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A03464 The Christian exercise of fasting, priuate and publike plainly set forth by testimonies of holy Scriptures, and also of old and late writers: wherein is shewed how religious families priuatly, and the congregations publikely, haue humbled themselues before almightie God, making vse of iudgements past, auoyding euils present, and preuenting future calamities, &c. Together with sundrie abuses of fasting in three generations of hypocrites: the first in the dayes of the prophets: the second in the dayes of Christ: the third in the dayes of Antichrist. Hereunto also are added some meditations on the 1. and 2. chapters of Iob, to comfort and instruct all such as be afflicted with any crosse, either inwardly in minde, or outwardly in bodie. By H. Holland, minister and preacher of Gods word. Holland, Henry, 1555 or 6-1603. 1596 (1596) STC 13586; ESTC S104147 181,008 249

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second reason is this The kingdome of Christ is spirituall Ver. 22. and doth not consist in things which perish but meates and drinkes doe perish with the vsing Therefore his kingdome his worship and seruice doth not consist in these things The third argument Wee must place no religion nor worship of God in obseruation of mens traditions nor in will-worship but these be meere vaine traditions sowne by Sathan in the braines and minds of men Therefore auoyd them Obiect But these men which teach and practise this fasting abstinence are wise iust holy deuout religious men not sparing their owne flesh for the mortification of their corruptions for pleasing of God c. Ver. 23. Ans First they haue but a shew of wisedome and but a shadow of the sound knowledge of God Secondly their worshippe is but a will-worship which God abhorres Thirdly God regardes not this beating of the flesh no nor the cutting or launcing of it 1. King 18. 1. Thes 4.4 as wizards doe but willeth vs to keepe our vessels in holines and honour and to humble the soule the minde the heart and spirit before him in a sound knowledge of his word and will in faith and repentance c. Wee see then the Apostle here speaketh against traditions of men concerning differences of meates for euen in those dayes the diuell indeuoured to thrust into the Church certaine decrees concerning meates and fasting vnder pretence and colour of humilitie iustice wisdome great holines and deuotion 1. Vnder colour of wisdome and holines c. they decreed to keepe certaine set fasts on certaine daies appoynted 2. This fast consisted in abstinence from certaine meates which they commaunded no man should eate taste c. 3. They accounted this fast a speciall worke to serue and please God being yet but their own will-worship neuer prescribed of God 4. They taught men to hold it a matter of great holines to defraud the bodie of the honour and refreshing due thereunto The superstitiō of the 1.2 and 3. age came from one spirit of error and differ little but that in corruption the 2. doth exceede the first the 3. farre surpasse them both So then these words serue to admonish vs against the superstitious fasts of all ages albeit this Scripture was written principally against the Pharisees and Essees blind aduersaries to the trueth and the pure worship of God in the dayes of the Apostles The abuse of fasting in the dayes of the Prophets THe opinions which depraue and corrupt all this exercise and depriue vs of all good by it 1. Opus operatū 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. are these and the like to esteeme highly of the worke done 2. to account it a worke meritorious a speciall worship acceptable vnto God a cause of righteousnes a cause of pardon of sinnes a satisfaction for the quicke and the dead We may not doubt but some of these opinions infected the false worshippers hypocrites and vnbeleeuers of all ages The 1. generation of hypocrites Gen. 4. Cain thought his sacrifice and seruice as worthie of acceptation as Abels scornfull Ishmael as good as religious Isaacks prophane Esaus as holy Iacobs For vnbeleeuers are so blind But ther is no accesse to God nor pleasing of him in anie worke without faith in Christ Heb. 11.6 that they iudge the worke to be accepted for the very workes sake Therefore can they dreame of no iustice but of that of workes or of a mixt kind of iustice lately inuented in the dayes of Antichrist as hereafter shall appeare That age of the Prophets was corrupted not a little with this leauen of superstition as may appeare by the often complaints and cryes of the Prophets Superstitious fasts in this time Esay 58. The Lord commandeth Esay to cry aloude against the superstitious fasts of his time and so hee doth leauing to all posterities a record of the same First he sayth vnto them that they haue a shew of wisedome as the Apostle speaketh and of deuotion for they seeme to seeke God early They seeme to be righteous and to do righteously They seeme to draw neere to God as desirous to learne his lawes but they renounce his statutes vers 2. Secondly he accuseth them of flat superstition by testimonie of their owne words Wherefore haue wee fasted and thou seest it not Here appeares the sowre leauen of that opinion that fasting was an acceptable work and might alone commend a man with God vers 3. Thirdly that they thought this worke meritorious For thus spake the blind people Wee haue punished our selues meaning with abstinence and thou regardest it not we receiue no good by it These words very fitly agree with that the Apostle speaketh Coloss 2.23 They spare not the body neither haue they it in any estimation because they deeme fasting to be a matter of great deuotion and a work greatly pleasing vnto God Fourthly he addeth by the way of answer to these blind hypocrites that albeit they hang downe the head like a bull rush shaken with a tempest a whole day at the least yet so long as they bee emptie of grace and goodnes faith and repentance iustice and mercie and care o● the Sabboths their fasting and emptines can nothing please God The Prophet Zachary briefly noteth the same opinions and corruptions of fasting in his time chap. 7. and 8. Zach. 7.3 8. The Iewes then had their solemne set fasts certaine dayes and moneths of the yeare the fast of the fourth moneth the fast of the fift moneth the fast of the seuenth moneth and the fast of the tenth moneth The occasion of these fasts First the miserie of the Iewes began when Ierusalem was first besieged by the King of Babylon in the 9. yeare of Zedekiah the tenth moneth the tenth day of the moneth Iere. 52.4.5 For this cause a generall fast was kept in all the land this day and moneth Their second calamitie was in the 11. yeare of Zedekiah in the fourth moneth the ninth day of the moneth for the famine was then sore in the citie the citie broken vp the King taken c. Ier. 52.6.12 This was the occasion of the fast of the fourth moneth Their third calamitie and miserie was in the 5. moneth the tenth day of the moneth the miserable desolatiō and destruction of the temple kings palace and the citie the Babylonians consumed and defaced all their best buildings and palaces with fire The house of the Lord the kings house and al the great houses burnt he with fire Iere. 52.13 This was the cause of the third generall fast of the 5. moneth The fourth and last calamitie the Scriptures haue recorded was the bloudie conspiracie and death of Gedaliah a good man whom the King of Babylon had left as chiefe gouernour and ouerseer of all the Iewes which were left in Iewry 2. Kin. 25.22 to dresse the vines and to till the land Iere. 52.15 for
prepareth and inlargeth our harts before we can be humbled so then where great loue humilitie and repentance is in vs the Lords great loue and grace went before in the pardoning of many sinnes Luk 7.47 So speaketh Christ Many sinnes * An argumēt from the consequent not frō the cause as the example following testifieth are forgiuen her for she loued much Vers 14. Who knoweth if he will returne and repent and leaue a blessing euen a meat offering and drinke offering vnto the Lord your God THis verse containeth the third argument Coherence to moue the Iewes to repentance and it is thus much in effect Whereas the Lord hath consumed your corne and cattel and so wasted your store that you haue not to maintaine the publique seruice of the Lord so that your Leuites be discouraged in the Lords seruice 2. Chro. 31.4 Mala. 3.8 Notwithstanding if you shall vnfainedly seeke the Lord by heartie repentance be well assured how hard so euer it may seeme vnto men the Lord shall powre his blessings vpon you Who knoweth if By this manner of speaking Sense the Hebrues doe not meane any doubting in the speaker but they signifie the difficultie to obtaine that which is spoken of by any naturall meanes as then it might seeme admirable and incredible that after the ground had bin so long wasted and dried vp they should receiue some fruites of the earth againe q. d. True it is sayth the Prophet man hath good cause to doubt So lift vp your hearts in wars and pestilence howsoeuer it seeme hard to men yet god will deliuer you saue you doe you good if you repent but lift vp your hearts aboue earthly meanes and looke vpon Gods mercies and holie promises if you repent hee is willing and able doubt not to doe you good The like phrase we haue Exod. 32.30 I will go vp to the Lord if I may pacifie him for your sinne that is your sinne is so horrible what man is there but must doubt to finde any fauour with God for you yet I trust because of his infinite mercies I shall be heard and that with much crying I shall obtaine some mercie for you Caleb speakes in like manner Iosh 14.12 and Ionathan 1. Sam. 14.6.7 And Peter to Simon Magus Act. 8. 22. A blessing for meat offring and drinke offring that is the Lord will powre vpon you such blessings as you haue neede of for his seruice For by meat offring c he meaneth all manner of sacrifices and rites which were commanded in the seruice of the olde Church see Numb 28. vers 5. Exod. 29.40 Leuit. 2.1 Exod. 16.36 q. d. Because of your famine the diuine seruice of the Lord prescribed in his law is ceased notwithstanding mourne and lament and humble your selues vnfainedly and the Lorde shall graunt you such blessings as you haue neede of for the vpholding and continuance of the Lords seruice This verse teacheth vs First what a hard matter it is to asswage the fire of Gods wrath when it once breaketh foorth when he strikes with famine warres or pestilence any sinfull people Surely in regard of our selues because we haue multiplied sinnes against him we haue cause to doubt he will neuer leaue vs till he hath consumed vs. But when we consider his promises his goodnes his Christ his rich mercies in Christ let vs not doubt but send foorth cryes mightily vnto him and assuredly wee shall finde grace and comfort if wee beleeue and repent Consider the generall and fearfull sinnes of the land and when the Lords wrath breaketh foorth into warres plague famine or pestilence who can looke for any thing but that the Lord should consume as hee hath done the rebels in former ages where the Lords couenant is broken the seales polluted and prophaned his wonderfull name blasphemed the holy Sabboths spent in the seruice of Sathan Bacchus and Venus and reserued by vncleane beasts The reuenger of the couenant is sent forth for these sinnes Leuit. 26.25 as the only time for drunkēnes gluttonie surfetting whoredomes and such like abominations Yet notwithstanding the Lord our God being that gracious God so slow to wrath so full of bowels of mercie as the Prophet hath before shewed let Gods people in their vnfained repentance bee well assured they shall finde fauour and grace with God Secondly here wee learne the chiefe care and desire of Gods people when they be truely humbled and conuerted vnto God namely how the seruice and pure worship of God may bee maintained For they are well assured this is the chiefe piller and stay of all their good state and welfare in this life and Gods speciall ordinance for their euerlasting saluation So soone as Asa was deliuered truly humbled and informed by Gods Prophet he reformed his kingdome and set vp the seruice of God 2. Chro. 2. King 22.19 23. When Iosias heart melted hauing heard that holy law read c. he reformed his kingdom and set vp the pure worship of God in the land Now the time is come vpon vs for to practise this holy doctrine of repentance which the Prophet hath hetherto commended vnto vs in this exhortation if we regarde it not note the time of our visitation certaine it is the greater shame and confusion is reserued for vs. Let vs not bee like the Atheists of Esaias time who when the Lord called them to fasting weeping and mourning gaue themselues to eating and drinking and feasting scorning his Prophets with let vs be merrie for to morrow we shall die Esay And like to the brasen faced Atheists and rebels of Ieremies time of whom the Prophet complaineth in these words chap. 5. vers 3. 4. O Lord are not thine eyes vpon the trueth A dangerous signe if ther appeare no humiliation when god striketh Reue. 9 20. thou hast striken them but they haue not sorrowed thou hast consumed them but they haue refused to receiue correction they haue made their faces harder then a stone and haue refused to returne Therefore I sayd surely they are poore they are foolish for they know not the way of the Lord nor the iudgement of their God Vers 15. Sound the trumpet in Sion sanctifie a fast call a * or Proclaime the daie appoynted Kiru gnatzarah Indicite festū retentionis Because the people were kept in and restrained this daie solemne assemblie HEre beginneth the second part of this text wherein as before is noted foure things are principally to bee considered First what preparation must goe before a generall fast Secondly what persons must bee assembled Thirdly what must be done when they bee assembled together Fourthly what blessings they must expect assuredly if they humble themselues and truely conuert vnto God First concerning our preparatiō vnto a generall fast wee learne in this verse foure speciall poynts be required 1. The day must be knowne and signified with sounding of a trumpet
onely Ans No First they weepe for that by their sins they haue dishonored and displeased God Secondly they mourne also to consider the euils which are imminent and readie to fall vpon their enemies Psal 35. vers 13.14 For this cause Dauid he fasted wept and prayed for Saul when that tyrant sought euery day to kill him Thirdly they weep for the Church of God when Gods people are afflicted These bee causes of the teares of the faithfull But such as weepe onely because of their owne plagues Teares of hypocrites they are no better then dogges for they will crye when they bee beaten and the diuels also will rore when they must goe to hell as we heare in the Gospell 2. Quest What affections and causes moue teares Ans First sorrow and griefe of mind as in Ezras time because the temple reedified was not comparable to the first many in great griefe wept with a lowde voyce Ezra 3.12 Secondly great ioy of heart example for this cause we finde in Ioseph who was filled with exceeding ioy when he saw his brother Beniamin and this affection caused him to shed teares exceedingly Ioseph made baste for his affection was inflamed towards his brother and sought where to weepe and entred into his chamber and wept there Gen. 43.30 Thirdly a vehement anger being a mixt affection of ioy and griefe causeth teares for this euill affection doth reioyce in reuenge and will otherwhiles breake foorth into teares for very griefe of minde when it cannot reuenge Fourthly Compassion and mercie draw teares from the godlyfull often because of their sympathie and griefe they haue in the miseries of their brethren Ioh. 11. verse 34.35 Fiftly all our earnest and vehement desires may prouoke and draw teares from vs. Vers 13. Rent therefore your hearts and not your clothes and turne vnto the Lord your God for he is gracious and mercifull slow to anger and of great kindnes that he may repent him of this euill THE first part of this verse dooth yet more plainly expresse what vnfained humiliation conuersion God requireth at their hands the latter part containeth notable arguments from the Lords free goodnes and mercie to moue them to attend carefully vnto the former exhortation Secondly the Lord promiseth to change his minde from their affliction if they be changed Rent your harts c. That is Sense do not as the people of the East coūtries rend their clothes in signe of sorow c. Iob 1.20 Matth. 26.65 but rent your hearts Let your hearts bee broken and contrite sorrow ye and lament and this doe so as your hearts may testifie with you that you bee sicke for sinne and agrieued in your hearts for that you haue grieued the almightie God and his holy spirite Ephes 4.30 For he is gracious and mercifull slow to anger and of great kindnes That is the Lord is indeede such a God as he hath long since described and declared himselfe to bee vnto his holy seruant Moses when hee desired to see his glorie and to know his maiestie he proclaimed made knowne himselfe first in these words Exo. 34.6 7 8. I will shew mercie to whom I will shew mercie and I will haue compassion on whom I will haue compassion And againe in these words The Lord the Lord strong mercifull and gracious slow to anger and abundant in goodnesse and trueth reseruing mercie vnto thousands for giuing iniquitie and transgression and sinne c. God is first Chanun gracious that is one that giueth great gifts freely Secondly Rachun one that like a father hath bowels of mercie Thirdly Erek apajim one that is long winded very patient not soone offended Fourthly Rah chesed very bountifull or beneficiall That he may repent of this euill That is the Lord himselfe will not afflict you with warres other iudgements as he hath threatned if you * Al this is spoken to our capacitie comfort God is sayd in Scripture neuer to change alter or to repent of any decree his decrees are immutable Rom. 11.6 repent vnfainedly but he will embrace you as a father in his armes of mercie For as a father hath compassion on his children so hath the Lord compassion on them that feare him Psal 103. vers 13. This verse teacheth vs First that true repentance is no light change of minde opinion or iudgement onely no sayth the holy Prophet it must haue a deeper impression in the heart The heart must feele it and finde it as well as the minde and reason see it and knowe it for the heart must be rent and sicke that herein also wee may be * Rom 8.29 but when he is said to repent the meaning is that he changeth his menacings into blessings when his people are changed 1. Sam. 15.35 compare verse 11.29 c. conformed vnto the image of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ For his heart also was rent Ioh. 19.34 Neuer trust to any outward action if thou feelest no inward griefe nor change of minde 2. The way to conuert soules vnto God in miserie is by preaching the glad tidinges of Gods mercies in Iesus Christ Speake to men afflicted of iustice and iudgemēts the more they despaire and runne from God Psal 130.4 Mercie is with thee that thou maiest bee feared Rom. 12.1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye giue vp your bodies a liuing sacrifice vnto God Christ and Iohn began their Sermons of repentance with this argument Matth. 3.2 Repent for the kingdome of God is at hand 3. The inspeakeable loue and mercie of our heauenly father is here taught vs where he is sayd to repent when we repent There can bee no greater argument either to testifie his loue or to moue our affection Is not he a most gracious and blessed God that when wee poore forlome sinners repent and are grieued for displeasing him he repents also is agrieued that he hath beaten vs And is not that God full of bowels of mercie that when werepent leaue off to sinne he repents also and will cease to afflict vs We can no sooner mourne but he mournes Gods repentance and ours compared no sooner bee affected towards him but hee also is affected towards vs. Nay he affects vs before wee affect him and his affection is cause of our affection and his repentance cause of our repentance and our repentance but a signe of Gods repentance This the Prophet Ieremie also assureth vs that God is full of * A tender harted father can mourne and weepe euen when he beateth his children Ier. Lam. 3.32.33 ex animo heauines euen when he dooth chasten his people chap. 3.32 Though he send affiction yet will he haue compassion according to the multitude of his mercies for he doth not punish willingly So then wee see here a most comfortable doctrine that if we be truly humbled the Lord thē assuredly is minded to shew mercie for he first softeneth
other or both if it may be I am now come by Gods good prouidence to tel thee that thou maist pursue and followe after them with all the power and speed that may be 1. The 14. verse teacheth vs how neer Sathan may be in this world vnto vs whē we think him furthest off if this wicked spirit may thus rush vpon Gods good people whē they are well occupied in their lawfull vocation place and charge what maruell is it if hee bee let loose against the wicked and slothfull men which lie and sleepe in idlenesse and in sinne Peter thought little Sathan had been so neere when he warned his master louingly Let Sathan euer find vs wel occupied to spare and to pitie himselfe Math. 16.23 and when hee promised so confidently that hee would dye with his master Matth. 26.33 Iohn 15.37 Sathan lyeth in waite for vs euery where Sathan shames Dauid in his slothfulnes 2. Sam. 11.2 hee is an olde serpent 2. Cor. 11.3 Reuel 12.9.10 and by all his artes seeketh to circumuent vs to vnderprie vs 2. Cor. 2.10.11 to deuour vs as here we see by all the meanes he can 1. Peter 5.8 Therefore let vs put on our compleat armour euery day Ephe 6. 1. Thes 5. 2. Here againe the Lord aduertiseth vs what need we haue to be garded continually by the holy Angels of God Psal Sathan is our common aduersarie but the Lord hath appointed his good Angels to preserue vs otherwise both we and our substance should bee consumed euery day euerie moment of the day The 15. verse teacheth vs Theeues and robbers Sathās speciall hands and instrumēts to worke by 1. How Sathan maketh the children of rebellion his vassals and slaues to serue him and to worke his will Here is no mention made of Sathan yet all this murder and theft by the Sabeans came from him as the chiefe head for that bloudie and cruell spirit worketh spiritually inuisibly and strangely in all the children of rebellion Ephe. 2.2 It is hard to demonstrate in what manner Sathan worketh in the wicked because the scripture When this packe commeth against vs let vs remēber then that Sathan is let loose to proue vs. No mercy with Sathan and his instruments if the Lord rebuke them not they murder all Gen. 45.5 as here so elsewhere doth not so cleerely reueale it But the scriptures full often beate into our eares that Sathan is neere vs and worketh in the vnbeleeuers to the end we might watch and resist him by faith and prayer Iam. 4.7 2. We see here there is no mercie with Sathan and his instruments if the Lord stay not their rage Sathan had leaue and commission granted hee would haue all Iobs seruants murdered theeues and robbers were readie to execute and so bee also this crue but the Lord often cuttes them all short Sathan would haue murdered Ioseph by his brethren but God rebuked him and bridled them God saith he sent me hither for your preseruation So Sathan than and Saul his instrument sought euery day to murder Dauid 1. Sam. 23.14 But GOD deliuered him out of his hand Let vs learne to rest quietly by faith in the Lords sweete protection vse Psal 91.1 And Dauid himselfe so long as hee was caryed away with the spirite of whoredome and murder hee shewed himselfe a most mercilesse man It is a great comforte for a man in miserie to haue some louing friends about him a good wife or a good child or some good faithful seruāt but Iob had none of all these No doubt Sathan slew al the best seruants and left the worst aliue hee spared not his owne best beloued seruant good Vriah the proselyte 3. Sathan did rob Iob of all his faithfull children and best seruants which might comfort him in his miserie but he leaues him some fewe hirelings which hee knew would be meete instruments to scorne him and molest him in his afflictions Hee complaineth of a number such wretches which were about him to whom hee had done good often Children of fooles or of villaines or without name or of an euill name more vile then the earth now I am their song and their talke saith he they whose fathers I haue refused to set with the dogges of my flockes And yet was he a father to all the poore and fatherlesse 4. We may learne here againe how artificially Sathan prouides to wound Iobs hart hee kils al this companie excepting this messenger If none had beene left to make relation of this stratageme Sathan artificially playes his parts against Iob giues him no rest or intermission till al the tragedy be ended Iob had not knowen it may be this euill for some daies after in which time he might haue recouered some strength by prayer otherwise by some good meanes from the Lord. For this cause Sathan striues to play all the partes of this tragedie in such good order in one day as that it may most amaze Iob in beholding it and fill his heart with sorrowe and griefe without any ease or intermission Vers 16. And while he was yet speaking another came and sayde the fire of God is fallen from heauen and hath burnt vp the sheepe and the seruants and deuoured them but I onely am escaped alone to tell thee ANd while he was yet speaking c. Before the first messenger had ended his message another seruant came with the like or worse newes The fire of * Like phrase Gen. 50.8 Ionas 3.3 God is fallen from the heauen That is a strange fire or some sudden flashes of lightning in a grieuous tempest a fire which had some secret and diuine causes He speaks after the common manner of speaking the people thinke those fiery meteors which are bred in the highest region of the aire come from heauen God sent it wee knowe not how it came from aboue the heauens or highest region of the aire or the fire of God that is a most great and strange fire as Psalm 36.6 Thy righteousnes is like the mountaines of God that is most great and mightie mountaines And hath burnt vp the sheepe That is this cruell fire hath destroied and deuoured thy 7000. sheep seruants they be all consumed to ashes And I only by some diuine and speciall prouidence of God am escaped to tell thee 1. This verse againe teacheth vs first the subtiltie of our common enemie the great dragon that old serpent Doctrine hee hath begunne his tragedie hee hath begunne to wound Iobs heart Iob is an old souldier and therefore must be beaten downe all at once before he can recouer any strength hee will now giue him no time to gather newe strength He knowes Iob an old souldier which must be beaten downe all at once otherwise all his labour is lost For might Iob haue some rest to turne to God by prayer before hee bee so broken and amazed as hee knowes not where to