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A14463 A Christian instruction, conteyning the law and the Gospell Also a summarie of the principall poyntes of the Christian fayth and religion, and of the abuses and errors contrary to the same. Done in certayne dialogues in french, by M. Peter Viret, sometime minister of the Word of God at Nymes in Prouince. Translated by I.S. Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.; Instruction chrestienne en la doctrine de la loy et de l'Evangile. English. Selections Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571.; Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571. Instruction chrestienne et somme generale de la doctrine comprinse ès sainctes Escritures. aut; Shute, John, fl. 1562-1573. 1573 (1573) STC 24778; ESTC S119199 214,871 552

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as witnesses and solemne othes by whome wede as it were homage to God and do make profession of our faith and Religion A. It is euen so Of the number of Sacraments vvhich are in the Chucrhe of Christ D. How many Sacramentes are there in Christ his Church A. There are but two whiche may be properly accoumpted for true Sacraments D. Which is the firste A. That of baptisme D. And the seconde A. The supper Of Baptisme D. What is baptisme A. It is a sacramēt by the which Iesus Christ doth offer vnto vs the remission of our sinnes and our regeneration vnder the figure of the water as he doth in déede communicate the same vnto vs by his holy spirite D. Doth it any thing else A. In like sorte it testifieth to vs that he receyueth vs into his Churche as true members of the same D. And of our parte what do we A. We testifie in lyke sorte that we acknowledge him for suche an one as he declareth himselfe towardes vs and that we beleue that he maketh vs partakers of all his great riches Of the Supper D. What is the supper A. It is a Sacrament by the which Iesus Christ doth present vnto vs vnder the signes of bread and wine the communion that we haue with him and with his Church D. Is there nothing else represented vnto vs in it A. The spirituall nouriture that we haue by faith in his flesh and in his bloud whiche haue ben giuen for vs. D And as touching the rest do we not there make the same profession of our faith that we do in baptisme A. It must be so vnderstood for so muche as such is the nature of all Sacraments and one of the principall ends and purposes for the which they are ordeyned of God. To vvitte vvhether the bread the wine be conuerted into the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in the Supper D. Dost thou thinke that this bread and this wine that are giuen for signes in the Sacramente be the very naturall body and bloud of Iesus Christ A. If they were his very naturall bodie and bloud they could then not be the signes of it D. Why not A. For so much as if it were so there should be no difference betwene the signes and the things whiche they signifie D. Is there none other inconuenient A. There is also this inconuenient that if it were so this doctrine shoulde be wholly contrary to the articles of oure faith and namely to that of the ascention of Iesus Christ into heauen Of the coniunction of the signes in the supper vvith the thinges that they signifie D. Dost thou then thinke that the body and bloud are vnited and ioyned togither naturally and corporally with the bread and the wine A. No especially for two causes D. Whiche is the firste A. Seing there is question of spirituall nouriture in this holy Table we may not imagine here a materiall meate which is eaten on the same table as is bodily meate D. Which is the second A. It is that we shal fall into the same inconuenient whereof we haue euen now spoken touching the articles of our faith D. Do we then receiue ther nothing els but material bread and wine A. Yes that we do D. What is it A. The very body and bloud of Iesus Christ signified to vs by them Of the presence of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in the Supper D. How may we receiue them if they be not there euen as thou saist A. I sayd not but that they were in dede in the supper or otherwise it should not be the true supper of Iesus Christ D. How dost thou thē vnderstande it A. Albeit that I denie the bodie and the bloud to be there naturally and carnally I denie not therefore but that they be there giuen and receyued spiritually in déede euen as that sacramente witnesseth it vnto vs. D. Thou doest not then denie the presence of the very body and very bloud of Iesus Christ in the supper A. No. D. What wilte thou then say for full resolution A. I will only say that the manner of that presence is not carnall and materiall but spirituall and diuine Of them to vvhome the communion of Sacramentes doth belong D. Seing then we vnderstande what the true nature of Sacraments is shewe me now which they be to whome they oughte to be administred A. It is easie to vnderstand by that which hath alredy bin said of the nature of them D. How dost thou vnderstand it A. Seing they be as seales of the worde of God and of the alliance that he hath made with his people and as a protestation of our faith towarde the same the matter is very playne that they belōg but only to those which vouch that doctrine and aliance and are comprised in the same Of the proofe that is required of euery man in the Supper D. Bycause that the supper is not administred but to such as are alredy at the age of discretion shew me how euery man ought to prepare himself for to receiue the same A. Sainct Paule giueth the rule when he admonisheth euery mā to proue himselfe D. What meaneth he by that proofe of himselfe A. That euery man do diligently examine him selfe whether he haue in him the things without the which he may not worthyly communicate at the holy Sacramente Of the principall points vppon the which euery man ought to examine and proue himselfe D. Whiche be those things A. There be chiefly thrée as men maye iudge by the matters that we haue handled heretofore De. Whiche is the first An. It is true repentaunce and a true acknowledging of his offences and sinnes for the whiche Iesus Christe dyed as he declareth vnto vs by the same holy sacrament D. Whiche is the second A. True faith in the onely grace and mercie of God whiche is offered and graunted vnto vs in Iesus Chryst and by Iesus Chryst as that Sacrament also testifyeth De. The thirde An. True charitie and vnion towarde all the membres of Iesus Christ as it is represented vnto vs in that wée there eate all of one self bread and drink all of one selfe cuppe Of the ministers of the Churche and of Magistrates D. There resteth nowe but one pointe it is to witte by whome these sacramentes ought to be administred A. By those same ministers to whome the charge to administer the worde of God hath bene committed by lawfull order as he hathe ordeyned in his Churche De. Is it lawfull then for none other An. As GOD hath ordeyned that there should be in the common wealth certain Magistrates and officers for the administration of ciuile and earthlye matters to the ende there shoulde be no confusion euen so hathe he willed his Churche to haue hir ministers chosen by lawfull vocation as his officers for the administration of Ecclesiasticall and spirituall matters to the ende that euery thing bée there handled and gouerned
is not ynough to preach the doctrine of the lawe if that of the Gospel be not foorthwith ioyned vnto it M. For what cause P. For that that the lawe settethe foorth but the wrath of God against sinners the shoulde bring men rather to dispaire than to true repentaunce if there were no promise by the Gospell of the grace and mercie of God whiche is offered to them in Iesus Christ to obtayn remission of their sinnes in him and by him M. Giue me an example of that which thou sayest P. We haue one very euident in Iudas and S. Peter M. It séemeth to me that it is written in the Gospel not only that S. Peter did repente that he had denied Iesus Christe but also Iudas that he did betray hym And that notwithstanding the repentance of Iudas letted him not from desperacion the whiche thing happened not to S. Peter but wholly the contrarie Peter That happened to Iudas for the cause that I haue already cited to witte for that he layde houlde onely vppon the Iudgement of God set foorth in hys lawe without laying holde vpon the grace and mercie of God set foorth in his Gospel to all repentants and faithfull as S. Peter did apprehend it after that he had renoūced Iesus Chryst Howe that true repentance can not be without faith M. IT followeth then that true repentance can not be withoute true faith P. It is very certain that if a man haue not true faith in the word of God for the first he shall make none accompt of the lawe ne yet of all the threatnings of his iudgement conteyned in the same but shall mocke at it onely as doe the Atheists and all men whiche are withoute God without lawe and without faithe doe scoffe at all the holye Scriptures M. If they haue no faith in the word of God concerning his lawe there is no apparance that they haue any more cōcerning the Gospell and the grace and mercie of God promised in the same P. That notwithstanding this fayth in the Gospel is the principall pointe that is required in true repentance For albeit that a man haue faith in all that which the law declareth so it is that this faith can not let him to dispaire as Iudas did if he passe not further to the Gospell but suche a faith shal cause him to despaire the more M. How may that be P. Forsomuch as suche a faithe is not full in as muche as shée leaueth the principall whereuppon the true faithe is founded to witte the promises of the grace of GOD in Iesus Chryst Of the true and false faythe and repentance M. WHat doest thou then proprely call true faithe P. A certaine assurance founded in the promises of god by the which man holdeth himselfe assured of God in Iesus Chryste and by Iesus Chryst M. Why sayst thou that the faith which hath not this assurance leadeth the man which regardeth but onely the lawe rather to despaire than to hope of saluation P. For bicause that so much the more man is assured that God is author of his lawe and that that whiche it conteyneth is true euen so muche the more is he afrayd of the iudgemente of God and can not fynde rest in his conscience bicause there is nothing without Iesus Christe wherein to be assured against the wrath of God. M. There is then by this reckening two sortes of penitence to wit one true an other false P. Euen as also there be two sortes of faith for euen as they haue not full faithe which beleue not all the worde of God and chiefly the word of the Gospel euen so haue they no true repentaunce whiche ioyne not togither the wrathe of GOD with his mercie nor the mercie with the wrath M. Euē as it is not inough to apprehende the wrath of God withoute his mercie to haue true repentance is it also no more sufficient to apprehende his mercy without his wrath P. Thou maist easily vnderstande that none may well apprehende his mercie if firste he doe not apprehende hys wrathe For he that knoweth not the wrathe of God againste sinne cannot tell nor vnderstande howe muche hée néedeth hys mercie and what mercie he sheweth him when he receyueth him to mercie Math. Thou sayst well Peter Moreouer euen as they fall to dispaire whiche conceyue only the wrath of God withoute his mercie euen so those whiche consider only his mercy without hauing first conceyued what his wrath is doe not estéeme sinne to be such as they ought to estéeme it and in lyke case can neuer vnderstande what mercie is nor howe greate the goodnesse of God is towarde them M. I note wel al these pointes that the very wicked and reprobate may well attaine to suche a Faith and repentāce as was in Iudas but they haue not at all the true faith and repentance by the whiche the true children of God doe obtaine forgiuenesse of their sinnes P. Thou muste also note that there be some whiche accompte the mercie of God but of small price bicause they doe not apprehend at al the wrath and iudgemente of God as they ought And therfore the repentance of suche persones is none other than a verye disguysing and faynednesse Of the forgiuenesse of sinnes and of the assurance of the conscience by the same M. THou wilte then say that true repentaunce beateth downe the sinner in himself by the féeling of his sinnes and of the wrathe of God against them and then directeth him to Iesus Chryste to assure his conscience so beaten downe against the feares of the iudgemente of God. Pe. It is euen so But to assure it as thou sayst we must come to the other point the whiche Iesus Chryste hath cōmaunded to preache in his name wyth true repentance whiche is the remission of sinnes the whiche proprely belongeth to the Gospell M. I doe well vnderstād that the sinner which féeleth himself faultie before God by meane of his sinnes is as a traytour and wicked doer whiche can not be well assured of the punishement that he hath merited by meane of his faults that he hath committed if first of al he be not assured to haue his grace pardon of his prince and of his iudge P. That same is also the cause why that after we haue made mētion of the church which is likewise called the communion of Sainctes we do also confesse that we beléeue that the remission of sinnes is in hir by meane of the communion that it hath with Iesus Christ of the whiche we haue heretofore sufficiently spoken Of the cōmunion of saincts hovve the church entreth into the same by meane of the ministerie of the Gospell M. I Do well remember that when wée speake of that communion thou hast sette me and put me againe vppon thys pointe to declare vnto me the reste the whiche thou hast not yet expounded vnto me P. According to that whiche we haue already sayd the Churche doth not only obtaine
we must here consider that a thing may bée profitable and necessarie in two sortes M. Whiche is the first P. I wil giue thée example touching the giftes whereof wée speake For there be some whiche profyte nothing but only to those which haue them in their own person and withoute the whiche none may be agréeable to God nor saued Ther be others whiche may profite those whiche haue them not and not those whiche haue them albeit they haue them not in their owne persones and the Infidells may haue them and they not serue them but to their condemnation Of the giftes of the holie Ghoste necessarie for euerie man to obtayn saluation therby M. GIue mée example of the one sort of the other P. For the first séeing that none can be iustified nor be made the Sonne of God but onely by fayth in Iesus Christe it foloweth well that none can be saued without this gifte of faith And therfore S. Paule doth call this gift and grace of God the spirite of adoption by the whiche hée adopteth vs for his children in Iesus Christe by the meane and worke of his holie Spirite Mathevv What vnderstandest thou by that adoption Pet. Thou knowest well that men doe call children adoptiue those whiche be not naturall children to them whiche doe choose and accepte them for their children but they are it onely by the loue and fauoure of him whiche taketh them for his children and giueth them suche righte as he mought giue to his naturall children M. Sayest thou then that the lyke is with vs towarde God P. Séeing that of nature wée be the chyldren of wrathe it dothe then folow that wée bée not Gods naturall children but that hée maketh vs his children and accompteth vs for such by his onely grace which hée sheweth vs bicause of the loue wherwith he hath loued vs in his welbeloued Son Iesus Christ without any of our deseruings but wholly the cōtrarie M. Thou callest then that grace that gift of God Spirite of adoption P. S. Paule calleth it so for those causes which I haue alredie declared vnto thée M. Séeing it is so there is no one of all the elect of God whyche is not made partaker of thys gifte P. Forsomuche as God hathe predestinate all his chosen to make them lyke to his sonne Iesus Christ and enheritors of his heauenly kingdome wyth him ther is no doubt but that this gift is so ioyned with the eternal election of God that it may in no wise be separate no more than the effect from his cause M. It foloweth then that this gift is cōmon to al the elect of God and propre to euery of them that on the contrarye all the reprobates are cléerely shutte from it It is certaine that the reprobates are neuer made partakers of thys gyft For if they were made partakers it should be a very sure testimonie that they were of the elect and not of the refused forsomuche as it is written that they whiche are chosen are chosen to be afterwarde called iustified and glorified and to be made fully lyke the Sonne of God. M. Wilte thou saye the lyke of the gifte of fayth P. Not only of the gift of faith but also of the gift of charitie of hope of the feare of God and of perseuerance and other such lyke which are in suche sorte propre to the electe of God that none others are made partakers of them VVhether charitie iustifie with faithe or else faith onely and what difference there is betwene faith and charitie in suche a case M. IF it be so as thou sayest we are not then saued onely by faith but also by charitie and consequently by works and by all the other vertues which thou haste nowe named P. Why sayest thou so M. Bicause that thou haste placed those same vertues among the giftes of the spirite of God which are necessarye to saluation P. In this thou hast to consider the difference that is betwene the cause and his effects M. I vnderstand not what thou wouldest say P. I wil say that the gifte of faith is necessary for our saluation as the gifte which Saincte Paule doth call the spirite of adoption bycause that faith is the meane whereby me doe communicate of the iustice and of all the benefites of Iesus Christ as we haue declared heretofore And therefore the holy scripture doth ascribe vnto it iustificatiō M. What sayest thou then of charitie P. I say that it is a gifte which dependeth of the gifte of faith as the effect of his cause and as the frute of the frée which bringeth it foorthe M. But for somuche as charitie cannot be separated from faith if faythe be true faith it followeth then that if we cannot be iustified without faith no more may we then also without charitie neyther consequently be saued withoute the one and the other séeing that our saluation procéedeth of our iustification P. It séemeth at the first sight that thy conclusion is rightly framed but it is farre wide M. Shew me then the fault that is in it P. Shouldest thou conclude well if thou diddest conclude in this sorte The light of the fire cannot be separated from hys heate it followeth then that the light cānot shyne withoute heate and that the heate doth shyne as well as the light M. Me thinketh if I did so conclude it were not muche amisse P. That notwithstanding in making suche a conclusion thou shouldest confounde the things which are distinguished For albeit that the lighte and the heate be in the fire ioyned togither as they are also in the Sunne yet thou séest plainely that the office and propertie of the light is other than that of the heate and that of the heate other than that of the light and that the effects also be diuers M. It is true P. And therefore eyther they must be distinguished the one from the other without separating of thē notwithstanding or else they must bée so confounded togither that it must be one very thing to witte all light or all heate M. Thou meanest in myne opinion that albeit that faithe can not be separated from charitie yet for all that it is so distinguished from the same that it hath an other office and an other proprietie than hath charitie P. It is easie to sée For the office of faith is to present vs before God all naked and voyde of all iustice and in his promises to take holde of his graces and mercie the whiche he offereth to vs in Iesus Christe his sonne by whose meane we haue communion with hym and are made partakers of all his benefites as we haue already declared Ma. Thy meaning is then that charitie hathe not that office Peter It is true For albeit that faithe cannot bée withoute charitie yet faithe goeth before it in order the whiche doth engender it afterwarde Mathevve How so Peter After that we are made partakers of the benefites of Iesus
Eternal thy God is God only Thou shalt loue the eternall thy God with al thy heart and with all thy soule and with all thy vnderstanding This is the first the great comaundement And the secōd which is like to the same is Thou shalt loue thy neyghbour as thy selfe On these two commaundementes depend the whole lawe and the Prophetes Al suche things then as you would that men shuld doe to you do you euen the lyke to them For it is the lawe and the Prophetes Of the corruption of man and howe harde it is for him to do well D. Is man able by his owne vertue and power to fulfill this lawe An. He is so farre from it that there is nothing so contrarie as is his will to the will of God whilest he dwelleth in his nature corrupted with sin De. What is the cause hereof An. Sinne to whome hée is become subiect thorough his owne faulte and the natural corruption that he hath gotten by meane of the same D. What may he then deserue towards God by all that euer he may think say or do of himself A. Death and the eternall curse of God. Of the redemption of man. De And is there no meane to deliuer him An. There is none other but that same whiche is declared by the doctrine of the Gospel of the which we haue euen now spoken to the which the law doth send vs. De. And what meane doth the Gospel sette foorth to vs whereby to obtayne so great a benefite An. It is Iesus Christe the very sonne of God. D. How is he deliuered by Iesus Christ A. By the satisfaction that he hathe made for man in the sacrifice of his deathe and passion and by the perfecte Iustice that he hathe wonne to him Of the communication or partaking of the benefite of Christ D. But is that sufficiēt that Iesus Christ dyed for the sinne of man A. Forsomuch as he hath satisfied the iudgement of God for them it is requisite that the same satisfaction bée applyed and communicated to all those that would obteyne saluation by the same D. By what meane maye this same be applyed and communicated vnto them A. By the only faith in Iesus Christe whiche onely may make a christian man. Of the Faith. De. What vnderstandest thou by that faith An. A true and certayne trust in the mercie of god by Iesus Christ D. Which be the principall pointes that it doth conteyne An. They are bréefely comprehended in this little summarie called the Simbole or gathering of the Apostles by the which the faithfull do dayly make confession of their faith in the Churche De. Which is this summarie The Simbole of the Apostles An. I beleue in God the father almightie maker of Heauen and Earth and in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lorde which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Marie hath suffered vnder Ponce Pylate was crucified dead buried he descended into Hel the third day he arose from the dead he is gone vp into the heauens he fitteth at the righte hand of God the father almightie from thence shall he come to iudge the liuing the dead I beleue in the holy Ghost I beleue the holy vniuersal Church the communiō of Saincts the forgiuenesse of sins the rising againe of the flesh and the eternall life Diuision of the matters conteyned in the Simbole of the Apostles De. What doth it comprehende in substance An. We may bring the whole into two principall points De. What doth the first conteyne An. That whiche we beleue of God. De. And the seconde An. That which we beleue of his Churche Of the fayth towards God. De What must we beleue of God An. There are two thinges to consider De. Which is the first An. The deuine nature of him De. And the second An The works whereby he hath declared himselfe to men Of the vnitie and Trinitie in the diuine essence De. What haue we to consider of the firste pointe touching the deuine nature A. There are againe two pointes to note De. Whiche is the firste An. The vnitie whiche is in the being of God. D. Whiche is the second A. The Trinitie of persons which is in the same D. What doest thou vnderstande by that vnitie and Trinitie in the diuine essence A. I vnderstande that there is but one only God in the vnitie of the which I acknowledge the father the sonne and the holy Ghost as he hath declared himselfe in hys holie woorde Of the principall workes of God by the whiche he hath declared himselfe to men D. And as touchyng the workes by the whiche he hathe declared him selfe what canst thou say A. There are thrée principall vnto whiche wée maye reduce all the rest D. Whiche is the first A. The worke of the creation D. Whiche is the seconde A. The worke of the redemption D. Whiche is the thirde A. The worke of viuification and sanctification Of the creation of the worlde and of the Prouidence of God. D. What doest thou vnderstande by the worke of creation A. I do not vnderstād only that same worde by the which he hath made and created all things but also his eternall prouidence by the which he doth direct and gouerne them as wel in generall as in particular D. Doe you meane by this that he whiche is the Creator is also the directer A. It can not otherwise bée but that the worlde must incontinent perish if he had left it forsakē one minute of tyme without dealing with it Of Predestination D. Doest thou comprehende vnder thys name of Prouidēce none other thing but that which thou hast already declared A. I do comprehend also vnder the same the eternall predestination of God. D. What dost thou vnderstande by that predestination A. The eternall ordinance of God by the whiche according to his good will and pleasure he hath ordeyned before the creation of the world al that which it hath pleased him to doe with mankynde to be glorified in them D. What dothe thys ordinance comprehende A. The election of the chosen and the refusall of the reprobate D. What dost thou vnderstād by the election of the chosen A. The ordinance by the whiche God hath chosen those in whome it hath pleased him to be glorified through his mercie in his Sonne Iesus Christ D. What vnderstandest thou by the reprobation A. The ordinance by the which he hath ordeyned to leaue in theyr iust condemnation those same in whome it hath pleased him to be glorified through his iust iudgement Of the incarnation of Iesus Christ and of the redemption had by hym D. What comprehendeth the works of redemption A The Incarnation of the sonne of God and all that whiche he hath done for the saluation of man in his humaine nature D. What vnderstandest thou by the Incarnation of the Sonne of God A. That Iesus Christe being very God eternall was also made man and hath
the cause of the imperfection that is in the sanctification ioyned to our person and of the vvorks vvhich proceede therof M. THou wilte then saye that this seconde kinde of sanctification is not only adherente to the person of Iesus Christe and that it is not only ours by imputation as is the firste but that it is also adherente to our flesh and nature as a new qualitie which Iesus Christ hath put into vs by his holy spirite whiche maketh our flesh holy in it selfe to do afterwardes holy workes P. It is euen so M. Thou wilte then say also that the holy works whiche men do being so sanctified be the frutes of the same sanctification P. It is euen so but bycause there remayneth continually muche of oure naturall corruption in our fleshe whylest we are in thys worlde there can procéede from vs no worke so hollye but that it is founde very foule and farre off from that perfect holynesse whiche God requireth of vs in all our works M. What wilte thou conclude by that P. That our workes be so farre off from worthynesse to be presented for satisfaction and to obteine saluation by thē be they neuer so holy that if he shoulde iudge of them according to the rigoure of his iudgemente he shoulde fynde nothing therein but matter of condemnation M. Thou maist not denie for all that but the good holy works are very agréeable vnto him P. If it were otherwise they ought not to be done but thou must note herein that they be not acceptable vnto him as cause of our saluation but as testimonie of the same M. Howe vnderstandest thou that they be testimonies of our saluation P. In that that they testifie that Iesus Christe is in vs and that he there worketh by his holy spirite Wherefore it foloweth that we be iustified and sanctified by the iustice and sanctification of Iesus Christ the which God beholdeth and for the regarde thereof he doth beare with the imperfection that yet remayneth in vs and doth pardon vs that wherin we do yet dayly offend him Of the meanes that vve haue tovvard God in recompence of the imperfections vvhich alwayes dvvell in vs. M. IT séemeth vnto me that thou wilte saye in effecte by all this discourse which thou hast made that what regeneration and sanctification soeuer there be in our fleshe and nature we are not yet for all that so pure nor so perfecte but that we must haue continuall recourse to the iustice and sanctification of Iesus Christ which is ours not as a qualitie of iustice and sanctitie sticking and ioined to our person but only for that that it is allowed and attributed vnto vs as though it were our owne proper P. So it is and therefore Iesus Chryste hath saide to the same effecte that he that was alredy washed had yet néede to wash his feete M. What meaneth he by that manner of speach P. That albeit that we be iustified alredy sanctified and purified of our sins by the faith that we haue in him thorough his worde yet for all that for so muche as there resteth in vs alwayes certaine filthynesse and corruption whyche proceedeth of oure corrupted nature whiche is not yet thoroughlye well renued and refourmed to the image of GOD we haue alwayes néede to goe to washe and clense vs of oure filthynesse in the true fountayne of all puritie iustice and sanctification whiche is opened to vs in Iesus Chryst for wée haue no remission of anye one sinne of ours but onely in him by the meanes of the iustification that we haue by Faithe in him THE FIFTHE dialogue is of the faith in God. Of the true foundation of Faith of the difference that it maketh betweene the Christian religion and all other religions MATHEVV SEing it is so that man receyueth of God all these great goodnesses whereof thou hast made mention by the meane of the onely faithe in Iesus Christe it followeth then according to thy saying that Iesus Christ is the true foūdation of the same P. It is not to be doubted For we cannot lay hold vpon the mercie of God nor be assured that he is become our louing and merciful father but only in Iesus Christ and by Iesus Christe his beloued sonne M. Then if it bée so it followeth that Man hathe no true faythe in GOD but that whereby man dothe imbrace hym in Iesus Christ when he beléeueth in him P. It is very true and therefore that faith is the very point whiche discerneth the christian Religion from all others and the Christians from all other people M. But séeing that the fayth is in the heart wherby man beléeueth to iustification how can it distinguishe the religions P. I do not here speake proprely of the distinction whiche is made by the outwarde confession whiche men make but of that whiche lyeth in the true foundation and in the propre substance of the religion which hath his only foundation in God and in his word albeit that vnder the name of the faith I comprehend also the confession of the same M. Doest thou meane that all other religions which are not grounded vppon the faithe in Iesus Christe are no true religions but false P. If religion maye be religion withoute hauing a God which is honoured therby they may be accompted for religions and not otherwise M. Why sayst thou so P. Forsomuche as there is no true God but only he whiche hath shewed himselfe in Iesus Christ no more can he also be knowen nor honoured as God but in Iesus Christ How that all religion is without God sauing the Christian religion M. IF that be true the Iewes the Turkes and all other men which beleue not in Iesus Chryste nor in the Gospel haue then no God. P. No in déede but only by imagination M. Why sayst thou so P. Forsomuch as God can be none other than he is M. I vnderstand it wel but what wilt thou conclude thereof P. That séeing that God can not be knowne suche as he is but in Iesus Chryste who soeuer doth not acknowledge him in Iesus Chryste knoweth hym not at all Wherfore he forgeth to himself an other God than the true God. M. In what sorte doth he forge him P. In so muche as he maketh and pourtraiteth God not suche an one as he is in déed but such as he hath béen able to imagine hym in his brayne and vnderstandyng M. Thou then callest other gods and strāge gods the imaginations that men do cōceiue of God in their vnderstāding wherby they do imagine and estéeme him other thā he is and did manifest him selfe in his sonne Iesus Chryste and in his woorde Pe. What thinkest thou then that the strange gods are For séeing ther is but one true God only it followeth then very wel that al the others whiche men call gods are not gods at all but onely by the imagination of men