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A03854 A sermon preached at Reyfham in the countie of Norff. the 22. of September, an. Do. 1588 And eftsoones at request published by R.H. minister of Gods worde. Humpston, Robert, d. 1606. 1589 (1589) STC 13969; ESTC S104324 28,218 58

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vpon their seuerall charge 2. Ti. 4.2 the flocke purchased with the bloud of the Lambe as men mindfull to auoide the Apostles Vae and vengeance Ioh. 1.29 Wo be to me if I preach not the Ghospell 1. Co. 9.16 But withall to bethinke them how it is further required in the Stewards that they be found faithfull full of affections pastoral care and zeale 1. Co. 4.2 especially towardes that people and stocke committed to their charge Ezech. 33 6● whose bloud shall be required at their hands So Moses preferred the safetie of his people before his owne welfare Exo. 32.32 when in heate of spirite he cryed vnto the Lorde Forgiue them or raze me out of the booke of life Ier. 9.1 So Ieremie wished for water to his heart and a fountaine of teares to his eyes that day and night he might wéepe for the slaine of the daughters of Iuda Ro. 9.3 So Paul desired Anatheman esse and to be separated from God if thereby he might reconcile the Hebrewes his kinsmen after the flesh And verily this is the graund charge fuller of affection than repiticion which the prince of Pastors vrged with vehemencie vpon Peter Ioh. 21.15 Féede féede féede Giuing first a dreadfull checke vnto such as sit at ease in Sion Amos. 6.1 sleepe in the lappe of the Church and praye vppon the spoyle of soules and couertly implying a needefull Caueat to all preachers of the worde before their diuinitie exercises diligently and with due reuerence to put in practise all the helpes of reading studie meditation and conference makinge prayer their keye to open the doore of the morning from prayer to studie from studie to the Pulpit from the Pulpit to prayer and thus by a due reuolution againe to the studie lest while by ouerspeaking wee presume and pretende to auoide the first wee fall vnwares into to a seconde woe denounced against all such as dare take in hande the Lordes worke negligently and yet when wee haue done what wee can Ier. 48.10 except God giue winde to our sayles wee shall neuer runne the poynt aright but may saye with Peter Wee haue laboured all night and taken iust nothing Luk. 5.5 The Lorde make vs more carefull in our calling and double his spirite vpon his seruauntes by whose mynisterie the people are to bee reduced to the obedience of Faith and increase the number of true labourers for the haruest is great Mat. 9.37 Againe in the course of the Prophet Maiestrates may also learne to whet their affectious to become more zealous and truely religious carefull to benefite the Church and to further the course of the Gospell They may not in imitation of king Hamon deface the mynisterie 2 Sam. 10. nor curtall the liuings of the Clergie the messengers not of Dauid but of Dauids Lorde They may not stretch the arme with Ieroboam against the Prophet I. Re. 13.4 nor yet become like Iulyan the Apostata as Caterpillers cleauing to the fruites of the Church but putting on the bowels of affection and loue they must change their cheare with her happie or hard estate to sorrow when shee mourneth and to sing when shee reioyceth Nehem. 2.3 as careful Nouree-fathers and tender Nourses consecrated by the Lorde himselfe to feede his people in Iacob Ro. 12.15 and his inheritance in Israel Esai 49.23 So good King coulde neuer take rest till hee had founde an habitation for the God of Iacob Psa 78.71 and hauing first prepared a place for the Arke Psa 132 4 most ioyfully in sweete consort of Musicke daunceth before the same 2. Sa. 6.16 23. Which the nice and sornful Quéene Michol disdayning is plagued perpetua sterilitate to her graue So Iosiah raigned religiously Iehosaphat carefully Ezechias zealously S. Ambrose graceth Theodosius the Emperour with rare commendations in this especially that vpon his death-bed and to his last breath his chiefe care was spent for the peace and good estate of the Church Among the worthie vertues of King Edgar registred to his renowme his godly care and good affection towarde the Church is especially obserued in the storie of his deedes who hauing resigned his life cast off his Crowne and princely arraye a learned man of that time lest his fame should perish clad his bodie with an honorable Epitath and fit for the herse of a King wherein I finde thus much for the present purpose Templa Deo Templis Monachos Monachis dedit agros Nequitie lapsum Iusticieque locum First he was a builder of Churches but so be verie fewe Secondly he was a carefull Patrone to implant good ministers call them Monkes if ye will in these Churches but so do not manie Thirdly he was a liberall geuer of landes and possessions to mainteine these ministers but so do not anie The Tombs of our time are faire adorned with verses flags ennobled with Armes and Crest but a man may seeke all the dayes of his life and search al the graues of the deade and yet faile to finde a like president of pietie Well let all people of what sort or sexe soeuer learne in these so honorable examples to hallowe their firste thoughtes and to dedicate their last care to the Church and for religions sake as esteeming setting a dearer price vpon heauenly than earthly eternall than temporall things So shall all grubbing Patrons of benefices with their sacrilegious brokers whatsoeuer learne at last except they be shameles and past grace to reforme their griedie affections wherin they haue swallowed a great parte of the Churches patrimonie and begin in time to yelde her at last her owne againe A thing in trueth rather to be wished than expected Sith not the vulgus alone but men of greatest authoritie by your leaue men of great sinceritie as they will seeme haue their hande in the spoils and are found guiltie of this trespas Wee onely strike the eare with a vanishing voyce it is the Lord that must touch the heart with an effectuall feeling 2. Cor. 3.6 else we may sit still hopeles in this behalfe For Cathedram habet in Coelo qui corda docet in terra The heart teacher sitteth on high Concerning the second obseruation to wite the Prophets confidence c. True it is Psa 34.19 manie and manifolde be the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth ouf of all Where euerie penitent sinner may learne by our Habacuk in publique or perticuler affliction to take heart of grace in confidence and boldnes For Constans contraria spernit and Faith is like the Palme the more it is pressed Heb. 10 2● the more it spr●adeth and ariseth against all temptation To drawe neare in assurance of faith and to approche the mercie seat in the alone merite and mediation of Christ the Messias harted on in the chearefull promises of the Gospel and that without all doubt or wauering for
still voyce that cheareth the conscience And thus are we come from Taeman vnto Canaan from Paran vnto Sion from a condemning law to a reconciling Gospell from a fearfull Iudge to a mercifull Sauiour and thus at last we are come home from the lande and people of Iudaea to the realme and people of England Mat. 11.31 And nowe will I deale with the last circumstance to wit the ende and vse of Gods comming in these wordes The earth is full of his praise Wherein I will be short and conclude with an application of the matter of this my tedious discourse to the time and state wherin we liue and so will I bequeath you to the Lorde Where first the point I touched in a worde at my entrance if ye remember to wit the excellencie of this worke and mercie of God towardes the Nation and people of the Iewes in gining them the Lawe commeth nowe to a further consideration and calleth vs except we will be like Horse and Moyle that haue no vnderstanding Psa 32.9 to a more deepe and serious meditation and examination of the inspeakable mercie of the Lord our God towardes our Nation and people of England in vouchsafing vs the Gospell and in continuing the same now full thirtie yeares expired with diligence preached in our coastes For this Gospels sake blessing vs still by all this space aboue other Nations with happie peace a blessed Queene a renowmed gouernement a reuerende mynisterie a godly maiestracie and what not besides to our good This Gospel hath beene the fame and renowme the defence and glorie 2. Re. 2.11 the chariots and horsemen of England to this present day hour This Gospell hath posted through citie countrie without ceasing to teach and to instruct to correct and to comfort 2. Ty. 3 1● to call sinners vnto repentance to gather the dispersed to heale the broken hearted Esa 61.1.2 to preach the acceptable daye of the Lorde And all this my brethren hath beene the time yea the long and blessed time of our planting dressing and springing Esa 5.1 the Lorde hath long expected and euen to this houre looketh to gather and reap the grapes of our vine the fruites of our figg tree and the haruest of our so long and pleasant spring Luk. 13 6 The Lord looketh for the sheaues of our obedience Mat. ● 37 repentance faith mercie and the feare of his name with conscience to walke before him in holines and righteousnes all the dayes of our life The end of all is Psa 76.1 that God might be well knowen in Iudaea and that his name might be great in Israel that his feare might dwell in our lande and saith my text that the earth may be full of his praise But alas and thrise alas therefore the Lord hath a quarrell yea a double quarrel against our lande the trespas yea trespas vpon trespas is committed in Citie and Countren and at the corners of each streete the Indictment is drawen against vs and the declaration put vpon the file by the Prophet Hoseah as the Lordes actuarie in this sort Ho. 4.12 There is no trueth nor mercie nor knowledge of God in the lande The euidence followeth and is giuen by him that will be accuser witnesse and Iudge against vs and this it is Swearing and lying killing and stealing and whooring Inundauerunt haue broken all woonted boundes and ouerflowed the face of the earth and what more Sanguis sanguinem tetigit Bloud hath touched bloude One sinne ingendreth another The cruelties committed in the extreame partes of the lande from the East and from the West from the North and from the South haue met together mingled themselues in the bulke and middest of the lande and Sanguis sanguinem tetigit A gréenous accusation you will saye but not fit for this presence A fearfull controuersie of the Lordes but not well applyed to this people Well if you will pardon mee to saye as Ambrose did vnto Theodosius Amb. Epist ●9 li. 5 Neque Imperiale est dicendi libertatē negare Neque sacerdotale quod sentiat non dicere Neither becommeth it the Emperour to forbidde free speach Nor beseemeth it the preacher to forbeare the presence I shall be content to ouerpasse the grosse enormities whereof the Holye Ghost doeth fare the multitude in the wordes of the Prophet Which palpable offences be daily whipped out of our streetes and commonly condemned at open Barre And I wil come to lurking and lurching sinnes euen to trespas of bloud not so easely discerned nor so seuerely punished and yet by your leaue more accustoniably committed and dailye perpetrated amongest vs. For howsoeuer men can washe with Pilate and ouerweene to haue cleane handes and cleare hearts from this accusation of bloud Mat. 27.24 yet must I laye it somewhet nearer the conscience For it is Gods cause and therefore to be handled indifferently without respect of honour or office degree or dignitie sith sinne is the same and sauoureth of the soile though enbalmed with perfumes though clad vpon with veluet or sattin or yet cloaked with scarlet or purple Then sith plaine dealing best pleaseth God and good men enter I pray into your selues common with your owne hearts and be still But tell me tell me can you be perswaded there be none among vs that kéepe iudgement from the poore Zeph. 33 make widdowes their praye Esai 10.2 and the fatherles their spoyle Exo. 22.22 Be there but a fewe trowe ye that by vsuries cruell trade deuour the needie Exo. 22.25 and féede vpon the flesh of those that fall into their nettes Deu. 23.19 Be there no oppressours of their brethren Pro. 28.8 that quenche their daily thirst with the teares of women and children Zach. 7.10 making breache of bands better than their landes and grinding the faces of such as are taken in their snares Be there no carrie tales that giue Ioabs stabbe with Iudas kisse Leu. 19.16 no byting slaunderers that make lying their custome Psal 15.3 and delight to dye their tongues in the bloud of their brethren as Chrisostome speaketh Pro. 26.20 Be there think you no secrete lurchers that store vp violence in the counting house Pro. 22.22 and robb the poore of their contributions for their owne aduantage Amos 8.4 I praye God the false witnes and the suborner Deu. 19.19 the corrupt questman and extorcioner bee not founde with the rest Mich. 3.11 in our Counties and at our Sessions in our Cities and euen at our sermons And if they be God geue them eares to heare and hearts to repent in time to iudge themselues lest they be condemned of the Lord for all these be bloudie sinnes and all such persons bloudsuckers indicted of the blond of Gods people Againe Exod. 22 26 27 the poore mans pledge wrongfully withholden the labourers hire kept backe till the morning the buildings enlarged
he is faithful that hath promised His will is stable his gyfts without repentance ●o 11.29 In which confident assurance the anciēt Patriarks the good kings the holie Prophets and penitent sinners of euery sort haue always deriued their comfort from this free fauour of God the onely fountaine cause efficient of all saluation Where learne we first to loath and detest Pelaganisme doctrine of Poperie set a broche by the merite-mongers the enimies of the grace of God who struggle to erect a Babell ●en 11.4 whose top may reach to heauen and to stop the streame of this most auncient doctrine contrarie to all course of scripture example of the Saints who in euery age occasion dealing with God in this case do wholly abandon the mention smother all thought of merit a point so well knowen or at least so often taught that a man would denie it altogether néedeles to speake more expressely in this behalfe The vse benefit of this lesson we digested wil be this much Luk. 18.11 That while our aduersaries dare stande vp with the Pharesie to bragge and implead workes in barre before the Iudge depending in part vpon desert building partly vpon their owne foundation and therfore stil tottering in their doctrine of doubtfulnes ●a 1.6 carried as the waues of the sea one while vp to heauen suddenly down to hell as inconstant in all their wayes Wee contrarily acknowledge with Iob ●ob 9.30 our vncleannes with Ieremie our wickednes Ier. 2.22 pitching Christ our one and only foundation Psa 71.16 with the Psalmograph making mention of his righteousnes only Iusticia omnia exceptione maior made ours by imputation shal sing care away with the king Why art thou so heauie Oh my soule Psa 42.11 trust in God c. and say with S. Paul therefore iustified by faith We are at peace with God through Iesus Christ our Lord c. yea it is God that iustifieth and who shal condemne There is now no condemnation to those that be ingraffed into Christ c. In which sweete confidence we shall attaine the quiet rest blessed securitie of Gods saintes The knowledge and assurance whereof God for his Christes sake daily more and more increase confirme and seale vp vpon our consciences to his euerlasting glorie and our endlesse comfort Hetherto of the occasion Nowe a worde or twaine of the Phrase and so to my text God commeth from Teman Blind Balaam did say therefore could say Nu. 23.19 God is not a man that hee shoulde repente c. Where lest we should fall into the heresie of the Anthropomorphitae we must learn that the actions of the bodie as to go to behold to come the passions of the mind as to reioyce to be greeued to repent such like so often in holy scripture ascribed vnto God are not so to be taken as though these motions perturbations could fall into the godhead God forbid but are to be vnderstoode in a figure verie apt to helpe our dulnes and significant to expresse Gods readie mercies alwayes at hande to relieue wretched sinners too apt in Moses absence to fall to Idolatrie ●xo 32.1 and with the Bethulians in the point of perill to prescribe vnto God ●udith 7. Therefore because we are flesh ●en 6.3 and the Lord remembring that we are but dust ●sa 78.39 it pleaseth him in great mercie to stoupe to our infirmitie and to condiscend to our capacitie speaking as a man vnto mortall men and to make his mercies palpable afoording vs all the helpes of familiar phrases of figures parables and similitudes in holie writt together with the Sacraments ceremonies and rites of holy Church besides thus by all possible meanes to establish our hearts in assurance of his sauing health and by due consequence to conduct vs in the course of a holie and Christian life Moreouer marke I praye in the Prophets phrase the transposition of the Temple where speaking of the glorious presence of God in the Mount at the giuing of the Lawe which was long and many a day before the time of this prophesie Neuertheles he setteth it downe here as a thing in esse and fresh in viewe before their eyes God commeth Where I take this to be his drift namely to assertaine this people right shortly to be plunged in distresse that God is nowe as neare and euen comming to releiue and release them in Babylon as euer in former time ●xo 19.20 he was a God at hand to their fathers in the mount ●xo 44.22 at the read sea yea alwayes in time of neede and therfore he would not haue them daunted nor dismaide nor yet to faint vnder the burthen of their afflictions For God commeth Yea when the spite and rage of the enimie is at the highest and the calamitie and grief of the godly at the heauiest then God commeth A noble lesson fit for Princes Ladies for rich and poore men for Maiestrates ministers and euery Christian sith no worldly wight conuersing in this vale of teares can purchase immunitie from thrall and humane miserie Art thou in pouertie in sicknes in sorrowe in prison in daunger yea in death it selfe God commeth at whose presence sorrowe departeth and dread shall flye backe For he is a God almightie no power can let him a God all mercifull no stay can preuent him He commeth skipping ouer the mountaines Cant. 2.8 ryding vpon the wings of the winde Gen. 3.8 To Adam with the promise in time of dispaire Gen. 22.11 To Abraham with supplye in time of sacrifice Gen. 26.3 To Isaack with reliefe in time of famine Gen. 39.2 in time of exile with honor to Ioseph 1 Re. 19.8 in time of persecution with comfort to Eliah Iud 1.7.0 in time of battaile with a hand in Gedeons hilt 2. Re. 19.6 and in time of inuasion with triumph to Ezechia Dan. 6.22 to Daniell among the Lions Susan 60 to the children in the fornace to Susanna at the stake Act. 16.26 to the Apostle in the gaole Luk. 23 4● to the theefe vpon the crosse in the moment of death yea the bandes of death shall breake and the paines of hell shall leaue holde for Veniens veniet He shall come at a pinch His wrath endureth but the twinckling of an eye beauines may last for a night or anoy for an houre but ioye commeth in the morning Oh therefore whatsoeuer be thy case or condition tarrie patiently the Lordes leasure and he shall make the ende happie Psa 27.16 For God commeth A short but verie sweete lesson and sweeter than the Lute to driue dumps from the heart and to abandon in wealth wickednes in health wantonnes in mirth forgetfulnes in want distrustfulnes in losse pensiuenes and in death fearfulnes Againe God commeth Howe dare then these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉