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mercy_n faith_n grace_n repentance_n 2,335 5 7.5639 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15874 A briefe rehersal of the death resurrectio[n], [and] ascension of Christ gathered together oute of ye foure euangelistes and actes of the apostles by the most godly and great learned man Huldriche Zuinglius, written first in Latin, and now tra[n]slated into Englishe, that such as vnderstande not the Latin tongue should not wante the vse of so worthy and profitable a treatise. Perused and allowed according to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions. Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531. 1561 (1561) STC 26135; ESTC S106617 105,568 216

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vnto them Christ semeth to signifie as far as I cā iudge by the grene tree perfect things by the drye tree thinges of the Iewes now decaying As though he would say If ye when things be in safety that your thinges floryshe doe thus what will be done then when things are desperate and whē your enemies shal oppresse you If ye dare rage against me so vniustly furiously when as yet the lawes be in force and of strength what will they dare doe then when they are deuided amongest them selues whē as common lawes and ryghtes shall not be exercised by reasō of warres seditions Others referre the grene tree to Christ and the drye to the Iewes as though he would say If they rage so agaynst me which am innocent what wil they commit against those which haue putrified them selues in sinnes Let euery man abounde in his own sense Furthermore Christ teacheth vs why we should weepe namely sor our sinnes punyshment which we haue deserued by sinning that we may preuent turne from vs the anger of God by true repentaunce by flying from sinne and conuerting to Christ Let vs not bee ashamed to bee infamous for Christs sake seing we see Christ our hed led amongest the wicked doers and counted for the ryngleader of the vngracious which committed no sinne neither was there guyle found in hys mouth ☞ And Iesus sayde Father forgeue them for they know not what they doe And Pilate wrote also a title put it on the crosse And it was written Iesus of Nazareth kynge of the Iewes This title then red many of the Iewes for the place where Iesus was crucified was neare to the city and it was written in Hebrew Greeke and laten Then sayde the high priests of the Iewes vnto Pilate wryte not The kynge of the Iewes but that he sayd I am kyng of the Iewes Pilate aunswered What I haue written I haue written Then the souldiours when thei had crucified Iesus tooke his garments and made foure partes to euery souldior a part his coat the coat was wtout seame being wourn from the top throughout They sayd therfore one an other let vs not cut it but cast lotts for it who shal haue it that the scrypture myght be fulfilled whych sayeth They parted my garmentes amongest them and on my coate dyd caste lottes And these thynges in dede dyd the souldiors IEsus setteth forth to vs an example of wonderfull mekenesse and loue for being reproched with most great infamye and vexed with extreme euils of most wicked men yet doth he make intercessiō vnto the father most feruently praying for thē which crucified him Father saith he forgeue thē they know not what they do Thys dyd he to teache vs to praye also for them which hurte and persecute vs to wysh them good which curse vs. Mat. 5. Some of thē knew ful wel what they did but Christ speaketh so mildly according to his naturall goodnesse mildnesse and he mitigateth their sinne to teach vs pacience and charitie other some marked not what they dyd Agayne other some being seduced by the high priestes and Pharisees were ignoraunte what greate mischiefe should come therof Oh the inuincible goodnes of Christ Oh the vncomprehensible loue Oh the vnspeakable gentilnes which could not be ouercome by any euils by any cruelty or fiersenes somuch as to speake one harde or vngentle worde were it neuer so small Here is that fulfilled whiche Esaye Prophecyed Esay 53. he hath borne the sinnes of many he prayed for transgressours that they might not perishe Who wil now dispayre of the gooddesse of God and forgeuenesse of synnes when as they obtayne grace and remission of sinnes which haue crucifyed the fountayne of grace Let no man therefore dyspayre of hys saluation though he haue synned neuer so grieuouslye so that castyng awaye hys packe of sinnes he runne vnto Christ by true fayth and repentaunce The gates of Gods mercye are yet open Christe reiecteth no man that is desyrous of saluation and of a newe lyfe Let vs remember these thynges continuallye that the fountayne of Gods mercye can neuer bee extinguished by our synnes it can neuer bee emptied Ioan. 1. zach 13. of whose fulnesse all men maye drawe the fountayne of the bloude of Christ is euer flowyng in the Churche for the remission of synnes If we be armed with these weapons then shall we be safe agaynst Sathan whiche is busilye ●ccupied to driue vs being ouerwhelmed with the heape of synnes to desperations The sanctuarye is open to all them whiche beleue in Christ wherein they fynde a sure defence Heb. 10. and vnpregnable place of refuge agaynst all temptations In that he hangeth naked vppon the Crosse and is spoyled of hys garmentes by moste vyle men it teacheth vs to beare willingly pouertye and the robbing of our goodes ●lthough they bee moste wicked which do put vs to infamye and spoyle vs of our goods Let vs remember we entred naked into the world and naked shall we goe out of it Let vs leaue ●hese thynges whiche bee of the worlde vnto ●he worlde and make haste in mynde to oure ●eauenlye Father with whome we shall dwel ●erpetuallye and haue the fruition of heauen●y thynges which will endure euerlastynglye Let vs being naked 2. Cor. 5. follow Christ which was naked which will not suffer vs to bee naked but will clothe vs with a wedding garment vnspeakable glory They kepe hyd of purpose that he made him selfe the Sonne of God to please the Romaines withall whoe bare then the chiefe swey in all thynges ☞ And they whyche passed by reuyled hym waggyng theyr heddes saying Art thou he that destroyedst the temple and buyldest it agayne in three dayes Saue thy selfe if thou be the sonne of God come down from the cros Lykewise also the hygh priests mockyng hym wyth the scrybes and elders said he hath saued others can can he not saue hymself If he be the kyng of Israel Let him come down now frō the crosse we wyll beleue hym he trusteth in God let hym delyuer hym now if he wyl haue hym for he sayde I am the sonne of God The same also the thieues whyche were wyth him cast in hys teeth and reuiled him If he will that is if he fauor hym Namely one of the euel doers whych honge by hym rayled on hym saying if thou be chryst saue thy selfe and vs but the other aunsweared and rebuked him sayinge fearest not thou god seing thou arte in the same condemnation And we are in dede rightously for we receue thynges worthye of that we haue done but this man hath done no euell And he sayd vnto Iesus Lord remember me when thou comeste to thy kingdome And Iesus said vnto hym Verelye I saye vnto thee thys daye shalte thou bee with me in paradise IN Christ is set forth vnto that faythfull a most absolute example of all vertues which shuld neuer be