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mercy_n faith_n grace_n repentance_n 2,335 5 7.5639 4 false
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A06572 Here begynneth the testame[n]t of Iohn Lydgate monke of Berry which he made hymselfe, by his lyfe dayes.; Testament Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? 1520 (1520) STC 17035; ESTC S121895 8,198 26

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¶ Here begynneth the testamēt of Iohn̄ Lydgate monke of Berry which he made hymselfe by his lyfe dayes ⸫ THe yeres passed of my tender youthe Of my fresshe age feared the grenenesse Lust apalled thexperyence is couthe The vnweldy ioyntes starked with rudenesse The cloudy syght mysted with darkenesse Without redresse recure or amendes To me of dethe haue brought in the kalendes ¶ Of my spent tyme a fole may well complayne Thyng impossyble agayne for to recure Idell dayes ylost who can call agayne Them to refourme by any aduenture Eche mortall man is called to the lure Of dethe alas vncertayne the passage Whose chiefe maryner is called croked age ¶ One of his bedellys named Feblenes Came with his potent in stede of a mace Sommoned me and afterwarde came sickenes Malyncolyke erthely and pale of face With their warrant these twayne can manace That dethe of me his due dette sought And to a bedde of langoure they me brought ¶ Whervnto me a none their dyd apere Whyle that I lay complayning in a traunce Cladde in a mantell a woman sadde of chere Blacke was her abyte sobre was her countenaūce Strange of her port frowarde of dalyaunce Castyng her loke to mewarde in certayne Lyke as of me she had had dysdayne ¶ This sayd woman called was Remembraūce Of myspent tyme in youthes lustynes Which to recorde dyd me great greuaunce Than came her suster named Pensyfnes For olde surfettes gan vnto me dresse A wofull byll which brought vnto my mynde My greatr outrages of long tyme left behynde ¶ Lyeng alone I gan to Imagyne Howe with foure tymes departed is the yere First howe in Vere the soyle tenlumyne Buddes gynning open agayne the sonne clere The baume vpraysed most souerayne and entere Out of the rote dothe naturally ascende With newe lyuere the barayne soyle tamende ¶ The Honysocle the fresshe Primmerolles Their leaues splay at Phebus vprisyng The amorous foules with notes and carolles Salewe that season euery mornyng Whan Aurora her lycoure dystellyng Sent on herbes the perly dropes shane Of syluery dewes tenlumyne with the grene ¶ This tyme Vere is named of greennesse Tyme of ioye of gladnesse and dysport Tyme of growyng chyefe mother of fresshenesse Tyme of reioysing ordayned for confort Tyme whan tyme maketh his resort In gerysshe Marche towarde the Aryete Our emyspery to gladen with his here ¶ But to dyrect by grace my mater Makely knelyng Iesu in thy presence I me purpose to gynne with prayer Vnder thy mercyfull fructuous influence So thou Iesu of thy benyuolence To my requestes by mercyfull attendaunce Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce My wretched lyfe tamendden and correct I me purpose with support of thy grace Thy dethe thy passyon thy crosse shall me dyrect Which suffredyst deth Iesu for our trespace I wretche vnworthy to loke vpon thy face Thy fete enbrasyng from which I shall nattwyn Mercy enquiryng thus woll I begyn Oratio O Mighty lorde of power mightyest Without whom all force is feblenes Boūteous Iesu of good goodlyest Mercy thy bedyll or y u thy dōe dresse Delayeth rygour to punysshe my wyckednesse Lengest abyding lothest to do vengeaunce O blessed Iesu of thyne hyghe goodnesse Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Though thou be mighty y u art eke mercyable To all folkes that mekely them repent I a wretche contagyous and culpable To all outrages redy for to assent But of hole hert and wyll in myne entent Of olde and newe all vycious gouernaunce Of youth and age and of mistyme spent Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Of my confessyon receyue the sacryfice By my tong vp offred vnto the That I may say in all my best gyse Mekely with Dauyd haue mercy vpon me Salue all my soores that they nat cancred be With none olde rust of dyseperaunce Which of hole hert cry vpon my kne Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ O Iesu Iesu here myne orison Bridell myne outrage vnder thy dysciplyne Fetter sensualyte enlumyne my reason To folowe the traces of spyrituall doctryne Let thy grace lede me right as a lyne With humble hert to lyue to thy plesaunce And blessed Iesu or I this lyfe shall fyne Graunt of thy mercy shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Suffre me to haue sauour nor swetnes But in thy name that called as Iesu All forayne thynges to me make bytternes Saue onely Iesu moost souerayne of vertue To my professyon acordyng and moost due Euer to be paynted in my remembraunce At myne ende to graunt me this yssue Tofore my dethe shrift housellf repentaunce ¶ No lorde but Iesu moost merciable benygne Which of mercy toke our humanyte And of loue to shewe a souerayne sygne Suffred passyon vpon the rode tre Onely to fraunchyse our mortalyte Which stode in danger of Sathans encombraūce Or I passe hens Iesu graunt vnto me Tofore my dethe shrift housell repentaunce ¶ I am excyted and moued of nature This name of Iesu soueraynly to prayse Name commended moost hyghly in scripture Which name hath power deed men to rayse To lyue eternall whose vertue dothe so payse Agayne my synnes wayed in balaunce That grace and mercy shall so counterpayse Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Let me nat rest nor haue no quyete Ocupy my soule with spyrituall trauayle To syng and say mercy Iesu swete My protectyon agayne fendes in batayle Settyng asyde all other apparayle And in Iesu to put all myne affyaunce Treasour of tresours that may me moost auayle Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ My fayth my hope to the Iesu dothe call Which glorious name shall neuer out of mynde I shall the seke what happe that euer befall By grace and mercy in trust I shall the fynde And but I dyd truely I were vnkynde Which for my sake was pearsed with a launce Vnto the hert Iesu leaue nat behynde Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ There is no god but thou Iesu alone Soueraynest and eke moost mercyfull Fayrest of fayre erly late and soone Stable and moost strong pytuous and rightfull Refourmyng synners that ben in vertue dull Dauntyng the proude mekenesse to enhaunce Thy tonne of mercy is euer lyke full Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Suffre of mercy I may to the speke O blessed Iesu and goodly do aduert Who shall gyue leaser out to breake That thou Iesu mayst entre into myne hert There tabyde more nere than my shert With aureate letters graue therin substaunce Prouyde for me and let it nat astert Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Say to my soule Jesu thou art myne helth Hearyng this voyce after I shall pursue Skoure that place from all goostly fylth And vyces all from thens do remewe Thyne holy goost close in that lytell mewe Parte nat lightly make suche cheupsaunce To encrease in vertue and vyces to eschewe And or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Shewe glad thy face thy light
downe shede The mercyfull lyght of thyne eyen twayne On me thy seruaunt which hath so mekyll nede For his synnes to wepe and complayne And blessed Iesu of mercy nat dysdayne Thy gracious showres let rayne in habundaunce Upon my hert to dewyn euery vayne And or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Saue me thy seruaunt O lorde in thy mercy For lacke of which let me nat be confounded For in the Iesu myne hope standeth finally And all my trust in the Iesu is grounded For my synnes thynke Iesu thou were wounded Naked on the rode by mortall great penaunce By which the power of Sathan was cōfounded Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Thou art my socoure aud refuge Gayne euery tempest and trybulacion That wordely wawes with their mortall deluge Ne drowne me nat in their dredefull dongyon Where Carybdis hath domynacion And Syrenes syngeth songes of dysturbaunce To passe that daunger be thou my protectyon Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Who shall gyue me lyke myne entent That thou Iesu mayst make thyne herberage By receyuyng of the holy sacrament Into myne hert which is to myne olde age Repast eternall gayne all forayne damage Duely receyued with deuout obseruaunce Celestyall guerdon ende of my pylgremage Is shrift and housell and hertely repentaunce ¶ I fele myne hert brotell and ruynous Nat puryfied Iesu therin to rest But as a carpenter cometh to a broken house Or an artyficer repayreth a ryuen chest So thou Jesu of crafty men the best Repayre my thought broke with mysgouernaūce Vyset my soule my hert of steele thou brest Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ With wepyng eyen and a contryte chere Accept me Jesu and my complaynt conceyue As moost vnworthy tappere at thyne autere Which in my selfe no vertue apperceyue But if thy mercy by grace me receyue By synfull lyueng brought vnto vttraunce Pray with good hope which may me nat deceyue Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Cryeng to the that dyedest on the rode Which with thy blode was stayned made reed And on sherethursday gaue vs to our fode Thy blessed body Jesu in fourme of breed To me moost synfull graunt or I be deed To clayme by mercy for myne inherytaunce That w t sharpe thorne were crowned on thy heed Or I passe hens shrift housell repentaunce ¶ And one request in especyall Graunt me Jesu whyle I am here a lyue Euer to enprint in my memoriall The remembraunce of thy woundes fyue Nayles with the spere that dyd thyne hert ryue Thy croune of thorne which was no smale penaūce Langage and tong me duely for to shriue The holy vncyon shrift housell repentaunce ¶ All the tokens of thy bytter passyon I pray the Jesu graue them in my memorie Duely marke mydde centyr of my reason On Caluery thy tryumphall vyctorie Man to restore to thyne eternall glorie By medyacion of thy meke sufferaunce Out of this exyle vnsure and transytorie And whan we passe shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Of thy mercy requyring the to myne Of my mynde the mydde poynt moost profounde This worde Jesu my fyue wyttes tenlumyne In length and brede lyke a large wounde All ydell thoughtes to auoyde them and cōfounde Thy crosse thy scourgꝭ thy garmēt cast at chaūce The rope the pyllour to which thou were boūde Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Of this prayer mekely I make an ende Vnder thy mercyfull supportacyon O gracyous Jesu graunt where euer I wende To haue memorie vpon thy passyon Testymoniall of my redempcion In my testament set for allegeaunce This cause last of my peticyon Graunt or I dye shrift housell repentaunce ¶ Finis orationis DVryng the tyme of this season Vere I meane y e season of my yeres grene Ginnyng fro chyldhode stretcheth vp so fere To y e yeres acōpted fully .xv. By experyence as it was well sene The gerysshe season strong of condycion Dysposed to many vnbrideld passyon ¶ Voyde of reason gyuen to wylfulnesse Frowarde to vertue of Christ gaue lytell hede Lothe to lerne loued no vertuous besynesse Saue play or myrth straung to spell or rede Folowyng all appetytes longyng to chyldhede Lightly tournyng wylde and selde sadde Wepyng for nought and a none after gladde ¶ For lytell worth to stryue with my felawe As my passyons dyd my bridell lede Of the yarde stode I somtyme in awe To be scoured that was all my drede Lothe towarde scole lost my tyme in dede Lyke a yong colt that ranne without bridell Made my frendes gyue good to spende in ydell ¶ I had in custome to come to scole late Nat for to lerne but for a countenaunce With my felawes redy to debate To iangle and iape was set all my plesaunce Wherof rebuked this was my cheuysaunce To forge a lesyng and there vpon to muse Whan I trespased my selfe to excuse ¶ To my better dyd no reuerence Of my soueraynes gaue no force at all Wexe obstynate by inobedyence Ranne into gardeyns appels there I stall To gather frutes spared hedge nor wall To plucke grapes on other mennes vynes Was more redy than for to say mattynes ¶ My lust was alway to skorne folke and lape Shrewed tournes euer among to vse To scoffe and mowe lyke a wanton ape Whan I dyd euyll other I dyd acuse My wyttes fyue in wast I dyd abuse Redyer cherystones for to tell Than go to churche or here the sacryng bell ¶ Lothe to ryse lother to bedde at eue With vnwasshe handes redy to dynere My Pater noster my Crede or my beleue Cast at the cocke lo this was my manere Waued with eche wynde as dothe a rede spere Snobbed of my frendes suche tatches tamende Made deffe eare lyst nat to them attende ¶ A childe resēblyng which was nat like to thriue Frowarde to god recheles in his seruyce Lothe to correctyon slothe my selfe to shriue All good thewys redy to dyspice Chefe belwether of fayned trowandyce This is to meane my selfe I coude fayne Sicke lyke a trowande felt no maner payne ¶ My port my pase my fote alway vnstable My loke myne eyen vnsure and vacabounde In all my werkes sodenly chaungeable To all good thewys contrary I was founde Nowe ouersad nowe mournyng nowe iocounde Wylfull recheles madde startyng as an hare To folowe my lust for nothyng wolde I spare ¶ Entryng this tyme into relygion Vnto the ploughe I put forthe my hande A yere complete made my professyon Consydering lytell charge of thylke bande Of perfectyon full good example I founde The techyng good in me was all the lacke With Lothes wyfe I loked oft a backe ¶ Taught of my maisters by vtuous dysciplyne My loke restrayne and kepe close my syght Of blessed Benet to folowe the doctryne And bere me lowly to euery maner wyght By thaduertence of myne inwarde syght Cast to god warde of hole affectyon To folowe themprises of my professyon ¶ His holy rule was vnto me radde And expounde in full notable