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A14625 A new enterlude, neuer before this tyme imprinted, entreating of the life and repentaunce of Marie Magdalene not only godlie, learned and fruitefull, but also well furnished with pleasaunt myrth and pastime, very delectable for those which shall heare or reade the same. Made by the learned clarke Lewis Wager. The names of the players. Infidelitie the vice. Marie Magdalene. Pride of life. Cupiditie. Carnall concupiscence. Simon the Pharisie. Malicious iudgement. The lawe. Knowledge of sinne. Christ Iesus. Fayth. Repentaunce. Iustification. Loue. Foure may easely play this enterlude.; Life and repentance of Marie Magdalene Wager, Lewis, fl. 1566. 1566 (1566) STC 24932; ESTC S111562 38,950 72

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mercy for my sake With the sinnes of the world be at debate and strife And vnto grace my heauenly father will you take All they whom the law condemneth for synne By faith in me I saue and iustifie I am come sinners by repentance to winne Christe speaketh to Mary Like as the Prophet before did prophecie Thou woman with mercy I do thee preuent If thou canst in the Sonne of God beleue And for thy former lyfe be sory and repent All thy sinnes and offences I doe forgeue Infidelitie Who is the sonne of God sir of whom do ye talke Which hath this power wherof you do boast It is best for you out of this countrey to walke And neuer more be sene after in this coast The sonne of God quod he This is a pride in dede Trowest thou that the father can suffer this They come of Abrahams stocke and holy sede And thou saiest that they beleue all amisse Christ. Auoide out of this woman thou Infidelitie With the .vii. diuels which haue hir possessed I banish you hence by the power of my diuinitie For to saluation I haue hir dressed Infidelitie runneth away Mary falleth flat downe Cry all thus without the doore and roare terribly Diuels O Iesus the Sonne of God euer liuing Why comest thou before the tyme vs to torment In no person for thee we can haue any abidyng Out vpon thee the sonne of God omnipotent Christ. Arise woman and thanke the father of heauen Which with his mercy hath thee preuented By his power I haue rei●cted from the spirits seuen Which with vnbelief haue thy soule tormented Mary Blessed be thy name O father celestiall Honor and glory be giuen to thee world without end O Lord doest thou regard thus a womā terrestriall To thee what tong is able worthy thanks to repend O what a synfull wretche Lord haue I bene Haue mercy on me Lord for thy names sake So greuous a sinner before this day was neuer sene Uouchsafe therfore compassion on me to take Iesus Christ. Canst thou beleue in God the maker of all thing And in his onely sonne whom he hath sent Mary I beleue in one God Lord and heauenly kyng And in thee his onely sonne with hearty intent Good Lord I confesse that thou art omnipotent Helpe my slender beliefe and infirmitie My faith Lord is waueryng and insufficient Strēgth it I pray the with the power of thy maiesty No man can come to me that is in me beleue Christ ▪ Faith repētāce entreth Except my father draw hym by his spirite Behold Faith and Repentance to thee here I geue With all other vertues to thy health requisite Note well the power of Gods omnipotencie Faith That soule which of late was a place of deuils He hath made a place for him self by his clemencie Purgyng from thence the multitude of euils Repentance The mercy of Christ thought it not sufficient To forgeue hir synnes and deuils to pourge But geueth hir grace to be penitent That is hir soule euer after this day to scourge The vertue of Repentance I do represent Which is a true turnyng of the whole lyfe and state Unto the will of the lord God omnipotent Sorowing for the sinnes past with displesure hate That is to say all the inward thoughts of the hart And all the imaginations of the mynde Which were occupied euill by Sathans arte Must hence forth be turned after an other kynd Dauid my father on his synnes did alway thinke Howe horrible they were in God almighties sight Teares were his sustenance yea both meat drinke His hole meditation was in heauen both day night So that Repentance is described in Scripture To be a returnyng from syn with all the soule hart And all the life tyme in repentyng to endure Declaring the same with the senes in euery part As thus like as the eyes haue ben vaynly spent Upon worldly and carnall delectations So henceforth to wepyng and teares must be bent And wholly giuen to godly contemplations Likewise as the eares haue ben open alway To here the blasphemyng of Gods holy name And fylthy talkyng euermore night and day Nowe they must be turned away from the same And glad to heare the Gospell of saluation How God hath mercy on them that doe call And how he is full of pitie and miseration Raisyng vp suche agayne as by synne dyd fall The tong which blasphemie hath spoken Yea and filthily to the hurt of soule and body Wherby the precepts of God haue ben broken Must hence forth praise God for his mercy daily Thus like as all the members in tymes past Haue ben seruantes of vnrighteousnesse and synne Now Repentance doth that seruice away cast And to mortifie all his lustes doth begynne True repentance neuer turneth backe agayn For he y t laieth his hād on the plough loketh away Is not apt in the kingdom of heauen to raigne Nor to be saued with my sainctes at the last day Mary O Lorde without thy grace I do here confesse That I am able to do nothyng at all Where it pleaseth thee my miserie to redresse Strength me now that hence forth I do not fall Graunt me Lord suche a perfect repentance And that I looke no more back but go forward still Put my miserie euermore into my remembrance That I may forthinke my life that hath ben so yll Fayth The holy vertue of Faith I do represent Ioyned continually with repentance For where as the person for synne is penitent There I ascertain him of helth and deliuerance Wherfore I am a certaine and sure confidence That God is mercifull for Christ Iesus sake And where as is a turnyng or penitence To mercy he will the penitent take Faith therfore is the gyft of God most excellent For it is a sure knowledge and cognition Of the good will of God omnipotent Grounded in the word of Christes erudition This faith is founded on Gods promission And most clerely to the mynde of man reuealed So that of Gods will he hath an intuition Which by the holy ghost to his heart is sealed Repentance This Faith with the word hath such propinquitie That proprely the one is not without the other Faith must be tried with the word of veritie As the chyld is by the father and mother Iesus Christ. Yea truly if this faith do from Gods word decline It is no faith but a certayn incredulitie Which causeth the mynd to wāder in strange doctrine And so to fall at length into impietie Faith The word to a glasse compare we may For as it were therin Faith God doth behold Whom as in a cloude we loke vpon alway As hereafter more plainly it shal be told Mary My heart doth beleue and my mouth doth publish That my lord Iesus is the sonne of God eternall I beleue that my soule shall neuer perysh But raigne with him in his kyngdom supernall Repentance The operation of Faith is not to enquire What God is as touchyng his
Lord Iesus of his great mercy Mary entreth with Iustificatiō To speake sentences here in my presence Of the which I haue no perfect intelligence The fyrst is Many sinnes are forgiuen hir sayd he Because she hath loued much meanyng me I pray you most holy Iustification Of this sentence to make a declaration Iustificaion A question right necessary to be moued For therby many errors shall be reproued It were a great errour for any man to beleue That your loue dyd deserue that Christ shold forgeue Your synnes or trespasses or any synne at all For so to beleue is an errour sanaticall And how can your loue desyre forgiuenesse of your yl Seing that the law it is not able to fulfill The law thus commaundeth as touchyng loue Thou shalt loue thy Lord God as it doth behoue With al thy hert with al thy soule w t al thy strēgth And thy neighbor as thy self He saith also at length There was neuer man borne yet that was able To performe these preceptes iust holy and stable Saue onely Iesus Christ that lambe most innocent Which fulfilleth the law for suche as are penitent But loue foloweth forgiuenesse of synnes euermore As a fruict of faith and goth not before In that parable which vnto you he recited Wherin he declared your sinnes to be acquited He called you a detter not able to pay Then your loue paid not your dets perceiue you may The forgiuenesse of your sinnes you must referre Only to Christes grace then you shall not erre Of this thing playn knowledge you may haue In these wordes go in peace thy fayth doth thee saue So by faith in Christ you haue Iustification Frely of his grace and beyond mans operation The which Iustification here I do represent Which remayn with all suche as be penitent Here commeth loue a speciall fruicte of Faith As touchyng this heare mekely what he saith Mary O how much am I vnto Iesus Christ bound In whom so great mercy goodnesse I haue found Not onely my synfull lyfe he hath renued But also with many graces he hathe me endued Loue entreth I am named loue from true faith procedyng Where I am there is no vertue nedyng Loue commyng of a conscience immaculate And of a faith not fained nor simulate Is the end of the law as Scripture doth say And vnto eternall felicitie the very path way This loue grounded in Faith as it is sayd Hath caused many euyls in men to be layd For where as the loue of God in any is perfite There in all good workes is his whole delite This true loue with Mary was present verily When to Christ she shewed that obsequie But this loue dyd procede from beleue When Christ of his mercy dyd hir sinnes forgeue Loue deserued not forgeuenesse of sinnes in dede But as a fruite therof truely it did succede Iustification Of this matter we might tary very long But then we should do our audience wrong Which gently hath heard vs here a long space Wherfore we will make an end nowe by Gods grace Praying God that all we example may take Of Mary our synfull lyues to forsake And no more to looke backe but to go forward still Folowyng Christ as she did and his holy will Loue. Such persons we introduce into presence To declare the conuersion of hir offence Fyrst the lawe made a playne declaration That she was a chylde of eternall damnation By hearyng of the law came knowledge of synne Then for to lament truely she dyd begynne Nothyng but desperation dyd in hir remayne Lokyng for none other comfort but for hell payne But Christ whose nature is mercy to haue Came into this world synners to saue Which preached repentance synnes to forgeue To as many as in hym faithfully dyd beleue By the word came faith Faith brought penitence But bothe the gyft of Gods magnificence Thus by Faith onely Marie was iustified Like as before it is playnly verified From thens came loue as a testification Of Gods mercy and her iustification Mary Now God graunt that we may go the same way That with ioy we may ryse at the last day To the saluation of soule and body euermore Through Christ our Lord to whom be all honor FINIS
propre nature But how good he is to vs to know faith doth desyre Which thing appereth in his holy Scripture Faith It is not inough to beleue that God is true only Which can neuer lie nor deceaue nor do yll But true faith is persuaded firmly and truely That in his word he hath declared his will And also what soeuer in that word is spoken Faith beleueth it as the most certaine veritie Which by his spirit he doth vouchsafe to open To all such as seke hym with all humilitie Repentance Christ the sonne of God here hath promised Forgiuenesse of synnes to you syster Mary Of his owne mercie this to do he hath deuised And not of your merites thus you see plainly If in this promise you be certain and without doubt Beleuing that the word of his mouth spoken He is able and also will do and bryng about Then that you haue Faith it is a token Mary O Iesu graunt me this true faith and beleue Lord I see in my self as yet imperfection Uouchsafe to me thy heauenly grace to geue That it may be my gouernance and direction Christ Mary my grace shall be for thee sufficient Goe thy way forth with faith and repentance To heare the Gospell of health be thou diligent And the wordes therof beare in thy remembrance Faith Though in person we shall no more appeare Yet inuisibly in your heart we will remayne Repentance The grace of God shal be with you both far nere Wherby from all wickednesse I shall you detaine Mary Honor praise and glory to the father eternall Thankes to the sonne very god and very man Blessed be the holy gost with them both coequall One god which hath saued me this day from Sathā Exeunt Christ I thank thee O father O lord of heuē earth of al That thou hast hidden these things from the sapient And hast reuealed them to the litle ones and small Yea so it pleased thee O father omnipotent All things of my father are committed vnto me And who the sonne is none but the father doth knew No mā but the sonne knoweth who y e father shold be And he to whom the sonne wil reueale and showe Come vnto me all you that with labor are op●●essed And are heauy laden and I will you comfort Dispaire not for that you haue transgressed But for mercy do you boldly to me resort My yoake vpon your neckes do you gladly take And learn of me for I am lowe and meke in hart And you shal fynd rest for your soules neuer to slake My yoake and burden is light in euery part I came not into the world the righteous to call But the synfull persons vnto repentance The whoale haue no nede of the physition at all But the sicke haue nede of deliuerance Uerily I say vnto you that the angels Haue more ioy in one synner that doth repent Than in many righteous persons else Which are no sinners in their iudgement Here entreth Symon the Pharisie and malicious Iudgement Symon biddeth Christ to dynner Symon God spede you syr heartily and well to fare I reioyce much that I chaunce you here to fynde In good soth I was sory and toke muche care That I had no tyme to declare to you my mynde We know that you do much good in the countrey here Wherfore the liuyng God is glorified You heale the sicke persons both farre and nere Like as it hath ben credibly testified Christ. My father euen vnto this tyme worketh truely And I work according to his commandement wil The sonne can do nothyng of hym selfe duely But that he seeth the father doyng alway still Whatsoeuer the Father doth the sonne doth the same For the father doth the sonne entierly loue And sheweth him al things to the praise of his name And shal shew him greter works thā these as you shal proue Malicioꝰ iudge Lo sir what nede you haue more testimonie You heare that he doth him self the sonne of God call Doth not the law condemne that blasphemie Commaunding such to be slaine great and small Symon For a season it behoueth vs to haue pacience I shewed you the reason wherfore of late At this season I pray you do your diligence And semble rather to loue hym than to hate Shall it please you syr this day to take payne With me at my house to take some repast You shal be welcome doubtlesse I tell you playne No great puruiance for you I entend to make Christ. My meate is to doe his will that hath me sent But syr I thanke you of your great curtesy To come to you I shall be very well content So that you will appoynt the houre stedily Symon All things be in maner ready I thinke verily In the meane season in my gardein we will walke Take the paines to go with me I pray you heartily Till dinner be ready of matters we will talke Christ With a good will I will waite vpon you Pleaseth it you to go before you know the way Symon Sirr● you see how that we are appointed now Make all thyngs ready without delay Malicioꝰ iudge Sir I will go about as fast as I may In good fayth I would that I might haue my will I would prepare for hym a galowes this day Upon the whiche I desyre his bloud to spill Infidelitie A vengeance take hym thefe is he gone From Mary Magdalene he did me chace From Symon the Pharisie he will driue me anon So that no where I shal be able to shew my face Malicioꝰ iudge Nay we are so surely fixed in the Pharisies mynde That his blasphemous words can not driue vs thēce Womens heartes turne oft as doth the wynde And agayne of the law they know not the sence In malice I haue made them all so blynde That they iudge nothyng in Christ aryght To the letter of the law so fast I do them bynde That of the spirite they haue no maner of light Infidelitie I will tell thee Malicious Iudgement His wordes be of suche strength and great power That the diuell hym self and all his rablement He is able to expell and vtterly to deuoure Malicioꝰ iudge Tushe hyde thy self in a Pharisies gowne Suche a one as is bordered with the cōmaundemēts And then thou maist dwel both in citie and in towne Beyng well accepted in all mens iudgements Infidelitie As for a gowne I haue one conuenient And lo here is a cappe agreing to the same Malicioꝰ iudge As thou saiest that geare is very ancient I warant thee now to escape all blame Mary of one thyng thou must take good hede As nere as thou canst let him not behold thy face Doubt thou not but he shall haue his mede If I remayne with the Iewes any space Infidelitie And as for the reuerend byshop Cayphas With all the Aldermen of Ierusalem Will helpe to bryng that matter to passe For I am like for euer to dwell with them Malicioꝰ iugemēt The same Christ dineth with
that I came in Would not presume my head or mouth to kisse But my feete lamenting in hir heart for hir syn My head you did not anoynt with oyle so swete As men of this countrey do their guestes vse But with most precious balme she anointed my fete No cost about that oyntment she doth refuse Blessed are they as the Prophete doth say Whose sinnes are forgiuen couered by Gods mercy Not by the dedes of the lawe as you thinke this day But of Gods good will fauour and grace freely At this womans synne you do greatly grutche As though your selues were iust holy and pure But many sinnes are forgiuen hir bicause she loued muche And of the mercy of God she is sure He to whom but a little is remitted in dede Loueth but a little we se by experience All haue sinned and of Gods glory haue nede Therfore humble your selues with penitence I say to thee woman thy synnes are forgeuen all God for my sake will not them to thee impute For strength to continue to hym do thou call And see that thankes thou do to hym attribute Mary The mercy of God is aboue all his workes truely What is it that God is not able to bryng to passe I thanke thee Lord Iesu for thy great mercy Thou art the sonne of the liuyng God our Messias Malicioꝰ iudge Now say you by this here is a greater matter yet He forgiueth synnes as one with God equall Infidelitie And he may perceiue truely that hath any wit That he is but a man wretched and mortall Christ. Woman I say thy faith hath saued thee go in peace Now art thou pacified in thy conscience Through thy faithe I doe all thy sinnes releace Assuryng thee to haue mercy for thy negligence Mary O ioyfull tydynges O message most comfortable Let no sinner be he neuer in so great dispaire Though he were synfull and abhominable Let him come and he will make hym faire Blessed be the Lord of such compassion and pitie Praise we his name with glorie and honor I shall declare his mercy in towne and citie Thankes be to thee my Lord now and euermore Symon I see the wordes whiche I haue heard proued true Men say that you are new fangled and friuolous Goyng about the law and our rulers to subdue Introducyng sectes perillous and sedicious Malicioꝰ iudge I can no longer containe but must say my mynde In dede it is so for by his diuelishe erudition Which he soweth among the people of our kynde At length they will make a tumult and sedition Such blasphemy since the beginning was not heard That a man shal call him self Gods naturall sonne To condemne the law of God he is not afeard Despisyng all things that our fathers haue done Infidelitie Pleaseth it you reuerend father to geue me licence To say my mynde to this blasphemerand thiefe In fewe wordes you shall haue my sentence Of all heretikes I iudge hym to be the chiefe Perceiue you not how he doth begyn He commeth to none of the princes and gouerners But a sort of synners he goeth about to wyn As publicans whores harlots and vniust occupiers Them he preferreth before such men as you be Saying that they before you shall be saued An honest man in his company you shall not see But euen them which haue them selues yll behaued Much good doe it you here is sause for your meate Maister Simon looke vpon this felow in season For in continuance he will worke such a feate That you shall not release with all your reason Christ. O Symon put away that Malicious iudgement Which in your heart you do stubbornly contayne You shall not perceyue Gods commandement As long as he in your conscience doth remayne Malicioꝰ iugemēt Lo syr now that God he hath blasphemed Now his law he doth contemne and despise The Iustice therof of hym is nothyng estemed To destroy the same vtterly he doth deuise Symon Thinke you vs ignorant of gods law and will Which vpon our garments do them weare Who but we doe the law of God fulfill For his precepts with vs in all places we beare Christ. To fulfill the law requireth Gods spirite For the law is holy iust and spirituall Of loue to be obserued it is requisite And not of these obseruances externall As long as you haue this malicious iudgement Accompanied with Infidelitie I say you can not kepe Gods commaundement Though you shew an outward sanctitie Infidelitie Lo syr here he calleth me Infidelitie And you know that I am called Legal Iustification You heare that it was spoken by Gods maiestie That a man shall liue by the lawes obseruation An honest guest come out dogge yea mary Good maners thus to taunt a man at his table But with fooles it is follie to vary His wordes be taken but as a tale or a fable Symon Away with this geare how long shall we syt here At once We haue somewhat els to do I thinke Christ. Thankes be to thee O Father for this chere Thankes be to thee for our repast of meate drinke Now sir you shall licence me to depart And the heauenly Father might illumine your mynd Expellyng this infidelitie from your hart Which with Malicious iudgemēt kepeth you blynd Symon Fare ye well for me you shall no countes render All shall be layd vnder the feete that is here spoken Infide Though you forget it yet we purpose to remember Exit You know the way go I pray you the doore is open Malicioꝰ iudge For Gods sake syr you and such as you be Looke vpon this felow by myne aduise For what he goth about all you may see Yea you haue had warnyng of hym twise or thrise Infidelitie All the multitude beginneth after him to ronne You see hym and know his doctrine and opinion If you suffer hym till more people he hath wonne Strangers shall come and take our dominion Haue you not heard his open blasphemie The sonne of God he presumeth him self to name The Iustice of the lawe he condemneth vtterly To suffer him to lyue will turne to your shame Symon It shall behoue you to dog him from place to place Note whether openly he teache suche doctrine If he doe accuse hym before his face For I will cause the byshops hym to examine And where as he willeth you vs to expell Infidelitie Callyng vs wicked nicknames at his pleasure He goeth about to make you to rebell Against God his lawes as he doth without mesure Malicioꝰ iugemēt For my part I wil watche hym so narowly That a word shall not scape me that doth sounde Agaynst you the fathers that liue so holyly But to accuse hym for it a way shalbe found Symon Well the tyme of our euenyng seruice is at hand We must depart the sacrifice to prepare Infideli Exeunt If you depart we may not here ydle stande For to wayte vpon you at all tymes ready we are At my beyng here euen now of late It pleased my