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B08429 The helmet of hope, distinguished from the hope of hypocrites. And published to prevent the danger of false hope, and to promote the duty of living in true hope of glory. With an appendix of the grounds of hope, collected in a catalog of promises and experiences. / By A.B. ... Barnett, Andrew, 17th cent. 1694 (1694) Wing B875BA; ESTC R172272 76,414 184

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who shall deliver me from the body of this Death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord Rom. 7.24 In all these things we are more then Conquerours through him that loved us Rom. 8.37 Joseph refused to ly with his Mistress saying how can I do this great sin and sin against God Gen. 39.8 We are bound to give thanks to God alway for you Because your faith groweth exceedingly 2 Thes 1.3 The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more to the perfect day Prov. 4.18 Which Gospel is come unto you as it is in all the world and bringeth forth fruit as it doth also in you Col. 1.6 Tenthly Promises of the Presence of God and of his Spirit Fear not for I am with thee I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee Isa 41.10 Fear not O Israel thou art mine when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee they shall not overflow thee when thou walkest thro' the fire thou shalt not be burnt Isa 43. beg Be content with such things as ye have for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Heb. 13.5 If a man love me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our abode with him John 14.23 Turn you at my reproof behold I will pour out my Spirit into you Prov. 1.23 It is convenient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come but if I depart I will send him to you John 16.7 If ye being evil know how to give good Gifts to to your Children how much more shall your heavenly father give the holy Spirit to them that ask him Luke 11.13 I will pray to the Father and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you John 14.16 18. Experiences of the Presence of the Spirit of God Though I walk through the valley of the shaddow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me Psa 23.4 Joseph was sold into Egypt but the Lord was with Joseph and he shewed him mercy Gen. 39.21 Lo I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt and the form of the fourth is like the son God Dan. 3.25 Solomon was strengthened in his Kingdom and the Lord his God was with him and magnified him exceedingly 2 Chron. 1.1 Hereby we know that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us of his Spirit 1 John 4.3 God which knoweth the hearts bear them witness viz. the Gentiles giving them his spirit even as he did to us Acts 15.8 The Holy Ghost fell on them which heard the word Acts 10.44 Barnabas was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith Acts 11.24 The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost Acts 13. last Eleventhly Promises of Perseverance I will make an Everlasting Covenant with them that I will not turn away from them to do them good but I will put my fear into their hearts that they shall not depart from me Jer. 32.40 I will give them everlasting Life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand John 10.28 One thing is needful Mary hath chosen the better part which shall never be taken from her Luke 10. last Who will confirm you to the end that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 1.8 I pray God that your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ faithful is he that hath called you who will also do it 1 Thess 5.23 24. The Gifts and calling of God are without repentance Rom. 11.29 Being confident of this thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ Phil. 1.6 Experiences of Perseverance The high places were not removed nevertheless Asa his heart was perfect with the Lord all his days 1 King 15.14 I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness 2 Tim. 4.7 8. Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace for I have seen thy salvation Luke 2.29 The house built upon the rock though the rain descended and the flood came and the winds blew yet kept his standing Mat. 7. lat These all dyed in the faith Heb. 11.13 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation 1 Pet. 1.5 I have been young and now am old yet have not seen the righteous forsaken Psal 37.25 My flesh and my heart faileth me but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever Psal 73.26 Twelfthly Promises of the Possession of Heaven Fear not little flock it is your Fathers good will to give a Kingdom Luke 12.32 Eye hath not seen ear hath not heard nor hath it entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2.9 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of Life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him James 1.12 When the chief shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a Crown of Glory that faideth not way 1 Pet. 5.4 Fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer ye shall have tribulation 10 days be faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Rev. 2.10 You have your fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting Life Rom. 6.22 Of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ Col. 3.24 Experiences of the Possession of Heaven Be ye followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the Promises Heb. 6.12 Lazarus dyed and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom Luke 16.2 Then talked with him two men which were Moses and Elias who appeared in glory Luke 9.30.21 The Spirits of just men made perfect Heb. 12.23 Heaven is called the inheritance of the Saints because they do inherit it Col. 1.12 A Song of Praise THe World 's a toy let me imploy My Soul in higher things Than upon those that create woes And carry cruel Stings My Fears are great Sorrow my Meat And humane Faith is gone On Pilgrimage for in this Age Amongst us there is none Thy faithfulness O God I bless And cannot but admire That Love is cold and yet behold None warm it at this Fire But O my Soul do not condole But Triumph thou in Praise Greatly rejoice with Hearts and Voice Let Joy thy Spirits raise Mind not the Rod rejoice in God That never failed thee Thou knowest this faithful he is And so will ever be Thou hast been Low and
but poor work of it he will be quickly weary of his work it s the Hope of a good Crop that makes the Husbandman Labour hard in Seed time he Plows and Soweth in Hope and its Hope that Spurs him on and encourageth him in his Work So it is the Hope of Glory that carries a Christian through his Work Acts 24.16 Herein do I exercise my self says Paul Wherein was it that he was so diligent in Religious Exercises why it was in Hopes of a joyful Resurrection ver 15. I have Hope towards God of the joyful Resurrection of the Just And in Hope thereof I endeavour to be of that number exercising my self in works of Holiness and Righteousness 1 Cor. 15. last Abound in the Works of the Lord forasmuch as you know that your Labour is not in vain in the Lord q. d. You know your Labour shall be rewarded and live in Hope of Glory and is it for you to Loiter No no your Hopes of Glory is given you to help on your Labour that you may abound in the Works of the Lord. 2. To help us in our Warfare for it fortifies the Soul and is as needful as Arms are for Souldiers We are all Souldiers under Christ the Captain of our Salvation and fight against his Enemies And this Hope is one of our spiritual Weapons It 's our Helmet 1 Thess 5.8 Put on for a helmet the hope of Salvation It hath both the Use and Force of a Helmet As a Helmet saves the Head and Heart and stands betwixt them and danger So our Hope of Glory doth in the time of Temptation stand betwixt the Soul and the danger and put by the strokes of the Temptation When the Soul is assaulted its Answer to the Temptation is No no if I yeild I shall dash my Hope of Glory God hath promised Glory to such as hold out against Temptations and I live in Hope of Glory and prize my Hope of Glory and will not for the Pleasures of Sin that are but for a moment hazzard the loss of this Glory I am Christs Souldier and shall I fight against my own Captain and him with whom I hope to live in Glory away Satan it s not for one that lives in Hope of Glory and finds and feels the sweetness thereof in his own Soul to have any fellowship with the unfruitful works of Darkness 3. To help us in our Wants for it fits us for supplies We are needy Creatures alway in want and God hath made plentiful provision for the supply of our wants if we hope in him and promised such to supply all their need according to his Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus Psa 31. last Be of good Courage and he shall strengthen your hearts all ye that hope in the Lord Though ye be weak and need strengthening and lie under heavey Burthens and want strength to bear them yet be of good Courage God will strengthen your hearts Psal 147 12. The Lord takes pleasure in those that hope in his mercy And are they the Objects of his Delight then surely he will look after them and take notice of their needs and give them seasonable supplies and hear and answer the Prayers that they put up for these supplies Such as pray in hope are sure to speed for hope redownds much to the Glory of God It implies an acknowledment of his faithfulness and alsufficiency and it puts the Soul in a waiting Frame and meets mercy with a thankful Heart and therefore God doth take Pleasure in such and in shewing mercy to such Now lay these things together and you will see both what hope God expects from you and why you are to exercise Hope and of what use this precious Grace is God expects that your hope be of the right kind a still and stedfast Hope a lively and lasting Hope grounded upon the indwelling of Christ in the Soul and his faithfulness in his Promises made to such Souls and such a hope as this is a mighty great help to the Soul both in its Work in its Warfare and in all its Wants And now I proceed to the Proof of the Doctrine 3 Quest How doth it appear that Christ in us is our Hope of Glory Answ Though few mind it yet all shall know at the great Day that this Doctrine is a great Truth and if we will submit our judgments to the Standard of Truth the infallible Word of God it will convince us and clearly inform us that it 's Christ in us that is our Hope of Glory 1. The Provisoes we find in the Acts of Oblivion recorded in the Word exempt all such from mercy as receive not Christ by Faith into their Souls and so excludes them from all Hope of Glory There are Acts of Grace in the Gospel that grant pardon and promise Glory to all penitent Believers that receive Christ by Faith into their Souls and consent and submit to his Scepter And upon these Acts of Grace our Hope of Glory is built as upon a Foundation But these Acts of Grace have Provisoes that exempt out of mercy and favour such as continue in impenitence and unbelief and in disobedience to the Gospel and tell such that it is in vain for them whilst such to Hope for Glory But in that Estate they can expect no mercy for God hath exempted them in the Acts of Grace 1 Cor. 6.9 10. Be not deceived nither fornicators nor Idolaters c. shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven Glory is promised to some but gross Sinners are exempted The Apostle thus Treats the Corinthians If any amongst you lead wicked Lives and hope to go to Heaven in their Sins be it known to them that they are deceived they do but deceive themselves by thus hoping such shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven if they live and dye in their Sins they live and die without an Interest in Christ and shall be shut out of Heaven but if any have been such and are changed and converted from Sin to Christ let such live in Hope of Glory Such as do continue in a State of Sin and are neither Justified nor Sanctified do vainly expect to be Glorified 2. The Promises that we find in the said Acts of Grace and the persons to whom these Promises are made do prove the truth of this Doctrine We find a grant of mercy in the Acts of Grace and Christ promising to Save some from the Wrath to come and to receive them into Glory But who are the Persons concerned in this Grant that are the subjects of this Grace and to whom the Promise is made it is not to all Sinners nor to Sinners as Sinners but to Penitent Sinners to such Sinners and to all such and to none but such as come to Christ in the path of the Promise with penitent Hearts and accept of him upon his own Terms and receive him by Faith into their Souls to dwell with them by his Grace and Spirit and reign