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A16580 Godlie meditations vpon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes with other comfortable meditations, praiers and exercises. Whereunto is annexed a defence of the doctrine of gods eternall election and predestination, gathered by the constant martyr of God Iohn Bradford in the tyme of his imprisonment. The contentes wherof appeare in the page nexte folovvyng.; Godlie meditations upon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes. Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1562 (1562) STC 3484; ESTC S118261 91,610 260

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this good worke with a pure and cleane mynde wyth an humble and lowelye harte wyth grace to waie and consyder the nede and greatnes of that we doe desyre and wyth an assured fayth and trust that thou wilte graunte vs oure requestes because thou arte good and gracious euen to yonge rauens catling vppon thee muche more then to vs for whom thou haste made all thinges yea hast not spared thyne owne dere sonne because thou hast commaunded vs to call vpon thee because thy throne wherevnto we come is a throne of grace mercye because thou hast geuen vs a mediatour Christ to bringe vs vnto thee being the waye by whom we come being the dore by whom we enter and being our head on whō we hang and hope that oure poore petitions shal not be in vaine through and for his names sake We besech thee therfore of thy rich mercy wherin thou art plentiful to all them that call vpon thee to forgeue vs our synnes namelye oure vnthankefullnes vnbeleife selfe loue neglect of thy word securitye hipocrisie contempt of thy long suffringe omissyon of prayer doubting of thy power presence mercy and good will towardes vs vnsensyblenes of thy grace impaciencye c and to thys thy benefytte of corrcaynge vs adde these thy gratious gifts repentāce faith the spirit of prayer y ● contempte of thys world and harty desiring for euerlastinge lyfe indue vs wyth thy holie spirit according to thy couenant and mercy aswell to assure vs of pardon and that thou doest accepte vs into thy fauour as thy deare children in Christ and for his sake as to write thy law in our hartes so to worke in vs that we maye now begyn and goe forwardes in beleuing liuing fearing obeyng praying hoping seruinge thee as thou doest requyre most fatherly and most iustly of vs acceptinge vs as perfecte throughe Christ and by imputation And moreoner when it shal be thy good pleasure most to thy glorye deliner vs we besech thee out of y ● handes of thine aduersaries by such meanes be it death or life as maye make to our comfort most in Christ In the meane season and for euer saue vs and gouerne vs with thy holy spiryte and hys eternall consolation And concerning thine aduersaries whiche for thy sake are become ours aduersaries so many of them as are to be conuerted we beseche thee to shewe thy mercye vpon them and to conuerte thē but those that are not to be conuerted whiche thou onelye doest knowe most mightye god and terrible lord confounde and get thy name a glory ouer them abate their pride aswage their malice bring to naught their deuelishe deuises and graunt that we and al thine afflicted children may be armes with thy defence weaponed with thy wisdome and gyded with thy grace and holye spirite to be preserued for euer from all geuing of offences to thy people and from all perilles to glorifie thee whiche art the onely geuer of al victorie through the merits of thy onelye sonne Iesus Christe oure lorde Amen AN OTHER CONFESSION of sinnes AS Dauid seing thyne angell with his sword readye drawen moste righteous lorde to plague Ierusalē cried out vnto thee it is I lord that haue sinned I that haue done wickedly thyne hand lorde be on me and not on thy poore sheepe wherthrough thou waste moued to mercy and baddest thine Angel put vp his sword thou haddest taken punishment enough Euen so we gratious lord seyng thy fearfull sword of vengeaunce readye drawen and presentlye strikynge againste thys common weale and thy Churche in the same we I saye are occasyoned euerye man nowe to caste of oure eyes from beholdinge and narrowly spieng out other mennes faltes and to set oure owne onely in fight that with the same Dauide thy seruant and with Ionas in the shippe we may crie it is we o lord which haue synned and procured this thy greuous wrath And this we nowe gathered together in Christs name doe acknowledge confessing oure selues giltye of horrible ingratitude for our good king for thy gospell and pure religion and for the peace of thy church quietnes of the cōmō weale besides our negligences many other oure greuous sinnes where throughe we haue deserued not onelye these but much more greuous plages if that euen presentlye thou diddest not as thou art wonte remember thy mercye Herevpon that thou in thine angre remembreste thy mercye before we seeke sue for it we take bouldnes as thou commaundeste vs to doe in oure trouble to come and call vppon thee to be mercyefull vnto vs and of thy goodnes nowe we humblie in Christes name pray thee to holde thy hande and ceasse thy wrath or at y ● least so to mitigate it that this realme may be quietly gouerned and the same eftes●nes to be a harborowe for thy church and true religion which do thou restore to vs againe accordinge to thy greate power and mercye and we shall prayse thy name for euer throughe Iesus Christ our onely mediatour and sauiour Amen A PRAIER FOR THE REMISsion of finnes OH lord god and deare father what shall I say that feele al thinges to be in maner with me as in y ● wicked blynde is my minde croked is my wyll and peruerse concupiscence is in me as a spring or stinking puddle Oh howe fainte is faithe in me howe litle is loue to thee or thi people how great is self loue how hard is my hart c. By the reason whereof I am moued to doubte of thy goodnes towardes me whether thou arte my father or noe and whether I be thy childe or noe In dede worthely might I dout yf that the hauing of these were the causes and not the fruites rather of thy children The cause why thou art my father is thi mercy goodnes grace and trueth in christ Iesus the which cannot but remayne for euer In respecte whereof thou hast borne me thys good wil to accept me into the number of thy children that I might be holy faithful obedient innocent c. And therfore thou woldst not onely make me a creature after thy Image enduing me with ryght limmes shape forme memorie wisdome c where thou mightest haue made me a beast a maimed creature lame blind frātike c but also thou wouldest that I shoulde be borne of Christen parentes brought into thy Church by baptisme and called dyuers times by the ministerye of thy worde into thy kingdome besydes the innumerable other benefites alwaies hither to powred vpon me Al whiche thou haste done of thys thy good wil that y u of thyne owne mercy barest to me in Christ for Christ before the worlde was made The which thinge as y u requirest straitly that I shuld beleue w tout doubting so in all my nedes that I shuld come vnto thee as to a father make my mone w tout mistrust of being hard in thy good time as most shal make to my cōsort Loe
heare vs and graunte vs that whiche in hys name we shall aske of thee loe gratious father I am bolde to begge of thy mercy through thy sonne Iesus Christ one sparcle of true faith and certaine perswasion of thy goodnes and loue towardes me in Christe wherthrough I being assured of the pardone of all my sinnes by the mercyes of Christe thy sonne maye be thankfull to thee loue thee and serue thee in holynes and righteousnes all the daies of my life Amen A PRAIER FOR REPENTANCE MOst gratious god and merciful father of oure sauiour Iesus Christ because I haue synned and done wickedly and through thy goodnes haue receiued a desire of repentance wherto this longe suffering doth drawe my hard harte I besech thee for thy great mercies sake in Christ to worke the same repentance in me and by thy spirite power and grace to humble mortifye and feare my conscience for my sinnes to saluation that in thy good time thou maist comfort and quickē me through Iesus Christ thy derely beloued senne So be it A DIALOGE OR COMMVNIcation betvvene Sathan and our conscience Sathan THOU hast synned agaynst god therefore thou must dye Conscience Why then died Christ Sa. For sinners but how knowst thou he died for thee Con. Because I am a sinner and he is bothe able and willinge to forgeue me Sa. I graunt that he is able to forgeue thee but how knoweste thou he will Con. He wold not surely haue dyed if he wold not forgeue Sa. But howe knowest thou that he will forgeue thee Con. Because I wold sayne be forgeuen Sa. So would Iudas as wel as y ● and preuayled not Con. The scriptures wente vppon Iudas facte which must nedes be fulfylled they neuer went vpon myne Agayne Iudas bare a fygure of the people of thee Iewes whiche trybe onelye fell from Christ when all other eleuen tribes of the world dyd styeke faste vnto him I am a poore sinner of the gentils of whom it is written I wilbe eraited in the gentiles Sa. If thou be a sinner of the gentiles yet thou muste consyder thy synne is great Con. I graunt but Christes passion is greater Sa. Oh but y ● hast sinned very oftē Con. Tell me not Sathan what I haue done but what I wil do Sa. Why what wilt thou doe Con. By goddes grace my full purpose is here after to take better hede and to amend my former life Sa. Is that enough thinkst thou Con. What lacketh Sa. The fauour of God whiche hath cleane forsaken thee Con. So God fauoured loued the world that he gaue his owne dere sonne that whosoeuer seeth him as the Israelites did the brasen serpent they shall not perysh but haue lyfe euerlastinge A short and pithie defence of the doctrine of the holy election and predestination of God gathered out of the first Chapter of S. Paules Epistle to the Ephesians By I. bradford THere is neyther vertue nor vice to be consydered accordinge to any outwarde action nor accordinge to the will and wisedome of man but accordynge to the wyll of god Whatsoeuer is conformable therto the same is vertue and the action that springeth thereof is laudable good howsoeuer it appaere otherwise to the eyes and reason of man as was the lifting vp of Abrahams hand to haue staine his sonne Whatsoeuer is not conformable to the will of god that same is vice the action springing thereof is to be disalowed taken for euell that so much the more and greater euell by howe much it is not consonaunt and agreeing to gods wil although it seme faire otherwise to mans wisdome as was Peters wishe of makinge three tabernacles and the request of some which wold haue had fyer to haue come downe from heauen vpon a zeale to god c. Nowe the wyll of God is not so knowen as in his worde Therfore accordinge to it muste vice and vertue good and euell be iudged and not accordinge to the Iudgemente wysedome reason and collection of anye man or of all the whole world if all the Angelles in heauen shuld take their part But thys worde of god whiche is writen in the canonicall bookes of the byble dothe playnelye set surth vnto vs that god hath of his owne mercye and good will and to the prayse 〈◊〉 hys grace and glorye in Chryste elected some and not all whome he hathe predestinate vnto euerlastyng lyfe in the same Christ and in hys tyme calleth them iustifyeth them and gloryfyeth them so that they shall neuer perishe and erre to dampnation finally Therefore to affyrme teach and preache thys doctrine hath in it no hurte no vice no euell muche lesse then hathe it anye enormityes as some doe affyrme to the eyes and spyryte of them whiche are guyded and wylbe by the worde of god That god the eternall father of mercyes before the begynnynge of the worlde hathe of hys owne mercye and good wyll and to the praise of hys grace and glorye elected in Christe some and not all of the posterytye of Adam whom he hathe predestynate vnto eternall life and callethe them in hys tyme iustyfyeth them and gloryfyeth them so that they shall neuer peryshe or erre to dampnatiou fynallye that thys proposytyon is trewe and accordinge to goddes plaine and manifeste worde by the helpe of hys holye spyryte whyche in the name of Iesus Chryst I humbly beseche hys mercy plenteously to geue to me at this present and for euer to the sanc tification of his holye name by the helpe I say of his holy spirit I trust so euidently to declare that no man of god shalbe able b● the word of god euer to impugne it muche lesse to confute it In the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians y ● apostle saith thus Blessed be God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ whiche hath blessed vs with all maner of blessinges in heauenlye thinges by Christ according as he hath elect or chosen vs in him before the foundation of the worlde was layed that we shoulde be holye and without blame before him through loue hath predestinat vs or ordeyned vs thorough Iesus Christ to be heires vnto him self accordynge to the good pleasure of hys wyll to the praise of the glorye of his grace where with he hathe made vs accepted in the beloued by whome we haue receyued redemption thoroughe his blood and the forgeuenes of our synnes accordyng to the ryches of his grace which grace he hath shed on vs abundauntly in al wysedom vnderstāding and hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his wil according to his good pleasure whiche he purposed in him selfe to haue it declared when the tyme was full come that he might gather together all thinges by or in Christ as well the things that be in heauen as the thynges that be in earth euen in or by hym by or in whome we are made heyres being thereto predestinat according to
benefits giuen me in commaundinge men to care for me to praie for me to helpe me c. But alas how farre I am from true lamentacion and reioysing lorde thou knowest Oh be mercifull vnto me and help me forgeue me and graunte me thy holie spirit to reueale to me my nede ignoraunce great ingratitude contempt of thy mercies thy people and that in such sorte that I might hartely lament and bewaile my miserie and throughe thy goodnes be altered with thy people to mourne for the miseries of thy children as for mine owne Againe reueale to me thy goodnes dere father euē in corporall things that I maye see thy mercy thy presence power wisedome and righteousnes in euery creature and corporall benefites and that in such sort that I maye be throughly affected truly to reuerence feare loue obey thee hange vpon thee to be thankfull to thee in all my nede to come vnto the not only when I haue ordinarie meanes by the which thou cōmonly workest but also when I haue none yea when al meanes and helpes are cleane against me Here remēber the state of your children and familie also your parents neighbours kinse folkes also your frendes contrey and magistrates c as you shall haue tyme thereto and by goddes good Spirite shalbe prouoked ¶ Forgeue vs oure debtes as we forgeue them that are debtours vnto vs. BY oure Debtes are vnderstande not onely things we haue done ●ut the omissiō and leauing vndone of the good things we ought to doe By oure is not onely vnderstande the particular sinnes of one but also generally the sinnes of al and euery one of thy church By forgyuenes is vnderstande free pardon and remission of synnes by the merites and desertes of thy dere sonne Iesus Christe who gaue him self a raunsome for vs. By oure forgeuing of other mens offences to vs warde is vnderstand thy good wyll not onelye that it pleaseth thee that we shoulde liue in lone and amytye but also that thou wouldeste haue vs to be certayne of thy pardonynge vs of our synnes For as certayne as we are that we pardone them that offende vs so certayne shoulde we be that thou doeste pardone vs whereof the forgeuing our trespassers is as it were a sacrament vnto vs. So that by this petitiō I am taught to se that thy children althoughe by imputation they be pure from sinne yet they acknowledge sinne to be remaine in them and therefore doe they pray for the remissiō forgeuenes of the same Againe I am taught hereby to see how thy children doe consider take to hart not only the euells they doe but also the good thy leaue vndone And therfore they praye thee hartely for pardon Moreouer I am here taught to see that thy children are carefull for other mē and for their trespases and therefore praye that they mighte be pardoned in saing oure sinnes and not my synnes Besides this I am taught here to see how thy children not onely forgeue all that offende them but also pray for the pardoning of the offences of their enemies and such as offende them So farre are they from malicousnes pride reuengemēt c. Last of all I am taught to see howe mercifull thou art which wilt haue me to aske pardon wherof thou woldest that we shuld ī no point doubt but be most assured that for Christs sake thou herest vs and that not only for our selues but also for manie others for y ● doest not commaunde vs to aske for anye thinge thou wilt not geue vs. By reason whereof I haue greate cause to lament and reioyse To lamēt because of my miserable estate which am so farre from these affections that are in thy children which am so ignoraunt careles of sinne not onely in leauing good vndone but also in doing euel and that dailie in thought worde and dede c. I speake not of my carelesnes for other folkes sinnes as of my parēts children familie magestrats c neither of the sinnes of them to whom I haue geuen occasion to sinne To reioyse I haue great cause because of thy mercy in opening to me these things in cōmaundinge me to praye for pardon in promisinge me pardon and in cōmaundinge others to pray for me I ought surely to be perswaded of thy mercy though my sinnes be innumerable For I se not onely in this but in euerye petition howe that euery one of thy churche praieth for me yea christ thy sonne who sitteth on thy right hād praieth for me c. Oh deare father be mercifull vnto me and forgyue me al my sinnes and of thy goodnes geue me thy holy spirit to opē mine eies that I may se sinne y ● better to know it y ● more truly to hate it most earnestly to striue agaist it that effectually both in my selfe and others Again graunt me the same thy holy spirit to reuele vnto me the remedie of sinne by christ only to worke in me faith to embrace the same thy Christ and mercies in him that I may henseforth be endued with thy holy spirite more more to beginne and obey thy good wil continually to encrease in the same for euer Here call to mind the special sinnes you haue committed heretofore Remember if you haue occasioned any to sinne to praye for them by name remēber that gods lawe shuld be so dere vnto vs y ● the breaking thereof in others shoulde be an occasion to make vs to lament with teares c. Leade vs not into tentacion BEcause of our continuall great infirmities because of the greate diligence subtilties of our enemies and because y ● art wont to punishe sinne w t sinne which of all punishmētes is y ● greatest most to be feared In this peticion y ● wouldest haue thy children to haue y ● same in remēberaunce for a remedy hereof y ● hast appointed praier So that y ● only cause why anie are ouercome led into tentation is for y ● they forget what they desire in y ● peticion going before this which shuld be neuer out of their memorie to prouoke thē to be more thākful to thee more vigilant heedie herafter for falling into like perills For which to be auoided y ● doest most graciously set forth a remedy in cōmaūdinge vs to pray after pardon for oure sinnes past for thy grace to guide vs so that we be not ledde into tentacion but might be delyuered from euyll And because thou wouldeste haue all thy childrē to hange wholye vpon thee to feare thee onely and only to loue thee thou doest not teache them to praye suffer vs not to be ledde but leade vs not into tentation that I say they might onely feare thee certainly know that Sathan hathe no power ouer so much as a pigge but what soeuer thou geueste vnto him and of thy secret but most iuste iudgement doest appoint
I shoulde so consider them especially in praier that I shuld not doubt but that thou workest rulest gouernest all things euery where in all persons and creatures moste wysely iustelye and mercifully Thirdely that in praier all my peticions shuld tend to the setting forth of thy power of thy kingdome and of thy glorye Laste of all that in prayer I shoulde in no wyse doubte of beinge heard but be assured that thou which hast commaunded me to pray and hast promised to here me doest moste graciousely for thy mercyes sake and truthes sake heare my peticions according to thy good wil throughe Iesus Christe thy deare sonne our lord and onely sauiour By reason whereof I haue greate cause to lament and reioyce To lament because I consider not these thinges in praier in suche sorte as should moue me to admiracion and gratitude because I consider not thy power and wisedome generally in all things because I am so careles for thy kingdome and because I am so full of dubitacion and doubtinge of thy goodnes To reioyce I haue greate cause because thou reuelest these thinges vnto me on this sorte because of thy power kingdome and glory which maketh to the hearing of my praiers and helping of me be cause thou wilt vse me as thine instrument to set forth thy kingdome power glory and because it pleaseth thee to here my praiers and assuredly wilt saue me for euer But alas how farre am I frō these lamentacions and reioycinges by reason wherof I deserue damnaciō Oh be mercifull vnto me ▪ forgeue me and of thy 〈◊〉 graunte me thy holy spirit 〈◊〉 reueale to me my blindnes obliuion and contempt of thy kingdome power and glory w t the greatnes of my doubtings that I maye hartely as lament them so haue them pardoned and taken frō me throughe the merites of Iesus Christ thy sonne Againe geue me thy holy spirit to reueile to me in such sort thy kyngdome power glorye and eternitie that I maye alwaies haue the same before myne eies be moued wyth thadmiration therof labour effectually to set forth y ● same and finallye as to haue the sruic●on thereof after this life so encrease ●an assured certain and liuely expectacion of the same that I maye alwaies in all thynges reioyce in thee thorowe Christe and geue lauds thankes praises perpetually vnto thy moste holy name oh blessed father sonne and holye ghost thre persons one god to whom be all honour glory world without ende Here thinke that if the kingdome power glory and eternitie be gods which is our father what our dignitie is whiche be his chyldren yf the power be our fathers of whō shuld we be affraies yf the deuell be subiect to the lords power kingdome as he is howe can the subiect haue power ouer vs which be sonnes and heires in that he hath not power ouer porketts w toute the prouidence and permission of god Therfore ful well shuld we pray lead vs not into temptation rather then let vs not be led into tentation For power is the lords and the deuell hath none but that he hathe of gods gifte No he were not of capacitie to receaue power yf god did not make hym of capacitie althoughe the execution of it is rather of gods permission ¶ Geue all thankes praise and glorye to god oure father throughe Christ oure lord and sauiour So be it A meditation vpon the twelue articles of the Christian faith I beleue in god the father c. THy people oh lord god the father of our sauiour Iesus Christe doe here in saieng this article I beleue in god the father almighty c by faith knowe that thou togither with Iesus Christ and the holy ghost diddest create all thinges that be in heauen and in earth for by heauen and earth are vnderstand all thinges therein And as they knowe thys so they by the same faith doe see thee the same god the father the sonne and the holy ghoste to gouerne all thinges after thy great wisedome power rightuousnes and mercy vsing euery creature they see as meanes to put thē in remembrance of fearing reueren cing trusting louing the for in euery creature they beholde thy presence power wisedome and mercy Againe by this worde Father they declare their beleife how that they are not onely thy creatures and all that euer they haue to be thy graciouse gyftes and blessinges but also how that they are thy childrē derely beloued cared for of thee through Iesus christ Where throughe notwithstanding theyr vnworthines as they conceyue a sure hope of thy goodnes and fatherly loue towards them in soule and bodye for euer so are they thankfull for their creation for that thou hast made thē thy excellet creatures lords of al. They are thankfull for the creation of all creatures vse the same w t thankefulnes as visible tokens of thy inuisible loue they are thankefull for thy conseruing and keping them for the gouerning them and all this world lamenting that they are nomore thankfull that they beleue no deper that reason hath so greate a swing with them in these matters But I moste gracious good lorde and father thoughe I say I beleue in thee my father almyghtye maker of heauen and earthe yet thou knoweste that I am full of muche doubtinge not onelye of this whether thou art my good almighty and moste louinge deare father in christ because I fele in my selfe suche a conscience of vnworthines so great want of those thinges which thou requirest of thy children and so transfer the cause of my being thy childe in part to myself where it is due onely and wholy alwaies to thy mercye and grace in Christe but also thou knowest my doubting of my creation and gouernaunce and of the creation and gouernaunce of al this world as I declare by my vnthankfulnes for my creation for mine adoption for my gubernation for thy prouidence for me or ells deare father I could not but hartely with thy childrē reioyce and praise thy holye name and that continually being hence forth carefull for nothinge but howe to please thee profit thy people that they might praise thy name in all things for ouermore desiringe the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doing of thy will vpon earth as it is in heauen Thou mightest haue made me a dogge but of thy goodnes hast made me a creature after thine Image y ● mightest haue made me a Turcke a Iewe a Sarracen but thou hast made me a christiā a member of thy Churche thou after my birth mightest haue lefte me and in all nede haue made no prouidence for me as we sometimes see hath hapned vnto others but yet thou neuer diddest so with me and yet I am of all others most vnthankfull Thy creatures I thankefully vse not thy inuisible loue by thy manifolde visible tokens I consider not as nowe I shoulde by this apparell of
therfor am worthi to fele thee a iudge w t refuse to fele thee a sauior Now y ● cause of al these things is vnbeliefe the which though it be naturall by reason of the corruption of our nature pet I haue augmented the same maliciously in not laborīg there against and continuing in al synnes and wickednesse by reason whereof I deserue most iustelye thy anger therevpon euen reiection frō thy face for euer Longe hast thou mourned euen w t displeasure anger the incredulity of my heart calling me there from and offering me thy grace which I haue neglected and reiected and therfore am neuer worthi to haue it any more offered vnto me muche more then I am vnworthy to haue grace gyuen me to receiue thy mercy Alas what shall I doe shall I dispraier or as long as I can kepe me vnmindfull of my mysery o sauiour Christ Iesu wilt not thou be mercifull vnto me thou diddest die for me when I deserued it not and nowe is thy mercye shortned wilt not thou geue me thy grace and take frō my hart this horrible vnbeliefe Shall I neuer loue the shall I neuer hath sinne shall I neuer as w t my mouth I say I beleue in Iesus Christ so in hart say the same shall Sathan possesst me for euer o christe Iesus whiche hast led captiuitie captiue what wilt not thou helpe me thoughe I desyre it not as I shuld yet giue me to desyre whan thou wilt Thou diddest appeare to destroye the worke of the deuil thou seest his worke in me good christ destroy his worke but not thy worke saue me for thy great mercies sake Geue me to beleue in thee in thy death resurrection ascension pardone me my sinnes and mortifye now in me my corrupt affections reyse me vp and iustify me regenerat me daily more and more geue me faith of immortalitie resurrectiō of this body geue me faith to ascend into heauen and to be certaine that thou hast already taken possessiō for me there Geue me to loke for thy comming and to be ready in thy cōming to find mercy to euerlasting life c. I beleue in the holy ghost c. O Holy spirite the third person in trinity whiche diddest descend vpon Christ our sauiour in hys baptisme in the likenes of a doue thy children know that with the father and the sonne thou madest and rulest all creatures visible and inuisyble they know thee in their redemption to be no lesse willing louinge then the father and the sonne for y ● diddest alwaies declare Christ to be the sonne of god gauest testimony in wardly in the harts of thy elect to beleue and embrace the same outwardely by miracles and wonders they know thee to be the comforter and gouernour whom Christe dyd promise in his corporal absēce shuld teach rule kepe comforte and gouerne his church and people Againe as in the former parte of their beleife they cōsider the works of creatyon and redemption so in thys parte they consyder the place where the same is moste effectuall taketh place euen thy holy churche which is catholick that is extēding it selfe to all times to all places to all kinds of people For in this church only they know that as all things were made so the worke of redemption was taken in hand that y ● blessed trinitye mightest in this church be praysed magnified serued worshipped for euer This church is nothinge ells but a communion and societie of saintes that is not onelye a societye of all such as be haue been or shal be thy people but also a societye or partaking of Christe Iesus whiche is the head of the same yea by him of thee oh blessed father which art y ● head of Christ and of thee oh holy ghost whiche nowe shadowest and sittest vpon the same to hatch and cherishe it as the hen her chekins by the extending of thy winges not onely to defende them frō their enemies but also to couer their sinnes and to remitte them in this life beginning also here the resurrection of the fleshe and euerlasting life the which thou wilt in the ende of the world consūmate so that they shall not nede to be couered for sinne for then shall they be pure and haue gtoriouse bodies immortall and spirituall the which shal haue the fruition of eternal ieye life euerlasting and glory suche as the eye hathe not sene the eare hath heard nor the hart of man can conceiue For then christ Iesus shall geue vp his kingedome to god the father that god may be al in all concerning the gouernaunce of it by the ministration of his word and other meanes wherby now he gouerneth it that it maye be his fathers kingdome we beig become like vnto him that is as to the manhod of Christ the godhead is vnited and is al in al without any other meanes euen so god shalbe in vs assuminge then not only in the person of christ the humaine nature but also al the humaine nature of his church which be members of Christ the wicked reprobate being separate then from this cōmunion cast into eternall perditiō with Sathan antichrist there to be in tormentes and horrour for euer By reason of this their faith they are thankfull to the o holye spirite whiche hast taught them this gyuen them to beleue it By reason of this faith they singularly praye loue helpe thy church here militāt labour to be holy 〈◊〉 By reason of this faith they cōfesse them selues sinners they desire and beleue pardone of their sinnes they are rysen and ryse daily concerning the inwards man and doe feele the life eternall begone in them more more laboringe praying wishings and desyringe for the same whollye and perfectly Where as oh lorde god and most graciouse holy spirit thou knowest that it is otherwise w t me I doe but bable w t my lippes in saying I beleue in the holy ghost for I am vnthankful for calling me into thy church I doe not liue holely I confesse not I lament not my sinnes I pray not for remission of them I stand in doubte thereof as I fele not my selfe rysen from a sinnefull life as I should be or as I fele not life begone in me as it is in thy deare children so doe I doubt herof whether I haue pardon of my sinnes whether I am regenerate whether I fele truly euerlasting life the which thinge doth most displease thee and yet w t my tonge I saye I beleue in the holye ghost Oh I besech thee good holy spirit for thy loue sake which moued the to agree and be willinge to patifye and open thy goodnes not only in the worke of creation for thou dyddest lye vpon the waters and as the benne her chickins dyddest as it were hatche the worke of creatiō but also in the worke of redemption and therefore diddest descend and abide not onely vpon Christ in his baptisme but
also on the apostles church in fyerye tonges visibly the fyfte daye after Christes resurrection as now thou doest inuisybly generally and particularly sitte vpon thy Church and children beinge the consolator the cōforter the teacher and leader the guider and gouernour of vs all For this thy loues sake I saye I besech thee to be mercifull vnto me and forgeue me my doubting vnbeliefe ingratitude and horrible monstrous vncleanes and synne and vtterly take them from me Bring me vnto thy church which thou guidest that is guide me make me holy and by faith couple me to christ by charitie to thy people that is geue me the communion of saints w t thy saincts ouer shadowe my synnes reyse me vp to rightuousnes beginne in me euerlasting life and nowe more and more to expert and loke for all these great mercies and at length to possesse eternal felicity w t thee o blessed trenitie the father the sonne and the holy ghost thre persons and one almightie eternal most iuste wise and good god to whom be all glory power and dominion now and for euer A meditation vpon the ten commaundementes ¶ I am the lord thy god which brought thee oute of the land of Egipt c. O Good lord and deare father here y ● woldest I should knowe that thou which broughtest thy people of Israell out of Egypt with a mightie hand and a stretched out power whiche gauest thy lawe vpon mounte Sinai in great thundering lighting fier which spakest by the prophetes and diddest sende thy dearelye beloued sonne Iesus Christ coequall and consubstantiall with thee in power maiestie glory to take vpon him our nature by the operatiō of the holy ghost in the wombe of y ● virgin Marie of whose substaunce he was made and borne man but pure without synne that we by byrth children of wrath by hym myghte be made thy chyldren children of grace communicatinge with him rightuousnes bolines immortality by the working of the spirit as he communicated wyth vs fleshe and bloude but not infected w t synne as is ours by the working of the same holy spirit which spirit after his bitter death resurrectiō and ascension into the heauens he sent plentifully and by a visible signe vnto his Apostles and Disciples by whom he published the gospell thorowe out the whole worlde and so continually hathe done from age to age doth and will doe vnto the end of the worlde by the mynysterie of preaching Thou woldest I say that we shoulde knowe and beleue that thou this Almightye lord and god which on this sorte hast reueled and opened thy selfe art the one alone very true and eternall almighty god which madest and rulest heauē and earth and all things visyble and inuisyble together with this thy dearly beloued sonne Iesus Christ and with the holy spirit consubstantiall and coeternall with thee deare father Not onelye this but also thou woldest that I shuld knowe and beleue that by the same thy dearly beloued sonne thou hast broughte me from the tirannie and captiuitie of Sathan this sinfull world wherof the captiuity of Egipt vnder pharao was a figure and in his blonde shedde vpon the crosse y ● hast made a couenaunt with me whiche thou wilt neuer forget that thou art and wilt be my lord and my god that is thou wilt forgeue me my sinnes and be wholy mine with all thy power wisedome rightuousnes treweth glory mercy Wherfore although I might cōfirme my faith by the innumerable mercies hither to powred vpon me moste aboundantly as thy children of Israel might haue done and did confirme their faith by the manifolde benefites powred vpon them in the desert yet specially the seale of thy couenaunt I meane thy holy Sacrament of baptisme wherin thy holye name was not in vaine called vpō me O deare father swet sonne and sauiour Iesus Christ and most graciouse good holy gost shuld most assuredly confirme and euen on all sides seale vp my faith of this thy couenaunt that y ● art my lorde and my god euen as Abraham and thy people of Israell did by the Sacrament of Circumcision which as the Apostell calleth the seale or signacle of rightuousnes so doest thou call it being but the signe of thy couenaunt in dede yet thy very couenaunt because as thy word is moste true and cānot lye as thy couenaūt is a couenaunt of peare vnfallible and euerlasting euen so the Sacrament and seale of the same is a most true testimonial and witnes therof In consideracion therfore of this that thou the almighty god of thine owne goodnes hast vouched safe not onelye to make me a creature after shine owne Image likenes which mightest haue made me a beaste to geue vnto me a reasonable soule endewed with memorie iudgemēt c which mightest haue made me an ●●fote without witte or discretiō c to endue me with a body be wetifyed with right shape limmes health c which mightest haue made me a ceeple lame blind c gratiously to enrich me concerning fortune frends liuinge name c whiche mightest haue made me a slaue destitute of al frendes and helpes for this life but also hast vouchedsafe that I being a a miser borne in sinne conceiued in iniquitie to whom nothing is dewe more then to a Turcke Iewe or Saracen but eternall damnation should be called into the number of thy people enroledde in thy boke now in thy couenaunt so that thou w t all that euer thou hast arte mine for which causes sake hitherto thou hast kepte me cherished defended spared fatherly chastised me and now graciously doest kepe me and care for me geuing me to liue be moue in thee expecting also waiting how thou mightest shewe mercy vpon me In consideration I say of this most iustely and reasonably thou requirest that as thou arte my lord god so I should be thy seruaunt and one of thy people As thou haste giuen thy self wholy vnto me to be mine with all thy power wisedome c For he that geueth him self geueth all he hath so shuld I be wholy thine and geue ouer my self vnto thee to be guided w t thy wisedome defended with thy power holpē releiued and comforted by thy mercy First therfore to beginne with al thou commaūdest that I shuld haue none other gods in thy sight that is to say as I should haue thee for my lord god to loke for all good thīgs moste assuredly at thy handes and therfore I should put all my trust in thee be thankefull vnto thee loue thee feare thee obey thee and call vpon thy holy name in al my nedes so shuld I geue this faith loue feare obedience thankfulnes and inuocation or praier to none other no not in my hart but onely to thee or for thee where thou commaundest All this to doe oh lorde god and that w t most ioieful hart I haue great cause For what a thing is it that thou Iehouah woldest uouchesalfe
appointed for this ende that we shoulde meete together to here thy worde and receiue thy sacramentes Greate cause haue I to thanke thee for the institution of thy sacramentes which thou hast ordained as thy visible and palpable lordes to the obsignation and confirmacion of the faithe of all suche as vse the same after thy commaundementes But infinite are the causes for the which I ought to gene thee thankes for thys commaundement But alas I am not onely vnthankfull but also a most miserable transgressour of it I wil not now speake of my transgressions past cōcerning this commaundemente presentlye they are so many that I cannot For y u knowest howe I doe not onelye at conuenient times on y e worke daies kepe my selfe awaye from common praiers in the congregaciō assemble of thy people and frō hearing of thy worde but also on the Sabboth dayes to ryde or goe aboute this or that worldely busynes I am verye prest to sitte down at this tauerne and to goe to that mans table I am readye at the first vydding but alas to resorte to the table of thy sonne receyue with thankfulnes the sacrament of his body and bloud for confirmation of my faithe that 〈◊〉 to learne spiritually to taste Christs body broken and his bloude shedde for the remission of my synnes so doe this oh how vnwillig am I To goe to masse and sacrynges with suche like Idolatrye I haue been a greate time more readie then now I am to heare thy word vse thy sacramēts as I shuld doe thy ministers I pray not for thy church I am not careful for no not nowe good lorde when wicked doctrine most preuaileth Idolatrye supersticion and abominacion aboundeth the sacrament and sacrifice of thy deare sonne Iesꝰ Christ is blasphemiusly corrupted whē for preaching there is nothing but massing for catechising sensinge for reading of the scriptures belleringing for syngynge of Psalmes and godly songes to our edificacion all is don in laten with such Notes Tunes ditties descantes that vtterly the mynde is pulled from the consideracion of the thinge if men did vnderstande it vnto the melody Al which my wickednes hath brought in my prophaning of this cōmaundement and my not praying Thy ministers are in prison dispersed in other contries spoiled burnt murdred many fal for feare of goods lyfe name c from the trueth they haue receyued vnto moste manifest Idolatrie false preachers abounde amongeste thy people thy people dearely bought euen with thy bloud are not fedde w t the breade of thy worde but with swyllings antichrist wholy preuailethe and yet for all this alas I am to carelesse nothing lamenting my sinnes which be the cause of al this O dear father forgeue me for christs sake and be mercifull vnto me and as of thy mercye thou dyddest geue me time to repent so geue me repentaunce Graunt me thy holy spirite to open to me this thy lawe so that I may knowe thy will in it loue it and alwaies obey it thy good spirit sanctifye me and worke in me a true taste of eternall life and pleasure in the meditation of it geue me gracious good father one litle mouthfull of the breade that y u feddest Helye w t all geue me that with him I maye come into mounte horeb Helpe thy church cherishe it and geue it harbo routh here and els where for christs sake purge thy ministery from corruptiō and false ministers send out preachers to fede thy people destroy antichrist all his kingdome geue to such as be faullē from thy trueth repentaunce kepe others from falling and by their falling doe y u the more confirme vs confirme the ministers pore people in prisō exile strengthen them in thy trueth deliuer them if it be thy good will geue them that with conscience they may so aunswere their aduersaries that thy seruantes maye reioyce and the aduersaries be confounded auengē thou thy owne cause Oh thou god of hostes and helpe all thy people me especially because I haue moste nede Honour thy father and mother that thou mayst lyue longe c. AFter that thou haste tolde me good lord thy will concerning the seruice whiche thou requirest inwardly and outwardly to be geuen vnto the now doest thou begin to tel me what thy wil is that I shuld do leaue vndone for thy sake vnto man And first y u settest before min eies them whō y u for ordres sake and the more commoditie of man in this life hast set in degre and authoritie aboue me cōprehending them vnder the name of father mother that I might know y t as of thee thei are commaunded to beare towards me a faithfull loue and a motherly care in the very names of father and mother wherwith y u honorest them so am I cōmaūded of thee to do that which is most equall iuste as the very brute beasts doe teach vs that with childly affection and duetye I shuld behaue my selfe towards thē that is I shuld honor thē which cōprephēdeth in it loue thankfulnes reuerence and obedience that not so much because they be my parēts and in their offices are carefull for me for it maye be they will neglecte the doinge of theyr dueties towardes me but because thou commaundest me so to doe howe so euer they do So that by thys commaundement I perceiue that thou woldest I shuld consider them whō thou hast placed in auctorite and superiour degre as parēts maiestrats masters or such like and accordingly behaue my self toward them honour them that is to say loue them be thankfull vnto them reuerence them and obey them for thy sake so lōg as they pass not their bounds that is so longe as they requyre not otherwise then y u hast geuen them commission or permission to doe And for as much as thou seest their care and offyce is greate and oure corruption to obey is very muche as wel to encorage them in their vocation to be diligent as to enflame me to humble obedience vnto them therthroughe to make them more willinge to sustaine cares for me y u addeste a promise that is longe lyfe which so farre as it is ablessing frō thee y u wilt endue vs w t all Wherby we may gather that a ciuel life doth much please thee and receiueth here rewards especially if we lead it for conscieunce to thy lawe And on the contrary part a disobedient lyfe to them that be in auctorite wil bring the soner thy wrath and vengeaunce in this life All whiche worketh muche to the commendation of the state of politike ciuell maiestrats By reason hereof deare father I se my self much boundē to praise thee and hartelye to obey thys thy commaundement For in it by it y u declarest thy greate loue towarde vs which euen in this present life our pylgermage and passage to oure home woldst haue vs to enioye the benefite of peace and moste
so thy children I say which hartely loue thet in that they know thy wisdome and wil is best hawe can they but often talke with thes and desyre thee to 〈◊〉 that which they know is best which they knowe also thou woldest doe 〈◊〉 none shuld aske or praye for y ● same Thy children vse praier as a meane by which they se plainly thy power thy presence thy prouidēce mercy 〈◊〉 goodnes towardes them in granntinge their petitions and by praier they are confirmed of them all Yea thy children vse praier to admonishe them how that all things are in thy hands In praier they are as it were of thee put in mind of those thinges they haue done agaynst thee theyr good lord By reason wherof repentaunce ensueth and they conceyue a purpose to liue more purely euer afterwards and more hartelye to applye themselues to all innocencye goodnes Who now consideryng so manye greate commodities to come by reason of prayer would maruell why thy chyldren are much in praier and in labouring to prouoke others there vnto For as none that is a suter to any other wit vse any thing which might offend or hinder his sute so no man that vseth praier will flatter himself in any thinge that shoulde desplease thee to whom by praier he moueth sute whensoeuer he prayeth so that nothing is a more prouocacion to al kind of godlynes then praier is And therefore not wythout cause we may see thyne Apostles and seruauntes to laboure so dilygentlye and desyre that others myghte vse prayers for themselues and others As concerning outward thynges which thy childrē pray for although they know thy wil decree is not variable thy purpose must neds come to passe yet doe they receiue by their praier no small commoditie For either they obtaine their requestes or no. If they do obtain thē then proue they by experience that thou doeste the will of them that feare thee so they are more kindled to loue serue thee And in deed for this purpose 〈◊〉 art wont when thou wilt doe good to any to styrre vp their mindes to desire y ● same good of thee to thende that both thou and thy gifts may be so muche more magnisted and set by of them by how much they haue ben ernest suters and peticioners for the same For howe can it but en● a 〈◊〉 them with loue towards thee to per ceiue and fele thee so to care for thē heare them and loue them If they doe not obtaine that they praye for yet vndoubtedly they receiue greate comforte to see that the euyls which presse them and whereof they complaine stil doe not oppresse and ouer come them therfore they receyue strength to beare y ● same the better O good father help me that I might hartely loue thee complaine to thee in all my nedes and alwaies by prayer to power oute my heart before thee Amen AN OTHER paraphrase or meditation vpon the lords praser O Almighty eternal god of whō all fatherhode in heauen and in earth is named whose seate is the heauen whose foote stoole is the earth which of thy great clemency vnspeakable loue hast not waighed nor considered our great vnkindnes and wilfull disobedience but according to the good pleasure of thy eternall purpose hast in thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ chosen vs out of the worlde and doest accept vs farre other wise then we be in dede to be called yea and to be in dede thyne adopted sonnes and doest vouchesafe oh louinge father that we as it were heauenly children shuld euery one of vs confesse declare and call thee oure heauenlye father graunt deare father that amonge vs thy poore children by purenes of mynds and couscience by singlenes of hart by vncorrupt and innocent life and example of vertue and godlines thy most holy name maye be sanctified and that so many of al other nations as thou hast ther vnto chosē and predestinate beholding our godlines vertuous dedes that thou workest in vs may be the more styrred to halow and gloryfy thy blessed name Oh faithfull father we beseech thee that the kingdome of thy holy spirit of grace and prayer of thy louinge kindnes and mercy and of all other thy holy vertues and of thy holye most blessed word may continually raygne in our heartes so that thou woldest vouchesafe therby to make vs worthye to be partakers of the realme kingdome of thy gloriouse and blessed presence Oh deare god and heauenly father we humblye desyre thy goodnes to bowe our hartes vnto thee to make vs humble of mind to make vs low in our owne fight and obedient that like as thy deare sonne our only sauiour Iesꝰ Christ coūted his meate workes prayse and life to be onely in obeyng to thy most blessed wyl where in for our sakes he became obedient to the death of the crosse so we may euē vnto the very death in lowlines in mekenes pacience and thankefulnes ohey vnto thy holye wil and not to murmur and grudge norrefuse whatsoeuer thy fatherlye pietie shal thinke good to lay on vs be it pouertie hunger nakednes slcknes slaunders oppressions verations persequutions yea or deathe it self for well doing but in all thinges seke and laboure to make these our earthly bodies seruiseable to do thy wil and to refuse that thou wilt not neuer to stryue nor wrastell against thy holye will but with thy heauenly citizens and houshold bull ded vpon the foundation of thy holy prophetes and apostelles thy sonne Iesus Christ being the heade corner stone all selfwill and controuersye in opinious secluded the lustes desieres affections of the fleshe mortified the flatering assaultes of the vaine world y ● cruel and subtyl layings a waite of y ● deuil ouercome agreing together quietly and vnited in spirit we may frely obey vnto thy most blessed will therein to walke all the daies of oure life Oh deare god geue vnto our nedefull bodies necessatie sustenaunce take from vs all loue of worldelye things all carefulnes and couetousnes that we may the more frely worshippe serue thee Oh mercyful father we besech thee to geue vnto vs that heauēly bread to strenghtē our harts I meane y ● bodye of thy deare sōne Iesꝰ christ y ● very foode health of our soules that we may alwaies w t thankfulnes firmely feede on him by faith vtterly forsake abhorre al false doctrine perswasiōs of mē and all lying spirites that shall perswade vs any other wise of him then thy holy word doth teache assure vs satisfie our hungrie soules deare father with y ● mary fatnes of thy riche mercy promised to vs in y ● same thy sonne and of our eternall election redcmption iustificatiō glorification in him Make vs Oh gratious god to contempne and despise this world with the vaine thinges and pleasures therof and inwardly to hunger for thy blessed kingdome and presence
small crosses vnto thee Iudas was admonished of thee to beware but when he toke no heed but wilfully went out to finishe his worke contēning thy admonition counsel he could not but vere thy most louing hart After supper there was contention amongs thy disciples who shuld be greatest after thee yet dreaming carnally of thee and thy kingdome hauing this affection of pride ambition busy amongs them notwithstanding thy diligence in reprouing and teaching them After thy admoniciō to them of the crosse y ● wold come therby to make them more vigilant so grosse were they y ● they thought they could with their .ii. swerds put away al pertis which was no litle greife vnto thee After thy comīg to Gethsemane heuines oppressed thee therfore thou woldest thy disciples to pray y u didst tel to peter and his felows that thy hart was heauy to death y u didst wil them to pray being careful for them also least they shuld fal into tentation After this y u wentest a stones cast frō them didst pray thy self falling flat grouelīg vpō y e earth but alas y ● feltst no cōfort therfore y u camest to thy disciples whiche of all others wer most swete dere vnto thee but lo to thy further discomforte they passe nether of thy perils nor of their owne therfore slepe a pace After y ● hadst awaked them y u goest again to pray but y u foūdest no cōfort at al therfore didst returne again for some cōfort at thy derest frēds hāds But yet again alas they are fast a slepe whervpō y u art inforced to goe again to thy heauēly father for some sparcle of cōfort in these thy wonderfull crosses agonies Now here y u wast so discouraged so cōfortlesse that euē streames of bloud came running frō thine eies cares other partes of thy body But who is able to expresse y e infinitnes of thy crosses euē at thy being in y ● garden al which y ● sufferdest for my sake aswell to satisfy thi fathers wrath for my sines as also to sanctifie all my sufferings the more gladelye to bee sustayned of me After thy bloudye praier thou camest and yet agayne foundeste thy disciples a sleepe and before y u canst wel awake thē lo● Iudas cometh w t a great band of mē to apprehēd thee a these so doth leading thee away bound to the high Bysshopps house Annas and so frō him to Caiaphas Here now to augment this thy myserie beholde thy Disciples fle from thee false witnesses be broughte against thee thou art accused and condemned of blasphemie Peter euē in thy sight forswereth thee thou arte vniustly stricken for answering lawfully thou art blindfelde stricken buffeted all the whole nighte in the Bysshoppe Caiaphas house of their cruell seruants In the morning by times thou art condempned againe of the prestes of blasphemie and therfore they bring thee before y ● secular power to Pilate by whō y u art openly arrayned as other theues and malefauoures were when he sawe that thou wast accused of malice yet he did not desmysse thee but dyd sende thee to Herode where thou was derided shamefully in comminge and goeinge to and from hym all the waye wonderfully especially after Herod had apparelled thee as a foole Afore pilate againe therfore thou wast brought and accused falsly no man did take thy parte or speake a good worde for thee Pilate caused thee to be whipped scourged and to be handeled most pitifully to see if any pitie might appeare with the prelates but no māat al pitied thee Barrabas was preferred before thee al the people head taile was against thee cried hange thee vp vniustly to death wast thou iudged y u wast crowned with thornes that pearced thi braines thou wast made a mocking stocke thou wast reuiled re●aited beaten and most miserably handled Thou wentest through Ierusalem to the place of execution euen the mount of Caluarie A great crosse to bange thee on was laid vpon thy backe to beare and drawe as longe as thou wast able Thy bodye was racked to be nayled to the tree thy hands were bored thorow thy fete also nailes were put thorow them to fasten thee ther on thou wast hanged betwene heauen and earth as one spewed out of heauen vomited oute of the earth vnworthy of any place y ● high priest laughed thee to sckorne the elders blasphemed thee and saied god hath no care for thee the common people laught and cried out vpō thee thrist oppressed thee but vinegre onelye and gal was giuē to thee to drinke heauen shined not on thee the sonne gaue thee no light the earth was afraied to beare thee Sathan tempted thee and thine owne senses caused thee to crie out my god my god why hast thou forsakē me Oh wonderful passions which y u sufferedst In them y u teachest me in thē thou comfortest me for by them god is my father my sinnes are forgeuen by thē I shuld learne to feare god to loue god to hope ī god to hate sinne to be patient to cal vpon god neuer to leaue him for any tentatiōs but with thee stil to crye father in to thy hands I cōmende my spirit A CONFESSION OF SINNES and praier for the mitigation of goddes wrath and punishment for the same O Almightie god king of al kings gouerner of all things whose power no creature is able to resiste to whom it belongeth iustly to to punishe sinners and to be merciful vnto them that truly repent we confesse that thou doest most iustely punishe vs for we haue greuouslye sinned against thee and we acknowledge that in punishinge vs y u doest declare thy selfe to be our most mercifull father aswell because y u doeste not punishe vs in any thinge as we haue deserued as also because by punishing vs thou doest call vs and as it were drawe vs to increase in repentance in faith in praier in contemning of the world and in hartie desiring for euerlasting life and thy blessed presence Graunt vs therfore gratious lord thankfully to acknowledge thy great mercye which haste thus fauorably dealt with vs in punishing vs not to our confusion but to our amendment And seing thou hast sworne that y u wilt not the death of a sinner but that he turne lyue haue mercie vppon vs and turne vs vnto thee for thi derely beloued sōne Iesus christs sake whō thou wouldest should be made a slaine sacrifice for our sinnes therby declaring thy great and vnspeakable anger agaist sinne thine infinite mercy to wardes vs sinfull wretches And for as muche as the dulnes of our harts blindnes and corruption is such that we are not able to arise vp vnto thee by faithful harty praier acording to our great necessity without thy singuler grace and assistance graūt vnto vs gratious lord thy holye and sanctif●inge spirite to worke in vs