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A10557 The Christian divinitie, contained in the divine service of the Church of England summarily, and for the most part in order, according as point on point dependeth, composed; and with the holy Scriptures plainly and plentifully confirmed: written for the furtherance of the peoples understanding in the true religion established by publike authoritie, and for the increase of vnitie in that godly truth eternall. By Edmund Reeve Bachelour in Divinitie, and vicar of the parish of Hayes in Middlesex. Reeve, Edmund, d. 1660. 1631 (1631) STC 20829; ESTC S115773 277,054 457

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to be our spirituall food k Ioh. 6.32 33 35 48 50 51. and sustenance In the third Exhortation it is said The benefit is great if with a true penitent heart and lively faith we receive that holy Sacrament for then wee l Iohn 6.63 56. spiritually eate the flesh of Christ and drinke his blood then we dwell in Christ and Christ m Iohn 14.23 2 Cor. 6.16 in us we bee n 1 Cor. 6.17 1 Cor. 10.16 17 1 Cor. 12 13. one with Christ and Christ with us And afterward it is said Above all things ye must give most humble and hearty thankes to God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost for the redemption of the world by the death and passion of our Saviour Christ both God and man who did humble himselfe even to the death upon the Crosse for us miserable sinners which lay in darkenesse and shadow of death that hee might make us the children of God and exalt us to everlasting life And to the end that we should alway remember the exceeding great love of our Master and onely Saviour Iesus Christ thus dying for us and the innumerable benefits which by his precious blood-shedding hee hath obtained to us hee hath instituted and ordained holy mysteries as pledges of his love and continuall o 1 Cor. 11.24 25 26. remembrance of his death to our great and endlesse comfort And in the Prayer to be read afore the receiving it is said Almighty God our heavenly Father which of thy tender mercy didst give thy onely Son Iesus Christ to suffer death vpon the Crosse for our redemption who made there by his one oblation of himselfe once offered a full perfect and sufficient sacrifice oblation and satisfaction for the sinnes of the whole world and did institute and in his holy Gospell command us to continue a perpetuall memory of that his precious death untill his comming againe c. And in the second Prayer after the receiving it is said Thou dost assure us thereby of thy favour and goodnesse towards us and that wee bee very members incorporate in thy mysticall p Eph. 1. 22 23. 1 Cor. 12.12.27 body which is the blessed company of all faithfull people and be also heires through hope of thy everlasting Kingdome by the merits of the most precious death and passion of thy deare Sonne In the * T. 2. p. 192. Homily of the resurrection it is said Thou hast received him if in true faith and repentance of heart thou hast received him If in purpose of amendment thou hast received him for an everlasting gage or pledge of thy salvation Thou hast received his body which was once broken and his blood which was shed for the remission of thy sinne Thou hast received his body to have within thee the Father the Son and the holy Ghost for to dwell with thee to endow thee with grace to strengthen thee against thine enemies and to comfort thee with their presence Thou hast received his body to endow thee with everlasting righteousnes to assure thee with everlasting blisse and life of thy soule For with Christ by true faith art thou quickned againe saith Saint Paul from death of sin to life of grace and in hope translated from corporall and everlasting death to the everlasting life of glory in heaven q Phil. 3.20 where now thy conversation should be and thy heart and desire set In the * T. 2. p. 197. Homily concerning the Sacrament it is most divinely delivered That our Lord and Saviour thought it not sufficient to purchase for us his Fathers favour againe which is that deepe fountaine of all goodnesse and eternall life but also invented the wayes most wisely whereby they might redound to our commodity and profit Amongst the which meanes is the publike celebration of the memory of his precious death at the Lords Table Which although it seeme of small vertue to some yet being rightly done by the faithfull it doth not onely helpe their weaknesse who be by their poisoned nature readier to remember injuries than benefits but strengtheneth and comforteth their inward man with peace and gladnesse and maketh them thankfull to their Redeemer with diligent care and godly conversation And as of old time God decreed his wondrous benefits of the deliverance of his people to be kept in memory by the eating of the Passeover See chap. 17. with his rites and ceremonies so our loving Saviour hath ordained and established the remembrance of his great mercy expressed in his Passion in the institution of his heavenly supper In the same * p. 199. Homily it is also said We must be sure to hold that in the supper of the Lord there is no vaine ceremony no bare signe no untrue figure of a thing absent but as the Scripture saith the r 1 Cor. 10.21 table of the Lord the bread cup of the Lord the memory of Christ the ſ 1 Cor. 11.25 26. annuntiation of his death yea the communion of the body and blood of the Lord in a marveilous incorporation which by the operation of the Holy Ghost the very t 1 Iohn 3.24 bond of our conjunctiō with Christ is through faith wrought in the soules of the faithfull whereby not onely their soules live to eternall life but they surely trust to win their bodies a resurrection to immortality The true understanding of this fruition union which is betwixt the body the head betwixt the true beleevers and Christ the ancient Catholike Fathers both perceiving themselves and commending to their people were not afraid to call this supper some of them the salve of immortality and soveraigne preservative against death Other a deificall communion other the u Rev. 3.20 sweet dainties of our Saviour the pledge of eternall health the defence of faith the hope of the resurrection Other the food of immortality the healthfull grace and the conservatorie to everlasting life And in the same first part of the * p. 200. Homily it is also said Thus much more the faithfull see heare and know the favourable mercies of God sealed the satisfaction by Christ towards us confirmed and the remission of sinne established Here they may feele wrought the tranquility of conscience the increase of faith the strengthening of hope the large spreading abroad of brotherly kindnesse with many other sundry graces of God The tast whereof they cannot attaine unto who be drowned in the deepe durty lake of blindnesse and ignorance From the which O beloved u Ier. 4.14 Isay 1.16 Psal 119.9 Psal 26.6 wash your selves with the living waters of Gods Word whence you may perceive and know both the spirituall food of this costly supper and the happy trustings and effects that the same doth bring with it And then after it is said It is well knowne that the meate we seeke for in this supper is spirituall food the nourishment of our soule a heavenly reflection
to any To the Ephesians he signifieth that people should m Eph. 4.28 worke with their hands the thing which is good And to Titus he saith Let ours also learne to n Tit. 3.14 professe honest * See the Margent there trades for necessary uses that they be not unfruitfull The fifteenth To doe our Duty in that state of life unto the which it shall please God to call us And the fifteenth is That we doe our Duty in that state of life unto the which it shall please God to call us In the first part of the * T. 1. p. 52. Homily concerning falling from God it is said Sometime men goe from God by the neglecting of his Commandements concerning their Neighbours which commandeth them to expresse hearty love towards every man as Zechary said to the people in Gods behalfe o Zech. 7.9 10. Give true judgment shew mercy and compassion every one to his brother imagine no deceit towards widowes or children fatherlesse or motherlesse toward strangers or the poore Let no man forge evill in his heart against his Brother The p Rom. 12.4 5 6 7 8. Apostle saith Having gifts differing according to the grace that is given us whether prophesie let us prophesie according to the proportion of faith or Ministery let us waite on our ministring or he that teacheth on teaching or he that exhorteth on exhortation he that giveth let him doe it with simplicity he that ruleth with diligence he that sheweth mercy with cheerfulnesse CHAP. 81. Of the Duty of the Husband unto his Wife and of the Duty of the Wife unto her Husband IN the Service of Matrimony the Duties of married persons are very Divinely delivered The Husbands duty briefly is comprehended in these words Wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded Wife to live together after Gods Ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony Wilt thou love her comfort her honour and keepe her in sicknesse and in health and forsaking all other keepe thee onely unto her so long as you both shall live And in the last prayer of Matrimony where it is said That this man may q Eph. 5.25 26 27 28. love his Wife according to thy Word as Christ did love his Spouse the Church who gave himselfe for it loving and cherishing it even as his owne flesh In the * T. 2. p. 240 241. Homily concerning the state of Matrimony it is said unto the Husband Learne thou therefore if thou desirest to be voide of all these miseries if thou desirest to live peaceably and comfortably in wedlocke how to make thy earnest prayer to God that hee would governe both your hearts by the Holy Spirit to restraine the Devils power whereby your concord may remaine perpetually But to this prayer must be joyned a singular diligence whereof Saint Peter giveth this precept saying You r 1 Pet. 3.7 Husbands deale with your Wives according to knowledge giving honour to the Wife as to the weaker Vessel as unto them that are heires also of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered This precept doth particularly pertaine to the Husband for he ought to be the leader and author of love in cherishing and encreasing concord which then shall take place if he will use moderation and not tyranny and if he ſ 1 Cor. 7.3 Eph. 5.21 1 Pet. 3.7 Rom. 12.6 yeeld something to the woman For the woman is a weake creature not indued with like strength constancy of minde therfore they be the sooner disquieted and they be the more prone to all weake affections and dispositions of minde more than men bee and lighter they be and more vaine in their fantasies and opinions These things must bee considered of the man that he be not too t Col. 3.19 stiffe so that hee ought to u Prov. 19.11 winke at some things and most gently expound w 1 Cor. 13.7 all things and to x Eph. 4.2 3. forbeare In the said * P. 245. Homily it is also delivered God forbid that a man should y Eph. 5.28.29 Mal. 2.14 Col 3.19 Prov. 5.18 19. 1 Pet. 3.7 1 Cor. 13.4.5 beate his wife for that is the greatest shame that can be not so much to her that is beaten as to him that doth the deed Let there be none so grievous fault to compell you to beate your Wives But what say I your Wives No it is not to bee borne with that an honest man should lay hands on his z Gen. 16.6 maidservant to beate her Wherefore if it be a great shame for a man to beate his bondservant much more a Phil. 4.8 rebuke it is to lay violent hands upon his free woman And this thing may be well understood by the lawes which the Panims have made which doth discharge her any longer to dwell with such an Husband as unworthy to have any further company with her that doth smite her For it is an extreame point thus so vilely to intreat her like a slave that is fellow to thee of thy life and so joyned unto thee before time in the necessary matters of thy living And therefore a man may well liken such a man if he may bee called a man rather then a wilde beast to a killer of his father or his Mother c. Reade the remaining delivery wherin is declared how monstrous and horrible a wickednesse it is for a man to use any manner of violence or roughnesse to the person of his Wife and also sundry more duties are Divinely prescribed for the Husbands observation Of the Duty of the Wife unto her Husband Now cōcerning the Duty of the wife unto her husband who oftentimes by her neglect of the duties which she is bound to performe unto her Husband pulleth upon and against her selfe many unkindnesses which would in no wise come to passe if shee had conscience and care to doe her duties And the wives dutie is briefly comprised where it is said I take thee to my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sicknesse and in health to love cherish and to obey till death us depart according to Gods holy ordinance And in the last prayer of Matrimony her duty is divinely signified where it is prayed for saying And also that this woman may be b Gen. 29.11 12 17. and 30.1 and 26.8 loving and amiable to her husband as Rachel wise as c Gen. 27.9 c Rebecca faithfull and d 1 Pet. 3.5 6. obedient as Sarah and in all e and 3 4. quietnesse f 1 Tim. sobriety and g 1 Cor. 14.33 34 35. peace bee a follower of all holy and godly Matrons In the * P. 242. Homily concerning the state of Matrimony it is said Shall the wife abuse the gentlenesse and humanity of her husband and at her pleasure turne all things *
Iesus Christ our Lord. And to the Thessalonians he sayth b 1 Thes 2.12 That yee would walke worthy of God who hath called you vnto his Kingdome and glory And Saint Peter sayth c 1 Peter 2.9 That yee should shew foorth the prayses of him who hath called you out of darknes into his maruailous light And againe d 1 Pet. 5.10.11 The God of all grace who hath called vs into his eternall glory by Iesus Christ after that yee haue suffered a while make you perfect stablish strengthen settle you To him be glory and dominion for euer and euer Amen CHAP. 11. Of Iustification IN the first part of the * T. 1. p. 13. Homily of Saluation it is sayd Because all men be sinners and offenders against God and breakers of his Law and Commandements therefore can no man by his owne acts workes and deedes seeme they neuer so good be iustified and made righteous before God But euery man of necessity is constrayned to seeke for another righteousnesse or iustification to be receiued at Gods owne hands that is to say the forgiuenesse of his sins and trespasses in such things as hee hath offended And this iustification or righteousnesse which we so receiue of Gods mercy and Christs merits embraced by faith is taken accepted and allowed of God for our perfect and full iustification Three things therefore must goe together in our iustification The three things which must go together in our iustification To 1. p. 14.15 Vppon Gods part his great mercy and grace Vppon Christs part Iustice that is the satisfaction of Gods iustice or the price of our redemption by the offering of his body and shedding of his blood with fulfilling of the Law perfectly and throughly And vppon our part true and liuely Faith in the Merits of Iesus Christ which neuerthelesse is the gift of God and not mans onely worke without God Which sayd Faith doth not shut out Repentance Hope Loue Dread and the feare of God to be ioyned with Faith in euery man that is iustified but it shutteth them out from the office of iustifying Nor the faith also doth not sout out the iustice of our good workes necessarily to bee done afterwards of duty towards God For wee are most bounden to serue God in doing good Deedes commaunded by him in his Holy Scripture all the dayes of our life * Page 17. No man may iustly thinke that wee may by this Doctrine take any occasion of carnall liberty to follow the desires of the flesh or that thereby any kind of sinne may be committed or any vngodly liuing the more vsed Iustification is the office of God onely and is not a thing which wee render vnto him but which wee receiue of him Not which wee giue vnto him but which wee take of him by his free Mercy and by the onely Merits of his most dearely beloued Sonne our onely Redeemer Sauiour and iustifier IESVS CHRIST Saint Paul sayth e Rom. All haue sinned and come short of the glory of God being iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Iesus Ghrist whom God hath set foorth to be a propitiation through Faith in his blood to declare his righteousnesse for the remission of sinnes that are past through the forbearance of God To declare I say at this time his righteousnesse that he may be iust and the iustifier of him which beleeueth in Iesus The same Apostle likewise sayth f Rom. 8.3 What the Law could not do in that it was weake through the flesh God sending his owne Sonne in the likenesse of sinnefull flesh and * Or by a sacrifice for sinne as in the margent Peccatum graecè 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hebra●cè 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Et 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saepè exponitur expiat●o et piaculum seu sacrificium expiationis Leu. 4.34 Eze. 45.23 c. In textu etiam chaldaico vsurpatur vt in Esdr 6.17 for sinne condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the Law migh be fulfilled in vs who walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit Now the * Page 19. office and duety of a Christian man vnto God what wee ought on our part to render vnto God againe for his great mercy and goodnesse is not to passe the time of this present life vnfruitfully and idlely after that wee are Baptized or iustified not caring how few good workes we do to the glory of God and profite of our neighbours Much lesse is it our Office after that wee bee once made Christs members to liue contrary to the same making our selues members of the Diuell walking after his inticements and after the suggestions of the World and the flesh whereby we know that we doe serue the World and the Diuell and not God The Lord sayth by his Prophet Micah g Mic Shall I count them pure with the wicked Ballances and with the Bagge of deceitfull weights For the rich men thereof are full of Violence and the inhabitants thereof haue spoken lyes and their tongue is deceitfull in their mouth In the beginning of the Common Prayer it is sayd concerning iustification At what time so euer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his heart I will put all his wickednesse out of my remembrance sayth the Lord. These Words of the Lord spoken at large by his Prophet are If the h Ezech. 18.21 22. Wicked will turne from all his sinnes that he hath committed and keepe all my Statutes and do that which is lawfull and right hee shall surely liue he shall not dye All his transgressions that he hath committed they shall not be mentioned vnto him in his righteousnesse that hee hath done he shall liue And sayth the Apostle beeing iustified i Rom. 5.1.2 by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ By whom also wee haue accesse by faith into this grace wherein we stand and reioyce in hope of the glory of God CHAP. 12. Of the true and liuely Faith IN the third part of the * T. 1. p. 19.20 Homily of Saluation it is sayd The right and true Christian faith is not only to beleeue that holy Scripture and all the aforesaid Articles of our Faith are true which things the Diuels themselues do beleeue but also to haue a sure trust and confidence in Gods mercifull promises to be saued from euerlasting damnation by Christ Whereof doth follow a louing heart to obey his Commandements The * T. 1. P. 18. true and liuely faith in Christ bringeth foorth good workes and a life according to Gods Commandements And * P. 20. this true Christian faith neither any Diuell hath nor yet any man which in the outward profession of his mouth and in his outward receiuing of the Sacraments in comming to Church and in all other outward appearances seemeth to be a Christian man and yet in his
Christ if thou follow not the steps of Christ In the first * Tom. 2. p. 180 Homily of the Passion most diuinely it is declared That it shall little auaile vs to haue in meditation the fruites and price of Christs passion to magnifie them and to delight or trust in them except we haue in minde his examples in passion to follow them If we thus therefore consider Christs death and will sticke thereto with fast faith for the merite and deseruing thereof and will also frame our selues in such wise to bestow our selues and all that we haue by charity to the behoofe of our neighbour as Christ spent himselfe wholly for our profit then doe wee truely remember Christs death and being thus followers of Christs steps we shall be sure to follow him thither where he now sitteth with the Father and the holy Ghost Likewise in the * Tom. 2. p. 196 Homily of the Resurrection it is sayd Let vs keepe our feast the whole terme of our life with eating the bread of purenesse of godly life and truth of Christs Doctrine Thus shall we declare that Christs gifts and graces haue their effect in vs and that we haue the right beleefe knowledg of his holy resurrection where truely if we apply our Faith to the vertue thereof in our life and conforme vs to the example and signification meant thereby we shall be sure to rise hereafter to euerlasting glory by the goodnesse and mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ And in the same * Pag. 191. Homily it is sayd Christ passed through death and hell to the intent to put vs in good hope that by his strength we shall doe the same In the Collect for Palme Sunday it is signified That Almighty God of his tender loue towards man sent our Sauiour Iesus Christ to take vpon him our flesh and to suffer death vpon the Crosse that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility In the Collect for the second Sunday after Easter it is sayd That Almighty God gaue his onely Sonne to be vnto vs both a sacrifice for sinne and an example of godly life In that most diuine exhortation in the commination Seruice it is sayd Let vs returne vnto our Lord God who is the mercifull receiuer of all true penitent sinners assuring our selues that he is ready to receiue vs and most willing to pardon vs if we come vnto him with faithfull repentance If we will submit our selues vnto him and from henceforth walke in his wayes If we will take his easie yoke and light burthen vpon vs to follow him in lowlinesse patience and charity and be ordered by the gouernance of his holy Spirit seeking alwayes his glory and seruing him duely in our vocation with thankesgiuing This if we doe Christ will deliuer vs from the curse of the Law and from the extreame malediction which shall light on them that shall bee set on his left hand c. The holy Apostle Paul in his Epistle to Titus sayth p Tit. 2.14 Iesus Christ gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all iniquity and purisie vnto himselfe a peculiar people zealous of good workes Zacharias in his song sayd q That we being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies might serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our life Saint Paul to the Romanes sayth r Rom. 8.3.4 What the Law could not doe in that it was weake through the flesh God sending his owne Sonne in the likenesse of sinfull flesh and * Or by a sacrifice for sinne as it is read in the margent for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh That the righteousnesse of the Lawe might bee fulfilled in vs who walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit To the Corinthians he sayth Å¿ 2. Cor. 5.15 Christ died for all that they which liue should not hencefoorth liue vnto themselues but vnto him which died for them and rose againe To the Thessalonians he sayth t 1. Thes 5.9.10 God hath not appointed vs to wrath but to obtaine saluation by our Lord Iesus Christ who died for vs that whether we wake or sleepe we should liue together with him And Saint Peter sayth u 1. Pet. 1.24 Christ his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his owne body on the tree that wee being dead vnto sinne should liue vnto righteousnesse Againe he sayth w 1. Pet. 2.21 Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an example that we should follow his steps Further he sayth x 1. Pet. 4.1.2 Forasmuch as Christ hath suffered for vs in the flesh arme your selues likewise with the same minde for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sinne That he no longer should liue the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men but to the will of God p Luke 1.74.75 Who of ripe age partake of Christs merits Now who of ripe age partake of Christs merits these Scriptures following and sundry others doe declare y Iohn If ye loue me sayth Christ keepe my Commaundements He that hath my Commaundements and keepeth them he it is that loueth me and he that loueth me shall be loued of my Father and I will loue him and will manifest my selfe vnto him Againe z Ioh 15.10 14. If yee keepe my Commaundements yee shall abide in my loue euen as I haue kept my Fathers commandements and abide in his loue And yee are my friends if yee doe whatsoeuer I commaund you Againe a Ioh. 8.31.32 If ye continue in my word then are yee my Disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free And to the Hebrewes the Apostle sayth b Heb. 3.14 We are made partakers of Christ If we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast vnto the end To the Romanes he sayth c Rom 6.5.8 If we haue bene planted together in the likenesse of his death we shall be also in the likenesse of his resurrection If we be dead with Christ we beleeue that we shall also liue with him Againe d Rom If the Spirit of him that raysed vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies * Or because of his spirit that dwelleth in you as in the margent by the Spirit that dwelleth in you If ye liue after the flesh ye shall dye but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall liue For as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sonnes of God And if children then heires heires of God and ioynt heires with Christ If so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together In like manner sayth the Apostle to Timothy e 2. Tim. It is a faithfull saying for if we be dead with him
be b Ps 25.12 13 Isa 50.10 left without helpe For either God Almighty will c Acts 8.29 send him some godly Doctour to teach him as he did to instruct the Eunuch or else if wee lacke a learned man to instruct and teach us yet God himselfe from above will give d 2 Sam. 22.29 See the Collect for the third Sunday after Easter light unto our mindes and teach us those things which are necessary for us and wherein we bee ignorant And in another place Chrysostome saith That mans humane and e 1 Cor. 1.19 20 21. Rom. 1.22 Col. 2.8 1 Cor. 2.14 3.19 20. worldly wisdome or science needeth not to the understanding of Scripture but the f Mat. 11.27 Ioh. 14 26. 16.13 revelation of the holy Ghost who inspireth the true meaning unto them that with humility and diligence doe search therefore c. In the second part of the * T. 2 p. 149 150. Homily an information concerning certaine places of Scripture It is said If ye will be profitable hearers and readers of the holy Scriptures yee must first g Mat. 16.24 1 Cor. 4.18 deny your selves and keepe under your h 1 Cor. 2.14 Isay 55.7.8 Rom. 8.5 6 7. carnall senses taken by the outward words and search the inward meaning i Rom. 4.18 19 20 21 22. reason must give place to Gods holy Spirit you must submit your worldly wisedome and judgement unto his diuine wisedome and judgement Consider that the Scripture in what strange forme soeuer it be pronounced is the word of the living God It cannot therefore bee but k Tit. 1.2 Pro. 8.6 7 8 9. truth which proceedeth from the God of all truth it cannot be but wisely and prudently commanded what Almighty God hath devised how vainly soever through want of grace we miserable wretches doe imagine and judge of his most holy Word In the third part of the * T. 2. p. 231. Homily for Rogation weeke it is said l Wisd 7.14 Wisedome is an infinite treasure unto men which who so use become partakers of the love of God I might with many words move some of this audience to search for this wisedome to sequester their reason to follow Gods Commandement to cast from them the wits of their braines to savour this wisedome to renounce the wisedome and policy of this fond world to taste and savour that whereunto the favour and will of God hath called them and willeth us finally to enjoy by his favour if we m Prov. 1.33 2.1 2 3 4 5. 8.34 35. would give eare The elect as they can search n Iob where to finde this wisedome and know of whom to o Iam. 1.5 Ephes 17. aske it So know they againe that in time it is found and can therefore attemper themselves to the occasion of the time to suffer no time to p Eph. 5.15 16 17. Prov. 14.23 passe away wherein they may labour for this q Ecclus. 51.30 See all c. Ecclus. 24. wisedome And to encrease therein they know how God of his infinite mercy and lenitie giveth all men here time and place of r Rom. 2.4 Rev. 2.21 repentance The naturall man saith Saint Paul receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse unto him neither Å¿ 1 Cor. 2.14 can he know them because they are spiritually discerned Wherefore the Lord Christ said verily verily except a man be borne againe he t Iohn 3.3 cannot see the kingdome of God The Prophet David saith u Psal 25.12 13 14.9 What man is hee that feareth the Lord him will hee teach the way that he shall choose His soule shall dwell at ease and his seed shall inherite the earth The secret of the Lord is with them that feare him and he will shew them his covenant The meeke will hee guide in judgement and the meeke will hee teach his way Saint Paul also saith Let no man deceive himselfe If any man among you seemeth to bee wise in this world let him become a w 1 Cor. 3.18 19 20. foole that hee may bee wise For the wisedome of this world is foolishnes with God We are to beleeve that every word syllable and x Mat. 5.18 Gal. 3.16 1 Cor. 15.27 Heb. 2.8 letter of the holy Scriptures is truth though the matter be farre y Rom 4.18.20 21 22. See in Homily in T. 2. p. 149. aboue our comprehension or * Some words are to bee understood not naturally but spiritually as in Rev. 11.8 and some figuratively as John 15.8 Luke 22.20 Psalme 6.6 Matth. 3.5 namely when as the naturall or proper sense of them cannot stand consonant either with the context or with other Scriptures The letter is to be retained alwaies in every understanding for let any jot or title passe and where is the Scripture then understanding The Lord saith Till heaven and earth passe one z Mat. 5.18 jot or one title shall in no wise passe from the Law till all be fulfilled The Scripture cannot be a Iohn 10.35 broken Yee shall not b Deut. 4.2 adde unto the word which I command you neither shall ye diminish ought from it that yee may keepe the commandements of the Lord your God which I command you c Pro. 30.6 Adde not thou unto his words lest he reproue thee and thou be found a lier Saint Peter saith that in Saint Pauls Epistles are some things d 2 Pet. 3.16 hard to bee understood which they that are unlearned and unstable doe wrest as they doe also the other Scriptures unto their owne destruction Againe the Lord Christ saith If ye e Iohn 8.31.32 continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed And ye shall c know the truth and the truth shall make you free Againe hee said unto the Iewes If any man will doe the f Iohn 7.17 will of God my Father he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speake of my selfe Saint Iames saith If any want wisedome let him g Iames 1.5 aske of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be giuen him Christ saith your heauenly Father will h Luke 11.13 give the holy Spirit to them that aske him and which also i Acts 5.32 obey him which holy Spirit teacheth k 2. Pet. 1.3 all things that pertaine unto life and godlines and l Iohn 16.13 Psal 25.5 leadeth the obedient into all truth unto m Eph. 4.3 Ioh. 17.21 221 unity n Iam. 3.17.18 Gal. 5.22 23. peace and o Act. 1.14 Act. 2.46 and 4.32 Col. 2.2.5 1 Cor. 1.10 Phil. 2.2 concord Solomon most memorably saith p Prov. 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. My sonne if thou wilt receive my words and hide my Commandements with thee so that thou encline thine eare unto wisedome and apply
charity with your neighbours and intend to lead a new life following the Commandements of God and walking from henceforth in his holy wayes draw neare and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort In the Catechisme it is said There is required of them which come to the Lords Supper to examine themselves whether they repent thē truly of their former sins stedfastly purposing to lead a new life have a lively faith in Gods mercy through Christ with a thankefull remembrance of his death and bee in charity with all men In the first part of the * T. 2 p. 198. Homily concerning the Sacrament it is said We must addresse our selves to frequent this Table in reverent and comely manner lest as physicke provided for the body being misused more hurteth then profiteth so this comfortable medicine of the soule undecently received tendeth to our greater harm and sorrow We must certainly know that three things be requisite in him which would seemely as becommeth such high mysteries resort to the Lords table That is first a right and worthy estimation and understanding of this mysterie Secondly to come in a sure faith And thirdly to have newnesse or purenesse of life to succeed the receiving of the same In the second part of the * P. 202. Homily concerning the Sacrament it is said We may learne by eating of the typicall Lambe whereunto no man was admitted but he that was a Iew that was n Ex. 12.48 circumcised that was before sanctified Yea Saint Paul testifieth that although the people were partakers of the Sacraments under Moses yet for that some of them were still worshippers of Images Whoremongers Tempters of Christ murmurers and coveting after evill things God o 1 Cor. 10.5 6 11. overthrew those in the wildernesse and that for our example that is that we Christians should take heed we resort unto our Sacraments with holinesse of life not trusting in the p Mat 15.8.9 Ier. 7.3 4 5 9 10 c. Mat. 3.8 9 10. outward receiving of them and infected with corrupt and uncharitable manners For this sentence of God must alwayes bee justified q Mat. 12.7 Hos 6.7 1 Sam. 15.22 23. I will have mercy and not sacrifice Wherefore saith Basil it behooveth him that commeth to the body and blood of Christ in commemoration of him that dyed and rose againe not onely to be pure from all r 2 Cor. 7.1 filthinesse of the flesh and spirit lest hee eate and drinke his owne condemnation but also to ſ 1 Cor. 11.26.24 shew out evidently a memory of him that died and rose againe for us in this point that yee be t Rom. 6.11.8 mortified to sinne and the world to live now unto God in Christ Iesu our Lord. It is * P. 203. afterward delivered most divinely also Furthermore for newnesse of life it is to bee noted that S. Paul writeth that we being many are one u 1 Cor. 10.17 bread and one body for all be partakers of one bread Declaring thereby not onely our communion with Christ but that w Eph. 4.16 unity also wherein they that eate at this Table should be knit together For by dissention vaine glorie ambition strife envying contempt hatred or malice they should not be x 1 Cor. 11.18 dissevered but so y Eph. 2.21 22. 1 Pet 2.5 Col. joyned by the bond of love in one mysticall body as the Cornes of that bread in one Loafe In respect of which strait knot of Charity the true Christians in the Primitive Church called this Supper Love As if they should say none ought to sit downe there that were out of love and charity who bare grudge and vengeance in his heart who also did not professe his kind affectiō by some charitable z Acts 20.7 with 1 Cor 16 2. reliefe for some part of the congregation And this was their practice O heavenly banquet then so used O godly ghests who so esteemed this feast And so along unto the end of the Homily the preparation required unto the receiving of the Communion is declared in most Heavenly manner Read the whole second Exhortation which is appointed to bee read afore the Communion and therein the preparation is most plainly expressed also Read also the Thanksgiving which is appointed to bee sung after receiving the Lords Supper set after the Psalmes in meeter and therein the preparing is withall signified Saint Paul saith Whosoever shall eate this bread and drinke this cup of the Lord a 1 Cor. 11.27 28 29 30 31. unworthily shall bee guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of that bread and drinke of that Cup. For hee that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himselfe not discerning the Lords body For this cause many are weake and sickly among you and many sleepe For if we would judge our selves we should not be judged CHAP. 57. Of kneeling in the act of receiving the Sacrament IN the Rubricke afore the words used in ministring the Communion it is signified That both Ministers and people are to take the Sacrament kneeling The reason is because it is now received in prayer The minister delivering the Sacrament saith The body of our Lord Iesus Christ which was given for thee preserve thy body and soule into everlasting life The blood of our Lord Iesus Christ which was shed for thee preserve thy body and soule into everlasting life Are not these sayings words of prayer And ought not the b 1 Cor. 11 4 5 1 Kings 8.62 1 Cor. 14.16 heart of the receiver to pray with the Minister praying And is not c Ps 95.6 See Chap. 68. kneeling the fittest gesture for prayer It is said in the last Exhortation to be read before the Communion Make your humble confession to Almighty God meekely kneeling upon your knees And in no Rubrick of the Communion-Service are people required to change that gesture but rather to continue it untill they bee let depart with the blessing Charity saith S. Paul doth not behave it selfe d 1 Cor. 13.5 unseemely Againe hee saith e 1 Cor. 14.40 Let all things be done decently in order Is it seemly decent or orderly that people both before and after the receiving of the Sacrament should continue kneeling and in the very act of receiving should stand or sit especially whereas it is now taken with and in Prayer Christ first gave the Sacrament after Supper and so Christians in the Primitive Church celebrated it in the evening and f 1 Cor. 11.20 21 22 33 34. after Supper but now the Church for many ages hath changed the time and hath ordained it to be taken in the morning If the Church our Mother hath so great power and authority as to change the time of taking and to ordaine it to bee taken not after meat but afore dinner and in praying hath she
so many places of the holy and sacred Scriptures doth bid us returne unto him Therefore we must take good heed unto our selves lest whereas we have already by our manifold sinnes and transgressions provoked and kindled the wrath of God against us wee doe by breaking w Mat. 3.2 Mat. 4.17 Mar. 6.12 Luke 13.3 this his Commandement double our offences and so heape still damnation upon our owne heads by our daily offences and trespasses whereby we provoke the eyes of his Majestie we doe well deserve if he should deale with us according to his justice to be put away for ever from the x 2 Thes 1.8.9 fruition of his glory y Heb. 2.3 How much more then are we worthy of the endlesse torments of Hell if when we be so gently called againe after our rebellion and cōmanded to returne we will in no wise hearken unto the voyce of our heavenly Father but walke still after the z Deut. 29.19 20. stubbornnesse of our owne hearts The second cause that should move us to repent is the most comfortable and sweet promise that the Lord our God did of his mcere mercy and goodnesse joyne unto his Commandement For he doth not onely say Returne unto me O Israel but also a Ier. 4.1 if thou wilt returne and put away all thine abominations out of my sight thou shalt never be moved The third cause which should move us to repent is the filthinesse of sinne which in such that as long as wee doe abide in it God cannot but b Ps 5.4 5 6. Ps 66.18 detest and abhorre us neither can there be any hope that we shall enter into the heavenly Ierusalem except we be first made c Rev. 21.27 cleane and purged from it But this will never be unlesse d Pro. 9.6 Eph. 4.22 23 24. forsaking our former life we doe with our whole heart returne unto the Lord our God and with a full purpose of amendment of life flee unto his mercy taking sure hold thereupon through e Rom. 3.25 Gal. 5.6 faith in the blood of his Sonne Iesus Christ The fourth cause which should move us to repentance is the uncertainty and brittlenesse of our owne lives which is such that wee cannot assure our selves that wee shall live one houre or one halfe quarter of it Which by experience we doe finde daily to be true in them that being now merry and lusty and sometimes feasting and banquetting with their friends doe fall suddenly dead in the streetes and otherwhiles under the Board when they are at meate These daily examples as they are most dreadfull and terrible so ought they to move us to seeke for to bee at f 2 Cor. 5.20 1 Cor. 6.17 one with our heavenly Iudge that we may with a good g 2 Cor. 5 9 10 11. 1 Iohn 2.28 conscience appeare before him whensoever it shall please him for to call us whether it be h Mat. 24.42 43 44 46. suddenly or otherwise for we have no more Charter of our life then they have But as wee are most certaine that we shall dye so are we most uncertaine when we shall dye For our life doth lye in the hand of God who will take it away when it i Ps 31.15 pleaseth him And verily when the highest Summer of all which is Death shall come he will not be said nay but we must bee packing to be present before the k Heb. 9.27 1 Pet. 1.17 Ier. 17.10 judgement Seat of God as hee doth finde us according as it is written Where as the l Eccles. 11.3 Luke 16.22 ●3 tree falleth whether it be toward the South or toward the North there it shall lye Whereunto agreeth the saying of the holy Martyr of God Saint Cyprian saying As God doth finde thee when he doth call so doth he judge thee Let us therfore follow the counsell of the Wise man where he saith m Ecclus. 5.7 Ps 119.60 Make no tarrying to turne unto the Lord and put on off from day to day For suddenly shall the wrath of the Lord breake forth and in thy security shalt thou be destroyed and shalt perish in the time of vengeance And afterward it is said Specially when thou art either by the preaching of Gods Word or by some inward motion of his holy n Eph. 4.30 Spirit or else by some other means called unto repentance neglect not the good occasion that is ministred unto thee lest when thou wouldest repent thou o Mat. 17.4 5. hast not the grace for to doe it For to repent is a good p Acts 11.18 2 Tim. 2.25 gift of God which he will never grant unto them who living in carnall security doe make a q 2 Pet. 3.3 Gal. 6.7 mocke of his threatnings or seeke to r Act. 7.51 rule his Spirit as they list as though his working and gifts were tyed unto their will The fift cause that should move us to repent is the avoyding of the plagues of God and the utter destruction that by his righteous judgement doth hang over the heads of them all that will in no wise returne unto the Lord whereof read the 28. Chapter of Deuteronomie and the Exhortation in the service of Commination Of Regeneration Concerning Regeneration or birth spirituall it is signified in the end of the first part of the * T. 2. p. 211. Homily for Whiltsunday to bee a ſ 1 Pet. 1.22.23 Iohn 1.13 new birth in all goodnesse righteousnesse sobriety and truth It is also said in that part of that * p. 109. Homily It is the Holy Ghost and no other thing that doth t Psal 80.18 Ephes 2.1.5 quicken the minds of men stirring up good and godly motions in their hearts which are agreeable to the will and Commandement of God such as otherwise of their owne crooked and perverse nature they should u 2 Cor. 3.5 Gen. 6.5 never have That which is borne of the w Iohn 3.6 spirit is spirit As who should say Man of his owne nature is fleshly and carnall corrupt and naught sinfull and disobedient to God Whereas it is said in 1 Iohn 4.7 8. Every one that loveth is borne of God and knoweth God and he that loveth not knoweth not God we may prove our s●lves whether wee grow in regeneration after we be come to the yeeres of discretion if we unfainedly strive to increase in the 16. vertues of charity or godly love reckoned up together by the holy Apostle Saint Paul in 1 Cor. 13.4 5 6 7 8. Many now a dayes doe frame to themselves a new birth or regeneration not duely attending what the holy Scripture and the divine Service of the Church declareth new birth or regeneration to be and so they come short of the comforts of the same without any sparke of goodnesse in him without any vertuous or godly motion onely given to evill thoughts and wicked deeds As for the
workes of the spirit namely the fruits of faith charitable and godly motions if we have any at all in him they proceed onely of the Holy Ghost who is the x onely worker of our sanctification and maketh us new men in Christ Iesus as David of a poore shepheard to become a Princely Prophet Matthew of a proud Publicane to become an humble and lowly Euangelist Peter of a simple fisher to become a chiefe and mighty Apostle Paul of a cruell and bloody persecutor to become a faithfull disciple of Christ and a teacher of the Gentiles Such is the power of the Holy Ghost to x 1 Cor. 6.11 regenerate men and as it were to bring them forth anew so that they shall bee y 2 Cor. 5.17 nothing like the men that they were before Regeneration is begun in Baptisme as the Service thereof expresly delivereth and it is increased afterward in all such as are z Rom. 8.14 Gal. 5.18 Eph. 4.15 16. led by the spirit of Iesus Christ Concerning conversion repentance and regeneration the holy Scriptures doe thus deliver Iesus Christ saith Verily I say unto you a Mat. 18.3 Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdome of heaven Except ye b Luke 13.3 repent yee shall all likewise perish Verily verily I say unto thee c Iohn 3.5.3 Except a man be borne againe he cannot see the kingdome of God Verily verily I say unto thee except a man be borne of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God Moses saith d Deut. 10.16 Circumcise the fore-skin of your heart and be no more stiffe-necked The Lord saith by Ieremiah e Ier. 4 3 4 Break up your fallow ground and sow not among thornes Circumcise your selves to the Lord and take away the fore-skins of your heart lest my fury come forth like fire and burne that none can quench it because of the evill of your doings Hosea saith f Hos 10.22 Sow to your selves in righteousnesse reape in mercie breake up your fallow ground for it is time to seeke the Lord till he come and raine righteousnes upon you Christ said to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus Remember from whence thou art fallen and g Rev. 2.5 repent and doe the first workes or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlesticke out of his place except thou repent Saint Paul mentioneth to the Corinthians seven fruits of such repentance saying Godly sorrow worketh h 2 Cor. 7.10.11 repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death For behold this selfe same thing that ye sorrowed after a godly sort what carefulnesse it wrought in you yea what clearing of your selves yea what indignation yea what feare yea what vehement desire yea what zeale yea what revenge c. CHAP. 79. Of our duty towards God as it is delivered in the most sacred Catechisme MY duty towards God is to beleeve in him to feare him and to love him with all my heart with all my minde with all my soule and with all my strength To worship him to give him thanks to put my whole trust in him to call upon him to honour his holy name and his word and to serve him truely all the dayes of my life Here are mentioned ten sundry matters of our duty towards God and each hath a large extent Now onely there shall bee delivered some briefe exposition of them The first of the duties reckoned up The first duty is to beleeve in God The i Iam. 2.19 Devils saith Saint Iames doe beleeve that there is one God and they tremble also But true Christians doe more they k Iohn 14.1 beleeve in that one eternall God In the first part of the * T. 1. p. 22. Homily of Faith it is said And this is not onely the common beleefe of the Articles of our Faith but it is also a true trust and confidence of the mercy of God l Act 15.11 Rom. 5.1.11 through our Lord Iesus Christ and a stedfast m Eph. 1.18 hope of all good things to be received at Gods hand and that although we through infirmity or temptation of our ghostly enemy doe n Rev. 2.5 fall from him by sinne yet if we o Deut. 30.2 and 4.29.30 returne againe unto him by true repentance that he will forgive and forget our offences for his Sonnes p Dan. 9.17 sake our Saviour Iesus Christ and will make us inheritors with him of his everlasting Kingdome and that in the meane time untill that Kingdome come he will bee our q Psal 91.1 2 protector and defender in all perills and dangers whatsoever doe chance and that though sometime he doth send us sharpe r Psal 44.19 adversitie yet that evermore he will be a loving father unto us correcting us for our sinne but not Å¿ Psa 89.28 29 30 31 32 33. and 99.8 withdrawing his mercie finally from us if we trust in him and t 1 Pet. 4.19 Psal commit our selves wholy unto him u 1 Pet. 5.7 hang only upon him and call upon him ready to w Heb. 5.9 obey and serve him Read the whole Homily of Faith for therein in wonderfull divine manner is declared what it is to beleeve in God Abrahams beleefe in God is set forth unto us for an example who as Saint Paul saith x Rom. 4.18 against hope beleeved in hope that he might become the father of many Nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be It is the property of Christian faith to be y Rom. 4.19 20 21. fully perswaded that what God hath promised hee is able also to performe though the matter farre exceed our naturall comprehension how it can bee The Apostle saith z Heb. 11.1 faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seene The second duty The second duty is to feare God The feare of the Lord saith Solomon is to a Prov. 8.13 hate evill And he there reckoneth up the foure chiefe evills which are to be hated namely pride and arrogancie and the evill way and a froward mouth David saith Let all the earth b Ps 33.8 feare the Lord let all the Inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him Peter intimateth unto professors of Christianitie why they should feare God saying Forasmuch as yee call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth according to every mans work passe the time of your sojourning here in c 1 Pet. 1.17 feare David declareth who truly feareth God saying Blessed is the man that d Ps 112.1 as it is in the Divine Service translation feareth the Lord hee delighteth greatly in his Commandements The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that e Ps 103.17.18
that we may with sure trust desire and crave the salve of his mercy bought and purchased with the blood of his dearely beloved Sonne Iesus Christ to heale our deadly wounds withall For surely if we doe not with earnest repentance g 2 Cor. 7 1. 1 Iohn 3 3. Iam. 4.8.9 cleanse the filthy stomacke of our soule it must needes come to passe that as wholesome meat received into a raw stomacke corrupteth and marreth all and is the cause of further sicknesse so shall we eate this wholesome Bread and drinke this Cup to our eternall destruction Thus we and not other must throughly h Ier. 7.5 Ps 119.59.60 examine and not lightly looke over our selves not other men our owne conscience not i Mat. 7.1 2 3 4 5. Ecclus. 19.8 other mens lives which we ought to doe uprightly truly with just correction Let as take heed we come not with our sinnes unexamined into this presence of our Lord and judge If they be worthy blame which kisse the Princes hand with a filthy and uncleane mouth shalt thou be blamelesse which with a k Mat. 23 25 26 27.28 stinking soule full of covetousnesse fornication drunkennes pride full of wretched cogitations and l Mat. 15.18 19 20. thoughts doest breathe out iniquity and uncleannesse on the Bread and Cup of the Lord The Church therefore in the Communion-Service saith Iudge therefore your selves brethren that you bee not judged of the Lord. Greatly and ever observable is the Counsell of Ieremiah in his Booke of Lamentations Let us m Ier. 3.40 search and try our wayes and turne againe unto the Lord. The Apostle saith to the Corinthians n 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves whether you bee in the faith prove your owne selves To the Galatians hee saith If a man thinke himselfe to bee something when he is nothing he deceiveth himselfe But let every man o Gal. 6.3 4 5. prove his owne worke and then shall he have rejoycing in himselfe alone and not in another David saith Stand in awe and sinne not p Ps 4.4 Commune with your owne heart upon your bed and be still Ezekiel saith Then shall ye q Ezek. 36.31 remember your owne evill wayes and your doings that were not good and shall loathe your selves in your owne sight for your iniquities and for your abominations The cause of the licentiousnesse of these times The neglect of this duty of examining and judging our owne meditations speakings and doings is the cause of the licentiousnesse of these times whereof it is complained by the Church in her 113. Canon Some about Easter time when they receive thinke a little upon themselves whether they bee in open variance with their next Neighbour and it may be before they goe to the Communion will signifie some condiscending unto a reconciliation But it is the custome with many within few dayes after Easter all the yeare long untill Easter come againe for to make no conscience of living in discord envying True Christians do not only at Easter but all the year long oftentimes take an examination of their whole conversation how it agreeth to the Commandements of the Gopel of the Lord Iesus Christ bearing alwayes in remēbrance Christs words viz. r Iohn 12.48 The word that I have spoken the same shall judge you in the last day And that of every ſ Mat. 12.36 37 idle word that men shall speake they shall give account in the day of judgement For by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned Also true Christians doe beleeve and often thinke or Saint Pauls words to the Corinthians viz. We must all t 2 Cor. 5.10 11. appeare before the judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad Also Saint Peters words And if ye call on a Father who without respect of persons u 1 Pet. 1.17 judgeth according to every mans worke passe the time of your sojourning here in feare Davids practice is written for our imitation who in Ps 119. saith w Ps 119.59 I thought on my wayes and turned my feet unto thy testimonies I made hast and delayed not to keepe thy Commandements My flesh trembleth for feare of thee and I am afraid of thy judgements I will meditate in thy Precepts and have a respect unto thy wayes I am a companion of all them that feare thee and of them that keepe thy Precepts I have remembred thy name O Lord in the night and have kept thy law Mine eyes prevent the night watches that I might meditate in thy Word O how I love thy Law it is my meditation all the day The neglect of examining and judging our owne mindes and lives by the rule of all the Commandements of Christs holy Gospell for to amend them according to his holy expresse word as wee are advertised in the last part of the most sacred Letany it is the cause of so much difference about religion now in the Christian world As many as have their eyes in their owne x Eccles. 2 14. heads and not in the corners of the earth onely upon others As many as obey Christs Commandement y Mat. 7.1 2 3 4 5. Iudge not that ye be not judged For with what judgement ye judge yee shall be judged and with what measure yee mete it shall be measured to you againe And why beholdest thou the Mote that is in thy brothers eye but considerest not the Beame that is in thine owne eye Or how wilt thou say to thy brother let me pull out the Mote out of thine eye and behold a Beame is in thine owne eye Thou Hypocrite first cast out the Beame out of thine owne eye and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy Brothers eye As many as doe not meerely talke of the strait gate and narrow way but also their owne selves with their whole heart z Luke 13.24 Mat. 7.13.14 strive to enter in at the same becomming a 1 Cor. 3.18 fooles that they may bee wise b Isa 55.7 forsaking all their imaginations and c Rev. 3.17 false riches and d Mat. 19.22 Ier. 4.14 possessions in spirit which they have received from the e 1 Cor. 2.12 spirit of the world not from the Spirit of God which are contrary to the testimony and approbation of Gods expresse Word and of the Divine Service of the Church of England As many as forsake their f Prov. 9.6 owne chosen way and onely walke in the g Ier. 6.16 Ps 139.24 old way according to the direction of the universall holy Scriptures and the prescription and instruction of our Mother the Church of England in her bookes of Divine Service who unfainedly strive to doe like David to h Ps 119.32 runne the way of Gods
which leadeth unto life eternall neither doe they give themselves unto sinning neither are they without Gods peace in their consciences Every true member of the said Church of England endevoureth to beleeve and live according to the divine Servince-doctrine and the rest of the doctrine and discipline which is established by publike or common Authority All which said doctrine discipline as this present worke abundantly declareth serveth to further people in the g Ier. 6.16 old pathes where is the good way as the Prophet Ieremiah speaketh and every one that faithfully walketh therein according to the established doctrine and discipline findeth more and more rest for his minde or soule Of hardnesse of heart IN the second part of the * T. 2. p. 269 270. Homily of Repentance it is said Let us hearken unto the voyce of Almighty God h Prov. 1.23 24 28. when he calleth us to repentance let us not i Iob 9.4 Prov. 21.29 and 29.1 harden our hearts as such k Exod. 8.15 Infidels doe who abuse the time l Rev. 2.2 given them of God to repent and turne it to continue their pride and contempt against God and man which know not how much they m Rom. 2.5 Iam. 5.3 heape Gods wrath upon themselves for the hardnesse of their hearts which cannot repent at the n Luke 13.25 26 27. day of vengeance With great godly wisedome hath holy Church ordained to be read at morning Prayer the Psalme wherein God saith unto us by his servant David To day if ye will heare my voice o Ps 95.8 harden not your hearts Wherefore Saint Paul saith Take heed brethren lest there bee in any of you an evill hart of unbeliefe in departing from the living God But exhort one another daily while it is called to day lest any of you bee p Heb. hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sinne For wee are made partakers of Christ if wee hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end A meanes to unharden ones owne heart is to beleeve aswell Christs q Mat. 5.20 Matt. 18.3 Luk. 13.3 Rom. 8.13 Luk. 14.26.33 Ioh. 15.6 threatnings as his promises And al that do beleeve what is said in the Gospell concerning his unpartiall judging of mankind have not hearts so hard as they have which beleeve not those divine Oracles concerning Christs righteous judging See Zechariah and Acts. Of Desperation IN the second part of the * T. 2. p. 57.58 Homily of falling from God it is said Let us beware good Christian people lest that wee rejecting or casting away Gods word by the which we obtaine and retaine true faith in God be not at length cast off so farre that wee become as the childrē of unbeleefe which be of two sorts far diverse yea almost cleane contrary and yet both be very farre from returning to God the one sort onely weighing their sinfull and detestable living with the right judgement and straitnesse of Gods righteousnesse be so without counsell and be so comfortlesse as they all must needs bee from whom the Spirit of counsell and comfort is gone that they will not bee perswaded in their hearts but that either God cannot or else that hee will not take them againe to his favour and mercie The other hearing the loving and large promises of Gods mercy and so not conceiving a right faith thereof make those promises larger than ever God did trusting that although they continue in their sinfull and detestable living never so long yet that God at the end of their life will shew his mercy upon them and that then they will returne And both these two sorts of men be in a damnable state and yet neverthelesse God who willeth not the death of the wicked hath shewed meanes whereby both the same if they take heed in r Heb. 3.7.13 2 Cor. 6.1.2 Ioh. 9.5.4 Ioh. 12.36 Luk. Mat. season may escape The first as they doe dread Gods rightfull justice in punishing sinners whereby they should bee dismayed should despaire indeed as touching any hope that may be in themselves so if they would constantly or stedfastly beleeve that Gods mercy is the remedy appointed against such despaire and distrust not onely for them but generally for all that be sory and truly repentant and will therewithall sticke to Gods mercy they may bee sure they shall obtaine mercy and enter into the Port or haven of safegard into the which whosoever doth come be they before time never so wicked they shall be out of danger of everlasting damnation as God by Ezechiel saith s Ezech. What time soever a sinner doth returne and take earnest and true repentance I will forget all his wickednesse The other as they bee ready to beleeve Gods promises so they should be as ready to beleeve the t Rev. 21.8 1 Cor. 6.9.10 Gal. 6. threatnings of God aswell they should beleeve the Law as the Gospell aswell that there is an hell and everlasting fire as that there is an heauen and everlasting joy aswell they should beleeve damnation to be threatned to the wicked and evill doers as salvation to be promised to the faithfull in word and workes aswell they should beleeve God to be true in the one as in the other And so along the Church delivereth Gods truth in a wonderfull divine manner Christ saith u Mat. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden with the burden of your sinnes and with griefe for them and I will give you rest Take my yoke upon you and learne of me for I am meeke and lowly in heart and ye shall finde rest unto your soules But as Saint Paul saith The Lord Iesus shall bee revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that w 2 Thes obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ who shall be the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power c. Of Sedition and privie conspiracie THough wee heare it or at least should often heare it read in the sacred Letaine From all Sedition and privie conspiracie good Lord deliver us yet how prone are many in the world thereunto Such consider not what the Gospell saith There is no x Rom. 13.1.2 power but of God The powers that bee are ordained of God Whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation Such consider not that other most memorable oracle of God delivered by S. Peter Submit your selves to y 1 Pet. 2.13.14 every ordinance of man for the Lords sakes whether it be to the King as Supreame or unto governours as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evill
2. Man that is borne of a woman hath but a short time to live and is full of misery He commeth up and is cut downe like a flowre hee fleeth as it were a shadow and never continueth in one stay In the midst of life we be in death In the second part of the * T. 1. p. 58. Homily of falling from God it is said Sinners that continue in their wicked living ought to thinke that the promises of Gods mercy and the c Isa 61.1 2 3. Gospell pertaine not unto them being in that state but onely the d Gal. 3.23.24 law and those Scriptures which containe the wrath and indignation of God and his threatnings which should certifie them that as they doe over boldly presume of Gods mercy and live dissolutely So doth God still more and more withdraw his mercy from them he is so provoked therby to e Rom. 2.4 5 6 8. wrath at length that he destroyeth such presumers many times suddenly For of such S. Paul f 1 Thes 5 2 3. said thus When they shall say it is peace there is no danger then shall sudden destruction come up on them Let us g Heb. 12.15 and 3.12 beware therefore of such naughty boldnesse to sinne For God which hath promised his mercy to them that be truely repentant although it be at the latter end hath not promised to the presumptuous sinner either that hee shall have long life or that he shall have true repentance at the last end But for that purpose hath he made every mans death uncertaine that hee should not put his hope in the end and in the meane season to Gods high displeasure live ungodly Wherefore let us follow the counsell of the Wise man h Ecclus. 5.7 Let us make no tarrying to turne unto the Lord Let us not put off from day to day for suddenly shall his wrath come and in time of vengeance he will destroy the wicked In the third part of the * T. 2. p. 273. Homily of repentance it is said Which words I desire you to marke diligently because they doe most lively put before our eyes the fondnesse of many men who i Rom. 2.4 5 6. Ps 10.3 4 5 6. abusing the long suffering and goodnesse of God doe never thinke on repentance or amendment of life * Ecclus. 5.2 3 4 5 6. Follow not saith he thine owne minde and thy strength to walke in the wayes of thy heart neither say thou who will bring me under for my workes For God the revenger will revenge the wrong done by thee And say not I have sinned and what evill hath come unto me For the Almighty is a patient rewarder but he will not leave thee unpunished Because thy sinnes are forgiven thee be not without feare to heape sinne upon sinne Say not neither The Mercy of God is great he will forgive my manifold sinnes For mercy and wrath come from him and his indignation commeth upon unrepentant sinners As if he should say Art thou strong and mighty Art thou lusty and young Hast thou the wealth and riches of the world Or when thou hast sinned hast thou received no punishment for it Let none of all these things make thee to be the slower to repent to returne with speed unto the Lord. For in the day of punishment of his sudden vengeance they shall not be able to helpe thee And specially when thou art either by the preaching of Gods Word or by some inward motion of his Holy Spirit or else by some other meanes called unto repentance neglect not the good occasion that is ministred unto thee lest when thou wouldest repent thou hast not the grace for to doe it For to repent is a good k 2 Tim. 2.25 Act. 11.18 gift of God which he will never grant unto them who living in carnall security doe make a mocke of his threatnings or seeke to rule his Spirit as they list as though his working and gifts were l Ps 135. 5 6. Isa 40.12 13 14 15 17. tyed unto their will It is greatly considerable that almost every such person as is afore mentioned which deferreth repentance till towards his end being asked a little afore his death whether he thinketh that he hath lived as he ought as he might have lived in obedience unto Christs Lawes and the Ordinances of Christs holy Church if he would have used the prescribed meanes thereunto he will then from an opened conscience not justifie himselfe but confesse much truth as experience even in all places from time to time confirmeth Many there are which never all their life long have any regard to conferre with any godly Minister concerning what be the m Mat. 7.13 14 Psal 25.4 5 9 10. and 143.8 strait wayes of the Lord wherein all of yeeres of discretion are bound to walke conscionably and more and more obediently that would come unto n Mat. 19.16 17. life eternall but when they are in feare of dying their conscience then being awaked and accusing them and telling them they must o 2 Cor. 5.10 Heb. 9.27 appeare before Christs judgment seat to receive everlasting judgement according as they have beleeved and lived they will acknowledge some use of the ministery and of the Church-Prayers to be used in the Visitation of the sicke It it is become and old Proverbe with very many * A saying too common namely that if they can afore they dye have but time to aske God mercy they shall doe as well as the best of thē who have p Luk. 1.74 75. served God in holines righteousnes before him even all the daies of their life But how greatly such desperate and dissolute persons doe q Mal. 3.13 14 15 16 17 18. mistake the proceeding of Almighty God they may see if they will beleeve what is written in the first chapter of the Proverbs from the 20. verse unto that chapters end Also they may perceive that they are in a damnable errour if they wil observe what is delivered in that most Divine * Whose beginning is Now seeing all they be accursed c. Exhortation in the Service of Commination Saint Paul saith Be not deceived God is not mocked for r Gal. 6.7 8. whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reape For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reape life everlasting And againe he saith We then as workers together with God beseech you also that yee receive not the grace of God in vaine For he saith I have heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee behold ſ 2 Cor. 6.1 2. now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation Whiles it is said t Heb. 3.15 to day if yee will heare his voyce harden not your hearts as in the provocation CHAP.