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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00635 Certain godly and learned treatises written by that worthie minister of Christe, M. Dudley Fenner; for the behoofe and edification of al those, that desire to grovv and increase in true godlines. The titles whereof, are set downe in the page following; Selections Fenner, Dudley, 1558?-1587. 1592 (1592) STC 10769; ESTC S101933 97,773 202

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And he said wherefore wilt thou goe to him meaning the Prophet to day It is neither newe Moone nor Sabboth day Which sheweth that in the scarcitie of the preaching ministerie they went on those dayes to the Prophetes to heare the word of God The second dutie is to cause them to doe that which is commanded them in the third Commandement to that purpose Which although it be not proper to this place yet for the simpler sort it is thus set downe First to prepare themselues to the preaching of the worde by consideration of Gods ordinance and promise and their corruption so that laying aside al superfluitie of evil that they may with all meeknesse receiue the word Iam. 1.17 Luk. 8.8 Take heed therefore howe ye heare for whosoever hath it shall be given vnto him and who so hath not euen that which he seemeth to haue shal be taken from him And for the Sacramentes to consider Gods institution their ministerie his mercie in Christ their faith their repentāce and their wants and so seeking the assurance of grace of reconciliation and comfort to com vnto the table of the Lord. 1. Cor. 11.28 But let everie one prooue himselfe and so let him eate of that bread and drinke of that cup. Esa 1.16 Wash your selues purifie your selues put away the wickednesse of your actions and cease to doe evill before mine eies Esa 66.2 But vppon him doe I looke that is poore and contrite in spirite and trembleth at my words Mat. 5.23 Therefore if thou hast brought thy gift to the altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee 24 Leaue there thy gift before the altar go thy waies First bee reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Secondly in the workes themselues with reverence vnderstanding to heare and receiue the word to be touched according to the matter and with joy and assurance of fayth receiue solace and increase of grace by the right vse of the Sacraments and after to cal to minde and try by the Scripture thinges delivered and so hold fast the good to applie the comfort of the sacraments vnto al temptations afterward Psal 78.2 Heare my doctrine O my people incline thine eare to the wordes of my mouth Nehem. 8.10 After Nehemiah to witte the Kinges Embassadour and Ezra the Priest and Scribe and the Levits teaching the people said vnto al the people This is the day sanctified vnto the Lord your God mourne not neither weepe for all the people wept when they hard the words of the Law 1. Thess 1.5 Because our Gospel abode with you not in speach only but also in power both in the holy Ghost as also with much sure persuasion as ye haue knowne what maner of men we haue bin amongst you for your sakes Math. 26. And when they had song a Psalme they went out into the mount Olivet 1. Thess 5.20 Quench not the Spirit Set not light by preaching Trie al things Hold fast that which is good For obedience of life it behooveth them to teach them call on them and see them do this which they learn that the publike ministerie private vse of the word be not contemned neglected vnprofitable vnto them and so God provoked not onely against their familie but also the Church of which they are Cōtrarie to this is that men both themselues and their families goe to the publike ministerie as to a common matter let it fall after to the ground without any looking into the certaintie of doctrine the power practise of it and some with the ministerie of the the word become worse both they and their housholdes than those which neuer heard it Exod. 13.1 And declare vnto thy son in that day saying For this hath the Lorde done these thinges vnto me when I went out of Aegypt 9 So shal it bee vnto thee for a signe vpon thine hand for a monument betweene thine eies that the doctrine of the Lord may be in thy mouth to wit that the Lord with a strōg hand brought thee out of Aegypt Which with the rest of the law sheweth that at those times this must be done and that so throughlie that this worke by this meanes may bee a liuelie signe and the doctrine be so vnderstood that it may more fruitfullie and liuelie be communicated by conference one to another Also Act. 10.24 And the other day after they entred into Caesarea And Cornelius waited for them having gathered together his kinsmen and speciall friendes Nehem. 8.13 And all the people came to eate and drinke and to sende portions and to make great joy because they vnderstood those words which they had made knowen vnto thē 1. King 13.31 And it came to passe after they had buried him that he gaue commandement vnto his sonnes saying When I shall be dead burie me likewise in the sepulchre in the which that man of God is buried place my bones besides his bones 33. For surely the things which he hath foreshewed by the worde of the Lord against the altar which is at Bethel against all the high places which are in the Cities of Schomron shall come to passe Iob. 1.5 After it came to passe when they had finished the daies of the banquet that Iob sent and sanctified them and rising early he offered a sacrifice according to the number of them al. For Iob said Peradventure my sonnes haue sinned or cursed God in their heart So Iob did every of those daies Which sheweth he called on them to do their duties in sanctifying them selues and their families and preparing them according to the manner prescribed The duties in reforming are those duties wherby they must labor to reform everie thing amisse which is espied for Gods glorie their good and least it creepe further Contrarie to this is that many corruptions are not accounted of that they are winked at Iob. 1.5 Psal I will not set before mine eies a wicked thing I hate the works of those that decline it shal not cleaue vnto me A froward mind shal depart from me I wil not acknowledge evill That tongue that privilie hurteth his neighbor I will cut out Him that is proude in look swelling in mind I cannot suffer The rule of this must be the meaning of the the ten commandements which because it is necessarie for the simple though not so proper for this place it is brieflie set downe They shal suffer none in their house vnrefourmed which either in judgmēt is known to erre from the truth of the worde of God or in maners from the practise of the same But if any delight in the ignorāce of god be careles to approue himselfe as one that wholly depēdeth on him loveth him feareth him reverenceth him laboreth to approue al his waies before him If any be given to idolatrie superstition c. and careth not in everie part of the worship of God to follow his revealed wil
in the particular seventh day it was ceremonial so in the common necessitie it was perpetual according to the foresaid equity Last of all as Calvin saith vnto the Papists of the seconde commandement who also said that was ceremoniall and abolished As long as we feele the grosnes of our nature to invent false worship framing Images of God so long that must remaine to humble vs euen so as long as we doe feele our corruption in accounting the Saboth vnpossible and so omitting prophaning it so long we wil hold it to be perpetual Now the lord to help our infirmities hath givē vs variety of profitable exercises to be occupied in to recreat vs as it were in another being weary of one They are either Publike Private Nehem. 8.5.13 Publike is to join with the Church from the beginning to the ending in the hearing of the word preached in praying and administring of the Sacramentes Eze. Nehe. 9. Esd 3 Act. 15.20.21 17.2 18.4 Luk. 4.2 2. King 4.23 Privat exercises are for our selues to encrease godlines or others their comfort Nehem. 8.13 Of the first sort are rejoycing in the word received and profiting by that Also meditations conference c. on the works of God that so we might not onely by doctrine but by experience be taught and so be brought to greater feeling as is commanded Deu. 5.20 For others we are cōmanded duties of loue in relieving cōforting the nedy aswel bodily by our help as spiritually by cōfort conference out of the word edifying one another in our most holy faith 1. Cor. 14.2 Mat. 12. In these things our cōtēpt neglect both of the mercy of the Lord who hath ordained so many good means to increase our knowledge our feeling in the faith good works his wisdome who hauing regard to our weaknes hath givē vs such great variety that alwayes being weary of the one we may breath our selues in the other In this as in the rest and the commaundement going before we must haue the sinnes forgiven in the sonne of God his obedience here Luk. 13.10 to the 18. vers Luk. 13.4.5 In him also we must receiue power with this former grace to die vnto this sin and rise vnto this part of obedience Now followeth the reason whereby he doth both make plaine the obedience and allure vs vnto it He allureth because he giueth this equitie perpetuall that seeing in sixe daies we may doe all our worke which is necessarie for the maintenance of this life and provision of our families which is declared by these oppositions in the 9. and 10. verses Sixe daies thou shalt worke but the seuenth day is the rest or Saboth of the Lord thy God In sixe daies doe all thy worke in the seventh doe no worke but of the Saboth Math. 12.5 The Saboth vnto the Lord Here as in that afore are the Papists confuted who ordained Saboths to Saintes Angels a worship due to the Lord onlie who also tooke away this libertie of sixe daies wholie too often No maner of worke except for frugall necessitie of putting on of apparell of meate drinke c. which must be as meanes to helpe and succour the weaknesse of tender and olde age the strength of strong men in this exercise who if they should ordinarilie abstaine on that day from these thinges it would make them much vnable to accomplish that worke of the Lorde and so it is expounded Luke 13.15 Wherefore that of Exod. 35.3 was a rudiment ceremoniall whereby they were instructed to the reverence of the same when as otherwise they might doe great things This is further declared by a distribution of the efficient causes Thou nor thy Sonne nor thy Daughter nor thy Servant By which wee see we doe not rightlie obserue the Saboth except all within our gates that is our authoritie so called because they bound the proper place of everie man where he exerciseth anie authoritie doe likewise sanctifie the same The seconde reason is drawne from the example of the Lorde himselfe the more to allure vs and mooue vs who contende to come neere the excellent So Christ gaue an example for vs to follow For the Lord made heaven and earth in sixe daies but the seventh he rested By that seventh day he pointeth out the Iewes Saboth the seventh from the creation to the which day they were never preciselie tyed because being the seventh it caried a note of perfection and so did shadow out the excellencie of our rest vnder Christ Heb. 4.20 And therfore because that was ceremonial that proper day was pointed out to Adam Gen 2. Whereas if this had not bene ceremoniall he had not needed because the morall equity of one in seven was written in his heart as aboue hath bin noted And thus as it was a figure of our sanctification and adoption it was not a peece of the first Table but rather generall to the whole Law and therefore in that respect is abolished Col. 2.16 The end of the first Table All Glorie to the Lord. THE WHOLE DOCTRIN OF THE Sacraments plainlie and fullie set downe and declared out of the word of God The place out of which we will draw the generall doctrine of both the Sacramentes is 1. Cor. 12.13 For by one Spirite we haue bene al baptized into one body whether Iewes Greeks or seruants or free and al haue bin made to drink into one spirite The generall declaration of a Sacrament drawen hence A Sacrament of the eternal couenant is a publike faithfull worke of the whole Church wherein by the Ministers putting apart by the word and praier to an holy vse a visible signe ordained of God in the order prescribed by his deliuerie and their receiving of the same the holie Ghost doth offer and represent liuelie vnto all but more surely applie to the due receiver therof the offering and giving of God in three persons and the Churches receiving of Christ crucified the covenant concerning iustification sanctification vnto eternall life fullie ratified and confirmed in him Notes which shewe how everie parte is gathered out of this place with more full confirmation by conference of the Scripture which declareth the true vse of every point A Sacrament of the eternall covenant so called to put a difference between other signes as the Rain-bow laying on of hands in ordination other such signes so called of old Gen. 17.10 doth seale vp the same Rom. 4.11 1. Cor. 11. Is a publike that is to shew the nature true reverence of those works because these are not at any time for one by one or concerning the dignity of one as appereth by this that is said here All haue bene baptized into one bodie all made to drinke into one cup. Which sheweth that it is a worke of a publike nature of publike fruit and priviledges to all of publike profession of the same and therefore in regard of the dignitie reverence of