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A68935 An epitome of the Psalmes, or briefe meditacions vpon the same, with diuerse other moste christian prayers, translated by Richard Tauerner; Precationes Christinæ ad imitationem psalmorum copositæ. English Capito, Wolfgang, 1478-1541.; Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575.; Brunfels, Otto, 1488-1534. Precationes Biblicae. 1539 (1539) STC 2748; ESTC S119604 91,371 344

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the better I shulde haue cōmitted the very dede also In lyke wyse I am not pure from thefte from aduowtry from false witnes bearyng but haue in my herte wished and desyred my neighbours goods and thinges I haue folowed the prynce of thys worlde Satan whiche hathe bene a lyer from the begynnyng in concupiscence of the fleshe in pryde of lyuing in lyeng in deceitfulnes in lechery in hatred and enuy in backebytyng in dispayre and misbeleue My fyue wittes haue I fouly mis-spent in hearyng seyng smellyng tasting and fealing which thou hast gyuen me to vse vnto thy honour to the edification and profite of my neyghbour But in what maner so euer that I haue offended and synned agaynst thy maiesty for noman knoweth throughly his synnes as thy prophete witnesseth whither it hath bene by daye or by nyght euen from my chyldhode vnto this daye were it in wordꝭ workes or thoughtꝭ secretly or openly my mercyful god I am sory for it euen from the very botom of my herte Yea my soule mourneth for sorowe most mercifull father that I am not a thousande tymes soryer then I am Howbeit in token of repentaunce thoughe all hertes be knowen wel ynough vnto the I knocke and stryke my breaste and say in bytternes of soule Lorde god father haue mercy Lorde god son haue mercy lorde god holy ghost haue mercy Spare me of thyne infinite mercy deare lorde nowe and at the dayes of my lyfe let me haue parte of thyne aboundaunt grace so as I maye chaunge my synfull lyfe and put out of me the olde man with all his euyll concupiscence and also that I may dye vnto the world and that the worlde may be vnto me a crosse and so go forth in a newe lyfe Strengthen me o lorde in a trewe humble herte in perfecte loue hope and truste in the. Gyue my soule the grace to desyre the only in the onely to reioyce and repose my selfe and y e I may vtterly renounce and forsake the vayne affyaunce of this worlde so that thou mayste fynde me ready with the good seruaunt in the mydnyght of my death whiche shall sodenly steale vpon me lyke a thefe ere I be ware Be thou vnto me at that time of nede o lord a toure of strēgth a place of refuge and a defensable god namely agaynste the face of the fende who lyke a roryng lyon shal be then moste ready to deuoure me and agaynst desperaciō which then shall be busy to greue me Let then thy comforte cleaue faste vnto me thy mercy kepe me and thy grace guyde me Fetche then agayne Lorde god father that whiche thy puyssaunt myght hathe shapen Fetche then againe lorde son that which thou hast so wysely gouerned bought with thy preciouse bloude Take agayne then lorde holy ghoste that whiche thou haste kepte and preserued so louyngly in this region of synne and vale of misery thre persons and one very god vnto whom be prayse and honour for euer and euer AMEN ❧ THE EPITOME OF PSALMES TRANSLATED BY RICHARDE TAVERNER A prayer for true Godlynes PSALM I. O LORDE god and father I beseche the by Christ our lorde that of thyne īfinite mercy thou kepe me so as at no time I folowe the counsayles eyther of the wicked which knowe the not or of hypocrytes which with herte seke the not and that I entre not in the way of synners w t a minde to fulfyll the desyres and workes of the fleshe But rather when so euer throughe fraylty of this olde and corrupte nature I shall chaunce to run a straye as no man is voyde of synne thou wilte cause me to stey and plucke my fote backe agayne Kepe me that I syt not in the seate of pestilent scorners which clokyng theyr pharisaicall and deuelysh intentes cōdemne in other men thy veritie and gospel Go to bring to passe by thy holy spirite that I may bren in desyre of thy lawe that vpon thauauncement of thy worde my mynde may alway be occupyed y t I maye euermore chuse that is moste pleasaunt to the and hate that bothe in my selfe and in other whiche to the is displeasaunt Make I pray the that I may be a tree planted by the swete ryuers of gostly waters to the intent I maye bryng forthe fruite to thy glory and profyte of my neyghbour as often as thou shalte ministre time and occasion therunto lest my leaues that is my wordes and workes shulde fade fall away but that al thinges may prospere whatsoeuer I shal do in thy name Assyste me I pray the that I may take rote in the grounde of lyfe least with the vngodly lyke chaffe and duste I be blowen abrode by the moste perniciouse wynde of this world And graunt that I may stande in the iudgement and in the assemblie of the ryghteouse that I may entre into iudgement without punyshment and escape euerlasting damnacion Amen For the true knowledge of Christe psalm 2. LOrde if at any tyme for thy names sake this worlde shall furiously trouble me then with pacience and strēgth of spirite arme thou me and be thou at hande that I maye braste the bandes and counsayles of the vngodly and cast away that vnfruitful yoke of the synfull consciēce and fear of damnacion which euyls thou o lorde that haste thy residence in heauen doste scorne Graunt that I may stande faste in y e statutes and preceptes of thy son our lorde Iesu Christe whiche be honest studyes to helpe my neyghbour procedyng of fayth vnfeined y e which Iesus thou haste proclaymed kyng ouer Syon thy holy hyll that is amonges the faythful christiās so as he only may rule me by the spirite of his mouth which to that intente was made thy son in time appoynted that thou the father shuldest adopt and chuse me into thine eternal heritage by whom nowe I am partetaker of thy kyngdome and coheyre with him Graunt lorde that I may with true awe euer more serue the but not with the false and feyned seruyce of the world neither yet cōstreynedly but of a franke spirite and syncere trouthe obeyeng neuerthelesse to all temporall power and humane ordinaūces whyle they be not agaynst thy worde y t I maye attayne vnto the vnspeakeable ioye of thy promises for thy wordes sake not doubtyng of my saluacion and that I maye louyngly obey thy fatherly chastisemēt for surely sharpenes of correcciō maketh that we lose not the way of trouth Ah good god gyue me grace that in the I maye continually and fastly hope and of the loke for all thynges by Christe our lorde So be it A commune prayer to the lorde for healpe in aduersitie psalm 3. FOrasmuche as many o Lorde ryse maliciously against me and say within thē selues there is surely no health to be loked for from god vnto this felowe take thou me vp I pray the be thou my shylde and my succour and replenysh thou me with true glory in thy syght to the intent I may boste
earth yelde vnto the glorye and prayse and vnto vs frutes for our foode and sustenaūce Thou God the father blesse vs thou God the sōne blesse vs thou god y e holy goost blesse vs. O y t all the costes of the earth Lorde God wolde feare stāde in awe of the. Wolde God also that I mought studye to worke nomā eyther pleasure or displeasure y t shulde be agaynst thy wyll Amen For consolacion and concorde of Christes church Psalm 68. ARyse Lorde let thyne enemyes be scattered thy haters put to flyght the ryghtuouse and Christes disciples made pleasaūt and mery Let them synge prayses pleasaunt songes vnto the let them blowe abrode thy magnificēce let thē most hyghly auaūce thy Maiestye let thy glorye growe let the kyngdome of Christ from heauen amonge y e chosen be enlarged be thou the father of the fatherlesse the iudge of the wydowes and the protectour of them namely whom the worlde forsaketh whose consciences be troubled whome the worlde pursueth for Christes sake whych be nedye wrapped full of myserye In thy house O Lorde let vs dwel in peace and concorde gyue vs al one herte one mynde one interpretacion vpō thy worde Plucke of the bādes aswell from the consciences as from the bodyes of the myserable captyues and of them also whych as yet be hedged in wythin the lystes of death vnaduisedly striue agaynst grace How drye Lorde is thyne heritage I pray the poure downe largely the showres of thy graces let a more plenteous frutfulnes chaūce let thy people be strengthened with spirite Graunt vs Lorde thy worde aboūdaūtly so as there may be many preachers of thy Gospell whych maye wythin themselues holyly cōspyre Let thy churche the spouse of Christ deale large spoyles of the cōquered Satā All that beleue in the by Christe O Lorde God of helth mought lyfte the vp wyth prayses mought renoume the and extol the. We be entred into the viage of saluacion conduyte vs luckely vnto y e porte that beynge delyuered by the from the very death we may escape and come to the very lyfe Fynysh y e thynge thou haste begonne in vs make vs encrease frō faith to faith Leaue vs not to oure owne wyll choyse for it is slyppery and readye to fall To the thunderboltes of thy worde put violēce y t we may gyue y e glorye to the all only Gyue to thy people courage and power to wythstande synne and to obey thy worde in all thynges O Lorde God moste glorious and excellēt ouer al. Amē In persecucion Psal. 69. O god succour me for I am drowned wyth the surges waues of aduersities I am without al helpes Helpe me my lorde Iesu Christ which ones not wyth lyke but with passyng greater myseries wast pressed and dyddest paye that whyche thou neuer owedest dyddest restore that wherof thou neuer was wrōge doer thou redemedst the synnes of all men for whych Lorde I styll cōtinually thanke the. Moost mylde tender Lorde Iesu Christ rydde me of thys distresse for thy passion and deathes sake Lorde of strength let them not be shamed whyche wyth a certayne and sure hope seke for the. In tyme conuenient I make my prayers O Lorde vnto the. Accordynge to thy bountyfull mercy and trouth of thy promyse succoure me Rydde me out of these strayghtes heare me for surely thy tendernes gētle herte towardes synners is very pleasaunt Turne thy face vnto me euen of thy depe clemēcy and pety whych can neuer be spent nor wasted hyde not thy countenaūce from me whych am thyne humble liege seruaunt for certes I am excedynge carefull and all full of wauerynge and perplexitie wherfore I besech y e vouchsaue to receaue spedely my hūble peticions ioyne wyth my soule O Lorde my Sauiour and defensour at the leste for myne enemyes sake whych be so extreme cōtrary both agaynst the and me alwayes ready to worke vs al kyndes of displeasure Truely I am at thys present succourles wythout comforte and full of anguysh Oh God most mercyful let thy sauyng helpe fense me And thā I make a vowe I shall not cease to magnify to brute to extolle and glorifye thy name wyth hygh prayses I shal serue the wyth ernest thankes gyuyng to thintent that other folke beynge brought in to the lyke mysery maye learne to flee for succours vnto the to seke fynde the whych arte the onely lyfe and relief of oure hertes It is thou who knoweth not that hearest the poore thou doest not despyse the oppressed and prisoners Succour the Christian churche buylde it so that full many may inhabyte it whyche loue thy holy name Amen A prayer of the church of Christ. Psalm 70. COme helpe me at ones Lorde Let them departe wyth shame and reproche whyche wyshe me all myschief they that ymagen dayly lye in wayte to brynge me to vtter destrucciō Agayne let them reioyse whych seke the and desyre my edificacion and furtheraunce let them alway say Praysed be God on hygh Howe impotent and myserable am I O Lorde Make hast O my god vnto me stande at myne elbowe assyste me and delyuer me Lynger no longer but wyth all hast and expediciō come helpe me O Lorde and my God Amen A prayer of the faythfull in aduersyte Psalm 71. AL myne hope and hole affiaūce moost pytyfull Lorde haue I caste on the let me be nomore I praye y e shaken of for that were sore to my rebuke shame amōges myn enemyes Delyuer succour me of thy iustice Bow downe thyne eares to me marke my supplicacion more attentyfly more surely then I my selfe can conceaue or vtter it and of thy botōles mercy help me Be thou to me a shoteanker and sure refuge let me wade hēce vnto the for I am rounde aboute beset on euery syde with euels I know thou wylt helpe me because thou haste promysed to assyste all that call vpon the. Thou alone assuredly art my fortresse and defence out of y e vngodly mens hādes therfore rescue me lorde my god Euen from my chyldhode thou hast ben the author and foundour of my hope my solace sauetie euen from the tyme that my mother bare me thou hast kept me O Lorde thou arte myne only glorye assuraunce My mouth mought euen flowe and runne full of thys thy glory Caste me not away from the in thys myne infirmitie and weaknes forsake me not thou though the strength ether of my bodye or of my soule forsake me Go not farre awaye moost mercyful father from me Make quycke spede to ayde and succoure me for constantly I abyde and tary for the only By reason wherof I shall not stynte to increase daye by daye thy prayses styll readye to declare and set forthe euen to all the worlde thy ryghtuousnes and saluacion knowynge certaynlye that thou arte styll present and at hande wyth me in all myne aduersities and mysfortunes wyth thy heauenly grace to helpe
the hertes Psalm 24. REnue me shape me agayne O Lorde for thyne is the worlde and all that is therin that I may be able to clyme vp vnto thy mount to abyde in thyne holy cytie to receaue at thy handes helth blessynge mercy and ryghteousnes Let me be as a person new borne of the let me ensearch the alwaye O Christ kynge of glory haue thou an euerlastynge raygne in me for thou arte stronge ynough thou arte puyssaūt myghtye in battell and Lorde of hoostes yea let the boūdes and lymytes of thy kyngdome stretch throughe the worlde Cause all mē to do theyr homage and sute vnto the as to the most glorious conquerour of synne death and hell Amen To be admytted one of Gods flocke Psalm 25. TO the Lorde I lyfte vp my herte and my soule my God I truste in the put me not to reproche that myne enemyes haue no cause to laugh at me No man shal be shamed that trusteth in the. Shewe me thy waye teache me thy pathes preserue me from wickednes and vnbelefe that I swarue not from the rule and touche stone of thy worde Guyde me in thy trouth teach me for thou arte the God of my helthe and sauetie and daylye do I longe for the. Lorde remēber not my faultes and mysdemenours whyche frō my chyldhode I haue cōmytted one vppon anothers necke neyther call thou to remembraūce my stony dulnes and blynde ignoraunce but rather thynke on thy tender mercye whych thou hast cōtinued towardes those that thou haste chosen from the begynnynge of the worlde neyther is there any mā that can stoppe the from thyne accustomed wonte Wherfore I beseche the that I also maye be partaker of thy gracious goodnes accordyng to the depth of thy mercy for thou Lorde art ryghteous and good therfore thou canst not but warne synners whan they wandre frō thy waye that they ones taught by thy spirite shuld walke in spirite and truth and returne from wylsomnes Doubtles Lorde thy wayes be good and faythfull of thy mere kyndnes thou dost promyse thy promyse thou kepest faythfully to all such as kepe the condicions of thy couenaunt I meane the ten cōmaundementes and whose hertes desyre is set in y e and in thy wordes both daye and nyght Go to Lorde call me to be one of thys nombre for thy names sake pardon me my gyltes whych be excedynge greate Make me to feare the teache me the waye thou beste allowest make my soule to dwell in these thy good pauillions Let thy chyldren beynge ones taught thy worde and embrasynge the true fayth in the be thyne heyres accordynge to thy promyse whych arte Lorde of heauen erth Be oure staye that we fall not from fayth declare vnto vs thy heauenly secretes thy couenaūt vnknowen to fleshe and bloude Thys to do is thy most pure grace whych by fayth we receaue as in a vessell where by we attayne to know y e whych knowlege of the vndoubtedly no man can haue onles he hath takē it of the by Iesus Christe My eyes be fixed alwayes vpō the draw backe my feete from the snare of synne from ignoraunce and frō goynge astraye loke towardes me haue mercy vpon me for I am left alone very heuy How excedynge greate is the ignoraunce of my herte Leade me I besech the out of these straytes and necessities Lorde loke vpō my distresse wype awaye my synnes Thou knowest howe many enemyes I haue lyenge in my necke and whych kepe backe the knowlege of the which haue bytterly hated me Fence therfore my soule in thys strayte Plucke me out of thys ignoraunce for in the is my trust otherwyse I shulde vtterly fal to grounde All godly honeste true herted and ryghteous persons woll the same that I woll and make request vnto the for y e same I meane that we myghte be delyuered from the grosse darkenes of our herte Assuredly it cam only of thy goodnes that hytherto I fel not awaye from the company of the godly that yet dayly I loke for ayde from the and that I cōtinue after a maner in this trade of good lyuynge Lorde God vouchsafe to deliuer Israel thy people whych trusteth to the and hangeth vpon thy hādes from all theyr tribulacions by Christ our Lorde So be it For continuaunce in Christ. Psal. 26. LOrde be thou my iudge and defēde me from the wyckednes of myne aduersaries strengthen my truste that I haue towarde the that I slyde not pourge myne herte and raynes for I loke onely vpon thy mercye that by fayth and truste vnto the truth I maye please the and continually walke therin So order my thynges as I haue nought to do with the wycked nor be of coūsel wyth them but in y e church of innocentes of beleuers and of sayntes kepe thou me in whyche churche O lorde thou makest thy abode and kepeste thy resydence so that I maye heare the swete voyce of thankes gyuynge of prayse and of the rehersal of thy maruelles and benefytes to thyntent I also maye thanke and prayse the. Take not awaye my soule wyth y e vngodly nor my lyfe wyth the bloudye let me walke innocently in the safe conduyte of thy grace Delyuer me haue pytie on me let my feete stāde fast in y e brode felde at large out of the prison of synne that in all assebles I myghte prayse and auaunce the my redemer and sauiour for euer Amen For strength and encrease of fayth Psalm 27. ILluminate my herte Lorde and so helpe thou me that I nede to feare no man be thou my herte of cōforte y t I be not dismayed thoughe the whole worlde aryse agaynst me In thy house let me styll dwell that I maye beholde and enioye thy delices and pleasures I meane that I maye fele ioye in the holy spirite aswell concernynge forgeuenesse of my synnes as the inheritaūce of heauen that is geuen me Let me visyte thy holy temple that is thy chosen flocke in whome thou dwellest Let me go about my busynes safly protected vnder thy wynges and rered vpon Christ my rocke Let me be founde no churle for y e benefites I haue taken at thy handes Thy name let me honoure wyth chearful herte in the church of sayntes Herkē O Lorde tenderly to my voyce lamentably cryenge vnto the be pytyful heare me graciously for my hert hunteth for the and wolde God we mought dayly more and more trace the out and continually increase frō fayth to fayth Hyde not thy face frō me Me thy seruaūt in thyne anger cast not awaye be myne aydour and defensoure fayle me not Thy helpynge hande O lorde god of helth wythdrawe not from me in thys my syckenes and malady My chefe frēdes haue forsaken me but thou O Lorde take me and let me fele sensibly that thou hast taken me Tel me thy wayes leade me the moost redye and gaynest waye because of myne enemyes whych be excedyng many agaynst whome yf I be destitute deuoyde
in mynde of the for thou shewest vs a proue of thy goodnes mercye by thy creatures by scriptures by miracles but chefely by our sauiour Lord Iesu Christ thyn anoynted wherfor yf he fayle me in peryls vtterly am I lost Aryse Lorde haue mercy on thy churche haue pytie on me whych am a sely mēber of christꝭ body for surely I am an outcast euery where It is tyme o lord to shewe cōpassion Now I saye it is tyme to shewe vs thy mercy o lorde Herken thā to our praier despise it not Lo I am a miserable p̄soner hear therfore my gronynges delyuer me and then w t great thankes I shall not stynt to glorifye and blase thy name In thassemblie of all people shall I in ful large and goodly wise make reaporte of the. O Lord my god plucke me not hence sodēly but in the myddes of my dayes let me remember myne ende lest by my soden departure frome this lyfe I be depriued of that euerlastyng lyfe Be therfore mercyfull to me euen for thyne holy names sake Amen A prayer to cast of the olde man Psalm 103. LOrde it is semely that my soule shulde prayse y e and all y e myght that is in me shuld magnify thy holy name for the great benefites and louynge kindnes whiche thou haste done vnto me Pardon Lorde my wyckednes heale y e rēnauntes of syn whych as yet be in this my corrupte nature delyuer my lyfe from death kepe me well fensed from myne enemyes in peryls in death and in hel Enuiron me with goodnes and mercye that I maye be stronge agaynst synne death the deuell agaynst al the force of myne aduersaries Fyl my mouth wyth goodes profytable both to body and sprete yea though al the world be agaynst me yet stāde thou on my syde Let me waxe yōge thorowe cōforte of thyne holy goost Make me couragious and bolde in al that good is O Lorde of thy iudgement ryghtuousnes and mercye helpe all those that suffer wronge Lōge forbeare vs in our synnes punyshe vs not longe though we haue deserued it be not euer more angry nor let not our innumerable sinnes suffer theyr worthy punyshmēt but remoue them farre awaye from vs. Be oure father take vs in the nomber of thy chyldren Oh howe frayle a worke be we euen verye dust and ashes oure dayes be as the floure in the felde Lorde teach vs to fear the so as we may performe thy cōmaundemētes the condicions of thy couenaūt Thy goodnes be euermore wyth vs present delyuer vs swete Lorde from all euyll Amen That God may be knowen by hys creatures psalm 104. GEue me thys grace O Lorde that with my hole body soule wyth my hole myght and spirite I maye alway prayse the by the knowlege and belefe of thy heauēly predestinacion made in Christe Iesu by a wonderous workmanshyppe of all thynges in heauen in earth in the see and that by consyderyng the nature of all thynges I may be rauyshed euē vnto the y e maker of them and that here vpon I may be encoraged to trust vnto y e in al thynges so as I maye be well assured to receaue al cōmodities at thyne hādes both these that I already haue and that I maye haue in tyme to come what thynge so euer I shal stāde in nede of Surely at thyne hāde loke al beastes for theyr fode euery one in hys due tyme. Al thynges wyl go to nought yf thou turne thy face awaye To the therfore be prayse and glory for euer Amen To knowe Christ. Psalm 105. THorow thy boūteous goodnes let vs cōtinually blowe abrode thy prayses Graunt vs only to call on thy name let vs remember thy moost famous dedes let vs talke of reason of them so that in the onelye we may reioyse for in the euermore we be glad we serche the beleue the yea and to the onely we praye and thorowe thy power we be conserued At all tymes therfore let vs remembrynge thy benefites be not churlish nor ingrate vnto the o Lorde syth y u w t infinite benefites endowest both vs and the hole worlde Amen In peryls for helpe Psalm 106. TO thy goodnes euermore we gyue thākes Lorde besechyng the also that we maye do iustice and iudgement Graunt vs alwaye to feare the to geue credite vnto the to trust fastly vnto the. Remember vs lyke as thou art wonte to be fauourable vnto thy people Uisyte vs wyth thy sauynge health for bothe we oure fathers haue sore synned we haue done wickedly and vngodly And nowe for oure synnes we be brought low and made euen the driuels of y e worlde But O Lorde loke vpon our nede heare our playnte remember vs for that couenauntes sake whych thou madest wyth vs. Haue remorse at lengthe of thys affliction and trouble sente frō the as thou arte most meke and mercyful take awaye thys scourge shewe thy selfe frendfull Let thy mercy defēde vs from oure enemyes helpe vs Lorde our God that we maye geue true and moost deserued thankes to thyne holy name Praysed be thou o Lorde God for euer Amen For comforte good officers and faythfull ministers of Goddes worde Psalm 107. THy goodnes Lorde God hath none ende oftētymes thou hast redemed delyuered and rescued thy people of Israel forth of a thousand daūgers euen as oftē as they cryed vnto the though theyr synnes were neuer so great O Lorde haue mercy on me for I am in great daunger Trustynge vpō thyne infinite goodnes I cal to the heare me helpe me spedely for thyne holy names sake Brynge me from thys blacke darknes brast asonder my bondes sende vnto me thy worde whereby thou madest all thynges and relieue me thy poore wretch O Lord sende gētell Prynces and such as be diligēt in theyr authoritie and office in asmuch as they do that pleaseth the in nothynge swarue frō thy wayes Saue me from myserye and vtter dammage Make me also haue delite and pleasure in thy workes and that by vnderstandynge thyne vnspeakable goodnes I maye be thorowly gladde at myne herte for euer more haue I full good cause to prayse thy goodnes and to rendre due thankes vnto thy godly Maiestye So I haue moste gentel and benigne Lorde To be raunsomed and delyuered from bondage of conscience Psalm 108. LOrde god almyghty myne hert is at thys present season ready to synge prayses vnto the to rēder vnto the most worthy thākes Only I desyre the thou wol vouchsaue to deliuer me frō these greuous peryls in whych I am now wrapped Surmount Lorde aboue the heauens spreade thy glory ouer al the earth Shewe thy louynge kyndnes auaunce thy trouthe so hyghe that it may reach vnto the heauens Helpe me thorowe thy ryght hande ayde assyste me for surely al mānes helpe is but vayne Let me be stronge in the and for thy names sake o lorde brynge downe myne enemyes naye thy enemyes rather and make them to stoupe
for truely so we haue in commaūdement of the where as yet the encrease and furtheraunce of oure labours to the mayntenaunce of oure lyuynge whyle we be in thys body we loke for at thyne handes and not by our owne paynes takynge Take awaye Lorde al couetyse and vayne studye of ryches frō our hertes Let vs be founde lyke vnto the arrowes shot from a bowe euen ernestly bent and constant in thy worde Let oure quyuers and hert strynges be foūde full of hote and feruent zeale alway by peticiō shotynge vnto the so that in face of oure enemyes we neuer be steyned wyth any blot of reproche To be blessed of the Lorde Psalm 128. GEue vs grace swete Lorde to feare the to walke in thy waies and fotesteppes and well to prosper in our iorney Moreouer vouchsaue to blesse vs and all thynges belongynge vnto vs so as we also maye se many children of fayth and peace in Israel Amen For defence agaynst our enemyes Psal. 129. LOrde many ther be that cōspire agaynst vs full many that inuade vs that make hurly burlies amōge vs and fyersly assault vs but suffer them not to preuayle neyther to haue y e vpperhande on vs O our moost mercyfull God cut a sonder theyr ropes and snares Let them returne with shame as many as work vs any trouble but blesse thou vs O Lord for thyne holy names sake Amen For the troubled conscience Psalm 130. LOrde I crye vnto y t euē in myddes of al my troubles Wherfor I besech the mercyfull Lorde heare my voyce Bow downe thyne eares vnto my pyteous cōplaynt yf thou laye to our charge our horrible innumerable faultes who shal escape or go quyte whan thou shalt syt as iudge who shal be able to holde plee with the yea who is he that shal not be forced vnto vtter despayre Truly then shulde we all peryshe Thys notwythstādyng ther is yet in thyne handes Lorde both power and also a good wyll to forgeue vs oure synnes which thyng I know thou wolt do yf it were but to perfourme thy promyse made by thy sonne Christe our Lorde and prest who assuredly hath payed a sufficient raūsome for oure synnes euen the mooste deare sacrifice of his owne bodye to thintente y u mightest be our soueraygne Lorde God and y t we myght knolege our synnes and make sute vnto y e for pardon therof Lorde graūt me to wayte for thy gracious pardon longe to trust hange on the euen so longe tyll at length thou dispetche me as my truste is in thy promise From daysprynge to daysprynge diligently I wayte Lorde our god without dout thy mercy is great great pardō styl remaineth in thyn handes yea thy mercy can neuer be spēt Agayn thy promises can not be vndone nor made voyde Delyuer me then pluck from me this incommodite other casualtyes of this wretched lyfe Preserue all true Israelites in spirite I meane al the beleuers in y e frō these remnauntes of synnes naturally buddyng forth of our harte Defende vs also from all aduersities of flesh O Lorde of thy moost gracious clemencye mercye and pytye Amen For the auoydyng of spirituall pryde Psalm 131. SUffer not my harte to swell in pryde nor myne eyes to shew any proude lokes that I take not to much vpon me neyther arrogantly auaunce my selfe aboue Christe our heade but make y t I maye gredyly couet to haue good sauoure in thy worde only as much as thou shalte vouchsaue to open vnto me And in case thou wythholdest the mylke of cōforte whych streameth frō Christe wel vnderstanded and knowen yet let vs not Lorde despayre but truste wyth a quyet herte alway vpon the. So be it To obteyne Christes benefites Psalm 132 THou son of Dauid Iesu Christ arise take seasin of thy resting place which I beseche y e it may be amonges vs for asmoche as by thy promyse we be entytled recognised to be thy court and dwellyng place God thy father which can not deceyue hath made vs an ernest promise confirming also the same by his solemne othe that thou shuldest be our sauiour maynteynour and defēsour Truly it is not possible for hym to go backe and not to stande by his worde yea euen nowe hathe he suche is his fidelitie performed it in dede and what so euer helth he hath sent vs the same also hath he confirmed by sure and substantiall witnes aswell of his owne word as of his sacramētes Thou also most deare Lorde Iesu hast forther promised y t thou wolt abyde wyth vs euen vntyl the worldes ende This thy worde is oure assured ioye and comfort for we know that euermore sythens thy deathe and bodylye departyng thou art thobteyner of our remission and pardon wherfore O moste gracious Lorde through thy fauour and in the let vs fynd mercy and that for euer In al our workes and procedynges prosper vs saue vs fyll vs with ioye Thyne halowynge mought shyne clere vpon vs thy kyngdome and crown abyde with vs and in thy peax euermore preserue vs. Amen For Christiane charite and cōmunion of sayntes Psalm 133. INspire vs ī suche wise O Lord y t as most louynge brethren quietly and peaciably we may dwell to gether in thyne house Brynge to passe I saye that by true and faythfull loue we maye be ioyned and fastened euery one to other as membres of Christes body Thyne oyle of hallowynge I meane euen thyne holy goost mought waxe hote and fragrant amonges vs vpon vs let fall thy dewe of blessynge the plentyfull encrease of all thynges bothe bodely and goostly to thintent accordynge vnto thy moost fre promyse we may obteyne euerlastynge lyfe For continuaunce of grace Psal. 134. GRaunte vs thy seruauntes alwaye to auaunce y e our Lorde in thyne house to walke vpryghte wythout blemish or cause of reproch yea in our trouble and affliccion to lyfte vp innocente and pure handes vnto the prayenge on thys maner vnto the. Blesse vs O God for thou arte the maker of heauen and earth Amen A generall prayer of Christians for helpe from God Psalm 135 DYspose our hertes Lorde that we thy seruaūtes may worthely prayse and lyfte vp thy name for we knowe thou arte gentyll meke mercyfull free Thy name is gracious frendfull and ryght amyable to all that cal on the in tyme of theyr aduersite of thy mere goodnes thou hast chosen vs to be thyne owne seuerall people Thou alone arte the great very God thou madest both heauen and earth euen accordynge to thyn owne pleasure thou dealtest thy benefytes and gyftes of grace to euery one of them namely to thy electe chosen euen agaynst Satan and the hole kyngdome of y e vngodly Wherfore Lorde let the remembraunce prayse of thy name euermore be feruent amonges vs. Reason thou debate thou iuge thou thy peoples cause surely they suffer passynge great wronges But stande thou I say good gracious Lorde vnto thy seruauntes be mercyful to them
man thoroughe thy wisdome that he shulde haue dominion ouer the creature which thou haste made that he shulde ordre the worlde accordynge to equitie ryghteousnes and execute iudgemente with a true herte gyue me wisdome which is euer about thy seate and put me not out from amonge thy chyldren For I thy seruaūt and sōne of thy hādemayde am a feble person of a short tyme and to yonge to the vnderstādinge of iudgement of thy lawes Yea though a man be neuer so perfect among the childern of men yet yf thy wisdome be not with him he shal be nothing worth Oh send her out of thy holye heauens and from y e trone of thy maiestie that she may be with me labour with me that I maye knowe what is acceptable in thy syght For she knoweth and vnderstādeth al thinges she shall conducte me ryght soberly in my workes and preserue me in her power So shall my workes be acceptable Amen A prayer for mekenes and the obteyning of chastitie Eccle. 23. O Lord thou father god of my lyfe let me not haue a proude loke But turne awaye all voluptuousnes from me Take from me the lustes of the bodye let not the desyres of vnclennes take holde vpon me and gyue me not ouer into an vnshamefast and obstinate mynde Amen The prayer of Iesus the sonne of Sirache in necessitie and for wisdome Eccle. the laste I Thanke the O Lorde and king and prayse the o god my sauiour I wil yelde prayses vnto thy name for thou art my defender and helper frō the snare of traitorours tōges and from them that are occupied in lyes Thou hast bene my helper frō suche as rose agaynst me and haste deliuered me according to thy great mercy and for thy holy names sake Thou hast delyuered me from the roarynge of them that prepared thē selues to deuoure me out of the hādes of such as sought after my lyfe frō the multitude of them that troubled me and went aboute to set fyer vpon me on euery syde so that I was not brent in the myddes of the fyer From the depe of hell thou delyueredst me from the vncleane tongue from lyenge wordes from the wycked iuge and from the vnryghteouse tōgue My soule shall prayse the Lorde vnto death for my lyfe drewe nye vnto hel They compased me roūd about on euery syde and ther was no man to helpe me I loked about me if ther were anye man that wold socoure me but ther was none Then thought I vpon thy mercy O Lorde and vpon thy actes that thou haste done euer of olde namely that thou delyuereste such as put their trust in the ryddest them out of the handes of the false panims Thus lyfted I vp my prayer from the earth and prayed for delyueraunce from death I called vpon the lord my father that he wolde not leaue me with out healpe in the daye of my trouble and in the tyme of the proude I praysed thy name continually yelding honour and thākes vnto it and so my prayer was herde Thou sauedst me frō destructiō and delyueredst me from the vnrighteouse tyme. Therfore wil I knowledge and prayse the auaūce the name of the Lord. Whē I was yet but yonge or euer I wēt a straye I desired wisdome openly in my prayer I came therfor before the temple and I sought her very busyly Then floryshed she vnto me as a grape that is sone rype My herte reioysed in her then wente my fote y e right waye yea frō my youth sought I after her I bowed downe my eare and receyued her I founde in my selfe much wisdome prospered greatly in her Therfore wyll I gyue y e glory vnto him that gyueth me wisdome for I am aduised to do therafter I wil be gelouse to cleaue vnto that is good so shal I not be cōfounded My soule hath wrestled with her and I haue bene diligent to be occupied in her I lyfted vp myne hādes on hygh then was my soule lyghtened thorough wysdome so that I knowledged my folyshnes I ordred my soule after her she and I were one herte from the begynnyng and I found her in clennesse and therfore shal I not be forsaken My hart longeth after her I gate a good treasure Thorough her the lorde hath gyuen me a newe tongue wherwith I wil prayse him Oh come vnto me ye vnlerned and dwel in the house of wysdome with drawe not your selues from her but talke and comon of these thynges for your soules are very thursty I opened my mouth and spake Oh come and bye wysdom without mony bow down your necke vnder her yoke and your soule shal reaceyue wisdome she is euen at hande and is content to be found Behold with your eyes how I haue had but lytle labour yet haue found muche rest Oh receyue wisdome ye shall haue plenty of syluer and golde in your possession Let your mynde reioyce in her mercy and be not ashamed of her prayse worke her worke by tymes she shal gyue you youre rewarde in due tyme. The prayer of Abacuc the prophete for ignorancies Abacuc 5. O Lord when I herde speake of the then I was afrayde The worke that thou hast taken in hand shalt thou performe in his tyme O Lorde when thy tyme cometh thou shalt declare it In thy very wrath thou thinkest vpon mercy The lord God is my strength he shall make my fete as y e fete of an herte and he which gyueth the victory shal bring me to my hye places syngyng vpon psalmes Amen A prayer of the faythful congregacion that they maye speake the word of god boldely Actu 4. LOrde thou arte god which hast made heauen and earth the see and al that in them is which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid hast sayde why dyd the heathen rage the people ymagyne vayne thynges The kynges of the earth stode vp and the rulers came togyther agaynst the Lorde and agaynst his Christ. For suerly agaynst his holy son Iesus whom thou hast anoynted both Herode and also Poncius Pylate with the Panyms and the people of Israel gathered them selues togyther to do euen what so euer thyn handes and thy counsayle determyned before to be done And now Lord behold their threatenynges and graunt vnto thy seruauntes with al confidence to speake thy word that thou wolt stretch forth thyne hande to thintente that healyng sygnes and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy sonne Iesus Amen ¶ A PRAYER VNTO THE Lorde Iesus for the peax of the church made by the most excellent clerke Erasmus LOrde Iesus Christe whiche of thyne almyghtynes madest al creatures both visible and invisible which of thy godly wisdom gouernest settest al thinges in moste goodly ordre which of thyn vnspeakeable goodnes kepest defendest and furderest al thinges whiche of thy botomles mercy restorest the decayed renewest the fallē raysest the deade vouchesaue we praye the at last to cast
AN EPItome of the Psalmes or briefe meditacions vpon the same with diuerse other moste christian prayers translated by Richard Tauerner Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum 1539 TO THE MOST MYGHTY and most redoubted price HENRY the VIII Kynge of Englande and of Fraūce Defensor of the Fayth lorde of Irelād and in earth supreme head immediatly vnder CHRIST of the church of Englande hys most hūble seruaūt Rychard Tauerner desyreth all felicitie ioye and encrease of lawfull posteritie PLease it your excellēt Maiestie to vnderstande that where as more then thre yeares passed my verye good lorde and olde mayster my lorde Priuie seale for such qualities as he thought to haue espyed in me whych I my selfe neuertheles acknowlege not preferred and delyuered me vp vnto your graces seruice and sythens that tyme to thintent he wolde make me the more hable mete to serue your hyghnes in my callyng hath enured me with dyuerse translacions and other exercises So it is moost gracious and moost redoubted soueraigne lorde that amōges other thynges he hath cōmytted thys boke of prayers to my pennynge translatynge into the Englysh tongue The selue prayers no doubte be excellent pure syncere godly Christian. But my translacion I feare is rude base vnpleasaunt grosse and barbarouse I feare I saye lest accordynge to the prouerbe I shal rēder pro aureis ferrea lest of good latine I haue made euil English lest I haue turned wyne into water My courage good wyll is much thexpectacion of myne olde Mecoenas is of me great finally the celsitude of youre maiestie requyreth no base thyng But I am sore afrayed that myne industrie herin imployed shal answere nether to your maiesties most royal dignitie nether to my sayd lordes expectacion nether yet to myne owne good wyl desyre Neuertheles how so euer my translacion is for vnto your maiesties moost exacte iudgement censure as vnto another Aristarchus I moost humbly submyt it certes the incomparable benignitie of your moost gracious person hath impelled me wyth a bolde spirite to offer and dedicate the frutes of these my labours vnto y e same to thintent that vnder the moost noble patrocinie of youre royall name the boke maye the more plausibly and gredely be deuoured of your louynge subiectes Truth it is that my poore degre basenesse of condicion is farre vnmete to offer any thynge vnto your moost excellent hyghnes Howbeit yf Hethen kinges haue very thākfully receyued of their subiectes hādes Pome granates hādfuls of water and such other tryflyng thynges estemyng rather the prompt and ready wyl of the gyuers than the pryce of the thynges gyuen yf also Christ hymselfe our myghty sheperde whose vicare for the church realme of Englande youre maiestie is recognised not onely accepted but also preferred the two minutes of y e poore wydowe afore the precious oblacions of the rych personages I doubt not but your maiestie beyng a christiā Kynge and such a kynge woll not ingratelye receyue at youre humble seruauntes hande these hys symple lucubracions whych tende to the hygh benefyte edificacion and cōmoditie of youre graces people But leste wyth my loquacitie I myght be an impediment vnto youre moost serious occupacions I make an ende The God of peace and of consolacion graunte that lyke as your hyghnes most lyke vnto the godlye kynge Ezechias ernestly go about the perfecte instauracion of the true religion and thauauncement of gods glorie all false religion destroyed so he woll vouchsaue to sende you the thynge that the most wyse kynge Salomō estemed for the swetest and beste porcion of mans lyfe and for a treasure inestimable that is to wyte a prudent and wyse lady to your maiesties wyfe and to our youre moost addicte subiectes Quene whyche accordynge to the voyce of the prophete maye be as a frutfull vyne in your maiesties house furnyshed wyth chyldren lyke olyue braūches roūde about your graces table For lo thus shall the man be blessed sayeth he whyche feareth the Lorde What shall we saye God hath alredy herde our moost ardent vowes and peticions Thys lady moost excellente is prepared of thalmyghtye for your maiestye she is in iorney readye to be transported into your graces realme The God of spirites mought so tempre and breath the weather and so graciously conducte her in her iorney as she maye moost happely arriue at the tyme desyred into your graces presens to the full contentacion of your hartes desyre to the plausible expectacion of your graces subiectes and fynally to the true honoure and glorie of almyghty God For the accomplishmente wherof we all wyth one accorde mought poure out these prayers folowing semblable to the Lorde of all Amen Domine saluum fac Regem ❧ A GENErall Confession of synnes vnto God dayly to be sayde of the christen person O Moste mercyful lorde god and moste tendre deare father vouche safe I hertely beseche the to loke downe with thy fatherly eyen of pytye vpon me moste vile wretched synner which lye here prostrate before the fete of thy botōles mercy For I haue synned agaynst the trone of thy glory before the o father in so muche y t I am nomore worthy to be called thy son Neuertheles forasmuch as thou arte the god father of al comforte and agayne desyrest not the death of the synner but lyke a true Samaritane takest thought of my sely woūded soule make me I praye the by infoūdyng thy preciouse oyle of comforte into my woundes ioyefully to rūne with the loste son vnto the lap of thyne euerlastyng pytie For lo y u arte my hope and truste in whom I only repose my selfe hauyng in the full confydence and fayth and so I say with very herte I beleue in the o god the father in the o god the son and in the o god the holy ghost thre persons and one true and very god besyde whom I knowledge none other god in heuin aboue nor in earth beneth Yea and I accuse my selfe vnto the deare father that I haue greuously offended thy almighty goodnes and maiestie in the cōmyttyng of myne aboundaunt and manifold synnes For I haue not kepte the leaste of thy most godly cōmaundementes lyke as thy ryghteousnes maye demaunde the same of me I haue I saye not honoured the lyke my god drad the lyke my lord loued the lyke my father trusted in the lyke my creatour and sauiour Thy holy and dradfull name vnto whom all glory and honour belongeth haue I vsed in vayne I haue not sanctified the holy dayes w t workes whiche be acceptable vnto the nor instructing my neygheboure in vertue accordingly I haue not honoured my parentes nor bene obedient vnto them through whom as by an instrumēt thou hast wrought my cōmyng into this worlde The highe powers and rulers whiche take theyr authoritie of the I haue not bene wyllyngly obedient vnto I haue not kepte my herte pure from manslaughter yea had not thy grace defended me
FOr as muche as O Lorde oure God not one of vs all hathe wrought of hymselfe any goodnes for all we euen of byrth be spotted corrupted graūt vs thy ryghtuousnes and be thou workynge through thy holy breath in vs kepynge the godly rest of the new Saboth such thynges as thou allowest be pleasaunt vnto the leste at any tyme we proudly seke oure owne honoure not thyne in all oure doynges and that beynge raunsomed and delyuered by the out of bondage anguysh peryll and trouble we mought ioye euerlastyngly Amen A prayer of the congregacion agaynst enemyes Psalm 54. AYde me Lorde for thy names sake accordynge to thys thy promise Who so euer calleth on the name of the Lorde shal be saulfe Take on the my quarel agaynst my pursuers defende it by thy myghte and prowesse for my powers are vtterly none at all Herken Lorde to my prayers ponder the wordes of my mouth straungers and suche as vtterly despyce y e haue assauted me do cast how to bryng me to death Succour me Lorde be at hāde kepe me fyght for me Let the thynges whyche they go aboute to worke agaynst me fal on theyr owne heades in case thou iudgest them vnworthy to be conuerted to forthynke them selues otherwyse although they be at thys season myne enemyes yet of thy greate bountie and mercy pardon them theyr synnes and gyue them y e spirite of repentaunce to the intēt they may ones at last be made my true and hertye frendes For the same thy benefyte I shall imploye my selfe to be thankefull and seruiceable vnto the specially sythe thy name is so louynge and thou art so at hande and present in extreme necessities Thys I say shal be bruted by the mouthes of men and blowen abrode wyth moost hygh prayses So be it A prayer of Christes church Psalm 55. O My god hear me in my prayer abhorre not my doleful plaint take charge of me and gyue eare For certes I shal neuer stynte most lamētably to crye vnto the tyl tyme thou heare my peticion Lo our enemy maketh proude resistence he letteth as muche as in hym lyeth thy quarell yea and all thynges y t shuld be helthfull and profytable vnto vs he hyndreth he stoppeth he furiously condemneth I am accused wrōgfully the vngodly persons lye in awayte of my lyfe Frō them O lorde delyuer me set thē besyde theyr purpose diuide theyr tonges let thē disagre and be confused amonge them selues rescue my soule out of theyr hādes into peace cut theyr combes abate theyr pryde brynge thē downe They woll not turne thēselues they wol not forthynke them of theyr folyes for they be quyte departed frō thy feare and past all shame My hoole cause and greue I caste vpon the prouyde thou for me forse that I myscary not kepe defēde cōserue me let me haue at last some ende of these hurlye burlyes troubles let me not hereafter reuolue ydel counsels wyth my selfe let me not be coūted a castawaye a slaue a mockyng stocke any longer as heretofore I haue ben These thynges I praye the I may obtayne swete Sauiour for thy holy names sake accordynge to the worde of promyse whervnto I haue respecte wyth faste and sure truste continually Amen In bytter tribulacions Psalm 56. GOd be thou mercyful vnto me for on me they rage and make hauocke vnmercyfully But to the alone I flee thou arte my refuge in the only I truste from thy worde let me not shrynke but styfly auowe it glory in it Consyder my salt teares take compassion on me cause myne enemyes to recule let me fele at last that thou art my god my Sauiour my buckler Rydde my soule from death myne eyes frō bytter teares my herte from care my feete frō slydyng so as I may walke afore the in the lyght of lyfe and that for euer more I may gyue the worthy thankes accordyngly Amen Agaynst the suppressours of the trouth Psalm 57. HAue mercye on me God haue mercy on me for in the trusteth my soule vnder shadow of thy wīgꝭ I flee tyll the wyckednes wherwyth I am pressed be passed from me Unto the O God moost hyghe I crye rayse me vp that am fallē to groūde whych thynge is moost easy for the to do From thy heauen sende succours vnto me Out of theyr hādes that intende to suppresse me plucke me awaye Sende thy bountyfull goodnes whych is so trustye certayne wherby thou sauest vs frely wythout oure owne deserte Thys bountyfull goodnes O Lorde we clayme as due to vs by thyne owne fre promyse From the lyons defēde my soule and also from the mortall souldyours and satellites of darkenes whose teth be speares whose tōges be two edged sweardes Moūte aboue the heauens that thou mayst be knowen to be the great myghty God syth these vngodly hel hoūdes thus by theyr doynges denye that thou doest gouerne any kyngdome in heauen I saye lyfte vp thy selfe and shewe what thou canst do in thy sōne Christ who of lōge tyme euen thorowe the deuises and dreames of men hath ben wrongfully banyshed dryuē out and excommunicate Declare that he is oure onely mercy stocke and redēption the treasure of ryches thy cōpagnion of diuine glorye and power Thy goodnes and grace be endles euen as the botomles sees in abundaunce amōges men by powrynge vpon thē thy treasures and benefytes Amen For remyssion of dayly trespases psalm 58. INdowe vs wyth this grace lorde that we may alwaye speake thinges plesaūt vnto y e y t we may alowe wyth our sentence thynges iust and true in thyne eyes let there be no vngodlynes in our herte That yf any of vs through brycklenes of the corrupte nature by thy sufferaūce shall fall yet Lorde let not suche persone harden hys herte agaynst the whyle lyke a father thou pluckest hym backe neyther suffre hym to stoppe hys eares agaynst thy minister chastisynge hym by thy worde but rather let hym gladly heare and quycquely turne agayne Be it notifyed and made playne vnto men that we beare awaye some cōmoditie of the iustice of our fayth that thou arte neuertheles the iust iudge of y e erth to the glory of thy name Amen Agaynst the bloudy Phariseys Psam 59. DElyuer me swete Lorde from myne enemyes frō these bloud soupers and wycked Pharises delyuer me for behold they lye in awayt of my soule moost slyly wyth all the power they can make They cast theyr heades against me beinge styred vp with hatred of thy worde In thys my trouble namely in the defēce of thyne owne quarel helpe me let thys theyr deadly malyce displease the let theyr coūsels take none effecte Be thou my fense enuiron me wyth thy goodnes let the day starre of thy solace ryse vnto me so y t cherfully I maye aduaunce thy mercy Be thou my refuge rescue me in al myne aduersite o my god whych arte my ayde succoure helth Amē For strength of mynde to beare the crosse Psalm
gettest thou of myne harme Howe can I praye the beynge thus destitute and left in synnes in darknes in death in hell Set forth brute thy mercyfull actes thy trouth credite and ryghtuousnes wherwyth franklye wythout our desertes thou makest vs ryghtuous Why doest not rather O Lorde shyfte me from darkenes to lyght from peryshynge vnto sauegarde from death to lyfe from hell to heuen Thus doynge I shal haue occasion to prayse thy name Why doest not thou heare hym that cryeth to the so erly afore the sonne ryse Why doest thou so vncurteously pussh backe thy client callyng on the after the daysprynge Why doest thou so roughly turne thy face alwaye from me Longe tyme haue I lyen in prison and foūde no remedy in so much that I was clene destitute both of Goddes helpe mās Thou takest away frō me al the cōforte I myght haue agaynst death al the trust of lyfe al that mought succour me in aduersitie agayne thou sendest me all mysfortune damage and calamite Thus playnly me thynketh thou workest me more spyte then al enemyes in the worlde coulde do where as heretofore thou stodest my synguler good Lorde frende and defence agaynst al myne aduersaryes Thy wrath hath lyen ouer heuy on my sholders and thyn awe hath kepte my corage lowe Lorde God I besech y e ones agayn heare my humble peticion helpe me now in my moost nede for thy wonderous holy names sake where by thou orderest all thynges Amen An admonicion of the promyses made in Christe Psalm 89. THy credite and trouth are prepared in the heauens that is in thy sayntes O Lorde wyth whō thou hast made an euerlastynge couenaunt Thou hast sworne to that same Dauid Iesus Christ that thou wylt prepare hym sede for euer that is to saye true beleuers in hym There is none lyke vnto the thou arte drad amonge the congregacion of the holy thou art wonderful and in myght thou doest passe all other All thynges be thyne thou haste made all together But remember thy trouth and promyse O Lorde Helpe vs in thys distresse In truste loue toward the buyld the a dwellyng house in vs teach vs to be mery in the that we maye walke in the lyght of thy countenaunce that we maye reioyse in thy name and be exalted through thy righteousnes Be thou the prayse of our strength for thorowe the we be able to all thynges at thy pleasure we maye do all by Iesus Christ thy only begotten sonne for he is thy derely beloued we also for hys sake be counted thy beloued sonnes heyres kynges and prestes Thy grace and couenaunte be wyth vs euer more Whan thou shalt punysh vs accordynge to oure desertes yet leaue vs not vnder the scourge turne not thy mercye from vs brynge vs not downe to vtter destruction but after thou hast chastised vs shewe thy fauoure on vs agayne Remember our corrupte nature and that thou madest not man for nought No man can delyuer hymselfe frō death no man can saue hys owne soule from hell thou only must do it namely to such as beleue in the. Remember the spytefull reproches that thy Christe suffred for vs for hys sake shewe thy mercy vpon vs. Praysed be thou O Lorde for euer Amen For the necessities of mans lyfe a thankynge Psal. 90. LOrde thou arte our continuall shote anker for thou arte God for euer Short is oure lyfe alwaye some of vs dye other some come into the worlde and wyth the a thousande yeares be but one day yea as the lest minute of an houre Thys lyfe passeth as doth a dreame euen as grasse in the felde grene to daye and drye to morowe yf thou be displesed thē we be lost yf thou chafe thē shrynke we for feare for thorow sinnes we be deade vnto the. Certes Lorde yf thou haue respecte to oure synnes who shall stande fast shewe vs how many be the dayes of oure lyfe that we maye spende them wysely to y e prayse of thy name lest we foolyshly trustyng on longe lyfe sodenly come vnto our death Come Lorde vnto vs and cōforte thy people In the mornynge replenysh vs wyth thy goodnes that after thys longe sorowe we maye take herte of comforte agayne Declare thy good wyll vpon vs and set forwarde our handworkes euery day vnto better So be it A prayer agaynst goostly temptacion psalm 91. TRustyng on thy grace o lorde all my hope I put in the hyde my lyfe wyth Christ wythin the vnderneth the shadowe of thy wynges defende me do my God as my trust is in the delyuer me from the snare of Satans garde they hunte howe to plucke me from the. From the perilous poysō of false doctrine from theyr wyly practises so subtilye forged by greuous threatenynges and swete wordes thy truth be my sheld Let me not stāde in feare of y e nyght euyl of vnbeleue and of thy strayte iudgement neyther let me be afrayd of the flyenge arowe on y e day tyme let me not be in feare of that horrible pestilence crepynge in thorowe darkenes I meane let me not be ignoraunt howe detestable and horrible my synnes be that I dissemble them not nor qualifye them Let me not drede that mydday deuyl which abuseth thy churche vnder a tytle pretence of holynes Nether let Satan though he chaunge hymselfe in to an angel of lyght stryke any fear in me Both on the ryght syde and on the lefte aswell in prosperitie as in aduersitie aswel in gostly busines as in corporal let thy angels diligently wayte on me that I do not stomble Then shall I treade vnder foote that helly dragon Howe gredely haue I longed after the Lorde delyuer me accordyng to thy worde preserue me for thy holy names sake Of lōge tyme haue I called on the heare me therfore moost mercyfull God be wyth me in thys and other myne aduersities rescue me make me regarded in the syghte of myne enemies to thintent I may at large extoll thy goodnes Put me vnto Christe that I maye be one of hys for he is the euerlastynge lyfe Mercyfull Lorde let me se some spedy remedy in these daungers and after it thy euerlastynge health Amen For the true forsakynge of thy selfe Psalm 92. OF duety we be bounde alwaye wyth coragious spirit to praise hallow thy name In the morow of ioye when al thynges shal chaūce to our hertes desyre we shall ascribe al to thy goodnes wythout any deseruynge on our behalfe and so shal we prayse thy mere speciall grace But in the night of trouble aduersitie we shal cal to remēbraunce thy moost faythfull and trustye promyses that we despayre not Certaynly Lorde we knowlege all thynges to be in thyne handes for thou madest all thynges thou conseruest gouernest all y t thou hast wrought geue vs therfore grace bothe to put to our good wyll and to worke that thou wyllest for thys cā not be done by mans power Enforme vs wyth knowlege stablysh vs
malicious persons saue me Defende me Lorde thorowe thy grace only for in al our deuyses and workes can nothynge be founde sure for vs to trust vpon The prayer of any captiue accordynge to the forme of Dauid whan he was hyd in the caue Psal. 142. WIth my voyce I crye to the afore the I open my lamentations in thy bosome I disclose the secret word of myne hart my dolours and greafes I shewe vnto y e. Myne harte is almooste lyke to braste so greate is my discomfyture Thou knowest all my fashions O Lorde and thou seeste wel ynough how the vngodlye haue layed theyr snares for me Lo I caste myne eye on thys syde and y t syde aswel on my frēdes as on my kynsfolkes but all in vayne none of them all helpeth me And agayne I can not rūne away I am so laden and ouercharged w t yrons O Lorde my maker and father nowe vnto the I crye y u arte my only shoteanker defēce helpe Thou art my portion and herytage in all contreyes yea I haue none other possession but the onely To the therfore I stycke altogether knowynge certaynly that so nothyng can go amysse wyth me Consyder then my lamentable complaynt beholde how I am lowe brought From the cruel pursuers which be much more of power then I am defēde me Delyuer me from thys prison and horrible feare of synne and death that I maye set out thy name All the holy ones aswell Angels as men make sute for me desyrynge the for my cōforte They shal not cease vntyl they obteyne theyr request I meane vntyl thou forgyue me my synnes and sende me comforte in thys distresse wyth pacience and longe sufferynge This ones obteyned the godly shal flocke about me and shall not stynte to gyue the thākes whā they se that y u ryddest me forth of these daūgers to y e hygh prayse of thy name Lorde be mercyfull vnto vs take part w t vs then shall we for euer lyfte vp magnifie thy glorious name Amē In greate trouble of conscience Psalm 134. LOrde heare my prayer receyue my supplication herken to my playnt for thy ryghtuousnes Trye not the lawe with thy seruaunt for truely then shall no lyuyng man be founde vngyltie yea not one of thy sayntes shulde escape quyte at thy barre oneles thou graunte hym thy gracious pardon in so muche euen the very starres be not pure faultlesse afore the. In the angels thou foundest synne Now myne enemies hūte for my soule they beate dryue it downe they thrust it into darke doūgeons where felons conuict cōdemned to death were wonte to be kepte My spirite is sorowfull my herte is heuy sad wythin my brest To the I holde vp my handes requyrynge the of mercy for lyke as y e drye grounde longeth for a shoure of rayne so my soule thinketh longe tyl it haue thyne helpe and succour Heare me spedely yf y u do not I am in despayre My spirite is al wery of thys bondage I haue byd my lyfe farewel Wherfore O god hyde not thy face y t I be not lyke vnto those that be hurled into the pytte of damnacion After thys nyght of myserye ouerpassed let the pleasaūt morning of cōforte luckely shyne on me that by tyme I maye heare and fele thy goodnes for in the is all my truste Poynte me the waye that I shall walke in for yf y u be not my guyde I muste nedes wander and straye out of the waye To the Lorde I lyfte vp my soule and that wyth al myne harte I besech the take me forth of myne enemyes handes Thou onelye arte my succour and sauegarde Teache me to worke what so euer shall be thy pleasure for thou arte my God Let thy good spirite conduyte me into the lyuyng lande encourage my spirite for thy names sake Forth of these troubles for thy ryghtuousnes delyuer me Destroy myne enemyes as thou arte gracious and fauourable towarde me Those that woll worke me sorowe and greife plucke forth of the way for I am thy seruaūt for thy sake suffer I all thys hurly burly As thou art God so helpe thou me To be exempt from thys worlde thorowe the spirite Psalm 144. FOr all thy benefytes we shall auaunce the wyth prayse and glorye for euer O Lorde our God namely syth thou hast kepte vs in thy fayth in the cōfession of thy worde Thys goodnes O Lorde continue thou styl in me encrease strengthē thou my fayth euery daye more and more Compel my flesh thorowe thy spirite to hys bounden duetye and obedience Be thou my defence my buckler bulwarke rescuer and raunsomer Lorde bow downe the heuēs come downe put forth thyne hāde from aboue to drawe me from these depe waters frō the cruelty of these boystouse straūgers who be none of thy chyldren Delyuer me and wyth all myne herte I shall synge the a new songe render y e new thankes And herof I am right wel assured y t I cā lacke no goodnes o lorde God yf I haue the my gracious Lorde and defender Of the kyngdome of God and that Christ maye dwell in our hertes by fayth Psal. 145. I Wyl exalt the my soueraigne O God prayse thy name for euer I shall reporte thy wonderful prayses from tyme to tyme for thou arte of great power worthy to be praysed neyther can any man attayne to the knowlege of thy moost excellent maiestye Thy workes shal be spokē of for euer I meane thy endles power thy myracles and glory in that thou hast done to vs thy pore folkes manyfolde and boūteous benefites onely of thy mere loue fauoure mercye longe forbearynge and ryghteousnes In all thy dedes the holy persons shall prayse the for euer specially for the magnificence of thy power royal and for that power which thou practisest to the subduynge of all thynges for oure sauegarde and lyfe Thy mercy excedeth al thyne other workes In wordes that thou promysest thou arte trusty and true and in all thy workes ryght holy Lorde haue mercy on me and be my father for Iesus Christ sake bow to my peticion for thyne endles mercy fidelite holynesse Lorde gouerne my herte I am weake but make me stronge I am spente and decayed but make me lustye agayne I am pyned and famyshed but fede thou me wyth thy goodnes O herdman and nurse of all thynges lyuynge which of thy mere goodnes fyllest al creatures that haue lyfe in them whyche in all thy doynges dealest ryghteously wyth all myne herte O Lorde I call on the be at hande be my ioye and comforte accordynge to thy promyse Preserue me alway frō the snares and trappes of Satan that I be not wronge led but that my mouth maye continually brute thy prayses and gyue worthy thankes vnto thy name For lyberty of fayth Psalm 146. MY soule what so euer thynge is in me shal prayse auaunce thy name o Lorde god God be thou my