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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10577 An instruccyon of Christen fayth howe to be bolde vp on the promyse of God and not to doubte of our saluacyon, made by Urbanus Regius. Tra[n]slated into englyshe; Instruccyon of Christen fayth howe to be bolde up on the promyse of God and not to doubte of our salvacyon. Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1548 (1548) STC 20847; ESTC S104513 23,216 78

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newe testament the euerlastynge couenaunte of grace made to vs in Christe betwixt him and vs and confyrmed with his blode wherof his prophetes so greatly speake of Christ the sone of God hath cōfirmed this testamēt by his death and is a suer gayge or a pledge of this promyse of God The truth and grace of God is layde and reposed for vs in Christe in hym we be suer to fynde it as God speaketh of his sone Christ oure trewe Dauid in the psalme .lxxxix. Psal 89. My trueth and my mercy shall euermore be with him and in my name his power shal be exalted he shall call me Thou art my father my God and the rescuer of my health And I shall set hym to be myne heare and fyrste begoten auaunse vp aboue al the kynges of the earthe I shall euermore reserue my mercy to hym and my faithfull testament vpon hym And I shall set vp his sede for euermore and his throne lyke the dayes of the firmament And if his chldren transgresse my preceptes and wyl not walke in my Iudgemētes I shall visite and chastice theyr iniquities with my rodde and theyr synnes with strypes But I wyll neuer take awaye my mercy clene from hym and my truth shall neuer fayle him I wyl neuer breake my testamēt that I make neyther wyll I euer go from my wordes that procede out of my lyppes Ones haue I sworne in my holynes see yf euer I breake my apoyntmēt with my seruaunt Dauyd his sede shall remayne for euer and his throne lyke the sonne in my syght c. This promyse is also redde in the .ii. Reg. vii 2. Reg. 7. Here in this prophesy God speaketh of the eternall kyngdom of Christ in which perpetuall mercy peace and quietnes is for in Christ he hathe reposed layd vp his truth and mercy Therfore in no other thynge can this promyse of grace be foūd or obtayned sayue only in Christ In him god hath promised to vs saluaciō frely through his myghtie mercie Therfore who soeuer beleueth in Christe without any more a doo to be bolde vpon it he hathe all thynges And though there be in Christes kyngdome weyke and infirme sinners which slyppe fall many tymes yet this priuelege prerogatiue they haue their sinnes shall not be imputed to damnation All theire offenses be offenses of children not of saruantes We haue a salue conduct and a passeport through all the peryls of death and damnaciō And thoughe we fall neuer so heynously yet shal we not perishe therfore for our christian fayth doth so fasten vs vnto oure Dauid Christe that we be made one sprite with hym In Christe we haue the verite of Goddes promyse and his mercy euermore to continue oure heauenly father wyll not punishe his weake children in his wrathe for euer but wyll chastice them with fauour in this temporall lyfe call vs agayne to repentaunce Thus the grace of God shall euer abyde fyrme and stable whiche we be suer shall not fayle vs so that we beleue this Dauid Christ to be oure kyng cast all our trust on him And here is to be noted and cōsidered where he sayth Truth My treuth and mercy allways go with hym yf it be his trewth than it can not ley nor deceiue vs. Yf yt be hys mercy and grace Grace than yt standith not by oure workes nor the lawe wherfore all these thynges shall happen to vs in Christe and for Christes sake which by hys workes and passion hathe purchased and bought all thyng for vs. Esay lv Esa 55. Bowe downe youre eare and come to me heare me and your soule shall lyue and I shall stryke a bergayne with you perpetuall the suer mercies which I promysed to Dauid Ierem. xxxi Ier. 31. This shal be the bargayne that I shall stryke with the house of Israell After those dayes I shall gyue my lawe within theyr bowels and wyll write it in theyr hartes Nota. and I wyll be theyr God and they shall be my people for I wyl pardon all theyr iniquities and wyll no more remember theyr offences c. So doth the apostle in his epistle to the Hebrues alledge the same place Heb. 8.10 where he proueth that this bargayne of grace are this newe testament betwyxt god and vs is now confyrmed and sealed vp by the death of Christ And that god is now no more a streyte iudge but a most tender father to all the faythful of Christ and that he wyl pardone all their offenses Lykwise to the Gala. S. Paule callyth thys eternall bargayn of grace Gal. 3. a testament that shal stand for euer where as he wryteth No mā brekyth or dysordenyth the wyll or testament of a man beyng ones confirmed and ratified Than yf mēnes testamētes ones made and confirmed abyde firme and suer how muche more the testament of god ones confirmed and ratified shall abyde firme These testimones do proue euidently strongly that goddes grace promised in Christe is firme and suer so that now no beleuer ought ne cā doubt of the fauor of god and remission of hys synnes we ought not to dought But vndoubtedly and constantly ought to styke to this promise of god which cā not nether shall be found false What hart now is so hard or stoney that wyll not relēt or be styred vp by thys firme and swete promise of god to take a bolde fayth and a confident trust vpō the grace and fauor of almyghte god beyng so promised to vs Wyll not these wordes make vs certefied yea also secure as yt were a bonde or a bargane testament promise Bonde testamet promyse mercy an othe an othe mercy And all these doth no man whiche maye decyue vs but god eternall promise our father in heauen which is truyth hymselfe Yt is an horrible blyndnes in vs that whan god hymselfe doth calle vs to hys grace doth promise frely to vs for his marcy sake clere remission of our synnes and for the same purpose hathe sent to vs hys only begotten sone in to the world to be a suer token or plege of hys heauenly fauor and grace and yet we lene and hold more to our owne stynkyng workes than to the trew euerstādyng truyth of god Alas for pyte howe many pretious soules moste pytuously haue be brought to desperation throughe these workes dooynge The law only hath bene put forth vnto them no thyng els beten into theire heades but this what god requireth of vs howe great synners we were what vēgaunce of God dyd fall vpon synne what tormentes what fyre and brymstone we shuld suffre in hell But none taught the people faythfully the promyse of God the gospel of Christe in the whiche sorowfull and vexed consciences of synners myght be refresshed and lerne the infinite and vnsearchable grace that God whiche of his vnknowen mercy hathe promysed Gods promyse is a gyfte that is to saye hathe geuen
mercy and grace of God which grace is gyuē vs onely throughe christ and not throughe oure selues Tit. iii. Tit. 3. that notwithstandynge yet these good workes of ours do folowe and sprynge out of this faythe and promyse of God And loke there where as they do not folowe and maye folowe there is no trewe nor lyuely faythe but only a deed and barayne opinion of faythe but where this trewe and lyuely faythe is there is workyd miracles and thynges farre passynge the possibilitie of naturall workynge For as saynt Paule sayth / we receyue the holy goost not by our workynge but by hearing of the gospel Gal. 3. this holy goost wyll not suffre vs to doubte after the papistes fassion or as they wold haue vs nor to fere as their seruyle sprite dothe but with a bolde truste cryeth in oure hartes to God abba father and wytnesseth with oure sperite that we be the chyldren the heyers of God and felowe heyers with Christe that we maye be glorified together with hym And as Paule to the Ephesians sayth Ephe. 1. they that beleue in Christe be sealed vp with the holy spirite of promyse the spirite we haue as a pledge or an ernest peny of our inhereditaunce and possession which we haue got and be redemed vnto The holy spirete is our pleas Therfore with all fayth and trust we muste euer loke vpon the promyses of God and vpon Iesus Christ only And so in this promyse of God our conscience may fynde comfort and peace plentie but in our workes we shall fynde none And therfore marke wel this text of Paule and kepe it well in youre remembraunce where he sayth Rom. 4. Rom. iiii Abraham had this promyse gyuē to hym to his sede that he shuld be the heyre of the worlde not for his workynge after the lawe but for his byleuynge in fayth / for yf they whiche belonge to the lawe be the heyers then is fayth voyde and the promyse of none effecte / for why the lawe worketh angre by reason that yf there were no lawe there were no transgression therfore is the inheritaunce gyuē by fayth as by grace frely bycause the promyse muste stande fyrme stable to all the sede of Abraham Dayly experience and practyse in our trobles and dystresses declareth that no man be he neuer so holy can quyet his conscience by his workes Experience Oure synnes and death be more greuous enemyes vnto vs than that we be able to ouer come thē by oure owne dedes and deseruynges / we must haue an other maner of meanes to that whiche is our faythe receyuynge and holdynge the promyse of God in Christe And so that is able to conquere the mighty fersnes of synne and death This fayth receyueth and styketh to most sure and eternall thynges that can neuer fayle vs and not to oure workynges but to the great grace of God to Christe him selfe to his workes his deseruynges and to the promyse in Christe brefely to all that Christe hathe or is worth / whiche thynges be moch greatter higher more stable and magnificall thā our capacities is able to comprehende Remedy ī tēptaciō Therfore whan any temtacion commeth we must not loke to the lawe and oure workes but settynge all them a syde we must runne and crepe to the crosse of Christ we must seke for helpe and grace by christ hūbli must knowlage oure faultes And thoughe oure synnes be neuer so great or greuous thoughe the feare and temptacion of deathe be neuer so horrible yet we must styll styke to the promyse of God and suerly must trust and doubte nothynge that oure synnes be forgyuen vs for Christes sake accordynge to the promyse of God without any deseruynges of ours that God is oure father and we shall lyue with hym for euer and euer The workes passion of Christ which be of great and infinite and omnipotent power ought more to styre vs vp to truste well on God that he wyll be euermore to vs a mercyful lord than our synnes ought to fraye vs for the grace of God in Christe is moche stronger and more able to deliuer and helpe vs than our synnes be to condempne vs. Roma v. Rom. 5. And this grace of god doth not hang of our workes for than yt shulde be vncertayne but yt standyth fyrme by grace of fayth through Christ with out any regarde or respect of oure workyng And this is done by the syngular prouedence of the great fatherly loue of god toward vs bycause our iustyficatiō shuld stand firme certayne by faythe so that no man nede doubt of the fauor marcy of god toward him yf this grace promise stand in the hand of god than is yt suer so that we can not doubt of the remiscion of our synnes But yf they shuld stād in our owne hand and shuld hang of our selfes thē we shuld always be vncertane by cause we were neuer able to deserue sufficiētly not of sufficient strenght to fulfyll the lawe But after that we returne referre our selfes in Christe alone and in the promise of god through Christe than be we sayfe and suer ynough by cause god hath promised of hys voluntary grace frely and hath founded his promise by the fayth in Christe to th entent yt shall stande fyrme certayne And therfore I sayd the kyngdome of Christ to be a kyngdome of securite and peace Christes kyngdom is a kingdom of securitie Esa 32. as the prophites do descrybe yt In this kyngdom we haue peace and moste suer succur so that there is nowe nether synne death nor hell can feare vs. So dothe Esaias also .ix. call Christe the prynce of peace woose pryncedome is large greate Christ the prynce of peace and whose peace shall neuer haue ende In Ieremie also .xxiii. god doth promise vnto Israell that is vnto all beleuers in Christe a boadde of iustice a kynge whiche shall rule wisely and shal execute iudgemēt and iustice in earth vnder whō Israell shall dwell boldly these thynges be in the spirituall kyngdome of Christ in the which there is true spirituall securitie where as euery christen mans hart hath peace with god through fayth in Christe in the whiche kyngdome nether synne can damne vs nether death cā kyll vs nor hell can swalow vs. For god is with vs and fedyth vs and defēdyth vs as his shepe Therfore who cā be against vs And Esaias agayn .xxxii. Esa 32. whē the holy gooste sayth he shall be powred from aboue that was whan Christ begane his kyngdome thā the worke fruyte of iustyce shall be peace and the kepyng of iustice shall be silens and securite for euer and euer And the peple of god shall dwell in goodlynes of peace and in houses of truste All these thynges do nothyng els but signifie that Christes people ī his kingdome shall be all good quiett at rest and mery which shall