that hee did not sinke when hee did walke on the waters Lord streatch foorth thine helping hand let not thy servant sinke into the sea of sinne O Lord thou prepared an Arke for thine owne Noah and the Whales bellie for thine owne Ionas Lord if I shall get my foot once within the Arke I shall bee safe Iesus Christ is mine Arke let me be found in him then shall there be no condemnation to mee Rom. 8.1 my sinnes indeed are great O Lord but shall I ballance the sinnes of a finite creature with the mercies of the infinite Creator Psal 25.9 Nay Lorde all thy wayes are mercie and trueth to these that feare thee I haue nothing to lay betweene mee and Hell but thy vndeserved mercie O Lord my God thou art a strength vnto the poore a refuge against the tempest and a shadow against the heat Who so dwelleth in the secret of the most Hie Psal 91. 1. shall abyde in the shadow of the Almightie I will say vnto the Lord O my hope Psal 42.10 and my fortresse hee is my God in him will I trust Confirme my soule O Lorde in the certaintie of this perswasion Strengthen also the arme of thy feeble and weake servant that I may fight with the greater courage against that spirituall Gohab Let mee not depart from thee at this time without some spirituall comfort Thou wouldst not suffer the multitude Mat. 14.19 that waited vpon thee three dayes in the Wildernesse to depart vntill they were refreshed Lorde refresh my soule with some crummes of grace falling from thy Table When Ionathan was wearie 1. Sam. 14.28 and put foorth his rodde and tasted of the honie his dimme eyes received sight and his feeble bodie was strengthened O Lord Luc. 8.46 if I shall touch Iesus by the rodde of faith my dimme eyes shall receive sight and my feeble soule new strength O my Lord am not I seeking this strenth of thee to bruise the head of the old Serpent Gen. 3.15 a sworne enemie to thy Kingdome Denie not armour to thine owne weake souldiour that in the power of thy might I may subdue that great dragon Sinne that it may bee borne downe and Iesus his throne may bee set vp in the secret corner of mine heart Sanctifie my rest this night in such sort that when this wearied bodie hath received its bodilie refreshment I maye rise by thy grace to morrow to doe thee better service in Iesus Christ Amen Morning meditation of the fourth Day THY sacrifices O Lord Ps●● 5.17 are a contrite a broken heart I come to thy Altar but I want the sacrifice O Lord who vouchsafedst a sacrifice vpon Abraham Gen. 22.13 vouchsafe a sacrifice vpon me I would wish mine heart could bee dissolved in bitter teares but such is my present hardnesse that neither can I repent as I should neither is mine heart so softened as it should bee EZek. 11.19 It is thy praise O Lord to take the stonie heart away and to giue an heart of flesh Lord I haue a stonie heart rent it O Lord take it away and giue mee a soft heart that I may make such a repentance as my great offences require Lord there is no contentment to my soule but either when thou humblest mee with a sense of sinne or raisest mee vp with a sense of mercie rather than I bee senselesse let mee be sensible of my sinne that in the bitternesse of my heart I may bewaile it Teach mee now to mourne with thy children 2. Thess 1.7 that I may rejoyce in the day of their rejoysing Cherish O Lord those litle sparkles of grace which in thy great mercie thou hast kindled in my soule Increase my faith