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A01262 Certaine fruitfull instructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen ... ; whereunto is added a table, wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke. Frewen, John, 1558-1628. 1587 (1587) STC 11379.5; ESTC S4308 159,556 432

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no outwarde deede at all 118 The blasphemy of the Papistes concerning sinne THE Papistes can say well ynough that if a man consent vnto euill that is to say if be lust after it in such wise as he would faine doe it if occasion serued they graunt that such a consent is a damnable sinne But if a man haue anie euill liking so hee consent not throughly to it the Papistes saye it is no sinne at all which is false It is sayde thou shalt loue the Lorde thy GOD Deut. 6.5 Mat. 21.37 Mar 12.30 Luk. 10.27 with all thy heart and with all thy strength What is meant by minde and strength God hath not limited the loue that wee owe vnto him that it should be onely in our heartes and mindes but he sayeth that our witt reason and vnderstanding and all our strength that is to saye all our powers and abilities that wee haue in our nature must bee also thoroughly applyed thereunto Nowe then if a man conceaue anye euill although he consent not to it nor yeelde his affection fully thereunto can he bee sayde to loue God with all his mind No if a man haue neuer so little a peece of himselfe inclyning to corruption although with all the rest hee endeuour himselfe to accomplish the lawe yet doeth hee loue GOD as he ought to doe No vndoubtedly for sinne is nothing else but a transgressing of Gods lawe Therefore wee may conclude that all the vayne thoughtes which prouoke vs vnto euill are sinne and that we are guiltie of them to God warde vnlesse he beare with vs of his infinite goodnesse But he forgiueth them to those that are his Neuerthelesse it be hooueth them to acknowledg it for sinne and whosoeuer doth flatter himselfe hee doeth but prouoke Gods wrath and couer the mischiefe to his owne damnation For in the ende his hypocrisie must be discouered and made manifest to be punished with all the rest 119 Sinne doth bring death with it WHere sinne raigneth we shall finde nothing but the wrath of God which bringeth with it death Therefore it is only mercie which reconcileth vs vnto God that therewithall we might be restored to life God so loueth the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne Io. 3.16 that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Ro. 5.10 If any demand in whom this loue is founded the Apostle Paule answereth that it is founded in the purpose of his will Notwtstanding this maner of speech seemeth to be contrarie to many places of the scriptures Eph. 1.5 which place the first principall foundation of Gods loue towardes vs in Christ and doe shewe that without him we are displeasing and hatefull vnto God But we must remember that the hidden secret loue with which God hath loued vs because it springeth from his eternall purpose is aboue all other causes but that his grace which hee would haue to be made manifest vnto vs and by which we haue assurance of saluation beginneth at the reconciliation made by Christ For seeing we must needes graunt that hee hateth all sinne and wickednesse howe can we assure our selues to be in his loue and fauour vntill our sinnes are cleane put awaye for the which he is iustly angrie with vs Thus the bloud of Christ must be the meane to make God fauourable vnto vs before wee can haue any maner of feeling of his fatherly loue and clemency 120 We must confesse our sinnes vnto God GOd it is alone whom wee haue and do offende who knoweth our hearts deedes and determinations remitteth or punisheth sinnes and hath giuen his sonne vnto vs an high priest and one eternal sacrifice Therefore must we come to God the Father through Christ and that with the same wordes which hee hath giuen vs teaching vs to confesse our sinnes saying Mat. 6.12 Luk. 11.4 Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And after this sorte may all the faithfull in all their trobles and at all times and in euery place confesse themselues to God both secretly and openly Secretly when ech man prayeth alone and confesseth his sins to God Openly when anye man in the Church togeather with the whole congregation prayeth and confesseth the same And there are manye examples in the holye Scriptures of those who confessed themselues vnto God and not onely craued but also obteyned of him forgiuenesse of their sinnes But on the contrary part there are no examples of anye which confessed themselues to Laye men or Priestes for this honour belongeth to GOD alone whiche hath giuen vs his sonne to bee our highe Priest who heareth sufficiently the confession of all the faithfull so that there is no neede to substitute any in his roome to heare them For who so euer with a true fayth from the bottome of his heart confesseth his sinnes in this manner to God the Father and to his sonne our only chiefe Priest Christ Iesus crauing his grace and mercye they vndoubtedly receaue ful remission of all their sinnes If wee confesse our sins 1. Io. 1.9 sayeth S. Iohn he is mercifull to forgiue vs our sinnes Wherefore seeing it is thus as by the truth it is confirmed they then which confesse their sinnes to God and to his sonne our Lorde haue obteyned full remission of the same so there is no neede to vse the Popish confession of the romish Synagogue 121 Faith is the meanes whereby remission of sinne is promised FOrasmuch as God hath promised remission of sinnes to the repentant sinner by no other meanes nor condition but only faith in christ therfore excluding al other meanes conditions of mans working we saye that what repenting sinner soeuer beleueth in Christ hath already to himselfe and needeth not to seeke to any preist perpetuall assurance of remission not for this time or that time onely but for euer Ro 8.1 For the promise saith not he that beleeueth in Christ shal be pardoned this time so he sin no more neither doth say that the law is staied or the sentence repriued but saith plainly that the lawe with the condemnation thereof and sentence is condemned shall neuer ryse again to them that be in C. Iesus Act. i0 43 and promiseth indeterminatly without limitation forgiuenes of sins to all that beleeue in his name And likewise in an other place the scripture speaking absolutelye saieth sin shal not haue dominion ouer you and addeth the reason why saying Ro. 6.14 for ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace Adding this lesson withall as it followeth in the same place not that sinners shoulde sin more therefore beecause they are vnder grace but onely that weake infirmity might bee relieued broken censciences conforted and repenting sinners holpen from desperation to the praise of Gods glory for as God forgeueth not sinners because they should sin so neither doeth infirmity of falling diminish the grace of Christ but rather
beare If a poore silly sparrow as Christ assureth thē falleth not to the grounde without their father that is in heauen 1. Cor. 10.13 Mat. 10.29 they are perswaded that they are far more pretious in the sight of god thē all the sparrowes in the worlde and therefore that an haire shall not fall from their head without his wil and pleasure The example hereof euidently appeareth in Iob and in the Apostles of Christ The deuel could● not vexe Iob vntil it was graunted him by God Sathan desired to sifte the Apostles as men vse to sifte corne but Christ prayde for them that their faith might not fayle Yea a legion of deuils were not able to hurte a heard of hogges Luk. 12.32 but by the permission of Christ This comfort neuer faileth and when the faithfull betake themselues to this defence they maye be truely sayd to rest vnder the shadowe of the most highest Mat. 19.29 They which refuse persecution offered for Christ his sake cannot be his true disciples but shewe them selues to haue been hypocrites and dissemblers 147 The fauour of God the onelye foundation of consolation EXcept God be gratious vnto vs although all thinges looke pleasantly vpon vs yet no certaine trust can be conceaued And on the contrarie part his onely fauour is a sufficient solace in all sorrowe and a strong defence against all tempestes of aduersities And hereunto appertaine many testimonies of the scriptures where the Sainctes trusting to the only power of God dare despise what soeuer thing commeth againste them in this world Though I should walke through the valley of the shadowe of death I will feare no euill saith the prophet for thou art with me In the Lorde put I my trust Ps 11.1 how say yee then to my soule flye to your mountaine as a byrde I will not saith hee be afrayde of ten thousand of people that shoulde beset mee rounde about Ps 3.6 For there is no power vnder heauen or aboue heauen that can resiste the arme of the Lord therefore he being our defender noe harme at all is to be feared 148 The will of God is alwaye iuste although we see not the reason thereof THe wil of God although the reason therof be vnknowne vnto vs is to be counted iust For the Lord hath his right takē from him if he be not at liberty to doe with his creatures as he seemeth best This seemeth hard to the eares of many And there are also some who alleadge that God is put to great reproch if such libertie be geuen vnto him as though they with their disdainefulnes were better diuines then the holy Ghost who hath appointed this rule of humility to the faithfull that they shoulde wonder at the power of God and not esteme it after their own iudgement The Apostle Paule represseth this arrogancie of striuing with God in his Epistle to the Ro. by a most fiue similitude wherein he seemeth rather to haue alluded vnto Esay then Ieremie Ro. 9.20 Esay 5.9 Ier. 18.9 6. For nothing else is taught in Ieremie then that Israel is in the hand of the lord so that for his sinnes he may breake him in peeces as a potter may his earthen vessell But Esay goeth higher saying wo bee to him the gainesayeth his maker namely to the pot that striueth with the potter shall the clay say to the potter what makest thou c. And surely there is no cause why a mortall man shoulde preferre himselfe before an earthen vessel whē he compareth himselfe with God 149 Through faith our sinnes are forgiuen WHo soeuer beleeueth in Christ is not iudged that is to saye by the grace and mercy of God he is saued the sentence of deserued condemnation also being taken awaye So the Apostle sayth there is noe condemnation to those that are in Christe Iesus Ro. 8.1 Mar. 16.16 And whereas our sauiour Christe affirmeth that al the faithfull are out of perill of death we may therby gather howe necessarie the certainety and stability of faith is to take away the trembling and oppressing feare of conscience Hee pronounceth that there is no condemnation Io. 3.18 so soone as we beleeue and therfore if for faithes sake a man is not iudged as the truth it selfe plainely affirmeth where is then indulgences and pardons Where are the Romish satisfactions And where is the fayned fyre of purgatorie and such like humaine imaginations and deuises Surely they are vanished away and perished for euer For the truth hath said which ought neuer to be forgotten that who soeuer beleeueth in him hath euerlasting life Io. 6.47 150 Of the true knowledge of God THere is but one God in essence or nature which is the father of whom are all thinges and we in him Ier. 23.33 The same God is inuisible and immartall 1. Tim. 17. He is in al places seeth all thinges and filleth the heauen and the earth He is almightie infinite and eternall he is the maker and preseruer of all thinges He is onely wise gentle iust true merciful The Lorde Exo. 34.6 the Lorde sayeth Moses is stronge mercifull and gracious flowe to anger and aboundaunt in goodnesse and trueth In this deuine essence three persons doe subsist Mat. 3.16 28.9 being truely distinguished from euerlasting in their seuerall properties the Father the Sonne and the holye Ghost But the comforter which is the holy Ghost whome the Father will sende in my name hee shall teach you all thinges and bring all thinges to your remembraunce which I haue tolde you Io. 14.26 These three persons are not three Gods but they are coeternall and coequall 1. Io. 5.7 Act. 17.23 distinct concerning their properties and yet without any manner of inequalitie being by nature so vnited togeather that they be but one God eternall infinite and most perfect in it selfe 151 The power and godhead of God are seene and howe AMongest the properties and persons which are in God which is one there is such distinction that to the Father we must attribute the beginning of working and creating we must holde him for the fountaine and spring of all things To the son we must attribute wisedome coūsell Ps 33.6 the gouernment of things that are made To the holy Ghost we must attribute the power and efficacie of working executing And although that the eternitie of the Father is also the eternity of the sonne and of the holy Ghost for God could neuer be without his wisedome power and in the eternitye there ought neither first nor last to be sought yet is it not a vaine thing nor superfluous to obserue this order in the eternitie ●● namely that we set the Father first in order and in the second place the sonne which commeth of him in the third place the holy ghost which proceedeth from them both For also the mind of euery one inclineth to consider first God afterwards his wisdome which springeth
our heart is bent to euill 2. Co. 3.5 and that wee haue not so much as a good thought of our selues vntill such time as hee hath made vs to profit in his schole we be all fooles yea euen they that thinke themselues to be most wise And so is al our foolish cōfidence beaten down and men must be faine to vnderstand that vntill God haue called them to his truth they be void of al reason wisedome there is no other meane to make vs walke in the right waye then the vtter bereauing of vs of all our vaine flatteringes 182 Free will ouerthrowne SO long as we are without Christ we bring foorth no good fruite acceptable vnto GOD because we are not apt to doe good for without me sayeth Christ you can doe nothing Io. 15.5 In which woordes hee speaketh most plainely against free-will and against al humaine strength be it neuer so stronge and also vtterly ouerthroweth the same For as the braunch being cut from the vine bringeth foorth no frute but withereth away euen so man can doe nothing at all to attaine to righteousnesse and saluation if so be through vnbeleefe he be separated frō Christ Nowe although the Papistes in worde onely doe confesse that wee can doe nothing without Christ 2. Cor. 3.5 yet notwithstanding they faine a certain power in vs which of it selfe is not sufficient to worke except it be holpen with the grace of God For they will not abide that a man shoulde be so emptie and free frō power strength to worke that which is good but that he may do somewhat of himselfe But the wordes of our Sauiour Christ so plainly spoken cannot in such wise be coloured Such therefore is the imagination of the Papists that they affirme that without Christ we can do nothing and yet notwithstāding being holpen by him that wee can doe somewhat of our selues without his grace But Christ pronounceth the contrary as that we can do nothing of our selues Io. 15.4 For the branch sayth he can not bring foorth fruite of it selfe 183 Of grace election vocation faith iustification glorification free will c. IN them that be chosen to life first Gods mercie and free grace Ro. 10.17 bringeth foorth election election woorketh vocation or gods holy calling which vocation thorough hearing bringeth knowledge and fayth of Christ fayth thorough promise obteyneth iustification iustification through hope wayteth for glorification Election is before time vocation and faith commeth in time Iustification and glorification is without ende Election depending vppon Gods free grace and will excludeth all mans will blinde fortune chance and all peraduentures Vocation standing vppon Gods election excludeth all mans wisedome cunning learning intention power and presumption Faith in Christ proceeding by the gifte of the holye ghost and freely iustifying man by Gods promise excludeth all other merites of men all condition of deseruing and all workes of the lawe both Gods lawe and mans lawe withal other outward meanes whatsoeuer Iustification comming freely by grace standeth sure by promise without doubt Tit. 2.12 feare or wauering in this life Glorification pertayning onely to the life to come by hope is looked for Grace and mercie preuenteth election ordeineth vocation prepareth and receaueth the woorde whereby commeth faith faith iustifieth and iustification bringeth glorie 184 Howe wee may be assured of our election and howe faith doth worke the same WHosoeuer wil be certain of his election in God let him looke to his faith in Christ which if he find in him to stand firme be may be sure and nothing doubt but that hee is one of the nūber of Gods elect Secondly they saie faith and nothing else is the only condition and means wherupon gods mercy grace election vocation all gods promises to saluation do stay according to the words of the holy Ghost Col. 1. Col. 1.23 If yee abide in the faith Thirdly this faith also is the immediate next cause of our iustification simply without any other condition annexed For as the mercie of God his grace election vocation other former causes doe saue iustifie vs vpon condition if wee beleeue in Christ so this faith onely in Christ without condition is the next immediate cause which by gods promise worketh our iustification according as it is written Act. 18.31 beleeue in the Lorde Iesus and thou shalt be saued thou and all thy whole house 185 Election and vocation after purpose THe cause only of gods election is his own free mercy the cause in some manner of our iustification is our faith in Christ nothing else As for example First concerning election if the question bee asked why Abraham was chosen and not Nathor why was Iacob chosen and not Esau Why was Moses elected and Pharao hardened Why Dauid accepted and Saule refused why fewe chosen and the most forsaken It can not be answered otherwise then thus because it was so the good will of God In like manner touching vocation and also faith if the question be asked why this vocation and gifte of faith was giuen to Cornelius the Gentile not to Tertullius the Iewe Why to the poore little ones of this worlde of whom Christ speaketh Mat. 11.25 I thank thee father which hast hid this from the wise c. why to the simple vnwise outcastes in this worlde of whom speketh S. Paul saying 1. Cor. 1.26 ye see your calling my brethren howe not many of you c Why to the sinners not to the iust Why the beggars by the high wayes were called Ma. 11.26 and the bidden gestes excluded We can goe to no other cause but to gods purpose election Lu. 18.14 say with Christ our sauiour yea father for so it was thy good pleasure And so for iustificatiō likewise if the question be asked why the Publican was iustified Mat. 21.31 and not the Pharisei Why harlots Publicans go before the Scribes Pharisies in the kingdome why the sonne of the free woman was receaued Ge. 21.12 the bondwomans sonne being his elder reiected Why Israel which so long sought for righteousnesse found it not and the Gentils which sought not for it foūd it We haue no other cause hereof to render but to say with S. Paul Ro. 9.32 because they sought for it by workes of the law not by faith which faith as it cōmeth not by mans will but only by the free gift of God so is it onely the instrumentall cause whereunto the promise of our saluation is annexed According as we reade Ro. 4.16 Therefore it is by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seed vers 5. Also in the same chap. he saith that his faith is counted for righteousnesse which beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly 186 Diuers kindes of faith THere be many kindes of fayth as a man may
lies and deceipts but when wee come to the touchstone of the worde of God wee shall then knowe what is to be receaued and how we may well discerne it from false doctrines and from the forged and counterfaite practises of mens deuises 24 The ende of the Lawe THE Lawe of God doth not only teache vs howe wee ought to liue with our neighbors being conuersaunt with them without deceipt malice or violence and how to serue God in holinesse and righteousnesse 1 Tim. 1.5 but the cheefest ende of the law is to leade vs to Christ to seeke our saluation in him For it hath pleased God to receaue vs into his fauour by the meanes of his onelye son because we are washed and made cleane from our filthinesse 1. Cor. 6 11 because he hath payed our debtes whereby we were in danger to euerlasting death And finally because we cannot bee iustified by the deedes of the lawe or our owne merits Ro. 5.1 Gal. 3.10 but by the free goodnesse of our God The lawe conteyneth nothing contrarye to the Gospell and if wee consider rightly wee shall finde that the Gospell is a simple expounding of that whiche Moyses preached before and althoughe there was a darknesse in the shadowes and figures of the lawe And that God was not in some respecte so gratious vnto the olde fathers as vnto vs yet notwithstanding the substaunce of the Gospel is drawn from thence 1. Tim. 1.5 Heb. 11.2 and wee haue the same faith which they had that liued before the cōming of our Lord Iesus Christ Great cause haue wee therefore to profit in the Lawe of God to take heede we lose not so great a treasure 25 Loue the fruite of Faith LOue proceedeth from faith which carieth with it a good conscience and a pure harte and so is loue the fruite of Faithe whereby wee knowe that which is secret Moreouer we must knowe that faithe is not a wandering opinion it consisteth not in talking well but it is a liuely knowledge rooted in the harte for therein God offereth himself vnto vs will haue vs for our parts to come vnto him 26 The spirit of Faith is the spirit of loue THe same spirit whiche is the spirit of Faith and perswadeth our consciences to beleeue the vnspeakeable goodnesse and mercie of God towards vs in Christ Iesus is also the spirit of loue and enflameth our hartes earnestlie to loue so bountifull and so mercifull a God that vouchsafed when we were yet his enemies to giue his dearlye beloued sonne to death for vs. Io. 3.16 1. Io. 4.9.10 Now if by the motion of one spirit we doe by faithe assuredlie know Gods goodnesse toward vs and by the knowledge and true sense thereof do loue him for the same needes must there follow obedience to his will and perpetual studie to please him Io. 14.13 Faithe then of necessitie bringeth forth loue and loue bringeth forth obedience to his will He that loueth me saieth our sauiour Christ keepeth my sayings This loue then should lead vs to obedience this loue shoulde be the roote of all good doings and not of a proud hope to merit Gods fauour and euerlasting life by our owne good woorkes Luc. 17.10 For when wee haue done all that we can doe as Christe witnesseth wee haue not yet done so much as of duetie we should doe 27 Faith it is that iustifieth HE sheweth himselfe to be a preposterous interpreter of the lawe who seeketh to be iustified by the workes thereof because the Lawe was giuen to this ende that it might leade vs by the hande to another righteousnesse Whatsoeuer the Lawe teacheth whatsoeuer it commaundeth whatsoeuer it promiseth Ro. 5.1 Ro. 10.4 Gal. 3.24 it hath Christ always for his marke and therefore all the partes thereof are to bee directed vnto him And that cannot bee vnlesse we being spoyled of all righteousnesse confounded with the knowledge of sinne doe seeke for free righteousnesse of him onlie For although the lawe of righteousnesse doeth promise a rewarde to his obseruers Yet after it hath brought all vnder giltinesse it substituteth a new righteousnesse which is not gotten by the merit of works Ro. 3 20. but being freely giuen is receaued by faith 28 The vse of the Lawe THe Lawe is giuen to condemne vs to th' end we should seeke saluation in our Lord Iesus Christ forasmuch as in our selues there is nothing but condemnation And although the childrē of God are exempt and set at liberty from the curse therof by the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ insomuch as hee hath put out the hand writing of ordinances that was againste vs Col. 2.14 and fastened the same vppon the crosse to the end that when we shall come before the iudgement seate of God wee might be acquited and discharged yet notwithstanding because of our manifold corruptions and superfluities God applieth his law to stirr vs vp to goodnesse and to correct our vices that our hartes should not be hardened ● therefore wee ought to submitte our selues vnto it willinglie and not bee like vnto the wicked whiche must bee constreyned thereunto by force 29 The Lawe and the Gospell THe Law was giuen after a fearefull and terrible manner and it brought nothing but deathe and cursing And the Gospel bringeth vs life and saluation In the law there was as it were a vaile couering Ex. 19.18 Deu. 4.11 and God spake as it were in a shadowe but in the Gospell hee reuealeth himselfe face to face and not onelye in a naturall image but to the end that we should haue our shape turned into his glory and that we should profitte therein from day to daye In the gospell we haue the summe of righteousnesse as saith the Prophet Malachie Mal. 4.2 wherein God saieth not that hee will make his worde as a lampe as before in the Lawe but it is saide that the sun of righteousnesse shall arise and vnder his wings shal be perfect health as the Apostle also declareth that the doctrine which is nowe set foorthe is not darke and obscure For God hath in such sort taken order for what soeuer was expedient for the perfection of our saluatyon that we see clearlie in the doctrine of the gospel what soeuer is necessary and requisit for vs wee neede not any more goe seek the starres seing wee haue the Sunne that shineth so brightlie and therfore let vs learne to bee content with the Gospell forasmuche as God hath giuen vs such a direction as he knoweth meete for our saluation 30 The Lawe and the Gospel THe Lawe sheweth vs our sin the Gospell sheweth vs remedie for it The Lawe sheweth vs our condemnation Ro. 3.20 Io. 1 29 Ro. 7.7 Col. 1.6 Ro. 4.15 Act. 14.3 Io. 1.29 Ro. 5.10 the Gospell sheweth vs our redemption The Law causeth wrathe the gospell is the worde of grace the lawe is the worde of dispaire the gospell is the worde of comfort
motion and as they are selfe taught but it is God that giueth it and that of an especiall goodnes I will not the death of a sinner saith the Lord but that hee conuerte and liue Eze. 18.23 33 And how is that possible If we were able to turne our selues vnto the Lord it were a more excellent worke then to create vs and experience it selfe doth sufficientlye condemne vs. It is moreouer an vndoubted doctrine throughout the whole scripture For in euery place our Lord Iesus Christ giueth himselfe the prayse of turning vs shewing that he will soften our stonie hearts Eze. 11.19 20. Phil. 2.3 and make them bowe to obey him and it is his worke not onely to giue vs that we may but that we will and desire to obey his commandementes and to bee shorte there is nothing that the faithfull ought to doe so much as in this behalfe to giue God the glorie confessing that it is in him onely to turne vs that it is he onely that hath adopted vs in such sort that he must needes draw vs by the grace of his holy spirite The Lorde must open our eyes and eares also before we can attayne to this woonderfull wisedome which is conteyned in the gospell Deu. 29.4 Ro. 8.7 because the natural man vnderstandeth not any part of the secrets of God therefore it followeth that it is an especial gift of the holy ghost when he lighteneth our hearts in the faith of his truth 212 Howe we ought to repent THe true preparatiue to repentāce is to be pricked so nearely as we may feele the euill that is in vs condemne our selues for it we must learne to streine our selues to hold our selues as prisoners although the same fall out contrarie to our desire yet neuerthelesse wee must goe on still further that God may winne the vpper hand of vs. We must learn to hate our selues to take displeasure against ourselues and to be reuenged of our owne naughtinesse 2 Co. 7.11 according as the Apostle sayeth 2. Cor. 7. For repentance importeth that men should condemne thēselues and take vengeance on themselues when they see their whole life corrupted and that they should vse an holy anger against it In steede of desiring to bee reuenged of our enemies when they haue doone vs any harme wee should be chafed and angry with our selues yea and punish our selues for faultes when wee cannot frame our selues vnto the will of God Wee should euery man enter into his owne conscience acknowledge howe corrupt and damnable sinners wee are of our selues Mar. 1.15 confesse our sinnes and when we haue doone so let vs enter from them and behold the great mercie of God 213 The qualities of repentance ONe speciall qualitie of repentance is alwayes to bring with it remission of sinnes for where true repentance goeth before there remission of sinnes must necessarily followe after not that repentance deserueth remission of sinnes but because where God worketh repentance there he pardoneth sinne because of his promise Eze. 18.27 When the wicked sayth the Lorde turneth away from his wickednesse that he hath committed and doth that which is lawful and right Esay 55.7 he shall saue his soule a liue And againe let the wicked forsake his wayes and the vnrighteous his own imaginations and returne vnto the Lorde and he will haue mercy vpon him Here we see to whom forgiuenes of sinnes the mercie of God belongeth as namely to the penitent sinners to those that leaue sinne imbrace godlinesse to those that forsake their owne waies and imaginations and turne vnto the Lorde And as for such as walke on in their own waies and folowe the delightes of sin without any sorrowe or purpose to leaue them they haue nothing to doe with the mercie of God and though Iesus Christ had suffered an hundred deathes which could not be yet shall no vnpenitent sinner haue remission of sinnes by his death nor any other benefites of his passion for they belong onely to his Church and chosen people here vpon the earth He therefore that is not of the church he that is not grafted into Christ by faith he that is not a member of his misticall bodie can enioy nothing by Christs death If a mā abide not in me saith our Sauiour Christ he is cast foorth as a branch and withereth Io. 15.6 and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they burne We may reade also in an other place howe God barreth all stubborne sinners from his mercie Deu. 29.18.19 and doth most terriblie shoot out against them He that heareth the words of this curse and blesseth himselfe in his heart saying I shal haue peace although I walke according to the stubbornenesse of my owne heart thus adding drunkennesse to thirst the Lorde will not be mercifull vnto him but then the wrath of the Lord and his iealousie shall smoke against that man euery curse that is written in this booke shal light vpō him 214 Of Sacraments and what a Sacrament is THE Lorde hath added vnto the preaching of the Gospell most holy Sacramentes as namely Baptisme and the supper of the Lorde The Sacramentes are holy actions of the faithfull in the church of Christ ordeyned by the Lorde himselfe to be signes and seales of true doctrine first doubtlesse bearing witnesse that we are receaued of God into grace and into the couenaunte and that he is our God that he clenseth vs from our sinnes regenerateth and reneweth vs and adopteth or chuseth vs as sonnes and receaueth vs vnto the partaking and fellowship of all good thinges which of vs must bee kept holy and we must liue godly and innocently before him They are also testimonies that the true Messias in times past promised vnto the old Fathers from the beginning of the worlde is nowe exhibited or giuen of God vnto the Church of Christ I meane Christ our Lorde who truely gaue his flesh and bloud vnto death to redeeme vs with his flesh bloud to nourish vs vnto eternall life that we againe as the Church by him redeemed Lu. 22.19 should keepe in continuall memory the death of our Lord 1. Cor. 11.26 praise him extoll him and giue thankes vnto him The Sacraments are also to admonish vs of our duties that wee should lead our liues in true godlines brotherly loue hold that one religion with whose sacramentes we are separated also frō al other religions 215 A Sacrament consisteth of three partes SAcramentes doe consist of three partes the first is the outwarde signe the seconde is the spirituall or inwarde grace and the thirde part is the worde of Christes institutiō or promise which is as it were the life and soule of the Sacrament Water in Baptisme signifieth that as water naturally hath a propertie to wash and clense the filth from the bodie Io. 1.7 so doth the grace of God through Christes bloude wash away
hardened against the grace of God yet let him heare this worde of God and let it often fall into his eares Ier. 3.29 for it is as the Prophet saith a hammer which breaketh the stone in peeces and is able in the power of God to mollifie his heart or if the sinner be suncken downe so deepe that he will not rise it will crush him downe deeper that he may perish in sinne and so God saith to his Prophet Ieremie I will put my words into thy mouth and it shall be as fire Ier. 5.14 and this people shall be as wood and it shall deuour them And this is it S. Paule expresly witnesseth to be the onely meanes to glorifie God to preach the truth of his word vnto all for so saith hee we are alwaies a sweet smelling sauour of Christ vnto God as well in those that perishe as in those that be saued 2. Cor. 2.16 to the one a sauour of life vnto life to the other of death vnto death 237 The cause why the worde of God is despised BEcause the word of God is simple and teacheth vs not high and excellent thinges in the opinion of the world for this cause it is despised and men make no accompt to follow the way which it teacheth thinking it a great dishonour to be conformable to the same and that they should be scarce woorthy to liue Likewise men persecute at all times those that followe it as wicked and esteeme them vnworthy of life But those which despising the worde seeke out thinges which are in price with the worlde and follow them are reputed honest men and are placed alwayes in the most honorable place amonge worldlinges Which is the cause that they thinke themselues to be in good estate and of such force as they shall neuer perish Wherein they deceaue themselues Deu. 4.6 Leu. 18.5 Mat. 22.32 Mar. 12.27 for seeing the worde of God is our wisedome and vnderstanding and that he which doeth the thinges appointed by the same shal liue it foloweth that without this wisedome there is nothing but death 238 It is not for vs to knowe the times and seasons which the father hath put in his owne power BY the woorde of God wee are taught and instructed that the day of the Lorde shall come vpon vs as a theefe in the night When the light of the trueth is taken away when the heart of the good man of the house is at rest and his eyes are darkened that they cannot see and all his sences drowned in worldlye pleasures When wee care for nothing that is godly when we saye peace and rest then will the sonne of man come to iudgement then shall destruction sodainely fall vppon vs. Act. 1.7 1. Thes 5.2 Therefore let vs be readie for in the houre that wee thinke not will the Sonne of man come Of that daye and houre knoweth no man sayeth our Sauiour Christ no not the Angelles which are in heauen Mar. 13.32 neither the sonne himselfe but the Father What may wee thinke then of them that write Bookes and Almanackes and say and teach expresly that such a yeare and at such a time Christe shall come and with these speeches fraye and mocke the worlde Let men know that they are but mortall and that by nature they are vtterly blinde God hath giuen vs knowledge in measure we can not know asmuch as we would Let vs know that which is fitte for vs and speake that that is lawfull to be spoken Let vs thinke vpon the commandements of God to followe them and not search into his workes Luke 21.25 Esa 13.10 Eze. 32.7 Ioel. 2.31 3.15 to be curious in them for he that is curious in searching the maiestie of God otherwise then he hath reuealed in his word shall be oppressed and confounded by his glory Thus much we may well know that the Lorde will come that all fleshe shall appeare before him that the worlde the heauen and the earth the Sunne and the Moone shall haue an end Math. 24.29 42. that the day of the Lord shall come sodenly as a theife in the night This warning God hath giuen vs that we should not be taken vnawares but that we repent and stand in readinesse continually watching and praying euery minute of an houre that we may be caught vp into the cloudes to meete our Redeemer 239 Of the second comming of Christ THe Sonne of God shall come downe with maiesty from heauen the Trumpet of God shal sonnde and be hearde from the one end of the heauen to the other Then shall he be the iudge ouer al flesh Then shall hee shewe himselfe to be king of kinges Lord of Lordes Then shall he not come in humilitie meekenesse and mercye but with dread terror of iudgement and iustice Not with 12. poore Apostles but with so many thousande Angelles to attende vpon him Not in the preaching of the gospel and calling sinners to repentance but in the sound of a trumpet wherwith all the corners of the earth shall be amazed Then shall hee not saye Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie loaden Mat. 11.28 Mat. 15.24 and I will refresh you I am sent to the lost sheepe of the house of Israell He shall not say Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe but he will saye you haue beene ashamed of mee and my worde before men therefore now wil I be ashamed of you before my heauenly Father Then shall they that despised the woorde of God knowe what they despised and the blasphemers shall reape the fruite of their blasphemy Then the carelesse Shepheard and idle Minister which hath not to his power fedde the Lordes sheepe but neglected them and left them at al aduentures which folowing the lustes of his owne heart hath betrayed his flocke and giuen them to be a pray vnto the wolfe shall receaue a iust recompence for his treason Then the aduterer oppressour and vsurer shall haue their life layde open before them They shall see him whome they pearced thorough Reu. 1.7 They shall see his sworde readie drawne to slaye all his enemyes and shall fall downe for feare of him that sitteth vpon the throne But the hearts of the righteous shall reioyce They shall lift vp their heades see him in whom they haue trusted Then shall they say This is the day which the Lorde hath made Ps 118.24 let vs reioyce be glad in it Let vs reioyce vnto the Lorde let vs come before his face with praise let vs sing loud vnto him with Psalmes Such shal be the state and countenance honor maiestie of our God when he shal come down from heauen for our deliuerance 240 Christ is the Apostle and high Priest of our profession IF we be Christians we must learn to professe no other teacher nor no other Sauiour but Iesus Christ onely 1. Cor. 1.30 We must beleeue and