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A09376 A cloud of faithfull witnesses, leading to the heauenly Canaan, or, A commentarie vpon the 11 chapter to the Hebrewes preached in Cambridge by that godly, and iudicious divine, M. William Perkins ; long expected and desired, and therefore published at the request of his executours, by Will. Crashawe and Tho. Pierson, preachers of Gods Word, who heard him preach it, and wrote it from his mouth. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1607 (1607) STC 19677.5; ESTC S2273 415,205 614

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though hee receiue it with a hand shaking with the palsey So God is well pleased with our faith though diseased with infirmities and bestoweth grace on a beleeuing soule though shaken with many temptations In a word God accepteth soundnesse of faith though it be but small and more lookes at in his mercy a mans little faith then his many faults Hee will not breake the bruised reede nor quench the smoking flaxe Esay 42 3 When a man is broken in heart and deiected in soule in fight of his many sinnes and little grace God will not breake this bruised reede but will comfort and strengthen him And when any life of grace appeares in a manne as flaxe that smoketh but will not burne out God will not quench it but will rather kindle it and giue life vnto it Let this teach vs to take in good part the holy and honest endeuours of our brethren though they cannot doe so well as they would or should Let vs not exact too much and too hastily vpon them but expect in meeknesse the working of Gods grace and in the meane time thinke well of Sarahs faith though it be with laughing Secondly here we may learne that God rather obserues and regards good things in his children then their faults and imperfections he writes vp Sarahs faith he nameth not her laughing This is from the goodnesse of his nature being goodnesse it selfe and therefore most easily apprehendeth and takes notice of the least goodnesse where-euer hee findes it Thus should wee deale one with another what good thing we see in any man we should obserue commend it his faults we should not see but couer and omit them But the course is contrary the common table talke of the world is nothing but of mens faults and to rip vp their imperfections but if they haue neuer so many good properties we can burie them all or passe them ouer in silence This argueth the malice and the naughtinesse of our nature which being euill doth delight in nothing but euill and being corrupt feedes as doth the filthy horse-flie on nothing but corruption But let vs remember the practice of God and learne to conceale faults and vse our tongues to talke of the good things and vertues in our brethren So shall we resemble the Lord who though Sarah laughed not in a holy admiration but in vnbeliefe yet forasmuch as afterward shee beleeued God hath matched her with the notablest beleeuers and holiest men that haue beene in the world Thus much for the first point the person and her action she beleeued Now the second is what she beleeued included and necessarily implied in the last words of the verse she iudged him faithfull Which had promised The thing she beleeued was the word or promise of God Particularly his promise that shee should beare Isaac in her olde age of which promise and the circumstances of it we may reade Gen. 18.13 c. Here the onely question is By what faith she beleeued this And the answere is by true sauing faith and it is proued thus Abraham beleeued this promise by the faith that iustified him Rom. 4.10.11 But Abraham and Sarah beleeued it both by one faith therefore Sarah beleeued that promise by the faith that also iustified her Where we learne that sauing faith apprehendeth not onely the great promise of redemption by Christ but all other inferiour promises that depend vpon it For here wee see Abraham and Sarah take hold of the promise of a temporal blessing by the same faith whereby formerly they had laide holde on the promise of eternall saluation by the Messias so that the obiect of true faith is 1. Principall the promise of saluation by Christ. 2. Secondarie all inferiour promises annexed thereunto The maine promise is So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne to the end that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life Iohn 3.16 Now true faith first of all directly and plainly fastneth it selfe on this but after and with this on all other promises that concerne soule or body In the Lords prayer we are bid to pray for temporal blessings health peace competencie of wealth all other vnder the name of daily bread and we are bound to beleeue that God will giue them if wee aske in faith Neither is this faith constrained but free and voluntarie and on a good foundation For being perswaded that God accepteth vs in Christ for saluation we cannot but withall be perswaded that God will giue vs all things else needefull for vs. This wee heere note againe because wee are wrongfully charged by the Papists to hold that faith apprehendeth the promise of saluation alone But we passe it ouer for that we haue already spoken something of it Now followeth the third point namely the impediments of her faith in these words When she was past age The promise was to haue a childe She beleeued it Now against child-bearing there are two impediments 1. Barrennesse 2. Age. If one be aged or past the ordinarie time it is hard and vnlikely but if one be very aged and farre past it it is impossible shee should conceiue and beare a childe thus it stands in reason Besides though one be not past age yet if she be barren as some by secret reasons in nature are it is not to be expected she should conceiue Now both these lay in Sarahs way for here it is said she was past age and another place namely Gen. 16.1.2 saith she was barren But it may be obiected against Sarahs age that in the olde time they had children till they were of great age Eua had her sonne Sheth at 130. yeares olde Gen. 5.3 For Adam and Eue must needes be both of one age and after that Eue bore many sonnes and daughters Therfore it may seeme that Sarah was not past age at 90. yeares olde But we are to knowe that they who began to beare at that age liued eight or nine hundred yeares but Sarah liued after the floud when Ages were brought downe to 200. and for the most part to 100. yeares Abraham liued but 175. yeares and Sarah but 127. She therefore who liued 127. yeares and died an olde woman must needes be past age of child-bearing at 90. yeares olde And besides her age she was also barren by her naturall constitution as many are and haue beene and brought Abraham no children Yet vnto this woman comes a word from God Sarah shall beare a sonne And behold this aged and barren woman doth not obiect desperatly these her two hinderances the one whereof in reason is sufficient against childe-bearing but beyond all impediments and aboue reason beleeueth it shall be so resting and relying onely and wholly on Gods word for it The vse of which notable and faithfull practice so wonderful in a woman must teach vs to rest on Gods word promise though we haue no reason so to doe for example When we see our
it may be asked who they were that heere passed through by faith The answere is the Israelites But some will say wee reade in the Historie that when the people came to the red sea they were wonderfully afraide and murmured against Moses saying That it had beene better for them to haue liued in the bondage of Egypt then to come into the Desart and there die Now how can they murmure impatiently and fearefully and yet passe through by faith Answere At the first indeede they murmured when they saw the danger they were in hauing the huge Armie of Pharaoh following them and the red sea before them and hills and mountaines on each side But howsoeuer they murmured at the first yet when Moses spake words of comfort vnto them in the name of the Lord bidding them not to be afraid c and when he held vp his rod and entred into the red sea before them then they followed him by faith and heereupon the holy Ghost giues vnto them the title of true beleeuers Heere we may learne that true faith in Gods children is mingled with vnbeliefe The Israelites faith was true faith but yet it was very imperfect and weake for if it had beene perfect sound faith they would neuer haue murmured nor haue beene impatient and fearefull But looke as it is in nature so it is in grace In nature we cannot passe from one contrary to another but by the mixture of the contraries As in light and darknesse the one doth not followe the other immediatly but first there is a mixture of them both in the dawning of the day and closing of the night and so it is in other contraries euen in those which concerne the soule Vnbeliefe is a sinne faith is a vertue and grace contrary to it Now vnbeliefe cannot be expelled by faith before there be a mixture of them both and so when faith preuaileth vnbeliefe decayeth neither can faith be euer perfect because it is euer mingled more or lesse with vnbeliefe This plainely ouerthrowes the opinion of the Church of Rome who say that after a man is regenerate and beleeues there is nothing in him that God can hate For they imagine that he is so throughly sanctified that there is nothing in him which may properly be called a sinne but here we see their doctrine is false seeing faith vnbeliefe are alwaies mingled together Secondly as it falls out with faith so it is with the rest of Gods graces looke as faith is not perfect but mixed with vnbeliefe so are all other graces of God whatsoeuer The feare of GOD is not perfect in a man nor the loue of God for the feare of GOD is mingled with the feare of men and the feare of GOD for his mercy is mingled with the feare of GOD for his iudgements And heereby many are deceiued for when they feare GOD for his punishments they thinke themselues to be most miserable and voyde of grace but they deceiue themselues For there is no man vpon the earth that feareth GOD onely for his mercies and doth not feare GOD also for his punishments in part for Gods graces in this life are euer mingled with their contraries And therfore to imagine that a man may feare GOD for his mercies onely and not for iudgements also is to conceiue of such a man as none is nor can be in this life for the best feare that is in any man liuing is a mixt feare Further when Moses had spoken words of comfort vnto them the vnbelieuing and fearefull Israelites do stir vp their hearts to belieue So wee accordingly must labour and striue against that in-bred vnbeliefe which is in vs for euery man hath innumerable sinnes in him that resist faith and if they bee not checked and suppressed they will master his faith but hee that would haue faith to continue and last must striue against natural vnbeleefe as the Israelites do in this place and as the man in the Gospel Mark 9.24 when hee said to Christ Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe knowing that his vnbeleefe did suppresse his faith And so did the Disciples of our Sauiour Christ when they prayed Lord increase our faith Luk. 17.5 And Dauid beeing oppressed with deadnesse of heart stirres vp his faith saying Why art thou cast down my soule c. waite on God Psalm 42. v. 11. For he that hath faith is troubled with vnbeleefe and the more it troubles him the lesse he beleeueth vnlesse hee striue against it manfully 2. Quest. But how many of the Israelites beleeued and went ouer by faith Ans. Not all for Paul saith With many of them God was not well pleased for they were ouerthrowen in the wildernesse 1. Cor. 10.5 Which shewes that all that passed ouer had not true faith for some beleeued and by the force of their faith all went ouer safely Hence wee note this which hath beene often taught vs that an vngodly man receiueth many temporal benefits by the societie of Gods people which beleeue as here the vnbeleeuing Israelites had this benefit to goe through the redde sea safely by reason of those that beleeued And in the former example the brute beasts were freed frō killing by the Angel because they belonged to the host of the Lords people Now shall a brute beast haue benefit by beeing with GODs people and shall not a man much more Yes vndoubtedly for so wee may reade that for Pauls sake all the Mariners and Souldiers that were in the Shippe were saued from drowning Act. 27.24 This point must perswade euery one of vs to make choyce of the godly for our societie and company with whom we liue and conuerse for by them we reape many benefits and freedome also from many heauy iudgements The third point is this When did the Israelites beleeue This circumstance is worth the marking They beleeued when they passed through the redde sea for they beleeued not onely in generall that GOD was their GOD as hee had promised to their fathers but they beleeued that GOD would bee with them and giue them life in the middle of the redde sea A notable point They beleeued as it were in the middle of their graues for so might the redde sea be well called that GOD would giue them life euerlasting and preserue them safely through the sea and from their enemies In their example wee are taught the same dutie to doe as they here did The childe of GOD in this life hath innumerable causes of desperation and sometimes his owne conscience wil take part with Satan in charging the soule to bee in state of damnation In this heauie case what must bee done Surely at this time when a man is a cast-away in himselfe he must euen then beleeue beeing in hell as it were hee must beleeue that God will bring him to heauen It is nothing for a man to beleeue in prosperitie and peace but in time of desperation to beleeue that is a most worthy faith and indeede then
keeping of it is a doubling of the sin Dauid in his anger had sworn to slay Nabal and all the men in his family for denying reliefe vnto his seruants 1. Sam. 25.22 This was a rash oath and therfore afterward when hee was preuented by Abigails good counsell hee blesseth God for it and breakes his oath which hee had made vers 32. Quest. 2. What if a man take an oath and yet afterward in consciēce doubts of the lawfulnes of that which he hath sworne to do what must be don in this case Ans. So long as he doubteth hee must defer the performāce of it For he that doth a thing doubtingly condemnes himselfe in the thing he doth because he doth it not of faith and whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Rom. 14.23 Quest. 3. What if a man be vrged by feare to take an oath must hee afterward keepe it As for example a man is taken of theeues now wanting money they charge him on paine of death to fetch them money and they binde him hereto by an oath what must bee done in this case considering there must such great care bee had in keeping of an oath Answ. So long as the thing which hee is bound by oath to doe respecteth his priuate dammage onely he must keep his oath yet so as he declare his case to the Magistrate because their course is against the common good now the Magistrate hearing of it is according to equity to prouide for his defence for the safety of his goods A second point to be considered in Rahabs preseruation is this Rahab escaped a common danger but not without all meanes onely staying her selfe on the bare promise of the Spies but as shee beleeued in the true God so shee vsed meanes whereby shee might bee sure of her preseruation and that is this Shee bindes the Spies by an oath to saue her life and to spare her houshold also shee keepes within and ties the corde of red threed in her windowe according to their mutuall couenant Thus shee vseth meanes for her temporall safety and so haue other of GODs children done in like case When King Hezekiah 2. Kings 20.6 was sicke hee was certified by the Prophet from GOD that hee should liue fifteene yeares longer yet hee neglected not the meanes whereby he should be healed and liue for hee applied dry figges to his byle and vsed foode and raiment for his bodily life during the whole space of those fifteene yeares So the Apostle S. Paul in his voyage by Sea to Rome was assured by a vision that none of them that were with him should perish but all come safe to land and yet when the Mariners would haue gone out hee tels the Centurion that vnlesse those staied in the ship that so they might vse the ordinary means they could not be safe Now as it fareth temporally for the saving of the body so is it in the spirituall case for the salvation of the soule men must vse means to come by grace so to salvation But many in this regard be great enemies to their owne soules they say God is mercifull and Christ is a Saviour I hope he will saue me yet they wil not vse the means to come to saluation But if we would be saued thē with our inward faith we must ioyn the obseruatiō of the outward ordinary means whereby God vseth to saue mens soules as namely the hearing of Gods word calling vpon God by prayer and the receiuing of the sacraments that thereby our sinfull lyues may bee amended and our faith strengthened This must bee remembred of vs for they that contemne or neglect the means despise the grace and mercy of God offered therein and therfore Paul saith of the Iewes when they put the Gospel from them that they did iudge themselues vnworthy eternall life Act. 13.46 It followeth With them that disobeyed That is with the people of Iericho Quest. How did they disobey Ans. Thus When Iosuah and the people came vnto them and offered them peace if so be they would becom their tributaries and seruants the inhabitants of Iericho would not yield vnto thē but set themselues against the people of Israel and so against God in that they would not vndertake that estate which God offered vnto them and therefore they are here esteemed disobedient Hence we learne that if it shall please God at any time to put vs out of these temporary benefits which we enioy in goods and possessions wee must bee contented with Gods will and prouidence and seeke to obey God therein The inhabitants of Iericho pay deerely for their disobedience in this case God sets the Israelites as Lords over them and because they will not yield to become their seruants they die for it Dauids practice was commendable in this case for when he was put out of his owne Kingdom by his owne sonne hee murmured not but said thus If I shall finde fauour in the eies of the Lord he will bring me againe but if he say thus I haue no delight in thee beholde here I am let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eies 2. Sam. 15.25 26. In other countries we see Cities and Townes spoyled and sacked what must the people doe Answ. They must submit themselues to the Lords pleasure knowing that he permitteth it who may doe what he will And so if it shall please God to bring vs into the like case as to suffer our enemies to haue dominion ouer vs and to dispossesse vs of our places we must submit our selues to Gods good pleasure when wee see no helpe by lawfull meanes wee must not murmure or rebell for that is but to disobey as the people of Iericho did and so shall we be destroyed as they were And thus much for the second point The third thing to be considered in this example is the testimony of her faith in receiuing the Spies peaceably This was a notable worke of faith as Saint Iames noteth Iam. 2.25 and the more commendable because shee receiued them into her house and entertained them yea shee preserued them in danger of her owne life for shee did it contrary to the pleasure of the State vnder which shee liued But against this may be obiected first that shee lyed in this fact for when the King of Iericho's messengers came to search for the Spies whom shee had hid in the top of her house shee said to the messengers they were gone another way Now how can it bee a good worke which was don with lying especially to our Superior who hath power to aske vs and to whom wee are double bound to speake the truth Answ. Wee must knowe that the worke was good which shee did and a worke of mercy to preserue Gods people although shee failed in the manner of doing it shee receiued them by faith though shee shewed distrust in lying for their safetie It was a notable worke of Rebecca Gen. 27. to cause her sonne Iacob to
many Parents is farre otherwise for whereas they should first seeke vnto the Lord and come to his Prophet they either runne first to the ordinary meanes of physicke or being worse disposed seeke help of wizards blessers by their charmes and sorceries forsaking GOD and running to the Diuell Indeede the vse of lawfull meanes is not to be discommended simply but this preposterous course is blame-worthy and depriues many of Gods blessing in the meanes That they seeke helpe of Physick before they haue sought to the Lord in this holy practice of faith Quest. But how can the parents faith benefit the childe Answ. It cannot procure vnto it eternall life for euery one must bee saued by his owne faith in Christ. And yet the childe receiues many a good blessing at Gods hand by meanes of the Parents faith as namely the benefit of the couenant of grace in the seales thereof besides the fruition of many temporall blessings as life it selfe in this place The consideration hereof must mooue all parents aboue all things to labour for true faith for by the practice hereof they shall be able to bring the greatest blessing vpon themselues and their children and vpon the lawfull meanes which they shall vse for their good Say the Lord shall lay his hand vpon children and seruants in a family what must parents and masters doe Surely the best way for helpe is the practice of faith in true humiliation for sinne and prayer to God for mercy and for a blessing vpon the meanes which they shall vse In all societies this is true that by the faith of the gouernors many curses are remooued and many blessings procured God sends his Iudgements among vs daily and we knowe not when other moe shall befall vs but for the remoueall and preuēting of them we must giue our selues to true humiliation and praier and so shal we finde the Lords mercy towards vs as these two women did And thus much of this tenth fruit of faith and of them all seuerally Now from them all ioyntly together obserue this speciall point That faith is such a grace of God as doth bring downe from heauen vpon euery beleeuer all Gods blessings that are needfull for him Who is hee that desires not to bee made partaker of GODs blessing● needfull for him both in soule and body Well the onely way and meanes hereto is to get a true and liuely faith and to put the same in practice in all such duties as God shall require at our hands The worthy men before named obtained al the former most wonderfull blessings by meanes of their faith By it they scaped the edge of the sword they quenched the violence of the fire waxed mighty in battel c. as wee haue heard Now if faith be such a notable grace of God then aboue all things in this world let vs labour for it We must not content our selues with lip-lip-faith and so presume vpon Gods mercies but wee must labour for a true and liuely faith in Christ which may purifie our hearts and bring forth fruit in our lyues Here are strong motiues to perswade vs hereunto for what doe wee desire riches honour or fauour and grace in the world would wee haue health and strength nay the fauour of God which is all in all then looke to get true faith for in the practice thereof thou shalt obtaine of God all needfull blessings both temporall and spirituall Many toyle themselues exceedingly by worldly meanes to get temporall blessings as health wealth honour c. and yet neuer attaine thereto because they seeke them not by faith I confesse naturall men get many good things but to them they are no blessings because they want faith both in getting and keeping of them for they lay all religion aside and toyle themselues wholly in worldly meanes This course the childe of God must beware of Say that a Prince bids one of his seruants goe to his Treasurie and there inrich himselfe with Iewels with gold and siluer and with whatsoeuer he lacketh what will this man doe Surely first hee will call for the keyes wherby he may vnlocke the doors and chests for else he can get nothing Behold in the Ministerie of his word God shewes vs his full treasury wherin wee may inrich our selues with all his blessings Now wee must not with the foole runne without the key but labour first for true faith which is that key whereby Gods heauenly treasures are opened vnto vs and we must be sure that we haue a sound key that is a true and sound faith which may strongly turn about the lockes of Gods treasury For this is most certaine he that doth vnfainedly beleeue shall neuer want any thing either in body or soule that is good for him to haue Euery one will say hee beleeues but the truth is that true faith is rare for mens hearts are not purified nor their lyues changed but they remaine as sinnefull as ever they were which causeth Gods iudgements to be rife among vs. Wherefore as we desire our owne good both in soule and body so let vs labour for true faith and shewe forth the power of it in our lyues And thus much of these Iudges and Prophets and of the fruits of their faith Beleeuers vnder the Maccabees VERSE 35. Others also were racked and would not bee deliuered that they might receiue a better resurrection IN these words the author of this Epistle proceedes to the fourth order of Examples of faith contained in this Chapter wherein as in the former lastly handled hee proceedes briefly heaping vp in fewe words many worthy exāples of faith cōcealing the names of the parties onely setting downe those things for which their faith is commended vnto vs. And this fourth and last order of examples comprehendeth such beleeuers as liued vnder the regiment of the Maccabees and afterward to the comming of Christ. For of beleeuers in former times it cannot be vnderstoode because there is a manifest distinction put betweene these beleeuers and the former Iudges Kings and Prophets in these words others also whereby it is plaine that heere he propounds examples of beleeuers different from those which hee mentioned before And it is also plaine that these beleeuers liued before the comming of Christ. For howsoeuer the Christians in the Primitiue Church were racked scourged and tormented after this sort yet of them this place cannot be vnderstoode because they enioyed the promise of the Messias but these heere mentioned enioyed not that promise in their dayes but wayted for it by faith and therein died Verse 39. And indeede in the time of the Maccabees the Church of the Iewes was wonderfully persecuted by Antiochus about two hundred yeares before Christ as we may see 2. Maccabees 4. and 6. chapters Question Where had the Author of this Epistle this large narration of these strange persecutions seeing they are not registred in the bookes of the olde Testament Answere Wee may iudge that hee
owne strength But when we are assaulted by the diuel the world and our owne flesh then we shal find that to resist is a harder matter then we dreamed of for as possible as it is for water to burne or fire to put out it selfe so possible is it for vs of our selues to resist sin insomuch as it is a thousand to one but that at euery assault our nature yeelds Now if it be so hard to rule ouer one sin how shal we do against that sea of temptations that ouerwhelmeth a Christian life this doctrine teacheth thee how namely to stick to thy faith and it wil doe it for thee for if it be the substance of the things thou hopest for which yet neuer were much more wil it yeeld vnto thee spirituall strength substance to make thee stand in all temptations When thou art tempted then call to minde Gods promises beleeue them that is apply them to thy selfe and be resolued that they were made shall be performed euen to thee thē though thou haue no more power of thy self then fire hath to cease to burne yet whilst thou doest thus thou shalt feele thy soule spiritually strengthned against all temptations feeling the experience of this deny thē thine own strength magnifie the power that God hath giuen vnto true faith Againe though now we are most of vs quiet vnder our owne vines and figtrees yet we know not how soon the hand of the Lord may be vpon any of vs in pouerty sicknesse imprisonment banishment losses famines or how it pleaseth him how shal a poore Christian stand and buckle himselfe to beare these I answer true sauing faith resting on the word of God beleeuing the promises not formally but truly wil put such substantiall spirituall strength into him as that at first though he bow vnder it yet shal he be able to recouer himself again buckle himself to go forward in his profession shal follow Christ manfully with this his crosse This wonderful power hath God giuen to sauing faith both to resist temptations and to vndergoe all crosses And thus much of the first action or effect of faith the second foloweth VERSE 2. For by it our Elders were well reported of THis verse containeth the second effect of sauing faith which is that faith is a meanes whereby a beleeuer is approued of God This verse hath speciall relation to the fift verse For that that is said here of all the Elders in generall is there affirmed specially of Enoch namely that hee was reported of to haue pleased God Let vs first search the true meaning of the words Elders That is all such men as liuing vnder the old testament beleeued in Christ amongst which though all be vnderstood yet some were more excellent in faith obedience then others so more honorable and of higher estimation with God and men and of them it is specially vnderstood Now concerning these Elders it is further said that they were well reported of hereby are meant three things 1. That God approued and allowed of them 2. That God did approue of them because of their faith in the Messias 3. That God gaue a testimony and declared that hee approued of them For the 1. it may be asked How were they approued of God Ans. Christ the sonne of God is he in whom the Father is well pleased Now they beleeuing in Christ their sinnes were laid on him and made his by imputation and contrariwise his holinesse obedience and satisfaction were imputed to them and by the same imputation made theirs Now that being theirs God being so well pleased with Christ could not but also for Christs sake approue of them If this seeme hard vnto any I make it plain by this comparison Looke as Iacob a yonger brother puts on Esaus garment the elder brother in it was takē for Esau obtained his fathers blessing patrimony which by himselfe he could not haue got euen so we are as younger brethren Christ is our elder brother we haue no right nor title to our fathers blessing nor to the kingdome of heauen wee must put on the robe of perfect righteousnesse which is the garment of Christ our elder brother we standing clothed with 〈◊〉 purchase our fathers fauour and with his fauour his ble●●●ng and his blessing is the right and title to euerlasting life And thus by Christ they were approued Secondly for what were they approued The text saith By faith not because faith is an action of a sanctified minde and a good grace of God for so are humility loue feare of God al which are graces of the sanctifying spirit as faith is but because it is a worthy instrument in the heart of the beleeuer which apprehends and applieth to the soule that righteousnesse of Christ by which he is iustified thus it being the hand and instrument of their iustification by it it is said they were approued 3. The text addeth that God did not onely approue of them but that he testified and made it manifest to all the world that he did so And this testimony God gaue of them 1. In his word 2. In their owne consciences The truth of the first is manifest in that not onely in this chapter but often also in the old testament God hath m●de such honourable mention and giuen such honourable titles vnto many of these Elders calling Abraham the friend of God 2. Chron. 20.7 And Dauid a man after Gods own heart ● Sam. 13.14 and them all his anointed and deare chosen children Psalm 105.15 Thus God hath testified of them in his word 2. God testified it to their owne consciences in that hee gaue them his spirit inwardly to assure their cōsciences that he did accept them in the Messias to come and thus these elders receiued a testimonie both outward to all the world inward to their consciences that God in Christ approued and loued them so the sense is plaine the vse hereof manifold 1. In that it is said these Elders were approued by faith here wee learne what is the olde and ancient way the right and straight way that hath no by-wayes to life euerlasting namely this only To rely on the mercy of God in Christ for pardon of sin this is the way wherein all the ancient Elders walked to heauen this is the way that God hath opened made vnto his Court it is the Kings high way the beaten way common to euery one that knowes how to walke in it deceiued none that euer went in it beside which there is no other Seeing then God hath consecrated it our Elders haue trode this way before vs let vs folow them that so we may attain that kingdom wherto it hath brought them If any yet doubt whether this be the way or no the spirit of God puts it out of doubt Esay 30.21 First affirming peremptorily This is the way Secondly bidding vs therefore walke in the same This is
the way walke in it Our Elders obayed this commaundement of the spirit and walking in this way found the end of it euerlasting life If we would attaine the same end of the iourney we must walke the same way But the world will say this is a needlesse exhortation for we walke this way we deny our selues and looke to be approued of God onely by Christ but it is strange to see how men deceiue themselues Can a man walke in a way and not leaue marks steps behind him euen so he that walks in this way follow him you shal see steps of his continuall dying vnto sinne liuing vnto holinesse insomuch that a man that followeth him marketh the course of his life in this way may euidently say See where hee hath cast off left behind him this that sin see where he hath taken vp caried with him these those vertues graces of God Marke here is a print of his faith here is a print of his hope here are prints of his loue And thus may a child of God be followed traced all the way to heauen euen vntil he come to his death which is the gate of heauen How mightily thē are they deceiued which think they haue walked all their liues in this way and yet there is not one step to be seene for assuredly this way is so beat●n and troden that no man euer trode in it since the world began but he left behind him manifest visible steps that all men that would looke at him might see he had gone that way As therfore we all desire to come to heauen as we professe we walk in the way thither so let vs be as carefull to leaue behind vs our steps namely tokens prints of our faith our hope and loue which if we do then mark the excellent vse of those steps 1. They testifie vnto all that see them that we walked the right way to heauen and secondly they wil serue for marks directions for thē that shal walke in the same way after vs. By the 1. we shal leaue an honorable testimony of our selues behind vs by the 2. we shall moue other to magnify gods name to whō our steps haue bin marks directions helps furtherances in the way to heauen Secondly for what were these Elders approued for their faith for nothing else Amongst these Elders Sampson was wonderfull in strength Salomon in wisedome Ioshua in courage Moses in learning many of them in the honour and pompe of the world in beauty riches and other externall gifts and the most of them all in long life yet not for one or all of these are any of them saide to be regarded of God but it is plainely said that for their faith God did approue them Here then learne what is the thing amongst all things that must make vs acceptable vnto God euen this To deny our selues and to rest vpon the mercy of God in Christ this wil do it nothing else Hast thou strēgth so had Golias as wel as Sampson hast thou beauty so had Absalom as wel or more thē Dauid hast thou wisdom so had Achitophel thogh not like Salomon yet aboue ordinary men hast thou riches Esau was richer thē Iacob hast thou liued long so did Cain Ismael as wel as Isaak hast thou many childrē so had Ahab as wel as Gedeon hast thou learning the glory of nature so had the Egyptians as well as Moses for there Moses learned it All these thou maist haue yet be a vile person in the sight of God so far from being approued of God as that he wil not vouchsafe vnlesse it be in his anger once to regard or looke at thee hast thou therefore any of those outward gifts it is not to be contemned it hath his vse thanke God for it and and vse it well and vse it so as by it thou maist be approued amongst men but stand not to it before God for though it be wisedome or learning or neuer so excellent a gift it cannot purchase the fauour acceptation of God but true faith is able to please God both in this life and especially at the day of Iudgement This doctrine first confuteth the error of some grosse Papists who hold and write that many Philosophers for their good vse of the light of Nature for their deepenesse of learning and for their ciuill liues are now Saints in heauen a most manifest and shamefull vntruth and here as manifestly confuted for was Salomon not accepted for all his wisedome and shall Socrates was Moses not accepted for all his learning how then should Aristotle if faith made all of them accepted and nothing but faith how is it possible they should be accepted which neuer heard of faith nay I say more If many a man that liueth in the Church as deepe it may be in humane learning as they and of great knowledge also in the whole doctrine of Religion which they neuer knew and yet could not nor euer shall be accepted of God onely for want of this sauing faith How absurd is it 〈◊〉 imagine saluation for them which neither had sparke of faith nor knowledge of Christ Let vs thē hold that as there is no name whereby to be saued but onely the name of Christ so no meanes to be saued by that Christ but onely faith euen that faith for which these Elders were accepted of God Secondly this excellencie of faith aboue all other gifts shewes the vanity of the world so carefull earnest in seeking honour riches credit wisedom learning all which can but make them esteemed and approued to the world and so carelesse and negligent in getting true faith which will both approue a man vnto the world and make him honorable in the eyes of the Lord God Thirdly by this doctrine the Popish doctrine is iustly condemned which teacheth that a man is iustified by his works and that faith is not the most excellent of Gods graces Here we are taught other diuinitie for that for which a man is accepted by that he is iustified But for their faith onely were they accepted therfore iustification is only by faith Againe that which makes a man accepted of God that must needs be the most excellent thing of all For God which is goodnesse it selfe regardeth that that is the best but God esteemed thē only for their faith therfore it is the chief of all graces of God in regard of making a man accepted of God Fourthly here is a patterne and president for Gods children how to bestow measure out their loue estimation in the world God loued Salomon more for his faith then for all his glory and wisedome and esteemed more of Moses for his faith thē for all his learning So deale thou with thy wife thy child thy seruant thy friend with all men Hast thou a wife neuer so beautifull louing honest thrifty neuer so toward
sinnes from the world for this is one of the strongest and commonest encouragements that men take to liue in a sinne If they thinke it likely to be concealed But here they see how false a ground that is For if they can conceale it from men yet can they not from God and if God know it then can he reueale it to the world when it pleaseth him Againe whereas Abels bloud cried when he was dead It teacheth vs that God had a care of Abell both liuing and dead for it were nothing to say his bloud cried if God heard not that cry But it s apparant he heard it for he reuenged it and punished Cain when Abell was dead and could not reuenge it himselfe And this care God hath not ouer Abell alone but ouer all his children and as the Psalmist saith Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints that which is vile and of no regard in the world is pretious with God Tyrants make hauocke of the Church and kill them vp by heapes but God records vp euery one and will not faile to reuenge it when they are dead For if God haue bottles for the teares of his seruants surely much more hath he bottles for their bloud The vse whereof is to teach vs in all extremities of danger or distresse to learne patience yea though we be sure to die yet as Christ saith To possesse our soules with patience For we haue one wil heare the cause and reuenge our quarrell when we are gone So that if wee be patient wee loose nothing but if wee be impatient wee get nothing Let vs therefore hold our tongues for the wrong done to vs crieth loude enough to God for reuenge who will heare it as assuredly as he did Abels And thus wee see how Abell spake then euen after he was dead The second point is Hee speakes also yet and that three wayes First his faith yet speaketh because it admonisheth all men euery where who either heare or reade this story to become such as Abell was namely true worshippers of the true God for in Abels example it prouokes all men to be like him because it assureth them of the same regard and reward with God that Abell had and so Abels faith is a neuer dying Preacher to all Ages of the Church Here wee learne that the holy Examples of Gods children are reall teaching and loude preaching to other men For there is a double teaching namely in word or deede It belongs to the Minister to teach in word and to all men to teach by their deedes and good examples And if the Minister teach not thus also it is the worse both for him and his hearers It sufficeth not for him to teach by vocall Sermons that is by good doctrine but withall by reall Sermons that is by good life His faith his zeale his patience his mercy and all other his vertues must speake and cry call to other men to be like vnto him which if he practice carefully in his life as Abell did then shall his vertues speake for him to all posterities when he is dead Againe Abell though dead may be said to speake because howsoeuer his body be dead yet in soule and spirit hee liueth with God in heauen And thus the word speaketh may be vnderstoode because it is here opposed to death by which he being dead yet speaketh that is being dead in body yet liueth in soule which life with God was obtained vnto by his true and sauing faith Thirdly hee may be said to speake yet as all other Gods Martyrs are said to crie in the Reuelation from vnder the altar How long Lord holy and true doest thou not auenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth As this is true of all Martyrs so specially of Abell the first Martyr of all which words are not spoken neither by him nor them vocally with vttrance of voice but it is so said to signifie what feruent desire the seruants of God haue in heauen of the full manifestation of Gods glory in their bodies and of an vtter abolishment of sinne in the whole world Which their desire they doubtlesse vtter to God in a more excellent manner then in this world wee can vtter any thing with our voice and thus Abell speakes yet and shall speake till the worlds end Hitherto of the first Example the Example of Abell The second is of Henoch in these words By faith Henoch was translated that he should not see death neither was he found for God tooke him away for before he was translated he was reported of that hee had pleased God c. THe second example of faith is taken also out of the old world before the floud and it is of Henoch the seauenth from Adam to whom strange and miraculous things befell by reason of his faith Let the meaning of the words be first examined By Faith That is by his confidence in the Messias or his sauing faith he was taken away Taken away That is from earth to heauen not by an ordinary worke but miraculously as is euident by the next words That he should not see death That is that he should not feele death nor any dissolution of soule and body and therefore his taking away was miraculous For to be taken away by death is an ordinarie worke but to be taken away and yet not die that is miraculous and extraordinary and such was Henochs So then the substance of these words is thus much Henoch hauing this grace from God to beleeue stedfastly in the Messias to come was likewise honoured with this high prerogatiue To be taken into heauen without tasting of death further was taken away to the end that he might not die Thus we haue the meaning Now concerning this translation of Henochs there are two opinions Some thinke hee was translated in soule onely and not in body and they say he died in the translation so as his soule onely was taken vp into heauen and his body slept in the earth Though this appeares false at the first sight yet let vs see their reasons and what they can say for themselues Their first reason is this No mortall body vnglorified can enter into heauen but there is no mention of his glorification therefore his body could not come in heauen Answer It is certaine it was glorified ere it came in heauen If they reply it is not mentioned I answere it followeth not that therefore it was not for euery circumstance of euery action is not mentioned For many circumstances of actions must necessarily be supposed such a one was this Againe the glorification of his body is here plainly enough implied where it is said he was translated that he should not see death Now if his body sawe not death it was made immortall which is a speciall part of glorification Their second reason Christ was the first that euer entred into heauen both in
therefore go to God by earnest prayer to giue vs his spirit to worke true faith in our hearts and to make vs of a true beliefe And secondly seeing men may be Christians in profession and Atheists in practice let vs all looke narrowly to our selues and ioyne with our profession Conscience and obedience for else the more we know God the worse we are It may please God after to giue vs better mindes but as yet we are no better then deniers of God and though wee come neere God in profession and in his outward seruice yet indeede we are farre from him because wee want that true faith which must professe God not in iudgement alone but in practice and that will bring vs neere vnto God for hee that commeth to God must beleeue that God is And thus much for the first thing to be beleeued by him that will come to God and please him The second is And that He is a rewarder of them that seeke him It is a notable sentence and one of the most comfortable in the booke of God and containes the second thing to be beleeued The parts are naturally two 1. How a man doth seeke God 2. How God rewards them that seeke him For the first A man truly seeketh God by doing foure actions First a man must forsake himselfe goe out of himselfe and as it were loose himselfe in his owne iudgement when he intends to seeke God If any aske how that may be I answer Thus A man must labour to see his sinnes fully and distinctly and in sight thereof be cast downe in himselfe as a man is when hee seeth his debts then let him looke into himselfe and see if hee can finde in himselfe any ability to pay those debts or any meanes in the world to satisfie Gods ●ustice and purchase pardon And if vpon due examination he finde none at all no not the least nor any thing in himselfe but an accusing and raging conscience Let him then fall out of all loue with himselfe nay hate and abhorre himselfe and his owne basenesse and lastly let him despaire of his owne saluation in or from himselfe and thus doing he forsakes himself denieth himselfe and euen looseth himselfe And thus necessarily must he do to himselfe that will set his heart to seeke the Lord. For God will be found of none that hope to finde helpe at any hand but his they therfore that seeke God but will seeke themselues too do iustly loose both God and themselues Secondly he that will seeke God aright when hee hath lost himselfe must hunger in his heart and soule not after wealth and honours ease or pleasures but after the fauour and mercy of God in Christ for the forgiuenesse of his sinnes and one drop of Christes bloud to wash away the guilt and staine of his defiled and sinfull soule must be dearer to him then all the pompe and glory of tenne worlds Looke how a hungry soule hungers after meate and a faintie soule thirsteth after drinke so must his soule hunger after Gods mercy and thirst for Christs bloud and these are necessary For as a man that vndertakes a long iourney must be prouided of meate and drinke so hee that vndertakes the iourney to goe seeke the Lord must haue this prouision for the diet of his poore soule Gods mercies and Christes merits and he that seeks without a soule hungring after these may seeke long and finde nothing Thirdly if he will truly seeke God he must not goe in euerie path but take the true liuing way which Christ hath consecrated by his bloud nor take any guide but trust to Christs spirit alone to be his guide nor make many mediators or messengers to God but make Christ alone to God the Father Wee must therefore goe to him and yeeld vp our selues to be taught and guided by him leaue our sute to be preferred by him we must not looke to come to God by running on pilgrimages to this or that Saints picture or bones or to our Lady of Loreto Many haue sought God in these but who euer found him Nay alas thou maist lodge in her forged tabernacle at Loreto all thy life and lie in hell for all that when thou art dead and maist kisse all the Saints pictures and bones and haire and all their reliques in Spaine and Italy and all cannot get thee one sight of Gods fauourable countenance Nor againe must we looke to come to God by our good works though we are to doe them they are good markes in the way and good euidences of a right way but they cannot open heauen and let thee in And therefore when thou hast done all thou canst thou must forsake them all in matter of iustification and comming to God Onely thou must goe to God by Christ and cleaue to him alone hee is the doore the way the truth the life and certainly neuer man found God that sought him not in Christ alone And when Popish deuises and distinctions haue done all they can men will be found liers and Christ to speak truth saying No man commeth to the Father but by me Lastly when all these are done then must thou beleeue that God is become thy mercifull Father in Christ and is reconciled vnto thee in him for there is no feare but if thou seeke God in Christ thou shalt finde him and when thou hast done the three former things thou maist safely and assuredly beleeue that thou hast truly sought God And after all these if thou haue not firme and liuely faith thou doest not secke God For as it is impossible without faith to please God so is it impossible without faith to finde God Thus if a man lose himselfe long after Gods mercy take Christ alone for his guide and mediator and stedfastly beleeue his reconciliation with God by Christ then he seekes God aright and to this seeking belongs a reward and blessing Now then if this be to seeke God here is some light giuen to a great question Whether the Church of Rome be a true Church and their doctrine truely catholique or erroneous and failing in fundamentall points For answer Can that be a true Church which doth not bring her children to seeke God or that catholique doctrine which teacheth not her children to seeke God the right way but sends them into 1000. by-wayes Surely if this be to seeke God then search all the Popish Doctors and almost all their Writers and see whether a man be not taught to seeke God quite in another walke Which way of theirs whether is ordinarily bring the seekers to God or no we leaue to Gods mercifull iudgement But for our selues as we see we haue the true liuing way the sure and infallible way by Christ to God by the Sonne to the Father let vs reioice in the comfort of so rich a mercie and be thankfull to the Lord for reuealing himselfe vnto vs and opening vnto vs the true way to him and to his
come for they were not performed for many yeeres after as shall appeare in the particulars Particularly they were these three First the great and iust wrath which God had conceiued against the sinfull world for the vniuersall corruption and generall sinfulnesse therof Noah was a Preacher of righteousnesse to that wicked age and as S. Peter saith 1. Epistle 3.11 The very spirit of Christ preached in him but they contemned both him and the spirit by which hee spake and made a mocke of him and all his holy admonitions and solaced themselues in all their sinfull pleasures without feare or respect of God or man pleasing themselues in their owne defiled wayes promising to themselues safety and security But behold This Noah whom they esteemed a base and contemptible man vnworthy of their company to him is reuealed how short their time is and that they must be cut off in the midst of their iollity Gods children whom wicked men doe thinke and speake of with great contempt doe know full well the miserable state of such men and the fearefull dangers hanging ouer them when the wicked men themselues are farre from thinking of any such matter The second thing which God reuealed to Noah was that he would saue him and his family from perishing by the waters which he would bring vpon the world His faith was not in vaine God rewarded it with a singular preseruation Thus dealt he alwayes with his children deliuering Lot out of Sodome Gen. 19. Rahab out of Hierico Ioshua 6.22 The Kenits from the Amalekits 1. Sam. 15. and here Noah out of that generall destruction And this God afore-hand reueales vnto him for his greater comfort and security that when signes and strange tokens did foretell and shew that still the destruction was neerer and neerer still Noah might comfort himselfe in the assurance of that mercifull promise which God had made him of his deliuerance and of his family also for his sake The third thing reuealed to him was the meanes whereby he should be saued from the vniuersall floud namely by an Arke which for his more assurance hee is bid to make himselfe that so at euery stroke he gaue he might remember this mercifull promise of his God vnto him For as euery stroke in the making of the Arke was a loude sounding Sermon vnto that sinfull generation to call them to repentance so was it also an assurance vnto Noah of his deliuerance Of which Ark of Noahs obedience in making it we shall hereafter speake at large And thus much concerning the ground of Noahs faith which was a warning or reuelation from God Now followeth a second point namely the commendation of his faith or a description of the excellencie thereof by diuers and singular effects Moued with reuerence The first effect of his faith is It moued in him a reuerence or a reuerent feare of that God that spake to him and of his iustice towards sinne and sinners and of his mercie towards him In this effect we are to consider two points 1. The ground of this reuerence 2. The occasions or motiues of it The ground whence this reuerence sprang was his true and sauing faith for the holy Ghost first tells vs of Noahs faith afterwards of this reuerent feare he had of God and his great workes Where we learne that whosoeuer is endued with sauing faith is also touched with feare and reuerence at the consideration of God and his glorious workes whether they be works of his power his wisedome his mercy or his iustice or of all together For the first Dauid could not see the workes of Gods power in the creation Psalm 8. But when he looked vp and beheld the heauens the workes of Gods hands the moone and the starres which he had ordained hee forthwith fell into a reuerence and admiration of Gods mercy to man for whom and whose vse he made them all For the second the same Dauid could not enter into consideration of Gods wisedome in the admirable frame of mans body Psal. 139.13 c. but he presently falls into a reuerence and admiration thereof in most excellent and passionate words Thou possessest my reines thou coueredst me in my mothers wombe I will praise thee for I am fearefully and wonderfully made Meruailous are thy workes and that my soule knoweth right well My bones are not hid from thee though I was made in a secret place yet thy eyes did see my substance when I was without forme and in thy booke were all my members written which in continuance were fashioned though there were none of them before How deere therefore are thy counsels to mee O God! Thus we see how this holy King cannot content himself with any tearmes to expresse his religious and reuerent conceite of Gods Maiestie For the third Gods mercifull workes to his Church and children haue alwayes beene considered-of by good men with great reuerence And What shall I giue vnto the Lord saith Dauid for all his benefites poured on mee Psalm 116.12 But especially the Iudgements of God haue beene alwaies entertained of Gods children with much reuerence and admiration Blessed Dauid saith My flesh trembleth for feare of thee and I am afraid of thy Iudgements Psal. 119.120 How would this noble King haue trembled and been afraid if he had beene a priuate man And how glorious is God and his workes of iudgements whereat euen Kings themselues doe tremble And the Prophet Habbacuk saith that when hee but hea●d of Gods iudgements to come his belly trembled his lips shooke rottennesse entred into his bones Habba 3.16 And thus Noah here hearing of Gods iust wrath against the sinfull world and of his purpose to ouerthrowe all liuing flesh by water was moued with great feare and reuerence at this mighty worke of God and from the view of this his great and iust iudgement his faith made him arise to a more earnest consideration of the Maiestie of God By all which it is more then apparant that true faith wheresoeuer it is worketh a holy feare and reuerent estimation of God and of his workes and of God in and by his workes whereby on the contrary side it followeth that therefore to thinke basely or ordinarily of God to thinke scornefully of his workes or to denie his power and his hand in the great workes either of mercie or iudgement done in the world is an argument of a profane heart and wanting true faith The vse of this doctrine discouers the profanenesse and the great want of faith that ordinarily is in the world And that appeares by two euidences the first is to mens owne consciences the other is to the view and sight of all the world First men may see in themselues a profane heart and voide of faith by this euidence For doth a man in his heart thinke basely of God his power his iustice or his mercies Doth he either doubt of them or granting them doth hee thinke of them without feare and am●zement
be afarre off this is the worke of true faith This was in Noah wrought in him a reuerence and so would it in vs if it were in vs. When men crie fire fire wee stirre wee runne wee tremble but God crieth in his word the fire of hell the fire of his wrath and wee care not wee stirre not wee leaue not our sinnes wee are not moued with reuerence as Noah was therefore it is more then manifest that holy faith is wanting in the world which Noah had The second motiue stirring vp this reuerence in him was the consideration of Gods wonderfull mercie to him and his family in sauing them This mercy seemed so wonderfull to him both for that hee knewe it was vndeserued knowing himselfe a sinnefull man and therfore not able to merit Gods fauour and being priuy to himselfe of his owne manifolde imperfections and also vnexpected for he neuer thought to haue been spared alone in an vniuersall destruction therefore he wondred with reuerence at so great a mercy Thus Gods mercies doe not onely winne a mans heart to loue God but euen to feare him with much reuerence this Dauid proueth Psalm 130.4 There is mercy with thee O Lord that thou maist be feared as though he had said thy great mercies to thy children O Lord do make them conceiue a reuerent estimation of thee This made Dauid cry out in a holy passion How excellent are thy mercies O Lord Psal. And as Gods childrē wonder at the excellencies of Gods mercies vnto them so also at their owne basenesse and vnworthinesse Thus doth holy Dauid 2. Sam. 7.18 who as hee was a man of much faith so was he full of excellent meditations and reuerent speeches of God which are the true effects of faith when God had set him in his kingdome hee saith Who am I O Lord and what is my house that thou hast brought me hither And 1. Chron. 29.14 But who am I saith he and what is my people that wee should offer thus vnto the Lord And doubtlesse euen so said Noahs blessed soule often vnto the Lord and to it selfe Who am I O Lord and what is my family that we should be chosen out of so many thousands and be saued when all the world perisheth Let vs apply this to our Church and State If any Nation haue cause to say thus it is England God hath deliuered vs out of the thraldome of spirituall Egypt and led vs out not by a Moses but first by a childe then by a woman and giuen vs his Gospell more fully and freely and quietly then any kingdom so great in the world and still deliuereth vs from the cursed plots of the Pope and tyrannous inuasions of the Spaniard who thought to haue marked vs in the foreheads with the brand of infamie and to haue done to vs as they haue done to other nations whom they haue conquered but God from heauen fought for vs and ouerthrew them in their owne deuises yea the Lord put his hooke in his nosethrils and his bridle in his lips and caried him backe againe with shame and reproach Wee are vnworthy of such a mercy if our soules doe not often say vnto God O Lord what are we and what is our people that thou shouldst be so wonderfull in thy mercies vnto vs And particularly this must teach euery Christian to be a carefull obseruer of the fauours mercies that God vouchsafes to his soule or body to him or his and the consideration of them must make him daily be moued with reuerence and reuerent thoughts of Gods Maiestie still as the Lord is more and more mercifull vnto him to beare still the more feare and reuerence vnto him for the same The last motiue of this Reuerence in Noah was the consideration of Gods power and wisedome both in the Iudgement vpon the world and in the mercy vpon him for first in the Iudgement it was wonderfull that God would chuse so weake an element as water to destroy vanquish the huge Giants of those dayes but therein appeared first Gods power that by so weake meanes can cast downe his enemies And againe his wisedome that as an vniuersall wickednesse had polluted the whole world so a floud of water should wash the whole world Secondly the mercy was also wonderful that God should chuse to saue Noah by so strange a meane as an Arke which should swim on the waters For Noah thought if the Lord will saue me he will either take me vp into heauen as hee did Henoch a little before or else make me build a house vpon the top of the highest mountaine But the Lord will saue him by no such meanes but by an Arke wherein appeared first Gods power that would saue him by so weake a meanes as might seeme rather to destroy him For Noah must lye and swim in the midst of the waters and yet be saued from the waters and the Arke m●st saue him which in all reason if the Tempests had cast it against the hard rockes and mountaines or vpon the strong Castles and houses of the mightie Giants would haue beene broken in pieces and so it had but that God himselfe was the Maister and Pilot in that voyage And secondly Gods wisedom shone cleerly in this means because God would haue him saued not in such sort as the world might not see it as it would haue beene if hee had beene taken vp into heauen or into the aire but would haue him saued in an Arke that so al● the wicked men as they ●ere a dying in the water or expecting death vpon the tops of the hills might see him liue and be saued to their more torment and to their greater shame who would not beleeue Gods word as he did For as the wicked in hell are more tormented to see the godly in the ioyes of heauen so doubtlesse were the wicked of that age to see Noah saued before their eies The view of this power wisdom of God herein made Noah giue great reuerence to Gods Maiestie And no les●e ought it to worke in the hearts of all true hear●ed English men and faithfull Christians For did not the Lord restore establish the Gospell to our nation by a child and by a woman and in her time when all other Princes were against her cōtrary to the rules of policy and did not God in our late deliuerance ouerthrow our enemies not so much by the power of man as by his owne hand Did not he fight from heauen Did not the starres and the winds in their courses sight against that Sisera of Spaine Let vs therefore with blessed Noah stād amazed to see Gods mercies with reuerence feare magnifie his great and glorious name And thus we haue the three motiues that moued in Noah this Reuerence of God the consideration first of his great Iudgement on the sinfull world 2. Of his great mercy in sauing him 3. Of his admirable power and wisedome shewed both
it was a meanes to saue them another way euen to saue their soules for it taught them many things First it was an assurance of Gods loue vnto their soules for if hee was so carefull to saue their bodies from the floud they thereby assured themselues hee would be as good vnto their soules which they knew to be farre more pretious and excellent Secondly it shewed them how to be saued For as they saw no safety nothing but present death out of the Arke So it taught them that out of Gods Church and out of Gods fauour no saluation could be expected and so it taught them to labour to be in Gods fauour and members of his true Church Thirdly they saw they were saued from the floud by faith and obedience For first Noah beleeued Gods word that the floud should come then he obayed Gods commaundement and made the Arke as hee was commaunded And thus he and his by beleeuing obaying were saued through the Arke and without these the Arke could not haue saued them This taught them more particularly how to be saued namely by beleeuing God and obaying God and else no saluation For when they saw their bodies could not be saued without them It assured them much lesse could their soules be saued without faith and obedience Lastly this deliuerance by the Arke was a pawn vnto them from God assuring them of saluation if they beleeued in the Messias For seeing God so fully performed his promise vnto them for their bodily deliuerance vpon their beleeuing they therby might assure themselues he would performe his promise of saluation vnto them vpon their faith and true obedience Moreouer it strengthned their faith For when euer after any promise of God was made vnto them or any word of God came vnto them they then remembred Gods mercy and faithfulnesse vnto them in their deliuerance by the Arke and therefore beleeued Vnto these and many other spirituall vses did the Arke serue vnto Noah and to his houshold as many of them as were beleeuers But what is this to vs Indeede the Arke serued them for a temporall deliuerance it saued their liues therefore they also had reason to make spirituall vse of it But it saued not vs it serued vs to no vse corporall therefore how can wee make any spirituall vse of it I answere though wee had no corporall vse of the Arke yet there ariseth an excellent spirituall vse out of the consideration of it The Arke of Noah and our baptisme are figures correspondent one to the other that that Noahs Arke was to them Baptisme is to vs. Thus teacheth S. Peter To the Arke of Noah the figure which now saueth vs euen Baptisme agreeth The same that S. Paul here ascribeth to the Arke S. Peter ascribeth to Baptisme The Arke saued them Baptisme saueth vs. Now the resembla●ce betwixt these two figures hath two branches First as it was necessary for them that should be saued in the floud to be in the Arke and out of the Arke no possibility to escape So is it for them that will haue their soules saued to be in Christ and of his Church they must be mysticall members of Christ and visible members of his Church and out of Christ and his Church no possibility of saluation That this is true for Christ S. Peter proueth apparantly Acts 4.12 Among men there is no name giuen vnder heauen whereby to be saued but the name of Iesus Christ neither is there saluation in any other And that this is true for the Church he prooueth Acts 2.47 The Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saued See how such as are to be saued must ioyne themselues to the Church when they see where it is and all this is signified taught in Baptisme For the outward vse of Baptisme makes vs members of the visible Church the inward powerfull vse of Baptisme makes vs members of Christ himselfe The vse and consideration hereof should make vs all more carefull to be true members of Christ of his Church by making not onely a bare profession of religion but by seeking to be incorporate into Christ by faith and true repentance for this must saue vs when nothing els can As they that were out of the Arke no gold nor siluer could buy out their safetie no lands nor liuings no houses nor buildings no hilles nor mountaines nothing in the world nor the whole world it selfe could saue them but being out of the Arke they perished So if a man be out of Christ out of his Church no gold nor siluer no honour nor glory no wit nor policy no estimation nor authoritie no friend● nor fauour no wisdome nor learning no hilles of happines nor mountaines of gold can saue his soule but hee must perish in the flood of Gods eternall wrath For as it prooued folly in them that trusted to their high houses or catcht hold on the hils if they were out of the Arke so will it prooue much greater folly to them that shall trust to any meanes of saluation if they be out of Christ. And contrariwise as they that were in the Arke were sure to bee saued doe the waters windes and weathers stormes and tempests all they could so that still the more the waters rose the Arke rose also and was euer higher than they and the higher it was carried by the violence of the waters the safer it was from the danger of hils and rockes and so in the midst of danger they were out of danger and were saued in the midst of the water So he that is once truely in Christ is sure of saluation nothing can hinder it flouds of calamities may assault him and humble him but they hurt not his saluation hee is in the Arke he is in Christ nay the gates of hell shall not ouerthrowe him but through all the waues of the diuels malice through all tempests of temptations the blessed Arke of Christes loue and merits shall carrie him vp and at last conuay him to saluation this is the blessed assurance of all them that are truely baptized into Christ. But as for such as out of their prophanenesse either care not to be in Christ or contemne Baptisme let thē assure thēselues they be out of the Arke they perish certainly This is the 1. part of the resemblance The second is this Noahs body going into the Arke hee seemed therein a dead man going into a graue or a tombe to be buried for he was buried in the Arke the Arke in the waters he depriued of the fresh air● gladsome light yet by Gods appointment it was the means to saue Noah which in all reason seemed to be his graue if Noah will be saued he must goe into this graue So they that will escape hell and damnation by Christ the true Arke of holinesse must be buried and mortified in their flesh and fleshly lusts and there is no way to come
any thing to bee resolued of Gods power and will to heare and helpe vs. He is our Father therefore carefull and willing he is in heauen and therefore able to heare vs and to giue vs all thinges Math. 6.9 And the same commendation here giuen to Sarah is also giuen to Abraham Rom. 4 21. He doubted not but beleeued aboue hope c. being fully assured that he which had promised was also able to doe it The vse hereof vnto vs is double First to aduise and guide vs for our promises not to be too recklesse as some are what we promise but to consider aforehand and if it be beyond our power not to speake the word for Christian mens words must not be vaine and if we haue promised any thing lawfull and in our power to be carefull to performe it Thus to doe is to be a faithfull man and is a good signe of a holy man and Gods childe prouided this be so First of all towards God that wee make conscience of performing the great vow wee made in our baptisme and all other serious holy purposes of our heart made to God For otherwise hee that breakes his vowe to God carelesly by liuing profanely hee may in worldly policy keepe ●is word but he cannot doe it in conscience The Church of Rome is foully faulty in this point making no conscience of breaking promise and faith with vs or any of our religion their nakednesse herein is discouered in the face of all Christendome let them that are wi●e be warned of it They make great ostentation of their vowes and of their care to performe them aboue any other religion but it appeares hereby to be vile hypocrisie For if they were conscionably and not politikely and formally carefull of their vowes of chastity pouerty others made to God they could not but be likewise carefull of their promises made to men for the one of these is the fountaine a●d roote of the other But the neglect of the one sheweth the formality and hypocrisie of the other Let all that feare God learne to make conscience of both these in their religion and seruice of God and in all their dealings with men in the world that so the world may iudge vs faithfull men when we haue promised Secondly let vs here learne how to helpe and strengthen our weake faith in the great promises of God Wee haue a promise of saluation Whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ shall not perish but haue life euerlasting Of our resurrection Dan. 12. They tha● sleepe i● the dust shall rise againe Of our glorification Philip. 3.21 The Lord Iesus shal change our vile bodies and make them like to his owne glorious body Of a new world 2. Pet 3.13 We looke for new heauens and a new earth according to his promise These be as S. Peter calls them great and pretious promises 2. Pet. 1.4 And surely it must be a great pretious faith that can constantly beleeue these No better helpes of our faith can there be then often and seriously to consider of the mercy and power of him that made them if he be willing and able what can let the performance of them Let vs therefor● often say with holy Paul Faithfull is hee which hath promised who will also doe it 1. Thess. 5 and with Sarah here We iudge him faithfull which hath promised Now followeth the last effect in the next verse And therefore sprang there of one euen of one which was as dead as many as the starres of the skie in multitude and as the sands of the seashore which are innumerable The third and last effect of Sarahs effect is that by this sonne Isaac whom she conceiued brought forth by faith she had a wonderfull great issue and a posterity almost without number This effect consists not of it selfe but depends vpon the former Her faith gaue her strength to conceiue Isaac though she were barren and to bring him forth though she were olde and weake and so her faith brought him out by whom shee was made the mother of many millions of men The matter of this third effect is the multitude of men that came of Abraham and Sarah by Isaac This posterity or multitude is described by two arguments 1. By the beginning or roote of it One that was as dead 2. The quantity or greatnesse laid downe 1. Generally to be a multitude and innumerable 2. Particularly by two comparisons 1. As many as the starres in the skie 2. As the sands by the seashore The first point is the roote and beginning of this multitude in these words And therefore sprang there of one euen one that was as dead One that is one woman Sarah or at the most one couple Abraham and Sarah And this one was no better then dead Not dead properly and fully for none are so dead whose soules and bodies are not separate but as dead that is as good as dead or halfe dead meaning that they were altogether vnfit for generation of children the strength of nature being decayed in them Abraham being 100. and Sarah 90. yeares olde And if this be true of Abraham who was past age how much more is it of Sarah who was both past age and was also barren in her best age Here we are to note and learne many things First Multitudes came of one See here the powerfull and yet the ordinary workes of God to reare vp goodly huge buildings vpon small and weake foundations So did he in the beginning and euer since Indeede he made at the first thousands of starres because they must be no more then at the first they were and millions of Angels intending they shall not multiply he could also haue made millions of men in a moment he would not but onely one couple Adam and Eue. And of them came the infinite race of mankinde When sinne had made an end of that world hee founded not the second that yet continueth vpon a thousand couples but by three men and their wiues hee multiplied the whole race of mankinde which since haue growen from three to millions of millions And so here of one olde man and a barren olde woman spring innumerable multitudes This God doth to magnifie his owne power in the eyes of the sonnes of men and so he did also in matters heauenly The number of Christians since Christ that haue grown to millions began in a poore number at the first For when Christ himselfe was ascended the number of knowen beleeuers was but 120. Acts 1.15 The consideration hereof should teach vs all these duties First not to measure God by our lengthes nor to tye him to our rules but to esteeme of his power and might as we see it deserues and to entertaine high and honourable thoughts of him his Maiestie who can reare vp so great workes vpon so poore foundations Secondly not to despaire of our selues or our estates though we think our selues neuer so weak so poore so sick
the first fruit of their faith The second fruite of their faith is noted in these words And beleeued them where by beleeuing wee must vnderstand not so much the act of faith for that was noted before as the growth and encrease of their faith for the word imports a confirmation of their hearts and a resolution in assurance of the promises made vnto them which is not vnusuall in Scripture for Paul prayeth for the Churches who had true knowledge faith and loue that they might encrease and abound therein more and more Ephesians 3.16.17 Philippians 1.9.11 Colossians 1.9.11 Heere then wee may obserue in the example of these Patriarches that it is the duty and property of euery true beleeuer to goe forward and encrease in faith till hee come to a full perswasion and assurance in Gods promises All the giftes of GOD and therefore faith are the Lords talents and euery true beleeuer is the Lords seruant called to occupie therewith Now GOD hauing put his talent into any mans hand doth require the encrease thereof as the Parable shewes Luke 19.13 And this Paul teacheth for praying for the Ephesians that they may goe on and be strengthened by the spirit in the inner man Ephesians 3.16 he signifieth that hee that doth truly beleeue in Christ must goe on from grace to grace till hee be a tall man in Christ as a childe groweth from yeare to yeare till hee come to bee a strong man The nature of faith is like vnto fire which will not goe out so long as wood or other fewell is put vnto it but will take holde thereof and growe vnto a greater flame and so will faith growe vp to a full perswasion in all those that conscionablie apply themselues to the Worde and Prayer But goes the case thus with vs in the matter of faith Nay verily generally it is farre otherwise for many among vs haue no regard of faith at all but thinke they may liue as they lust their good meaning will serue the turne others and those not a fewe are so farre from going forward in faith that they are euery day worse and worse and still goe backward more and more A third sort wee haue that will heare the word and receiue the Sacraments but yet their growth in grace is verie slender they stand at a stay and profit little Now howsoeuer it may be thought but a small fault not to profit in Religion yet vndoubtedly it is a fearefull Iudgement of GOD when the hearers of the word in any congregation are daily taught and doe not profit thereby and therefore the holy Ghost noteth those women to be laden with sinne which are euer learning and yet neuer are able to come to the knowledge of the truth 2. Timoth. 3.7 If a childe lately borne like not well nor growe when it hath good keeping the common saying is that it is a Changeling So if a man heare the word of God and doe not encrease in knowledge faith and obedience wee may most truly say of him that hee is a spirituall Changeling and therefore to auoide this fearefull iudgement of God we must first labour for faith hauing faith encrease therein and in other graces of God till we come to be strong men in Christ. It is here said that those Patriarchs encreased in faith But it may be demaunded how and by what meanes they did attaine hereto Answer In the booke of Genesis we may finde three wayes whereby they were confirmed in the faith and did growe vp in grace The first meanes was from God himselfe for when he had made his couenant with Abraham mercifully renuing the same during his life as occasion serued sundry times he stayed not there suffering it to die with Abraham but when Abraham was dead God renued his couenant with Isaac and Rebecka and with Iacob also after them Now the tongue of man cannot vtter what a wonderfull furtherance it was vnto their faith to haue the Lord himselfe to renue his gracious promises vnto them The second meanes of encreasing their faith was their holy conuersing one with another for the manner of the Patriarchs was to teach and instruct their children and to nurture them vp in the true worship and feare of God by which meanes they did not only implant Gods promises in the hearts of their children but were themselues confirmed in the same for hee that teacheth another from a feeling heart greatly strengtheneth his owne soule Now God himselfe doth testifie this thing of Abraham saying I knowe him that he will commaund his sonnes and his houshold after him that they keepe the way of the Lord to doe righteousnesse and iudgement Now looke what Abraham herein did to Isaac that no doubt did Isaac vnto Iacob The third meanes to encrease their faith was from each one to himself for they gaue themselues often times in their owne persons to muse meditate vpō the promises of God so it is said of Isaac that he went out to pray or to meditate in the field towards euening and wee may perswade our selues it was concerning this and other promises of God and the accomplishment thereof And wee neede not to doubt but that Abraham and Iaacob did the like These are the means by which these godly Patriarchs were strengthened in their faith All which must be marked of vs diligently and put in practice for the cause why we heare the word often and yet profit little by it is chiefly this because the meanes by which men should growe vp in faith are so slenderly vsed among vs. For the first meanes which is on Gods behalfe to man is through his great and vnspeakable mercy plentifully affoorded in many parts of the Land in the holy Ministerie of the gospell wherin Gods gratious promises of mercy are opened and applied to mens hearts and his iudgements against sinne are sharpely denounced to driue men to lay holde on Gods mercy in Christ. But if wee regard the second meanes which is mutuall instruction of father to childe of master to seruant and of one neighbour to another together with mutuall conference about that we are taught Or else if wee regard the third meanes which is priuate meditation vpon Gods word and promises taught vnto vs which meditation is to a Christian soule like the chewing of the cudde vnto a beast for as chewing the cudde turnes that which was eaten into true feeding so doth holy meditation make Gods word and promises spirituall refreshing by digesting them in the heart If I say wee take a viewe of these two latter wee shall finde them seldome vsed of very many or not at all Blessed be God we neede not to doubt but there bee some who vse these meanes with care and reuerence but alas these some are very fewe And because this duty is so slackly performed hence it is that though the couenant of mercy in Christ be oft repeated yet men reape little profit by it So that we
steward ouer them for the good disposing of them to the glory of God and the good of his Church alwaies remembring this rule of the Prophet Dauid Psal. 62.10 If riches increase set not thy heart on them He saith not If riches increase refuse thē but set not thy heart on them and thus much of these Questions Now this practice of the Patriarchs is as necessarie for vs in these dayes as euer it was for the cause why we profit little after much hearing of Gods word is this we haue not behaued our selues like Pilgrimes and strangers in this world but the cares of the things of this life haue choaked it vp Math. 13 2● that it could take no ground nor roote in our hearts when we haue heard the word wee remember it not because our hearts and the affections thereof are set on the pleasures and commodities of the worlde Wee therefore must shake off this filthy sinne and learne to behaue our selues like Pilgrimes and strangers not intangling our selues with the things of this life but vsing them as though we vsed them not so as they be no hinderance to the growth of Gods graces in vs. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seeke a Country In the former verse was set downe the constancie of Abraham Sarah Isaac and Iacob in the faith Now in the 14.15 and 16. verses the holy Ghost proceedeth to amplifie and inlarge the commendation of their perseuerance in the faith for the scope of all these verses is to proue that all these particularly were constant in the faith vnto the end The proofe is made by one substantiall reason the summe whereof is this Abraham Sarah Isaac and Iacob sought for their Country which was heauen and therefore they were constant in the true faith But some may thinke that this reason is not substantiall for men may seeke for heauen that neuer had true sauing faith As Balaam desired that his end might be like the end of the righteous Numb 23.10 wherewith no doubt he desired the state of the righteous after this life I answere that this desire of Balaams was not grounded vpon any constant perswasion nor settled resolution but vpon some sodaine motion Secondly though he desired to die the death of the righteous yet he would not liue the life of the righteous hee had no delight to walke in the way to come to that end which they walked in without which no man ordinarily can come to it Yet further some will say Many shall seeke as our Sauiour Christ saith to enter in at the straite gate of the kingdome of heauen and shall not be able Luke 13.24 Therefore to seeke for heauen is no sufficient argument of true faith Answer True indeede many shall seeke to come to heauen and shall not be able to enter because they seek when the dore of mercy is shut and when the day of grace is past for there is a time of grace wherein the Lord will be found Now if men seeke him not in this time though they seeke him neuer so long after yet they shall not finde him But the seeking of these Patriarchs was a sound and constant seeking and so a notable fruite of their true faith For 1. they sought a heauenly Country 2. they sought it in due time not for a brunt but through the whole course of their liues 3. they went the right way denying themselues and their estate in this life as being strangers vpon earth and they were willing to forsake all things in this world to attaine heauen esteeming it as their true dwelling place and their eternall rest Now more particularly the holy Ghost diuideth this reason into two parts handleth the same seuerally 1. he proueth that they sought a Country in this verse and 2. that this Country which they sought was heauen it selfe verse 15.16 For the first part that they sought a Country is thus proued They which say they are Pilgrimes and strangers they shew plainly that they seeke a Country But Abraham Isaac and Iacob saide of themselues that they were Pilgrimes and Strangers Therefore they shew plainly that they seeke a Country The first part of this reason is euident in it selfe for hee that saith hee is a Pilgrime and a stranger in any place sheweth plainly that hee is forth 〈◊〉 his owne Countrey and therefore seeketh one The second part of the reason is assumed from their confession in the end of the former verse and confessed that they were Pilgrimes and strangers on the earth from whence the conclusion is laid downe in this 14. verse that therefore these Patriarchs sought a Country In this reason obserue first that the Author of this Epistle had diligently read the History of Abraham Sarah Isaac and Iacob penned by Moses in the booke of Genesis and in reading had obserued that which they particularly confessed of themselues in many places of that booke namely that they were Pilgrimes and strangers yea also hee gathered from their confession this most heauenly meditation that therefore they were not in their owne Country but sought another These three thinges then the Author of this Epistle vsed about the holy Scriptures Reading meditation and obseruation Whence we learne that all Gods Ministers and those which prepare themselues to the worke of the Ministerie are diligently to reade and study the holy Scriptures and to meditate therein No doubt the Author of this Epistle was an Apostle and had most notable giftes by vertue of his calling and yet hee bestowed paines in viewing the particular words of Abraham Isaac and Iacob recorded by Moses in the booke of Genesis Daniell also was an extraordinarie Prophet yet as wee may reade Daniel 9.2 hee studied with admirable diligence the prophecies of Ieremie and Ezekiel And Timothie though he were a Disciple Acts 16.1 and well learned yet Paul chargeth him to giue attendance to reading to exhortation and to doctrine 1. Timothie 4.13 And Ezekiel is commaunded to eate the role and to fill his belly with it Ezekiel 3.3 And Saint Iohn likewise is commaunded to eate vp the little booke Reuelations 10.9.10 which thing he did all which strongly inforce the former duty shewing that Gods seruant in the Ministerie must as it were eate vp Gods booke that in iudgement and vnderstanding he may digest as farre as is possible the deepe things of God and the hardest places of the Scripture here must he lay his foundation and hither haue recourse frō all other writing whatsoeuer in any matter of doubt This direction is most necessary for the Schooles of the Prophets and for all Gods Ministers and yet notwithstanding the contrary practice beareth sway in the world For in the Popish Vniuersities most of their diuines apply themselues to study the bookes of certaine schoole-men and the Expositors or Commenters thereupon These are applied day and night though they be both many and large and full of needlesse quiddities and oftentimes they be also
God would not be called in speciall manner the God of vnfaithfull men but rather would bestowe such a special fauour vpon Beleeuers but that fauour did God vouchsafe to these three Patriarchs therefore doubtlesse they liued and died in that holy faith In that it is said God was not ashamed to be called their God Here first we learn that God doth not vouchsafe his mercie equally to all men but some men haue more prerogagatiue in his fauours and mercies then others Kings make choise among all their subiects of some men whom they wil prefer to be of their counsel or guard to whom they will giue speciall countenance and dispence their fauours more liberally then to all Euen so God among all Abrabrahams kindred maketh choise of these three persons Abraham Isaac and Iacob to bestowe on them such speciall honour as he vouchsafed not to any of their fore-fathers afore them nor posterity after them No meruaile therfore though he bestowe not his speciall mercy vpon all seeing he dispenceth not his inferiour fauours vnto all alike And yet for all this he is no accepter of persons for hee onely is properly said to be an accepter of persons that preferreth one before another in regard of some quality in the person but God vouchsafed this honour vnto these three only of meere mercy and good will and not for any thing he respected in them This confuteth the conceite and errour of many men broached abroad in this age that God doth equally loue all men as they are men and hath chosen all men to saluation as they are men and hath reiected none for say they it standeth with equity and good reason that the Creator should loue all his creatures equally and this opinion they would build vpon the generall promise made to Abraham because that in him God said all the nations of the earth should be blessed Gen. 22.18 But we must vnderstand that All is not alwaies taken generally but sometime indefinitely for many and so Paul speaking of this couenant of grace in Christ saith The Lord made Abraham a father of many nations Rom. 4.17 where repeating the couenant recorded by Moses he putteth many for all Againe graunt that Abraham were the father of all nations and that in him All the kindreds of the earth were blessed Yet it followeth not that therefore God should loue all men equally alike for he may loue the faithfull of all nations yet not loue all men in all nations for in his bountifull mercy in Christ he preferreth some before others And this answer seems the better because we may haue some reason to thinke that God will saue of euery nation some but no ground to imagine he wil saue all of any nation much lesse all of euery nation 2. Here we may see that God honoureth those his seruants that honour him as hee saith to Ely the Priest 1. Sam. 2.30 Which is a point to be marked diligently for this God is the glorious king of heauen and earth yet he abaseth himselfe is content to be named by his Creature aduancing them by abasing himselfe to be called their God the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob Where we may apparantly see rather then God wil not haue them honoured that honour him he wil abase himself that they therby may be honored Hence we may learn many things First that all that professe religion truly must inure themselues to go through good report and ill report and in all estates to be content for Gods honours sake as Paul saith I haue learned in whatsoeuer state I am therewith to be content I can be abased and I can abound euery where in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry to abound to haue want Thus spake that holy man of God so must we all endeauour to say accordingly to practice And the reason is good because if a man honor God howsoeuer he be contemned or not regarded in the world yet God wil honour him esteeme highly of him that will proue the way to all true honour as it hath done euen in this world to all that tried it Secondly hence we learne which is the true way to get sound honor amongst men namely to honor God Good estimation in the world is not to be contemned for the Lord cōmandeth all inferiours to honour their superiours wherby he also bindeth euery mā to preserue his own dignity Now God honoureth them that honor him therfore the surest way to get true honour among men is this Let a man first lay his foundation well begin with God set all the affections of his heart thoughts on this To honor God Quest. How may a man honor God Answ. By forsaking the rebellious waies of sin vngodlines walking in the way of righteousnesse through the course of his life This doth God take to be an honour vnto his high Maiestie And when a man doth this vnfainedly then God will honour him euen among men so far forth as shal be for his good for God hath all mens hearts in his hād wil make them to honour those that honour him so S. Paul saith If any man therefore purge himselfe from these he shall be a vessell vnto honour not onely in glory eternall after death but also in grace and fauour with Gods Church This confuteth the opinion and condemneth the practice of many who would faine haue good report in the world and be spoken well of by all men but what course I pray you take they to come by this good name They doe not begin with God and lay their foundation by honouring him but they striue to please men whether it bee by doing well or ill they care not their onely care is to please all for that is their rule and resolution all must be pleased and because most men are ill they rather choose oftentimes to doe ill than they will not please the greater sort But he that beginneth to get honour by pleasing men beginneth at a wrong ende for by the testimony of the holy Ghost in this place the way to get sound approbation before men is first to beginne with God and to honour him Thirdly if God wil honour them that honour him then by the contrary consider what a miserable case many a man is in For those that dishonour God God will dishonour them againe as wee may see at large and very plainely in the example of Elie and his two sonnes for them that honour me saith the Lord vnto him I wil honour and they that despise me shall be despised 1. Sam. 2.30 And in Zacharie wee may reade that the man that by blasphemie theft or periurie dishonoureth God the flying curse of the Lord shall enter into his house and remaine in the middest thereof and consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof Zach. 5.4 And because Elie did more honour his children than
them otherwhile his holy Angels brought them messages from GOD and sometime they had his will reuealed vnto them by dreames and visions all which were notable helpes and meanes both to beginne and to encrease faith in them but Ioseph wanted all these meanes or at least many of them For reade his whole Historie and you shall not finde that either Angell appeared vnto him or else that GOD by dreames and visions spake vnto him and no meruaile For hee liued out of the visible Church where GODs presence was in superstitious and Idolatrous Egypt and yet for all this hee is heere matched in the matter of faith with the three worthie Patriarchs It is then a good question how Ioseph should come by this faith Answer We must knowe this that though he had not the like extraordinarie meanes with the Patriarches yet he wanted not all meanes for in his younger dayes hee was trayned vp in his Father Iacobs family and by him was instructed in the wayes of God and in the practice of religion and in his later dayes also he had the benefit of his Fathers company and instructions in Egypt Now Iacob was not an ordinarie Father but a notable Patriarch and an holy Prophet in whose family God had placed his visible Church in those dayes wherin Iacob was the Lords Prophet and Minister Now Ioseph both in his young age and also after his Father came to Egypt did heare and learne of him the wayes of God and by that meanes came to this excellent faith for which he is so commended here and matched with his Fathers the holy Patriarchs Hence we learne that the preaching of Gods word by his Ministers though extraordinarie meanes as reuelations and visions be wanting is sufficient to bring a man to faith yea to such a faith as the three Patriarchs had Indeede in the ministerie of the word hee which speaketh vnto vs is but a man as others are but yet the word which he deliuereth is not his own but the mighty word of God and looke what is truly pronounced by him vnto vs out of Gods word the same is as certainly sealed vnto vs by his spirit as if God himselfe from heauen should extraordinarily reueale the same And howsoeuer in former times men had visions and dreames and Angels from God himselfe to reueale his will vnto them yet this Ministerie of Gods word in the new Testament is as sufficient a meanes of the beginning and encreasing of true faith as that was then This plainly confuteth all those that neglect or contemne the Ministerie and preaching of the word looke for extraordinarie reuelations and for visions dreames for the begetting and encrease of faith and grace in their hearts But our Sauiour Christ doth notably checke all such in the Parable of the rich man by the words of Abraham to Diues saying of Diues brethren that they had Moses and the Prophets if they will not heare them neither will they beleeue though one should come from the dead againe Verse 31 insinuating that if a man will not beleeue by the preaching of the word there is nothing in the world will make him to beleeue neither reuelations nor visions no not the words of them that rise againe from the dead Secondly the consideration of the sufficiencie of Gods ordinance in the holy Ministerie to beget and to encrease true faith must stirre vs vp to all care and diligence not onely to heare the word of God preached vnto vs but to profit by it both in knowledge and obedience and thus much for the first point The second point to be handled is the commendation of Iosephs faith by two actions thereof to wit 1. His mention of the departure of the children of Israell out of Egypt 2. His commaundement concerning his bones Of both which we will speake briefely because the speciall points herein were handled in the former verse For the first Ioseph when hee died made mention of the departing of the children of Israell that is out of Egypt into Canaan Here we may obserue a most notable worke of faith it makes a man to keepe in memory the mercifull promises which God hath made vnto him This is it which commends Iosephs faith for a liuely faith That being about to die he remembreth this mercifull promise of God made to his fore-fathers touching their posterity to wit that after they had cōtinued as seruants in a strange Land 400. yeares they should then haue a good issue and a happy deliuerance and be brought into the Land of Canaan Gen. 15.13 This is a notable work of faith as may appeare by two notable effects hereof in the life of a Christian For first by this remembrance of Gods mercifull promises the seruant of God at all times and in all distresses and extremities doth finde comfort vnto his soule This brings to his memory the wonderfull goodnesse and mercy of God by which he is comforted When Dauid was in a most desperate case so as he cried out by reason of affliction and temptation Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer and will hee shew no more fauour Is his mercy cleane gone doth his mercy faile for euermore Psal. 77 with such like most fearefull speaches How did he then comfort himselfe in this distresse Answ. Surely by remembring the works of the Lord and his wonders of olde and by meditating in all his workes and gracious acts which he had done for him So likewise in another place in great anguish of spirit he saith to his soule Why art thou cast down my soule and why art thou disquieted within me Psalm 43.5 Yet in the next words hee thus stayes himselfe Waite on God for I will yet giue thankes vnto him he is my present help and my God How came Dauid to say so in this distresse Answer By meanes of faith which doth reuiue and refresh the dead heart of man by bringing to his remembrance the mercifull promises of God Saint Paul pressed with corruption cried out O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death Rom. 7.24 Yet in the next words he saith I thanke my God through Iesus Christ our Lord Then I my selfe in my minde serue the Law of God c. How come the latter words to followe on the former Answer In the first words indeede he is cast downe with the view and sight of his naturall corruption which drew him headlong into sinne but yet the later words are a remembrance of the mercifull deliuerance from sinne which GOD had wrought in him by Christ and therefore hee breaketh out to this saying I thanke my God through Iesus Christ c. Secondly the remembrance of Gods promises serueth to be a meanes to keepe a man from sinne for mans nature is as readie and prone to sinne as fire is to burne when fewell is put to it But when by faith hee calls to minde Gods mercifull promises especially those which are
actions 1 The hiding of Moses their childe when he was borne 2 Their courage and boldnesse in that action in not fearing the Kings commandement Of their hiding of him we will first intreat generally and then come to the circumstances thereof In generall Their hiding of the childe was this They kept him close and vnknowen to the Egyptians for three moneths space because the King had giuen commaundement and charge to all his people that they should drowne euery man-childe born among the Hebrewes Exod. 1.22 In this action of their faith we may obserue some speciall points First Moses was to be a worthy Prophet and Captaine or guide vnto the people of Israell and therefore howsoeuer other men-children were drowned vpon the cruell commaund of Pharaoh yet the Lord prouides for him so soone as he is borne that he shal be hid and so preserued from the tyrannie and rage of Pharaoh Whence wee learne that God in the middest of all persecution doth euermore preserue the seede of his Church There be two estates of Gods Church in the world the first is quiet and peaceable when the Gospell is publikely professed taught and receiued without hostile opposition as by Gods great mercy it is in our Church at this day The second is an hidden estate when as it cannot shew it selfe visible but the open profession of the Gospel is suppressed by the rage of the enemie the diuell and by wicked cruell men that be his instruments Thus GOD suffereth his Church somtimes to be shadowed and in these times many of his deere children to be slaine put to death for the sins of his Church yet so as that alwaies he preserues the seede of his Church When Isay had shewed the Iewes the fearefull desolation of their Land that the Cities should be wasted without inhabitant their houses without man yet then he saith There shall be a tenth in it and the holy seede shall be the substance or vnderprop thereof Verse 13. God doth not deale with his Church as hee doth with the enemies thereof hee but loppes off the branches in his Church when as hee stockes vp the roote of the enemies Isay chapter 27. verses 7 8. When hee visited Sodome and Gomorrah hee destroyed them vtterly out of the earth but the Lord doth euer keepe fast the seede of his Church that when the storme of persecution is blowen ouer his Church may spring and flourish afterward Here some may say Seeing God purposed to make Moses such a worthy man ouer his people why did he not by some wonderfull powerfull and mighty manner preserue him against the rage of Pharaoh Answer God indeede was able to haue sent a legion of Angels for his preseruation or to haue done it after some strange visible manner but yet he would not for we must knowe and remember that it is Gods pleasure to shew his power in weak means He can preserue euery seruant of his from all kinde of iniurie but he will not alwaies doe so When Christ himselfe our Sauiour was in his infancie persecuted by Herod God his Father was then able to haue preserued him in Iudea and to haue ouerthrowen his persecutor by manie legions of Angels yet hee would not but onely vseth the poore helpe of Ioseph and Marie with the ordinarie weake meanes of flight and all this hee did that hee might be glorified in the weakenesse of his seruants for when all meanes faile then doth hee magnifie his power and prouidence in preseruing those that trust in him And thus much of this Action in generall The circumstances to be considered in the hiding of Moses are foure 1. The time when hee was hid the Text saith When hee was borne Moses as wee saide must be afterward a notable seruant and a worthy instrument of GOD whereby hee would worke the deliuerance of his people out of the bondage of Egypt and yet we see he is faine to be hid so soone as he is borne Hence wee learne that those that be the seruants of GOD and are in speciall fauour with him must looke for trouble and affliction in this life from the cradle to the graue from the day of their birth to the houre of their death Moses is in danger of his life by Pharaoh so soone as hee is borne And so was our Sauiour Christ by Herod when hee was but a babe whereupon his Parents fled with him into Egypt for his safety And aunswerable to their infancie was the rest of their life full of danger full of trouble And as it was with them so is it with others 2. Timothie chapter 3. verse 12 Hee that will liue godly must suffer persecution and hee that will be Christes Disciple must take vp his Crosse euery day and followe him Luke 9.23 This is a point which all of vs must marke wee must not looke to haue ease and ioy in earth It is enough for vs to enioy that after this life If Christ himselfe carie his crosse out of the gate we then with his disciples must take vp our crosse and followe him euery day The 2. circumstance to bee considered is this How long was Moses hid namely three moneths Question Why was he hid no longer Answer Because they could not for it is likely there was search for him and therefore they made a basket of reed and dawbed it with slime and pitch and laid the childe therein and put it among the bul-rushes by the riuers brinke Thus did the Parents aduenture the childes life for the sauing of their owne wherein we may see a great want and weakenesse in their faith for they kept their childe a while by faith but afterward cōmitted him to the dangers of the waters of wilde beasts and fowles of the aire So that it is plaine their faith was weake and mingled with feare and with some doubting For in keeping the childe three moneths they shew forth liuely faith but when as they expose him to danger for their owne safety heerein they bewray some want of loue and weakenesse of faith and yet we see they are heere commended for their faith Which sheweth plainely that if a man haue true and sound faith though it be but weak yet God in mercy will take knowledge of it and commend it passing by the weakenesse of it yea and vnto that faith will giue the promises of life euerlasting made in Christ The third circumstance to bee considered is this Who it was that kept Moses three moneths In Exodus it is said that his mother kept him but here it is said his parents kept him where the holy Ghost includes his father also How can both these be true Answ. Wee must knowe that the Mother was the chiefe doer in this worke and the father though he was not a doer yet he gaue his consent Now we must remember that consent is a kinde of doing whether it be in good things or in euill for when Saul did but
of the bloud of the Paschal Lamb which was a notable rite ceremony vsed in this first Passe-ouer after this māner The bloud of euery Lamb was put into a bason sprinkled with a bunch of Hysope vpon the doore posts of euery mans house among the Iewes Now this rite did not continue alwaies but was peculiar proper to this first passe-ouer kept in Egypt at the institution thereof being then practiced but not after in regard of that speciall deliuerance then at hand wherof it was an assurance for it signified vnto them that the Angel of the Lord cōming to destroy the first born of Egypt seeing that bloud so sprinked should passe ouer their houses and touch none of their first borne of man nor beast This end of the sprinkling of this bloud is here likewise set down in these words Lest he that destroyed the first born shold touch them He that is the Angell of the Lord who was sent to destroy the first born throughout all Egypt both of man and beast saue onely of those who had their door posts sprinkled with bloud And thus much for the meaning of the words First obserue what the H. ghost saith of this fact of Moses in ordaining the Passe-ouer namely that he did it by faith Hence we learne that the Sacraments of the new Testament must be celebrated in faith for herein we are to seek to be acceptable to God as Moses was The L. supper in the new Testament succeedeth the Passe-ouer in the olde for that was a signe to the Iews that Iesus Christ the immaculate Lamb of God should afterward be sacrificed for their sinnes and this is to vs a signe of Christ already sacrificed Now look as that was ordained receiued vnder the Law so must this be administred receiued vnder the Gospell But in the olde Testament Moses celebrates the Passe-ouer through faith enioines the Israelites so to doe therefore accordingly must wee by faith celebrate and receiue the Lords supper vnder the Gospel Cains sacrifice was fruitlesse to him and odious to God because he offered not in faith no lesse were all other faithlesse sacrifices euen so euery Sacrament and spirituall sacrifice receiued or offered in time of the Gospell is vnprofitable to man and vnacceptable vnto GOD if it be not receiued in faith In euery Sacrament wee receiue some thing from God as in euery sacrifice we giue some thing to God In the Lords supper as the minister giues the bread and wine into the hand of the receiuer so the Lord God giues his sonne vnto their hearts Now if faith be wanting Christ crucified is not receiued for faith is the hand of the soule without which there is no receiuing of Christ his benefits but contrariwise a heauy and feareful sinne heaping vp Gods wrath against vs. Hereby we learne how sundry sorts of people sin most grieuously against God for many come to receiue the Lords supper who are altogether ignorant in the nature vse thereof not knowing what the sacrament meaneth yet because it is a custom in the church they will receiue at least once a yeare though they know nothing therein as they ought Now such persons must know they ought to come in faith which they cannot do because they want knowledge and therefore in receiuing it so they commit a grieuous sin so indanger their own soules because they receiue it vnworthily And this is not the fault of young ones onely but of many whose yeares might shame them for their ignorance if they were not past all feeling of spirituall wants A second sort there are who receiue the Lords supper say they will doe so because they haue faith But these are like the former for their faith is nothing but honest dealing among men thinking that if they bring that to the L. Supper though they haue no more yet all is well The greatest sort are of this minde taking fidelitie for true faith it is a plaine point of popery so common as almost in euery place men do embrace it But these deceiue themselues for another kinde of faith is required of those that receiue the Lords supper worthily namely such a faith wherby we doe not onely beleeue the remission of sins in Christs blood but also are assured that the bread wine receiued worthily are signes and seales of the same blessing exhibited vnto vs by Christ. He that comes onely in a good meaning deceiues himselfe receiues to his condemnatiō And yet alas many euen of the ancient sort haue no other faith but their good meaning A third sort there are who yet goe further and knowing the vanitie of this opinion that a mans fidelitie in his dealing with men should bee his faith to commend him vnto God they hold know that true faith is to beleeue their owne saluation in the blood of Christ and these are to bee commended in respect of the former But herein they faile that comming to receiue they bring not with them a liuely faith for it is not only required in a communicant that hee professe the faith of Christ aright but a worthy receiuer must looke to his owne heart that his faith therein be a liuing faith such as worketh by loue and shewes it selfe by obedience Now herein many that haue good knowledge doe grieuously offend That howsoeuer they make a shew of faith in an orderly and religious carriage of thēselues on the Cōmuniō day yet whē that time is a little past they returne to their former sinnes againe neuer els hauing any care nay not so much as making any shew of laying away their sinnes saue onely at the receiuing of the Lords supper And thus do too many of those who make a faire profession These men bring faith in profession but yet their faith is dead for if it were a liuely faith it would purifie their hearts cause a change in them from euil to good and from good to better euery day more and more But blessed be God by whose mercy it comes to passe that there are some in his Church who come with such a faith and thereby communicate acceptably to God and fruitfully to themselues Yet wee must confesse they are but fewe in comparison But as for all the other three sorts of people they sinne grieuously because they bring not the hand of a liuely faith to receiue those things which their God offereth vnto them Wee therefore in this example are admonished to celebrate receiue the Lords supper in such sort as Moses did namely in faith and that not in an idle or dead but in a liuely faith which may both before and after the receiuing of this sacrament bring forth good fruits to the reforming of our liues in continuall obedience for Gods glory and our owne comfort and saluation in Christ. 2 Obserue further Moses ordained and made the Passe-ouer We may not thinke that Moses killed all the lambes that were
is the right time for a man to shew his faith when there is in himselfe no cause of beleeuing Obiect But when a man is in this case he cannot beleeue Answ. Indeede to beleeue then is a wonderfull hard thing and a miracle of miracles But yet this is the propertie of true faith so to doe and if there bee but one dramme of true faith in the heart that despaires howsoeuer it may for a time lie hidde as dead yet at the length it will make him to hope and waite for mercy and life at the hands of Almightie GOD. And therefore if it shall please GOD at any time to lay a torment vpon our consciences so as wee shall striue with the wrath of GOD thinking that hee hath cast vs away yet for all that then we must beleeue GODs promises and set before vs his mercies and therewith refresh vs. And if this faith were not the childe of GOD many sundry times were in a most miserable case the Lord therefore hath most mercifully prouided to helpe him by the grace of faith When a man is past all hope of life he must then beleeue and hope for life as the Israelites did in the red sea for preseruation And vndoubtedly this is a comfortable signe of grace if a man in the horrour of conscience can shewe forth the least sparke of true faith Fourthly note the effect and issue of this faith They passed through the red sea We say vsually that water fire be vnmercifull creatures and therefore the naturall man feares them both but the Israelites faith makes them not to feare the water but it makes them bold euen to passe thorough the sea The like we may see for fire in the 3. children Dan. 3.16.23 who were not affraid of the hot burning ouen but were as bold in it as out of it Rauenous wilde beasts are terrible vnto men but faith makes a man not to feare them and therefore Daniel feares not the Lyons though hee were throwen into their denne to bee deuoured Dan. 6.22 Great is the fruite and force of faith it takes from a man the feare of those creatures which by nature are most terrible And here wee see a cause why the holy Martyrs of God died most cheerefully A man would thinke it strange that one should goe into the fire reioycing as many of them did but the reason is Because they had faith in their hearts which taketh away the feare of the most fearefull creatures But if it bee so may some say that the Israelites by faith went through the redde sea not fearing the water why may not we that beleeue now doe the same for wee haue the same faith that they had Answ. Wee haue indeede the same faith and yet wee cannot passe through waters as they did For their faith rested on two promises first on this made to Abraham I will bee thy God and the God of thy seed Secōdly on a particular promise made to Moses For when he cōmanded him to goe through the red sea withall he made a promise to keepe and preserue them and this they beleeued and so went through Now howsoeuer we haue iustifying faith hauing the same generall promise yet we haue not the like particular promise That if wee passe through the red sea God will be with vs and saue vs. And therefore if any man shall aduenture to doe so let him looke for nothing but death for it is not an action of faith but of presumption And therefore Peter sunke when hee would needs walke vnto Christ vpon the sea hauing no such hold vpon Gods speciall promise as here they had and the Egyptians following presumptuously were drowned Wherfore let vs here be warned not to attempt to doe extraordinary workes without Gods special warrant for a particular faith requires a particular promise besides the generall promise of God in Christ. Further let vs here obserue a wonderfull worke of Gods mercy and power When these seruants of God were brought into extremitie of danger so as they were in a desperate case for their temporall life yet then the Lord findes a way of deliuerance And indeede if a man consider aright of it hee must needes acknowledge that these Israelites were in a pittifull case for they had the red sea before them and mountains on each side and themselues hindred from flight by their bag and baggage and with their children and the huge hoste of Pharaoh behinde them so as to mans reason there was nothing but present death to bee looked for yet the Lord in mercy to saue them makes a way where there was no way and opens them a gappe to life when naturall reason could lay before them nothing but violent death Which shewes the wonderfull mercy of God to his owne people and seruants And the like thing we may read of in Dauid when he abode in the wildernes●e of Maon for there Saul followed him and he and his men compassed Dauid and his men round about 1. Sam. 23.26 27. Now what hope of deliuerance was there for Dauid Ans. Surely this only Dauid was the seruant of God the Lord preserued him that hee might rule his people after Sauls death and therfore he escapeth though wonderfully for a messenger comes to Saul and bids him haste for the Philistims inuaded the Land and so Saul returned from pursuing Dauid and went against the Philistims Hence we learne this generall rule that in the extremitie of all danger God hath meanes to preserue and saue his owne children and people Which must teach vs to commend our case to GOD and to rest on him in all dangers for when our case is desperate in our sight then are we fittest for Gods helpe Let vs therefore in such cases learne to practice our faith and then especially to cast our selues vpon GOD. This Iehosaphat did most notably for beeing assaulted with the huge armies of the Moabites Ammonites c. he praied vnto the Lord most feruently saying 2. Chron. 20.12 Lord there is no strength in vs wee knowe not what to doe but our eies are towards thee and thus doing was preserued for God will in no extremitie forsake them that trust in him The red sea In many places of the olde testament it is called the sea of rushes Psal. 106.7 9. Or the sea of sedges Ier. 49.21 It is a corner of the Arabian sea that parteth Egypt and Arabia Those which haue seene it in trauell say it hath no other colour than all other seas haue Why then is it called the red sea Answ. To omit many supposed causes hereof ther be two especially for which it is so called 1 Because of the red sand for both the bottome of the sea and the shoare are full of redder sande than ordinarily is else-where 2 Some thinke it is called the redde sea by reason of the sedges and bul-rushes which growe much at the sea side and bee of a redde colour which by reflection may
be so then hee called all men effectually Answer We must vnderstand the Apostle according to his meaning for Romans 11.15 he expounds himselfe shewes what he meanes by the world saying That the falling away of the Iewes is the reconciling of the world which cannot be vnderstoode of men in all the ages but in the last age of the world after Christs ascension wherein God offered to all the world life euerlasting by Christ. Further Rahab is here noted by a notorious vice shee is called a harlot whereby shee was infamous among the men of Iericho Certaine of the Iewes which are enemies to the new Testament say That the Author of this Epistle and S. Iames doe great wrong vnto Rahab for calling her an harlot for say they in Iosuah shee is called but a Tauerner or Hostesse Answer Wee must knowe that the word which is vsed in Iosuah signifieth two things a Tauerner and an harlot Now take the word properly as it is generally vsed in the olde Testament and then most commonly it is put for an harlot And therefore in the new Testament Rahab hath no wrong done her by this title For it is the thing that Iosuah intended to shew what a one shee had beene and therefore in speaking of her to the spies hee bids them goe into That harlots house Iosuah 6.22 vsing such an Article as implies that shee had beene infamous and notorious in that kinde And yet we must not thinke that she playd the harlot after shee had receiued grace to beleeue but long before for faith purifieth the heart neither will it suffer any sinne to raigne therein She is called a harlot therefore in regard of her life past for which shee was infamous among the men of Iericho before her calling to the faith Quest. How could she beleeue being a harlot in former times for it is said That neither fornicators nor adulterers shall inherite the Kingdome of heauen 1. Cor. 6.9 Answere That is true according to the Law but the Gospell giues this exception vnlesse they repent And so are all legall threatnings to be vnderstood in the word of God In this circumstance of the person and in the quality of her sinne we may note the endlesse mercy of God towards sinners for he hath vouchsafed to call most notorious and grieuous sinners to the state of saluation as Isay saith The Lord is very ready to forgiue Isay 55.7 yea with the Lord is plentifull redemption Psal. 130.7 This appeares by vouchsafing mercy to Rahab a notable harlot and as he dealeth with Rahab here so hath he shewed like mercy to other notorious sinners King Manasses had sold himselfe to Idolatry and witchcraft and had shed innocent bloud exceeding much and caused Iudah to sinne 2. Kings 21 6 16 for which he was led captiue yet when he humbled himselfe and prayed God was intreated of him 2. Chron. 33.13 And Paul saith of himselfe When he was a blasphemer and a persecuter and an oppresser he was receiued to mercy though he were the head of all sinners that Christ might first shew on him all long suffering vnto the example of them which shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto euerlasting life 1. Tim. 1 13 16. The consideration of this exceeding mercy of God towards sinners is of great vse First it armeth a poore soule against despaire whereinto the diuell would draw it vpon the view of the multitude and greatnesse of his sinnes for many reason thus My sinnes are so haynous so many and so vile that I dare not come to God neither can I be perswaded of the pardon of them But behold heere the endlesse mercy of God in forgiuing sinnes to them that repent though they be like crimson and scarlet and neuer so many This must comfort the wounded soule and encourage all touched hearts to repent and to sue to the Lord for mercy and pardon Secondly it must moue euery one of vs now to begin to repent if we haue not repented heretofore and if wee haue begun to doe it more earnestly for God is most mercifull and with him is plentifull redemption Yet wee must beware that we take not occasion heereby to liue in sinne because God is mercifull for this is to turne the grace of God into wantonnesse which Saint Iude makes a brand of the vngodly and a signe of the reprobate who as the Apostle there saith are appointed to condemnation yea this is a despising of the bountifulnesse of God which should leade them to repentance and heereby they heape vp vnto themselues wrath against the day of wrath Romanes chapter 2 verses 4 5. Let vs therefore remember this counsell of Paul Shall wee sinne that grace may abound God forbid Wee must all but especially young men take heede of this course for if wee blesse our selues in our heart and say wee shall haue peace though we liue in sinne God wil not be mercifull vnto vs but his wrath shall smoke against vs. Further note that howsoeuer shee was a sinner and a most infamous harlot yet when shee repents God doth honour and grace her with the title of a beleeuer and that among those most renowned beleeuers that euer liued before Christ euen to be one of that cloude of witnesses in whō faith is commended to the Church for euer Hence also it is that Saint Matthew reckons her in the Genealogie of Christ to be one of his predecessours when as Amasia Achas and such like who for ought wee knowe did neuer repent are not once named Herein wee may see Gods wonderfull mercy in honouring sinners if they doe repent The consideration whereof must mooue vs not onely to learne the doctrine of Repentance and to haue it in our mouthes but to labour that it may be settled in our hearts that wee may shewe forth the power thereof in our liues All of vs desire honour and reputation among m●n Well if wee would be honoured indeede wee must repent and then God himselfe will honour vs neither haue our sinnes made vs so infamous as by our repentance God shall make vs honourable Further concerning the partie How could Rahab come by faith seeing shee liued out of the Church where the word was neuer preached vnto her Answere If wee reade the Storie wee shall finde that shee came to beleeue by a report of Gods meruailous acts for when the Lord deliuered the Israelites out of Egypt through the red sea and drowned Pharaoh therein with all his ●oast as they went further he deliuered the Kings of the Nations into their hands as Og the King of Baashan with the Kings of the Amorites and Amalekites Now the report heereof came to the people of Iericho whereupon they were strik●n with a wonderfull great feare And howsoeuer the men of Iericho made no other vse of it but to arme and prepare themselues to resist and beate backe the Israelites yet this report wrought further with Rahab and
This besides the instance we haue in hand appeares plainly in Christes Apostles they were called by Christ to preach the Gospell to all the world and to plant his Church vniuersally and thereupon howsoeuer they were simple men before were furnished with extraordinary gifts of wisedome zeale knowledge and with this excellent grace of sauing faith which did sanctifie their other gifts for howsoeuer Iudas was numbred among them hauing been a Disciple yet he neuer came to the execution of the Apostleship but went astray from that ministration Acts 1.25 And in these later dayes when God restored his Gospell to light out of the darke myst of Popery hee raised vp extraordinarie men whom he endued with wisedome zeale and iudgement which gifts also he sealed vp in them by a liuely faith which they testified by their piety and godlinesse in life conuersation And this course he obserueth vsually in all those whom hee raiseth vp extraordinarily for the good of his Church This we must obserue to acquaint vs with a special difference betweene those whom God raiseth vp extraordinarily for speciall good and all arch heretiques and traytors that set vp themselues vnsent of God For many such wretches haue excelled in wisedome in worldly policy in zeale and authority whereupon they haue pretended and perswaded many that they were called of God But hereby especially they are to be discouered that they are voide of this rare gift of true sauing faith for look at their lyues and ordinarily for impiety they haue beene and are arch-diuels So that though they wanted not authority or outward zeale and wisedome yet they wanted faith which should purifie their hearts or else they would neuer haue liued in such notorious sinnes as they were discouered to doe And this is the triall which our Sauiour Christ directs vs vnto saying Ye shall knowe them by their fruites Math. 7.16 Let them therefore pretend what knowledge what zeale or authority soeuer they will if the fruits of faith appeare not in their lyues by obedience they are not called of God for the speciall good of his Church Thus much of these men in generall now wee come to entreate of them seuerally as they are propounded in the Text. THe first person here commended vnto vs is Gedeon the History of whose acts is laid down at large Iudges chap. 6. In his example note one point especially to acquaint vs with the manner which God vseth in begetting and encreasing true faith in the hearts of his children If we reade the Story we shal see that the Lord in the likenesse of an Angel called Gedeon once twice yea thrice to be a Iudge to his people But Gedeō greatly doubts of his calling therefore desires a signe of the Lord which God gaue him For the sacrifice which he offered was burned vp with fire from heauen yet still hee doubted and was in a greater feare then before euen of death it selfe but being confirmed by the Angell and set a-worke he brake down the Altar of Baall and built one to the true GOD and thereon offered sacrifice as God commaunded though with some feare And when the Midianites and Amalekites came armed against Israell hee is stirred vp by the spirit of God for their defence but yet still hee doubted of his calling and therefore againe asked a signe at Gods hands and had it and after that asked another which GOD also graunted Nowe hauing all these one in the necke of another at length hee knowes his calling and so goes in faith and defends Israell so that hee got the assurance of his calling by sundry particular signes and confirmations of his faith And though hee doubted greatly at the first yet after hee beleeues not onely that hee should bee a Iudge and Deliuerer of Gods people out of the hands of their enemies but this principally that God was his God and would giue vnto him euerlasting life Here then we haue a notable precedent of the manner of Gods working true and sound faith in the hearts of his children They receiue not this grace at once but by degrees God works it in them by little and little When a man is first called of GOD hee hath much doubting and feare but then God sends sundry helpes to weaken this feare and doubting and as they decrease so is faith encreased No man beleeues soundly at the first but weakely euen as he growes in yeares so he must grow in faith and the encrease of our faith is by continuance in the meanes and by experience of Gods loue and fauour And indeed the more faith encreaseth the more wee vse the meanes to grow therein and the more we delight in the meanes and at length after long experience of Gods mercy wee shall haue wrought in our hearts this gift of true liuely faith which shall be able to preuaile against all feare and doubting And thus much for the person of Gedeon The second person commended vnto vs is Barac of whom wee may reade Iudges 4. His Storie is large and plaine enough and therefore wee will not stand vpon it The third person is Samson of whom wee may also reade Iudges 13.14 c. Now touching Samson this question may well be asked how hee can be iustly commended for his faith seeing it may seeme hee killed himselfe Answere Samson did not kill himselfe for hee was called extraordinarily to be a Iudge ouer Israell for their defence and deliuerie out of the hands of the Philistimes Now when the Princes of the Philistimes were gathered together being his enemies and the enemies of God and his people hee cast the house downe vpon their heads to kill them therein because beeing blinde hee could not pursue them in battaile And therefore hauing them by Gods prouidence in his hands hee destroyed them as his calling was albeit hee lost his owne life in the same action Againe Samson in pulling downe the house purposed not directly and wilfully to kill himselfe but to aduenture his owne life by taking iust reuenge vpon his enemies and the enemies of God and therefore as Gods seruant he prayed first vnto God and so did no more thā the Souldier in the field ought to doe who bearing a louing minde towards his Countrey is content to aduenture his owne life for the destruction of his enemies in the defence of his Countrey and is resolued that if hee die in that defence hee dieth in his lawfull place and calling and dieth Gods seruant yea Gods Champion This did Samson and therefore may iustly be commended for his faith neither is this fact of his any disgrace but rather a notable commendation of his faith and an euidence of great zeale for Gods glory and of singular loue to his people The fourth person commended heere is Iephte of whom wee may reade Iudges 11. Iephte was the base sonne of Gilead borne of an harlot To be base borne is noted in Scripture as a matter of reproach and
and lip-faith and to be endued with true sauing faith whereby we may profitably heare the word and receiue the sacraments and so enioy Gods most excellent promises in Christ. Men may lie and be deceiued but God is truth it selfe and cannot lie and therefore as he hath made his promise of life to beleeuers and to no other so will hee surely accomplish the same to them and to no other Wherefore if we loue our soules and desire life let vs get into our hearts the grace of faith And thus much of the third effect of their faith The fourth and fift effects which I will handle together are these Stopped the mouths of Lions Quenched the violence of the fire For the fourth Whereas some of these persons are said to haue stopped the mouthes of Lions it is to be vnderstood of Daniel as appeareth in the 6. Chapter of that booke For Daniel through the malice of others that incensed the Kings wrath against him was cast into the denne of hunger-bit Lions But Daniel euen then beleeued in the Lord and put all his trust in God and for this cause the Lord by his angel stopped the mouthes of the Lions and as it were sealed vp their pawes that they could not hurt him The fift effect in quenching the violence of the fire must bee vnderstood of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the companions of Daniel which three as we may read Dan. 3. refused to worship the golden image which Nabuchadnezzar had set vp For which cause they were cast into an hot burning Ouen but they put their trust in God and claue fast vnto him in obedience euen to the hazzard of their lyues Whereupon the Lord by his omnipotent power did most miraculously preserue them by staying the rage of the fire contrary to the nature thereof that it had no power ouer their bodies nay it did not burne the haire of their heads nor cause their garments to smell And therefore they are said to haue quenched the violence of it because it had no power ouer them thogh it burned most fiercely but was to them as though it had been quite put out and quenched Now ioyn these two effects together they affoord vs good instructions First here wee learne how to behaue our selues in time of danger and at the point of death Euen as these foure men did so must we from the bottome of our hearts forsake our selues and put all our trust in Christ. This did Daniel when he was in the Lions den and this did the 3. Children in the hot fiery furnace And this hath beene alwaies the auncient practice of Gods children in all ages At the very point of death and in the extremitie of all danger they rested themselues wholly vpon the mercifull promises of the true God The time wil come vpon vs all wherein wee shall be called to the practice of this duty for we must all passe the doore of death once lie in the pangs thereof Now what shall we doe when we lie halfe dead gasping panting for breath able to speake to no man nor to heare any speaking to vs when all comfort of the world failes vs Surely we must then at that very instant labour to leaue our selues and this world and yeeld vp our selues by faith into the hands of GOD and cleaue fast vnto Christs Passion from the bottome of our hearts and he will surely deliuer vs from the danger stopping the mouth of Satan that roaring Lion quenching the fire of hell that it shall not touch vs. But some will say if this be all we must doe then all is well for this I can soone doe when time serues and therefore I will take no care till then Answer Beware of spirituall guile for it will be found a most hard matter for a man to rely and cast himselfe wholly vpon Christ in the houre and pang of death For then aboue all times is the diuell busie against vs then will the conscience stir if euer and the body being tormented the soule must needes be wonderfull heauie This we may see by the state of our Sauiour Christ in his agony and passion and therefore wee must not reckon so lightly of this duty Question But if it be so hard a thing how could Daniell and the three children doe it Answer They were prepared for it for they rested vpon God in the time of peace and so were enabled to rely vpon him in time of perill Euen so if we would beleeue in God when wee die then shew forth our faith we must while we liue put our trust in him and shew it by obedience for rare it is to finde a man that liues in vnbeliefe to shew forth faith at his end And therefore while wee haue health strength and peace wee must labour to beleeue and then shall wee finde the comfort of it in time of perill and of death Secondly from these two effects of faith wee obserue further that Gods diuine prouidence doth firmely rule and gouerne the whole world Ordinarily God gouernes the world by secundarie causes setting one creature ouer another and ordaining one to doe this thing and another that and accordingly they worke but we must not thinke that God is bound to any of these meanes but is most free to vse them or not to vse them Ordinarily he executeth this or that punishment by this or that creature and so by meanes conuayes his blessings but yet he can work without them as here we see For he preserues his creatures against the ordinary meanes as Daniel from the Lions whose nature is to deuoure and against the nature of fire he saued the three children in the fire So that God worketh by meanes but yet freely because he can work at his pleasure either without or against meanes and his powerfull hand sauing against meanes shewes his ruling and disposing prouidence ouer all things Thirdly by these effects of their faith wee learne that Gods goodnesse and mercy towardes beleeuers is farre greater and more vnspeakeable than euer he promised or they could exspect This point is carefully to be considered of vs all for it is of singular extraordinary vse especially in time of perill and trouble and yet we see it is the plaine truth of God and therefore Paul giues thanks and praise vnto God who is able to do for vs exceeding aboundantly aboue all that wee aske or thinke Daniel put his trust in the Lord when he was in the Lions den and what doth he obtaine for his labour the Lord neuer promised to stop the Lions mouthes neither did Daniell euer presume vpon that deliuerance and yet the Lord saued him And so the three childrē though they made no account of their liues because God had not promised to keep them frō burning yet they com out in safety For God in mercy so quenched the heat of the fire vnto thē that thogh it burnt to death those that cast them in yet
Christ and thereupon rest our soules Thus did these beleeuers in this place And this faith did Iob notably testifie when GOD had taken from him children goods health yea and all that he had yet then he said Iob 13.15 Though he kill me yet will I trust in him And so must wee endeuour to doe if that case befall vs for when all worldly helpes and comforts faile vs this promise of life in Christ will be a sweet and safe refuge for our soule Being destitute afflicted and tormented Here the Apostle amplifieth their misery in their wādring estate by three degrees of crosses which did accompany the same First they were destitute of all temporall blessings secondly they were afflicted both in body and minde Thirdly tormented that is euill entreated These are added for a speciall cause to shew that these seruants of God were laden with afflictions They were banished driuen to extreme pouerty they were depriued of all their goods and of all society of men they were afflicted in body and in minde and euill entreated of all men no man would doe them good but all men did them wrong whereby we see that euen waues of miseries ouerwhelmed them on euerie side Hence wee learne that Gods seruants may be ouerwhelmed with manifolde calamities at the same instant being pressed down with crosses in goods in body minde friends and euery way This was Iobs case a most worthy seruant of God he was afflicted in body in friends goods childrē which was greatest of all he wrestled in cōscience with the wrath of God Iob 13.16 Thou writest bitter things against me and makest mee to possesse the iniquities of my youth And the like hath beene the state of many of Gods children Psal. 88.3.7 My soule is filled with euils thou hast vexed me with all thy waues c. Question How can this stand with the truth of Gods word wherein are promises of all manner of blessings both temporall and spirituall to those that feare him Deut. 28. 1 2 c. If thou obey the voyce of the Lord thy GOD all these blessings shall come vpon thee and ouertake thee blessed in the Citie and in the field in the fruite of thy body and of thy ground and cattell Psal. 34.10 They that seeke the Lord shall lacke nothing that is good For Godlinesse hath the promises of this life and of the life to come 1. Tim. 4.8 And therefore Dauid compareth the godly man to the tree that is planted by the water side which bringeth forth much fruite and is greene and well liking Psalme 1.3 How then comes this to passe that Gods owne seruants should be thus oppressed and laden not with one calamity or two but with sundry and grieuous afflictions at the same time Answer True it is the Scripture is full of gracious promises of temporal blessings vnto Gods children but they are conditionall and must be vnderstoode with an exception to this effect Gods children shall haue such and such blessings vnlesse it please God by afflictions to make triall of his graces in them or to chastise them for some sinne so that the exception of the crosse for the triall of grace or chastisement for sinne must be applied to all promises of temporall blessings And hence it comes to passe that the most worthy renowned seruants of God for their faith are said to be afflicted and in miserie For his promises of temporall blessings are not absolute but conditionall All things are theirs as Paul saith 1. Cor. 3.21 and they shall haue honour wealth fauour c. vnlesse it please God to proue their faith or to chastice their sinnes by crosses and afflictions Question How can Gods seruants be able to beare so many and grieuous crosses at once seeing it is hard for a man to beare one crosse patiently The answere is heere laid downe to wit by faith for many and grieuous were the miseries that lay on these seruants of God and yet by beleeuing the promise of life in the Messias they were enabled to beare them all This is a soueraine remedy against immoderate griefe in the greatest distresse and vndoubtedly the flouds of affliction shall neuer ouerwhelme him that hath his heart assured by faith of the mercy of God towards him by Iesus Christ. This made Dauid say He would not feare euill though he should walke through the valley of the shadow of death Psal. 23.4 and Paul speaking of tribulation anguish famine persecution yea and death it selfe saith In all these we are more then conquerers through him that hath loued Rom. 8.37 And from this faith it was that hee was able to endure all estates to be hungry to want c. Phil. 4.12 13. If this be true that Gods children may be afflicted with manifolde calamities at once then the opinion of naturall and vngodly men is false who iudge him to be wicked and vngodly whom God ladeth with manifolde calamities This was the iudgement of Iobs three friends and the ground of all their disputation against him that because God had laid so great and so many crosses vpon him therfore he was but an hypocrite And this is the rash iudgement of naturall men in our dayes especially vpon those that make profession of religion when Gods hand of triall or correction lies vpon them they presently censure them for hypocrites but this is a wretched opinion for Gods dearest children may be pressed downe with manifold calamities Secondly seeing faith in Christ will support the soule vnder manifolde crosses be they neuer so grieuous wee must labour in the feare of God to haue our hearts rooted and grounded in this faith and when afflictions come we must striue to shew forth the fruite and power of it by bearing them patiently And thus much of the seuerall branches of affliction in this last example of beleeuers VERSE 38. Whom the world was not worthy of they wandred in the wildernesse and mountaines and dens and Caues of the earth IN these words the holy Ghost doth answere to a secret obiection or surmise which a naturall mā might cōceiue against the beleeuers spoken of before For it being said that they wandred vp and downe Some man might thinke thus no meruaile though they wandred vp and down for it may be they were not worthy to liue in the worlde This the holy Ghost doth flatly denie and auoucheth the cleane contrary of them to wit that they wandred vp and downe by faith and the Lord caused them so to doe because the world was not worthy of them they were too good to liue in the world In this answere to this surmise wee may obserue what is the opinion of naturall men concerning the children of God to wit that they are not worthy to liue in the world but the earth whereon they tread is too good for them This hath beene is and will be the worldes estimation of Gods children Matthew chapter 24. verse 9 Ye shall be hated of all