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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10614 A treatise conteining two parts 1 An exhortation to true loue, loyaltie, and fidelitie to her Maiestie. 2 A treatise against treasons, rebellions, and such disloyalties. Written by Michael Renniger. Renniger, Michael, 1530-1609. 1587 (1587) STC 20888; ESTC S106425 154,771 309

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Arrius vaūcing himself in the streetes of Constantinople Arrius accompanied with Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia and his retinue was going to the great Church to be restored into the communion and fellowship of the congregation and came with countenance from the Emperour Socrat. Eccle. Hist lib. 1. cap. 38. as if he had gotten a fayre daie of the faithfull fathers and Bishops professing the true faith of Christ sodenly he felt a griping in his conscience and bellie and was forced to withdrawe himselfe and at his withdrawght to ease himselfe he voyded with blood his liuer splene and entrails and all as Socrates witnesseth Who sayth that the place of his wōderful withdrawght where he voyded his bowells was extant and shewed in Constantinople in his time who was about the yeere of our Sauiour 430. The other Captaine of hypocrites and traytors Iudas that betrayed our Sauiour Iudas the traytor after he had the gripinges of hell in conscience he hanged himselfe and burst a sunder in the midest and all his bowels gushed out as Peter reporteth his death in the Actes Act. 1. And these 2. be the graūd Captaines of hypocrits which vnder the bāner of hypocrisie displaid may lead al sectes and sortes of hypocrites Their examples are spectatles of the woonderfull iudgementes of Christ executed vpon hypocrites Clense your hartes ye sinners as Iames exhorteh Iames. 4. Purge your hartes you wauering minded Let all hypocrites hartely repent and truely turne from their hypocrisie to God in singlenesse and sinceritie of true faith and as new borne babes as Peter exhorteth 1. Pe 2. 2. Co. 6. desire the spirituall milke of the soule which is without deceit Now in an acceptable time the mercie of God calleth them to repentance God giue them grace in the ritches of his mercie according to his blessed will from hypocricie to turne to God in true simplicitie and sinceritie of faith Iohn 17. and to be sanctified in the truth as our Sauiour prayeth for his disciples and to bee sealed vppe of God as S 2. Co. 1. Paul saith to the Corinthians Thus of hypocrisie and an hollow heart to God his word and heauenly truth which hindereth true loyaltie to Princes by Gods prouidence placed ouer Countries and people Thother vice is hypocrisie and an hollow harte to the Prince and estate Hypocrisie and a holowe hart to the Prince and estate with frowardnesse peruersnesse and vncontentment such as is in malecontentes mislikers and murmurers against the Prince and estate This vice either groweth out of the roote of the other vice by discontentment in religion and carieth it selfe in cloudes of hypocrisie aforesaid or commeth of discontentment otherwise and engendreth frowardnesse and peruersnesse against the Prince and estate and eftsoones sheweth it selfe with waywardnesse wrangling murmuring and mutening against the Prince and estate the publike gouernmentes and affayres and when they growe in rankenesse of speech they bewray themselues for their vsuall time is lydium querulum whining and repyning against the Prince and publike estate As the base birdes of the Eagles nest are descried by the continuall yelping they make so they that are not of the right rase of true loyaltie are decerned by the continuall yelping they make against the Prince and publike state the gouernmentes ministerie and the publike affayres Of the aboundance of the hart the mouth speaketh as our Sauiour saith Speech bewrayeth the mind and man Though it bee blanched ouer eftsoones yet it will breake out in the right vayne againe As the harte is bent so wordes wil shoote out This peruersnesse in eger malecontentes though it be kept in close prison of the harte for feare to be bewrayed 4. Reg. 9. yet like Iewish Iezabel which shewed her selfe out at a window when Iehu came to Iezrael she wil shew her self as out of a windowe in her wordes behauiour and practise and cannot so hem thē in or hide her selfe but she will out againe They that haue the sicknes called Voluulus Volu●tus find themselues verie vnquiet cannot rest for inward paine as one expoundeth the worde And because their entrailes are streached strayned turned out of course it is called Strophos Heos Strophos Heos The like sicknesse this is in minde their inward affections are not straight but are wrested and wrenched with peruersnesse frowardnesse and discontentment that they finde themselues verie vnquiet and tossed vp and downe in their mindes and outwardly in their behauiour and conuersation also No publike gouernmēt or priuate gouernment or behauiour can content thē churlish frowardnesse will alwayes be wrangling The froward Iewes were not satisfied with the great familiaritie and curtesie of our Sauiour for they said of him Ma. 11. Luke 7. Behould a glutton and a great bibber of wine and a friend vnto publicans and sinners And of Ihon the Baptist because of his straight life they said He hath the Deuil And wisdome saith our Sauiour is iustified of her children Dios lib. 2. cap. 2. Histrix Mattheod in Dios lib. 2. cap. 2. Anagyris Euphorbium Mathe. in Dios lib. 3. cap. 8. Comerina The peruerse and froward are ful of quarrels There is no dealing with the Erinaceus armed with sharpe prickels round about Histrix if it be moued bendeth the body and shooteth out his sharpe pennes like dartes Anagyris if it be a little chafed greeuously smelleth Euphorbiū if it be beaten casteth out hot vapors which stri● into the head of him that beateth it If Cam●●rin be reued in a little it will ouercome o●● with foule stench They that alwaies are churling against the state bend themselues to shoote out some quarrel or other against it and they that are sharpe sette and beset with manifold quarrels and wranglings against the state if they bee but touched are readie to kindle if they be reuen in they cast out the foule stench of their euil affection and disposition Good blessings are disgraced by euil humors And euill humors growe into a setled habite and state called Cachexia which very hardly is cured Trimcauellus de ratio curam lib. 8. cap. 8. Where the gall is ouerflowne the humors are bitter as in the sicknesse called Icteritia either of the birde of that name either of the humor of that sort And where the humors are bitter sweet things seeme bitter and sower to them So when by peruersnes and vncontentment bitter affections ouerflowe the sweete blessings and benefites of God seeme sower to such Beware of such bitter affections peruersnesse discontentment against the Prince state and gouernment least it open a dore to greater inconuenience as dayly experience sheweth and in examples of holy Scripture wee may see Was not Absalon long a malecontent before he brake out to open treason Absalon He fayned him selfe to be populer and would say to men of the vulgar sorte Thy matter is good 2. Sam. 18. but there is none appointed of the
A Treatise conteining two parts 1 An Exhortation to true loue loyaltie and fidelitie to her Maiestie 2 A Treatise against Treasons Rebellions and such disloyalties Written by Michael Renniger Psal 36. How precious is thy mercy O God and the Children of men shall put their trust vnder the shadowe of thy winges Jmprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson and are there to be sold 1587. ❧ To the most Excellent mightie and gracious Queene ELIZABETH by the grace of God Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the true Christian faith grace and mercie from God our Faher and from our Lorde Iesus Christ MOST Humblie I beseech your gracious Maiestie to vouchsafe the accepting of this small treatise of one of your Maiesties old sworne seruantes of houshoulde and althouge of the least and most vnworthyest of the association The great occasion of the late occurentes hath induced me to sounde the trumpet of exhortation out of the worde of God in a good and acceptable season I trust to doe good to all subiectes of your Maiestie which shall read or heare the same Most hartelie I pray God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ to vouchsafe by it as the ordinarie meanes of his blessed will with his spirite to worke good in th heares of all subiectes to your Maiestie t● whose handes or eares it shal come And that his tender mercie in Christ will continuallie set the watch and gard of his prouidence about the royall person and estate of your Maiestie and keepe you as the apple of an eye as Dauid prayeth and vnder the couert of his owne winges from all conspiracies treasons and plattes of practises at home or abroade of al enemies whatsoeuer And blesse your Maiestie with longe life prosperous reigne and victorie ouer all your enemyes Your Maiesties Most humble and faithfull subiect and seruant Mihael Renniger The Contentes principall points and cheefe matters of the exhortation 1 A Commendation of the godly and louing affections of faithfull subiectes to her Maiestie and how such godlie affections are of God and are accepted of him 2 How we should frame our affections and obedience to Princes and higher powers according to the rules of Gods worde 3 How according to the rules of Gods worde Christians in the primitiue and auncient Church framed their affections and obedience to princes and higher powers being then heathen and many of them persecuters of the faith of Christ 4 What an acceptable thing it is to God when the people ioyne their heartes to Godly Princes in true faith to God hartie fidelitie to their Princes 5 The Example of Dauid his loyaltie and fidelitie to the royall person of King Saul notwithstanding continually he sought his life 6 The example of the famous fidelitie of one Lilla a Britton and an heathen man in the defence of the royal person of his Prince 7 How the late occasions and daungers should encrease enflame true loue loyaltie and vnfayned fidelitie in the heartes of al good subiectes to her Maiestie 8 How directed in wisedome from God w● may take the right way long to obteine her of the mercie of God by making hartie prayers and supplications to God for her That he will set the watch of his prouidence about her and send the garrison of his Angels to garde her that the euill spirits and those by whom they worke and that worke and practise by them may haue no power against her With what mindes we should pray to God for her that he may accept our prayers 9 Of the inner walle of England which is true faith to God vnfained fidelitie to our Prince and mutual loue and concord amongest our selues And of the outward walle by Sea which is the shipping nauigation furniture thereof wherewith her Maiestie hath fortified our countrie and what a comfort and blessing it is to our whole countrie 10 Of those that make breaches in these walles by lingring looking after inuasions forraine forces 11 What hath beene the case of this realme in inuasions of forraine forces and straungers heretofore and of other countries in like cases And what shoulde be our refuge and staye against all inuasions 12 A generall warning to all subiectes to shunne such vices as hinder true faith to God and true loyaltie to their Prince which are hipocrisie and a hollowe harte to God and hipocrisie and a hollow hart to the Prince and estate with peruersnes frowardnesse and vncontentment of malcontentes misslikers and murmurers against the Prince and estate The fitnesse of the season for this kind of exhortation IF we looke into the state of this present time and the woonderfull worke of God in the late discouerie of trayterous attemptes against the royall person of her Maiestie and our Countrie it ministreth verie fit occasion matter of this manner of exhortatiō vnto vs. For if the people of God be his heauenly husbandrie as Saint Paul calleth them and we his workemen 1. Cor. 3. we must also take fit times and seasons for it And when the good season is and the ground in temper it is then good sowing the seede Now by the wonderful worke of God of late the season serueth and the verie ground of the hartes of faithfull subiectes is so tempered and prepared of God that this kind of exhortation is verie welcome to them The shewers are then most in season when the drie ground thirsteth after them The Prophet Dauid saieth Psal 14● that his soule gaspeth after God like as a thirstie land And God in the Prophet Esai resembleth himselfe to a cloud Esai 18. comming with dewe in the heate of haruest And in the same Prophet he sayeth that he knoweth how to speake in time and sea with the wearie soule Esai 50. And as God doth sen good seasons to those that are fayne of heauenly thinges so by his word and exhortation thereof he worketh secretly in conciences of Christians as pleaseth him It is good to take the seasons which God offereth Paul exhorteth vs to serue the season and opportunitie Rom. 12. which he calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All things haue their appointed time as Salomon saieth Eccle. 3. God hath made the way to this exhortation by his maruelous worke of late by kindling the fier of fidelitie in the heartes of al good subiectes Now is the time to blow it vp by exhortation out of the word of God This season so wel seruing by Gods grace it wil be more effectuous Thus of the fitnes of the season for this kind of exhortation The order of the exhortation FOr the better ordering of my exhortation I haue laid downe the contents principall pointes and the cheefe matters thereof in the beginning as a breefe vewe of the whole discourse as in order I mean to treate of them To which order I referre my selfe THE FIRST OF THE chief matters THE first is a commendation