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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13142 A summe or a briefe collection of holy signes, sacrifices, and sacraments instituted of God euen since the beginning of the world, and of the true originall of the sacrifice of the Masse; Sum or a brief collection of holy signes, sacrifices and sacraments. Ling, Nicholas, fl. 1563.; Brett, John, Sir, attributed name.; Devonshire, William Cavendish, Earl of, 1590-1628, attributed name. 1609 (1609) STC 23434; ESTC S113014 129,473 362

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grace to the beautifying of any the members redoundeth to the comfort benefitting and honesting of the least and lowest of the faithfull in the mysticall body of Christ For what grace or benefit can bee in the head whereof all the members receiue not comfort seing they are made partakers therof To cōclude such is the comfort of the least and lowest of the faithfull in this mysticall body of Christ that no penne nor tongue in this life can serue to expresse it neither any heart able fully to conceiue it the full knowledge and feeling whereof is laid vp for the life to come forasmuch as no hea●t is strong nor large enough to conceiue or beare the ioy thereof in this mortall life Out of which mysticall body being the holie church of God the spouse and bodie of Christ flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones there is no saluation forgiuenes of sinne or soules health to bee found hoped or looked for and in this bodie whereof Christ is the head there is no condemnation to any the faithfull and true beleeuers how greeuous soeuer their sinnes seeme vnto them so that if Satan doe summon any of them to answere for their debts and sinnes in that the wife is no person to be sued but the husband euery of the faithfull may wel bid him enter his action against their husband Christ and he will make him a sufficient answere for being once knit by a true liuely faith vnto this head and body of Christ there shall no sinne so farre preuaile as to haue full dominion ouer them and be able euer to separate them from the loue fauour grace benefits and mercies of God which are in Christ Iesus both for that they haue communion partaking and fellowship of Christ himselfe and of all the benefits of his suffering and passion being made partakers also of all his vertues and graces and through him of all the good vertues and holinesse distributed or to bee distributed by him to all or any member that euer hath beene is or shal be of his said mysticall body the church so that the whole church doth still pray for them by Christs cōmandement Forgiue vs our sinnes lead vs not into temptation deliuer vs from euill yea Christ himselfe being their head their redeemer their Sauiour their onely stay and cause of al this comfort doth pray for them and whatsoeuer is euill in them that hee taketh away and whatsoeuer is good in them that he taketh and distributeth amongst them and through his owne vertue and power purgeth and cleanseth them from all their vncleannes filthines both of body and soule being true mēbers of his said mystical body as all and euery one is indeed and without all doubt hauing neuer so little of true saith which faith is not as a cause but as a certificate or instrument giuen them of God whereby the faithfull themselues may bee certaine of their good husband Christ and therefore when their conscience feeleth it selfe ●●●quieted for feare of Gods iudgemēt against sinne they may in no wise looke vpon the worthines and sufficiencie of their own faith because they neuer belee●e so fully and sufficiently as they should and ought to beleeue but onely let them looke on Gods grace eternall mercy and peace in Christ so shal they be at quiet when they looke for their saluation altogether out of thēselues in Gods mercy in Christ Iesus in whose lap if they rest their head then are they happie and shall find quietnes indeed The other part of the cōmunion which the members of Christs mysticall body haue and ought to haue one with another is touching the temporal blessings of this present life who being all laced and knit together by the bond of true charity they doe and are at all times readie to communicate for the mutuall helpe and comfort one of an other all such temporall blessings as God hath bestowed vpon them for the vse and necessitie of their life as to pray one for another to helpe comfort and counsell one another in all things needfull either for soule or body to minister to the necessities one of another in a franke liberall distribution of almes deedes according to such measure as God hath dealt to euery one a power and abilitie to helpe and releeue such as are in need misery or want either by pouertie sicknes imprisonment or banishment by which outward deeds of charitie their faith and loue to God is witnessed and declared as on the contrary by their couetousnes hardnesse of heart and vnmercifulnes to the poore they giue plaine witnesse and testimonie they neither loue nor beleeue in God what florish or boasting soeuer they make to the cōtrary according as Saint Iohn affirmeth in his first epistle and 3. chap. saying My little children let vs not loue in word neither in tongue onely but in deede and in truth whosoeuer hath this worlds goods seeth his brother haue need and shutteth vp his compassion from him how dwelleth the loue of God in him be loued let vs loue one another for loue cōmeth of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God hee that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue In this appeare●h the loue of God towards vs because God sent his onely begotten son into the world that we might liue through him herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs first and sent his sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes beloued if God so loued vs we ought also to loue one another no man hath seene God at any time if wee loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfect in vs God is loue and hee that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him we loue him because hee loued v● first if any man say he loue God and hate his brother he is a lier for how can hee that loueth not his brother whom hee hath seene loue God whom he hath not seene and this cōmandement haue we of him he that loueth God should loue his brother also By this instruction of the Apostle in this epistle it appeareth that it is a false lying and vaine boasting of any man to say hee loueth and beleeueth in God truly when hee shuteth vp all his compassion from the helpe of mankind which beare the image of God in the person of our Sauiour Christ which was both God and man who presenteth himselfe to vs to bee beloued in them which beare the image of his māhood For no man can truly say he hartely loueth the father but hee must also loue the sonne and although the sonne be naughtie and vnthriftie yet for his fathers sake hee must helpe to better him and euen lament and bee sorry for the sonnes wickednes euen so much the rather seing God hath appointed and by his holy ordinance commaunded that whatsoeuer any true Christian man is or whatsoeuer hee hath hee should
passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ put your whole trust commit your selfe vnto him and with his precious body bloud couer your soule and infold and wrap your selfe wholly in it and say vnto him after this maner O my sweet Sauiour for this thy names sake be it vnto me according to this thy name looke vpō me a sinful wretch calling vpon thy holy name and O sauiour bee vnto mee a sauiour for thy names sake For surely there is no man iust in the earth that doeth good and sinneth not neither any that can say I haue made my heart cleane I am cleane from my sinne Thou onely art the holy of all holiest and I am the filth of all sinners but Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane say thou also vnto my soule I wil be thou cleane Who can tell how oft he offendeth O clense thou me from my secret sinnes Thou Lord hast said also in the gospell that the whole neede not the Physition but they that are sick and hast also most gratiously bidden vs to come vnto thee when we feele our selues trauailed and heauie loaden saying in most sweete and comfortable words Come vnto mee all ye that trauaile and are heauie loaden and I will refresh you I come therefore vnto thee because of thy sweet bidding sore trauailed and loaden with the burden of my sinnes which are so heauie vpon me that I am not able to looke vp yea they are more in number then the haires of my head and my heart hath failed me but Lord let it bee thy pleasure to deliuer me make hast O Lord to help me for I am sore charged and cumbred with many euil temptations my heart is also intangled and oppressed with many euil passiōs which come of my flesh of the world and of the diuell and there is none that can help me or deliuer mee nor that can make mee free and safe but only thou my Lord God my onley sauiour to whom I commit me Refresh me which am so trauailed lighten me which am so burdened thou art the most soueraigne physition and my soule is also sore sick in sinne heale mee which come to bee made whole through thee the sicker that my soule is the more desire it hath to be healed and the more neede hath it of thee Turne not thy face away therefore from me neither cast thy seruant away in displeasure leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation for why in healing the deadly sicknes of my soule shall well be shewed and commended the greatnes of thy goodnes that wilt helpe and heale so wretched a creature if thou receiue me into the large bosome of thy mercy the place wil not be the more straitned or lessened by me It is true Lord that I haue sinned and in the whole course of my life haue multiplied many offences and no repentance or punishment of my selfe may suffice to satisfie thy iustice But I humbly beseech thee to forgiue me O Lord forgiue me destroy me not with my transgressions bee not angry with me for euer by reseruing euill for me neither condemne me into the euerlasting damnation of hell darknes and paines prepared for the Diuel and his angels for thou art the God euen the God of them that repent and in me thou wilt shewe all thy goodnes for sure it is that thy mercies are endlesly more then mine offenses and though my transgressions are infinite yet more infinite are thy mercies Therefore if thou shalt enter into iudgement with me thy poore and vnworthy seruant I wil lay before thee the rich righteousnes of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ my sauiour which hee hath purchased giuen vnto me by his precious death I will lay his righteousnes giuen vnto me betweene my soule and thy iudgement otherwise Lord I may not nay I dare not contend with thee for thine angry threatnings towards sinners are importable but thy mercifull promises are vnmeasurable and vnsearchable for thou art the most high Lord of great compassion long suffering and most mercifull Thou Lord according to thy great goodnes hast promised repentance and forgiuenes to them that sinne against thee and for thine infinit mercies hast appointed repentance vnto sinners that they may bee saued I therefore a most wretched sinner bewaile my manifold sinnes earnestly repent me of my former wickednes and vngodly behauiour towards thee and all my christian brothers sisters gone before me or remaining still in this present worlde for I haue sinned against heauen and against thee and I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne though for mine vnworthines I am not able of my selfe to purchase thy pardon hauing beene thy prodigal wastful childe which haue wasted all the substance of my life in sinne am fallen to great wretchednes yet I beseech thee blessed Lord to looke vpon mee with the eies of thy pitie and receiue me in the reioicings of peace and grant me the blessings of forgiuenes and do away the wickednesse that I haue done that I may appeare cleane vnto thee as thou madest me and receiue mee againe into fauour and if thou answere vnto my Soule thou hast deserued damnation Lord I confesse that I haue sinned aboue the number of the sand of the sea and my transgressions are exceeding many I did not thy will neither kept I thy commandements ● am not worthy to behold and see the height of the heauens for the multitude of mine vnrighteousnes but I lay before thee betweene mine euill deserts and thine vnsearchable and terrible iudgement the death and sufferings of my sauiour and redeemer which hath giuen his most precious body to be broken and his blessed bloud to be shed as a iust recompence for all mine offences in whom only thou art pleased through whom thou canst not be offended with me receiue O Lord the merits of his precious death and passion for those merits which I ought to haue had and alas haue not now Lord I say againe I put the most cleare shining and glorious bodie of thy beloued Sonne my Lord and sauiour betweene me thy wrath betweene my sinfull soule and thy feareful and terrible iudgements in the triumphant victorious merits of his most precious death and passion I commend my soule LORD into thine handes for in that that I liue now in the flesh I liue by the faith in the sonne of God who hath loued me giuen himselfe for mee through whom and for whose sake I am assured that thou wilt saue me that am vnworthy according to thy great mercie Therefore will I praise thee for euer all the daies of my life for all the powers of the heauens praise thee thine is the glorie for euer and euer Amen Finis
receiue the same inuisible grace by the elements as the sacrament of circumcision and the passeouer in time of the lawe did declare giue testifie and assure vnto al● the children of Abraham the beleeuing Iewes the mercifull promise of God that God was is and would be their God their redeemer and deliuerer from sinne and Satans power for euer of which their captiuity vnder sinne and Satan their thraldome in Egypt from whence they were diliuered was a figure The Sacrament also of Baptisme the Lords Supper do declare giue testifie seale vp and assure through the vnspeakeable working of the holy Ghost vnto all the true beleeuers in Christ their full and perfect deliuerance from sinne and Satans power their participation and fruition of perfect holinesse in Iesus Christ and in the end the reward of euerlasting life purchased giuen bestowed by his meanes and for his sake who paied the price of their redemption of all which the true beleeuers are made partakers in the instance of receiuing the outward elements in Baptisme the Lords Supper through the working of the holy Ghost in them and vnfained stedfast true faith It belongeth not therfore to any sacrament or to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper by the doctrine of Gods word that the elements should bee changed into the very and naturall substance of that whereof it is a sacrament either by transubstantiation or consubstantiatiō for that were to fetch Christ againe frō aboue and giue him a reall naturall or supernaturall corporall presence here vpon earth and so to make him be in all places at once contrary to the true nature of his true humane body and contrary to the doctrine of holy scripture which teacheth not any presence of Christ on earth againe in his humane flesh vntil the time appointed before remembred but plainely sheweth the contrary declaring further that as many as come to this sacrament and communion of the precious body and bloud of Christ with a true and liuely faith fruitfull in true repentance and in a vertuous and godly life the holy Ghost worketh in them a lifting vp of their hearts and mindes into heauen where Christ si●teth at the right hand of God and there through the operation of the same Spirit in the instance of receiuing the sacramēt they receiue apprehend and feede vpon in a true vnfained and liuely faith the true reall and naturall body of Iesus Christ the sonne of God whereby their bodies and soules are preserued nourished and strengthened to the attainment of euerlasting life by his changing purging all their corruptions and vncleannes and by his distributing and vniting vnto euery of them the true properties and excellent graces of his naturall holy body as his wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption all which is as truely made theirs by and through his gracious imputation as if they and euery of them had in their owne proper nature attained vnto and fulfilled the same of which excellent graces the fruit and reward shal follow of glorification and life eternall Of all which benefites this sacrament and the sacrament of Baptisme are appointed vnto the faithfull to be as tables and glasses The vse of the Sacramen● wherein they may plainely see and behold all the great mercies of God towards wretched and miserable sinners plainly drawen and figured that whereas the word doth as a liuely trumpet sound out his gracious goodnesse to the eares of the faithfull these sacraments do serue as instrumēts and conduits to conuey it to the eies taste feeling and comfort of all the senses so that when their bodies are made partakers of the sacrament and outward elements their soules in the same instāt through the mightie working of the holy Ghost are fed by the inst●u●●nt of true and liuely faith with the most holy reall natural body bloud of Christ through the liuely power also of which holy spirit they are moued stirred vp to giue continuall praise honour and thankes for these his bountifull mercies rich treasures bestowed vpon them For in this sacrament and communion of the body and bloud of Christ there is shewed declared and giuen vnto all and euery of the faithfull the death and sufferings of Christ the participation they haue with him and all the benefites which they receiue by his passion whereof they are put in minde in this sacrament by foure Similitudes First by breaking and receiuing of the bread Secondly by powring soorth and drinking of the wine Thirdly by the nourishment which their bodies receiue by these elements by the vnity of many cornes whereof the substance of the bread and the vnity of many grapes whereof the substance of the wine is made Fourthly by the conuersion that these elements haue into the substance of the receiuers By the breaking and receiuing of the bread and by the powring foorth and drinking of the wine the faithfull are put in minde of the death passion and sufferings of Christ whose body was broken both before on the Crosse his bloud drawne forth shed not for any cause of his owne but for remission of their sins which is giuen and they receiue by his passion for by the nourishment which the bodies of the faithfull haue of these elements they are put in minde that as these elements do in the vsing and receiuing of them nourish their bodies and comfort sustaine their naturall flesh bloud being the outward man so the body and bloud of Christ apprehended and receiued through the working of the holy ghost by the instrumēt of the true and liuely faith of the receiuers who through the operation of the same spirit do by their faith apprehend and feede vpon the true reall and naturall body of Iesus Christ the sonne of God which feedeth nourisheth their bodies and soules vnto life euerlasting by his distributing vnto euery of them according to his gracious imputation the true reall and naturall properties of his vndefiled body and bloud as his wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption his holinesse innocencie his perfect and full satisfaction of the lawe of God his incorruption both in will and nature his suffering and satisfaction of the wrath and iustice of God due vnto vs miserable sinners his victorie against sinne death the diuell and hell his glorification and eternall happinesse of all which euery of the faithfull are and shall be as verily made partakers by receiuing this heauenly foode the bread of life the body and bloud of Christ as if they in their owne persons had wrought suffered fulfilled whatsoeuer Christ suffered for them and were in full possession of the reward whereof Christ is in possession and hath prepared and purchased it also for them the certainty and assurednesse whereof is approued vnto euery of their hearts and soules by the stedfast sure and vndoubted promises of the word of God deliuered by Christs owne mouth in the 6. of Iohn Iohn 6. I am
are vnited and knit together but of the first none can or may be partakers but onely the faithfull which are the elect and chosen children of God the true members of the Church ioyned to their head Iesus Christ among which company all the members are so compact vnited knit together that all make but one bodie of Christ and therefore ought thus to thinke one of another he is my brother coheire in Christ a member of the same bodie redeemed with one bloud a fellowe in the common faith called to the very same grace felicity of the life to come how can any then that is a true mēber of Christ of which body thou professest thy selfe also a member be a stranger vnto thee to whom thou art coupled with so many bonds of vnitie And as concerning the outward goods of this life the godly and true members of christ in whose harts alone this true charitie is rooted by and through the working of the holy ghost do and ought to be readie at all times to make partakers not only their frēds and such as be of the houshold of faith but euen the wicked and vnbeleeuers their enemies persecutors and slanderers distributing of the outward goods of this life vnto all men in generall as their prayers their counsell helpe and comfort their reliefe charitie almes whose prayer for the vngodly concerning the outward and temporall blessings of this worlde God hath shewed by manie examples in his word that he hath both heard and graunted as at the prayers of Moises and Aaron hee remoued the plagues from Pharao at the prayers of the Prophet of God the dried hand of Ieroboam was restored to his former strength and so will GOD still heare the prayers of his children for the vngodly so farre as it standeth with his good pleasure and aduancement of his owne glorie commanding his children not to bee like the wicked and vngodly to doe good onely in respect of reward or for some speciall bond of alliance or friendship as our Sauiour affirmeth that the Publicans vnbeleeuers doe Mat. 5. For if you loue them which loue you what reward haue you doe not the Publicans euen the same and if you be friendly to your brethren onelie what singular thing doe you do not euen the Publicans likewise but I say vnto you loue your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for thē that hurt you and persecute you giue to him that asketh and from him that would borrowe of thee turne not away thy face that you may bee the childr●n of your father which is in heauen for he maketh his sunne to shine vpon the euill and vpon the good and sendeth raine on the the iust and on the vniust yee shall therefore bee perfect as your heauenly father is perfect thus our sauiour hath shewed by this his cōmandement what the true rule of charitie is by which his children are vnited and knit togither euen in all things both bodily and ghostly to communicate participate one with another seeing from the outward bodily participation he hath not separated the wicked and vnbeleeuers but hath first lincked and tied them also to his owne children in the outward participation of the goods of this life By which doctrine all the children of God are put in minde that they must suffer nothing to let or hinder their charitie in any the outward things temporall blessings before mentioned but euen to be liberall pitifull compassionate vnto all for that they are of the same kinde and flesh with them yet neuerthelesse to haue their mindes and eies of their soules lifted vp higher to that communion and participation which they haue of all things with their brethren the true members of the holie and vndefiled bodie of Christ who is their head so that whatsoeuer is bestowed vpon any one member it redoundeth to the whole bodie and from thence vnto the head and the head of Christ is God whereof it followeth that the good which is done to any one member it is done to Christ it is done to GOD. Which liuely worke of true charitie the head who is our sauiour Iesus Christ worketh by the grace of his holie spirit in all and euerie true member of his bodie the Church the bodie and euerie part thereof drawing all their life and feeling the power and strength also of euerie good and vertuous worke and of euery godly act from the head to whom all the honour glorie and praise is due for all the good that is done or can be don either in this life or in the life to come onely let all the faithfull be quickned in their charity when they feele it to begin to wax cold and faint by this spurre that albeit to their fleshly eies and iudgement which is alwaies during this life corrupt and blinde there appeareth no kindnes goodnes vertue or any good qualitie in some one or diuers men whereby they may bee stirred to loue him or them but rather causes stirring and prouoking them to a hatred loathing and detestation of their persons for the filthy corrupt vices which they see and behold rooted in them yet according to the rule ordinance commandement of God their owne blinde iudgement forsaken they must shewe themselues enemies onely vnto sinne and vice not hating their persons for the faults but hate the faults for loue of the persons seeking by counsaile correction and chastisement how to purge and cleanse them from their filthinesse wherein by wallowing themselues they are defiled and wherein as with fetters bands and cords they are wrapped holden and intangled let the faithfull for the loue which God hath shewed them be stirred and prouoked to succour helpe counsell and comfort all men in generall not so much for any thing they can see or discerne in thē as for the loue of God and his mercies sake which he hath shewed them in Iesus Christ let them helpe to beare vp their infirmities and when they fall let them helpe to lift them vp by admonishment by counsaile by prayer and good example and where there is power and neede also require it by correction and chastisement to drawe them from their euils Further for their bodily necessities let them be liberall bountifull in distributing their almes and thus by this which hath been shewed it appeareth first that true faith doth certifie and assure vs of all the sweete promises and mercies of God in our coniunction together with the rest of the members vnto Christ our head and of the communion and participation that wee ought to haue and shall haue in all things both bodily ghostly together with our head our obedience to the word and commandements of God our true vnfaigned loue charitie doth certifie and assure vs and doth giue witnes also and testimonie therof vnto others that our faith is true liuely and vnfaigned our tender compassion
and mercie our franck harted liberall distribution of almes doth declare and manifest vnto all that our charitie is true vnfaigned feruent pleasing and acceptable vnto God and of the right kind which it ought to bee To conclude this is that which is meant by the mysterie of vnitie in the Sacrament that all the faithfull are vnited together with their head Iesus Christ by and through his power and grace to bee partakers and communicate one with another in all things both bodily and ghostly heauenly earthly the faithfull likewise through the bond of the same charitie drawne from their head must make partakers and communicate vnto the vnfaithfull and vnbeleeuers all the outward temporall blessings of this present life in al which outward temporall things they must bee as one with them to communicate helpe and releeue them according to the true rule of charitie and mystery of vnitie in this Sacrament in which last kind of vnitie all mankind without exception are and ought to be according to the holy ordinance of God in his word vnited and knit together By the similitude of conuersion the faithfull are put in minde certified and assured that as the bread wine being taken and receiued is turned into the substance of their bodies so euerie of the faithfull apprehending and receiuing Christs reall naturall bodie and bloud in the instance of receiuing the sacrament by their true and liuely faith are through the operation of the holy ghost turned into the true nature of his precious bodie and bloud that is they are euerie one changed renued and made bone of his bones and flesh of his fl●sh so that from thēceforth Christ abideth in them and they in him and they bee made one flesh and one bloud with Christ and Christ is made one flesh one bloud with them not by transubstantiation or cōsubstantiation which cannot bee without the ouerthrowe of his true humanitie neither doth holy Scripture teach vs so but thus doth holy scripture teach that the faithfull are made flesh of Christs flesh by his disposing and distributing vnto them according to his gratious imputation the true nature essentiall properties and qualities of his flesh and bloud that is euerie of them are by his imputation as truly made partakers of the perfect holinesse wisedome of his bodily person of his incorruption both in will nature of his obedience and satisfactiō of the lawe of God of his passion and sufferings of the curse wrath of God due to sinners of his victorie against sin death the Diuell and hell and shall be also made partakers of that immortalitie and euerlasting happie life whereunto hee is entred and which hee hath purchased for them that truly beleeue in him euen as verily as if euery of thē were one selfe same bodily person flesh and bloud in reall and naturall substance with him so that now all and euerie of the faithfull may saie and comfort themselues after this manner In thee our most gratious God mercifull Lord Iesus Christ each of vs hath a portion both of bloud and flesh therfore where that flesh whereof I am a part doth raigne there I beleeue I doe and shall raigne where my bloud hath dominion there I trust I haue shall haue dominiō where my flesh is glorious there I know I am shall be gloririous although I am yet a sinner yet I doubt no whit of this participation of grace although my sins do hinder me yet my substance doth require it and although mine owne offences doe exclude me yet the communion of nature which by his gratious imputation hee hath giuen me hath brought me againe to this grace and fauour For the Lord is not so vnkinde that he can hate his owne flesh his owne members his own bowels wherof I am a part seing Christ himselfe hath vouchsafed to bee made one flesh and one bloud with mee all the rest of his members the faithfull true beleeuers that is Christ hath taken the nature and qualitie of our flesh and bloud hauing caused all our sinnes to be imputed and laid to his charge as bearing the person and bodie of vs all hauing in his true natural bodie flesh suffered the wrath and curse of GOD for our sinnes as if himselfe had beene guilty of them and had committed and done them in his owne bodie and flesh so that the sinnes of euerie of the faithfull are fully satisfied for condemned and punished in the reall naturall flesh and bloud of Christ eu●n as verily as if hee were the selfe same bodily person sinfull flesh and bloud and substance of all and euerie of the faithfull And this is the conuersion change of the faithfull into Christ of Christ into them truely represented declared and assured in and by this sacrament communion of his precious bodie and bloud as it euidētly appeareth by that which the Apostle speaketh in the 8. to the Rom. and 3. verse and 5. of the 2. to the Corinth and 21. verse God sending his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sin condemned sinne in the flesh For hee made him to bee sinne for vs which knew no sinne that wee should bee made the righteousnes of GOD in him By which words the Apostle meaneth not that the holy bodie of Christ was defiled with any the sinnes of mankinde but that he was the true sacrifice propitiatorie vnto God for the sinnes of mankinde hauing borne away and taken vpon himselfe all their sinnes in his own reall naturall bodie flesh and bloud as if he himselfe were the particular persō of euerie of them and had committed their seueral sinnes and as though hee himself were the selfe same bodily person flesh and bloud in essence and substance nature quality of euery of the faithfull being sinners transgressers of the Law of God guilty of the wrath iudgement eternall damnation curse of God from which punishments our Sauiour Christ hath acquitted euery of them by his death passion suffering and all that haue or shall hereafter truly beleeue in him By which their faith through the working of the holy ghost as Christ is apprehended and conuerted into them hath borne away their sinnes vpon himselfe and the punishment due for the same so are they also and euerie of them conuerted into Christ and are made partakers of the righteousnes of God in him according as before hath been remembred wherin the infinite iustice mercy of God most liuely appeareth to the eies vnderstanding taste and feeling of all the faithfull infinite in iustice for that no satisfaction could or can satisfie the iustice of God for the recompence or redemption of the least sinne in mankind but that the same must bee fully punished for the satisfaction of Gods infinit iustice in the true reall naturall flesh of man which satisfaction our Sauiour Christ made for mankinde who came downe from heauen and was made