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A05090 A plaine refutation of M. G. Giffardes reprochful booke, intituled a short treatise against the Donatists of England Wherein is discouered the forgery of the whole ministrie, the confusion, false worship, and antichristian disorder of these parish assemblies, called the Church of England. Here also is prefixed a summe of the causes of our seperation ... by Henrie Barrovve. Here is furder annexed a briefe refutation of M. Giff. supposed consimilituda betwixt the Donatists and vs ... by I. Gren. Here are also inserted a fewe obseruations of M. Giff. his cauills about read prayer & deuised leitourgies. Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593.; Greenwood, John, d. 1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1523; ESTC S104500 292,873 278

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profession of their owne faith obedience they cannot be receiued as members or haue communion with the Church Then vntil Mr. Giffard proue that the prophane multitudes and open wicked which neuer made anie voluntarie profession of their owne faith and obedience may be receiued as members into the Church he cannot iustifie these Parish assemblies of England or convince vs. Furder we graunt that wicked men such as fal away from their profession and obedience shal daylie arise in the church ells there should be no cause of Excommunication But when their sinne is publicke then ought the Church to cēsure it and if they be founde obstinate to caste them out ells were there no vse of Excōmunication We graunt also that the Church sometymes of negligence delaying in due tyme to caste out such wicked is notwithstanding if they amend vpon admonition to be held the true Church of God And this our aduersarye himself Pag. 56. acknowledgeth that we confesse although now forgetting himself his heart being fraught with malice he bursteth foorth in the gall therof accusing and sclandering vs to hold these heresies That where any wicked and open sinners worship together with the Church as members of the Church there the Couenant is disanulled with the whole Church Againe that where corrupt maners breake forth in those that professe the Gospell they be not only vtterly voyde of fayth which offende but also all they that worship together with them though neuer so much grieued at their sinnes are fallen from the Couenant Thirdlie that we make the stablenes of Gods Couenant to depend vpon the worckes of men and not of the free grace and mercie of God How could this accuser drawe these heresies from this assertion It is the Church of CHRIST vvhich hath the power to Excommunicate though it fault much by negligence in executing the same Doth not the expresse contrarie herein appeare How can he then reconcile these chardges of his vnto this proposition of ours Or can he produce any one sentence that euer we wrote or spake conteyning such odious doctrines as these Yf not these heresies must stil retourne to his owne throate as to the sepulchre frō whence the sprange these chardges must remayne vpon his reckoning not vpon ours WE hold that the open prophane and wicked such as were neuer caled vnto the faith cānot be receiued into the Church as members before they make open and voluntarie profession of their owne faith and obedience He that hath from the beginning distinguished light from darcknes hath alwaies made difference and separation betwixt the world the Church caling the one the Sonnes of God the other the daughters of men preseruing the one in his Arcke drowning the other in the floode he chose and separated to himself out of the whole world one peculiar Nation and people to be his visible Church to whom no prophane which made not professiō of the same faith might be admitted or ioyned in their worship The worde Ecclesia or Church we knowe to be a companie caled forth from the world as were CHRISTS Disciples and the faithfull in all places at the first gathering of the Church Againe we hold that such as are dulie entred into the Church falling from their profession and after due admonition remaine obstinate and hardened in their sinne ought by the Church to be excommunicate And if the Church being admonished stirred vp vnto their duetie refuse to obey execute the commandemēt of God that then vnto the faithfull it ceaseth to be the true Church of God and ought to be auoyded vntil they repent The Church of CHRIST must euer be obedient vnto CHRISTS voyce which voyce when they openlie despise wilfully resist they are a companie of rebells not a companie of Sainctes When they fal away from the faith they fal away from the Couenant of God when they obstina●lie persist in sinne wilfully despise Gods voyce they fal away from the faith Faith belieueth reuerenceth and obeyeth Gods worde so far as yt is reueled vnto them and neuer wilfully despiseth or reiecteth anie anie part of the same God can neuer be seuered from his worde they that despise reiect Gods worde despise reiect God himself Christ ruleth and reigneth by the scepter of his owne worde they that are not subiect vnto but wilfully disobey that word are not subiect vnto Christ haue not him a Kinge but a Iudge ouer them Seuere lawes iudgments are set downe in God his worde against presumptuous sinne yea against al sinne wherof they denie to repent God hath executed these iudgments vpon the Angels that sinned vpon the original world vpon the Nation of the Iewes Neither wil anie vayne titles of Church Couenant c. excuse or deliuer them being founde in the like transgressions from the like iudgments God is iust his iudgments are alike pronounced executed against al as against one being founde wilfully remayning in the transgression of his lawe Nowe then vvhilest vve conclude that vvhere the people were neuer rightly caled vnto the faith or gathered vnto CHRIST and orderly ioyned together in Christ But multitudes of prophane al sortes of vvicked persons idolators Atheists c euen the whole land without any choice any separation receiued into their Church as members without any voluntarie profession of their owne faith that in this estate they cannot be esteemed the true planted Churches of CHRIST With what conscience or truth can this vngodly man herevpō defame divulge vs to hold this heresie that where corrupt maners breake forth in those that professe the gospell they be not only voyde of fayth which offend but all they also which worship together with them though neuer so much grieued at their sinnes are falen from the Couenant How can he liken these rowtes of prophane Atheists and wicked persons of the world to the faithful seruantes of CHRIST in his Church or compare their open wickednes which they commit even with greedines to the faultes eskapes of frailety or negligēce in y e Sainctes Againe whilest we affirme That where open obstinacie is ioyned vnto publick sinne whether yt be in the whole Congregation or in any perticular member there that Congregation or that member cannot by vs be iudged faithfull or within the outward Couenant vntill they repent with what feare of God or shame of men cā this mā publish vs to hold that where any open grosse sinne is committed by anie and they stil through ignorance or negligence are suffred in the Church there the Couenant to be disanulled with the whole Church And so we to fall into this heresie To make the stablenes of God his Couenant not to depend vpon mercie and free grace promised and bownde with an oathe but vpon our worckes yea vpon the worckes of other whom we must iudge THis heresie after he himself hath deuised in our name he procedeth to cōfute yt with manie wordes shewing the stability
of Gods promises the greatnes of Gods mercie that remembreth his Couenant in his greatest indignation wrath as also the smale beginnings and daylie growth and proceadings of our sanctification in this life As though we euer doubt or denied that the Lord our God his couenant was made established and preserued vnto vs in his CHRIST only without any worckes or merite in vs present or to come to deserue or to retaine his fauour the least minute Alas our miserable forlorne estate even from our Mothers wombe before we knowe the Lorde yea our contynual transgressions defections euer since we knewe the Lorde whē we behold our liues in that sparckling glasse of his lawe do shew vs that we are not saued be worckes but by the free grace mercie of God through faith in CHRIST and that not of our selues but by the gift of God whose worcke we are created in CHRIST IESVS vnto good worckes which God hath fore-ordayned y t we should walke in them But now whilest we acknowledge the whole worcke of our saluation from the beginninge to the end to be of God and not of our selues to procede from to be established vpon his free grace mere mercy and loue and not from or vpō any goodnes in vs fore-seene or subsequent Yet make we not therby the grace of God and his holy spirit which he hath giuē to al his elect to be idle vayne or fruictlesse in any of them but to regenerate chaunge enlighten and sanctifie them to bring all their affections into and to keepe them in the loue obedience of the truth By the profession of which truth they are knowen receiued as members of the visible Church made partakers of the commune comfortes couenant of the Saincts From which profession when they fall away and will not be reduced by the voyce of the Church or renued by repentāce but remaine obstinate hardned in their sinnes then are they by the commandement power of CHRIST to be cut off as withered branches to be cast out from the fellowship of the saincts and all interest in CHRIST to be deliuered vnto Sathan c. The same rules faith saluation iudgments we haue aboue shewed to belong vnto al and vnto euerie one vnto al as vnto one being founde in the same faith or in the same transgressions Now then whilest the whole Congregation or anie member therof shall remaine hardened in sinne deni●ng to obey Christes voyce refusing to repent who can say that this Church or man in this estate can by vs which iudge see but according to the rules of the worde be affirmed held the true Church of Christ within the outward Couenant when Christ himself commandeth vs to deliuer them vp to Sathan in his name to haue no fellowship with them This cānot be dōne of vs vnto any whom we may affirme within the outward couenant God his secret electiō councels wherin he hath determined from before al worlds who shalbe saued how far the faithful shalbe tryed fal and when he wil raise them againe belōge not vnto vs to iudge of Onley this is most sure they y t thus fal away are hardened are not of vs to be held esteemed within the outwarde Covenāt or receiued vntil they as publickly repēt How thē can this wicked sclāde●er drawe this gracelesse collection damnable cōclusiō from this holie doctrine That where obstinacie is ioyned vnto publick sinne there the outward Covenant is brokē no communiō to be held vntil repentance be made Therfore we holde that the stablenes of Gods Couenāt with his Church depēdeth vpon the worcked of mē Because we say that God sanctifieth al that he saueth Therefore we hold salvation by workes Because we hold that faith which is without fruictes to be deade worthles Therefore we hold salvatiō by workes Because God requireth obediēce of al his seruants that enter into or remaine in his house and commandeth them to haue no ●ellowship with anie lōger then they cōtynue in the same fayth obediēce Therfore we make the stablenes of Godes Covenāt to depēde vpon our workes yea vpon the workes of others whom we must iudge What heretick or peruerted spirit could more highlie abuse deface the holy doctrines of Christ Is Mr. Giffard a teacher of the Church of England and cannot yet put difference betwixt the worcke of our salvatiō by Christ for vs the worke of Gods holy spirit the fruicts of Gods grace in vs That cannot put difference betwixt obedience mercie but that he wil make y e worck of Gods grace to abrogate Gods grace That cannot discerne betwixt the secret electiō of God Christes visible Church betwixt the temporarie iudgments of Christes Church according to the rule of Gods word and the final doome of God in his determinate councel Thus not knowing what either Gods Covenant Christes Church the communion or excommuniō therof meaneth this impious man vpō these dotages seeketh to convince vs of his surmized heresies because we blame forsake these Babilonish confuse assemblies where al sortes of prophane and wicked are gathered together without faith or order bownde sed and suffred together in al impietie mischief and licentiousnes without censure or controlement vnto whome he for the wage of Balaam is powred forth and most sacrilegiously selleth them his pretended Sacraments for their two pennie shot or offring HE laboureth to defend this sacriledge confusion by th' examples of other Churches vnder the Lawe vnder the Gospel He beginneth with the estate of the Church vnder Moses where the rebellious Israelites whose carkases fel in the wildernes of whom the Lorde sware that they should not see his rest yet were not cast out of th' assemblie nor separated so longe as they liued nor their seed reiected So that he still beare in minde that he but beggeth the question so ofte as he compareth these confuse prophane assemblies that were neuer rightly gathered vnto nor established in the faith vnto true Churches vnto this place we answeare That he moste ignorantlie boldlie affirmeth an vntruth We reade Exod. 33. after the Israelites had made their Calf and committed idolatrie that Moses both did execution vpon the chief Idolators and with-drewe his tent and separated from the rest vntil they were reconciled vnto the Lorde Furder we reade that vpon publick notorious transgressions the Lorde executed publick iudgments sondrie tymes wherby the chief were taken away the rest brought to repentance Numb 12. 14. 39. and 25. and 21. 6. 7. We reade of separation from those of Corathes conspiracie c Numb 16. 21. 24. 26. verses We reade also Numb 12. that Miriam was separated out of the hoste vntill she was healed Likewise we reade of sondrie perticular iudgments for perticular transgressions As for breaking the Sabaoth for blaspheming c Num. 15. Whereby his impudencie is convinced But nowe if it were graunted him then which nothing
●eare and together with him grow liue reigne stand and fall as the brāches with the tree Now wee knowing the plant cannot easilye be deceiued in the grafts especiallie knowing them from their cradles nourished with the milke of superstition instructed in the schole of heathen vanitie brought vp in the Colledges of more then monkish idlenes and disorder exercised in vaine and curious artes whose diuinitie is by tradition and according to their progresse degrees therin commēded to the Ordinarie who making probation of them accordingly doth either initiate or trayne them in this idolatrons office or els giue them their full orders with his paper licence popish seale therat Thus are they either presented to a Benifice instituted inducted where they ringe their bells pay the first fruictes taxes proxes and are sworne to their canonicall obedience to his Scenes Courtes Synods c Or els as they terme them they are become Preachers either waged Chaplens mercenarie Curats or hireling teachers gaping for promotion Which being obteined they change remoue e●terchange according to their best aduantage In this maner being entred by intrusion they cannot but lyue by theft spoile and rapine as their popish tithes the goods of the poore and offrings of the prophane indifferently and gouerne by tyrannie and perfidie Tyrannie in exe●uting the popish Iniunctions euen the statutes of Omry Perfidie in betraijng all into the hands of their Lords the Bishops Thus fulfil they scriptures by which who so examineth their infinite transgressions in perticular can want no store of Argument● against this Ministrie our purpose being here rather to shew some thē to set downe all or to confute anie of their odious enormities Which are so grosse that as sone as they are but manifested by the light they are reproued And it could not be if the Lord had not layd a vaile ouer their hearts that where the scriptures are read these deformities could be hid tollerated or defended But in stead of an Argument to vs you turne your speach to the simple people and giue them counsell if they doubt of your Ministerie to supend their iudgments and to inquire if ther be anie Churches of God vnder heauen and what they do iudge of the Ministerie and Church of England c. Is this the best counsell you can giue them vse you thus to appeaze vnquiet cōsciences and to resolue their doubtes With what conscience can they which remaine doubtfull of the truth and lawfulnes of your ministerie frequent your prayers and preaching in the meane time vntil they may send ouer sea and be resolued from thence You know that what is not of faith is sinne But with what conscience can you vse poore soules thus that inquire the truth at your mouth to send them ouer sea you wot not whether to be resolued of your Ministerie Churches Is your Church built vpon the words of men or vpon the worde of God Is this to proue your Church Ministerie by the word of God Or to vse the old worne Arguments of your mother Church of Rome who was wont to defend her self by vniuersalitie consent What if all the Churches learned mē in the world should say you are a Church which wee must tel you by the way they all neuer did neither caanie which knoweth the word of God and your estate aright but if they should could they or all the world iustifie that God condempneth Should not a people inquire at their God from the liuing to the dead Remember yee not that it is written To the law● the testimonies if they speake not it is because there is no light in them But yee are gone out of the way yee haue caused manie to fall by the Lawe yee haue broken the Couenant of Le●ie saith the Lord of hostes therfore haue I made you also to be despised and vile before all the people because you kept not my Wayes but haue bene partiall in the Lawe Yea the iudgments of God are alredie fallen vpon you you all as he speaketh by his Prophe● being couered with a spirit of slumber euen strickē with the blindnes of Elimas groping the way in the noone light because you haue peruerted the straight waies of the Lord and being thus miserable and blinde out of the way not only perceiue it not but loue darknes more then light refusing the light when yt is brought you yea despising yt because of the fewenes and basenes of them that bring yt you And in this Pharisaicall pride procede after your accustomed maner of blaspheming terming vs fewe vncharitable Anabaptists Donatists c. Thus fulfill you the measure of your forefathers thus dealt they with all Gods faithfull seruants that were sent vnto them yea euen with CHRIST himself refusing him for his simplicitie reputing him emong thieues deceiuers c We looke for no better vsage at your hands the seruant is neither greater nor better then his Maister if they haue done thus to the greene tree what shall not you doo to the drie Yet so far are we from all danger or harme by theis curses that God turneth them forthwith vnto vs as a blessing and to a comfortable assurance both of the fellowship of the faith and of the suffrings of CHRIST Blessed are you when men reuile you and say all maner of euil against you for my names sake c. Againe through the mercies of our God all the ini●ries you can offer vnto vs cannot ouercome our charitie or breake our patience In the one we possesse our soules in the other we will not cease to praie for you euen as for our selues and be redie to doo you anie good we can Now to those poore soules whome you like miserable phisitians thus cure we giue this aduise yet not we but the Load That they beware of Wolues in sheepes clothing That thei ●ollow not blind guides too far That thei marke diligentlie and auoide such as transgresse and abide not in the doctrine of CHRIST not walke after the rule of the Gospel That thei turne away from such as make a shew of godlines but denie the power and practize therof deceiuing with faire wordes the hearts of the simple talking of CHRIST but denijng him in deedes Further we send them not to mans worde nor ouer sea but to Gods worde which is neere them euen in their mouthes and in their hearts Let them therby trie the spirits before thei belieue them Let them therby measure their Temple their Altar and their Worshippers and especiallie their owne hearts that thei may be wise to that which is good and simple concerning euil If the latter part of your answere had bene put in the beginning to haue 〈◊〉 downe what maketh a true Minister of Christ you approued your Ministrie accordinglie we had suffered lesse iniurie and you lesse blame Notwithstāding because it is neuer to late to repēt if this your offer be according to your heart we most
to his fingers lest by his sophistrie diepe schole learning he beguile vs as the Serpent by his craftines deceaued Euah and turne vs not onlie from the ture state of our controuersie but from the simplicitie that in CHRIST M. Giffard as yt should seeme finding these Propositions as they were deliuered him al to hard and heauie for him hath sought to lighten his burden by leauing out such matter words as pressed him most sore and then would runne away with the rest as you see The words he hath left out ought to haue ioyned to euerie Transgression are these willfully obstinate as appeareth in the verie next words immediatly going before these 4. Propositions Furder in repeating vrdging the Transgression he hath purposely left out these wordes and imposed vpon them and in their places hath set c. which serueth not the tourne half so wel These words we can at no hād spare him and therfore must entreate him to add them to both his first and second Proposition which if he doe he shall then finde the fearful cōclusion to followe faster then he with al his logique cā auoide For if they remaine obstinate and incorrigible yea incurable in their sinnes disobedient to the voyce of CHRIST skorning his reprof despising his grace refusing to repent hauing nether wil nor power to amend be their sinne as smale in their owne eies as they can imagine as litle as by their learned distinctions of Fundamental c. they can anie way make it yet it being a transgression of Gods most holie lawe bringeth death and being holden after this manner abouesaide bringeth euerlasting death and doth in this estate separate them from the loue fauour and mercie of God so far as we can iudge Ther can be no remission without repentance nether can anie be said to repent whilest they obstinatlie persist in wilful trāsgression nor the Lord in that estate to accept anie offring at their hands be their offrings otherwise neuer so perfect and according to the lawe as the scriptures plentifullie witnesse So then if M. Giffard had taken the matter with him he should not thus haue altred the whole state of our Propositiō in steade of clearing it nether should haue had anie cause thus to chardge yt with heresie after his accustomed maner or to haue produced his scholastical or as he vseth it we might more rightlie saye papistical distinctions of fundamental errors and transgressiōs Wherbie what ells should he inferr or doth he labour to proue if not That some errors sinns are as the Papistes saye mortal others not deadlie Or ells that which is more grosse That some error or transgression might be built vpon the foundation Because some errors and sinnes are of higher nature and offence then other or because that the best men and Churches may fal into greiuous errors and sinnes which as we neuer denied so we stil to the stopping of our aduersaries vngodlie mouthes affirme Yet hence it followeth not that because the best men and Churches that hold the foundation may erre and sinne therfore anie error or sinne is of the foundation or is not a transgression from the foundation The writtē worde of God deliuered by the Prophets and Apostels is the foundation CHRIST IESVS himself being the cheif corner stone Euerie part of the scripture is a like true inspired of God giuen to our direction and instruction in all thinges No error or transgression can be ioyned vnto or built vpō this foundation no more then light darkenes can be mingled The least departure from Godes worde is an error the least transgression of Gods lawe is a sinne the rewarde of the least error or sinne is eternal death if the mercy of God and merites of CHRIST come not betwixt which mercy and merites belong not vnto the impenitent and obstinate Therfore they that obstinatlie hold anie error or transgression and wil not by repentance be purged from the same lose CHRIST and so hold not the foundation Now then seing Mr. Giffard hath a special phantasie to drawe this Transgression more then anie of the .3 Prinsipal Transgressions following into forme of argument because in his bad conscience he did foresee they would presse too sore let the first Propositiō be drawē into forme of Argument thus Whatsoeuer assemblies worship GOD administer according to an idolatrous Leitourgie imposed vpon thē and continue wilfullie obstinate in the said sinnes are not in that estate to be esteamed or cōmunicated with as the true Churches of God But your publique assemblies in Englād doo worship God and administer according to such an idolatrous Leitourgie imposed vpon them and continue wilfullie obstinate in the saide sinnes Therfore the publique assemblies of England are not in this estate to be held or cōmunicated with as the true Churches of God BVt let vs now retorne againe vnto that Argument which you haue taken such paynes to drawe and to confute in our names The second or minor Propositiō therof you denie vzt That the Church of England doth worship God after a false maner their worship ●eing made of affirming your worship to be the embracing of the holie Bible and by the doctrine therof c. Wel let the holie Bible be iudge betwixt vs in al our controuersies and let your writing shewe how wel you haue approued your worship in those perticular pointes which were recited reproued vnto you But in our iudgmēt you flee from this issue before you beginne in that you make so lardge an exception of imperfections wātes spots blemishes faultes which destroy not the worship of God otherwise you saye your Church doth worship God aright without heresie blasphemie or idolatrie Nowe surelie this is the odd onlie exception that euer we heard of Whie if al imperfections wātes spots blemishes faultes were taken away we durst ioyne in the rest of your worship to you or the Pope either The rest that remaineth must then needes be free and pure from heresie blasphemie or idolatrie It were a wonderful apostasie or heresie where were no truth especially when al corruption should be purged away But if you meane that these faultes thus reproued by vs and holden by you doe not corrupt Gods worship amongst you for the trial of this let the nature and qualitye of them be dulie examined by the word of God and we doubt not but a litle of such leauen shalbe fownd to make sowre the whole lumpe Yea that these spots and bleamishes you speake of being loked in that pure glasse wil appeare the olde runing issues incurable botches of Egipt which they haue deriued from their mother of Rome Euen of those malignant vlcers that are founde vpon the men which haue the marcke of the Beast and vpon them which worship his image for anie defence that you haue or can make for them YEt vnto the 4. apparant reasons
vtterly broken off the Iewes for their sinnes infidelitie that the Gentiles might be gathered and grafted in by faith Yet is the Lord in his greatest wrath alwaies mindeful of his mercy and hath set a tyme whē to cal ingraff againe the Iewes that al Israel might be saued and brought into one shepefold as yt is written But in the meane tyme it is no reason to say That because the Lorde euen in the worst tymes alwaies reserueth a remnāt in his mercy Therfore these wicked people in those euil tymes are his visible Church Or because the Lorde in the Loynes af the most wicked hath a holie seede according to his secret election That therfore these wicked parents are in the visible Church or their ofspring vnder the outward couenant Yet are these Mr. Giffards best Argumēts to proue Israel in their open schisme idolatrye and Iuda in their open Apostasy and idolatrie to be the true outward Church whervnto the Seales of the outward couenant belonged and were giuen euen to the seede of the greatest Idolator Yea the schisme apostasy idolatry prophanation of the holie things of God amongst these Iewes Israelites are the best and onlie groundes he hath or bringeth to approue iustifie the corrupt estate of the Church of ENGLAND and that the seed of their prophane Idolators ought to be baptized Saue that at lēgth he hath founde out a merueylous knot in a rush and of the same made such a share for his Br●wnistes as they must needes either confesse the baptisme of their Church to be a signe of the couenant And so they all from their ancestors and their whole Church are within the couenant Or ells if they denie it fal into the heresie of the Catabaptistes and make themselues also without the couenant or ells to haue a couenant without seales But now if he wil giue vs leaue to vnlose this knot we must desire him to learne to put a difference betwixt false Sacraments and true Sacraments and againe betwixt false Sacraments and no Sacramēts The false Church hath her hyd bread and stollen waters her false Sacramēts The Israelites in their schisme and the Iewes in their apostasie stil had and vsed Circumci●ion This Circumcision was no true Sacrament vnto them neither sealed the Lordes couenant vnto them in that estate Yet was this circumcision true circumcision concerning the outward cutting and was vpon their repentance and retourne neither defaced nor reiterat but they were restored againe to the Temple and receiued to the Passouer As wee reade in Ezechias and Iosiahs tymes as also after the retourne out of Babilon In like maner in this general apostasie and defection from the Gospel so much fore-told in CHRISTES Testament the baptisme contynued and vsed in these Apostatical and false Churches cannot in this estate thus administered c be said a true Sacrament or seale of Gods couenant vnto them Yet concerning the outward washing yt is true baptisme and vpon their repentance and restoring to the Church the outward actiō need not ought not to be againe repeated after th'abuse therof in the false Church is purged away by true repentance Yet iustifie we not hereby anie thing donne in the false Church but cal all men by all meanes from the same willing their whole worship to be repented of left and forbidding al men vpon incurring the Lords heauie indignation to offer bring their children vnto the false Church to be baptized exhorting them rather patiently to expect and diligently to seeke out repaire vnto the true Church of CHRIST where at the handes of Christes true Ministers they may receiue the true seales of his couenant vnto their comfortes Yea assuring them that whilest they refreyne from that which they knowe to be euil and with true heartes sprinckled from an euil conscience diligently seeke to doe the wil of God as he offreth meanes they their seede are within the couenant of God although through the iniquitie of the tymes they be stil restreyned for a ceason from hauing outward baptisme so that they neither neglect or contemne much lesse abuse and prophane of heauenly an ordinance THus this learned Diuine hauing as you haue heard bestowed all his labour and long studie to proue the kingdomes of Israel and of Iuda in their schisme and apostasy to be the true Church yet to make the matter more clea●e and the more easie for the Church of England he wil also proue her mother of Rome to be the true Church of CHRIST Because the Brownis●es hold that this land in the tyme of Poperie was not the true Church of CHRIST and that nowe they are but confuse multitudes not rightly ●ntred into couenant with God This that he may doe he holdeth it not enough to affirme with other learned Diuines That the invisible Church of GOD is in the Papacye as in all other places of the world because God hath his elect there and in al other places But he to be singular inverteth the Proposition and saith That the Papacy with the whole apostasie and all their abhominations and al that receiue the Beastes marcke and worship his image are in the Church because Antichrist doth sit in the Temple of God Thus whilest he without al vnderstanding or feare after his accustomed presumption peruerteth and wresteth the Scriptures from their holie sense according to his owne lust no merueile though GOD giue him vp into a reprobate sense and suffer him to drawe these heretical doctrines and damnable conclusions from the same to the destruction of himself and of as manie as receiue his doctrines If Antichrist may be said to sitt reigne and remaine in the Church of God Then CHRIST is not made heire and Lorde of all and set as Kinge vpon Mounte Sion Then CHRIST is either cast out of his house or made subiect vnto ANTICHRIST or diuideth with him Then the Church of CHRIST maie remaine subiect vnto and be gouerned by Antichrist Then the Church of Christ may stand vnder be subiect vnto two heades CHRIST and Antichrist Then CHRIST is not the onlie head of the Church If Antichrists Ministers marcked seruants maie be brought into set ouer the Church of God then is not CHRISTS Ministrie which he hath instituted to his Gospel and his Church permanent vnto the worldes end but variable at the wil of man Then may the Church of God caste out Christes Ministrie and receiue Antichrists If Antichristes doctrines lawes may be brought set vp remaine in the Church Thē Christ is not the onlie Prophet Lawegiuer Then may the Church be builte vpon an other foundatiō then vpon Gods worde If al Antichristes abhominations heresies idolatries may be brought into remaine in the Church of God Then no blasphemie heresie apostasie or anie thing that man cā commit or deuise cā breake the couenant Thē may the Church of God
Ministrie and ministration they are all like to proue as wee haue affirmed them strange false forged antichristian such as belong not vnto and cannot be exercised in anie christian Church and then let Mr. Giffard see whether that grieuous conclusion will follow and fal vpon the men vpon whom the marcke of the Beast is ●ownde that ministrie which is ordayned by proceded from and standeth vnder the throne of these antichristian Bishops In the meane while let vs in a verie few wordes consider of the rest of the ministerie in the Church of England in their order WE would gladly learne of him what office in the Church of God Chancelors and Commissaries may be said to exercise for we confesse that in Christes Testament we neuer read of their names or offices they are strangers there and we in all the worlde knowe not from whence they came or who brought them into the Church if not their Father the Pope or durste there retaine them but these his children successors the Bishopps A lardge power they haue and exercise ouer all parrish Churches their Ministers and Members to keepe a iudiciall Courte to cite cōuent trie punish by mu● ct iudge imprison absolue purge not only for ecclesiastical causes as the neglect of their ceremonies and trinckets and for not duelie reading and obseruing their iniunctions seruice-booke but also for ciuile causes yea criminatory and iudicial causes such as by the lawe of God deserue death and only belong to the Princes royall aucthoritie to whom therfore God hath committed his sworde Whose iudgment seate aucthoritie for anie priuate person to vsurpe is iudged rebellion both by the lawe of God and of this land For all that take the sworde shall dye in the sworde Math. 26. 52. Againe these Chauncelors and Commissaries are Ciuilians laye men as they cal them not Priestes therfore we meruaile how they came to exercise such an high ministrie ouer and in the Church The same we say of their other delegate ciuile Doctors of their Courtes trayne of Aduocates Proctors Registers c. We finde in the Testamēt of Christ no mention in the Church of Christ no vse of such Offices Officers Courtes to decide their cōtrouersies to execute their censures iudgments These handle both ecclesiastical and ciuile causes mixtlie after a most corrupt and litigious maner amongst whom al things are venal in their Courtes c wherof in due place sufficeth it here to finde them in name office and vse counterfeit forged false without mention or warrant in Gods worde such as not Christ but Antichrist deuised brought in As to the persons in their high commission they are of two sortes chieflie ecclesiastical and partlie for countenance and fashion sake ciuile Of the ecclesiastical we haue aboue entreated Neither finde wee that anie ciuile person may exercise anie ecclesiastical office or function as to ouer-see so manie Churches to decide and determine ecclesiastical causes or to execute the censures of the Church as by way of office or by vertue of anie humane commission especially after that vngodlie maner which is in al things so contrarie to the order Christ hath instituted so contrary to the faith power and libertie of Christes Church as were not hard to shewe if we should examine their procedings by the rules of Gods worde And great ruth it is that so noble and honorable personages should be so highly abused by these wicked Bishops The Lorde in mercie shew them their deceipts the error and daunger of their wayes Yet of this gouerning ministrie remayneth the Arch head Deacon of the Church of England to be considered of who is no smale officer of this Church hauing and keeping his solemne iudiciall Court Synode and procedings in such ecclesiastical causes as fal within his consideration with absolute power in his owne name also to cite sommon iudge and punish all such parish Churches with their Parsons and Ministers as fal within his limites To impose taskes vpon Pastors what scriptures to reade priuately euerie daye what to conne by heart and to take accompt of them at his Synodes accordingly This Arch-Deacon also if such be his learning that he can may administer the worde and Sacramentes and haue a benefice or two for neede Howsoeuer he may pleade and boaste of his antiquitie aswell as the Arch-Bishop and of the great cause of his erection and necessarie vse of his office c. Yet seing we finde no mention of his name or vse of his office in all the Testament of CHRIST seing we finde there no such Heade Arch-Deacons with such stately Courtes and absolute iutisdiction and that not ouer many Deacons but manie of their Pastors yea manie whole Churches we must or rather the Lorde hath giuen the same sentence of them that is giuen of their fellowes aboue-said That they are not the ordinance or ministrie of CHRIST but of Antichrist euen the heades and limbes of that Beaste that wilbe held within no limites or boundes in no order or callings but breake corrupt and confounde all lawes boundes order and offices as they luste CHRIST himself is the only heade of all his Ministers whether Pastors Teachers Deacons c and they againe his members of their part The christian Deacon is to attend to the faithful collection and distribution of the ben●uolence of the Sainctes and not to such Court-keeping ouer the Church ministrie and Sainctes He is to attend in his function to that peculiar flocke wherof he is chosen a Deacon and not in this maner to intrude and incroach vpon manie Churches A christian Deacon is to kepe himself within the boundes of his owne office in sobrietie and not to intermeddle with the Pastors office also with the ministration of the worde and sacramentes yea to exalt himself and vsurpe power and iurisdiction ouer his superiors not only ouer many Pastors but ouer manie whole Churches Thus haue we taken a superficiall veiwe or rather as yt were a sodaine blush of the reigning Ministerie of the Church of England leauing the furder inuestigation and demonstration of the manifold deformities therof to their furder diligence to whom God hath giuen greater knowledge and opportunitie leauing place also vnto Mr. GIFFARD or anie of that false hierarchie to make defence and iustification of these poyntes wherin they are here chardged by the worde of God Which if they can doe then let them be held excused and vs iustly chardged with impudent and wicked sclander In the meane while I haste to the second sort of their Ministrie THe next sorte of the ministrie of the Church of England is the Collegiat or idle Ministrie which may be diuided or rather distinguished because sometimes they are mixed ioyned one man being a master of a College and a Deane a fellowe of a house a Prebend and each of them haue a Parsonage or two for a neede into these two kindes Academical and Cathedral The third sort